#120-day manual
Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and UC telephone fraud
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▲ Ken Sudo
To whom it may concern:
I, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for 13 months.
When I completed toy 120-day training session at Barrytown, New York, I was given a manual which included the lectures that Mr. Ken Sudo, the head of Barrytown, had given in this 120-day session, I, as well as each graduate of that session, was told to guard that manual with my life, not to show it to even another Unification Church member. We were strongly cautioned that the press and the police would not understand it.
When I was rescued from this cult, I was home a week before my parents brought in a deprogrammer. In this period I kept this manual in a locked suitcase and had told my parents that the suitcase contained winter clothing. I lived in fear that someone might see this and was trying to decide on a safe place to hide it.
When I was deprogrammed and could see that I had been deceived by this so-called “Church”, I brought out this manual for my deprogrammer and my parents to see.
Since then I have had many nightmares in which the cult was trying to kill me for having brought this manual out of the cult and having shown it to others.
My parents in a recent trip to Washington, D.C. gave a copy of this manual to the Justice Department, in the hope that it will encourage them to investigate this cult, I believe this manual to be an excellent example of the "brainwashing" or "mind-control" techniques used by this Unification Church cult.
I have never known such terror as I did the moment I came to the realization that I could not control my own mind, that I had been given a new pattern of thinking.
Janis F.
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 1
To whom it may concern:
Our daughter, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for thirteen months. We rescued her from this cult in August 1975.
In January 1976, a Mrs. Gardiner who is a collector for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Houston, Texas, called our home trying to locate our daughter, Janis. We inquired as to what her purpose was. She then informed us that Janis had an overdue telephone account in Houston. We assured her there must be a mistake as Janis had never lived in Houston, Mrs. Gardiner said the Unification Church had opened an account in Janis’ name; so she contacted the Yonkers, N.Y., office and a Kevin McCarthy gave her Janis’ home phone number.
Since Janis was totally unaware that such an account had been opened and had never given anyone permission to charge calls to her, Mrs. Gardiner has since written a letter exonerating her from this liability.
Mrs. Gardiner did inform us that this was the way the Unification seems to operate—they open telephone accounts in the name of members with telephone accounts in good standing. This was not the first such experience the telephone company had had with the Unification Church.
We requested that the telephone company write us a letter stating this but, because of having nothing written, no signatures, they would not as they did not want to become liable for a suit from the Unification Church. Their records would be open for investigation only under order of a subpoena—should any government agency decide to look into such matters.
We feel that this constitutes a conspiracy to commit fraud or theft and that it also constitutes slander or defamation of character against our daughter.
J. F. R. F., Lt. Col. (Ret.)
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7 Secret 1975 marriage, shaking and vomiting
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8 Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
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realised the reason my heart issues freak me out is partly because unlike any of my pain it’s harder to just deal with it or find ways around it and also it could be a lot more dangerous than most of my other day to day medical stuff and also it was one of my cancer symptoms
#we brought down my medication dose and im still having issues#we could bring it down again but my doctor wants it high to decrease any chance of recurrence which is slightly higher for me#i haven’t had any caffeine amounts other than a little bit of chocolate since 10 am this morning#maybe im just tired or overtired or whatever but if i stand up im immediately tachycardic#it’s. like ive never fainted or anything but im recording higher and higher heart rates in response to exertion that shouldn’t be producing#that at all. like i took it manually so maybe i was wrong but i went up a slight hill and some stairs that usually leave me around 120-125#not great but whatever. and i also used to be a runner so i make sure to control my breathing so that doesn’t have a big effects#this week? went to class up that hill and those stairs. sat down. took my pulse. i recorded 148 bpm#i live in a single room and stuff and im a little nervous about this potentially getting worse#plus like. im usually chill abt my cancer bc all they had to do was whip my thyroid out and that’s been it and it hadn’t been an#easy process per se but it wasn’t as intense as it could have been and im very lucky#but there is a chance of recurrence and treatment decisions were less ‘what will make it less likely the cancer returns’ and more ‘which#cancer chances do i wanna take’#it was between radiation induced bone or breast cancer vs recurrence of my cancer (comes back most often as bone or lung)#and i. would not like to have to deal with that el oh el#im mostly fine it’s just been an off day and simply standing and getting an average bpm of 108 (the thing i use averages it out) is weird#not to mention showering was hellish bc I could feel my heart pounding#vent tw#cancer tw
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Web Event "Savoring the Breeze" Now Online: Take Part to Obtain Primogems and Other In-Game Rewards
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>> Click to Take Part in Event <<
Come make some drinks and enjoy the gentle breeze~
〓Event Duration〓
April 29, 2024 – May 6, 2024 23:59 (UTC+8)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.
Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.
〓Event Description〓
During the event, you can log in to Genshin Impact daily, claim Daily Commission Rewards, consume Original Resin, and complete other missions to obtain Inspiration. Inspiration can be used to create various drinks with different recipes based on customers' preferences. Accumulate positive ratings from customers to obtain Primogems and other rewards.
〓Obtain Inspiration〓
You can obtain Inspiration through the following methods:
1. Complete the following actions in Genshin Impact every day, including: log into Genshin Impact every day, consume 40 Original Resin daily, etc.
2. Complete the following actions on the website, such as: logging into the web event daily, etc.
3. Daily missions refresh daily at 04:00 (Server Time).
*Inspiration need to be collected manually in the event page. Inspiration that have not been collected will also be reset when daily quests are refreshed the next day. So, remember to collect them!
*If Travelers try to visit the event at around 04:00 (Server Time), which is when the daily missions refresh, they may encounter a brief network error. Please refresh the page if you encounter this error.
〓Making Drinks〓
1. After obtaining Inspiration, you can check the hints given by different customers at the trailer and try to figure out the correct recipe based on the hints. Each drink requires three ingredients, one each from the Base, Adjunct, and Flavoring areas.
2. Some customers come with a special ingredient, and while making their requested drinks, you must add the corresponding special ingredient.
3. Drag the completed drink to the customer to receive feedback on whether the recipe is correct. If the recipe is correct, 10 Inspiration will be deducted, and you'll receive 1 positive rating from said customer. If the recipe is incorrect, the customer will provide a more detailed hint! (No Inspiration will be deducted at this point.)
4. There is no limit to the supply of ingredients. You can try making different drinks as many times as you want.
5. Unlocked recipes can be found in the "Drinks Menu" of the archive.
*If you exit in the middle of the making process, the progress of the drink currently being made will not be saved.
〓Event Rewards〓
Rewards for Making the Correct Drinks
After accumulating 2, 7, 12, 19, and 24 positive ratings, you can collect the corresponding rewards. The rewards include: Primogems ×120, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10, Hero's Wit ×10, and Mora ×70,000.
*The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.
*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 months
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Xisumavoid Aka Ih-Soo-Mah Shaahwambam
CR 20 C XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Angelkin) Bloodrager12(Celestial Bloodline) Draconic Disciple(Void)8 NG Medium humanoid (Aasimar) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +36 AC 40 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection, +10 natural, +11 armor, +1 Intuition) Touch 19 Flat-footed 37 HP 210 (20d12+120) Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +24 Speed 30 ft
Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+34 2D4+16 Critical 17-20x2, Spells. Ranged Returning javelins+22 1D6+12, Spells
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Electric), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Heal. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Greater blood rage (+4 Str Con +2 Will saves), Blood sanctuary, Bloodcasting, Improved uncanny dodge, Damage reduction 2/-, Fast movement, Eschew materials, Dragon bite 1D6 Piercing+1D6 cold, Blood of dragons, Natural armor increase +5, Ability boot(STR+4 CON+2 INT+2), Breath weapon 3/day(Con of cold 30ft 8D6 DC23), Blindsense 30ft, Dragon form 1/day.
Bloodline powers Bonus feats (Dodge, Improved initiative, Iron will, Cleave, Blind fight, Power attack) Bonus spells: Bless, Resist energy.
Spellcasting CL 18th, DC19
4th (4/day)-dragon’s breath, telekinetic charge, stoneskin, monstrous physique II, Ghost wolf.
3rd (4/day)-haste, heroism, draconic reservoir, Force punch, chain of perdition, resinous skin.
2nd (5/day)-mirror image, molten orb, see invisibility, glitterdust, blood armor, ablative barrier. 1st (7/day)-jump, mount, shield, thunder stomp, magic missile, burning hands.
Str 32, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 28
Base Atk +18; CMB +28; CMD 32
Feats Strong personality, Craft wondrous magic items, Improved sunder, Spell penetration, Greater spell penetration, Improved critical, Weapon focus(Falchion), Raging vitality, Angelic blood, Quicken spell-like ability(Dragon form).
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb+15, Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Escape artist+13, Diplomacy+13, Fly+11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (Arcana)+10, (Geography)+24 (The planes)+10 (Nature)+5, Perception +26, Perform(Cord)+13, Profession(Composer)+11, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15.
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater cold resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+5, 2 Returning javelins+1, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Geography), Sandals of quick reaction, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Haste, Wands(Blink, Enlarge person), Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Masterwork guitar, Bloodrager kit, 508GP.
Xisumaviod Aka Ik-soo-mah the Ender caller.
CR 20 XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Ember-kin, Fallen one) Oracle(Void)20
CE Medium humanoid Init +5; Senses Perception +38
AC 33, touch 17, flat-footed 32 (+1Dex, +5Deflection, +5 natural, +11armor, +1intuition) HP 141 (20d8+48)
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +28
Speed 30 ft. Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+26 1D10+11. Ranged Distance light crossbow+18 1d8+2 +1D8 Cold.
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Fire), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Spellcraft, Lost promise. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Curse: Tongues, Mystery: Void, Revelations: Absence of body, DR15/force, Armor fo the void 20 hours/day, Body of the void 20 minutes/day, Commune with the void, Creature of the void, Summon the void, Stare into the abyss,Touch of the void, Visions of the void, Wisdom of the void), Final revelation, Bonus spells: Chill heart, Darkness, Ray of exhaustion, Curse of magic negation, Passwall, Gateway, Banishment, Maze, Overwhelming presence.
Spellcasting CL20 DC21 Spells per day 9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7 Spells known: 9-Miracle, Portal, Implosion. 8-Earthquake, Cloak of chaos, Greater planar ally. 7-Scrying(greater), Resurrection, Blasphemy.
6-Word of recall, Heal, Blade barrier. 5-Planar shift, Break enchantment, Flame strike, True seeing. 4-Summon master IV, Freedom of movement, Divine power, Inflict critical wounds. 3-Water breathing, Cure serious wounds, Protection from energy, Dispel magic. 2-Restoration(lesser), Cure moderate wounds, Find traps, Sonic blast, Hold person.
1-Cure light wounds, Shield of faith, Bless water, Sanctuary, Divine favor. 0-Detect magic, Create water, Read magic, Purify food and drink, Mending, Light, Detect poison, Virtue, Guidance.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 32
Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD +22
Feats Craft wondrous items, Improved initiative, Divine interference, Extra revelations(4), Weapon proficiency(Scythe), Strong personality, Quicken metamagic.
Skills Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Intimidate +13, Heal+10, Knowledge (Arcana)+24, (History)+5 (The planes)+24 (Religion)+5, Disable device+24, Perception +28, Perform(Cord)+15, Profession(Composer)+10, Sense motive+10, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15, Use magic device +24.
Languages Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic, Aklo.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater electric resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+5, Distance light crossbow+1, 50+1 Frost bolts, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Planes), Slippers of cloudwalking, Glyphbane gloves, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Gaseous form, Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Scrolls(Cloak of chaos, Reverse gravity, Orb of  the void, Blood mist), Masterwork guitar, Oracle kit, 87GP. 
Background: Xisuma lives in a faraway land famous for the various buildings that defies possibility and his hermits that build them. While it is true that he is one of them, Xisuma is not only a music composer but also an admin/steward figure of the place, ensuring both the stability and functioning logistics of the land between the various hermits. Xisuma however, has a secret: for some reason he has a connection with the Void hence, his full name Xisumavoid. Although people do not bring up his full name often, Xisuma always feels the strange call and stares at the vast sky of the Overworld or the endless depth of the End. While there was no exchange of words, he always felt something or someone calling for him, pulling, inching forward from the dark depths but he could never reply or understand, until one day he was overseeing the land from a vantage point and saw some kind of light on the horizon engulfing the world. The land was disappearing. Xisuma panicked for a moment, but then he heard a call: “My chosen. To stop this advent embrace me. I shall give you the power to save the land. Look upon me.” Xisuma looked around but saw no one, until he looked up and saw IT. His two eyes reflected his being into two and cast the now divided Xisuma in two beings in another land. Separated, the two heard again the voice: “Upon you i now bestow my powers and a prophecy:”
Swift as the wind the ground rumbles
Burn the bubble when they stumbles
With blazing storms forward they dash
Cold hearts engraved in ash
One light and secrets will be hushed
Four shadows always clashed
Ring the bell falls the hammer
Sparks dance under the burnt banner
Clad in white we slowly fade
For in twilight’s hour we were remade
“When the prophecy is resolved, come find me. And you will return to your land untainted.” The two Xisuma were separated, one in the Overworld, the other in the End but they both knew what had to be done and no one would stand in their way.
(Image made with Heroforge.)
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mcyt-drabble-exchange · 5 months
MCYT Drabble Exchange: Overview and Rules
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Do you like writing? Do you like Minecraft youtubers? Do you, perhaps, like writing about Minecraft youtubers? Well, we do too! Only problem is, we often stay up late wagging our fists at a half-finished document, cursing the fact that writing is hard, life is busy and there's just not enough time in the day to sit down and make a good fic. Well, if you’re looking for a quick little block people centered writing challenge, then boy, do we have just the mini-event for you!
Welcome everyone to the 2024 (first ever!) MCYT Drabble Exchange!
TIMELINE: May 6th - sign ups open May 17th - sign ups close May 24th - all assignments sent May 25-26th - posting period May 26th 11:59pm BST - posting period ends [What time is it for me?] May 27th-June 2nd - treating week
SIGN UPS: [closed]
RULES: 1. As per Tumblr and AO3 TOS, you must be over 13 to participate. 2. You agree to create a work of exactly 100 words by the given deadline, or contact a mod on Tumblr for your giftee to be reassigned. 3. You agree to abide by your giftee’s DNW. 4. Your work must focus on at least one requested character, but can include non requested characters. 5. All works must be MCYT-centric. 6. This is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed. This applies to sexual content as well as extreme (e-rated) gore. 7. Make your gift in good faith - something that you think your giftee would like. 8. All violent/dark/triggering topics must be tagged appropriately. 9. No AI generated content.
POSTING: You can post your work to Tumblr or AO3, we don’t mind either! We do however require you make a Tumblr post tagging both this blog and your giftee. We have an AO3 Collection! Works posted to the collection might take a while to show up, so please don’t panic if you don't see yours! They need to be manually accepted.
So, what is a drabble?  A drabble is a written work made up of exactly 100 words. Typically viewed as a challenge, drabbles are often meant to test a writer’s skill in brevity, seeing how efficiently they can communicate emotions or ideas through such tight restrictions. For this event, we are using this unique format to bring the joy of MCYT into the world! Think, how would a lighthearted interaction between Tubbo and Tommy play out? How many insults could Grian hurl at Jimmy? How much emotion can you squeeze out of QSMP Jaiden if you’ve only got her in your little writer hands for 100 words? For this event, we encourage you to be creative, try some new things, and most importantly, have fun!   (To get a feel of what you’re working with, keep in mind that the previous paragraph has a word count of 120, twenty words over your limit!)
Are violent/triggering topics allowed? As MCYT content can often include violence, character death, murder games, and other such themes, we do allow them. However those are opt-in - if your giftee hasn’t asked for it, then don’t write it. If you do end up writing about these topics, make sure to tag appropriately! 
What if I can’t finish on time? Contact us on this blog as soon as possible! A pinch hit will be sent out, and your giftee will be reassigned. If you do endup requesting a pinch hit, you will still get your own gift!
How will the matches be made? After the sign ups are done, the event mods will match everyone to ensure everyone gets to write what they signed up for! Once matches are made, you will receive your assignment via Tumblr DMs.
Can I make more than one gift? Of course! As long as it complies with your giftee’s requests you’re welcome to write as many drabbles as your heart desires!
I have a different question? Send us an ask or a DM!
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Hello there! What are the pros and cons of using naginatas as a weapon specifically? Is it fairly similar to the ones for lots of other polearms? Or is it it's own unique thing? (Trying to get an accurate idea of how it would feel to use one in combat for some writing I want to do.)
Firmly encourage people to maintain social distancing.
Slice people you haven't even met yet.
Slice people riding horses or standing on low roofs.
Add ribbons and streamers as fashion accessories.
Easy to carry.
Can always find one at the right length for you.
Better leverage for your blade than if it had been mounted of a katana.
Never need to explain that you're overcompensating for something.
Amazing looking duels with fellow naginata users.
You can use it on horseback.
Try to impress the Onna-musha.
A little bit claustrophobic.
Not great in a mosh pit.
Doesn't like going indoors.
Not good against people who refuse to social distance.
No one will respect you for being a samurai, and may still make fun of you.
Still a delicate razor blade.
Fail to impress the Onna-musha, they know all your moves, are probably better at them than you, and are more interested in making jokes about the length of your shaft.
So, the naginata is basically the blade of a katana mounted on the end of a long shaft. This doesn't make it inherently bad. But it does inherit some of the weakness of a sword, combined with the range of a polearm. That said, keeping them intact is quite doable, you just need to be careful about how you strike.
As mentioned above, and as with almost all polearms, it shines in situations where you can keep enemies at range, and becomes a lot less appealing if you can't keep them off of you. This means it works really well in phalanx-style applications. As with all (or, almost all polearms), it has serious value as an anti-cavalry weapon, letting you dispatch riders.
As for it being its own unique thing, yes and no. It is a different kind of polearm, and you can probably some surviving manuals on exactly how to use them. And there is a modern martial art based on the original form. However, I don't know how much of the original Naginatajitsu martial art has been lost. As far as I know, there were at least a few decades between the, “death,” of the martial art in 1868, and it's revival sometime after 1889. Also, when it was revived, it was as a physical fitness regimen, and not as a martial art. That's enough time, to lose a lot of the technical detail, and meant that if it was preserved, it was done so quietly, which increases the risk of elements being lost.
As polearms go, the naginata is pretty light, ranging from about 3 to 8lbs. (Specifically 1.5 – 3.5kg.) Which does make it a bit more agile than you'd expect from a polearm. It's not clear how much of the flourishes you'll see from modern martial artists were actually part of the original martial art or just spectacle, but you can get some solid movement out of them. And even in its day it the weapon's agility was noteworthy. (Though, to be fully honest, I'm not sure how much of that was in the contemporary literature, and how much is from modern analysis. I do suffer from not being able to read the primary sources in this case.)
Naginatas were a very egalitarian weapon, used by the samurai, monks, peasant footsoldiers, and the Onna-musha (women warriors.) That last category has become one of its more enduring cultural associations. In fact the physical fitness revival was specifically targeted as exercise for young girls. (This is part of why the weight range is so wide, as there's a massive variance in shaft length. Anywhere from 4 to 8 feet in length. (Specifically 120-240cm.)) As a polearm, that's kinda short, but the blade itself adds another 85-100cm. This puts the total length at between 6'8” and 11'2”. And, yeah, a three meter polearm is not a joke. Even if there is an unusual amount of blade on the end of that shaft. It's part of why the naginata is immediately distinguishable from other polearms of similar sizes.
The short answer would be that it is a specific weapon, with its own identity. Some of that is a function of physics and some is cultural.
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chershire23 · 2 months
Another Prime?
The sun bared down on the rocks and cliffs that made up the deserts surrounding the small town of Jasper Nevada. Most would stay inside on a hot summer day like this but that can’t be said for three young teens as they are chased by a 120 ton robot wanting to kill and/or torcher them. Raf, Jack and Miko quickly duck into a small indent in the middle of the cliffs making it seem like they ran down the narrow corridor. “Oh, younglings, don't you ever learn that you can’t hide from me?” the screechy voice of Starscream taunts them as he bends down to peer into the corridor. The children huddle together, their breaths hitching as Starscream's clawed digits grasp closely to where they hide.
“Come out, come out wherever you are.” He teases digging his claws into the rock. Now you may be wondering how they all got into this situation, well let's rewind to a few hours earlier. 
(Earlier that day)
The kids had just been picked up that morning by their respective guardians Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead and brought to base for the day. “So what's on the activities list today? Dune bashing? Band practice? Oh! How about we go out and kick some Decepticon tailpipe!” Miko, the ever hyperactive one exclaims as she jumps around excitedly. “I don't know Miko. I was kinda hoping for a quite relaxing day.” Bulkhead, Miko’s guardian and friend, chuckles as he looks down at her.
“I am afraid that will not be possible today, Bulkhead.” the baritone voice of Optimus sounds out and everyone turns towards him as he walks towards him. Every step the mighty prime takes makes the ground shake and vibrate, sending shocks through the spines of the kids. Yet despite how big and strong he is, Optimus was extremely gentle when it came to their young human companions. “What's going on?” Raf, the youngest of the three humans, asks fidgeting slightly where he stood. It was then Ratchet walked out with a data pad in hand. “It would appear that a cybertronian escape pod crash landed a few miles from here not too long ago. I couldn't tell if it was Autobot or Decepticon, but if it is one of our own, we would like to get to them before the cons do.” he says looking through the data pad and setting it up so that he could manually operate the groundbridge through it. 
“Do we all have to go?” Bumblebee, Raf’s guardian, questions not wanting to leave his little charge and friend alone just yet. After all, he wanted to play the new racing game Raf had gotten yesterday. He also didn't want to deal with the cons today. “I'm afraid we will need all hands for this one Bumblebee.” Optimus says with some sympathy for the young scout. Bumblebee lets out a groan before walking over to the groundbridge to await departure. Miko then opens her mouth to excitedly ask something. “Don’t even think about it, missy.” Arcee, Jack's guardian says, stopping Miko from even asking to come along.  Miko pouts and folds her arms causing all bots in the room to chuckle at her antics.
“No time to say farewell, don't touch anything in the medbay or near my station and don't burn the base down. We will be back in a few hours.” Ratchet says, giving a pointed look to Miko. She just rolls her eyes at him. They start up the ground bridge and all the bots leave through it leaving the kids alone in the base. Jack, the oldest of the group, starts to speak. “Hey Miko wanna play, and she’s gone. Raf!” “Already on it, Jack.” Raf says opening his laptop and connecting it to the goundbridge controls. After getting the ground bridge back up both boys walk up to it. “We take our eyes off her for one minute, one!” Jack complains as they walk through.
After walking through they arrive at their new destination. Surrounded by red rock and stone, they continue on looking for any signs of Miko. After about 30 minutes of walking, they find her hiding behind a rock, watching the bots as they approach a giant escape pod. “Miko!” Jack hisses in a whisper, making the girl jump as she turns to face him and Raf. “You guys are just in time, they just got to the pod.” Miko says, ignoring the fact that Jack is red with anger and poor Raf is practically shaking in his shoes. Miko then starts sprinting towards the bots ignoring Jack and Raf in favor of gaining the bots attention. “So who’s our new teammate?” She asks, causing all the bots to quickly turn around, spotting her and the boys. “Miko! Ugh, you are so grounded when I get you back to base.” Bulkhead snaps, narrowing his eyes at the troublemaker. 
Miko only scoffs and rolls her eyes while mumbling about him being a buzzkill and how he can't ground her. Arcee and Bumblebee then pin their own charges with glares. “Before you say anything, we are only here to take Miko back to base.” Jack says whilst pinning Miko with a glare of his own. “Me and Bee will take them home, Prime.” Arcee sighs, turning to face Optimus, who was looking at the children with a very disappointed stare. “Aw, leaving already? But everyone just got here.” The raspy voice of Starscream calls out as he and about a dozen Vehicons walk up to them from around a corner.
The Autobots all draw their weapons and step forward, as to keep the kids behind them away from the Cons. Starscream just smirks as his subordinates draw their own weapons and take aim at the Bots. There is a tense atmosphere surrounding them before Starscream quickly brings up one of his arms, flexes his fingers and fires a missile towards the Autobots. The bots dodge, causing it to crash into the side of a cliff making rocks and dust go flying. Thus the battle commences. The children run around the battlefield, trying to avoid getting stepped on or crushed by flying boulders and body parts. 
They manage to escape the area of danger and start to run through the canyon maze. They didn't go unnoticed though as Starscream, having seen them escape, manages to slip out of the battle and chases after the children. The kids run as fast as they can, but are stopped when Raf trips over a small rock, causing his glasses to go flying. Miko and Jack quickly run back to help him up. “My glasses! Where’d they go?!” Raf exclaims his hand searching wildly on the ground for his lost glasses. “Oh, you lost your glasses? Well why don't I help you?” They all quickly look up to see Starscream staring at them with a cruel look in his eyes. This prompted Jack to quickly scoop his younger friend up into his arms as he and Miko took off in a sprint.
Starscream chuckled darkly knowing thoroughly he was going to enjoy the dangerous game of cat and mouse that had started. He walks after them slowly wanting to give them a head start. After all, it's never fun if a game ends before it can fully begin.
 As he turns a corner the frame then focuses on a pair of glasses that, despite the harsh landing they received are in good condition. Suddenly two giant silver metal finger gently pick them up. The glasses were raised up in front of two cyan blue optics the focus in on the metal and glass spectacles before narrowing in the direction the Decepticon commander had gone after the humans.
(Present time)
Starscream's claws reached for the children horrifyingly slow. When suddenly he lets out a girlish yep and his hand abruptly leaves the corridor. The sound of metal hitting metal and Starscreams yells and please where all they heard for a moment before the sound of transforming is heard before a jet engine starts up and gets farther and farther away. The kids slowly and cautiously come out of their hiding spot. Jack and Miko look around while Raf holds onto their hands for guidance. They take a few steps out before a strange sound could be heard from the left of them. “Hey there, Little ones. Man, they do not prepare you for how cute you human younglings are up close!” The cybertronian says before bringing his servo up to his denta and biting down to prevent himself from squealing.
This bot was not familiar to the kids by any means. While they could see his coloring was a mix of red, yellow and orange he was so caked in dust and scorch marks that they couldn’t even see an insignia to identify what fraction he was playing on. The fact that he was also only speaking cybertronian was not helping. Miko and Jack look at each other before hesitantly take a step back and guiding Raf with them. “Hey, no lets not run Imma nice guy, come on I can take you guys back home and we can all get to know each other.” He reaches out to them and that was the wrong move to make as the kids then bolt. They try to go down the narrow corridor but are blocked as the bot slams his hand down in front of the entrance effectively blocking them from going that way. That didn't deter them though as they quickly turned and ran further into the canyon.
“Oh come on!” they hear the bot roar out in frustration behind them as he scrambles to get up and chase after them. He didn't want to hurt them, no, quite the opposite, in fact he just wanted to get them out of here as his sensors detected more con activity heading in their direction. The kids run till they eventually run into a dead end. They gasp in fear looking for any way to get out of this dangerous situation. “Why for such small beings are you guys so fast? I almost lost you all on that last turn, we don't want that now do we? Well you might, I don't.” The bot says mostly to himself as he gets down on his knees to better spread himself out as to prevent the kids from trying to run again. 
That didn't seem to deter Miko though as she dragged Jack who was carrying Raf behind her as she tried to help them in making one more escape. The bot quickly caught onto them as with every turn the kids made to escape one of his hands would slam down in front of them. The kids give up seeing they have no way to escape as they back into the stone wall of the canyon's end. “Primus, how can I help you younglings know I'm not gonna hurt you?” He questions before freezing when an idea popped into his head after noticing the smallest human was constantly squinting. 
Opening his subspace he fishes out the tiny pair of glasses from inside before slowly and gently holding them out in front of Jack and Raf whilst Miko glares at him from her spot beside them. “Raf, he had your glasses.” Jack gasps out as he gingerly reaches out to take them back for the young boy. After Raf puts back on his glasses he Looks up at the bot seeing that they are a mech. Jumping out of Jack's arms he cautiously approached him. “Can you understand us?” He asks but that only causes the mech to tilt his head with a confused smile. “Why can't he understand us? The bots can understand and talk to us just fine, same with the cons. Bulkhead has even responded to me in Japanese when I complain in Japanese.” Miko questions with a hand on her hip.
“He must’ve obtained an injury in the crash preventing his internal translator from working. Ratchet told me all cybertronians have it, it allows them to access the native languages of the planet they're on.” Raf explains looking at his friends. They all sat and discussed how they were going to go about communicating with this bot as he has no way of understanding them, or them him. “Why don’t we just show him some of the pics i have of the bots and use charades to tell him we want to get back to them. I swear if you try touching my hair one more time!” Miko suggests before swatting away the giant finger that has continuously been trying to pet her hair for the last several minutes.
“That’s actually a really good Idea Miko.” Jack says, looking towards her. “Hey, just because I don't like school doesn’t mean I'm stupid.” She sasses him. She then pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through her photos trying to find a good one of Optimus as he was the most well known autobot on earth due to his status as prime. After a minute of scrolling she finally found one that completely showed from his chest up and it wasn’t blurry. She shows it to their new friend and potential ally. “Ok, we,” She gestures to herself and the boys, “are trying to get back to this big guy, Optimus prime.” She talks slowly, hoping that it would help the bot grasp onto what she wanted.
The bot leans forward, his eyes narrowing as he focuses in on the tiny screen. “Hey, he was who I was sent here to find! You guys know him? That's amazing and makes my job a lot easier.” He excitedly exclaims and despite not understanding him the kids knew from his reaction that he was an autobot and that he could be trusted. “Well if you guys know the big OP then you all probably want to get back to him huh? Well let's not waste any more time so hop on!” He holds out his hands and the kids even though very hesitant crawl into his grasp.
Once the children had gotten situated in his palms he slowly and steadily rises to his full height, careful not to jostle his tiny passengers. “You guys are so soft and squishy, do you know that? And so light too. Is that normal for all humans or just you guys?” He gushes over them really wishing his translator would work so he could praise them in their own language. After a while of walking his sensors pick up five Autobot life signals heading straight towards him. Speeding up his walk a bit he shifts the kids all to one servo cupping them gently in it so that they wouldn’t fall out. After turning a corner he is greeted with a blaster to the face. “Hey, hey! Lets turn off the friendly fire huh?” He exclaims raising his free hand above his head.
“Arcee, stand down. I believe our new friend here is an ally.” Optimus commands and Arcee reluctantly lowers her blaster still glaring at the bot holding onto their human friends. “I'll explain who I am later because not only do we have Decepticons inbound i also would like to get my translator fixed so the humans can understand me and you guys don’t have to translate everything.” Optimus nods and they all bridge back to base where Ratchet leads their new ally into the med bay to fix him up.
Two hours later the new bot had been completely fixed up and the first thing he did after getting his translator working was scoop up the kids hugging them to his chassis all while telling them how adorable and squishy they are. “Friend, if you don't mind, would you now tell us who you are?” Optimus politely requests. “Oh yeah right I guess we should get that out of the way but umm, my name is Rodimus Prime.” He says rubbing the back of his neck as a chaotic flurry of denial and questions ensues.
(DUN DUN DUN! Cliffhanger baby! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I want to thank @callsign-relic and @weirdofox12 for helping me with Ideas and editing!)
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solarmorrigan · 8 months
So Blood pressure (BP) is 2 numbers because it's measuring two different pressures. The top number is systolic and it's the pressure in your ateries when your heart is actively beating. The diastolic number is the bottom one and it's the pressure when your heart is at rest. Typically if they're doing it manually (with a stethoscope in their ears vs an automatic machine) they pump it till they hear the first sound (systolic #) and release until the hear the last sound (diastolic #).
Used to be the standard BP was 120/80. These days they consider that to be a little higher than they'd like too. As in, that's more pressure in your ateries than they'd like but not a number to be alarmed by and typically they dont treat at this level. So typically if they don't act concerned and it's above that number they have probably decided it's due to "white coat syndrome" aka being nervous at a doctors office. Especially if you don't have any other conditions related to your heart.
You can buy a home machine that goes on the wrist for around $20 I think (if you buy a wrist one rest your wrist against your chest at heart level when taking it). Ideally you should be "at rest" for at least 5min before taking the assessment. So like when you go to the doctor and they have you sit and then immediately take your BP it's going to be higher because you weren't at rest
Anyway, you can buy one and take daily readings to keep track of it and bring to your doc like hey its been this high for this long I think I need some medication.
If your systolic goes above 180 OR diastolic above 120 you need to go to the hospital.
Anon, I'm gonna get this tattooed on my forearm so I can use it as a cheat sheet the next time I go to the doctor
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hananoami · 29 days
Zayne's Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 130 Clear + VOD
Continuing our 130 post clear write ups, Zayne and I cleared his Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 130 on July 23rd! This time I have footage of my team set up and stat attributes included in the clear vod. Unlike his Stage 120 clear (which still traumatizes me to this day) we were able to clear this in one shot! Most likely due to the fact I heavily invested a ridiculous amount of time and resources into his team build for the 120 clear...
Stage 130 is a red orbit which requires 2 teams. Team 01's Protofield Stellactrum is 5-Sapphire and 1-Amber. Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum is 5-Ruby and 1-Pearl.
By having a ’perfect match’ with the Protofield Stellactrum you will receive additional attribute bonuses (for every color you match increase DMG boost 5.0% and DMG reduction 5.0% up to 30.0%), as well as the ability to shatter two protofield shields in a single strike. For this stage I opted to match the colors for each team. The bonuses of having a perfect match was more optimal rather than me trying to brute force it.
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As previously mentioned we were able to one shot this stage! I'll treat his 120 clear as both a curse and blessing in disguise if it meant making my life easier in the long run for later deepspace trials... Maybe, I don't know yet. It was pretty stressful/traumatic.
I've learned from previous fights that MC kinda has mochi for brains and does not like to use her stacks that she gains from using her basic attack, which is why I usually manually play when using Foreseer. For the first half of the fight I used her charged attack anytime I had stacks readily available. They are so useful for AoE damage.
For the second half of the fight it was a breeze with Master of Fate. His play style and kit is fast pace (to the point of spamming abilities), but I actually really enjoy it. For someone who doesn't particularly enjoy melee classes it's fun being able to weave in Spiritual Sword and Sacred Rainfall's Piercing Rain after using Zayne's Resonance Skill, Orchid Metamorphosis. I also find it hilarious MC says "wack it on the head" in English VA every time we use Master's support skill, Return Unto Oblivion.
The wanderer locked its HP around 75% on the last HP bar, but you're still able to do some damage to it. Just don't be like me and panic press buttons. In order to maximize the damage output I would suggest waiting until the lock disappears before using your resonance skill. Luckily, time was on my side so I got away with it.
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Companion: Zayne’s Foreseer [ Defend | DMG | AoE ] Weapon: Everlasting Song (staff) [ Support | AoE | Heal ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 106 (Zayne’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3xxx || DEF xx || ATK xxx ] Pair Bonus [ FS ] -- Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. When fighting together with Foreseer, your Active Skill DMG is increased by 25%. -- Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When you and Foreseer are granted with Wards of Curses, team DMG will be increased by 12%. -- Duo Rank 2: increase Energy Charge cap by 1. When unleashing Resonance Skill, Foreseer gains 1 stack of Divine Prayer, and your DMG is increased by 10%, lasting
5☆ FOREVER SEALED (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ PROMISE EVERLASTING (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 2 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ HEARTS WITHIN REACH (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ BUSINESS TRIP (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80/awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ SNOWY SERENITY (sapphire/lunar) Lv 70 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
4☆ FLEETING SWEETNESS (amber/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
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Companion: Zayne’s Master of Fate [ DPS | Burst | Sustained ] Weapon: Sacred Rainfall [ DPS | Burst | Single-target ] Attribute Bonus For each matched stellactrum, increases DMG Boost 5.0% (currently increased: 30.0%) and DMG Reduction 5.0% (currently increased 30.0%). ♡ Affinity Bonus: 106 (Zayne’s Protective Skill) When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 38xx || DEF xx || ATK xxx ] Pair Bonus [ SF ] -- Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces DMG taken by 8%. When the enemy is in [Shattered Jade] state, reduces its DEF by 10%. -- Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When fighting alongside Master of Fate, the enemy’s weakened state is extended by 2 seconds. Each time an enemy in weakened state is hit, the damage it sustains increases by 0.5%, up to a maximum of 10%. -- Duo Rank 2: increases Energy Charge cap by 1. When [Jadesunder] is triggered, restores a small amount of Energy Charge. -- Duo Rank 3: increase team DMG by 8%. Increases DMG of [Jadesunder] by 100%. When [Orchid Metamorphosis] is replaced by [Piercing Rain], there’s one more attempt of using [Piercing Rain] hitting an enemy. The cooldown reduction can be triggered once when unleashing [Piercing Rain].
5☆ SNOWFALL ENCOUNTER (ruby/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ SNOWFALL EMBRACE (ruby/solar) Lv 80/ awakened rank 3 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ EXCLUSIVE TUTORIAL (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ MEDICAL RESCUE (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ DRUNKEN INTIMACY (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 using xx SSR protocores
5☆ GENTLE TWILIGHT (pearl/lunar) Lv 60 rank 1 using xx SSR protocores
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signal boosting: @hunters-association
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3264: Charjabug (Unbroken Bonds)
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Charjabug wasn't something to use on its own. It was multiple Energy in a single attachment that also didn't count as your Energy for the turn, which was really strong. The catch? You were only able to attach to Vikavolt cards, so you were limited to what you could do with it. Could you chain Stage 2 Pokemon and dish out really high damage turn after turn? That was the question that had to be answered for this to have any chance of success.
Charjabug had 80 HP, a Fighting Weakness, Metal Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 3. You would almost never care about any of this unless you had to manually evolve into a fifth Vikavolt at some point. While possible, Charjabug just wasn't surviving much of anything in those moments.
Battery was a really impressive Ability that was simply locked onto working with 1 other Pokemon. Once during your turn, you could attach Charjabug from your hand to 1 of your Vikavolt or Vikavolt-GX as a Special Energy card. It provided 2 Lightning Energy while attached, and did not count as your attachment for the turn. The goal here was to use the Vikavolt from the set and try to repeatedly get 220 damage off, though if something was lower on HP you could do 120 without discarding. Lure Ball and Rescue Stretcher could help recover Charjabug, and Electropower could help take down a big Pokemon in a pinch. It seemed really, really powerful, but it was hard to routinely set it up, with Charjabug itself being the easy part as just being an attachment.
Pierce did a terrible 60 damage for 3 Colorless Energy. You'd never use it.
Charjabug was a staple in a single gimmick deck. Said gimmick, when it worked, could actually be hard for some decks to deal with, but anything that could knock things out really early or could withstand attacks long enough to run the deck out of Rare Candies tended to win. With Lure Ball being such a big way to recover Charjabug, it was also almost locked into the SUM-On format. It was a silly deck that could let you fire big attacks over and over when it worked, but wasn't much more than that due to all the moving parts and limited chances at evolving to work with.
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thirdtofifth · 2 years
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Gray Linnorm Huge dragon, chaotic evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 276 (24d12 + 120) Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft., swim 30 ft. Str 24, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 15 Saving Throws Str +13, Con +11, Wis +9 Skills Perception +9 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 Languages Abyssal, Draconic Challenge 20 (25000 XP) Magic Resistance. The linnorm has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the linnorm fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Innate Spellcasting. The gray linnorm's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17). The gray linnorm can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic 3/day each: contagion, meld into stone, wind walk Actions Multiattack. The linnorm makes four attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, and one with its tail. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10+7) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) slashing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or take 49 (11d8) poison damage. Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6). The linnorm exhales acid in either a 60-foot cone, or a 120-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 66 (12d10) acid damage, and any nonmagical armor worn by the creature is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and its armor isn't affected.
These creatures share some ancestry with dragons, but lack wings and rear legs. None have been born in years, so any individuals remaining are positively ancient by the standards of humanity. They are cunning creatures who wait to attack until they have the advantage. They love to claim large swathes of land, lairing in a cave at the highest point in the land, so as to be able to look over as much of their domain as possible. Though they are the smallest linnorms, gray linnorms are the most aggressive, tending to forgo tactics for aggressive attacks and liberal use of their breath weapon.
Originally from the Monster Manual II.
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luneshallshine · 2 years
✂ instructions unclear. (3) | android!san
ღ instructions unclear. (did you mean, "fall in love" ?)
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july 10th, 2122
while walking home from work one day, you stumble upon an android from the world up-top, a world you were sure you would never be able to experience. once he opens his eyes, you become his master.
f!reader, fluff, minor angst, learning to love, detroit become human and ff7 references, attempts at humor, this chapter contains more horror implements
ღ word count: 2.1k
ღ taglist : @layzfeelit @ihatemynewbangs @fireheaurt @acciocriativity @lynnsqueendom @moni-cah @hwaightme
ღ a/n: i just noticed i hit over 120 followers, ;-;; tysm for the support ! san talks a lot in this chapter too also, i'm so sorry for the lack of replying to your comments n reposts, still new to this tumblr thing so i don't know how to reply properly ;-;;
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choi san ...
model #007 ...
status: OPERATIONAL ...
loading ...
y/n's walking in front of me, she smells of alcohol and light coffee beans, i can hear "jongho" packing up his stuff and "wooyoung" thanking him for coming. by the way that y/n looked at me, my condition must appear disheveled.
y/n turns around and grabs my hand, i try and focus on her heartbeat, it's slightly quicker than usual.
"are you nervous master?" i ask, watching her expression morph into something surprised.
"nervous? no i'm confused and worried, san. you ran off and came back with your clothes tattered and i just noticed a scratch on your arm! san when we get home, you have to tell me what happened."
she's holding both of my hands earnestly, her voice laced with concern, her eyes are looking at mine, she looks.. so beautiful.
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san waited for you to settle down and well as to finish sewing his clothes back together. it was a nice shirt and some old jeans you had laying around that he was wearing, and being the cheapskate you were, you were determined to fix it. as the needle went through the fabric, san thought it was time to explain everything to you.
"i saw my brother, master," san spoke, "he was trying to get me to return to "our master" as he put it."
"your brother? you have one? i didn't know robots could have family," you commented, still focused on repairing his clothing, "so he attacked you?"
"he was trying to weaken me enough so he could drag me back up there," san explained, "during that fight, his hand collided with mine, and i had a surge of memories come back."
"want to tell me about it?"
"i was created in the year 2118, on october 24th. my creator was a woman, though i blank on her name, and she also created my brother then. his name was..
kang yeosang."
san's led briefly turned yellow, which you learned represented distress or a conflict in his system.
"she created us in a dark basement, and tried to hide the world from us, she would use us for some.. unsavory purposes. mainly manual labor, and at night when she was done for the day, me and yeosang would be shoved into a dark closet. unlike yeosang, i was gifted more freedom. i would be the one who would go outside to buy groceries and was the one introduced to various media. yeosang was the one she experimented on, every week she'd try a new program or change his appearance at whim, i could barely recognize him when i saw him. she changed him, and gave him a new program made to combat mine."
san rambled for a long time, telling you of the memories he had with yeosang. he and yeosang sounded like they had truly bonded at some point in time, but san couldn't remember as to why he woke up in the slums that night.
"what about CYBERLYFE? did your creator work there?"
"yes, she was one of the lead engineers, but me and yeosang were her most advanced creations, she kept calling us her precious little things. compared to the other androids, we were more human, both physically and mentally, according to her."
"what was she like?"
"... i guess you could call her "crazy", she was weirdly obsessed with appearances and strength, hence her constant experimenting on yeosang."
a pit in your stomach made you want to ask: "do you want to go back to her?", but you stopped yourself. his expression when remembering yeosang was not pleasant.
"that's enough san, thank you for telling me. come on, let's go to sleep, i'm tired," you said, watching as his led turned back to blue.
you grabbed his hand, his being a lot softer than your rough ones, him following you diligently. as you walked into your room, san's arms suddenly wrapped around your waist.
"don't send me away, please master. i'll be good for you," san whispered, his body pressed against your back.
"you're already perfect san, don't worry. let's go to bed."
you walked towards your bed, hopping in, and noticed that san wasn't leaving the room. usually he would close the door behind him and begin tidying up whatever he could, but he seemed extra hesitant on leaving.
"san? what's wrong?" you asked, sitting up on your bed.
san's led ring turned yellow, looking caught off guard.
"yeosang knows about you. he told me he would never hurt you, but he attacked me, and we're brothers.. i.. i don't want you out of my sight. it is my duty to protect you," san said, sternly.
"i see. that's ... understandable. here, you can come and lay in my bed with me," you offered, watching as san hesitated for a split second before walking calmly towards your bed.
despite the bed being a bit small, you scoot over and make enough room for the two of you. san tucked himself under the covers, first laying on his back, before turning towards you.
"..i can't sleep without holding something, which was usually yeosang, i was too embarrassed to tell you, and so i haven't bothered sleeping ever since i met you. sleeping recharges my vitals, but i can last a while without it. s-so what i'm saying is, can i h-hold you? master?" san rambled, not meeting your eyes.
you found yourself replying without any real hesitation, you were too tired to really care, but you couldn't ignore the voice in the back of your head as san cradled your body in his arms.
doesn't he seem too human?
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you and san walk towards the restaurant, he seemed weirdly excited to begin working. san still did not tell you how the encounter ended, but given that he was fully functional when he returned, you're guessing he either won or it was a draw.
"today is the day when kara comes to eat lunch with alice, i'm glad you get to meet them san!" you said, trying to ignore it and move on.
you still needed to make ends meet, but now you had to account for san's wellbeing as well. you couldn't stop working just because you have a target on your back, if you died, at least you wouldn't have to work anymore.
you made it to seventh heaven, seeing wooyoung just about finishing up opening.
"y/n! oh thank goodness, you're safe!" he yelled, running towards you and hugging you.
san watches with careful eyes as wooyoung cradles you in his arms, an uneasy feeling settled into san's stomach. as wooyoung released you, san swooped right back to your side.
"thank you for protecting y/n, wooyoung, i appreciate it. really."
wooyoung smiled as san bowed to him, you watched the scene and you were glad wooyoung was comfortable around san, knowing how jealous he got when you made new friends. he would never tell you, but wooyoung would feel lonely whenever you would go and play with anyone else.
"i would protect y/n with my life, we made that promise a long time ago."
san's eyes narrowed, smiling softly.
"i'm so glad," he replied.
you two waved goodbye to wooyoung, promising to come back for a drink that night. san looked as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"i like wooyoung," san said, "he cares for you."
"me too san, me and wooyoung have been by each other's side for a long time. we did a blood oath years ago, with one of wooyoung's old friends, but i can't remember his name. it was so long ago and that friend soon moved away. in the slums, you live life like it's your last everyday. have you ever heard of carpe diem?"
"yes, i'm guessing that you follow that ideal?"
"precisely, i want to live life passionately until my body stops working, when i can work, i'm as good as dead."
when the two of you made it to the restaurant, you and him walked in to see yunho and seonghwa yelling at each other in a furious manner.
"how could you let that happen?!" yunho yelled, a wave of anger you had never seen before.
"it's not my job to babysit that fucker, he's your best friend isn't he?! how was i supposed to know he'd get lost?! not to mention, hongjoong's also been missing, he's MY best friend, i don't have the capacity to worry about yours!" seonghwa yelled right back, neither showcasing any desire to back down.
"what's going on here?! customers are going to trickle in at any moment, you two better kill this right now or else i'm kicking you out," you spoke up, san close behind.
yunho and seonghwa looked at you in surprise.
"we can talk about this after work, but not when you're on the clock. come on now."
seonghwa and yunho let out short breaths, both tired from the constant shouting. they looked at each other, a silent truce agreed upon before yunho went into the kitchen area to gain some space.
you and san finished getting ready, you told san to go out front and have seonghwa help him, as you went to go ask yunho what happened.
"yunho, what happened? you're crying," you asked, watching as he let his salty tears fall onto the cutting board; forgotten lemons to the side.
"y-you remember mingi? he and i have been friends as long as you and wooyoung have, w-well he went missing last night when me and seonghwa were out drinking with him. he gets lost easily and i was in the bathroom, i told hwa to watch him and before i knew it; he was gone," yunho bit back a wave of tears, "i don't want to blame seonghwa, because he was as drunk as me, but then i saw him this morning and i got angry."
"once you two go on your lunch break, you two will talk it out. okay? i'll see if me and san can help," you said, watching as yunho's eyes ran over your face to see if you were lying.
when he decided you weren't, he embraced you tightly, soft sobs coming from the usually happy man.
"thank you, i just.. i just want him back," yunho said, you gave him a soft acknowledgment in the form of a back pat.
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choi san ...
model #007 ...
status: OPERATIONAL ...
loading ...
seonghwa is furiously scrubbing down the counters, there's approximately fifteen minutes and thirty-four seconds until opening. he turns around and sees me standing there, he sighs and bites back a smile as he asks me what i need.
"what.. what happened?" i ask, watching as his brows furrowed like an angry bird.
"why do i feel like i can tell you.. you're just some stranger..," he started, before inhaling, "yunho's best friend song mingi went missing last night when we were at a club, and yunho misunderstood what happened. i was drunk, so were the two of them, and when yunho went to the bathroom; mingi wandered off. when i tried to find him again, no one in the building was sober enough to remember if they saw mingi. i tried san, i really did!"
"you should tell him what you just told me, when the two of you have calmed down, he'll understand," i replied, seeing doubt on his face.
"how do you know that?" he asked, his voice breaking at the end.
"... i listened to his conversation with y/n, he's not mad at you. he just wants to know that mingi is safe," i confessed, sheepishly scratching the back of my neck.
twelve minutes.
"you mentioned hongjoong, when did he go missing?"
"... a week ago. that's why i was on edge when you first came here, i'm sorry about that as well," seonghwa says, i shake my head to comfort him, "he and i have been friends for only a few years but i treasure him deeply. he went missing when he was coming home from his studio and i have felt so guilty ever since. he wanted me to walk with him that night.. i should've....!"
seonghwa starts to softly tear up and i find myself hugging the older man, his equally tall body curls into mine, and i'm reminded of yeosang.
yeosang, are you well? i'm sorry for hurting you, but i know there's something up with you. if you show up, i know we can find mingi and hongjoong.
y/n exits the kitchen and smiles at the scene she sees, i find myself wanting to "blush" as she walks over, a fondness in her smile.
"you did good san, come on, let's reunite these two rascals."
i find myself following her, i want to make the people she loves happy. i want to, i.. want?
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i wanted to try out having san's pov, and finally all of the teezers have been mentioned at least once! a lot of lore was dropped in this chapter, i'm quite happy with it :)
ღ lune
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Web Event "A Little Stroll Backstage" Now Online: Take Part to Obtain Primogems and Other In-Game Rewards
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>> Click to Take Part in Event <<
Films are a medium for our very own, exclusive travel memories~
Come create some scenes of your own!
〓Event Duration〓
December 27, 2023 – January 2, 2024 23:59 (UTC+8)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.
Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 20 or above can participate in this event.
〓Event Description〓
During the event, you can log in to Genshin Impact daily, claim Commission Rewards, consume Original Resin, and complete other missions to obtain Film. Film can be used to unlock different filming stages, which can be accessed to set up themed scenes. Finish designing different scenes for filming to obtain Primogems and other rewards.
〓Obtain Film〓
1. You'll be able to unlock 1 filming stage for every 400 frames of Film you obtain. Unlocked stages can be set up as many times as you want.
2. You can obtain Film by completing the following actions in Genshin Impact, such as: log in to Genshin Impact daily, claim Commission Rewards two times daily, etc.
*Film needs to be collected manually in the event page. Film that has not been collected will also be reset when daily missions are refreshed the next day, so remember to collect it!
*Daily Missions will reset daily at 04:00 (Server Time). If Travelers try to visit the event around this time, they may encounter a brief network error. Please refresh the page if you encounter this error.
〓Setting Up Themed Scenes〓
1. After unlocking a stage, you can take props from the bar on the right and place them in the scene.
2. The props for each scene are divided into Performance Props and Decorative Props. Performance Props will trigger special performance effects when placed in specific spots.
3. While you're setting up the scene, you can preview it at any time by clicking the View Results button. Once you've placed all of the Performance Props in the scene, filming can begin.
*For more gameplay details, check the "Gameplay Details" pop-up from the homepage of the event.
〓Audience Reviews〓
1. After filming is complete, members of the audience will leave their reviews after watching your film.
2. Audience reviews may vary based on how you've placed the Performance Props.
〓Event Rewards〓
1. After the first time you clear each stage, you'll be able to claim the corresponding rewards.
2. Rewards include: Primogems ×120, Hero's Wit ×8, Sanctifying Unction ×5, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8, and Mora ×60,000.
*The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.
*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.
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In December I got a job as a "park ambassador," which the description made sound like a desk job, an event coordinator, but actually turned out to be a manual laborer/groundskeeper. I got overwhelmed by the workload on my first day and quit the morning that would have been my second.
This month I got a job as a front desk clerk at a hotel. Those of you who follow me probably know that I had this exact job at a motel down in the Keys for years, so it was a lateral move, something familiar to fall back on, much easier than the suprise manual labor the park sprung on me. Well, turns out this place lied too because they're cross training me to be a housekeeper, which is ABSOLUTELY NOT worth my time and effort. That wasn't in the job description, and that was never brought up in the interview. Today was my first full shift, and it was horrendous from start to finish because there was simultaneously too much to do and not enough. What I mean is that every single task they gave me had ten or fifteen steps and substeps to follow in sequence, so even the simplest one was needlessly overcomplicated. There's a ton of shit to do, followed by long stretches of absolutely nothing. At my old job, my boss did not give one half of two shits what I did to fill the time; I could go on my phone or my laptop, I could read a book, I could draw, I could space out or take a nap, she didn't care as long as I immediately dropped what I was doing whenever the phone rang or a customer came to the door. No such luck here. I'm not allowed to read, I'm supposed to either sit there in silence or find something to do to look busy for the cameras. That's all it is, just pointless busywork. There are not 8 hours worth of tasks, but they expect you to do 8 hours worth of work!
Oh, and if the woman who's training me was really passive agressive all day about the fact that I asked her to go over the steps slowly so I could take notes and create a checklist. She made a really fucking annoying comment about how I'm the only trainee who has trouble retaining information, like I'm some drooling moron when it's literally my first day. She's younger than I am but she's already been married, had a kid, gotten a divorce, bought and sold two houses, and landed a career as a middle manager, so to her I'm lower than dirt, an abject failure, an example of how not to live your life. She made me feel about three feet tall, and the only thing that prevented me from calling it quits again was that I desperately need the money. This is the way it is: every day I'm scheduled is $100 dropped into my bank account. $15 per hour, 8 hour shifts, that's $120 per day before tax, something like $102 to $105 take home pay. I was hired to be part time, only two or tree days a week, but it pays weekly instead of biweekly so every Friday I'll get $200 or $300. This week they gave me a full 40 hours for training, so that's $500 if I can make it to the end of it without having another panic attack. If I imagine my boss handing me a $100 bill every day at clock out, I think I can get through this.
If they lied about the content of the job, I'm going to give it a solid 75% effort. I'm not gonna stress about meeting quotas or finding ways to look busy. I'm gonna keep using my checklists. I'm gonna keep them with me and go down them one item at a time in front of the customers because that's what I need to do, and if corporate doesn't like it they can fire me. This is just a job, not a career. I'm not an essential worker. I don't give a shit if a customer has a substandard experience. I don't give a shit if the elevator has scuff marks that need to be mopped. I don't care if someone leaves their laundry hamper next to the coin-op machines while they run. I am going to half-ass it all!
I have a disability and it has only gotten worse in the last five years. When I was in college I had good insurance and good medication, but now my plans have next to no coverage; the only meds I can afford are the msot common ones that doctors give away like candy. They don't work for me, but the good shit is too expensive, so i'm wallowing. I was barely able to function in the Keys, but I was driven by my goals of buying a car and moving out of my parents place; now that I've achieved both of those things, I have nothing to look forward too and have lost all motivation to even try. I am not alone, I know plenty of people who are in the exact same boat as me, but apparently none of them live within 500 miles. All my would-be peers up here are successful and functional. it comes easy to them. I'm the only one who seems to struggle. Surely I can't be the only one, but I never see anyone else like me in real life, only ever online. Are they just good at hiding it? Why can't I do that too?
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astrobolical · 11 months
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Last Updated: Oct 30, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Part 5 - You Are Here!
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
The Shop — What’s in it?
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As with most mobile games, the shop has a lot of options— I’m going to go over them here, but I’m not going to list each individual item found. The item list in Part 7 will go over any items I’ve come across in more detail.
Disclaimer: Please spend responsibly. Nothing that costs real money is necessary to enjoy this game, and I am not listing these out to entice you (nor am I in anyway associated with PrettyBusy lol), it’s just to let you know what’s there and what to expect.
Exchange Guilty Gem
This is where you can exchange your Guilty Gems (Cash) for the red Guilty Gems we’re more familiar with. The blue Guilty Gems are only available for purchase, and can be exchanged here for their “Free” counterpart in this first area of the shop— it’s the page you’ll open to!
Purchase Guilty Gem
This where you purchase the blue Guilty Gems (Cash) for real money— please spend wisely if you choose to do so! They range from $2.79 for a “Handful of Guilty Gems” (40) to $154.99 for a “Guilty Gem Mountain” (2167 Guilty Gem (Cash) + 650 Guilty Gem (Free)).
Purchasing these is not necessary to enjoy the game, I promise. I actually haven’t at all touched this area of the shop.
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This is a large subsection of the Shop, with a lot to look at too. These are packages or monthly subscriptions you can purchase for real money. They’re usually limited on how many times you can purchase them, whether overall, monthly or daily. These were once obtusely overpriced, but they’ve been altered since launch.
I won’t list out every option— because I’m sure the packages will change regularly, but I will make note of the Monthly Supplies that are available — essentially three subscriptions. These subscriptions last for 28 Days and need to manually be collected each day once purchased.
Guilty Gem Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 157 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 30 Daily
Action Power - 120 Daily
Contract Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 157 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 10 Daily
Greater Keys of Solomon - 5 Daily
Development Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 110 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 10 Daily
Strawberry Chocolate Friendship Pretzel - 3 Daily
In all honesty, they’re not that worth it, so don’t feel like you need these, either. It’s good to support PrettyBusy if that’s something you want to do, though, but just know it’s not required to enjoy the game at all.
I primarily wanted to bring these subscriptions up because of the manual collection requirement— it’s easy to forget since they’re tucked away and there’s no reminder.
Exchange House
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Another area of the shop with multiple subsections— these ones, though are more interesting, and are from items you can naturally accrue in the game (with a couple exceptions).
A lot of these have some similar items in common, just for a different currency— here’s what you can usually find in here overall:
Tears of Solomon
Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon
Action Power
Pure Gold & Crowley’s Books
Various promotion materials
Skill improvement materials
Artifact Enhancement Stones
Nightmare Candies
Guilty Gem Exchange House
Note: The free daily present you can find in here counts towards the daily achievement of purchasing something from the shop once!
Yep, this is different than “Exchange Guilty Gem”!
This is using our pretty Guilty Gems (Free) to get in game items. There are a couple packages locked to Guilty Gem (Cash), but not many.
There are unlimited purchases, daily purchases and weekly purchases found within this section. There’s also an “account limit” and a Monthly Limit on some of the (Cash) bundles.
Pancake Exchange House
This is where you’ll exchange the Snickering Pancake item you get when trading in your extra tealeaves from your inventory (getting to that below!). Essentially, if you get a devil more than once, you’re given tealeaves from the second time onward, and you can use these tealeaves to Evolve a devil up to five times. After that though— well, you sell them! I’ll get to the how later, but once you have them you can come to the Pancake exchange to get some items here. Including 30 Lesser Keys daily, if you’ve got the pancakes for it!
(You can also get pancakes from selling artifacts, but early on especially I’d recommend using your artifacts to enhance and evolve the artifacts you want to use.)
Pretzel Exchange House
I’ve yet to find a good source for these, so this will be brief and updated once I have a more solid idea. I’ve primarily gotten mine from rewards or the Secret Club with the rainbow reactions. However, if you’ve got them— spend ‘em here!
Necronomicon Exchange House
Necronomicons are received upon completion of most Dark Sanctuary levels— and here’s where you can use them. Including up to 30 Solomon’s Tears per week. They can take a little to build up, but it’s a worth it shop to visit when you have some.
Event Exchange House
Special temporary shops that appear with events, and use the event specific currency— grind the event, reap the rewards! There is event specific items such as special voice lines or stickers also available. But remember, time is of the essence here, as it won’t be there long.
Within the shop there’s also various passes— they’re not a store, you don’t buy things from them, but they’re very useful to keep an eye on! Essentially as you progress through the game there’s rewards that can be found and claimed here. The game’s not very transparent about letting you know about these.
Mission Pass
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This is a pretty big one, with a new set of goals unlocked each day for 14 Days however there’s no time limit to finish it. There’s a lot of rewards (along the bottom) as you accumulate points, usually a random amount of Lesser/Greater Keys.
At the end you get 500 Greater Keys and a copy of Sitri!
Solomon’s Levelup Support Pass
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Note: In order to unlock the second column “Special Reward” there is a price to it. It was lowered since the beginning of the game.
These are rewards for your account growth, meaning as you level up your account you’ll receive bonuses here— including things like Solomon’s Tears. Some level milestones are more exciting than others, though. Still worth it to make sure you go and claim it!
Devil Growth Support Pass
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Note: In order to unlock the second column “Special Reward” there is a price to it. It was lowered since the beginning of the game.
Rather than your account, this time it’s milestones for your devils (or, really, the first devil to reach any of them, it doesn’t matter if it’s the same devil or a different one)! As you reach these milestones you’ll get some nice rewards that will help you enhance your devils, or give you some Guilty Gems to spend in the shop!
Secret Shop
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This shop is … well, a secret. I’ve gotten it twice in my time playing since launch, and I have yet to learn how to trigger it. You’ll know when you have it— a large purple portal will open on your Home Screen, and there’s some unique and rarer items tucked away within it— including the ability to buy an L-Grade Devil once per month for a hefty price tag of Guilty Gems (Free).
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That said, I’ll have to add more details here when I get it again— at the time, this guide wasn’t even a thought yet!
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Note: If you want to see details of an item, simply tap it in this menu.
All the items you accumulate can be found, and used if applicable, here. Again, I’m not going into individual item details here, but I’ll explain what each pocket of your inventory tucks away for you.
This holds everything you can “spend” within the game. This includes from the shops, contracts, levelling, etc.
The Materials tab, as it says, holds materials that you will use for levelling your devils. This includes things like the Solomon’s Tears, jellybeans, gummies, hallucination pies, etc. Anything you need to level your devils ends up in here.
Here you’ll find items that you can open— they vary in what exactly is within them. Most times they’re given as rewards for various things— especially from Dark Sanctuary. Make sure to see what you have in here!
There will be two types of “chest” or box that you can open.
Random - This will give you a random type and/or amount of an item depending on what it contains (i.e. type of jellybean, amount of Pure Gold)
Choice - Choose what type of material you receive — these always contain materials for your devils, and you select the type
I do suggest leaving any that say “Choice” alone until you reach a point that you need something specific, though! But make sure to take a look if you weren’t aware of these— the pure gold and Crowley’s books can really build up.
Inventory Management
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This is one of the more vague functions found in the game— unfortunate, because getting those snickering pancakes requires you to sell off some items when you can. It’s pretty simple once you know, though— so here’s what to look for.
When you’re on tealeaves (or artifacts, though I don’t recommend selling those) click “Organize” on the right side by sort. This will make the Auto-Select and Sell buttons appear as you see above.
For Tealeaves you can click auto-select and it will automatically select devils’ tealeaves you you have already maxed out, meaning you don’t need to try to remember who you’ve got fully evolved or not. This is why Minhyeok and the A-Grade devil above aren’t selected.
Here’s what you’ll get in pancakes from each grade:
B Grade - 5 Pancakes
A Grade - 10 Pancakes
A+ Grade - 20 Pancakes
S Grade - 80 Pancakes
L Grade - 100 Pancakes
You can also do the exact same thing on the artifact screen. HOWEVER, artifacts will just SELECT EVERYTHING. There is no limitations like you’ll find on tealeaves— so be sure to only select artifacts you’re willing to part with. As I mentioned above, I don’t really recommend selling these over using them as fodder for levelling and evolving other artifacts. Maybe late game, but for early game I’d say don’t.
In Part 6 we’ll cover the Secret Club and Hell-Oh! Talk! (Woo, almost done!)
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hillbillyoracle · 19 days
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Radio Recommendations
I occassionally get asked about radio recommendations so I thought I'd share.
For plug in/stationary radio; my favorite is definitely this Midland WR-400. I got mine through Ryan Hall Y'all's store who is not only one of YouTubes finest weathermen, he's also a fellow Appalachian.
I recommend the WR-400 over the WR-120 because the 400 has AM/FM radio and 4 station presets so you can enjoy local radio AND program it to be a weather alarm. Ours is set to alert for Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and Tornado Warnings only at the moment. I've had it for 6 months now and love it.
The sound quality is great once you get it dialed in. I've really been enjoying turning it on during the day when I'm cleaning or working and the evening when I'm playing cards or reading. In the deluge of streaming options, it's nice to just turn on the radio and let someone else curate something fun.
I don't really have a portable favorite yet; my Sangean DT-400 is great but it runs on batteries which is kind of a pain. I'm begging radio companies to please make some genuinely good USB-C rechargeable options. If you don't mind batteries though, I do recommend it because it's also weather alert programable (though def helps to have the manual for it) and gets pretty good battery life compared to others I've tried. I've had it for 3 years now and enjoy it.
I wish I had some cheaper options to recommend. I'll keep on the lookout.
If you're not sure where to start with radio stations, the first three I find whenever I move to a new place are the local NPR affiliate, the local college station, and the nearest hyper local/low power FM station if I'm in a city. I like these because they tend to have fewer ads and a lot of variety. From there you have a whole world of commerical radio to try.
So go out and get listening!
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