#16 Best Foods For Healthy Eyes
hymnserendipity · 1 month
A day with farmer Kita
Fluff, She/Her pronuns, mention of sex
After the wedding you and Kita moved to the countryside because of his work in the fields, you, working from home, have no problems due to the distance from the big city. Since the wedding night you have completely abandoned the use of condoms, lovingly welcoming what was to come.
One of the usual days Kita wake up at 5 am and, as usual, go to the field and you put a little ritual during summer, with the help of the childrens that came out from your love. When the kids dont have school, kindergarten or nursery, so during summer you keep your hudsband Kita healthy with them.
Kita is now working since 6 am in the field, sweating till 10 o clock. As he worked, he heard footsteps approaching behind him. He glances behind him only to find his oldest son, Hiro, walking over him.
Hiro: Papa! I brought you cold water!
Kita smiled at him, standing up and accepting the water from his hands.
"Thank you, my boy." He said and ruffled his hair affectionately. At 11:30 the other siblings run to him too.
Sakura: Papa! I brought you a popsicle. Kita chuckled as his other daughter, Sakura, came running to him, holding a popsicle. He smiled at her and knelt down to her eye level.
"Thank you, princess." He said as he pat her head softly.
Later, he continued working, but this time, his second youngest son, Akira, came over, holding an armful of snacks and food.
"Papa, here you go." The boy said with a big smile. Kita felt his heart swell with love. He kneeled down and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Thank you, baby." He said tenderly and kissed his forehead.
Everyday is like this, till 16:00, when Hiro and Sakura brought him cold lemonade, water and fresh fruits. Kita has been noticing how Hiro and Sakura bring him stuff lately everyday. He found it endearing, especially how they seemed determined to make him stay hydrated and fed under the hot summer sun.
He smiled at them, taking the cold lemonade and the fresh fruit you had brought from the market town.
"That's some more stuff you got for me. Thank you, my darlings."
Hiro: mum say you can get tired in the hot, she is working from computer and she gave us water to refill your bottles and healthy snacks and popsicle!
Kita chuckles at that, giving them an amused smile. He should've known you were behind this. You worried about him more than himself does.
"Mama always knows best, huh?" He said with a nod. He took a small break and started eating and drinking. The cold lemonade felt refreshing as it went down his dry throat.
He pats the space beside him, beckoning his two eldest, Hiro and Sakura, to sit next to him. The two of them looked at each other before moving over, sitting beside Kita between his legs. Kita wrapped his arms around them both, pulling them close to his body.
He couldn't help himself, as he kisses the top of their heads affectionately. Kita was so immersed in doting on his eldest two that he didn't notice the third one coming until he felt the cold wetness of the towel on his forehead. He jolts out of surprise before chuckling, knowing it's only Yuu, his third son. "Ah, and here's the surprise attack." He joked. He pats Yuu's head, silently thanking him for the towel that'll cool his face from the heat. He leaned back a bit, the two older kids still cuddled against his body. Yuu was sitting in front of him, peering at him with those wide, innocent eyes. Kita felt that familiar warm feeling in his chest, looking at his adorable kids. Kita loved his family for always giving him an excuse to stop his work and take a break.
He always loved the fact that you gave the kids small tasks to be around you both and feel 'adult'. Still, he's not complaining. Having breaks and being doted on by his own kids? He'll take it. As he enjoyed the fresh fruit and the tasty popsticle, he kept on giving out affection to his kids. He loved how all of them just seeked his warmth and comfort. He even let them take turns sitting on his lap while he pats their heads fondly.
Hiro: you know dad since i am 10 now i am older! I'm a man! Kita glances down at him after hearing his son's serious declaration. He bit back a smile, humoring him, and nodded with a straight face.
"Oh, you are a man now, hmm?" He said in a teasing tone.
Hiro: When i will be adult i will marry someone nice and gentle like mum and be a great and strong man like you.
Kita couldn't help the warm and proud smile spreading on his lips as he hears his son's declaration. He pats Hiro's head affectionately.
"You're on the right path then." He said with a nod of approval. Kita and you have seven children in total, and all of them are doing well in school. They all had different skills sets they're good at. You've also been teaching them how to play the piano, which is impressive because playing instruments is a rare skill.
Kita has been thankful to have been able to provide for his family well, since the farms have been flourishing all the years after he started it. You working from home is also a big plus in the family's financial situation. Kita smiled as he looked over his kids who were sitting around him. He never thought he'll become so lucky.
He never expected that you, the love of his life, would have given him such a big family, filled with so much love and warmth. Kita watched his kids return back to the house with a small smile and continued on working with his two hired workers.
They worked in comfortable silence, as Kita focused on his work while glancing at the house every now and then. The afternoon went by quickly, and Kita felt his back starting to ache. But that won't stop him.
He continued to work like the hard worker he is, determined to get all the work done so he could get back home to his lovely family. At 7 pm Kita finally went back home after the whole day's work was done. He sighed deeply, feeling the exhaustion settling in. His back ached, and his feet were tired from standing all day. But the thought of you and the kids waiting for him at home gave him the energy to keep moving.
He pushed open the door and stepped inside, announcing his arrival with a soft "I'm home."
"My love" you say, as you kiss him. "I made you a scent bubble bath, why don't you go and relax while me and Hiro make dinner?"
Kita leaned into the kiss, savoring the feeling of your lips on his. He rested his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath.
"That sounds wonderful." He said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. His body visibly relaxed as he imagined the soothing effect of a nice, hot bath on his sore muscles.
"I'll go take a bath then."
He kissed your forehead before heading upstairs to the bathroom. The image of a hot bubble bath with soothing scents beckoned him forward, promising respite for his weary body. He quickly undressed and stepped into the tub, sinking into the warm water with a deep sigh of relief. The hot water enveloped him, its heat seeping into his aching muscles, soothing and rejuvenating him. Kita leaned back against the tub, closing his eyes as he let the water and the scent of the bubbles work its magic on his sore body.
He felt his tension slowly melting away as the steam enveloped the room, and the fragrance filled his senses. He exhaled deeply, feeling the weight of the day slowly lifting off his shoulders.
Kita was startled out of his relaxation by the sound of the bathroom door opening. He looked over to see Kyra, your 4-year-old, peering at him from the doorway, with her big, innocent eyes.
"Kyra, sweetheart, what are you doing here?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips
Kyra: Papa quack quack.
Kita chuckled softly as he watched Kyra approach him with the rubber duck toy. Her innocent and playful demeanor never failed to warm his heart.
He leaned forward, taking the toy from her tiny hand and holding it up for her to see.
"Ah, it's the little duck again. Does he want to take a bath with me?"
Kyra: papa can play while bubble bath. I go help mummy
Kita chuckled again, feeling a wave of affection for his little daughter. He nodded at her, patting her head gently.
"Alright, sweetheart. Papa will play while in the bubble bath. You go and help Mama." Kyra beamed at him with her innocent smile before turning and running off. Kita watched after her for a moment, before his attention returned to the rubber duck toy in his hand. He smiled, feeling touched by the little things his kids do. He began to make the toy 'swim' around in the water, creating a little narrative with the 'little duck' for his own amusement. Despite the exhaustion from work, Kita found comfort in the simplicity of playing with a toy, surrounded by the warmth of the water and the soothing scent of the bubble bath. As he played, Kita allowed his mind to relax as well. He let all his worries and fatigue float away, replaced by the sense of contentment and tranquility.
Kita's Reading list
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sserajeans · 1 year
you are in love | 16. d-day (half-written)
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y/n stood by the school gates, her hair damp from the shower she took after swimming practice. her hair being incredibly healthy despite constant exposure to chlorine was a mystery to everyone she knew at that point, because how does she still have a full head of thick hair despite swimming all her life?
"oh, hey y/n!" a voice, one on a higher pitch but a sweet tone, called out from behind the lee.
y/n looked over her shoulder to check, smiling before completely turning around. "danielle! hi!"
"just call me dani! danielle's.... a little too long anyways." she chuckled as she slowly walked in your direction, hand scratching the back of her neck when she realized, "wait! did i keep you waiting for long? i'm so sorry! mr. park went on and on about how the whole team did rehearsing for just ONE song! can you believe it......"
"sorry, did i say too much...."
y/n's smile on her face grew, letting out a giggle at the younger's rambling. "don't worry about it dani. i wasn't standing for long anyways."
"that's a relief... shall we get going?"
y/n nodded, and the two walked their way to the cafe, chatting over each other's days and how school life was like as a senior and as a junior. the two were close enough for their hands to collide once in a while, something the younger found hard to ignore.
the conversation was rather a reminder for y/n, that she was on a date with a junior, but she did her best to shrug it off. after all what's a year to do.
upon arriving at the cafe, the two stood side by side at the counter, carefully reading through the menu.
"oh! y/n, you can tell me what you wanna get and i'll order it for you. you can go ahead and sit down! don't worry."
"what? no! 'cause then you'll end up paying and i kinda will not let that happen, sorry." y/n shook her head, a calm expression over her face as she turned to look over dani.
"come on i suggested coming here in the first place! i'll pay."
"i'm gonna pull the 'i'm older' card! i'm paying dani."
"that's no-"
"maybe you guys could just pay for your own food?" the cashier who has been standing by the counter since the two entered suggested. she was about their age, and looked at them with rather nervous eyes in fear the aggression of the mini argument would be redirected to her.
the two girls glanced at each other, then at the cashier, then at each other again, before nodding in silent agreement. y/n still insisted dani ordered first though, before excusing herself to the bathroom.
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @kvnii @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @spritin @kaypanaq @i06kkura @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @jenaissantex @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @daniellobers @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @staryujinnie @wowowowcake @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric
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octuscle · 1 year
Full time barista here I’ve always been envious of the men on stage especially the heavy weights. Don’t want to over work the chronivac but help me become a muscle bull as big as jean pierre fux.
Mate, I understand you only too well…. There are few things hotter than the real heavy beefcakes. I've tried it long enough myself… But I didn't make it either. Jean Pierre is a pretty good role model… But I have an idea…
Friday morning. It's 06:00, you have to hurry, in one hour you have to prepare the first coffee. You don't have time for much more than a few situps and pushups. In the bathroom you have to hurry. You need longer and longer to conceal your receding hairline. You are now 40 years old, slowly you just notice that you are getting older. If you go out tonight to party, it will take you almost the whole Saturday to recover. The cosmetic industry has nothing effective to offer against the wrinkles in the corners of your eyes. And even if you don't need to be ashamed of your body: You won't gain much more muscle in your lifetime.
Shit, at 07:00 o'clock people are already queuing up. You hate it when you can't open the store in peace. But as it looks, it will be 10:00 o'clock, until you have the first moment of rest. In fact, it's even 10:30 when your colleague thinks you can take a break. If you need it, he adds with a wink. You look fantastic today! You take a mineral water and sit down in the warehouse. In fact, you feel pretty damn good right now. You drink the water in one go. You don't have much time for a break. And you have to piss again before the lunch business starts. Your lower jaw drops as you wash your hands. Fuck, what happened to you. There are no more receding hairlines or laugh lines. You look ten years younger than when you got up today. The only difference is that you look as if you'd spent the last ten years doing little else but lifting iron. Your T-shirt is almost blown up by your biceps and pecs. And your jeans look like they're painted on your monstrous legs. How could you not notice that? As you tie the apron back on your way back to the counter, you wonder why you were just amazed. Since your 20th birthday, you've spent every spare minute at the gym, investing every penny you earn in protein and supplements. Hell, if you didn't look the way you do, you would have wasted a hell of a lot of time and money.
The calm in your coffee bar begins to subside again. The lunch business is starting up. There's a beefcake in your line that makes you jealous. Yo, bro! he greets you. It's nice to see that there are real men working here, too. What you can recommend to him. You suggest the protein bomb. A scramble of 10 eggs with 400 grams of chicken breast. He grins and nods. And a liter of still mineral water. The bro shares your taste. While you type everything into the register, he asks you if you're all-natural. Of course you are. With the money for the meal, he slides you a card. In case you want to think about it.
It is 17:00 o'clock, when you tie off your apron. Fuck' according to your watch you have walked 12,000 steps today on the few square meters behind the counter. But it also looks like it's been a pretty good day so far. You're 20 now, and the idea of opening your own café with healthy and, above all, protein-rich food came to you when you were 16. That's when you started getting into high performance bodybuilding. And a place like this was missing at that time. And then you built this place with your mentor and trainer as a straw man. But you can't stand behind the counter for more than ten hours. Even if you are the best advertisement for your products, you have to work out at least four hours every day. Otherwise you don't stand a chance on the big stage.
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You might not be one of the big ones yet… But you are on a really good way to get there. You met Jean Pierre Fux once at a fitness fair in Germany. A great role model for you. And he said that at your age he would have been a linnet compared to you. The prerequisites for a brilliant career are there. Enjoy it and make the best of it!
This and other hot pics @anton227ludwig
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aydien677 · 21 days
Southern!Mc and their Cooking
A/N: As someone from the south who’s mama and grandfather taught her to cook, I am absolutely gonna do something regarding cooking
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After a while of living with the brothers, Mc starts to notice how awful their diet and eating habits are. Leviathan’s favorite food is Pizza, Mammon’s is cup noodle, and Beelzebub’s is good ol’ artery-clogging hamburgers. Then when it’s Lucifer’s turn to cook, Lucifer’s too busy to actually cook so takeout is ordered.
Mc steps into the kitchen and starts cooking their Gramps southern recipes and their Mama’s Mediterranean recipes. They set up the table and wait for everyone to come in.
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This man comes in first, as always
he is probably the most unhealthy because he usually doesn’t eat enough
the only thing he ate Before Mc, when he did eat, is artery-clogging fast food and he probably only eats the bare minimum to survive so he’s probably underweight
He glances at the food warily at first
he doesn’t trust Human cooking after tasting Solomon’s disasters
he waits for the others like a good big brother before starting to eat.
His eyes light up but he quickly hides it as his brothers are present
”Good job Mc, I wasn’t expecting you to cook so well”
at this point you take the compliment, it’s Lucifer after all and it’s the best you’ll get from him.
he does get seconds so you know he did like it
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He comes in second to last
He is also traumatized by Solomon’s cooking
he eats it solely because “his human” made it
He’s probably the third most unhealthy after Leviathan and Lucifer
He gets so excited he eats almost as fast as Beel after the first taste
Lucifer definitely smacked him upside the head for lack of manners
Mammon definitely wants seconds
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Third person to enter the dining room after Satan
well technically he was dragged by Satan
He stares at the food for a bit praying it won’t be like Solomon’s cooking
He’s definitely the second most unhealthy since he just lays around his room sulking and watching anime as he eats greasy pizza
He takes a few bites after Lucifer and is absolutely excited
He also gets smacked for lack of Manners
He then starts infodumping about Food Wars
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The second person to enter having dragged Leviathan behind him
he had Mc’s cooking before with Asmodeus when they wanted to try a new apple pie recipe so he knows it won’t be like Solomon’s
he’s actually very excited to try more of Mc’s cooking.
he’s probably just in the middle when it comes to how healthy he is since I can’t really see him working out but I can’t see him gorging himself of fast food either
is definitely respectful but he’s obviously eating faster than normal
Bonus points if Mc made cat-shaped cookies for dessert
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Fifth to come in after attending a photo shoot
he’s probably the healthiest after Beelzebub, he has to model after all and he’s into wrestling
he takes a million photos of the food before even taking a bite
he already knows his live-in-human’s cooking will be better than the human-sorcerer’s cooking
if Mc keeps cooking then Asmodeus will probably make an insta solely for their food
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He comes in sorta last because he had to carry in Belphegor
thanks to working out, Beel’s very healthy
he’s also slightly wary when he learns Mc cooked because everyone is traumatized by Solomon’s cooking
he absolutely loves it
he doesn’t get seconds but also thirds (maybe fourths)
he also gets smacked upside the head for trying to compliment Mc’s cooking with his mouth full
would absolutely love for Mc to keep cooking
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The last to come in since he was carried by Beel
he’s definitely pretty unhealthy but using his brain takes up carbs so he’s not too bad
He’s slightly worried about it since he probably thinks it’s either A) like Solomon’s or B) Mc personally made his taste awful as revenge for lesson 16
no one would put it past Mc for poisoning Belphegor’s food
he’s super picky, even after the first bite but he gets through the whole meal
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Solomon found out about Mc cooking for the brothers (probably from Asmo’s pics) and automatically became a little jealous
he wants his apprentice’s cooking too!
He calls Mc over to cook with him and fully intends on doing so regularly until it’s a normal thing
He absolutely loves Mc’s cooking so he gets Mc to make lunches for him to take to RAD
after all, Mc is his apprentice
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takeachillpillshawty · 3 months
I realized I haven't posted this but here it is.
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[Ignihyde Dorm]
Magnus Orpheus
Grade\Class: Junior \ Class E (No. 1)
Birthday: February 14 (Aquarius)
Age: 19
Height: 185cm
Dominate hand: left
Homeland: Shaft lands
Club: Film research club
Best subject: Flight
Hobbies: foraging
Pet peeves: loud parties
Favorite food: Pomegranate seeds
Least Favorite food: any alcoholic beverages
Talent: Lock picking
Magnus is a young man that carries himself with a stoic manner, despite being the Vice Housewarden of Ignihyde he strives to help his dorm mates live a healthy life outside of technology even if it means dragging the Housewarden by the hair for a meeting.
Background: Magnus was always a hard working man, though he has a bad habit of putting others first before him, whether it be out of love or pity. Due to his parents 'spending habits' Magnus went into the work force at the young age of 16, helping pay the bills and also fund his parents lifestyle. Parties upon parties leaving the house a mess in the morning for him to clean, but the love Magnus have for his parents was stronger than his hatred of their 'bad habits'.
Unfortunately his parents would go in dept with the S.T.Y.X. for unknown reasons, the panic and fear in there eyes was enough to twist Magnus' heart. He decided to take on their dept resulting in him working for S.T.Y.X. specifically as the upcoming director's assistant, Idia Shroud. Magnus didn't get along with Idia at first, but slowly he accepted that this was his life now. He attended NRC along with him to ensure his safety.
Relationships with other Characters:
Riddle- Magnus sees himself in Riddle, how he used to bend backward for his parents happiness and not his own. He tries to encourage Riddle to enjoy what's left of his life here in NRC and make happy memories to look back on.
Kalim- Despite wanting his dorm mates to be more social, Magnus is a hypocrite when it comes to taking his own advice. Just because he looks extroverted doesn't mean he is, unfortunately he can't say no to Kalim, especially with those big ole eyes. Whenever he's at one of his parties he tend to be away from the crowd and near a food bar or anywhere devoid of people. Parties like this reminds him of the same ones his parents used to throw but less violent and noisy. All in all, he prefers not to socialize.
Vil- Magnus usually goes to Vil whenever it came to make up.
Idia- He doesn't hate Idia despite his initial attitude towards him, but wished he met him under different circumstances.
° Magnus' unique magic is 'Phantom Phenomena' inspired by Meg's soul traveling down the underworld. Magnus has the ability to turn into a ghost like apparition, able to phase through walls and disappear. This first manifested as an out of body experience when he was a child but managed to fully control it during his second year at NRC.
° Magnus' birthday is on Valentine's day.
° Magnus' last name 'Orpheus' is taken from Orpheus, the man who traveled the underworld to save his beloved from death only to loose her again. This can also describe what Meg went through.
° Due to his unique magic Magnus is almost always cold, no matter how hot the weather is, and the cool temperature in Ignihyde is not helpful. Luckily he received a scarf and gloves as birthday gifts from Riddle.
° it's hinted that Magnus' parents are heavy gamblers.
° Magnus was accepted at RSA, his dream school... but had to decline as he was already registered along with Idia to NRC.
° When asked what would he do if the dept to S.T.Y.X. lifted from him, Magnus stated "I'd cut my parents out of my life and Start a new one."
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Headcanons for Giyuu adopting a teenager and there baby sibling and is just like these are my children and introduce them to the pillars?
▸ ANSWERING. hello! i’m slowly catching up to the reqs since i’m starting feeling better (it’s been a whole week at this point, but whatever). hope you’ll enjoy it & thank u for sending a request <3
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. giyu tomioka x teenager gn!reader + all the hashiras
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. reader is 16 y/o while their sister and brother are around 5 and 7 y/o, soft giyu <3, not proofread you know the drill (:
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giyu saved you and your two siblings from a demon who attacked your family
he found you holding your little sister and brother, trying to cover them from seeing your parents being eaten by the demon. the three of you were all crying and terribly shaking so at first giyu wasn’t really sure what to do
he asked you if there was someone who could take care of you, but you simply shook your head
in that moment he decided to take you with him, asked for permission to keep you all at his house
your little sister was the first to “move on” from what happened, but you couldn’t blame her since she was very young and you tried your best to hide the scenes from her
your brother on the other hand started being angry, acting completely different from what he used to be: kind, gentle and full of joy. but once again, you couldn’t blame him either
they noticed you were less present, always thinking about what happened and sometimes dwelling on your parents’ memories. giyu noticed you always cried during the first nights you spent at his house
he tried his best to take care of you. playing with your sister, helping your brother to deal with his emotions (he let him exercise to get rid of negative emotions) and gifting you stuff to get you distracted from your thoughts
you love when he comes back with delicious food or a book for you
anyway, giyu let you meet the other pillars after a week or so, because he wanted to be sure you all were feeling a bit better
let’s start, shall we?
shinobu was shocked
obanai spat a simple “impossible.”
sanemi stared at giyu, then glanced at you and your siblings, trying to process that he was taking care of random children
muichiro casually glanced at you and then looked back to the sky, muttering something about forgetting soon
gyomei felt sorry about your situation and started crying of course
kyojuro encouraged & praised giyu for his decision and complimented him
tengen was surprised but recognised it was a very flashy action, he was doing the right thing by taking care of you instead of abandoning you to your destiny
mitsuri was so excited she could feel her heart exploding (her eyes were literally shining). she offered her help since she has siblings and giyu appreciated it
of course, mitsuri ended up spending loads of time with you: playing, eating together, taking care of cute animals, etc
shinobu played an important role too because your sister easily got sick so going to the butterfly mansion became a sort of routine
your brother also enjoyed spending time with the flame hashira because he was funny and kind, while your sister used to share her food with the wind hashira
something you enjoyed was tengen giving you piggybacks, usually when you’re pretty tired after being out the whole day
giyu does the same sometimes but due to tengen being taller you find it funnier
he usually looks a bit sad because deep down he fears you guys will start hating spending time with him & seek the other pillars’ company
mitsuri comforts him, saying that everyone can see clearly how you all love him, you in the first place
you’re grateful for him taking all of you, providing for your needs, making sure you’re healthy and safe
“giyu-san, i am truly grateful for everything you do for me and for my siblings. i hope we will find a way to repay for everything in the future.”
here comes a big hug because he doesn’t care about it, he grew very fond of you all and would do anything to protect you
episode from the same “series” here !!
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. i personally think that getting piggyback rides from tengen is amazing ): have a good day / night !!!
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ghostboybrainrot · 2 years
Out of Touch Part 4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, AO3
TW: Mild gore, mentions of blood, mentions of gun violence
Danny was vaguely aware that someone was trying to tuck him in. He'd been fading in and out of consciousness since he'd stopped to rest. At first, he figured he must be dreaming. Nobody tucked him into bed anymore. He was a 16 year old not a toddler. But it was nice that someone cared. He didn't want to encourage this behavior though so he pretended not notice.
It wasn't until he heard the crinkling of plastic and the shuffling of cardboard that his sleep-deprived brain registered something was off.
His bed did usually have plastic in it. He wasn't in his bed. He tried to remember. He was in Gotham. He had been flying toward his apartment. But he was having a hard time holding his ghost form and then-
Oh shit.
His eyes shot open.
Hovering over him, was the pale image of a woman. 
He yelped and tried to jump back, realizing too late that he was backed against the wall.
“It’s okay!” She backed up as soon as she saw the boy start to stir. She put her hands out in front of her in a calming gesture.
“I’m trying to help. I’m sorry I startled you.”
Danny was only vaguely aware the woman was speaking. His attention had been captured by the very realistic bullet hole in the woman’s forehead. A trickle of blood was frozen mid-decent on the woman’s face. He shuddered, imagining what the back of her head must look like.
His mind was still fuzzy from exhaustion. It took a moment to realize what he was looking at. It was a shade. A shade of a woman who had been shot to death.
Well, that was a relief. Shades didn’t pose much of a threat. Unless of course they scared you to death.
He looked down at himself. He had a blanket draped over him. Had that been there before? No. No, he definitely didn’t have that when he had curled up. He looked back at the woman, her words finally registering in his sleep-addled brain.
“Uh…thanks?” He pulled himself into a more upright position, scooting his back against the wall. He brought his hands up and rubbed his eyes. When he felt a little more awake he looked around the alley. It didn’t look like anyone else was around. He noticed the bottle of water and the plastic package lying next to him on the ground. Then he looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. As if he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with them.
“Go ahead.” She encouraged. “You looked like you needed them.”
Danny was hungry and thirsty. It was true. He wasn’t sure when the last time he ate was but he knew it had been much longer than was healthy for his living body. He grabbed at the bottle. His hands were shaking slightly. He opened it carefully, not wanting to waste any of it by spilling. As soon as the neck of the bottle was safely against his lips he drained it quickly. He let out a satisfied gasp when he finished. Needing to catch his breath.
He dropped the bottle then reached for the pastry. The clenching in his stomach had eased up slightly after drinking the cool water but he still was feeling slightly nauseous from hunger. He knew he’d feel better if he ate but forcing himself to chew and swallow was a chore. His body had been without food for too long and he feared it would reject it. Fortunately, he was able to keep a couple small bites down. He folded the plastic over the rest of the pastry and put it in his hoodie pocket.
“Thanks.” He croaked but his throat was less raspy now.
“Happy to help.” She smiled nervously, and glanced around.
“I don’t mean to alarm you but you didn’t pick the best spot to hole up in. This is a dangerous part of town.”
Danny laughed harshly.
“No kidding.” He snapped sarcastically. “I’ll take that into consideration next time I’m falling out of the sky.”
The woman winced. Hurt and embarrassed. Danny felt a twinge of guilt for snapping.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. “Just a little on edge. I know what you meant. But, unfortunately-”
He gestured to his injured leg.
“-I’m not really equipped to find a better spot.”
“I could find something!” She added hopefully. “I have a friend near here that I think could help.”
Danny glanced at her with a pitying look. He didn’t want to ask, but he had to.
“Is your friend… you know. Still around?”
The woman looked insulted.
“If you mean ALIVE. Yes. She is alive.”
“Sorry.” Danny at least had the good graces to look embarrassed.
“Not everyone in your situation is as aware as you. I promise I’m not trying to offend.”
He sighed.
“I really appreciate the help. But I’m very close to my apartment. I think I’d have a better chance getting there safely than trying to get to wherever your friend is.”
“You live near here?” She asked skeptically.
“Well, yeah. Not exactly legally. But it's safe.”
“Okay.” She started to reach for the boy. Extending her hand for him to grab.
“Okay?” He sounded confused.
“Yes, O.K. Let’s get you home.”
Danny wasn’t sure whether to accept her help or not. She seemed determined, that was for sure. And she had brought him supplies. No easy feet for a shade. Most wouldn’t have been able to hold on long enough to complete a task that took that long. Whatever had driven her to help him must have been pretty strong. She was present. Focused. Every other shade he’d encountered in this city, forgot about him the moment he was out of their line of sight. They weren’t unkind. Just distracted. Their minds, or what was left of them, lingered in the past. The moments of lucidity were few and far between. And just as fleeting.
This woman was solid. She took up space. She knew where she was and what she was doing. It was honestly impressive. Gotham had more ambient ectoplasm than most cities but not nearly enough to sustain a shade to this extent. This was one strong-willed ghost.
“What’s your name?”
He nodded and smiled.
He reached out and took hold of her hand.
Here’s the second part of that chapter! Sorry for the wait. I haven’t abandoned it yet I promise! Just been a busy couple of weeks. If you like the fic so far please leave a comment! I love Martha she’s just trying her best. Being dead is hard lol
Thanks for reading!
@alinmenttreasure @quirky-gardener @mnemovoid @amercurio @may-rbi @allmune @i-havenothingelsetopost @kittenline @alienzil @depuffstuff @thegatorsgoose @flamey-comet @paper-enigma @that-awkward-fae-nerd @keimiwolf @ectoplasm024 @oddlydrawnpuppets @coffeeandcrown @analusikzz @quirky-gardener @seraphinedemort @v-inari @catmaraudersfan @icedbluesoul @spookytragedyshark @freakofyournature @rhyme-is-sublime @introvert-even-on-the-internet @cutelittlebeanie @chubbypotato @jackalspine @magicaldaydreams @riverdancingwerewolves @tabetharasa @imagineshazamlokimight @avelnfear @mouzerequis @idfk-man10 @nervousperfectionandroid @thefearfullone @mentalcarebear @strawberryfire17 @valiantsuitcaseskellington @theywontletmeusetheoneiwant @ineeesleep @dracotheghostdragon @allmune @liandrin
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roselyn-writing · 6 months
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Finally, After a month of working on Adeleois/Rakan lore, I managed to wrote it 😁. Let’s get started now!
Name: Rakan (Mortal) Adeleois (Mantle/Divine name).
Name meaning: In Arabic, Rakan means ‘noble’
Age: 450 Y.O.
Date of birth: 13 July. (791, In Virginian time and year).
Hair colour: Black (formerly) Silver (currently)
Eyes colour: Light Brown (formerly) Silver (currently). (Silver with violet and blue hues when he uses his powers.)
Aesthetics/Colours: Silver, Grey, Night aesthetics, moon aesthetic, moonlight, Bohemian aesthetic. Warrior aesthetics, pagan. Etc.
Favourite colours: Black, Silver, Navy blue, White.
Likes: to help people, being honest, practicing his Kophesh sword. Spread peace and justice. Loves to admire the moon. (In its every phase). Likes to read, eating healthy, Lover of mountains, lover of nature, lover of caves.
Hates: liars, bigots (Hate them with his VERY heart), Thieves, murderers, abusers, racists, Racism, Wars, and etc.
Favourite food: Beef Barley soup with roasted veggies, Mushrooms salad, Porridge. Tea, coffee, hot beverages. Bread and cheese, chocolate muffin. Beef chops.
Least favourite food: Ice cream (any flavour).
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“I will defend the defenseless and protect the innocent till my last breath!” ——- Adeleois’s quote, The moon warrior.
🗡️The lore 🌕
CW: Gore and blood, Bigotry and etc.
In the glorious mountain Kythera of Virginia. An ancient place filled with power and wonder. Where the only worthy will be bestowed upon such power of divinity and wisdom.
There, on top of the mountain and beyond is fit place for living, There is a tribe called So’lar they worship and venerate the sun, They deem all other sources of light inferior.
They disrespect the people who worship the stars, the planets, the sky, but the most people who are tortured and disrespected by them; were the people who worship the moon. They are called the ‘Moon’aris’ and the Sun worshippers are called ‘Sun’aris’
The Sun’aris always call other people who worship and venerate other things ‘Lestsi’ which means: ‘Blasphemers’ or ‘Heretics’ or ‘unbelievers’
The Sun’aris took a lot of prisoners of the Moon’aris and tortured them until they abandoned their beliefs and converted to their religion, and worship the sun like them.
Rakan, was born in a place closer to the So’lar. But he found his way into the tribe because of the tribe scouts, They brought him there as a baby and decided to welcome him into the tribe.
They made sure to tell him of their ‘glorious’ religion when he grew up. And they did. They taught him everything they want. And they did the same to other children.
Rakan grew up into the So’lar tribe. He learned their ways and embraced them. He thought they are true and righteous until the day that changed his life forever.
Rakan, Who is 16 years old, He saw the scouts of the tribe brought a few people of the Moon’aris, They were two women and a man.
They were tortured brutally because they refused to abandon their beliefs. Rakan and his best friend: Andreas, they were traumatised by this.
They saw the tribe leader: Alexander, shoving his hand into the woman’s throat and pulled her vocal cords out along with other soft bloody tissues. She screamed loudly, in pain and horror; it was a macabre sight, the floor was painted in a crimson canvas of the innocent woman’s blood, she was tortured brutally, she gurgled loudly, trying to summon a cry of help and plea but she couldn’t, because her vocals cords were pulled out of her throat, Rakan changed forever. He doesn’t want to be a part of this tribe. He winced in pain at that sight and it was forever in his mind.
That sight was enough to haunt Rakan for the rest of his life, The woman was still alive when the leader tortured her like that.
Rakan and Andreas were best friends from their younger days, They ate together, played together and even studied together, They were known as ‘brothers in arms’ and they friendship was strong, one time, Andreas saved his friend Rakan from a stampede of the desert beasts. Their bond became much stronger ever since.
One day, Rakan was admiring the full moon in the night, Andreas, once again, warned him that he shouldn’t get caught while watching and admiring the moon, Rakan noted and left, after that, He heard a voice, it told Rakan he should climbed the mountain and he will see something he need. Rakan, begrudgingly agreed, He climbed the mountain with the man, After he and the man reached the mountain top.
Rakan felt something strange yet beautiful, He was admiring the full moon again. Suddenly, A bright and blinding light of the moon came down on Rakan, Bathing him in the moonlight, He felt his flesh wrought anew, reborn in the moonlight as a beacon; ready to fight for justice and the truth, it felt like eons then it dissipated, Rakan saw his reflection on the glassy rocks of the mountain, He noticed his face and everything about him changed, His looks, his body and everything thing, There are even tattoos and crescent moon mark on his forehead and body.
Fully adorned with armor made of moonlight and bestowed upon the powers of the moon. Rakan decided to use his newfound powers to protect the innocent, defend the defenseless and bring justice to the land of Kythera, He took his Kophesh sword that was made from moonlight and dashed like a moonlight meteorite to fight for freedom and justice.
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Rumors and words spread alike, about a new moon warrior. That came to rescue the other people who aren’t worshipping the sun and thus being oppressed by the Sun’aris, The Sun’Aris deeply loathed this new information and they decided to search for this warrior and kill him on sight.
The leader of the Sun’aris knew of Rakan disappearance but he didn’t care at all. He thought that he died or something. But he didn’t knew that Rakan became the next Moon Warrior that is protecting the oppressed people who aren’t worshipping the sun. He is protecting morning, noon and night. He didn’t tire while doing so.
The leader of the Sun’Aris: Alexander, didn’t believe his eyes or ears, when his scouts told him of a new aspect of the moon, His eyes widened, his mouth fell agape as he tried to process their words. He even asked them again.
“Is this true?” He inquired.
They all nodded, Their faces tell the answer. “Yes, It is.”
“Yeah, He is Rakan,” one of the scouts volunteerd.
In pure anger, He threw his pen and everything on his desk on the floor. He looked terrified and confused. He looked at his scouts but they didn’t answer him let alone reacted to his meltdown. They bowed their heads and excused themselves to leave.
Alexander vowed that he will kill this new moon warrior, and he will bathe in his blood to satisfy his hatred and anger.
It was from that moment, Alexander made Andreas hate his best friend: Rakan, He managed to poison Andreas’s hearts and made him feel ‘abandoned’ and ‘betrayed’ by his so-called best friend: Rakan.
Andreas began to hate Rakan, He began to train more and more to prove himself the best warrior in mounth Kythera, He even became the aspect of the sun himself: Sunayois
Rakan or preferred to be called Adeleois, He is protecting the people of Moon’ari, Satarins and other people who worship other things, This made Alexander even more angrier and hateful.
Adeleois was excellently deluding the Sun’aris attacks and traps, He even killed them when they refused to leave him alone, bloods on his hands, his armor and on his Kophesh, So his hands are pretty much tied. He was forced to kill, he disliked killing,
The Sun’aris vowed to find Adeleois and kill him, but they couldn’t defeat him if they found him, He was far too powerful for them. He is strategic, calm, and patient unlike Sun’aris, they were brash, aggressive and aren’t strategic at all.
Adeleois is threatened with death and torture, but he didn’t care at all, his devotion was set aflame when he saw there are people who needed him, people who would pray for a saviour and Adeleois answered their prayers, His life isn’t important when he saw the numbers of people being tortured and killed for what they believe in, and —Lady Selene, The beautiful and benevolent woman who is currently the Queen of the Moon’aris. She needed him, They needed him.
It had been years of war between the Sun’aris and Adeleois, the latter managed to unite the Moon’aris, the sky worshippers, Thee satarins, and the planets worshippers to join him and aid him against those monsters, who will oppress anyone that does not convert to their religion.
All are united against the Sun’aris, The battle was fierce, bloody, merciless for the Sun’aris and yet they couldn’t win at all, because, they weren’t strong and united enough to win against Adeleois and his allies, Adeleois announced that the previous Adeleois was Andreas’s father, He was shocked when he knew that Alexander killed his father. Andreas turned on Alexander, Thus, Rakan and Andreas are friends again.
In the end, Adeleois and his allies won, Adeleois banished Alexander from Mount Kythera, The latter went to another place where he can live with his beliefs and etc, he lived alone and died alone.
Thus, All races and other people who have different religions lived together and in peace, giving way to a new era of peace and harmony and prosperity among all other people and religions.
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financeprincess · 1 year
It is so inspiring hearing about your weight loss :) i was wondering if you had any particular weight loss tips you’d like to share? I went through a period of weight loss myself, but have lately gained back a lot of what I’ve lost and I’d like to know if there’s anything that helped you get back on the wagon. Love your blog btw!
Don’t be too hard on yourself, its rough out here especially in the US. it’s easy to accidentally slip up and gain 15 pounds just by eating a lil extra every day.
Some things that helped me:
Intermittent fasting, only a 13 hour window though. The 16:8 was too much for me and with women it can screw with your hormones if you’re not careful.
Drinking lots of water. Like a ton. I put those hydration multiplier electrolyte packets in my water as well.
Get good quality sleep. I got some Brooklinen sheets and they are 100% worth it. Definitely improved my sleep quality. I also have a really nice down duvet and an Egyptian cotton cover for it. I also have a silk eye mask and a silk pillowcase from Slip that I love. Sleep is extremely important.
Get 10k steps a day or at least just walk as much as you can. I’m sedentary a lot for school/work/etc. so I absolutely have to get out and walk and get moving. Even if you just aim for a mile or two a day it’ll greatly help.
If you don’t want to lift weights that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. I used to be super into powerlifting and got pretty muscular but it doesn’t excite me like it used to. I do a mix now of walking, jogging, pilates, rollerblading, cycling, kickboxing, swimming, yoga, ice skating, and weightlifting. That way I’m never bored and the variety allows me to choose what I want to do.
Consistency is key. Doing 4 workouts a week at a light/medium intensity is better than doing 1-2 a week of super high intensity and burning yourself out. Every little bit helps.
I do a full body stretch every day. This is super important. Our bodies get so stiff during the day. If you don’t stretch this can lead to injuries when you try to do other things.
I love the sauna (and hot yoga too). If you can find and afford a gym that has a sauna, I would highly recommend. Sometimes I will just go and walk on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes and watch YouTube videos and then sit in the sauna. It’s the best.
Make sure you’re not deficient in anything. Take a complete multivitamin and get blood work done. I was severely deficient in vitamin D and it was making me depressed. Once I took a supplement, got more sun and got my levels up it really helped my overall health.
Cut out grains, sugar, junk food, fried foods, etc. and just eat real foods. Anything with a long ingredient list usually isn’t a good idea. It’ll take a minute to get used to it but once you start eating almost exclusively vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats you won’t miss it. I have such a big sweet tooth sometimes I’ll have to eat like five servings of berries with a few tablespoons of honey just to satisfy it, but that’s better than ice cream or candy any day.
Don’t deprive or starve yourself. I eat as healthy as I can manage 80-90% of the time. But every once and a while I will eat a huge plate of pasta, gelato, tiramisu, croissants, those types of foods that I love. It’s not helpful to punish yourself and you gotta live a little.
I got a smart scale in my bathroom, the one I got is from FitIndex. It has an app that connects to your phone and it syncs to other health apps. it shows you body fat, muscle mass, water weight, everything. Honestly super triggering at first because I felt called out lol but now I step on it once a week just to make sure I’m on the right track.
You do not need a gym membership to workout. YouTube is the best. I love Yoga with Adrienne, MadFit, Move with Nicole, Charlie Follows, Vicky Justiz, and there’s a bunch of others. Find what you like and try to stick with it as much as you can.
Rest is super important. Don’t run yourself ragged. If you’re sore don’t force yourself to workout.
MyFitnessPal is super helpful. If you have a history of disordered eating this might not be for you but it’s good to be conscious of what you’re eating. Figure out what you need to lose fat/maintain/gain muscle and then track to see where you’re at and adjust accordingly.
Eat more protein. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber keep you full. You will be starving if you eat only salads. Fruit smoothies with protein, protein oats, salmon, yogurt, eggs, etc.
Get cute workout gear. It makes it more fun for me to workout with my pink towels, my pink hydroflask, my lululemon yoga mat, I have a baby blue jumprope and pink dumbbells and pastel colored resistance bands for at home workouts. A lot of my workout clothes are from lululemon, alo yoga, free people, and aerie. I have some of those blender bottles in cute colors for preworkout, protein powder, super greens powder, electrolyte mixes, etc. Some of this stuff is pricy but I’d rather be investing in my health than paying medical bills down the road so it’s 100% worth it to me.
The only way to see permanent change is to make it a lifestyle. Unfortunately you can’t just go back to eating unhealthy foods once you hit a certain goal. Those models who say they live exclusively off of pizza and pasta and cheeseburgers are lying through their teeth. It’s perfectly healthy to have days off where you indulge or don’t exercise but most of the time you’ll have to find ways to eat healthy and exercise and prioritize your health.
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aloy-sobek · 6 months
Vet Bills and a Sick Kitty Boy
Hello all, over the past month and a half I have incurred some medical bills for my cat Alistair, that while one bill hurts but isn't world ending. Multiple have put us in a bind.
Our Total: $430/$1176.86
My Paypal: tielfingriley or paypal.me/tieflingriley
The Story:
So my sweet yet very hungry boy Alistair, had been having stomach troubles. He's 12 years old, so not uncommon for a cat his age, and he has always had a bit of a sensitive tum, but this was different. He was projectile vomiting mostly water, and I had noticed he was loosing weight. He is a long cat, and his healthy weight sits at 15-16 pounds.
So we take him to the vet and the do a initial blood panel with a special panel to check a for a heart protein, it is here that I learn my asthmatic cat also has a heart murmur! But because of the special check it had to be sent to THE ONLY LAB IN THE US THAT CHECKS FOR IT, which meant it was pricey
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Good news, blood came back fine. His heart and kidneys weren't failing but he was still vomiting water at this time. At this point we were moved to a different vet who noted his long term tum issues. Informing me that long term inflammation can lead to Gastrol Intestinal Cancer. (Maybe) They only DEFINITIVE way of checking was to slice him open and do biopsies, which wasn't ideal. Instead we opted for an Ultrasound, it would check for inflammation, which would say absolutely yes or no on inflammation, but would still be a maybe on the cancer (however its the same treatment either way). But could also check Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder. I of course chose this because it was far less invasive to the boy. Alistair did need to be sedated. He isn't a violent cat, but he is a squirmy noodle.
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This is when things got really spicy for us financially. You see this happened RIGHT before my birthday. Like legit I found out my cat had maybe cancer the day before. And my husband a few weeks prior had bought me a rather nice gift of storage drawers? IDK what you would call it but furniture for my art supplies to be stored in. It was a bit pricey but I was having a rough time and a history of astronomically shitty birthdays. (As you can see, the universe has a sense of humor)
So the Ultrasound came back. Yes there are signs of inflammations, so cancer is still a maybe. However, what had the doctors eyes and was concerning her more was the pancreas. It was, extended and incorrect. She believed that it wasn't producing a enzyme to help break down food, particularly fat, for absorption. Essentially, on top of the inflammation, Alistair was slowly starving to death. However before just popping some pig panceas pills inside my boy, she wants to make sure. So more blood work, TO THE ONLY LAB IN THE US OF COURSE, an another bill.
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Now we are waiting on this information. He is on some pro and prebiotics that have stopped the vomiting entirely. However his weight is still quite thin. I am unsure if we will have more hefty bills. For reference a checkup at this vet is 50 bucks. So normally its not to rough on us, and check up plus vaccines is 100 which is a planned event. None of this was planned to say the least.
Alistair saved my life. I know logically getting a cat as a means to not kill yourself isn't the best thing to do, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Ive had him since September of 2012. I love that fluffy biscuit stealing bastard with my entire heart. I have a tattoo on him on my arm, my first and currently only tattoo. Because of him, I was able to live a longer and healthier life and I want that for him.
Despite being a cat, he loves biscuits, potato chips, and the tops of muffins but only the tops. He can and will open cookie jars for cookies. I have explained he is an obligate carnivore and he has explained like a good southern he cant turn down a carb.
He will fist fight you for cheese. Love to play fetch with a hair tie. Isn't a lap cat with the exception of me. LOVES NAPS, and likes to watch Markiplier.
He's a very good boy with separation anxiety, and tummy issues who just wants to nap and eat and I think we can all relate.
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Oh...and he has a little mustache
Thank you to all who donate and to everyone who spreads the word to help us get out of this debt.
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moo-blogging · 2 years
Late night thoughts #85:
Modern day Levi with a teenage daughter (+ slightly suggestive at the end)
"Absolutely not." Levi crossed his arms.
"It's just 1 day, it won't kill me!" Livia crossed her arms too.
Both father and daughter having the same black hair, the same eye colour crossed their arms while glaring at each other across the dinner table.
Levi signed. "Instant noodles are bad for your health. It's just salt and chemicals. You are not having it during your sleepover."
"Everybody has instant noodles at their sleepovers! It's just one day!" Livia puffed.
It was your daughter, Livia's 16th birthday next week and Levi finally agreed to host a sleepover in the house, inviting a couple of her friends over. Levi had been doing detailed planning to ensure no boys would be coming and insisted on having every friend's parents' phone number. He even wrote an itinerary 1 month before the actual event. But now Livia wanted make those Korean instant noodles she saw on her social medias at home with her friends.
"You are not having that unhealthy chemicals on your birthday, and that's final! Now eat your dinner, lady!" Levi pointed at Livia's untouched food.
"Hpmh!" Livia swallowed her food so fast she left the table within minutes.
You lean on the side of the sink as you wiped the wet plates passed by Levi. You could feel Levi's anger as he scrubbed the plates.
"Love?" You started.
"No, I'm not going to let her eat that nasty plastic noodles. We made sure she had healthy, organic food for years and now she wants to eat some noodles in a packet that comes with flavoured powder just because some brats made videos about it? No, I will not allow that." Levi passed you another clean plate.
"Levi, my love," you signed, "Livia has been a good girl. She has been eating all her vegies since young. And she does her exercises with you. But now she wants to explore more. She's at that age now."
"No, she can explore the good things." Levi scrubbed on the already shiny plate, "these are not good for her."
"Levi, love, you know very well Livia is very much like you." You thought about how they both crossed their arms at the table, and the way they glared at each other with fire in their eyes, "and you know she could have done it behind your back if you keep stopping her. Would you have listened when you were 16?"
Signing, Levi twisted the tap off and turned to look at you. "You knew I was not in a good situation back then. But I really don't want Livia to have those unhealthy things. I want Livia to have what I didn't."
Setting the plate down on the island, you took a step forth toward your husband. "Well, sometimes what is best for them is to let them grow. I know you love Livia, I lover her too." You lean into your husband's chest and snake your amrs around him, "What don't we make a noodle bar for them? With our own ingredients but taste like instant noodles. It's a win-win. Livia can make the orders. And the girls can have fun too." You looked at your husband expectedly.
Levi wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a kiss on your nose "what would I do without you? You're always so smart when it comes to things like this. A noodle bar sounds nice."
Levi signed. "Guess I have to re-plan the menu."
Your palm on his jaw, you pulled Levi's face in and kissed the side of his lips, "you're so amazing, my love."
Levi turned his head and planted a kiss on your lips, "who is going to tell Livia?"
"You." You giggled as you tapped his butt cheek. "You gotta continue being her favourite parent."
Levi exhaled a laugh. "Why don't we have another kid whose favourite parent is you?" He squeezed your butt.
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bunny-lovers · 3 months
5, 10 and 17 !! ₍^ >ヮ<^₎
Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊 @coffinwoodd @mahitosoulmate @your-local-loverboy @zoroscanonhusband @thepenguinandthefiend @goodmorningawfulbye @starryweather
1. How was your very first date like?
The first date was very relaxing. We went for a stroll on our first date.
2. Who asked who out for your first date? You or your f/o?
That would be me.
3. Do either of you ever get nervous about dates? If so, how do you deal with the feeling of nerves?
No, we don't!
4. How do you guys like to dress up for dates? Fancy, casual, etc? Do you do anything different with your hair or anything else?
Mainly casual clothes for dates. Sometimes either Rumi or I would curl our hair using the curl iron.
5. Have either of you ever struggled with being your true, honest selves during dates before? (Examples: Secret identities, acting like you have the same interests in movies/shows, etc.)
No, not at all.
6. What time of day you guys usually like to go on dates? (Noon, night, etc.)
During the week, it's nighttime & over the weekends, it's either at noon or afternoon.
7. Did you guys have your first kiss during one of your dates? If so, how was it like?
No, we didn't. Our first kissed happened after Rumi & I met at the coffee café.
8. Are either of you talkative during dates, or are you shy/quiet? What do you do in case you run out of things to say to your date?
Rumi is the talkative one & I'm the shy one. We would smile & look into each others' eyes until one of us come up with something to say.
9 If you guys were to go to have a meal together, what would be your favorite place to go?
It would be at a healthy food restaurant.
10. Do you guys go to places where there are many other people around, or do you prefer being alone?
We mostly go to places where there are many other people around.
11. Have you ever had a double date with another couple before? If so, how was it like?
No, we haven't yet.
12. What kinds of gifts do you give each other during dates?
Hair accessories, flowers, jewelries, clothing, & small plushies.
13. Have you guys ever had a negative dating experience? (Examples: Arguments, something embarrassing happening, villains ruining your dates, etc.) If something went wrong, how do you guys work it out?
Yes, it was the villains ruining our dates. Rumi took care of the villains by kicking them while I went somewhere to hide until it's done.
14. Do you guys like your dates big/extravagant, small/simple, or somewhere in between?
We like small/simple dates.
15. When you meet up with your f/o for a date, what kind of compliments do you usually give them? And vice versa, what kind of compliments do they usually give you?
The kind of compliments I give Rumi: "I love your hair.", & "You look stunning no matter what you wear." The kind of compliments Rumi gives me: "You look so beautiful." & "Your hair looks amazing."
16. During a date, have you ever had that Lady and the Tramp moment where you guys would eat spaghetti and your lips would meet?
Yes, it happened a few times.
17. Do you have any friends/family members who try to set up your date/make it as perfect as possible? If so, do they succeed or fail?
18. In case you’ve struggled with thinking of ideas for dates, have either of you ever seeked dating advice from someone before?
No, we haven't.
19. What are the places you guys enjoy going to for dates the most?
A hiking trail or path in a large park, the mall, ice cream shop, & the beach.
20. Overall, what would you say is the best date you’ve ever had? Your favorite memory of that specific date?
The best date Rumi & I had was our first hiking trip last summer. My favorite memory of that date was when Rumi & I get to see new places & the wildlife while walking & holding hands.
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Fruit of Her Loins
Summary: The Queen of Cordonia faints and is taken to a hospital. There, they shut down her last hope.
Rating: M - Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Mentions of domestic violence. Reader discretion is advised.
Words: 1000
Notes: Evil Liam. I like it.
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Riley remains laid down with her eyes closed while inhaling long breaths of air. In, out. In, out. One after the other, like her mother used to do back when she was just a little girl, back in that shithole she called home.
It works somewhat, the waves of nausea declining slightly, she does not feel as dizzy as she did earlier that morning, but the feeling that something is very wrong with her only grows with each second. Something that can ruin her only sliver of hope out of this life.
A hand lands on hers and she opens her eyes again. She slowly and steadily turns her face to the side, meeting her husband’s eyes. He gives her a reassuring smile, gracing his features with unabashed ease. It is, ostensibly, a sweet gesture of him, but she cannot find the energy to return it, she does not want to pretend anymore. There is something wrong, something very wrong, bringing her to the edge.
The Queen of Cordonia is, officially, Orthodox Christian, having converted upon marriage, so she might as well pray to a god she is not really sure exists for a miracle she is quite certain will not come. She already suspects the condition that sent her to the hospital, the thought eating she up inside. All the times that Liam conveniently forgot to use condoms, the almost imperceptible way her birth control pills tasted slightly different than usual, his encouragement for her to work out more, the gross healthy diet he had imposed at home, the way he always came inside her.
Now Riley knows why. It feels so painfully obvious that she is almost angry with herself not to see it coming.
“Are you feeling any better?” The monarch asks, concernedly, while lovingly stroking her hair. “Do you need some water? Would you care for me to order some food?"
She shakes her head, slowly lifting herself up to lean against the bed's headboard. It was that weird sturdy plastic they usually have in places like this. For the best hospital in Cordonia, it felt awfully uncomfortable. Then again, she lived in a literal palace, and felt overwhelmed and restless there. It might just be in her nature, or it might be the company she keeps.
Liam hurries to help her, kind and accommodating as always, fluffing a pillow behind her back before pressing a kiss to her forehead. A shiver makes her body shake, exhaustion flooding her and she fights with herself just to keep her eyes open.
"I'm sure everything is fine.” He says, suddenly, and his wife notices how he struggles to keep an expectant smile off his face. “Don't worry, love."
Riley nods in response, not bothering to come up with a proper phrase. The feeling of malaise she has had ever since their wedding, the intuition of broken dreams and harsh awakenings ahead, increasing on the bottom of her stomach.
Cordonia is a very conservative country. It makes Greece, Turkey and Israel collectively blush in how truly traditional things are in a supposedly-modern Western nation. There is only at-fault divorce, communal property is held by the husband, the father has priority in custody cases. Money, influence and family connections make the justice system move, or stand infuriatingly still, as the case may be.
Not long after that, a doctor appears, accompanied by a nurse and Riley cringes at the sight of them. The professionals and workers at Cordonian hospitals scare her. They all wear a serious, almost robotic face, occasionally broken only by a sneer of undeserved superiority.
The doctor approaches the woman, stethoscope in his hand ready to hear her heart and lungs. “How’s the patient feeling now?”
“She’s better now, not feeling that weak anymore.” The husband answers in her place, a tinge of annoyance hitting her at his behavior. “What did the blood test show?”
The cold metal makes the queen flinch, but she keeps taking deep breaths until the doctor ends his examinations, trying to keep calm, lest she unwittingly gives them reason to keep her longer. He comes to stand in front of the bed, a sympathetic smile that does nothing to make she feel better on his face as he looks at his monarch.
“Everything is fine besides the sugar level being low, which is what caused the patient to faint.” The doctor explains, an air of detachment as he wipes the stethoscope with a flannel fished out of his pocket.
Liam squeezes her hand and Riley holds her breath. Both of them already know what is coming next.
“However, that’s completely normal in a pregnancy.” The medical professional concludes, placing his instrument around his neck again.
His words make the queen feel weak again and she can only be glad that she is already seated down. Her husband, in turn, has his face breaks into a huge grin, arms wrapping around her in a hug as his hand travels to her belly, remaining there.
Riley freezes, unable to think properly. She is pregnant. Of Liam.
The Queen of Cordonia is pregnant, carrying the next heir to the throne. A boy or a girl, it does not matter. She is now public property, her body and all the fruits of it belong to the public, now more than ever.
No, not the public. She is, yet again, chained to Liam, now more firmly than ever before.
The monarch parts from his wife to hold her face in a possessive kiss, ignoring the doctor who exits the room, leaving them alone.
“I am so proud of you, love. This is wonderful news.” He declares, his eyes twinkling. “Oh, I can picture the announcement already. I’m almost climbing to the rooftop and shouting it out myself!”
She tunes him out after that. Her stomach does a flip and she grips the sheets tightly, trying to control herself. She cannot panic, she cannot cry.
Her last hope is extinct. Riley will never be able to leave Liam.
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mrbexwrites · 18 days
Sibling Q&A Tag
Tagged by @spideronthesun here- thank you <3 Leaving an open tag for anyone else who'd like to do this, as my brain is not working at the moment 😅 I was going to answer this for my Memento Mori siblings, but the questions fit Mavis & Connor best!
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Connor: Mavis. Mavis: We're twins. I feel like we both have a lot of his features. Unfortunately. Connor: You more than me, though. You have his frown, and you wear it all the time. Mavis:...
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Both: Colleen. Connor: She definitely takes after Mum. She got her eyes, which definitely helps.
3. Who eats the most?
Mavis: Connor. You've put some weight on, recently. Maybe time t cut down. You've got a wedding suit to squeeze into. Connor: Don't fat-shame me! I've been stress eating, and Hadley says my having a tummy means that there's more for me to love!
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Connor: Mavis. 100% Mavis. I mean...you've met her right? She's pretty effed-up.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Mavis: Connor. He lies in bed well past sunrise most days. Connor: Some of us just sleep a normal eight hour night, and can't survive on whatever sleep they can snatch. Mave, getting less than four hours of sleep per night isn't healthy!
6. Most stable romantic life?
Both in unison: Connor.
7. Worst habit of each one?
Connor: Mavis has a lot of unaddressed anger issues. She's going to need a lot of therapy. She likes to horde tins of food, but I think that's a trauma response. She doesn't use her words to tell us how she's feeling, she'll just sulk and lash out, expecting us to know what's wrong with her. She's pretty grumpy most of the time. But she does like to keep thins neat and tidy....a little too neat and tidy. Like 'everything has a place' tidy. So, yeah... Mavis: ... Mavis: Connor chews with his mouth open.
8. Who's the most dramatic?
Connor: Mavis Mavis: Connor. Connor: Wait...! What?! How am I the most dramatic? Mavis: You cried when you got punched in the face. Connor: That's not being dramatic! That's being in pain! You're the dramatic one! You blew up an art gallery just because Arnauld was in it! Mavis: That's not dramatic. That's being thorough. Connor:...
9. Who had a weird phase?
Mavis: Connor. He went through his emo phase. With a stupid fringe and lip piercing. The long chain hanging from his jeans. The poetry! Connor: It was a phase! yes, it was super cringe, but who wasn't a total little weirdo when they were 13 years old?
10. Best cook of the family?
Connor: Mum. 100% Mum. She bakes her own bread, makes her own yoghurt. She can take anything and turn it into a banquet. Honestly, you should come round. She'll never see someone go away hungry.
11. Best memory together?
Mavis: That day we went fishing in the river, and you caught a fish. I helped you reel it in. Connor: We were five or six. That's your favourite memory of us? Mavis: *shrugs*
12. Worst memory together?
Connor: There was this one time when Mavis kidnapped me, and took me to our father. He tortured me. That wasn't great.
13. Dream trip together
Connor: Pretty much anywhere. We've been apart for most of our childhood. Maybe a camping trip so that we can have proper time spent in nature, bonding, reminiscing... Mavis: I'd rather go to Hell than go on a holiday with you.
14. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Connor: Shower. I'd hate not being able to shower. I want to be cleeean! I could always air out my clothes, or spray them with deoderant to try to mask the smell. But I want me to be clean and fresh. Mavis: I not fussed. Done both, if I'm honest. No-one complained. Connor: It's a good thing that smell isn't something that can travel over our psychic link...!
15. Who's the older one?
Connor: Mavis. But only by a couple of minutes.
16. Role model?
Connor: Arnauld. He's so cool, and has shaped me into the man I am today. Followed closely by Gary. Mavis: Father.
17. Who usually has the worst ideas?
Mavis: Connor. He's an idiot. Connor: Says the person who blew up an art gallery !!
18. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Both: Mavis. Connor: I'm squemish. Mavis will get it. Mavis: He usually begs for me to just trap it and throw it outside. It's easier to kill it, but he usually asks nicely, and I'm trying to be a better person, so I'll just scoop it into my hand, and throw it out a window.
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briarzheng · 1 month
Tumblr media
⌜ zhao lusi, cis - woman, she/her, ⌟  welcome back to hogwarts, BRIAR ZHENG ! according to your file, you’re a TWENTY THREE year old MUGGLE BORN. as i’m sure you remember, last spring had its challenges, but i’m confident you’ll take your studies more seriously this year. as a FIFTH year HUFFLEPUFF, focusing on HEALING & MEDICINE, you’ve got a lot on your plate. our records show that you're OPTIMISTIC and DETERMINED however, they seem to have left off that you're OVER-EMOTIONAL and NAIVE. if i’m correct, you’re siding with THE LIGHT, which makes sense considering you’re known around the castle for muggle romance novels piled high on your bedside table ; sparkling douyin inspired eye makeup ; an oversized, paint speckled denim jacket ; waist length romantic curls ; pale pink nail polish. let’s hope you make it through the year in one piece.
B A S I C S .
full name … briar rose zheng. nickname(s) … n/a. dob … march 11th, 2001. age … twenty three. gender … cis - woman. pronouns … she/her. sexuality … pansexual. relationship status … single. education … hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
H E A L T H .
preferred hand … left. blood type … a+. allergies ... peanuts. physical … while she is slim and in shape, she's not the most healthy. she doesn't exercise beyond running to classes, but she does like to eat pretty healthy. mental … a.d.d. social … a social butterfly! she easily makes friends and has tons of them, but she does have a small circle that she keeps close.
P E R S O N A L I T Y .
positive …  optimistic, determined, affable, altruistic, ardent. negative …  over - emotional, naive, unfocused, clumsy, impulsive. habits … biting/chewing her lower lip, sleeping with stuffed animals, singing in the shower ( off key at best ), drinking coffee in the morning instead of tea. likes … junk food, dressing up, shopping, muggle museums, sailor moon, the scent of cocoa butter, snuggling with her bunny, eating her weight in sweets, dislikes … violence, injustice, conflict, people who disrespect others, isolation. fears … spiders, losing her loved ones. tropes … the optimist, adorkable, brightly colored cuteness. inspiration ... usagi tsukino ( sailor moon ), elle woods ( legally blonde ), mabel pines ( gravity falls ).
F A M I L Y.
emily zheng ( nee liu ) ; ( mother - muggle , 40 , registered nurse ) david zheng ; ( father - muggle, 42, construction worker ) belle zheng ; ( sister - muggle? 16, student ) rosie zheng ; ( holland lop rabbit, one year old )
A P P E A R A N C E .
faceclaim … zhao lusi. face … heart-shaped face, with high cheekbones and a soft, rounded chin that adds to her youthful and delicate appearance. large, almond-shaped eyes that are one of her most prominent features, often giving her a bright and engaging expression. her expressive eyes are framed by well-defined, arched eyebrows and long, naturally curved lashes. her nose is small and slightly upturned, complementing her smooth, fair complexion. lips are full and slightly curved, typically seen in a gentle, warm smile. hair … thick, waist length dark brown hair that she often wears straight, sleeps with pigtail braids every night, no exceptions. body … 5'3 , slim build. style … click here for pinterest board. misc … double ear lobes on both ears, conch and tragus on right ear, cartilage on right ear, one tattoo ( click here ! )
W I T C H C R A F T .
house … hufflepuff. blood status … muggle born. boggart … giant spider. amortentia … fresh baked bread, cocoa butter lotion, the smell of the earth after a rain storm, & brewing espresso. patronus … dolphin. wand … hornbeam wood with a dragon core 10 ¼" and pliant flexibility. major … healing & medicine. goals … become a top healer at st. mungo's, or eventually take over or madam pomfrey at hogwarts. favorites … care of magical creatures, transfiguration & defense against the dark arts. least favorites … potions, & ancient runes. extracurriculars … astrology club, herbology club, magical creatures club ( vice president ).
briar rose zheng was born in the spring of 2001 in derry, ireland. her family, a middleclass muggle family, didn't have much in materialistic terms, she grew up loved and cherished. her mother is a registered nurse and her father a construction worker, and both are utterly ordinary ( in terms of magic ). while briar is the oldest of two girls, her sister tends to be the calmer more steady of the two siblings. briar has always been the more sensitive of the two sisters, often behaving like the younger of the two, and was quickly ( and lovingly ) branded a crybaby by her family.
artistic and optimistic, briar's first love has always been art. painting, photography, ceramics, any media she could get her little hands on. her parents always encouraged her to do what made her happy. painting would always be her favorite, followed closely by photography. even now, it's not uncommon for her to have a camera around her neck. as she got older her social butterfly nature became increasingly obvious. she made friends easily, even befriending those who seemed hard to get a long with.
briar's high school career was pretty uneventful. she did extremely well in her courses, kept an almost perfect point average and graduated early, at the age of sixteen. wanting to take a break before she attended college ( majoring in fine art, of course ), she decided to take a year off. within that time... things started happening. cookies floating off the baking tray, things disappearing into thin air... very odd, strange things. and then finally... a letter. at seventeen briar finally understood why she had deep down always felt like she didn't belong. briar was finally home.
at first, briar had no idea what she wanted to focus her studies on, and when her mother had suggested healing & medicine she had dismissed her altogether, but after falling ill and winding up in the hospital wing during her first year, she realized just how fascinating it was. she had always been altruistic and compassionate, and it felt right. helping take care of those around her. so she declared her area of study.
while briar has always aligned herself with the light, it became even more clear to her when cedric diggory was murdered last year. while they weren't as close as some of her housemates were to him, she felt the sharp pain of heartache when she found out he he had passed, and she knew then more than ever that she wanted to help people.
her room at home and her area in the dorms are both covered in art. paintings, sketches, photography, anything you can think of she has it decorating her space.
is suuuuper clumsy. it's not uncommon for her to trip over her own feet.
doesn't often drink so she has a very low tolerance for it, and is usually pretty tipsy after a shot or two.
is obsessed with magical creatures and really considered making zoology her area of study.
before coming to hogwarts her favorite mythical creatures were mermaids and sirens, and after being a student for three years, she's actually very of afraid of them and the black lake.
her mother often sends her care packages from ireland, full of muggle candies and snacks that she and her housemates absolutely adore.
has a bunny rabbit named clover. she's a year old, and she has about a billion protection charms on her, because briar is terrified that one of the cats or owls are going to snatch her up when she isn't around.
ride or die / best friend. squad. good friends. exes on good terms. exes on bad terms. rival. frenemy. mentor. surrogate older sibling. one sided crush ( either way ). late night confidant. someone who dislikes briar for no reason. anything you think would fit!
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
So I had a thought for an AU
13-14 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi is on Melida/Daan, and he's fighting a guerilla war with an army of children, and everything kinda sucks. There's not enough food or medicine, and the Elders are kinda too happy to keep the war going without any thought as to what comes after.
And, like, okay. Neither do the Young? But Obi-Wan gives them some leeway on account that the oldest member of the Young is 16, and teenagers don't have the best forward thinking even when their healthy, his source? He's also a teenager.
Anyway, things continue as they're meant to, up to certain point, except Qui-Gon never comes back for him. Maybe Obi-Wan's comm never went through, maybe he was on another mission- it doesn't matter. In the end, no one comes to help.
And then Xanatos shows up on Melida/Daan, as if the situation wasn't bad enough. And he comes with an army of slavery, and in the end it doesn't matter if the Melida called him or the Daan, but the ending is the same. Xanatos enslaves everyone.
Well. Almost everyone.
You see, Obi-Wan's best friend was a shadow in training, and some things that Quin definitely didn't teach him because that would be against the rules came in handy.
So Obi-Wan sneaks onto Xanatos' ship- there's no way he's staying along on Melida/Daan- and maybe he can't save everyone, but he can save one member of the young, a younger girl who had been playing medic for the Young, who Xanatos was stashing on his own ship.
It makes a little more sense when he notices that she's very minorly force sensitive. Not enough to be a jedi, but enough to catch Xanatos' attention.
And Obi-Wan doesn't know how or why, but the pair of them manage to remain hidden from Xanatos for as long as it took for the ship to land on the next planet, and they made a break for it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan and Ry, the little medic, make their way to an abandoned Jedi Temple. A temple home to the ghost of former Sith Lord and former jedi master, Revan. Revan, who has an intense loathing for all things sith, was more than happy to drop some hard truths on Obi-Wan and Ry. About the current sith and about Sidious and Plageous, and he lays the responsibility for helping him on their shoulder.
(Look, he's 1500 years old, and Jedi haven't always been the best as to "age appropriate missions" anyway-)
Needless to say, the war starts early, because of Obi-Wan (trained by Revan to be more than a Jedi but less than a Sith) and Ry (bullied into training by the ghost Tarre Vizla).
Well, at least, the commission of the clones begins nearly ten year earlier than it should have.
Ry lands the Nightwing on one of the landing platforms, a doubtful look on her face. "There's no way this is going to work, vod." Ry's Mandalorian now, raised and trained by Tarre Vizla to become the next Mand'alor, though she wants the position about as much as she wants a bullet to the brain.
"It'll work," Obi-Wan, now called Ben, replied as he pulled his hair into a knot on the back of his head, "Do you remember the story?"
Ry rolls her eyes, "Yeah. You're Jedi Knight Ben Evans, you're a Sith who's undercover in the Jedi Order and we're here to claim the Clones for the Jedi."
Ry rolls her eyes again, "Ka'ra, you're annoying!" She bites out, "And, we need the biochips deactivated and removed due to splintering in the Seppie army, and we fear the war is going to last much longer than anticipated, so the enhanced aging needs to be reversed."
"And you're going to distract Jango Fett."
"Ugh. That's literally the worst. I don't want to talk to that...that...dar'buir." Ry grumbles.
"But you will?"
"Yes, yes. I remember Revan and Tarre's orders."
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