#1. They Have Expertise in Tokenization
ishikaverma · 2 years
Token Development Company
In the age of digital transformation, businesses must move quickly to adopt new technologies or risk being left behind. Tokenization is one of the most innovative and advanced technologies that has emerged in recent years, and those who are able to integrate it into their business models will have a significant competitive advantage. 
A Token development company specialises in helping businesses create and launch their own digital tokens. A digital token is a unit of value that is used to represent assets or access tokenized items on a blockchain platform. There are many reasons why you should use a token development company to create your digital tokens, but let's look at the top 3: 
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cityof2morrow · 2 months
CO2 Skills: Custom Skill Tokens
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Published: 7-17-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY I use mods to make more diverse sims in terms of personality traits, body types, and lifetime wants. They’ve made my sims more complex and interesting to play overall. Still, the skill-building system feels limited alongside these mods. Being a decent pianist shouldn’t automatically make it easier to paint, spy, DJ, garden, become a career slacker, work as an architect, and play every other instrument in-game. Being clean certainly benefits barbers and pet owners, but shouldn’t they also be good at cutting hair and animal care? By default, sims can develop at least 40 skills - 4 toddler skills, 7 basic skills, 4 hidden skills, 6 life skills (AL/FT), and 11 talent badges (OFB). This custom skills pack builds directly on the existing skill-hobby system in Sims 2 in the following ways:
60+ new skills taken from other games in the simsverse (Sims 3, Sims 4, console titles, etc.)
100+ new skills related to university majors, career tracks, and popular mods from the simsverse
New skills are linked to certain objects, interactions, and career levels
All TS2 content creators are welcome to link these skills to your creations if they choose BUT this is meant to be non-intrusive. These will be linked to some of my custom careers, majors, and objects.
DETAILS Basegame Compatible – but skill-related objects and mods may require expansions. * These are skill TOKENS ONLY - custom objects, mods, majors and career tracks which use these skills will be published on this site under the #co2skills, #co2careers, and/or #co2edu  tags. Modders, feel free to implement these and if you do – please share!
Skills are invisible tokens activated by certain interactions in-game.
Sims can’t develop the same skill twice and they can’t sell or gift them to others.
Skills do not appear in inventories or the UI.
Some repetitive and animal-specific skills were excluded.
An index of all skills and their GUIDS is included with this download. If you have custom skills to add to the list, please ask/message me.
A “SKILL TREE” FOR SIMS 2 Where do these custom skills fit in gameplay? Imagine a system with three levels of expertise… LEVEL 1 = basegame skills (body, charisma, cleaning, cooking, creativity, logic, and mechanical). ^^This level already exists in the basegame and everything starts here. You need 2 or more basic skill points before you can advance. LEVEL 2 = some custom skills, life skills (AL/FT), talent badges (OFB), supernatural/magic (AL) ^^This level exists if you play with expansions. I’ve added a few new skills here related to existing supernatural and woohoo gameplay. LEVEL 3 and up = remaining custom skills and university major skills
^^The bulk of new skills come into play here and help make sims’ hobbies, careers, and lifestyle choices make more sense.
Unlock level 3 skills by earning 2-3 points in a level 1 or level 2 skill, a talent badge, and/or attending university.
Use the skill trees below for reference. Skills are grouped by their basegame skill/hobby affiliation, but some (ballet for example) may appear in multiple categories.
You do NOT need to earn all skills/badges at one level to unlock the next. The point of this project is that your sims can finally specialize in activities and professions related to their true personality.
BODY Body skill is already linked to tai chi and the restocking badge, but the skill is named differently across games (athleticism, fitness, health/sanity, etc.). Unlock new ways to develop a sim’s physical and mental strength.
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CHARISMA Charisma links to the sales badge while range of hobby-related interests fall under film and literature. Branch off and concentrate on related skill areas.
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CLEANING The cleaning skill is linked to three badges (cosmetology, gardening, and fishing) and enthusiasm for animals and the environment. Specialize in ways which better reflect their lifestyle.
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COOKING Venture into new worlds of taste and make magic in the kitchen! This may be especially useful for those who want more challenging gameplay in terms of food-related careers, businesses, and custom food mods.
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CREATIVITY & DANCE By default, creativity makes earning badges in flower arranging, pottery, and sewing easier. It also relates to the hidden drafting/dance skills.
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…because a sim who hates art should be able to become a master pianist without magically becoming a master painter too.
LOGIC & UNIVERSITY Logic contributes to the register/cashiering badge and the hidden study/homework skill. Now, sims can pursue new schools of knowledge. Certain majors will now require students to learn theory and technical skills in their areas of study.
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MECHANICAL Mechanical sims can more easily earn a robotics badge and now, they can also unlock a host of new mechanical/tech-related pursuits.
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SUPERNATURAL Sims with supernatural abilities can enhance their craft by building a range of new skills.
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OTHER Some of the new skills require TWO (2) or more types of basic skill points. Herbalism, for example, requires both cooking and gardening skill.
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DOWNLOAD (choose one) SKILL TOKENS from SFS | from MEGA
* These are skill TOKENS ONLY - custom objects, mods, majors and career tracks which use these skills will be published on this site under the #co2skills, #co2careers, and/or #co2edu tags. Modders, feel free to implement these and if you do – please share! CREDITS Thanks: Echo, Ch4rmful, Gummi, ChocolateCitySim, Sufficeittosay, WHoward, Jelly Meduza and the rest of the Sims 2 modding community. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Magic Skill (Echo, 2006), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik).
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edenfenixblogs · 10 months
New Pinned Post: How This Blog Approaches The Conflict
I am not normally a politically-focused blog. I am normally a personal blog that enjoys fandom and occasionally processes my own past trauma. As this war goes on, I am finding that it is against my personal ethics and morals to stay silent when I have the ability to educate and remain more patient than most. (My patience is not endless. I’m still human). So, while disinformation/misinformation, and propaganda abound on all sides. I feel like the best way I can help lower the temperature is to put my skills to use.
Primary Political Goals:
1. Emphasize humanity above all and use verifiable information and good faith education and discourse to reduce tension.
2. Do my absolute best to move the conversation away from polarizing, accusatory discourse that forces Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis, and Palestinians to play a desperate game of defense and toward a shared mutually beneficial peace that honors each grouped indigeneity culture, and connection to their ancestral homeland.
3. Demonstrate and emphasize both Jewish-Muslim solidarity and Israeli-Palestinian solidarity.
Primary Blogging Goals:
As a diaspora Jew, my primary goal is threefold
1. Educate about antisemitism and Islamophobia—including calling it out and explaining it to the best of my ability.
2. Elevate responsible, verifiable voices—regardless of religion or nationality—and information to the best of my ability.
3. Demonstrate effective activism and provide insight and encouragement for other to find their most effective way to contribute to fostering peace.
1. I have the most experience with an understanding of antisemitism. I am more of an expert in antisemitism and have more ability to identify and educate about it. That said: I will not tolerate any Islamophobia or racism and if I don’t have the ability to educate about it, you will be blocked. If I have the ability to educate about it, I will do so and give you the chance to read about it and adjust your behavior. If you do not do so, I will block you.
2. This does not mean equal representation of all nationalities and religions. It means the best informed and most reliable voices AND the voices I personally have the best ability to vet, verify, and substantiate. This will often mean Jewish voices and Israeli voices. This is me staying in my lane, not choosing to suppress any voice. I will not elevate purposefully divisive, tokenized, or uninformed voices. This does not mean that I won’t elevate Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab voices as well. I will. But my primary goal here is responsibility. To do that, I have to stay in my lane.
3. I am most effective as an educator on this matter, a guide to finding reliable peace-oriented voices, and an example of patience. There’s a great desire among many to protest or create videos detailing their opinions and stances. Not only is this primarily performative—especially among non-Muslim/non-Palestinian goyim—it has the potential to be extraordinarily damaging to Jews both in Israel and in Diaspora as well as to Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, and South East Asians worldwide. If you truly desire to help and not just feel like you’re helping, the best thing you can do is follow the lead of much more experienced activists with a demonstrated track record of effectiveness and good faith in their areas of expertise. As I stated: mine is primarily education and greater than average (though not limitless) amounts of patience. If you want to donate money or engage in more direct action and aid, I suggest finding pro-Palestinian Israeli voices and peace oriented Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian voices as well as organizations with experience in this conflict that do not rely on eliminating any population or erasing anyone’s connection to the Levant. Follow their lead on that matter. If you are only just engaging in this conflict for the first time due to current events, you likely do not know nearly as much as you think you do about any of this. Being uninformed and spouting disinformation has actual dire consequences that can get Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, Israelis, and Arabs killed. It is vital that you’re responsible in your engagement on this matter. Learning dogwhistles and how to spot bad faith arguments is a must. And to be effective, you should spend more of your time learning than you’re doing protesting or arguing. This is a 2000+ year old conflict. There is a lot to know and understand. And there are a lot of people willing to prey on your newcomer status and manipulate your existing beliefs to use you as a pawn to further their bad faith aims. The only consistent, trustworthy principal is to trust those who repeatedly affirm their goal as peace and shared prosperity and who reject any form of demonization based on ethnicity or religion. This is not a game. This is not the west’s fight. This is a conflict between two horribly oppressed, traumatized, and nearly exterminated ethnoreligous groups.
I am begging you to think, listen, and learn before joining the fray.
Note: I also don’t claim to be perfect. If I mess up or reblog something that causes unintended harm (which is very easy to do when engaging in discussions and activism about this conflict), I will say so and issue a correction. There’s no need to be hostile in informing me about this. Just message with your concern and I’ll evaluate from there.
Additionally, I will not interact with Hamas apologists. Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Anyone trying to make me feel like this is an Us vs. Them situation will be blocked.
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How Tall are the SWTOR Boyfriends?
This was written some months ago, but the Theron Height Poll has inspired me to actually post it.
Basing my metrics around 1) the average male height in the USA where I live (5'9" or 1.75m, according to google) 2) what would be funniest or cutest when matched to their personalities and dynamics with the player character. Bear in mind: I am not operating under the assumption that being a short man is something to be ashamed of (it isn't in the real world and it isn't in Star Wars), but some of the husbands in this video game have personalities that are...enhanced by engaging in a little playful stereotyping. You'll see what I mean.
Jorgan: 5'11-6'/~1.8m, hovering somewhere in the above average range. It makes him more intimidating to the average private who makes the mistake of getting his attention, but by the same token, more charming when he warms up to the Trooper and proves himself just a big fuzzy kitty. With a big fuzzy sniper rifle
Andronikos: 5'6ish, 5'7ish (~1.7m), hard to tell because he slouches. He only really stands up straight when he's trying to be a big tough guy
Quinn: 5'7"/1.7018m. No ambiguity because his posture is perfect. Alternate Interpretation: However tall your SW is, he is exactly 6 centimeters shorter. Come Here Elbow Rest
Doc: 5'4"/1.6m. No, not because I think his womanizing personality is him "overcompensating"; in fact Doc's height is only ever an advantage in his romantic conquests. He comes on so strong that him being particularly tall might be intimidating. But nah, he's just a little birthday boy, so the hot people in his orbit let their guard down, allowing him to get in close and hit 'em with a pickup line related to his medical expertise. Being small also means he's harder to hit when helping retrieve wounded resistance fighters from the battlefield #BalmorraForever
Felix: 5'11"/~1.8m, he gets an ABOVE AVERAGE height bc he is an ABOVE AVERAGE husband can I get an AMEN
Torian: You ever met a high school freshman and been fucking shocked that children are allowed to be so enormous? The kid's like, 14 years old and shot up like two feet over the summer, and it feels illegal? That's Torian. He's 19 and he's been 6'2"/~1.87m for the past five and a half years, but he's still a little gangly and the only reason he knows how to control his extremely long limbs is he's literally a trained fighter. Alternate Interpretation: If your BH is taller than 5'10, he's 5'10 exactly
Corso: 6'/1.82m. I know I just said negative associations around short men don't exist in The Galaxy Far Far Away, but Corso seems like the kind of guy who would somehow independently develop a complex about his height, if he was short. The fact he doesn't means he must be tall
Vector: God, I really wanted to make him on the shorter side of average to pair with his mild-mannered personality and contrast the more unusual elements of his speech and his eyes, but his sleek character design makes him feel tall when I'm looking at him. He's also the only LI I've drawn beside one of my characters, and I just sort of unconsciously made him tall because my agent is kind of short, and it looked appealing. Results inconclusive; some boyfriends can grow as tall as starships while others can be as small as mites
Arcann: 5'8"/1.72m. (Thexan was 5'9")
Theron: No taller than 5'9"/1.75m. Theron seems like a pretty normal guy when you meet him, until he reveals himself to be an insane little freak (affectionate), so giving him the most Average Height Possible feels correct.
Koth: However tall Lana is, Koth is exactly 2 cm shorter.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. I encourage spirited debate in the replies. Girl LI Height Opinions still percolating
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odinsblog · 5 months
You jew haters love a good token. Norm F or Masha or any white passing ashkie american jew who hasnt been to shul or a secular even in a decade... brb gonna cite thomas sowell and clarence thomas any time you bring up the hotep hasbara about "systemic racism" or ignore black on black crime is more prevalent then cops shooting unarmed trayvons. One day you might feel shame about going all in on jew hate. Probably not.
[re: this series of posts, or this one, or maybe this one?]
I don’t hate Jewish people. So jot that down and let’s get that straight, okay? I dO, however, hate what the state of Israel, Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu are doing (and have been doing for decades) to Palestinians
Note: Jewish people are Jewish whether they’re religious Jews who have been to a synagogue, or not. Non-religious, non-observant Jewish people are still Jewish people. Intentionally conflating “religious Jews” with all Jewish people is antisemitic
And another note: conflating Israel with all Jewish people is also antisemitic, so let’s not do that either, cool?
We could quibble about “white passing” Jewish people, but there most definitely are Jewish people who self-identify as white (just as there are Jewish people who self-identify as Black), but ultimately, I believe that this “argument” is a red-herring, and ultimately, secondary or even tertiary to what’s happening in Palestine
I know you think you’ve made some kind of “gotcha” point, but you really haven’t
We can easily dismantle Clarence Thomas and his hypocritical conservative, anti-Black SCOTUS rulings without ever once mentioning his race. We can prove that structural racism is a real thing simply by looking at lived reality and history. We can show that Black-on-Black crime is roughly the same as white-on-white crime, and is only invoked as a derailment tactic to take the focus away from anti-Black racism. Simple statistics and observations prove that the police routinely Stop-and-Frisk and execute more Black and Brown people than white people, usually without the same consequences that would occur if their victims were white
And we can very easily do the same thing with everything that Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades; we can look at the definition of war crimes and objectively understand that Israel has been committing war crimes against Palestinians since before October 7th, and we can see that Israel’s reaction to October 7th has been the definition of “disproportionate,” and has been since 1948
And before I continue, I really want to make something clear: you can agree with someone on 80% of what they believe, and vehemently disagree with them in other areas that are not their area of expertise. No one is right about everything, and no one is wrong about everything—even broken clocks are accurate two times a day, right?
Moving on…
Look, there was a time when I used to think as simplistically as you do, anon. As you’ve correctly noted, I am Black, and there was a time when I used to believe that anyone who criticized Barack Obama, for example, was a racist, and if they were Black, then they were a Black person who had internalized anti-Blackness. It was a very insular way of thinking, but it kept me safe in a mental bubble of my own making. A bubble where, as long as I called people racists or self hating Black people, I was always right in my thinking and never had to challenge myself
But then, eventually, something wonderful happened. This thing called nuance happened and I learned that many things could simultaneously be true: yes, there absolutely positively are self-hating Black people like Clarence Thomas; and yes, there are people like Trump who only criticized Obama simply because he was Black and because they were racist white people (or frequently, NBPoC); but the existence of those racists do not magically invalidate all legitimate criticisms of Obama
So I learned how to do two things that proved invaluable: 1) look at the specific critiques, and separate the critiques, and evaluate the critiques on their own, 2) look at the source of the critiques, and their history of criticisms, and evaluate how fairly they applied those exact same critiques to others who were doing the same or similar things. Talk about cutting through all the bullshit!
So I learned that it was possible to be living in the real world that simultaneously had: white supremacists + self-hating Black people + people with legitimate grievances against Obama
You can (and should) apply this same line of reasoning with Hillary Clinton; yes, there definitely are misogynistic people who hate her simply because she is a woman, but that doesn’t nullify the criticisms of those people who have problems with her strictly because of her deeply conservative values
Anon, is Bernie Sanders a token self-hating Jew if he doesn’t side with YOU? (hint: he isn’t and he doesn’t)
Think about what you’re implying anon. You’re saying that Israel has never been wrong? About anything? And consequently, all Zionist Jewish people are right and anyone who disagrees with them is automatically antisemitic and hates all Jewish people?
Does that even sound right to you anon?
That’s a very comforting, if not somewhat mentally lazy, self-serving view of the world. One that doesn’t require any additional thought or self-reflection (or growth, tbh) on your part. It’s an adolescent version of reality
What we are talking about here, anon, is weaponized identity politics
anyone who disagrees with my good Black person is racist
anyone who disagrees with my good female is misogynistic
anyone who disagrees with my good Jew is antisemitic
This type of logic really makes “winning” arguments super easy, for people who don’t have any real arguments to defend their ideology
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inventors-fair · 4 months
Mix and Match Commentary: Putting it All Together
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What a weekend... That's what I get for thinking I can juggle a dozen things this close to the end of the school year.
It looks like 13 out of 25 different adjectives were used in this contest, as well as 13 out of 25 different nouns! "Belligerent" was the most-used adjective, appearing on three cards, and "Choir" was the most-used noun, appearing on a whopping five cards, but oddly enough there was no Belligerent Choir today. I'll be honest: I'm shocked that nobody went for a Gargantuan Frog or something of the like. There were definitely some favored ideas on display with the given combinations.
And yet, there were a few that truly surprised me! I think that overall I'd call this contest a success. The words on the list were fairly straightforward and also 100% off-the-cuff, so perhaps if you all would like to see this again I can have a more curated list, perhaps taken from some actual cards with the idea that you can't use a name of an actual card in the combo. But hey, we'll see how it goes. How do y'all feel about this contest? It's something I've been wanting to do for a little while now.
There were quite a few cards that almost, but didn't quite, make the cut here, so I'll be talking about them as JUDGE PICKS. Check 'em out to see what we liked about them. Onto the commentary!
@an-anarchist-shapeshifter — Umbral Expertise (JUDGE PICK)
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This combination checks out with the card superbly. I'm reminded of cards like Training Grounds, from a vibe perspective, or other cards that would probably depict a location in which a specific form of magic is practiced and honed. This card's mechanics are, to say the least, massively complicated, and it took me a little bit to figure out the real gist of why it works so well. The ability of each player to have shadow creatures makes those decisions harder to pick up on based on board state; I would worry about places where you're behind and have to continuously flicker your cards to make the best blocks, and then there's the option of blinking a creature after blocks if there's a shadow war going on—you get the idea.
Blink shells and aggro shells are both strange places to see cards like this that have the best of both worlds. What I will say is that I worry about how much board complexity this card adds. Making lots of tokens, for example, might be easy to track in digital but harder on paper if there's no good way to show how shadow counters are distributed. And even then, what indicator would be good enough? Would it be the theme of a set, or is this more Commander-focused where you can have these weirder mechanics? I've got a few questions about that, but complexity is my main concern. I can imagine someone being quite upset about a huge board that's inadvertently badly represented because of weird counter checks. Playing with it in a moderately-built board, though—I'd love that.
@big-golyat — Ossified Choir
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I find it interesting that both cards that used "Ossified" this week used them with "Choir." Small world! When I looked at this card, the one thing that I wanted from it mechanically was something that it could do with that tap ability that wasn't just, y'know, tapping. Would it have been unreasonable for this card to have "2, T: You gain 1 life" instead? I don't think so. With the notion of a choir, though, exalted is absolutely one of the best mechanics you could've used for the flavor connection, and I totally get that.
Flavor's a strange one here, no? Not a bad one, of course, but I'm wondering if these things are statues, if they're just made of bone, etc. I'm imagining statues because of how it would work with gods, relics, all that stuff. Being enchantment creatures doesn't hurt with that, either. I think that it makes them feel a little more constructed and less naturally, well, that. Regardless of the cool flavor, though, this card would probably be a good addition to an evasive color combination in limited. Exalted is awesome and I like how you can see this as a pseudo-Enlist? Almost? I mean, tapping for extra power is related in at least one way. Smallest of notes: quotation marks go around the periods.
@curiooftheheart — Unbound Tomb
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Huh! I like the ETB on here, and I just had a throwback to Zendikar. For some reason I was thinking about cards that exiled without a specific ability tied to them, but then Bojuka Bog hit me, and yeah, this card totally works in that vein. Entering untapped is pretty crazy comparatively; then again, so is not hitting the entire graveyard. What're you going to do, play this against Dragon's Rage Channeler? Possibly. But I don't know if it would be strong enough to mainboard or sideboard, unless you're deep into graveyards and lifegain. Most graveyard hate wants the entire thing to be exiled. De-delirium-ing someone is fun, though, and I wonder if that's what you meant to hit specifically. All the same, though, gaining massive amounts of life ain't nothing. This can probably get 3-5 life fairly consistently in a grindy limited game.
I'm wondering about the name and combination, though. The tomb is in the process of being unbound, sure, and that may be enough; lands are hard to get through with action words if it's not repeatable, and that may be a me issue. And while I like the flavor text, I'm not sure how it precisely relates. Are the ideals mentioned there the things being exiled? It's not a major issue for the card itself, and it's a strange little card to be sure. I think ultimately I like it, and the life gained would only be a problem in formats where it's a) easy to bounce lands for some reason? or b) heavily graveyard-based AND grindy, like Shadows over Innistrad was.
@dimestoretajic — Tyrannical Response
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Play this on your turn, and your opponent is basically boardwipe-or-scoop. Play this on an opponent's turn after attackers have been declared, and once more, boardwipe-or-scoop. I would've been totally down for this card making 2/2s, but 4/4s is such a massive swing for the number of creatures that you'll be getting that it's not worth justifying this even as a legendary instant. I respect that you put the limitation, don't get me wrong, and it was the right thing to do. The massive amount of power on board is enough to tip the scales in a way that's probably not as balanced as one might imagine it to be.
But again, one could argue the nature of legends and legendary instants/sorceries, whatever, I know where that's coming from—and I still say that it's too much. The last limited format with legendary instants/sorceries had almost fifty legendary cards that could fulfill that role. Maybe it's a pendulum issue, though... But no, I'm really iffy about this one. Maybe I'm just paranoid about the swingier board states that this could enable. Still, you picked the right combo, name, and flavor text for this kind of effect at the very least. The numbers game is the only thing I'd change.
@feyd-rautha-apologist — Belligerent Tomb
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Conceptually, I like this card, so let's work on how to do some editing for it. Firstly: auras have to enchant either objects or players. Graveyards are zones, so a card can't actually enchant a graveyard. Rather, this card should probably be enchanting a player and should probably be a curse as well, so that the text can read: "Whenever a card is put into enchanted player's graveyard from anywhere, that player loses 1 life." For the flavor text, this should probably be in quotes, since it appears to be spoken from the perspective of a specific character and not a general ephemeral being or omniscient extrapolating voice.
This enchantment, however, has got a lot of power problems going for it. Turning something like Tome Scour into a Lava Axe, which you can do quite easily on turn three, barring any Hedron Crab shenanigans, is a bit much when comparing cost to effect. I know that it seems expensive, but I wouldn't be shocked if this had to cost as much as 3BB overall. 2BB might be okay, I suppose, depending on how much milling is in the set that you can force onto your opponent. Again, not a bad idea, but the power, practicality, and wording could use some work.
@hypexion — Belligerent Spirit
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One must be punished for being alive, after all. This card's simple for sure, but it does the Undying stuff well enough for me to say that it's really a pain and I'd love to play it in limited. Swing, get in kinda, sac, etc. A four-mana 2/2 might not seem great until you also have extra damage and a recursive body to think about. Having it be a 2/3 wouldn't necessarily be out of the question either, would it? Or would that throw off some numbers... I dunno, but either way, I could definitely see this blowing up in draft tier lists.
Is it just modern sensibilities that make this card difficult to balance without being too powerful? I don't know, honestly; Murderous Redcap was good in its day and this is pretty much in the same vein, innit? I don't think that it's too far off from that design and I...honestly just noticed that it was that close when writing this. Heh. But in all seriousness, it fits the name, it fits the ability, and I don't think anyone would complain about a Redcap effect being in limited, the more I think about it. That said, I've never played with it. Last note, but the flavor text is 85% there. It's an awesome notion and I'd love to tweak some wording in the editing bay. The vibe is great.
@izzet-always-r-versus-u — Impossible Notion
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I think this card needed one more line of rules text: that you could spend colorless mana as though it were mana of any color to cast it. Would that have been too much? Or would that even be relevant? The point is, I'm not quite meeting this card on the mechanics side. The name and ability combination, though, not only makes sense but also feels like it wants to have some kind of Eldrazi invocation. Getting things back from exile by a) casting them and b) having to own them and c) having to spend colorless mana all makes sense for a restriction.
Then the question remains: should this card exist, and why? Getting things out of exile has long since been a bit of a thorn in R&D's side. Combining this with Karn, the Great Creator—or at least putting them in the same design-space room and letting them duke it out—makes for a deck that really puts a damper on things. Insta-speed Relic of Progenitus plus this is a real pain. In limited, what would this card do then? I honestly couldn't tell you. This card may not be too bad for a one-time use, I'll give you that. I'm struggling to find an argument in favor of its presence, though, strictly based on the rules that have been set for exile recursion and the prevalence of problematic possibilities for which this card allows. Still, a bold design for sure—even if the flavor text could be a little meatier.
@masternexeon — Ravenous Overflow (JUDGE PICK)
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I was actually quite happy that multiple people took abstract nouns and made creatures out of them. This card is, additionally, a real pain in the butt and ravenous indeed. You know I really like how you framed this combination of green and blue here. There's a force of nature that's representative of consumption, but that consumption is also taking the form of flooding and overtaking the land (and its inhabitants) through how much it's flowing. Green gets its hunger sated, but not by flesh; blue gets its domain expanded, but is forced by ferocity. It's a cool balance. That's one of the major reasons I'm going with it as a Judge Pick this week!
Whether or not this card is balanced is another thing, and it's really funny regardless to turn everything into Islands. The thing to keep in mind is that turning something into an Island without it being a land... I honestly don't know what that would do. Seriously, I took a few hours off after reading the comprehensive rules—I know, long weekend—and I don't have a definitive answer. To be fair I wasn't sure what to look for but the point stands. I think the payoff might be a bit too swingy in limited, honestly. Sacrifice two random creatures to more or less shut off your opponent's big threats and/or mana sources, and then use any additional synergy to permanently keep your opponents off their colors unless they're also blue? Seems a bit hard to stem the flow, pardon the pun. But how can you scale the effect to keep this while adjusting the numbers? And also by putting "Island lands" instead of just "Islands." Saves me a headache.
@misterstingyjack — Abandoned Choir
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I did ultimately like this card even if I wasn't super convinced about it. That said, the card draw could be pretty neat—I suppose I was just more swayed by Amonkhet's designs and the use of counters as a resource, because this can kind of turn itself into a draw resource and/or potentially use other cards with defender and the ilk as resources, but it's a bit...narrow? Maybe Amonkhet had its different themes that it was working with, and Phyrexia is a little iffier on that front. I do like how you've used white card-draw to its strengths, though. This feels like reasonable space.
So how often will one have three toughness? Probably often enough to make a difference. I do wonder how this card would've played with the change to do a creature with power 1 or less instead. I honestly don't know if that would be too powerful considering an abundance of tokens and/or weenies, but hey, it's an end step effect, whaddaya gonna do. This card really is a thinker. I do appreciate the writeup, though, and I think that as an Aftermath-y card, I can totally buy what the effect was going for. What's a choir to do in Norn's wake? Sing the praises and all, which makes sense to me. I'm also very curious as to why this is the second mono-white Choir with an implied self-tapping theme. What's up with the psychic connection here?
@partytimesdeluxe — Freshwater Tomb (JUDGE PICK)
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There's this wonderful freshness to this design combination that feels great even if the practicality is a bit strange. What's the best-case scenario for this card in terms of mana-fixing? I suppose that a hybrid card dying would make for a great trigger, but beyond that, this card feels a lot slicker than I imagine it to play. Y'know? I think that a lot of folks liked this design because of how it feels. On the battlefield, I have to wonder if this card would do everything that one wants it to do. Protecting a creature from being animated and/or cycling the creatures that die is...also something.
I suppose I too want this design to play well but I'm not sure what the true benefit is. Perhaps I'm not seeing something? If this land was, like, Bloom Tender...hoo boy. Would that be too powerful? Or, if it was "1, T: Add two mana in any combination..." That way it could turn dying creatures into XX, XY, or YY, depending on if they were multicolored or now. Multiple ways of filtering. Honestly that sounds a lot stronger than the one-mana restriction. Child of Alara dying would help this card, sure, but beyond that... I think I'm picking this card because the possibilities and the slickness are absolutely there. It's just on the brink of being perfect in terms of actual gameplay; I absolutely need to praise the idea because, well, of how cool it feels!
@piccadilly-blue — Plentiful Canyon
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Alright, so, neat as the notion is, I think everyone is in agreement that this card doesn't 100%-functionally-work, and the only question is why within the comprehensive rules. As far as I can tell, the main reason is that playing a land is a special action that doesn't use the stack, and can't have costs associated with it, because playing a land isn't a spell and additional costs only exists for spells and abilities. Assuming that everything within the comprehensive rules is how I understand it, you could play this land and pay its cost with its own mana ability since there's no moment that this card would be on the "stack," i.e. it would exist on the battlefield by the time you would have to pay the "cost" to play it.
...God, does that make any sense? I hope it does. Regardless, the discussions have been discussed and I think that we're all in agreement. I've talked a zillion times about your envelope-pushing and how much it makes me think so we'll leave it there. The flavor text, then! I like the rhyme here. Feels like the western prairie ballad that you were aiming for, and that's a great addition to the vibe of the card. 
@real-aspen-hours — Draconic Absolution
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The flavor text here is great, and the implication is pretty cool; it feels kind of like Jund's dragon worship but with less of a predatory-shaman nature and more aligned with the Phyrexian-style divinity that is creepy and powerful all at once. I'm starting with the flavor and feeling here because—and I'm not sure if this was intentional or not—this card is an upgraded Rip Apart from Strixhaven. Where Rip Apart destroyed instead of exiling and was sorcery speed, this card is just that but slightly better.
Is that enough? Not exactly. If there was consideration for Rip Apart, I really would've liked to see a mechanical distinction beyond "strictly better." If there wasn't, well, I don't blame you; it's a clean design and clearly someone at Wizards thought the same thing if the card was actually printed. Tried and true, I suppose? That's unfortunately all I got for this particular card considering all of the considerations. In the end, I think that we're left with one last request: make sure you put your rarity indicators in your text submissions! Argh.
@reaperfromtheabyss — Freshwater Lasso (JUDGE PICK)
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I'll give this card the award for "most physically imaginative use of world tropes in conjunction with the name." Lassoing things is super on-par for Thunder Junction, and I love how you connected that to the name. And we gotta agree—this lasso is indeed fresh and watery. Hydromancy allows for this card to really come into its own, and I love how it can be something that revolves around potential dexterity for untapping creatures, or as a prison for your opponent's creatures.
I wish this didn't have to be a rare, but like, it really really does. Insta-speed gaining control of a creature is something that can't happen too often in limited. The fact that it is instant-speed definitely ups the complexity. I don't mind that at all! Could there be one additional thing that this card does to make it so that putting it on your own creature doesn't suck as much? Well, actually, gaining control of a creature that you can then untap is...really cool. Man, this card is cool. We had a lot of strong contenders for this week and this is as close to being in the top six as you can get, honestly. Maybe I've just been enamored with Thunder Junction but I don't care because of how darn cool this card feels. Good job.
@sombramainexe — Kindred Spirit
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So for the render here, the name did have to change in order to fit the contest; pluralizing the names does indeed count as changing the words, ergo, disallowed. Regardless of whether or not is was changed, I'm not a fan of having the name and typeline be the same thing. Perhaps it was a mistake to have "Kindred" be part of the adjectives list considering the kind of cards that a name like that drives people towards. I'm still working on it. With this particular card I feel that the name could have been changed because of the fact that it's not currently giving as much without AD or flavor text. The tongue-in-cheek aspect comes across as ultimately derivative instead of subversive, which is what I imagine the intent to be.
Mirrorweave is still a valid card, though, and I think that this card is an interesting take on it. Turning things into Spirits could be an awesome blowout. Why do the names not change, though? I imagine that it's because of legendary rules, and I understand that—is there a different way to go about it? I think that this is honestly completely new design space, because as far as I can tell there's no mass copy effect that allows creatures to keep their names. I wonder what the design principle behind that is, and I'd be curious to hear.
@stupidstupidratcreatures — Magnificent Mortar
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Hey. Listen. Don't look at the card, look at me. Okay? I think that this is hilarious. This is a very, very funny card and I'm also a little bit mad. But it's still funny. But I'm a tiny-teensy-little bit mad. And I can't help but admire the fact that you designed a card with an implied second card that will, as far as we know, never exist. That's chutzpah if I've ever seen it. As for the interpretation of "mortar" here, I was thinking more in terms of salvos when I made this card and less about the combination, and yet you're here with one of the most creative combinations I've seen.
Mashing up creatures for mana is awesome, actually, and the way to activate it with a pestle is funny enough. As far as mana rocks go, I don't think that this card is the most powerful and I wish that it could've had one additional ability to really get the pestle's power online. You know how there was the whole "Blank of Empires" cycle of artifacts from some core set a while back? M12, that was it, right. But yeah, no, the abilities really ramped up because it's hard to get artifacts with the same name on the battlefield at the right time. Might want to consider that in terms of power level for next time. I'm gonna be very concerned if there's a future contest in which the Perfect Pestle can make an appearance, but hey, the world may never know if I accidentally do that one. Heh.
@tanknspank — Draconic Choir (JUDGE PICK)
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I think we're in the realm, once again, of having really cool cards with really cool abilities that happen to be so normally and pragmatically good that they just barely miss the ledge of greatness. Having that pseudo-flashback kind of effect, the Dreadhorde Arcanist ability, is really cool, and stacking those triggers is necessary for making this effect really max out. It's a bear that beats in limited and burns out your opponent before blocks. What more can one ask for?
The last question I could possibly have is why "Choir" was such a popular choice this week. What was it about that word that just made people go nuts with these collective designs? I'm not complaining, I'm just really surprised. A choir of dragons is still pretty awesome, though, so I won't complain about that. What world would this be on? It feels almost like a Baldur's Gate kind of style, but that's probably not it. Maybe the "choir" is a metaphorical one and all the roaring is what brings the fire to life. Who can say, who can say. All the same, this card is a self-evident wonderful piece of work and I think that it should be commended for its solid design choices as a support card for limited and constructed spellslinging decks.
@wildcardgamez — Kindred Banner
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We have a mix between Pillar of Origins and Rally the Ranks; Is that enough? I think, while this design is normal, its effects are really generic slash expected. Kindred means creature types, banner is an anthem. I feel that this could've been flavored somewhat, or given more mechanical significance that we haven't seen before. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen this exact combination, but it's a normal enough effect that I can imagine we'll see something like it in the future of design.
So, I'll say for the rest of this commentary to take a look at the uniqueness of the winners and the expectations for them. Or... No, actually, I won't do that. Because I'm not going to say that this card is bad. It's pure good design, based on the foundations of the creature-type-matters effects that we've seen printed before, and what else can one possibly ask for. I think there's the question to ask: are you submitting for the contest, or are you submitting to show you know what a good card is? That's something I can't answer, so I can offer only a couple small edits, and leave the rest up to you. Firstly: you probably want this as an "as" ability, like most of these creature type effects are. There are many reasons why, but the stack is a pain. Secondly: Like Pillar of Origins, you want to say "spend" instead of "use" in the text of the second ability, and you might also want to add that this is for abilities too if you want that.
There we go, whew. Have fun designing artifacts this week! — @abelzumi
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cloaksandcapes · 9 days
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The Devil’s Touch
Wondrous Item, legendary, cursed (requires attunement).
"When no one is holding this magic item, it turns to an oily black liquid and pools on the ground like oil. When touched, it sticks to you, slithers up your fingers and wraps around your hand like a leather glove with tears and holes throughout it. Something within you starts to twist and turn, it creates a connection you cannot ignore.”
This item can be attuned to with only a touch, gaining its benefits instantly. While in possession of this magic item, you have the following traits.
You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, this item increases its range by 60 feet.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to discern whether a creature is lying or telling the truth.
You have proficiency in Charisma (Persuasion and Deception) checks, or expertise if you already have proficiency.
You can cast the hellish rebuke spell at 2nd-level without expending a spell slot. If you do not have your own spell save DC, it has a DC 17. Once you cast this spell, you cannot cast it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
You are vulnerable to radiant damage while wearing this magic item. Nightmares. Your nights are restless, and you ceaselessly dream of terrifying beings you do not recognize. When you take a long rest, roll a d20. On a 1 or a 2, you do not gain the effects of the long rest, but benefit from a short rest instead.
Cursed. Once you attune to this magic item, you cannot willingly part with it unless you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic.
If you enjoy our content, please support our team of four on Patreon. Get access to over 650+ Magic Items, monsters, tokens, subclasses and more.
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Unveiling the Mystery: Understanding the Inner Workings of Generative AI
Generative AI took the world by storm in the months after ChatGPT, a chatbot based on OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 neural network model, was released on November 30, 2022. GPT stands for generative pretrained transformer, words that mainly describe the model’s underlying neural network architecture.
Empirically, we know how they work in detail because humans designed their various neural network implementations to do exactly what they do, iterating those designs over decades to make them better and better. AI developers know exactly how the neurons are connected; they engineered each model’s training process.
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Here are the steps to generative AI development:
Start with the brain: Hawkins hypothesized that, at the neuron level, the brain works by continuously predicting what’s going to happen next and then learning from the differences between its predictions and subsequent reality. To improve its predictive ability, the brain builds an internal representation of the world. In his theory, human intelligence emerges from that process.
Build an artificial neural network: All generative AI models begin with an artificial neural network encoded in software. AI researchers even call each neuron a “cell,” and each cell contains a formula relating it to other cells in the network—mimicking the way that the connections between brain neurons have different strengths.
Each layer may have tens, hundreds, or thousands of artificial neurons, but the number of neurons is not what AI researchers focus on. Instead, they measure models by the number of connections between neurons. The strengths of these connections vary based on their cell equations’ coefficients, which are more generally called “weights” or “parameters.
Teach the newborn neural network model: Large language models are given enormous volumes of text to process and tasked to make simple predictions, such as the next word in a sequence or the correct order of a set of sentences. In practice, though, neural network models work in units called tokens, not words.
Example: Although it’s controversial, a group of more than a dozen researchers who had early access to GPT-4 in fall 2022 concluded that the intelligence with which the model responds to complex challenges they posed to it, and the broad range of expertise it exhibits, indicates that GPT-4 has attained a form of general intelligence. In other words, it has built up an internal model of how the world works, just as a human brain might, and it uses that model to reason through the questions put to it. One of the researchers told “This American Life” podcast that he had a “holy s---” moment when he asked GPT-4 to, “Give me a chocolate chip cookie recipe, but written in the style of a very depressed person,” and the model responded: “Ingredients: 1 cup butter softened, if you can even find the energy to soften it. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, the fake artificial flavor of happiness. 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, tiny little joys that will eventually just melt away.”
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aisponsor · 1 year
What is ais token?
ais token for investment
AIS token is one of the artificial intelligence tokens that has entered the arena for the advancement of artificial intelligence and robotics science, as well as linking digital currency to artificial intelligence science as much as possible.
The purpose of ais token is to invest in superior artificial intelligence projects, which have the potential for improvement. ais token's team chooses artificial intelligence projects with the opinion of experts and invests in them. Ais token is also used as a trading currency and its market cap is added day by day.
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Therefore, many activists in the field of digital currency choose ais token to invest in the field of artificial intelligence.
What are the criteria for choosing an artificial intelligence token for investment?
When it comes to choosing an artificial intelligence (AI) token for investment, there are several criteria you can consider. Here are a few important factors:
1. Technology and Team: Evaluate the underlying technology of the AI token project and assess its potential for innovation and practicality. Look for a strong team with expertise in both AI and blockchain, as this combination is crucial for success.
2. Use Case and Market Potential: Consider the specific use case that the AI token aims to address. Assess the market potential and demand for the application of AI in that particular industry. Understanding the problem being solved and the potential impact is essential.
3. Partnerships and Collaborations: Investigate if the AI token project has formed strategic partnerships or collaborations with reputable organizations or established players in the industry. Partnerships can provide validation and open doors for wider adoption.
4. Roadmap and Progress: Examine the project's roadmap to understand its long-term goals and milestones. Assess the progress made so far, including the development of the technology, any achieved milestones, and the overall execution of the project.
5. Tokenomics: Analyze the token economics and distribution model of the AI token. Look into factors such as token supply, allocation, and potential token utility within the ecosystem. Additionally, consider if there are any mechanisms in place to incentivize participation and support the growth of the ecosystem.
6. Community and Reputation: Evaluate the project's community engagement, social media presence, and reputation within the crypto space. A strong community signals active interest and support for the project.
7. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the AI token project is compliant with relevant regulations and guidelines. This factor is increasingly important as regulatory frameworks around cryptocurrencies and tokens evolve. Remember, investing in AI tokens, like any investment, carries risks. It is crucial to conduct thorough research, diversify your investments, and consider seeking advice from financial professionals before making any investment decisions.
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blockcoasterrr · 1 day
Ethereum Services: The Power of Blockchain with Blockcoaster
Ethereum Services: The Power of Blockchain with BlockcoasterIn the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, Ethereum has emerged as a groundbreaking platform that goes beyond cryptocurrency to enable smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and a wide range of other innovations. Blockcoaster, as a leading blockchain solutions provider, offers comprehensive Ethereum services to businesses and individuals looking to leverage the power of this decentralized platform.
Why Ethereum?Ethereum is more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s a decentralized platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts and DApps. Unlike Bitcoin, which is focused solely on digital currency, Ethereum allows for programmable transactions, making it the go-to platform for developing a variety of decentralized applications across industries.
Whether you're a business looking to build a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, launch an NFT marketplace, or develop custom smart contracts, Ethereum offers the flexibility and scalability to make your project a reality.
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Key Ethereum Services Offered by BlockcoasterAt Blockcoaster, we provide a wide range of Ethereum-related services that can help you harness the full potential of the Ethereum blockchain.
1. Ethereum Smart Contract DevelopmentSmart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Blockcoaster offers expert smart contract development services to automate processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance security. We specialise in creating robust, secure, and efficient smart contracts tailored to your specific business needs.
2. Ethereum DApp DevelopmentDecentralized Applications (DApps) are at the core of Ethereum's innovation. Blockcoaster’s DApp development services can help you build decentralized applications that offer transparency, security, and decentralisation. Whether you want to create DeFi platforms, gaming apps, or NFT marketplaces, our Ethereum experts will ensure seamless development and deployment.
3. Ethereum Token DevelopmentEthereum’s ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards have revolutionised the creation of tokens and NFTs. Blockcoaster provides Ethereum token development services to help businesses and startups launch their own tokens. We specialise in creating ERC-20 tokens, used for utility and governance within decentralized ecosystems, and ERC-721 tokens for NFTs.
4. Ethereum DeFi SolutionsAs decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to reshape the financial landscape, Blockcoaster offers DeFi development services built on Ethereum. From lending and borrowing platforms to decentralized exchanges (DEXs), we create DeFi apps that empower users to take control of their finances without intermediaries.
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Why Choose Blockcoaster for Ethereum Services?
Expertise in Ethereum: Our team of blockchain experts has in-depth knowledge of the Ethereum ecosystem, ensuring that your project is in capable hands.
Comprehensive Solutions: From development to auditing and deployment, we offer end-to-end Ethereum services tailored to your needs.
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Ethereum Use Cases: Industries Benefiting from Blockchain
Finance: Ethereum's DeFi platforms enable businesses to offer services like lending, borrowing, staking, and yield farming without the need for traditional banks.
Real Estate: Smart contracts can automate the buying, selling, and leasing processes, ensuring transparency and reducing paperwork in real estate.
Gaming: Blockchain-based games built on Ethereum allow players to own and trade in-game assets through NFTs.
Healthcare: Ethereum can be used to securely store and share medical records, ensuring patient privacy and reducing fraud.
Supply Chain: Ethereum’s transparency and immutability are ideal for tracking products through a supply chain, reducing fraud and increasing efficiency.
ConclusionEthereum is at the forefront of blockchain innovation, offering endless possibilities for businesses and developers. Blockcoaster’s Ethereum services are designed to help you navigate this complex ecosystem with ease. Whether you're building DApps, creating smart contracts, or launching a DeFi platform, we have the expertise and tools to make your project a success.
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tonymattblog · 3 days
Blockchain Revolution: How ideyaLabs is Redefining Business in the Digital Age
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In an era where digital innovation reigns supreme, one technology stands out as a true game-changer: blockchain. But what exactly is this buzzword that's taking the business world by storm? Let's embark on an exciting journey into the world of blockchain and discover how ideyaLabs, a pioneer in blockchain software development services, is reshaping industries and unlocking new possibilities.
Demystifying Blockchain: More Than Just a Buzzword
Imagine a world where transactions are instantaneous, transparent, and secure. A world where trust is built into the very fabric of digital interactions. This is the promise of blockchain technology. At its core, blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. But it's so much more than that – it's a catalyst for innovation, a tool for transparency, and a foundation for the future of business.
ideyaLabs: Architects of the Blockchain Future
In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, ideyaLabs stands as a beacon of innovation and expertise. We're not just developers; we're visionaries, problem-solvers, and partners in your journey towards digital transformation. Our mission? To harness the power of blockchain and create tailored solutions that propel businesses into the future.
Our Blockchain Arsenal: Tools for Transformation
1. Blockchain Strategy Consulting: Charting Your Course
Navigating the blockchain landscape can be daunting. Our expert consultants work with you to develop a roadmap that aligns blockchain technology with your business objectives. We don't just offer advice; we provide a compass for your blockchain journey.
2. Custom Blockchain Development: Bringing Ideas to Life
Have a groundbreaking concept? Our team of skilled developers turns your vision into reality. From decentralized applications (DApps) to enterprise blockchain solutions, we create robust, scalable, and secure blockchain systems tailored to your unique needs.
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Imagine contracts that execute themselves, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud. Our smart contract experts craft self-executing contracts that streamline operations and build trust into every transaction.
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Embrace the Future with ideyaLabs
The blockchain revolution is here, and it's transforming the way we do business. Are you ready to be part of this exciting journey? With ideyaLabs as your guide, you're not just adopting a new technology – you're future-proofing your business and unlocking unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation.
FAQs: Your Blockchain Queries Answered
Q: Is blockchain only for large corporations? A: Not at all! Businesses of all sizes can benefit from blockchain technology. We tailor solutions to fit your specific needs and scale.
Q: How secure is blockchain technology? A: Extremely secure. The decentralized nature and cryptographic principles make blockchain one of the most secure technologies available today.
Q: How long does it take to implement a blockchain solution? A: Implementation time varies based on the complexity of the project. We work efficiently to deliver solutions in a timely manner without compromising on quality.
Q: Can blockchain integrate with our existing systems? A: Absolutely! We specialize in seamless integration, ensuring that blockchain enhances rather than disrupts your current operations.
Q: What industries can benefit from blockchain? A: The applications are vast! From finance and healthcare to supply chain and real estate, blockchain has the potential to transform virtually every industry.
Embark on your blockchain journey with ideyaLabs – where innovation meets expertise, and possibilities become realities.
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likitakans · 3 days
From Hype to Value: Making Smart Investments in the Blockchain Space
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Blockchain technology, once primarily associated with cryptocurrency and speculative investments, has matured into a versatile innovation that spans industries. The initial excitement around blockchain’s potential created a wave of hype, with countless startups and projects vying for attention and investment. Today, however, the focus has shifted from hype to real-world value, as investors increasingly look for blockchain applications that solve tangible problems and drive significant market opportunities.
This blog explores how to navigate the blockchain space with a value-driven investment approach, identifying where smart money is flowing and how to capitalize on blockchain’s transformative potential.
1. Beyond Cryptocurrency: Blockchain’s Expanding Horizons
Blockchain technology was first brought into the spotlight through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but its applications have evolved far beyond digital currency. Blockchain’s ability to create decentralized, secure, and transparent systems has led to innovations in industries ranging from finance and healthcare to supply chain management and real estate.
a. Blockchain’s Real-World Applications
Industries such as logistics, insurance, and healthcare are already leveraging blockchain for enhanced transparency, security, and efficiency. For example, companies like IBM are using blockchain to improve food traceability, ensuring that products move safely and efficiently through the supply chain. Meanwhile, in healthcare, blockchain-secured medical records are improving data integrity and accessibility.
b. The Opportunity for Investors
Investors seeking to enter the blockchain space should look beyond cryptocurrencies and focus on projects that deliver real-world value. Blockchain platforms that offer enterprise solutions, such as smart contracts, data security, and decentralized finance (DeFi), are poised to become high-value players in the evolving digital economy.
Key Takeaway: Blockchain's future lies in its real-world applications. Investors should prioritize projects with strong use cases and scalable solutions over speculative ventures.
2. Navigating Blockchain’s Investment Landscape
Blockchain investment opportunities are diverse, ranging from startups and blockchain platforms to tokenized assets and enterprise blockchain solutions. However, not all investments are created equal. While the technology itself is groundbreaking, the market is still nascent, and distinguishing between hype and value requires due diligence.
a. Evaluating Blockchain Startups
For investors interested in backing blockchain startups, it's crucial to assess the team behind the project, the problem they’re solving, and the scalability of their solution. A promising startup should demonstrate not only technical expertise but also a clear path to adoption and revenue generation. Projects like Chainlink and Polkadot have gained traction by offering critical infrastructure for other blockchain applications, setting them apart as foundational technology providers.
b. Enterprise Blockchain: A Long-Term Play
Large corporations are also recognizing the potential of blockchain for streamlining processes and enhancing security. Companies like Microsoft and Amazon are offering blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solutions, providing platforms that businesses can use to build their own blockchain applications. For long-term investors, enterprise blockchain represents a more stable and potentially lucrative investment compared to smaller, more speculative startups.
Key Takeaway: Focus on blockchain companies that offer solutions with clear paths to adoption and are supported by strong teams or corporate backing.
3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The Frontier of Financial Innovation
Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is one of the most disruptive applications of blockchain technology, reshaping traditional financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading through decentralized platforms. By removing intermediaries like banks and brokers, DeFi offers users greater control over their assets, along with increased transparency and efficiency.
a. The DeFi Ecosystem
DeFi platforms like Uniswap, Aave, and Compound have grown exponentially in recent years, enabling users to lend, borrow, and earn interest on digital assets without relying on centralized financial institutions. The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols has surpassed $40 billion, and the sector continues to attract attention from both retail and institutional investors.
b. DeFi Risks and Rewards
While DeFi offers significant upside, it’s also fraught with risks. The decentralized nature of these platforms means they are vulnerable to smart contract bugs, liquidity issues, and regulatory uncertainty. Investors should approach DeFi with caution, ensuring they understand the risks involved and diversifying their exposure across multiple platforms to mitigate potential losses.
Key Takeaway: DeFi is an exciting but volatile sector of the blockchain space. Investors should carefully assess the risks while recognizing the transformative potential of decentralized financial platforms.
4. The Role of Regulation: Shaping Blockchain’s Future
As blockchain adoption grows, so does the regulatory scrutiny surrounding it. Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly focusing on blockchain and cryptocurrency to ensure compliance with existing laws around financial services, data privacy, and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.
a. Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
For blockchain to realize its full potential, it must operate within a clear regulatory framework. Investors should closely monitor regulatory developments in key markets like the United States, the European Union, and China, as these will shape the future growth and adoption of blockchain technologies.
b. Opportunities in Compliance and RegTech
Regulatory technology (RegTech) is an emerging sector within the blockchain space that focuses on automating compliance and streamlining the regulatory process. Startups like Chainalysis and Elliptic are providing blockchain analytics tools to help businesses and governments ensure compliance with financial regulations, creating new investment opportunities at the intersection of blockchain and regulation.
Key Takeaway: While regulation may introduce challenges, it also creates investment opportunities in RegTech and compliant blockchain solutions. Understanding the evolving regulatory landscape is key for smart blockchain investments.
5. NFTs and Tokenized Assets: The Next Frontier in Blockchain Investing
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken the blockchain world by storm, offering a way to tokenize and trade unique digital assets. While NFTs are most commonly associated with digital art, their use cases extend far beyond that, including real estate, gaming, and intellectual property.
a. Beyond the Art World: Tokenization of Assets
Blockchain allows for the tokenization of tangible and intangible assets, making it possible to buy, sell, and trade fractional ownership in real estate, fine art, and even intellectual property. Platforms like RealT and Tokeny are pioneering the tokenization of real-world assets, offering investors access to new forms of liquidity and diversification.
b. The Risks and Rewards of NFTs
While the NFT market has experienced explosive growth, it is still highly speculative and volatile. Investors should focus on NFT projects with clear utility and lasting value, avoiding fads that may not stand the test of time.
Key Takeaway: NFTs and tokenized assets represent an emerging investment opportunity, but careful consideration of project fundamentals and long-term value is essential.
6. Blockchain’s Impact on Sustainability and ESG Investing
Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important for investors. Blockchain offers solutions that promote transparency, accountability, and sustainability in industries like energy, supply chain management, and carbon credit trading.
a. Sustainable Blockchain Projects
Blockchain platforms that focus on renewable energy and carbon offsetting are gaining traction. Projects like Power Ledger and WePower use blockchain to facilitate peer-to-peer energy trading, while Veridium Labs is creating blockchain-based carbon credits, allowing businesses to offset their environmental impact.
b. ESG Investment Opportunities
For investors interested in sustainable investments, blockchain offers a new frontier of ESG-friendly projects. By promoting transparency and accountability, blockchain can help improve corporate governance and environmental practices, aligning investments with sustainability goals.
Key Takeaway: Blockchain’s potential to improve transparency and sustainability makes it an attractive option for ESG-focused investors.
Blockchain technology has evolved from a speculative frenzy to a value-driven revolution with applications across industries. From decentralized finance and NFTs to enterprise solutions and sustainable projects, blockchain is creating new opportunities for investors who know where to look.
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annabelledarcie · 10 days
ICO Development Services: Building the Foundation for Your Tokenized Future
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Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have revolutionized the way startups and businesses raise capital. By leveraging blockchain technology, ICOs enable projects to access global investors and raise funds through the sale of digital tokens. For many organizations, ICOs represent the gateway to a tokenized future, allowing them to create decentralized ecosystems that drive innovation and growth.
However, launching a successful ICO requires more than just an idea and a token—it requires the right strategy, legal compliance, technical expertise, and a solid marketing plan. This blog will explore how ICO development services can build the foundation for your tokenized future, ensuring that your ICO launch is both successful and sustainable.
What Are ICO Development Services?
ICO development services provide end-to-end solutions for businesses and startups looking to launch a token sale. These services encompass everything from ideation and smart contract development to legal compliance and marketing strategy. By partnering with professional ICO developers, you can streamline the entire process, ensuring that your project meets industry standards and regulatory requirements.
Key services offered by ICO development providers include:
Whitepaper Creation: Drafting a comprehensive whitepaper that details the project’s objectives, technical features, tokenomics, and roadmap.
Token Development: Creating custom tokens on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum (ERC-20), Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20), or Solana.
Smart Contract Development: Building and auditing secure smart contracts to automate the token sale process.
Website & Dashboard Development: Designing a professional ICO website and token sale dashboard for investors to easily purchase tokens.
KYC/AML Solutions: Implementing compliance measures such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) protocols.
Marketing & Community Building: Executing marketing campaigns to attract investors and build a vibrant community around your project.
The Benefits of ICO Development Services
Engaging with professional ICO development services can significantly enhance the chances of a successful token launch. Here are some of the key benefits of using these services:
1. Comprehensive Support from Start to Finish
Launching an ICO involves many moving parts, including token development, legal compliance, smart contracts, and marketing. ICO development services provide a holistic solution, guiding you through each phase of the process. From drafting the initial whitepaper to listing the token on exchanges post-ICO, you’ll have expert support at every stage.
2. Regulatory Compliance
One of the major challenges of launching an ICO is navigating the complex regulatory environment. Different jurisdictions have different rules regarding token sales, and failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, penalties, or even project shutdowns. ICO development services help ensure your project adheres to KYC, AML, and securities laws, minimizing legal risks.
3. Custom Token Development
A well-designed token can be the cornerstone of your project’s ecosystem. ICO developers can create customized tokens tailored to your project’s needs, ensuring they integrate seamlessly with your platform. Whether you need a utility token for an application or a governance token for a decentralized organization, ICO development services can deliver the perfect solution.
4. Security Audits and Smart Contract Development
Smart contracts are the backbone of ICOs, handling everything from token distribution to investor contributions. However, poorly coded smart contracts can expose your ICO to hacking or other vulnerabilities. ICO development services include thorough security audits to identify and fix any potential issues before launching the ICO. This ensures the integrity of your project and builds investor trust.
5. Marketing and Investor Outreach
Even the most innovative project can fail without the right exposure. ICO development services often include marketing strategies that can help you reach a global audience. By leveraging social media, content marketing, and influencer partnerships, you can build a strong community and attract early investors who are critical to the success of your ICO.
Steps to Building Your Tokenized Future with ICO Development Services
Launching an ICO is a significant undertaking, but with the right partner, the process becomes much smoother. Below are the essential steps ICO development services can guide you through, ensuring that your tokenized future is built on a solid foundation.
1. Project Ideation and Market Research
Every successful ICO starts with a compelling idea. Before development begins, you’ll need to clearly define the purpose of your project, its objectives, and how blockchain technology fits into your solution. ICO development services can help refine your idea and conduct market research to ensure there’s demand for your product or service.
Define your project's vision and goals.
Identify the problem your project solves.
Research competitors and market opportunities.
2. Whitepaper Development and Tokenomics
The whitepaper is the foundation of your ICO, providing potential investors with in-depth information about your project. It should include details about the problem you’re solving, your solution, the technology behind it, and how your token will function within the ecosystem.
Tokenomics refers to the economic model of your token, including its supply, distribution, and utility within the platform. ICO development services assist with drafting the whitepaper and designing a sustainable token economy.
Outline your project’s technical details and roadmap.
Define token supply, distribution, and use cases.
Include incentives for token holders, such as staking or governance rights.
3. Token Development and Smart Contracts
Once your tokenomics are finalized, the next step is to develop your custom token. ICO development services create tokens based on standards like ERC-20 (Ethereum) or BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain), ensuring they meet industry requirements.
Smart contracts handle the automation of your ICO, from processing token purchases to distributing tokens to investors. These contracts must be carefully coded and thoroughly audited to prevent vulnerabilities.
Create and test custom tokens on your chosen blockchain.
Develop secure smart contracts to govern the token sale.
Conduct security audits to detect and fix any vulnerabilities.
4. Regulatory Compliance and KYC/AML Implementation
ICOs must adhere to a range of regulatory requirements, especially concerning Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties. ICO development services ensure that your token sale meets the necessary legal requirements, protecting both you and your investors.
Implement KYC and AML checks for participants.
Ensure compliance with local and international regulations.
Work with legal experts to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.
5. Website and Dashboard Creation
Your ICO website is the face of your project and plays a critical role in building investor trust. A professional, secure, and user-friendly website allows potential investors to learn about your project and participate in the token sale.
Design a compelling and informative landing page.
Create a secure investor dashboard for seamless token purchases.
Ensure website security with encryption and anti-DDoS measures.
6. Marketing and Community Building
A successful ICO relies on building a strong community of supporters and investors. ICO development services often include marketing strategies to help your project gain visibility across social media, forums, and industry platforms.
Launch targeted marketing campaigns across social media.
Engage with the crypto community through channels like Telegram and Reddit.
Partner with influencers to boost awareness and credibility.
7. Post-ICO Support
Once your ICO concludes, the next phase begins—developing your platform and delivering on your promises to investors. ICO development services provide post-ICO support, from listing your token on exchanges to ongoing technical maintenance.
List your token on reputable cryptocurrency exchanges.
Continue engaging with your community and investors.
Provide regular updates on project progress and milestones.
ICO development services play an essential role in laying the groundwork for a successful tokenized future. From project ideation and token development to regulatory compliance and post-ICO support, these services ensure that your ICO meets industry standards, regulatory requirements, and investor expectations.
Partnering with experienced ICO development teams enables you to focus on your vision while leaving the technical, legal, and marketing aspects to professionals. By building a solid foundation, you can confidently launch your ICO and set your project on the path to long-term success.
Ready to build the foundation for your tokenized future? Partner with expert ICO development services to bring your vision to life today!
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crytolenz · 13 days
How Initial Coin Offerings Are Evolving in 2024
As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) remain a popular fundraising method for new crypto projects. However, the ICO model is undergoing significant changes in 2024, influenced by market trends, regulatory developments, and technological advancements. This blog explores how ICOs are evolving this year, highlighting upcoming ICOs, the best crypto ICOs, and what investors should watch for in upcoming ICO token sales.
The Changing Landscape of ICOs
ICOs have gained immense popularity in recent years as a way for startups to raise capital by issuing tokens in exchange for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, the ICO market has also faced challenges, including regulatory scrutiny and high-profile scams. As we move into 2024, the ICO model is adapting to address these challenges while still providing opportunities for innovation and investment.
1. Increased Regulation
One of the most significant changes in the ICO landscape is the increase in regulatory oversight. Governments worldwide are implementing stricter regulations to protect investors and ensure transparency in token sales. This shift is leading to a more mature ICO market, where projects must comply with legal requirements and provide clear information about their offerings. As a result, investors can expect a higher level of due diligence from ICO projects, making it easier to identify the best upcoming ICOs.
2. Enhanced Transparency and Security
To regain investor trust, many ICOs are adopting best practices for transparency and security. This includes providing detailed whitepapers, clear roadmaps, and regular updates on project development. Additionally, projects are increasingly using third-party audits to verify their tokenomics and smart contracts, which helps mitigate risks associated with scams and fraud. As a result, investors can rely on more credible information when evaluating new ICO projects in 2024.
Upcoming ICOs to Watch
As the ICO market evolves, several upcoming ICOs are generating buzz among investors. Here are some noteworthy projects to keep an eye on:
Project A: This upcoming ICO aims to revolutionize the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by offering innovative lending solutions. With a strong development team and a clear roadmap, it has the potential to become one of the best crypto ICOs of 2024.
Project B: Focused on sustainability, this ICO seeks to create a platform for carbon credits trading using blockchain technology. Its unique use case and growing interest in environmental initiatives make it a promising candidate for investors.
Project C: This new ICO project aims to enhance supply chain transparency through blockchain solutions. With partnerships in place and a solid business model, it is poised to attract significant attention during its token sale.
The Importance of an Upcoming ICO List
For investors looking to capitalize on new opportunities, maintaining an upcoming ICO list is crucial. These lists provide valuable insights into upcoming token sales, allowing investors to research projects and make informed decisions. By tracking the ICO calendar, investors can stay updated on launch dates, token prices, and fundraising goals.
How to Evaluate Upcoming ICOs
When assessing upcoming ICOs, consider the following factors:
Team and Advisors: Research the project's team and advisors to ensure they have the necessary experience and expertise in the cryptocurrency space.
Use Case: Evaluate the project's use case and whether it addresses a genuine market need. The best crypto ICOs often provide innovative solutions to existing problems.
Community Engagement: A strong community can indicate a project's potential for success. Check social media channels and forums to gauge investor interest and engagement.
Tokenomics: Analyze the token distribution model, including the total supply, allocation, and incentives for holders. Well-structured tokenomics can enhance a project's long-term viability.
Latest Crypto ICO Trends
As we look at the latest crypto ICOs, several trends are emerging in 2024:
Focus on Utility Tokens: Many new ICO projects are shifting towards utility tokens that provide real-world use cases within their ecosystems. This trend reflects a growing demand for tokens that offer tangible benefits to users.
Integration with DeFi: The integration of ICOs with decentralized finance platforms is becoming increasingly common. Projects that leverage DeFi protocols can attract a broader audience and enhance their token's utility.
Increased Use of NFTs: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are being integrated into ICOs, allowing projects to offer unique digital assets as part of their token sales. This trend can create additional value for investors and enhance project visibility.
The ICO landscape in 2024 is characterized by increased regulation, enhanced transparency, and a focus on utility. As new ICO projects emerge, investors have the opportunity to engage with innovative solutions that address real-world problems. By staying informed about upcoming ICOs, utilizing an upcoming ICO list, and conducting thorough research, investors can navigate this evolving market and identify the best crypto ICOs for their portfolios.
Stay vigilant, conduct comprehensive research, and leverage the tools available to make informed decisions in this dynamic and exciting space.
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Why Choose a Blockchain Development Company in London for Your Next Project
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>> Introduction
In today’s competitive digital landscape, businesses are rapidly adopting blockchain development company in London technology to innovate, improve transparency, and enhance security. When it comes to selecting a blockchain development partner, location plays a crucial role in determining the expertise, industry connections, and opportunities for collaboration. London has emerged as a major hub for blockchain development company in London innovation, making it an ideal location for businesses seeking top-notch blockchain development services.
1. Access to Cutting-Edge Talent
London boasts a vibrant tech ecosystem, attracting some of the brightest minds in blockchain development. The city is home to numerous prestigious universities and technical institutes that specialize in blockchain development company in London  research, which means that development companies here have access to top talent. This expertise ensures that your project will be handled by professionals with deep knowledge of blockchain technologies, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Polkadot.
2. A Global Financial Hub
As one of the world’s largest financial centers, London has a unique advantage in blockchain development company in London , particularly for projects in the finance and fintech sectors. Blockchain's transformative potential for financial services, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), smart contracts, and tokenization, aligns perfectly with London’s established expertise in finance. A blockchain development company in London can provide industry-specific insights and compliance knowledge that may be essential for your project.
3. Proximity to Blockchain Innovators and Events
London is a host city for some of the biggest blockchain conferences, summits, and networking events, including the London Blockchain Week and the Blockchain development company in London Expo Global. By choosing a blockchain development company based in London, you gain access to this thriving blockchain community, which can lead to innovative collaborations, exposure to the latest trends, and opportunities for partnerships.
4. Strong Regulatory Framework
The UK government and financial regulators, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), have embraced blockchain technology, establishing clear guidelines for its use in various industries. This regulatory clarity is crucial for businesses looking to build blockchain development company in London -based applications with confidence, especially in sectors that require strict compliance, such as finance, healthcare, and logistics. A London-based blockchain development company will be well-versed in these regulations, ensuring your project is compliant and secure.
5. Multidisciplinary Expertise
Blockchain development company in London technology is often integrated with other advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics. Many blockchain development company in London have expertise in these fields, enabling them to offer holistic solutions that extend beyond blockchain alone. This multidisciplinary approach allows for greater innovation, whether you’re building a supply chain management platform or a decentralized marketplace.
6. Strategic Location for Global Business
London’s strategic location makes it an ideal choice for businesses operating across multiple regions. The city’s well-established transport links, international business connections, and a timezone that overlaps with both Eastern and Western markets provide an added advantage for companies seeking global reach. Collaborating with a blockchain development company in London ensures that your project will be managed efficiently, with easy communication and project management for global stakeholders.
7. A Proven Track Record
London’s blockchain development companies have a proven track record of successful implementations across various industries. From decentralized finance platforms to supply chain solutions and digital identity systems, London-based firms have demonstrated their ability to deliver cutting-edge blockchain development company in London projects. Their experience with both small startups and large enterprises makes them well-equipped to handle a wide range of blockchain applications.
>> Conclusion
Choosing a blockchain development company in London offers numerous benefits, from access to world-class talent and a supportive regulatory environment to proximity to financial expertise and industry events. Whether you’re launching a blockchain solution for fintech, healthcare, or supply chain management, partnering with a London-based firm ensures that you’ll have the resources, expertise, and industry insights necessary for success.
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aishwaryaanair · 14 days
Top 10 Blockchain and Bitcoin Certifications
Top 10 Blockchain and Bitcoin Certifications for 2024: Accelerate Your Career in Distributed Ledger Technologies
Blockchain and Bitcoin have revolutionized industries by offering decentralized, secure, and transparent solutions. As the demand for blockchain professionals rises, certifications in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are a gateway to validating your expertise. This article explores the top 10 blockchain and Bitcoin certifications for 2024, their benefits, the industries they serve, and the essential skills they provide.
Top 10 Blockchain and Bitcoin Certifications:
1. Certified Blockchain Professional (CBP) — EC-Council
The Certified Blockchain Professional (CBP) by EC-Council is a comprehensive program that focuses on blockchain development, strategy, and implementation across various industries.
Who Will Benefit:
IT professionals, developers, and entrepreneurs who are looking to gain expertise in blockchain architecture and development.
Skills to Learn:
Blockchain concepts and methodologies
Smart contract development
Blockchain for financial services and supply chains
The course can be completed in 5 days of training, followed by an exam.
More info on CBP
2. Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) — Cryptocurrency Certification Consortium (C4)
The Certified Bitcoin Professional certification offered by C4 focuses on Bitcoin’s functionality, usage, and development. It is ideal for individuals who want to demonstrate a solid understanding of Bitcoin as a decentralized cryptocurrency.
Who Will Benefit:
Finance professionals, developers, and entrepreneurs interested in leveraging Bitcoin for payment solutions and decentralized finance (DeFi).
Skills to Learn:
Bitcoin transactions and blockchain fundamentals
Bitcoin mining and investment strategies
Bitcoin security and wallet management
The course is self-paced, with an exam requiring in-depth knowledge of Bitcoin.
More info on CBP
3. Blockchain+ Developer™ (AI CERTs)
Blockchain+ Developer™ by AI CERTs is an advanced certification designed to equip professionals with the knowledge to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain technology. This course covers AI-powered smart contracts and decentralized applications.
Who Will Benefit:
Professionals in blockchain development, AI integration, and those interested in implementing AI solutions within blockchain ecosystems will benefit greatly.
Skills to Learn:
AI-driven smart contracts
Blockchain scalability using AI
AI for fraud detection in blockchain networks
Blockchain+ Developer™ is an 8-week certification program, involving hands-on labs and practical case studies.
More info on Blockchain+ Developer™   
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4. Certified Blockchain Expert™ (CBE) — Blockchain Council
The Certified Blockchain Expert™ by Blockchain Council is tailored for professionals looking to understand blockchain technology comprehensively. It covers blockchain concepts, platforms, and use cases.
Who Will Benefit:
Blockchain developers, IT managers, and entrepreneurs exploring blockchain solutions across different industries.
Skills to Learn:
Blockchain architecture and platform development
Security practices in blockchain systems
Token creation and ICOs
This certification can be completed within a few weeks through self-paced learning or instructor-led training.
More info on CBE
5. AWS Certified Blockchain Specialty
The AWS Certified Blockchain Specialty focuses on building blockchain-based solutions using AWS technologies. This certification validates a professional’s ability to manage distributed ledgers and implement blockchain architectures on AWS.
Who Will Benefit:
Cloud architects, blockchain developers, and engineers who work with distributed applications and want to optimize them on AWS.
Skills to Learn:
Blockchain frameworks and AWS tools
Implementing smart contracts on AWS
Distributed ledger technology on Amazon Managed Blockchain
Candidates typically need hands-on experience with AWS cloud services before taking the exam.
More info on AWS Blockchain
6. Microsoft Certified: Azure Blockchain Developer Associate
Microsoft’s Azure Blockchain Developer Associate certification is aimed at professionals seeking to build blockchain-based applications on Azure. It covers blockchain architecture, data management, and security in the Azure cloud environment.
Who Will Benefit:
Developers and IT professionals responsible for building and managing blockchain solutions on the Azure platform.
Skills to Learn:
Developing blockchain apps on Azure
Integrating blockchain with Azure IoT and AI services
Data encryption and security on Azure Blockchain
Microsoft recommends hands-on experience with Azure and blockchain concepts before attempting the certification.
More info on Azure Blockchain
7. IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer
IBM’s Blockchain Foundation Developer certification focuses on building blockchain solutions using IBM’s Hyperledger framework. It is designed for developers who want to create and manage blockchain applications in enterprise environments.
Who Will Benefit:
Developers, IT professionals, and engineers looking to build private blockchain networks within the IBM Cloud ecosystem.
Skills to Learn:
Developing and deploying Hyperledger Fabric applications
Smart contract creation using IBM Blockchain
Integrating blockchain with existing enterprise systems
IBM recommends candidates have a good understanding of cloud computing and blockchain technology before pursuing this certification.
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8. Google Cloud Professional Blockchain Architect
The Google Cloud Professional Blockchain Architect certification is aimed at professionals who want to develop decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain infrastructure using Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Who Will Benefit:
Blockchain architects, engineers, and IT professionals working with Google Cloud technologies for developing scalable and secure blockchain solutions.
Skills to Learn:
Blockchain architecture on Google Cloud
Implementing decentralized applications on GCP
Data security and encryption within blockchain systems
Google recommends three or more years of industry experience, including at least one year working with GCP.
More info on Google Cloud Blockchain
9. Cisco Certified Blockchain Specialist (CCBS)
Cisco’s Blockchain Specialist certification focuses on integrating blockchain technology into networking and IoT environments. This course prepares professionals to develop blockchain networks, secure data, and ensure efficient communication across decentralized platforms.
Who Will Benefit:
Network engineers, IoT professionals, and blockchain developers working with blockchain implementations in networking and IoT environments.
Skills to Learn:
Implementing blockchain for secure data exchange
Blockchain in IoT ecosystems
Network integration with blockchain technology
Cisco recommends several years of networking and cloud experience before attempting this certification.
More info on Cisco Blockchain
10. Adobe Blockchain Developer Certification
Adobe’s Blockchain Developer Certification focuses on blockchain applications in digital marketing and creative ecosystems. This certification prepares professionals to manage blockchain-based digital content, such as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
Who Will Benefit:
Creative professionals, digital marketers, and developers working with blockchain-based digital content management systems.
Skills to Learn:
Managing digital assets using blockchain
Building and trading NFTs
Securing digital content using blockchain technology
Candidates typically need experience working with Adobe Experience Cloud and blockchain systems before pursuing the certification.
More info on Adobe Blockchain
The Importance of Blockchain Certifications
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries like finance, supply chain, healthcare, and digital marketing. According to a report by Statista, global spending on blockchain solutions is projected to reach over $19 billion by 2024. Professionals with blockchain certifications are in high demand, as organizations look to adopt secure, decentralized solutions for everything from digital payments to identity management.
By earning one or more of these top certifications, you can position yourself at the forefront of technological innovation, future-proof your career, and tap into lucrative job opportunities in sectors across the globe. Blockchain certifications validate your skills, enhance your marketability, and give you the competitive edge needed to succeed in a rapidly evolving industry.
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