#220 podcast
sanchezsacco · 11 months
El boom de los podcasts vía streaming
Los referentes que marcan tendencia, los tradicionales que se atrevieron y los innovadores que inventaron su propio medio.
Por Lorena Laura Sánchez Para Dossier, Especial Multiplataforma
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Los podcasts protagonizan un fenómeno mediático en los canales de streaming, con una gran variedad de propuestas, donde caben desde programas de entrevistas uno a uno y formatos clásicos con conductores y columnistas hasta programaciones con más de 10 espacios fijos, publicidad y multiplicidad de formatos en todas las plataformas.
Nacieron como piezas de audio subidas a páginas web; se les sumaron series con episodios en plataformas como Spotify y como Soundcloud, y fueron evolucionando hacia programas en estudio con cámaras, emitidos en vivo por plataformas streaming, como YouTube y como Twich, que alimentan una librería imparable de formatos largos y cortos para ser mirados y/o escuchados on demand en toda red social. Y a estos se suman los programas de las radios y canales de TV tradicionales.
Allí convive el mundo de los podcasts conducidos por figuras consagradas provenientes de la radio y de la TV, como el pionero Mario Pergolini con Vorterix; periodistas como Alejandro Fantino, Jorge Navarro, Luis Majul y Facundo Pastor o Diego Poggi; standuperos, youtubers y streamers, como Luquitas Rodríguez, Pedro Rosemblat, Guille Aquino y Tomás Rebord; hasta las resonantes incorporaciones de Migue Granados, Nico Occhiato, Juariu y Nati Jota, entre otros.
Estrategias de comercialización y de programación 
Para trazar la estrategia de programación y comercialización de sus programas, radio La Red se basa en la capacidad multiplataforma del multimedio. Agustina Monti, Coordinadora Digital, y Dolores Philip, Subgerente Comercial Digital de TV, A24.COM y Radio La Red, parten de la ventaja que le permite la capacidad de sinergia del ecosistema digital y tradicional. Explican: “Aprovechamos las redes sociales, la radio convencional y la televisión para maximizar la promoción de nuestros contenidos, y lograr un alcance amplificado y enriquecedor. Respecto de las estrategias de programación, apuntamos en primer lugar al contenido que más identifica a nuestra emisora: el fútbol. A partir de adaptaciones para digital, surgen productos como transmisiones de partidos de River, Boca, y todos los torneos que juegan la Selección Argentina. Además, generamos productos originales para nuestras redes sociales. En segundo lugar, tenemos secciones con invitados en piso que ofrecen la posibilidad de transformar un contenido de audio en un producto audiovisual: las entrevistas con personalidades destacadas se transmiten vía YouTube en nuestro canal.
Vorterix y Paramount resaltan la importancia de que las pautas sean orgánicas con el perfil del programa. Augusto Zalazar, Jefe de Marketing de Vorterix, expresa: “Dentro de nuestra programación, contamos con una oferta muy variada de opciones para sponsorship, pero nuestro desafío es ofrecer a las marcas ideas diferenciales que vayan en línea con su brief, que sea orgánico dentro del perfil del programa o del podcast en el que se pauta. Buscamos generar una sinergia entre la marca, el conductor, la audiencia y la plataforma”.
En tanto, Pablo Cancelliere, Director Senior de Negocios Digitales de Paramount, señala que “las estrategias de programación acompañan y siguen la línea del ADN del canal focalizándose en el target de cada plataforma. Somos brand safe. Si bien salimos en vivo, nuestros productos tienen una estrategia de acercar contenidos de calidad a las audiencias”.
En el caso de YouTube Argentina, exaltan las nuevas funciones que permiten a creadores y a marcas conectar con sus audiencias y monetizar contenidos. “En las transmisiones en vivo, las personas pueden agradecer a sus creadores favoritos por su contenido a través de Súper Chat, Súper Stickers y Súper Gracias. Los dos primeros permiten destacar mensajes o imágenes animadas en los chats en vivo, y los terceros destacan los mensajes en los comentarios de los videos. Son herramientas que cumplen la función de mantener conexiones significativas y personalizadas con la audiencia, al mismo tiempo que les brinda a los creadores una nueva forma de ganar dinero, además de la recepción de ingresos por publicidad y por visualizaciones de YouTube Premium, y el ofrecimiento de membresías a los canales”, dicen desde la empresa.
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Interacción con la audiencia
Gracias a las redes sociales, se multiplicaron las vías de contacto con los distintos tipos de audiencia. Cada medio elige los espacios que le permiten interactuar mejor y los aprovechan, además de recoger los mensajes que les dejan a los programas, para realizar activaciones.
Para La Red, son fundamentales YouTube, Instagram y Twitter. “En Twitter se generan encuestas con los usuarios de redes y con los oyentes del aire. En YouTube utilizamos el chat abierto de las transmisiones en vivo: en programas como Futbol 910 con Toti Pasman y en las entrevistas de La merienda de los viernes con Facundo Pastor, se leen al aire los mensajes de los usuarios de YouTube. Esto genera debates y un ida y vuelta con los oyentes en tiempo real. Además, se generan clips en vertical (reels) con los mejores momentos de esas transmisiones y se replican en Facebook, Instagram y shorts de YouTube, para amplificar el contenido, una estrategia con la que alcanzamos millones de visualizaciones”, asegura Monti.
Paramount también trabaja con esas redes y con el resto de las plataformas donde está presente. “Hoy prendemos en vivo de manera simultánea Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook y TikTok. Cada plataforma tiene su chat y su reacción; respetando el formato de cada plataforma, nuestros hosts interactúan con el público. A esto se le suma que todo lo que va pasando en cada programa se va cortando en vivo y se sube a las RRSS”, describe Cancelliere.
En cambio, para Vorterix son clave Twitch y WhatsApp. “En Twitch encontramos el chat como una herramienta de participación, donde la audiencia puede sentirse parte del contenido y se utiliza en el día a día de los programas, e incluso para algunas acciones y activaciones especiales. WhatsApp también es un excelente medio de interacción con el público, independientemente de la plataforma en la que se encuentre el usuario”, explica Zalazar.
Indicadores de consumo
En ese contexto, ¿qué indicadores de consumo del medio son los que les interesan más para enfocar las pautas publicitarias?
Monti describe que les prestan especial atención al “tiempo dedicado a la escucha, las cifras de reproducción y descarga de los contenidos y a la interacción activa en forma de comentarios y reseñas”. “Además, monitoreamos de cerca la participación en nuestras redes sociales y analizamos detalladamente la composición demográfica de nuestra audiencia, incluyendo aspectos como edad, ubicación y otros datos relevantes”, explica.
Pero Zalazar introduce otro enfoque: “En general, las marcas buscan comunidades. En Vorterix hay una diversidad porque cada programa genera una conexión importante con la audiencia que los sigue, que en muchos casos se extiende a las redes sociales de los conductores. Estas comunidades se retroalimentan, pero cada una tiene hábitos de consumo muy marcados que permiten a las marcas llegar a la audiencia deseada”.
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Capacidades de innovación
Cuando les preguntamos qué posibilidades de innovación en contenidos y en comercial permitían los podcasts y el streaming, los entrevistados coincidieron en que no hay fronteras. La materia sonora, y audiovisual, sumadas al entorno digital y potenciadas por la formación de comunidades, apoyan sus convicciones. 
“Las posibilidades son ilimitadas ─celebra Cancelliere─. Desde el punto de vista de innovación, el ecosistema te permite poder trabajar una estrategia multiplataforma con el mismo contenido, respetando el formato de cada vertical. Y, al no haber cortes, la pauta es parte del aire”.
“Son infinitas ─redobla Zalazar─. Tuvimos campañas muy disruptivas y otras más tácticas, pero siempre buscamos ofrecer un espacio orgánico que no pierda los valores que identifican a la comunidad del programa, lo que otorga efectividad en lo que comunicamos desde las plataformas”.
Por su parte, Monti se explaya sobre las propiedades de los formatos de audio y de streaming, potenciadas por el universo digital. “El formato de audio posee la capacidad única de establecer una conexión emocional profunda con nuestra audiencia, que puede transformar radicalmente la forma en que nos conectamos y nos comunicamos con la misma. El contenido enriquecido con la inclusión de enlaces y de transcripciones se convierte en catalizador de una experiencia auditiva más completa y satisfactoria. Y, para mejorar nuestros productos de streaming, sumamos cámaras, variantes de planos, imágenes, grafica con información y widgets con estadísticas, un aporte fundamental en la transmisión especial de las elecciones PASO 2023 y para transmitir partidos”.
En el ámbito comercial, la directiva destaca el uso de elementos interactivos y visuales incorporados a la experiencia auditiva y la personalización del contenido basada en las preferencias y comportamientos de la audiencia: “Una estrategia poderosa para fomentar mayor compromiso y conexión. Por otro lado, las oportunidades de patrocinio permiten asociar marcas con contenido específico creando asociaciones mutuamente beneficiosas”.
Esencia de radio
Dado que la base de los podcasts proviene de la entraña radial, convocamos a dos locutores de vasta experiencia en radio y en televisión para preguntarles cómo ven el fenómeno y los desafíos que les plantean los podcasts a los programas tradicionales.
Arturo Cuadrado refuerza que la idea del origen los define: “Creo que la radio es como un medio madre y que está dando hijos. Y su primer hijo envasado con un tema específico se llama podcast. Tienen otro enfoque más encasillado en un contenido en particular, pero sigue manteniendo la esencia de la radio. Y el streaming viene a traer una nueva propuesta radial, ya que sale en vivo, pero a su vez lo podemos ver on demand, y su parte visual le agrega un plus. No compiten con los programas de radio tradicionales porque entretienen de manera diferente, pero la radio madre va a ir adoptando esta forma de comunicación del streaming para hablarle de manera más directa al oyente, creando una atmósfera más cercana y donde interactúe más”.
Por su parte, Mariela Atia habla también desde su rol de consumidora de medios y destaca el formato como posibilitador de expresión personal y de encuentro con personas afines: “El podcast tiene el tiempo de aliado desde su concepción: ‘Escucho lo que quiero, cuando quiero’. Se escucha episodio tras episodio para profundizar en algún tema o para ahondar en otras culturas. Personalmente, lo hago cuando cocino o manejo muchas horas en la ruta, sola. El podcast es un lugar abierto al pensamiento y a la escucha activa. Hay mucha actitud, gente muy creativa y autogestión. Además, muchas empresas buscan una relación con su público ofreciendo explicaciones de productos o de series de episodios en formato podcast para compartir historias que transmitan los valores de la marca”.
A fin de cuentas, la radio, que tantas veces tuvo fecha de sentencia, resurge fortalecida en su esencia con los podcasts vía streaming, para enriquecer el universo digital más cerca que nunca de las audiencias.
Videopodcasts que se destacan
Blender @estoesblender
Desde enero de 2023 en YouTube. El actor y youtuber Guille Aquino, figura del canal, conduce Escucho Ofertas de lunes a viernes de 10.00 a 13.00, junto a Galia Moldavsky y Agustina Aguilar, seguido por Antes se podía, de 13.00 a 15.00, con Agustín Fantasía, Juan Castro y Gaby Acosta. Los domingos se emite el programa semanal deportivo En una baldosa, de 22.00 a 24.00. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 9.966.182. Suscriptores en YT: 77.7K.
El Método Rebord @ElMetodoRebord
Videopodcast de entrevistas semanales por YouTube sin límite de tiempo, con reconocidos personajes, desde youtubers hasta políticos. Se emite grabado los domingos a las 20.00. Es conducido por el abogado, humorista, animador y columnista político Tomás Rebord. El 15 de agosto, realizó, junto al medio digital Cenital, un ambicioso stream para cubrir las PASO, con más de 10 invitados. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 36.269.766. Suscriptores en YTB: 306K.
El Observador @ElObservador107.9
Radio multiplataforma lanzada en mayo de 2023 a través de FM 107.9, YouTube y Twitch. Está dirigida por Luis Majul, asociado a Gerardo Werthein y a Gabriel Hochbaum (El Observador, de Uruguay). Majul conduce la franja de lunes a viernes de 13.00 a 16.00, y Viviana Canosa, Yanina Latorre, Franco Mercuriali y Esteban Trebucq, el resto de los programas diarios. Federico Wiemeyer es la figura de los fines de semana. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 754.753. Suscriptores en YT: 12.9K. 
Gelatina @SomosGelatina
Famoso desde su personaje de El Cadete en El Destape de C5N, Pedro Rosemblat fue creciendo en YouTube desde septiembre de 2019. Su resumen semanal de humor político, Esta semana en Springfield, se masificó durante la cuarentena cuando lo entrevistó al presidente Alberto Fernández. Luego creó el programa diario Gelatina, que hoy da nombre al canal con mayor programación de esta lista. Produce tres programas de lunes a viernes: Tres Estrellas, que conduce acompañado por Ivana Szerman y por Marcos Aramburu; Elijo creer, con Matías Colombatti; y Primer Aviso, con Leyla Becha, José Amore y Camilo García Quinn. Además, emite ocho programas semanales, algunos de los cuales se retransmiten en simultáneo desde sus provincias originales. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 21.624.540. Suscriptores en YT: 182K.
Luzu TV @luzutv
En 2021 el conductor y productor Nico Occhiato creó su propia productora de contenidos audiovisuales multiplataforma: Luzu TV. Está dirigida a adolescentes y a jóvenes adultos. Su programa, Nadie dice nada, que conduce de lunes a viernes de 10.00 a 13.00, terminó 2022 en el Gran Rex a sala llena y sus videos más populares superan las 750.000 visualizaciones. Ofrece 10 programas (tres de estos son diarios): además de NdN, Antes que nadie, de 8.00 a 10.00, con Diego Leuco, Mica Vázquez, Yoyi Francella y Trinche, y Red Flag, de 13.00 a 15.00 con Grego Roselló, Manu Viale y Agus Franzoni. El resto de los programas son semanales o bisemanales. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 240.647.945. Suscriptores en YT: 1.15M.
Mate @SomosMateAr
Canal de YouTube creado en noviembre de 2021 como desprendimiento de País de Boludos. Hoy ofrece un noticiero de actualidad con humor, bisemanal y grabado, conducido por Ivana Szerman y un streaming en vivo los viernes con columnas temáticas de Violeta Weber, Agustina Colombo y Santiago Martínez Cartier, más podcasts de audio y newsletters temáticos. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 2.424.197. Suscriptores en YT: 32,7K.
Neura Media @NeuraMedia
Radio multiplataforma vía FM 89.7, YouTube y Twitch, lanzada en noviembre de 2021. Está comandada por Alejandro Fantino, quien conduce Universo Fantino de lunes a viernes a las 17.00. Otros programas son Posnormalidad, Derribando mitos, Mediodía neura y Cuando mis hijos tengan mi edad, conducidos por Miguel Wiñazki, Julieta Tarrés, Hernán Harris y Claudio Zuchovicki. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 17.426.968. Suscriptores en YT: 198K.
Olga @olgaenvivo
Canal de streaming con dos programas diarios: Soñé que volaba, conducido por Migue Granados, acompañado por la influencer y actriz Sofi Morandi y por el actor Julián Lucero, de lunes a viernes entre 10.00 y 13.00, y Sería increíble, con Nati Jota, Eial Moldavsky y Leti Siciliani, de 8.00 a 10.00. Se lanzó en 2023 a partir de la propuesta de los productores Bernarda Cella y Luis Cella a Migue Granados, humorista, conductor y músico, de exitosa trayectoria en TV y radio. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 14.682.436. Suscriptores en YT: 221K.
País de Boludos @PaisdeBoludos
Un pionero de los resúmenes semanales de humor político, conducido por Federico Simonetti, proveniente del periodismo y del stand up, y dirigido por Julián Urman. Actualmente volvió a su formato original con un conductor a cámara y se sumó una entrevista con público presente, luego de haber contenido un noticiero diario y programas semanales de propuestas novedosas como La historia y su música y Pero entonces... Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 11.128.620. Suscriptores en YT: 195K.
220 Podcast @220Podcast
Semanario de análisis político y humor que se emite los miércoles por YouTube y edita un newsletter. Creado en junio de 2020 por Nico Guthmann, conocido por integrar la camada joven de Cuatro Cabezas y actualmente conductor de Tugo en Gelatina y de los videos de análisis político internacional Pero entonces (ex PDB), y por el actor Tomás Quintín Palma, quien también sale al aire en las FM Futuröck y Urbana Play. Visualizaciones al 27/8/23: 2.715.587.  Suscriptores en YT: 28,7K.
Casos de éxito
La Red. https://www.lared.am/
Transmisiones de fútbol por YouTube: partidos de River, Boca y la Selección Argentina en eliminatorias sudamericanas y amistosos. Se retransmite el audio de la radio, y se acompaña con widgets con estadísticas. Hay presencia de marcas con spots de anunciantes. Se comenzó a realizar este formato en mayo de 2019, año en el cual se generaron las transmisiones con mayor alcance: River vs. Boca, semifinal de Copa Libertadores, partido de ida, 2/10/2019: 745.372 visualizaciones.
Reel de Fútbol 910. Recorte del programa de Toti Pasman: alcanzó el millón de reproducciones en Instagram.
Vorterix https://www.vorterix.com/
Paren La Mano. Programa diario de entretenimientos y actualidad conducido por Luquitas Rodríguez, Alfredo Montes de Oca y Germán Beder. Fue lanzado en marzo/22. Su modelo de negocios combinó publicidad, secciones artísticas patrocinadas, PNT y tanda. En 2022, sumó 5,5 millones de viewers en vivo y más de 23 millones de visualizaciones de los programas completos on demand. Plataforma: YouTube + Twitch + Spotify + Canal 502 Flow + Vorterix.com + TuneIN, + FM 92.1.
Telefe Streams (Paramount)  https://mitelefe.com/streams-telefe/
GH. (Twitch y YouTube). Poggi y Juariu reaccionaron en vivo a lo que sucedía en la casa de Gran Hermano. El micrositio de Gran Hermano fue lo más visto de MiTelefe.com durante el período de emisión: 79.2M de visualizaciones y 13.8M de usuarios únicos (datos mensuales del micrositio, desduplicados a través de la fórmula de Sainsbury). En redes sociales (IG, YT, FB, TW y TikTok)el contenido de Gran Hermano generó, desde el inicio de la campaña (1/6/2022), 2.6MM de visualizaciones y 133.5M de engagement (likes, comentarios y compartidos). Es el programa de TV con mayor engagement desde octubre/22 en Argentina (RNK Social Buzz de Kantar, Social Media Intelligence).
IRL (YT y Twitch). Acumuló 94.5M de visualizaciones con un promedio de usuarios por stream de 147.6K: 153.3K en YT de Gran Hermano; 62.4K en Twitch y 32.1K en YT de Telefe. Durante la final se alcanzó a 285.6K usuarios en simultáneo.
Tips de YouTube para contenidos monetizables
Crear contenido relevante que cuente una buena historia o ayude a aprender algo nuevo para captar la atención y lograr una conexión con la audiencia.
Considerar el crecimiento de los contenidos multiformato: la audiencia actual ve videos en diferentes momentos, lugares y dispositivos.
Tener en cuenta el auge de los videos en formato vertical, de gran potencial para descubrir nuevas audiencias. Nuestra nueva herramienta para los creadores que transmiten en vivo les permite ser descubiertos directamente en elfeed de Shorts.
Podcast y streaming más populares de La Red, Vorterix y Telefe Streams
La Red
1. Transmisiones de partidos de fútbol. River, Boca y Selección Argentina. Equipo de Deportes de la radio.
2. Fútbol 910. Audio y video del programa, que se emite de lunes a viernes de 21.00 a 24.00.
3. Meriendas de los viernes. Entrevistas de Facundo Pastor en Pastor 910. Viernes a las 17.00 por YouTube.
1. Paren La Mano. Con Luquitas Rodríguez, Alfredo Montes de Oca y Germán Beder.
2.Maldición, va a ser un día hermoso. Con Mario Pergolini.
3. Malditos Nerds. Con Romi Pereyra, Nico Rábago y Lucía Agosta.
YouTube, Twitch, Canal 502 Flow, Vorterix.com, TuneIN, FM 92.1.
Telefe Streams
1. GH. Con Juariu y con Poggi.
2. Masterchef. Con Juariu.
3. Fuera de joda. Con La Tora, July Poggi, Daniela y Nacho.
4. Copa Libertadores. Con Priscila Crivo, Sebastián Varela del Río, Javier Lanza.
Link nota completa versión e-magazine: https://lc.cx/HP116j
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fatestitcherr · 8 months
wow Mantle Girls really captured That Kind Of Song huh
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(Said with all the anger I can muster) FUCK diabetes
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ckao03 · 5 months
Repainting your ROTTMNT action figure - 2A (Hard plastic prep)
Soft and hard plastics behave a little differently, hence the two parts to this section...
You'll need: Beginner mode:
Sandpaper or sanding sponges in the following grits: 220/280, 600, 800
Advanced mode:
Sandpaper or sanding sponges: 180, 220/280, 600, 800, 1000, and a melamine sponge (roughly equivalent to 3000 Grit) Note: The goal for advanced mode is to create an absolutely smooth and level surface required for painting with layered clear colors. The clear colors I use (lacquers and enamels) are not beginner friendly; they are toxic and require good ventilation and an appropriately rated respirator. Unless you are equipped for this, sticking with beginner mode is fine :)
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Removing seamlines goes a long way in improving the overall look. Seamlines are the raised edges of plastic leftover from the molding process from when the figure was made. You can also remove the copyright stamps found on the belts on the 5" TMNT figures.
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Finished Donnie on the left, untouched Leo on the right.
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This Donnie is from the Mutant Mayhem line.
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In a circular motion, lightly sand the seam down, moving from lowest number of Grit to highest. The circular motion is important; it will lower the raises edges from all angles. Sanding back and forth in a straight line will gouge grooves into your figure; you want to avoid this.
The lower grits serve to erase these line more quickly, while the higher number grits will polish out the roughness left behind and leave a smoother surface. So, yes, you'll be sanding and resanding the same areas multiple times to get an even surface. There will be some lighter colored scuffing left behind once you are done with your highest level grit. The clear coating in the next step will help with this.
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This can be QUITE tedious, so for a beginner, I think it's fine to just use the three level of grits mentioned at the beginning; it's very easy to get burnt out and bored. A good podcast or playlist helps immensely!
22 notes · View notes
sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, July 30
Jenny: Pretty flimsy excuse for coming by to see me. Giles: You should have heard the ones I threw out. I just, I wanted to, uh... see how you were doing. Jenny: I'm doing pretty good, actually. I've stayed out of mortal danger for three whole weeks. I could get used to it. I'm still having trouble sleeping, though. Giles: Oh, of course. Um... you, you, you need time. Jenny: Or possibly space. Rupert, I know you're concerned. But having you constantly poking around, making little puppy dog eyes at me, wondering if I'm okay... You make me feel bad that I don't feel better. I don't want that responsibility.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Cheese (Buffy/Riley, G) by Kittenwritings
Cuddle Pile (Fred/Cordelia/Willow, T) by Kittenwritings
Somewhere Only We Know (Fred/Spike, G) by Kittenwritings
dimension hopping / dimension travel (Fred/Spike, T) by Kittenwritings
character realizes they want to join their best friends' relationship (Angel/Fred/Spike, T) by Kittenwritings
Sneaking Around (Buffy/Maggie Walsh, T) by Kittenwritings
Get You Alone (Fred/Spike, T) by MadeInGold
The Aftermath (Spike/Ben, T) by MadeInGold
Cold comfort (Buffy/Ben, T) by Kittenwritings
Doctor, Can You Help Me? (Buffy/Ben, E) by MadeInGold
[Chaptered Fiction]
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of all the wonders (that i have heard) Ch. 1 (Dawn, T, Agents of SHIELD xover) by luxaII
Altered Images Ch. 1-4/? (Ensemble, T) by KnightRanger
Scheduling Concerns (Fred's Birthday Fic part 1) (Multiple Pairings, E) by Kittenwritings
To Sail the Starry Sea Ch. 1-2/2 COMPLETE (Buffy/Spike, E) by eevol76vamp
Once Chosen Ch. 2 (Buffy/Giles, M) by RowanIsabellaMcCarter
Shadow Over Hellmouth CH. 112/250 (Buffy/Tara, E) by Tuxedo_Mark
Situation Normal - All Faithed Up CH. 2 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Pick Me Up Ch. 14/30 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Dusty87
Home Movies Ch. 16/25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by cawthraven
In the Company of Witches and Slayers Ch. 116/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
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I Do!, Chapter 33 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Ragini
Spiked, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
The Buffybot Falls In Love, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Desicat
Life with Buffy, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Joan963z
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Willow Rosenberg and Her Hydrocoustic Field Ch. 1 (Willow/Tara, T, Tom Swift xover) by batzulger
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Bangel chibi sketches () by MamaBewear
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Artwork:Buffy & Spike () by Haley TJ MacLaughlin
Artwork:Spike () by sayanrougshaban
Artwork:Spike () by chelseabeecreates
Artwork:Spike () by amphoebee
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Video: I Know the End (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) () by TheOverLookedOne
Video: Willow & Oz - Sweetest Part (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) () by TheOverLookedOne
Video: Drusilla - Thursday Girl (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) () by TheOverLookedOne
Video: Faith Lehane - Bad Child (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) () by TheOverLookedOne
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Mothman’s Buffy Rewatch: Season 3 episodes 17 and 18, “Enemies” and “Earshot” by mothmans-wedding-photographer
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PODCAST: ATS 220 - Over The Rainbow by Another Buffy Podcast
[Community Announcements]
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Author Reveals, and Feedback of Multiple Sorts by [community profile] fandom5k
Tuesday's Prompt is We Pull Pranks by comment-fic
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Round 2 Of Artists Claims For The Regular WIPBB Are Open! Round 2 lasts until July 31st! by wipbigbang
[Fandom Discussions]
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You know what the Turok Han should have been? by nicnacsnonsense
honestly one of the best character mirrors on this show is willow and giles. by greensaplinggrace
Having thoughts about the effects of Merrick’s ‘not-quite’ existence on Buffy and Giles’ relationship again by duckwnoeyes
I was reminded of Spike and Joyce’s friendship. by abadbadbrujah
sometimes i think about what we could have had if spike showed up two episodes earlier, during when she was bad. by gingerteaonthetardis, sayyoume
I heard Spike starts to do things to redeem himself independent from Buffy in season five of Angel by initiumseries
Imagining a conversation between Angel and ensouled!Spike by nicnacsnonsense
my headcanon for the “intense” buffy and angel post-resurrection reunion scene by moistvonlipwig
Wesley or Lilah? Angel season 1 or Angel season 5? Writing fanfiction or reading fanfiction? by kyliafanfiction
#2 for willow rosenberg by TheOverLookedOne
https://paarthursass.tumblr.com/post/757397374416076800 by paarthursass
one of the things that makes spike so much better as a partner for buffy by greensaplinggrace
Welcome to the Hellmouth Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
buffy is just so casually and remorselessly anti-cop throughout the entire btvs show... yet still incarceration is weirdly glorified as a redemptive device. by athenadark, greensaplinggrace
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Most Out Of Character, Plot Hole-y, or Confusing Season 7 Moments by luxaII
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Underrated Villains by ElephantWorldly5010
Where to pick up the comics/graphic novels? by Fearless-Salad-8431
This episode had it all (except Angel of course). by TeddyKGB1
Question about the episode “fear, itself” by Beans_0492
Any other Robin Wood fans? by needadviceplease8910
How would that show have been like had Faith had become a "regular"?? by samof1994
Monster of the week of your choice by Yogabeauty31
How long did she actually wait? by AndrewHeard
Giles as the first? It’s a no from me. Sorry Mr Head. by DanTrueCrimeFan87
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Season 3 - Episode 7 - Revelations by Mat1711
Which character's sudden reappearance caught you totally by surprise? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Dawn and Xander? by 1sneaky1
I also wonder if slayers age slower like Captain America by zarif_chow
Did Faith have the right to criticize Buffy in Empty Places? by sadhungryandvirgin
I found a benefit of living on a Hellmouth by MonsterTournament
Why did Forrest hate Buffy so much? by Dreamfyre28
Why did they put the Judge in such convenient boxes for reassembly since he was so dangerous? by JumpingJBeans
please tell me im not the only one who used to think katrina was amy? by secretlifeofmex
the fan response to Spike after S6 by g_island_
Spuffy fans be like: “Spike was the only one who stood by her side/didn’t abandon her/put her first!” by mortalaf
one of the fundamental tensions in btvs by moistvonlipwig
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kodieskhalwa · 6 months
It's ironic that I got into Islam right before Ramadan.
Anyways, I've been spending Ramadan by learning more about Islam at my own pace.
There's a free podcast of an English translation of the Quran that I've been listening to. Though, I am most definitely going to have to go back and read the Quran and take notes, as listening has only allowed me to memorize so much (as in only "don't be a disbeliever")
I have not been fasting BECAUSE I actually have a problem with starving myself due to my disabilities.(I do not have an eating disorder) I tend to only eat one meal a day before bed time.
Instead I've been really mindful about eating, and finding myself having an easier time with eating. I can't say I'm eating all that many calories, but I am eating more frequently. I've also gotten a routine down with drinking carnation breakfasts, a meal supplement drink, at least once a day so that's an extra ~220 calories I wasn't getting before. I'm very grateful for all this. I've been struggling for 2 years with not eating. It's just... interesting that during Ramadan I'm starting to gain some footing with eating(which wasn't planned)
If anyone has any.... hmmm.... I'll use the word "liberal" books on Islam, or Queer Islam books they can recommend, I'd love to read them. Anything explaining how Islam can fit into my life without the talks of punishment and fear is really what I'd like to read. Oh and especially a guide on prayer. I'm told there are certain things I have to say for each prayer session, but no one will link me to what those things are!
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boltedfruit · 4 months
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Hello MCU/Thor fandom!
You might remember me as mrhiddles/boltplumart. I have been out of the main fandom for a while now, but have held on to some items for sentimental reasons. I'm deciding to sell my MCU Phase One Limited Edition Blu-ray set! This is the original box set sold in 2012, and still has all included special items (which are my fave parts, especially the Iron Man blueprints from the cave and the tangible stuff like Thor's fake ID and hospital bracelet).
The box itself has some minor dings and scratches, but nothing bad. The Tesseract still lights up when you smack it, as shown in the video. (Please ignore the bg audio of the Try Guys podcast whoops.) All discs are in pristine condition. All this stuff has just been sitting packed up for years and I want it to go to someone in the fandom.
Movies include Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers on Blu-ray + special feature Blu-rays.
I'm also selling my Avengers hardback art book, and the Art of Marvel Studios box set. The set includes art books for Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Iron Man 1 and 2. The Avengers hardback art book is for The Avengers. These books are like brand new.
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All together, I want to sell these for $200. The Phase One limited edition right now is selling for that price, and the books are selling for $50 each. For $200 you get everything.
If you live outside of the US, the price will be $220 to account for shipping.
Please message me or reply here asking me to message you if you are interested. I'm happy to provide more photos/videos, and discuss price. I just want this stuff to go to someone who will love it as much as I have.
Please reblog so others can see! Thank you so much!
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The Karamel-uh entity, great respecter of The Science™ and pharmaceutical industry cash, has decreed the unvaxxed unhireable in recent campaign staff position postings.
One such posting, located here, for a “National Booker” — tasked with “managing day-to-day relationships with media bookers,  and developing strategies to increase the visibility of campaign spokespeople and surrogates across TV networks, radio, digital streaming programs, podcasts, and more” — reads (emphasis added):
Can you imagine the hell on Earth of trying to reason with a paper-pusher in the HR Department for a President Harris campaign? How DMV-level fat, how gender-diverse, how colorful does one have to be to gain such employment?
Back in the day, in 2021 — when Karamel-uh was serving as the most unpopular vice president in American history after being plucked from obscurity because of her melanin and vagina because the Brandon entity promised the rabble a black lady VP — she proclaimed a death toll from COVID in the United States alone (population 350 million give or taken fifty million illegal aliens) of 220 million, deploying the brand of DEI math they do in public schools nowadays.
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chussyracing · 4 months
what has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
below, you will find a collection of various motorsports related news i have collected over the past two weeks:
FIA, the rules and 2026 onwards
new Concorde Agreement is currently in talks to be ready for 2026 and teams received a draft of it, here is what is being considered/discussed now
the new increased cost cap limit should be $220 mil with number of exceptions not falling under it being reduced (they even discussed maternity leave not being included, but that was immediately denied, another part that now shouldn’t fall under the cost cap are team building activities like Christmas parties etc)
the historical Ferrari bonus for staying in the sport should remain, but will be capped from now on to 5 % of the price pool (no matter the total amount)
they are also discussing a „fund“ of $200 m for new teams so current teams wouldn’t be afraid of losing money (also the starting price for the new team should be SIGNIFICANTLY risen up)
Thailand’s Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin met with Stefano Domenicali in Imola to discuss a possible Bangkok GP (according to Autosport they want to get Red Bull backing for the 2027/2028 project)
Ollie has been criticizing the new anti-spray wheel covers F1 introduced and tested during Ferrari filming day in Fiorano and FIA officially scratched the project for now
F1 commission wants more diversity from team’s liveries so they will be discussing potential changes (like percentage of car that has to be painted or other solutions)
Ben Sulayem suggested that Andretti could buy an existing team to get into F1, so there is also the possibility of a maximum of 10 teams to be set in the new Concorde Agreement
Red Bull Ring extended both F1 and MotoGP contracts till 2030
Mario Isola said that they more or less finalized the slick tyres construction for 2025 BUT are looking to introduce a new C6 compound which would be softer and suitable for street circuits as there is more and more of them on the calendar
F1 might have special rules for tracks with long straights to prevent maximum usage of engine performance by downshifting from 2026 onwards (don’t ask, I’m glad to downshift when going uphill)
other teams and other racing series
Pat Symonds left the position of F1 CTO and joined Andretti Cadillac (or technically will join after his gardening leave runs out)
Jak Crawford will be testing Aston Martin this Wednesday
Doriane Pin sadly fractured her ribs, so she will be missing 24 hours of Le Mans and FRECA in Zandvoort, so she will be back for F1 Academy race in Barcelona
Steward-Haas racing will end in Nascar series at the end of the year, but Gene Haas said it is just business and person decision and it doesn’t reflect any loss of commitment or anything and doesn’t affect other series including the F1 team
Nyck de Vries scored his first points in FE since returning into the series after F1 (and he would score more if it wasn’t for McLaren. why is it always a McLaren)
Saudi Arabia will host the rally championship from 2025 to 2035
Fred Vasseur said that Ferrari brought minor upgrades to Monaco (track related), and they have many more planned with a bigger package coming in Silverstone
Ferrari did more wet tyre testing for Pirelli in Paul Ricard
Marc Gene (Ferrari… representative, sort of ambassador, spokesperson etc) was on F1 Nation podcast and said that while as a team Ferrari doesn’t want to only focus on winning the driver/constructor titles and they want to celebrate Charles’ win, it is also inevitable that they will start thinking about it and how open it may be if we continue with the upgrade plan like this
apparently, Ferrari are considering using the same suspension as most teams use (pull rod on the front) to get more gains from their upgrades – but that’s something for 2025 as it is a big change and requires chassis change and complete design overthrowing
Ferrari is investing in electrification plant to produce batteries and electric cars and Formula E CEO Jeff Dodds kinda suggested that they might enter FE as well because it could help boost the championship popularity thanks to Ferrari’s dedicated tifosi and the heritage they bring to any racing series (but if anything, it is just innocent discussions at this point)
Red Bull
Red Bull extended their chief engineer Paul Monaghan’s contract to keep him in the team
Red Bull bought minor stake in Leeds United and will supply them with shirts with Red Bull logo from next season
Helmut Marko was pretty mad about the Monaco crash with estimated costs of 2-3m, he said they might postpone some upgrades with how much it was worth and also there is a possibility of Checo being given grid drop penalty since he might change some components
Craig Slater and Ted Kravitz reported that Esteban might sit out Canadian GP after Bruno Famin was livid about his drivers lap 1 contact and even spoke about Jack Doohan and Mick Schumacher but Esteban spoke out against the online abuse he has been getting and confirmed he will be racing in Canada
Alpine fired another employee, this time Rob White who was their operations director for the longest time ever
Alpine are reportedly looking to hire Briatore (lol)
Monaco GP
one photographer got injured in the collision of Checo, Nico and Kevin, he was released from the medical center shortly after and it was just minor injury
Monaco GP scored biggest live US TV audience with peak of 2.3 million on ABC
Fernando didn’t know he was out of points the whole Monaco GP, he said he thought he was running in p10 that whole time
Monaco might see some changes next year concerning the banners on the barriers after they already had to take off some of them between quali and race since both Lando and Charles had some pretty big issues after taking part of it in their car and loosing valuable aero points
Mercedes decided to change the front wing which raised questions about its legality at the start of the year (only George was running the updated version in Monaco, they compared the data with Lewis who will get it in Canada)
there has been some talking about Mercedes and if they treat their drivers differently because Lewis has been talking about set ups and upgrades and mentioned that he never had a chance to beat George (tbh I think he was genuinely just referring to the fact that George chose to use the new wing in Monaco) – although, Lewis is probably already getting cut off from certain meetings and decisions and upgrade plans because of his move to Ferrari
Mercedes opened a pop-up shop in Montreal ahead of the Canadian GP
there are a lot of whispers about the Mercedes engines for 2026 and that it is the main reason why Alex extended his contract in Williams under the promise of a strong car from 2026 onwards (don’t ask for source because I didn’t write it down but apparently “in Mercedes the feelings are similar to 2014”)
James Vowles spoke to Autosport and mentioned that all teams will struggle with weight limit in 2026 with the new rules because the new cars are expected to be much heavier (on the other hand it is not such a surprise when we look back at 2022 and how big of a challenge the weight of the cars was to teams)
he also said that they will bring much more performance over the next few GPs, with upgrades coming in Canada that should help with their weight issues (some rumours talk about improvement of over 4 tenths per lap)
differently related motorsport news
Prince Albert II has a new exhibition at his Cars Collection: Ferrari F1 in Monaco, it includes single seaters driver by Schumacher, Lauda, Gilles Villeneuve, Vettel or Charles Leclerc’s two races winning SF90
World Stars Football Match which was originally scheduled for Tuesday before the GP at 7pm in Monaco, got cancelled this year
last April Die Aktuelle published an interview with “Michael Schumacher” which was AI made, Michael’s family received financial compensation over the claims
Pride month started and some teams changed their logos or posted supportive messages, we might see some livery changes as well (but on a serious note, apparently, we have the first homophobe of the month in motorsports and it is unsurprisingly Santino Ferrucci with his comments towards Herta and Kirkwood)
F1 24 Driver Ratings have been posted (griding my teeth)
Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull, McLaren, Williams and Alpine already confirmed to be at Goodwood festival of speed this year
Las Vegas GP organizers promised to tone down the driver PR duties after bad feedback from the drivers and also promised better solutions for local residents when they already have experience from the previous year
drivers related news
Charles has now officially adopted Oscar and F1 ran with it and included “Oscar Piastri-Leclerc” in the official graphics
F1 24 sim race in Monaco happened, Charles won both quali and race, Alex was second in quali and third in the race
both Alpine boys went to Cannes festival
Charles went to APM Monaco promo evening with Alexandra and Arthur
Maria Sharapova posted a picture from an interview with Lewis and added a caption “a sad pop album in the works” and some people speculated that Lewis will be publishing an album, but tbh I think it was just the “vibes”
Lewis appeared on Hot Ones this past Thursday
silly season
Craig Slater is reporting that Carlos to Mercedes is already off the table because they only offered him a one year contract and they don’t want to sign anyone soon, because they are waiting for Max’s possible move and if that won’t be happening, they want to wait some more till around August/September to sign Kimi Antonelli, while Carlos wants his future decided as soon as possible
Autosport reported Carlos being in advanced talks with Williams
Helmut Marko is adamant that Sebastian Vettel keeps calling him about a free seat, but he insists that it wouldn’t be good for him to go against Max
Esteban is reportedly looking for a way out of the team and is in talks with Audi (if Carlos declines the offer) and Haas (which Komatsu confirmed to media saying they are speaking with both French drivers)
Michael Schmidt reported that Ferrari is no longer interested in Adrian Newey, but he remains in contact with Williams, McLaren, Mercedes, and Aston Martin
and there is a video of Newey signing a Ferrari flag in Monaco and because of this (and a few Italian sources that claim Newey already signed a contract with Ferrari), his manager Eddie Jordan had to deny all the rumours that he signed with Ferrari
on the other hand, Giedo van der Garde said to Viaplay that Newey has already been signed by Vasseur
Michelle Foster believes that Dale Coyne Racing in IndyCar might sign Mick if he doesn’t find a spot on the F1 grid for next year
Mercedes denied that Kimi and Mick would do direct shootouts about who gets the Mercedes seat, because the lap times were set in different conditions, weather, times etc. (but also there are rumors that Kimi was faster than both Mick and George and that Mercedes board agreed on taking Kimi from 2025 onwards)
since Binotto was in the paddock in Imola, there was a lot of talk about him potentially going to some other teams (he was linked to Aston Martin by Speedweek and to Alpine, but also Aston Martin already denied they would be hiring him)
Valtteri “denied” he is trying to get the Williams seat and said he is only coming to their hospitality because quote they have good coffee unquote (never change, you icon)
Joe Saward said that Wiliams should reportedly offer Carlos 2 years contract and if he agrees, it could be announced ahead of Spanish GP (or during)
Motorsport.com reported that Enrico Cardile could leave Ferrari for Aston Martin (one reason being a lucrative offer, the second one being the rumoured signing of Adrian Newey which could diminish Cardile’s role in the technical department)
Gazzetta predicts that Carlos’ main priority to drive for Red Bull in 2026 with the new regs and that to do that he might take one year offer from Williams
Yuki and Esteban are favourites for Audi if Carlos doesn’t take up their offer for the 2025 seat
Carlos Miquel believes that Carlos might sign with VCARB in hopes of getting the RBR seat in the future
apparently Marko wants to promote Lawson and offer him Daniel Ricciardo's seat but Daniel has Horner's backing not to be fired - if Yuki moves to a different team, we might as well get Daniel and Liam in RB from 2025 onwards
(side note: Red Bull apparently has an announcement to make which could or could not be related to Checo's contract)
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markrosewater · 9 months
Hi Mark, I started listening to your podcast last year. I'm almost caught up! I'm on #1079. According to Spotify, I listened to over 220 hours tjis year 😬 Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and stories. Happy new year!
Thank you for listening.
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chiimi-png · 1 year
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100 Days of Productivity [29/100]
Started the day with a rejection letter from an internship I applied to a couple days ago, I honestly have never cried like that at a rejection, specially one from an industry outside my major but tbh that won't deter me from trying to get into the editorial world, I've wanted to work in the publishing industry for so long and I'm not willing to let that dream go even if it means I need to go back to school as soon as I graduate. Despite that I needed to help my friend with her model and then worked on a bit of things for my Critical Reading course after that.
🎧 podcast of the day: Ep. 220 Cryptids and Folklore of Ireland - Chilluminati Podcast
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lesbienneanarchiste · 8 months
Between Pocketcasts and Spotify I have ~220 podcasts saved/subscribed 💀💀💀
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One of my 2024 goals is to listen to at least one episode of every podcast I have saved but hooooooo boy I didn't realize what an ordeal that was going to be. Tho to be fair I did just immediately unsubscribe from a few I knew I wasn't going to get to/like. But still 😩
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daggerzine · 9 months
Punk Under the Sun: 80’s Punk and New Wave in South Florida (Hozac Books, 220 pages, by Joey Seeman and Chris Potash)
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The Hozac label has really been on a roll lately with their book publishing side (and that’s not even getting into the terrific records they’ve been releasing as well). This one on the South Florida scene of the 80s is just one of many fantastic ones they've recently published.
This one, put together by Floridians Joey Seeman and Chris Potash, does just what it says, tackles the punk and new wave scenes in the Sunshine State back in the 80’s.  At 220 pages they’ve got it all covered beginning with the bands including ones like The Eat, The Cichlids, Screaming Sneakers, The Kids (featuring a pre-fame Johnny Depp), The Reactions (featuring Joey Maya whose own book I’m reading right now), Charlie Pickett & the Eggs and plenty more. It was a really active and fertile scene, albeit one that didn’t get a lot of attention, mostly because of its location (having moved to this area a little over a year ago I see the serious lack of touring bands that make it down this way).
They also go into the clubs and back during that era the man on the scene was Richard Shelter who booked clubs in Miami like Flynns, The Cameo Theatre, and 27 Birds, among others so it certainly didn’t seem like there was a lack of clubs (and indeed during those 80’s Shelter did bring a lot of big names down this way including the Gun Club, Black Flag, etc).
There is an absolute ton of band pics, flyers, monthly club schedules, etc and they talk to all of the major players on the scene (including Rob Elba who had been in the Ex-Conz and Holy Terrors, among others…...these days Rob does the great podcast called That Record Got Me High).
As far as I can tell this book is the final word on the South Florida scene and these two have really done their homework. For a terrific tome on one of the lesser-known scenes in the USA then dive into this pronto.
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pysgodyn · 12 days
Last year me and my boyfriend randomly started making an ironic batman college au about how edward and harvey met eachother and their akward past with bruce wait, no before this the au was that they met in college but the actual au was in modern villain times and they didnt knoe batman is bruce wayne but they wanted to like start a polycule with batman (NOT BRUCE WAYNE) to spice up their relationship or something. But we ended up getting more into the college timeline anyway. We pitched this to some of our housemates and then we were all into it and it was fucking insane the raw creative energy boucing around the room for hours i swear to god. I made a relationships diagram, theres two playlist (ill link the playlist) we somehow got one of my friends exs to sing a song in Banes voice even though he was previously hating on the whole thing. There's a pinterest. Penguin and Jonathan Crane have a crazy situationship and i just, that would have to be a whole other post. There are a lot more intricate details im missing but i would have to make a podcast explaining everything. Anyway yeah,
Edit: I've been informed it was BRUCE WAYNE not BATMAN they want to start a polycule with... duh! I always get that part wrong
Edit 2: here's the pinterest board im gonna be sick
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docrotten · 2 months
SNOWBEAST (1977) – Episode 220 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“I quit being a skier in 1968 because the other skiers were mavericks!” Well, isn’t that special? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out some cryptid horror from the television screens of the 1970s with Snowbeast (1977)!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 220 – Snowbeast (1977)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Synopsis: A Colorado ski resort is besieged by a sub-human beast that commits brutal murders on the slopes.
  Directed by: Herb Wallerstein
Written by: Joseph Stefano
Selected Cast:
Bo Svenson as Gar Seberg
Yvette Mimieux as Ellen Seberg
Robert Logan as Tony Rill
Clint Walker as Sheriff Paraday
Sylvia Sidney as Carrie Rill
Thomas Babson as Buster (as Thomas W. Babson)
Jacquie Botts as Betty Jo
Kathy Christopher as Jennifer
Jamie Jamison as John Cochran
Richard Jamison as Ben Cochran
Liz Jury as Mrs. Blodgett
Richard Jury as Charlie Braintree (as Ric Jury)
Rob McClung as Deputy #2
Annie McEnroe as Heidi (as Anne McEncroe)
Victor Raider-Wexler as Deputy Holt
Prentiss Rowe as Billy – Bell Captain
Michael J. London as The Snowbeast
Daniel Mandehr as Ski Instructor (uncredited)
Brett Palmer as John (uncredited)
Remember those great made-for-TV horror movies from the 1970s? You know the ones. They had familiar stars, and some were very, very good films like The Night Stalker (1974) and Salem’s Lot (1979). In this episode, the 70s Grue Crew returns to that well with Snowbeast (1977). Familiar stars? Bo Svenson, Yvette Mimieux, Robert Logan, Clint Walker, and Sylvia Sidney. Check. A very, very good film? Not so much. According to Bill, Snowbeast should be known as No Beast for its skimpy reveal of the title character. But there is that beautiful skiing footage. Oh well. Someone out there loves Snowbeast. Now, if we could just find them.
At the time of this writing, Snowbeast (1977 is available to stream from Amazon Prime, Tubi, Crackle, Plex, and Freevee. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Bill, will be Colussus: The Forbin Project (1970), a science fiction thriller about a computer takeover. Wait. Is it science fiction if it’s already happening?
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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morbidology · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 - 𝟐𝟐𝟎: 𝐑𝐨𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬 & 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐥
In the 1980s, Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill's lives crossed paths in a Colorado doctor's office. Fleeing increasing homophobia, they moved to Medford, Oregon, becoming LGBTQ+ rights advocates.
But their sudden disappearance in 1995 left people questioning whether they fell victim to the very prejudice they sought to escape....
This week's episode of Morbidology takes a look at the tragic case of Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill. You can listen to episode 220 of Morbidology across all podcast platforms:
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