#1) the tear in lining actually changed the way the whole sleeve worked and it just looked rly off in comparison to the other side
just fixed up my old blazer. i ❤️ arts and crafts
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
Like Caramel For Chocolate- An Omega Bakugou x Alpha f!Reader fic. Part 3.
Part 1- Here
Previous part Here
Next Part Here
Content Warning: Negative headspace, omegaverse, self deprecation, depressive thoughts, pushy parental figures, ambiguous omegaverse reproduction, unhealthy relationships, relationship that could be easily fixed if idiots would use their words and communicate, Shinso/Denki side relationship
Where we left off-
You glanced up at the sound of the door. In came your parents, then the Yokomadas. You did a double take as the final person, the omega you were here to meet, entered the room. They looked equally as startled as your eyes locked.
You slowly walked through the teahouse garden, your electric blond friend oddly silent as he kept pace with you. Your parents and the Yokomadas had allowed the two of you a bit of privacy to talk. So far, neither of you had mustered the courage to break the awkward atmosphere. Neither your parents or the Yokomadas had seemed to pick up on Denki or your mood. If anything, they were thrilled you two already knew each other. With a sigh, you sat on a bench by the koi pond, not looking at the blond as to settled down next to you. After several minutes, he spoke.
“So. What are you doing here?”
You snorted, and gently dumped your shoulder against his.
“Right back at you, Pikachu.”
“I’ll tell you. After you tell me.”
You chuckled humorously, and tilted your head back to look at the sky.
“Would you believe me if I said I was just here to appease my mother?”
Denki considered for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. You’ve been saying no to her for years. So tell me, why are you here.”
You take a deep breath and let it out again slowly through your nose.
“I… I think I wanted to be here. Needed to.” You wrung your hands, throwing a sideways glance at Denki. “I… I want to be mated. Have a family. Have someone who needs me and lets me need them. I used to think Kat… I used to think Bakugou was my person. But I’m not sure anymore, Denks. You know what he’s like and so do I, but I’ve waited for years, and nothing, and I’m so tired, and I’m not even sure he even likes me anymore, and…” You’re stopped by Kaminari gently rubbing your back.
“Breath, Y/n. Come on. Deep breaths.”
You inhaled shakily. You hadn’t even noticed you’d been hyperventilating. Quiet settled again, aside from the sounds of nature and your slowly slowing breathing. After a few moments, you spoke again.
“I’m just so lonely, Denks. I see him every day, and I’m still so goddamn lonely. So I think… I think it’s time to let go.” Your lips twitched slightly upward as you tilt your head to look at him. “Am I terrible?”
Denki huffed out a breath and shook his head. “You? Never.” He sighed, removing his hand from you back as he began picking at the hem of his sleeve. “I wish I could say I didn’t understand. But I do. I’m kinda here for the same reason after all.”
You gave an encouraging hum and reached out, taking his hand in yours and running your thumb over his knuckles. He interlaced your fingers, giving a squeeze before continuing to speak.
“You know how I feel about Shinso, right?”
“I think everyone but Shinso knows how you feel about him.”
Denki snorted. “Yeah. Not surprised. But that’s the problem. I’ve liked him for years. Little bit of a crush but at UA, thought I could play it cool and it would go away; but then the agency paired us together and, well.” Denki gestured with the hand not holding yours. “It was so easy! I’d go boom! And then he’d go pow! Then shoom! It was amazing! He was amazing… And so I tried to get his attention. I tried so damn hard. And you know me.”
You snorted, giving his hand a squeeze. “You’re about as subtle as a brick through a living room window.”
“Exactly!” He shouted, pulling away to stand up and pace. “I flirted. I used all my best pick up lines. I asked him out to the club, and he said yes. But do you know what he said afterward? He said though it wasn’t his usual scene, it was really good being able to hang out with a friend. I… I asked him to spend my heat with me.”
You inhaled sharply. Kaminari looked at you with an expression you hardly recognized. He collapsed onto the bench, leaning heavily against you.
“He said ‘I’m glad you’re that comfortable with me, but it probably would be better for you to ask someone else.’” Denki whispered, sniffling.
“Oh.. Denki.” You wrapped your arms around the blond, squeezing him tightly. Half out of instinct, you tried to pump out soothing pheromones while you gently scented his hair. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing, sweetheart. You’re a wonderful omega!”
That was all it took for Denki to start sobbing heavily in your arms. You squeezed him tightly as tears filled your own eyes. The tears fell when Denki wrapped his arms around you, hugging you just as tightly as you held him. There in the tranquil garden you both huddled together as you finally allowed yourself to cry. Years of hurt and longing fell from your eyes one drop at a time.
You weren’t sure how long it had been when the two of you slowly pulled away from each other. You used your thumbs to wipe Denki’s cheeks. He gave you a halfhearted smile.
“So,” you asked tentatively, “what should we do? They’re going to expect an answer from us about this whole…” You waved a vague hand “Marriage date thing.”
Denki hummed, puffing up his cheeks as he blew out a breath. “God, I don’t know. Certainly wasn’t expecting it be you, you know? No offense.”
You drew back, gasping in mock anger. “Full offense!” You could only hold your expression a few seconds before you started snickering.
Denki grinned his first really grin of the day. “Well excuuuuse me for insulting your alpha sensibilities.”
“You’re excused. For now.”
You both chuckled. Looking out at the pond, you spoke again. “I just wish I had the right answers. And I really wish we had more time.”
Denki furrowed his brow. “Well… Technically, we could.”
“What do you mean?”
Denki bounced on his seat. “Okay. So. Hear me out. We both need time to process, clearly. Also clearly, our families are just not gonna give us that. So… Why don’t we do this?”
“Wait. Wait. We do this?” you asked, both curious and incredulous.
“Yeah! Think about it. One! They mainly want us in relationships they approved of. They set us up, so clearly, they approve. Two! If we say we’d like to try out this match, they obviously aren’t going to set up any more dates; therefore buying us time. And bonus of no annoying randos. Three! We can say we’re going to take the relationship slow because we’ve both been burned before and want to make sure. Four! Four…” Denki trailed off, looking at his feet.
“Four is maybe if we can’t find a love match at least we’re friends who work well together?” You murmured.
Denki nodded, glancing at you with a rueful smirk. “Yeah. Exactly. Vibe on the same wavelength. Hell, we even want similar shit in life.”
“Actual house, few pets, stability…”
Denki nodded again. “Sucks, but would make sense for us to consider it. As much as I fucking hate the ‘You’re not getting any younger’ speech, they are kind right. We can’t waste all our time waiting for things that aren’t gonna happen.”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “God, don’t you hate it when they’re right about shit like that?”
“You have no idea.”
You stood, stretching. “Well, I guess we go tell them, then.”
Denki groaned. “There isn’t enough saki in the world for that conversation.”
“And just so we’re clear, this stays between us for now, right? No one knows but us, our folks, and I guess your cousins.”
“Agreed. I don’t want to think about what anyone would say. Bakugou would kill me!”
You winced. “Unlikely. I doubt he’d care. But if Mina finds out, everyone will know.”
“You’re not kidding. No worries from me, I don't want this getting out any more than you do.”
“So… Engaged, I guess?”
Denki dusted himself off and stood. “Deal. Engaged.” Denki stuck his hand out, and you shook it.
You both turned and started making your way back to the teahouse, taking your time and going the long way to be sure to avoid and of the other patrons. This was fine. A good plan. Nothing could go wrong as long as no one found out.
And there you have part 3! Sorry the wait and thank you all for being patient! If anyone has any questions regarding the fic or how this particular omegaverse operates, please feel free to shoot me an ask. Also, please note that @snuggleyourredpandas is my main account, so it you see a message reply from them, that's me!
TAGLIST- @yzviea, @not-a-pushover, @thelilypieforever, @kumihayu, @aomi04, @ladybakugouu, @one-simp-more, @hakunamatatayqueen, @my-thoughts-are-weird, @left-alone-yuki, @officialtrashbusiness Just a reminder, if you want tagged make sure you have the ability to be tagged turned on; and I'd have to be informed if your blog name changes! Cheers, Darlings!
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luimagines · 3 years
He reacts to seeing you Sick/Wounded Part 2
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Part 1 Part 3
Scenario under the cut! Blood ahead so be warned.
Twilight looked around the group for what had to be the umpteenth time, searching for you.
You had left awhile ago and had yet to return.
If it was Wild or Hyrule he wouldn’t have put much thought into it. The two of them were notorious for wandering off if something shiny caught their eye and they could be gone for hours.
Not you though.
If anything, you were the one to insist on keeping the group together and to avoid “splitting the party”. as you’d say. You even had a song to go with it, a catchy little tune from your world and he caught himself humming under his breath more than once when he realize someone was gone.
But you were gone long enough now that you even missed a meal.
Twilight started bouncing his knee in anticipation, the worse scenarios coming to mind at what could be happening to you.
“I’m going to find them.” He said, standing up and walking away from the group.
He waits until he’s far enough away to take out the necklace he’s been carrying around since the start of this adventure.
Twilight activates the charm and feels the magic wash over him, his vision and senses sharpening as the worlds color fade and his perspective changes.
There’s always a little discomfort as the beginning of each transformation so he takes a second to compose himself.
Twilight then starts sniffing the air and catches your scent, following where it leads. The path is pretty straight forward and he can almost reconstruct how long it took for you to reach the destination. Twilight travels a little farther than he was expecting, it’s way farther than hearing range, even with his advanced ears.
It’s a little concerning because even if you were to scream for help, there’s no way any of them would have known.
He’s trying to be optimistic. Twilight has seen you fight. He has seen you treat your own wounds. He was personally seen your resourcefulness in tricky situations. There’s little, he thinks, that can actually keep you down.
But then his worst nightmare comes to his nose and he takes off in a sprint. 
It’s blood.
It’s yours.
And there’s a lot of it.
He follows it as far as he can until he hears a pained whimper.
Twilight then follows the sound and comes to a stop, shocked at the sight before him.
You’re sitting up against a tree, the top half of you looks fine if only a little ragged and there’s tear streaks down both your cheeks. Twilight follows the line of your body and sees that there’s no injuries on your arms or torso even if your hands are covered in blood.
But at sight of your leg, he knows what’s happened.
There has to be people nearby, that’s the only explanation.
It’s metal trap with sharp jagged teeth that penetrate the skin and muscle in order to keep the prey from escaping, and they’re incredibly hard to break out of if you don’t have the right equipment. They’re also known for breaking bones if they hit in the right places.
It’s also clamed just above your ankle, blood weeps through still and has travels through the fabric of your pants un to your knee, pronouncing the injury even more.
“Wolfie...” You whimper and try to smile at seeing him. “Yay, you found me. I knew you’d come get me at some point. I tried calling but I think I’m too far away.”
Twilight’s heart bleeds for you and how scared you must have been before he showed up. And he wishes he would have gone looking for you sooner.
You sniffle and whip your face and nose with your sleeve, avoiding the mess on your hands. “I can’t get out. I tried but it’s stuck.” 
Twilight pads closer and sticks his nose by your hands but you pull them back. “I know it looks bad but my hands aren’t hurt...It’s all from my leg. I don’t want to get blood on your pretty fur.”
Twilight doesn’t take time to process the compliment and instead is focused on the choice he has in front of him.
Transform and reveal his secret to you, enabling him to help you here and now or go back and get help, leaving you to the mercy of whatever finds you in your vulnerable state.
It’s a pretty easy choice actually.
Twilight calls off the magic and lets the transformation wash over him. As per usual, the change is disorienting and it’s always hurt more to turn back human than it did to change into a wolf, so he takes a moment to breath before he looks at your ankle.
“Tw-Twilight? You’re Wolfie?” You splutter and try to wrap your head around what you just saw.  “It’s been you this whole time?!”
But he’s ignoring you.
He takes a good look at where the trap is and begins to prod ever so slightly.
“H-HEY!” You cry and try to reach for him. “Don’t! It hurts!”
He doesn’t have the key to unlock it and he doesn’t have the right tools at his disposal to try and pick the lock.
“Twilight please say something.”
“I’m going to get you out. Just hold on a little longer.” He glares at the metal for a moment before placing both his hands around it.
If there’s one thing he’s always been confident in, it’s his strength.
With both hands secured on the device he forces all of his weight to pry it open. He ignores how you continue to make sounds of pain, how his finger tips immediately become moist with your blood and how difficult moving this stupid thing to get you free actually turns out to be. 
After a battle of wills between man and the artificial, it moves and he tilts his hands to keep the momentum going until he’s moved enough of it for you to pull your leg out.
“Go. Get out.” He says with the strain in his voice.
You push away with your hands and your good leg to the best of your ability and slowly (well slower than Twilight would have preferred) to move your leg out of the trap and far enough away where he can simply let it clamp on itself again without fear of losing any fingers or hurting you again.
You gulp and try to move your pant leg to see the damage but it’s clear that doing that hurts you as well.
Twilight it quick to cut off the fabric with his trusted pocket knife and he peels it away.
Bones have definitely been broken.
And there’s certainly a lot of blood to deal with.
He twists the fabric slightly and wraps it above and around your injury to try and stop the flow of blood. Twilight can feel the glare he’s giving to your wound and refuses to look you in face so you can see it.
“Twilight?” You call to him. Your voice is small, weak, tired and afraid.
He can’t leave you to your own thoughts like he wants to so he takes a breath to calm himself and looks at you with as much gentleness and care as he can currently muster.
“You’re going to be just fine, ok?” He says with a small smile. “You’re actually pretty far from the others so it’ll be a bit of a trip but then we’ll get Hyrule to look at you, clean you up... find you some new clothes... You’ll be back to where you were in no time.”
Twilight’s not sure who he’s trying to convinced. It looks deep.
He hopes your foot won’t need to be cut off and that infection hasn’t already set in.
He moves towards you and stops on your good side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. In one swift movement he hooks his other arm under your knees and picks you up bridal style and begin to walk away from the mess.
You sniffle again and wipe your bloodied hands on your shirt. “Thank you Twilight.” You say. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Well you’re going to have to tell one of us what happened.” He responds. “The other are going to ask what on earth happened to you.”
“I meant about you being Wolfie.” You smile. “I’m fully prepared to explain my stupid decisions.”
The easy way you make that claim nearly makes him skip a step and send you both to the ground but Twilight is quick to readjust himself so that it never happens.
He had actually forgotten about that.
“I’d appreciate that.” He nervously chuckles.
“Don’t worry. I’ll cover you when you’re gone. I was starting to suspect something was related because your stories never matched up but I had no proof and no idea where to start. You’re... really not the best at it.” You say and pat his head. “So you save me, I save you. Sound fair?”
“That works for me.”
Time had let Warrior lead the group because he seemed to be the most familiar with the terrain, even if he claims that this isn’t his Hyrule.
With someone capable taking the point, he hung back and let the other walk before him.
He had noticed that you were... weren’t yourself. Like you were hiding something.
You weren’t really interacting with anyone, and you kept your head down, something he hasn’t really known you to do. On another note, you were actually at the back of the group where he was currently stationed.
You always liked to be in the upper middle, talking and entertaining the younger ones and keeping up the group’s moral.
So the fact that you quiet and trying to go unnoticed, arms crossed and head down, worried him.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” He asked you as you walked.
You glanced up at him but you didn’t meet his eyes.
Something was wrong.
“I’m not really thinking about much of anything.” You admitted and shrugged. “I’m just a bit under the weather. I’ll be fine in a bit.”
“You don’t feel good?” Time frowns and stops the both of you with a hand on your shoulder. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“And slow down literally everyone.” You raise an eyebrow at him and he takes a quick second to catalogue your pink cheeks and red rimmed eyes.
Something is wrong.
“It’s just a headache.” You insist. “We’re already behind by how knows how long and it’ll go away on its own. I appreciate the concern but I don’t want to be a hinderance more than anything think I am.”
“For one thing, no one thinks you’re a hinderance.” Time says, taking off his gauntlet and he presses the back of his hand against your forehead, then your cheeks and the back of your neck. “If any one of those boys has told you that, you tell me and I’ll set them straight.”
He doesn’t miss the way you lean and hum in relief from his touch.
Truthfully, you’re actually burning up more than your skin seems to show and his concern sky rockets beyond the moon and back of this proverbial saying.
“I appreciate the thought but it’s not that important.” You say and he catches the way you frown in displeasure when he pulls away.
“Who told you that?” He asks in lieu of bringing your illness to light.
“No one.”
Time frowns some more and says your name in his stern commander voice that he knows you hate.
“No one.” You insist. “No one here anyway.”
From your previous adventure perhaps? Time puts the information away in the back of his mind and vows to vanquish the thoughts from your head when he can, but your health takes precedence right now.
“I think it’s about time to take a break anyway.” Time puts his gauntlet back on and begins to walk forward, leading you with a hand on the small of your back. “Maybe the Champion would be willing to make something for lunch.”
“Think he can cook something up for my headache?” You sigh and massage your temples in a way that seems reminiscent.
“That and more, if you ask him.” He replies easily and lets out a loud whistle that has become their cue to set up for the midday break.
It takes a while for your duo to make it to the others but at least you weren’t so far gone that no one would have heard Time’s signal.
You instantly take a step down and sit on the ground, cradling your head in a way that looks more like you’re crying than merely resting.
Time feels his heart clench at the sight and makes his way over to Wild. He tells them what he found out and asks if he can make something special for you. Something to keep you going.
Because as much as he wants to, this is not the place to stop for the night and with your pride on the line, he doesn’t want the others to crowd and bring more attention than you’d be comfortable with to your predicament.
“There’s a town about three hours from here.” Warrior’s speaks up, having eavesdropped on the conversation Time was trying to have on the down low. “We can hit it before night fall and let them rest in an actual bed for the night.”
Time nods and agree with the notion.
The others seem to catch on that you’re not feeling well and Time discourages them from getting closer than they should, less they get sick as well.
The break is quiet and uneventful for a change and Time is quick to get the group up and moving again when it’s over, choosing to keep you company on the way to the town and trying to make it as painless and comfortable for you as he can.
A part of him thinks that he should just swallow his pride and yours and carry you to the town as you deteriorate on the walk, but it’s not like you’d let him.
He’d just have to satisfy his concern when he eventually takes watch over your bed side, just to make sure you wake up feeling better.
Wind was sure that you’re hiding something.
You’ve been shifty eyed and nervous, jittery and uncollected.
So unlike the you that he’s come to know, rely on and appreciate.
It scares him a little, to see you so unlike yourself.
Wind makes a calculated guess on why you’re so weird after walking by your side for most of the journey. 
You’re hurt and trying to not let anyone else know.
He can tell by how you’re trying to curl in yourself and fold over but have to keep righting your position. You’re having to walk with one foot on your toes because if you tried any more normally, you’d be limping. You’re a bit slower than your usual walking pace but you’ve been arcing your stride a little to the side so that it matches in length what you wouldn’t be able to make up for in number of steps.
He’s almost impressed by how well you’ve been hiding it.
But it’s drowned out by the irritation of your stubbornness. You could have just told someone, anyone, and they’d help you in seconds. You wouldn’t have to be in pain or having to stop every other second to hide a wince or a grunt or-
Wind is this close to just stopping everything to scream in your face.
He takes a small glance over to you as you walk, and sighs. He knows you won’t listen to him if he tries to say something. And you’d probably be irritated at him instead for trying to make a fuss about it.
Wind doesn’t know what to do, or how to help you, without being pushed away.
You trip.
Wind is too shocked by the outcome to even try to stop you from falling face first into the ground. 
Ok, not face first. You manage to twist yourself just in time to avoid a face on collision, but you land on your side in the process.
Your bad side.
You yell in pain which alerts the whole group ahead and behind you. But you don’t seem to care about that anymore. You finally give into the urge and curl in on yourself, rolling over so that the ground is against your good side and nothing is irritating whatever hit you’ve been hiding.
Wind has to nearly smack himself out of it before he makes it to your side. He can hear the other catching up, their footsteps thundering mutely on the dirt but he’s more focused on you and where your hand seems to be cradling your side.
He’s quick to peel your hand off and lift your shirt.
You’re too shocked and stunned from the pain to stop him. Enough so that you’re brain doesn’t even register it, so you don’t fight back.
He gasps at the the sight and his stomach turns ever so slightly.
It’s a massive bruise, from up to your ribs that are highlighted in a toxic green, down to your hip and it’s not even black and blue. It’s so bad there’s more red on the surface than purple and it makes it look like you’re covered in blood even if the skin hasn’t been breached.
He knows what caused this. 
Two days ago the group had found themselves in the middle of a fight with not one, but three infected monsters and one of them had a nasty looking club. You were fighting with him and on one of them and had taken a hit directly to your side. It was strong enough that it sent you spinning through the air and right into a tree. He didn’t think much of it since you simply bounced back like nothing happened and proceeded to stab the thing through the skull, but if he tries hard enough, he think you hit the same side on the tree as well.
But you didn’t drink a potion, he doesn’t think he even saw you being healed by Hyrule. Which means that you just had this on you for so long and you just- weren’t going to tell anyone?!
Wind can feel his heart clench in tandem with his first, your shirt nearly ripping since it was trapped in between his fingers. “HYRULE!”
“What happened?” Warrior makes it to his side first and stops mid-step when he catches sight of it. “I’ll... go get the Traveler.”
There’s a few seconds in between before you shake off the pain and rip your clothes out of his grip, forcing yourself to get to your feet again.
Everyone is too shocked by what they’ve seen verses how you’ve acting that they almost let you but Wind has been next to you, watching you, and he still is. He catches that your arms are shaking as you put your weight on it, and when you try and compensate for your bad side, you nearly throw yourself over again from your bad balance.
Wind pushes you back down and keeps his hands on your shoulders so keep you from trying that again.
Hyrule takes his cue and slides on his knees until he reaches your side, his healing spell fluttering around his fingers and into the nasty bruise.
“Guys, I’m fine.”
“Cut the bullcrap.” Wind says, knowing that Twilight and Time are behind him with Sky not too far behind. He hopes they let that one slide at least. “It’s looks like you were stabbed fifty seven times and poisoned to top of it all.”
You look up at him then and sigh, the fight leaving instantaneously. “Whatever.”
“It’s not whatever!” He argues but you cut him off.
“It’s just a bruise. It’ll heal in a few days and nothing is broken. But because it’s you holding me down, I’ll let you heal me.” You try for a half smile but Wind thinks it falls flat. “I’m not even going to try and fight a pirate in my state. Take your victory for now.”
“You didn’t have to let it get so bad.” Hyrule scolds you and you don’t even have the decency of at least looking apologetic.
“It was the fall that really made it hurt.” You clench your jaw when your shirt gets lifted higher for Hyrule to heal the bruise on your ribs. “It was just awkward before that.”
“No it wasn’t” Wind frowns even harder. “You were walking funny. It hurt like hell back there too and for a while as well. Why didn’t you get treatment with the others? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Wind.” You say with as much patience you can muster. Your face begins to relax as the pain fades and the bruise changes to a more normal shade of purple with black spots. “We have no potions left. And Hyrule can only do so much healing in one go.”
“Speaking of...” Legend steps in and yanks Hyrule back by the shoulder, stopping the healing process.
Hyrule takes a minute to reorient himself and he steps away from a minute to catch his breath.
Wind takes another look at your injury and winces. While it looks significantly better than it did seconds prior, it’s not completely healed and would likely have to take more magic to heal on its own. They could just leave it there for the days it’ll take for it to heal naturally but Wind doesn’t like the idea of leaving you hurt for more than necessary.
“How were none of your bones broken?” Twilight asks in a quiet shocked voice.
“Oh no, there were many fractures, believe me.” Hyrule shakes his head. “Mostly minor but it’s crazy how they were able to still be standing, let alone walking. Didn’t any of that hurt?”
Wind takes a sharp breath and has to look away from you. 
You were really good at hiding it then.
He misses the pained look on your face as he turns away and can’t see the hand you reach out to him. “Wind?”
“No.” He gulps and stand up. “This isn’t ok. You can’t do this. Say something next time, or I’ll never speak to you again.”
The second he says it, he feel childish for coming up with that threat in particular and while he wishes that there’ll never be a next time, he knows better.
Occupational hazard and all that jazz.
Your face morphs into one of sadness and you take your hand back. “Ok. Ok. I’ll be better next time.”
He supposes the threat worked after all.
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bigballofstress · 4 years
Pickpocket (Avengers x Child!Reader)
Description: You have been living on the streets for years, and over these years, you have become incredibly good at pickpocketing.  Unfortunately for you, though, you picked the wrong target one too many times.
Part 2 if you guys want it, just let me know!
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Chin up, shoulders back, even steps.  My heart is calm, my breaths slow and measured, and every muscle in my body is relaxed.  In other words, every last inch of me screams that I am a confident, kind young lady without a care in the world.
No matter what anybody says, looks really are everything.  Every time you meet someone new or even just pass by them on the street, your mind makes a snap judgement about them.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that everyone you meet is prejudiced or anything of the sort.  Those snap judgements can easily be changed with an open-minded person, sometimes without even needing a whole conversation.  Still, that doesn’t change the fact that when you see a well-groomed person in a suit, your mind automatically thinks they are successful, and when you see someone coming at you with a hoodie covering their face and their hands in their pockets, you automatically tense up.  None of that is your fault, and actually it’s probably a good thing that you would be wary of people who are acting rather suspicious.  Really, the only issue with these immediate ideas of every person you see is the fact that it makes people like me -- people who understand how these momentary impressions work -- able to take advantage of them.
It didn’t take long to realize I had a talent for it.  I already looked the part, -- a helpless, adorable little girl -- I had a surprising knack for staying calm under pressure, and as much as I hated the old bitch, my caretaker had given me all the tools I needed.  She was a stickler for proper manners, so I learned how to speak, sit, and walk like a “proper young lady.”  Plus, her insane rules about tiny meal portions and too-early curfews taught me to be light on my feet as I often sneaked downstairs to grab a roll of bread at night.  Yes, I had everything I needed.  The only real hurdle was actually deciding to do it.  I never really wanted to be a bad person.  But the world is a heartless place, the city even more so, and by the end of my first week, I knew what I had to do if I was ever going to survive.
So, I started working -- oh, and by the way, no matter what you think, it is still a job.  I put my time and effort into a certain task, and I obtain money because of it.  I don’t know about you, but that certainly sounds like a job to me.  And it was easier than I thought it would be.  Within about a day, I realized that people saw me as sweet, innocent, and harmless -- no, more than that, they wanted to see me as harmless.  Because if I wasn’t harmless, then that meant their world was even more screwed up than they thought.  I learned quick, and by the end of the year, I had perfected my technique.  It was simple: avoid all conversation if possible, and if absolutely necessary, smile and point out the farthest adult man within reason as my dad before weaving through the small gaps in the crowd, preferably around taller people, so they couldn’t see or follow me.  I only got caught once or twice, but I’m grateful that I did.  It forced me to learn perspective, that I needed to know more than just how to talk well.  So, I learned how to run through a city.  And now, I’m practically unstoppable.  
As I take my even, not-too-fast-but-not-too-slow stroll down the sidewalk, a small, ambiguous smile decorating my lips, I can see it in each person’s eyes as they walk past that I have completely embodied my character.  My arms swung with a practiced nonchalance as my eyes flickered from one person to the next, each time going through a mental list as I weighed the chances I had of succeeding on them versus how likely they were to catch on and calculated the amount of time that both of these events would likely take to happen.  Finally, after a few minutes of this practice, one of them caught my eye.
He was larger, more muscular.  Guys like him were  a gamble.  Often, a man of his appearance simply cared a bit too much about his appearance.  Still, every now and then, they look like that because they been trained, and while past training usually meant they had no practice running in a city, it also meant that he would be much more jumpy and alert to his surroundings.  However, his deep, loose pockets with the corner of his wallet just barely sticking out and the thoughtful gaze as he surveyed the buildings tipped the scales further and further in my favor.  The wonder in his eyes just screamed tourist.
I gazed forward with an absentminded look in my eye that I’d spent months perfecting in the mirror while keeping him clearly in my periphery before bumping into him.  As I hit him, two of my fingers simultaneously dipped into his pocket, where my knee bumped against his leg to jolt his wallet up and out.  The moment the warm leather was in my grasp, I forced myself to fall backwards.  Before I could hit the ground, though, I felt one of those strong, muscular arms had wrapped itself around my waist and was helping me back up.  
My jaw clenched for half a second.  This wasn’t good.  His reflexes were too quick to have just worked out at some random gym, which meant my hunch was right: he had been trained.  And that meant that I needed to get out of there fast.  I wouldn’t be able to slip the wallet back in his pocket without bumping into him again, and that would only make me look even more suspicious, so I quickly emptied it of all of the cash behind his back and slipped the bills into my sleeve before tossing the piece of leather on the ground a few feet away.
“Are you alright?” he asked, concern evident in his eyes, and immediately I decided on my personality for the day -- bright and bubbly but proper.  Gently, he released his arm from its position on my waist once he knew I had regained my footing.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I quickly apologized, my left hand shooting up to cover my mouth in fake shock while my right hand carefully dropped the money in one of my own pockets, all the while watching every last one of his movements for any sign of suspicion.  “It was all my fault.  I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.”
“It’s ok, really.”  He scratched the back of his neck.  “I wasn’t really looking where I was going either, so it was partially my fault, too.”
“Well, thank you for catching me, sir, but I really have to go,” I smiled at him apologetically.  “I’m supposed to meet back up with my dad in about five minutes.”
“Oh, no worries,” he responded kindly before sneaking a glance at my old, slightly ripped clothes, the concern still dancing in his eyes.  “You’re sure you’re alright, though?”
“Absolutely!”  I dismissed.  “Thank you again!”
“Um, yeah, no problem.”  We both started to walk away.
I waited patiently as I listened to his retreating steps.  1... 2... 3... 4... and then-- “Hey, mister!” I called, bending down and grabbing the piece of leather from where I had tossed it earlier.  “I think you might’ve dropped your wallet!”
The man turned back, shocked, before jogging back towards me.  “I didn’t even notice,” he mumbled to himself.  “Hey, thanks, kid.”
“My pleasure!” I chirped.  “Now, sorry, but I really have to get going.  See you around, sir!”  I quickly jogged off, allowing myself to get lost in the crowd before he could even have a minute to fully understand what happened.
-- 3rd Person POV --
“I told you guys the world wasn’t such a bad place!” Steve called as he entered the living room of Stark Tower.  The rest of the Avengers looked up in surprise.  They had been having this argument for the past three days, with Steve insisting that there were still people who put others first living in New York while the entire rest of the team tried to convince him otherwise.
“Alright, show your work,” Tony leaned back against the wall, watching the captain with curiosity.
“I met a kid today who couldn’t have been older than 16.  I was trying to remember what the city looked like before I went in the ice, and I accidentally bumped into her.  She then spent the next few minutes constantly apologizing and saying it was all her fault.  And the best part is, after we’d already walked away, she found and returned my wallet.  I hadn’t even realized I had dropped it!”  The 96-year-old man finished with a triumphant grin, leaving the rest of the team silent for a moment.  That is, until Tony busted out laughing.  Steve frowned.  “...What?”
“Steve, honey, check inside of your wallet,” Natasha sighed as she turned back to the tv to watch whatever was on.
Steve frowned, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet.  “I don’t understand; why do you want me to....” He trailed off as he stared at the now empty pocket that only just earlier that day held around 65 dollars in cash.  “She... but how did she...”
Tony slapped a heavy hand on Steve’s shoulder, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye.  “She scammed you, bro.  And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker,” he grinned before walking back to his room, still chuckling softly to himself at his friend’s misfortune.
------- Time Skip -------
About two weeks had passed since that godsend of a man and I crossed paths.  I can’t remember the last time I had managed to lift 65 dollars off anyone.  That kind of cash can last someone like me a really long time.  But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and after buying myself the first decent meal I’d had in weeks plus a ton of canned foods and non-perishables that I dropped off at the nearest homeless shelter, that good thing ended ended all too quickly.  Which meant it was time I went back to work.
I stepped into the public library, that same ambiguous smile painted ever so gently across my face.  There weren’t a whole lot of people here and there were almost never any big scores, but working here was a lot less guess-work, and more often than not, the target was too engrossed in their book to even notice what I was doing, so there was also much less risk of being caught.
After a quick scan of the quiet room, my eyes landed on the man sitting at one of the long tables, his bag haphazardly laying next to him on the table.  It should be easy enough to grab something from in there, and he seemed invested enough to have his guard down.  He should make for a good target.
I walked into the science section and grabbed a few scientific papers, most of which were generally about to nuclear physics, before walking back to his table and sitting down right across from him.  Scientific papers are the best way to make sure no one has the confidence to talk to you.  I opened the paper that I had read a hundred times and started pretending to read it once more, my left hand resting on my cheek as my right hand slowly made its way towards the bag.
“Excuse me.” I glanced up, pausing my movement towards his back but still being careful not to react too quickly and retract my hand.  I didn’t want to draw his attention to what I was doing, and if at all possible, I would still like to come out of this with something to show for it.  As I met the glasses-clad, clearly intelligent eyes of the man in front of me, it was easy to figure out what my personality should be -- shy, smart, and above all else, kind.  “Is that Schippers’s work?”
I blinked in surprise and allowed a soft smile to spread across my lips.  “You know Stefan Schippers?”
“Yeah, his work in antimatter is amazing,” he grinned fully now, his eyes lighting up and making him almost look like a completely different person.  “Particularly regarding his research in collisions.”
I grinned back, taking note of how his eyes were now trained on mine, instead of glancing around like before.  Maybe I should’ve started a conversation before -- clearly it was a good distraction for him.  Well, either way, it’s going to be easier to lift something off of him now, so I guess I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  “I completely agree.  His work is amazing,” I giggled softly, glancing down at the table before looking back up at him, a slight red hue now painting the apples of my cheeks as my hand slipped inside of his bag.
“I was honestly surprised to see you reading that paper, actually,” he chuckled nervously.  “I’ve read it at least 20 times, but I figured I was the only one.”  I laughed lightly, slipping what felt like a wallet out of the bag and tucking it under my arm.
“Trust me, I’ve read this so many times, I’m afraid the library is going to have to replace it because I’ve worn it out so much.  You know, if you’re interested in Schippers, you should read some of Dr. Banner’s papers,” I laid my left hand on his arm gently while my right arm swung back over to me, pushing the wallet into my lap.  “As much as I love Schippers, Dr. Banner’s work is unparalleled.”
The man chuckled nervously again, ducking his head a bit.  “You really think so, huh?  How old are you anyways?  I don’t see a whole lot of kids brushing up on nuclear physics.”
“I’m older than I look,” I casually brushed off the question.  I was not about to give up any personal information, fellow science geek or not.  “Oh, by the way, do you have the time?”
The man glanced at his watch.  “About 6:00.”
My eyes widened in shock.  “You’re kidding, it got that late?!  My dad’s gonna kill me!”  I gasped and quickly stood up, catching the wallet in my left hand and slipping it into my pocket.  “It was really nice meeting you, sir, but I have to go home.  I really liked talking to you, though!  I hope we can meet again!”  I hurriedly gathered the papers and rushed off, waving with a broad smile.
“Oh, uh nice meeting you... too...” he tried to respond, but she was already well out of sight.
-- 3rd Person POV -- 
“What the hell?” Bruce mumbled, digging through his bag.  The pizza had just arrived, and he needed to pay his share.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha glanced at him, an eyebrow raised.
“I could’ve sworn I put my wallet in here, but now I can’t find it,” he frowned, continuing to search every last nook and cranny of the old bag.
“Don’t worry about it, buddy, I can cover you if you’re short,” Tony shrugged.
“That’s not the issue,” Bruce frowned, finally giving up and tossing his bag to the side in frustration.  “That had my credit card, my driver’s license, and my ID for Stark Tower.  If it’s lost somewhere, it could be a real problem.”
“When was the last time you remember having it?”  Clint mumbled through a full mouth of the piece of pizza that he’d already shoved in his face.  Natasha rolled her eyes and wiped off the bit of spit he’d gotten on her in disgust.
“I was at the library.  I used my library card to check out some books,” he responded confidently.
“Again?” Clint asked, once again through a mouthful of cheese and marinara sauce.  “What, do you live there or something?”
“Ok, now walk us through exactly what happened after you checked out those books,” Natasha suggested, doing her best to ignore her best friend.
Bruce sighed and nodded, sitting down.  “I checked out my books, then walked over to one of the tables to start reading.  Then I talked to that teenager for a little while about some of Schippers’s theories before she ran off--”
“You talked to a teenager about Schippers?  And she actually understood?”  Tony asked, lifting a brow in surprise.
“Yeah, she even recommended I read Dr. Banner’s work in the same field,” Bruce chuckled.  “I thought it better not to tell her who I was, but according to her, Banner’s work is ‘unparalleled’.”
“Damn, the kid knows her stuff,” Tony nodded, impressed.  “Did she say anything about--”
“Boys,” Natasha cut in.  “The wallet.”
“Ah, right,” Bruce mumbled apologetically.  “Anyways, after she ran off, I kept reading for a few minutes before leaving, too.  Then I came back to the tower and got up here just in time to decide on ordering pizza with you guys.”
“Did you use the subway?” Natasha asked.
Bruce shook his head.  “No.  I figured since it was such a nice day out, I would just walk home.”
“How did you enter the building?”
“I ran into Steve downstairs, and we came in together.”
Steve, who had been silent up until this point, finally spoke up.  “This teenager... Was she about 16?  With (H/C) hair?”
“What, you think it’s the same girl who totally scammed you the other--” Tony started, getting ready to take part in his favorite pastime of making fun of Steve.
“Actually, yeah, she was,” Bruce answered, his eyes wide in realization.
Before anyone could say anything, Tony’s incredibly loud laughter filled the room.  “Holy shit, you guys both got scammed by the same teenager!  How does that even happen?!” He wheezed, laughing so hard he could hardly breath.
“Hey she seemed like a nice girl!” Bruce defended.  “How was I supposed to know she was robbing me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a genius or something?” Tony asked, tears streaming down his face now.  Bruce opened his mouth, trying to come up with something but came up blank.  A heavy hand landing on his shoulder knocked him out of his stupor.
“Just let it happen,” Steve sighed, his eyes cast down as he shook his head in sympathy.
------- Time Skip -------
It had been a week since I had spoken to that science nerd in the library, and I was still pissed.  Seriously, what kind of grown man only carries around 4 dollars and 36 cents?  Well, apparently, that weirdo did.  I had thrown out all the cards and IDs to at least sell the what looked to be leather wallet to a pawn shop, but apparently the thing wasn’t even leather!  All of that time, wasted for a measly 12 bucks.  I’ll say it again: I was pissed.
So, now I was back out working again, because the money I’d made was barely enough to buy a few snacks that I had to portion out over the course of the past week.
As I walked down the sidewalk, still grumbling softly to myself about what had happened, I saw him.  
Tony freaking Stark.
I grinned.  Maybe my luck was getting better after all.  I mean, a billionaire who’s famous for having, shall we say, questionable morals?  After all, it’s not exactly nice to sleep with as many women as humanly possible before tossing them away like they’re nothing.  I mean, sure there’s the whole iron man thing, but he’s still kind of a dick, let’s be honest.  And while I usually tried to refrain from taking anything major in case my target doesn’t have a whole lot of money or the object is sentimental, billionaire jerks are fair game.  And the best part was, I didn’t even have to read him to know the part I was going to play.  Tony Stark would only ever fall for one personality: sarcastic, quick-witted, and strong.
His head was down, buried in his phone, so I casually walked towards him, picking up an old cup of coffee from one of a nearby cafe’s outdoor tables, before smacking into him head-first, spilling the coffee everywhere.
“What the hell?!”
“Oh my god!” We both yelled at the same time.
“Oh c’mon, kid, this is silk!” Tony continued to shout, staring down at the coffee covering his chest.
“Hey, I’m not the one with my head buried in my phone while walking through one of the busiest cities in the world,” I snapped back.  “And you’re not the only one whose clothes got ruined.  This is cashmere!” I lied through my teeth.  It was a ratty old sweater that I’d bought for about 3 dollars at a thrift store.
Stark scoffed.  “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“Yeah, you’re Tony Stark.  That doesn’t change the fact that my parents are gonna be pissed about me ruining a hundred dollar sweater,” I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms defiantly.
That was when he finally glanced at me and my coffee-stained outfit.  Stark sighed and put his fingers to the bridge of his nose.  “Alright, I’m sorry.” Wait, what?  Since when does the great Tony Stark ever apologize for anything?  “I’ll pay for the dry-cleaning, ok?  Just give me your parents’ numbers.”
Shit, that’s not how this is supposed to go.  Ok, new strategy.  A sassy front but a kind interior.
I sighed and shook my head.  “No, it’s not entirely your fault.  I guess I could’ve tried to avoid you better.  Anyways, you got a pen and paper?”
Stark nodded slightly and reached into his inner pocket, pulling out a tiny pad and a fancy looking pen.  I quickly jotted down the phone number and handed it back to him.  Shoot, he looked like he was about to walk away.  I had to act quick or lose my chance.  Time to add one more very important characteristic to my identity: pitiable.  “Hey, I really am sorry.  I kind of overreacted.  It wasn’t cool.  I guess I just got a little nervous.  My dad likes things to be clean, and he can get pretty mad when I don’t follow that rule...” I trailed off a bit, glancing down at my feet.  I shook my head quickly and met the billionaire’s gaze, now filled with concern, again.  “Sorry, didn’t mean to dump that on you.  I just wanted to say thanks.”  I held out my right hand, praying that I’d guessed which hand to use correctly.  As Stark grabbed my hand, I had to hold back a sigh of relief when I saw the watch casually placed on his wrist.
“It was really nice meeting you, Mr. Stark,” I smiled a bit, with my left hand closing over his wrist while three of my fingers on my right hand undid the clasp on his watch.  Then I pressed down one the buttons on either side of the clasp with my middle finger on my right hand and my thumb on my left hand, making sure to hold the watch in place.  “If you’d like, I’d be happy to buy you a coffee to make up for it.  There’s a really nice café right over there.”  I squeezed the watch tightly with my left hand and jerked my chin towards the store just behind him.  He turned his head and looked, pulling his hand back slightly as he did so, which allowed me to slip the watch off his wrist.  Immediately, I dropped it in my pocket before he had a chance to turn back around.
“Thanks, kid, but I’m good.  I’ll give your parents a call when I get home, ok?”  He said before awkwardly giving me a pat on the shoulder.  “Now go run off and play with some dolls or whatever.”
I rolled my eyes.  “Thanks, but my collection can’t be nearly as big as yours,” I bit back with a slight, good-natured smirk.  “Anyways, I gotta go home and get yelled at by my parents.  Nice meeting you, Mr. Stark,” I called, waving to him as I was already leaving.
Stark shook his head with a small smile.  “Yeah, you too, kid.”
-- 3rd Person POV --
“What, no watch today?” Tony furrowed his brows at Bruce’s question.
“Of course I have a watch today.  I have a watch for every day of the week,” he scoffed, lifting his wrist to show off the rather expensive Rolex.
“Umm dude...?” Clint started.
“Yeah, I know it’s awesome, and no, you cannot try it on,” Tony smirked.  “I have a very strict look don’t touch policy.  These bad boys cost quite the pretty penny, and I wouldn’t want any of you trying to take it from me.”  Clint just shrugged in defeat and unpaused his video game -- it wasn’t his fault his friend interrupted him trying to help.
“Tony, look at your wrist,” Steve rolled his eyes at the pompous man’s antics.
“What, just so I can admire it--” he cut himself off as his eyes landed on the bare skin of his wrist.  “...Where the hell is my watch?”
“Maybe you forgot to put one on today?” Bruce shrugged, going back to his computer as he continued to work.
“No, I didn’t forget; I never forget,” Tony snapped.  “It was there this morning, and now it’s gone.”   He yanked up his sleeve to search in vain for the incredibly expensive missing item.
“Hey, maybe Tony was pick-pocketed, too,” Clint joked absentmindedly before cursing at some ‘dumbass little camping noob’ who kept killing him.
Tony’s eyes widened in realization.  “Holy shit, it was the kid.”
“What?” Steve frowned.
“The kid!  The kid who spilled coffee on me today!”  He shouted.  “I had my watch, then she shook my hand, and now the watch is gone.  She totally took it!”
Clint paused the game again.  “Wait, so basically some kid took your custom watch, which is worth thousands of dollars, right off your wrist, and you didn’t even notice?”  Tony bobbed his head up and down frantically.  “Hold on... You don’t think...” Clint glanced between the three other men in the room.
“(H/C) hair?” Steve asked.
“(E/C) eyes?” Bruce called, suddenly no longer able to focus on his work.
Tony nodded slowly with wide eyes.  Reality crashed down on all three of them.
A wide smile slowly took over Clint’s face.  “So you mean to tell me that three of the Avengers, the Earth’s greatest defenders, got scammed by the same teenage girl in less than a month?”  The three men were silent, each of them staring at the ground as they started to question how smart they actually were.
About 30 seconds later, the silence was broken.  “Nat, you’ll never believe what just happened.  I can’t believe you weren’t home for this,” Clint talked excitedly into the phone while his teammates all slowly left the room to sulk alone.
------- Time Skip -------
It had been a whole month since I had gotten the watch off Tony Stark.  I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the amount of zeros on the offer the pawn shop had given me.  It was probably one of the best days of my life.  Immediately, I had gone out and bought myself a meal at an actual restaurant, and let me tell you, they weren’t kidding when they said restaurant food is delicious.  Every protein bar and bag of chips in the world couldn’t live up to the food I ate that day.  And with that kind of money, I could be eating like that for maybe even a year!  Still, I knew what I had to do.  
It was almost Christmas.  With the money I’d just gotten, I could afford to buy each and every kid at the orphanage actual brand new presents that year, instead of the crummy second-hand stuff that had to be shared between three or four kids that I usually brought.  So, I went out and blew a good three quarters of my new budget on toys, and not the kind from thrift shops or even the ones from the big department stores.  I could finally get them toys from one of the fancy stores that had display windows.  And it was worth it, too, seeing the pure amazement that lit up those kids’ eyes when they saw there was enough for all of them.  I then spent another quarter of the money on nonperishable foods that I donated to the homeless shelter plus one massive turkey for their Christmas feast. 
After all of that, I was left with around 20 dollars for myself.  Usually I can make money like that last with just a few extra marks, but as the month dragged on and less and less people were out on the streets at night, my budget ran thin.  Eventually, I reached my breaking point.  I’d gone I think four days now without any food.  My stomach growled loudly, begging me to give it something, anything.  I just sighed and receded further into the fabric of my thin, worn down coat that I’d found a few days back by a dumpster -- the coat I used to wear long traded in for a couple spare dollars.  Sure, the wind cut through it like a knife, but hell, it was better than nothing.
I glanced up as I heard the crunching of footsteps in the snow, my heard immediately leaping into my throat at the prospect of there being people out.  I frowned when I saw who they were.  A couple walking together, chatting away about something or another.  Normally, I would never choose a couple to target -- it was too easy for one of them to spot what I was doing to the other -- but I had gotten desperate.  I was freezing cold, and I needed food now.
So, I walked directly towards them and crashed my shoulder into the guy’s, my hand slipping into his pocket.  I thanked whatever higher power was watching over me when my hand came into contact with a money clip.
“Sorry,” I mumbled and slipped my hand back out before continuing to walk at a casual pace away from the two, tucking the clip into my pocket.
-- 3rd Person POV --
“Well that was rude,” Clint huffed, dusting himself off.
Natasha stared at the back of the young girl who continued to walk away like nothing had happened.  “Hey, Clint,” she muttered.
“Where’s your wallet?”
“I put it back in my... pocket....” Clint froze when he realized he couldn’t feel the familiar clip in his jacket pocket.  He whirled around to look at the girl, who was already a ways away.  “Hey!  Get back here!”  He screamed, breaking into a run, Natasha quickly following suit.
-- Your POV --
“Hey!  Get back here!”  I glanced back with wide eyes, my heart leaping into my throat before immediately sprinting.
I ran through the snow, turning right and left through back alleys and narrow shortcuts, thanking my past self for never eating well, as my skinny form was able to stay on top of the snow for the most part.  Still, somehow I hadn’t lost the two adults chasing me yet.  They had barely fallen a foot or two behind over the last eight blocks.  My stamina was quickly running out, the malnourishment over the past week finally catching up to me.  I felt dizzy, and my chest burned as I focused on continuing to put one foot in front of the other.  I turned down an alleyway with a brick wall at the end.
“Ha!  We’ve finally caught you!”  The man behind me panted.  I completely ignored him, not pausing a single step as I sprinted towards the wall.
“Uhh, hey, kid?  Rock beats teenager...” He called warily.  I continued to ignore him.  I was only five feet away.  “Stop, you’re gonna hurt yourself!” he shouted just before I jumped, pressing my feet into the bricks to launch my further and further up.  I reached as high as I could and just barely caught the edge of the wall with my fingertips.  I swung my other arm up and forced my arms to pull myself to the top.
I panted as I gazed down from the top of the wall, the couple staring back up at me.  “Holy shit,” the man muttered, to which the woman immediately smacked him in the arm.
“I’m sorry,” I said softly.  “I was hungry.”  I wasn’t really sure why I was apologizing.  Granted, I knew what I was doing wasn’t very nice, but I don’t recall ever apologizing before.  Maybe it’s because they reminded me of my parents -- or, at least, what I imagined my parents to be like.  Maybe it’s because I was so dizzy that I couldn’t really think straight.  I nodded slightly to the two before turning around, preparing myself to jump down the other side.
Suddenly, a massive wave of dizziness and nausea smacked me in the face.  I groaned slightly and put my hand to my forehead, trying to get a hold of myself.  Evidently, that didn’t work, because the next thing I knew, I was falling.
Time seemed to slow as I fell through the air.  I probably shouldn’t pass out right now, the surprisingly calm thought entered my mind.  If I do, I’ll most likely just freeze to death.  Then again, passing out would save me a lot of pain from falling.  Alright, I guess that’s it then.  I’ll pass out now and hope I wake up in time to not die.  My eyes fluttered closed just before I hit the ground, the fog in my brain thickening as I finally allowed myself to just give in to it.
-- 3rd Person POV --
Clint grunted as he caught the girl.  He was expecting to fall to the ground with her, only really serving to break her fall, but was surprised to find that she wasn’t even heavy enough to knock him down.  Natasha made her way over to his side, looking down at the little thief in her friend’s arms.
“She’s light as a feather,” Clint murmured with a frown on his face, “and freezing to the touch.”
“She said she was hungry,” Natasha muttered thoughtfully.
Clint grit his teeth and nodded, determined.  “Alright, that settles it.  We’re taking her back to the tower.”
Natasha glanced at him warily.  “You sure?  The others might not be so accepting.”
“They’re gonna have to be,” he stated, already walking back, holding the girl as close as he could in an attempt to warm her up.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Rush- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
  Summary: After a failed relationship you and Draco lost contact only to be reconnected when you take a job at the Ministry Of Magic. Emotions begin to resurface as you both realize that even after all the time that has passed you still both are deeply in love with each other
  Kody: The song this image is based off of. Lewis Capaldi - Rush ft. Jessie Reyez. I also changed the backstory for a couple of characters, mostly about what happened after the wizarding war.  
  Year: out of school
  House: Gryffindor (out of school)
  Possible Triggers/Warnings: fat angst, cursing, lowkey toxic Draco
   high school sweethearts, that was what you were. What you used to be.
   it was a normal day when Draco said he wanted to end things, going on a whole rant about how you weren’t safe with him and you deserved so much more than what a death eater could bring you. Despite all of your reassurances that you would take the risk his mind was made up.
   his parents were pressuring him to give you up. His father repeating that no son of his would date some Gryffindor half blood, but you were much more than that to him. You shared his passions and interests, listened to him when he needed a ear to talk off about Alchemy or offered your shoulder to cry on.
   it was the one thing he stood his ground for. You. One night while he was quietly, but with haste packing clothes into a small trunk because he was planning on apparating to your house and run away with you his aunt Bellatrix had caught him in the act.
   she, in a very threatening tone told her nephew that the dark lord knew of his little Gryffindor girlfriend and if he wanted to see you unharmed he would be a good boy and listen to orders when he’s given them. His whole world came crashing down. He could take the chance and run with you anyway. He really wanted to.
   but then you would never live a comfortable life. Being on the run constantly was not what he planned when he gave you a silver ring when you were both 15 with a promise he would replace it with a wedding band in the future. Now he would never get to see you walk down the aisle. 
   so he distanced himself from you as much as he could until the breakup, so it wouldn’t hurt as much. It still did.
    ‘The space between where our ends meet, Has grown too much for me to block it out’
   you left his dorm that day in tears. His body almost leaped forward to chase after you, but his mind knew better. If losing you meant he could protect you from the dangers his life brought as a Malfoy, then by all means. He had to let you go. Doesn’t mean it was easy.
   he never really saw you again after that. He chalked it up to his mind blocking you out if you ever were in his line of sight, like some sort of defense his brain put up to avoid any more hurt. Once the ‘final battle’ came around he decided that he wouldn’t let his father control his life anymore.
   he aided the golden trio by tossing his wand to Harry once he fell out of Hagrid’s arms and with that it was over instantly. His mother and him were charged for war crimes, but Hermione and Harry ended up speaking on their behalves and all charges were dropped.
   his father was sent to Azkaban for the rest of his days and for once Draco felt at peace with his father being so far away, no longer having the ability to control him. Harry almost immediately got a job at the ‘Ministry Of Magic’ as well as Hermione. 
   after a few months Harry had talked Draco up enough to his superiors to get him a position in the  ‘Department of Magical Law Enforcement’ as a Auror. He felt strange working with Harry Potter after all the years of bullying, but they got along really well when they cooperated.
   1 year later
   “Hey, can we talk to you for a bit?” Draco looks up from his papers that lied on his desk. Hermione Granger and Harry Potter stood at the entrance of his office, looking visibly uncomfortable. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation.
   he set the pen down on the desk before gesturing to the seats in front of said desk. Hermione put on a sweet smile as she took a seat, Harry following. “So i’m sure you heard our department is hiring another Auror since were shoftstafed” Draco nods slowly. He actually heard about it yesterday before he left.
   “Yeah so, we overheard a conversation this morning about who it was and we wanted o tell you in advance” Harry explained. Draco’s brow went up in slight confusion. Warn him? What in hell did that mean? “Warn me” he repeated and Hermione nods.
   a sympathetic smile played on her soft complexion. “It’s Y/n. Y/n L/n” Draco’s body tensed up instantly. Of course the universe would punish him like this. Waving the love of his life in his face after he broke her heart. How spiteful. “Oh” he simply said, before leaning back into his chair. 
   all business professionalism drained from his body in an instant “Fuck” he cursed under his breath “You still care about her, don’t you?” Hermione questioned. He just nodded before letting out a deep sigh and standing up from his chair “I’m quitting”
   both ex Gryffindors shot up from there seats “You can’t quit Draco, that’s a highly irrational reaction!” Hermione sputters as he collects his coat from the back of his black swivel chair. “You wouldn’t understand, Granger” he slipped his arms through both sleeves.
    “Draco!-” Harry started, but didn’t get another word in as Draco opened his office door. As soon as the door swung open he felt a head collide with his chest. He could practically hear their heartbeat race in embarrassment “Oh Merlin, i apologize!” the voice. That voice laughed nervously. 
   ‘I miss the tone of your heartbeat. It's such a warming and familiar sound’
   the person backed away and he felt as if he could collapse right then and there. “Draco?” you said. ‘No, please don’t say my name’ he thought. A smile grew on your face “What a funny coincidence. seeing you here. How’ve you been?”
   his eyes mapped your body, not in a sexual way. Just noting the small changes that occured over a year and a half. You kept your hair the same length, as well as your taste in clothing. Your face was a bit more matured, but still held it’s natural beauty.
   the way you spoke to him made his heart twinge. It was so friendly. Of course it was friendly, but he still hated it. “I’ve been quite alright. You?” he questions. “I’m great, couldn’t be better really.” you shrug your shoulders. His heart tugged violently.
   better. Couldn’t be better. In his mind when the word better came up he imagined being married to you already and living a comfortable, wealthy life. But no, he was here. He forced a half smile on his face “That’s good to hear. Now i must get going. I hope you're finding the power. To help you make it through the darker days”
   he walked past her and as soon as he was out of sight, sped walked to the nearest bathrooms. He locked the door before leaning against it. He slowly slid down until he sat down on the tile floor. It was gross, but he didn’t care at the moment.
   how was he going to work here with you around. It felt as if the air was being violently sucked from his lungs. Was this what Granger called a panic attack? or was his body finally giving up on him. He would be perfectly fine with whatever option at this stage.
   as he stared up at the ceiling, a bitter laugh left his throat “For now, I wait by the hour. If you wanna take somebody's breath away”
   It had been two weeks and Draco felt as if he was going to implode. You were so happy and cheerful and- and- joyful. he just couldn’t understand how you weren’t as broken up as he was or maybe he wanted someone to share his pain. How pathetic was that?
   now here he was. At some boring gala the Ministry was holding. Something about celebrating a new generation or along those lines. Draco couldn’t be bothered to care about details. He took another sip of wine from his glass hoping to get buzzed enough to fly through this boring affair.
   he looks up to see multiple pairs of eyes on him. Wait- not him. Behind him. He slowly turns around as it met with the most breathtaking sight he could ever see. You strolled through the entrance wearing a no strap long lace dress. He swore his heart skipped a couple beats.
   you looked like a princess ready to be whisked away, but you weren’t his to whisk anymore were you? Draco’s jaw locked in place before he looked back down at the wine in his hand. He places it down on a nearby table. “Merlin, you look absolutely stunning Ms. L/n!”
   Granger. “Are you alright?” a male voice asked. Potter. If Weasley showed up, he was going to have an aneurysm on the spot. Draco simply exhaled deeply “I suppose so. I don’t think my mind is processing the fact the she isn’t mine anymore though. So there’s that”
   Harry looked at Draco, studying his facial expressions. It was strange to see him so emotional “If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you two together?” he was treading on thin ice, he knew that. “Long enough for it to hurt this bad”
   and with that. Draco walked away from the chosen one and spent a good twenty minutes talking to random superiors and wealthy couples. It was only when he came from the bathroom he heard your voice for the first time that night.
   “Oh thank you!” you spoke in a enthusiastic voice. Draco stopped mid step and leaned against the wall. Now he was eavesdropping? How pathetic of him. “So Y/n, we heard you used to date Draco Malfoy. Is that true?” a unfamiliar voice asked.
   he inhaled sharply. “Um yes, yes i did” you spoke. You sounded uncomfortable with that question. How dare they pry on your love life? They had no right “So what was he like? Did he cheat on you? Was he a bad boyfriend? I bet he was” his fist clenched at his side.
   Draco wasn’t the nicest person. He knew that, but he showed you as much love and affection his body could produce. He loved you! Hell, he still loved you. You seem to sputter “Uh-” he couldn’t listen to this. He walked out of the small hallway, surprising you and the unfamiliar coworker.
   he needed some fresh air. Now. He pushes through a couple of people with a cold stare. He walks down a couple steps of stairs and hes out the front doors. The cold crisp air hits his face and he felt as if he could breathe again. He reaches up and slicks his platinum hair back.
   a repeated clicking noise could be heard behind him, getting closer. Shoes. No. Heels actually. “Draco” you spoke. He turns around quickly and watches as you step off the concrete and into the grass, holding your dress up from the ground.
   why did he feel so angry? Could it be because you didn’t deny his claims? or something else? “Go away L/n” he spoke harshly. He could see your face turn to one of confusion before a stern look took over “No, your clearly upset so i’m not leaving” 
   still so stubborn. “Are you upset because they asked me about us? If you don’t want anyone to know i promise i won’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation” you said, which only angered him more. How could you be so stupid? 
   “I don’t give a damn if anyone knows about us! You didn’t deny it Y/n! They said such horrible things about me and you just stood there like they were right! Are you fucking serious?! I loved you with everything i had and you act like as if i was the monster!” Draco’s voice boomed, you look positively frightened.
   until you didn’t Then you looked angry “You broke up with me you stupid git! You left me alone and scared while the whole war was going on! So yeah Draco i’m fucking bitter! Screw you! What happened, you were so accepting of me when we first saw each other. You hoped i was well!”
   you were right, he knew that, but he wasn’t done yelling. All of this thought were just rolling off of him in the worst way. You looked disappointed in him. It reminded him of the last time he spoke to you at Hogwarts, but with less crying and more anger.
   “I hoped?! You want to know what i hope!?  I hope you're lonely, hope you're lost 'cause I've been. I'd hate to think you're better off without me  I know we tried to hold on. But where do you go. When love, it just ain't enough?” he spoke, anger leaving him and being replaced with dread and sorrow.
   but he wasn’t done. “Now does it kill you when you think about me? Were you as close to giving up as I've been? I know we kept losing touch. Got lost in the rush...” he sighed deeply, trailing off at the end of his sentence. All his worst thoughts had spilled out of him like a tidal wave.
   you looked shocked and hurt? Maybe he was reading your expression wrong. He couldn’t bare to look at your face. Gulping, he adjusted his tie and turned away to walk off in shame “I pray you don't hurt too much” he chose as his parting words.
   “I don't come close to an angel”
   he stopped. A shuffling sound of fabric heard as you made your way in front of him, jabbing a finger at his chest “You ain't never been no kind of saint” you narrowed your E/c eyes at him. He looked down at you in shame. You removed your finger and stepped back once.
   a bitter laugh forced its way out of you. “But when we both came together. Hell to heaven, you were my escape. But fires don't burn forever and all these ashes crumble when we touch. We danced to death in the fire. What can we do now that the music's done, my love?” 
   his grey eyes went wide. My love? A small feeling of hope bloomed within his chest. You did still care about him. He was your only love and would always be, but you had both been forced apart. Draco was foolish for thinking you had ever lost feelings for the Malfoy.
   now to give him a taste of his own medicine. “I hope you're lonely, hope you're lost 'cause I've been. I'd hate to think you're better off without me. I know we tried to hold on. But where do you go, When love, it just ain't enough? Now, does it kill you when you think about me?”
   you threw your hands up in the air. He could spot tears in your eyes, making him start to choke up as well. That was always his weakness, you crying. “Were you as close to giving up as I've been? I know we kept losing touch. Got lost in the rush. I pray you don't hurt too much” you look down.
   ‘Well, we had it all and we let it fall, But I hope you find whatever you were looking for’
   Draco stepped into you and reaches down to grab your hand “Y/n. During the war i packed a bag in the middle of the night. I was ready to leave my family and run away with you. I wanted nothing more then to pend the rest of my life with you” his thumb caressed the skin of your hand.
   you look up from your heels and met his gaze with teary eyes “Why didn’t you?” you spoke. He smiled sadly, using his other hand to cup your cheek. “My aunt. Bellatrix caught me. The dark lord had found out about you somehow and if i wanted to keep you safe i had to let you go.”
   “The day i broke up with you haunts me in my nightmares. I wanted so badly to reach out and grab you, but love- Y/n you weren’t safe with me.” tears finally escaped his eyes, running down his pale face. You used your hand to hit his chest “I told you i didn’t care Draco”
   he nods, sniffling “I know darling, i should have stuck by your side no matter what, but even the thought of any harm coming to you was to much for me to bare” he let go of your hand. Now he was cradling your face. “I feel as though i am too late” 
   you reach into the top part of your dress and pull out the hidden part of a silver necklace you wore. The silver ring he gave you was at the end of the chain. He felt his heart explode. “You kept it? after all this time. Why?” he asked. You roll your eyes “because i still love you, you foolish boy!”
   Draco was at a loss of words. Unable to speak, he grabbed your face and your lips collided with his in a passionate kiss. It was very sloppy, but showed how much you both missed each other. It made up the amount of time that had passed since you felt each other.
   your the first to pull away from the heated exchange “You better not leave me again Draco” you spoke in a stern tone which made him smile “I wouldn’t dream of it my love. Now, let’s get out of here. There is so much more i want to do with you” his tone became playful as a smirk played on his face.
   your face flushes slightly, but you nod slowly. He holds onto you as you both apparate away to merlin knows where. High school sweethearts, that was what you were. What you used to be. What you got to be again.
   Kody: i- i cried writing this. What a pussy am i right. By the way my inbox is like being a wack ass hoe and not telling me when i get messages so like sorry if you’ve requested something and it hasn’t been posted. (I was also in a depressed state for a bit but whatevs) Anyways, peace!
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miraclekittyandbug · 3 years
Ten Questions With A Twist  Chapter 7 (Final Chapter)
Here ya go!  Final chapter! So exciting! Please don’t hesitate to comment and tell me what you think of it and what you would like to see in the next fic!
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ This Chapter ~
Patrol that night couldn’t have come fast enough. Adrien got there about fifteen minutes early, only to be surprised that Ladybug was already at their meeting place. When he saw her the realization hit him all over again. There, on the ledge of the Eiffel Tower, was Marinette Dupain-Cheng, in a magical suit and a magical mask. She glanced up and him and beamed. His heart melted. There was only one more step to the plan.
“Evening, my lady! How are you fairing on this lovely parisian night?”
Ladybug sighed and smiled, staring at the city before her. “I’m doing… really well. I’ve got all those answers, if you’re ready for them.” She turned so she was sitting cross legged next to Chat, who had sat down to her right.
“I actually have one more question for you to ask him.” Chat focused on his dangling legs, not brave enough to make eye contact with what he was about to say.
“You’re never going to guess all these answers, kitty.”
He responded, glancing her direction, “I have my ways.”
“Alright what’s this question?”
Still not daring to make eye contact, he mustered up enough courage and told her the addition to the list. Her reaction was immediate.
“No. No way, Chat, I absolutely cannot ask him that question! I barely got through the ten you already gave me and that question is a million times worse than any of them! I’m simply not capable!”
Chat shrugged, having expected something along these lines. “You’re capable of anything, Bugaboo. But you don’t have to ask it if you don’t want to. I’ll have the answer either way.”
“He could be anybody, Chat. How can you be so sure? Really, tell me.”
“I’ll tell you what, Bug. Ask the question or don’t. Either way, I’ll explain everything tomorrow night, if you’re willing to listen.”
The next day at school, Adrien couldn’t contain his excitement. Knowing Marinette, he didn’t bother getting to school early. He did, however, wait outside until he saw her run up the sidewalk. Not as late as she had been the day before, but still in a hurry nonetheless. He stood there, frozen for a minute. He watched as she met up with Alya and chatted a bit as they walked up to the steps. He stared in horror as she glanced in his direction to find him gazing at her. 
Suddenly, Adrien realized he wasn’t excited. He was nervous. Like, REALLY nervous. Because if she worked up the courage to ask that question then he would have to work up the courage to answer it. He would have to answer that question that he gave her. THE question. Holy shit, he couldn’t do this. He was sweating. And she was walking towards him. She was blushing, but grew more concerned as she grew near. Adrien felt the sweat trickle down his neck and his face grow flush. He could only imagine what horrifying monstrosity his face had mangled itself into.
But Marinette was in front of him. She waved her hand in front of his face and he snapped out of it.
“Are you okay, Adrien? You don’t look too good.”
Adrien cleared his throat before he dared to answer, “Oh, me? Yeah I think I just need some fresh air.”
Marinette looked around her. “Well you’re already outside, so hopefully that will help. Did you need me to take you to the nurse’s office?”
“No,” he waved his hands in front of him, “I’m just gonna run to the bathroom and splash some water on my face.”
“Okay. And I want you to know,” she lowered her voice so nobody else could hear them, “If you think this might be a panic attack, I know all sorts of techniques to help with that. Breathing exercises and pressure points in your hands, the whole deal. They’re nothing to be ashamed of.”
Oh god, he fell in love with her all over again. He suddenly felt like crying, just because her gaze was so comforting. She stared into his eyes and smiled the most genuine smile. He found himself being drawn to her. Faster than he had control over, he glanced down to her lips and found that she did the same. Microscopically, they grew closer. This, Adrien thought, was not part of the plan. But who am I to resist?
“Adrien! Bro!” Nino called, snapping the two out of their shared reverie. Nino ran up to them, completely oblivious to the fact that he was interrupting something. “Hey, are you alright, dude? I’ve been calling your name for like two full minutes.”
“Yeah,” Adrien shrugged his way out of the awkward air that surrounded them, daring to look at Marinette, he found she was doing much the same. She wasn’t making eye contact and instead she was studying the hem of her sleeve.
And so the day went on.
And on.
And on. 
Adrien got in close proximity to Marinette as often as he could, but once she saw him, Marinette would only blush and walk away. A handful of times she was the one that approached him, but they both lost their nerve before the question was asked or answered.
All too soon, and yet not soon enough, that evening’s patrol was about to start. Chat found himself circling the block a few times, trying to run off his adrenaline. He thought he had purged himself clean of it, but when he landed at their meeting place, his heart started racing again. 
This was it. This was the moment.
“Did you ask that question?” Chat asked, settling down on her left side this time.
Ladybug sighed, “I tried, Chat, I honestly did. But I just couldn’t. Everytime I attempted, my heart started beating so fast and I got in my own head and then I pictured his response and was wondering if it was going to be the response that I wanted or if it was if he would even be able to say that to me or even-”
“Hey! It’s okay! Calm down, you’ll hyperventilate. A friend told me today about breathing exercises and pressure points. Do you know any?”
Ladybug paled, but after a moment took a deep breath and dug her thumb into her opposite hand.
“It’s alright that you didn’t ask. I know the answer anyway.”
“Alright, Chat,” Ladybug relaxed and looked her partner in the eyes, “I’ve waited a day. Now tell me how you know these answers. Because, unless you have proof, I’ll never believe you know the answer to that question.”
Chat was leaning back on the palms of hands, and glanced at Ladybug. “You want proof?” he asked, trying to be casual.
Ladybug looked at him, concern and something unnamed in her eyes, “Desperately.”
“Alright. I’ll tell you. But I need you to promise me something.”
Ladybug sat up straighter when she saw Chat do the same, “Whatever you need.”
“Promise me you won’t interrupt me. I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to finish saying what I have to say if you stop me at any point.”
Her eyes grazed the skyline, something in her knowing that things were about to change. “I promise. I’m ready.”
Chat faced his partner and crossed his legs.
“This boy you like has blonde hair and green eyes. He’s really good at fencing and loves his friends,” somewhere in his mind, Chat was aware that these weren’t the answers, but he couldn’t help himself. He needed to describe himself fully. “But you already knew that.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Man, this is harder than I thought it would be.” Ladybug put a hand on his knee. Not interrupting, because she promised she wouldn’t, but just making enough contact to let him know she was listening. 
Chat continued, “This boy you like wants to visit Italy. He’s been before but never got to sightsee because of his father’s business. His favorite animals are cats, and if he could have any pet in the world he would have a black cat named the Plague. His worst fear is that he’s going to work for his father his whole life when he actually wants to be a stay at home dad one day. His favorite movie is The Princess Bride and he even referenced it when he was asked what his name was by responding ‘Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.’ If he were stuck on an island he would bring his three best friends to keep him company. He said he goes to Hogwarts and you were really frustrated that he wasn’t giving you straight answers. His favorite dessert is the macarons from your parents bakery. And, my lady, if you had asked him that question, the one I begged you to ask him.” Chat looked her in the eyes for the first time since he started talking, “If you had worked up the nerve to ask and he had worked up the nerve to answer, I would have told you that I am in love with Ladybug, but I’m really starting to fall for you too, Marinette.” 
Her eyes were red-rimmed and watery. The two just stared at each other for a moment. There was only silence between them, heavy and filled with something neither of them could name. Chat was forcing himself not to think about what he just did, if only because she hadn’t responded yet. Ladybug’s lips were wavering, but not in a frown or a smile, only twitching as if they were eager to say something but hadn’t been given a script. Chat was about to run away- go around Paris and chase rooftops while he tried not to consider the damage he had just done to the most important relationship in his life. 
But then he heard a chuckle, short and sweet. Tears were streaming down her face, but the chuckle built itself up into a giggle and then into the sounds of laughter. If that sound, still, he thought, the most beautiful sound in the world, was any indication, those were tears of joy falling between them.
Ladybug clutched her stomach in laughter and her heart in joy. Chat heard her talk through her laughter, “You’re such an asshole! You made me reconsider my sexuality!” She was leaning towards him with tears still in her eyes, staring at him incredulously, “You actually had me thinking I might have been poly!”
It was impossible for Chat to stifle his own laugh, “Hey, you had me thinking the same thing before I figured it out!” 
Something magnetic within her drew her closer to Chat, “I can’t believe it, she spoke, mostly to herself, “I fell in love with the same boy twice.” Chat could barely hear her over the sounds of the city, “Chat, I think you should ask out this girl.”
At full volume, he leans his head down so he could catch her eye, “Would you go out with me, Ladybug?”
Another laugh erupted from her, this time loud enough for the whole world to hear, “Silly kitty. Superheroes can’t date! I think you’d be much happier if your civilian self asked out that Marinette girl. I have a feeling she’ll say yes.”
~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ This Chapter ~
And that’s all she wrote! I so hope you guys liked this. Please don’t hesitate to send me asks, as I would really love to write more for you! I’m working on another fic in the meantime, but it will probably be a while until it’s out. 
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your like and comments and reblogs!
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What true love feels like - part 1 | Tom Felton imagine
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for...my very first TOM FELTON imagine. (Just kidding, I was probably the only one waiting lol).
Word count: 2129
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: This is going to be a mini series. I really hope you’ll like it. Section written in italic is a flashback.
When I was a little kid, I loved going to weddings. God knows how many times I was asked to be a flower girl or a bridesmaid. All the decoration, the music, the spirit of true love mesmerized me, and I usually find myself imagining my own wedding. I had it all planned out by the time I met Him. And when proposed to me after five years of dating, I knew my time had come. Everything looked exactly how I wanted it. The huge mansion was covered in white and blush pink decoration. The sweet scent of the innumerable amount of roses filled the whole place. Family members, friends and their dates were chatting and laughing together. The wedding registrar was already preparing by the arch made out of fairy lights. And the always rainy and chilly London woke up to one of the warmest spring mornings today. Even the weather was on my side.
- How are you feeling sweet girl? – my Mum asked me from the armchair, where she had been sitting on ever since the creator of my wedding dress came to the dressing room to help me put on my huge dress. I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring the perfectly made ball gown with the delicate waist line, hundreds of tulle layers, and sparkling sleeves. It was my dream dress.
- I’m not sure – I confessed to her – Am I supposed to be nervous?
- Nervous? – She looked at me confused – Honey, you might mistake your feeling with excitement. It’s normal for…
- I’m pretty bloody overwhelmed, Mum – I turned to her – Somehow, I feel like I’m going to make a huge mistake if I walk down that aisle.
For the last couple of months, I was too busy with planning the wedding that I totally forgot to take some time and concentrate on myself and on my feelings. I wanted everything to turn out as I imagined it when I was twenty. And everything was just like that. Except me. I woke up today with a knot in my stomach, no appetite and a very bad feeling. All I could think about was that I’m making a mistake.
- What do you mean? – Mum stood up from the chair and walked over to me so she could held my hand as a sign of support – Y/N?
I looked down at our hands, my eyes glued to the silver bracelet with the single white pearl charm hanging on it. I could still remember how his crystal blue eyes sparkled and how warm his gaze was when he gave it to me. We went to Rochefort-en-Terre for a little getaway. We wanted to be somewhere, where they didn’t know him, so we could be alone together. He saw this bracelet at a local family’s jewellery shop and he swore he just couldn’t not buy it. I had never took it off ever since then.
- I just wonder if he is really the one – I bit my bottom lip. I didn’t dare to look up to my Mum’s eyes. They paid everything for our wedding and never complained because of the expenses – I mean, we’re about to make a hopefully lifelong commitment. I just want to make sure I’m not making a mistake here. What if everything goes downhill after the wedding? What if we slowly fall out of love?
- Than you learn to love each other again – She put a finger under my chin, and forced me to look at her – Darling, you’re still young. Of course you have your doubts about a commitment like this. But here’s something to think about: the one that you truly love, will never make you wonder. There’s a difference in the way you love someone. There is the kind that you will fall in love with and this changes with circumstance and time. And then there is the love that you love with your entire being, it never fades, it’s timeless – she kissed my cheek – I’ll go and get your father. It’s almost time.
She left me there with my thoughts. He was such a great and loving person. Passionate about the things he loved. He was always there for everyone if they needed someone. He made me happy. He made me feel loved and respected. He gave me everything he could. And still, I was standing in the middle of the dressing room, questioning myself. I wanted nothing, but marrying my soulmate. I think the sign of a true soulmate isn’t someone you just want to do the super fun stuff with. A real soulmate is the person who makes any ordinary day fun. Some people make all these huge plans to do with their special someone, forget that. Find someone who you can take grocery shopping and still have a blast with. Find someone who makes you look forward to waking up on Monday. I think I had found it.
- Okay okay, listen – he laughed as he dragged me into the supermarket in the middle of the night. I had a very long day and my upcoming exams were stressing me out, but he wanted to help me relax and have a little bit of fun before I pull an all-night study session – Both of us will have exactly 5 minutes to find the best matches to the tasks. When I count to three, we both run to find the products.
- Babe – I whined and tugged on the sleeve of his sweater which I used as a PJ. We were both in our pyjamas, considering that he literally pulled me out of the bed while I was taking notes for my business law class – It’s almost midnight, and I really need to study.
- Shush – he silenced me with sass in his voice. It actually made me smile. He looked so adorable when he was acting like a kid – 5 minutes. 5 tasks.
- Alright, gimme the details – I rolled my eyes and put my hair up in a messy bun.
- First, go and find my favourite candy. Second, find something very random. Third, find something you think I should really try. Fourth, find something in my favourite colour – he led me to spot where we were about the start from.
- And what’s the fifth task? – I looked up at him.
- Find something which reminds you of our love – he kissed me quickly, but before I could kiss him back, he ran away like he was a cannon ball.
- Hey, cheater – I yelled after him, but my laugh gave me away. I loved that man.
I smiled at the memory. He always knew how to cheer me up, when I was down. But he also knew when he had to give me time and space too. I appreciated how he let me moan to him when I had a bad day, or how supportive he was about my dreams and goals. He never failed to be there for me and help me on my journey.
- Are you ready to go? – I jumped a little by the sound of my Dad. I was too deep in my memories and thoughts, I didn’t realize when he came in. He was standing by the door, my bouquet in his hand. He looked worried.
- What’s wrong? – I asked him. This morning he was fine and happy when we were having breakfast. In fact, he was excited about that he can annoy my brother and sister with the fact that their youngest sibling had gotten married first.
- Your mother told me about your unsureness – he smiled at me lightly. I sighed and sat down on the sofa carefully, not to wrinkle my dress. He sat down next to me and took my small hands in his huge ones – Y/N, if you’re constantly having to wonder where you stand with someone, maybe it’s time to stop standing and start walking.
- I don’t know what you’re talking about – I tried to fool him, but he was my father after all. He knew us better than we knew ourselves, so we could never get away with a silly little prank or if we tried to fake sick so we didn’t have to go to school.
- You think I haven’t noticed anything? – Dad laughed a little – June bug, you’ve been quite distant with him lately. He probably thinks that you were just busy with planning the wedding, but I see what I cannot see anymore. And that’s love. You’ve been looking at him like he was just a body, and not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. And I want you to know, it’s okay – He squeezed my hand – Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.
I had to do the right thing. He might had been right about everything, but the whole situation was more complicated than that. That man really loved me. And he was probably already waiting at the altar, nervously looking around, looking at the entrance of the ball room so catch me there. I could see his smile in front of me. I could see him tearing up when my Dad places my hand in his. That man gave me his heart. I helped him pick up the pieces after his first love left him. He trusted me. I couldn’t break him. And Mum was probably right too. I can learn to love him again.
- I need to call him – I said rather to myself and not my Dad. He gave my hand a final squeezed and left me alone in the room. I was glad he didn’t ask me anything. I paced around the room, my dress flying around me while I was manically searching for my mobile. I was chewing on my lips and my heart was beating way too fast. How could I put myself in this situation? How could I do this to him? They were the longest five rings of the call before he finally picked up.
- Y/N? – His voice was surprised. He probably didn’t know why I was calling Him just right before I had to walk down the aisle to marry him – Are you okay?
No, I wasn’t. I forced myself to not to cry, because I didn’t want to ruin my makeup, but I could feel my eyes burning and my throat tightened. I was choking on my withheld sobs. I loved how his voice was smooth, a tiny bit raspy and manly, but playful at the same time. I could have listened to his voice all day long. Just listening how he told me everything about his day or what new projects he has been working on lately.
- I think we were meant to be, but we did it all wrong – I blurted out and collapsed back to the sofa. I let a single tear run down my cheek and drop on top of my pearl charm on my bracelet. I heard how his breathing fastened in the phone, like he was panicking. I was too. I didn’t know what was right or wrong. I desperately needed him by my side to feel his arms around my body, holding my close to himself. Feeling the warmth of his body calming down my shaking frame. I needed him to kiss into my hair and whisper in my ears that he has me and everything is going to fine – I just want to tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you, and I wish I could run to you, and I hope you know that every time I don’t…I almost do. And even though I’m unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you and will continue to love you forever.
- Y/N, what happened? – His voice was filled with worry. Knowing him he was already running his fingers through his hair, thinking about if he should come to see me right away or stay exactly where he was – Talk to me! What’s going on?
- I’m so sorry – I whispered into to phone. By this time, I couldn’t hold back my tears. And I didn’t even care anymore – I have to marry him…
- No, no you don’t have to – He was practically yelling. I only heard him yelling once, when he was completely lost in the ocean of feelings, and we were trying to figure out what was going on between us – Y/N, please…
- I love you, Tom – I said as a goodbye and ended the call. And with that, I ended something which I cherished for years. I ended a beautiful love story.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
Beg for me || Jurdan Dom-Sub One Shot
Jurdan Smut Week 2020   •   DAY 1
@jurdannet @jurdannetrevels
Rating: M
Summary: “I need you.” 
                  “Then say it. Beg for me.”
Masterlist   •   AO3
Thank you so much @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 for helping me betaing this, even when you’re sleep deprived, I have no words! 🧡
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“Look at me, love”
Kneeled before him, Jude lifted her head slowly, her breath coming out in faltering huffs. A prickling sensation ran over her swollen lips. Surely a reaction to the punishing kisses he’d given her just seconds before. The moment their eyes connected, the intensity she saw there sent an anticipatory pulse down to her stomach.
“Do you know why I am doing this?” He said, cocking his head to the side and arms crossed over his chest. His words were low and honeyed. 
Oh she definitely did. Yet, she tugged her lip between her teeth.  
Arching an eyebrow he hauled the little chain that connected with the leather band around her neck, his movement soft but firm. Answer me, it said.
The corner of her lips quirked up a bit. The only sign of defiance she’d allow her body to show, or at least that’s what she tried. “Because I misbehaved… sir.” She quickly added at the change in his gaze.
He chuckled. “I might not be your boss at this moment, but I would appreciate it if you still minded your manners.” With another tug to the chain he signaled her to stand. “On the bed, dear.”
Heat creeped up her cheeks at the appreciative hum that left his mouth at the full sight of her. Black lace that barely covered part of her body, combined with high stockings framing her long legs. She’d bought it knowing he’d like it, but couldn’t get used to how much skin it showed. 
It was almost unfair that he could keep his clothes on. However, she couldn’t really decide if she liked her boss better when he was completely naked, or just like he looked in that moment: bare feet, black trousers and loose white shirt, sleeves rolled up his arms. More than ready to play with her for hours. 
The soft mattress sunk under her. Jude lay down, her pulse rose as he walked towards her. 
“Hands up.” He commanded. A familiar clang reached her ears from the drawer he was rummaging in, sending a shiver down her back.
She swallowed before obeying. He had plenty of punishments in his repertoire, but only few include that artifact in particular. That narrowed the options. 
Cold metal kissed her wrists and Jude gasped. With a small movement she felt the chain of the handcuffs firmly secured to the bed’s headboard. Her chest rose and fell with elaborated breaths.
She was officially at his mercy.
Turning her head back, she watched him loosen his tie and take it off. Popping the first buttons from his shirt open. His carefree movements, along with those mischievous eyes of his always took Jude off guard. 
“Enjoying the view?” He asked.
“You know I do, sir.”
“Hmm.” Her boss purred. “Too bad it has to end.” At that he gently coiled his tie around her head, covering her eyes. He tied it tightly to keep it from falling but not enough for it to hurt. 
Pulling away, he left her there, aroused and disoriented. Jude tried to sense where he’d gone. Focusing all she could on-
Jude yelped when something soft caressed her torso. A low chuckle came from the left. 
The thing about being sight-deprived was that her other senses intensified in a terrible yet exhilarating way. And he knew it very damn well.
Whatever object it was, probably a feather, he used it to roam over every piece of uncovered skin. He trailed it down her arms, her neck, between her shuddering breasts. Dropped kisses here and there, nibbling at her sensitive spots. The sensation was too much and yet not enough, Jude was quickly losing all coherent thoughts. Every time he sucked low moans escaped from her throat.
She breathed his name as his mouth moved down to her hips. He continued his ministrations, carefully avoiding that hot and needy spot between her legs. 
“Are you going to defy my decisions in front of my coworkers again?” 
Of course she would, they were both aware of that. Especially if it lent to more sessions of this. It was all part of their game. She was brilliant at work, with her intelligence and sharp temper she had everyone around her finger in no time. And he, a promising talent on the rise, did everything on his power to conquer her. Even when it implied hiding it from the whole company.  
It felt so good to quarrel in meetings. But it was better when he gave her that look, the one that signaled he would use that same argument against her later. Alone, and naked. 
Jude opened her mouth to answer but felt as if her mind had forgotten how to form words. Fuck, she should be doing better than this, she scolded herself. Focus.
He sucked down on her inner thigh, really close to where she desperately wanted him and she cried out, arching her back. The handcuffs rattled against the board. That damned sound always remained to haunt her in her deepest dreams.
Hot breath caressed her core as he spoke again. “I asked you a question.” 
She licked her lips. “No sir, I won’t.” He hummed, using his thumb to play with the lace of her panties and pulled them down just a fraction. Then he seemed to change his mind and dragged his hands up her sides earning a protest from her. 
Jude felt the mattress shift under his weight, then hot bare skin pressed flush against her as he stretched on top of her. He still wore his pants and even with them, his hardness was evident. She tilted her hips up seeking some friction, but a strong hand held her hips still. She whined one more time and his fingers now grabbed her with enough force to leave bruises.  
“What was that again?” His gruff voice was now against her ear. 
She moved to put her arms around his neck but a metallic sound and a yank to her wrists reminded Jude of her position. She almost said the word she knew he wanted. But held back, huffing in frustration. “I need you.” 
“Then say it.” He groaned, nipping her earlobe. The hand holding her down moved once more, soft fingers positioning on the edge of her underwear. Please, the word was there on the tip of her tongue. With a torturing pace, he slid them under the thin fabric. “Beg for me, Ember.”
“CUT! Excellent, I think we got it. Good work everyone!”
Voices burst around them. 
Jude sighed, the air wavering. Seconds later cold air hit her skin as he moved away from her. 
The tie was taken from her eyes and the bright light blinded her a moment. The handcuffs shackled again and were off a heartbeat later.
“Hey.” She turned to find Cardan, stripped down to only his trousers, with the offending artifact on his hand. “Are you okay?”
She blinked and sat up, taking in her surroundings. Filming set, not suite room. And Cardan, her co-star, not her boss. Sometimes she really envied Ember, her character. Getting the chance to live the excitement of a forbidden romance. A hot, forbidden romance. 
At her lack of answer, he sat next to her and cupped her face. Worry filled his voice. “Jude? Did I overstep?” 
“No, no.” Shaking her head, Jude grinned. “You were perfect, I’m just recovering my breath. I tried to put myself more into it this time.”
“I noticed,” Cardan chuckled. “If I’m honest, for a moment I almost forgot we were acting.”
Her heart skipped a beat at his words. Me too, she almost said. Instead she just looked at him. Even out of character there was something in his eyes that captured her in a way she didn’t believe was possible. He was kind, funny and incredibly respectful on and off of the set. 
Jude couldn’t help the real fluttering in her stomach in every scene they shot together. 
She knew romances weren’t unusual in their line of work, but since she was relatively new, this tv series her first leading role, she was still terrified to ruin it. Most of all, to ruin the friendship she’d built with Cardan in all those months. 
Coats were given to them, observations from the director and the screenwriters too and at last, they could leave for the day. 
Cardan walked her to her trailer, telling another of his weird experiences he’d had while filming. Tears fell from her eyes from all the laughing. 
“I trust  you’re laughing at the situation and not actually at me.” He teased.
“Oh I’m definitely laughing at you, no need to ask.” 
Making an offended sound he ruffled her hair, Jude shrieking and pulling away. 
“Jude,” He said, his tone more serious than before made her stop her mocking too. “Are you sure everything was okay with the scene?”
A blush covered her cheeks. “It was. You know I’m relatively new to this. I guess I’m just getting used to all of it.” 
He nodded. 
“But, thank you.” She added. “For making sure I’m ok, and...for all of your fun stories that make me relax after. It is...really nice from you.”
Cardan’s wide smile almost left her breathless again. 
“It’s nothing.” He hesitated for a second. “I have more stories though… We could... go buy some coffee and I could tell you all of it. If you want to, of course.”
She stared at him, not quite believing his words. 
He bit her lip and gave her an apologetic smile. “Think about it, will you? I’d really like to...go out with you someday.”
Jude smiled gradually, feeling her heart nearly jumping out from her chest. “I’ll think about it.” She said softly. 
“Let me know.” He walked backwards and winked at her. “And Jude… just for the record, I enjoy being tied up too.”
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @aesthetics-11​ @thesirenwashere​ @jurdanhell​ @nightbringer​ @b00kworm​ @mysweetvillain​ @thefolkofthefic​ @yafandomsdotnet​ @vanessa172003​ @tessas-herondales​
If you wish to be tagged/untagged (or if I forgot to tag you) please let me know!
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pparkerpoetry · 4 years
Face Reality (Part 4)
Title: Set the Past Aflame (and in the ashes let memories linger)
Summary: He wakes up feeling warm. He's not in the End anymore, but will this world be any kinder?
Maybe for once, it'll let them be kids. Maybe it'll let them forgive everyone. Maybe it'll let them heal. Maybe it'll let them be a family again. But then again, Ranboo's always been a dreamer.
Part 1 Part 5 Masterlist
Ranboo woke up on a bed. A bed? He hadn’t had a bed in years. Not since the little shack in the cold, but surely he wasn’t there. No, it was too warm to be there. It was too loud for him to still be in the End, though. Far too loud. Where was he?
Opening his eyes might tell him, he figured.
It took more work than it probably should have, and he seriously considered just letting them fall back closed and sleeping for another few hours, but his mind was already up and ready to go. His body would follow eventually, but for now, it was sluggish and unwilling to do anything. 
“Hey, Ranboo, you up? Or are you just moving cause you’re having another nightmare?”
The sudden noise made his eyes snap open, to stare at who was at his bedside. It was Tommy, of course. He opened his mouth to respond, and only at the last moment remembered to speak in English.
“Why are you so loud?” His tongue felt like lead, heavy and irritating. His throat hurt, but he didn’t think he could bear to look at water right now. “Where am I?’
Tommy scrunched his eyebrows together. “You’re at the cottage, I had to carry you back because you slept the whole time. Big man, I’m whispering. Are you alright?”
Ranboo wanted to laugh, but it’d been so long he wasn’t sure if he knew how. “You carried me? How’d you get through the portal? And I’m fine.”
“Some guy with wings opened it. Are you sure you’re okay? You were super light, You’ve been having nightmares and stuff and speaking all enderman-like and we have to make sure to be quiet around you. It’s fine if you’re not okay, I get what being alone can do to you. You just gotta communicate with me.”
Ranboo exhaled slowly. He wouldn’t cry. It would be useless.
Tommy must’ve sensed his reluctance to answer, so he changed the subject. “Phil’s on his way back now with Techno, they left this morning for a trip because they figured you’d be out for a little longer. I stayed behind, and messaged them a few hours ago because you were sleeping lighter.” There was a heavy silence after that, until Tommy broke it again. “Say, why’d you leave? Did it all just get too much, or did you not want to stay here?”
Ranboo swallowed thickly. He didn’t want to answer, to tear the family apart, but Tommy needed to know. “I think I just snapped. I’d lost my only home, and when Phil brought me here, I thought I’d get a new one, but... “ He paused, fingers fiddling with his sleeve. “I overheard something that I wasn’t meant to. It changed my perspective, and in the heat of the moment, I just… I left. I was going to just run away, but I thought of the End, because that’s where I came from originally, so I went there looking for… comfort.”
It went unsaid that he didn’t get it, but Tommy didn’t need for it to be spoken. He’d seen the city of endermen, angry and disgusted by the hybrid. 
He hesitated to ask, but something told him he needed to. “What’d you overhear, Ranboo?”
Tears welled up in Ranboo’s eyes again and he closed them as he spoke. “Technoblade and Phil were talking about their new syndicate, and what new members to include. I was going to just go in the house, but then Technoblade mentioned me, so I waited. He said they should include me, use my memory issues to their advantage, and let me go feral and all endermen-like on whoever they wanted, so that the blame couldn’t be traced back to them.”
“That’s awful.” Tommy whispered.
“And Phil…” Ranboo smiled ruefully. “He just agreed. He didn’t bother to mention that the man who was mad at his younger brother for using him as a weapon was going to do the exact same thing to a teenager. I realized that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted there, I knew Fundy hated me, I knew Niki was still consumed by grief, and Tubbo, well… Tubbo had you. And you had Tubbo. You just needed to know it, and I would get in the way of that. So, I left.”
Ranboo had opened his eyes by the end of it, and Tommy opened his mouth to say something, but the door creaked.
“Boys? We’re home.” 
Ironic. They weren’t boys anymore. They were boys when the wars raged on, raised in the midst of screams and pain. They weren’t boys now, once the white flags had been put up, once the sound of explosions stopped ringing in their ears. They were men, now, but the adults that had watched them grow had yet to acknowledge it, had yet to notice how badly they ruined their childhoods. Would they ever? Would they ever take responsibility for the long nights that were spent awake because their dreams were haunted by death and famine? Would they?
“Hey, Phil.” Tommy said dully. 
Ranboo turned towards the door, and his gaze met the eyes of the man that he hadn’t seen since the day he left. The man that was part of the reason he left. Not that he knew it, though. Why would he?
“Hi.” Ranboo said, barely noticeable. 
“Hi!” Phil responded, smiling. “You doing alright? You’ve been out for a while.”
Ranboo didn’t answer. He just looked at his hands, which were still red and raw, the skin uneven and bumpy. His face was better, the marks from his sorrow now only raised lines after having longer to heal. They were pink and grey, depending on which side they were on. But his hands- his hands still ached, they were still new wounds, a constant reminder of how badly he was doing. How much he had suffered, all on his lonesome, not even an animal companion to spill his feelings to. He was forced to face his failure, every single time he looked down. 
He could’ve said something about how badly they hurt, all the time, but he didn’t. Phil didn’t care enough, it’d be useful to pretend that he did. That’s what got him into this mess in the first place. So, instead of saying how he felt, he lied. 
“I’m okay.”
Tommy gave a slight huff, but got up to say hi to Technoblade anyway, leaving the other two alone.
Ranboo stayed as quiet as possible, flinching at all of the noises that Phil made as he made himself busy in the kitchen. If the older man noticed, he didn’t do anything about it. The silence was tense and uncomfortable, but maybe it was all in his mind. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
Not much happened until dinner came around, and though Ranboo saw all of the food placed out, he couldn’t bear to eat it. 
“You gonna eat something, big man?” Tommy asked, mouth full of food. 
He hesitated. “I, uh. Haven’t eaten in a while. Endermen don’t really… need it.”
All movement stopped. Though it felt nice to his ears, Ranboo could feel the pressure of the eyes on him. 
“Hm?” Tommy asked. “Say that again?”
“Well, I mean, I was there for a while, I was gonna run out of food eventually,” he stammered. “I discovered I just, I just didn’t need food.”
There was nothing for a moment, then Tommy moved some food to his plate and continued his meal. Ranboo did his best, but he could only bear to eat a few mouthfuls.
The only noise for a while was the clinking of forks on the plates, until Tommy’s communicator buzzed. He took it out to look at, before humming and standing up. 
“What is it?” Technoblade asked.
“Tubbo needs me back. C’mon, Ranboo, we gotta get going.”
Phil made a small noise. “Maybe it’d be best if Ranboo stayed behind…”
Tommy glanced between his family members and spoke tensely. “No, I think he’ll come with me, you okay with that, Ranboo?”
He didn’t want to be left behind with Phil. Or Technoblade. 
“Yeah. I don’t have anything with me, so I’m all set.”
“Oh,” Tommy said, “I actually brought some of your stuff. I couldn’t carry all of it, but I grabbed some of it.” He motioned to a small bag in the corner near where he had woken up. 
Ranboo got up awkwardly, and took a hold of the bag. He didn’t look in it until he and Tommy were on borrowed horses on their way back to (what he assumed was still) Snowchester. In it were four collars, each with a different name from his pets, his old mis-matched gloves, his old memory books, and his crown, which he hadn’t even noticed was missing. He closed the bags, and noticed his hands again.
“Hey Tommy, do you have any bandages to cover these, so everyone doesn’t have to see them?”
Tommy nodded and tossed the bandages to Ranboo, and chuckled a bit. “You know, I haven’t told anyone else that you’re back. Tubbo knows, but I’m not sure he’s expecting you to come with me.”
Ranboo didn’t have another response, and just wrapped his hands. It hurt a little bit, but he couldn’t find the strength to care.
Maybe Niki would.
As buildings came into sight, he finally let his tears fall that had been hidden for so long. He never thought he’d see them again, and though more than a few of them were singed from wars past and maybe a few that he hadn’t been a part of, he couldn’t help but feel that he was finally home. Everyone had said that L’manberg wasn’t a place, but a people, and Ranboo couldn’t help but feel that it was the wrong sentiment for him. The people didn’t care about him. The trees, the foliage, the bricks that had been faced with such love, they did.
Ironic. Like everything was in his life, nowadays.
When he had stopped crying, they finally reached the other snowy biome after going down a long highway that he barely remembered. There was a lone figure standing at the end of it, as if waiting for the arrival of Tommy.
Tubbo looked older. They all did, to be fair. However, whereas Phil’s hair was just a bit more grey, Technoblade moved with a bit more caution from old wounds finally catching up to him, and Tommy had lost his signature loudness, Tubbo had gained a reckless sheen to his eyes. Ranboo wasn’t sure if he liked it, but when he clambered down from his horse, Tubbo smiled at him.
“Hey Ranboo, glad to see you back. Did you get even taller?”
Ranboo smiled, a bit awkwardly, after having gone so long without any sort of positive expression.
“Maybe, I mean I was kinda… embracing my enderman side a little more.”
He made sure to slouch a little more than he had been. 
They all entered one of the buildings, and Tubbo took something out of a chest. “Here, Ranboo, I figured I’d make this for you for whenever you came back.” In his hands, he held out a beautiful leather journal with a delicately made quill, a much better quality than the raggedy ones in the small bag that he clutched. 
“It’s for me?”
“Yeah.” Tubbo said, and pulled Ranboo into a hug after the journal was safely stashed away. “You know, I’m really glad you’re okay. I thought for a minute you might not be.”
Ranboo gave Tubbo a wary smile, mind going back to the feeling of a sudden pulse of electricity hitting his body. “No problem? I don’t really know what to say.”
They had a good stay in Snowchester, but it only lasted a couple of days until Tommy decided to message everyone else that Ranboo had been found. He didn’t know what he expected, but utter silence wasn’t it. Maybe he expected at least one shocked response, maybe a tearful one, maybe… well, at least something, after being gone for who knows how long. Ranboo still wasn’t sure the exact amount of time.
It didn't matter. Niki was on the wooden path, and when she turned to look at the sound of horses approaching, her face became pale. Ranboo noticed that her hair was a different color than he remembered it, but then again, he remembered different times.
“Tommy wasn’t kidding?” was her first question, when they dismounted and walked closer. She placed the basket she was holding down and went over to Ranboo, one hand taking his and one moving to cup his face. “Oh, Ranboo, what happened to you?”
Ranboo didn’t like how his eyes closed when he felt her fingers against his scars, how he leaned into her touch. He’d missed his older sister. Did she miss him?
He didn’t notice when he gave off a soft enderman chatter.
Niki’s gaze fell to Ranboo’s hands, covered in bandages. “Boo, you need to do these differently, these aren’t going to do anything-” and, as she unravelled them, “Oh, Ranboo…”
She looked at his fingers, or claws, that should have been long with the time he’d been gone, if not for how he broke them. He hated how disappointed she was, looking at the red and maroon skin that was still sore and sensitive. He hated that she didn’t bother to ask why he did it. He hated that she had left him all on his own right when he was at his lowest just so that she could exact her revenge, but as much as he tried, he couldn’t hate her.
She pulled Ranboo into a hug, and as much as he wanted to just stay in her arms forever, she let go first and said that she had to hurry home to Puffy. Perhaps that was another story that he’d never learn.
As he left to follow Tommy, he probably wouldn’t’ve heard her last words if not for the way his hearing had changed. 
“I’m sorry I gave up on you.” Her sweet voice, full of sadness that would never be fixed, filled with a fire that had been quenched. She’d had her revenge, but it left her cold and full of regret. Not for what she’d done, but for the hurt that she’d caused because of it.
Ranboo wasn’t sure which hurt more- the fact that she acknowledged that she’d given up on her younger brother but did nothing to fix it, or that she thought that he didn’t need to hear her apology. At that point, he would’ve given anything to hear her apology, but instead of turning around, he flicked his ears forward and kept walking.
She’d given up on him long ago. He was starting to give up on them.
“Hey, are you alright, man?” Tommy asked. “You’re going all misty-eyed and shit.” 
Ranboo managed a weak grin. “Yeah. Just a lot of memories.” 
He’d thought that they’d go home after that, but a shock of orange fur occupied his peripheral vision. When he turned, Fundy stood there, and neither could tell if he was shaking with sorrow or rage.
“So you’re back?” Fundy started. His fur was more vibrant, now. He’d gotten taller, more sleek. His eyes a little beadier. “You just couldn’t leave well alone?” 
“I guess not.” Ranboo said. He didn’t want to fight with Fundy. He didn’t hate Fundy- he was just tired. Not tired of something specific, just tired of everything. Tired of it all. 
“You were better off gone, Ranboo. You left, and I finally- I finally wasn’t left behind or forgotten, because they all figured it’d be easier to forget about you, instead.”
“Was I?” Ranboo chuckled, ignoring the scratchiness at the back of his throat. “I was going to die there, Fundy.”
The fox bristled at the blunt words, and hesitated, but he was stubborn. Just like his father. “Just yell again. Leave me again. I thought we were friends, Ranboo, but then you left? What kind of selfish, shit friend does that?”
Ranboo ignored the pressure building up behind his eyes. “I think we both have issues to resolve before we make things better between us, Fundy. Don’t make me fight with you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
Fundy turned to re-enter the forest. “Yeah, well, that’s what they all say, isn’t it. I suppose I’ll see you around at some point, though, if you aren’t gonna disappear again. Bye, Ranboo.”
Ranboo couldn’t muster up a response to his once close friend. It was too painful.
Tommy watched the whole interaction. “You got some baggage too, huh?” The pair rode their horses a little further and in the distance they could see the gaping crater that by now was old and settled. Tommy sighed, almost wistfully, but with a hint of something else. “Don't we all, buddy.” He patted Ranboo on the back, and kept going.
In hindsight, it was pretty remarkable how mature Tommy had gotten in the time Ranboo was gone. Where was the impulsive, reckless child that Tommy once was?
Was he shivering in an old, rickety bed in a ravine as the lanterns creaked and arguing could be heard from down the hall?
Was he still holding his breath next to one brother while the other threatened his best friend’s life?
Was he facing withers after seeing his brother murdered by his father’s hand, wondering if they ever even were a family?
Was he still staring down a pillar in exile, wind whipping through his hair as the cold air struggled to make it through his lungs, losing the hope and will to keep breathing?
Or, maybe, was he standing in a dark room, ceiling far above him, watching his abuser put a sword to his best friend’s throat, for good this time, completely unaware of anything other than the way that their eyes met, one accepting and one horrified?
Ranboo didn’t know about half of those events, but sometimes it makes you wonder. It makes you wonder what would’ve happened if the children, now adults, would’ve gotten their childhood.
Ranboo shook his head to clear it of thoughts and hurried to catch up with Tommy.
“You know, it really is okay to be all sorts of messed-up.” Tommy said, seemingly out of nowhere. “It really is. I mean, take a look at me, and I’m still kicking.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah!” Tommy grinned, steering his horse off of the wooden path and over to a space of rolling hills. “Hey, follow me.”
Curiously, Ranboo got his horse to obey.
Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a hollowed-out hill, wooden door still there but slowly rotting away, cobwebs living in the dark crevices that he could barely see. It was an old house, if you could call it that, abandoned and lonely. Kind of like himself. 
It was George’s old cottage, from long ago. “This is where it all started huh?” Ranboo asked, a smile finding its way onto his face despite all that had happened. 
Tommy nodded, digging in his pocket for something. He pulled out a black lighter, slightly rusted along the edges but still functional. “For old time’s sake, yeah? What d’you reckon?” With a laugh, a genuine laugh, from Ranboo, Tommy handed over the lighter. “I did it last time. It’s your turn.”
“We’re not gonna be in trouble?”
“No. I don’t think anyone really cares for this place anymore.”
With steady hands, not shaky ones, Ranboo took the lighter and moved it so that it lit a small flame. “Are you gonna want this back, or can I be dramatic with it?” He was starting to feel the adrenaline, a giddy feeling spreading through his body.
“Ah,” Tommy said, “I only kept it ‘cause of you being gone. But now I’ve got you back, I don’t need it.”
Ranboo’s hand found its way into Tommy’s, and he stepped forward slightly to drop the flame, a whoosh going before the past was set afire. They stood there for a moment watching it, though it was pitiful compared to the first one, because it meant everything to them. It meant their freedom, it meant their safety, it meant that they could revisit the past without it spitting in their faces. Tommy pulled his hand away from Ranboo’s roughly.
“Tag, you’re it!” He yelled, pushing Ranboo’s shoulder and running off quickly. He was tall, but his long legs would be no match for Ranboo’s.
The hybrid only laughed. “How old are you?” He retorted, before breaking into a sprint and trying to tackle the blond.
Amidst their roughhousing, they failed to notice as others would step up to see the fire and two men, the ghosts of their childhoods standing and watching the cottage burn, although this one a meager one, and smile fondly. It wasn’t the right time now. They’d make amends later.
For now, they’d let the friends play and enjoy the peace that they’d sacrificed so much for.
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alia-turin · 3 years
Finally chapter 5 and finally things starting to move at very fast pace. There will be 3-4 more chapters based on how long they turn out to be. I hope you enjoy this one as is long, but a lot of things happen. Also I think Avallac’h is a bit of a troll.  Fic Title: Somewhere in Time (Chapter 5) Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 Fandom: The Witcher (Aen Elle) Pairing: Caranthir/F/OC Warning: Canon typical violence for this chapter, mention of scars, angst AO3 Link
Caranthir looked at himself in the mirror, one of the few occasions when he actually needed to do it. Eredin’s, or more like Ge’els’ reception, was today celebrating...something. An anniversary or something like that, Caranthir didn’t really care, it didn’t matter either. Ge’els needed that for his little political games and they all had to behave, the occasion was not important, it was about the game. Caranthir knew how the power in Tir na Lia worked, he knew there were still some who doubted Eredin’s rule. Ge’els called that appeasing the nonbelievers, Eredin called it hunting the traitors. It was all the same.
He was dressed for the occasion even if he didn’t really want to be there, black coat the collar and sleeves lined with grey furs, grey belt over his hips and black pants tucked in black cavalry boots, his Red Rider cape hanging over his shoulder. Well, that was the best he could do, no amount of nice clothes could fix his face so there was that. He thought of opening a portal to Aine’s room but he decided against it. He was going to be civilized tonight as much as he could be.
Walking to her room he wondered what was he going to do from now on. No more running on his end, that was clear but then what? He felt he was on an impossible journey where he didn’t want to let her go but the longer he held her, the worse it would become. Avallac’h was right, he was a cage. He grinded his teeth. Every time Avallac’h was right about something it caused him physical pain.
He knocked on her door and did not wait for invitation - he walked in. She was standing in front of the mirror in her room but Caranthir froze in place forgetting what he was going to say or even do. Whoever the servant who picked that dress was he should start treating them better than the rest. Her hair was tied and falling over one shoulder leaving the rest of her skin exposed. The dress his servants had picked was green, somehow complementing her mismatching eyes, thin straps were holding the fabric to her shoulders, but he could see her collarbones and the elegant curve in her neck. The dress itself was simple, wrapping around her body, tight around the waist but running free around her legs, a long slit was starting from her hip all the way to her feet.
She turned to face him but he was still staring. Women in court had never attracted him in any way or form, too polished for his taste, but seeing her like that...then again she was not part of the court and probably that did it for him even dressed like that there was still wilderness around her. Caranthir wanted to go to that reception even less now. All he could think about was throwing her on the bed and tearing the dress from her body.
“You are not talking.” she finally spoke her voice doing nothing to stop his urges.
He made a sign with his hand for her to come closer and with some hesitation she did. He touched the skin on her neck with the tip of his fingers, her body tensing under his hand. There were still traces of the bruises he left on her neck and some on her shoulders and arms. He cast the spell and it all disappeared. She looked down to her arms, her eyes filled with surprise.
“Not going to walk you in there looking like a battered horse.” He forced a smile on his lips, he wouldn’t have done that if it was different sort of marks.
He opened a portal and saw her surprise just growing at that. She had probably never seen one of those, the one he opened when he took her, well she was unconscious and then the first one she saw was probably yesterday when he walked in her room, but probably never consciously being through one.
“Not using the main door” she smiled, her eyes shining from the candle lights.
“Never.” her grabbed her hand and stepped through the portal making her follow him.
They found themselves on a grand balcony, no one was looking at them. He was right about no one paying attention to their entrance, she could see maybe few people looking at the portal but then they just continued their conversation.
Aine spent the day thinking about tonight and about the opportunity. She was finally out of the room with the door she couldn’t open and away from the servants that didn’t care about her. She did not harbor any illusions that the people here did, she was just above a slave for them, but she also looked enough of an elf to be able to blend and disappear especially dressed the way she was. She needed a chance when Caranthir was not paying attention. She looked back toward the city, the view from here was very different compared to her window. Different parts of the castle, but as it was a reception room she could assume it had easy access to the entrance.
Caranthir placed a hand on the small of her back and urged her to go inside, she obliged.
“Look at you.'' As soon as they walked in a large man approached them, the tattoos on his face looked like blood and his size was almost twice compared to everyone else in the room. “You brought your little toy.”
Aine froze as she heard him speak. That was the same man who had walked into her home and dragged her by the hair in the woods. His voice had been distorted by the helmet, but now it just hit her, that and the frame...she made a step back despite Caranthir’s hand that was still in her.
“Where is Eredin?” Caranthir seemed to pay no attention at the small panic attack she was having.
“Entertaining his guests with Ge’els.” The man made a sign to the main hall. “I guess you are busy tonight? Not getting drunk with me?”
She hoped Caranthir would say yes, he would just leave her to her own devices and he would go with his...she guessed friend. He shook his head. The other man smiled and walked away grabbing a glass of liquor from one of the servants.
Aine exhaled loudly, her knees feeling weak once her whole body was not ridged with panic anymore.
“Are you okay?” there was no concern in Caranthir’s voice, it sounded more like curiosity. Did he even understand what did just happen? Did he...she took a deep breath and collected herself. Just a couple of hours, hopefully less.
“Yes, I’m sorry it is the portal.” she tried to lie as best as she could, she had no idea if he bought it, his face was blank, nothing she could read on him.
“Come on I need a drink.” he led her inside and grabbed two glasses from a servant, he downed one immediately but passed her the second. He grabbed another one for himself. The servant walk away with an empty tray.
The room was astonishing, by far the largest room she had ever seen, still there were so many people inside colorfully dressed, women wearing fascinating dresses, it was hypnotizing and suffocating at the same time. She absentmindedly looked at the faces, that was probably the best of Tir na Lia and beyond. Everybody who was somebody here to pay homage to their king. She raised the glass to her lips, but she didn’t drink. She wanted to be sober when the opportunity arises. As she did that her eyes stopped at a man. Short for Aen Elle, short dark hair, he was far but she could recognize him.
“What?” Caranthir must have seen the change of expression on her face.
“That’s my father.” she pointed with her chin in the general direction, there were at least three other men in that vicinity. “Short, dark hair, dark blue cape.”
“Ailin Eurig?” Carathir looked surprised. “Really?” he looked at her father again and then back at her. “I guess I can see some of it. You want to say hi?”
“No!” she almost screamed. “I’d rather stay away.” she probably sounded more desperate than she was, but honestly there was no reason for them to interact. They didn’t split on bad terms, they split on no terms. Her father always had a strange relationship with her varying from warmth to ignoring. It wasn’t bad, never bad, but it was confusing. She had no idea on which day she would be the bastard child and on what days he would look at her as just a child.
“Interesting.” Caranthir looked at her and smiled as if she was supposed to understand their politics. She knew her father had power and resources. She never knew how much, no one cared to explain that to her, why would they? “If only Ge’els knew.”
“If only Ge’els knew what?” a tall lean man with blond-silver hair approached them. If Aine didn’t know better she would call him a king, there was something regal about the way he walked and held himself. His clothes were formal but simple, his gaze sharp as a cat on a hunt.
Caranthir was about to open his mouth but Aine looked at him pleading and he just smiled. “We were talking about art, seems like lord Eurig found a painter who can match your skills.”
“Interesting.” the man narrowed his eyes, she couldn’t decide if he saw through the lie or was truly offended by the art comment. “Are you not going to introduce me?”
“Ge’els, you know everybody here, do I need to introduce you?” Caranthir smiled almost pleasantly, Aine looked confused, not sure what was going on.
“I know where she came from, I know what you have been doing, but…” the man stepped closer and bent forward a bit. “Fascinating mix of human and elven lines. Almost perfect balance...and the eyes, different colors, very human but also elven... You should come to my studio some time.”
“She would not.” Caranthir moved between her and Ge’els, not even realizing what possessed him to do that. Showing he cared was giving the man advantage but at the same time something in him just stung. He knew very well what Ge’els did with most of his models and that was not happening. Not now not ever.
Ge’els smiled, his eyes fixed on Caranthir. He was going to use that against him, not now, he had no reason to do it now, but one day there will be something that Ge’els would want from him and he would use that moment. No more words were exchanged, there was no need for that, Ge’els just walked away to his next victim and Caranthir had to figure out what he could hold over the adviser’s head. A servant passed and he grabbed two glasses but when he looked at Aine her glass was still full from last time. He drank one glass and kept the other.
“Do you dance?” she randomly asked him. That was the first time she probably asked him a question.
“No.” He answered curtly then he realized it was a party and he had brought her here. So far all they had done was being short with with her and drinking. That was not how he wanted to be, but he also felt that everything he might say could scare her even further away from him, if that was even possible. “However, I do that.” he focused on a man who was standing behind Imlerith, seemingly without a reason the man lost his balance and hit Imlerith, his drink spilling over the general. What followed was angry Imlerith and a man who was very afraid.
“Nothing like juvenile behaviour to impress a woman.” Avallac’h’s voice spoke on his left and Caranthir turned making sure he did not get to talk to Aine the same way Ge’els did. Giving one of them advantage was more than enough for a night. “You are one of the greatest mages here and you use your magic for...what?”
Caranthir stared at him. He wasn’t a child anymore, he could use his magic for whatever he wanted. “Maybe you should have tried it with Lara. Maybe juvenile behaviour would have impressed her more than...what? Moonlight walks?”
They looked at each other. They had crossed a line, Avallac’h knew it and Caranthir knew it, but neither of them was going to step back.
“I hear Eredin wants you to take my place.” Avallac’h smiled.
“He should have done it sooner, with all the disappointment you have delivered.” Caranthir had gotten better at that. Years ago he would have lost his temper. Now the whole interaction was burning him from the inside, but he was still in control.
“The only disappointment I ever delivered is you, Caranthir.” Avallac’h face was emotionless but Caranthir saw how pleased he was in his eyes. “Truce?”
“Why are you even talking to me?” Caranthir’s frustration was growing, it wasn’t Avallac’h’s words, he couldn’t care less what his teacher thought. He hated being treated like a child and that was always how it started and ended.
“It is a social event Caranthir, people come to social events to socialize.” again that patronizing tone as if he was a toddler who needs to be scolded. “I heard an interesting story, from one of your servants. Yesterday when you came to my room I really wondered what despaired you so much to come.”
“Can you stay out of my business?” Caranthir raised his voice maybe a bit too much as could of people nearby turned their heads.
“I would, but you made it my business, remember, you asked.” he was right about that, his own internal tournament had pushed him there. “I’m happy for you.” there was no mockery in his voice, not as he said that. “I’m sure you will handle it well.” there came the mockery.
Caranthir wasn’t even angry that Avallac’h was teasing him, he was angry because Avallac’h was right. He couldn’t handle it well, he could turn a dragon into stardust but he could not control his own emotions or feelings.
“At least I won’t be left for a human.” he gave Avallac’h a smile.
“No but...you were left.” at first Caranthir didn’t understand what his teacher was talking about, but then he turned. Aine was gone.
Aine stopped listening to the conversation that was happening between Caranthir and the other man as soon as the navigator turned his back at her. There was her chance she just needed to calmly find her way to the door and from there the main gate and she would be free. Caranthir’s focus was entirely on the man, his whole body language had changed and she knew he was not paying attention to her, it was as if she had stopped existing, which was exactly what she needed.
She made a careful step backwards, wondering if he would notice, but nothing happened. Another one. Nothing happened. Then she turned around and started walking as calmly as she could, without running, but her feet just wanted to move faster and be out of there. She passed a pair of guards but nobody paid attention to her...of course they didn't. She was dressed like all the other guests, who would stop her. By the time she passed the last set of guards before the main gate she was running. It was so close to her freedom, she would be out of this terrible place and terrifying people.
Suddenly she saw a bright light ahead of her and she lost her balance, falling back on the cold ground. A portal with frost edges appeared before her and Caranthir stepped out of it. Her blood froze in her body. She was almost sure he would kill her now. Didn’t matter if she could not have her freedom, death was a good alternative compared to everything else he could do to her. His face did not betray anything, nor anger nor satisfaction, like most of the night he was just unreadable. He leaned forward and grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her up. Aine didn’t make a sound, she knew whatever was coming was neither going to be gentle nor pleasant. She had to accept it.
He turned her around, her arms crossed over her chest, his wrapped around her. In different circumstances his embrace might be even romantic, now she just felt as if he was about to crush her, pulling her close to his body.
“Crafty little spell that allows me to find you anywhere. You think I would take you out of your cage and just hope for the best?” he was leaning forward whispering in her ear, she could sense the warmth of his breath. “Where do you even think you are going?”
“Home!” She tried to free herself but he was way stronger and his grip was too firm.
“Silly girl. Your home is gone. We burned it to stop the humans from hiding so deep in the woods. You have no home.”
“You are lying!” he must be, there was no reason he would be telling the truth. “And even if you are not lying, anywhere is better than here.”
“Are you sure?” his grip around her eased, he turned her around, his hands still holding hers. It was dark but his pale eyes were reflecting whatever little light was in the yard, he was like a wild beast. “Half human half elf mut, alone in the world. How will that work for you? The elves will look down on you, always. Humans will never accept you, you are better than them why should they.” His words hurt but that did not mean they were a lie. There was a reason she lived far away from everybody. Sure at first she did not have a choice, but then she realized that she would never be accepted by any of them. She will always be different.
“So what, I’m supposed to do? Stay here?” she tried to sound confident, but the words had no bite.
“Why not?” he tilted his head as if he was studying something on her and then reached for her face, his fingers brushing her jaw almost loverlike. “I can teach you magic, you can have whatever you want.”
“I want a home. My home.” Honestly that was all she ever wanted, but right now for her it meant anywhere but here. She was scared, he had made it clear he wanted her here, she was denying him that, she couldn’t see herself living a long and happy life past that point.
Nothing happened for a very long moment, his face remained unchanged, she could read nothing on it. “You can go.” he finally said. “The guards won’t bother you.”
Caranthir didn’t want to watch her go so he turned around and walked back to the castle, angry. He could evaporate everyone here just to satisfy the temper. He wasn’t angry with her, she did the most logical thing one could do, saw an opportunity and used it.
He saw a servant carrying a bottle of alcohol and he grabbed it.
His first mistake was that assumed he could ever be happy in that way. His second mistake was listening to Avallac’h. His third mistake was he allowed himself to believe his teacher. In reality Crevan was right, Caranthir was a cage filled with anger, spite and violence, that was him leaving the cage door open and what happened? His bird left. If he had kept it close she would be here now with him. No, if he had kept her here she would have fought him and things would never go his way. At least not the way he wanted them to go.
He found himself back in the main hall and went straight to the balcony, no one was there so he could drink in peace. He leaned against the railing and watched the city. He could sense her, in a moment of reason he had put a curse on himself to be able to feel her. She might go wherever but he would know where she was and what she felt. He drank. The way she looked at him...she never turned her eyes away at his face, she never even said anything about it. Was it fear or she just...didn’t care? He drank. He could see her mismatching eyes looking at him, pleading with him to let her go. Was he that bad? Was he really that terrible that he did not deserve someone who can accept him for what he was? He drank. Probably locking someone in a room for a week was not the way to do it either…
“My lord.” someone spoke behind him and Caranthir turned around. Ailin Eurig was standing there, Aine’s father. He could pick some of the features from his face on hers, elegance of the face, the thin nose, better suited for her face then his. “Forgive me for the bluntness, but I couldn’t fail to notice the woman that was with you tonight.”
Caranthir narrowed his eyes. He knew that was not a social visit, it was a game. He had started the game by accident by bringing her here, but now the game was unfolding. If he was sober or less angry he could probably figure the game sooner, but he wasn’t so he waited.
“She reminded me of someone, someone I have not seen in years.” the man continued after he saw Caranthir will not respond.
“Yes, she is your daughter.” He decided to cut to the chase, he wasn’t in the mood for long pointless conversation, he needed the man to get to the point.
“Fascinating really.” The man seemed amused and Caranthir could feel his anger building once more. “I’m impressed. From my bastard daughter, who left the home rather ungrateful for everything I had provided for her to your bed. Then again humans and their offspring are good for one thing and one thing only. I hope she brings you as much joy as her mother brought me.” It was the words that burned in Caranthir’s mind but also the man’s smile. He did not care what he thought about the humans as a whole, nor about half elves, but that was personal. He didn’t view her as half elf, she was...like him and she completed parts of him that he was missing. If he was sober or less angry he would probably come up with a clever remark, make the man feel small and walk away. He was neither. Also he wished she was in his bed, not even because of lust, he needed to hold her and be held desperately.
Caranthir turned his whole attention to the man, holding the bottle in his left hand he grabbed him by the throat with his right and pushed him toward the railing. Half of the man’s body was hanging outside all Caranthir needed was just a bit more and the man would decorate Eredin’s front courtyard.
“I cannot decide right now if I want to push you down or I want to turn you in a worm and go fishing tomorrow.” the man’s hands gripped around his wrist but Caranthir was drunk and he didn’t think straight. In that moment he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned. Eredin was standing there.
“Whatever that is, you are neither pushing him down, nor you are feeding the fish with him.” Eredin squeezed his shoulder as if knowing Caranthir was past reason at that point, not even because of the man he was about to kill, he just happened to be the last drop in a very full glass. He stepped back letting the man step on the balcony.
“Your majesty!” Ailin was red and gasping. “Outrageous! Your navigator needs to know his place that was unprovoked attacked and he needs to be punished for that.”
“Punished?” Eredin smiled. “My lord, if I have four peasants, I can make myself four lords. If I have four lords, I cannot make even half of Caranthir.” the king stopped letting the words sink in the air. “I think my navigator and I need to have a conversation if you excuse us.”
The man bowed his head and walked away obviously getting the message of who is more replaceable. Carathir wasn’t proud of himself he knew he overreacted over something he usually probably wouldn’t. Or even sober and calm he would have reacted like that again as it was personal. Eredin looked at him, green eyes filled with...disappointment. First Avallac’h, then Aine and now Eredin.
“What was that all about?” the king finally asked after he had subjugated his navigator to his tortuous look for long enough.
“He said something, I took it personally.” he finally responded, he couldn’t believe the shame in his voice.
“Was it personal?” Eredin seemed curious.
He could lie. He could say yes. But it wasn’t. The man said what almost everybody else thought. Humans were below them and half elves had this strange place in their society that no one could truly define, but certainly they were not Aen Elle. It wasn’t like he and Imlerith had never made a joke about that. But it was also personal, the joke was not about them, the humans or them the half elves. It was about someone Caranthir cared about on a level he did not truly understand. He didn’t answer.
“Your arrogance does not need to hear that, but I will say it once.” Eredin leaned forward and grabbed the back of Carantjir’s head pulling him closer, his lips on the navigator’s ear. “You are valuable to me, and I like you. But I’m the king and I have a kingdom to rule and so happens his lordship is one of the richest and most influential people here. Ge’els tells me he is weak, but he has a son who isn’t, you kill the weak worm, we end up in a civil war. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Caranthir nodded, Eredin rarely spelled out things so loud and clear which only enhanced the gravity of the situation. He knew politics was fragile right now. Despite all the power Eredin held, there were people who just needed an excuse to turn the tables. There were those who thought themselves better than him and those who simply didn’t like him. Mages had ruled over Aen Elle for years and now someone else held the crown. Everyone needed an excuse.
“Ge’els will fix things, you get yourself out of Tir na Lia for a few days.” Eredin stepped back, there was fire burning in his eyes. Caranthir knew if Eredin had a choice he wouldn’t care what happened here, but the crown did not give him more freedom, it did the opposite. He nodded again. Ge’els will do his political talk and Caranthir will be out of sight so he does not add salt to the injury. He preferred to be in the mountains anyway, at least until he figured out his other problem.
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jenonctcity · 5 years
My Responsibility - Part 1
Differences - Huang Renjun 
Part of the Bad Boy Series - Differences.
Badboy!Au, Parent!Au
Warnings: Mentions of mental health problems, dark themes, explicit sex (choking, oral, rough sex), mention of drugs.
Word Count: 6.1k
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When Huang Renjun first started having sex, he couldn’t stop. He became almost addicted to the mind-blowing feeling all – well most, of his sexual encounters gave to him. Although he doesn’t like to talk about the time he hit his head against one of girlfriends’ shelves whilst he had her bent over her vanity table at 4am. That’s a story he wished he’d never shared with his friends, because even to this day, a year and a half down the line, they loved to remind him of it. Not like Jeno, Jaemin, and Haechan didn’t have their own embarrassing sex stories, he assumed. He’d never actually asked.
He dated multiple girls at one time and soon got the label ‘fuckboy’. It was around this time he moved into a shared apartment with the previously mentioned friends, none of them bothering with further education after they left school, and they paid for their rent doing less than legal activities. He’d previously been living in a small apartment his parents rented for him whilst he studied in Korea. His parents soon cut him off after he told them he didn’t have plans of going to university, and he hadn’t been back to China since he left almost 6 years prior. Haechan was quite good at selling drugs, his handsome looks and charming personality making many girls throw money at him for even the smallest bag of whatever it was he was selling at the time. When he wasn’t selling drugs, he was working at the local mechanics with his uncle. Jeno, well he was good at…being Jeno. He found out his raging temper meant he was good at picking fights, and winning fights. He soon started participating in underground street fights and earning cash that way. He got in big trouble with the law, but that’s a story for another time. Jaemin, the cheeky boy with a killer smirk that had girls dropping their pants with one single wink. Jaemin had a talent for racing, and earned his money taking part in illegal street racing in the dead of night.
And finally, Renjun. Renjun was good at stealing, he made a lot of money by stealing cars and selling them on. He’s not particularly proud of it, but he needed to make money somehow. Something else Renjun was good at, fucking . He soon ended up with one girlfriend after he got one too many slaps around the face when his girlfriends found out about his infidelity. She was a sweet girl, and the best part was she didn’t mind when he went out with the boys, smoking and doing drugs all night. Well…she didn’t actually know that he did that, he managed to keep it a secret from her. When she found out, he found himself being dumped. A month later, she asked to meet up with him, where she dropped an absolute bomb of news on him that changed his life forever. That’s how he found himself holding the 8-month-old baby girl currently in his arms as he walked up the stairs of his shared apartment.
Huang Jiyeon had no idea that her father wasn’t ready to be a parent when she was brought into the world. In fact, Renjun was still struggling with balancing being a father and being a teenager. He had only just turned 19 when she was brought into the world and shoved into his arms. He never told anyone, but he had tears pouring down his face as he held the tiny little human he had made. Jiyeon’s mother had no interest in resuming her relationship with Renjun, and she swore to him if she ever found out he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when it was his turn to have Jiyeon, she would make sure he never saw his child again. Renjun made a promise to never do something as irresponsible as that, and since her birth, he’d had her Thursday – Sunday every other week. His roommates had been his support throughout his entire journey, and although none of them had any clue how to look after a baby, they helped when they could. They also reduced the amount of illegal activities they did when she was under their roof. Since then, Renjun hadn’t had a girlfriend and the amount of sex he got was very limited. Although he couldn’t deny the stares, he got from women didn’t make him proud. Obviously, women must like to see a young man with tattoos, dressed in dark clothing, holding a baby dressed in a duck onesie.
“Why can’t I ever find my fucking keys?” He often found himself talking to the infant, despite the fact she couldn’t do much more than crawl and cry. He held the baby girl on his hip, her dark hair pushed back by a pink headband that had a flower on it to match her pink dress, struggling with finding his keys as he tried to juggle holding his baby and all the shopping bags he held. “Hey…don’t repeat that word…especially not to mummy.” He hadn’t quite gotten used to not swearing yet, but he was working on his habit. Jiyeon just stared up at him, then changing her gaze to look at his hand where it was riffling around in his pocket. He let out a sigh and a groan. “Don’t judge me for this okay. And don’t go anywhere.” He dropped the bags to the floor and then gently lowered the baby girl to the floor, sitting her on the doormat outside the door as he used both hands to find his keys. “Got ‘em!” He pulled them out and as he was about to unlock the door, it swung open. Haechan stood on the other side of the door with a raised eyebrow, his stare slowly moving from Renjun to the baby sat on the doormat.
“Dude…you put your child on the floor?” He reached forward and picked up Renjun’s bags for him and Renjun quickly swiped Jiyeon off the mat.
“I couldn’t find my keys, don’t judge me.” He grunted back, entering the apartment and kicking off his shoes. He often found himself telling people not to judge him nowadays, especially as he was still learning how to parent. Jiyeon gave Haechan a toothy smile when she saw him, kicking her tiny legs out in excitement at her favourite uncle. Haechan quickly threw the bags onto the floor without a care.
“I’m not judging you, just questioning your parenting.” He shrugged and patted Jiyeon on the head, taking her little hand in his own before completely snatching her out of Renjun’s arms. He started to talk in baby language with her, leaving Renjun and disappearing into the living room. Renjun followed him and gasped when he saw Jeno lounging on the sofa with a lit cigarette between his fingers.
“Ya! Lee Jeno smoke that on the balcony!” Jeno rolled his eyes but wordlessly moved onto the balcony to continue with his actions. “My life is so hard.” Renjun groaned, running his hands through his thick black hair and back over his face.
“Has anyone told you that you’re starting to grow a mullet?” Jaemin piped in from across the room, an amused smirk on his face as he spoke. Renjun’s jaw clenched and stared at Jaemin.
“Just fuck o-” He was interrupted by a knock at their front door. He let out a sigh to compose himself and without another word he went back to the door he’d just came through. He opened the door and was taken aback to see a beautiful girl stood in front of him. He would describe her to have a casual, girl next door kind of style. Her jeans and jumper combination surprisingly causing a stir in his stomach. ‘God I need to get laid’ he thought to himself as he stared at her.
“Hi! I just moved into the apartment opposite you and I thought I’d just introduce myself to you so at least I know someone in the building! I’m (Y/N).” You chirped, hiding the butterflies you felt in your stomach as you stared at the handsome young man in front of you. The first thing you noticed was his slightly long, black hair. Then you noticed the tattoo that started on his left hand and disappeared up the sleeve of his dark denim jacket. He was wearing black skinny jeans but had on pink socks, a complete contrast to his entire aesthetic that you could see. When you’d knocked at the door opposite your own, you’d hoped that an elderly lady lived in the apartment, knowing you’d easily get along with someone like that. So, to see a devilishly handsome man had you nervous. His lips curled up into a smile and he closed the door slightly behind him as he held a hand out to you.
“Hey, I’m Renjun.” He bowed his head to you and looked you up and down once more. Your curiosity got the best of you and you asked your next question without even thinking about it.
“Do you live alone?” You mentally slapped yourself for being so nosey, keeping the smile plastered on your face instead of cringing at yourself.
“Oh, no there’s three other guys here too, Jeno, Jaemin, and Haechan. I’m sure you’ll meet them at so-” He was cut off by the feeling of the door no longer being on his back, Haechan’s voice cutting into his own.
“Who’s this?” Renjun watched your eyes widen as you laid your eyes on Jiyeon. You also noticed that the man had a similar style to Renjun, his white t-shirt tucked into his black sweatpants. He had a slit in his eyebrow and a graze across his right cheek. The baby in his arms stared at you with a look of bewilderment swimming inside her almost black eyes.
“You have a baby!” Your smile widened and Renjun started to feel his palms go clammy.
“Haechan, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Haechan, and Jiyeon, his daughter!” As soon as the words left his mouth and he saw the look of confusion on Haechan’s face he knew he’d fucked up. Haechan raised an eyebrow and then put on a big smile, turning to face you.
“Pleasure to meet you (Y/N).” He bowed his head to you, playing along with Renjun’s lie despite not knowing the reason why he’d decided to lie to you.
“You too, wow she’s so beautiful! How old is she?” You titled your head, your curiosity piqued about the whole baby situation, considering both of these boys looked like they lived wild lives. Haechan’s mouth opened, his mind completely blanking out as he had no idea about how old the baby in his arms was.
“8 months.” Renjun answered, even though you’d aimed the question at the young man stood beside him. Renjun turned to Haechan and gave him a wide eyed look that you couldn’t see, silently telling him to go away.
“She needs…feeding? Goodbye (Y/N).” He fake a smile and quickly disappeared back into the apartment, leaving you and Renjun stood together.
“She’s adorable…anyway, I’m gonna er, go now. It was nice meeting you.”
“You too.” He smiled, shutting the door as you disappeared into your own apartment. When he turned around, Haechan was stood behind him with a smirk on his face.
“What game are you playing Huang?”
“I’m…not sure yet.” He admitted with a shrug, holding his arms out for Haechan to transfer his daughter back over to him. He pressed a kiss to her head and spoke quietly so only she could hear him. “He’s not your daddy, please never think he is okay my princess?”
It had been 3 weeks since you moved into your new apartment, and since then, you’d seen the men who lived in the apartment opposite you plenty of times. You’d met Jeno when he was collecting the mail in the entrance to the apartment building. He didn’t seem like a man of many words, but you’d introduced yourself and he’d mentioned that Renjun had told him about you. You couldn’t help but think about how good looking Jeno was. His bleached blond hair giving his dark look a sharp look. You noticed how when he smiled, it barely reached his eyes, almost like it was fake. But you then saw how bloodshot his eyes were, so you assumed either he was super tired, or super high. You pretended not to noticed how scabbed over his knuckles were, obviously damaged from his fist flying into something. Your meeting with the final boy had you feeling uncomfortable. Jaemin had shamelessly flirted with you in the hallway after you came back from work one night. His eyes raking up and down your body shamelessly, but then he simply said bye and disappeared into the apartment.
A week ago, you’d bumped into Renjun in a nearby coffee shop. He suggested you both sit together so you did. He was wearing a black hoodie with black skinny jeans, his hair tucked underneath an adidas baseball cap. As you sat with him you both idly talked about your lives. Although you felt yourself being the one who talked more than him, you found out he was born and raised in China, then he came over to Korea to study in high school. He’d told you he was raised by wealthy parents, but that he has nothing to with them anymore because they didn’t support him with his choices. In turn, you’d told him about your life. You had a normal 9-5 job working at the local pet store. It wasn’t anything special, but you could live off of the wage. You told him about your parents and how they were very loving and helped you moved into the city when you’d told them you wanted to. He listened to you with a soft smile on his face, nodding his head along to show he was listening.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked out of the blue, his head tilting slightly as he waited for you to reply.
“No, I’ve only ever had one relationship and that last for around 5 months.” You shrugged, pretending as if it didn’t matter, when in fact, your previous boyfriend had lied to you about being married. It had torn you apart when you’d found out by seeing a text on his phone from someone under the contact ‘wife’. He’d admitted everything to you, also telling you that he lied about his age, and he was in fact 26, not 21 like he’d told you. You didn’t hesitate to break it off with him.
“Would you maybe want to go on a date with me sometime?” He looked confident as he asked you out, a slightly smirk on his lips as if he knew what your answer was going to be. You smiled and said yes, exchanging phone numbers with him.
Two nights ago, Renjun had taken you out for dinner at a local restaurant. It was nothing fancy, but you thought it was the perfect setting. The date went really well, and you found out a bit more about Renjun’s life. However, he still neglected to tell you he was a father and part-time thief. Instead he told you about his little job that he actually did have on the side. He worked with Haechan on Mondays and Tuesdays, stripping down the cars he’d successfully stolen to sell the parts. It actually did bring him in a lot of money, so he only did it two days a week. Although, he told you that he worked there Monday-Friday. In his mind it was just a tiny lie. You went back to your apartment building after walking home hand in hand with him, and he gave you a soft kiss on the cheek as he bid you goodnight. You went to sleep that night feeling giddy about your new love interest.
It was getting late, and you decided it was the perfect time to settle down for bed. But first you wanted to cleanse yourself of your day before climbing into your freshly made bed. You turned on your shower, testing the temperature and letting out a sigh when it just continued to run freezing cold.
“Damn it!” You groaned, shutting off the water and drying your hand on your jean leg. So much for your evening cleanse. Just as you exited the bathroom to write a note to remind yourself to call your landlord in the morning, the world around you went dark, all your lights fading to nothing. “Fuck!” You let out a shout, not caring if your neighbours heard. Was it a power cut? Was it just your apartment? You needed answers. Without thinking, you navigated your way through your apartment, occasionally bumping into random items of furniture as you went. Once you made it to the door, you opened it and stepped outside into the hall, leaving your foot on the door so it didn’t fully shut. You glanced down the hall to see if you could see any light coming from anyone else’s doors. You squinted into the darkness and took a step further into the hall, completely forgetting about your door until it clicked shut behind you. “Fuck!” You whisper shouted, stamping your foot on the floor as you realised you were now locked out of your apartment in what seemed to be a power cut. What made things worse was you left your phone and keys inside your apartment. “I’m screwed.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes and walking across the hall to apartment opposite. You knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, and you prayed at least one of the four boys were actually in. The door opened and you had to squint to avoid being blinded by the torch of an iPhone being pointed at you.
“(Y/N)?” The torch lowered enough for you to see Renjun stood in the doorway. “What’s up?” You noticed he only had on a pair of sweatpants, his chest bare and you could finally see the rest of the tattoo he had on his hand, it travelled up his arm into a sleeve that finished at his shoulder. You couldn’t make out what it was a tattoo of though because of the dark. You were glad he couldn’t see how your cheeks heated up at seeing him with no shirt on.
“I’m locked out of my apartment and I didn’t know what to do so…” You rocked back on your heels hoped he understood what you were getting at.
“Oh! Come in.” He smiled, moving out of the way to let you in. You entered the apartment and waited for him to shut the door to lead the way. You hadn’t actually been inside of his apartment yet, so you had no idea where any of the rooms where. He took your hand in his own and pulled you through to the living room.
“Is anyone else home?” You questioned when you failed to hear anyone else.
“No it’s just me, we’re alone.” He smiled, sitting down on the sofa and pulling you to sit beside him. “What do you want to do? Normally I’d ask if you wanted to watch a movie or something but well, we have no power.” He laughed softly, his hand coming down to rest on your thigh. You noticed a candle burning on the opposite side of the room, but it only gave off minimal light. Your eyes widened and you were thankful it was so dark so he couldn’t see your reaction to his simple touch. You panicked and just started to talk about your day, asking him about his own. He let out a soft laugh and humoured you, sparking up a conversation about what he did with his day. In your nerves at being alone with your new boyfriend, you just kept talking. And an hour later you found yourself slouched with him on the sofa as you were still talking. You paused and let out a sigh, finally out of things to talk about. “You’re adorable…” He whispered with a small smile on his face. He reached out and cupped your cheek in his palm, tilting your face to his own. Your felt your stomach erupt in butterflies as he stroked his thumb on your cheek. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to your lips, letting his lips linger on your own once he realised you were kissing him back. He continued to kiss you for what seemed like forever, his tongue evading your mouth and pushing against your tongue. The kiss got hot, and you felt like you were having a hot flush as he moved to trail his lips down your jaw to your neck. His hand came to rest on your thigh once more and he rubbed circles against fabric of your jeans.
“Oh…” You let out a breathy moan, his lips attaching to your neck as he sucked at your hot skin. He smirked against your neck, licking at the fresh mark he’d just made on you to mark you as his.
“Can I fuck you?” He was straight to the point, his words causing a searing heat to rush to your centre and causing you to leak with excitement at his filthy words. When you didn’t verbally respond to him, he pulled back, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “If you think it’s too early then you can say no. We can take it slower. I just really want to be buried inside of you; I want to make you feel good baby.” You gulped and let out a soft whimper when the dirty words left his lips.
“Fuck me.” You whispered and without needing anymore prompting, he scooped you up into his arms and almost expertly carried you through to his bedroom in the dark. He threw you onto his bed and you landed perfectly with your head on his pillows. You smiled at his silhouette in the dark, feeling comforted by the smell of him on his bedding. He crawled over the top of you and leaned in for another tongue filled kiss, using one of his hands to travel underneath your t-shirt to your breast. He gave it a squeeze over the cup of your bra and bit at your bottom lip, letting out a husky growl as he tugged your lip with his teeth. You cupped his face with your hands and pulled his lips back to yours, initiating another kiss. He reluctantly pulled away from you and smirked.
“How much do you like this t-shirt?” He tugged at the material, pecking your lips once more. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, confused as to why he was asking that all of a sudden.
“Erm it’s just a t-shirt?” Without giving you a reply, he gripped the material with both of his hands, tensing up as he pulled at it, the fabric ripping from his strength. You gasped and your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. You also felt a rush of arousal leak from you at how turned on that made you. “Jesus.” You moaned when he ducked down, kissing at the top of your breast. He trailed his tongue over your skin, blowing onto where he’d left his spit on you. His caused shivers to cascade down your spin, your head tilting back when he pulled your bra down, his tongue swirling around one of your sensitive nipples. He closed his mouth around the pink bud, sucking and shutting his eyes momentarily as he felt closer to you. Renjun loved sucking on women’s nipples. He had a slight kink for it that he couldn’t shake and loved more than anything to just suck at a nipple until he fell asleep. He once googled ‘why do men love women’s breasts?’ and he was pleasantly surprised to find out that it actually makes the bond between men and women stronger.
“Fuck.” He moaned and moved to give attention to your other nipple. He felt restricted as his cock got harder in his boxers. He grinded his hips against your thigh, biting your nipple and tugging at it gently before letting it go and moving to kiss down your abdomen. He sat back and pulled his sweatpants and boxers in one go, kicking them off of the bed before hurrying to pull your jeans off of you. He couldn’t wait any longer. He hadn’t sex in about two months, which was almost an eternity to him. “God, I want to taste your pussy baby, but it will have to wait until next time; I just need to be inside of you.” You spread your legs for him as he pulled your panties down your legs. You bit your bottom lip, a cool feeling spreading on your folds as the air hit your dripping hole. He groaned as he reached out two fingers, rubbing from your hole up to your clit, spreading your arousal over you before circling them around the bundle of nerves. “Fuck it.” He leaned down and flicked his tongue against your clit, pressing a kiss to it before trailing his tongue up and down your heat, a moan leaving his chest at how good you tasted. You let out a squeak in surprise, automatically winding your hands into his thick hair and pushing his face into you.
“Feels so good.” You whispered, two of his fingers sliding in and out of your repeatedly. He curled them up and sucked on your clit as he rammed his fingers into you faster. Your chest started to move faster as you struggled to steady your breathing, soft moans falling from your parted lips as you felt the heat rising inside of you. He took you all the way to the brink, just to withdraw himself from you all of a sudden.
“You’re gonna cum on my cock baby girl, not my fingers.” You couldn’t see because of the dark, but you would put money on it that he was smirking as he said that. He blindly fumbled around in his drawers for a condom, letting out a sigh when he couldn’t find one. “Hang on.” He jumped up from the bed, about to leave the room when you spoke up.
“I’m on the pill, just pull out.” You needed him so desperately that you weren’t too bothered about him going in raw. You couldn’t see, but he winced and let out a soft groan.
“I’m not risking another baby.” He mumbled quietly.
“Nothing, it’s okay I’m sure Jaemin has some.” He left the room without another word. You heard things clatter and him let out a yelp in pain once before he came back into the room. “Got one!” He wasted no time in rolling it onto his leaking cock, pumping it multiple times as he climbed back onto the bed. He crawled over you, pushing your legs up to his waist as he slowly pushed his cock into you. You held your breath as he filled you up slowly, his lips finding purchase on your neck as he started to thrust in and out of you. His hips built up a steady rhythm, and he removed his lips from your neck to press his forehead there instead. You closed your eyes, your hands gripping at his back and a burning sensation inside of you at how good he was making you feel. His pace quickened and he breathed puffs of air against your skin, little grunts leaving his lips every now and then. He pulled out of you and rose to his knees, using his strength to flip you over onto your front. He manoeuvred you so you were on your knees with your elbows laying against his bed, then he slammed his dick back into you without warning.
“Fuck!” You whined and pushed back against him, his hips pounding against your ass with one of his hands coming down to slap the soft flesh of your ass. “Again.” You whimpered into his pillow, biting at it as a coping method for the ecstasy he was causing you to feel. He smirked, bringing his hand down against you one more time before leaning over you, his lips now next to your ear as he whispered dirtily.
“You like baby? Does my dirty girl like being spanked?”
“Yes, oh fuck right there!” The angle his hips were in was causing the head of his cock to brush against you g-spot perfectly. “Fuck!” You whined as his hands tangled in your hair, dragging you up so your back was pressed against his chest. He wound his hand to your neck, holding you by it with ease but very carefully putting pressure on either side of your neck with his thumb and fingers. You didn’t know you had a choking or spanking kink until Renjun had done both to you. He was making you feel so good, there was little you wouldn’t let him do to you. The knot inside of your stomach became bigger, his pace speeding up until it snapped suddenly. You let out a choke whine, your body convulsing as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
“Good girl.” He pushed you forward onto your hands again, pulling out of you and taking off the condom without a care. “On your back.” His voice held an authoritative tone, slapping you on the ass when you didn’t comply to his demand straight away. You gasped and rolled over fast, spreading your legs for him instinctively. His hand started to work over his cock fast, his breath becoming laboured until he let out a long moan. That’s when you felt his hot cum spurt onto your lower abdomen. He tried to catch his breath as he milked his cock onto you, finally letting go of it and letting out a long sigh. He then let out a soft laugh, leaning over you and placing a kiss to your forehead. “Stay here.” He left the room, coming back a minute later with a wet cloth. He ran the cloth over your body, cleaning you up before tucking you into his bed.
“Thank you.” You whispered with a giddy smile on your face. You felt like you had a new bond with Renjun, despite having only known him for a short period of time. You didn’t want to jump in too quickly, knowing the last time you did that you got hurt. But Renjun made you feel all gooey inside, like a pre-teen girl going crazy over her crush. He opened his curtains, the light of the moon flooding into the room and making visibility better. He opened up his window and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before letting it out with a sigh. He smiled at you, the sight of you in his bed making him feel a spark of happiness rush through him. It had been a while since he’d felt this way towards another woman, the last woman probably having been Jiyeon’s mother. All the other women he’d slept with meaning absolutely nothing to him.
“Stay with me tonight?” He asked after taking another puff of his cigarette. He finished it off and closed his window, coming back to you and snuggling up to you in his bed. You wrapped an arm round him, laying your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he breathed in and out slowly. He pressed another kiss to your forehead and then let out a gentle laugh. “Sorry if I rushed into this too quickly, I just couldn’t help myself. You’re gorgeous and you really turn me on.”
“It’s fine, I would have said no if I didn’t want to.” You shut your eyes and smiled, enjoying the soft flow of conversation you were having with him. You took a deep breath and found the courage to tell him about your last relationship. “My ex-boyfriend hurt me badly…he made me fall in love with him and then I found out he’d been lying to me. He was married and he’d lied about his age too.” You still had your eyes shut, so you couldn’t see how Renjun’s eyes widened in surprise and worry. He instantly knew he’d fucked up with lying to you.
“Oh…what a prick.” He murmured, pretending to be sleepy so that he could get out of the conversation, the guilt weighing down on him now. Renjun wished in that moment that he was like his old self. The Renjun who would date multiple women in one go without any remorse or guilt. But since becoming a father, his point of view had changed, and he knew if anyone like himself dated Jiyeon then he’d beat them until they couldn’t breathe.
“So please never lie to me, even if it’s a big deal then I’d rather you tell me. I just wanted you to know that before he took this any further.” The more you spoke, the more Renjun could see how big the hole he had dug himself was, and it kept getting deeper. He didn’t reply to you, pretending to fall asleep until eventually he did.
It had been a whole week of Renjun avoiding you. Sure, he’d texted you and even facetimed you once. But every time you’d tried to make plans with him, he’d lied and told you he was busy. The guilt sitting on his shoulders like a heavy weight, and the more he lied, the heavier it felt. He’d bumped into you in the hall a day ago when you were coming back from work, but this time he actually was busy, he had to pick up the big lie he’d told you about, as it was his weekend to look after her.
“That’s all you are Jiyeon…one big lie.” He let out a sigh, his baby girl sat on his lap facing him. She was fiddling with her plush giraffe and not really paying attention to her fathers rambling. “Actually, that’s mean, you aren’t a lie. I’m sorry.” He groaned and picked up her bottle from the sofa beside him. “What do I do Jiyeonie? I’ve lied to her about you, and I don’t know how to tell her the truth. What if she doesn’t want to date a dad?” Her innocent brown eyes lifted to look in his, her mouth hanging open as she listening to him. “I really like her, what shall I do? Do I break up with her or do I tell her the truth?” He ruffled her hair, a soft smile on his face as he looked at the little human he had made. “Drink your juice.” He lifted the bottle to her lips, but she whined and turned her face, her little hand coming out to push the bottle away. “Ya! Look if you don’t drink your juice, then you’ll get thirsty, then you’ll get dehydrated and die, and then your mother will kill me, and I won’t be around to kick your future boyfriends ass!” His widened his eyes at her and then furrowed his eyebrows. “Well I guess if you died then you wouldn’t have a boyfriend so that doesn’t really make sense, just forget I said that!” He groaned loudly and let his head tip back. “I don’t even care anymore, do what you want.” He threw her bottle onto the sofa and then lifted his head up quickly. “No I’m sorry! I didn’t mean I didn’t care about you dying, I do! Fuck.” He felt guilty, almost as if he’d offended her despite the fact, she had no idea what he was saying. She smiled widely at her dad, showing off her little teeth as he had a mini breakdown. “Parenting is hard…”
A throat cleared from behind him and he turned his head to see Jaemin stood in the doorway with an eyebrow raised. “And I thought I had problems; you’re talking to a baby like she’s going to just tell you what to do.”
“Well can you do any better?”
“Tell her the truth man, but you did fuck up.” Jaemin shrugged and left the room, leaving Renjun with his own thoughts.
“Don’t tell mummy about daddy’s mental breakdown.” He deadpanned to Jiyeon as she pulled a face of concentration. “…You’re pooping, aren’t you?...is this your way of telling me that my life is shit?...you’re a genius baby!” Every cloud has a silver lining he guessed.
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atinybitofau · 4 years
[ateez] W O O Y O U N G ➣ baby daddy au
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format: oneshot , wc: 1937 , tags: fluffy-angst
• “Shit man! Shit!”
• his eyes dart from between vehicles.
• blood pumping and heart racing.
• his fingers curl around the steering wheel and he’s looking for a way out.
• cornered to the back of an alley way with guns positioned on him?
• it’s not a good way for him to go out.
• really, how was he gonna get out of this one?
• “Fuck bro. It was nice working with you I guess.”
• Wooyoung hisses, gassing his pedal on neutral in attempt to scare off his attackers.
• “Get me out of here, Kang!”
• his friend sighs, “I physically can’t! You’ve got three walls and a target line straight at you in the only open direction. You’re the driver. Get yourself out of this one.”
• “Damnit Yeosang!”
• he hangs up before the blond could suffer.
• he’s looking and looking..
• really regrets taking up Hongjoong’s challenges now.
• “Hey Wooyoung.”
• his eyes flicker back at his dashboard when a familiar voice fills his ears.
• “Wait, Se. I’m leaving daddy a voicemail, sweetie.” he hears your sweet laugh and he thinks he’s already ascended into heaven. “Hey baby, I just wanted to tell you that I love you. No matter what this world throws at us, you love me too? I’m sorry if this is so sudden, honey, but I want to tell you that I miss you. And Seyoung misses you too! Come back home soon, okay? We’ll be waiting for you. Always. Bye Wooyoung, I love you soooo much!”
• his heart triples.
• engine roaring.
• smiling at the faces of the men ready to kill him for the suitcase in the back of his car.
• “Sorry bitches.” Wooyoung mutters shifting gears to drive. “But I’ve got plans with my daughter tomorrow night and I’m not missing that for the world.”
• easy.
• like how it was when he first asked you out.
• got you pregnant?
• married you after five months.
• easy.
• getting out of this conundrum too was so easy.
• “You lucky bastard.” Hongjoong chuckles after Wooyoung slides the suitcase into his hands. “You should’ve died.”
• Wooyoung’s seething with anger.
• blood boiling ready to, “Quit. I fucking quit. I’ve got a family, Joong. I can’t keep doing this shit.”
• Hongjoong’s greedy though.
• he can’t lose his best asset.
• not one of his bests.
• “You can’t just pack your old life up for your new one.” Hongjoong scoffs. “Shove that shit right back up your ass. You’re blood.”
• “Take it back.” Wooyoung sticks his wrist out. “Cut my damn hands off if you have to, hyung. I’ve got a daughter. I’ve got a wife.”
• “You’ve got a y/n.”
• Hongjoong’s relentless.
• you were far worse.
• what he thinks versus what he knows?
• versus what anyone knows honestly.
• as far as they know, you’re just a pretty girl that Wooyoung met at a bar one time.
• no.
• you’re far from that.
• “She’s the love of my goddamn life, you bastard.” Wooyoung takes his leader’s collar by the hand. “And if you even think about putting your filthy hands on my family, I’ll drive my car into yours.”
• he loves his boys.
• his first family.
• but he’s been offered another he just can’t refuse.
• “Hyung, I’m not bargaining my family’s lives.” Wooyoung gulps softening his violent grasp. “You wouldn’t do it for us.”
• see, Hongjoong’s got everything wrong.
• thinks you’re useless and just a pawn to ruin Wooyoung.
• but you were a black market thief.
• a hell of a good one too.
• the healthiest team behind your own body, there was no way you could ever get hurt.
• but no one knows you steal illegal goods and auction them in black market sales.
• you’re just the dark world’s masked angel.
• with your own secrets up your sleeve.
• “Hey y/n, you called?”
• of course you put a bug on your husband.
• how else are you gonna make sure he actually loves you and Seyoung?
• “Ddeonghwa~ can you do me a favor please?”
• Seonghwa sighs. “If this is for that Wooyoung guy again, no.”
• “Pleeeasseee.”
• “Last time I did this, I was forced into a daycare with five babies on my lap.” the 22 year old mob boss rubs at his temple. “I’m a born and raised assassin yet here I am doing a snake’s bidding.”
• “With all due respect, Park Seonghwa the great, you’re also Seyoung’s godfather.”
• “Fine.” Seonghwa defeatedly groans. “Even though I’m sure this has nothing to do with that little devil spawn.”
• “I want you to send Woo’s team an invitation. I think it’s time I introduce myself to my husband’s friends, don’t you think? Take him for me and my daughter only.”
• Seonghwa smiles behind the phone, handing a group of men their share after a job well done.
• “Wasn’t sending a fleet of armed men to your husband introduction enough?”
• playing with your daughter’s hair you smile. “See, but he didn’t know that was me. I just want to show Hongjoong a little compassion, that’s all. Not all sales are final, you know.”
• “Okay fine. I guess that can be arranged. Only for you, y/n. Anything for family.”
• no one can ever say no to you.
• you’ve got family everywhere you go.
• you pierce your ear with the last pearl, your daughter running towards the door.
• “Mommy! Mommy! Daddy’s home!”
• your heart skips like a high schooler,
• running over to him even if he seemed out of the mood.
• “Woo honey, is that you?”
• Wooyoung see’s the two of you and it’s like the world he lived in completely changed.
• kisses you tenderly before taking his excited daughter into his arms.
• “My girls.” he nuzzles his face playfully into Seyoung’s neck. “I missed you.”
• she giggles taking his finger into her small hands. “Daddy, me and mommy are going to a party! Do you think we look pretty?”
• Wooyoung didn’t notice at first.
• cause well—
• you’re always stunning to him.
• his daughter taking too much from you too.
• “Very.” his eyebrow shoots up also running a hand through your locks of hair. “What party is this, honey?”
• “A special one.” you tease kissing him on his lips. “Oh. By the way, there’s a letter for you in the kitchen. Come on, Seyoung. We’re gonna be late sweetie.”
• you take your daughter from your confused husband’s arms and kiss him again.
• “I love you.” you mumble against his lips. “No matter what the world throws at me and you.”
• Wooyoung slumps into your kiss hoping to have you longer but you’re already out the door.
• he’s confused.
• — always knows you’re in charge.
• but he’d like to know where you were going.
• he takes the envelope in the kitchen and opens it.
• Mr, Jung Wooyoung. You have been cordially invited to the guns auction hosted by Park Seonghwa in Junggu, Busan 112. Please attend as requested. allowance: 1 guest.
• he almost tears that shit right up.
• the great Park Seonghwa?
• sending formal invitations to his family house?
• this is much more than a stupid invite he thinks.
• he’s thinking Seonghwa’s lucky his wife and daughter are out for the night.
• suited up and ready to go, he does not hesitate to show up a bit guarded.
• but Hongjoong’s there.
• the whole gang.
• “What the fuck’s going on here?” he whispers at his boss. “You got one too?”
• “I don’t know. Yeosang’s been trying to figure it out but nothing. Seems pretty legit. Guns are on display and everything.”
• “But an invite sent to my own fucking house, hyung? I don’t think so.”
• Wooyoung picks up a couple faces.
• knows some familiar.
• some even coworkers that worked with you?
• now he’s confused.
• but Seonghwa steps up to the podium, dressy as ever, to clear up the last thoughts in his head.
• “Thank you all for gathering here this fine evening.” The black haired raven snoops the room. “Ah, Mr. Hongjoong. Thank you for coming! I see you’ve brought your friends too.”
• Hongjoong’s on a lower scale of the food chain.
• Seonghwa too strong to fight.
• so even Wooyoung stays quiet.
• “Well my assistant has gathered you all here today to announce her retirement! And of course I have to throw her a formal party. After all, she’s been only an asset to everyone here.”
• Hongjoong’s baffled.
• his gang don’t know what’s going on cause this obviously isn’t the gun show they’ve been invited to.
• Wooyoung doesn’t either.
• wait, people like him can retire?
• “Y/n, my dear. Come on out.”
• Hongjoong nearly chokes.
• Wooyoung still mesmerized by the sight of you approaching, legs bare at your dress’ slit.
• “Well fuck.”
• you take a second to glance at your husband’s impeccable reaction.
• “Thank you, Seonghwa. I’ve worked long and hard in this business and I wouldn’t have done it without you. But while you gave me a family, I made one for myself. I’m sure you all have met my husband. Jung Wooyoung.”
• Hongjoong stares at his own hitman with pure resentment.
• “Honey, can you come up here for a second?”
• he can never say no to you.
• pulls at his tie while walking over, taking you by the waist.
• “Y/n, baby, what’s all this?”
• “Our retirement.” you whisper softly. “After all, that suitcase from yesterday gives Hongjoong enough to allow you one too.”
• he smirks under your breath chuckling softly. “And Seyoung?”
• “With Sannie. They’re eating pie in the back.”
• the world can only throw so much at Wooyoung.
• the chances of a wife that knew his own world inside and out?
• the ball the world throws is very big.
• very.
• “Hongjoong, I hope you can accept my husband’s request for retirement? With high approval odds, of course.”
• Yeosang nudges at his boss. “That or you really gonna face the wrath of Jung Wooyoung and his wife. Say yes, you idiot!”
• “Y-yes.” Hongjoong stutters amongst these crowd. “Appeal approved?”
• “Good. Then let the party begin!”
• Seonghwa turns towards your husband with only happy eyes when the crowd gets occupied enough.
• “I’m sorry that this isn’t a solid reform to having the normal family you want. But you know you can’t just throw away your past lives for a new one.” Seonghwa shakes his hand with calm waters under the bridge. “And though our history as rivals hasn’t been great, y/n insists I make some adjustments to my relationships to protect the family I love.”
• Wooyoung worked for Hongjoong.
• you worked for Seonghwa.
• someone’s gotta make changes.
• sacrifices?
• “I’m willing to sacrifice anything for my family, Mr. Park. And if lining my blood with yours is in question, I’ll do it.”
• “People will still be out for the both of you.” Seonghwa reminds, Hongjoong quick to follow approaching from the side.
• “But we’ll be here to protect your family like we protect ours.”
• not once have you ever seen Seonghwa with the notorious Kim Hongjoong.
• but hell.
• the world’s got different types of things to throw, you guess.
• “And well, I’ve always wanted to be a god father so..”
• you smile up at Hongjoong tightening your hand with Wooyoung’s beside you.
• “How nice of us to give Seyoung 7 sinful godfathers.”
ps. very rough edit lol
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youarejesting · 4 years
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Beta: N/A Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS. until the anticipation kills us all… Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot, or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.3k Announcement: This is the end of this Arc we have an interlude and then the final ARC begins there is a great deal of events I am so excited to write about so stay tuned
[Part 1] [Part 69] [Part 71] [Tag Yourself Here]
Mister Dong walked you to the elevator and you took out your phone and began recording hoping to catch a confession to use against him. “Did you tip off the press?”
“Not me, But it happened at the right time, someone else ratted on you, before you could affect the boys career.” He sneered
“You're an asshole, you know that right, I perpetually hate you,” you smiled at him as you got into his car. “The anger is bubbling inside me and I hope you know I won’t go down without a fight”
“I know, that’s why I have an ultimatum, you leave for good from South Korea and take this money and I will let your brother and Areum keep their jobs” he smirked, “think about that.”
“So you're threatening me and my family, that if I don’t leave the country you will fire my brother and his girlfriend?” You were beyond furious with the man, what the hell did he think he was doing, why was he trying to sabotage the boys and yourself. What the hell did he gain? The more you pondered the more you wondered if he was actually working for another company.
He pulled up outside your brother's home and you stepped out phone ringing. Answering you gave mister Dong the finger as he left in his car. “Hello Mal-chin are you okay?”
“Are you okay?” His voice was shaking, he sounded close to tears but not from sadness, he almost sounded like he was in shock “that article, I just saw it. It's from my dad's Pen name. He is a reporter. I didn’t think he would do something like this, I am so sorry?”
“It’s okay, I hated being treated like some kind of saint and getting awards, whilst keeping such a big thing a secret” There really was something freeing about finally getting the judgement you deserved.
“You don’t hate me?” His voice was so tiny and unsure, you smiled softly, no longer feeling the weight on your shoulders but you felt a little sick. Sick that he had to deal with the negative sides of his father's work.
“No I don’t hate you” you sighed, phone buzzing, “I have to go I have another call”
“Hey, Y/n, don’t worry, we have just posted the official article about what happened. The new report says our officers are responsible for shooting the man and you were just present we spun the story a little to pardon you from the limelight” 
“I am sending a statement, read it and memorise it if any reporters ask you to tell them exactly what is written” you agreed and quickly hung up. 
“I was there, with former captain Won-shik and his team, mister Kim Seokjin and we had just rescued Jeon Jungkook, who had been taken by Mister Choi’s people we were heading back in a peaceful rescue mission to retrieve him when we ran straight into Mister Choi he held a gun to Seokjin’s head and told us to stay back. As we were trying to negotiate I got to close and he shot me in the leg while the soldier shot him before he could kill anyone else” You mumbled it felt a little like a lie but the officer on the phone said you were working with Major Won-shik and a part of the team so they consider you in that moment a soldier and are keeping it ambiguous. 
Thanking that you had a spare key to your brothers new house, you headed inside and took a seat on the couch. Jungkook facetimed you, you could see him and Taehyung sitting on the couch in the living room. “Can you sneak over?”
“Not tonight boys, Mister Dong has banned me from seeing you. He is threatening Areum and Thomas’ jobs, I am wondering what I should do?”
“What do you mean wondering?” Yoongi hissed snatching the phone and looking at you through the screen. “If you are even contemplating it then clearly we are dispensable and you should just leave”
“Woah Yoongi that is harsh,” Hoseok said as Jimin tried to calm him down. “We all were contemplating quitting for her and she isn’t thinking the same way?” “Listen if it was my job on the line I would, but it is my brothers and his girlfriend. I would never kill someone to save myself’
“That’s funny, the news says you would” He spat, throwing the phone onto the couch you assumed he left judging by the others calling out his name, Taehyung called your name but you hung up.
Everyone was too stressed but that was such a childish way to handle the situation. You called your brother, hoping the three of you could come to a decision. Needless to say the two refused to let you sacrifice your happiness for their jobs.
It had been almost an entire week since you had spoken to the boys, of course they texted you and you texted politely back but you were working through things. Mostly paperwork with Doctor Chang at his little clinic and your liaison with the Korean army was Major Won-shik who was filing the paperwork and you were given a full military scholarship to be Doctor Changs apprentice.
Finally on the friday you were meeting Wendy and Mal-chin after work the three of you were having a wonderful time, eating frozen yoghurt and window shopping, Mal-chin's hair was still so long and you couldn’t see his eyes.
“Hey do you want me to get you an appointment for a haircut?” He didn’t seem to like that idea as in a split second he blanched before trying to tame his expression. “No, it’s okay if you don’t want to, do you want me to pin your hair out of your eyes?”
He nodded and looked up at you softly letting you move his hair to the side retrieving a pin from your hair you frowned, “I only have a little bow clip, is that okay?”
“It will be fine, I don’t know anyone here besides you two. Just don’t make me look silly.” He smiled and you placed them into his hair. He checked his reflection and deemed it appropriate before you each continued on.
“Let’s have some dinner” The three of you had dinner and you walked Mal-chin to the train where he returned the clip.
“Thank you for letting me borrow it” He smiled, “I just don’t want to cut my hair yet, a lot of guys my age have long hair so I want to fit in and make friends”
“I get it, try all these fun things, while you're young, it’s just hair and you have the rest of your life to change how it looks and the colour--” Cut off by a big hug your last words a wheeze.
“Thank you for everything, for just being here even though my dad…” He sniffed eyes watering and he wiped it on the corner of his dress coat sleeve. “If ever you need anything, I will help however I can”
“Well actually, I know your dad is a good reporter, perhaps we can do business, I have someone I want him to look into” 
The meeting was called at the end of the week, on Saturday and officially your name was cleared. There wasn’t much to do that morning, Wendy and Mal-chin had already helped pick out a business outfit, ‘something powerful like the girls in Kdrama’s’ Mal-chin had proposed when you presented them with the challenge of appropriate attire.
So here you were feeling bad ass with some heels and it had taken a long time to be able to walk in them again and tight black business pants and a deep purple v neck with cap sleeves. You had your nails and hair done as a group, Mal-chin obviously sitting out when it came to the salon but sporting a navy nail polish.
But you were ready and you meant business, this was going to be one meeting they wouldn’t forget for a long time. Because you had information they didn’t know about Mister Dong.
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[Part 1] [Part 69] [Part 71] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags: @theneverdays​ @hi-itstt​ @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaebq​ @w0lfqu33n​​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ @kthstrawberryshortcake​ @vividwoosan​ @seesawsmin-flower​ @tinyunknownflower​ @gguksfilter​ @fawnzilla​ @passionate-love-57911​ @btrombley13​ @novaprime-59​ @hd-junglebook​ @infiredsunflower​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @simplymemyself​ @pars-ley​ @juanitapatricia​ @unicornnomore​ @moments-of-melancholy​ @tatastaetae​
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vgriffindor · 4 years
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aMusketeer Fanfic Master Post
Calling all Musketeers! We’re all in need of a serious dose of our favourites, amirite? I’ve seen a few queries floating around lately asking for some great Muskie fanfic recommendations. I thought I’d do 20 weekly posts, each with a different theme, and ask for your help! There are a ton of great Muskie fics out there, let’s help each other discover them.
How this works: For each theme, please give me your TOP recommendation. It can be a one-shot or multiple chapters, complete or still a WIP, your own or some one else’s, just shout about that one fic that fits the theme and you want people to READ! Reblog to spread the word, with your recommendation and tag me @vgriffindor, or DM your recommendation so that I can post it! I’ll keep each theme as a pinned post up/keep adding to it for the entire week.
Week #2: AUs
It sure is fun to place these four in a different world, and see how they react! Whether it’s the quiet heaven of a bookstore, the flirty, caffeinated vibes of a coffee shop, the perfume of a flower shop, the hard-bitten reality of a detective bureau, or just about anything else you can think of, the boys seem to handle whatever universe we throw at them with their trademark personalities and humour intact.
Midsomer Musketeers by Suzie_Shooter: Exactly what you think and want this to be, when you combine the Musketeers and Midsomer Murders. 
Fraternité et Égalité by BazinMousqueton: Clever, funny, sexy and gorgeously written modern AU in an architectural firm’s office. Slash, but not explicit, almost everyone is bi, and the whole thing is perfection.
(Below is all due to the hard work and enthusiastic response from @animanightmate! Thank you, you are awesome!)
E: yeah, you got me by cherryfeather - modern au graduation party oone-shot with a game of spin the bottle that gets angsty with forthcoming farewells and then very fulfilling indeed.
T: Chapter 10 of the collection of unrelated shorts (very short) His Smile Me Draws, His Frown Drives Me Away by akathecentimetre is entitled  In Goodly Colors Gloriously Arrayed and is a modern au where the lads are working for the Sûreté in Paris (though it’s never confirmed precisely as what) and it’s basically a series of three (the original Inseparables) character studies as they get used to being Responsible Adults. No filth... well, apart from Aramis’s feet...
G: Fancy is a very short modern au short by AnathemaDevice about the cats owned by (or owning) the various season three characters. Includes one of the most beautiful word-sketches of Sylvie I’ve yet read.
E: Mis Adventures by Doom Canary is an utterly filthy, modern British police au short featuring a trans male character that blew my mind in the best ways. If there’s a plot, I blinked and missed it.
T: born like a vapor by mellyflori is - and I can’t believe I’m typing this - a modern au where two of the Four are genies (yep, you read that correctly). It is utterly, unforgettably gorgeous, and just works. Angsty and charming, and has one of the most elegant solutions I’ve seen for “what happens with Constance?” The world-building is done so well it’s almost seamless, and I’m weak for that kind of thing.
T: Brand New Start is a short modern office au by potentiality_26 from Constance’s perspective and is melancholy, sweet, and vivid. OT3 but nothing graphic.
E: One in Ten Thousand by breathtaken is a novel-length modern soul bonds au that, as usual with her, subverts the trope and delves deep into the psyche of an intensely depressed Athos who was in no way prepared to meet his soulmate. It’s hard going at times, but utterly beautiful and very hot.
M: my heart upon my sleeve by cherryfeather is a novel-length modern Shakespearean actors au and I avoided it for ages because the synopsis was written in a deliberately tabloid style and I assumed the whole thing was like that. It is not - it is the most elegant, eloquent, literally tear-tugging bit of angst and mutual pining I’ve ever encountered, and takes in: hurt/comfort, Only One Bed, and friends-to-lovers tropes along the way. Basically, if they were a character in the first two seasons of the original, she finds a place for them in this gorgeous work.
E: The Humbling River (author unknown) is the only A/B/O fic that I will ever recommend, ever. This short is canon era, but I guess it still counts as au? I fell into it accidentally, but it was written so well that I didn’t care about the premise.
E: Une histoire de bleu by ceeturnalia is long. A 100k word modern day au where the lads are security specialists for a private firm in Paris. It is vividly stark and lushly compassionate in one go, and also explores a developing D/s relationship in great detail, so if that’s not your bag, that’s the main core of the story. And it’s handled so well that I have zero hesitation in recommending it, even though that in itself is not really my thing. It’s just so very, very good and, even at that length, still manages to be very tightly written.
M: Death in Waiting by Suzie_shooter is your actual 1920s country house murder mystery with all our favs (seasons 1 and 2 anyway) in a short-novel-length interbellum piece of Upstairs-Downstairs only of course there’s lots of forbidden sex all over the place, and a genuinely gasp-inducing (at least in me) set of reveals.
M: Still Waters by evilmaniclaugh is a modern office au with a twist. It’s porn with a plot (and a great deal of angst), and is startlingly hilarious in places (for good reasons, I promise).
M: Gentlemen of the Road by Suzie_shooter is a highwayman au set, from my vague enough understanding of the descriptions, about 100 years or so after the canon era. As usual for S_s, it’s Athos/Porthos pairing, from the perspective of Porthos, and I keep coming back to it, for the humour, the story, and the sex. Bonus points for Ninon and Rochefort showing up, and our brief glimpses of d’Artagnan being an utter little shit.
M: Mise en place by breathtaken is a short series featuring season 3 characters as chefs. And it’s stunningly beautiful, intimately told from a conflicted Constance’s perspective (something I’m utterly weak for) and I want there to be more because dammit - food and polyamory and found family and so many of my favourite things and I wish she was going to write more and aaaaah. Anyway, everyone is bi and kinky and I am so there for that...
I have so many of these, but I’m going to leave it here while I retain any shred of sanity or dignity, and finish by telling you about my own only (so far) modern au, entitled Summoned (rated M), set in modern-day Cambridge, UK, complete with references to Brexit and climate change, and a detailed depiction of the Fitzwilliam Museum. The MacGuffin is a museum anti-heist. Or is it reincarnation? Or music? Or synaesthesia? WHO KNOWS?! Anyway, it’s 75k+ words of conversations, misunderstandings, music, musings, museum architecture, poetry, stolen kisses, awkward flirting, and confusing flashbacks. There is one extended explicit sex scene and the rest is more along the lines of innuendo and a great deal of heated kissing. And I wrote it in about fives weeks and am rather proud of it, actually.
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wonderlustlucas · 5 years
i hemoglobin you - byun baekhyun
⇢ prompt “Yeah, but Baekhyun doesn’t really talk romantics with me.” ⇢ pairing baekhyun x gender neutral reader ⇢ word count 4.8k ⇢ genre fluff ⇢ warnings swearing. kinda descriptive when it comes to the actual needle idk i’m bad at warnings if needles make u uncomfy don’t read. ⇢ summary You’d think, after some time, your crush on the annoying little shit named Byun Baekhyun would fade away. Fortunately for him (and you), falling out of love with someone brighter than a star is near impossible. Plus, needles are scary and even med kids need their hand held sometimes. Alternatively: Junmyeon found dead in a ditch.—friends to lovers!au ; college blood drive!au ⇢ a/n ok yes i realize this is an odd setting for fanfiction but like,,, my school had a blood drive & what happens in this is exactly what i experienced, minus the whole crush revealing they like me with a kiss thing. so i decided to WRITE IT OKAY?! also, i really tried to make this gender, color, absolutely everything reader neutral but then when i was editing i saw the nurse call y/n ‘miss’ so if i missed anything pls lmk so i can edit it!!! thank u & i hope u enjoy ♥︎
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If it weren’t for that time you tried anal with your ex-boyfriend back in high school, you’d consider Byun Baekhyun to be the biggest pain in your ass. If asked, you definitely could come up with a hefty list of all the things about him that annoy the living daylights out of you, things from the unnecessary high volume of his voice to the time he introduced himself as “Bacon” on the first day of your internship at the hospital.
Truthfully, however, it all comes down to one certain realization: seeing Baekhyun’s stupidly cute smile has become the sole thing you look forward to everyday. For the first two years at university, you did not know Byun Baekhyun. You knew of him. As fate would have it, you were bound to meet at some point with an undergraduate enrollment of around four thousand, and your sanity began its downward tumble the third week of junior year.
At the time, you couldn’t quite put your finger on why he left such a sour taste in your mouth. From a distance, he was a star; this great, big bundle of sunshine and joy, full of life and spirit and in the eyes of someone as mild-mannered as yourself, he was magnificent and everything you wished you were. But, once the barrier between you fell and your relationship swiftly jumped from strangers to friends, you realized just how polar opposite you were. Always going out of his way to meet new people and a little too chaotic for you personally, Baekhyun draws attention to himself without even trying. And you can’t blame him— it’s hard to go unnoticed when you prance around with a thousand-watt smile and the energy of a three-month-old golden retriever.
Sometimes, you wished he had chosen one of the arts as his major rather than health sciences.
Nevertheless, it is hard to ignore such an innocently beautiful soul such as Baekhyun. No matter how many times you told yourself to find a new lab partner, no matter how many countless nights you found yourself rolling out of bed, bundled up in your blankets and into the cold hallway of your residence hall to knock on Park Chanyeol’s door and tell him to open the window for his frost-bitten roommate hiding in the bushes, no matter how many this or how many that’s, you couldn’t help but fall in love with the friendship and chaos that came with Byun Baekhyun.
If it weren’t for that time you tried anal with your ex-boyfriend back in high school, you’d consider Byun Baekhyun to be the love of your life.
“Absolutely not,” you interrupt, looking up from your clipboard in order to search the crowd for the younger boy. Baekhyun groans, wrapping his arms around your waist and dropping his head on your shoulder. “C’mon, ___. He’s fine, you know Sehun.” He whines, adding a drawn-out ‘please’ against your ear. It makes your stomach sink for reasons you’d rather not disclose.
“Baek,” you scoff, wiggling out of his grip despite his best efforts of keeping you against him, “are you serious? Sehun quite possibly may be the smallest person in this room. He needs to rest.”
“He’s twenty pounds heavier than me!”
“Taller, too.”
“___,” he groans, crossing his arms over his chest and mustering his best straight face. It makes you laugh.
“I’m not arguing with you. He did Power Red; he’s not going anywhere. If he didn’t want to miss chem, then he should have made his appointment later. It’s one class. He’ll be fine.”
“Why must you be so stubborn?” Baekhyun sighs in defeat, combing muted silver hair away from his forehead. Your eyes follow the movement, distracted for hardly a second, but he doesn’t seem to notice. “I learned it from you,” you smile, nudging his arm with your elbow. The signature tilted smirk returns. “Tell Sehun I’m sorry, but I—well, we—can’t risk letting him leave. He could have a delayed effect and end up passed out in the staircase. Twenty more minutes and he can go.”
“I get it,” he hums, snatching the tentative schedule out of your hands before you can even protest. For as rash as he may be, Baekhyun is not dumb. And even if he was, he knows that when you are as unrelenting as you are now, there’s no point in arguing. “I think I’m gonna try and donate.”
“What?” You exclaim, maybe a little too loud if all the Red Cross employees shooting annoyed glares your way is anything to go by. Baekhyun truly is started to rub off on you. “I thought you were scared of needles?”
“Heights, ___,” he scoffs, “needles aren’t my favorite, but if I’m going to eventually put them in other people, I better get used to them for myself.” As he explains, he rolls up the sleeves of his hoodie and presses at the soft skin on the inside of his arm before stretching it out for your examination. “I mean,” you hum, holding him still and feeling around for a thick enough vein, “you definitely have the veins. Do you want me to hold your hand?” You sing the last part cutely, lips puckered out at him.
“Will you? Since Sehun has to stay over there, I have no one else,” Baekhyun retorts, using your previous resolve to his advantage. You can’t tell if he’s oblivious or simply choosing to ignore your mockery. Rolling your eyes, you drop his arm and reach for your clipboard, tearing it out of his grasp. “Don’t you have anything else better to do than annoy me? Aren’t you supposed to be watching the donors?”
“Well, yes, but—”
Baekhyun starts, trailing behind you before the shout of his name promptly cuts him off. “Baekhyun! Can you help Jongdae carry in more water?” See, precisely as you were saying.
“But I like annoying you,” he pouts, hugging onto your arm and holding on tight. “Sorry, Baek,” you offer, feelings in shambles because 1) he is so cute you could cry but 2) he’s really distracting and now you finally will be able to focus, at least while he’s gone. Frowning, he releases your arm at last, combing his hair back and once again, you feel like throwing up.
“Go see if you can donate when you’re done,” you remind him, nodding toward the rather quiet donor room. “Yeah, I will. Wish me luck,” Baekhyun grins, blowing you a kiss. Without a second thought, you blow one back.
You have begun walking on an incredibly unstable rope, you realize, the thin line distinguishing the way you look at Baekhyun diminishing each and every day. On one side, he is simply your friend, your lab partner, a coworker of sorts. Comrades working toward the same goal, and once it’s reached, you go your separate ways. But on the other hand, he is much more than that. Now that you no longer live on campus, days spent bullshitting in the dining hall or dorms over, you most certainly do not spend as much time together.
And yet, nothing has changed. Except for your feelings, of course. This time last year, you were minding your own damn business when Chanyeol had to go and mention how much time Baekhyun spends with you instead of him. “Sorry?” You had offered, unsure of what the crease in his brow meant.
“No… don’t be sorry,” he hummed, deep in thought and stabbing at his salad in disinterest, “not to be blunt, but he usually bounces from person to person each week. He’s been sticking to you for, what, six months? Something is up.”
“Don’t you live with him?” You asked, confused. What was he getting at here?
“Yeah, but Baekhyun doesn’t really talk romantics with me.”
“Romantics?” You exclaimed, spit flying from your lips. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice.
“He definitely likes you. God, it all makes sense now! Okay, I need to do some interrogating,” suddenly rushing, Chanyeol was up and swinging his bag over his shoulder before you could blink an eye. “See ya, ___!”
“Wait!” You yelled out for him, but the obnoxiously tall boy just kept running, dodging students meandering around the dining hall. Slumping in your chair, you eventually turned to look out the window, watching as he continued his flight across campus. “Good talk.”
Nothing ever came up afterward. No answers, no clarifications, nada. Chanyeol never brought it up again, despite the expectant raise of your brows the next lunch you had alone with him. You were content shrugging it off— it was out of your hands. If Baekhyun liked you, so be it.
Or so you thought. Turns out, having such unanswered questions dangling over your head every time Baekhyun left his friends for you at parties, fell asleep with his head on your shoulder during chem, or arrived at your front door with your favorite boba in hand just because he ‘was driving by’ left your mind racing almost as fast as your heart. You thought, for some time, that you could dodge such budding emotions by countering it with all the things you didn’t like about Baekhyun. (Spoiler: it didn’t work.)
Even now, as you watch him catch up with Jongdae, the left side of your brain has already begun arguing with the right. You miss his annoying ass already, one side points out. But he was a distraction, now you have double the students to check in, the other reasons. With a heavy sigh, you shake your head to rid such enraging thoughts and turn to said students, counting each one before making your way to the first in line.
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He can’t donate. You realize this before he has even left his seat.
From across the gymnasium, you have continued glancing his way as he went through the mini physical. Just before the finger prick, he shot you a thumbs up and a beaming smile bright enough to challenge the Sun before jerking in his seat at the sudden pinch. Laughing, the grin you returned has not even left your face before his shoulders are sagging, a cloud of disappointment replacing the anxious excitement that was there hardly ten seconds ago. Your smile is gone just as quickly as his.
Standing, Baekhyun nods one last time to the nurse before making his way over, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck from side to side. “Low iron?” You guess, opening your arms for him to nestle into your side like the little munchkin he is. “Yeah,” he mumbles, miserable, and you cringe knowing he’s going to be like this all day now. “I wish I could donate, but…” You drone emptily, trying to change the subject despite the deceitfulness of your ‘wish.’ Over your dead body would you lie on one of those tables and have a harpoon in your arm.
“You should, now that I can’t,” he hums, breath warm on your skin. Convincing as snuggly Baekhyun is, it’s not happening. “Yeah, I’ll pass,” you snort, offering a faux smile to a group of sophomore girls making their way in, shooting confused and envious glances your way. “Make sure to grab a water before starting your Rapid Pass, ladies. If you have not eaten much today, there are snacks by Katie,” you spew, pointing to said girl across the room, “if you have any questions, let me know.” With one last feeble smile, you turn your back to them because, well, it’s awkward facing multiple females whose eyes are trained solely on the boy clinging to you.
“You’re hot when your all doctor,” Baekhyun whispers, lips brushing ever so softly against your collarbone. Suddenly, you regret taking your sweatshirt off during lunch. Swallowing past the panic rising in your throat, you scoff. “Doctor? What doctor are you seeing that directs their patients toward donuts, muffins, danishes—”
“Hot ones, I guess,” he interrupts, smirking against your skin. “Ooooh ‘kay,” you wheeze, heart racing and eyes wide as you wiggle away from him, “y’know, maybe I will donate. Just so you stop bugging me.” Gasping, Baekhyun fakes a bullet to the heart. “Ah, but here’s the thing,” he counters, following close behind as you make your way to the front table, “my job is to distract donors from the needle, hold their hand, tell them ‘good job!’ So, it looks like you’re stuck with me.”
Groaning, you choose to ignore the inexhaustible boy and smile to Lauren once you have reached her. “Do you know if anyone can cover for me for a little? I’m going to try and donate.”
Gasping, she ruffles through the papers spread about her for the volunteer log. Then, “You should be fine. After those girls, the next appointment isn’t until two. I thought you hated this whole concept?”
Snorting, you pull one of the laptops towards you and begin filling out the information needed for a walk-in. “Yeah, well,” tilting your head in Baekhyun’s direction, you sigh, “he couldn’t donate, so now I feel obligated to. Plus, I need a break.”
“Ah,” Lauren hums, writing your name and ‘Walk-In’ on a sticker before passing it to you, “are you guys…?”
Immediately catching what she is hinting at, you jump up from your knelt position and quickly return to your station. “Nope! Negative! Okay, bye Lauren! Thanks!” Laughing, she chooses to ignore your antics, watching after you with a knowing smile when Baekhyun realizes you have left and scrambles to catch up.
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You’re hoping you won’t be eligible since you left the country for vacation with your family nine months ago.
Never mind. It’s fine.
Perhaps your heart rate will be too high. You’re pretty anxious, after all.
84. Shit.
You flinch when the quiet-mannered nurse pricks your ring finger. Praying that your iron will be too low, you lean forward in your seat just enough to see the machine’s reading. 13.4. Fuck.
“Alright, I’m just gonna need you to read this first paragraph and sign here,” she directs you, using a pen to point at each spot. When she stands to wave for the next potential donor, you glance up to search for Baekhyun. You could use one of his smiles right about now.
And what you ask for, you receive. Finding your gaze instantaneously, he shoots you bright, encouraging grin and a thumbs up. It’s enough to calm your nerves. A little.
Offering an uncomfortable smile back, you return to your paperwork and hurriedly finish up, your leg bouncing ceaselessly. “All done?” The nurse returns, smiling softly at you and taking the papers when you nod. “You can head over to the third table in the middle.” “Okie,” you squeak, nice, “thank you!”
Good god, what happened to never allowing one of these needles to go in your arm? Sure, you have had blood tests done before, Hell, you have even given someone else one! But this… this is different. This is no ordinary needle, and you certainly do not have Byun Baekhyun veins.
“How are you doing today?” The Red Cross worker greets you once you have reached the table, smile warm and comforting. Seoyeon, her nametag reads. “I’m, ah… I’ve been better, honestly,” your voice comes out shaky and weak. You cringe. Going to med school and you’re whining over a needle. A big, fat, wide needle that will stay in your arm for more than five minutes. “Aw, no! Why’s that?” Seoyeon pouts, shuffling through your papers and slapping a big sticker onto the bag your blood, eventually, will fill.
“I have pretty tiny veins, so I’m really nervous this isn’t going to go well for me,” you admit, artfully rolling the sleeves of your tee even higher. Humming as she finishes carrying over the rest of the equipment, Seoyeon helps you onto the cushioned table before standing beside you, reaching for your arms. “Well,” she starts, brushing over each one for a few seconds before tying a tourniquet around your right bicep, “lucky for you, we do in fact check to make sure your veins are big enough. Hansol, can you double-check that this is alright?”
Your nerves seemingly do not know how to feel at the given moment. On one hand, these are professionals. They know what they’re doing. Plus, Seoyeon is lovely and has certainly eased your anxiety. Nevertheless, you realize that if your veins are okay, that needle is going to be in you in minutes.
This Hansol skirts around the table to feel the two veins Seoyeon has gone back and forth prodding. “Hm,” he grunts, pressing harder on the vein set deeper beneath your skin, “this one is good.” Oh, Christ. “Okay! Thanks,” Seoyeon smiles, then, once he has left her side, “you can lie back this way, sweetie.”
“Okay,” you sigh, settling back and resting your head on the pillow. Unsure of how to situate yourself, you awkwardly cross your legs and nestle your left arm into the pockets of your joggers, right arm dangling over the edge of the table. Then, just as you have closed your eyes, “___!”
Oh, good. This should be interesting. “Hey, Baek,” you smile at the boy as he jogs over, stopping on your left side. “You made it! No backing out now, right?”
“No, no. I’m praying for the best,” you hum, turning away from him to look straight up at the ceiling as Seoyeon begins sanitizing your arm. “You’re gonna be fine,” Baekhyun sings, tugging your hand out of your pocket to intertwine his fingers with yours, “if Sehun could do it, so can you.”
“I’m just marking where your vein is, no need to tense up,” Seoyeon interrupts, chuckling at how easily your posture has gone rigid at the sensation. Funny, how you only tensed up because of Baekhyun’s tender gesture. “I know I’ll be okay, I just,” anxiously licking the desert-dryness of your lips, you once again turn to Baekhyun, “I’m not looking forward to feeling this thing in my arm for ten minutes.”
“Nah,” he giggles, thumb swiping back and forth against your skin, “I’ll distract you!” Yeah, well you do that every day anyway, you snort to yourself, shamelessly taking advantage of the moment and scanning over his features, zoning in on the pinkness of his lips and the tiny moles sprinkled about his face. From this angle, even the shitty LED lighting of the gym somehow makes him look immaculate. “Alright, I’m going to count down from three,” Seoyeon interrupts your gawking, though you haven’t really processed her words until she’s on two. “One…” She utters, and you are instantly squeezing your eyes closed just as hard as your squeezing Baekhyun’s hand as the needle first breaks skin.
“Oh, shit,” you heave once it’s completely sheathed, rolling the plastic grip anxiously in your increasingly sweaty hand, “that actually wasn’t so bad.” Now that Baekhyun has moved to stand directly behind your head, you stare straight up at him and muster your best smile. Really— it was not as bad as you imagined, felt just like regular blood work. As long as you don’t focus too much on it remaining in your arm, you’ll be fine.
“See! I knew you could do it,” he cheers, letting go of your free hand in favor of combing his fingers through your hair. “Ooh,” you quite literally purr, leaning your head back to give him further access, “so, Mr. This-Is-My-Job, is this how you distract donors?” Chuckling, Baekhyun continues to comb through the knots that have accumulated throughout the day. “No,” he admits, “I usually just talk to them about what they did over the weekend. You’re an exception, though.”
Christ, you hope he can’t feel the way your face heats up at his words. “Ah, well, this is great. Thanks, Baek,” humming, you cannot help but let your eyelids fall closed. Peak comfort when you're donating blood? Not what you would have expected.
“So, what did you do this weekend?”
“Well, I went to Target, which was kind of disappointing.”
“Oh, yeah! Didn’t I see on your story that you only got one pair of pants or something?”
“Yeah! Crazy, honestly. I needed to pick up some things and they were completely out. Even their clothes were kind of slacking.” Before he can reply, Seoyeon returns to check up on you. Gasping in surprise, she gives your shoulder a congratulatory nudge. “___! Look at you! You’ve already filled up a fourth of the bag.”
“Oh shit, really?” Laughing, you try to lean up in order to see, but there’s no use. “Have you been drinking a lot of water today?” She asks. Well, now that you think about it… “Huh. I guess I have. Nice.” Chuckling, she fiddles with the tape holding the needle in place before turning away once more.
“So,” Baekhyun starts conversation up once more, “did you do anything else?”
“I hung out with Junmyeon on Sunday again.” Suddenly, you wish you didn’t tell him that.
“Oh,” Baekhyun coughs, accidentally yanking too hard on the tiny braid he’s attempted by your temple, “how was that?”
“It was fun. He’s a great guy…” Clearly, you are hesitant and he easily catches it. “But…?”
“I don’t know,” he’s not you, “I feel really immature and lame compared to him. He’s like, super chill and polite and somehow, it makes me nervous and then I act like I’m on crack. He needs someone older than him, not younger. A lawyer, or something.”
“___, you’re getting a degree in Neuroscience. What the fuck is lame about that?” Baekhyun scoffs, undoing the braid and starting over on the other side. “I don’t know! I guess I just don’t have romantic feelings for him. Everyone keeps pushing me to go for it and he really is amazing, but… it’s just not what I want.”
“No one’s forcing you to date him, ___.”
Well, yeah, but he doesn’t know the bit where your friends are doing it so you can get over a certain someone else. “I know. I think he’ll be fine when I tell him I just want to be friends.”
When a heavy silence falls over you, you rush to change the topic. “So! What did you do this weekend?”
“I played New Horizons,” Baekhyun chuckles, giving up on the braid and going back to simply combing through your hair. When you laugh, you feel the vibration in your arm and realize with another wave of surprise that you still have a needle in you. Damn, looks like you’re a pro at this. Who knew!
“All weekend?” You snort. He definitely went out for drinks with Chanyeol or something.
“Yes, sadly,” oh, never mind, “I couldn’t help it. It’s so relaxing. I can’t wait to go home and play.” He sounds ashamed. “Hey,” you shrug, “sometimes we need a mental health day. Or weekend.”
“Or week.”
“Year, I’m thinking.”
In the midst of your giggle fit, Seoyeon returns, evidently shutting the two of you up. “You’re all done! I just have to take a few tubes and then I’ll tell you when I’m going to take the needle out.”
“Wow, was it just me or did that seem really quick?” Baekhyun asks, frantically moving to hold your hand when he notices you wince at the uncomfortable feel of the needle moving slightly as Seoyeon fills each tube. “No, you’re right,” she hums, “six minutes! Wasn’t so bad, right?”
“Not at all,” you agree, blinking up at the ceiling. Still, you can’t wait to be done. “You sure? Your hand is shaking really bad,” Baekhyun murmurs,  hovering directly above your face. He looks funny, messy hair cascading around him and cheeks looking extra squishy. It makes you smile. “Yeah, just nervous for it to come out, actually. Feel like it’s gonna hurt,” you admit, accidentally squeezing his hand when all Seoyeon does is remove the tape on your wrist keeping the line in place.
“Alright, you ready? It’s just going to a be a little pinch,” Seoyeon interrupts, giving your fingertips a reassuring squeeze. “Yeah,” you hum, instinctively sucking in a deep breath and squeezing your eyes shut.
The sensation that first registers in your brain is not that of Seoyeon slowly withdrawing the needle from beneath your skin. Actually, it’s unnoticeable behind the gentle pressure lingering upon your lips, soft to touch and minty in taste. Blistex, you recognize, eyes flying open just in time to see Baekhyun leaning back up. “Did you just—”
“Alright, keep pressure on this for me and keep your arm straight up,” Seoyeon interjects, oblivious to what just transpired as she presses a hefty square of gauze to your skin. You oblige, brain cells going haywire still trying to piece together the fact that Byun Baekhyun just kissed you.
“Do you do that to everyone?” Is the first thing you blurt to the grinning boy, who, surprisingly so, wears cheeks just as rosy as yours. “No,” he laughs, moving to the side and continuing to stroke you hand, “just donors named ___.”
“Oh,” wrinkling your nose, you slowly lean upright once Seoyeon instructs you to do so, “can I ask why or am I just special?” When she busies herself for few moments cleaning up all of the equipment, Baekhyun releases your hand in order to cup your face with both hands. “Well, of course you’re special,” he murmurs, thumbs swiping against your jaw, “but I figured this was a good opportunity to show you how much I like you.”
It takes a fat second for you to realize what he’s just said. Like you?
“I’m gonna kill him,” you groan, definitely not the response he was expecting if the way he retracts is anything to go by. “Kill who?”
“Chanyeol! Like, a year ago he went all detective mode on me trying to figure out if you liked me, but then he never said anything again, so for the past year I’ve been going nuts trying not to fall for you because I figured if he had nothing to say, you probably didn’t like me like that, yet here we are a year later and—”
In the midst of your mindless babbling, Seoyeon coughs, promptly shutting you up and you turn to her with a wince. “I just need to wrap you up, then you can head over to Recovery,” her attempt to hide her smile is futile but you don’t comment on it, instead allowing her to wrap elastic tape around your elbow. “Leave this on for about an hour, or you can take it off after twenty minutes. Other than that, you’re good to go!”
“Thanks so much, Seoyeon,” smiling appreciatively at her, you slowly turn to slide off the table with the help of her grip on your other arm. Before you are even fully upright, Baekhyun has rounded the table to help, slipping his arm between yours. Honestly, you feel perfectly fine, but you’re not about to go arguing right now. Once he starts leading the two of you toward Recovery, he breaks the silence once more. “So, were you finished back there, or can I talk?”
Cringing, you shake your head, avoiding looking him in the eyes. “No, I’m done.”
“Good,” at this, you pinch his arm, “Chanyeol didn’t say anything because I told him not to.” Baekhyun shushes you when your mouth opens to argue. “I thought I would make a move a lot sooner. But every time I went to, I just started panicking thinking you didn’t feel the same, because, y’know, you don’t show much emotion. And then you started hanging out with Junmyeon… but that doesn’t seem to be working out, so I decided to wing it.”
Your jaw certainly must be on the floor. Stopping by the snacks, Baekhyun releases your arm so you can fill your hands with a donut, apple juice, and a bag of Cheez-Its. “Glad to see we’re both airheads,” you grumble with a mouthful of donut, “I say we blame Chanyeol.” Making sure you safely seat yourself onto the mats spread around the room, Baekhyun then joins and sits crisscross across from you. “I agree. It’s his fault.”
Then, once you have stopped laughing, Baekhyun leans in close, face centimeters from yours and evidently stealing all the air from your lungs. God, he sure is beautiful. “This means you’ll go out with me, right?” He whispers, wiping away a sprinkle that has managed to stick itself to the corner of your lips.
“I thought you were going to play New Horizons when you got home?” You tease, raising one arm to sling across his shoulders. Groaning, he finally cups your face in his hands, strawberry pink lips ever so slightly brushing yours as his smirk deepens. “I am, but you can come watch.”
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kingbennyboyyy · 3 years
benny’s rwby rewrite: team RWBY redesigns
hello again! in honor of me actually getting some schoolwork done and subsequently having the time to rewatch the first volume of rwby for writing purposes, i thought i’d get out of the way some design notes that have been living in my head for the main girls. with how important colors and motif are in rwby as a whole, i thought that a little more care could be taken. i’ll go into the volume 1 designs most of all, and outline any consistent changes within the character’s notes. i’ll also go into why i’m changing what i’m changing.
with that, my thoughts as always will be under the cut!
ruby rose:
we’re starting strong with ruby’s design, and god do i have some strong opinions about this girl. let it be known that i actually like ruby’s clothing design: i think i’ve mentioned that i think the contrast of a fluffy petticoat and platform boots with a giant scythe and killing monsters is really interesting. that being said, there’s some fucked up geneology happening in the rose-xiao long family.
a big issue i have with ruby and her family members is the fact that despite the fact that yang and ruby are related through taiyang, neither of them have inherited his skintone. you’d think that with how literally their phenotypes are taken, that ruby wouldn’t be white as snow. with how low-contrast ruby’s design is as a whole, i think that her having darker skin would be welcome. adding the bonus of holy shit, a dark-skinned mixed girl is the protagonist makes me really biased toward this. complexion-wise, she should be somewhere between summer and taiyang, but still visibly darker than someone like weiss.
her hair being naturally black and red is perfectly okay for me. i think that it looks nice, and there’s a lot she can do with it. i can’t really complain about it being in her eyes after gushing over her combat cupcake skirt.
what i can complain about is her lack of pockets. like, she only has one little pouch to carry god knows what in. is she really expecting to be able to carry all of her ammunition in that one little pouch? god no. swap out the pouch for some kind of bag, or better yet, a bandolier of some kind to serve the same asymmetrical purpose that dingy little pocket does.  
finally, her eyes. in my ideal world, i would have done something a bit more dramatic to set ruby’s white eyes apart from, say, neo’s grey eyes. maybe making her pupils lighter than black, grey, or even just white. the animators made blake’s pupils smaller to set her apart, why not give ruby’s eyes a little something-something? also, with the contrasting color of her design being either a silver or a white, having her silver eyes be one of the lightest elements of her design is really aesthetically pleasing to me.
weiss schnee:
i’m going to be completely real here, i like weiss’ original design a lot. they really leaned into the weiss part of her: the girl’s white. she’s white as fuck. her dress is white, her little bolero is white, her shoes are white, it’s all white, with just a touch of icy pastel blue to make her feel more cold than sterile. i love it. i’m also a big fan of the other, brighter colors in her design, but i think the introduction of red should have waited a bit longer.
in her introductory outfit, the inside of her bell-sleeved bolero is this blinding, fully-saturated red that is really distracting to the eye. i’d replace this with a blue, sort of like the color of her eyes, and do the same with that little doily piece at the dip in her neckline. i also think that she should have been kept much more symmetrical, the most symmetrical of any of the cast. move that side pony to the center back of her head, put one of those little pouches on each hip, and have her stow her weapon across her back.
also, this isn’t even necessarily a problem, but i think weiss would have benefited from a much more conservative shoe. knowing the schnee family, i don’t they would have found it appropriate for an heiress to be running around in platform heels. i think that pointe shoes, or something familiar, would be really interesting, especially in conjunction with her ballerina aesthetic. her scar can definitely stay as it is; i think it’s both subtle enough to break her symmetry nicely, but also symbolically strong.
also, of all of the characters to give a dramatic haircut, it should have been fucking weiss. i’m all for bi bob blake, but imagine the dramatic potential of weiss just chopping straight through that shit to declare herself independent from her shitdick father. also, i think her hair should be naturally brown, like jacques’ is. the narravite element of her having to tirelessly keep up appearances is really good to me.
blake belladonna:
blake lives in a weird space for me. on the one hand, i would love for her to have dark skin as well, to sort of even the scale in terms of complexion. however, having a dark-skinned woman with literal animal ears being kind of problematic isn’t lost on me. in my opinion, the issue lies in blake being uniquely dark-skinned: in conjunction with ruby and yang, i think that her being dark-skinned is a little less uncomfortable. i think it would also remedy the problem of most of the dark-skinned characters in rwby being either dead or evil, so we’ll make her a bit tan.
with that out of the way, i also really like blake’s design, but she could certainly use some work. she, like many of the other team members, are pretty low-contrast save for the white tube-top thing she had going on. i think the white in her design should be toned down, either to a grey or a purple color. i also think that her arm situation needs to either be long gloves or wrapped-up straps, not both. that motif isn’t anywhere else in her design, and most of the lines are clean and smooth, not all jaggedy like the straps are. keep those bracelets on her upper arms, and make those gloves of hers marksman’s gloves. 
i also think that she should wear thigh-high boots. this isn’t just my bias showing; something about the way those boot cuffs cut off the line of her legs is just really irritating to me. have them attach to that swooping vest situation, this is anime, it doesn’t matter how she’d get into them logistically. also, that gradient situation on her is just terrible. having seen a lot of art of her without that gradient has converted me, her design is just so much more clean-looking without it, and blake really reads as someone who should have a much less complex design, opting for clean lines and nice shapes instead of the frills and textures someone like weiss has.
yang xiao long:
i’m gonna start with something i’ve already mentioned: yang should be brown. the fact that she not nary a fucking hair of melanin from her dad is a crime. ideal yang is brown, but so is her hair to start out. i had the idea of rather than her hair being naturally yellow, starting out brown and being bleached in streaks by the heat of her semblance, and as the show goes on, it gets more and more yellow, and eventually even platinum blonde.
with that out of the way, i do not like yang’s initial design. the puffed sleeves don’t make any sense with her as a character, that weird train situation she has on her belt is an affront to god, and why is she just wearing spats? i think that of all of the people to tear, or hell, burn the sleeves clean off of her jacket, it’d be yang. yang is a fuck sleeves kind of girl. she’s a “i flexed the sleeves clean off of my shit” kind of girl. also, she’s gonna wear a tube top and hot pants, but she’s gonna button up her jacket? fucking what? unbutton that shit. she’s a lesbian vest kinda girl. she can keep her little scarf, and her tube top is a look, so it can stay.
i actually really like yang’s boots. i think they compliment her really nicely, and she’s enough of a brute fighting style-wise to warrant those chunky monsters. the mismatched socks and little scarf are cute touches too, but i think the scarf should start out red. the purple can come in later. addressing the spats (bike shorts? spanx?) situation, there’s a very simple solution: give yang jorts. not even a fucking joke, give the woman jorts. look me in the eye and tell me that yang “t-shirt as a bandana” xiao long would not wear jorts. you can’t. it’s impossible. she would wear neon yellow jorts with that ungodly belt situation and i will not compromise this. the overalls she wears in atlas? also jorts. mistral? black, sure, but fucking jorts nonetheless. jort xiao long will outlive me, so help me god.
... i got a bit carried away there, but i hope you enjoyed my thoughts! i may at some point get around to actually drawing these redesigns, so keep an eye out for that in future!
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