#10 Second Ninja X
mysteamgrids · 2 years
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10 Second Ninja X
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legogender · 10 months
being like a “”veteran”” ninjago fan is actually so torturous bc i see newer fans posting abt stuff thats been common knowledge for like 4 years and i have to grit my teeth from trying to correct them
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markrosewater · 1 month
Maro’s “Look Inside the House”: A Duskmourn: House of Horrors Teaser
The new plane of Duskmourn is a perilous place, but if you can survive the horrors within you may come out stronger than ever. I’ve been there. I’ve seen the darkness and to that end, here are some hints of things to come – but will this information help or hinder your journey? Only time will tell. As with any good piece of horror media, you’re only receiving partial information and things are not always as they appear: 
 First up, here are some things you can expect:  
• A component of the set with a frame using technology first designed for an Un-set
• A tweak on an ability word that first appeared in the third set of a block
• Counters used in the set: +1/+1, -1/-1, finality, flying, lifelink, lore, loyalty, nest, possession, rev, stun, and time
• The first ability word to reference “second main phase”
• A 10/1 creature for UUU
• A variant on a mechanic that itself was a variant on another mechanic
• A modal three mana white mass removal spell
• A character returns as a legendary creature that first appeared in flavor text in Alpha
• A new ability word that cares about a card type and a (new) keyword action
• Creature tokens: 1/1 white Toy, 1/1 white Glimmer, 2/1 white Insect, 3/1 white Spirit, 4/4 white Beast, blue token copy, X/X blue Spirit, 2/2 black Horror, 6/6 black Demon, 1/1 red Gremlin, 1/1 red Balloon, 2/2 green Spider, 1/1 black and green Insect, and 0/0 green and blue Fractal
 Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards:  
• “unlock a locked door”
• “Search your library for a Demon card,”
• “where X is the number of creatures you control with power 2 or less.”
• “Exile any number of target instant, sorcery, and/or Tamiyo planeswalker cards from your graveyard.”
• “The same is true for creature spells you control and creature cards you own that aren’t on the battlefield.”
• “You have no maximum hand size and don’t lose the game for having 0 or less life.”
• “Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell that targets only a single creature you control, copy that spell.”
• “Shards you control become copies of it until the beginning of the next end step.”
• “of creatures you control that don’t have the same name as this creature.”
• “(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, and 31 are prime numbers.)”
 Here are some creature type lines from the set: 
• Creature – Human Doctor
• Creature – Kor Survivor
• Creature – Goat
• Creature – Shark
• Creature – Eye
• Creature – Fish Insect
• Artifact Creature – Monkey Toy
• Creature – Human Clown Berserker
• Legendary Creature – Elder Demon
• Legendary Creature – Rat Ninja Wizard
 Finally, here are some names in the set: 
• Acrobatic Cheerleader
• Don’t Make a Sound
• Exorcise
• Friendly Ghost
• Jump Scare
• Let’s Play a Game
• Meathook Massacre II
• Orphans of the Wheat
• Split Up
• Unsettling Twins
 Tune into Duskmourn’s Debut at 2pm PT, August 31 – streaming live from PAX West – where the House will finally reveal more of its secrets.
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goodlucktai · 1 month
What if I said 10 & 20 as portal duo thanks so much
dialogue prompts
10. “I don’t care. I’m not leaving you.”
+ 20. “Get away! You’re hurting them!”
for my beloved meeks
They weren’t supposed to be here. It’s stupid, but it’s the first thing that springs to Mikey’s mind. 
Leo had only recently graduated with honors from those initial grueling physical therapy sessions that usually ended in tears (not always Leo’s) to daily exercises that got easier and easier until he was breezing through them the way he used to breeze through everything. 
If he went farther than two steps away from his arm crutches Donnie appeared out of thin air looking ready to breathe fire at him, and Raph was in the habit now of holding Leo out at arm’s length immediately after every hug in the manner of scruffing an unruly kitten to double-check he was wearing his leg brace and compression sleeve, and Mikey had learned the hard way what everyone meant when they said medics make the absolute worst patients. 
But for the most part Leo was doing really good! He was hitting all his marks and only driving everyone a tiny bit insane—well within the allotted Leo amount! 
So when he had smiled that crooked, conspiring smile at Mikey the minute the coast was clear and said, “There’s no better strengthening exercise then sneaking out with my favorite little brother for a past-due victory smoothie,” what was Mikey supposed to tell him? No??
It did occur to him, a tiny little guilty whisper. Leo was healing. He’d been so badly hurt. Even Splinter, who spoiled Leonardo rotten, hadn’t given into the slider’s constant pleas to rush the recovery process along. They were going by the book. Literally, since Donatello had stepped up as team medic in the interim. Don and Raph and April and even Casey were all very good at not bending an inch no matter how many tragic looks got sent their way. Mikey wasn’t very good at that at all. 
And anyway, joy had drowned out that whisper with a shout. He lit up with it, that newly-discovered supernova inside him curling up like a happy cat in a patch of sunshine. There’s a very big part of him that will always be what it’s always been, no matter how old he gets, or how powerful his mystic arts become—he’ll always be Michelangelo, and Michelangelo will follow Leonardo absolutely anywhere. 
So he said, “I’ll get my hoodie!” and darted out the door with zero ninja stealth, clipping his shoulder on the frame and almost crashing into the table in the hall. Leo laughed behind him, and the unrestrained sound made Mikey feel like he could float. Maybe he actually did for a second or two. 
He’ll never forget those horrible minutes after the portal closed, after Leo’s comms went dead, when he had wondered if he would ever hear his brother’s voice again. When he wondered what, exactly, his last words to Leo had been—they almost certainly weren’t I love you or please don’t leave so they didn’t count. 
To make up for it, he wanted to tell Leo everything every chance he got. He wanted to make him laugh all the time. He wanted to crowd into the little twin-size infirmary bed to watch movies or do art projects that got glitter everywhere. He wanted to sneak out for smoothies even though it would get them in big trouble, because that was literally why he helped save the world in the first place. 
And now he’s standing in a dim sidestreet, an orange streetlight buzzing dully above him, two smoothies melting in his hands. It’s their usual shortcut home, through a bunch of foreclosed apartment buildings and a dead end road. Leonardo is in front of him, shoulders stiff, ninpo humming weakly beneath his skin like a tired little beetle that shouldn’t be up from hibernation just yet. 
Across the road are half a dozen humans in what looks like riot gear labeled TCRI and a man in a black suit. The man somehow looks more dangerous than the people in police armor. 
“Leo,” Mikey says in a small voice. His brother doesn’t answer, but he does shift his weight to put Mikey more firmly behind him, which is answer enough. 
And Mikey thinks, We weren’t supposed to be here. No one knows where we are. 
The man in the suit starts talking into the bulky earpiece he’s wearing, but Mikey can’t make out what he’s saying over the buzzing of the streetlamp and the pounding of his own heart in his ears. All he hears is Leonardo murmur, “Mikey, go.”
“No,” Mikey’s mouth says automatically. It doesn’t even need any input from his brain to say it. Because no. 
“Mike,” Leo says, in his best leader voice. But his tone is urgent in a way that borders on being scared so closely it must mean he’s actually terrified, or he would never have let Mikey hear even a hint of it. “I’d go with you if I could. I’m sorry I can’t.” 
His hands tighten on his crutches. He can’t run. He’s still healing. He should be at home, doing his exercises with those little pink dumbbells in the warmth and safety of the lair, complaining the whole time in between tossing out ideas for dinner. 
Mikey should have said no to sneaking out the way Donnie and Raphie would have instantly said no. He should be better at taking care of Leo the way he needs to be taken care of, the way everyone else does so easily. 
The armored people start to shift to the side, moving around Mikey and Leo in a wide formation, hands on the guns holstered at their waists. Containing them. The man in the suit is still talking, face inscrutable behind the tinted glasses he’s wearing, but his face hasn’t twitched away from their direction even once. 
“Hey,” Leo says, bringing Mikey’s attention back. “Don’t look at them, look at me.”
He’s smiling over his shoulder like it’s any other back-alley brawl with the mutant of the week or a handful of those Foot soldiers who never know when to quit, and not a horrible high-stakes situation in which Mikey stands to lose one of the most important things in the entire world if he makes the wrong move. 
“Just get home and get the guys, okay? Then come right back for me. You can outrun these goons without breaking a sweat. You can do anything.”
Mikey drops the smoothies and the cold wet soaks through one of his sneakers instantly but he needs his hands free so he can clutch the back of Leo’s stupid hoodie. He needs to hold on tight and make sure whoever tries to take his brother away knows exactly what kind of knock-down drag-out fight they’re in for. 
“I don’t care,” Mikey says, too loud in the stillness. “I’m not leaving you.”
He wishes he were a snapper like Raphie. If he was big and strong and had a shell that was as good as bulletproof armor, he’d scoop Leonardo up and shield him from the guns and run them both away. 
If he was a genius like Donnie, he’d have one or a dozen gadgets on his person that would have saved them. 
But he’s just Mikey, who isn’t big and strong, who isn’t a genius, who isn’t one of the people Leonardo is willing to step down and be weak in front of and depend on. Just Mikey, who Leo saved all his best jokes for during painful rehab, like it mattered to him that Mikey didn’t see him struggle. Just Mikey, who Leo always lifts both arms for the second he sees him coming and squishes into the world’s best hug, even if he’s pissed off at everybody else. Just Mikey, who Leo wants to get better for, be the best for, be one of the constant things on this planet Mikey never needs to doubt, like gravity and sunrise and overpriced street food. 
Because there’s a very big part of him that will always be what it’s always been, no matter how mature he gets, or how accomplished a ninja master he becomes—he’ll always be Leonardo, and Leonardo would do anything to make sure Michelangelo keeps smiling. 
Leo is also very stupid, because he doesn’t seem to understand that Mikey will never smile again if his big brother goes away. 
When the TCRI agents explode forward at some signal Mikey missed, and grab the brothers and drag them apart, Leo stumbles and falls when his crutches are wrenched away. He’d probably be making a smart-ass comment if his jaw wasn’t clenched, the sudden fall probably radiating pain all the way up his spine, distress making his gold eyes burn neon yellow. 
Like a flip was switched, all the panic inside of Mikey evaporates into a red-tinged mist. 
The supernova inside him sleeps most of the time, because he’s not big enough to contain its multitudes yet, and it doesn’t want to cause pain. It only wants to shine light in dark places, it only wants to help. But it wakes up with a fury and fills every inch of him to the brim and the overflow spills right out of him, lifts him right off the ground, makes his voice a resounding thunderclap when he yells, “GET AWAY! You’re hurting him!” 
Staggering back and shouting in alarm, the agents begin firing, because humans in a panic are trigger-happy creatures, even well-trained ones like these guys must be. Every round fired disintegrates the second it meets the glow pouring out of Mikey, disappearing before it can do harm. 
“Holy shit,” Leo says, eyes wide. It’s the way Mikey imagines he probably looked at Leo, when everyone else feared Raphael was a lost cause but Leo put his hand on Mikey’s shoulder and told him, I’m not giving up on him. I’m not leaving him behind. A sailor lost in a storm and their first glimpse of the lighthouse in the dark, close enough to save them.
“Hold your fire!” the man in the black suit barks suddenly, his voice viciously angry. “I did not clear any of you to fire!” 
Mikey doesn’t care who the scary Men In Black guy is, or what reason he has for tracking Mikey and his brother down, or why he’s calling the dogs off now. He cares about helping Leo get back on his feet, scooping the crutches up off the ground and getting Leo’s arms in them, and staring right into Agent Sunglasses’s stupid face while the supernova burns and burns and burns inside him. 
Try it, he doesn’t say. Just try it. If the Krang couldn’t take my brother from me, what hope do you think you have?
He feels Leo’s arm slip around his, locking them together at the elbow. Leo’s ninpo, a soft breeze instead of the playful gale it’s supposed to be, weaves through Mikey’s own to lead it. 
‘Like this,’ the wind tells the sunburst, guiding it through the process it wants it to take the same way bigger hands used to guide a smaller Mikey through katas, readjusting his arms and poking him playfully on the beak when he scrunched it in frustration. The golden portal that opens beneath their feet costs him nothing, appearing as effortlessly as Leo’s spinning blue ones always do. 
The agent’s face goes slack with shock the second before the turtles disappear. 
They land on the sofa with enough force that it almost collapses, and Leo makes a pained noise, hands pressed to his plastron like he’s trying to contain a full-body ache with sheer willpower. Mikey scrambles off of him and falls off the sofa for his trouble. His clothes are prickly, like he’s covered in static electricity. A magazine left on the coffee table begins to move, pages flipping as if in a breeze. One of the beanbag chairs lifts up slightly, like gravity has gotten lighter in that specific spot. 
He feels too big for himself. There are multitudes inside him, a million different things that are all true at the same time. He’s still so angry, and he’s still so afraid, and he’s still just Mikey, who couldn’t be what Leo needed him to be until the last possible second. 
Just Mikey, who Leo saves his best smile for. Just Mikey, who Leo hugs like it’s the easiest thing in the world to bring another person that close and trust them right next to his heart. 
“You’re the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,” Leo says, like it’s another truth Mikey can keep for as long as he wants. Forever, even.
There will be hell to pay when their brothers get home. There’s a brand-new danger their family needs to be made aware of. Leo tried to leave him behind again and it reopened a wound that was still raw and healing.
But for now that wild star in his heart doesn’t need to burn so bright. It can put all the furniture that began to float back down and go back to sleep. And Mikey can press his face into the cracked print of Leo’s favorite Chappell Roan hoodie and say, “Hope you enjoyed your last taste of freedom for the next hundred years.”
Leo laughs, but doesn’t let go of Mikey right away. He clings extra hard for an extra long minute.
He would have left, Mikey realizes, but he didn’t want to go. When he was alone on the Technodrome, staring down a monster and a portal and the truth of how to save everyone, he didn’t want to go. If there was any other choice, he would have taken it. He would have come home. 
Mikey isn’t Leo, who will do what he has to do no matter what it costs himself. Mikey isn't Raph or Donnie. Mikey is and always has been the spoiled baby of the family, who will do exactly what he wants to do and damn the consequences. He’ll tear a thousand holes open in the universe if that’s what it takes to keep his family together, and if the Hamato ancestors don’t like it then they can come and take their ninpo back. 
They can try, anyway. 
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shitsndgiggs · 23 days
hi kaya, could you please write something for kenan inspired by the trend where boyfriends use the hugs ranking filter on tik tok? thank you so much<33
Ranking hugs with Kenan
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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I prop up my phone, getting the TikTok filter ready while Kenan watches me with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.
“So, you’re going to rank different types of hugs that another guy might give me,” I explain with a grin.
Kenan’s face instantly turns serious. “Why would another guy be hugging you?”
I laugh, nudging him. “Just go with it, babe. It'll be fun.”
“Fine,” he grumbles, crossing his arms. “But no funny business.”
The first hug pops up: Hug at the Waist.
Kenan’s face immediately darkens. “1. No way. Hands around your waist? Not happening. That’s like… the most intimate hug. Anyone tries that, they’re dead.”
I laugh, “Okay, starting strong with a one!”
The next type shows up: Polite Hug.
Kenan sighs with relief. “10. I’m okay with this. It’s barely a hug. Like, there’s almost no touching. In fact, I encourage this kind of awkwardness.”
I chuckle, “Alright, so we’re jumping from 1 to 10. Nice balance.”
Back Hug appears on the screen.
Kenan scowls. “2. Not much better than the waist hug. Why is he sneaking up on you? Is he a ninja? No back hugs, ever.”
I try to keep a straight face. “Ninja hugs… Got it.”
One-Armed Hug pops up next.
He thinks for a second, then shrugs. “8. It’s weird and one-sided. I guess I’m okay with that. But it’s not ideal.”
I giggle, “Okay, noted. Moving on.”
The filter reveals Slow Dance Hug.
Kenan immediately goes back to looking annoyed. “3. Hell no. What is this, prom? There’s no reason to be swaying together like that.”
I burst out laughing, “Swaying together?!”
He nods firmly, “Yes. No swaying.”
Next is Cuddle.
His eyes narrow. “4. Not happening. That’s what I’m here for. Only I get to be your human pillow.”
I can’t help but laugh again. “Human pillow?”
“Yes,” he says, trying to keep a straight face but failing.
The next hug type is Group Hug.
Kenan takes a deep breath. “7. Fine, but only if it’s a large group. And if I’m also in the group. I need to be like, the middle layer of the human sandwich.”
I laugh so hard I almost drop the phone. “Middle layer of the human sandwich?!”
“Yep, like the cheese in a grilled cheese,” he replies with a straight face.
The Catcher Hug comes up next.
Kenan’s face immediately twists. “5. What’s this? Some kind of rom-com nonsense? No one’s catching you but me.”
I giggle, “Okay, okay. You’re really taking this seriously.”
“Obviously,” he mutters.
Then, Classic Hug shows up.
He tilts his head thoughtfully. “6. It’s alright, I guess. As long as it’s short and sweet. Like a ‘hi and bye’ situation. No lingering allowed.”
I smile, “Got it, no lingering.”
The final hug appears: The Patting Hug.
Kenan instantly grins. “9. Yes! This is a great one. It’s like saying, ‘I don’t really want to be doing this, but here we are.’ I’m all for it.”
I burst out laughing again. “You and your awkward pats…”
“Exactly,” he smirks, leaning closer. “But just so we’re clear, the only hug I want to see is mine.”
I lean in and kiss him, still laughing. “Don’t worry, Kenan. No one’s taking your place.”
He grins, pulling me closer. “Good, because I don’t play fair.”
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colesluvr · 1 year
Hiya idk if your request are still open but can I please request the ninja X male reader headcanons for the ninja being little spoons during cuddles
Cuddle Bugs | Ninja X Male Reader
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HEYO ANON!! ty for this request, this was so cute! loved the idea. sorry they seem rushed and short, i'm not amazing with detail lmaoo. lloyd's is my favorite by far lol.
"Y/NNNNN~" Kai voice caught your attention. Poking your head up from your phone screen as you sat comfortably on your bed sheets, Kai entered your room.
He was bruised and his hair was a mess. Now you know he's out of it because he would never leave his hair a mess like that and walk around like he owned the place.
"Kai?" You smiled to your boyfriend as he followed the door slam shit. He leaned his forehead against the door and stood there for about 10 seconds. You smiled as you watched it all.
Suddenly he leaned back and made his way toward you, ever so slowly.
"Baby?" You called. He made a hum noise as he landed basically on top of you, causing you to let out a laugh as he got comfortable on you.
"You're warm~" He mummered into your chest, gripping your shirt and basically suffocating himself into your chest. You threw your head back and laughed.
"Long day?" You asked after seconds of silence. You could feel his head nod into your chest.
You wrapped your leg around his, trapping you both in a tangled cuddle. You kissed the top of his head gently as he relaxed in yout touch, soon falling asleep.
You didn't even get a warning, not even a tap on the shoulder. You were tackled to the bed in Jay's room while you were trying just grab one of comic's to give back to Lloyd, but nope, here you were pinned to Jay's bed with him hugging you like his life depended on it.
You screamed at the sudden tackle, but once you reached the bed you noticed Jay had his face buried into your neck.
Now you knew your boyfriend loved his daily dose o cuddles, I mean how could you not, he's on you everyday. However, he made this feel different somehow.
It looked like he just died on top of you, "Jay?" you questioned yur boyfriend who mummble something into your neck, tickling you a little.
You giggled at his response and bend your neck to the side to see if he'll move, but he only followed in suite.
"Jaahay!" You chuckled, his face tickling you still. You felt his lips give your neck a few kisses before he leaned up and looked down at you.
"Sorry, You just remind me so much like my pillow. I couldn't help myself but just make myself comfortable, cutie."
You rolled your eyes, "Sorry, but I'm not your kissing pillow."
"Shut up." He mumbled into your neck again, wrapping his legs around your wasit, clinging onto you like a koala.
"Cuddle Bug." You chuckled, closing your eyes noticing Jay fell asleep on you, again.
"Okay, Papa Bear, get off me, I gotta use the bathroom." This only reponsed with Cole squeezing you harder as he had you in a cuddle trap.
You playfully smack his back to see if that will get him to move, but, "Thahat feels good," You scoffed and laid back down in defeat. Cole had you in a position on the bed making him cuddle all up in your arms so you couldn't move unless he moved.
"Dude, I'm gonna pee my fucking pahants!" You laughed as you tried to push your boyfriend off, but to no avail.
"Not my problem."
"Well, Ill make it your problem by pissing all over the bed," Cole gave you a 'fuck you' look as he whined into your chest soon after and rolled off of you and back onto the matress.
You thanked the First Spintijzu Master as you got off the bed, "When you get back I excpet twice as more cuddles then I gave you."
"You'll just have to come and get me, Cuddle Bug." And you left to use the bathroom, not expecting a chase as soon as you came out.
"Did you activate a switch causing you do this, hun?" You asked your Nindroid boyfriend who was cuddle against you comfortably. You had your arms wrapped around his neck as his legs were tangled with yours, both of your foreheads touching.
"I just really, really, missed you." Was his only reply as you chuckled.
"So, how was your day?" You asked, thinking to strike uo a conversation in order to keep it not so quiet.
"Horrible until I fell into your arms."
"Who the fuck taught you that? Was it Kai, I bet 10$ it ws Kai-"
"Y/N" Zane cuts you off by grabbing your cheek, "Just enjoy the moment. You and I both need this right now."
You felt your cheeks turn red as he rubbed your chest, causing you to somewhat relax.
You smiled softly, kissing the top of his head. "Sure thing, hun."
"You smell good," Lloyd said after a moment of silence. He was in your arms, refusing to ever let go, well, not at least for a good while. "Really? Like what?" You replied, stroking your boyfriend's hair. He thought for a moment,
"Butter?" You laughed at the random answer Lloyd had gave you. He nods into your chest. "Why butter? What, do I smell like cheese?"
"I just loove butter." Lloyd spoke quiety, tighting his grip around you like he was hanging off the edge of a cliff.
You laughed at Lloyds state, "Man, you sound drunk." You cupped his cheeks to look at you. His eyes were droppy like he was just falling asleep. You sniffed him and smiled, "You smell like butter," and stuck your tounge out at him.
Lloyd smiled, "I guess we both smell like cheese," and his head was back into your chest.
You laughed for a short while before hearing small snores escape Lloyd.
You went back to stroking his hair before falling asleep yourself.
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afreakingdork · 29 days
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Moonshine - Chapter 10
RotTMNT x Reader
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Donnie and juice, just the perfect sort of parallel for this week's chapter art by @birdsnout
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Michelangelo (TMNT)/Reader, Michelangelo (TMNT)/You, Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Donatello (TMNT)/You
Warnings: POV Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader, Anxious Reader, Introverted Reader, Stuttering, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Romance, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Unrequited Love, Rejection, Aromantic Asexual Michelangelo (TMNT), Bisexual Donatello (TMNT), Pansexual Leonardo (TMNT), Lesbian Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Demisexual April O'Neil (TMNT), Implied Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit/April O'Neil/Sunita, Endgame Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Romantic Love, Platonic Love, Panic Attacks, Sexuality Crisis, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Happy Ending, Fluff
Synopsis:  You’ve lost most of your life to anxiety and fear. Now, in your late 20s, you are desperate to reclaim it and during one such outing you encounter the sun personified. With his and his similarly celestially inspired family, will you finally reach your goal or will you lose yourself along the way?
Also available on Ao3
First 💛 Previous
Donnie liked things in order.
Which was to say it didn’t have to be a specific one.
In his lab, his brother’s would often complain of the mess.
It made sense to him.
He knew exactly where his next blueprints were and that he had yet to put that lone 17/64 in. drill bit that had rolled under the cabinet beside his desk back in its pack.
That was the nature of the universe. 
It was both a state of chaos, but also one of order. 
It was a scientific debate. 
Physics was orderly and seemed to be the same everywhere one looked.
Thermodynamics, alternatively, always snuck in a bit of entropy.
There was measure in that too.
The measure of uncertainty.
As Donnie stared at the chilled set of juice boxes he had removed from the fridge, he wished his life was as cleanly packaged.
What was he doing?
Well for one, he was hunched. 
His back pinched and his hands were on the counter with his digits spread out wide. 
He was currently staring at a set of unopened beverages and very much wanted to drink one.
It was his whole reason for finally reentering the house after a dreadful night of attempting to sleep outside before going to bunk in the tank.
He’d bought a cabin for the family.
If his father continued to insist on a nature reprieve then they could at least rough it in a consistent manner.
They never cared. 
They hadn’t even thanked him. 
They made jokes. 
He was ridiculed for drinking delicious apple concentrate.
So what if he was almost 30?
These came in a convenient form factor, had an adequate amount, and were tasty.
Simple, they were so simple.
You were simple too once.
You made sense as a villain, and then you made sense as a scaredy cat.
The second part didn’t make as much sense to him personally, but it still stood as a sort of fact.
He chocked that up to entropy.
Whatever your reason was for putting up your fearful front was yours and not his.
What was his was Michelangelo.
His dearest baby brother.
Everyone’s favorite brother.
Minus, Mikey, of course.
They knew their rankings. It was obvious who the clear winner was. Despite his failings, Mikey was infectious. He was the heart of their group of Planeteers. As asinine as the show was and with how very little sense it made, in this case it fit. Reaching out, Donnie picked at the outer plastic that kept the many juice boxes together. A malformed plastic corner marked where the factory had mistakenly melted that outer layer a little too thickly. Their failure would be his gain as it was the perfect flap in which to tear the wrapping off.
He needed to do that.
He needed to shed this damn outer layer.
That’s what it was.
He had on a happenstance coating that kept him away from sweet nectar.
His developing crush on you.
No, he refused to call it that.
This was why he deemed it a development.
What grounds did he have?
First, he sent you to a veritable breakdown.
He had yet to mention that part to anyone else in the family and that alone was tearing him apart.
At the same time, he had no idea how to explain that he had been unusually attentive and had held a stranger close as they sobbed. 
More than once. 
A little shiver ran up his spine at the thought. That wasn’t him. He wasn’t so cool or aloof. He’d pretended to be when he was younger; when he thought those sorts of attitudes were appealing. It had all been so silly. Having only punctured the tightly packed rectangle, Donnie left the juice to make a fist on the counter.
He’d offered himself to you as the second best option.
Had that been his first failing?
Since when did he think so little of himself?
He held his own high praises in reality. He’d accepted things that others thought he shouldn’t and acknowledged others that were mutually agreed upon that he should. That was the sway of consciousness. Being aware meant having choice. Having choice meant choosing. Not choosing was a choice and he preferred to make them. There was science in that.
Reactions, equal or opposite, were those to be studied.
Was that why he watched you?
He’d long labeled the activity as his usual wariness of strangers in the lair, but he also had a propensity for deciding things without giving them enough thought.
That was his third law’s failing.
He rushed and would be forced to change his mind.
He disliked that much more than disorder.
It ranked somewhere just below pineapple on pizza.
Not that his list was exact.
Those rankings changed by nearly the second.
A jockeying scoreboard based solely on his preference.
You ranked too highly on that one.
He gave his fist a soundless bang.
You weren’t allowed on the scoreboard of things he liked.
It no longer made sense for you to be on the one he disliked.
You had to go into the neutral category.
That one was a no man’s land where he didn’t bother ranking and shoved everything he felt ambivalently about.
He didn’t care about your doe eyes.
He didn’t care about the sharp tongue that you tried to hide.
He didn’t care that he had the privilege more often than not of being the one that you didn’t stutter in front of.
He wasn’t counting.
What was there to tally?
How he’d saved you twice since?
What was that for interactions?
If anything you were some damsel in a story and happily ever after was something cowardly writers never bothered to write.
Because they couldn’t.
Because it was obvious that one only liked the other for surface level reasons.
There was no basis.
They had no real relationships.
There was trauma bonding at best.
Love stories were made by quick decisions, to see quick outcomes.
That was what he was in this regard.
That was what he’d grown to understand about emotions.
He couldn’t avoid them.
Frustratingly, he felt them too strongly for that.
They took too much time.
His low empathy regarded his tolerance for other’s feelings.
Sudden emotions were baseless.
Snap decisions were made without reason.
People needed time and awareness to make good judgment.
The heart was to emotion as the brain was to logic.
Reason was required.
If society ran on impulse desire alone then it would have been left in ruin.
The fact that many civilizations’ collapses could be traced back to inane emotional drivel proved his point.
You were some quick hit of dopamine.
You were something new and interesting for his brain to work out as you’d inadvertently tricked him.
You’d snuck your way onto his radar.
He rarely even noticed his other brothers’ fancies before you.
This time he banged both his fists.
Each turtle was different.
Not just in species, but in the sense that they were different people.
All four of them had grown up the same, but perfectly different.
Not once in their entire lives had any of their romantic interests overlapped.
They fought over more coveted items.
They squabbled for seats to their favorite movies or who actually had the rights to the video game consoles.
Those were solved with contracts.
They were inanimate objects to be traded.
Not people.
There had never been secret heartbreak.
No one had a crush on their brother’s crush.
It wasn’t a crush.
It was a spike in Donnie’s heart rate based on stupid chemicals that didn’t know the reality.
He refused to be the one to break a good streak.
Especially when you were Mikey’s first.
In a swipe, Donnie tore the plastic straight down the middle of the packaging. Cleanly separating eight juice boxes into two rows of four, he quieted his mind by plucking cartons out one by one. Setting them back into their tight formation, he tossed the excess trash. He then took the rapidly warming containers and placed them back in their tidy line in the fridge minus a single soldier. That one he stabbed mercilessly but cleanly with its accompanying straw.
He needed to pick back up that eco-friendly packaging design he’d been toying with for these.
Less nonsensical plastic.
Lifting the box up, he got the straw between his lips and sucked.
There it was.
That familiar feeling.
That rush of good chemicals.
It was the same as drinking juice.
Yes, that was what it was.
Nothing but a little treat that some would say was a crutch.
He could quit it if he wanted.
He could pick and choose his vices.
That was his.
His mind a sort of clear in a cluttered way, he released the box and held it up with the straw between his lips. It freed his hands up to check the closest drawers for paper. He wanted to get that package design down before the next genius idea flittered through his head.
You chose just then to appear on the other side of the counter.
Maybe he could go back to classifying you as evil.
You made eye contact and your shoulders came up for a tentative greeting. 
Donnie didn’t appear to be a morning person. 
You had heard the crinkling of plastic from the top of the stairs and thought it would be alright to come down even if the option terrified you. Though last night you had a clear preference, right now you weren’t sure which brother you wanted to run into. It felt like years had gone by since you chased a man made of sunshine. In your quest to live your life, defeat your fear, and finally be a person, you had somehow regressed on all fronts in a single night.
You had run away.
You had kicked your best friend in the face.
You had been reduced to nothing.
All because you couldn’t handle the change in a status quo that only you decided existed.  
Because you were so obsessively focused on getting through any single day.
Because you couldn’t look outside of yourself for one minute to see how you were impacting others.
Because everything you did was through the most frustrating self-absorbed lens imaginable.
You needed to talk to Mikey.
You needed to figure out what happened and not what you assume occurred.
After your little dream which you now deemed a nightmare, you had avoided sleep.
You had spent hours pouring over the events at the lake.
You’d come to realize a few things.
The first being that Mikey had no way of knowing how insecure you had felt.
You had given over to one split second reaction after another.
You had fumbled everything, but even knowing that and having all the time in the world to prepare, you still dreaded the conversation.
You knew the steps all too well. You would start with the awkward titter and dance where neither of you knew who should lead. You would talk over each other by mistake and then flounce with apologies until you were stuck in misery. It’d be followed by one of you, Mikey obviously, going first. He would try and take all blame to make everything better when in reality you were the one at fault. He had said he wanted to test the waters. He had said this was new to him. He told you to tell him if he made you uncomfortable.
That he’d stop.
Instead you kicked him in the face and threw a tantrum the likes of which caused you to desecrate someone else’s home while making its tenants sleep outside. That was three scoops of your shit sundae which you topped off with whipped cream in the form of you sobbing pathetically into your friend’s older brother. A toss of sprinkles came as you’d then forced that same man to clean up after you. You then dotted your creation with the most infuriating cherry of all: you were clearly developing a crush on Donatello.
Why Donnie?
Why the one who didn’t like you?
Why the one who had been so cruel to you from the get go?
The most perfect man in the world already liked you and you turned to his closest, least interested companion and said ‘this one.’ 
You damned masochist.
You tainted everything you touched.
You hated it.
You despised yourself.
You also felt immense joy at the sight of Donnie’s face. 
Even while he looked at you like you had walked in and disturbed his meticulous work. 
You were the worst.
You had to beat these feelings back.
It couldn’t be more.
Even if you were to somehow set aside Mikey’s feelings, it seemed patently absurd to have a crush on a friend’s sibling. So many movies touched on it and every time the person in question had been some creeper.
You were the creeper.
It was only a dream.
Dreams didn’t depict what you really wanted.
Dreams were random.
Donnie was a source of comfort because he’d saved you.
You were vulnerable and your mind had filled a void.
Donnie looked adorable with that juice box dangling from his lips.
You wanted to sob.
By all accounts, he was a groggy mess.
The dark circles under his eyes punctured straight through his mask and his posture read a certain menace. Head tipped down, his eyes turned up against stooped lids where he was just a shy step beyond glaring. One tweak of his eyebrows and he’d hold fury, but it was all contrasted by a pop of purple color with bright red apples on it. Smearing any semblance of intimidation coming off him, the casual nature of the juice box made him seem like a guy who just wanted a little treat after a hard toil.
He straightened and looked down his beak at you. “Tell me it was worth it.”
Your expression withered. 
He was understandably upset with you.
“What… happened?”
“What didn’t?” He sneered openly and plucked the juice from his mouth. “Let’s begin: There were only porch chairs to sleep on! Mikey tossed and turned in an emergency blanket because, for some reason, he thought he might freeze even though the temperature is nowhere near uncomfortable! There were bugs! I was then banished to the tank only to find my secret cot there in ruins! I suspect Leo, but the reinforced interior meant I couldn’t access the cabin’s Wi-Fi to review my security footage!”
You imagined the only good left in these woods was you could bury your own body and no one would presumably find you. “Donnie… I’m s-so sorry… this is all-!”
“Tell me.”
You blinked out of your misery for shock.
“It was worth it!” He outright bellowed with a twitching eye.
You needed to lie.
Lie and not tell him you were up all night because you were afraid to dream about him a second time.
“It was…”
He gave an impatient hum.
You brought your head down. “I f-felt secure, but I couldn’t sleep. Too much happened…”
The tense moment of silence seemed to build until your gaze bottomed out on the floor.
Donnie then gave a heady sigh.
“Thank… I mean, thank you…”
“For what?”
You heard a sound and snuck a glance to find he’d folded his arms on the counter. “For… protecting me… for… ugh… I cried on you again…I….”  You whipped your head back and forth, frustrated with yourself. “No! I’m… I’m… tired of this! This is the third time. I keep… I hate it. I hate that I keep doing this to you. You said not to make you a third wheel and a-all I wanted was to make sure that was true. Then I went and made you something worse! You had to deal with both me and Mikey and… it’s me. I hate that I can’t keep it in. Even now…” You rubbed at your cheek hoping to shut down your scorched sinuses. “It’s… I don’t know… It feels easy to dump my bad emotions on you because I feel like you understand?”
You could feel him staring.
“Why would you…?” You gestured down yourself with a bitter hand. “… understand this? Why? We’re nothing alike and it’s unfair of me to think we are. I can’t seem to stop taking advantage of your kindness...”
“Your thought processes are boring.”
Your gaze snapped to his.
His lids were lulled.
You could only pop an incensed plosive.
The corner of his lip quirked. “How do you feel now?”
He blossomed into a smirk. “This is why I don’t believe you.”
“Believe what?”
“That you’re actually scared.” He rounded the counter.
“I am! You have no idea-!”
“I don’t.” He approached and used his juice box to point at you. “You just said that. You don’t know me and I don’t know you well enough at all, but I know when to throw out a grounding technique so it will be successful.”
“Grounding…?” You trailed off.
“It’s as if your mind gets stuck.” He pointed one digit and curled the others like a gun to his temple. “Spiraling. Catastrophizing. Doomsaying. What have you. However, if something unexpected is said, it interrupts the feedback loop.”
You shirked the information and looked off to the side.
“Maybe your baseline is shy. Maybe you’ve been rightfully wounded. Maybe you have a minute social battery. Maybe you have anxiety disorder. On and on, but from what I’ve seen…” He slid an arm along the counter to tip his body and try to catch a glimpse of your face.
You shared a small portion.
“I’ve seen you fight back. I’ve seen you furious when you’ve been wronged. I’ve heard you blurt out raw thought. It’s hard not to imagine that’s you.” His face then contorted with disgust and he rose up with you chasing after. “This is where Leo would say something overt like ‘you’re a fighter, champ.’”
“I doubt he’d call me ‘champ.’”
“True, it will be something equally old man worthy. Count your days.” Donnie rolled his eyes.
“Why… do you keep helping me? Aren’t I… a-annoying?”
“Incredibly. You’re disruptive and you’ve upturned my peaceful life!” Donnie threw a hand up in Shakespearean dismay.
You watched on with wide eyes.
He held the pose for several seconds before a smarmy smile turned on you.
“Was that another grounding!?”
“No.” He chuckled.
“Wha-?! Hey!”
“Sometimes a sentence needs a little pizazz. I appreciate theatrics.” With a slow blink, he tipped his head as if it couldn’t be helped. “If I must be serious then I will clarify that I don’t mind. So is the life of a hero!” 
You made a noise that was sadder than you hoped. “Because heroes help anyone…”
He cracked one eye open in your periphery before shifting to fully gawk. “That’s not-”
You turned to look, hoping you masked the hurt.
That was the truth.
You weren’t special.
You were nothing to Donnie but another soul to be saved.
He did what he did because he had to.
It was good to hear.
It was grounding.
“That’s not exactly…” Donnie looked at his juice, but said nothing more.
You filled the space so he wouldn’t have to feel bad. “Where’s Mikey?”
Donnie gave a full body twitch. 
You held firm in your question. 
His gaze shifted through a few things before he neutralized them all and gestured to the right of the door. “Around the side.” 
“Think he’s ready for me?”
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah… I’m… I’m ready to apologize.”
“You!?” His head shot high.
You nodded.
“Don’t.” His teeth flashed with severity. 
“Why?” You felt confident in this. “I overreacted.”
“He should pay better attention to his friends!” 
You thought with a purse of your lips. “Does he do this to you? Miss things? With his family… I mean.”
Donnie made a disgruntled sound at having to switch thoughts so rapidly. “It… depends. He is oft for distraction, but when he is focused; it’s impenetrable. Not even pest control can save you. He’s in the walls!”
You gave a puff of amusement. “That sounds about right.” 
There was another moment of silence, but this time it had a standoff quality. 
You needed to do this. 
Donnie hadn’t tried to dissuade that. 
He was focused on who was to blame. 
Your gaze didn’t falter this time so he was the one to relent. “Go then, if you’re so sure. Patch things up, but at least let him have it a little? For me? Consider it your pittance and because I’m tired of being the only one that seems to think he can do wrong!”
You pouted your displeasure, but considered the thought aloud. “A little…” 
One of his brows rose, proud. 
You turned away from it with warmed cheeks. “Maybe! No promises…!” 
You heard him chuff. 
“Thanks, Donnie.”
He shooed you from the kitchen and as you were headed for the door you ruminated on one last thing: 
You had ruined a lumberjack’s breakfast.
If that was on Mikey’s mind he may have cared. 
Instead, he’d been stewing for hours and only stopped when heard the door open and shut. 
He could tell it was you.
It was in the little pause between hinge swings where you tried to catch the door before it slammed shut. You tried to minimize that presence of yours. He never understood why. That and Donnie always let the thing bang loudly since he vowed not to fix it after Raph broke the stopping mechanism three times in a row. The oldest brother had called it a penchant for closing doors with purpose. It had cracked Mikey up, but that wasn’t what he was supposed to focus on now.
Now was time for apologies.
Not that you should let him.
How did he even begin to explain the weird rush he’d felt?
He had to.
He knew that much.
He had seen you take it the wrong way.
That didn’t matter though because he deserved the night outside for what he’d done.
If the roles had somehow been reversed, he would have totally freaked out the same way as you had.
Spasming and kicking were classic escape techniques.
A bad guy can’t hold you down if you’re all over the place.
That was also the reason for zigzagging.
Wait, was that right?
He turned his head in time to find you had arrived.
He’d been thinking about this for hours and he knew exactly how he was going to start. 
“You ever try to zag on ‘em?!” While the words exited his mouth, his brain screamed at the folly.
Thankfully, you’d frozen on contact with the strange question.
“That was not what I meant to say!” Mikey stared with painfully wide eyes that begged you to understand. 
You folded slightly and a hand came up.
He messed up.
He messed up so bad.
Crushes were dumb.
They made you infinitely more stupid.
That raised hand of yours became a fist. 
It met your lips. 
You used it as cover to giggle behind.
Literal song birds could have flown out of the nest of Mikey’s hair.
That was what it felt like.
“W-what does that e-even mean?” You tittered and moved to his side.
Mikey could feel his face go ooey gooey and he tried to cover it by making a chopping motion with his arms. “Zag like zigzag. They think you go one way-!”.
You gave a weak mime the other direction. “And you go a-another?”
Mikey’s smile split his face. “Good morning, Y/N.”
“Morning… Is this…?” You gestured to the chair next to his where Donnie had tried to sleep the night prior.
Where had Donnie gone?
Mikey had woken up alone. 
“Please.” Mikey reclined, cross legged.
You took your seat politely on the edge. “I heard sleeping out here was tough… I’m… I’m sorry…”
“No!” Mikey yelled a little too loud and pushed down on his knees to keep himself in place. “I slept like a baby! I was worried I’d be cold, but I conked out. I’ve always been like that. Just hit the pillow and poof! Light’s out!”
You nodded, sort of intrigued.
Sighing with the knowledge that he couldn’t pursue this light hearted conversation, he collapsed into his seat. “Yesterday.”
You bobbed to attention, ready to speak.
“Can I go first?” He tilted his head at your adorable eagerness.
Something passed over your features that looked like surprise, but also relief.
He liked the way you mixed seemingly unrelated emotions. “Yesterday.” He repeated and added a haunt to his expression. “So that must have been… confusing.”
You shuffled as if ready to flee.
A little rabbit.
He shook his head clear of that prey drive of his. “I told myself I’d start by saying you did nothing wrong.”
“That’s n-not-!”
“It’s true.” He turned openly and knew he would have to interrupt. “You didn’t. Your instinct was good and that’s good! Protect yourself! I want you to! That’s what we agreed on! I totally deserve a swift kick now and again.” He unfolded his legs just to demonstrate.
“But after… That… wasn’t…?”
“Wasn’t… how you should react? How should you?”
Taken aback, you thought it over by tracing the wooden armrest of your chair.
He wondered if you could tell he carved them.
“This is uncharted territory for both of us, I think.” He continued on, hoping to embellish your thoughts. “Like what are we even doing? We’re probably doing something no one has ever done before!”
“I don’t know about that…” You returned with a soft expression.
That fit you best.
That kind warmth to your eyes.
It was something he wanted to dip a paintbrush in and that gave him the perfect metaphor. “I had to think long and hard about what actually happened…”
“Don… Um, Donnie told me you weren’t ready to talk… last night…”
“Oh, you got my message. Yeah…” Mikey tipped and his chair creaked. “I was a mess, but not like you. Don complained and complained about the water you trailed inside and how it was going to seep and puff up the hardwood or something, but it’s sealed so like, what’s his problem!?”
Predictably, you went rigid with fear.
You very much disliked damaging places that weren’t your own. 
He liked the way you floundered when you did. 
Stupid predator thoughts.
If only he had time to tease you. 
“I came at it from all the angles like you’re supposed to with a sculpture.” Mikey mimed a looking glass. “See what’s in the stone or clay or whatever.”
“Yeah!” Mikey spun in his seat. “You can try to force the art, but it won’t art. Let it reveal itself and that’s when it gets good.”
“That’s you.”
Your lips parted with a question, but you closed them as you tried to parse out which part.
He waited to see what you’d come up with.
“A… a… lump of… something t-to be molded?” You earnestly looked to him.
You were the cutest. “You’re the art.”
“I’m…?” Your head reared back in confusion.
“That’s not exactly what I thought in the moment because my thoughts are… you know… but it’s what I meant to think.” Mikey turned and searched the woods for that intangible feeling. “Looking at you, where the water dripped down your skin, the way your spine curved, and the weight of your limbs. Your skin stretched. The fabric bunched.” He rounded his hands around some invincible piece. “You were stunning… A work of art. The golden rule personified. The most beautiful landscape a painter can never in a million strokes ever dream to capture!”
Your arms blocked off your torso in a layer of protection.
That made a sad sense.
“Y-you… you… you… well… you b-blushed…?” You looked at him, nervous flush darkening your cheeks.
“I’m gonna own how corny this is because it’s super accurate: it was cupid’s arrow.”
You exploded with new shades that he wished he could wick off your skin with a swipe of bristles.
“Seriously.” He swept a hand against his knotted locks. “I think I’ve only felt something close to that like one time! It was the first time I got into Frick! Or… was it the Guggenheim…? Whatever, the first time I got to see a real painting up close. To see the brush strokes. The artistry. The masters! It felt like my face was on fire! It was pure unadulterated excitement!” His eyes raised with towering canvases. “It wasn’t life changing; it was life affirming.”
“B-but… m-me…?”
“Just like you.” He tipped his head to watch you comfortably.
You stewed with the weight of his statement.
“I’m sorry if it seemed like something else. I totally get how. I mean even I kind of thought that was the case, but when I examined what happened, it was all kneejerk. Also I’m… I’m kind of sad it wasn’t? Well not sad…” He blew a bit of a raspberry. “I don’t want to feel that way and I don’t, which is good, but it’s also…?”
“It’s o-one of those… t-things you wished… you could?”
“Yeah, but it’s a dumb one like when they give you a piece of furniture to build and add those extra pieces that aren’t listed in the instructions.”
You gave an unsure smile at his comparison. 
“Your body wasn’t provocative to me in the way most people think. For me, you were provocative to the mind! Stimulating my artistic senses and making all my brain juice’s explode!” Mikey pointed at his head from different angles and crossed his eyes.
You giggled.
“There, how’s that? I think that’s all me. If it makes sense! Wanna go?” Mikey offered a hand to pass the conversation.
You folded your legs together and tapped your knees. “You took my blame away…”
“I was going to take full blame. I r-ruined everything like I… always…” You slowed, a heavy sorrow on your eyes.
His chest sank with it.
“I couldn’t face you. I hid. I made Donnie do all that work…”
“Dee woulda done that anyway. I was definitely gonna track water all over the place.”
You gave him a smile despite everything else swirling on your face.
“A shower sounds real good though…” Mikey felt his eyes drift.
You bobbed. “I-I’ll l-let y-you go-!”
He waved his hands. “I’m just saying to remind myself! Shower then breakfast because I also want to hit that griddle so hard. Now that’s provocative! Pancakes!!”
“A-art!” You tried to join his enthusiasm. 
“Hey-o!” He raised the roof. “Sorry, you were feeling bad. Wanna talk about that?”
“Uh… s-sure… I was… I wasn’t until I was… That swimsuit…” You squirmed with what was almost a shiver. “I was really uncomfortable in it. H-hearing you like it… I… It doesn’t c-change my mind, but… I’m glad… in a way that i-it wasn’t what I thought… It should be nice that you think of me that w-way, but also it’s… I… It d-doesn’t make me feel better a-about it…”
“Did it not fit?”
“No… It did…”
“Was the cut weird?”
“No, that’s not…”
“I had a pair of trunks once that would ride up which is like, hello! There’s a shell there! How’s it getting past that?!”
“Yeah, huh?”
“W-wearing it made me feel uncomfortable.”
He stared back.
That felt important.
He should put a pin in that.
A stressor on top of repetition was an obvious cry for his attention. “You… It made you feel bad?”
You gave a single tight nod.
He had to hold himself back from a protesting rant.
That was absurd and he’d heard and seen pretty much every crazy thing there was to see.
Nothing surprised him anymore.
Then say, surprise parties, but that was because his brother’s always topped themselves.
His mind cleared as he snapped to you and your quiet voice.
“I… felt… provocative… the bad one… The one... t-that you think is… unnecessary…”
“Then you saw me see you and you thought…” Mikey crossed his fingers while drawing lines. “Eugh… That’s bad.”
“I’m sorry…”
“You shouldn’t have to say that. I’m the one that’s sorry…”
You shook your head, eyes down. “L-like I said… It should be nice… I just can’t…”
“Accept.” He spoke. “Not how I feel about the swimsuit.” 
You gave another sharp nod as if it hurt you.
He wished he could take that away.
“Well…” Mikey sighed, the air feeling a little too heavy. “I mean that’s not… new. You already don’t accept me.”
“Right, right. You don’t accept my feelings! I gotta specify!” He chirped. 
You wound with dismay. 
“It’s true!” He rolled in his seat and it rocked with his weight. “Which is still fine, by the way! I feel the same and I think I unlocked a new piece even if I’m still not totally sure how it goes into the puzzle.”
You made an unsure sound.
“I’m just spitballing. You can have those without understanding ‘em. They’ll make sense eventually.” He eyed you hoping it didn’t apply much pressure. “Are we… still good?” 
“You… you still want to…?” You looked around for an out, but there was none among the wilds. You returned with what he liked to imagine was a wiggle of your nose. “... b-be friends with m-me… d-do this…?”
“Of course, silly.” He smiled easily. “There was never a doubt.”
He watched one layer of anxiety fall off of you only to reveal the next.
That was about your limit for these things. “You hungry?”
“W-we missed breakfast because of me…” You stuttered out. 
Mikey chuffed so hard he almost wished he had a noisemaker to go with it. “Doubt it. Don mighta made something in the meantime. Oh! Maybe he baked something! He’s really good at baking, but he whines too much. I can hear him now! ‘Mikey, the humidity of the trees is affecting my rise time!’ But don’t let that fool you! He’s got nothing on this chef! If we’re eating good; it’s gonna be cause of me!” He threw a triumphant thumb into his figure.
“O-oh…” You looked confused.
You needed time. “I’ll go… shower! Yeah!!” He grinned proud for his memory. “And you chill out here or in there or wherever. I’ll cook, you clean. You do the dishes! How’s that for mutual punishment? Win-win!”
“N-no breakfast pizza…” You looked relieved enough that he could tell you were making a joke.
Mikey threw himself to his feet and tilted a smarmy smile your way. “I don’t know! I think those old axe wielders would totally crush a forest with Mike’s supreme lumberjack breakfast bake ‘za! Think of the complex carbs that’ll fuel a working man’s hard day!!”
You giggled that bird song.
“Nah, I’m making pancakes and no axe murderer will stop me!” He lifted his foot as high as it would go before taking a step.
“W-when did t-they become-!?” You pivoted to track his movement.
“Who’s to say!?” He cheered and ran in time with the rapid pace of his heart.
Listening long after the door had clattered closed, you eventually sank back into your chair. The woods were a lovely backdrop no matter how you felt. At an odd peace even though it didn’t quite feel like everything had been dealt with, you watched a bird preen itself on a nearby tree. Twitching to check its surroundings between each flick of its head, it then ruffled its feathers for a job well done and flew off to some unseen task.
You figure it was probably food which is what finally got you up and headed back inside. You quickly found a sort of pandemonium where Donnie was stone-faced catching enormous flapjacks being tossed through the air. Some sort of ancient game, Mikey threw more and more as Donnie moved on near muscle memory to catch them. Creating a stack that was unnecessarily tall and probably crushing at least the bottom twelve discs to pulp, you waited by the door until Mikey spun with his still damp hair dancing tendrils around him.
“Perfect timing!” He shined all too bright with the only crack as a gap in his teeth.
You were soon stuffing yourself to the brim which should have led to comatose except Donnie demanded a nature hike. The product of some agreement between him and Mikey, you were left staring vacantly as the brothers prepared to go. Mikey mentioned this was related to more mutual punishment so you were excused, but he also appeared to have suffered the same overeating fate that you were. Moving on camaraderie alone, you hobbled together with Mikey as Donnie, who had eaten nearly as many pancakes as his brother, seemed completely unperturbed.
On the trail, Donnie spouted fact after fact and staunchly only called things by their scientific names. The food coma lent a period where you excused the stubborn act because you were only half listening, but as more steps aided in your digestion, it became annoying since you had no idea what he was talking about. His facts sounded interesting and you began to feel like you were missing out. When you checked in with Mikey to see how he was fairing, you found a similar irritated look on his face. You both then shared a wry smile before Mikey stood taller and began loudly commenting about purposefully incorrect flora and fauna to spite his brother.
“Polemonium vanbruntiae is a perennial herb that grows erect from a horizontal rhizome.”
“Dang, Y/N. Can you believe earth worms can grow straight up from the ground like that?” Mikey gleamed at you. 
“Oh, I’m hearing you want facts about Lumbricus terrestris! Very well!!” Donnie’s voice was getting bitterer by the second. 
The two bickered an affectionate back and forth. All clear jest, you couldn’t help but also notice the natural flow there. Mikey said something about a B-team reunion as tours guides and from context it seemed like the pair were considered the backup team to Leo and Raph. With Mikey’s mighty mysticism alone that seemed like an impossibility. You couldn’t picture your friend waiting in the wings and Mikey caught wind of your surprise. He explained they weren’t always the mystical warriors you saw today and you had a difficult time trying to picture what they were like when they were young. Mikey moved to sharing training mishap memories and you were left wondering what kind of power Donnie had.
Donnie without mystic magic was horrifying enough.
If someone told you he was the strongest, you might believe them. 
You still believed as much about Mikey. 
You were sure there were all sorts of dynamics between the brothers, but these two in particular had a special relationship. Trailing behind to observe some vines that Donnie had pointed out, it only further cemented your decision: Your supposed crush was nothing more than a ridiculous dream.
You were meant to stand on your own. Mikey was your guiding light from the sun. You didn’t betray that sort of help by trying to sneak away to have a tryst with the moon. The two had a familiarity that you could never threaten. Not that you considered yourself capable of such a thing in the first place. The moon didn’t feel anything special for you.
He only sought to right.
To illuminate injustice.
You fancied him as he was.
You respected that he was an ominous source of good. You would pocket all other feelings. The only emotion you would tend to was the one that cared for Donnie’s kindness. You would let that one blossom in your heart.
The good one.
It was one based on support that you hoped to repay. You could aid him and that was a pure feeling. That one wouldn’t get in the way.
You could do the same for Mikey.
A decision you were sure to agonize over later, in this moment, staring at a green vine, you saw tenacity. Donnie had said this otherwise spindly plant had the strength to clutch onto tree limbs throughout the harshest winters. It formed a symbiotic relationship with the tree once it matured.
That could be you.
You could flourish one day and then in turn help the brothers that helped you. Putting a hand to the trunk, you looked up the tree. They didn’t need your help as they’d long survived on their own, but you could support them in this tiny way. You could provide the little boost of nutrients that made things just a little bit easier. They were the heroes of New York and they deserved as much for all that they had endured.
“Yeah?” You leaned in close to the bark, pressing your promise there.
The quiet of the forest took up space before Donnie’s voice softened. “Did you want to know more about Vitis aestivalis?”
“Sure. Which one was that?” You turned to him and kept a hand to the tree.
He seemed a bit bashful as he held up some greenery. “The leaves are thought to be hepatic.”
He’d been hoping to expand on his latest find. 
You wondered where Mikey had run off to now. 
“That’s some sort of cleanse, right?” You smiled attentively for Donnie in Mikey’s stead and for no other reason. 
“They can draw away soreness.” He nodded.
You hummed in interest and moved in close.
Mikey soon appeared on the horizon, triumphant, with a walking stick held high.
💛 NEXT 💛
I LOVE MY BETAS @tmntxthings��and @thepinkpanther83
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Shadows Entwined: part 12
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 / Part 13 Bonus (18+)
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A/N: Not a very long one this time, but we got to keep the show going!💙
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Warnings: Mentioning of blood.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
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From the ground below, you could hear the grunts and punches as Shredder and Batman continued their fist fight on the scaffolding. With your hand in Leo’s, you made your way up the stairs in a hurry.
“Let’s end this”, you heard Batman’s low voice say above you, followed by the sounds of more punches. You and Leo ran to Batman’s side, as he was giving Shredder the biggest beating in years. A good revenge for what happened that night at Wayne Enterprise. With Shredder’s face bloodied, your father stood back, just as you, Leo, Raph, Robin and Batgirl came to join him.
“It… It doesn’t matter”, Shredder said as he tried to get up from the hard surface beneath him, blood dripping from his nose, forming red spots on the floor. “Destroying Gotham was only Ra’s al Ghul’s objective. The Foot and the League are mine! There’s nothing any of you can do to stop me!”
A sudden beeping sound emerged, only getting louder and louder. In your confusion, all of you looked up, to a burning part from the Cloud Seeder falling from the sky. It broke through the skylight with a loud crash, landing just before Shredder, the impact catapulting him into the air with a loud roar, before he plumaged into a large batch of chemicals, the neon purple liquid covering him in a matter of seconds, as he yelled out a loud “no!” to the sky above.
Just as you thought there would be a moment of peace, explosions started happening around you, sending you tumbling into Leo’s arms.
“We have to get everyone out”, Batman said, his eyes lingering at you and Leo for a moment. “Now!”
And so you did. Each one of you carrying and helping both Foot ninjas and League assassins out of the building, following very closely Batman’s rule of never killing, not even the enemy. Even Robin who begrudgingly started dragging the passed out Baxter Stockman out of the building, while you helped Batgirl carry out the big large assassin of a man.
With everyone out of the building, you hurried towards the Turtle Van and the Batmobile, before speeding out of there, the building exploding behind you in a fiery blaze.
The ride back felt much quicker than the ride there, with the Batmobile in the front and leading the way, with the Turtle Van tailing from behind.
You stood behind Leo, who once again sat in the driving seat of the van, with Robin in the passenger seat, Raph and Batgirl standing behind him, listening to the phone in Raph’s hand, waiting for either Donnie or Mikey to pick up.
You were all silent as you waited, tension high as you all feared the worst. None of you had been able to find them when you searched the building for people, and the burning parts of the Cloud Seeder was not a good sign.
All of you felt like the dial had been going for hours, with Raph impatient tapping his feet, while Batgirl kept tapping her cheek, staring at a fixed point on the floor. Leo was silent and distant, obviously fearing for his two youngest brothers. His shoulders were tense and his brow muscles pushed hard together. You placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling him take in a deep breath, relaxing a little at your touch, when suddenly.
“It’s the Don Tron speaking”.
“And the ‘Angelo!”
You all breathed a sigh of relief, with Batgirl ripping the phone out of Raph’s hand. “Donnie!”
“Hello there Barbara”, you heard him laugh through the speaker, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lip, very amused by Robin’s shocked expression. Leo’s shoulders shook lightly as he chuckled silently, Raph rolling his eyes with a smile. Since when had Donnie known about Batgirl’s real name?
“I was so worried!”, she said, ignoring Mikey as he called out; “What about me?!”
“Don’t worry, we’re safe”, Donnie said, the smile still clear in his voice. “We just got down from the blimp and we’re good. Or well, except for my arm. I think it’s broken”.
“We’ll get Alfred to look at it when we’re back at Wayne Manor”, Leo said, still not taking his eyes off the road. “The important thing is that you’re safe”.
“On our way!”, Donnie said. But he did not hang up. And neither did Batgirl. Instead she moved to the back of the van and continued her conversation with Donnie over the phone, ignoring the looks the rest of you gave her.
“Damn”, Raph muttered, turning his attention towards Robin. “Those bat woman got my brothers whipped”.
You made eye contact with Leo in the mirror, a blush spreading across your faces.
When you came back to the Batcave, you found that Mikey and Donnie was already there, with Alfred taking a look at Donnie’s arm, while Mikey was telling Alfred all about what happened at Ace Chemicals. But before the butler could wrap anything around the terrapins arm, Batgirl was on him, wrapping her arms tightly around him, all while Mikey stared at them in shock. Clearly that whole situation was news to him.
Once Batgirl was off Donnie, Alfred could finally wrap up his arm, while you, Batgirl, Robin, Leo and Raph decided to do a quick scan with the computer, making sure that the air in Gotham City hadn’t been infected with anything.
“We did it”, Batgirl said with a smile. “The scan shows no trace of the Jockerised ooze in the air”.
“No way Shredder could have survived that”, Raph said, seemingly still thinking about what had happened at Ace Chemicals.
“Well, we’ve certainly counted him out before, only to be surprised”, Leo said with a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something. That was a story you would definitely have to hear about another day, because before you could ask  him about it, Batman made his way over to you, his eyes on Leo as he spoke.
“You did well out there”, your father said, a small smile directed at the leader in blue, as he pulled you in for a side hug. He then extended his hand to Leo, just like he had done before all of you had left for Ace. “Your father would be very proud”.
A smile grew on Leo’s face before he accepted your father’s handshake. “Thank you”.  Leo’s eyes lingered on you for a moment before he continued speaking. “Although I’m sure he’ll have some hard words about us being gone from the city this long”.
“That’s our fearless leader's unsubtle way of saying it’s time to go”, Donnie said, turning his attention towards Batgirl as he spoke, a small hint of sadness in his eyes. “But, let’s keep in touch”, he added, pulling out his phone.
Raph turned his attention to Robin, standing before him with a smile, the height difference being very amusing to the red dressed turtle.
“You're a tough little guy”, Raph said, holding his fist out for knuckles. “I respect that”.
Robin looked a little confused at Raph’s closed fist, before thoughtfully bumping his own against them. “It was an honor to fight with you… and… your more thrivelous brothers”.
“You are also weird”, Raph said, still with a smile. “But I kind of like that too”, he continued, while rubbing your brother’s hair, making it more messy than you had ever seen before. And to your surprise, your brother smiled at Raph’s actions.
“Alfred”, Mikey said, walking to the butler with his skateboard behind his back. “I’m very sorry about before. So to make it up to you, please accept my skateboard”. Mikey went down on one knee, holding up the board for the butler to see.
An amused smile showed on Alfred’s face. “It… just what I’ve always wanted”, he said, accepting Mikey’s skateboard, only to be caught in a tight hug by the happy turtle.
“Promise me you’ll only use it to perform the sickest tricks”, Mikey said, not noticing how Alfred’s face was turning blue.
While all of this happened, you and Leo stood quietly with each other, a sadness lingering in each other's expression at the thought of saying goodbye. You had finally had your kiss, and how he had to go back home. You weren’t mad, not at all. You understood why Leo had to go. He had a home, a father and probably also friends back home in New York. And it wasn’t like this would be the end. You could still keep in contact with each other, just like Batgirl and Donnie intended to do. Yet you couldn’t help but feel sad. You had really gotten used to those pretty eyes, and the thought of them leaving made a pit in your stomach. Leo too was saddened by the thought of leaving. You made his heart raise, yet calmed him down in ways he had never experienced before. You were brave, and Leo couldn’t help but admire you for that, even if it almost gave him a heart attack at times, when he feared you had gotten badly injured. But even with that, he was going to miss that pretty smile and your beautiful laughter.
Batman, noticing that the unspoken words between you and the ninja turtle, cracked a small smile, turning his attention back towards Leo.
“Leonardo, you have proven a strong will to take care of (Y/N)”, he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. “If you promise to continue and protect her, will you let my daughter come with you?”
You looked at your father in shock, Leo starred with wide eyes and his mouth agasp. Mikey let out an audible “what?!”, finally letting go of Alfred, while the others gasped out loud.
“While there, I would like you to train her, if possible”, Batman continued. “She is strong and brave, but I fear that I’ve been holding her back. Fatherly love has made me believe she wasn’t ready, so maybe the best thing would be for somebody else to train her”.
Leo looked at you, a small hope shining in his blue eyes. “It would be an honor”, he said. “And I will happily do it if she allows me to”.
You nodded eagerly, a bright smile spreading across your face. Before you even answered him, you jumped on Leo, hugging him tightly, fighting the urge to kiss him in front of everybody. “I would love to, Leo!”
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frlinbruh · 3 months
Secrets are better said
• little! Chris x little!nate x cg!fem!reader
• a/n : age regressing is NON SEXUAL
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“Chris you thirsty little man?” I asked from the kitchen, “Owange juice please mama” he called out, rolling the toy car infront of him, Nate looked at the car longingly, asif he wanted to be treated little like Chris.
Nate had never expressed to anyone that he might be and ager, but after being a CG for so long I know the signs of a little.
“Nate come to the kitchen please” I asked him, wanting to figure it out “umhm?” He hummed waking in “you know anyyyone can be a ager right?” I asked noticing his face turn red “Nate if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine, but are you an ager?” I asked “I don’t know, I think so but then even if I did I have no one to take care of me like you take care of Chris” he explained “do you want me to be your care giver?” I asked, he shyly nodded.
“Do you wanna play cars with Chris?” I asked and he nodded “yes ‘lease” I heard a little voice creep into his sentence “go play then” I said grabbing a second silly straw cup out of the the cupboard, filling them both with juice.
“Chris bud, I think you’ve got a new play date buddy” I told him setting the juices down “huh?” He asked looking up at me.
“Nate is also a little boy” I told him, he turned to look at Nate who was stood sheepishly in the corner, still not daring to play “ooo you play with me?” He asked Nate who looked at me for approval “go on bud” I nodded towards the race track in the floor, he hurried over to it.
Time skip:
“Nate do you want to have a sleepover with chris?” I asked noticing it was almost dinner time “‘lease?” He asked “okay” I nodded.
“Okay bud what do you want for dinner?” I asked Chris who was now playing with his ninja turtles “umm Mac cheese?” He asked, I nodded looking at Nate “what do you want for dinner little man?” I asked “me have Mac cheese also?” He asked and I hummed, making my way to the kitchen.
I plated up the pasta, setting it down on the counter calling the boys over to eat.
Whilst they ate I went to the guest room to set it up for the boys to have a sleepover in, pulling the 2 beds apart from a king size to two doubles, putting blue sheets on them both.
I made my way back downstairs to see they had both finished their food and were now sat at the dinner table, empty plates and cups infront of them. I cleaned up before walking back to the table.
“Okay, comeon let’s go get some pijamas on” I told them both, walking toward the stairs the two boys following me.
“Okay pick a pair please hon” I told Chris, he picked Batman pijama bottoms and a black top, “you too bud come pick a pair” I called Nate over, who picked Spider-Man bottoms and asked to not have a top, I agreed as it was warm today.
“Okay come on guys let’s brush our teeth” I said opening the bathroom door and turning the light on.
I realised Nate didn’t have a toothbrush, I grabbed a new one for him from under the sink, wetting it before putting toothpaste on it and handing it to him, doing the same with Chris.
“Good boys, sleepy-bo-bos (bedtime) now” I said as they both ran up to the beds, picking one each.
“Okay pick something to sleep to” I told them turning on the tv, they decided on cars the movie, both falling asleep 10 minutes in.
I went downstairs, cleaning a way the toys that were left behind before going back upstairs to get changed into my pijamas and got into bed. I was scrolling on my phone when I heard a knock kn my door. “Come in” I called out, it was Nate “you okay?” I asked noticing his red eyes and teary cheeks “ thank u for being my mama” he said running up to hug me, “you wanna go get Chris and you two can stay in here with me tonight?” I asked to which he nodded, running back I ur to get Chris.
They both snuggled into the bed next to me, I turned the tv on, playing cars again. And they were fast back off to sleep.
- I’ve never done an age regression fic before so sorry if it’s really bad guys!!
- destiney luvs ya, mwah 😘 xx
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goosewriting · 2 years
Hi!! Hope you're doing good, this is for the prompt request, raph with number 10 on color blue (miscellaneous), where reader lives near where the turtles live (not in the sewers lol), and everytime he goes on a mission or just walk close to their house, he starts to crush on them, so when his brothers found out they try to perform a date, but since raph is some shy, it doesn't go as planned (even that reader is really charmed by raph personality and in some time they start to crush on raph too and more time later they start a relationship), sorry if is really long, just some fluff for the raph boi <33, I really love your writing and i hope you do good, thanks for your time and also that if you don't feel like doing this you can pass for it, don't worry :)) (forgot to mention thst this is situated after the kraang situation so reader don't get a little freaked out about raph)
A very special mission (rottmnt Raph x reader)
prompt 10: "Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
summary: Raph gets a crush on reader and April sets up a meeting.
relationship: Rise!Raph x GN reader
warnings: none, fluff!
word count: ~910
A/N: i have to admit this one was one of the more difficult ones for me, it’s been in my wips for so long! i ended up changing the dialogue slightly to fit the scenario better. hope you still like it!!<3
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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It had been around 3 weeks since the Krang invasion and the city was recovering slowly but surely. Many buildings that had been destroyed by the aliens were almost done being rebuilt. With every day that passed there were less and less construction sites and scaffoldings to be seen.
After the invasion, the everyday routine resumed fairly quickly. You kept going to class and your part-time job as always. But lately you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched. You tried to shrug it off and went on your way.
Above you on a roof, from within the shadows, a certain ninja was keeping an eye on you.
Raph had been watching you for some time now. Because of the repairs after New York’s partial destruction, the turtle brothers had to change their patrol route, and that’s when he had spotted you talking to your friends on the street.
It had been like love at first sight for Raph. Ever since seeing you that day, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Even after the repairs were done and he could have gone back to their normal route, he’d always make a quick escapade to your street, hoping to see you.
One night he was escorting you home from afar (unbeknownst to you) after work, and you ran into April on the street. You two greeted each other like you were friends and had a quick chat, then went along your way.
The next day, Raph basically interrogated April about you. It turned out you had actually been friends for a long time, but you had moved away for some years, and now came back. She just hadn’t had the time to catch up with you yet and introduce everyone.
Hearing this, and knowing that Raph had a massive crush on you, the other turtles all but begged April to set you up with him somehow. It didn’t take much convincing at all, because she was actually planning on doing so sooner or later. She was convinced you’d get along really well, with all of them.
So when April asked you if you were up to meeting a friend of hers, you said yes. You were kinda intrigued at how mysterious everything was about the meet-up. She wouldn’t tell you much about this person other than his and his brothers’ names, and that he was a really good guy.
You were told to wait on a street that wasn’t busy at night-time. If April hadn’t been there waiting with you, you would have had second thoughts about meeting a stranger in a deserted place like this. But she was confident that you’d like her friend, so you waited expectantly.
The turtles were waiting on a rooftop across the street, and Raph was half-way down the fire escapes when he suddenly stopped. He clenched and unclenched his fists in annoyance at himself, trying to calm down his pounding heart. Isn’t this what he had been waiting for for weeks? To finally meet you face to face and talk to you? All his pining came down to a boil within him, evaporating immediately, leaving him only with uncertainty.
Looking around, you turned to look at either side of the road, your form illuminated by a streetlamp. Raph’s breath hitched when he noticed that you had actually chosen a nice outfit to come out here; it wasn’t your usual clothes you wore to go to work and back.
You had dressed up for him and he was too much of a coward to go say hello.
With a groan, he buried his face into his hands.
April was starting to wonder why Raph was taking so long. She gave you an apologetic look and was about to contact him with her turtle comm, when it beeped in her pocket.
"Abort mission, I repeat abort mission” came a voice through the device.
“What? Abort what mission, Raph?” said someone else. “All you were gonna do was introduce yourself to April’s friend?”
“Yeah Leo, and they’re too attractive. I’ll never be able to speak to them.”
What Raph had forgotten was that April was also connected to their call, so you had heard everything.
Heat rised to your cheeks at Raph’s comment. But you did like his voice, it was kind. So with a sudden burst of confidence, you took April’s device from her hands just as she was about to reply (probably reprimanding him about leaving you out here when he wouldn’t even show up).
“C’mon Raph” you called to him, then switched to a more flirtatious tone. “Let me see you… I don’t bite.”
You heard a clatter somewhere on the building near you, where Raph was holding onto the railing for dear life after almost falling down, face as red as his bandana.
– – –
Bonus: (a couple of weeks later, after you two started dating)
“Hey, remember when you were too scared to come meet me for the first time that night?” you asked Raph with a playful tone, lightly jabbing your elbow into his side.
“Ugh, yes” he responded, looking to the side for a second with flushed cheeks. “I was scared out of my shell to be honest… I still don't entirely understand how I managed to snatch you but I'm glad I did.”
You merely smirked at him. He sighed.
“You’ll never let me live that down, will you?”
“Heh, nope” you said, leaning up to place a smooch on the tip of this beak.
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ramspatula · 6 months
Arrowheads | Nya Smith x fem! reader
I believe that there are things out there that want to hurt me. Will hurt me. That’s a thought I can’t get to ever leave my head. But she calms them. Only her.
Next part, Masterlist
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I had never been to Ninjago city. Cole said it was too unsafe. I was a musician. Well a songwriter. A ghostwriter to be specific. I get paid to not leave my room and write lyrics for some big artist or little artist to take credit for. I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to perform but stages weren’t a place for me to be. The world scared me. People scared me. It requires so much effort to live in the world. Especially as a girl. I needed to look perfect, act perfect, be perfect. And I wasn’t. I had too many flaws to count. My wardrobe doesn’t have a new outfit for everyday. I own more pyjamas than clothes. I talk better in rhyming words on paper than I do to people.
I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t scared. I’m not now. But too many ghosts walk around outside for me to be comfortable. Not literally. That was years ago. And in stixx. And that was the last time I saw my brother. Granted, he was older. But after mom died and Dad drank himself into sobbing onto his music sheets, I thought we were closer. I understand he raised me. Not a job for a grieving 14 year old boy. Not a job for any teenager to be raising a horribly paranoid 8 year old. I was almost 9. Nether less, Children shouldn’t be raising children. I never got over that paranoia. It grew. It grows inside me even now. After the second round of snakes. Not the serpentine. The one who had fire powers. I covered my apartment windows in newspaper and bought 3 locks for my door. I called Cole in tears for over 4 hours. He didn’t pick up once. After all that, I got a message 4 days later, asking me if everything was okay. We called for 10 minutes before he had to go. He sounded tired and exhausted the whole time. Maybe I was too much. I had grown use to the thought he might resent me. That he wasted the rest of his youth raising me and comforting me through everything before Dad sent me to a programme in Jamankai for young music protégés after he had mailed in my notebook of lyrics and video recording of me playing various instruments and singing. All lessons he made me take. I was 11, almost 12. Cole was 18 and never came home after I left. The programme led to me getting in to a songwriting degree at 16. And last year I graduated. On the day of that snake attack. The fire one. Cole promised to be at my graduation just outside ninjago city. He lived there. He was the only reason I went. He promised to come on the stage with me if I needed him to. He didn’t turn up. Answered none of my calls. Until 4 days later with his infamous everything okay message. Later I got an ‘I’m sorry’. So a year later, I decided I’m tired. I would go to ninjago city. Talk to him myself. That’s what I was doing right now. I decided writing songs about reuniting and rebuilding relationships was not the therapeutic release I needed. It was to see my brother, now 28, as an adult, 21. I deserved to know why he treated me this way, I deserved to not be caged in my room. To see the world I feared so much. Even if the thought of the train ceiling collapsing in on me was the only thought I had right now. Luckily, the train wasn’t too busy but barely anyone lived in Jamankai these days. I might even see a ninja in ninjago. Or a dragon. I hope at least. As long as I am far away from wherever they are headed. I had his address, and I would be there, tonight! Maybe this afternoon if I sped walk.
I hate myself. This was an awful idea. He can hate me. I don’t care. I see a dragon and a ninja. And robots trying to kill me. Why did I do this? They may be on TV but that was close? Right? Ninjago city isn’t that big.
“Don’t look too worried darling, that was yesterday’s highlights. And about 50 minutes away from here.”
“Oh.” I said and walked away. I am utterly embarrassed. Why did I leave my room? Was he trying to be funny?
“Miss do you need a ride anywhere?” I looked back at him and continued walking. “No! It’s not like that! I’m Chen! I own a cab company- here’s my card-! There’s my company car-! I was just trying to do my job! I’m gay!”
“Oh, me too king.” I said and he nodded, with a smile.
“Okay, well, front or back?” He asked and I looked at him weirdly before I realised he was talking about the car and not a weird way of asking me if I was a top or bottom.
“Front. I don’t like the back.” I said and he went to take my bag and I didn’t let him. The ratty bunny teddy I had since I was 2 was in clear view if I moved my jacket off the top and I couldn’t handle anyone seeing it. He nodded and just opened the passenger door for me.
“Where are you going?” Chen asked and I paused before telling him.
“Here.” I said and showed the address in my notes, he frowned before nodding.
“That’ll only cost a 20.” He said with a smile but I didn’t share it. Any money out was money I wouldn’t see again for a month. And I hadn’t paid my water yet.
We sat in silence whilst he played a long playlist of purely Azealia banks. I recognised some songs. And some lyrics. Although I’m sure I hadn’t wrote for her.
“Not much of a talker?” He said and I looked up at him.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I said and he nodded, surprisingly understanding.
“My mom had agoraphobia. I get it. I’m proud of you for even getting out at all. She hasn’t left the house in 4 years. The great devourer swallowed her coworkers in front of her and then when the time twins happened she got jumped by all those mini snakes and almost strangled to death so… I should not be telling you this!” I stared at him wide eyed.
“I think I might have agoraphobia…” I said and he nodded.
“Well… uhm. Just stay away from the main part of the city. It’s still pretty levelled from the sons of Garmadon but it’s every new villains favourite part. I’m taking you well out to the outskirts so… actually I’m surprised you even got a train into the city. It’s basically just forests and one blocked off area where a boarding school used to be but crumbled after the stone warriors.” Chen said and I nodded.
“So nothing that can kill me?” I said and he nodded.
“Nothing ever happens there. People don’t even call it part of ninjago city with how barren it is.” My nerves slowly calmed. Emphasis on slowly.
We parked in an empty car park with 3 beat, old cars and one truck that lucked equally beat. We both got out and Chen looked around calmly. Like he hadn’t been here in ages. I immediately called Cole. 1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. 4 rings. 5 rings. Voicemail. I sighed. Chen looked at me worriedly. Why would Cole give me a fake address? I sighed before debating to myself. I scrolled down. Well I didn’t have to. I only had 5 contacts. And two were my landlord and the building maintenance man. I tapped on the ‘Pearl (Cole’s girlfriend)’ contact. Were they even still together? I rung anyway. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 wings…
“Hello?” She didn’t sound too happy.
“Uhm- hi… I’m uh-“ how the hell did I speak.
“Who is this?” She asked and I stuttered before getting my words out.
“I’m Y/n Brookstone. I’m Cole’s sister, he said he lives here but, I’m staring at an empty parking lot-“
“-Wait- Cole’s sister?!” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes, Y/n Brookstone, is this Pearl?” I asked and she took a moment before responding.
“Yes. What- sorry I didn’t catch your name, what was that?” She asked and I repeated myself again.
“Y/n Brookstone.” I said and I heard her sigh.
“That’s not Cole’s sister’s name.” She said and I froze. Yes it was?
“No, that’s my name- I have ID! I can prove it-!” I immediately defended.
“I don’t know what sick prank call this is- I get that his family are upset we didn’t invite them to the our wedding but this is- this is weird.” Pearl said and I froze.
“Cole’s married?” I asked and she sounded even more annoyed.
“Yes! To me! And if you were his sister you’d know my actual name and not just ‘Pearl’- anyone can know that!” She exclaimed and my insides tensed up. I didn’t want to argue with my brother’s apparent wife!
“That’s what he called you- he gave me your number! I have 5 contacts- I’ve tried calling him but he’s not answering-! Please! Is he there?!” I pleaded and she ignored me.
“5 contacts? That just gives burner phone! I don’t know you are- Cole’s sister’s name isn’t Y/n. And I’m not giving it to you! I’m going to block you.” She said and I let out an actual sob.
“No, please! I will send you my location! I am his sister! I don’t know what he said my name was but I wouldn’t have this address if it wasn’t me! He’s really big on privacy and security- you’d know that- but- please just let me talk to him. Is he there?!” I begged and I heard her scoff.
“No. I’m coming outside, and if you’re in that fucking parking lot-“ there was some commotion on the other line, “no it’s just some girl with a fake name, claiming to be Cole’s sister! She’s literally in the parking lot-!”
“End the call then.” It was another girl’s voice. She sounded very unbothered.
“No, please-! I’ve tried calling Cole- I wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t have to.” I said and she ignored me again.
“I’ll tell him you called.” She said.
“Just come outside- I can prove it-“ the line went dead. I stared at my phone in shock. Pearl already hated me and I hadn’t even met her yet. She made Cole so happy. And the one thing that makes him happy, hates me.
“Hey… do you have anywhere to stay?” Chen asked and I turned around quickly, I didn’t know he was still here. “I didn’t want to leave until I knew you were safe.” He said and I sobbed. He quickly hugged me and I held onto him. I had just met him and he was already comforting me.
“No…” i practically whispered.
“Are… are you- what happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked and I had to look up to try and stop the tears.
“She hates me.” I said and he frowned.
“Who hates you?” He asked.
“My brother’s wife! And she makes him so happy- and I-“ he cut me off and separated from the hug.
“Well she sounds like an asshole then. C’mon, it’s starting to rain.” Chen said and we got back in the car.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
The monastery was unusually quiet. With the monks doing outdoors training, Wu’s barking orders couldn’t be heard. The monastery was, for once, all girls. And it was quiet. Misako was sat turning pages of her ancient scripture, Peach was nursing a headache that came from teaching over excited 6 year olds how to stay still for an hour, Cherry was busying herself trying to perfect her own nails. She had to give up getting her nails done after going into ninja-witness protections. Snowdrops was lingering somewhere in her own world of systems. Pixal was sentinel, probably with Snow in their world of digital beings. Pearl was stress-cooking, she had been thinking of the phone call since it had happened. And how she had been so rude and how the girl was so distressed.
“Try meditating, watching you stress like this is not helping my head.” Peach said, mug of some kind of tea pressed to her head.
“I’m sorry…” Pearl said but only stilled for a moment before pacing again. The curry she was making didn’t even get to bubble before it was being stirred again.
It went back to how it was, Peach had took to laying on the counter in this time. She still found it hard to sleep without Lloyd. Her dragon crooned lowly outside and she looked to the window where the eye of the dragon was visible. She smiled and the dragon raised its head again. Peace was nice. Quiet was nice. It was what everyone needed. But it never lasts long. Not in this home. To be a ninja was to be quieter than silence herself but to be a part of this family, was to be on the same volume level as a foghorn:
The bangs and clatter of ninjas coming home was undoubtedly recognisable. It was the same everytime. Groaning, complaining, whining, that all came from the men as they made their way to the living area. Pixal sprung to life again. Making Cherry jump and curse as she smudged her nails. Peach whined as she turned on her side. Pearl sighed as the familiar arms wrapped around her. She could almost ignore the grime and oder that came from the ninja when they had been on a three-week stake out. A kiss was placed on her temple and she smiled before the smell became too much and she pushed the large man off her.
“Smells good.” Cole said and she frowned.
“You don’t.” Pearl said which was backed up by Peach who made a noise of agreement.
“I’m talking about the food, you too.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s not done yet.” She said and smacked his hand that was reaching for the ladle. He laughed and put his hands up. Jay and Nya were next to come in. The recently separated fiancés were better than ever. Both relishing in not having to suffer their deteriorating relationship anymore and Nya’s confession. She wasn’t into men. Not anymore at least. She was ashamed it took her this long to realise that men were not it for her at all. Jay didn’t hold it against her. He took it better than anyone could. He loved Nya but even he could admit that their love for each other had changed. They were friends and they cared for each other. But not in the way they once had. It was refreshing to see both of them so free and happy even after a 3-week stake out.
“Who wants patrol tonight?” Cole asked to which the ninjas in the room groaned. “No one takes it, Lloyd will decide.” He added to which another groan followed.
“I’ll take it. I wasn’t really involved in that last fight.” Nya said to which they both thanked her.
“Did I just hear I don’t have to do patrol?” Kai asked, Zane in tow. Snowdrops physical form appeared to hug Zane in a way that no one was sure was possible with her form. Somehow physical but not?
“I don’t care as long as I’m not moving tonight.” Peach said.
“Well, you’re in luck! Lloyd stayed behind to check everything was still running smoothly! Won’t be back till tomorrow!” Cole said and Peach sighed.
“Perfect.” She said, unamused.
“Anything happen whilst we were gone?” Jay asked.
“Pearl’s been getting prank calls.” Peach said to which Pearl stiffened.
“What?” Cole laughed. Cherry swerved a kiss from Kai in his grimy state to which Kai reacted in outrage.
“You haven’t seen me in three weeks-“
“It was one, and some girl claiming to be your sister- she was outside and all. Used a fake name too-“ Pearl ranted and Cole froze.
“What-?” He said and Pearl nodded.
“I know-! But her name wasn’t Papita! It was some Y- thing, I can’t remember exactly-“ She said and Cole grabbed her, gently, by the shoulder.
“When was this?!” He questioned, alarm in his eyes.
“A couple hours ago- Cole!” He rushed out the room and the monastery. Pearl turned in shock.
“What just happened?!” Jay asked and Peach sighed.
“I think Pearl may have just left Cole’s sister out in the rain in a city she doesn’t live in.” Peach said, still unmoving.
“What?! Why would you do that?!” Jay asked.
“I didn’t know-! It wasn’t the name I was told-! Her name wasn’t Papita!” Pearl tried to defend herself.
“Oh my god- Papita is a nickname!” Jay said to which Pearl became speechless. “Her actual name is- uhm… Kai?!” Jay asked and Kai sighed.
“I met her a few years ago, it’s Y/n.” Kai said and Pearl’s hand found its way to her mouth, fast.
“Who’s Y/n?” Cherry asked.
“Cole’s sister.” Kai told her and she nodded.
“Where could she have gone?!” Pearl asked and turned immediately to Snowdrop and Zane.
“Her in-phone tracker says that she is in ninjago city.” Zane said and Pearl nodded, trying to process everything. How could she leave her sister-in-law out in the cold? What a great first impression.
“We have to find her!” Pearl said to which Peach finally sat up.
“This is bad.” Peach said and slid off the counter. “Let me know what happens.” She said, walking off and turning to the side to let Cole rush past on her out.
“My phone! Where’s my phone?!” Cole questioned.
“Bedside table!” Pearl said and followed him.
“I’m so sorry-! I didn’t know-“ Pearl apologised, frantically. Cole cursed at the dead phone and immediately put it on charge.
“She’s out there, all alone, in a city she doesn’t know-! This is all my fault! I should have been here.” Cole said, more to himself.
“You were on a mission-!” Pearl tried to justify but Cole ignored her.
“We were planning on coming home early- if I just hadn’t agreed to check out the east side-!” He cursed himself as he waited for the phone to have enough charge to turn back on.
“It’s my fault- I should’ve gone out there! I should’ve heard her out-!” Pearl said and Cole turned to her.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked.
“I don’t know- I just- with everything I thought it was what to do! I didn’t want to risk anything!” She said and Cole shook his head.
“How do you not know your sister-in-law’s name!” Cole asked and Pearl stumbled for an answer.
“You always call her Papita, I thought it was her name! I haven’t heard your call her anything else.” Pearl said and Cole sighed.
“It’s a nickname! It means little potato!” Cole said and Pearl shook her head.
“I’m sorry, I thought I was doing what’s right. Clearly, I wasn’t.” Pearl said and Cole sighed again. The phone lit up and he immediately unlocked it and scrolled to his contacts. Hitting one specific contact.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Chen took me to some diner. It was near here and we were the only two there. He had ordered us some water and had been speaking with the man behind the bar for a very long time. I couldn’t believe what had happened. Giving me a fake address? His wife yelling at me? He’s clearly been hiding a lot from me. I wondered if Dad knew. Pearl said that his family knew but I didn’t? I was part of that family. I might have to call Dad.
I tried not to jump when the drinks got sat down in front of me. Chen smiles and I had only just noticed the man had followed.
“This is my boyfriend, Reece!” Chen said and I smiled.
“I’m Y/n.” I said and the man smiled.
“Nice to meet you.” He said, politely. I nodded.
“Anyway, we were just wondering if you had any plans tonight, anywhere to go?” Chen asked and I shook my head.
“I don’t have a ticket back to Jamankai for another couple days.” I said and they nodded.
“Want to stay at ours? Until then, hotels around here are quite expensive.” Reece asked and I looked at both of them before nodding.
“Please…” I said and they smiled.
“Our apartment is above the diner so, you can put your stuff up there if you want?” Chen asked and I took a moment to consider how dangerous this is. They were strangers. Gay. But still strangers. They could kill me. We’ve been here for 20 minutes and no one has come in the diner since we sat down.
“Okay…” I said and Reece smiled before leading me to a door around the side of the kitchen which just led to a case of stairs. Reece unlocked the door and let me go through first.
“It’s not much but we don’t have much.” Reece said and I nodded. “The guest bedroom is this way!” He said, cheerily. He held the door open again for me and I looked around the room. There was a bed and a discarded vinyl player with some vinyls.
“There’s so many…” I said, not touching them, scared to get fingerprints on them.
“Oh yeah, Chen had a phase of being really into Jazz. Can you tell he was a theatre kid? Anyway-! We keep them in here because we don’t really use it anymore.” Reece explained and I nodded before the Vinyl next to the player caught my attention.
‘Lou Brookstone’s classics’
I smiled. I hadn’t seen any of my Dad’s albums in a long time. I used to love them. When Cole left and I came home for a few years, my Dad and I bonded over music and his stories of his band and his few classical hits. That life had since been forgotten and now he was a vocalist trainer and a piano teacher. I’d never seen my Dad look so proud and happy as I did when I told him what I had chosen to do my degree in. Those years were still rough. Especially without Cole. Dad had finally started sobering more and had joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I went with him sometimes. He said I reminded him of my mother. One night he slipped and got drunk again, he called me Lilly. That was my mother’s name. I was gone the next day. I went to stay in the college dorms. I should call him. He wasn’t a bad father. At least, he never had bad intent and he tries now. He sends me random musician’s biographies with notes and tags all over it for me to read and maybe gain inspiration.
“I’m going to call my Dad.” I said and Reece nodded.
“Was he a big fan of Jazz too?” He asked and I smiled.
“He’s Lou Brookstone.” I said and he gasped before nodding and walking away.
1 ring- line connected.
“Hello mon chou, it’s lovely to hear from you. Is everything alright?” His words were sincere.
“Hey… I’m in ninjago city.” I said and he made a noise of concern.
“Oh, that’s rather spontaneous.” He said and I nodded, even though I knew he couldn’t see it.
“I know… I came to see Cole.” I said.
“Ah, I see. How is he? I haven’t heard from him since he told me he married that girlfriend of his. Pearl. Very fierce woman, have you met her?” Dad asked and I paused for a moment. “Mon chou?”
“Uhm, not officially. He wasn’t home and I only spoke to Pearl over the phone… I’m at a friend’s house.” I said and he made a teasing noise.
“A girl friend’s house?” He asked and I felt my cheeks heat up.
“No… they’re guys. And gay.” I added quickly before he freaked.
“Okay… is everything alright? You don’t usually call me like this.” Dad pointed out and I sighed.
“I didn’t know Cole was married… and Pearl didn’t know who I was.” I said and he went silent.
“Your brother didn’t tell you? He- he said you and Pearl were going to meet a long time ago. At your graduation?” He pointed out and I tried not to cry.
“Cole didn’t come to my graduation. Neither did Pearl… you had food poisoning from that salmon place.” I said and he sighed.
“I’m sure your brother didn’t leave you for no reason… his job requires him to be on call at all times, you know that.” Dad told me and I shook my head.
“I don’t even know what Cole does other than security.” I said and he sighed.
“I see… well, I’m sure your brother will contact you soon. He’s not one to leave you worrying.” Dad said and I nodded.
“Okay, love you.” I said and I heard Dad chuckle.
“I love you too, mon chou.” The phone line disconnected and I sighed. I stared out the window for a while until a blue, massive dragon flew past it and made me scream. On the back of it, sat the water ninja. 4 more dragons followed and I couldn’t help the way my breathing sped up. I thought the ninja would be more in the main part of the city? I pulled out my headphones quickly and shut the door that had no lock. I wedged my bag between the door and the wardrobe so no one would be able to get in. I put my headphones in quickly before laying back down.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
My phone buzzing made me open my eyes and freeze. I slowly raised my phone to look at the contact. Cole. I debated answering it. I really did. But then I remembered why I had came here in the first place.
“Hello?” I said and I heard a sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m- I was at work! I didn’t have my phone on me- are you okay?!” He asked and I paused.
“Yes.” I said, simply.
“Okay that’s good, where are you?! Ninjago city really isn’t the safest place, Papita.” Cole said and I took a deep breath in. Clearly.
“I’m at a friend’s.” I said and he went silent.
“Friend, what friend?” Cole asked and I paused.
“Chen and Reece.” I said and he didn’t sound happy.
“I’ve never heard of them- you’ve never told me anything about them.” Cole said and I looked out the window.
“I met them today.” I said and he made a noise of distress.
“Today?! And you’re staying there?!” He asked and I hummed in agreement. “Y/n, this is… that’s not safe. I’ll pick you up, see if we can find a hotel or I can see if I can clean up a room here- just-“
“I’m okay here. They’re nice.” I said and he started to sound annoyed.
“It doesn’t matter if they’re nice, you don’t know them!” He exclaimed and I laid back down. “They could be hiding anything from you!”
“Why didn’t you tell me you got married?” I asked and he went silent. “I’m not a kid anymore, Cole. You don’t have to protect me anymore. You don’t have to hide anything from me.” I said and he sighed.
“It’s not like that… I honestly forgot. It wasn’t like a ceremony or anything, we exchanged rings, we haven’t signed any papers yet! Just in traditional terms, we are married.” He said and I sighed.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I admitted and I heard his breath hitch.
“You don’t call, you don’t message and if I get a reply sometimes it’s not for months.” I said and he sounded even more stressed.
“It’s my job-! Sometimes I’m gone for months! I don’t mean to-! I’d love to see you again! See you more even!” He said and I looked to the street outside. That noodle stand looked really good.
“I haven’t seen you for 4 years. You’re like a ghost, Cole.” I said and Cole sighed.
“Can I please come and pick you up?” He asked but I ignored him.
“Why would you give me a fake address?” I asked.
“It wasn’t fake-! You have to go into the forest-!”
“Why didn’t Pearl know my actual name? Why don’t I know hers?” I questioned.
“I don’t know- I thought you both knew! I was wrong, okay! I want you both to meet. I want to see you. I want to know you’re safe. Let me pick you up.” He pleaded.
“I’ll message you my address tomorrow. If you’re not there, I’m going home and not my house! I’m moving back in with Dad.” I said and I heard the way Cole took a sharp breath in.
“Okay, fair enough. Send me it tonight and I’ll be there by 9am latest.” He said and I nodded.
“Fine…” it went awkwardly silent.
“Love you, Flump.”
“Bye.” I hated that nickname. I hung up the phone and rubbed my temples. I could smell that noodle stand. I’m getting it. With the last of my confidence, I will get it.
The noodle stand was actually further than it looked. And I chose a horrible time to go. It was getting dark, really dark, and the line was going down very slowly. Finally it was my turn.
“You’ll have to wait 10 minute, the next batch of noodles isn’t ready yet.” I nodded and sat on a bench. Directly under a street lamp. It was really dark now. And slowly getting colder. I looked up to see the man still stirring noodles and sighed. I looked up again to see him making a container for me and I shot up and watched as he put the sauce on top.
“4.65” He told me and I nodded.
“I’ll have what she’s having, it smells really good Pablo. I bet you can rival Chen’s noodles now.” That was a woman. I handed him the money and stepped to the side for her to move in. He put her noodles together quicker than I’d seen him server anyone. It wasn’t until I looked up did I notice that the woman was actually a ninja. She reached into one of the pouches on her gi.
“No! No! You know you don’t pay.” Pablo said and she shook her head.
“C’mon, I’ve been away for 3 weeks and I’m missing out on Pink’s curry which it really good. Let me pay.” She said and the guy shook his head.
“No. Payment comes in saving all our lives and the city.” He said and I didn’t want to interrupt them to tell them I had no chopsticks. So I decided to turn away and walk back home. Except I was more or less walking to the bench again. I wasn’t expecting her to sit next to me a couple moments later. I looked up in shock. This was a real life ninja. I met her eyes before she handed me a pair of chopsticks. I smiled in thanks.
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing wandering the streets at night like this? Fella done you wrong? Or just hunger?” She asked, enthusiastically and I took a moment to respond. Perplexed that one- a woman was talking to me, two- a ninja was talking to me.
“Hunger… Fellas aren’t really my thing.” I said and she nodded.
“Me either. Well, not anymore.” She said and held her noddles up to cheers mine and I did it, awkwardly, but we did it. She chuckled. Before pulling her mask up and over mouth, I looked away quickly. She laughed. “Don’t worry, you won’t know who I am just from my mouth.”
“Okay… feels weird.” I said and she smiled. “Did you really call me pretty?” I asked, not sure what she had said as I was more in shock.
“Yes, or no- did it weird you out?” She asked and I smiled, shaking my head.
“No, it was nice.” I said the water ninja smiled.
“Then yes. And I’m serious.” She whispered the last part and I smiled harder.
“You’ve got pretty lips…” I said, hoping it didn’t sound weird or suggestive.
“Really? You from around here?” Fuck. It did sound suggestive.
“I’ve never been to ninjago before, I saw your dragon earlier… it was cool. Really scary- but cool.” I said and she smiled.
“Her name is Tidal. I can introduce you two if you want?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I don’t think I can handle meeting a dragon right now. Sorry” I said and she chuckled.
“No hard feelings. Dragons are intimidating, especially Peach’s dragon. Her dragon is massive! And powerful. Took down half an army of onis on her own with him.” She said and I nodded.
“I forgot about the Onis.” I said and the water ninja nodded.
“That was a tough fight.” She admitted. “Were you affected by them?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I live in Jamankai but I do have 3 locks on my door.” I said and she nodded.
“Not a bad idea.” She told me and I looked up at her. “I’m not going to lie to you, you should head home. Tonight’s quiet but this city is so unpredictable and I don’t think I’d be able to console myself if I heard that your pretty face got hurt.” She said and I flushed, warmth spread across my face and I just hoped she couldn’t tell how flustered I was as she pulled the bottom of her mask back down.
“I’m nearly done.” I said and she frowned.
“Wow, I should call you nibbles. You almost ate that quicker than me.” She joked and I smiled.
“I don’t think nibbles suits me then.” I said she tilted her head in thought.
“No, but dustbin isn’t as cute.” She said and I laughed, actually laughed.
“Okay, what can I call you then?” There was something so easy about talking to someone in a mask.
“Anything but squirt. My brother still calls me that and he’s almost 30.” She told me and I laughed.
“My brother calls me little potato and little cabbage.” I said and she laughed.
“What?!” She asked, amused.
“I refused to eat cabbage when I was younger so he started calling me that to spite me.” I said and she laughed again.
“My brother- fire- just calls every kid that. He still calls Green it.” She told me and I nodded.
“I’m done.” I announced and put my box in the bin.
“Hey, can I walk you home? It’d just make me feel more comfortable knowing you got home safe.” She said and I nodded.
“I’m staying right there!” I told her to which she frowned.
“The diner?” She asked.
“My friends own it, they live above it.” I said and she nodded.
We mainly walked in comfortable silence until we stopped outside the diner. The walk seemed longer, like we were both trying to stretch the moment.
“I guess I’ll see you around then, Nibbles.” The water ninja said to me and I smiled.
“See you later, squirter.” I said and she laughed.
“Squirter?!” She asked, dumbfounded.
“Because of the whole water thing…” I tried to explain before it hit me what is sounded like. “Oh no- not like that…” I tried to defend myself but she waved me off. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Just took me by surprise. Anyway, thank you for turning a boring patrol into a good night. I’ll be thinking of you and your cute face tonight.” She said and I smiled.
“Not that I could see your face, but you have a pretty mouth and eyes.” I said and she met my eyes. She looked smug. She winked and my face fell. This was real.
“Thank you, no one has ever said that before.” She said before disappearing into the dark alleys. Was that flirting? Did we flirt? Were we in love now? Why do I have the urge to ask her what we are?
“Did you just pull the water ninja?!” I heard a voice yell and I looked up to the see Reece and Chen, leaning out the window.
“Oh my god…” I said and rushed inside.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
It wasn’t unusual for Nya not to talk to anyone after patrol. It wasn’t unusual for most the ninja to be catching up on sleep at this time. However, it wasn’t usual for her to bump into Jay around the monastery. He was sat on the counter, bowl of cheerios in his hands. The box itself had a cartoon ninja on. She smiled as she went in pouring a bowl for herself.
“Long patrol?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, quiet actually. Almost boring.” She said and he laughed.
“Almost?” Jay asked, hinting something in his voice.
“Do you think it’s too soon? I mean… we were together for so long. Do you think it’s too early to even think about moving on?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No, I think it’s good.” He admitted, to her surprise. “I loved you, I really did Nya and not to say that I don’t still love you but it’s different. When we were good, we were great but… you were never as into me as I was to you, and now we know why. I don’t hold it against you. You shouldn’t hold it against yourself. You shouldn’t hold it against me.” He told her and she sighed.
“I don’t know why I feel so guilty, I was never taught what I am is wrong.” Nya told him and he nodded.
“Buts it’s not what you expect, think of for yourself. You’ve never looked at me the way you look at a girl and thats okay. We can still love each other without having a romantic aspect of our relationship. We’re family here, let’s just be family.” Jay said and Nya smiled.
“You’d be alright if started seeing someone?” Nya asked and Jay smiled.
“What if I’m already seeing someone? Would you be okay?” He asked and she laughed.
“Really?” Jay shrugged.
“I might be.” He said and she smiled.
“What’s her name?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No! No I’m not doing this! Because once you know, Kai knows and then Cherry knows and if Cherry knows, everyone knows!” Jay exclaimed and Nya nodded.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I won’t ask again.” She said and Jay smiled.
“I think these cheerios are expired.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Okay I have to pick Y/n up in like 20 minutes, Papita, in case you don’t know her actual name.” Cole announced to the team and Pearl rolled her eyes. “When she gets here, we’ve gotta act normal.” He announced and everyone protested.
“She doesn’t know you’re a ninja?!” Peach’s voice came out on top.
“No, and I don’t plan on telling her today.” Cole said.
“Not telling someone you love you’re a ninja? That always ends well.” Cherry commented to which Kai frowned.
“Even if we all act normal, how’d you suppose we hide the prophecies engraved in the walls? The frames of all of us in our gi? The senseis? The monks? The weapons? My dragon?!” Peach asked to which the dragon himself growled from outside.
“Lloyd was right about not keeping a dragon that can’t disappear by the way.” Kai said.
“Apologise, he saved your life.” Peach said.
“I’m not apologising to a dragon!” Kai argued.
“Apologise!” Peach demanded.
“No!” Kai protested.
“Apologise or I’m not talking to you.” Peach said and Kai shrugged.
“Don’t then!” Peach crossed her arms and faced away. “You’re not serious.” He said but she ignored him.
“I’ll be back in half an hour.” Cole said and kissed Pearl’s cheek before leaving.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Thank you for letting me stay.” I said, turning go to both men as a battered truck, the one from the car park, parked itself outside.
“Anytime.” Chen said with a smile.
“Let us know if you need anything.” Reece said and I nodded before heading outside. I hadn’t seen him in years. Would he be mad? Upset? Annoyed that I even came here? I didn’t tell him, is that a problem?
Cole rushed out the truck and before I could even get a word out he pulled me into a tight hug, I returned it awkwardly before he looked me up and down.
“Have you grown or is it just me?” He asked to which I shrugged.
“I don’t think so.” He took my bag and smiled. I didn’t return it and just got in the car with him.
“I’ve uh- Pearl told me everything- Dad also rang me. She’s really sorry and he’s- he sounds good.” Cole said and I nodded.
“Are you?” I asked, he nodded.
“I was going to ask you that, are you serious about moving back in with Dad?” Cole asked and I shrugged.
“I can’t live alone anymore.” I admitted. “It’s getting worse.” I told him and he sighed.
“I’m sorry I can’t be closer.” He said and I nodded. But were you?
“Why… why can’t you?” I had to think about whether I wanted to know the answer.
“It’s… complicated. If that word even sums it up. My job is unconventional and- I’ll explain everything! -but it’s just hard to find the time to come back.” He said and I nodded.
“What is your job?” I asked as we stopped at a traffic light. He turned to look at me.
“To protect those who can’t protect themselves.” He told me and I paused. What the hell did that mean?
“What?” I asked and he laughed. “Are you a police officer?” I asked.
“No!” He laughed. “I’ll explain everything when we’re inside. The others have made it extremely clear that they won’t cover for me.” Cole said and I frowned.
“Cover what?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” He pulled into the abandoned parking lot where I had been the day before. When we got out he gestured for me to follow him into the forest.
A monastery. There was a monastery inside the forest. There were bald people outside doing chores. Monks. This place was massive. I followed Cole inside as the monks called him ‘master Cole’. It was an upgrade from McCole. Which was his nickname during his teenage years due to the fact he ordered McDonald’s almost everyday. He opened the door for me and let me walk beside him as we went down the long hallway. There were paintings on the wall and ceiling, massive paintings and it took seeing the painting of a gold figure fighting a black dragon with smoke coming off it to realise that they were paintings of the ninja and famous battles. They were murals not paintings. I looked down, not wanting to admit what might be happening here. We stopped at an archway. I looked up to see a small kitchen and then to the side and the bottom of the room was a massive living area with couches, a TV, a gaming console and many people. There was a couple on the couch, a brunette with very well styled hair and a very pretty girl whose own hair looked like it is being taken better care of than a newborn baby. There was another boy and girl on the couch although they were sat well apart with the ginger playing with a controller whilst the other girl, hair tied up high on her head as her bangs fell in front of her face, framing it perfectly. She wore a loose vest, showing off her sculpted arms and scattered tattoos. Mainly in the ancient language. That was hot. Reluctantly, I looked away from her to the two girls in the kitchen. One was eating a bowl of cereal whilst the other pulled out a tray of cookies from the other. The first girl had few scars lingering her bare arms and what looked to be a burn on her forearm and a scar on her exposed neck that looked like a bite mark. She might be a ninja. Somehow, her face remained untouched. The other girl slammed the tray down, making me jump and focus on her again. She was more dressed up than the others, well I think the girl with very nice hair was actually wearing a juicy tracksuit but she made it look like loungewear rather than an expensive tracksuit.
“How do you not burn them?!” The cookie girl complained.
“It’s only burnt on the corners.” The scarred girl said.
“You’d know all about being burnt.” The cookie girl insulted, the scarred girl hit her on the head lightly with her spoon. “Did you just get milk in my hair?!”
“I raised a dragon, what’s your excuse?” Scarred girl clapped back and Cole cleared his throat. Gaining everyone’s attention. Did she just say she raised a dragon?!
“This is Y/n, or Papita, as you may know her as.” I noticed how Cookie girl’s eyes hardened at Cole. The room went silent.
“Hi.” I said, awkwardly.
“Hey.” Scar girl said. Putting her bowl down and coming near me. “Nice to meet you.” She said.
“You too, what’s your name?” I asked. Was this Pearl? What would she do if she knew I called her scar girl in my head?!
“Everyone calls me Peach, nice to meet you Papita.” She said and I nodded.
“Y/n’s fine.” I said and she smiled.
“That’s Cherry, thats Pearl ,who you may know, and Snowdrops is around somewhere. She’s always around. You’ll catch on soon enough.” Peach winked but I didn’t catch on. Not yet at least. Was that not their actual names?
“So what’s your actual name?” I asked and she smiled, I heard Cole stifle his laugh.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She said and walked away. The man with very good hair spoke up and I turned to them. Cherry was the one with really good hair. I knew good hair guy. I had met him before.
“Kai, if you don’t remember. Blabber mouth here is Jay and that’s Nya, my sister. Zane is around somewhere and Pixal is out right now. Lloyd should be home soon.” Kai filled me in and I nodded.
“Hi.” I said again, trying to avoid Nya’s eyes. She was staring hard at me. I turned to face Cole again who smiled.
“As you can tell, we all live together and work together. Lloyd’s the leader, Peach is his wife-“ I looked to Peach and watched as she disappeared in a pink, purple and peach haze that I had only seen on the news before and with the peach ninja. She appeared on the counter again, no bowl in hand this time. “-she’s special.” Cole said and glared, my own mouth hung in shock.
“Don’t be mad because I showed my party trick.” She said and Pearl smiled in amusement. It started to click. It shouldn’t have took a blonde man practically shoving past us clad in green to be my final push to realise everything. He stunk and had dried blood and mud on him and in his hair, the green clothing had been torn in places. He had a dual katana holster strapped to his back with actual katanas sheathed in. The walls looked like they were coming closer. He needed that many weapons for a reason? Was there a threat?
He apologised as he slid past, not noticing my impending panic. He dapped up Cole and leaned in to kiss Peach who didn’t look pleased after. She actually frowned in disgust.
“I’ve missed you too.” He said at her face.
“When was the last time you brushed your teeth?” She asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it- who’s this?!” He asked, pointing to me. Oh my god. This isn’t happening.
“Lloyd, meet Papita, my sister.” Cole said and Lloyd nodded.
“Nice to meet you, sorry I’m all dirty and everything. 3 week stake out.” Lloyd said like I was supposed to know what that meant. “Being a ninja is a lot less cleaner than you’d think.” He tried to joke but I’m pretty sure I had the thousand yard stare right now. Suddenly the green costume with katanas made sense. It wasn’t a costume. It was gi. A green gi.
“I can smell you from over here.” Cherry commented.
“You’re the green ninja?” I asked, well more stated.
“Who would’ve thought? Lloyd Garmadon.” Peach said and Lloyd rolled his eyes.
“You’re all ninja?!” I exclaimed. I looked back at Cole in alarm who looked away from me. Then I looked back at the others and Cherry looked at them all before breaking the silence.
“I’m not! But they all are.” She confirmed, she then hit Kai’s chest.
“Fire.” Kai raised his hand like it was an ice breaker game.
“Lightning.” Jay raised his hand next.
“I don’t need to say, do I?” Lloyd said, eating some multicoloured cereal with his bare hands out the box.
“Peach.” Peach and shrugged. Like it was obvious. I looked back to Cole.
“Earth.” He admitted, my eyes watered. What the hell was going on. Everyone looked towards Pearl.
“Pink. Who else would I be?” Pearl asked.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Cole asked. I felt ill. And my heart was racing. What the fuck was happening?
“Nya! You haven’t-“ Kai’s words distorted in my head as another person walked into the room. Well, what I thought was a person.
“Can someone please check my internal hatch, I believe there is something stuck in there I cannot see.” A tall, metal man said as he walked in the room and proceeded to open his stomach open like it was nothing. Only to reveal a bunch of wires and a few boxes that wires were coming in and out of. Safe to say, I passed out.
I am never leaving my house again.
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ninjago-sideblog · 1 year
Skybound had so many good ideas and concepts that I really like the season for. On the other hand, it fumbled like 80% of those ideas soooo hard that makes me want to cry.
(suuuper long indulgent rant about Skybound underneath cut read at your own risk)
Nadakhan is my favorite villain in a bubble. He’s this disgraced djinn prince who runs away from his home realm to become one of the most feared pirate captains in Ninjago and when he tries to return home, it’s all crumbling. He then exacts revenge on those who destroyed his home by manipulating them and toying with them psychologically, eventually trapping their souls in a sword? Badass, right?
Except that all of this cool characterization is contradicted and bastardized left and right. The season dumbs down the ninja instead of making Nadakhan smarter so he can win. When he gains the ability to make his own wishes, he resorts to immediately killing everyone. His obsession with Nya is really weird considering that she was the one who CAUSED Djinnjago to get destroyed.
Jay and Nya’s character arcs are really interesting too. In a bubble. Jay has to step up as a leader after all his friends were taken by this guy, who he has to face after he kidnapped and tortured him. He fucked around and found out the hard way and has to make up for it. Nya continues to struggle with her identity and coming into her own as a ninja and not having Samurai X to latch onto. They both have to fight to keep each other safe and make sacrifices and fall back in love.
Once again though, this is all fumbled and explored in a way that makes me tear my hair out. Jay is a selfish obsessive whiny asshole who’s pining for Nya is super uncomfortable and annoying to watch instead of cute or relatable. Nya is an even bigger asshole than he is. She lets Clouse get away in the beginning to throw a tantrum on Jay, which causes Nadakhan to be freed in the first place. She causes Jay to nearly get killed by the Tiger Widow and then get kidnapped/tortured, all because she was mad at him.
So many other plot points and character choices make me so upset it really detracts from the season as a whole. To name some:
Kai’s ultra inflated ego/obsession with social media and girls
Forcefully inserted misogyny
All of the prison arc. All of it.
Ronin betraying the ninja for the police. I get he likes money, but the ninja saved his ass and he is a known criminal. Just a weird place to take his character.
The ninja turning on Jay immediately and effectively sacrificing him to the ultra deadly giant spider
Cole and Lloyd being unceremoniously/anti-climatically removed from the season so Jay and Nya could be alone
Marriage plot (specifically Delara and the marriage plot only ever being used as an excuse for Nadakhan to fight with Jay over Nya which is really gross)
I wish Delara was explored more and was not a creepy Nya clone for Nadakhan to drool over, ew
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya using up their wishes immediately in really stupid ways
Tonal whiplash from the goofy lighthearted first half of the season to the dark hopeless second half
Echo Zane (before the Echo fans come after me, I like his character, but he just introduces a lot of plot implications that are never resolved or addressed for a character who has like 10 minutes of screen time max and never gets to come back)
We never learn why Cliff and ‘Libber’ abandoned Jay with the Walkers. Cliff obviously cared about his son, he made a shrine for him in his dressing room, so why did he never contact him before his death? What happened to Jay’s mom? Did Wu know? It’s annoying to have this plot point, only for it to never be explored in the whole show besides a line about being adopted in Prime Empire. Maybe we’ll get some context in Dragons Rising, but I doubt it.
We were robbed from a rematch between Captain Soto and Nadakhan
I honestly wouldn’t mind the ending, if it wasn’t for the fact that the writers can’t decide wether everyone remembers the alternate timeline or not. That and it’s seems like the events of Skybound don’t effect Jay and Nya in later seasons like at all besides a wink and a nudge at the viewer. Once again, Jay was kidnapped and physically/psychologically abused and tortured, and Nya straight up died. They are the only people who (completely) remember and gained what should be a massive amount of trauma but nope! Lloyd has more on-screen/canon trauma over Harumi than Nya does about DYING or Jay does about TORTURE. Again, I don’t think that Dragons Rising will explore this to any extent either.
I also don’t mind the whole trapping the ninja in the Djinnblade thing, I just wish the ninja could have had more screen time. Either by keeping them around longer before trapping them, or showing what inside the sword was like idk
Nadakhan and Jay are kinda weird because I’m not sure why he singled him out out of all of the ninja. I know the Doylist answer is that Jay is the focus character for the season, but I find it weird that instead of getting the other ninja while he could, he wasted a lot of his time toying with Jay on Misfortunes Keep. Why didn’t he just kidnap all of the ninja on Tiger Widow Island instead of giving them a chance of escape. His obsession with Jay could have been easily explained or explored it it never is?
TL;DR, Skybound is a mess of really good and really bad ideas Frankensteined together in the messiest, laziest way they could. I still like it quite a bit, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t frustrate the hell out of me.
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datcloudboi · 9 months
List of Films Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
American Sniper
Annie (the remake starring Jamie Foxx)
As Above, So Below
The Babadook (we stan a gay icon)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (a direct continuation of the Batman: Arkham games)
Big Eyes
Big Hero 6
Birdman (won the Best Picture Oscar for this year)
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
Boyhood (filmed over the course of 12 years)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dear White People (the basis for the TV series on Netflix, and made by the same guy)
Dracula Untold (this was Universal’s second attempt at launching the Dark Universe)
The Drop (a crime drama starring Tom Hardy)
Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat
The Equalizer
Exodus: Gods and Kings (a biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott)
The Expendables 3
The Fault in Our Stars
Fury (the war movie with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf)
Get on Up (the James Brown biopic starring Chadwick Boseman)
Godzilla (the 1st film in the MonsterVerse)
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
The Guest
Hercules (the one starring The Rock)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (did you guys know the working title for this movie was “The Hobbit: There and Back Again”?)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If I Stay
The Imitation Game (the movie where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing)
Inherent Vice
The Interview (the movie that almost caused World War 3)
Into the Woods
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jodorowsky's Dune (a documentary about the Dune movie that we never got)
Joe (one of Nic Cage's best movies)
John Wick (the 1st one)
Kill the Messenger
Left Behind (one of Nic Cage's worst movies)
The Lego Movie
Life After Beth
Lucy ((the “humans only use 10% of their brain” movie. Which has since been proven false. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ )
The Maze Runner
A Million Ways to Die in the Weset
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Muppets Most Wanted
Need for Speed (Aaron Paul's first project after "Breaking Bad" ended)
Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (the third one. Also one of Robin Williams’ last movies)
Noah (a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky)
The Nut Job
Obvious Child
Oculus (one of the 1st projects from Mike Flanagan)
Penguins of Madagascar
The Purge: Anarchy
The Raid 2
RoboCop (the reboot that was actually decent)
Sharknado 2
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Son of Batman
St. Vincent
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one produced by Michael Bay. It’s also the one where the Turtles look like aliens)
The Theory of Everything (the movie where Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking)
Third Person
300: Rise of an Empire
Transformers: Age of Extinction
22 Jump Street
Veronica Mars (the film continuation of the TV show)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
What If? (a rom-com starring Daniel Radcliffe)
What We Do in the Shadows (the film that was the basis for the TV show)
When Marnie Was There
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Because @drawnfamiliarfaces got me into their AU rabbit hole of a variant version of the Teen Heroes™, I hope they don't mind of me making my own variant (I'm self-conscious, please excuse me-).
First and foremost, I can't draw, at least not to the extent of completely fleshing out a sketch out of my ass (ok- I can, but only a single eye, and even then it looks like shit to me-). I can draw clothing better than making a full body to make a whole ass scene. Comics are out the window cuz I will suffer.
Second, it'll probably be more on writing than making fanarts.
Third, I didn't watch the majority of the other characters' respective shows. I watched Danny Phantom a bit because of Nicktoons, and Ben 10 because of the same person who got me into starting this whole thing. I'll probably get my own snips and bits of necessary info from the wiki, but don't expect any accuracy, and I'd appreciate if anyone could dump some info that could prove to be very necessary for me.
Fourth, this is an entire AU itself, so I'm mostly not gonna follow canon at most. There will be stories I will try to twist to my liking.
Fifth, ships. Yes, but bear with me here; thanks to my overconsumption of media, I will be putting just a few ships that I think are neat, but if anyone disagrees with me or didn't like how I didn't mention a ship they like (cuz I barely knew shit about the characters), then please just either move away from my blog, or block me entirely to avoid unwanted conflict. We all have our interests that make us happy, the least you could do is to respect and/or completely don't interact.
Sixth, the clothing are gonna filled with my own personal headcanons, mostly their clothing when they battle (the characters themselves too, but I'm gonna focus more on the clothes because I'm a fashion illustrator). Danny, Ben, and Randy are gonna wear heels because yes.
The ships involved;
Tigerghost (Manny Rivera from El Tigre x Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom) (I completely blame izbubbles for this one)
Benrex (Rex Salazar from Generator Rex x Ben Tennyson from Ben 10) (surprised? Probably not lmfao-)
Jimmytimmy (Timmy Turner x Jimmy Neutron) (first and foremost; no, none of the Nicktoons (Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob, and Manny) except Danny and Jenny are part of this team. Danny and Jenny still go on missions with the NU team because duh. And second; they're only here as some sort of filler and cuz I really love Nicktoons since most of them I have watched)
Headcanons involved (will get expanded in due time I swear-);
Trans Danny
Anodite Ben (still wields the Omnitrix. His anodite powers are pink too)
Dani and Dan are Danny's kids (under a different name because they have to go through a re-birth process that I'll touch upon later)
Ben's necrofriggian children now comes to earth to live with their mom (like I said, I'm not following canon)
Randy is still ninja, but because this AU involves a 3rd power/skill, I'll have to twist a bit of the canon my way, especially when it comes to the Ultimate Lesson and memory wipe
There will be some Genshin Impact references here and there, because I do play them, and I love it-
Ghost King Danny (by extent, Ghost Princess Dani and Ghost Prince Dan)
Fashion designer Ben (his sassy and confident nature could be more of a use tbh)
Primal Iudex Randy (he and Furina would get along nicely-)
Pearl Keeper Jake
Side gig magician Rex (leave me be, I think it's neat-)
Engaged Rex and Ben (all of the members are adults over 20, so don't be surprised)
Sandra Tennyson is French, so that makes Ben half-French by heritage
Ben and Randy are pen pals turned close friends by the time Ben moved to France (yes, I made Randy somewhat French here for this reason, but I'll have to put in more details later)
Rex won't lose his memories, but he'll get short-term amnesia often, which just need something to trigger the old memories back
Everyone is under the same universe
Danny's ghost team are Sam-Tucker-Valerie-Jazz and his parents (Valerie deserves better than what was given to her by canon)
Yes, Maddie and Jack knew Danny became a ghost from the very start, but they didn't treat him any differently than he was before; if anything, they felt guilty that their son had paid the price for their ignorance and neglect
Phantom Planet do not exist, and it shouldn't have been to begin with, but whatever
Valerie had always been part of Danny's gang. In terms of Shades of Gray, I'll have to change a lot of things, that includes her father's job (he didn't get fired), so I have other things in mind regarding Cujo
Cujo became Danny's pet dog later on, cuz you can't tell me these two aren't made for each other
Members from oldest to youngest, I do hope @drawnfamiliarfaces wouldn't mind me using their headcanon as well (eldest Kim, youngest Randy). I think they're really neat.
Please keep in mind that none of this follow canon whatsoever, they follow my headcanons and versions. Character backstories are written purely by my own personal headcanons too. I'll probably add actual canon when I didn't have anything good to offer, but this is what I could put for now.
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colesluvr · 1 year
HELLO‼️‼️ I saw you were doing Ninjago requests so i was wondering could you do one where the reader(gn) is based off koyuki from demon slayer ⁉️ it could be something like any of the ninja of your choice being tasked to take care of the reader. i don't care if it's romantic or platonic i just want to see what the ninja would do in the situation ‼️THANK YOU‼️‼️
Safe & Sound | Cole Brookstone x GN Reader
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Sooooo, I never watched demon slayer, but I did do my reaserch on this character! I hope this isn't too bad, I'm not a huge fan of this piece of writing, bit I you all will like it. Thx for the req!!
Also I, i think I took "taking care of Y/N" in a different term, my bad :(
The sound of Y/N's cries of pain caused Cole to instantly go into big brother Cole mode. He jumped over the couch and ran to the doors of the Monestary. The big doors entered his vision and almost instantly he threw the doors open to see Y/N in Kai's arms.
They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole. "They were crying and screaming in pain, reasuuring words came out of Kai's mouth as the reached Cole.
"It hurts, it fucking huhurts!" Tears filled their eyes. In slo-motion, Cole looked at Y/N's leg. It looked twisted and bruised. It looked...broken.
"Wha-What happened?" Cole asked as Nya rushed behind her brother with you in his arms, still crying from the pain. "They-They were gone for not even 10 seconds and they were jumped by thugs! A-A store was getting robbed and-and me and Kai thought Y/N would be find catching one thug, but suddenly four more jumped them and-" Tears stained her cheeks from her pervious crying, but new fresh tears started to form as they ran into the Med Room.
Another one of Y/N's screams caused Cole to look back up at Kai who placed them on the bed. He tried to stop them from curling in on theirself so Zane could get a better look at your leg.
"Gaaaaha! Ihit hurts!" Y/N cried, tears falling from their cheeks. Kai squeezed their hand as Zane examed their leg. It was bruised from the calf and down, a little banged up, but hopefully nothing to serious.
"I know, but you moving around like this will make it hurt more." Kai tried to calm them down, but they curled around even more. Cole soon walked into their vision, causing them to turn their head toward him.
"Hey, hey. I know this hurts, but you're doing great, Y/N. Just a couple more seconds. Zane is putting the cast on as we speak, just look at me, try not to focus on the pain." Cole spoke over your cries and groans. Kai allowed Cole to take the lead, not stopping him because it seemed to work. Zane was able to put the cast on quicker with him moving Y/N's leg as much.
"What's your favorite color?" Cole asked, making eye contact with Y/N.
"Uh-AH-Uh.." It took them longer to say an answer, "F-FC! GAh!"
"Good. Good. Uh, how about movie? I love movies!"
"Uh-F/M!!" You cried you our favorite movies name as Zane finished the cast.
"There we go," Zane smiled as he looked at Y/N who still cried. "Thank you, Cole."
Cole waved him off, saying it was nothing. Y/N's eyes closed, they took deep breaths relieved the pain was over.
"When-When will they get better? Like, when will their leg heal?" Kai asked, tapping his foot as he looked at Zane. Zane thought for a moment, "I cannot be certain, but possibly in the next 4-6 months."
"Hah?!" You cried, slamming your head back to the pillow. Cole asked for Zane and Kai to go out of the room to talk about this and he'll let Y/N know when they'll get better.
Y/N watched as Cole escorted the two out of the room and closed the door a tad. He smiled back at you before asking you if you needed anything.
Two months have passed and during the time period, Lloyd was able to get Y/N some crutches. They were already doing fine on the cast, by fine you mean Cole basically carrying them aroun like royalty. Cole wanted to make sure they were comfortable with the crutches, so he stood by their side as they used them for the first time.
Almost cried when Y/N almost ran into a wall, such a gentlemen.
"Cole. I can grab it-"
"Nah-uh. You sit your butt back on that bed and I'l get for you."
They've pretty much gotten use to him bossing them around, but they weren't really complaining. He was their best friend after all.
"You rang?" Cole grinned as he entered Y/N's room when their soup. Y/N was 4 months in recovery, having doctor appointments for their leg now and then, Y/N's should be healed un the next month if they just sit and try not to put pressure on the leg. Although they've been doing well without cole's help, they could never tell him that.
He's been trying to hard to help Y/N feel better, he's even attempted to sleep in the same room if they need water, use the bathroom, or get a midnight snack because he knows how much they love those.
"I actually rang Jay, but it's always fun to see your face. Even though I see everyday now." You joked, "Well, Jay was out on a mission with the others so," Cole shrugged as he sat down on the bedside as he placed the soup on the dresser by your bed.
"Wait, don't tell me you stayed behind on a mission to take care of me?" You asked and Cole blew gently on the spoon with soup. "Okay, I won't."
You have him a 'are you serious' look as he locked eyes with you. "Y/N, I'm sorry, but I just want to be here for you since I wasn't when you got hurt! I want to see you get better with my own eyes."
"Cole," You laughed, "I've been doing fine, I barely need the crutches anymor-" Cole cuts you off by gently shoving the spoon into your mouth. "All I hear, "Aw, thank you Cole for taking such great care of me! I haven't complained at all after the past 6 months."
You swallowed the soup and chuckled, "I sound nothing like that, dork."
It was quiet for a moment, Cole stll feeding them now and then. before he did again, Y/N spoke. "I..actually am thankful for you, Cole. I mean it. Thank you for taking care of me these past 6 months." Cole smiled, wiping soup off your chin with his thumb.
"Anything for you, Y/N. You know that. I wouldn't just sit back and relax knowing my friend's hurt-"
You grabbed Cole and engulfed him in a hug. He paused, not wantinh to hurt you if he moves. Suddenly, he smiled, hugging you back.
"Thank you," You spoke.
"You're welcome, Y/N."
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afreakingdork · 2 months
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Moonshine - Chapter 5
RotTMNT x Reader
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@phoebepheebsphibs is back depicting some aftermath in this week's chapter art!
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Michelangelo (TMNT)/Reader, Michelangelo (TMNT)/You, Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Donatello (TMNT)/You
Warnings: POV Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader, Anxious Reader, Introverted Reader, Stuttering, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Romance, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Unrequited Love, Rejection, Aromantic Asexual Michelangelo (TMNT), Bisexual Donatello (TMNT), Pansexual Leonardo (TMNT), Lesbian Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Demisexual April O'Neil (TMNT), Implied Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit/April O'Neil/Sunita, Endgame Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Romantic Love, Platonic Love, Panic Attacks, Sexuality Crisis, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Happy Ending, Fluff
Synopsis:  You’ve lost most of your life to anxiety and fear. Now, in your late 20s, you are desperate to reclaim it and during one such outing you encounter the sun personified. With his and his similarly celestially inspired family, will you finally reach your goal or will you lose yourself along the way?
HUGE shout out to @marwhoa for doing sensitivity reading!
Also available on Ao3
First 💛 Previous
“Okay, so we knocked a ton of likely places out: The apartment. All the roads to it. That dumpling house they always order from. The outdoor coffee shop with the cute little plaza-“
“Where else? Where else?! We don’t have time!” Mikey launched himself toward the next building.
“We literally only have time!” Leo chased him. “You’re stuck with me. Meaning, I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen!”
“Leo! Later! Literally any other time! I’m all ears or whatever Donnie always says we have, but not right now!”
“You weren’t ever going to tell Y/N?”
Mikey tripped over a ledge and somersaulted straight into an air conditioning unit.
Leo’s face appeared, nonplussed by the accident, and peered in through the opening of Mikey’s shell as an omnipresent knowing eye. “Ever?”
Mikey wished he could say no one was home, but he knew the moonlight would give away his gaze. “Leo, we-!“
“The others are all looking too. Take 10, chef.”
Coming up from his favorite nickname, Mikey pouted.
“Talk to me, hermano”
“It’s-!” Mikey opened his mouth to whine, but nothing came out. Hopeless, he sank back into his body, but his chin caught on the top edge of his plastron to keep from a full retreat. “There’s something wrong with me, Lee.”
Leo took a seat. “How’s that?”
“It’s like…” Guilt not only threatened to swallow him whole, but it also took his words. 
This was supposed to be his. 
He was going to keep these feelings locked away until he had time to deal with them. 
It was different, he told himself. 
Different than when his brothers tried to forget or compartmentalize. 
Mikey knew something was wrong. 
He acknowledged it near daily since meeting you. 
He also knew that sometimes someone needed the proper tools to deal with emotions. 
He needed information and he meant to look it up. 
He was planning to do so. 
He had forgotten.
He felt like a child. 
How many times had he made the distinction that he wasn’t the same as his brothers? 
He wasn’t a color to be mixed up. 
Feeling small, Mikey was struck with a memory of how Splinter had taught him how to give a formal apology. 
Placing his hands to the roof, he assumed a dogeza in hopes the appeal would reach his conscience. “How I feel… doesn’t feel like how you talk about your crushes. Or how Donnie does. Or Raph… Or Dad.. Or Barry! O-or anyone! It’s wrong. I’m wrong. I’m scared, Leo. That’s why I wasn’t going to bring it up! I don’t… It wasn’t supposed to go away! What if Y/N hates me? What will I do then?! What if I never see Y/N again!?”
“Hey, hey…! Woah there, bud…” Leo put his hand on Mikey’s carapace and rubbed; it was a circle Mikey had known since they were tots. “Slow down. How about we tackle one thing at a time? Think you can describe those feelings? Maybe let somebody else be the judge if they’re wrong or not?”
Mikey stared into the pebbled surface of the roof. “I… feel… nothing…? But I know I should. Like Y/N smiles and I feel like I should get this big warmth in my chest. It’s the kind of feeling that you get when there’s fireworks or a flower blooming or… metaphors! But… the feeling comes and I know I like it. It makes me feel good. To see Y/N happy. Oh man, Leo, you should have seen Y/N the first time I did. Y/N was… so scared… And-and I had this urge, like this, this was meant to be. I felt that! I felt that ‘at first sight’ feeling! Like, I can do this! This person needs me and I can be their person and I was! At least, I thought… I was. I eased in! I didn’t push because like, yeah, who am I to decide that? I always gave Y/N an out! Always! But then… that was it! Like I love you guys and I know that in my heart, but this is different, and then I look at Y/N and I feel… not that, a different thing, but it’s not not that. It’s like a step below how I feel for you guys and that’s not right because I know I feel more, or I think I feel more or…? I want… to… feel… more…?” In a warm drip, he felt the safe, non-threatening sort of tears dribble down his cheeks.
He rubbed a few of them away before checking on Leo.
His brother had open concern twisted on his features. 
Mikey agreed.
This was a mess.
Now he’d forced his brother into the mix. 
His whole family was sure to come next.
How many people were going to be struck by the fall out?
Donnie had a point.
Mikey never fully considered the repercussions of his actions.
He never did.
Wracked with more sobs, Mikey willed for what felt like the thousandth time that this confusion would end.  
“Ah! Don’t do that!” Leo rushed to scoop up Mikey’s shell and hold his little brother close. “Shit, Mike, that wasn’t me thinking you were wrong! You’re not broken. You’re not wrong. I’m sorry. That look was for me. I was upset I never noticed. I should have realized something was up. I saw you wigging out about your new sweetheart, but I figured you were excited. I was thinking, ‘boy, look at him, finally got his crush on. You go little bro!’ when I should have seen how you were forcing yourself. I should have…”
Mikey shook his head so violently it smacked Leo’s chin a few times.
The slider leaned away, but kept his hold.
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing.” Leo returned to stare Mikey down.
“Then why… isn’t my heart working!?”
“Okay, first off.” Leo jammed a finger into Mikey’s pectoral scutes. “It is. You’re literally made of turtles, love, and sunshine. Your ticker is ticking a way in there. I’m no expert, but I don’t think this is a working, not working kinda thing, Mike.”
“How is that possible? There’s only the two options.” A few fat plump tears dripped down Mikey’s face and onto Leo’s shirt.
Leo made a face before digging into his side pouch and producing tissues. “We’ll figure this out. I think April would be a good person to start with, but first-“
“Y/N!” Mikey screeched, scrambled off of Leo, and headed to the roof’s edge where he looked out like a skipper on a boat. “Stupid, stupid! Why do I always forget?!”
Leo sighed. “Quit it with that degradation talk. A certain Dr. Feelings gets pretty pissy when I do it.”
“That’s different.” It really was. 
“Yeah, right!” Leo walked over and gently tapped his brother on the back of the head. “I’m here, you know that, right?”
“I know, Leo.” Mikey sent his brother an honest look.
Leo took it with a lopsided smile. “So… that pretty plaza was totally the next thing on the list, eh?”
“No!! We were just there, the next is-!” Mikey growled, knowing full well that Leo had goaded him on purpose.
“Y/N is alright. They’ve been deposited at their apartment.” Donnie’s voice crackled on the communicator.
“I’m going.” Mikey changed direction with a pivot of his foot.
“Uh, you sure?” Leo readied, clearly prepared for either a chase or interception.
“They’re tired Mikey. Let Y/N sleep it off and you two can have your talk on a date of both your choosing.” Donnie’s voice warbled with static.
“And why is it-!?” Mikey roared, spinning around and hating there wasn’t a specific place he could send his anger. “-that you know that?! Why were you with Y/N!? Why did you go to Y/N’s apartment?! What did you do?! Your tests!??!”
Leo loosely grabbed Mikey’s shoulders for a firm grip of solidarity. “Donnie, I can only hold him back so long. You gotta answer at least one of those. Mike’s earned it and you said, point blank, you were going to your lab. So, how is it that you ended up going to where they live? What’s the real haps?”
Donnie sighed. “I’m en route. Can you wait a few more moments?”
“How long?” Mikey was itching to get out of there.
He could see you.
He could fix this.
Tears brought clarity.
It was science Donnie had taught him.
“Now.” Voice cross fading into existence, Donnie flew in and walked into his landing.
He was too casual.
Mikey went through old training, focusing on each of his muscle groups in an attempt to keep from attacking.
Lashing out wasn’t reasonable.
Not yet.
Running into battle with pizzazz and no forethought was the stuff of teenagers.
“I know how this looks.” Donnie raised his hands. “I did lie. I went after Y/N while you all were trying to calm Mikey down.”
Leo threw his hands up both to release Mikey and to do a frustrated lap.
Years had taught the youngest of another route.
Now freed, Mikey let betrayal leak onto his face.
A low blow, he watched it strike Donnie.
The guilt displayed there was the only reason Mikey didn’t pounce. “What did you do?”
Wilting, Donnie lowered his hands along with his head. “I didn’t go after Y/N for… what I imagine you think is the usual reason is. I needed a clarification on something said. I didn’t pursue in peace; I tracked Y/N down for knowledge.”
Taking the information in with waves of warped features, Mikey gave an exhale with what felt like the last of his breath. “Where did you find Y/N?”
“The exit by 19th.”
Indignity flared without mysticism this time.
Mikey had burned up enough energy for one day.
The slight was still palpable.
It tried to trigger a response from his taxed powers.
On reserves, nothing manifested besides the usual toxic emotions.  
That was your exit.
That was the first place he looked. 
The one this person who supposedly hated you found you first.
Right there.
That meant you were right there.
Right where he’d stormed past thinking of all other places you could go.
Mikey missed it.
He’d missed you. 
Through the silence, Mikey heard the guilt pile on through Donnie’s hesitation.
It was enough to make him think he’d spare a little mystic fire.
As a treat.
Mikey could almost hear Donnie’s teeth whine around his grimace “You didn’t miss Y/N by accident. We both heard you come through. I… may have hid Y/N away via the camouflage tarp. You know? The one I’d been testing from those mutant chameleon scales we picked up?”
“Why would you-!?” Mikey took a step forward and thought Leo might stop him.
No hands moved.
It was odd enough that it gave Mikey pause to search for his blue brother. 
Just off to the side, he found the slider glowering at the ground with a furrowed brow ridge.
Mikey best guess was Leo was berating himself for missing two things in one night. 
The lot of them weren’t just off their usual games, they were acting in each other’s roles. 
“Did Y/N ask you to?” Mikey found himself needing to be the level headed one with Leo supposedly out of commission.
“Not verbally.”
“Not-!” It was too much, but Mikey pressed. “Why then?” 
“I hadn’t gotten my response. I knew the moment you got your hands on Y/N, I would never have the chance. I needed… I needed to know.” Donnie’s eyes closed and he slumped the smallest bit. 
Mikey took satisfaction in that. 
Any comeuppance was immediately offset by further guilt. 
Being mad at Donnie wasn’t going to get him closer to you. 
Donnie clearly knew he was in the wrong. 
Mikey would interrogate him later. 
He’d find out what his purple brother was hiding. 
He disliked how you both had information he wasn’t aware of. 
The rot of not knowing twisted inside of him.
It merged with the image of your shredded face.
This wasn’t Donnie’s fault.
Or Leo’s.
It was his. “I… broke Y/N’s trust.”
“I… don’t think it’s so simple.” Donnie shuffled, uncomfortable with the whole matter.  
“It’s not.” Leo stepped in verbally, but kept his distance.
Donnie perked up, catching the nuisance there. “What are you talking about? Did something else happen?”
“We need to talk to April.” Leo noted with a leader’s authority that said it was time to rendezvous.
Long used to the chain of command, Donnie animated to summon the rest of the team via the comm.
Tapping the waves, the others rallied with minor complaints.
They wanted and deserved explanations which sent Mikey wallowing into a corner.
Casey’s voice cracked the line and demanded to know why her hunt was called off.  
It took Leo growling out a stern, “Return to base,” for the others to quiet.  
It was the Hamato way to be messy.
They got the job done with individuality.
Mikey heard Donnie approach him.
It was too soon. 
Mikey didn’t look as he took off.
He never glanced behind him once. 
All the way to the living room.
The space was quiet and the move sat on a pause screen. Mikey walked toward the projector before looking out at the chaos he had wrought. It dotted the space and everything was turned over save his dad’s chair. Sitting in it was Splinter, fast asleep. If this were any other night, Mikey would have approached his dad to ask why he’d been late to movie night.
He’d be up soon enough.
The others clambered in and the head Hamato was immediately roused. Leo helped field their dad who was frustrated that he was left out of the loop. Arguments ensued and Mikey was thankful as it gave him additional time to process. He needed the moment and knew he wouldn’t have long before he’d be the one under scrutiny. Whether it was from the many explanations everyone was due or this supposed lecture he was supposed to get from expert April, Mikey needed to make sure he would be able to accept all that was about to occur. 
He might have had more time if Donnie wasn’t poking holes in his thoughts with his gaze alone.
A minute was all he needed.
Something that no one in this family seemed to want to give.
When April arrived, it was with a commotion that alone made her worthy of the Hamato crest. Even while restraining a foaming at the mouth Casey, April had the wherewithal to take in the room’s quieter occupants. Only slightly less of a tactician’s mind than Leo, April screamed for Sunita. The slime yokai wasn’t far off and bounced up, sticky fingers ready. Casey sensed she was about to be carted away and prepared to fight the decision until April released her. Confused by the freedom, Casey spun around only for April to fold her arms and say that she was proud. Suspicious to a fault, Casey warily took the bait as to why and April continued on praising Casey for how excited she was to discuss feelings as they were about to. 
With a deadpan, Casey searched the room and, with one glance at Mikey’s crestfallen face, she knew.
Throwing her head back as if she hadn’t just been in a screeching headlock, she asked Sunita to hang out somewhere away from where the weaklings would cry together.
With a whisper to April, Sunita agreed and Mikey saw Casey throw up a concerned a call me hand sign to April before the pair exited.
The momentary lap in silence revealed Leo whispering in a hushed conversation with his dad.
The others looked on expectantly and Splinter rose under the attention. “I will return for the recap!”
He hopped out of his chair and headed for the kitchen.
Now four brothers and one honorary sister, April address the group. “So… How about that crush, huh Mikey?”
“That’s…!” Raph jumped at the chance to dispel the heavy air. “That’s good! Right, big man?” He turned to Mikey, twitchy. “I mean it’s not… good, good considering… that Y/N sort of… Uhhhh…”
“April, I’m broken.” Mikey cut through and decided he was as ready as he’d ever be.
“Mikey, you’re not-“ Leo rolled his head with minor irritation.
Donnie blinked between parties trying to piece together what he had missed.
“Broken? Whatcya mean?” April steered toward the youngest.
“Something’s wrong. I told Leo. Something’s not right. Do you think my mystic energy could be getting in the way? Drax was telling me that my channels are unbalanced or something, but he always says that to get me back on my training. I know he’s worried, he just-“
April placed her hands on both his shoulders and gave him one single shake. “How about we focus on one thing at a time? Like how I don’t even know what you think is wrong?”
“Right!” Mikey chirped, always glad for her straight to the point attitude.
He’d modeled himself after her in that way.
“What’s wrong?” She patted him, but held firm. “Something with your crush?”  
“Yeah!” That was another thing he liked, she always understood. That was probably why she’d been able to get so close to Donnie. “It’s not right. I know I have feelings for Y/N, but my channels are all gummed up… Oh!!! The emotions aren’t flowing right! That’s it! Yup! It’s just like my ninpo! That’s gotta be it! I think I figured it out! What do you think, Leo?!”
Mikey turned to find Leo giving the twice the grimace he had earlier.
Instead of apologizing, Leo turned away with a sweaty laugh.
“That’s… one option.” April gave her own nervous nod. “Mind if I hear Leo’s interpretation too?”
“Uh… sure…” Mikey was sure he cracked it.
Leo had a particular gift when it came to hunches though.
“Let’s hear it.” April released Mikey to fold her arms in a neutral way.
“You’re getting the second telling of the night.” Leo wiped his brow and flicked back his mask. “The first time Mikey explained it was something like he feels like the feelings should be there, but they aren’t.”
“They aren’t…?” April’s eyes shot up to consider the details given before she returned to Mikey. “You also said you were broken.”
Mikey nodded.
“He compared his crush to ours. What he’s seen all of us do. Even Barry which is like, ew right? How do you even know about that?!” Leo stuck his tongue out.
The two silent brothers twitched at their footnotes.  
Another flicker of her pupil, April clicked her tongue. “Damn, would that make this your first one…? Wait, is that right??”
Mikey was caught.
He’d gotten away with not having to deal with this conversation for years. 
The rest of his family was painfully dramatic when it came to their relationship statuses and he was often relegated as the calm one of the bunch. 
His annoying youngest label had also been a benefit as he seemingly wasn’t considered old enough. 
He supposed that was one of the few perks. 
“First we’ve known.” Raph offered.
For April, that wasn’t good enough. “Mikey?”
“The… first… yeah…” Mikey drew out, feeling painfully self conscious.
He hadn’t meant to get to 28 without a crush.
He’d tried.
More than once.
There was that cute yokai girl at this favorite ink stand in the hidden city.
The barista who always drew him the cutest doodles on his disposable cups.
That Brooklyn boy who moonlighted as a vigilante of his own.
That psych major with the dimples.
There were even more than that.
Fleeting instances where he swore feelings would catch.
The wick in his chest was only waiting to be lit.
He could manifest fire with barely a thought, but it was the one place he couldn’t make it occur.
It was a hollow feeling, but he didn’t feel empty.
The candle was there.
Stationary and not making him feel less.
And yet it refused to serve its purpose.
What was the point?
“Mikey…” April patted his head like she used to do when he was a kid.
It was the third time tonight he was taken back to his past.
How long was he going to keep being a kid about everything?
Something warm and wet hit his hand and when he went to look, he found tears falling again.
Only salt and water, he wiped his cheeks to find more of them.
How long would he keep crying about this?
“I’m sorry…” She murmured and he pushed into her hand so she’d pet him harder. “You’re okay. You’re not broken.”
“How do you know? I know you got your bat and you’ve picked up spells, but can you see my mystic energy channels!?” Mikey huffed through his fractured emotions.
“I can’t. What I can see is how upset this is making you and I want to help, but I’m gonna need to know more.”
“Like what?! What else is there?! I told you! I’m wrong! Like the ooze skipped a step in making me! My emotions are messed up!”
“Shh…” She pulled him into a hug and continued to stroke his head. “What’s wrong with the way you feel? You care about Y/N right?”
He nodded furiously, knowing he was rubbing snot into her shirt.
She didn’t care. “How is that wrong?”
“It’s not enough. When-” He hiccupped. “When Leo first met that bunny, it was palpable. The affection radiated off of him in waves. When Donnie first saw Atomic Lass, he was so young! His eyes lit up like he was looking at one of his inventions! When that waitress hit on Raph, he became a blubbering mess, but you could tell she was all he thought about for weeks after! I’m not… I’m not like any of them.”
“Because you’re you.” April pushed him to a comfortable arm’s length away so she could view him. “What’s that thing you said about replicas?”
Mikey couldn’t help but smile.
He loved how April remembered that.
“That there is no true replica for a moment.”
It was a fact he’d learned in practice. 
There was no way to recapture an instant. 
It didn’t matter the medium used. 
You could only create an ode to it. 
It was only possible to inspire the feeling. 
Cooking was an art.
Painting was an art.
They were called Mystic Arts.
Martial Arts.
They were creative expressions and the experience of life itself.
“No two people feel romance the same, they also don’t have to feel it at all.” She explained.
Mikey felt every muscle in his body drop.
Thankful for April’s strength and the hours she’d put in at the gym solely to beat Casey at arm wrestling, she was the only thing keeping him upright.
“Romance…?” He quacked, the sound splitting him.
April only gave the barest nod, encouraging whatever was happening.
Was it an epiphany?
He wasn’t so sure.
It was more like he finally saw the candle for what it was.
The wick was real for sure.
Only the entire thing was electric.
It never needed to be lit.
It held a light all his own.
“Different types of love…” Mikey mumbled. “Family, friends…” He gave a half laugh. “Romance?” He checked in with April.
She watched on, patiently.
Leo snorted.
April preemptively shushed him.
Leo wrapped a hand around his mouth and shook his head.
This was Leo’s hunch then.
“This seems… kinda obvious?” Raph asked openly.
Donnie backhanded his older brother’s plastron and gave him a look that said ‘don’t.’
Donnie knew then too.
At least someone was on his side.  
That was why Raphie was his favorite.
Raph was also still different from him.
That burning flame in his big brother’s chest had to be a torch.
It had guided them all for so long.
It would go on to be nurtured by someone else.
“Oh… Oh no…” Mikey made a disgusted face. “Does that mean…?”
He had to spin around.
To see all their faces and the different understandings.
Romance was always equated with sex.
He wasn’t sure if he was repulsed by it, but it had been such a thing.
Donnie had been the first of them to find his urges on that front.
Mikey thought he was too young, but it apparently varied.
Splinter had completely whiffed the birds and bees talk and made it into a family ordeal much to everyone’s horror.
Except Mikey.
He watched the others squirm and couldn’t figure out why.
Sure, the content was gross, but it was just a talk.
It had felt like he was removed.
Donnie, meanwhile, was mortified.
The others were ready to pounce on him for instigating the topic. 
He had tried to dig down and bury himself during which had spurned on further conversation about holes.
The talk which was repeated three separate times for each awakening was never one that resonated with Mikey.
All the shame and worry that the others had didn’t struck Mikey in the same way.
When he’d asked dad, as soon as the others ran away to their respective rooms, Splinter had simply said it was because he wasn’t ready.
He was too young.
Someday soon though, it would come.  
But only age did.
Outside of crushes, puberty hit a house with four teen boys in it.
Changing bodies and hormone horrors.
More shame, more hiding, more and different talks, but still.
Mikey didn’t understand.
There were rushes.
Things he’d wake up too.
His body would do things, but he’d shake it off.
A quick shower and the tide would calm.
He tested, of course.
He’d heard his brothers complain about the aftermath in whispers.
How it was worth it, but at what cost.
The price of admission wasn't worth it, let alone an exit fee.
It hadn’t felt like anything in particular.
A sort of empty pleasure that seemed like a waste.
He didn’t bother and eventually his body evened out.
He waited for the others to join him in passivity.
They only needed to let it pass and, in a way, it did.
It also never left them.  
From then on, they’d talk about it and when they did, he wanted to roll his eyes.
So much effort.
So messy.
Throwing other people into the mix.
For what?
You got the same if not more pleasure from eating a perfectly balanced dish.
You might as well cook.
Or better yet, you could feel the sense of accomplishment that came with seeing the work of art you’d been painting for months come to fruition. 
Oftentimes it never matched your mind's image, but instead became something better.  
That was priceless.
Every second was worth it.
You worked towards something.
Something that could be similarly intangible, but who could argue with those results?
That was what irritated him.
It was so easy for him to live without sex being a thing.
The others were boring.
How could you have a one track mind about something like that?
Blinking wide, Mikey turned to April.
“Don’t… don’t tell me they’re connected?”
Why hadn’t he realized?
In that department, he never thought he was broken.
He’d simply thought the others were addled.
Their sex drives were choked up to their emotional constipations.
He had refused to be Doctor Sex-Ed.
“They’re not.” April offered, quiet as if still not wanting to intrude.
“What?” Mikey needed her to say it.
“Sex and romance.” April responded quick and to the point.
Raph let out a drawled syllable and this time both Leo and Donnie punched the larger turtle’s chest.
“They’re… but I don’t…?”
“There’s labels…” She pulled out her phone.
“We’re not into labels.” Mikey responded automatically as he stared at her fingers tacking over the screen.
Human hands fascinated him.
They were his favorite to draw.
So delicate in comparison to theirs.
April held out her phone for him to see and on the screen were horizontal bars in turtle colors and monochromatics.
Resisting reading it aloud, he took the device and flipped through the entry.
This was the flagged representation of aromanticism. 
Romanticism was just as much a spectrum as sexuality. 
There was more. 
There were enormous blocks of text and details. 
He didn’t have time.
Or at least, that’s what the latent rush of his mind said.
He had meant to run to you.
It now seemed like his time would be of better use elsewhere.
 “You don’t have to use a label, but sometimes they help. Like for research.” She shrugged.
“You…” Mikey looked around the faces in the room. “You guys can go. I need to… think about this…”
Donnie nodded first, walking off before Leo patted Raph’s carapace strategically. “Come on Big Red, how about I clear this up for you?”
“Yeah, please.” Raph glanced over to Mikey and hesitated. “You sure? You don’t seem good…”
“I can’t go through the explanation again… And I really don’t want to hear it from Leo.” Mikey gave a deadened stare before flicking his gaze to his blue brother. “No offense.”
“None taken.” Leo tipped his head with a grin. “I already said I wasn’t the expert, that’s why I brought her in.” He snapped toward April and she returned the finger gun before Leo led Raph out.
Now alone with his sister, Mikey held her phone out while simultaneously searching for his own. “Why does Leo keep saying you’ll know?”
“When Leo realized he wasn’t all that straight, he sort of had a crisis.”
Mikey blinked wide. 
As far as he knew, Leo had owned his sexuality. 
All he could remember was Leo’s extravagant coming out which had included a very exact number of unicorns. “Wait, wha-?”
“He was kinda worried about what you guys would think, but mostly he was worried about Splints. Splints doesn’t… come from the best culture for that kind of thing and Leo needed to get out of the lair to talk about it, just in case.”
“I…” Mikey’s gaze dropped, halfway through typing out ‘aromantic’ into his search bar. “I didn’t know he was struggling back then… I- I wasn’t there I-“
“Nope, none of that.” April clapped his arm. “One, it’s in the past and two, it’s like that sometimes. No matter how much your family loves and understands, sometimes you gotta go outside the unit. It’s like being in your own head. You gotta get out.”
“You are family.” Mikey reminded her, knowing full well April had doubted her place through the years.
“You know what I mean.” She flicked his forehead.
He fell back dramatically for the sake of it.
She smirked above him before offering a hand and hoisting him up.
She really could have knocked him off his feet with a finger if she wanted.
“Anyway, back then we had a long talk about it. We had a sleepover, another talk, lunch, another talk. Leo’s pretty damn stubborn. He talked himself in so many circles it was like, boy how did you not know you already weren’t straight?!” She laughed big and loud.
Mikey smiled.
“Anyway, unlike you who needs to come to these conclusions on his own, Leo is the kind of guy that needs to be validated. So I told him about how I realized I was demi.”
“Wait, what do you mean conclusions?” Mikey pouted.
April tilted her head and arched a brow that said it was obvious. “Mikey, seriously? You’re stubborn as hell. If anyone told you how you feel about something, you would purposefully stop just because you were told.”
Mikey pursed his lips until it puckered his whole mouth. “Do not!”
“You’re literally doing it right now.” She pointed with an ace in the hole.
Like his mind was blown, his jaw dropped before he grumbled it away. “Okay maybe…” he had to bite down to keep from saying that he still wasn’t totally sure, but that in and of itself cinched the truth for him. “What’s demi then?”
“I… I mighta thought I was aro for a bit.” She gestured to his phone and he finished up that typing in the search. “You already know I couldn’t connect with my peers. I was always more interested in a scoop or busting baddies than kissing. I felt… like I’d never be part of anything…”
Mikey inhaled sharply, ready to tackle this self consciousness, but April held her hand out to stop him.
“My past, I’m good now.”
Mikey nodded and lowered his guard.
“But then I got to know Casey. Seeing how she was the same. How she also couldn’t fit in with her peers, crappy or not.” She sent Mikey a brow wiggle.
Mikey chuckled.
“We were both outsiders and total enemies to lovers.” April mused wistfully. “I remember the first time I felt it. It was years after she’d turned over her new leaf. We were out camping, the proper one that Splints finally got going.”
Mikey knew the one.
“All those stars and I thought ‘damn someone put them in her eyes.’” April softened at the memory. “I kissed her right then and the sparks…” She shook her head.
“Then… can’t… I be like that? I just need to know Y/N longer and...!”
“Well…” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “You might not. Just because it happened for me, doesn’t mean it’ll happen for you. Remember, we’re all different here. Everyone is. There’s no right way. There’s no wrong one either.”
Mikey slumped and stared as that flag that was populating his search.
If it wasn’t green he thought maybe he could hate it.
That was a lie, all colors had their place.
Blinking at that thought, he walked over and headbutted April’s arm. “Thank you April… This… I needed this.”
“Yeah, you take some time. Whatever you need. You need to talk more, you call me, kay?” She bumped him right back.
“Is there anyone I’m not in debt too?” He mused dryly before heading towards his room. It was there he curled up with his phone and mentally willed himself to engage. It took several re-readings, but eventually the text started to take. Soon, Mikey was exploring every internet resource possible until the glowing starry stick-ons that he covered his ceiling with stared back at his bloodshot eyes. “Aroace, huh?”
💛 NEXT 💛
Beta bus round up for my everlasting gratitude toward @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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