#03 teddy bear
lowstakesvampires · 1 month
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very noncanon twilight parody, ie not really how it went down but hey
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foxsoulart · 6 months
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I couldn't not do this meme thing
This is my first time redrawing a meme...I had fun
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
load bearing turtle art of the day. an actual turt included
[vol 1 shell unleashed/issue 2 idw 2016
Script: Tom Waltz. Layouts: Kevin Eastman Art: Dan Duncan Colors: Ronda Pattison. Letters: Shawn Lee]
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[ID from alt: Two comic panels. 1. Casey looking over his shoulder, smiling saying "Ha! Yeah you ain't exactly Brad Pitt, are ya? But, dude, you met my old man. Next to him, you're a friggin' teddy bear." 2. Raph, sans mask and wearing a hoodie and a trench coat. In this style he's got a very big beak and no pupils. His closed mouth smile looks kermit like. He says "Thanks. I guess." END ID]
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putadohs · 30 days
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⋆˚࿔ can you be my teddy bear? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
harriet havia implorado por semanas para que louis fosse atrás de um urso de pelúcia grande para ela. só não contava com a intenção daquela brincadeira. louis sabia muito bem o que sua filhinha fazia com seus ursos, porém…
sexo baunilha • hcisgirl • praise kink • daddy kink • age play • voyeurismo • cnc • cock warming • inocência • teddy bear play • harriet18|louis38.
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E lá estava Louis, após uma sexta feira cansativa do trabalho, em uma daquelas máquinas de pegar pelúcias, das quais você deve contar com a sorte para conseguir o que quer. Que era exatamente o que Louis não estava contando naquele momento.
— Porra… — Louis sussurrou em derrota, já na terceira nota de dez dólares para começar tudo de novo.
No final de tudo, ele conseguiu. Tinha em seus braços um urso enorme, bem fofinho e de cor marrom claro, do jeitinho que sua filha havia pedido.
Louis sempre fez todas as vontades de Harriet. Sempre também a considerou muito mimada. Não por menos. Acostumada a ter tudo, não esperaria menos vindo de seu papai.
Quando chegou em casa, Harriet estava no seu banho. Louis deixou sua pelúcia com o triplo de seu tamanho no quarto da garota, sentindo o cheiro doce de baunilha inebriar todo aquele ambiente. Ele até pensou em dar uma espiadinha, mas preferiu deixar sua pequena cantando uma música pra lá de animada.
E ele estava muito cansado. Foi para o seu quarto e se despiu aos bocejos. Fechou a porta e se deitou de barriga na cama. Sabia que Harriet estava feliz pelo presente. Isso aquecia seu coração, ainda mais por ouvir os gritinhos histéricos vindo de seu quarto. Louis só estava cansado demais para dar uma atenção devida a sua filha. Ela entendia.
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03:45. Madrugada. Frio e chuva.
Louis estava com a boca seca. Acabou despertando no meio do sono, estava tão sonolento que mal calçou suas pantufas, foi praticamente se arrastando descer as escadas até chegar na cozinha.
Ele ouvia alguns sons. Ignorava totalmente por estar com muito sono. Louis só abriu os olhos devidamente quando abriu a porta do armário para pegar um copo.
Aos poucos, ia ficando mais atento ao seu redor.
Subiu as escadas novamente. A casa era iluminada pelas poucas luzes de fora, talvez as luzes de descanso do jardim, ou até mesmo da lua minguante. Era bom demais dormir nesses dias. Os favoritos de Louis.
E seus ouvidos se atentaram demais ao ouvir sons duvidosos vindo do quarto de sua filha. A porta estava encostada. As luzes apagadas, somente a do abajur.
Quando decidiu se inclinar para o lado, os olhos de Louis captaram uma cena que a espinha de suas costas se arrepiaram.
Harriet usava seu ursinho novo para esfregar na sua xotinha. Louis conseguia ver perfeitamente os lábios rosadinhos e gordinhos separados entre a pelúcia enorme. Harriet tentava chegar em algum ritmo, totalmente descompassada. Ela gemia um tanto alto, manhosa demais, choramingava a cada leve estocadinha, e Louis então, se deu conta de que eram esses os sons que estava ouvindo. E se deu conta de que estava de pau duro para sua filhinha.
Harriet era preciosa demais. Tão pequena que podia caber no bolso de Louis. Nunca o faltou com respeito. Era boa em tudo que fazia. Uma garota dos sonhos.
E também era um anjo diabólico. Com aquela juventude tão precoce e um jeito muito explícito de quem era curiosa demais para saber das coisas fora de seu alcance. Louis sempre a notou. Harriet sempre quis que ele a notasse.
Não ia ficar ali. Louis seguiu seu caminho para o quarto, mas como estava perto de mais daquela porta, sua presença fora notada.
— P-papai… — oh, o coração de Louis chorou um tanto. A voz meiga e manhosa de Harriet o fez suavizar sua expressão. — P-papai acordado?
Ele teve que suspirar e fechar os olhos com força antes de abrir aquela porta.
E toda vez que Louis pisava naquele quarto, ele se sentia num mundo fora de sua realidade, como uma distopia de fadas. Quase como se ele estivesse invadido o espaço doce e delicado de Harriet. Não era somente um quarto com paredes rosas. As paredes eram cor rosa bebê, um pouco mais de perto você podia ver pétalas em relevo. A penteadeira enorme, daquelas brancas com a arquitetura de época, cheia de formas imitando vagamente flores. Harriet tinha muitos acessórios.
Era o quarto dos sonhos de qualquer garota. E seu pai deu a ela esse sonho. Como sempre.
— Oi, pequena — com um sorriso ladino, Louis disse. Voz rouca e preguiçosa. — Te acordei?
— N-não… — Harriet parecia fora de si. Saiu de cima do ursinho e foi engatinhando até a beira de sua cama, os bracinhos abertos chamando por seu papai, num desespero choroso — Papai me coloca pra dormir? Por favor!
— Coloco sim, amor — e Louis fez as vontades de sua filha. A pegou cuidadosamente pelas pernas, deixando ela pequenininha em seus braços. A garota se acolheu nos braços de seu papai, afofando seu rostinho leitoso no peitoral daquele homem, só para sentir a fragrância masculina que vinha de sua pele, de todas suas roupas. — Tá pesada, meu bebê! Papai não te aguenta mais.
Harriet fez cara feia.
— Tô brincando, bobinha — Louis deu um beijinho de eskimo na sua pequena. — Vê se dorme agora, tá?
Harriet fez apenas que sim. Se encolheu no casulo nos braços de Louis, as perninhas bem juntinhas, se tornou quase um círculo perfeito. Ela ronronava enquanto tentava pegar no sono, Louis sempre achou isso uma graça.
Ele tentava ignorar seu pau duro de baixo do moletom. Piorava ainda mais quando tinha que ficar encarando o urso de pelúcia que sua filha estava se esfregando a poucos minutos atrás. Ele viu tão bem. Viu direitinho como sua filha estava desesperada, procurando por alguma alívio. Os peitinhos querendo pular para fora da regatinha fina.
Harriet parecia fazer de propósito. Estava sem calcinha. Seu bumbum virado para o quadril de Louis. Ela sentia sim algum volume grosso entre suas nádegas. Louis a apertava um pouco forte na cintura, afim de reprimir os movimentos.
— Eu não consigo dormir, papai! — Harriet, num movimento repentino, se vira de barriga para cima, aborrecida, com os braços cruzados. — Como vou para a escola? Não consigo pregar meus olhos!
— E o que você estava fazendo para tentar dormir, Harriet?
— Hum… Eu estava brincando.
— Brincando? — a cada pergunta, mais Louis sentia um fervor crescer no seu interior. Assim como Harriet, que mexia seus pezinhos, tentando se distrair da própria linguagem corporal. — Como?
— Com meu ursinho, papai… — Harriet, finalmente, olhou nos olhos de Louis. Sobrancelhas unidas, olhos marejados. — M-mas eu fico muito cansada. E-eu queria b-brincar ma-mais!
Louis notou certo aborrecimento nas palavras de filha. Não podia deixar ela sozinha e tristinha daquele jeito. Não era como Louis a deixava. Jamais.
— Por que cansada, meu bebê? O que você tanto faz com seus ursinho que te cansa? — Louis iniciou um cafuné gostoso nos cachos de Harriet, o toque que a garota se derretia inteira. Toque pesado, porém macio. — Conta pro papai. Quem sabe eu posso te ajudar.
Harriet conseguiu puxar seu ursinho com os pés. O colocou na sua barriguinha um tanto descoberta. Ela chegou mais perto de Louis, como se quisesse segredar algo. Seu rosto estava bem encaixado na dobra dos braços daquele homem, era de longe a vista mais delicada. Apenas uma fadinha, tão pequenina, sendo cuidada por um homem que carregava em seu olhar o cuidado genuíno e uma paixão proibida ardente.
Tudo ali era muito sensível.
— Eu amei o presente que o senhor me deu, papai, amei mesmo! — ela sorriu graciosamente, fazendo questão de mostrar as covinhas para o pai com aquele sorriso encantador. — É minha ursinha predileta. Lilica o nome dela.
— E como a Lilica te ajudou hoje, amor? — Louis fez um breve toque nas orelhas peludinhas da pelúcia, encarando fortemente aquele brinquedo. Era pecaminoso.
— Aqui… — Harriet desceu Lilica até sua bucetinha, abrindo as pernas para deixar aquela pelúcia entre seus lábios gordinhos e vergonhosamente molhados. — Mas eu me canso tão rápido, papai…
Louis engoliu em seco. Não sabia como reagir verbalmente.
— O senhor disse que podia me ajudar — Harriet praticamente sussurrou. Se virou um pouco mais, trazendo então Lilica até seus peitos, abraçando a pelúcia. — Você pode ser meu ursinho?
Puta merda.
Eles ficaram se encarando por uns 10 segundos. Harriet com aquele olhar de cadela sem dono. Louis com o olhar parcialmente apaixonado e luxuoso.
E sabia o que aconteceria se dissesse não. Harriet abriria um berreiro. Então…
— Tudo o que você precisar, pequena.
Harriet apenas sorriu, antes de se jogar de vez nos braços de seu papai, do jeito mais desesperador possível. Como ele nunca tinha visto. Como ela nunca tinha feito.
O corpo de Louis foi deitado no colchão, mal percebeu isso. Harriet encontrou no meio de sua xotinha algo grosso e quente. Louis não deixava a cintura daquela garota em paz, era sempre um aperto aqui e ali, e nesses apertos, eles começou a fazer movimentos de vai e vem. Harriet obedeceu. Não sabia o que fazer. Se deixou ser comandada.
— Papai… O que é isso?
— Seja mais clara com suas palavras.
— O que é isso na minha florzinha, papai? — Harriet questionou, falando mais rápido que o normal, como se estivesse contra o tempo. — Pensei que fosse igual como eu faço com a Lilica…
— É um pouco melhor.
Bastou Louis dizer isso, para então, afastar um pouco o corpo de Harriet para que pudesse colocar seu pau para fora da boxer. Patético foi a reação de sua pequena. Abriu a boquinha, os olhinhos arregalados.
— O que o senhor vai fazer?
— Você vai fazer — Louis afirmou, se masturbando rapidamente, vidrando os olhos de sua princesa no próprio pau. — Não queria que eu fosse seu ursinho por hoje, amor? Então, faça em mim como você faz neles.
Harriet se levantou nos joelhos. E porra. Tudo aquilo era errado demais. Mas, dada as circunstâncias, não tinha como voltar atrás. Sendo assim, Louis segurou Harriet com uma mão em sua cintura, com a outra, fez leves pinceladas na bucetinha vermelhinha dela. Gemeu vergonhosamente excitada, já tão molhada que as poucas pinceladas ali foram o suficiente para melar todo o pau de seu papai.
— Mmmhn! — Harriet não se aguentava. — A-assim, papi? — ela ia com o corpo para frente e para trás, um tanto desgonçada.
— Senta, meu amor — Louis, carinhosamente, disse. Suas mãos se prenderam na cintura fina de Harriet, e então, sentiu os lábios daquela bucetinha sufocar seu pau, podia sentir o quão quentinha era xotinha de sua princesa. — Uhum… Isso mesmo, amor.
Não bastou muito para que Harriet começasse uma sequência de gemidos abafados. Ela gemia para dentro, como se tivesse com vergonha de mostrar ao seu papai o quão bem ele fazia a ela. O quanto ele a ajudava e nunca negava.
Louis não iria interferir. Sabia o tempo dela.
— É m-melhor, papai… — Harriet disse aos choramingos querendo sair de sua garganta. Os olhinhos chorosos com a expressão toda manhosa. Ela se deliciava enquanto sentia sua xotinha deslizar facilmente pelo cacete grosso e molhado de seu papai, o seu clítoris era estimulado a cada movimento de vai e vem. Simplesmente a melhor sensação, de fato. — A-awn, eu n-não consigo p-parar…
— Tão gostosinho como você faz, bebê — Louis estava mais que apaixonado, estava perdido. Levou uma mão sua até o rosto de sua filhinha, fazendo com que ela deitasse as bochechas quentes e ultravermelhas na sua palma. Harriet agarrou a mão de Louis, tentando ir mais rápido em busca de alívio, tendo a capacidade de deixar um beijo demorado e babado na mão de Louis. — Calma, calma… Tá bom pra você?
Harriet fez que sim freneticamente.
— Boa garota — Louis sorriu com luxúria nos olhos, fazendo um carinho singelo naquela bochecha gordinha e macia de sua pequena. — Continua, amor, desse jeitinho.
E tudo aquilo virou numa troca de gemidos roucos de Louis e manhosos de Harriet.
A garota finalmente tinha encontrando seu pontinho especial. Finalmente havia encontrado seu ritmo. Sua cintura ia rapidinho o suficiente no pau de seu papai, tão rapidinho que na ida, ficava tremelicando para voltar. Ainda segurando a mão de Louis em seu rosto, o forçando a ficar ali, Harriet abriu seus lábios para encontrar com o dedo polegar do homem. Louis conseguiu rir baixinho, totalmente perdido na visão que estava tendo.
Harriet esfregando sua bucetinha toda melada em seu pau, que estava grosso e latejando de tão duro, seus peitinhos com os biquinhos rosinhas balançando pra cima e para baixo, e aquela boquinha chupando o polegar de Louis como se fosse a porra de uma chupeta. Harriet fechava os olhos e se deixava levar pela sensação gostosa e única de ter seu clítoris estimulado e seu orgasmo ameaçando a vir a qualquer momento.
— I-isso, amor, não para — Louis lutou contra a própria respiração para conseguir falar. Seu pau já havia jorrado pré-gozo contra sua barriga, a medida que Harriet tomava uma velocidade maior.
— Papai! Awn! — e estava vindo cada vez mais. Harriet se atrapalhava entre chupar o polegar da mão de Louis ou apenas fazer com que seu dedo esbarrasse em seus lábios. Estava inerte, dopada, pela primeira sensação de um orgasmo sendo estimulada daquela forma. — Uh-uh! Por… por que tão bom?! Aawn!
— Não para — Louis dizia num sussurro, intercalando seu olhar naquela buceta vermelha e gorda deslizando deliciosamente em seu pau. Ele não pararia por nada. — Minha garotinha… — disse mais para si do que para sua garotinha em questão.
Harriet estava gozando. Começou a fazer estocadinhas do seu jeito. Lento e forte. Não parava de gemer. Queria derramar as lágrimas em seus olhos. Não se aguentou que guiou as mãos de Louis até seus peitinhos, forçando seu papai a aperta-los com muita, muita força, como se ela fizesse isso enquanto se esfregava em seus ursinhos, realmente queria reproduzir tudo com seu papai. Era ela mesma quem se apertava, até que estivesse marcada.
— Pa… — Harriet descia seu corpo até que estivesse com sua barriguinha encostada na barriga de Louis, até que seus corpos estivessem grudados. — Papi… Mhn…
— Shhh… — Louis procurava acalmar Harriet. Com seus braços, abraçou todo o corpo daquela garota. Harriet estava com sua bucetinha friccionada contra o pau de seu papai, abraçada ao corpo do mesmo, sentindo-se vulnerável e pequena naqueles braços. — Você é tão especial, amor. Me dá orgulho, sabe disso, não sabe?
— S-sei… — Harriet enterrou seu rostinho quente e avermelhado no pescoço de Louis. Aquele seu perfume masculino, forte e gostoso, a deixava louca.
Mas, Louis não havia gozado ainda. E podia resolver isso rapidinho.
Louis desceu uma mão sua, sem que Harriet percebesse, e conseguiu pegar na base de seu pau, o enfiando dentro da bucetinha de sua filhinha. Oh, mas o gritinho que ela deu foi o que fez Louis perder a cabeça.
— L-louis! A-ah! Papai!
— Shhh… Respira, meu bebê, não vai doer se você ficar calma.
— Tá me machucando! — Harriet soltou antes de suspirar fundo. Se abraçou mais ainda no corpo de Louis.
Ele havia colocado só a cabecinha e Harriet já tinha se esperneado. Sentia aquela buceta pulsando na sua glande, a sentia da melhor forma o quão apertada era ela, provavelmente nunca tinha nem enfiado os dedos dentro de si. A própria xotinha de Harriet tentava expulsar o pau de Louis, mas ele não deixava que isso acontecesse.
— Senta, amor.
Harriet negou.
— Você consegue. Vamos.
Faltava nadica de nada para Louis gozar. Qualquer movimento a mais, ele podia chegar ao seu ápice.
Fez com que Harriet se sentasse, ouvindo as queixas da menina, tanto nas expressões quanto na sua voz. Ela aguentou todo o tamanho de seu papai, e tentava ao máximo não se mexer muito, por que estava doendo.
— Por favor… — ela não sabia como ficar calma, por isso doía tanto.
Louis conseguiu levantar somente o tronco de seu corpo. Abraçou Harriet por inteiro. Ela amava ser abraçada por ele. Aqueles braços fechavam todo seu corpo. Era uma diferença considerável de tamanho. Era sensível.
— Amor… — Louis tentou chamá-la, mas bem quando Harriet passou seus bracinhos por seus ombros, seu pau jorrou toda a porra dentro daquela bucetinha.
Louis apertou mais forte os lados das costas de Harriet. Pressionou seus lábios finos no pescoço da garota, sentindo o cheiro de baunilha e perfume feminino ali, gozando tanto que sentiu seu gozo vazar por ela.
Não que Harriet havia se acostumado com seu tamanho, mas com o carinho de seu papai, conseguiu relaxar.
— O-que papai tá f-fazendo?
A inocência de Harriet fascinava Louis. Até mesmo nesse primeiro momento deles.
— Te enchendo da forma que você merece — Louis disse, sem tirar seu pau daquela bucetinha, dando um beijo áspero por conta da barba nas bochechas de Harriet, uma por vez, lento. Beijinho por beijinho.
Harriet tentava se mexer, rebolar, mas doía demais. Louis a reprimiu, fez com que ficasse parada em seu colo, sem chances dela mover a cintura. Ela se abraçou naquele homem, como se precisasse dele como nunca. Louis não queria machucá-la, por isso não deixou que ela continuasse com os movimentos.
Louis fazia um carinho nas costas desnudas de Harriet, até que sentiu seu corpinho amolecer em seus braços, se dando conta de quê, finalmente, ela havia pegado no sono.
— Deita, deita… — ele sussurrou baixinho, descendo o corpo de Harriet no colchão gelado. A menina sentiu a cabeça encostar no travesseiro, gemeu manhosa e se fechou no próprio casulo.
Ele não ia sair daquele quarto. Passou o cobertor sobre seus corpos e se juntou a ela, ainda acordado mesmo que sonolento, fazendo um carinho gostoso nos cabelos macios e cheirosos, e quando menos percebeu, um último beijo nas bochechas dela foi o que fez Louis adormecer ao lado de Harriet.
E como Louis nunca negava ajuda a Harriet, negaria ele a se render pelo chamado sereno e manipulador de sua garotinha sempre que ela precisasse?
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joongbin · 7 months
I really love that crush cat!reader trope!! But I was thinking what about crush puppy!reader who's a 9th member? He has the same physic as the cat one and also shows off his muscles and body but has the complete opposite personality. Puppy like as I said :D, extroverted, talks a lot, really clingy and physicaly affectionate, dramatic and more... like cat reader is in the introverted line and puppy is in the extroverted line.
WOW. - skz (2)
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you're skz's 9th member who's in the extroverted line!
skz (seperate) x male reader
no warnings - fluff.
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Chan loved your personality. The way you were so puppy-like just made him fall in love with you even more - even if you two weren't official. That wouldn't stop him from stealing glances at you during performances - even STAY notices his glances at you during performances!
It's entirely because of your abs. The people who chose your clothing 100% knew what they were doing. Making you wear a crop top? He's staring. Making you wear a singlet? Let him have a squeeze! You always have a good laugh at his face whenever he gets shy.
Minho preferred cats, but you just drew him in immediately. You were, a prime example of the word, hot. Your smile radiated on the stage which caught the attention of everyone around the stage. He loved your laugh, your smile, the way you were so clingy, the way you'd be worried for him everytime he fell or got an injury.
Whenever you'd flex your biceps, or show your abs to STAY, he can't resist touching them. STAY officially name him as ' (name)'s strongest soldier '.
Basically your twin. The two of you have so many similarities from being extroverted to working out regularly. The two of you hung out at the gym most of the time, since Changbin was usually in the studio. You'd always wait for him outside, which made him feel all giddy inside.
Absolutely loves you. Every part. Personality, looks, smiles, hair, hands - even feet! He was clingy, you were clingy, the two of you are absolutely attached to each other. Walking? Have to hold hands. Laying down? One of you gotta be on top of one. Talking to STAY? Right beside you.
Also your flexing buddy. You guys take every opportunity to flex at the camera.
Hyunjin was the opposite of you, he preferred to stay inside, and relax all day. You didn't mind that, it was nice staying inside with him in the dorms, but you preferred to be outside with nature.
He loved laying on your lap, body, shoulder, wherever. You were like a teddy bear, big and soft. Your shoulders just held his head so nicely, your body was like a mattress, your lap was an entire pillow. He slept on you alot, which kept you from moving, which just made you fall asleep too.
Loved how you were so affectionate. You were always hugging him or had an arm around him. Sometimes your head was on his lap, sometimes it was the other way around, or you two were found sleeping together. Everyone found it cute, so he didn't care.
Absolutely melts when you flex your biceps anywhere, touches your abs 24/7. He can't get enough of you, and that's perfectly understandable.
Loved every single part of you. If he could, he'd kiss every single part of your body - his favourite part are your lips. They're so soft, he loved touching them when you slept. No one could fault him on that - Changbin does the same with Hyunjin!
Touches your biceps alot, when you're flexing, when you're not, when you're just sleeping he will touch them. You don't mind, so he does it. Also really inlove with your face, he LOVES giving kisses to your cheek even when you don't ask for them.
Your twin, basically. Except he lacks the abs and biceps. You two LOVE getting all affectionate with each other no matter where it is. Holding hands, arm slung over the other's shoulder, one hugging the other from behind, or anything that's affectionate but subtle.
Always appreciates your affectionate touches too. Claims that 'you're the only SKZ member he can handle'. Of course, it's a joke, but not a full one. You're just the one that draws him in and resonates with him the most.
Opposite of you, but that doesn't mean you won't stop giving him affection. You and Felix are the only two members he'd willingly give kisses to, and you've asked for it multiple times already.
"Innie, would you mind giving me a kiss?" You say, a cheeky smile on your face. Jeongin kissed your cheek as you pull him in for a hug.
Jeongin likes subtle affection, though. Holding hands or just having your arm hang on his shoulder. It makes him feel safe, and pretty protected at times. Probably the reason why he brings you out when he goes out for nightly walks.
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greeneyed-thestral · 3 months
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I MET MICHAEL SHEEN. 16/03/24, National Theatre
So, if you've read my post about booking tickets to see Michael, you know all about my what-ifs. But the day was finally here.
I arrived at the National Theatre, followed all the Nye signs and here's the Olivier Theatre. I made my sister buy me the show's programme, hoping I would be able to get it signed.
I find my seat, I'm not in the centre but the stage still feels very close and you can see everything (amphitheatres are always the best).
Lights out. The audience is in religious silence. Can't believe I'm actually here, this is happening.
[skip this part in smaller font, if you want to avoid spoilers] In the words of Staged, he really loses himself in his roles. First of all, it's great to hear him speak in a Welsh accent.
But then we also see him turning back into a child, and you can totally believe he's young and innocent again. His stutter feels so real, his struggle and sadness too. The entire ensamble is great during the classroom scene, where they all help Nye against their bullying teacher (using those big canes to make him look scary really works). Hearing young Nye confessing that at times he thinks he 'shouldn't exist' because of who he is was a gut punch; Michael's delivery of that whole part is incredible, in that moment he really becomes a little boy that allows himself to feel vulnerable and says something dark to a friend. The way he jumps while saying "I can visualise and enunciate!" made me wanna jump too, he was ready to give up and then he found the solution through books, it's the joy and relief you feel when you realise that there is another way and your life is not over.
Now, I've watched musicals all my life and let me tell you that man is meant to be in one. He opened his mouth and all I could see was someone that had been waiting a long time for the occasion to show his talent, truly showstopping. He was so free and happy and confident, singing and dancing spectacularly. I couldn't stop smiling and giggling, we all clapped.
It's clear he means every word he says, and when he points and shouts his political arguments at the audience, those who feel called out must be shaking; I thought 'This is how people in Ancient Greece must have felt everytime they went to the theatre'. His Nye is inspiring, passionate, someone you'd want to follow, he stands up for what he believes in and lets nothing get in his way.
We get to watch him flirt, on all fours, waggling his 'tail'; everytime we think we've seen all he's capable of, he does something like this and surprises us.
But most of all, we see him being scared, first of having to do something, and then of not being able to do enough for all of us. At one point everyone has requests for Nye and I was expecting him to shout "Heal yourselves!" like Jesus in JCS, it totally conveyed what it must have been like to be in his role at the time, overwhelmed with daunting responsibilities.
In general, I appreciated the fact that it wasn't a linear biography, they chose life moments that have universal situations everyone can relate too, like they do in bio-musicals. I loved the staging. The colour palette is so recognisable; the curtains and the beds are used in many different ways so everything is explored at its full potential.
He is on stage basically all the time for more than two hours (sometimes twice a day, can you imagine?). Also barefoot and in his pajamas from start to finish, he looks like a teddy bear you just want to hug and protect.
He bows, looks at Nye's achievements, then leaves the stage.
Standing ovation, applause. I go back to the theatre lobby, I was supposed to wait for my sister, but she's late. Meanwhile, a fan asks me how to get to the Stage Door. I start too fear that I'm going to miss my chance if I keep waiting inside, so I decide to go on my own. After no more than 5 minutes, he's outside with us. Forget Nye, I am living my fever dream. He has just finished his second show of the day and yet he's smiling and listening to each and every one, signing and taking pictures. I know many have said this, but he really is an angel.
My sister arrives, and as soon as I'm sure she has the camera ready, I make my way to him. The two girls next to me who were speaking to him needed a pen and I lent them my sharpie, so I got my chance to look generous in front of him.
And suddently it was my turn. This is as much as my scrambled mind allows me to remember: I tell him I'm Francesca and I'm from Italy, he asks me how long I am going to stay, I confess that I had arrived that morning and just to see him, that I would be leaving already the following morning. I can't even focus while he's signing my programme, I just want to find the right words. I manage to say how I enjoyed seeing his passion, all these different sides of him and how watching him sing and dance has been the highlight of my evening. We take a picture together, I feel his hand on my shoulder and I realise my arm is around the waist of this person I love. I had to thank him again, telling him that he only deserves good things and that we are so lucky to have him. He wishes me a safe trip home, and I melt. I leave and I can't stop trembling. On my way back to the hotel I hold on tight to my signed programme and the sharpie that was in his hands just moments earlier. Only later I will realise that he's also written 'Ciao!', 'love' and 'X', without me asking for it or anything! Seeing him act live was a big gift already, but what followed outside was beyond my dreams. I can't look at the photos without blushing, the way he looks at me in the video and then also strokes my arm for a moment, I mean pinch me now.
The more I think about it, the more I can't believe it happened.
I want to thank everyone that under my first post pushed me and encouraged me to see the pros of doing this, I share this beautiful moment of my life with all of you. <3
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shall-we-die · 8 months
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↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈{0024}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -MC -Human... (in a disappointed tone) -Darling -Beautiful
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Luci -Lulu (He hates it lol) -Handsome -Daddy
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Human (I know you can hear his voice saying this) -my human! -Treasure -Goldy
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Mamm -Mammoney -First man -Great Mammon
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Player 2 -MC-chan -Henry 03
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Levia-chan -Player 1 -Lord of shadow
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Kitty -Kitten -anything that has a "cat" or "kitty" in...
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -you really dare to call him something else instead of his name?... (by the way, he really looks like male leads in Korean manhwas) So... 'prince' will be a good (safe) pet-name for him.
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Sweetheart -Honey -Babe -Darlin'~
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Babe -Sunshine -Drama queen
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Honey -Cupcake -Marshmallow -Sweety (OK now he's hungry)
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Himbo -Teddy bear -Beely
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Pillow -Lovely -MC-chan
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Belphie -Little one -Sleepyhead
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Precious -Cutie -Beloved one -Princess/ prince
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -King -Red-head -Shiny
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Lady/Lord -Fragile -Love Dear
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Perfect man -Clean fairy -Tea lover -Sexy dude  (He secretly loves this one)
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Sugar -Babe
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Angel-chan -Holy Shoulders
• [Pet-names he uses for you]: -Muffin -Master -Student -Bunny
•[Pet-names you use for him]: -Wizard -Horrible cook -Harry Potter
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272 notes · View notes
stellari-s · 11 days
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virtue and vice | ikevil playlist
a catchy jp playlist for when you drown into darkness with your ikémen villains f/o ꕤ*.🥀
🎧 spotify — youtube — 1h 24m
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track list:
yararechatta onna no ko / mayumi kojima (2:48)
bad ∞ end ∞ night / hitoshizuku and yamaΔ (4:08)
yamitsuki / MARETU (2:33)
KING / kanaria (2:14)
kaibutsu / YOASOBI (3:25)
pandemic / yuugroup (4:05)
god-ish / pinocchioP (3:23)
shadow shadow / azari (2:21)
MIRROR / ado (2:57)
codependence / chiitana (3:22)
DYING WISH / tasuku hatanaka (4:21)
dokuringo / DECO*27 (2:23)
YELLOW / yoh kamiyama (2:58)
NIGHT DANCER / imase (3:30)
yui kizuna / hifumi (3:27)
envy baby / kanaria (2:15)
jackpot sad girl / syudou feat. 25-ji, nightcord de. (3:03)
kaikai kitan / eve (3:41)
readymade / ado (4:03)
tokyo teddy bear / neru, IKASAN (3:12)
aishite aishite aishite / kikuo (4:11)
suna no wakusei (DUNE) / hachi (3:58)
nai nai / ReoNa (4:13)
shikkoku / maiko fujita (3:40)
first. next →
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houpss · 4 months
Lily–9th member of SKZ
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🧊—see you soon on crumpled sheets, dear ✥
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Birth name:: Hwang Soyun | 황소윤 // Hwang Lily
Stage name:: Lily
Date of birth:: 05/08/1999
Height:: 170 cm
Place of birth:: Chicago, USA (She lived there for 6 years from birth, and then her family moved to Busan)
Nicknames::Teddy Bear, Beautiful lady from Stray Kids
Other Nicknames more commonly used by other people::The Golden Voice of Korea, little bear
Label::JYP ENTERTAINMENT (since 2014), SM ENTERTAINMENT (2012-2014)
Languages:: 100% English, 100% Korean, 80% Japanese, 70% French and Russian
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🧊–LILY'S WORK ¡! ✥
:: Idol
Group:: Stray Kids
Debut:: 03/25/2018
Racha:: Vokalracha
Position (I remind you that there are no official positions, 9 rappers, 9 singers, 9 dancers and 9 visuals, bro):: main vocal
Official emoji:: 🐻 (skzoo look at the end of the post!)
Solo debut:: 07/14/2023
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Face, Body and Voice (Korean voice, singing and rapping):: 中村 一葉/Nakamura Kazuha
Voice in English:: Danielle (New Jeans)
Piercings:: Navel piercing (from 2019-2021), lip piercing (from 2022), eyebrow piercing (from spring 2023)
Tattoos:: Small tattoo on wrist with the inscription "SKZ".
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🧊–FAMILY ¡! ✥
Father, Mother, younger sister, older brother
See the following posts for more details. 🫂
Lily was a professional ballerina before her debut and attended the Universal Ballet Academy in South Korea,the Moscow Academy of Choreography, and the Royal Ballet School in the UK. Of course, she is a choreographer and professional ballerina. We can say that she is a dancer who became an idol, not the other way around.
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lowstakesvampires · 1 month
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"🎶the troll bursts and the vampire dies🎶"
morten, recently turned vampire, reacting to a local song he used to enjoy
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lightsoutletsgo · 3 months
hello mimikins i am here asking u to ship me w a driver pls and thank u. i am an '03, finishing up year 3 of my super cool and smart science bach degree. ummm i dont know how to describe myself. i like to think im funny and sarcastic and people probably think i talk to much. ok have fun i love u congrats on 500 :P
BEAR!! okay I knew as soon as I saw your request who I was gonna pick fr (I picked him even before our little rant earlier) mwah mimikins 🤍
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LOGAN SARGEANT ᝰ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ - calls you sweet girl, pretty girl or baby - loves your eyes so much! like honestly finds himself getting lost in them mid-conversation and then being like "huh? sorry baby what did you say?" - his love language is a mixture of quality time and physical touch. he's happy to spend time just existing with you when you're both doing your own thing, but he also loves cuddling with you and holding your hand - loves loves LOVES when he gets to treat you as his passenger princess! we're talking seat warmer on, blanket, little snack box, charging cable in your favourite colour, cute cosy slippers for your feet and he's the bf who has a "passenger princess" sticker on the passenger seat sun visor mirror
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logan loves helping you study! he happily cuts up little fruit pots for you or makes your favourite snack and rewards you with a bite and a kiss when you get the right answer. whenever he can, he picks you up from class after a test and always asks you how it went. he'll cuddle you and tell you you did a good job regardless of the outcome. he's great at helping you stay focused and he will sometimes kidnap your phone so you're not tempted to get distracted.
he loves that you're sarcastic and dry sometimes because it reminds him a lot of oscar's sense of humour so he's used to it. he doesn't mind sometimes being the one you make fun of - he knows you don't mean it, plus! if he pouts about it, he knows you'll kiss him until his pout disappears. loves taking you to drive-in movies and driving to the beach to stargaze. he's actually a real softie and romantic at heart. he loves going on dates like bowling or to the arcade! anything where he gets to hold your hand or be a gentleman or do something for you, like win a huge giant teddy - he finds his heart still skips a beat every time he facetimes you when he's away and you're cuddling the bear dressed in one of his hoodies sprayed with his cologne as a substitute until he comes home.
he never thinks you talk to much! in fact he likes that you talk a lot because he's quite quiet. he loves listening to you mumble to yourself while you're revising and studying and he can't help the way he smiles when he listens to you talking to yourself when cooking or focusing on something. logan finds though that sometimes, late at night when you're curled up next to him, your hand clutching his tightly even in your sleep, he's the one talking. he talks to you about his plans for the future, how glad he is he met you, how much he loves your smile and how happy you made him that day. he swears one day he'll tell you when you're awake but he's still working up the confidence to do it! it's okay though, you know... you caught him one night when he thought you'd fallen asleep and now you try and stay awake that little bit longer just to hear what he will say to you.
"logan?" you call as you open the front door, the weight of today's classes and tests pushing down on your shoulders, "kitchen!" he calls out and from further inside the house you can hear your playlist of nostalgic childhood bops drifting down the hallway. you drop your bag in the hallway and kick your shoes off, just wanting to forget the day already. as you enter the kitchen he looks up at you, a huge grin spread across his face, "how was your day baby?" you just shake your head, unable to find the words. sensing your angst he moves around the kitchen island, "want a hug?" you sigh and nod, your head dropping to lean against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, his head resting on top of yours as he sways you along to the track playing in the background. "well... I'm still proud of you sweet girl." he pulls back to look at your face. placing a soft kiss to your scrunched forehead and sighing with relief inwardly when the tension there melts away. "can I offer you a suggestion to cheer you up?" you nod and he leads you over to the counter excitedly, "I got some of that pizza dough and sauce and toppings and stuff and I figured we could make pizzas and then watch a movie?" you smile at him, "sounds perfect love!" he backs you up against the counter and places a hand either side of you, effectively trapping you, "you are perfect baby."
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Demo | Report something | Ko-Fi | Video trailer
[Demo last major update: 28/06/23 |Case 01, Part 01]
[Stonefrey Moodboard]
Solutions : see below.
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As a private detective, you were hired for a "simple" missing person's case. 
You were supposed to investigate, find out and be done with it. 
All was fine until, on a sleepless and cliché full-moon night, you stumbled upon a creature you've never expected to find. A monster worth anyone's worst nightmare. A monster holding the key to unravel the case you're investigating.
Your life has taken an unexpected turn after this discovery, how will you manage to face the reality that the supernatural exist after that ? And what will you do when it's revealed that the case is more complex than what you first thought ?
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You can choose as you play :
Gender (male, female and non-binary option)(trans-friendly option available) ; 
Pronounces (he, she, they, or  you can personalize  your pronouns);
Name, including aliases and nicknames ;
Background ; 
Appearances (including complexion, hair, eye colour, height,...);
Reactions ;
Fears ;
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Timed choices. You can toggle on a setting to allow you to see the timed choices ahead if you need more time to read. Toggling this on will allow you extended time.
Font appearance : the text is available in both : sans-serif fonts (by default), serif, and Open Dyslexic.  
Font size : 80%, 100%, 130% and 150%, to make your reading experience as comfortable as can be.
You can toggle to read with the metric system (default) or use the imperial measurement system (feet). 
Contains sound effect & background music (you can enable and disable the sound from the Settings, by gliding it all the way to the left).
There is a dark mode (by default), a sepia mode and a light mode available ;
Content for mature audiences can be toggled on and off as well. That will not remove the horror features though. 
Trigger warnings are available at each chapter's screen. Or directly via the "Content Warning" link, from the menu; 
Some Romantic Options are gender-selectable, as you play ;
You can choose to romance, date, only be involved physically or not at all with the RO. There are seven way you can interact with the RO : friendly, enemy, neutral, shy love, true love, enemy to lover, or simply lover/physical. 
Poly route available between Yu and Mbaya.  Officially unlockable past case 03. Don't panick before that. 
Locked romance route—or no romance route—would be able to be selected past case 03.  To give you the chance to meet all RO.
Extra story build in game, available past Case 03 here as well.
There are achievements.
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To say Elias is a gruff person is to say the least. But you know he has some good will in him behind the non-bothered no nonsense act. He did act to save you, without asking anything in exchange. Though, if you would describe him, you would say he is more like a sulking teddy bear. Yeah, you should probably not say that to him. Elias is probably the only one you're quite certain— not certain, certain, but quite certain — is a human. You have your doubt for the rest of the team. 
"If you think a day can't go shittier than it already is, be my guest."
Appearance : Human, or you can say super-human. 1.97m/6'46. Deep blue sea/cobalt blue eyes. Long white wavy hair (past shoulders). Tanned and weathered  ivory skin. Athletic build with broad shoulders.  3 o clock shadows. 
Has a 4 years old daughter.
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How could you describe Anya ? Like the mist ? Always shrouded in mystery ? This is her. She is the incarnation of mystery.  She told you she was 31 years old, but you don't really believe the woman. You think she can bewitch the whole city with her smirk, if it's not already the case. But that smirk she puts on her face makes you not trust her that much. Unless it's a question of life and death. Then, probably, you'll consider her help.
"Why work hard when you can work smart ?"
Appearance : A witch, most assuredly. 1.63m/5'34. Hazel eyes. Sultry black hair,  mid-back length. Golden skin. Lithe built.  
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Miloslav [M] / Mishka [F] / Marcy [NB]
Sheppard seems to be directly in competition with Elias for the title of "Grumpy human of the year".  Though, where Elias appears mostly unbothered in and for all, Sheppard just seems really on edge about everything.  And tense. But you guess it's because of their taxing and demanding work. Or maybe they were just born edgy. It's almost as if their hackles were constantly raised.  But they can be sweet. Somehow.
"Some people are looking for the meaning of life. I'm just looking for what "vacation" means and where I can find it."
Appearance : Not human... 1.78m/5'83. Forest green eyes. Curly auburn hair, cut short. Pale skin with freckles. Athletic build. 
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Have you already seen in the eyes of someone some age old lost wisdom ? Flowing like crystal clear water from a time where you weren't even born. Something worth admiring. This is what you can see in their eyes.  Despite being a giant, they are a tranquil, very tranquil person. Now that you think about it, you've never seen them eat. Nor drink. This is suspicious. 
"If someone points you the moon, don't stare at the finger."
Appearance : Surely not human. 2.06m/6'76. Sky blue eyes. Long coiled hair, dyed sandy blond (braided with gold thread). Chocolate brown skin. Lithe build. Nose septum piercing. 
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Yu is, like, the opposite of Mbaya, whilst being almost similar. In front of you stand something from a past long gone. But, instead of tranquility, Yu is a bubbly person. Almost too bubbly.  And you're almost sure that they own at least half the club and bar of  Stonefrey. If not more. Something about the way they move, silently, and almost feline-like, makes you doubt they are human. 
"I'm not saying I don't care. I'm just saying that, if the whole city was about to burn down, I'll still take the time to appreciate my glass of whiskey."
Appearance : Definitely not human. 1.65m/5'61. Black eyes. Dark brown hair (Yi-seo: Shoulder length hair/Yunsu : Ivy league crew cut). Olive skin. Muscular build. 
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Well. If you could say a word about Owl, you would say that they are dramatic. And fanciful. And they have a flourish for snarking remarks, and seem to have an ego as big as their wardrobe probably is. But what you would say the most is that they are wearing their name well. Owl, for their knowledge. That you could use. If they were on your side, that is, and totally not a wild card. 
"Everyone is such a bore in this city. Well, so long as you owe me — I mean, pay me. And entertain me. Surely this can work, Love."
Appearance : You're not sure. 1.79m/5'9. Verdigris-colored eyes. Wavy platinium blond hair (F. : Chin-length plunging square cut/M. : Styled curtain hairstyle). Fair and flawless skin. 
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You have met a nightmarish creature, will probably meet vampire, and werewolves — oh, you've met a witch as well. So now, here they are, an elf. Yes, an Elf. Like in Lord of the Things. In the city. With sunglasses. And their impassible way. Iolrath, child of Rivaran and Iltheruyn, they told you, as they were looking around at "mortals and their ways". Nice.
"Why must I say something ? Isn't silence acceptable in a discussion ?"
Appearance : It's very obviously an elf. 1.82m/6'0. Violet eyes. Long silver hair (reach mid-tight ). Shimmery skin. Elvish build of fairness.  Obvious pointed ears. 
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What is most important is your mental health. This story can deal with heavy themes, and the list will be updated along with the content. If you feel unwell, I'll advise you to stop reading and take a rest. Taking care of you comes first. Reach out to professional if need be.
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 You can find the content warning  here and the side bar, directly in game.  
This story currently contains :
Body horror 
Cannibalism (mention only)
Death and depiction of death (yours as well as others)
Gun and use of gun
Recreational drug and/or alcohol use 
Partial nudity and/or nudity
Psychological horror and disturbing content (including mental illness)
Strong/vulgar Language
Violence and graphic depiction of violence
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The story, all names, characters, locations and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
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Only the first part of Case 01 (chapter 1) is available. There will be at least 8 cases, with no definite length. 
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Demo | Report Something | Ko-Fi | Video trailer
[Stonefrey moodboard]
[Demo last major up-date : 28/06/23 |Case01, Part 01]
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Case 01 |Part 01 : [1st Keywords] [2nd Keywords]
371 notes · View notes
aealzx · 2 months
I was curious i stumbled upon your blog from seeing your fic the 03 crossover on ao3. I do remember seeing the art on here. Since he’s my personal fav i wanted to ask. What’s your opinion on Raph? I mean for both iterations ROTMNT and 03.
Yes I post CDK on both here and AO3 8’D
And oh boy, buckle up kiddo I have a lot of opinions on dear Raphie *cracks fingers*
(jk it's actually not that long even under the cut X'D)
2003 Raph: Summed up Raph is home, safety, and warmth wrapped in an awkward bubble that doesn’t word well but will absolutely fight for those who deserve it.
Rise Raph: An adorable puppy that I look up to when it comes to dealing with people and selflessness for the sake of others, and I would adopt him in a heartbeat and smother him with plushies because he's such a good boy.
More in depth thoughts in a scrambled mess below the cut.
First, since he’s older
2003 Raph:
I first watched TMNT 2003 when I was a youngish teenager I think, and I will fully admit I was a little afraid of Raph at that time 8’D I have a really bad tolerance towards anger, I get freaked out easily and afraid I’ll get hurt or yelled at even if I didn’t do anything wrong. So having Raph portrayed heavily as “the angry one” made it hard for me to get attached to him. BUT, after growing up and watching 2003 just before starting CDK I have gotten soooo attached to Raph. This guy is not “angry” all the time, he’s open, honest, and passionate. This guy is the reason the others get out of the house. He’s the reason the others live and get into the fun times. And while Mikey certainly helps with being the life of the party, Raph is also the shield of everyone who deserves it. This guy is the most dad/big bro out of the four, and while Don could probably take care of a kid the best based on technicalities, Raph is the one that would keep them safe. Raph is home. Raph is the safety net that keeps the family warm. Because while Don is the heart of the group and we know they fall apart without him, Don wouldn’t have a voice without Raph because Don is too soft to fight back when Raph will. Donnie is still my all time favorite of the TMNT 2003 boys, but just barely. If Don is 100/100 on the favorite meter, then Raph is 99/100. He kicked Leo out of the second favorite spot for me on my recent watch.
Rise Raph:My first exposure to Rise Raph was my sister sending me the scene of Raphie crying over not being able to figure out how to help his family after they’d just lost Karai, and I have to admit the only thing I thought was “oh that’s nice, Raph actually cries in this one”. And then I actually watched the show (because sis insisted I watch the movie and I knew I needed context to fully enjoy it) and omg the Rise bros (and April) have the unique case of all being just about equal in my favorites tier. But specifically about Rise Raph this boy is a puppy and also I would adopt him and his family in a heartbeat because he’s also the sweetest lil guy and so good at watching out for others without being smothering. And just like 2003 Raph, Rise Raph is the protector of the family. Not because he happens to be the biggest and therefore the tank class, but because he wants to. I think he finds comfort in others being safe - feeling safe- and having fun. He thrives off taking care of others even though he’s not perfect at it. But him not being perfect, not making the most amazing meals, not being prim and proper, maybe getting a little dirty and bending a few rules, is what makes him charming. He’s not “attempt at being the perfect parent” 2003 Leo, he’s big brother Raphie that will cuddle with you in a mound of soft teddy bears, or throw you across the room in a roughhouse depending on what you need. Sure Leo really knows how to annoy the crap out of him, but I don’t think it’s because Raph thinks Leo is irresponsible or a bad kid. It’s much more infuriating to know that someone can be amazing, but seeing them chose not to, and you don’t know how to help them see they can be so much more than they are. And it’s easy to see that regardless of any of his siblings being annoying there’s nothing they can do that will make him hesitate even slightly in helping them when they need it. I don’t think Raph became a parent to the others like some of the fandom does. I think he’s just an adorable, soft, warm teddy bear big brother that did really well in his part of the whole family keeping each other afloat.
If I had 03 Raph as my uncle and Rise Raph as my brother I would be a lot more outspoken and rather reckless because I would have the upmost confidence that they would have my back and would keep me safe.
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codename-adler · 14 days
tell me more about Mari Kobayashi? Idk why but their name stuck out to me and now I’m curious
ah, my unproblematic buff lesbian! (official unofficial OCs list here)
03: Mari Kobayashi (23) USC Trojans Backliner
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Mari is one of the seniors of the Trojans, one her teammates really look up to because of her calm demeanor and laser focus. She is so unbothered. She is absolutely confident in herself, her strength, her skills and her team. She is sooo strong *swoons* She's quite tall despite her Japanese heritage, and combined with the absolute wall of muscle that she is, she makes for an excellent match for Jean's raw power. He appreciates the way she plays rough but fair, always. How she does not back down ever, has learned to toe the line and use the rules to her advantage, so that nobody ever dares step on her toes.
She does not know anxiety, shyness or false modesty. Things are, or they are not, and you either face them, or you don't. The team can count on one single hand the times she was shaken by something or someone. She's in the top most mature Trojans.
I would say she is perhaps very close to being on the autism spectrum, in the way that Ushijima Wakatoshi (haikyuu my beloved) is: very focused on her goals and going Pro, winning the Championships one more time before graduating, unbothered to make nice or adhere to people's expectations, content in her minimal social life, she can appear cold and distant, but really that's the way she is. Gruff without trying or meaning to, she is a big awkward teddy bear that will tell you when you are wrong, where you failed, and where you need to improve, not because she thinks she's better than you, but because she cares for her team and because she expects the same criticism for you, as a sign of sportsmanship and camaraderie. She does look very scary, like Asahi (haikyuu my beloved), when you don't know her. The lack of emotion (and sometimes presence, even) looks menacing if you think it means anything. But really, that's just her resting face. It's not her fault. Her stature doesn't help, sure, but trust me, she's a marshmallow at heart and off the court.
Mari is absolutely whipped for her girlfriend. Said gf is on the USC Trojans cheerleading squad, and they've been going steady for like... ever. Kind of like Dan and Matt. They've both got their wedding planned, without ever having talked about it. It's just an evidence, and a formality, at this point. Despite being absolutely confident in her relationship as well, Mari's gf is probably the only one who can get her flustered for the smallest thing. She completely melts under her praise, and she likes being the little spoon from time to time despite being so much bigger than her petite lover.
My inspiration for Mari? Nonaka Miho (pictured above), professional climber from Japan. 100%. Saw her performance during the last summer Olympics and immediately knew I had to make her mine.
And so that's all about Mari for now! She is more of a background character, there for her power and wisdom, and for the gay. Someone needs to be stable and healthy on that team!
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serene-sun · 2 years
*I will do papas at some point, I also love that you have no fucking clue what I’m talking about. BUT ITS MY HYPERFIXATION so you are legally obligated to listen to me rant about these beautiful people
18+ for very obvious sexual themes
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𝔰𝖔𝔡𝖔 | 𝔡𝔢𝔴𝔡𝔯𝖔𝔭
Would say he is the most popular, bc well…I mean…he is humping a guitar in the third image…
SHORT, my man is so little, but yk what isn’t little…ANYWAYS
Fire ghoul
Angry 24/7
When on stage he is always touching someone or doing horney shit with his hands
Loves people’s personal space
Lead guitarist, electric white jaguar guitar (I think)
My man is always on the move
Outside of the stage he is very much innocent
Named sodo because he has “sodomizer” tatted across his abdomen, but trust me he is just a little baby fool
Angry tiny goblin
*• 𝔞𝖊𝖙𝖍𝔢𝖗 •*
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Mr. Father of father issued children
Always has his sleeves rolled up
V jumpy
Most energy (yes even more than sodo)
THEM ARMS AND THIGHS can do anything
Have you seen those titties?
Black guitar, white rims, rhythm guitarist
Always jumping
Always fooling around
Always playing around with the other ghouls
Loves to take papas spotlight
Everyone loves him, I mean, come on it’s aether
Something tells me he listens to lady Gaga
Cat man
Loves to play around with sodo, but I think he needs a break from that ever since sodo grabbed his dong on stage, revenge I assume
This guy is just a big teddy bear
This guy loves you no matter what you look like, love, identify as, and he will support you no matter what
I think him and copia have good chemistry
Bros with the ghouletts
Did I mention she jumps?
{ - 𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖘 - }
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Also known as multi ghoul
Swiss as In Swiss Army knife
Shimmy shimmy
Always on his stage of shame
Someone needs to contain him
Has actually lost his mind
Romantic bastard
ALWAYS smiling
Biggest smile
Older brother figure
Grabbed sodos dong on stage
Plays acoustic guitar, tambourine, and many other things
Multi ghouls bc he does multi things
Shimmy hurt papa?
ALWAYS dancing
Best vocals, let’s be honest, did you hear him in little sunshine and Mary on a cross?? 🦋
You better always be watching, he is either on his knees, dancing inappropriately, doing things, smoking into someone’s mouth, bc if you don’t look he will escape the stage of shame
Handsome boy
He’s allot at once
Best snuggle buddy
Smells like roses
He’s also a liberal, not joking, have you seen his Twitter?
My love flower, I will be back with more, I reached the 10 image limit 😭 this is just a teaser for the real shitz
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Can we get more family web or adopted AU stuff? I want to see art of wholesome chaotic fluff. Family bonding, or one of them being stubborn to a fault about something. Just something other then the future apocalypse period. Maybe Donnie torment the guards in the seer au. Or more feral cat Leo. Mikey showing of his mystic powers to his pops. Or Raph getting roped into a tea party with a little girl and her teddy bears, who somehow has something they need.
Also I rewatched things and while rise Splinter was lazy he actually wasn’t a bad parent. ( I am admitting that I was wrong) He gave his kids freedom to do other things when they no longer showed interest in training, but made sure they knew enough to defend themselves from the average New Yorker. They had a well stocked kitchen at all times. In the situation with the demon rabbit Mrs Cuddles he stepped in and helped Raph get over his fear. I think the biggest thing that had set me off before was in the episode to return the movie they were so excited over a hug, and I guess my mind went “No kid should have to think the need to work that hard for a hug from their parents.” Anyway I guess something with rise splinter and 03 comparing notes on parenting would be nice too.
I could not resist Seer Donnie tormenting the guards : ). Hopefully it's enough chaotic silliness to make up for the fact it's for neither of the two aus you originally asked for lol
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Donnie's loose and ready to break his record of how many guards he can take out before he gets recaptured : )
but yeah, as far as Rise Splinter goes, he is a very complicated character. I don't think he's a particularly bad parent either, when he tries, he's pretty good. My only real complaint about him is that, the older they got, the less he seemed try, at least until he found out about the Foot and realized his kids still needed him. Like, it's very clear he absolutely loves and cares for his kids. and he definitely gets props for those early years. Like that had to be hella difficult trying to raise four infants without a lot of the necessities we take for granted and not being seen.
so yeah, he's a very complicated character, which i like about him. Still wish it didn't take the foot clan showing up for him to realize his kids weren't as self sufficient as he thought, but hey, he got there in the end.
Thank you!
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