Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and UC telephone fraud
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▲ Ken Sudo
To whom it may concern:
I, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for 13 months.
When I completed toy 120-day training session at Barrytown, New York, I was given a manual which included the lectures that Mr. Ken Sudo, the head of Barrytown, had given in this 120-day session, I, as well as each graduate of that session, was told to guard that manual with my life, not to show it to even another Unification Church member. We were strongly cautioned that the press and the police would not understand it.
When I was rescued from this cult, I was home a week before my parents brought in a deprogrammer. In this period I kept this manual in a locked suitcase and had told my parents that the suitcase contained winter clothing. I lived in fear that someone might see this and was trying to decide on a safe place to hide it.
When I was deprogrammed and could see that I had been deceived by this so-called “Church”, I brought out this manual for my deprogrammer and my parents to see.
Since then I have had many nightmares in which the cult was trying to kill me for having brought this manual out of the cult and having shown it to others.
My parents in a recent trip to Washington, D.C. gave a copy of this manual to the Justice Department, in the hope that it will encourage them to investigate this cult, I believe this manual to be an excellent example of the "brainwashing" or "mind-control" techniques used by this Unification Church cult.
I have never known such terror as I did the moment I came to the realization that I could not control my own mind, that I had been given a new pattern of thinking.
Janis F.
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 1
To whom it may concern:
Our daughter, Janis, was a member of the Unification Church cult for thirteen months. We rescued her from this cult in August 1975.
In January 1976, a Mrs. Gardiner who is a collector for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Houston, Texas, called our home trying to locate our daughter, Janis. We inquired as to what her purpose was. She then informed us that Janis had an overdue telephone account in Houston. We assured her there must be a mistake as Janis had never lived in Houston, Mrs. Gardiner said the Unification Church had opened an account in Janis’ name; so she contacted the Yonkers, N.Y., office and a Kevin McCarthy gave her Janis’ home phone number.
Since Janis was totally unaware that such an account had been opened and had never given anyone permission to charge calls to her, Mrs. Gardiner has since written a letter exonerating her from this liability.
Mrs. Gardiner did inform us that this was the way the Unification seems to operate—they open telephone accounts in the name of members with telephone accounts in good standing. This was not the first such experience the telephone company had had with the Unification Church.
We requested that the telephone company write us a letter stating this but, because of having nothing written, no signatures, they would not as they did not want to become liable for a suit from the Unification Church. Their records would be open for investigation only under order of a subpoena—should any government agency decide to look into such matters.
We feel that this constitutes a conspiracy to commit fraud or theft and that it also constitutes slander or defamation of character against our daughter.
J. F. R. F., Lt. Col. (Ret.)
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7 Secret 1975 marriage, shaking and vomiting
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8 Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
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swatchitt · 6 months
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beating the 'sirius is a twink' allegations
new watermark because im insecure
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
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FREAK compilation. good night
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Sun, to Moon: This is your badness level. It's unusually high right now. We need to fix that.
Kid: Don't worry I read his journal. He likes your tail and fancy hair. Roxy: He thinks it's fancy?
Specter Moon: Leave me alone! Specter Sun: I'm not touching you. Specter Moon: He's touching me. He's touching me! Specter Sun: I'm not touching you! Specter Moon: Ah, you're touching me! Specter Sun: Not touching. Specter Moon: TOUCHING ME! Specter Sun: It's free air. (Specter Moon licks him) Ew!
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binvibin · 6 months
remus and saying things he shouldn’t are BEST friends
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viathegay · 7 months
We are back with wolf star as thing me and my ex Gfriend did
Sirius: you Know I love youuuuu whatever way you are right.
Remus: I love you too and what ever way you are
Sirius: would you love me if I were arrested for drug dealing in a school?
Remus: sirius what did you do?
Sirius: nothing....
Remus: Sirius
*police sirens*
Remus: SIRIUS!
Sirius: *starts to run*
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deisbookofdemons · 2 months
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((Mostly Magma art with bestie.))
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moondal514 · 1 year
so has anyone written a shl-based wenzhou tgcf au were wen kexing is a ghost and gifts his ashes (in the form of his hairpin) as an unspoken romantic gesture to voluntarily banished heavenly official zhou zishu yet or am i gonna have to write it myself
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moonyistired · 9 months
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abaddon brothers
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thelooniemoonie · 1 year
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Oh boy it's this guy again-
This is something really self indulgent, but I remember hearing a while back about a concept that every Spamton is unique to their respective artist and can get special powers from their artist's soul- either way he's like 3x more of an asshole now
As such this is kinda an alt to my Spam EX? I wanted to make a design following the themes of Bigshot Spam, NEO, as well as masquerade and gameshow aesthetics.
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He might be a bit overpowered now
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At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
As a former victim of the Unification Church I believe wholeheartedly that Moon’s various organizations are exploiting and deceiving young people who sincerely desire to work for the betterment of mankind. Although Moon’s organizations claim to believe in democracy, freedom, and Christianity (this is what attracted me to the Unification Church) they in fact have nothing but contempt for these beliefs. They only use this as a cover and a way to get converts. Their ultimate goal is to make Moon an absolute dictator of the United States.
Believing the sincerity of Unification members when they talked about promoting a more peaceful and loving world, I was persuaded to join CARP, which is the Unification Church’s organization at colleges. New members are given only a superficial exposure to the organization’s beliefs. At the beginning, they are led to believe that it is a legitimate Christian organization. It seems to be fun and games and smiling faces. It is only later, after members have given up everything they own, that they become informed of Moon’s plans for a new order.
Not until I was sent to their training center at Barrytown in New York did I realise how evil and utterly insane the organization is. At Barrytown everyone was coerced to share with the other members all thoughts and concerns; there is absolutely no privacy. Members who showed even the slightest doubt about what was going on were harassed and derided by the other members until they learned to at least hide their feelings. If their skepticism continued members were told to fast from one to three days to receive the “truth”. Managing to suppress your doubts and rational way of thought was called “having victory”. This is just one example of the double-thought used by the organization. Also we were forced to attend lectures constantly, sometimes hearing the same thing over and over again. Since I and many others were hundreds of miles away from home and had no money, we were virtually prisoners.
In the lectures we were told that Jesus had failed his mission, that Moon was the messiah, that destruction here on earth and eternal damnation awaited those who refused to totally support Moon, and many other outrageous, heretical things. Mr. Mazumbar, one of the lecturers, told the 21 day seminar that all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will. Members were supposed to surrender completely.
Fund-raising was routine for members. Unless specifically asked we were told to avoid telling people that we were with Moon’s Unification Church. It was alright to deceive people as long as it would help Moon. For example, my group of about eight people was told by the group leader, Jim Garland, to tell people that the money was to be used to help young people with serious drug problems. Though the Unification Church takes in millions of dollars to my knowledge not one drug center has been built by them. Apparently most of the money goes into Moon’s pockets since he is a multimillionaire. However, since most of the kids who fund-raise are being coerced and lied to, they sincerely believe that the money is being used for a good purpose.
After a month of Barrytown’s insanity, I was able to escape on my own. It was entirely my decision. After I became aware of the evil nature of Moon’s organization I could not morally stay. I believe, though, that many of the young people who go to these seminars at Barrytown and other places are put under such heavy coercion and mind manipulation that they are unable to leave on their own free will. Most truly desire to help bring about a better world and they love this country, but their admirable ideals are being exploited by Moon and his henchmen for their own personal gain. It lis the selfish leaders of the organization that are to blame, not the exploited young people, who have good intentions. These young people are being deceived, cheated, and victimized by Moon.
This is only a brief account of my experiences with the Unification Church. My advice to anyone considering joining the organization would be to turn and run away as fast as their feet could carry them.
Sincerely yours,
Larry M.
The Moons’ God is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
.   A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
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marinerainbow · 8 months
... Dang it. Thinking about this post. And...
If Moony and Poppy stayed together, they would have had wolf triplets named Fido, Hugo, and Milo. And possibly a rabbit daughter named Sunny after the boys got older, I'm still debating that last kid.
Why can't I stop thinking up families? (Because it's cute and fun)
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday that the government’s planned bill will be able to provide relief to a wide range of victims of questionable practices by the religious group known as the Unification Church.
The bill “will cover damage that has not been addressed so far and will be useful in preventing future damage,” Kishida told a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting.
Kishida reiterated the government’s stance of aiming to submit a relief bill over Unification Church-linked damage as soon as possible and to have it enacted during the ongoing Diet session.
Regarding criticism from opposition parties that the government-planned bill is inadequate in restricting donations from people under “mind control,” consumer affairs minister Taro Kono explained that it is difficult to clearly define mind control by law.
Japan is unlikely to include a ban on donations made under mind control in a proposed new law to help victims of the Unification Church, it was learned Thursday.
Instead, the government and the ruling camp of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito plan to include in the legislation to set up the new law a provision requiring religious and other corporations to take care not to solicit donations in certain situations.
LDP Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi explained the plan in a meeting of top secretaries at six ruling and opposition parties.
On the opposition side, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and Nippon Ishin no Kai seek a ban on donations made under the influence of brainwashing, also known as mind control.
But Motegi said that it is difficult to judge an individual’s state of mind, and rejected the demand from the two parties.
Motegi also said that the planned provision would ask corporations not to force individuals into a situation that would make it hard for them to make appropriate decisions or create a situation in which individuals and their families find it difficult to maintain their livelihoods due to donations.
The provision would make creating these situations illegal activities, therefore opening the way for individuals and families to get back donated assets through lawsuits, he added.
Motegi also said that the envisaged new law will include a ban on demands for donations of funds procured through the sale of assets for business operations needed to maintain livelihood.
Also planned is a provision to review the new law in three years.
The proposed new law is chiefly intended to ban malicious acts by corporations that solicit donations from individuals.
The government and the ruling camp hope that the legislation will be submitted to the Diet, the country’s parliament, as early as Dec. 2 for enactment during the current session slated to end on Dec. 10.
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okay new pfp
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The @wolfstarmicrofic prompt for the 31st March is tragic!
CW: Drug use, mentions of addiction and overdosing, mentions of murder/character death, hallucinations
“Aw, look at you.” The taunting voice made Remus’ stomach drop and his heart stop all at the same time. “Addicted to whatever you can get your hands on, eh?”
“Shut up, Sirius.” Remus groaned, forcing his eyes open to meet the figment of his imagination that was Sirius Black.
“You know you’re overdosing, right? It’s kinda why I’m here.” Sirius was sat cross legged in front of him, all amused smiles and twinkling, mischievous eyes as he dropped his chin onto his hands.
“Then let me overdose in peace.”
“Hey, I’m just your subconscious, alright? Not my fault that you want to see me after I murdered our best friends.” He laughed brightly, a stab of pain shooting through him at the words. Or maybe the drugs.
“Just fuck off!” Remus went to stand, get away from the haunting that was bloody Sirius Black, but the moment he did, his legs gave out on him and he fell straight back to the floor, on his hands and knees. Sirius let out a low, impressed whistle.
“Hm, that shit’s strong. What is it, again?” Remus shrugged. “Yeah, that makes sense. Oh, it’s almost tragic, isn’t it?”
“What is?” Fuck, why was he engaging?
“You. Me. Us.” He indicated casually between them, before eyeing him up carefully. “Won’t be long now.”
“Remus?” Who the hell was that? Remus’ vision was starting to tunnel, starting to be taken away by a comfortable unconsciousness, but he was aware enough to know it wasn’t Sirius. “Em, he’s in here!” There were hands on his shoulders, turning him around, Mary’s eyes darting over his face. “What have you taken?”
“What?” The word barely came out of his mouth, tongue feeling uncomfortable.
“What did you take?” She asked again. “Alright, come on, it’s okay, just… stay awake for me, yeah?”
He had Mary.
He could hold on for her.
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