#2023 list challenge
bibliophilecats · 9 months
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cozylittleartblog · 28 days
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bug doodles so i can say i drew something
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amonthofwhump · 10 months
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It's that time of year again! AMonthOfWhump's Winter Whumperland event runs from December 1-12, with a collection of prompts for your inspiration each day. To participate, create in any medium and share your works on Tumblr. Use the event tags or @ us in your post to get reblogged here. Prompt list transcript, tagging info, and a free-to-use post header under the cut.
1: Santa Claus
Forced Celebration
Panic Attack
Comfort: Secret Santa Exchange
2: Krampus
Sensory Overload
Comfort: Decorating Cookies
3: George Bailey
"We've lost everything we have."
Comfort: Christmas Market
4: The Grinch
Yandere Whumper
Comfort: Ugly Sweater Party
5: Ebenezer Scrooge
Power Outage
Time Loop
Overworked Whumpee
Comfort: Snuggling by the Fire
6: Jack Frost
Post-apocalyptic Winter
Comfort turned to Fear
Comfort: Snowball Fight
7: Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
Inhuman Whumpee
Comfort: You’re Not Alone
8: John Mclane
Held Hostage
Russian Roulette
Forced to Watch
Comfort: Rescue
9: Jólakötturinn
Feral Whumpee
Left Behind
Comfort: Wiping the Other’s Tears Away
10: Tio de Nadal
Left to Die
Final Countdown
Comfort: Holiday Traditions
11: The Yule Goat
Public Whump
Comfort: Trimming the Tree
12: Elf on the Shelf
Bedside Vigil
Used as bait
Comfort: Mistletoe (or avoiding it)
Event Tags: #amow winter whumperland 2023, #day1, #claustrophobia, (tag the prompt you're using)
And lastly, here is a post header to use for the event if you like. Happy whumping!
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 26: drunken confession
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Another one a little long that I love. I hope you like it :)
"Hey, look who's coming over there!"
Morgan's cheerful voice forced Spencer to look up from the bar and it was then that you could see that Derek hadn't lied when he called you: he seriously was hopelessly drunk.
"Y/N!" he shouted, slurring his words and grinning from ear to ear as he opened his arms to fling himself in your direction. Luckily you closed the distance to grab him to keep him from falling off the wooden bench he was on "How did you know I wanted to see you?"
You heard Morgan let out a chuckle at this, as if he hadn't had to listen to his incessant pleas for him to call you, since Spencer was pretty clear that only under those conditions would he return home.
"Oh, I can read your mind, didn't you know that?" you joked and he, whose reality was completely altered, widened his eyes in astonishment as if he genuinely believed your words.
"I'm sorry for upsetting you, it's just that he can be very stubborn at times" Morgan apologized.
You two knew each other because of your common friendship with Spencer and on more than one occasion members of the unit had included you in their activities, so there was a degree of trust.
"Why did he get drunk, anyway?" you muttered, with the man still in your arms and his head buried firmly in your neck "I mean, he... you know, he doesn't do it because of his streak of sobriety”
"I honestly don't know. He just asked me to join him here and he ordered one cocktail and then another and well, he ended up like this."
That didn't sound like Spencer, for you knew that if there was one thing the man had, it was strong willpower to stay free of anything that would alter his body chemistry. You were suddenly worried that something had happened and he hadn't told you, although judging by the state he was in it wasn't the most appropriate time to find out. Still, you could try later.
"I'm tired, I want to go home" he complained, rubbing his nose against the skin of your bare shoulder. You didn't think Spencer would get so clingy under the effects of alcohol, because of that whole germ thing, so you were slightly surprised to feel how he was holding you so tightly.
"Do you want me to help you carry him?" asked Morgan and after your friend got off the bench you looked at him for a second, checking that with a little of your help he could still stand to walk to your car.
"Don't worry. Everything under control”
"Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent”
"Well, in that case I'll see you later. Bye kiddo, be sure to call me when you're home."
"Bye, Morgan!" he hiccupped cheerfully, waving goodbye to his friend and getting a pat on the shoulder.
You two stumbled to the parking lot, but with enough luck you made it to your car in one piece and once there you were able to throw him into the passenger seat, making sure to buckle him in before starting.
Once you started the engine, you asked your friend if he was ready for you to leave, and since Spencer's entire body was turned in your direction, it wasn't hard to notice his nod to your question.
You waited until you were a couple of blocks ahead before finally speaking, though you knew full well that he would answer truthfully to whatever you were going to ask him.
"Hey, Spencer”
"I'm not mad at you, but... Can I know why you drank?"
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him take a moment to ponder what had really been the reason for all that, and you waited patiently, until he finally got up the nerve to say something.
"I was sad”
"And I felt lonely" he completed. The red light allowed you to turn and look at him, and then you met his big, beautiful, melancholic honey-colored eyes. 
"You could have just called me"
“But you knew I needed to see you, right? Why didn’t you ever tell me you could read minds?”
You laughed at his innocence and just shook your head, incredulous to see how a genius had fallen to that level just for a couple of drinks. But you were still worried about what kind of emotional problem your friend was now afflicting and why he hadn't had the confidence to tell you, because after all you were supposed to tell each other everything and support each other. It had always been like this.
You wanted to ask him something else, but you noticed that Spencer's eyes had already closed suddenly, so you thought it would be best to wake him up until you were finally home.
“Reid,” you called softly, once you parked outside the building and unbuckled his seatbelt. He seemed oblivious to everything and for a second you feared you would have to leave him sleeping there until the next morning “Come on. Up"
As best you could, you managed to put his arm around your shoulders and half carry him to the entrance, making sure there were no gossiping eyes when you struggled to open the front door. You thought the staircase would be the most difficult, but fortunately he acquired a certain lucidity that lightened your load after the first step.
“Hi,” he greeted you, speaking too close to your face and smiling from ear to ear, as if he had just noticed your presence.
“Hello, hot stuff” you replied amused and your friend's cheeks blushed violently at your compliment, staying that way until you managed to reach the door with the number 23.
Once inside you managed to lead him to the small bed where he slept and then you let out a sigh of relief; he watched you from where you stood, still with that dizzy expression.
“It was difficult, but we're finally here, huh?”
“I have already been thinking about it very seriously. And I don't think you can read my mind," he said, sounding quite convinced “I mean, although there has been evidence that it's still not scientifically possible, you would need... you would need a lot of things that right now I don't know what they are, but that I know you don't have”
You giggled and then knelt next to the mattress to be closer to him, stretching one of your hands enough to brush his hair away from his forehead. Spencer smiled at your touch.
“You got me, I can't read your mind. Because if that were the case, I would walk in there right now…” with the tip of your finger you gently touched his forehead, bringing a smile to him “to find out what is making you so sad”
“Even if you wanted to, you couldn't. I'm not thinking about that.”
"No? And then what do you think about?” you asked gently.
Your smile was calm and you were very close to him, admiring with amusement the signs of drunkenness that were still in him. Spencer, as much as the situation allowed, was also watching you, although this time there was something different about him. While your friend looked at you fondly every time, now he seemed completely enthralled with you.
“It's not about that”
“Does it have anything to do with your mom?” 
“No, she's fine.”
"And then?" you insisted. He just kept watching you “Come on, what is that wonderful mind thinking?”
It took Spencer a second to respond.
"Me?" You murmured in a light voice. “And why do you think about me?”
You wanted to know what it was about, however, nothing could have prepared you for the response you were going to receive.
“I'm thinking about how pretty you are. And how much I want to kiss you right now”
You unconsciously leaned back, and to say you were surprised was an understatement, because you were completely taken aback. Although you had clearly heard every word drawn from his tongue, your mind was wondering if he had seriously confessed that he wanted to kiss you.
“Huh… what…?”
“I think about how much I want to kiss you all the time, actually. Every time I see you, and smell your perfume, and I see your smile, and you touch me... it's like you drive me completely crazy”
“Y-You don't know what you're saying,” you stammered, feeling those words unreal. “You're very drunk.” 
"It's true, but even if I am, I know well what I feel. And I know that I am so in love with you. As you can't imagine."
Even though he was drunk he sounded totally sure of what he was saying and he couldn't do anything but terrify you. Spencer wasn't supposed to be in love with you, you didn't even believe he was capable of harboring feelings of that nature for you. If you were honest, you didn't feel scared by what he was saying, but what worried you most was that you didn't know how to feel about it.
You were barely deciding what would be the right answer when he beat you to it:
“Why did you have to go out with that boy?”
“The one from your social network”
Your mind had to recalibrate so you could now focus on what he was referring to and understand that he was probably talking about your last date. You had met this guy online that you had liked and with whom you had made a date last week, just to be able to distract yourself a little from the routine of your work and, with a bit of luck, maybe think of a candidate for the future. 
It was obvious that you had told your friend and although you thought he was happy for you, you now knew that, surely, that wasn’t the case.
“Are you angry about that?”
"I'm sad!" he corrected you. The thought of him breaking his streak for you made you feel nauseous and if you could you would have told him it was a totally stupid reason "You're my friend and you're so pretty and you're going to date an idiot that I'm not”
“You're not an idiot.”
“But you don't want to date me either”
You were quiet for a moment, your brain practically burning to find the right words. You were afraid that one bad answer would hurt your friend or that another would give him false hope, because you didn't even know if you felt the same way about him to begin with. The confession had caught you so off guard that you needed time. Just a few hours, or maybe a day, to put in order the whirlwind of emotions that danced inside you so that you can offer a verdict.
Besides, Spencer was madly drunk, how could you trust the words of someone who was intoxicated?
“We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?” you said at last, reaching out to caress his cheek as if you could offer some sort of comfort. “You're not up to it right now”
“Maybe you're not even real,” he mused, lost in whatever was on his mind “I'm just dreaming about you again.”
“Oh, I assure you, I'm very real,” you huffed, feeling the suffocating weight of the entire situation settle on your chest. “I just don't want to rush things. I need time and you need sleep”
"You love me?"
That wasn't a question, it was a plea. And it was breaking your heart not to be able to answer something to those crystallized eyes that were looking for some positive sign in your own cloudy gaze. 
“Spencer, I… Why don’t we discuss it tomorrow?”
“I just want to know if you love me,” he insisted. One of his hands shakily rose to your chest and planted himself there firmly, the tips of his fingers reaching your shoulder.
"Of course I love you. I love you a lot"
"But you love me?" 
You just wanted to hug him and maybe give him that kiss he wanted so much, but your mind kept screaming at you that you would be taking advantage of your drunk friend and that you couldn't know if that would be something you would regret.
You took a deep breath to maintain your composure and with the hand that had previously been on his cheek you took charge of holding his hand, still at the level of your heart.
“I will answer you tomorrow, when you can understand the answer, okay? I promise you"
Spencer smiled, defeated, and finally nodded his head. From his perspective there was no longer any hope, your response to what he felt was negative. 
“Can you at least stay with me until I fall asleep?”
"Yes, yes, of course. I'll stay as long as you want, honey”
“I like it when you call me that,” he murmured tenderly and quietly, as if he were afraid of saying the wrong thing. But when you smiled at him that worry dissipated.
“I'll make sure to remember it.”
You stayed in silence for a while, which was only broken when you asked him if he wanted you to turn off the light. He said no and then you stayed where you were, still holding his hand.
It took you a bit to convince him that to sleep he had to close his eyes, because he refused to stop looking at you. After a few minutes of him doing it, you began to see the first signs that he was falling into the realm of dreams.
“Y/N” he called to you, just when he was between the limbo of consciousness and unconsciousness.
“I hope you love me tomorrow”
You stayed with him until you checked that he was sound asleep, as you had promised, and then you returned home. You didn't even sleep that night, tossing and turning in bed for hours while your brain racked to understand what your heart was feeling.
And at least one thing was certain, that, the next morning, when you returned to Spencer's apartment with breakfast in one hand and his favorite coffee in the other, you already had an answer.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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sariphantom · 1 year
We're still in August and Halloween's only two months away but...
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Who's up for some Risetober this October?
So, in continuation of spreading the word of Rise TMNT all over the Internet LIKE A BOSS, I decided to do my own list of Risetober this year. More Rise with a little bit of the Halloween spirit. If you're reading this @nickelodeon, not only do we want season 3 of Rise, we also want more seasons and more movies. Rise is such an underrated GEM!
Just like Rise August, anyone can participate and have fun! Go crazy with the prompts! Write! Draw! Make silly Tik-Tok videos! The possibilities are ENDLESS!
We gotta keep spreading the word and let @nickelodeon know that Rise will NEVER die!
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AU-gust 2023 prompt list is here! 🎉
What is AU-gust? It stands for Alternate Universe August, and it is a creative challenge for everyone. Writers, artists, fans; anyone can join! Be sure to check out our FAQ for more answers! Join us on Twitter, AO3, Discord and under the tags #au gust and #au gust 2023.
Special thanks to @yaoyorozoops for creating the wonderful graphics!
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mothgoddesss · 5 months
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Last year, I hosted a Sky-themed MerMay challenge on Instagram! I designed these characters as my own entries for it, but due to interest/energy issues (worsened by Dopamine Jail at the time), I unfortunately had to leave it unfinished. Since then, I've been yearning to show off these lovely characters, as there was a lot of joy designing them out in my old backyard. So I made this doodle with some rough marker rendering.
They now have a place within the Sky Kingdom, as a semi-secret society of Light Children who switch between capes and mermaid tails. Sort of like the hypogrypths in My Little Pony G4! They all worship ASEA, the goddess of ABZU whom Tapushea was split from, which is how they switch between air and water.
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winchester-reload · 1 year
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Directions: Fill each prompt ON or After each day listed (the 1st-15th of October, then again on the 31st for our bonus day), then post it on your desired social media platform using tag #suptober23. Be sure to include which prompt you're fulfilling in each post. You can write, you can make art. You can do both! You decide. Rules: All posts must be Supernatural-themed. Like, comment, and reblog others' posts. No hate will be tolerated, including actor hate. NO AI. Do not throw a photo in a Photoshop filter and post it as art. Challenge yourself to create. Noncon, incest, and hate will not be reblogged.
To include your work in the Suptober 2023 archive, you must ALSO post it to the collection in Ao3!
In previous years, I've worked diligently to reblog each and every post listed in the tag to include in an archive on tumblr. However, more than a few things have changed in the past six years, including my earlier creeping bedtime. This year, I'd like to move the archive to Ao3 for something more inclusive. That means this year, it's up to you to get your work in there! Authors: be sure to use tags so your stories are searchable! * Artists: mind ao3's rules for images. You may choose to include a clickable link instead of the art itself.
Posting starts October 1st, 2023.
Special thank you to my friends over on Patreon for their help with this year's list! Truly without them, this would not be happening. Consider joining to help support more events like this! For a text copy of the prompts go here! Join the Discord
Why aren't there 31 prompts this year? Because I'm changing it up to something a little less overwhelming for you and me. Fill all the days, and if you're still hungry for more, send me a message and let me know it wasn't enough so I can take that into account for next year!
I posted my work and you haven't reblogged it. What did I do wrong? Probably nothing. I may have just missed it, which will happen. The good news is, it's up to you to include your work in an archive this year, so be sure to do that! Also be sure to tag it correctly using #suptober23, and the day you're fulfilling.
I'm really busy in October, can I post it later? Yes! The collection won't close.
I can't write or draw, is there another way I can participate? Yes, you can support all the creators by liking, commenting, and reblogging their work. It's just as important as the things being posted. Also, I bet you'll soon realize you absolute can make art and write too! There's no skill level required to have fun.
How long do the stories need to be? There's no word length just be sure to make a good effort, and challenge yourself.
Can I include multiple days in one fic? Sure, but don't post early, and be sure to tag for each day both here on tumblr (if you're posting to tumblr) and on Ao3. In the past, people have used each prompt as a new chapter, and that works great for a cohesive project!
Can I repost the prompt list with my posts? Yep. Go ham. Use at will.
More questions for me? Send me an ask!
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clownartmonth · 1 year
2023 Prompt List
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The 2023 Prompt List is here!
Clown Month is an event held in July, in the same vein as Inktober or Mermay, where you create one piece of art for every day of the month.
The only goal of the event is to inspire art and celebrate clowns, so the prompts are entirely optional - you can skip prompts, combine them, ignore them entirely, only do certain days... just have fun!
This is open to all forms of art! Drawing, writing, makeup, doll-making, ...
If you want me to reblog something you made for/is inspired by the event, you can: 1. tag me in the post 2. use the tag #clown month 2023 or 3. send it as an ask or a submission.
If you do NOT want me to reblog your work, please say so in your post.
If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an ask or a dm!
Also, thank you to @demoniclown and @misumisu2002 for sending in their clownsonas for the illustration, and to anyone else who came by during the streams to say hi or give feedback :°)
Image ID and prompt list under the cut
Image ID: A banner at the top of the image reads "Clown Month", with "@boxbug presents" written above it. A yellow balloon with "2023" floats next to it. 3 clowns hold up panels that list all the prompts. The list is as follows:
Demon / Angel
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kreftropod · 1 year
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It's been another year, time to bring the October lists out. As is more or less tradition by now, I'll be doing the Goretober challenge again. Like last year I've decided to make my own, shorter list to give myself and anyone else who'd like to follow it more days for each prompt. Feel free to share and use however you like!
I'll be tagging all my Goretober related stuff with "goretober". Block that tag if you don't want any of that on your dash. I'll try to tag everything properly with more specific tags as well. Stay safe! <3
ID in alt text, and here's a text-version of the list below the cut:
Goretober 2023
A shorter Goretober list for myself and anyone else who want to participate, but want fewer prompts and more time for each prompt. Feel free to shorten the list even more by only doing the prompts on the left or on the right! (or every other day, if following the text-version)
There are 8 Prompts in total, and below each prompt there are three extra words. The extra words are there as inspiration, but are Not necessary to include if you don’t want to.
Day 1-4
Prompt: Infection
insects, illness, rot
Day 5-8
Prompt: Burned
melting, charred, blistered
Day 9-12
Prompt: Open wounds
blood, cuts, torn
Day 13-16
Prompt: Insides
bones, brains, viscera
Day 17-20
Prompt: Face Trauma
eyes, mouth, teeth
Day 21-24
Prompt: Broken
bruises, dislocation, amputation
Day 25-28
Prompt: Hands (or paws)
nails (claws), deformed, tools
Day 29-31
Prompt: Plants
invasive, suffocating, poison
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makenna-made-this · 1 year
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It's almost that time of year again! BAWKtober, my poultry themed daily drawing prompt for the month of October, is almost upon us, so for the rest of September, I will be accepting word prompt suggestions!
Prompts can be one word or a short phrase, and very loosely themed around autumn and spooky season. Get creative and comment/dm/reply/etc. with a suggestion. I will try to use as many as I can~ Last year's BAWKtober prompt list below for reference:
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The challenge goes live June 1st, but that doesn't mean anyone interested can't go ahead and start planning! ✨
(Aesthetic Vibes list and card art below the cut!)
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owlart18 · 1 year
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Cattember day 3: Cozy (with Krampy and Talon from Cattails Wildwood Story) @cattailsgame
2023 prompts
(Commission info here | Pride icon commission info here)
I liked the sketch too:
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autismagolor · 7 months
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WOW its finally here! so sorry for the delay, february's been kicking my ASS
anyways! WAHOOO MAGOMARCH 2024 EDITION YEAHHH we've got some new prompts, but also a couple of returning ones! for explanations for the free prompts and "gijinka/canon" prompts, check out the 2023 post here!
ALSO NEW THING: here's the document if you want a clearer look at the prompt list, terribly sorry i didnt do this last year!
that will be all from me, if you need an explanation for any of the prompts, my askbox is open :3
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 18: protecting
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
“Are you okay with this?” Spencer asked, as he was about to walk through the door into the interrogation room.
You had captured the main suspect in a series of murders and Hotch gave Reid the task of interrogating him, but part of the plan was that after he asked some questions you would accompany him since you fit perfectly into victimology. If the man behind the glass was actually guilty, you were in the presence of a narcissistic and misogynistic criminal of the worst kind, violent enough to murder a woman in a matter of seconds if she didn't show interest, and that's why he wanted to make sure you were comfortable with that part of the plan.
“Yes, Reid. Everything is fine” to be honest, that answer wasn’t what you wanted to give him, but the case had given you so much headache in the last few days that all you wanted was for it to end, and if the only way to do it was to use yourself as bait, you were ready for it.
The man nodded and then opened the door to enter the room. He asked some questions to the detainee, who had asked not to be handcuffed as a condition for answering, and at one point your partner looked into the mirror to give you the signal.
Ted, that was the unsub's name, tensed up when he saw you enter and was quiet for a second, taking in your entire appearance before speaking again. The look completely sickened you, but you had to stop yourself and Spencer pulled out a chair so you could sit.
“This is my partner, Agent Y/L/N.”
"Agent? I thought a cupcake like this would be your secretary,” he whispered, reaching out to take your hand on the table. You were about to remove it when Spencer stepped forward to gently take it and lower it into your lap, removing it from the criminal's reach as he watched him seriously.
“She's here to watch you, nothing more. Let's continue with the questions."
The agent continued talking to get as much information as possible and you remained as composed as possible, avoiding doing anything that would contribute to his fantasy. But every time Ted deigned to answer he did so without taking his eyes off you and Spencer noticed your stiffness as the minutes passed, so he lowered one of his hands to your knee to squeeze it, as if he were trying to tell you silently that he was there for you.
His big, loving hand calmed you just a little, but that was better than nothing. But what little calm you could have was replaced by a bad feeling when you heard that disgusting man's voice.
“Have you seen the photos of those women?”
That was the second time he spoke specifically towards you and it made you look at him, noticing that he had a satisfied face that made you shiver.
“I am asking the questions”
“They were just like you…” he continued, ignoring your partner's words “Poor girls, they look so helpless and bruised. The man who did that to her definitely made them suffer. If I were you, I wouldn't walk around alone.”
“Mr. Sanders, you are here to answer questions, not to chat.”
“It's okay, Reid,” you murmured. The unsub wanted to talk and thanks to the profile you knew that the more involved you got, the more he would say, so you accepted the responsibility of pushing him away so that he would give you a confession: “If I'm honest, I'm not afraid, not of you or anyone. And I don't even believe that you killed those women”
Although Ted appeared calm, the slight movement of his eyebrows made you realize that being questioned by a woman was irritating him, but he wouldn't give in.
“Then why are you questioning me if you're so sure it wasn't me?”
“A simple suspect elimination procedure,” you responded, shrugging your shoulders. “If you're not handcuffed, it's not because you asked for it, but because you're not a danger. You’ve never done anything meaningful with your life, why would this time be any different?”
It was obvious that your words resonated with him and so you looked at Spencer to get his approval of your actions or a sign for you to stop. Luckily, you got the first one.
“And who are you to talk? You're just a little bitch that was sent here as a bad attempt to trick me”
“And even then, you won’t achieve in your life even half of the things that I have done”
“I highly doubt it,” he laughed.
You suddenly remembered an important characteristic that you had included in the profile and you thought that perhaps a woman hurting his ego would be the straw that broke the camel's back and finally spilled his guilt. It could also result in him attacking you, but it would be worth a try.
"Poor thing, who are you trying to fool?” you scoffed, leaning across the table in his direction until you only needed to whisper, “You can't even get a decent erection.”
Although you imagined it, you definitely didn't expect that man to lunge at you and grab your neck tightly in response to your provocation. He was extremely strong and that's why he managed to push you to the wall, where he lifted you a couple of centimeters off the floor while you kicked.
Fortunately he held you for only a few seconds, because right after Spencer had already lunged at him to free you. You never believed that your friend had the strength to push a grown, muscular man against the space next to you on the wall and not only that, but to bring him back to the table to subdue him with his chest against it and his arms in the back. You didn't even know when he had time to draw his revolver, which was already placed firmly against the detainee's temple.
You were struggling to catch your breath, but even with your blurred vision you managed to register your partner's expression. He was brimming with anger, like you had never seen before.
“If you touch her again, I'm going to put a hole in your head, do you understand?”
Amid the commotion you saw the security guards and Agent Morgan quickly enter the room to help restrain Ted, now placing a necessary pair of handcuffs on his wrists.
“You're going to die, whore,” he growled at you, wanting to break free to attack you again. Your friend just roughly pushed him outside, ready to guide him to a cell inside the police station where he would stay until you guys figured something out.
With just two jumps Spencer was already in front of you and you felt that he was shaking when his hands went up to your face to lift it a little so he could check your neck, although you didn't know if he was shaking from anger or fear.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” his tone of voice had softened compared to the tone he had used with Ted and that made you feel a little safer.
“I… I think so.”
“That damn son of a bitch,” you heard him whisper between his teeth, taking the time to check every inch of your skin. Once he was satisfied, he looked you straight in the eyes and realized that you were crying “No, no, pretty…”
You didn't even know why you were shedding tears, it was probably just from the shock of what had just happened, but your friend's hug felt like a wonderful comfort.
“I didn't mean to get in the way of this, I swear.”
“Don’t say that,” he asked in a serious voice, pulling you closer. “Thanks to you we now have a reason to keep him here, and when we have enough evidence, we will give that monster what he deserves and we will lock him up for life. I will take care of it myself if necessary.”
There was a different kind of hatred in his words, something you had rarely seen towards an unsub: it was a personal and strong feeling.
“Thank you for defending me”
"Are you kidding?" he murmured almost offended, while he separated from you to observe you “We are a team and I will never let anyone lay a finger on you, do you understand me? Nobody. Never"
After that he held you against him again and then you could cry freely, sheltered by his warm and wide body. When had he become so strong? You didn't know it, but you were grateful that a man like him was taking care of you.
And as he comforted you, he realized that the promise he had just made to you wasn't empty, like many people make, because Spencer knew that he would be able to face his worst fears if you were in danger. He had done it this time and he would do it as many times as necessary to keep you completely safe.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger
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nihidea-art · 1 year
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Inktober is almost upon us!
I know, I'm not ready either.
As usual none of the prompt lists I could find worked for me, so I decided to just make my own, nice and abstract as I like it. And ayone's welcome to join me in Nihitober!
I want to get back into exploring the darker sides of my art, the macabre and creepy and plainly strange--I've been neglecting that! So I picked the prompts accordingly, but you can interpret them however you like.
This is a low key thing, you don't have to do every day, you can use whatever medium you like--I will be doing ink but you do you. That includes writing btw.
If you use #nihitober or #nihitober23 in your first five tags i'll do my best to reblog! I'm excited to see what everyone will come up with 💕
Sharing encouraged! 💕
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