#parents of moonies
Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8
February 16, 1976
Our son, [redacted], has been affiliated with one or another of Sun Myung Moon’s many “front ” groups for the past 3½ years, during which time we have had many personal experiences which convince us that Moon is engaged in personal aggrandizement and the accumulation of political power, rather than truly leading a religious movement.
Any questions we have put to responsible members of the groups, including our son, relative to the flow of cash, or group insurance, or group health plans for the members, have been met with evasions, generalizations, half-truths or lies. We have seen at first hand, serious exploitation of the rank and file group members selling flowers and the like on the streets of our cities, producing enormous money for the movement, but living at a below-subsistence level, jeopardizing their physical well-being.
Although Moon and his followers profess to aid the people of the world, we have seen no evidences of the usual charitable assistance or retraining functions. We have seen instead, the purchase of palatial estates and specially-built limousines. Other vast sums have been spent on high-cost media promotions and lecture tours nationwide by Mr. Moon.
We firmly believe Sun Myung Moon represents a serious threat, not only to the members and families of his groups, but potentially to our entire democratic society and institutions.
We urge strongly that Moon’s claim to religious tax status be thoroughly investigated by the proper government agencies and another investigation be mounted in the area of fiscal probity and responsibility.
[redacted] and I are prepared at any time to support the above through personal experiences at the Boonville, Oakland and Berkeley, California and New York, New York properties of Moon.
February 13, 1976
[redacted] is the youngest of three children. She was born in 1957. She graduated from high school in June 1975 and three days later moved into the Unification Church Center at Southeast 39th & Hawthorne in Portland. She has since been transferred to the Center at [redacted]
She was a four year honor roll student with a G.P.A. for four years of 3.89. She was a member of the speech team, the honor math club, and was active in tennis, journalism, and track. During her senior year she dropped all activities and wanted to graduate early to join the MOON group. I refused to let her do this but after graduation she joined them.
The group travel around to different towns and are expected to be up sometimes twenty hours a day trying to get others to join them and to earn from $100 to $200 a day selling candy, flowers and homemade granariums. They have no service to people and all funds above their most urgent needs are sent to the MOON Headquarters.
Since last June I have seen very little of her. At Thanksgiving she came home for one day. Her father and I tried to talk to her but she withdrew and practically said nothing more to us. At Christmas she was home two nights and one day. During this time she was picked up three times by the group for a couple of hours and spent very little time with us. Christmas night her older brother asked three friends to the house to talk to her. One, a close girl friend, and the other two are bible students from an eastern bible college. One of the boys had written a college paper on Moon’s Divine Principle and could compare it to actual Bible Scriptures. They talked with her from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. She left once and came back saying she did not wish to talk to them anymore. After family pressure they again talked to her. They were unable to penetrate the MOON brainwashing.
On January 27th, her older sister, father and I found she was in [redacted] and tried to take her out for breakfast and visit with her. She refused to leave the group and we could only see her inside the Center. After twenty minutes the group started singing “You Are My Sunshine” so loudly that we could no longer hear. She intends to spend the rest of her life there.
[redacted] has all the signs described in the many articles about the group. The exhausted glassy eyed, fixed facial smile. These remarks have been made to me by people at our home on Christmas Eve who know her well. She is not the same person.
Please help us in our endeavors for a Congressional Investigation.
To all concerned,
This letter is to inform you of our son’s involvement in the Unification Church and our efforts to get him released through the organization of Citizens Engaged in Reuniting Families, Inc. (CERF)
Our son, [redacted] age 19 – honor graduate from North High School, June 1975 – recipient of two scholarships.... The youngest of our four children, member of the United Methodist Church, ex Boy Scout, member of DeMolay,....
Through the usual tactics, days at the [redacted] Center, working on their cars, weekends at “retreats”, three week “training” in Minneapolis (“to see if he really wanted to join”) – [redacted] was brainwashed and taken into the Unification Church. By using him they succeeding in getting his girl friend out of college at [redacted] in September. He then was sent off to Barrytown, New York for 40 days training. He was sure, when he left for Barrytown that he would be home for Christmas. He was not, the last day we saw him was October 16, 1975. We thank God that he does contact us occasionally. He says: “I want to come home, but can’t” — “The happiest day of my life will be when I can see all of you again” — “I miss home and all of you more than you can imagine” — “I would come home if I could, but I can’t”. Needless to say we will do anything to get him back .
We fear not only for the mental and physical well being of [redacted] but also for all the special youth who have been taken into such organizations in the world. Also, we feel such organizations are a great threat to our country and the world.
We pray daily that something can be done and we will help in any way we can.
More detailed information about our experiences with the Unification Church and [redacted] involvement in it will gladly be given upon request.
The sequence of events which occurred to my son in his involvement with the Unification Church
[redacted] was approached last summer on the steps of the New York Library, while studying for his Law Boards, by members of the Unification Church who induced him to go to their 43rd street headquarters. [redacted] visited there several times, unbeknownst to his mother and myself and later, instead of going back to school at [redacted] College, where he had two semesters to go, went to a seven day indoctrination program into the Moon Movement.
He emerged from this a totally changed person, disregarding his schoolwork to a great extent, alienating himself from his friends at school, as well as his family. He now spouted gibberish such as, “Six million Jews perished in Europe due to the fact that they were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ”. A few months ago, prior to his involvement with the Moon Movement, [redacted] would have been shocked at this association.
Upon his completion of his next to last semester at [redacted], he has quit school and entered full time into the movement. He has lost all contact with family and friends. He was kept physically from speaking to his mother when we went to Tarrytown to see him and, at present, his whereabouts are kept secret from us so that all communications have stopped.
He is a total stranger to his entire family, to his friends and to all his former beliefs and has totally withdrawn and been brainwashed by this insipid movement which is avowed to take over the U.S. as well as the rest of the world.
In Mr. Moon’s manifesto he states that his is the Messiah, that he must become the richest and most powerful man on earth, in order to control it, and can use any means whatsoever to obtain this end.
My son, we understand now, is “fund-raising” which means he is selling flowers or candy in the streets, being moved from town to town. The money he raises goes tax free to enrich Rev. Moon. All of [redacted] ambitions, hopes and aspirations for the future have been taken away from him and he is no longer master of his own destiny.
Name withheld
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 1 Ken Sudo’s 120-day Training Manual and Moonie telephone fraud
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7 Secret marriage, shaking and vomiting
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 9
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ivynightshade · 6 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am tired of making a religion out of my suffering’.
[text id: my bones whimper at the thought of what could have been. / what could have been if i was not born in a grave?]
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rosarysgarden · 4 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am an observer, but not by choice.’
[text id: i have the everlasting tendency to ruin everything i love.]
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aamerchive · 17 days
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s my body is a slaughterhouse.
[image credit: pinterest]
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i lose a year of my life everytime i see someone picture regulus as an abused kid, everytime i see someone put this jegulus nonsense in front of james and sirius’s relationship, everytime people criticize sirius for leaving regulus behind everytime someone portrays regulus as a weak little twink.
sirius and james were brothers, inseparable. their relationship was the most important. and regulus was not abused, he believed in voldemorts ideas even more than his parents and was their perfect kid.
the angst comes from the relationship between the BROTHERS. sirius and regulus. their relationship was complicated. i feel like everyone forgot about this.
sirius was abused sirius fought back sirius was the rebel sirius did everything you give regulus the credit for as well as ANDROMEDA give my girl some credit
regulus was a complex character YEAH but for completely different reasons. he was an interesting character for his ego his family honor that led him to betray voldemort.
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the-thing-in-the-dark · 2 months
the fact that harry potter's older than my dad and i obsess over his dead parents and their friends.
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l0verboyxoxo1111 · 11 months
Hello ! Could you please do a wolfstar student reader (if not wolfstar, just one of them) x platonic professor snape, where despite hating their fathers with every cell in his body, he has a very soft spot for them, seeing so much of himself in them : bullied by others a lot, library rat with exceedingly great talent for potions …
Set up and ending is up to you, thank you !
Hey! Here it is!
Severus Pov:
“Y/n Black wasn’t like her fathers, Sirius and Remus. She always had been an outcast, bullied by the other students, she was anything but her parents. but yet, so similar to them by her looks. I’ve tried to distract myself from not seeing myself in her. but somehow it’s impossible, I looked at her in my class, as she was making a potion, Y/n was incredibly good at it.
She was so passionate about making potions.
I never thought I would say it, but she was my best student. I tried to hate her for everything that her parents did to me back then at the past. but how could I ignore someone who was just like me when I was younger?
It was quite impossible. I tried to distract myself from my thoughts as I realised that the class was over, “class is over.” I said, as the students went out of my class, Y/n was still sitting at her desk, adding notes in her potion book, a kid from a desk behind her came up to her saying, “nerdy Y/n. can’t even get her eyes out of the book, even at recess” the boy chuckled. “Such a pathetic bookworm.”
He took her potion book, raising it up, as she got up from her seat trying to get the book from him he looked at her laughing, “oh you want the book?” She nodded at him, as he threw the book away to the other side of the class, here you go.” A tear fell to her chin, I stood up as I walked next to him grabbing his Shirt collar in my hands, “Mr. B/L/N detention now. Don’t you dare touching Mrs. Black stuff again, or I will make sure your butt would be grounded the entire year.” I let go of his shirt as he looked at me panicking, “Sorry professor, I won’t do it again.”
As he ran away from the class, I breathed heavily, grabbing Y/n book from the floor, and handing it to her, she looked at me tearing up, “t-thank you professor.” I planned not to respond back and go away. But the words came up from my mouth, “why are you spending your recess I’m here?” Her cheek got red from embarrassment, “I, I don’t really have anything to do outside, or someone to be with..” I raised my brow at her, “how can it be the the daughter of Sirius and Remus ain’t able to get any friends?” I knew she was always in the shadow and not always spending time with the other students, but I have never thought it got into a situation when she was always by herself, I felt sorry for her in some way, she whispered “it appears that being their child didn’t really helped me in anything,”
She breathed out trying to find words, “I have never been like my parents, they always have the image of the girl the wished for, the girl that I’m supposed to be. and not matter how much I’ve tried I can’t be that girl.” She looked to the side, “nobody here seems to understand me or even tries to get to know me, and I can’t seem to find the reason of what am I doing wrong?”
She sighed. I wanted to leave, I didn’t want to be there for her. she doesn’t deserve my comfort. Even if she’s different, she’s still THEIR child. But does it really matter anymore? I’m still her professor. If I won’t be here for her nobody would, even not her own parents. “This kids are wrong, you haven’t done anything to get all of this hate, I will make sure they won’t bother you anymore.” I said, as her sight moved towards mine. she whipped the tears from her eyes, “I appreciate it professor.” She said getting back in her chair.
I smiled slightly, somehow feeling good that I stayed and offered her my help, “what are you adding there?” I looked at her pointing my finger at her potion book, she smiled at me, “just clarifications, and I’m actually trying to create a new potion that I’ve thought of.” She said in an excited voice, “mind showing me?” She handed me the book I read it, couldn’t believe in how brilliant this girl was, “that, that’s incredible.” She took the book from me, looked at the pages in her book, “thank you professor.” She had a questionable look in her face, “what?” I asked, “would you mind helping me with it?” I looked to the side trying to think what to do, “I- yes why not.”
With time passing by it became a routine, every recess. me and Y/n have been Working together on making her potion, adding herbs and removing others. Sharing thoughts and ideas,and I even helped her to get some friends. I never thought I could have a soft spot for their child, but things have changed. even if she’s their, it doesn’t matter anymore. she’s.. she’s different.”
Summer vacation Y/n pov:
“The year passed by and me and professor Snape started to be sort of friends somehow, I never would have thought that me and him would get along, he always seemed to hate me. I knew it was because of my parents, but I knew that he just got the wrong idea of me since I am their child. And I’m glad that he did, I don’t know what would have done without him, he helps me with the bullies and appreciating me for my ideas, sharing his childhood memories with me, that make me feel like I’m not alone in that situation, I couldn’t believe I would ever say that, but professor snape is a big inspiration to me. nobody ever cared about me as much as he did, even no my dads.
I got close to our house door, knocking on it. as the door opened, my dads started hugging me and welcoming me, I entered and sat on the couch, as they started asking me about my year, I begin to tell them about it, and how Professor Snape was there for me and helped me, Sirius cut me in my sentence. “Snivellus? Why are you even talking to that creep darling?” Remus joined him “yes sweetie snivellus is a bad influence on you, you shouldn’t hang with him, you need to get friends, company, not that.” Sirius nodded “maybe try socialising with the students instead of reading your books all day, you are smart enough you don’t need all of that learning, it makes you a loner.” Remus added to that comment “you don’t want people to get the wrong expression of you, don’t you?”
I got angry at their comments. Why do they mind it so much? Why can’t they be happy when I’m doing things that I find interesting, why do they always gotta be like that? “Maybe that’s what I want to do, I don’t want to change myself so people would find me interesting.” I bite my lip, “why would you want that?” Sirius added, “because I don’t care! They can think whatever they want. YOU can think whatever you want of me, I won’t stop doing what I like, and you can hate on professor Snape as much as you want, but he did what nobody did for me! He helped me, he cared for me. He even help me talking to new kids.” I sighed, Remus looked at me, “we get it darling but we don’t want you to be like him.”
“I don’t mind it! I’m done with trying to be the girl you have always wished for. “the popular girl who ain’t a bookworm. and always Chasing around so she’ll have the biggest society circle in Hogwarts.” I took a breath, “I’m not like that, and I will never be that. And I’m fine with that, and if you really care for me? You should be happy that I’ve got someone to be there for me, that I even got knew friends, I don’t need everyone to like me that’s fine please just accept it.”
The walls surrounding Remus and Sirius closed up, chocking them the moment they realised their daughter similarly to Severus’s. This was like staring at the past, she was supposed to be better than that, better than him. Yet she was like a reflection of him, in so many ways. But how could they not accept their daughter for what she loves and makes her feel happy? They just can’t, they looked at each other as they looked at her, “we are sorry darling you’re right, we should be here for you and accept that, you are who you are and it won’t change, and we love you no matter what as long as you are happy.”
Y/n for once in a long time was happy and relieved, she finally was understood by her surroundings, with support of her parents and her favourite Professors, she begin having friends who liked her for who she is, and it wouldn’t be so without her professor who she was thankful for, for truly seeing her for who she was and helping her.”
That’s it! I hope you liked it, it’s my first fanfic so I hope it’s fine and there aren’t a lot of mistakes thank you for your idea🫶🏻
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Barrytown: We talked to our son “for over 12 hours and he was shaking and vomiting”
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Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 7
March 22, 1976
To whom it may concern:
Our son joined Moon’s group in late 1971 and was coaxed to join by a room-mate. Our son was taking graduate courses. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of a U.S. University in the mid-west. He was definitely idealistic, because he quit his job in his hometown because he felt the institution he worked for charged exorbitant interest rates to under-developed countries.
Mike (this is not his name) has never been home since he joined the group, because we told him we felt he was wasting his life working for Moon. We believe he has been in practically every state in the union, even Alaska, but not Hawaii. We had cards from many places. However, we did visit him twice. We noted the houses were clean where he lived. But I thought the food was not adequate. Both places had an open jar of peanut butter sitting on a table and a loaf of bread. Coffee and tea seemed to be available, but we saw no fresh fruit nor vegetables.
Mail from Mike has been infrequent and short, usually cards. However the very first letter was frightening—rambling and 10 or 12 pages long, trying to tell us why he joined this movement. He talked about the drug problem, the race problem, poverty in the world, etc. And he implied that those who joined this group had all the answers. He never mentioned the name Unification Church nor Moon for over a year after he was in the group.
We seemed to get no Christmas or Easter greetings. One Christmas we got a Christmas greeting with a snow scene. Our family always sent religious cards at Christmas. But Christmas 1974 we got no word at all. Then in February we got word Mike was married by Moon in a mass wedding in Korea. He was married to a German girl we had never heard of.
He said he worked with her in the group for a year, but our daughter, a nurse went to hear one of Moon’s talks the November before and met all the young people with him and this girl was not one of them. So we feel Mike lies to protect Moon. Later (in March) we received a letter from “our daughter-in-law”. She said, “I know you must wonder about your son who went out into the world and married someone you never met before”. But she gave no explanation of this.
Then later we received a letter from our son’s father-in-law from Germany. He and his wife are very good Christian people and they went to the trouble to find a student to write to us in English. They wanted to know about the family now related to their daughter. We immediately told them we did not approve of the Moon Movement and they too said it has been the heartbreak of their lives. She, the daughter-in-law, was still being held in Germany after being flown from Japan in December. They are having visa problems we hear.
Our son was taken back to the States in early November 1995 to Barrytown, N.Y. The father-in-law of our son told us about this and we called for several days before he finally called us back. Then we took a chance on going up to see him, my other son, an ex-Moonie and I, Mike’s mother. The ex-Moonie told him the movement was a big rip-off. We talked to him for over 12 hours and he was shaking and vomiting. It was terrible to see him so programmed that if he broke in the middle of an explanation, he would have to start all over again just like a record. He told us he just read that Franco of Spain died that morning, after we told him he does not read nor listen to TV or radio. Franco, in fact, did not die for several days. Anyway, I stepped into the bathroom for a minute and he fled, because his brother fell asleep. He left his coat and ran out into the rain. We looked for him for a while and then called the ex-Moonie’s mother and she told us to get out of New York quick or we would be arrested. We left and I was so shaken from this experience, I spent 10 days in a mental hospital for my nerves. After witnessing the fear and vomiting, I was relieved to see him go. But later I still cry for what has happened to my intelligent son.
I want to add here too that my son gave Moon $1,400 he had in a local bank. And when he married he defaulted on a state school educational loan. I received a letter about this in January 1975 and I gave the state all the recent addresses I had for my son. My son told me when we saw him November 1975 that he thought Moon paid off his loan. We heard also from a reliable source that Moon charged each person he married $400. Moon now is sending out booklets “Way of World” to presently active Moonie’s parents to make us more understanding. The NERVE he has—we now NEVER get a letter from our son at all. I cannot understand why the U.S. government lets this terrible thing happen to us, the tax paying citizens, and this foreigner with a permanent visa makes fools of us. Someone must be getting paid off. The First Amendment we need, but our judges and law makers administer the law.
Name withheld
A visit to Ann at Barrytown (1975)
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and Unification Church telephone fraud
Physically restrained against his will at Barrytown
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 2 Moon’s mass marriages are “a form of sex perversion”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 3 Our son “seemed to be in a bizarre world of science fiction”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 4 “only if she got rid of the baby and gave it up for adoption”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 5 Moon is a man devoid of of human compassion
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 6 “One of your ancestors was a peeping Tom.”
Voices of parents of children lost to the moonies 8 Many parents suffered heartbreak after losing their children to the Moonies
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ivynightshade · 2 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am an observer, but not by choice’.
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theyrealllesbians · 2 months
Wedding Season- Chapter 2
James swung the front door open and called out. "Hello!"
Euphemia, his mum, came running from the kitchen. "Jamie, darling. It's so good to see you, it's been too long."
"Mum, it's literally only been a week. I also spoke to you on the phone on Wednesday." He laughed.
"Oh well that's far too long." Euphemia grabbed at his face and brought his forehead down to rest against hers momentarily before pulling back and kissing his cheek. James pretended to ignore the way that she had to go on her tip-toes to reach him, deciding to save the 'you'll always be my baby' lecture until it actually mattered. "Where are Sirius and Remus, I thought that they were coming with you?" She asked, turning towards the kitchen whilst wiping her hands on an apron James recognised from his childhood.
"They couldn't make it. They have some wedding stuff they desperately wanted to get done tonight. Booking vendors or cake tasting or flowers or something like that. Honestly, I can't remember." James had begun to tune Sirius out whenever he spoke about the wedding. It was a never ending rant about carnations and vanilla sponge, burlap or silk, fairy lights or lamps, martinis or an old fashioned and quite frankly, James could not listen to one more second. Besides, Sirius had a way of making every decision seem like a life or death situation. As a result, James would often than not end up getting yelled at when he chose the 'wrong' shade of white for the chairs. He loved Sirius more than anything, but in order to stay friends with him, James had made the executive decision to step back from all wedding decisions. Besides, Remus and the wedding planner told him everything he needed to know as part of being the best man. So he really wasn't missing much. It's not that he didn't expect Sirius to go full on bridezilla, because he did. It's just that he didn't quite realise how many little decisions went into planning a wedding. Since 'helping' Sirius and Remus, James has decided that when he gets married, it'll be a small affair. Probably in his parent's garden, with food that he and his mum cooked, flowers picked from his own garden and outfits that they'd both wear for anniversary dates time and time again. He wanted to be able to remember the love, not the little stressors that -at the time- would seem to derail the entire day.
"Oh, I remember those days. So exciting, but unbelievably stressful, be sure to send them my love. And I'll send you home with some bits and bobs to give them." By 'bits and bobs' James knew he'd be leaving with at least a months worth of food. He'd be playing tetris with his freezer tonight, he would never dare complain though, his mum's food was the best he'd ever tasted. Besides, he would never pass up the opportunity to not have to cook after a long day at work. Sirius and Remus would be endlessly grateful as well.
"I will do. Sirius is desperate to see you, so I'm sure he'll be here next week." James let his mum know.
"Oh well you know he doesn't have to wait till a Sunday to come see me. Even if he just wanted to pop in for lunch, I'd love to have him."
"I know, and he does as well. I think it's just slipped his mind because of how busy he is. I'll remind him though." Sirius had a habit of this, withdrawing whenever life got busy. He'd prioritise his work and keeping the house clean, often forgetting that he could also make time to decompress and see the people he loved. Luckily it only took James or Remus forcing him to leave his office for him to get back into a normal routine in which he wasn't being stretched unbelievably thin or being wound incredibly tight. James could never quite tell if it was some form of trauma response, or whether it was just the way that Sirius was wired. Either way, he's gotten better compared to when they were at school. During A-levels, James doesn't think Sirius left their dorm for anything other than food for at least 2 weeks. Despite the fact that at least 50% of the time, if someone checked on him, he wasn't actually doing any revision. James didn't really understand it. He pulled out his phone and added 'call Moony/ drag Pads out the house' onto his ever growing to do list.
"What can I help with?" James asked, rolling his sleeves up while walking over to the sink to start washing his hands.
"Oh, there's nothing really." His mum responded whilst opening the 5th can of what looked like crushed tomatoes. James looked around and spotted 3 pack of unopened whole chickens, a pile of uncut vegetables and several pots on the hob that were dangerously close to boiling over.
"Mum, stop lying. How about I break down the chicken?" He knew his mum didn't really like cutting the chicken. As she grew older, it just got harder and harder for her to break the bones and separate the breast from the thighs. He grabbed a knife and a chopping board from their respective drawers before she could even answer.
"Oh well, if you don't mind." His mum shrugged before turning round to face him and quickly rattling off a series of instructions. "Make sure you get as much meat of the bones as possible, I won't stand to see it wasted. But keep the bones in the thighs, you know it's your father's favourite bit. Oh, and don't throw away the wish bone. We can break it after dinner. Then I need the breast diced and adding to the pot at the back. The dark meat is going in a new pot. Everything else can get turned into stock. Oh, and be careful! Don't cut yourself!"
James huffed out a laugh, "I'm 26, I think I'll be fine."
"Oh, you never know. They're pesky little things, let me know if you need any help." James turned around to face the chopping board before rolling his eyes. Yes, he was 26, a full grown adult who was no longer living with his parents, but he would not be caught rolling his eyes at his mother. It was a death sentence.
"Will do. Anyways, how've you been?" James asked, unwrapping the first chicken.
"Oh, you know, same old, same old." His mum always said this right before delving into some local drama that was in fact not 'same old, same old'. "Your dad has been driving me mad asking what shade of red roses I want in the garden. And I just quite frankly, do not care. They will look lovely no matter what. Oh, but did I tell you about what happened with the Wilson's?" Here we go.
"No, I don't think you did. Are they the ones with the ginger cat?" James swears that cat should've died years ago. He remembers it from when he was a child. Remembers the way it would try and bite at his ankles any time he walked past.
"Yes, wretched thing. Anyways, apparently Richard tried to murder Margaret last week."
"What?!" James exclaimed, turning around to face his mum. She didn't move.
"Yeah, Judith got a call from him on, when was it, Tuesday I think. Or maybe Wednesday. And she came round and told me straight away. Apparently, Richard had gotten himself in a panic over the online banking as Margaret doesn't know any of the passwords and he tried to smother her with a pillow. The police came round and had to take both mine and your father's statements, even though your dad knew nothing of what was going on. They took him straight to a special care home and are talking about court dates. Bless them though, you never would have guessed it would you."
"No, I suppose not. He always seemed pretty decent. Always gave me the football back after I kicked it in their garden."
"Exactly, and that's what I said to the police. Never would think of him to even hurt a fly. I mean the amount of eggs I have borrowed from him, you'd think he'd want me dead. But no, he always said yes as long as I brought him round a slice of cake I baked, and you know I always did." James let his mother's voice carry him into a slower motion, letting his shoulders drop and jaw relax more than it had in the past week. Something about the smell of his parent's fabric softener and the spices slowly cooking drifted him into a dream like state. One where his own bones grew warm and his skin infinitely softer. He wished he could bottle this feeling and get drunk on it every night.
"James!" His mother yelled, smashing his peace into a thousand splintering pieces.
"What? What's happened?" He span around, eyes trailing over everything trying desperately to spot the danger.
"Nothing." He let out a sigh. "I was asking how you're week had been?"
"Oh, yeah it's been fine. Busy though. I've been working with this little girl, about 7, helping her walk again. She's making really good progress, but she's absolutely terrified. She had this pin through her foot diagonally, and her mum says she accidentally put her foot down quite a bit when she still had it in. Didn't hurt her much, but must've been a weird, uncomfortable sensation. I mean I got the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. But yeah, it's been really nice seeing her get excited about walking again. Beats having to convince all the 17 year old lads that they won't actually be 'just fine' if they play for their club on Saturday." It's not like he had favourites, but it was easy to say that those who would greet him with a hug and tell him all about their teddies made his day just that bit brighter. James truly loved his job, he had to. If he didn't love it, he wouldn't be able to do it. He never intended to be a paediatric physiotherapist, he always wanted to go into rugby professionally. Ironically, it was Lily who was able to talk him into reconsidering his options, albeit not in the most conventional ways. She had said that he was 'too clever to let his brain get all mangled up, and that he was too much of a good person to let himself pick such a selfish career path filled with egotistical twats'. After a while, he did realise that he wanted to have a secure career and feel like he was making a difference in the world. He couldn't give up sport entirely though. So, during the week, he works for the NHS and in the evenings and at select weekends, he's the physio for the local rugby club. Seeing some of the injuries those players got helped him gain confidence in his decision very quickly.
"That's lovely, darling. Horrible thing for such a young child to go through, but I'm happy she's got the best helping her." His mum winked at him as she said that.
"I mean, it's not as bad as it sounds. She had corrective surgery, but it's meant that she hasn't been able to walk in around 9 months. So I reckon it'll take a while, but she's sweet and her parents are lovely, so I'm happy to spend as long as it takes helping."
"I'm sure that you are, love. You have always been so keen to help others. It is one of your better qualities." His mum grinned at him, suppressing a laugh.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked, adding the chicken to each respective pot.
"We both remember how many phone calls I used to get from Minnie?" His mum says Minnie as, to James and Sirius's horror, she'd ended up becoming quite good friends with McGonagall. In fact, they try to meet up every month for tea and a catch up since they've all finished school.
"That's so not fair. I'm an adult now. I've grown up." James drew out the last syllable, quickly defeating his own argument by sounding like a whiny toddler.
"Yes, yes, of course you have, babu." His mum smiled at him again as she continued to tend to the food cooking. "Did you get the invite for Priya's wedding?" Priya was James's cousin on his mum's side. He actually quite liked her when they were growing up. She was only a year older than him so they formed a little alliance along with his other cousins of a similar age.
"Yeah, yeah I did. I think I got it a couple months ago." James had added it to the shrine of wedding invites adorning his fridge. "Yeah, it's at the end of August right?"
"The 31st, yes. Remember, a lot of family that we haven't seen in ages is flying over, so you better be on your best behaviour." His mum fixed him with a firm stare.
"Again, I am 26." He knew this would have little to no effect on his mum's conviction that somehow he'd become the family laughing stock in one singular evening.
"Okay. Still, make sure that you are letting everyone see how happy and successful you are. You know that I only want you to be happy, but my sisters aren't as forward thinking as me so be sure to mention that you are top of your field."
"Well that's a lie." James replied outright, furrowing his brows in confusion whilst laughing to himself. He'd only been in the field for 3 years, so he wasn't sure what his mum was on about.
"You've got the best reviews in your hospital." His mum replied matter-of-factly, as if they were at all comparable.
"Okay, yes, sure. I'll be sure to tell them about my career so that you can have bragging rights." He chuckled as he said this.
"James! Take this seriously!" His mum started waving the spoon she had in her hand in his direction. James was forced to take a step back to save his freshly ironed shirt from being stained.
"Yes, James, take it seriously!" His father added, walking into the kitchen while shaking his finger in a comedic manner. "You know how important it is for your mother to brag to others about our family. You can't let her down by underselling your achievements." His dad had a cheeky smile dancing across his lips showing that he didn't take it seriously either, but Fleamont Potter would never be caught, even in death, not having his wife's back.
"Oh, if you can, be sure to mention that Remus has just opened his own business and that Sirius wrote and directed the christmas nativity!"
"Will do." James and his dad reply in unison.
"Oh, and James? Are you bringing a date?" silver eyes flashed through James's mind, "I only ask because everyone has been asking me if you've met anyone!"
"I wasn't planning on it." James shrugged, trying his best to act nonchalant.
"You might want to rethink that kid. You know how your mother's family can be once they sense a bit of drama." James shuddered a little at the thought of answering a hundred questions about his love life after he'd drank a couple glasses of wine.
"Oh, come off it. My family is not like that. They all just care about James's happiness, that's all. Don't make it out to be something cruel." His mum sniped back. His dad only looked at James again, a long pointed look.
"I'll think about it." James said. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to find a date, if only for a couple weddings.
"Oh! Does that mean you already have someone in mind?" His mum swung her head round so she could look at James. Walking forward to grip his forearms.
"Mum!" He exclaimed, "I just said that I would think about it!" The feeling of fluffy black hair beneath his fingertips shot down his spine.
"Oh! You're blushing! There is someone!" His mum was practically jumping up and down with excitement.
"Mum…" James groaned, hanging his head.
"Euphie, leave him alone. If the boy says there's no one, there's no one. We have to believe what he tells us, otherwise we'll go insane." His dad placed a hand on his mum's shoulder and steered her away from James.
"Thanks. I guess?" James smiled at his dad. His dad simply grinned and winked right back. Great, so his dad did not believe what he was saying either, and his mum was clearly already planning his wedding.
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breeistired · 8 months
I’d like to think that Regulus and James both adopted or had a child together.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
sirius: my parents just tried to accuse my generation of being ‘soft’
sirius: as if they aren’t afraid of muggleborns and televisions
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
we all know the “i'm serious” “no you're not, you're [insert name]” jokes, but i like to imagine that even with people who don't know sirius or are complete strangers, the marauders (more specifically james) still make those jokes
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made-by-moon · 10 months
Referring to my wolfstar jewellery post, here's an alternative:
Soon after Sirius started dating Remus, he was disinherited. Thus he could not afford any expensive alternative to his silver jewellery, which hurted Remus in skin to skin contact because of his fluffy problem.
So Sirius started wearing cheaper jewellery, especially rings, which caused his fingers to stain. Remus, not having much knowledge about jewellery, didn't know that this was the reason for Sirius's fingers to have a blue/green staining at the base. He was super freaked because "Why the fuck Pads suddenly has green fingers?! Something must be VERY wrong".
With Sirius having rather unpleasant history with curses thanks to his mother, Remus concluded that he must've been cursed. He was extremely worried and at first Sirius was like "oh he worries about me~" but then it turned into "wtf why is he starting at my hands all the time like they're about to fall off".
After a looooong conversation and reassuring Remus 100 times that "no, it's not dangerous, it's not a curse, I am FINE" Sirius was surprised to see Moony staring at his hands with affection since then.
Turns out Remus was so fucking moved by Sirius's gesture he started even kissing his fingers to show Pads his love and appreciation.
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not-rab · 2 years
Regulus: Love, come over <3
James: I can’t, I’m hiding a body
Regulus: But my mother isn’t home ;)
James: I know.
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