#1. I hope your boyfriend dumps you really really soon
somaligovernment · 1 year
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sourlove · 5 months
I loved your new post about yandere mha boys with pregnant reader I was wondering if you could do one where the baby isn’t there’s and they don’t realise until it’s born ? Pleaseee
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
Oh dear...that's certainly a problem. The birth of your first child was something he was looking forward to with a lot of hope. Hope that seeing him caring for the child would spark a love for him finally. Unfortunately, it's obvious the child wasn't his, and they didn't look like you either.
You had cheated on him. Well, not actually. In truth, by the time Izuku kidnapped you, you were already pregnant with your current partner, who Izuku got rid of, but none of you were aware of it at the time. But acknowledging that was acknowledging that Izuku's image of a perfect family had shattered and it was all his fault.
So he blames you. Throws all sorts of accusations about you cheating and sneaking out to see other men, and then dumping your bastard baby on him. He refuses to have anything to do with the child and only used them to keep you in line, threatening to get rid of them if you misbehaved. Izuku felt broken. He felt as if everything had taken a sudden wrong turn in his life. He felt like he just lost control of the life he had planned. Everything was going to be perfect, your lives were going to be perfect. Then you had to go and spoil it all.
The only thing you can do at this point is try to make him happy. Maybe if you have a couple of kids that are actually his, he will be willing to forgive you and accept that child as a member of his family.
Katsuki is angry. But not at you, he's just pissed that he didn't see something like this coming. When that filthy bastard that used to call himself your boyfriend put his hands all over you, how could Katsuki forget? If he had known sooner, he could have done something to stop it before it got too far.
But he's too late now. Worst part is, he has to watch you pay more attention to a brat that isn't even his. Katsuki grudgingly helps with the baby, still a bit resentful that he wasn't the one to knock you up first. The kid starts to grow on him soon. The little brat sort of reminds him of you and he can even pretend it's his for a moment.
It's not too bad, Katsuki decided one night as the baby lay fast asleep on his chest and you curled up next to him on the couch, dozing off as well. Maybe he was cut out for this family shit after all.
Oh boy...
He's relieved that he technically had no part to play in it but he's also very pissed. Who would dare to touch his darling? He hates the thought of anyone being able to impregnate you other than him.
Shoto is literally acting hot and cold, sometimes being helpful and supportive, other times dismissive and harsh. He's not quite sure what to do with another man's baby. All his fears about bringing in a child that has his family traits have disappeared but there's still an actual, living baby to consider.
He tries to get out of his head a bit when he sees you are actually struggling to take care of the baby and of yourself too. All things considered, he still loves you. For now, Shoto will just concentrate on keeping the baby alive and keeping you happy.
He's surprisingly chill about the whole affair. As an underground hero, Shota's seen a lot of people in a lot of different situations. Things like this just happen. While he's definitely surprised, he adapts pretty quickly. He's a pretty good dad, very reliable when you're not feeling a 100%. It really improves your opinion of him and makes you more comfortable around him.
Don't let your guard down though. Shota isn't going to settle for just one kid. Once you're healed, get ready to get pregnant again :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! Also tagging people can be a bit confusing because I always forget who wants to be tagged so if you do want to be tagged, please specify whether you want to be tagged for a particular series or for all my work.
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x0xomady · 5 months
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the after party
pt. 2 - 🌟
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summary: 1 month after the breakup you go to a frat party with your best friend. of course it’s harry’s frat.
warnings: smut, p in v, dirty talk, kinda public sex (car), degradation, MANIPULATION! cursing, TOXIC love bombing, alcohol. 18+
song inspo: ✧˖°.
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“please don’t make me go” i groan. my best friend, y/bsf/n, is running around my room trying to find a cute dress and heels for me to wear.
“shut the hell up y/n you’re going” she rolls her eyes and continues shuffling through my closet. i sigh in defeat and lay down on my bed. maybe if i play dead…
“oh my gosh this is perfect! harry is going to lose his shit when he sees this!” she squeals and pulls out my navy blue, satin, mini dress. i had bought it for harry and i’s 2 year anniversary, but obviously we didn’t make it there.
“no. i’m not wearing that.” i roll my eyes and shake my head at my best friend. “plus im not trying to make harry jealous or upset. this isn’t about him.”
“ugh! come on y/n! you have got to move on! it’s already been a month. besides, i know you want to get laid… this could be your opportunity!” she smiles and tosses me the dress while walking back to the closet to find me some heels.
i sigh and look down at the dress on my lap. it is really pretty i have to admit it. the dress has little sequin details and is strapless.
“cmon y/n you know this is important to me! we can’t miss a party like this. especially this one.” she smiles and tosses me matching navy blue heels.
y/bsf/n is right… this is THE party. every year harry’s frat throws a big blow out party right after we get out for spring break. everyone goes and tries to get in… but usually only people that know the frat get in.
“i’m just worried. what if it’s awkward when i see him? the last time i saw harry was 3 weeks ago and we didn’t even make eye contact.”
“babe don’t worry! you guys didn’t end on bad terms there’s no reason for it to be awkward. just be yourself and talk to people.” she gives me an encouraging smile and walks to the bathroom to do her makeup so i can get dressed.
one night out couldn’t hurt…. could it?
we arrived at the party at 10:30. it was the perfect time to go to a frat party. everyone was already there and drunk. seeing as this is the biggest frat on campus and the most anticipated day of the year for most guys, it was packed to the brim.
as soon as the door opens we are met with hundreds of people crammed in the large house. there’s music playing loudly and music booming throughout the room. i despise frat guys. it all seems like one big cult to me. so why did i date one for two years? good question. i have no fucking idea.
we walk through the familiar large house together. there’s bottles, bags, and trash scattered across the floor. people are dancing, making out, and drinking.
ugh kill me now.
it’s so dirty. i carefully step over broken bottles in my stiletto heels. usually for frat parties i would just wear a jean miniskirt and a cute top, but tonight was different. it was like prom for college students.
y/bsf/n has already run off to find her current boyfriend, zayn. he’s one of harry’s good friends.
ugh. harry.
the nagging in my stomach and anxiety in my mind was slowly creeping up on me. harry and i hadn’t ended on the most amazing terms but we hadn’t ended badly either.
it’s a weird situation.
harry and i have a bit of a toxic cycle we like to go through. every couple of months harry gets distracted or bored so he dumps me. then about a month later he comes crawling back begging for me to take him back because he ‘loves me’. it’s not all his fault, no matter how many times this has happened, i go back to him each time.
my eyes are eagerly scanning the room. maybe it’s in hopes of seeing the curly headed boy. maybe it’s dread of seeing him. either way i just wanted to get this long night over with so i could lay in bed depressed about the break up.
usually when i come to frat parties i would make a b-line to the couches where all the frat members and their significant others sit and drink. wouldn’t it be weird if i did that now though?
however, it’s only been 10 minutes and my feet hurt like a bitch. i need those couches.
i make my way past the dance area and bar towards the living room.
there, i see y/bsf/n and zayn talking and drinking, as well as our other friends talking, but no harry.
my eyes scan the large room quickly but i see no sign of him.
“hi petal”
my heart stops. harry.
i would recognize his deep voice anywhere. my breathing catches in my throat as i turn around to see him.
there he is… harry. after 3 weeks of no contact and trying to get over him, it all hit me like a bus again.
“you look-” harry stops and looks down at my dress. “really fucking perfect”
blush instantly paints my cheeks as he compliments me.
fuck fuck fuck! no don’t fall for his bullshi-
“seriously… this dress- fuck.” harry smirks and carefully lets his hands rest on my hips.
“don’t.” i push his hands off my sides and take a step back from the oh so tempting man in front of me.
“don’t what?” he smiles at me innocently and steps towards me again.
no y/n. NO.
i’ve worked so hard over the last 3 weeks to forget him and move on… if i gave in all of that would go to shit and i’d be right back where i started… desperately in love with harry.
“i’ve missed you so much” harry leans down and whispers in my ear, his cheek brushing mine.
“well that’s too bad” i roll my eyes and avoid eye contact with him.
“cmon petal look at me.” harry grabs my chin gently and moves my head to look at him. reluctantly i sigh and look at harry. his piercing green eyes meet mine and it all comes back to me.
“what do you want harry?” i ask while looking into his eyes.
“you.” harry smiles and nudges my nose with his. his ring adorning fingers make their way from my chin across my face. harry holds my jaw and cheek gently.
“well that’s too bad. you had me and you fucked that up.”
“i know i did… im so sorry y/n.” harry looks into my eyes innocently and caresses my face carefully.
suddenly the room feels 10x hotter and my dress feels so constricting. i needed to get away from harry.
i step away from harry and walk out towards the large main room. people are everywhere, so it’s not hard to escape from him.
“y/n wait-”
i ignore harry and continue walking. my body carefully brushes past people as i maneuver my way through the dancing and drinking. my eyes spot the large front doors and i sigh in relief.
without hesitation i push myself through the front door and walk out onto the large lawn. the cold air instantly hits my body and i feel a huge relief run over me.
there’s still a line of people trying to get into the dumb frat party. i pass them and head down the street. the street is almost empty… it has to be at least 12:00 right now so it’s not surprising the streets are clear.
my feet mindlessly make their way down the sidewalk towards the familiar park. seeing the big empty park ahead of me brings a smile to my face.
i walk into the park and make my way over towards one of the benches. it’s as beautiful as i remember it. the large trees cover the sky making it look dark and eerie. the only light being the small lampposts that line the path.
my body finally relaxes when i sink back against the chair and let out a breath i didn’t even realize i was holding in.
however, that peace is ruined when i hear the familiar roar of a certain someone’s car.
“y/n! what the hell?!” the car shuts off and i hear the crunching of footsteps make their way towards me.
i don’t look up at him and instead continue looking down at the ground. harry steps in front of me and squats down so he’s in my eye line.
“why’d you run away petal?” he asks while looking at me from where he’s squatting.
“it was hot in there.” i roll my eyes and lean back against the bench. “did you follow me? that’s creepy”
“i didn��t follow you.” harry shakes his head with a smirk. “i just knew you would be here. you would come to this damn park after every argument we had.”
fuck. he looks so beautiful like this.
the moonlight was peaking through the tops of the trees carefully painting his face. harry stands up from where he was sitting and plops onto the bench next to me.
“why did you come after me? you should’ve stayed at your party.”
“because i love you.”
there it is.
i don’t respond at first. my eyes continuing to make their way throughout the park, in a desperate search for escaping this.
i wanted nothing more than to scream and yell at harry. i wanted to hurt him because he hurt me, but the fact was i couldn’t. i could never yell at harry… i love him just as much as he loves me, probably even more.
“don’t say that.” i glare at harry and then look away quickly.
“why not? you love me too. we both know it’s true.”
yeah. he’s right. it fucking pains me to say… but harry is right.
i loved harry more than anything and anyone on the planet. him simply existing made me more madly in love with him every single day.
“cmon petal… come back to me. you know i love you.” harry whispers into my ear and kisses my cheek.
goosebumps fill my skin as his soft lips trace my cheek. harry’s warm breath danced across my skin making my heart flutter.
“harry stop it. you can’t do this.” i put my hand on his cheek and push him away from my face gently. “you always do this! you break up with me and then come back trying to hook up a few weeks later."
harry pushes out his bottom lip playfully and puts his hand on my waist.
“please baby? i miss you so much. i was so stupid i'm sorry.” he whispers and wraps his arm around my waist. the internal conflict starts swirling through my brain.
on one hand i know that harry just wants to fuck and then date for a few months before dumping me. however, on the other hand, i want nothing more than to jump on him and forget we ever had a fight in the first place.
harry can sense my temptation because he grabs my hips and pulls me towards him so i’m sitting comfortably on his lap.
“see? we can have our own little after party.” harry smirks kisses me right below the jaw.
i know i should shove him away and run, but i REALLY don’t want to.
harry puts one hand on hip and the other holds my jaw tightly. the cool of his rings against my flushed skin makes shivers run down my spine. he pulls me against him more so our lips aren’t more than few centimeters apart.
fuck it
i grab harry’s face and pull him to me. the second our lips touch my entire body erupts and i feel the love i have for harry rush back to me. i feel harry’s cocky smirk against my lips last only for a second before he’s pushing his tongue into my mouth.
the kiss is intense, three weeks of pent up anger and frustration sits in my stomach as i run my hands through his curls.
harry holds my jaw tightly while kissing me thoroughly. i tug lightly on harry’s curls resulting in him releasing a whimper.
i move my hips forwards so i’m sitting right over harry’s prominent bulge. harry lets out a breathy moan and kisses my neck.
“h-harry” i sigh and wrap my arms around his neck.
“hm?” he doesn’t bother pulling away from my neck, instead biting my shoulder softly. i moan and press my core against harry in a desperate search for release. harry smirks and kisses my collarbone. “so fucking needy petal. thought you hated me?”
i roll my eye my eyes and lean into harry’s kisses. as much as i hate to admit it, it feels so fucking good to have him kiss me like this.
“just shut up and take me to your car curly."
“as you wish.” harry grins and scoops me up. my legs are wrapped around his hips for stability.
harry quickly walks down the path and towards his truck. we get situated in the backseat of his car quickly. im laying on my back on the seat as harry slams the door and crawls over my body.
in no time harry’s pants are off and my dress is hiked up to my waist with the top of it pulled down to expose my tits.
harry grabs my thighs pushing them open and looks down with a strained facial expression. he moves his head down towards the spot between my legs but i stop him.
“don’t harry. just fuck me already i need it.” i whine and wrap my legs around his hips.
harry chuckles and pulls my panties down my legs. “see? so fucking needy. such a pretty little slut hm? i missed you.” he kisses my neck hiking my hips up to rest on his thighs.
i moan softly as harry presses the head of his cock against my folds. harry, being harry, has to tease me before he can do anything. “so fucking wet. s’ pathetic baby. i haven’t even touched you properly yet and your little panties are soaked to the core."
harry runs his tip from the bottom of my slit to my throbbing clit. i whine and buck my hips up to get some sort of relief from harry. he grabs my hips and holds them down.
“shh need to make sure your little pussy can take me baby. i haven’t filled you up in so long. might not be able to fit it all.” harry smirks and nudges the tip of his cock in my sopping hole.
“stop it h! just hurry up and fuck me!” i whine and try pressing my hips up but harry’s strong hands are holding them down against the leather seats of his car. harry continues teasing me by slowly inching his cock in.
“yeah? okay baby i’ll stop teasing you.” harry punctuates the end of his sentence by bucking his hips up into me pushing his cock to the hilt. i groan and grab harry’s hair tightly as he fucks up into me.
harry is quickly in a rhythm of fucking me hard. the sounds of his hips hitting mine and breathy moans from the both of us are the only thing heard in the tiny confines of the car.
“harry need more please.” i groan and wrap my arms around harry's neck as he fucks me harder.
“do you have any idea how much i missed you? your little pussy does fucking wonders on me i swear- ” he lets out a muffled groan while he pushes his face into the crook of my neck.
i try to ignore it… but i can’t. the flutter in my heart grows as i look at harry who’s busy keeping the pace of his hips steady. he has no idea how much i love him.
“how are you this damn tight? it’s like i’m fucking you for the first time all over again. gonna have to loosen up this sweet thing all over again.” harry moans while increasing the speed of his hips. his pelvic bone hits my clit perfectly and i buck my hips up in desperate search for stimulation.
“yeah? my baby needs me to play with her little button, hm?” harry smirks and snakes his hand from my jaw to rub tight circles on my clit.
the stimulation from harry’s thick cock fucking me deeply and his rough fingers playing with my sensitive spot, i feel my orgasm approach quickly.
“harry!” i gasp as he deepens his thrusts pushing all the way to the hilt.
“cmon petal cum for me. i can feel you clenching. milk my cock.” he squeezes my hips and continues thrusting into my warmth relentlessly.
i’m too fucked out to even respond. i just sit there and let harry continue the sweet assault on my pussy.
“oh that’s it cum for me baby.” harry groans as i cum around his cock. he looks down at our adjoined body and watches the milky ring of my cum sit at the base of his cock.
harry thrusts a few more times before pulling out and releasing his cum across my chest.
we both lay there and harry grabs his shirt wiping up the mess between my thighs and on my carefully. i sigh and sit up slowly pulling my dress up to cover my top again. the guilt of what i just did slowly starts creeping up on me.
“don’t baby just let me love you okay? i’m sorry for everything. i love you.” harry kisses my cheek and fixes his pants.
i pause for a moment thinking about everything that just happened but reluctantly i nod. “okay… i love you too."
the cycle always repeats itself and i let it
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we love some toxic harry
-xoxo ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Could you please do a Charles x Schumacher!reader insta au? Where she’s a chef and they both do a soft launch. I don’t really have much of an idea but can you make it a bit long? Not like with text but just a lot of posts? I hope I’m requesting right lol
I really liked your Danny insta au
Crème De La Crème, Ma Chérie
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Lissie note… I really like the idea of reader being a chef! Haven’t seen that before??? You’re giving me a lot of creative freedom and I could not be happier<3 Thanks for this!!!
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Few things to note:
Reader is Mick’s twin sister, and Gina’s younger sister.
Reader is a Michelin star chef (one star)
Reader is famous (obviously)
This follows the 2022 season
Reader and Charles have been dating since the beginning of the 2021 season (1 year)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Chef!Reader
Warnings: Some cursing, gut wrenching fluff
Here's the playlist recommendations
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Liked by charles_leclerc, mickschumacher, gina_schumacher and 836,236 others
y/nschumacher Movie date and a home-cooked meal for him❤️
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mickschumacher You should invite us over for dinner soon… miss your cooking🙏
gina_schumacher Yes pleaseee!!
francisca.cgomes AHHH it looks SO GOOD😩 Where’s my share?🤨
user1 great dinner but WHO IS THAT🫣🫣🫣
user2 She’s allowed to date yk
user1 no need to be rude. I was just wondering who it was…
user3 It’s clearly a boyfriend that she doesn’t wanna reveal or something
user4 A SOFT LAUNCH???😭
user5 MOTHER NOOO😭😭😭😭
user6 Byebye… to my parasocial relationship…
user7 I haven’t seen her like this before and idk if I like it😭
user8 He never has to pay for dinner again💀💀💀
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Liked by pierregasly, y/nschumacher and 1,184,339 others
charles_leclerc Tough weekend so far but we’ll improve for the next weekend.
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y/nschumacher Good luck next week!
user1 Somebody save him😭❤️
user2 y/n in the comments?
user3 She switched from Haas to Ferrari💀 Wonder what Mick has to say about that
user2 omg💀💀💀
user4 Seems suspicious…
user3 I mean, I don’t think so? She’s great friends with everyone on the track.
user5 Not Ferrari again😭😭😭 WHYYY
user6 Atp I don’t even wanna watch the races anymore😭 It’s just depression on a screen😭😭😭
user7 Ferrari is making him delusional💀 No way they’re ever gonna improve…
user8 I’m still hopeful😞🫶
user9 Tbh I’ve given up
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Liked by mickschumacher, charles_leclerc and 735,229 others
y/nschumacher November dump🌅🍂 He tried to challenge my cooking. Bold move, sir… bold move.
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mickschumacher I doubt it tasted good😒
y/nschumacher It was actually really good
mickschumacher Biased.
y/nschumacher 🙄
carlossainz55 It was nice having you in the Ferrari garage for a change
Liked by y/nschumacher
gina_schumacher I miss you :/
y/nschumacher I’m coming to visit soon🫶
gina_schumacher You better
maxverstappen1 Red Bull > Ferrari
y/nschumacher No.
user1 since when did she become a Ferrari girl—
user2 wtaf is going on😭
user3 why are there so many drivers in her comments all of a sudden💀
user4 she’s soft launching. Mother is soft launching.
user5 Please leave him for me❤️
user6 No she’s leaving him for me😒
user7 Um no. She’s obviously leaving him for me🙄
user8 You’re all wrong. It’s always been me.
user9 Okay but whoever she’s dating is so lucky. Home-cooked Michelin meals? That’s literally living my dream.
user10 Ugh it’s so unfair. This guy should be ashamed he stole a national treasure
user11 I second that statement
user12 What’s with the new insta era😭 Pls post more food pics😔
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wagsoff1 You heard it here first…
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user2 wtaf this came out of nowhere…
user3 but where’s the proof😭
user4 It’s probably fake since there’s no proof
user5 I bet all the 13 yr olds and their parasocial relationships are disintegrating rn
user6 yeah um I won’t believe it until I see it💀
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Liked by y/nschumacher and 855,970 others
charles_leclerc Drank some wine and went out for dinner for the first time in a long time😘
View all comments maxverstappen1 Wine and oysters, but you didn’t invite me…
charles_leclerc Sorry mate. Next time!
pierregasly Thanks for the date idea mate
Liked by charles_leclerc
user1 ig @ wagsoff1 was right
user2 Why am I crying
user3 This is genuinely so cute🤍
user4 His gf is so lucky
user6 Honestly, we should just look out for her at the paddock.
user7 We gotta wait for the next season for that…
user6 I forgot😭 I don’t want to wait so long ughhh
user8 Well, there goes my husband.
user9 Does anyone know who it is?
user10 I have an idea it’s someone we all know…
user9 Who?
user10 Dms
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Liked by y/nschumacher and 84,293 others
Tagged: y/nschumacher
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francisca.cgomes Girls night🥂🪩
y/nschumacher Same time next week?
francisca.cgomes Obviously🤍
pierregasly You cancelled date night for this?
francisca.cgomes It’s. Girls. Night.
pierregasly Understandable, have a nice day.
user2 Me and my bestie when exam season is over:
user3 Literally
user4 Since when did they start hanging out🫣
user5 They’ve been friends for a long time, actually💀
user4 Oh okay I didn’t know😭
user5 Two pretty best friends🫶
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Liked by charles_leclerc, gina_schumacher, mickschumacher and 763,298 others
Tagged: gina_schumacher
y/nschumacher I should stick to cooking… fell off so many times. How do you do it???
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gina_schumacher You’ll get there with practice!
y/nschumacher If I mount another horse, I will die.
charles_leclerc I’m sure you did great❤️
y/nschumacher I didn’t, but thank you❤️
mickschumacher Watching you fall was great entertainment
y/nschumacher At least I didn’t refuse to get on the horse😒
user2 wtaf this is insane😭
user3 is this their idea of a soft launch wtf😭
user4 they really just act as if it’s known💀💀
user 3 Literally💀
user5 so basically, Charles and Y/n?
user6 That explains why Charles wrote that one caption
user5 what caption?
user6 The one where he said he hadn’t been out for dinner in a long time
user5 whaaaat you’re right
user7 How did we not see this coming…
user8 I mean, they might not be dating? They could just be close friends…
user9 Nah, there’s no way
user8 You don’t know that
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Liked by y/nschumacher, pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 1,173,994 others
charles_leclerc She took me wine shopping…
View all comments y/nschumacher She looks like she knows what she’s doing
charles_leclerc I hope she knows..?
maxverstappen1 Mate, she’s a keeper.
charles_leclerc I know
user1 Charles pls😭 We all know that’s Y/n
user2 I’ve been living under a rock. What’s going on???
user3 Y/n Schumacher is a Michelin chef (and also Mick’s sister). Basically there are rumours that Charles is dating her. They haven’t confirmed it, but it’s pretty obvious by their soft launch…
user2 I was gone for a few months from social media and this is what I come back to?😭
user4 Charles has taste
user5 She’s literally a goddess
user6 Ugh he’s so lucky but she’s also lucky… idk who I want to be. Both???
user7 relatable.
charles_leclerc and y/nschumacher
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Liked by mickschumacher, y/nschumacher, maxverstappen1 and 1,482,663 others
charles_leclerc I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve had so much fun with you this past year. Happy 2 years anniversary❤️ Tu es créme de la créme, ma chérie❤️
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y/nschumacher Mein Süßer❤️
Liked by charles_leclerc
mickschumacher Congrats guys!
francisca.cgomes This is so cute😭❤️
gina_schumacher So happy for you guys🤍
maxverstappen1 Congrats!
pierregasly When’s the wedding?
francisca.cgomes Don’t push them like that
pierregasly Sorry.
francisca.cgomes No, I actually also want to know @ y/nschumacher🤨
y/nschumacher Wedding??! Too early… but maybe we’ll start talking over a steak dinner…
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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enluv · 1 year
The Wedding Date
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PAIRING! - jay park x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS! - When invited to her younger sisters wedding in two weeks, Y/N L/N faces traveling alone back to Korea for the ceremony. While this seems bad enough, Heeseung, the man who left her with no explanation after four years of dating, happens to be the groom's best man. Determined to show everyone - most of all Heeseung - that her romantic life is as full and thrilling as ever, Y/N hires the ever so charming Jay Park as her date.
word count: 7.4K+!
warnings: angst, suggestive content - it’s implied and mentioned that reader & jay did the devils tango so please note this fic is16+ BUT it’s nothing crazy so just be warned, profanity, cheating, heeseung is super duper not cool in this tbh, lmk if I missed anything !!
genre(s): 16+!! - there are no descriptions of sexual acts but it is stated briefly so read at your own risk, rom-com, fluff, angst, strangers to lovers, rent-a-boyfriend, & also slow burn romance but fast paced story
coco’s love note: this story is based on and inspired by the movie “the wedding date” some parts will be similar and depict similar instances while some will be different to fit the characters and the plots I’m writing for them! thank you so much & enjoy! (remember feedback & reblogs are always appreciated <3)
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"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Park Sunghoon and L/N Soohee to celebrate their marriage this June 30th at three o'clock.”
The words on the wedding invitation make your eyes roll, it’s laughable. Knowing neither of you had talked in almost two years it was a wonder why Soohee had chosen to invite you to her wedding. Perhaps it was your mother, she'd always wanted her two girls to get along at some point, but that was easier said then done. Or maybe it was your stepfather? He'd always said you were his favorite, maybe he'd somehow convinced her to invite you. Attending the wedding wasn't what worried you the most though, it was the thought of showing up alone.
Sure you could show up flying solo and hope no one would bat an eye, but did you really want to put yourself through that? The millions of whispers thrown at you as you walk by with no one on your arm? Absolutely not.
That's what brings you here, on a hot summers day as you read the morning paper from the patio of your home. The ads all consist of different services, some are posted for models, some plumbers, even things like babysitting, but you're on the hunt for one thing and soon enough an ad catches your eye. It’s perfect. The ad reads -
"Rent-A-Boyfriend: Are you in need of a date? Want to keep your parents off your back? Need to brag to your friends? Have to keep the relatives at bay? Well look no further! Hire me, Jay Park, profesional boyfriend. I can be anything you need me to be for any occasion! Shoot me a text at XXX-XXX-XXXX or email me at [email protected]! Business inquiries only. Excited to date you soon!”
The ad had done its job and quickly enough you'd left Jay exactly seven different voice messages.
"Errmmm...oh! It’s recording haha. Hello! This is Y/N L/N, umm so basically...oh um sorry I am so nervous haha. Okay so basically my name is Y/N and I need a date for my sisters wedding this month. Normally I'd have a date by now but I don't have the time to go out and date someone for two weeks and then force them to go to Korea with me ya know? So that's where I was hoping you'd come in! Oh shoot my time is running out...ummm okay give me a seco-"
"OH! HI! Sorry it cut me off last time haha oopsie! Anyways so basically the reason I need a date is because well basically I have this ex boyfriend his name is Heeseung and he kinda sorta dumped me like out of nowhere about two years ago. It was super sad but I was just like eh whatever dude. Then I came here to America haha not a good idea, anyways so yeah and he's gonna also be at that wedding because his best friend is actually the groom which makes him the best man and I can't-"
"Sorry cut off again but I can't show up alone it would be so embarrassing and we were engaged too by the way I don't know if I mentioned that already but yeah we dated for almost four years and he proposed to me and then boom just ended it so that's why I cannot by any means show up alone. Plus this is my baby sister that’s even more embarrassing, my younger sister getting married before me? Total loser moment."
VOICE MESSAGE #4 (10:45 PM):
"Sorry I forgot to give you details about the wedding lolz. It'll be in Korea, the countryside to be specific. It's on June 30th at 3pm at a wedding Chapel in the town we grew up in. We have to be there a week before. No worries though, l'II pay for our plane tickets. Since I'm the sister of the bride I have to do a lot of things with the bridal party and since you'll be my boyfriend you'd be doing things with the groomsmen. Sorry if that's too soon for you or if it doesn't work with your schedule, I'll pay you double I swear! I just really need this, need your help Jay."
VOICE MESSAGE #5 (11:38 PM):
"Um hi again, this'll be quick I promise. I just wanted you to know that if you can't do this it's okay! Thank you for your time. I really appreciate you.”
VOICE MESSAGE #6 (12:49 AM):
"Oh shit sorry this was an accidental dial. Have a good night haha! Sorry again!”
"Just give me a call back at XXX-XXX-XXXX if you do want to take the job and if not, no worries! I completely understand how last minute this may be. Have a good night Jay, sweet dreams."
"Hey Y/N, this is Jay. I got your messages...all seven of them. No worries, I'd be happy to play your boyfriend at your sisters wedding, and about your ex, don’t even worry about him, we'll make sure he regrets his decision to ever leave you. You said we leave next week? Just send me the plane ticket and I'll be on that flight. See you soon Y/N, and don't worry too much, you've got this."
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“Woah! Hottie in aisle three am I right?!”
“What are you talking about Sunoo, stop staring at the people riding our planes. It’s a long way back to Korea they don’t need you ogling them for all ten hours.”
“Excuse me but did you not say you’re waiting for your rent-a-boyfriend? Babes I think that’s him.” Sunoo points his perfectly manicured finger towards aisle three where a man dressed in black slacks and a white button up sits comfortably flipping through a book. His head turns up as he feels your eyes on him and a smile flashes across his face.
“Alright, go meet your hunk and sit down, we’re taking off soon anyway.”
You begrudgingly take a seat in front of him, if you’d known he’d be this attractive you’d definitely not have hired him.
“Are you Y/N L/N? Or am I completely wrong and making a fool out of myself?”
His voice is sweet, soft and husky, you turn slightly to face him and meet his soft eyes. No judgement is seen on his face.
“Hi! Yes I am Y/N, I’m assuming you’re Jay? Well you probably are haha, because I got you the seat behind me…okay so anyways hello!”
He laughs softly and nods his head, “Get some rest Y/N, we have a long week ahead of us. When we land let’s go find you a dress and talk business, that okay with you?” Your nod of confirmation has you both relaxed as you turn back around to do just as he said.
“How does this one look?”
“I think you look great in it, remember you’re beautiful and you’ve got a lot going for you. He’s gonna regret ever breaking up with you.”
“Ugh I can’t do it, I need to look good so no one asks me any kinds of questions!”
“Y/N I think you’re overthinking this a bit, just go with whichever dress makes you feel the most beautiful.”
“I think you look the best in the red one, uh personally speaking.” Jay eyes the boy cleaning the other dressing rooms and nods with a tight lipped smile.
“Hmm thanks kids, I’ll keep that in mind.” Pushing back in your eyes fall onto the hanging red dress.
“Alright so let’s talk business, we need a story. You’re the new temp at my job and we just started dating, let’s just say four months ago. You’re crazy about me and I asked you out because surprise surprise I’m also crazy about you too.”
He nods and gets up to leave the room but right as his hand reaches the doorknob you pull him back, closing the dressing room door.
“Here,” you shove an envelope into his hands, “count it. It’s six thousand even.”
Jay takes the envelope and begins putting it into his pocket but you insist he counts the money, he does so with an amused smile flashing across his face.
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll pay for the expenses but if you ever want a piece of this,” he gestures to himself playfully, “we gotta talk money before anything happens.” Your scoff makes him chuckle, he’d only been kidding, he’d most definitely let you have him for free if you asked.
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Jay takes in the venue of your sisters engagement party. It’s big enough to host more than fifty people, and it’s doing the job pretty well. He can tell you have a big family. From what you’d mentioned, your mom was Korean but moved to America for school and originally met your dad their but when he was out the picture she met your stepfather and the rest was history. Now your little sister, presumably the petite brunette eyeing you both now, was getting married to someone you’d both grown up with and his best man was you ex. Jay thinks your ex is a dumbass but he’s held his tongue on that thought knowing you’d probably get upset with him.
While he’d only known you for a few hours tops (not including your plane ride) he knew you were a kind person. You’d rambled to him about how you and your sister hadn’t spoke in two years yet here you were back at home to spend her wedding with her. He found it odd how you said yes to joining her bridal party activities but chose not to question you. He never understood sibling love much.
He watches as your sister runs towards you pulling you into a big hug, her smile never quite reaching her eyes but you’d never pick up on it if you weren’t paying close attention. He takes a note to ask you later why you two haven’t spoken in so long, but before he can gather his thoughts her voice breaks him out of it.
“So Y/N, who’s this? He’s cute…” her voice trails off and makes Jay internally cringe, it’s obvious she wants a reaction out of you.
He watches as you calmly turn towards him, resting an arm on his as you say, “This is Jay, he’s my boyfriend of four months. I decided I would take you up on that plus one offer!”
Momentarily your sisters eyes flash with what seems to be jealousy or maybe sadness, Jay can’t tell but he knows she looks anything but happy which is odd for someone about to marry the love of their life.
“Wow that’s great! How’d you two meet?”
“We met at work. I thought she was the most gorgeous girl I’d ever seen in my life so I told her. She asked me out right after and the rest is history.” He pulls you closer and pecks your temple once he’s done answering. He knows just how to push buttons, especially with people like your sister.
At that very moment Park Sunghoon, your childhood best friend and sisters fiancé walks over pulling Soohee into a sloppy kiss, Jay notes he seems tipsy and excited about something. He watches your sisters demeanor change in an instant the minute Sunghoon walks over.
“Woah Y/N it’s been too long, I’ve missed my best friend, you have to visit more often seriously.”
“Oh I’m Park Sunghoon, Soohee’s fiancé and Y/N’s friend, we haven’t met before but I’m happy to see Y/N has someone to put a smile on her face.” His smile is captivating and contagious. Sunghoon seems like a nice enough guy in Jay’s eyes.
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Jay leans over and offers a hand. “I’m Jay, Y/N’s boyfriend. She told me you invited me to join in on the groomsmen activities, thanks a lot I’m excited.”
“Of course! Any friend of hers is a friend of mine. Let me get your number and I’ll add you to the groupchat, we start soon so just be ready.” With the promise to text soon Sunghoon and Soohee are quickly whisked away leaving Jay with Y/N.
“Your sister seems…nice…”
Y/N can’t hide her laugh as she straightens her dress out, “Mhm love her to death but she can be a lot, now if you’ll excuse me I need to pee, I’ve had way too many drinks! Wait for me here.”
When exiting the bathroom you never thought you’d run into Lee Heeseung here of all places. It seemed as if lady luck was anywhere but on your side, as you watch him emerge from the door next to the same one you’d just came out of, his eyes grow wide as he spots you, quickly making his way towards you.
“Holy shit, Y/N! I was hoping I would see you here! You look beautiful as always.”
Your hearts beats as you look up towards him. It’d been almost a year since you’d last saw Lee Heeseung. He’d broken your heart in all of five minutes over the phone after spending a week in America with you. It was heart wrenching and soul crushing but you’d healed…or so you thought. Seeing Heeseung again was like ripping off a bandaid on a newly fresh wound. Heart begging to be held by him once more you knew immediately you had to find a way away from him and fast.
Thankfully just as you’d pulled away from his arms up ran your old friend Karina. She’d been someone you’d hung out with in high school and always called you up whenever you visited Seoul. Her squeals of excitement and hands pulling you into a hug helped with the longing to be next to Heeseung again. She looked towards him with hostility and popped the question right there in front of him.
“Y/N I’ve missed you so much! AH! Who’s the hottie you brought with you? Rumor has it he’s your new boyfriend…you tell me though, wanna hear it straight from the source herself.”
At this Heeseung’s head perks up from his previous gaze at the floor. He’s expecting to hear an answer, it’s obvious in the way his eyes stay on you.
“Oh. Um yeah. He’s actually my boyfriend. His name is Jay and we met at work. He’s the sweetest, you have to meet him! I’ll introduce you two soon.” Once again Karina’s squeals fill the air and Heeseung waves goodbye as she tugs you towards where Jay stands surrounded by your aunties. They seem to be enjoying the compliments he throws at them and you laugh quietly as you listen in on his conversations with them.
Jay watches as you stop to talk to someone by the doors of the bathroom, he contemplates walking over to you but decides to stop himself. He isn’t here to protect you, you can do that all on your own, he’s just here to provide some comfort in a stressful situation. His peaceful time of watching you is quickly interrupted when your aunties come over and preoccupy him. He’s done this before and is quick to play the best boyfriend he can be.
As soon as you walk over you’re pulled away by your aunties (much to his dismay) so Jay sets off to find something to keep himself busy. He soon spots the same man you were talking to earlier out on the balcony alone and decides to talk to him, he seems upset, might as well do something while you’re gone.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Jay asks walking over swiftly to the man and smiling down at him.
“Oh. Uh. I guess it can’t get any worse than this. There’s this girl who I care about a lot,” he pauses to look back inside and Jay follows his gazes to where you sit with your sister and friend from before and his mind begins to turn, “I guess you could say I love her but of course with my luck, she’s here with some other guy.”
Jay lets out a low whistle and begins to talk but before he can process the situation you’re asking him if he’s okay and giving him a kiss on the lips, it leaves him dazed.
“Hey Y/N.” Heeseung says once quietly.
“Hey Y/N.” He repeats, this time louder than before.
Jay has a sudden realization as he looks back up at Heeseung, this is your ex, the same ex who broke your heart and the reason you hired him to be here.
“Oh hey Hee! Jay, this is Heeseung, he’s my ex.”
“Ah that’s why you looked a bit familiar.”
“What were you two talking about?”
“We were just-” Heeseung begins to talk but Jay cuts him off.
“I was telling him how we met.”
Heeseung nods frantically and stands tall again, he nervously grabs his cup and smiles, “I should head back inside, I’ll see you two later.”
“Did you see his face? Omg he looked so freaked out!”
“Mhm, and he told me he’s still head over heels in love with a girl he cares about a lot.”
Y/N’s bright smile bubbled up a feeling in Jay’s chest, but he shook it off as quickly as it came.
“Let’s get going pretty girl, I still need to meet your parents.”
Your house is huge, and yeah sure Jay is used to big houses, he grew up comfortably so houses around him were on the bigger side, but this house - your house is massive. He’s in awe as you stumble threw the front door hand in hand. A woman who looks just like you approaches speaking so quickly that Jay misses her question, but thankfully you’re quick to answer it.
“Hi mom. This is Jay,” a silent pause ensues after you reveal who he is to her.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Jay, sorry we don’t have a spare room for you. We weren’t exactly expecting you, Y/N has never really brought you up.” Jay can tell immediately who your sister takes after.
“No worries ma’am, I can just stay with Y/N.”
“Oh sorry my mom has this thing against boys sleeping with girl-”
Your mothers scoff cuts you off, her head shaking slowly, “Nonsense Y/N, you’re an adult. I know you two sleep together it’s normal, he’ll stay with you.”
You nod back at her wide eyed, and just as you’re about to speak a man pops up next to your mother, this time Jay does know who he is. Your lock-screen holds a picture of you two at a concert and you’d pointed out exactly who your stepfather was to him immediately. He waves a quick hello at Jay and pecks your temple, but he’s quick to whisks your mother away sending you a wink. Once you’ve made it to your room it’s almost midnight and both of you are exhausted from traveling and the party.
“Y/N, I’m gonna go ahead and shower, could you hand me my shampoo? I forgot to grab it and I’m already in.”
“Huh? Oh! Shampoo right…yeah of course I’ll get it right now.” Trudging over to Jay was easy, avoiding looking at the almost see-through shower curtain covering him was completely different. He smiles once you hand over the shampoo and goes back to humming along to a song stuck in his head.
“Hey Jay, what’s your story, like how did you get into rent-a-boyfriend?” You ask him taking a seat on the lid of the toilet.
“Well I’m an only child and my parents where always busy, grew up with very little friends and I was very protected at that. I like to think I was the weird kid who ate glue…anyways once I got my much needed glow up I didn’t know what to do with myself so I just started messing around. Clubbing, drinking, sex, all of that you know. Anyways my friend Jake found rent-a-boyfriend,” he steps out of the shower and stands directly in front of you, towel loosely wrapped around his waist, “and the rest is history.” He sends you a smirk before reaching for his phone sitting next to you on the counter, giving you the perfect view of his toned chest.
“Whatever, so what you just agreed to be a fake boyfriend like that?”
“Mhm, I trust Jake with my life he’s my best friend, dude would never sign me up for something that he knew I’d hate. Now come on it’s time for bed.”
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The next day wedding activities start quickly, your sister has a day planned full for the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Things ranging from kickball (which Jay seems to be very good at and just so happens to beat Heeseung’s team in) to separate bachelor and bachelorette parties.
Both parties go great, with both you and Jay enjoying yourselves equally, but if you’d asked the other you’d both say all you wanted to do was go back home and see each other. It was an odd realization knowing you’d feel better at home with Jay, a mere stranger in your eyes.
“Y/N! Ugh I’ve been looking all over for you! I missed you so much, you really suck for not visiting more. I know we’re half sisters but I love you!! I missed you so freaking much,” Soohee slurs her words into your ear as she pulls you into a suffocating hug. You nod uncomfortably and hug her back, patting her on the back as she signals the bartender for more drinks. Just from the way she stares at you, you know the night is going to be long.
On Jay’s end of things he’s forced to take home a very drunk Sunghoon, who now seems more like a friend then a stranger. Earlier he’d over heard Heeseung telling Sunghoon about how he didn’t trust him, and while normally Jay didn’t care much for how people saw him, Heeseung really irked him. Yet here he was now, helping his best friend stumble home after their night out.
“Don’t tell Heeseung I said this, but Y/N looks way more happy with you then she ever did with him. I mean don’t get me wrong he’s my best friend and I’d literally die for him but the way she smiles at you is so different from any way she’s ever looked at him. I heard you the other day, telling her she was strong and could face everyone again. I was standing next to the door you two were by, anyways yeah Heeseung would have never done that. I love that idiot to death but the second he decided to break things off with her was the second he lost a really great person. You’re lucky Jay, can you just please keep her happy?”
Jay nods at him and Sunghoon sends him a grin, he walks up the steps to his house and waves a final goodbye back to him. Sunghoon’s words play in Jay’s head like a turntable, were you really happy with him? Did he seriously make you happy? Giddiness spread through him as he made his way back to your home only a couple doors down, ready to see you for the night.
Walking back into your bedroom and seeing Jay laid out reading a book half naked was a sight you’d never get tired of. He looked up at you taking in your figure and smiled.
“How was your night pretty?” The low gruffness of his voice sent shivers down your spine as you walked closer, watching as he sat up to meet your eyes.
“Something on your mind?” He asks quietly taking your hands in his.
“I’m going to do something, and if you don’t want it just tell me no, okay?” Jay nods with curiosity in his eyes.
His eyes widen as you straddle his lap, kissing him softly. He wasn’t expecting that, but he’s not complaining, soon enough he’s kissing back and you’re both rushing to undress one another, Jay more than you.
The night ended far too quickly and as you wake up with a snug arm wrapped around you, the memories of last night come flooding back in. You’d had sex with Jay, your rented boyfriend for the week, but it seemed neither of you minded it much, both eager to be together last night. A smile forms across your face as you move to stand only to be stopped by his arm tightening around your waist.
You both stumble downstairs hand in hand, running into both your parents. Your father stares at you two and wishes you a good morning, but your mother seems to sense something is different with you both. She sets down her coffee mug and calls for your cook to make breakfast. Jay is quick to make you your morning tea. He remembers how much you hate coffee.
After the dance class your sister plans for both parties, you’re left walking around a park with Jay. He can sense something is off as you slip your hand away from his grasp.
“Y/N are you okay?”
“Do you regret last night?”
You both speak at the same time, laughing awkwardly as you gesture for one another to speak first.
“I don’t regret last night Y/N,” he pauses to grab your hand, “I actually enjoyed it very much.” His laugh fills the tension filled air between you two.
“Are you sure? I can seriously pay you if that’s what you want I mean-” a tug at your wrist stops you from finishing, Jay shakes his head at you.
“Y/N you’re a beautiful idiot,” he sighs pulling you closer, “I was joking about paying me, and if you must know I’ve never slept with a client, ever.”
“Then why did you sleep with me? Oh god did I take advantage of you in a drunken state? Oh my god Jay.”
“No you idiot, I did it because I’m attracted to you, and you’re attracted to me, we’re two consenting adults who find one another attractive so we acted on it, that’s all.”
You nod at his words, still not fully agreeing with him but there wasn’t any other explanation, you were attracted to him so just as he said, you’d acted on it, that was all.
You two spend the day getting to know one another even more, Jay tells you his likes and dislikes, mother and fathers name, how he met Jake, and more. You spend hours talking before falling asleep cuddled up on your bed, tomorrow you both had to be up early for Soohee’s final days of wedding activities, starting with a nice family get together at your parents lake house.
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What happens the next day is not something Jay ever wanted to deal with. As he watches you twirl around with your friends and run through the field chasing Sunghoon surrounding the lake behind your parents house, his insides churn at the thought of what he just witnessed. Not even an hour before Jay had actually gotten your fathers approval, he sat him down and they talked for an hour, he’d told Jay the story of his first time being introduced to you as his wife’s daughter and immediately knowing you’d be someone special in his life. He recounted how not a day went by where he didn’t worry about you alone in America but when you had showed up with him, Jay, on your arm his worries dwindled at the loving looks Jay sent your way.
This was not fun anymore, the angel and devil perched on his shoulders were fighting over what to do with the information he’d learned. Either he tell you and hurt you, or he could keep it to himself and just pretend he never knew a thing. The latter sounded perfect in his mind.
“And well sometimes we find the best thing for us and you know that’s not the best thing for others, so you have to do what’s best for you as a person you know and so that’s why we as humans always pick what’s best for us, we’re pretty selfish if you think about it really.”
Looking anywhere but Heeseung you’d spotted Jay, he smiled and waved you over, quickly bidding Heeseung and his odd dialogue a goodbye you’d ran straight towards an awaiting Jay.
“You seem to be very popular today Mr.Park. First my dad and just now my mom? Something tells me they like you.”
His chuckle sends butterflies through your stomach, “Yeah they said they’re excited to welcome me to the family, something about you having a terrible ex who wasted your time for four years? Your moms words, not mine.”
“She hates his guts, glad she likes you though.”
He smiles leaning in to peck your lips, “Yeah I’m glad she likes me too, kinda plan on staying for a bit.”
“Hey lovebirds, we’re taking pictures, come here!”
The next day, is the day before the wedding and it’s just as packed as all the other days but this time it’s filled with anxiety, Soohee and Sunghoon are buzzing with anxious excitement, your parents are terrified for tomorrow and everyone is sitting anxiously awaiting to give their toast.
Soohee wanted a closed family rehearsal dinner so they’d decided today would be the day to do it.
Jay sits next to you with his left hand rubbing your thigh, he listens as your mother recounts how you and Soohee fought over a boy when you were in both in grade school, she theorizes that’s why you two have a hard time getting along. Everyone laughs at the stories spewing from both your parents, the atmosphere is almost perfect. Perfect however, does not exist within this realm of people.
“Hey babe, I’m gonna go get more wine, don’t miss me too much.” You whisper to Jay standing and walking off towards the wine cellar.
A pair of footsteps catches your attention and when you turn around you spot Heeseung.
“I feel like I owe you an explanation.”
“Heeseung, relax. It’s fine. I promise.”
“I just feel like I should tell you that, god this is so fucking hard.”
“Did you know, I actually brought Jay to make you jealous, to torture you for the week, but then I don’t know, something happened and now I’m just so freaking happy with him. He makes me so happy honestly, and if we’re being honest Hee, I am so tired of this, of me and you. I’m ready to move on for good so let’s just go back upstairs and enjoy the rest of the evening.”
The weight on your shoulders feels lifted, you’d been wanting to finally feel free from Heeseung for months now and finally you were able to do it. Finally you could be happy and be with-
“I slept with Soohee, Y/n. I slept with your sister and I think I’m in love with her. It was two years ago, I just couldn’t hold it in anymore, that’s why I broke up with you, and then after we broke up we keep sleeping with each other for a few months. We stopped because of you, we knew it was wrong.”
“Can you please say something Y/N. Please just say anything please.” His pleas pierced your ears.
The wine cellar had begun to spin, the second he’d first told you, the room went dark and you couldn’t breathe properly. What the fuck just happened. Heeseung and Soohee slept together? He had cheated on you with your sister? He was in love with her.
Walking out the cellar Heeseung followed quickly behind, soon enough you’d made it back outside to the dinning area, Karina spotted you two and smiled wide but it soon dropped at your demeanor.
“Oh my god he told you didn’t he.”
“You knew?”
“Y/N I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N.”
“You sound just like him.”
“I promise it’s not like that Y/N-“
“Y/N?” Soohee’s voice pierces through the air around you and you know she knows what’s happening.
“Y/N please listen to me,” she tries resting her hand on your shoulder but you push her off, “Y/N please don’t say anything to Sunghoon. Please, I’m begging you.”
Strong arms pull you into them and you’re quick to hug him back. Jay feels like a breath of fresh air in the seemingly smog filled venue.
“I can’t believe you told her!” Soohee shouts as Jay stills in your arms and your world crashes all over again.
Jay watches as you take a step away from him, pushing him towards the others who’d betrayed your trust. His heart aches at the look you send him, he knows he’s fucked up, he’s fucked up really bad.
He chases after you as you walk away from the venue, he needs to make things right.
After the talk with your dad, Jay realized he’d forgotten the sun hat you’d asked him to bring outside for you so he trudged back inside to grab it but loud arguing distracted him. Being the gentleman he was, Jake liked to call him that at least, he walked over to the room to see what was happening and standing before him he saw Soohee and Heeseung. The arguing continued as he stepped into view of them.
“I love you Soohee, I miss us, I miss you.”
“Heeseung no. I love Sunghoon, we slept together for a few months but that is all it ever was. I am getting married to Sunghoon, your best friend.”
“You don’t think I know that? It kills me to see you with him!”
Jay is left speechless, your ex Heeseung and your very own sister, had slept together. He had to get away from them both, now.
“Jay? How long have you been standing there.” Soohee’s voice broke him out his thoughts and when he looked back up Heeseung was gone.
“I don’t know what you heard but it’s in the past Jay, it’s not important anymore, please just stay out of it, it doesn’t involve you.” She pushes past him out the door he’s standing next to. Jay is left wondering what to do with the information he’s just been presented..
“You knew and you didn’t tell me? How could you do that to me Jay?”
“What did you want me to say? It’s harder than it seems Y/N.”
“You lied to me. But I guess I should have expected that since that’s what you do. That’s who you are Jay, you’re a liar.”
“Really Y/N? Should I remind you that you hired me. You hired me to be your boyfriend, you’re paying me.”
“You’re right. I paid six thousand dollars for a lie and in the end I’m the only one coming out a fucking fool.”
“Hate me all you want Y/N, but it’s time you get over this Heeseung thing, you’re dragging it out, maybe now though, once you move on from Heeseung, you can cry over our relationship long enough and let it ruin your next one too.”
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“Y/N? I came to say thank you for not outing me to Sunghoon today. I’m going to tell him, I just don’t want to tell him the night before our wedding.”
“You’re smart Soohee, telling him after the wedding allows you to trap him, because you know the minute he finds out you fucked his best friend repeatedly behind his back he’ll want to leave, but he won’t be able to because he’s married to you.”
“Don’t worry Soohee, your wedding tomorrow will be perfect. I’ll smile for the camera and keep my mouth shut but after tomorrow I never want to see or speak to you again. I hope you have a happy marriage built on the lies you created. Sunghoon deserves better then you’ll ever be able to give him.” Soohee’s quiet sobs lessen as she leaves the room. Finally you had some peace.
The day of the wedding felt like a blur, you’d woken up early to get your hair and makeup done, smiling when needed and laughing at whatever the bridal party said. It felt like you were a shell of nothing in your own body. Soohee tossed glance after glance at you, looking away quickly when you’d catch her. She’d never been one to like when people were upset with her and you knew it was driving her crazy to not know what you were thinking. Truth be told at any moment you could call up Sunghoon and tell him the truth, but a voice of reason seemed to still be lingering in your mind and it made you hope she’d do the right thing, tell him before the wedding continued, yet so far it didn’t seem like she’d be doing that.
Everyone rushed around the wedding chapel to get things in order, photographers and other vendors Soohee had hired ran around finding their places to make sure the day went as planned but the nerves in her stomach just wouldn’t go away. The echo of your words rattled in her mind, would she really be trapping Sunghoon? She knew if it were her, she’d want an out. She cursed you in her head as she made the decision to do the right thing, he deserved to know at least. Hopefully he’d be able to forgive her, hopefully he still wanted her.
Jay thinks whatever god is looking down on him right now is probably laughing his ass off at his suffering. He knows he shouldn’t have snapped back at you, especially not with the state of mind you had been in. It fucking broke him to hear your sobs as he turned away from you. On top of all that, now he was just going to up and leave you. He’d bought a plane ticket back home last night after talking to Sunghoon. He didn’t spill any descriptive details, and had told him a less intense version of your fight. Sunghoon laughed in his face and told him he was just in love. Jay told him to fuck off and shut up.
As he drove down the roads of the rural Korean countryside, thoughts filled his mind. He brought the car to a stop and contemplated what to do. On one hand, he had a plane ticket and his suitcases packed to go back home right now but on the other, all he had to do was turn around, pray you’d forgive him, apologize, and admit that Sunghoon was right.
Pulling him from his thoughts was the man himself, speak of the devil and he shall appear apparently. Jay looked up to find Sunghoon chasing after a very scared looking Heeseung. Someone had finally told him then, that was good. He watched as Sunghoon tackled Heeseung and they rolled down a hill. Heeseung escaped and continued running, never looking back. Sunghoon on the other hand stopped to catch his breath, catching sight of Jay in his car. He waved him down and hopped into the seat next to him.
“I love Soohee, I really do. I’m going to forgive her, she said they slept together before we officially got together and it stopped once I asked her out. I just wanted to beat his ass because he hurt Y/N.”
Jay nodded as Sunghoon rambled on about how insane Heeseung was for ever doing what he did to you. He blamed them both but he could only poor his anger out on Heeseung right now.
“Do you think I’m crazy for taking her back? For still wanting to marry her?”
“No, you love her, anyone can see. I think she’s obviously sorry, she could have not told you and just made you marry her but she gave you a choice and came clean. When you love someone you have that kind of courage, and you let others dictate your life for you even if one of the outcomes could ruin you forever.” As Jay spoke aloud to Sunghoon reality set in, he needed to go back to you, to apologize for his mistakes, to show you he loved you and accepted you and anything you decided he was worthy of having.
“Looks like we’ve got a wedding to go back to then, and I’m out a best man so what do ya say?”
Jay smiled and nodded at Sunghoon.
“Hell yeah man, let’s go.”
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Seeing you again felt surreal, it made Jay’s heart beat a million times per minute. You looked gorgeous in the bridesmaids dress Soohee had picked for you, your hair beautifully styled to perfectly match you. Jay had never felt this happy, he’d never felt so excited to do something.
As Sunghoon had ran past you, Jay jogged up to you, pulling you into a kiss, he’d been wanting to kiss you again for so long, he melted within the first second of it.
“God Y/N, you have no idea how fucking sorry I am, I love you and I should have told you about Heeseung and Soohee, I just couldn’t bring myself to break your heart. I never want to be the one to hurt you, I love you so damn much, I’d rather give you up then hurt you. I know it hasn’t been long but I feel like we’ve known each other for years. I want to take you on a date, a real one, and I want to be your boyfriend, your real boyfriend, not one you rented for a week, and I need you to know that I’ll take anything you want to give me, I didn’t mean what I said yesterday, you didn’t ruin anything. Hell I’m the one ruining things. I just need you to know I care about you.”
“I realized today that I could never do what I did without you this past week. You are quite literally the best fake boyfriend anyone could ask for. I want to have you to myself Jay, don’t want to share you with anyone else, I’m done sharing. I want you to be mine, but really mine, not for a week, for a lifetime.”
“Glad we’re on the same page beautiful. We can talk more when we have the time but right now we have to head inside, I’m sorta the best man.”
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Jay has you pressed against his kitchen counter attacking your neck when banging on his apartment door brings you both out of the lovestruck trance you’re currently in.
“Open up you fucker!”
Jay rolls his eyes at the voice clearly recognizing it immediately, but as he goes to open the door it flies open, hitting the back wall.
“Why’d you quit rent-a-boyfriend? Bro you were literally number one! I know I said I wanted to steal it from you but I didn’t mean that way idiot.”
“You can ask her why I deleted it.” He replies, pointing towards your direction.
Now standing and properly dressed, you wave at the man before you, he seems just as confused as you are.
“Pretty girl, this is my best friend Jake, and Jake this is my girlfriend Y/N.” A smile spreads across Jake’s face and he’s quick to pull you into a hug.
“Oh dude! You should have just said that! I see why now, what a dog! She’s way to pretty for you by the way.”
“Thanks Jake, I know I am but he’s a good kisser so I keep him around.”
“I like her already! Wanna go get some lunch? On me of course to celebrate you finding a girl who actually likes you and isn’t paying you to date her.”
“Deal, but just so you know, I did pay him to date me. Not anymore though.”
Jake’s mouth hangs open as you walk past him to grab your shoes, he’s astonished that someone as gorgeous as you needed to pay for a date. Jay sends him a look and promises to explain at lunch as he chases after you.
Jake would never admit it out loud but he’s happy Jay’s finally found someone to make him happy and the smile on your faces just shows him how right you are for one another.
Three years later he’s proven right as he opens up the envelope addressed to him. It’s an invitation that reads –
“You are happily invited to the wedding of Jay Park and Y/N L/N on the 31st of October, at three o’clock. Please join them for this amazing celebration!”
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coco’s love note: ahhh and that’s a wrap on the wedding date! I really hope you all enjoyed it, honestly it was really fun to write especially coming up with things to fit the characters I chose for this fic in specific :) it was hard making heeseung the bad ex but he was the perfect fit 😭 and i love jay being the ml like he’s perfect for rom-coms!! anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fic and as always, feedback & reblogs are always appreciated <3
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willowser · 8 months
i received this lovely lovely lil thought from a lovely lovely anon in response to this question, and i think we ALL should get to enjoy it 🥹🩷
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(Tw:Abuse / Manipulation (kind of; it's not overly gratuitous, but better safe than sorry))
Will! !! So I was thinking about your "would Bakugou chase after you, even after you're engaged" post (loved it! spinning it around in my head), and while I do think he'd probably let you go if you were truely happy with this other person, y'know what might change that? If this other person wasn't making you happy. (I’M SO SORRY FOR THE INCOMING WALL OF TEXT – please just delete if I’m being annoying!!) To explain; I think in this scenario, maybe you're still getting over a long-time unrequited crush (👀), and you're looking for something with a normal, sweet guy to help get over it. He's not the type you would usually go for, but he's nice enough (idk, maybe he has blonde hair, or red eyes, and maybe that makes it easier). And while you initially thought this would just be a short fling, it just kind of... gets away from you? A few dates turn into a few more, and then lots more and before you know it things are getting Serious. He's talking about moving in together, and you're taken aback by it (weren't you just starting to go out together? Isn't this too soon?). But it's not like you have anything real to complain about! He's not horrible to you or anything! He treats you well enough! It's just that you don't seem to feel anything... deep? for him. You don't daydream about a future together, you don't go out and wish he was there with you; Honestly, if he's not there with you, you don't think much about him at all (not the way you used to with him 👀). And hey, maybe sometimes (frequently) you end up doing things you didn't want to do, maybe he knows what to say to get you to acquiesce to his wants and needs, without coming across as manipulative. Or maybe you're just nervous! He isn't "rushing you long term commitments, which would dissuade you from leaving", the two of you are just caught up in a Whirlwind Romance! /Sarcastic. Being honest, that kind of thing grinds a person down after a while; you bend much more easily to his whims. He is, after all, so Normal and so Sweet - and how often do guys like that turn up? You'd be a fool to dump him now, now he knows you so well, and really. What are you expecting? Some Prince Charming(👀) to come and sweep you off your feet? Get real. So you get the flat together, and later on (though sooner than you'd like), you accept his proposal.
1 / 7 (I'm so sorry)
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2/7 To my mind, this is the kind of diverging path for Bakugou. I think, if this was a genuine whirlwind romance, and it was recognised by the people around you, he'd probably back off. For all his brashness, he wouldn't want to hurt you by ruining your wedding day to the person you actually love. TBH I can kind of see him pining for you for the rest of his life, and hoping you become a widow/er so he get another shot to confess his feelings lmao. In that situation he could write off his own negative feelings towards your fiance as his own jealousy, right? If the fiance were actually bad for you, at least one other person from your respective friend group would notice. But!! I think that would change if his opinions were backed up by his friends (because it would demonstrate that it isn’t just his jealousy tarnishing his opinion of your boyfriend) Let's imagine that maybe he isn't the only one to think something Weird is going on. Maybe he's hanging out with Denki and Sero, because he's so obviously miserable about not confessing in time, and they're trying to cheer him up (it's been a month and he's mouldering. He is suffering). In walk Eijiro and Mina, who - while they were out getting snacks that Bakugou would never even consider eating if he wasn't in the depths of despair - just so happened to run into you and your new... boyfriend? Kind of? You seemed kind of reluctant to say the two of you were dating, but he seemed nice. Eijiro thinks he's kind of bland, and Mina knows you can do better (which she says both for Bakugou's ego, and because it's true), but nice enough. And you know, maybe, for the first time in a month, Bakugou stops sitting so rigidly. He doesn't slouch per se, no. He relaxes in the same way that tiger might relax before pouncing, in the way that a hunter might breathe out before pulling the trigger. A month of dating, and you still won't call the guy your boyfriend? When you'd introduced them to each-other (after your third date), Bakugou assumed it was his jealousy that made him hate the guy. Kind of boring, kind of pushy (a/n: no, he wouldn't clock the fact that he looks like off-brand Bakugou). He didn't think it would last too long, but it still felt bitter that that was the guy who beat him to the punch.
But seriously; a month of dating, and you still won't call the guy your boyfriend? That's... interesting >:)
3/7 So months roll by, and Bakugou keeps his eye on you. He flipflops between anguishing over his jealousy, and making sure that your “boyfriend” is treating you right. Of course, it’s made harder by the fact that he doesn’t see you that much any more. Your other friends notice it too; You’re not being kept inside your (shared) flat, but you always seem busy, and a bit tired. Ochako and Iida can usually grab you for lunch, Momo swings by your flat pretty often, but your social calendar seems so full now. Full of dates and outings with your new boyfriend. Apparently, you barely have a minute for someone you’ve been friends with since childhood.
It pisses Bakugou off to no end, but he’s keeping his distance (for now). Because the thing is, Bakugou – above anything else – respects you. If you want to waste your time on some loser, he’s not going to presume that he knows better for you! Bakugou’s many things but he’s not “fuckin’ presumptuous”. Besides, if you really were in dire straights, or needed help, you’d reach out. It’s not like you don’t still send him little messages every other day; memes you think he’ll like, little scenic photographs of your dates (conspicuously, your boyfriend is missing from every single one👀). He’s Fine. He can Be Patient. (Reader, he’s been seething for months).
4/7 HOWEVER. Flashing forward to The Proposal. I think it shakes him; firstly because the person he loves is getting married to another man, and he somehow thought you’d have ended it by now. But secondly because everyone else seems to agree that it’s weird! It’s way too soon for marriage to a guy that you don’t even seem to like all that much, and while everyone gently float their concerns to you that maybe it’s just a teeny tiny smidge too soon to get married (which you rebuff half-heartedly), the group-chat is popping the fuck off. It’s definitely too soon, this guy is Too Normal in a very weird way, they barely know him, the wedding is taking place really soon, they should stage in intervention (Eijiro&Tsuyu&Sero), they should kidnap you until you realise what a mistake it would be (Mina&Denki), they should kill him (Deku&Ochako&Iida), etc. It’s pretty weird, then, that Bakugou comes in as the voice of reason; you’re a grown up, and you can make your own decisions. If you really, genuinely want to marry him, that’s up to you; After all the freedom to make your own decisions comes with the responsibility to accept the consequences. (a/n: obvs it would be phrased in a far more Bakugou-esque fashion, but you get my point). So they relent, although they’re still concerned.
So maybe a few days before the wedding he sends you a message (because it’s tricky to get a hold of you in person); he just wants to know what you see in your fiance. He wants to know if you’re really serious about him, or if you’re just settling. It’s not phrased cruelly, but it’s blunt. The message he sends isn’t nice and sweet, but it’s honest, and it comes from a place of concern.
You read it and you don’t reply.
Flash forward again, and it’s the night before the wedding. Wedding Eve, if you will. Bakugou’s in a sour mood and tries to ease his pain by heading to a bar, but it doesn’t really get any better throughout the night. He’s conflicted now more than ever; Is this guy actually awful and bad for you, or is he just jealous? Is he not stepping in because he wants to be respectful of your wishes, or because he’s afraid that by doing so he’ll reveal his own feelings, and suffer the consequent (possible) rejection? Why didn’t he just tell you how he felt before this mess started? He has a few drinks to many, and falls into a dreamless sleep.
5/7 MERRY WEDDINGMAS. It’s the day of the wedding, and because of he hit the bottle too hard last night, Bakugou’s overslept (for the first time in his life, probably). He goes to check his phone – maybe he can still make it to the wedding the venue on time?-
He didn’t realise, but last night you finally replied to his message: You don’t know if you want to get married to this guy.
It’s a long, winding message, but what it boils down to is this- You threw yourself into a relationship with someone you know you don’t really love (you like him well enough, but there’s no spark), because you’ve been spending years muddling your way through a hopeless crush on someone you think will never like you back. So you’ve let yourself go along with this guy, but now you’re on Wedding Eve, and you’ve never been so uncertain of yourself! Your fiance’s a sensible choice (He’s Bland, and he’s Pushy, but he’s Nice, and he’s Normal, but maybe you’re losing yourself in your relationship with him, but maybe you just have cold feet), but you’re not sure that you care any more, and it’s now or never, and it’s ‘You, Bakugou, It’s always been you’, and you’ve been too afraid to tell him, because when does real life play out like the films? When does the years long pining, the roller-coaster of emotions, the ‘I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you’, have a happily-ever-after in the real world?
The next message was sent a few hours later. Evidently, you’d calmed down somewhat, because you tell him that you’re sorry for sending him all of that on Wedding Eve, that you’ve had feelings for him for a long time, but if he doesn’t feel the same it would be the kind of closure you’d need to move on. If he doesn’t want to attend the ceremony, you’ll understand and leave him alone. But if he wants to “talk” (👀!!!), then you’ll be waiting for him.
Bakugou feels raw after reading your confession; All this time, and the two of you – despite sharing the same feelings – were so afraid, and for what? The relief, the fear, the hope, all spur him into action.
He’s hungover, he’s in his pyjamas, but all the same he’s rushing towards his expensive, fuel-efficient car as fast as he can, because he has a fuckin’ wedding to stop.
6/7 Meanwhile, you’re stressed, mentally twisting into knots. Bakugou didn’t even read the messages you sent last night, which is both a relief (now you can just get married and move on) and a heart wrenching disappointment (because if you’re being honest with yourself, you were hoping he’d stop you).
You’re wearing an outfit you don’t really like, and your fiance’s family are beaming at you, although you don’t really know them so well. The venue is pleasant but not what you would’ve chosen for yourself. As you walk down the aisle, the band sounds kind of off. Your family and friends are… what? Grimacing? Smiling? Both Smimacing? You aren’t sure.
The ceremony passes in a kind of blur, and you go through the all motions. Mostly, you think of the messages you’d sent to Bakugou. You’d felt so courageous when you finally – finally! - confessed your feelings to him, so hopeful that maybe instead of replying, you’d hear a knock at your door, and he’d sweep you off your feet and- then hours had passed without a word, and you’d been left wondering. Conflicted, and unsure.
As you wait for your fiance to finish his vows (that he wrote himself, but sound like he stole them from a Pinterest board), however, you have a mild epiphany. Did it really matter so much if Bakugou loved you back? Sure, it’d break your heart, but one day you’d heal from it. Besides, he wouldn’t want to settle for some nobody! Bakugou was loyal to his friends, and he wanted the best for them, and that was one of the things you loved most about him! Surely, you owed it to both him, and more importantly, yourself, to put an end to this madness!!
You steel yourself as it gets to That Part of the wedding. The officiant turns to you, and asks if you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband. You face your fiance, and open your mouth to say “Actually…. I DON’T” when-
The doors slam open, and who’s standing there in a matching pair of pyjamas, still holding his car keys? It’s Bakugou, and you only have to lock eyes with him for him to shout – in true romcom fashion – ‘I FUCKIN’ OBJECT’.
7/7 Everyone’s stunned, although the guests on your side of the venue look more thrilled than scandalised.
In truth, I wouldn’t normally peg Bakugou as the “Objecting at a wedding” type, but in this scenario – when the two of you have been pining for so long, when he knows you’d appreciate the spectacle, when he gets to show up that nobody who wasted your time for so long – I think maybe he’d make an exception. Maybe he wouldn’t make some long, protracted speech about how much he loves you, but he MIGHT run to the alter full tilt, and tell you that you’re making a mistake. I do think MAYBE he’d hold out his hand to you, a silent question in his eyes, all while your fiance sputters and rants.
Idk, maybe you say something to the effect of “Looks like he beat me to the punch – I object, too :)”, tell your ex-fiance you’re sorry, but you can’t do this. PERHAPS – after all of the years of wondering, and stressing about whether Bakugou would reject you – you’d just quietly take his hand. And maybe to two of you would scamper off down the aisle to the raucous applause of your friends and family, get into his hatchback or w/e, and drive off into the sunset, certain in the knowledge that – yes, there would be ramifications to running off together like this, but that whatever might come your way you’d face it together! MAYBE.
Idk, I just feel like if he was going to confess his feelings for you after you’d already been engaged, it might be in the form of kissing the back of your hand, pulling off your cheap, shitty engagement ring, throwing it out of the car window, and going for a long drive so you two can finally Talk.
Listen, this really got away from me, and I’m so sorry for flooding your inbox like this. I was just really caught up in the scenario, and wanted to share it with you. Much love 💖
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stories-and-chaos · 8 months
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved. Concept inspired by this AU, Push. Trying to stick with established lore but taking some liberties to make the drama work. Multiple headcanons from various sources I’ve come across included as suits the story. Starts roughly five years before Murder Family, I’m making assumptions about the timeline]
[18+ rating for language, implied sexual content, violence, alcohol consumption and general Hellaverse-ness]
[Part 1/?? Word count: 3761]
Moxxie’s back slammed into the rough wooden bed frame as he heard the distinctive clang of prison bars rattling shut. He still couldn’t believe Chaz had just left him there. Grabbed the goods and ran. The imp realized his boyfriend was just as shitty out of bed as he was in it. He started tearing up as he climbed on the bottom bunk. Moxxie knew his dad wouldn’t bail him out or anything. He might have been the boss’s only (legitimate) son but he was also the most junior member of the family. And Crimson was not a sentimental imp.
Moxxie had been caught red clawed too, pinned by the security gate. No need for any formalities like a trial in the Greed Ring. A mugshot, strip down, and forced into a jumpsuit before the cops tossed him in a cell. Of course, Greed’s police force was basically a mafia on a wider scale.
“Soooo, what’re you in for?” A voice drawled from the top bunk. Moxxie hadn’t realized he had a cellmate. Oh crumbs, had the other demon heard him crying?! If there was a way to ensure you didn’t get out of prison in one piece, it was letting others know how weak you were the moment you were locked up. His tail reflexively whipped closer, as if trying to hide himself.
“Okay, not much of a talker, are you?” The voice almost sounded jovial. In prison? A squeak of the mattress and the other prisoner launched himself to the floor with theatrical flair. Before he could do more than sit up and blink the tall imp gripped his hand to shake. Not the vice-like grip his father used, hard enough to make claw shaped indents into the other’s hand. It was a firm, friendly shake.
“I'm Blitzø, the "o" is silent. I'm sure we're going to get along just fine. So, what's your deal? What'd you do? Who'd you diddle? You look like someone good with a gun. You look like someone who could shoot up an office-“ Moxxie tried to interject, but the other imp plowed on.
“-and I hope you are 'cuz I got a plan to get us out of this dump but I'm going to need some help, you think you can give me a hand? I need to get out to my daughter. The babysitter will kill me if I don't get back soon. Also I got some business scheduled in Pride that I gotta get back for. Do you like kids? 'Cause lemme tell 'ya. They're a-fucking-dorable.” Moxxie felt his eyes warming up with more tears but his lips were forming a shaky smile. He realized he hadn’t smiled like this since… well he could barely remember. At first he thought since Chaz ditched him, but really it was since his mom “disappeared.”
It took a couple of days for the cellmates to enact Blitzø’s plan. Moxxie had to learn the complex’s layout and they had to make sure they could get to a weapon cache. Their escape was successful, both of them got banged up, and Moxxie’s body count tripled as a result of the escapade.
A few things they learned about each other: Blitzø’s circus background made him extremely agile and prone to acrobatic feats in a fight. He was batshit crazy once the ichor started flowing but he kept his eye out on his partner. The scarred imp backed up Moxxie more than once when he floundered while they fled for the Pride Ring. His plans were grandiose but he was quick to adapt and quicker to protect his cohort.
On the other claw, Moxxie was even better with firearms than Blitzø thought. So long as the kid kept his composure, he didn’t miss a shot. It was almost magickal and he saw more magick than most of their kind. The kid seemed quiet and well mannered for the most part. He could get absolutely fucking feral in a fight, becoming an even better shot if that was possible. But he was insecure and desperate for approval. The pure shock on his face when Blitzø told him “nice work Mox,” after they got out told the older imp that he’d probably never been praised in his life.
One bonus to no trial before you were thrown in prison? No one was too keen on dragging you back if you got out. Especially if you massacred 80% of the guards on your way out, traumatized 18%, and awakened some very interesting feelings in the final 2%. It wasn’t worth spending hard grifted money chasing down someone who would just do the same thing even if you managed to catch them. If they’d run off from Mammon, the escaping prisoners would be hunted down. But otherwise, even the police mafia didn’t give that much of a shit.
The duo had snagged a couple of overcoats so their bright orange jumpsuits would stand out less. The plan was to get to Blitzø’s apartment, check up on his kid, grab some cash to rent Moxxie a room for the night and change before Blitzø had to be at his appointment.
Except once they got to the Pride Ring, Blitzø started freaking the fuck out. “Shitshitshitshitshiiiiiiitfuckingdammit.” A stream of profanities just kept coming out of his mouth as Blitzø picked up his pace.
“Um, sir?” It was drilled into Moxxie to address superiors as sir or ma’am; Blitzø had taken charge during their escape and didn’t seem to mind being called sir. “What happened, you started panicking once we got here.” This was presumably the older imp’s home turf, yet he was more off balance than at any other point in the past three days.
“FUUUUUUUCKokay Mox, change of plans.” He spun around and grasped the shorter imp by the shoulders. “I lost track of the time and I can’t miss this appointment. Do you know anyone in this ring that can put you up for the night?” Blitzø doubted it. It seemed like the kid had stayed in Greed up until now. A quick head shake confirmed that. “You got two choices, cause I don’t have time to get you someplace first. You can head off alone and we’ll meet up tomorrow or you can come with me, play along, and hope it’s not worse than prison.”
Moxxie was taken aback; first off that was the most words in a row without swears he’d heard from Blitzø. Second, “Where are you going that’s worse than prison?”
“A Goetian estate.”
Moxxie’s jaw dropped. He might as well have said he was meeting up with Lucifer. Yet… Blitzø had an appointment to be there. And it was important enough that he couldn’t even check on his kid first. Not to mention, wandering around an unfamiliar area wearing a prison jumpsuit was next to suicidal. “I’ll stick with you sir.”
“Ballsy! I knew I fucking liked you Moxxie.” He whirled around and started loping toward the fancy ass side of the city. “Keep up Mox! We gotta go!”
It took about half an hour of running and weaving through crowds but they made it before…whatever time Blitzø was so intent on outrunning. He had started running even faster about halfway, his desperation more than apparent. Once he passed through the gates, all the tension left his body. He slumped to the ground; Moxxie hesitated as he gaped at the ornate fencing. The gate and elegant fence had the symbol of the Goetia family (a crowned heart) emblazoned every few yards.
Moxxie had grown up a privileged life, especially for an imp. Servants, tutors, a well stocked manor. But the building in front of him was on another level. It was more of a palace than anything; multistoried with heraldic banners hanging, multiple manicured gardens, statues strategically placed and the master’s sigil glowing prominently on the wall. And that was just what he could glimpse in the full moon’s light. This was the difference between money and royalty.
“Last chance Moxxie. C’mon in or head off somewhere and I’ll meet you at my office at noon tomorrow. If you’re still standing around here in a few, those fuckers will drag you with me anyway.” He gulped and stepped onto the grounds next to the other imp. “Still ballsy.” Blitzø’s grin was back.
“Here’s what’s going to go down. Any minute now some beefy hellhound fucks are gonna show up to haul me in. They might grab you, might let you walk. Either way, keep your mouth shut and just back me up if I ask. Hopefully we won’t see that overdressed bitch tonight but if she’s around don’t make eye contact. And-“ whatever he was about to add was cut off as four hellhounds jogged up.
Blitzø wasn’t kidding about them being beefy. They were all different breeds but they all had biceps as big as his head, wrapped in artfully ripped suits. The matching suits, earpieces, sunglasses, and crisp posture gave them an air of professionalism that was a sharp contrast to his dad’s goons.
“Oh look, it’s the Chucklefuck squad and the Douchenugget duo. Who’d you piss off to land the night shift?” Blitzø taunted the Hounds, seemingly indifferent to the fact any one of them could snap him in half. Two of them grabbed Blitzø by the arms, grinning sadistically at the thought of manhandling the smaller demons.
“Lady Stella specifically requested we escort you in, Blitzø.” Blitzø winced “Satan fucking dammit.” Apparently Lady Stella was the overdressed bitch he’d mentioned. “She’s got a party tonight so she doesn’t have to hear your scrawny ass getting pounded. But she knew how much you’d like friends to bring you home.” The Hellhound punctuated his words with a sharp snap of his teeth.
Home? Moxxie backpedaled in confusion, only to bump into the leg of another security Hound. Said Hound grabbed him around the torso, easily pinning both arms and leaving Moxxie’s hooves dangling far from the ground. He struggled, trying to at least get back to the ground. The size difference and Moxxie’s lack of weapons meant he didn’t stand much chance at the moment. The pair with Blitzø took the lead, not caring that his dragging hooves were tearing furrows into the lawns or creating sparks on the paths.
Blitzø let them, worn out from the prison break and subsequent dash back to Pride. He was too tired to try to keep pace with his “escorts.” He kept glancing back to Moxxie, trying to reassure him. The younger imp was clearly terrified. He couldn’t really help the kid at the moment; the bulldog faced Hellhound carrying him lifted his lip whenever Blitzø looked back.
Fuck this fucking farce and fuck Paimon with a rusty crucifix for doing this, Blitzø thought to himself for the ten thousandth time in his life. Best to go through the motions as quickly as possible. The group arrived at one of the drawing rooms and Blitzø was dumped unceremoniously on the thick carpet.
The whirlwind trip through the estate proved to Moxxie that royalty had a whole different definition of luxury from what he knew. Paintings, mosaics, sculptures, exotic plants were just the beginning as they rushed through hallways wider than his bedroom at his dad’s. He’d lost count of how many doors they passed before they reached one in particular.
Blitzø was thrown to the ground but the one holding Moxxie didn’t loosen his grip. Blitzø glared back at the Hellhounds, hissing. The Hounds responded with low growls. Everyone went silent when a lithe figure snapped the cover of a book shut and unfolded itself from a lounge by the fireplace. This had to be one of the Goetia, presumably the master of this estate.
His extreme height was the first thing Moxxie noticed. Moxxie was about average for an imp in height; the glimpses he’d seen of imp servants in this maze were all much smaller. Blitzø was on the taller end of the spectrum but the Hounds were easily double his height. This royal demon towered over them all. You could stack Moxxie, Blitzø, and even one of the small servants on a Hellhound’s shoulders and they still would barely be eye level with the demon’s glowing eyes.
At least the bottom set. He had two sets, a large bottom pair and a thinner set above that could have been mistaken for elegant eyebrows if they hadn’t been glowing red. Glowing eyes weren't unusual for hellborn, but the deep red pupil-less aura was still intimidating. The white facial disc only enhanced that aura with its contrast.
What could be seen of the demon’s form was covered in smooth grey feathers, sheening in the firelight. The plush robe he wore was lightly cinched at the waist and barely clung to the shoulders, showing the feathers covered the majority of his body. He stalked deliberately to where Blitzø was climbing to his hooves, features set in a stern expression.
“St- Master Stolas,” Blitzø stuttered as the avian demon loomed above him. Master?! Oh crumbs, what in Satan’s name is going on?! Was all that talk about a daughter, starting up a business, growing up in the circus, everything just a lie? “I got back as quick as I could, I didn’t even have a chance to check on Loonie first…” Stolas cut him off with a gesture. Apparently the daughter talk wasn’t a lie at least.
Stolas glanced at the Hound carrying Moxxie. “Put the little one down,” he ordered in clipped, cultured tones. “I’ll deal with them from here.” The Hounds exchanged glances and grins. Suddenly Moxxie was on the ground when his captor opened his arms. “As you wish, Prince Stolas.” The imp was getting serious mood whiplash. Stolas wasn’t just a member of the Goetia but one of the princes. Maybe Blitzø was right; this was worse than prison.
The guards hadn’t left the room before Stolas leaned over Blitzø, foreheads nearly touching. “What the FUCK were you doing in the Greed Ring that landed in you prison!” The Hellhounds grins grew wider as they shut the doors and Moxxie was sure he heard the slap of a high five. “Are you not being careful enough in the other Rings? You know if you get in trouble I have to get you out of it. And we don’t want that, do we my itty bitty imp?” Stolas punctuated his words with taps between Blitzø’s nostrils. His words were furious but Moxxie could see his expression softening once the doors clicked shut. He had plenty of experience being berated and threatened by Crimson, but he was getting so many mixed signals he didn’t know what to do.
“A job went bad, Master. It won’t happen again.” Despite just having a royal yell at him, Blitzø’s smirk was back. Without guards around he was able to give his companion a double thumbs up while replying. His voice sounded utterly defeated but his posture had perked up.
“Luckily for you, what passes for authority in the Greed Ring isn’t likely to give a shit about a couple of escapee imps. Speaking of which,” four dazzling red eyes locked onto Moxxie. “Who is this that you’ve dragged along?”
“Moxxie got tossed into my cell, I couldn’t just fucking leave him there. He’s a crazy good shot, figured he’d be a good candidate for that project we talked about.”
“Hmmmm,” Stolas seemed to be looking the young imp over. It was hard to tell without any pupils. “We will discuss this later. For now,” the prince continued in a haughty tone, “we need to establish the punishment for your little slip up during your extraneous activities. Both of you, follow me.” Stolas turned, his robe and tail feathers swirling dramatically around him. Moxxie looked nervously in Blitzø’s direction. There was a faint glow under the older imp’s shirt collar as he replied “Yes Master Stolas.” He gestured for Moxxie to follow, not at all concerned about what Stolas might have planned as “punishment.”
Apparently the room they’d been delivered to was the first and most public in the master suite. They entered what looked like a well appointed bedroom with a huge canopied bed adorned with blankets and a nest of deep cushions. There was a bookshelf inset in an alcove next to a chaise lounge and chairs, a small desk, and hints of a bathtub on a raised dais shrouded by curtains. Candles and moonlight made the Goetia emblem glimmer wherever it was stamped or embroidered.
The door locked shut behind them, nearly making Moxxie jump out of his skin. As soon as the door was shut, Stolas swooped down to Blitzø, cupping the imp’s cheeks with a tenderness that made his yelling in the drawing room seems like a hallucination. “Are you alright dearest?” the prince cooed as he stroked Blitzø’s head. “Mmph, I’m fine Stolas, really.” Blitzø’s voice was muffled from Stolas’ talons smushing his face. “Just tired from that last sprint. Almost didn’t make it in time. Fucking Cinderhella bullshit.”
“I’m sorry darling. I’ll keep working on it. I’ve been so worried the past few days.” Apparently satisfied that Blitzø was unhurt, the owl demon moved to nuzzling and preening the imp’s particolor skin.
Blitzø gasped at the soft feathers brushing his neck. “Stolas, if you wanna fuck as part of my “punishment” I’m on board, but I don’t think Moxxie wants to watch.” He looked at the other imp over the prince’s head. His face was flushed and a lazy lascivious smile spread across his lips. “Unless you wanna watch Mox. I’ve always liked an audience.” He waggled his eyebrows; Moxxie couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.
Stolas’ eyes jerked open. He let out a surprised hoot before shooting up to his full height. “Ah! Um, yes, o-of course! We can pick this up later Blitzy.” Blitzy? Within moments Stolas had shifted from a pissed off royal yelling at his property to a flustered loverboy using pet names. “Apologizes for not properly introducing myself earlier.” He bowed with a deep flourish, putting his face eye level to Moxxie. “My name is Stolas, Prince of Ars Goetia.”
Blitzø stretched, popping vertebrae all down his spine and tail. “Didn’t your daddy tell you not to bow to imps?” The same jovial tone Moxxie heard when they first met was back in his voice.
Stolas snorted. “My father, the shit eating bastard that he is, can go fuck himself. Preferably with something full of splinters to join the stick up his arse.” The prince was just as foul-mouthed as Blitzø, with the addition of a fancy vocabulary. He guided Blitzø to the lounge and offered a nearby easy chair to Moxxie. It was built for a Goetia, meaning any imp had to jump to climb up and their feet would dangle childlike once seated. However Stolas produced a step stool from the book alcove, so he could seat himself with more dignity.
“Hi, I’m Moxxie Knolastname.” Hopefully neither of them would recognize the name of one of the Greed Ring’s crime families. “Sir, what the fuck is going on? You didn’t mention any of this before we got to the gates. What was all that about?” Moxxie gestured wildly to the rest of the palace, hoping to indicate everything that had just happened.
“Eh, guess you deserve some explanation. Not the best time but fuck it.” Blitzø rubbed at his forehead, specifically the All Imp Circus brand in the middle. In the space of a blink it changed from a black skull faced heart to a white heart topped by a crown, flanked by decorative lines. “Short version, my dad fucked me over and sold me to the Goetia. His dad,” he jerked a thumb at the lanky owl reclining next to him, “decided to add to the jackassery and bound us.”
“And I am not about to copy his example so I give my darling Blitzy as much free reign as I can manage.” Stolas wrapped his arms and legs around Blitzø with a look of glee. It was simultaneously tender, protective, and possessive. “Unfortunately, members of both my family and staff are quick to spread word to my wilted prick of a father and other members of Ars Goetia, so we maintain a semblance of the master/slave dynamic outside my chambers. Hence, all that.” Stolas vaguely waved in the same direction as Moxxie had before latching back onto Blitzø. “Eugh, Blitzy, you smell awful. That prison cannot have been sanitary. Please get cleaned up dearest, you and… Moxxie, was it? Hopefully we have something clean that will fit you; you’re a bit taller than much of my household staff.”
“I’m sure we’ve got some of my old stuff that’ll work. But seriously Stolas, I couldn’t check on Loonie before this. Can I pop out real qui-”
“Loona is fine.” Stolas interjected with a comforting tone. “I had one of the maids check up on her and the ‘babysitter.’ She let them know you were delayed and offered overtime pay to the young lady.” The maid, one of the few who was loyal to Stolas and Blitzø, relayed that the imp girl, while possessing a distinct country charm, was “thoroughly pissed” at having to watch over an angsty teenager without pay. She’d been all smiles again when informed of the extra money she was being advanced.
Blitzø took a deep breath of relief. He’d adopted the nearly adult Hellhound just a few months ago and they were still getting used to each other. He didn’t know what she’d do on her own yet, hence the babysitter. She was an imp from Wrath he’d gotten to know during the Harvest Festival Stolas had to officiate. She decimated opponents in the Pain Games so Blitzø knew she could handle just about anything.
“Thanks Floof,” he gave Stolas a quick frenching before heading through an inconspicuous door near the bed. He pushed Moxxie along and heard Stolas’ trilling voice call out. “Make sure you put those jumpsuits in the laundry hamper. I look forward to having a little prison bitch around later.” All of Blitzø’s spines stood up at the thought and a tingling warmth raced over him. Not about to let Stolas get the last word, he shot back through the closing door, “I’m sure Mox’s will fit you like those slutty rompers you like to prance around in.” He could hear hooting chuckles from the other room while Moxxie clapped his hands over his head.
Moxxie blinked as the lights flickered on. As if one suite of rooms wasn’t enough, here was essentially an apartment sized for imps. It was much like a studio apartment with one large area for sleeping, eating, relaxing, and a mini kitchen. The furnishings weren’t a match for the rest of the palace, but decent and sturdy. There was a closet and one other door leading to the bathroom. No windows. The only exit was through the master suite. Moxxie started breathing hard as he realized this was basically an upgraded cell.
“Yeah, I know it’s kinda freaky. But it’s one of the safest places in the building.” Blitzø opened the closet and started tossing clothes on the bed. “We set this up after Stolas married that bitchy feather duster. Only people that can get in are me, Stolas, his kid, and one of the maids. Oh, and the people I bring in.” He took the pile of clothes and dropped them on Moxxie. “These are all too small for me now. We could raid the servant’s closets buuuuuuuut…screw that. Now let's see if there’s anything to eat.” A quick look in the fridge produced beers and a comically large cheese wedge. “Oh fuck yes, that woman deserves a raise! Or a good dicking if she wants it again.” Blitzø had the cheese in one hand, a beer in the other hand that was unzipping the prison wear and his tail wrapped around another beer. “You wanna eat before you clean up? There’s more beer, some fried chicken, and I think a salad if you want it.” He stuck out a forked tongue at the thought of vegetables. “Maybe a good enough fuck will get her to stop putting salads in here.”
Food, real food not prison slop, sounded great but a bit of time alone sounded better. “I’ll wash up first sir, I can’t stand this thing anymore.” Blitzø chomped away while giving him another thumbs up. Moxxie caught a glimpse of white scars covering patches of the other imp’s neck, arms, and torso, and what looked like a gold choker at his throat. He closed the bathroom door and dumped the clothes onto a bench. The bathroom wasn’t ostentatious like what he glimpsed in Stolas’s room. It had all the basics in a reasonable size. One thing he did notice was the horse decor. Horses and horseshoes everywhere. The rubber devilduckie was even a cowboy.
It was probably more polite to take a quick shower. Moxxie needed some time to regain his footing though, so he soaked in a bath. He’d been off balance since crossing the gates. Of course, nothing could have prepared him for anything he’d come across here. From everything he’d picked up Blitzø and Stolas were in a shitty situation and trying to make the best of it. It didn’t mean Moxxie had to stick around though.
Yeah, the older imp had broken him out of prison and talked about hiring Moxxie at his new startup. But he also hadn’t mentioned anything about being connected to Hell’s royal families.
Then again, Moxxie hadn’t mentioned his mafia family. He really didn’t want to either. He’d be just fine if his dad thought he died in the prison riot they’d caused during the escape. He could disappear in Pride and leave his own fucked up family behind. Blitzø and presumably Stolas were grateful for his help. Even if he didn’t want to work for them in the end, they probably wouldn’t just kick him to the curb. He wasn’t good at making deals. Crimson hadn’t let him join any important talks yet. But maybe he could leverage some cash out of the pair before finding his own way.
That would have to wait for the morning at earliest. From the sounds of it, Stolas was very enthusiastic about keeping their “appointment” tonight. With at least a glimmer of a plan, Moxxie finished washing and started digging through the clothes. There were a lot of t shirts, tanks, and leather pants. Skinny fit pants at that. Almost all the shirts had some sort of horse design; from one that said “Wild Horse” in messy red letters to one with a trio of sparkly pastel horses rearing under a full moon. Eventually he found a button down with a tailcoat that was pretty close to his normal clothes. It wouldn’t be tailored perfectly but it would do for the morning. For the night he found pajama pants with a horseshoe pattern that he didn’t mind sleeping in. He wasn’t about to sleep nude in a room with a horny couple he barely knew one wall away.
“All yours sir.” Blitzø was flopped on the couch, having finished both the beers and cheese. He was working his way through beer number three, which he took with him to the shower. Moxxie rummaged through the fridge, finding not only what Blitzø had mentioned but the makings of sandwiches and a container of soup. A little more digging around the miniature kitchen and he found various dry goods that would make a decent meal. By the time Blitzø came back he was plating the spaghetti with cheese sauce he’d made. He topped it off with some chopped up fried chicken for some added protein. He made a sizable batch; he doubted a cheese wedge and beer was enough for Blitzø.
Blitzø himself emerged from the bathroom, dressed in horse print boxers (which didn’t hide his slight erection) and a fitted black tank. “Thank fuck, Stolas was right about the stink. Laundry’s gonna have fun with those jumpsuits.” His nostrils flared suddenly. “What the dick? Where’d you get all this Mox?” His eyes were shining at the food and Moxxie could swear he was drooling.
“In your kitchen sir. There’s plenty of dry ingredients for easy meals, probably so you don’t have to disturb the main kitchen during your… ‘appointments.’ I would have liked some mushrooms or fresh herbs for flavoring, the ground and dried ones just don’t quite measure up but I can understand the maid not wanting to have too much perishable food here if your stays aren’t consistent. In any case making a bechamel sauce is fairly simple, it is one of the mother sauces after all and the cheese was perfect for melting into it. I did cheat with the chicken and used the microwave but it works out since there’s not too much cookware here either-“
“Wait wait wait. You made this?” Moxxie nodded. Blitzø yanked open the door and yelled “FLOOF CHECK THIS SHIT OUT MOXXIE CAN COOK!”
There was an undignified squawk before the owl demon cleared his throat. “I hope this is more impressive than the ‘ghetto nachos’ you presented me with.” He had to dip his head to enter the room but once he was in the ceiling was high enough that he didn’t quite brush it with his crest feathers. “Oh! Oh my! That looks delightful! And it smells excellent.” He closed his bottom set of eyelids and inhaled deeply.
“Hey! Ghetto nachos are damn tasty.”
“I’m not saying they aren’t but microwaving processed cheese slices onto tortilla chips does not count as cooking. This on the other hand,” the prince opened his eyes, a pleased expression that had nothing to do with sensuality on his face. “This is incredible. Do I detect some mustard added to the bechamel?”
Moxxie hadn’t expected anyone to notice. “Yes, your highness. With the chicken already being breaded, I felt it would compliment nicely.” He’d never been able to talk to anyone about cuisine before. Everyone at his father’s house had laughed at him. Maybe his mom would have liked to talk about it…
“Please, call me Stolas in private. Might I try a taste?” Moxxie twirled noodles around a fork, making sure both meat and sauce were included. Stolas savored the bite, his eyes closing and his feathers fluffing up. “As delicious as I hoped. As I’ve had dinner already, I won’t keep you from such a well made meal.” He nuzzled the base of Blitzø’s horn before bowing out of the room. “I’ll be waiting Blitzyyyyy.”
Blitzø was already diving headfirst into his plate. “Christ on a stick Moxxie, this is amazing. And that’s not just a week of prison food talking.” How he could taste anything shoveling his food in his mouth that fast, Moxxie didn’t know. He did notice that Blitzø was eating with more enthusiasm than at any other meal they’d shared.
Before Moxxie had more than half his portion, Blitzø was slurping down the last noodle.”That was great, thanks Mox.” He dumped dishes into the sink. Stifling a yawn, he headed back to the master suite. “Make yourself comfortable. Sheets should be clean.” That lascivious grin came back. “Unless watching is the kinda shit you’re into. Stolas’ bed’s big enough for all of us if you feel like joining.” Moxxie nearly choked on his pasta.
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this! The fic is in process and currently around 25k words so there’s a lot more coming. Next part will open up with NSFW content, heads up.
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barkbarkbeauvillier · 2 years
i won't say (i'm in love)
pairing: jamie oleksiak x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: sickness, swearing, vince dunn is an asshole,
summary: 4+1. the four times everyone else knew you and jamie liked each other and the one time you both figured it out yourselves
word count: 2.8k
a/n: 1. shoutout to my bestfriend for the title (i was shook). 2. this was written for @antoineroussel winter fic exchange. My giftee is @jxmieoleksiaks it was an honor to get to write for you! I hope you enjoy the fic!
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Your best friend pointed it out first. 
Jamie was going home for Christmas. You were bummed when he first told you he’d be back in Canada for the break, but you knew not all of your friends could stick around for the holidays. Not everyone in your life was born and raised in Seattle, unfortunately. 
“You’ll be at the game on the 22nd right?” he asked. 
“Don’t I come to all the home games?” You teased. You were a season ticket holder after all.
When Seattle got a hockey team, you were quick to snatch up season tickets thankful to finally have a professional team in your hometown. You never thought you’d end up friends with one of the players–actually multiple players thanks to Jamie dragging you to just about every Kraken function in the last three years. At the beginning of this season, Jamie insisted he give you one of his free tickets to the home games so that you wouldn’t have to pay for tickets, but you declined. 
“Do you think you could take me to the airport after?”
A frown tugged at the corners of your lips. Because, no you really didn’t want to take him to the airport. You wanted your best friend to stay in Seattle with you for the holidays.
“Sure Jame,” you answered. 
“You’re the best,” Jamie sighed. “Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?”
The team had just gotten back from a roadie. You were settling into bed when Jamie called, him doing the same. You hadn’t seen him for a week. You did text every day, and you facetimed once after a rough game. He also called you twice, once because he was bored on his day off and the other one because you got off work late and wanted to be on the phone with someone while you walked from your office to your car. 
“Yes! I work in the morning, but my evening is free.”
“We’ve got optional morning practice so I’ll probably go to that tomorrow. Come over after work?”
Not that anyone could see, but you had the biggest grin on your face. “Sounds like a plan.”
Almost immediately after hanging up with Jamie, one of your girlfriends called. You’d been promising to hang out with her for the last two weeks but neither of your schedules had lined up.
“Ok we need to do something before Christmas. Give me the days you’re free.”
“Tonight and the 23rd,” you answered her.
“Dammit!” She swore. “I’m free tomorrow and the 22nd.” 
“Jamie and I just planned to hang out tomorrow. And by just planned I mean literally I got off the phone with him not even a minute before you called.”
“Ugh,” she grunted. “Fuck him. Oh wait… you’re trying to right?”
You giggled nervously. “Shut up.”
“You’re probably hanging out with him on the 22nd too huh?”
“There’s a game that night and then I’m taking him to the airport after.”
“Oooh taking him to the airport… that’s a big step Y/N.”
Even though she couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes at her. “I’ve taken him to the airport multiple times.”
“Yeah you suckered yourself into being his ride. It starts with just one quick offer and then pretty soon it’s just a given that you’ll be taking them.” 
“And then they leave you two years later for their intern?” It was a low blow but you didn’t mean it in a hurtful manner, nor did she take it that way. She’d gone through the grieving process of her last boyfriend dumping her and immediately getting with his intern and now you were able to joke about what an asshole he was.
“Good thing me and Jamie aren’t dating then,” you added.
“You could be though. It’s pretty obvious you two like each other as more than just friends.”
You decided to change the subject. “What are you doing on the 24th?”
Penny pointed it out next.
Jamie’s family was at the game. You recognized Penny almost instantly, it’s not every day a multiple Olympic medalist goes to a Seattle Kraken game– that and you’d been with Jamie on a few occasions when he’d FaceTimed her. It took you a minute to recognize his parents, but you’d seen photos of them at Jamie’s place and on his phone and figured the two people walking with Penny had to be them.
You didn’t hesitate to introduce yourself when Penny joined you at the glass, likely waiting for the team to come out for warmups.
“You’re Jamie’s sister right?” You asked. You held your hand out, giving her a big smile. “I’m Y/N. Jamie’s best friend.”
“I thought you looked familiar,” she said and shook your hand. “Nice jersey. I’m sure it gives Jame an ego boost to see you in it,” she teased.
“He won’t let me wear anyone else’s number. Says it goes against the best friend code.”
Penny rolled her eyes with a laugh.
“So, what are you doing here? Jamie said he was going home for Christmas.”
“We wanted to surprise him. He comes home every year. It’s about time we go to him.”
“Hey Pen.” Jamie’s mom had met you both at the glass, smiling at you the whole time. 
“Hey mom. This is Y/N,” Penny introduced for you.
You swore his mom’s smile got bigger. “We’ve heard a lot about you. Jamie’s so grateful for your friendship. I’m Allison.” She stuck her hand out and you shook it.
“Jamie’s gonna be so excited to see you guys.”
And he was. When Jamie saw the four of you at the glass during warmups, his smile grew ten times its original size.
“Hey, come find us after the game, ok? We’re gonna hang out and wait for Jame and you should stay and hang out too.” Penny asked, just as they were all about to make their way back to their seats as the game was about to start.
“I will. I’m technically his ride anyway,” You laughed. “I was supposed to take him to the airport tonight.” 
When you’d met up with everyone after the game, Jamie insisted you come back to his place with him and hang out even longer. And you couldn’t tell him no when he practically begged you to come over. 
After their parents went to bed, Jamie suggested a movie night with you and Penny. Except thirty minutes into the movie he laid his head down on you like he did during most movie nights and it wasn’t long before he had fallen asleep.
“You can’t tell him I told you this but he totally has a thing for you,” Penny spilled suddenly.
You couldn’t help but smile. “You think so?” you asked, glancing down at the man in question asleep with his head on your lap.
“I don’t just think, I know so. You should give it a shot.”
Your cheeks felt warm at her words. Jamie was your best friend, but of course you always wondered if there was something more there. There was for you, but you never wanted to put your friendship in jeopardy by admitting it. 
“I know you like him too,” Penny added. 
And maybe she was right.
Schultzy nagged Jamie about it for weeks. 
“Come on man,” Schultz groaned, eyeing you across the room. “You mean to tell me you haven’t hit that once?”
They were all at the new years team party. You were busy chatting with a few of the girlfriends that had come tonight. Jamie figured you must’ve just been complimented on your outfit tonight as you had glanced down at yourself and turned side to side just slightly, showing off more of the attire.
Jamie shook his head. “And don’t say it like that. Have some respect, man,” Jamie scolded.
Justin put his hands up. “Sorry.”
“So can I hit that?” Vince teased.
Jamie glared at him. “No. And not because I like her, but because she deserves better than some horny hockey guy.”
“It was a joke,” he defended.
“It wasn’t funny.”
Vince nodded his head. “Sorry. You’re right.”
“And you’re positive you don’t like her?” Justin asked. 
“We’re just friends,” Jamie swore. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you though, and the guys he was sitting with caught on.
— —
It was the same during warmups when Jamie had caught your eye. You hardly ever missed warmies during home games and it had now become part of Jamie’s routine to skate by you and place his hand on the glass, you doing the same. It started as a high five, but your hands began lingering longer and longer each time.
“If you don’t like her, why do you always look at her with those lovey dovey eyes?” Schultz chirped, giving Jamie a slight check when he had skated away from you.
“I don’t,” Jamie defended.
Schultz rolled his eyes.
“I don’t!” Jamie yelled after Justin as he skated off.
— —
“Hey, drinks at my place tonight.” Brandon caught Jamie just as he was leaving the rink. 
“Sorry man. I can’t tonight. Y/N’s got car troubles.”
Jamie was on his way to pick you up. You’d had a bad day at work, but the icing on the cake was that your car wouldn’t start so you were stranded there. You called him in a fit just shortly after he’d gotten to the locker room.
“Ditching us for Y/N again?” Schultz asked, throwing his arm around Jamie’s shoulder. “You’re sure you don’t like her?” 
Jamie rolled his eyes. “Let it go.”
“Dude, you’re ditching out on guys night for her. It’s pretty obvious you like her as more than just a friend.”
“She had a bad day, man. I’d do the same for you if you had a bad day. If you were having car troubles, I’d come jump ya, or pick you up.”
Schultz snorted. “Yeah ok. Even if that was true, you gotta admit that it’s different with her.”
And Jamie didn’t want to admit it, but he knew that was true.
It was Jamie’s mom who actually got him thinking about it though. Of course it had crossed his mind multiple times and he always felt some pang of guilt when he told his friends he didn’t like you like that. He felt jealous when guys would flirt with you, extra jealous if it was guys on his team. 
Whenever you two were alone, he sometimes wondered if there was something more there than just friends. He tried not to let the thought overwhelm him though.
“So, why do you want my soup recipe again?” Allison asked.
“Y/N is sick. I was gonna make it for her and bring it over.”
“Are you two dating yet?”
“No,” Jamie laughed. “No, Ma. Just friends.”
“Your dad says you look at her the way he looks at me.”
Jamie smiled to himself. “She’s my best friend though. What if I go for it and it doesn’t work out? I don’t want to risk our friendship.”
“What if you go for it, and it works out better than you ever expected?” she countered.
“So that soup recipe?” Jamie changed the subject.
Allison wouldn’t let him. “How many of your friends would make you homemade chicken soup when you’re not feeling well?”
“Y/N would,” Jamie answered quickly. “Oh.” He realized then what his mom was hinting at. Maybe there was something there. Something more.
“It’s obvious to everyone else, but oblivious to you two,” Allison laughed. “Alright. You got a pen ready to write this down?”
When his mom has finished repeating the recipe, Jamie brought up something he never thought he’d ask, or at least didn’t think he’d ask so soon. “Hey Ma… when did you know that you were falling for dad?” 
— —
The knock startled you. Even though you weren’t expecting anyone, you knew who it was before you even opened the door.
“Hey,” you rasped.
“Hey,” Jamie greeted with a smile. “Brought ya somethin’” he said, holding out the large container. “Made it this afternoon. It’s my mom’s recipe.”
You tried to get out a thank you, but started coughing before you could. You turned away from Jamie, coughing into your elbow. Your chest hurt, your head ached, being sick was absolutely the worst.
“You don’t have to stay,” you said when Jamie closed the door behind him and toed his shoes off. 
“I want to.”
“I don’t want to get you sick.”
“I’m not worried about that.”
You laid down on the couch, pulling your blanket over you. You’d spent most of your day in the same position you were currently in, that was after you had slept until almost 2pm. 
“Are you hungry? I can warm up some soup for you,” Jamie asked. He frowned at you in your miserable state. His heart ached.
“Ok,” you said. “But only if you eat some too.” 
“Deal,” Jamie chuckled. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”
“I’ll be here.” You tried to smile at him, but couldn’t muster up much. Damn flu. 
Five minutes later he was back with two bowls of warmed soup. 
You groaned as you sat up. Your whole body ached and from nothing in particular, just the flu bug you’d caught that had run rampant through you. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, but still shivered. You’d had a hard time staying warm all day, although the fever would beg to differ.
Jamie placed both bowls on the coffee table and then sat down beside you.
“Seriously, Jame. As much as I want you here, the team will kill me if you get sick.”
Jamie chuckled. “Nah. They’ll kill me for being careless and irresponsible.”
“Exactly! And I like you alive. I don’t know how I’d function with you dead.”
“I’m not gonna get sick. Eat your soup.”
“You’re so demanding,” you teased, rolling your eyes at him.
Jamie handed you the bowl when you were all situated. You hummed around the first bite; the hot broth soothed your sore throat and warmed you right up. And the taste was delicious. You could tell it was his mom’s recipe as it felt like home with every bite you took.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You suggested. Jamie wasn’t going to leave—you didn’t exactly want him to anyway— so you might as well make the most of him being there. 
“Sure. Is it still my turn to pick or do you get to this time since you’re sick?” You could never come to an agreement on who picked the movie whenever you’d hung out so you made a deal to just switch off every time. It worked a lot better than anything else you’d tried—which included everything from rock paper scissors to whoever’s house you were at.
“Rules are rules. You pick.”
You grabbed another blanket from your bedroom as Jamie found a movie to watch. You laid down with your head on the armrest and Jamie sat roughly in the middle, letting you rest your legs across his lap. You had one blanket to yourself but shared the second one you’d brought out and you both settled in for the show.
You were nearly asleep when Jamie cleared his throat. You turned to look at him just as he asked, “Hey, do you ever think of us as more than just friends?” 
He hoped you couldn’t feel the way he was physically shaking as he asked the question. Little did you know that he’d tried to ask it about a million times since coming over. He’d played it over and over in his head, what words he was going to use, how to phrase it, when the perfect moment to ask it would be, how you would respond, if you felt the same way, and if this would change everything for you both. So yeah, he was shaking and terrified.
But to his surprise, you seemed totally calm as you responded. “Often, yeah. Do you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “You know other people think of us that way too? Like they think we should be a couple ya know.”
You laughed softly. “Yeah, I know.”
“How come you’ve never brought it up?”
You sat up from the couch, your legs still thrown across Jamie’s lap. “Truthfully, I didn’t think you liked me as more than a friend. Well, until Penny brought it up when she was here for Christmas, that you did like me more than that. Since then I’ve wanted to ask but just been too nervous to I guess,” you shrugged.
Jamie nodded, taking a few seconds to process your words. “So do you like me more than just a friend?” 
He was suddenly so shy. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Yes, Jame. I have for a while.”
Jamie smiled too. “Y/N, when you’re feeling better, will you go on a date with me?” 
“I would love to.”
His smile only got bigger. “You have no idea how bad I wanna kiss you right now. But I’m not going to because I know you won’t let me, because you’re sick.” 
You laughed. “You’re exactly right. That too is just going to have to wait until I’m feeling better.”
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allthefandomthings55 · 6 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 6
Spencer’s POV
As I drove to work, I had a smile on my face the entire time. Sure it was 4 A.M. but I had just had one of the best nights with a girl, woman, that I really like and who really likes me. She likes me enough to know that I’m a technophobe, but gets me an IPhone anyways just to send me pictures of her. She likes me enough to know that I’m a technophobe, but gets me an IPhone anyways just so she can have my location to make sure I’m safe. 
As I pull into the parking garage, I quickly wipe the smile off of my face. Y/N and I have agreed to keep our relationship a secret not only for my sake, but for hers too. She has explained that if I see her on TV and she says that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, that is just to keep the facade up. I fear about this because I know, from the past few weeks, that JJ, Emily, and Penelope are huge fans of hers, and no one is better at pointing out when someone is lying. I’m not scared that they’ll do anything to her, but I am scared that they wil do some digging to see if they can find out who she is dating. 
As I’m in the elevator I take a deep breath and bring out my new phone and text Y/N. 
Hey I just wanted to say thank you for this gift. I hope you have a great time in Milan and I know that you will rock it!
I was about to put it back in my pocket when she responded
Thank you! Also you’re welcome on the gift. I wanted to say just text me anytime. I’m taking my private jet so I don’t have to worry about airplane mode on my phone. But I know that you will be busy. Good luck on your case!
I was about to respond to her when the elevator dinged, indicating that it had reached my floor. I quickly scrambled to put my new phone in my bag and walked into the bullpen. As I walked in, I saw everyone there just heading up to the conference room. 
“Hey look who made, Pretty Boy!” Morgan called out. Everyone gave a chuckle. 
“Yeah, yeah, hey, I had a late night thinking I might have been able to get a few extra hours of sleep.” and everyone agreed while still chuckling. As we walked into the conference room, Penelope was already there. 
“Ok friends, so today you are heading to Dr. Reid’s very own Las Vegas, Nevada for a case where there have been prostitutes kidnapped, held for two days and tortured, then dumped outside of dive bars in the alley. They aren’t normally hidden and any employee or patron that walks out the bars alley door is likely to see them.”
Rossi looked at his file, “Interesting, there are marks on their wrists and ankles indicating that they were tied up. Maybe this unsub’s ruse was to pretend they wanted their services, only to knock them out somehow?”
“But how? There are no drugs found in their system.” JJ answered. 
“Unless it was rohypnol. We all know that that drug doesn’t stick around long enough to appear on a tox report,” Morgan responded. 
“Well there are about 800 to 1,000 bars in Las Vegas, there are really only 20 to 25 bars and nightclubs in Las Vegas that could be quantified as ‘dive bars’,” I put out there. 
“Ok guys,” Hotch started, “This guy seems to be on a two day cycle. Wheels up in 20.” 
With that we all left to gather our things and head over to the airport. 
Once we got to the airport, I felt my phone buzz and I looked down. 
Look up. I see you!
I looked up across the tarmac and Y/N was over at the next terminal waving to me. I waved back when I heard a squeal. 
“Oh my god! That’s Y/F/N!” Emily, JJ, and Penelope all screamed while waving back enthusiastically. 
I smiled to myself and texted back. 
Yeah I see you. My coworkers are big fans. 
I could hear them screaming from here lol
Lol? Also, I know I can’t, but I wish I could just run over there and kiss you. 
Laugh out loud. You have no idea, but we both know how important our work is to us and how we like to keep our private life private. 
That’s very true. I do like to keep my life private from my coworkers. And I know for you it’s more serious than that. 
Yes it sadly is. Anyways, good luck on your case and stay safe!
Thank you. Good luck at your modeling/fashion show!
Thank you 😘
I put my phone away as I settled into my seat on our plane. Once we leveled off in the sky, we debriefed the case and came up with some new theories. Once we got to break to relax, I looked at my phone to see Y/N’s text. It gave me a small blush and I quickly put my phone away. We debriefed quickly on the plane and took the rest of the time to ourselves. I could hear Emily, JJ, and Garcia talking about how this case is going to go fast because we saw Y/N. Something about how it’s good luck to see your favorite celebrity, I wasn’t really listening to them. 
Time Skip because I suck at coming up with case stuff
As the team and I are chasing the Unsub, he turns around to take a shot at JJ. I pushed her out of the way and took a bullet in the shoulder. 
“Oh my god Spencer!” 
“Go!” I yelled, “Get him!”
JJ stayed back with me and put pressure on my shoulder. “Come on, Spence. Let’s get you to a hospital.” JJ took me to the nearest hospital. It was nothing too bad, all they needed to do was take the bullet out and get a few sticthes. My arm is in a sling and my arm is going to hurt for a week. The rest of the team got the Unsub and he is in custody. 
As we boarded the plane, JJ stopped me outside. “Thank you, Spence, for pushing me out of the way. I owe you one.”
“It’s no problem JJ.”
“Yes it is! That shot would’ve killed me. It would have gone into my heart. I would be dead.”
“That’s what I’m saying JJ. My choice was either you being killed, or my shoulder being in pain. That’s not a choice, it’s an obvious point that I needed to take action.”
JJ hugged me and went onto the plane. I took my normal spot on the plane and got a book out. After about four hours, I thought since it has been a couple of days I should update Y/N. 
Hi Y/N. How did your fashion show go?
It went amazing! I got to model three different outfits and they were all gorgeous! Plus the designer let me keep them. I’m actually at home right now let me go try them on and send you a picture. 
I would love to see the outfits but I need to tell you something. Can I come over? I’ll be careful I promise.
*Picture sent*
Yeah you can come over! My house is actually more secure so you can just drive up the driveway. When you get to the gate just say your name and they’ll let you in. 
You look gorgeous. 
I’ll do that then. We’ll be landing in about thirty minutes. So I’ll be there in like 45 minutes. 
*Picture sent*
Sounds great! I’ll be ready!
*Picture sent*
Those two outfits are also gorgeous. God do they put anything on a runway that isn’t amazing?
Never. If it’s not amazing, it doesn’t go out. See you soon. 
I put my phone away discretely and went back to my book. 
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mochiguksblog · 1 year
Megumi's Star
megumi x reader, 18+ rated, Itadori Yuji, Love at first sight
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Part 1
Nothing would justify the amount of rage you felt that day. It was your 2nd year anniversary with your now ex-boyfriend. He dumped you two hours ago. And the saddest part is, he dumped you on text. What was the worst you could do? Jump off a railing? Drink rat poison? Stab the ex to death? But fortunately you did none. You choose to hit up at the club your best friend works.
Yuji has been working there for 4 months now. At first, you really didn't like the idea of him studying and working part time but he had bills to pay. As a best friend, all you could do is support him. You pull out your phone from your coat,
Yuji 🐒: yo, you good? Do you want me to pick you up?
Y/n: Nah, I'm good. I'm actually on my way to your club, is that fine?
Yuji 🐒: You don't sound good but okay sure. I'll be here anyway. Take care bestie <3
Y/n: <33
In no time, you arrive at the club. As you enter, your eyes start searching for the pink haired boy. Luckily, you found him behind the bar. You take a seat in front of him. As soon as he looks at you, you notice the expressions and his eyes. He is concerned. Yuji and You have been friends for over a decade now. With your moms being best friends it was obvious y'all spent a lot of your childhood together. He has seen you closely through different phases of your life until now.
"Are yo-"
"I'm fine Yuji. I really am. I hope we can avoid this topic for now and I can peacefully get drunk with no thoughts"
Yuji puts on a warm smile,
"Sure M'lady. I'm gonna get you my special drink. Hold on"
He says and runs off the table to the kitchen. You smile at hin and move your attention towards the dance floor. Sweat and alcohol, yuck. Not today. You look further and find a few empty couches. There's one guy sitting quietly. He's still almost like a statue but keeps scrolling through his phone. You can hardly make out how he looks but the light through his phone reflects on his face. Even from afar, you can tell he's cute. Yuji grabs your attention walking behind you and hands you a drink. You are anticipated by the funky color but trust your bartender friend and taste the drink. Yuji looks at you waiting for an answer.
"It tastes bitter at first and then sweet and then sour. I love it"
His smile widened and he ruffled your hair.
"Enjoy your drink. Don't do anything stupid. I'll be here nearby. If you need anything call me, okay?"
"Yes mom, now go."
He leaves hastily as you watch him and sense a big figure behind you. It's the same guy with messy hair from the couch. And up close, he's even prettier. Fuck.
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vanishingcherry · 2 years
i’d get him to swap our places
eddie munson x reader
words: 1.7k
warnings: death, swearing, kissing (please comment if you see any other)
summary: you go to the upside down with eddie and dustin. 
a/n: i just finished st4 and im literally so sad so i figured id put that to good use. side note - im actually really disappointed with how will was treated in these episodes, he deserved so much more.
You followed Eddie and Dustin through to the Upside Down, carefully stepping over the vines to form a layer of protection over the trailer. After finding out what was happening, you insisted on helping as well. After all, there was no way you were letting your boyfriend run into some strange mirror world without you.
As you and Eddie properly place the wire fence around the trailer, Dustin follows by arranging all the knives and makeshift spears through the gaps in hope that it would stop or at least slow down the bats. 
Phase 1 of the plan was in motion and as you waited for the signal, the three of you sat on the dusty sofa. Eddie had brought his guitar and was tuning it, claiming that the plan wouldn’t work if the notes weren’t perfect. You lay your head on his shoulder, entwining your hands with his, trying to be as close and physically possible before the three of you would have to go and fight. 
All of a sudden, you heard radio static. You couldn’t make out what was being said, but the distinct tone of Nancy’s voice told you all you needed to know. It was time. 
Helping Eddie up to the roof of the trailer, Dustin followed him while you stayed below, keeping the door open for a faster exit. You gave a slight nod to Eddie and he began, the distraction was a go. 
You couldn’t help but slightly smile as you saw him play Master of Puppets. He loved music, always had, and it brought you a form of joy knowing that he was having a bit of fun.
However, your smile immediately changed to an expression of fear and determination as you heard Dustin shout out, “They’re coming!”
You turned to where he was looking and saw a cloud of bats flying towards you. 
“T - 30 seconds!”, you heard Dustin yell. 
You stayed prepared as Dustin counted down to 1. The moment you heard him yell that, both of them jumped down and ran inside as the bats attacked, the wire holding for now. 
As Eddie and Dustin celebrated, you were distracted by the constant pecking on the roof. All of the sudden, one of the bats got through. You got pushed away as Dustin and Eddie ran forward, stabbing the bat. However, all around you, more and more bats had started attacking. 
All three of you did your best, but it was no use, you knew that within a minute the roof wouldn’t exist and everything would be over. 
All of a sudden, you heard Eddie scream, “I have an idea, I-”, he stabbed a bat with his shield, “I can get them away from here, but both of you need to stay in the trailer.”
“What no, we have to stay toge-”. Eddie opened the door and ran out, shouting random things to get the bats attention. Soon enough, all of them had followed him, leaving you and Dustin safe. 
“We have to help him, c’mon”, you said to Dustin, but he was already halfway outside the door.
You followed him but stepped back in surprise when he slammed the door in your face. 
“Dustin what the fu- don’t you dare.” You yelled as Dustin ran out the trailer and left you inside, locking the door with a lock that just conveniently happened to be outside. 
“I’m sorry, he told me to keep you safe no matter what. Just wait here, I’ll find him.”
“Dustin Henderson I swear if you don’t come back here right now I am going to kill you, let me out!” You tried pushing against the door but it wouldn’t budge. For such a dump, the locks were surprisingly good. 
Still, you shouted at Dustin who just looked back at you with a sorry expression before running off to find Eddie. 
“Eddie! Eddie where are you?”, you shouted, finally having picked the lock with a piece of metal you found on the floor. “Eddie! Dustin! Dustin?”, your voice was hoarse from all the screaming, but still you yelled and yelled, running in the direction you saw Dustin go. 
Finally you reached a clearing, noticing all the dead bats your eyes focus on a figure sitting hunched over another person. In your heart, at that moment, you knew something was really wrong. 
The dread, the worry, the fear, a flurry of emotions took control as you ran forward as fast as you could, falling down next to Dustin and Eddie. 
“I think it’s finally my year Henderson”, Eddie said. Just for a brief second you went back to the day he said that in school. 
“This is my year” You heard him say to Dustin as you smiled up at him from your seat on the dining table. “I can feel it, ‘86 baby.”
You laughed as he sat down and wrapped an arm around your waist as you leant in to press a kiss to his lips. He was so happy, and that made you happy.
That brought you back to reality, the realisation that while he was happy the last time he said it, this time he had blood covering his face and body.
“Hey Eddie, you’re okay, it’s okay.”, you muttered as you looked at where all he’d been injured. His breathing was irregular, you could tell it hurt him to do anything at all. 
“Hey angel, I’m- I’m okay, I promise”, he murmured back. Your eyes were glossy as you tried to hold back the tears that were collecting. 
“Don’t worry a- about me, I love you, it’s okay.”, he continued before moving his head to look at Dustin. 
“I love you, man.”, Eddie said. Dustin too was crying, trying to keep it in control as he reassured Eddie it would be fine. 
“I love you too.”
You saw Eddie smile, like he was content with life and you panicked. 
“Don’t- don’t go I need you. Please just- just wait, just hold on.” You looked around for anything that would help, but all you saw was dead bats, rocks and trees for miles. 
“Shit, Eddie just hold on.” You were still grasping his hands as tight as you could as Dustin applied pressure to his wounds. You were breathing hard, wracking your mind and trying to think of a solution, anything that would save him.
As you looked down again, you saw that his head had started falling to the side, you immediately pulled it back, forcing him to look at you.  He offered a small smile, the best he could do in his current predicament. Using all his energy to bring a bloody hand up to your cheek, you noticed a tear fall from his eyes as he quietly said “I- I love you Y/N”.
Before you could reply, his hand fell down, leaving a trail of blood, his blood, on your cheek. His head fell to the side and his eyes stilled as the last of his tears ran down his face. 
Your eyes widened. “Oh god, no no no. I love you too, I- I love you too”, you whispered, grabbing his face. “C’mon its fine just- just look at me, I love you, please.” 
“Dustin help me. We have to take him to the hospital, we have to help him, we- we can still hel-”. You broke down crying, resting your head on Eddie’s shoulder as his shirt muffled your sobs. 
After what felt like minutes but was actually much longer, you felt Dustin’s hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him, your red eyes matching his own. 
“We have to go, we can’t stay here.”
“Wait, what about Eddie. We have to take him. Dustin i’m not leaving him here.”, you said back, your voice raspy. 
“We can’t carry him, we don’t have a choice.”
“We- we can’t- I can’t leave him here. Its- he deserves better, so much better.”
“Y/N, even if we could take him back, no one would help, the moment someone saw him the police would take his body away, d-”, he paused closing his eyes for a second, “or alive.”
You took a couple deep breaths, knowing Dustin was right. 
“Okay. But we’re not leaving him here. The least we could do is take him back to the trailer.”
“We can do that”, he said back, in a soft tone. 
The two of you made it back to Hawkins ad immediately realised what had happened. There were cracks everywhere, people’s houses had fallen in. That was the earthquake the two of you had felt earlier while carrying Eddie’s body back to the trailer. 
In your hand, you had one of Eddie’s necklaces. The other was around Dustin’s neck, while the third was still on Eddies body. You had found them in his palm, slipping out as the two of you lifted him up. You noticed and picked it up, after realising what it was, you closed your eyes to stop the tears, and then continued taking him back.
Once you reached the trailer, you gave one to Dustin, kept one with yourself and left the third on his chest, above his heart. The third one matched one of your own necklaces. 
“What if we got matching necklaces?”, he said to you one day as the two of you walked to his house.
“What?”, you asked, making sure you heard him right. You never thought that Eddie Munson would want matching necklaces with anyone, least of all you. 
“I have these two guitar pics and they have the same really cool design and i could turn those into necklaces, it would be really fun.”, he replied. You realised he was being serious and agreed. 
You promised you would never take yours off, and never did, keeping it on at all times, it was your good luck charm. Not a week later, the two of you were dating.
You grimaced at the unwelcome memory, not wanting to remember how great it was when the person you loved most in the world wasn’t there anymore. 
For the next couple days, you helped around as much as you could, doing your best to distract yourself from your feelings and help the people who got hurt during the earthquake. 
While you folded some blankets, you looked around and noticed that almost everyone was now standing outside. You too followed and made your way through the crowd to the front where you saw Dustin. Red clouds covered the sky while the plants withered. Dust started falling and almost everything was a shade duller than before. 
Panick and fear clouded your mind as you locked eye contact with Dustin, the both of you knowing what just happened.
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averagekanadekinnie · 2 years
mmm more spaceboy >:]]
Type: Fluff once more, love the little dork!!!!
Warnings: I don’t think so??
Notes: IM GETTING COMPLIMENTS WHTA THE FUCKSJEJSHAHSHBE!1!1?1!1?!1 am I really that cool or what…… (that is a joke I am NOT COOL) BUT WE ALL KNOW YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING SPACE BF ASKER also this might a little short :3
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AREEUUGGFHFH he has had a long day and is in NEED of your touch/love and affection!!
Whenever he asks, PLEASE PLEASE let him
If you’re not comfy with physical affection then oh boy!!
Just like when he asks for a kiss, he’ll ask for a cuddle in the dorkiest way ever
"I request a hug in bed from my perfect and ethereal significant other, Y/N!"
"…You mean you want to cuddle, SPACE BOYFRIEND?"
"Er.. yes but I prefer calling it hug in bed.." He spoke with a quiet tone as you chuckled.
You nerds call it cuddling? Nah nah,
..Don’t judge him smh!
But if he’s had a hard day, he’ll literally just hug you as he hopefully thinks that you’re thinking of what he’s thinking.
Sometimes, adventures can be pretty tough and tiring, not boredom but like YK!
Sometimes, SWEETHEART sometimes asks him to take her back even SHE broke up with him.
But of course he wouldn’t choose her over you, after what you’ve done for him?
You gave him a sweet and loving relationship that even a girl named SWEETHEART couldn’t give to him.
He LOVES YOU MAN!!!!! And definitely knows how to show it!!!
After a hard long day of a tough adventure in the cosmos with his crew + a wild SWEETHEART tired CAPT. SPACE BOYFRIEND. He so badly wants your love and physical affection.
Thankfully he found you sitting on his bed, because he can let you do that. You’re basically second in command with his crew!!!
He gently gives you a hug from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist, already putting his head on your shoulder, groaning.
You were surprised, but soon realized what this was about, you use one arm to hug his arms wrapped around your waist while using the other to.. gently hold his head.
"Y/N.. my ethereal galaxy, today was super tiring.. perhaps can we—"
"I already know what you’re thinking.. and of course." Immediately after you said that, you fell to the side, landing on his bed. And since he was holding onto you, CAPT. SPACE BOYFRIEND was pulled to you as well.
You turned your whole body around to face him as you both got comfortable. CAPT. SPACE BOYFRIEND was telling you about his day and how much he hated that SWEETHEART wanted him back.
"Don’t get me started on that evil SWEETHEART! I thought she was the lady of my dreams until she dumped so many times! And now that I have a special, amazing, astonishing, OUT OF THIS WORLD partner like you Y/N, she suddenly wants me back?! If only I can throw her across space and let her be trapped there forever!" He ranted about his hate for SWEETHEART as you listened carefully, laughing at his cringy nicknames and how he wanted her in SPACE alone forever.
It felt nice just the two of you, no SPACE PIRATES to interrupt.. Everything felt perfect.
Please never leave him, he loves you a lot and trusts you with his entire now-mended heart of his. Please treat his heart right.
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covered in bruises
word count: 2,611
pairing: tsukishima kei x fem!reader
warnings: brief mentions of blood, nosebleeds, bruises, and scuffs/cuts, also a bitchy ex-boyfriend who sucks and shares some private pics. also some swearing cause it’s me (but i promise it’s fluffy!!!)
a/n: i genuinely have no clue where this idea came from but I’m a sucker for partners taking care of each other after a fight or something so tadah. thank you to @satan-ruler-of-hells for helping me with the ending and @thisnoodlewritesao3 for helping me with the title! i hope you guys enjoy!
haikyuu masterlist
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A few years ago, if you had told Y/N Y/L/N that she would be answering a phone call in the dead of night from Yamaguchi, she probably would’ve guessed that the two of them had forgotten about some project they were supposed to complete and the pair would’ve spent all night working on it while Tsukishima slept peacefully knowing he had finished it.
What Y/N never guessed on happening was Tsukishima stumbling through her front door, only barely being held up by Yamaguchi, the blond’s face covered in scuff marks and blood dripping from his nose and lips.
“What the hell happened?” Y/N gaped, immediately rushing to Tsukishima’s other side and helping him into the kitchen.
“Don’t even get me started,” Yamaguchi grumbled, muttering something about keeping your mouth shut and never would’ve gotten into this mess.
“Stop grumbling. I’m fine. You’re fine. Everyone’s fine,” Tsukishima huffed, pushing the two of them off but swaying a little.
“Tsukishima Kei, what the hell happened to you? You look like you got into a fight!” Y/N stared at him for a moment, watching as his gaze flickered away from hers. She glanced at Yamaguchi, as if hoping that would bring some answers, but he just glared at Tsukishima as well. “I’ll get the first aid kit,” she said after a beat of silence, walking to the other room.
There was a flurry of hushed whispers as she left, Yamaguchi insisting to Tsukishima that he needed to tell her what was going and Tsukishima being blatantly stupid and insisting that there was in fact, nothing going on.
By the time that Y/N returned, hands filled with some spare tissues and bandages, sprays and cotton balls, Yamaguchi had thrown up his hands in the air in exasperation, “I give up. I brought him this far. He’s your problem now,” he groaned, shaking his head towards Y/N. “I’m sorry for dumping him on you, but maybe you can talk some sense into him.”
Y/N and Tsukishima watched as Yamaguchi stormed off, leaving both of them in an awkward silence.
“Are you going to stand there or are you going to help me?” Tsukishima grumbled after a bit, sitting down on a nearby dining chair. 
Y/N raised an eyebrow at him, part of her wanting to smack him in the head but thinking better of it considering his injuries. “Here, hold this to your nose,” she insisted, handing him the tissues as she glanced over his body. From what she could see, the most damage was on his face but if he could keep his nosebleed in order, she could tend to the scrapes and cuts that were starting to bleed on his knuckles.
Pulling up a chair next to him, Y/N sprayed some hydrogen peroxide onto his knuckles. Tsukishima inhaled sharply, pulling away from her grip as he winced, “What the hell is that?” He glared at her, trying not to make it obvious just how much that fucking hurt.
“Give me your fucking hands, Kei,” Y/N demanded, holding her hands out with another vicious look. “You gotta spray them before they get all infected.”
The boy hesitated before slowly letting her hands take his, bracing himself this time as she dabbed away the blood and finally wrapped it up in some medical bandages. “I’ll get you something cold for your nose, hang on,” she mumbled, shuffling to the freezer and digging through to find something helpful.
Tsukishima shifted awkwardly, trying to glance around at anything else so he didn’t have to sit in the silence. “Are you not going to ask?” He muttered out finally, avoiding her eyes as he checked to see how much his nose was still bleeding.
“How about I assume it was something stupid?” she quipped, bringing over a cold ice pack. “Here, I use this sometimes when my muscles hurt after swimming practice.”
He nodded slowly, placing it over his nose in hopes of bringing down any swelling. Now that he was sitting here and his adrenaline was going down, everything was starting to ache a lot more.
“It wasn’t stupid,” Tsukishima murmured, glancing at her for a moment. 
Y/N laughed a bit, shaking her head, “Sure it wasn’t.”
Tsukishima frowned tightly, watching her as she cleaned him up. Her fingers delicately working along his skin, checking for any other cuts or scrapes along his arm. “Why would it be something stupid?”
“Because, the Tsukishima Kei that I grew up with only fought with snarky comebacks and sneers,” Y/N laughed a bit at the memories, glancing up at him and brushing her fingers along the cut on his eyebrow. 
“Wouldn’t that mean that if I had to punch someone, it would be something serious?”
The girl couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, thinking about this string bean of a boy throwing hands, “You punched someone? It kinda just looks like you got used as a punching bag.”
“Hey, it was 3 to 1. And I left some pretty good cuts on them too, thank you very much,” Tsukishima groaned a bit as Y/N dabbed a bit of the peroxide on his eyebrow, swatting at her hand, “Okay okay. I think it’s clean now!”
“So if one of these gets infected, will you be bitching like a little baby then too?” She shot back, smacking his hand away from hers. “How’s your nose?”
Tsukishima pulled the tissues and cold pack away from his face, letting Y/N examine him, “Well, I don’t think it’s broken so you’ll probably be fine. Just don’t take a volleyball to the face anytime soon.”
He just rolled his eyes as she went to start a kettle, insisting that tea was good for healing. 
“If I asked what it was about would you be honest?” Y/N questioned as she brought over two cups of tea.
“Would you believe me if I said they had just such punchable faces?”
“Then no.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, kicking at his shin from under the table and making him whine a bit more, “Hey! I’m bruised all over the place!”
“Tell me what happened! Yamaguchi thought I should know so why shouldn’t I know?”
Tsukishima just looked away, fingers drumming along the mug that was warming his hands. “Just... some dude doing some dumb shit. Saying stupid things about...”
“About you.”
Y/N stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Tsukishima wasn’t exactly the number one best example of a friend. And it wasn’t like there weren’t people before who didn’t like her. There were bound to be people saying shit.
“What did they say? Do I know them?” She asked finally, thinking back about the list of people she had in her head who definitely didn’t like her.
“It doesn’t matter, they were just being idiots,” Tsukishima tried to insist, sipping at his tea. “I was just annoyed and so I called them out for it. And the one guy took a swing at me. Then we just... did what guys do, I dunno.”
“Is Yamaguchi okay?” Y/N’s eyes widened, looking at her front doors as if the boy would magically still be there. “Did he get hurt?”
“No way. If anything, Yamaguchi probably broke the one guy’s nose,” Tsukishima snickered, thinking back to the moment where one of the dudes crumpled up in pain after Yams smacked him around. 
Y/N nodded slowly, reminding herself to text the boy later and make sure he was alright. “You’re really not gonna tell me what they said?”
Tsukishima stretched his legs out slightly, getting more comfortable in the seat and avoided her eyes some more, as if pretending she hadn’t said anything. But the awkwardness exuding from him was very evident. “He just... said something about you being average... but still kept showing off these stupid pictures,” he finally muttered out, ears going red.
Y/N felt her heart drop a little. She didn’t need to hear anything more than pictures to know that her fucking ex-boyfriend was the one who was causing all this trouble. She had so many regrets about that relationship, and one of them was the photos that she had sent.
“I deleted them,” Tsukishima commented after glancing at her expression. “When I knocked him down I grabbed his phone and deleted them. I dunno if he has other copies somewhere but...”
Y/N practically threw herself across the table, wrapping the string bean boy into a hug. There was such a relief off of her shoulders, just knowing that Tsukishima had tried to get rid of them.
He grunted in response, pulling her closer into a hug but also shifting her weight around so it wasn’t on his side (which hurt like a bitch). “Stop doing stupid things for boys who are too dumb to realize what they have,” he commented, flicking her head.
She gave a little laugh, hugging him tighter for a moment before pulling away, “Yea yea... Does that mean I should stop taking care of you all the time?”
Tsukishima’s lips made a few protesting sounds, huffing before finally standing up and stretching. “I should get going. I don’t want you to stay up too late or you’ll be yawning all day tomorrow in math.”
Y/N smacked his arm a little making him wince a bit, which just made her laugh, “Go on then. Try to take a shower and ice your bruises. And next time you beat up my ex-boyfriend, call me so I can take a swing at him too.”
Tsukishima smirked and nodded, heading to the front door and slipping his shoes on. 
“Hey Tsukishima?”
He glanced back at her, surprised to find the nervous look on her face. She shifted on her feet for a moment before reaching up and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, “I mean it. Thank you.”
Tsukishima burst into a fit of stammers, insisting that it wasn’t that big of a deal and she shouldn’t make it into one, but his cheeks were glowing red while he waved it away.
The next day at school, Y/N couldn’t help but smirk when her eyes landed on her black-eyed and scuffed up ex-boyfriend. For a string bean, apparently Tsukishima was pretty good at landing punches. Maybe it was the snarky expression on her face, or maybe it was just because she had walked by, but before Y/N could rush past him, her ex-boyfriend stepped in front of her, glowering down at her. 
“Get out of my way, asshole,” Y/N huffed, stepping back slightly.
“You know, I always knew there was something going on with you and Four Eyes,” her ex told her in a low voice, arms crossed in front of his chest. “I should’ve known you were cheating on me.”
“Right, I cheated on you and then broke up with you for cheating on me,” Y/N raised an eyebrow up at him. “Get lost, idiot. I don’t have time for you.”
“You’re saying you weren’t seeing him behind my back? That it’s not suspicious that you two immediately started going out after we broke up?” His voice was raising, causing all the students nearby to glance in their direction, whispers filling the space around them.
“We aren’t going out,” Tsukishima’s voice thudded into the air, his heavy arm flopping onto Y/N’s shoulders. He patted her head gently as he gave her a simple smile before turning his glare onto the dude in front of him. “I didn’t ask her out when you two broke up. But if she’ll have me, I can do it here and now in front of you?” 
The offer stunned everyone around them, even the whispering bunches of teens who had come around to see if these two bruised and beaten up boys would end up fighting again. Y/N looked up at Tsukishima with wide eyes, heart palpitating against her chest.
“I knew you liked her,” her ex scoffed. “Too bad she’s too good for you.”
“Well if she settled for the likes of you, I must have a pretty decent shot. I might not be the best boyfriend material, but at least I know not to talk shit about a girl like Y/N,” Tsukishima snapped back. His eyes finally met Y/N’s and she had to wonder for a moment if he was being serious or just saying this to show up the asshole in front of them. 
“There’s no way she would go out with you-” the asshole glared at the two of them.
“Yes,” Y/N breathed out softly, both Asshole and Tsukishima’s eyes falling on her. “Ask me.”
Tsukshima’s usually scowling lips turned into a smile, patting her head and ruffling up her hair slightly, “Go out with me.”
Y/N nodded with a smile, still searching his eyes for any sign that this was a genuine interaction. 
“Finally,” Yamaguchi huffed from behind the two of them, grinning widely as they all turned to look at him. “The two of you look good together. Now hurry up, we’re going to be late to class.”
Tsukishima grabbed Y/N’s hand before she or her ex could say anything, pulling her ahead as they followed Yams to class.
“W-Wait, Tsukishima,” Y/N stopped in her tracks as they got outside of the classroom, Yams already heading in.
Y/N watched him carefully, still unsure of his intentions. “Thank you, for helping me out back there but...”
Tsukishima’s eyes darkened for a moment, like he was coming to some sort of realization, “If it was just a ploy to you, it’s fine. We can just say it was to get him off your back, that’s fine.”
She grabbed his arm as he started to move away, frowning as she looked up at him, “N-No, that’s... I just wanted to know if you... if you meant it.”
As his eyes met hers again, he tilted his head slightly, “Meant what?”
Y/N sighed, knowing they were going to end up going back and forth on this topic if she wasn’t straight up wit him. “Did... Did you really want to ask me out?”
He gave a smirk and Y/N’s heart started to fall - so it had been a joke this whole time then. “Obviously I wanted to ask you out. I’ve been wanting to for weeks now. Did you think I would just ask you out for no reason?”
Y/N wanted to point out that he could have just asked her out to humiliate her ex but seemed to catch onto this and just laughed. “If you think I’d actually fight a guy for just anyone, you’re stupider than I thought.”
She pouted in return, hitting his chest in defiance, “Hey!”
Tsukishima laughed and flicked her forehead, smirking down at her, “Go out with me. Seriously this time.”
Y/N glared playfully at him, pushing at his chest a little, “Fine. But you’ve got to be a bit nicer to me.”
“I took punches to the face for you, how much nicer can I get?” Tsukishima scoffed but bent down and kissed her nose gently. “Now hurry up, we’re late now, idiot.”
Y/N couldn’t help but feel like everyone was watching them as Tsukishima interlaced their fingers together and pulled her into class, dropping her off at her seat and giving her a cheeky wink, before taking his next to Yamaguchi. 
She glanced at him every few seconds in class, pinching herself each time he would catch her eye and give her a small smile, wondering if her dreams had really come true. Had the guy she had fallen head over heels for really just asked her out?
Yes. And surprisingly, it was all thanks to her piece of shit ex boyfriend and a bloody nose.
haikyuu masterlist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @neko-chii1​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @tobi-momo​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​ @jesssobs​ @b-bakana​
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Sorry to be intense so quickly but I just need a place to get this off my chest. Having a really bad day today, my boyfriend and I have been arguing for a while and we had a big one the other night which has ended it staying at his parents for a few days. Not trying to share a sob story but just letting people know that if they’re feeling like shit they should watch this tiktok (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNPEuyrp/?k=1 ) because it’s literally the only reason I ate something today -💫
no that’s okay darling! my inbox is always open if people need to vent! as long as people don’t fully trauma dump on me I’m more than okay with these kinds of asks, you’re fine! <33
I’m sorry that you’re having a hard time with your boyfriend and I really hope things get better for you soon my lovely!
ughhh please Joseph is literally the softest sweetest lol bean ever I can’t even handle this, he’s just so fucking cute we honestly don’t deserve him! thank you for sharing this, I hope it helps make someone else feel better too <3
here’s the video guys <3
- hope
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kittycattoys · 2 years
Ink - Eddie Munson
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Thank you to all the people that liked my last post and to the people that followed me.
Please comment if you would like to be tagged.
Summery: Steve is furious. But Ava has something else to worry about
Warnings: 18+ content, Season 1 Steve(aka dick Steve), drug use (obviously)
Last episode: As she walked to her locker she saw Steve who had a furious look on his face.
"Where the fuck were you last night" Steve asked in a very condescending tone.
"Why do you care we had nothing planned" Ava replied calmly
"well I was going to talk to you last night about something but when I went to your house your mother told me you were at Izzy's which you always use when you don't want to tell her where you really are" He said clearly angry "And when I got here Tommy told me he saw you leaving with the freak-"
"Which one?" She cut him off. "You have many people you call freaks"
"It doesn't matter-"
"Well then what's the problem" she cut him off again. She knew she was playing on dangerous grounds but she knew if she pushed the right buttons she could get him off her tail.
"Just... Let me know next time." Success "Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. I want to bring Nancy somewhere" Shit
"No" she said blankly
"What No?! What do you mean No?"
"Two reasons. One I don't want to be your third wheel because you don't want her to think it's a date and Two I'm busy" she tried to walk away but Steve followed her
"With what? Your in no clubs, you have no boyfriend-" that's when he stopped and grabbed her arm "Who were you with last night?"
"None of your business Steve" she said trying to get out his grip.
"you were with the freak last night weren't you" his grip on her arm got tighter.
"Who are you-"
"You know exactly who" he cut her off then looked at the shirt and pants she was wearing "these are his clothes aren't they?" A crowd had formed around them watching the argument and was blocking most of the hallway
"Let go of me" She said trying to be treating but it didn't work.
"Let her go Steve" A teacher yelled over the murmurs of the crowd "Now Harrington"
As soon as he let her go she scurried off towards her first class.
Eddie watched as Ave sat alone at lunch just picking at her food. He was tempted to go over there but he knew that would just make it worse. He knew what happened that morning from what other people told him. He wasn't there because she told I'm to enter awhile after she did he didn't know exactly why until he heard of Steve's reaction to her just wearing a boys clothes. Now he felt like he was stepping in on their relationship. But he couldn't help but stare at her and remember all that happened last night and hope she wasn't playing him.
"Eddie did you hear a word I just said" his friend's annoyed voice cut though his thoughts
"Sorry" he turned his attention back to his friends
"we were making plans for tonight" another one of his friends chimed in
"I'm busy tonight" he said turning to look back at Ava. His friend looked towards where he was looking at and sighed
"Why do you still have a crush on Ava it's never going to happen you know that"
"Yeah I know" Ava then got up and dumped her tray heading out the door. Eddie somehow gained some confidence and stood up "hold that thought"
"Don't do anything dumb" his friend yelled back to him
When Eddie caught up with Ava he grabbed her arm pulling her into a nearby storage room.
"Let go of-" she cut herself off when she saw it was Eddie. She grabbed his shirt and gave him a kiss.
"What was that for" he said pulling away from the kiss
"Sorry I- It's just most of the time a guy pulls a girl into the storage room it's for sex" she said nervously
"Oh I mean that's not exactly what I was going to do but if you want to I'm cool with it" he said slightly pulling away from her
"um not right now if Steve found me here with you he would kill you"
"About Steve I heard what happened this morning what was up with that"
"I don't know he gets really overprotective sometimes but not that protective"
"Please be honest with me are you two dating or what because I don't want to be a side guy"
"I swear we are not he is just my best friend you could ask anyone in his friend group about who he likes and everyone would tell you he is trying to get in the pants of Nancy Wheeler he goes on and on about her"
"He was the guy you liked wasn't he"
"Yes" she took a deep breath before continuing "but it's Steve Harrington ask any girl and she would say she liked him"
"That's true but answer this if you had to chose-"
"You" she cut him off with out hesitation "there are a bunch of men like Steve but I have met no one that has ever made me feel like how you do"
"so we're still on for tonight" he gave a dorky smile as he asked that
"of course"
As soon as school was over both Ava and Eddie quickly headed home to get ready. Ava was such in a hurry she didn't didn't notice her mom until she bumped into her.
"whoa whoa whoa where's the fire."
"Sorry I'm just really excited"
"where are you going and what are you wearing"
Ava thought about it for a second and decided it wouldn't be the best idea to tell her she was going on a date "I'm headed back to Izzy's and yesterday she threw me into her pool and didn't have any clothes that fit me so I borrowed some clothes from her brother"
"ok have fun" Ava quickly ran up the stairs to get ready
Eddie waited outside of Ava's house tapping the stearing wheel praying she would come out hoping that she wasn't pranking
A/N: Hi guys sorry it took so long to post I've been in extreme pain and I've been on pills that make me sleep all day. I might never post consistently because I have alot to do I have a dog to take care of and I have several things wrong with my body. I'm not looking for sympathy I'm just letting you know
Part three
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Hello! Is it okay if i ask for a Georgie blurb? The scenario will be that him and the reader get into a play fight and George finds out that the reader is ticklish? i think it would be so cute! And thank you so much! <3
Thank you for the request!! Hope you like it, it was cute to write 💞
Battle scars | George Weasley x reader
word count: 440
masterlist | taglist form
You heard George’s shuffling feet back in the common room after he went to nonchalantly dump his schoolbag, at the foot of his four-poster. He was approaching from behind, getting around the sofa, and was about to lunge himself at you - yet this was not your first day knowing, or dating, George Weasley.
Not tearing your eyes away from the book in your hands, you raised your leg. Propping your foot in the centre of his chest, you kept him at bay.
George fell at your feet theatrically, making you turn your attention to him.
He got up, then after dusting himself off rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt with a determined expression.
You saw it in his eyes, as he cracked his knuckles, “Game’s on,” he said, and you quickly put your book down at the coffee table - then braced yourself.
Somehow you dodged his tackle, pushing at his chest you used the momentum to flip him and pin him down. Straddling him, you pressed his legs down with yours and after a bit of a tussle, caught his wrists.
Yet you didn’t get to keep him restrained, really, his hands bigger, and arms stronger than yours. You were flipped before you knew it, hearing your boyfriend’s smug laughter.
He held both your wrists with one hand and went to tickle your sides with the other, but as soon as his fingers touched your waist, you wriggled wildly, making George inhale sharply in realisation. He learned your weak spot.
“George, no-” you managed to get out, but it was too late. Your words interrupted by fits of giggles, George let go of your hands as you wouldn’t manage to push him away anyway. He got so lost in the satisfaction of tickling you, that as you still tried to wrestle him away, he slipped off the sofa.
You heard a loud bang and a curse as he banged his head on the table’s edge.
“Oh no, Georgie..!” you exclaimed, turning on your ‘worried’ mode immediately.
He groaned, sitting up. “I’m fine, I’m alive,” he affirmed, covering his forehead with his hand.
With one swift move, you sat at his level. “Aww, I’m sorry, love,” you cooed, uncovering the scrape mark on his forehead. It didn’t look that bad, you blew some cold air on it, trying to help ease the pain.
You were both chuckling quietly about the situation, then George looked you in the eyes.
“Kiss it better,” he requested, so cupping his cheeks with both of your hands, you kissed his forehead delicately.
“How’s it feel now?” you asked. “How’s what feel?” he replied cheekily.
taglist under the cut
@izzyyy-1 ; @amourtentiaa ; @dumb-bea ; @slytherclawbitch ; @famdomhideout ; @mollenniumfalcon ; @accioweaslcy ; @justasmolballofstress ; @hufflepuff5972 ; @calmspencer ; @littlwthingz ; @skarlettmikaelson ; @pandaxnienke ; @harrysweasleys ; @ickle-ronniekins ; @hcneybii ; @weasleysprofessionalhoe ; @lunarlovegoodx ; @henqtic ;
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