airlesscendresderoses · 2 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Monday, September 23, and there's a 10% chance of rain. Highs are in the high sixties, and the lows are in the low sixties.
The Box Ghost has been seen today in multiple areas across town. Proceed with caution if moving boxes today.
Twenty seven stolen iPod Touches, 12 with 8 GB, 10 with 16 GB, and 5 with 32 GB, all in total equalling over $10,000 in value, were found in the possession of James McNamara. If you are missing your iPod Touch, please contact appd to determine whether or not your iPod is among those found.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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shibaraki · 4 months
Hi friends!! I don't know how this will go but I wanted to participate and help contribute a little bit more to the fundraising efforts for Gaza set up by ficsforgaza. I’m taking things slower on the writing front this year so I only have a few to list, some longer than others. Even so, I hope some appeal to you and encourage you to give a donation.
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RATE: $1 per 100 words
INSTRUCTIONS: donate to a vetted fundraiser of your choosing, take a screenshot of the donation confirmation (make sure your private information is censored) and send it to me along with the title of whatever WIP you're sponsoring!
Here’s an example:
hi monty! here's proof of my donation to child mohammed and family's gofundme. I'd like this to go toward the wip 'name your courage' :) ty!! [screenshot.png showing evidence of donation states that $5 was given, therefore 500 words will be written for the wip titled 'name your courage']
Upon receiving your ask (I won't be publishing them) I will amend the list below and prioritise progressing that WIP as well as keeping this post updated weekly. Just for clarity: I’ll be submitting redacted evidence I receive to @ficsforgaza to try and ensure that people are not sending those same screenshots to different writers.
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TO AVOID BEING OVERWHELMED I HAVE MADE A DONATION WC GOAL FOR EACH WIP❗️Just to be clear—donations go towards progressing a WIP. The sole purpose of this is to encourage donations and spread awareness. Every little bit helps. Even if a fic doesn’t get completed right away I still appreciate your participation and promise to fulfil the WC goals.
↳ NAME YOUR COURAGE — BAKUGO KATSUKI #: GN AFAB reader, post canon au, quirkless discrimination, falling in love, social work, worldbuilding, angst + fluff + eventual smut
determined to reach deep inside himself and reconcile the shame that still lingers there, pro hero dynamight publicly aligns with a well-known quirkless charity organization. what he gains is greater than he could’ve imagined.
current wc: 12,932/20,000+ donated (goal) wc: 5,000/5,000 🎊 ☑️
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↳ A MANY SPLENDORED THING — KUROO TETSURO #: GN AFAB reader, divorcee kuroo, best friends to lovers, heavy mutual pining, hurt/comfort, eventual smut + romance
you wonder, not for the first time, why tetsuro could never see what was right in front of him. it was as though the compass of his sharp intuition reversed polarity when you were in the vicinity. you’ve been in love with him since you were sixteen and he’s the one person that never noticed.
current wc: 13,962/20,000+ donated (goal) wc: 5,000/5,000 🎊 ☑️
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↳ #HEARTBURN — TODOROKI SHOUTO [COLLAB FIC] #: GN reader, meet-cutes, social media + shipping, reader is a paramedic, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff + humour
who knew your run-ins with the suspiciously accident prone pro-hero shouto would capture the hearts of the general public—or that a bit of harmless flirting could have such inconvenient consequences?
current wc: 2,500/5,000 donated (goal) wc: 2,500/2,500 🎊 ☑️
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↳ EMERGENCY CONTACT — AIZAWA SHOUTA #: GN reader, friends to lovers, fluff + humour, sexual tension, reader is an underground hero, adopted eri, getting together
when aizawa gives eri a special card with a number to call if there’s ever a big emergency and no one else is around who can help, he doesn't consider the fact that her idea of an emergency is vastly different from his.
current wc: 1,600/3,000 donated (goal) wc: 2,500/2,500 🎊
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↳ THE STAG — OKKOTSU YUUTA [RETURNING WIP!] #: AFAB reader, courtesan au (no curses), courtesan yuuta, reader is a tailor, falling in (forbidden) love, fluff + angst, love letters
your hands were made to embroider, to cut fine silks and sew tales into fabric. from time to time they’ll find themselves touching a courtesans skin. it is only to measure, and never for pleasure.
current wc: 649/? donated (goal) wc: 2,000/2,000 🎊
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↳ SOMETHING BORROWED — NANAMI KENTO [EVENT WIP!] #: AFAB GN reader, no curse au, neighbours to lovers, single parent nanami, foster kids yuji + sukuna, fake engagement, pining, getting together
the precious little you know about your neighbor is that he’s handsome, unmarried, and he has two long term foster sons. after the twins panic during an inspection and identify you as nanami’s fiancé, you’re left with the opportunity to learn more. 
current wc: 10,288/? donated (goal) wc: 250/2,000 ☑️
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That’s all for now, though there is a possibility that I will add more WIPs later. And let me know if you’ve got any questions (or if I’ve missed anything lol).
It’s totally fine if you can’t donate or if none of these fics appeal to you!! Please feel free to check out the other writers on @ficsforgaza’s page if you’d rather sponsor some different fics, or even make requests to those accepting them ^_^ thank you guys!
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nimrochan · 16 days
No disrespect, and I want to say that jewish people should absolutely be safe and feel welcome and happy everywhere in the world. But how can you talk positively about moving to Israel, paying taxes to a government, that has been confirmed to have killed 13.000 children? Do you not see an issue with moving to a state that has been determined by the ICJ to be committing a genocide right now?
Thank you for your question. I’ll do my best to answer this as an Israeli-American with a more inside perspective than most people who haven’t been in the area.
Incoming novel.
First off, I encourage you to read my pinned post.
Second, I believe Israel is a tiny country that as being held to an impossible standard. The situation there is very unique and I ask you to not compare it to others.
(I promise I’m going somewhere with this) in the past ten years, half a million Syrians and half a million Yemenis died in civil war in what I think are actual genocides. Millions more are refugees. China forcibly puts its Muslim citizens in “re-education” camps, another form of cruelty and cultural genocide. There are other genocides actually happening in Congo and Darfur and other places. There are humanitarian crises in Arab countries regarding the horrific treatments of women. And in North Korea, the situation has always been dire - it contains a concentration camp the size of Rhodes island.
This leads me to ask- why is the hate for Israel so widespread and deep? I’ve never seen protests addressing these aforementioned issues so passionately. I almost NEVER see them addressed on social media. I have never seen Russian, Chinese, Afghani people etc in places OUTSIDE of their countries being harassed to the extent that Jews and Israelites are. Jews outside of Israel have been harassed and attacked, some have even been murdered. Our synagogues and graveyards have been vandalized. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people openly march for our deaths rather than to condemn terrorism or condemn far more horrible governments. I can only come to the conclusion that it’s antisemitism. It’s not a coincidence that the only Jewish country in the world a) has such a microscope over it, b) is one of the most terrorized countries in the world, and c) has so much widely-accepted misinformation regarding it. Including the whole “white colonizer” narrative - most Israelis are brown.
The UN has a history of not accepting Israel as a country and disregarding the years of constant terrorism against it. It has not acknowledged 10/07. The voters of the ICJ include Bashar Al Assad who is the president of Syria. Yes that same Syria that kills its own people. Another voter is from China. Same China with countless human rights violations. Another voter whose name escapes me now made motions to deny humanitarian crises in other Arab countries. So between the UN and the ICJ voters, the parties are extremely biased and ignore far worse issues. So I am not going to take them seriously. I hope you ask yourself what else may have skewed your perspective on the war, if such big international organizations are demonstrably biased.
Genocide is done with intent. In the last 50 years, the Palestinian population has grown FASTER than the world’s Jewish population. I can tell you first hand, as someone with many family members who have served in the IDF, and who knows how strong the Israeli military is - genocide is not, has never been, and will never be the intention of Israel. If it WANTED to commit genocide, I guarantee you that absolutely far more Palestinians would have been slaughtered and I would tear up my passport in that case.
When the LEADERS of a county cross a border into ANOTHER country, unprovoked, and personally slaughter and rape thousands of civilians, that is genocide and that is declaring war. It’s a very small scale genocide, but technically it is. If you read the charter of Gaza, it actually states the goal of killing all Jews. Hamas killed the maximum number of Israelis that was in their power at the time. Including people that my own family were close to.
Growing up in Israel, among some Arabs, I can tell you that no one EVER taught me to hate Arabs. In fact they taught us Arabic in school along with English. All street signs are in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. Meanwhile across the border, their government put guns in kids’ hands and teach them that Jews are pigs. And I don’t think they’re considerate enough to put any of their public signs in Hebrew.
You can see pictures online of Hamas dressing up their kids as child soldiers.
I don’t know if you ever saw the footage of Hamas driving around Gaza with dead bodies after the 10/07 attack and many Gazan civilians celebrating and dancing with their kids and handing out candies, mutilating the bodies further. Look up Shani Louk.
While a handful of Israelis are openly racist (just like there are racists everywhere else on the planet), you will NEVER see something this horrific on Israeli streets. NEVER.
Obviously, not all Gazan civilians are this heinous and nobody should be punished for where they were born (and anti-Israelis are lost on the irony of calling all Israelis kid-murdering genocide-lovers who deserved what happened to them including rape and infantacide). But I want you to ask yourself, If this was My country, how would they respond? I don’t think Israel is responding WORSE than America or other strong countries would. Again that leads me to ask why the hate is out of proportion even for their strong response.
The Ministry of Health in Gaza reports that about 30-40K casualties by Israel. Now that organization is run by… Hamas. But okay, I’m willing to believe that number. I’m willing to believe that that number is double. And I’m extremely saddened by innocent Gazans suffering because of the carelessness and evil of their leaders. But let’s look at the number for now.
Israel reports that about 17,000 of the people killed in Gaza are Hamas militants. That leaves a civilian-combatant ratio of 1:1.2 - 1:2. That’s… average for war. For a dense urban area like Gaza? That is LOW. That does not fit the definition of genocide. It is war, and it sucks, but it’s not genocide.
As for children dying - We do not yet know exactly the number of children who are militants. A baby is counted as a child, but so are the 15-17 year old child soldiers that Hamas recruits. So now the line is blurring.
Not to mention, Hamas has been caught altering birth dates on records of dead Gazans to bring their ages down. Some 18-year-olds are falsely reported as being 17 at death to falsely increase the numbers of killed children on paper.
To go a little off topic, Al Jazeera has also been caught numerous times censoring Gazans criticizing Hamas and reporting biased news. Heck they even reported the rape and murder of my people as “a necessary step.” Look up Howidy Hamza, a Palestinian reporter who talks about Hamas. Hamas is unbelievably cruel to their own people. Yet protests in the US and around the world praise them.
Let’s go back to Israel being the most terrorized country in the world behind Somalia. Do you know what’s going on in Somalia? Of course probably not - another crisis largely ignored by the world because it’s not as exciting or interesting.
Again I grew up in Israel. In the 90’s there was a rash of suicide bombings on buses by the PLO, so I remember avoiding buses as a child out of fear. I also remember waiting in line with my family to get free gas masks because Saddam Hussein once threatened biological warfare on us. Fun times.
I went back to visit in 2015 - this time, a trend of Palestinian civilians in Israel randomly stabbing Jews or running over them or throwing rocks at them. Some Palestinian teens threw rocks into traffic and killed a 2-year old.
And in the past 20 years at least, Hamas and OTHER parties have been sending rockets into Israel. Into civilian areas. Do you think that’s normal? Do you think it’s normal to have apps to alert you to rockets and to have so many bomb shelters? Have you ever spoken to a relative overseas and heard rockets in the background while on the phone with them?
Do you know how many hundreds of thousands of us would be dead if it weren’t for the iron dome?
EDITED TO ADD: Israel responds to rocket fire to destroy the source, because the iron dome is not perfect and CONTINUED firing eventually harms Israeli civilians. Yes, Hamas makes sure to fire rockets from Gazan civilian areas. Another note I want to bring up - I don’t know how many Gazans are displaced currently, I have a hard time finding a nonbiased source, but I would guess around 750K - 1.2 million. If they are displaced RATHER then killed, that’s another contradiction to calling this war a genocide.
Do you know why Gaza has received billions of dollars in aid over the years - enough to turn it into a living paradise - only for Hamas to use it to build underground tunnels and rockets for the purpose of attacking a country that has NEVER in its history attacked first or started any wars? (Yes, believe it or not, Israel has never STARTED a war since its inception).
The other problem with Gaza is Hamas intentionally having military targets under densely populated areas. When Israel warns civilians to leave, via leaflets or alerts, many times Hamas threatens them to stay and become martyrs. On top of it, they dress as civilians and recruit children, and fire rockets from refugee camps and apartment buildings and schools and hospitals. This is neither legal nor ethical warfare.
Israel does not, has never put military targets near civilian, nor does the IDF recruit children or dress as civilians. That’s a bare minimum.
I won’t deny that members of the IDF have done shitty things, just like the American army and other armies around the world have probably done, but if I had to choose between the country with the military that wants me dead and Israel… yeah. At least rape and other torture are ILLEGAL for the IDF. Meanwhile Hamas continues to freely rape hostages as I type this. Because they make the laws there.
Yes Israel cares more about its own citizens than foreign citizens like Gaza, but again, that’s no more evil than other normal countries.
To address another stereotype about Israel being a racist and apartheid state - there are two million Arab Israelis living peacefully there. There are Arab countries who hold peace treaties with Israel.
So you tell me in your ask, Jews should be safe and welcomed around the world. The sentiment is appreciated, but this is not the case with reality, sadly. There is NO population of 2 million Jews in any other middle eastern country. Many of us left for Israel due to severe oppression. There are no more Jews in Yemen for example. My grandfather left for Israel from his home in Lebanon because some officials wanted him dead. Why? For committing the crime of smuggling Jews through Lebanon to escape the Holocaust.
My grandparents on my mother’s side escaped post-war Poland because of violent lingering antisemitism.
They would have had NOWHERE to go without Israel.
And we are NOT safe outside of Israel or even in Israel because of the intense hatred. We have been scapegoats for society’s problems for thousands of years and I don’t see it improving any time soon.
How can I talk positively about Israel? It’s the most liberal and progressive country in the Middle East. It’s the only country where it’s legal and safe to be openly gay for example, and it’s the only country there that holds annual pride.
It’s a middle eastern country where I, as a secular woman, can dress how I want, marry who I want, get abortions if I needed, own property, own money, have a prestigious job, and *checks notes* drive.
It’s also the only Jewish country in the world. It’s the place I’ve felt the safest and happiest, surrounded by my own people and family and sometimes I wish my parents and I never left, because I am personally feeling the antisemitism when I march peacefully and get nasty comments, or when I lose long time close friends left and right for being a “genocidal Zionist”, or when I see antisemitic graffiti and signs everywhere I walk.
My taxes in Israel would pay for hospitals that treat people from all around the world including Palestinian children for free. It would pay for the iron dome that keeps my family safe.
My taxes in America have been used to oppress women, and for horrific military actions, etc. and America itself is LITERALLY built on colonial genocide and the backs of slaves. Slightly related, most of North Africa was colonized by Arabs who ran a larger slave trade than the US. I’ve never learned that in school! I’ve never seen anyone talk about that! I’ve never seen Americans or Arabs in other countries get attacked for these things (to be fair, I’m very aware of the racism Arabs and Muslims did feel in the US after 9/11 and I absolutely condemn it).
This same America also lifted sanctions on Iran, allowing it to spare money to give to Hamas to buy weapons and slaughter my people to start this fucking war.
So you ask why I’m saving money to eventually move to Israel from America? I hope I’ve answered as thoroughly as I can. You can go ahead and fact check me through non- biased media. And go ahead and look up “list of terrorist attacks on Israel” while you’re at it too. I’d rather face rockets than continue to live in a country that lets antisemitism (and mass shootings for that matter) run rampant.
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sugdensdingle · 28 days
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goldenpinof · 9 months
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he was, in fact, not 26 in 2015 (gays do maths)
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vhscorp · 2 months
On sait qu’on a fait une belle rencontre lorsqu’on n’a pas à faire semblant d’être un autre que soi…
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john-cardoza · 9 months
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me: *explaining the plot of moulin rouge* roommate: wait, your guy is from OHIO?
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puckpocketed · 2 months
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thebunnycruise · 10 months
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Host Club 67 is such a dork sometimes...
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
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I love this illustration so much. The way all the characters are turned to look directly at Atsushi. Dazai's face of pure, unfiltered delight. Atsushi being the sun everyone gathers around. Franchise of everybody is in love with Atsushi for real
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Saturday, March 23, and there’s a 20% chance of rain. Highs are in the high thirties, and the lows are in the low thirties.
Much like the day before, there were no ghost attacks yesterday. No ghosts have even been seen in Amity since the Wisconsin ghost freed Mayor Masters. As I do not spend time in the ghost zone I have no idea why this is.
Police are beginning to consider the large possibility that Daniel Fenton may not still be alive. The Wisconsin Ghost proved himself extremely dangerous when he killed Jack Fenton, it is extremely likely that he did the same to Daniel. The search will continue, but be prepared for the worst.
Madeline Fenton will be driving today to search for her son.
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tsukana · 1 year
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kristin philever truthing fr
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vitaminkyeom · 11 months
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PAIRING || Joshua x Female Reader
GENRES || Fluff
WARNINGS || none
WORD COUNT || 0.7k
A/N || its always shua and cheol whos stealing the wc TT
TAGLIST || ​@romeosbreastmilk @y00nzin0 @cecedrake2217  @candidupped @ashkuuuu @hanicore @alyssng @thepoopdokyeomtouched @weebotakuboy @angelfeverdream @aaniag @sea-moon-star @princessjazzyjazz [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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“sweetheart,” he whispered against your neck, causing more hair to rise up as his warm breath tickled your cold skin. “you’ve got goosebumps all over your skin. you’ll catch a cold, you know.”
“i’m fine.” you muttered, before you visibly shivered right in front of him as a cold wind blew against the two of you. 
“you are not fine.” joshua said, pulling you closer to him. you felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment at how quickly you melted into his touch, your body craving for more warmth. especially his warmth. 
when you opened the door of your house to finally greet your boyfriend who had come to pick you up for the fireworks night, he had the exact same reaction that you were hoping to get out of him when you chose that outfit. joshua had immediately pulled you in for a kiss, muttering against your lips how beautiful you looked and just how much he loved you.
but as the two of you stepped outside your house and you locked the door behind you, there was a frown on his face, and you panicked thinking that there was something about your dress that was bothering him. was the skirt too short? was the off shoulder sweater too much?
“baby, isn’t it too cold outside? don’t you want to carry a coat or something?” he had asked, concern lacing his voice.
it was really cold outside but if you wore a coat, your outfit would be completely covered. a coat wouldn’t look that bad…but you had spent hours trying to dress up for your sweet boyfriend and the weather conditions had not crossed your mind at all.
so being the master of bad decisions like you always were, you had just smiled and pressed a kiss on joshua’s cheek, shaking your head in negative. “don’t worry, it won’t be that cold. i’ll be perfectly fine.”
and now, as you stood on top of the hill with countless other couples and families waiting for the fireworks, you really regretted not listening to him. why did you have to pick a skirt and an off shoulder top of all the days?
the worst part was that you could see joshua’s worried glances over your body as you shivered once again. you hated making him worry over things that were clearly your fault, not wanting him to feel that he wasn’t doing his best as a boyfriend.
all of a sudden, he said, “i have an idea.” and began shrugging off his overcoat. you gasped and you clutched the edges of his coat, preventing him from sliding it off his shoulders anymore. “what are you doing? don’t take it off for me!”
joshua smiled at you sweetly, the same smile that always caused butterflies to burst in your stomach despite having dated him for a very long time. “don’t worry, love. i’m not going to take it off completely.”
you blinked at him in surprise. “what do you mean?”
“here.” he said, removing his arm from one sleeve. “put your arm through this sleeve. we’ll be able to fit in if we hug each other and stand.”
you stared at joshua in amazement as you slowly slipped one arm through the sleeve of his coat, the other wrapping around his waist as he did the same for you. immediately warmth flooded your body as you took in his scent, burying your face into his chest.
“works right, darling?” he whispered over your head, and you nodded slowly, a smile tugging at the corner of your lip as he now wrapped both his arms around you. 
looking up at him, you pressed a quick kiss on his lips. “it’s a good thing you have such broad shoulders. the coat was able to fit us both in.”
“even if i didn’t, i would have made us both fit. i cannot bear to see my beloved girlfriend freeze to death, can i? at the same time i knew you would be mad at me if i offered my coat to you completely.”
you sighed in happiness as you rested your head against his chest once again, listening to his heart beat.
“i love you so much, shua.”
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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