#3 ninjas rocky
raging-violets · 2 years
16 for rocky
giving your love interest a trinket before a “battle”
A/N: This is actually a (potential) future scene from my 3Ninjas fic Walking The Other Way’, so, light spoilers. Took me long enough, right?
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Whif, whif, whif.
Rocky repeatedly punched the bag in front of him, focusing on the rotation of his wrist to ensure the punch landed squarely. When he fatigued on one fist, he switched to the other and back again. All until he felt a warm chill run down his spine.
Usually, he enjoyed the feeling, knowing what it was coming from. This time, he felt a momentary flash of annoyance. Breathing out a heavy sigh, Rocky lowered his hands to his sides, turned, and started to take off his gloves.
“Don’t say it,” he said, addressing Riley before looking at her.
“Don’t say what?” She asked, following him with her eyes.
“That I’m making a mistake,” Rocky replied. “That it’s a bad idea to go up against Snyder.” He rolled his eyes at her statement of, “No need, yeah, you already did it for me.” And went back to unwrapping his hands. Boxing was never really his thing, but he needed something to get out his aggression, help him get some practice in, and take his mind off his upcoming…potential death. He glanced at her. “You know I have to do it.”
She tilted her head, studying him quietly. “He said he wanted revenge on ‘Sam Douglas’.”
“And I can’t let my dad take that fall.” Rocky lifted his chin. Took a deep breath through his nose. Knew he was going to have to explain himself at some point, since he had decided on what he was going to do. “It’d kill mom—”
“You think outliving her son wouldn’t do that?” Rocky moved to walk by her, but she reached out and pressed her hand to his chest, firmly pushing him backwards so he was forced to look at her. “Are you suicidal? Or just bloody insane? I get you’ve done ninja things like this before, but this is serious.”
“I noticed.”
She shook her head, dropped her hand from his chest. Defeated. In so few words she knew she wouldn’t change his mind. “What happened to the only thing you had to worry about being getting your homework in on time to graduate?”
Rocky managed the briefest of smiles. Graduation was the last of his worries. Nevertheless, he felt the pins and needles start in his fingers once more. Another panic attack he’d managed to stave off for the last few…days? Weeks? Everything made him worry now. A future he needed to decide on…and a future he may not even get if he faced off against Snyder.
“You can worry about all that for me,” Rocky replied. He sat down on the bench and grabbed a towel, mopping sweat off his forehead. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. Focused. Breathed. Focused harder when she sat next to him, close enough that her thigh pressed against his. “Someone’s gotta watch out for everyone else.”
“Yeah, but who’s going to watch out for you, Sam?” Her eyes bore into the side of his face. He studiously kept his gaze away from hers, knowing how easily he’d be swept away if he did. Just like always. “I guess, before this happens, I should say thank you.”
“For what?” he replied automatically, knowing her answer of, “For everything,” was coming seconds after. Smiled when he heard it. “I think I should be thanking you. For not trying to talk me out of this.”
The side of her mouth turned up into her smirk-smile. “Would I have been able to?” She gently nudged him with her shoulder.
He smiled. “No.”
“Should I threaten to beat you up then? Kidnap you? I can tie a mean knot but…” Her gaze swept over him. “Something tells me you’d break out of it too easily,” she teased saucily. “Which is no fun, by the way.”
Silence stretched between them. Rocky took in another deep breath, a different thought coming to mind. He leaned over to his bag and reached inside. His fingers clamped around the brim of it hat, which he pulled out and held toward her. “Can you hold this for me?”
Riley eyed it for a minute before taking it in her hand. She dropped her hand to her side, curling her fingers around his hat protectively. Almost as if it were supposed to be curling around his hand. “Your mind’s really made up then, yeah?”
His blue eyes locked directly on hers. “Wouldn’t you do the same thing…if it were your family?”
She pressed her lips together, looking away. Rocky knew she’d do the same, knew before he even asked the question. Whether it was the ‘eldest child’ role they were both put in, or just the sheer sense of protectiveness she felt for everyone in her life, he knew she would make the same decision. Because she’d made a similar one before.
Not to the same extent, but with the same motivations.
And, if he were being honest, it was easier for him to make that decision than ask her out to the prom. He was probably the only person in the world who had that problem; facing certain death enough times before had made him so de-sensitized that he wouldn’t even entertain the thought of losing.
“Hm.” He finally looked at her.
She looked back at him, the smile had fallen from her face. “If you die, I’ll fucking kill you.”
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thecreativemillennial · 5 months
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Then and now: the og 3 Ninjas
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g4zdtechtv · 7 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Sarkathlon II: The Sarkening | 4/17/08
Watch Kane pull a rabbit out of his hat!
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Activities for Regressors Without Caregivers! (or just fun regression activties!)
(Although you're always welcome here if you'd like any form of comfort anyway! ^w^)
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This one's kind of a long one, after the few tips I list, I've mentioned an app I use called Finch, which will be talked about below the cut.
Since that's the case, I'll put my little ending message here instead:
Knowing how to take care of yourself can take a lot of work and practice, but I believe it's worth the effort, because then you'll be a happier and healthier you! Especially if you can find ways to make it fun!
I'm more than happy to be here for you and offer my support in any way I can, anyhow! I'm proud of you for doing what you can, I know it can be very hard.
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I myself don't have a caregiver for when I regress, so most of the time I end up taking care of myself! Here are some fun activities and things I do when I regress to keep myself calm and happy! ^w^
Paci mentions/pics not long after the first section for those of you who'd rather not see 'em.
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♥ Arts and crafts! I absolutely LOVE coloring and making bracelets with beads, something not too complicated for little hands, but also something fun!
With coloring, you can buy coloring books, or draw something of your own to color in- even printing out a page you find online, coloring digitally, or tracing over something to color in could work! I prefer coloring more than drawing personally because I don't draw all the time, but I bet I could learn a little thing or two from the artists around here!
For bracelets (and other jewelry), strings can be hard to knot with little hands (at least they aren't those small, slippery clasps!!), but the beads shouldn't be too hard to handle if you're careful! Even just planning out patterns is fun!
Here are some My Little Pony bracelets I made, and the decorations I did for my pacis!
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♥ Making playlists! Dancing is fun, and a good way to get the zoomies out, but you can just make playlists for any occasion! I have playlists that help me pet-regress, songs with sounds I like, adventure playlists... (Well- a lot of these are still in progress, but- you get the point!)
I also love those playlist videos on YouTube! Animal Crossing, Super Mario Galaxy, Minecraft and music box music are typically my go-to to help me settle or just make for comfy background music! Here's one of my favorites, shadowatnoon has lovely Nintendo music mixes!
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♥ Playing with your plushies! You can take them on adventures, or make your own!
Like Toby, climbing The Great Pillow Mountain!
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(This is Toby by the way, he's one of my best friends and a VERY good hugger!)
You can play games with them, too! Toby's REALLY good at hide and seek... Maybe you can find him for me? :0
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♥ Finding shows to watch! I really like Paw Patrol and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. Plus, you can look at agere content and fics from shows you like! People make really cool stimboards and moodboards, for example, and I like reading through all the fun stories people write!
Here's a silly picture of Rocky I found! :3
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Finch is a self-care app where you take care of your very own little bird friend by taking care of yourself!
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You can set daily goals, or for each day (or more specific ones as well I think.). By completing these goals, you give your bird energy to go on adventures! They usually come back with a funny little story or silly questions, because they're learning, too!
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Through completing these goals (or daily, at least), you can get Rainbow Stones, which you can use to buy clothes for your bird, make them different colors, or give them furniture for their house!
They're also LGBTQ+ and disability-friendly!! :3
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This is my little bird, Honeydew! You're welcome to friend me as well if you'd like, my code is: Z3E2T7VRK6
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It's helped me learn a lot about taking care of myself and keeping track of my goals, and I get little rewards for it! I've used the app for several months now, and it's helped me out a lot!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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mixelation · 7 months
TOROCHIMARU MENTIONED 🏅🏅🏅🏆🏆🏆👆👆🐍🦆🎉🎊 (you do not have to publish this i'm sorry)
LMAO you are going to be so pleased with the next chapter. <3 here's a preview
Tori felt tense as she climbed back out of the cave, Orochimaru plodding along leisurely behind her. She’d mostly just accepted that any physical feat she tried would look ridiculous next to the grace of a ninja, including but not limited to something as simple as going up a rocky incline. She felt judged, though, clinging to the cave wall while Orochimaru took the uneven path like a Sunday morning stroll. 
Thank god the Akatsuki hideout was nothing but stairs. She was sure that, had she tried this when she’d first arrived, she’d be at least a little winded by the time they were outside. 
As soon as they were in the cool shade of the forest, Orochimaru’s hand was suddenly in the hair at the back of her head, pushing her head forward. Tori made a strangled cry of discontent but didn’t fight him. He wasn’t actually hurting her, and if she struggled, not only would she not win, but he might be inclined to harm her just for fun. 
He leaned over her, carefully combing and parting her hair around the nape of her neck with his fingers. He did it gently and carefully, and it might have even felt good if he weren’t also pushing her head down into an uncomfortable position. 
“No scorpion seal,” he finally murmured, letting go of her. “Interesting.”
Tori stumbled away from him the moment he let her go, brushing her hair back into place. She turned to face him, studying his face as her brain worked overtime to figure him out. He was eyeing her up and down with the same sort of curiosity he might aim towards someone’s open chest cavity. On Sasuke’s pretty face, it almost looked inviting. 
A scorpion seal? Like one of Sasori’s? Why would he expect that? 
“What did Kabuto tell you?” Tori wondered out loud. She could make guesses, but Orochimaru was a person apt to answer questions when the mood hit him. 
“Ah,” Orochimaru replied, moving forward and linking his arm through Tori’s elbow. “Let’s walk and talk. It’s about time for lunch, isn’t it?”
Tori didn’t argue with him, just walked along beside him in a confused daze. What the fuck was happening? Was she actually safe? Surely she wasn’t. 
It’s not like this is worse than taking poison from Sasori or letting Deidara fly me somewhere wasted, she decided.  
“Kabuto said you knew about our work with Sasori,” Orochimaru said conversationally, leading her towards the path through the forest that would take them to the town proper. He let out a single laugh. “He said you turned him in without hesitation.”
“Well,” Tori answered levelly, “I don’t really know what he expected.”
Orochimaru laughed again. “I forgot how funny you are,” he said and sounded downright cheerful. Tori would count this as a win. 
Orochimaru watched her out of the corner of his eyes, taking on a more calculating look that set her hair on end. 
“Now, Tori,” he said. “Imagine you were me, and your best, most trustworthy spy is convinced your lab assistant can truly see the future and knows others’ deepest secrets. What do you think I’d do?”
What a loaded question, Tori thought. She kept her face blank, eyeing Orochimaru right back. He didn’t seem upset or angry, but he watched her with anticipation, like this was some sort of test. 
“I suppose,” Tori said flatly, “if I were you, I’d either want that person dead, or I’d want them on my side.” She paused, waiting for a reaction, but he continued to just watch her. “And if I were me, I’d hope you decided on the latter.”
His lips twitched upwards. This could be because he thought she was funny, or because she was on to something. He still didn’t speak, so she kept thinking out loud. 
“Either way, you’d have to find me,” she reasoned. “Or maybe not you personally, but someone working for you. Especially if you also wanted my insight on your Sasuke problem.” 
Who was still working for Orochimaru, with his little ninja village now in the wind? Kabuto? Surely Akatsuki would notice other ninja crawling around… 
“I did meet a snake,” Tori realized, remembering the whole hotel debacle when she’d been traveling with Sasori and Deidara. Orochimaru’s smile turned downright wicked. “Are you kidding me?”
“He was very upset you tried to blow him up,” Orochimaru replied. “He nearly died.”
“I think people really need to stop underestimating my ability to get them killed,” Tori griped. 
“You are surprisingly lethal,” Orochimaru said in the tone of someone telling a very good joke. “Now, what did my dear friend Sasori do with you, if not kill you or plaster a mind-control seal on your neck?”
Tori focused very hard on keeping her steps even and her face blank as she debated her answer. Clearly the question implied that Orochimaru knew Sasori had kidnapped her, but not that she was currently affiliated with Akatsuki. This, of course, did not mean he didn’t know or didn’t suspect as much, because Orochimaru was a master manipulator and liar. 
What to say, what to say…? Tori’s mind buzzed. It was probably better for her and Akatsuki to not admit she was working for them. Orochimaru would almost definitely press her for information, or maybe even ask for her to spy on them for him, and this would put her in a tricky, dangerous situation. 
Then again, if she turned out to not be useful to his purposes, Orochimaru might just kill her, right here and now.
Where, oh where, had Obito gone?
Tori tilted her head back and drawled, “Would you believe me if I said I escaped?” 
She’d stalled enough they’d gotten to the break in the tree line that marked the beginning of the town, and sunlight glinted in Sasuke’s eyes as Orochimaru studied her. 
“From Sasori?” he said after a moment. “Absolutely not.”
Tori kept her mouth shut, waiting for more as he led her through the town streets. It had gotten hot while they’d been in the cave, and now that they were in the open sun, Tori could feel herself starting to sweat. 
“It is interesting no one could find you,” Orochimaru eventually said, tone still pleasant. “Not that I invested many resources into it, with the current situation– but you are not so subtle you could hide by yourself, and if it were up to him, Sasori would not let you roam free without a seal.”
He paused outside a restaurant, eyes skimming a sign in the window listing specials. Then he turned to peer down at her, his arm linked through her elbow pulling her closer into him. 
“So I think,” he said, voice smooth as silk, “you have found someone very powerful to work with.”
Tori held his gaze and did not say a word. She did not let herself tense or wince, although she was sure he could feel her racing heartbeat. They stood like that for what was probably only a few seconds, but felt like an eternity. 
Finally, Tori inclined her head and said, “I may not be a ninja, and I may not be able to fight or flee or hide from one, but I learned from the best.” She smiled, as sweetly as she could. “Is it so strange to think I couldn’t convince Sasori to let me go?”
Orochimaru took half a step back from her, turning Sasuke’s head to snort with laughter. 
“Don’t worry,” he said. “If you found someone more powerful than Sasori, then I don’t expect you to be stupid enough to confide in me about them. Stick with whatever story you want to tell. But I do think we should… catch up.”
He led her inside the restaurant and asked for a table for two. 
Their waitress– an older woman with streaks of gray in her dark hair– gave them both a sort of mooning look as she handed over menus, and Tori abruptly realized what they must look like. With his Orochimaru-ness shining through Sasuke’s face, Orochimaru made his body look several years older than it was, and they’d walked in with their arms linked. They definitely looked like two young adults on a date. 
Tori felt herself go cross-eyed as she stared down at the menu. That was… no… no. 
This was, somehow, worse than God telling her she was an abomination.
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tnt-tourney · 1 year
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welcome one and all to the 2023 t+t tournament!! despite the long wait for the final bracket, the day has finally arrived. due to the size of the text, the list of contestants will be under the cut. due to how many contestants there are, i wont be able to tag everything, but i will tag as much as i can.
now, since it's been a while, a quick rehashing of the relevant rules!
1. be polite to others participating in the vote
2. do not Rig the vote -- propaganda is more than welcome and the askbox is always open for it! i just dont have the energy to deal with botting
3. dont be rude if the contestants youre rooting for are voted out!! sometimes thats just the way things go. theres always next time!
4. have fun !
the polls will start rolling out sometime next week. thank you!!
Hexsquad (The Owl House) VS. Vault Hunters (Borderlands 1+2)
The Bad Kids (D20: Fantasy High) VS. FloweringPassionFruit (Ride the Cyclone)
Barbie + Ken (Barbie) VS. Dwarves (Deep Rock Galactic)
Mabel Pines + Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. The Fantastic 4 (Marvel)
Klaus Hargreeves + Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) VS. Spiderband (Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spiderverse)
Lup + Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone) VS. Cleo de Nile + Deuce Gorgon (Monster High)
Spideypool (Marvel) VS. Gomez Addams + Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. Rashmi Jamil + Amelie Macon + Loam Arnault (Entropic Float)
Link + Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) VS. Peter Parker + Harry Osborn (Marvel)
Huey Duck + B.O.Y.D. (Ducktales 2017) VS. Golf Ball + Tennis Ball (Battle for Dream Island)
Lewis + Vivi + Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animate) VS. Horokeu Usui + Pirica Usui (Shaman King)
Paulkins (Hatchetfield) VS. Magnus Chase + Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Bill Preston + Ted Logan (Bill and Ted) VS. Leonard Church + Agent Texas (Red vs. Blue)
Ariel + Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) VS. Polypirates (JRWI: Riptide)
Cody Goodwin + May Goodwin (It Takes Two) VS. Frank-N-Furter + Magenta + Columbia + Riff Raff (The Rocky Horror Show)
SpaceDolls (Ride the Cyclone) VS. Kim Possible + Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible)
The Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel) VS. Julian Bashir + Miles O'Brien + Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
The Murder Crew (Clue) VS. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Vash the Stampede + Nicolas D. Wolfwood + Meryl Stryfe + Milly Thompson (Trigun) VS. Team Chaotix (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Steve + Alex (Minecraft) VS. Gyro Gearloose + Lil Bulb (Ducktales 2017)
Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) VS. Wright Anything Agency + Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Westley + Buttercup (The Princess Bride) VS. Shin + Noi (Dorohedoro)
Kermit + Miss Piggy (The Muppets) VS. The Mechanisms
Jeremy Heere + Michael Mell + Christine Canigula (Be More Chill) VS. The Solve It Squad (The Solve It Squad Returns)
Harleyberts + Crockenglishes (Homestuck) VS. Sonic & co. (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mulder + Scully (The X-Files) VS. Steph Lauter + Pete Spankoffski (Hatchetfield)
Main Cast (Omori) VS. Ben Tennyson + Gwen Tennyson + Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
Ashe Ubert + Claude Von Riegan + Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) VS. Birdetta + Yoshi (Mario)
Prime Defenders (JRWI: Prime Defenders) VS. Strilondes (Homestuck)
The Mystery Gang (Scooby Doo) VS. Billie Logan + Thea Preston (Bill and Ted)
Splatoon Idols VS. Lexthan (Hatchetfield)
Sex Bob-omb + Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) VS. Jonathan Sims + Martin K. Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
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kiaxet · 7 months
Leo feels the air leave the room as his eyes travel to the Assistant’s uncovered face to see-
They’re a turtle. Dark green skin, yellow markings - whorls of color that stretch from temple to jaw and disappear into the cowl around their neck, and a glare that could strip paint-
But part of that glare is the same brown eyes they all have. Dad’s eyes.
One of their siblings is alive.
Missing siblings! Found family! Terrible first impressions! I have so many plans for this fic, but first we have to meet our protagonist, and boy is it a rocky experience.
Thanks again to @dandylovesturtles for being my beta on this! I appreciate you <3
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colesluvr · 1 year
REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO
Birthday Surpise: Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
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TO ALL MY OTHER ANONS WHO REQ'D: i have not forgotten about the rest of you, yall are coming up next 🫶
B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 
You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 
"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 
Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 
"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 
"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 
Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.
"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.
"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."
He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 
Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 
"Just one hour?"
Will that be enough time? 
"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 
You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 
Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 
You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.
"Yes, but what's special about this day?"
"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"
"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.
Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 
Why are you even crying? Its not our fault he forgot, he should be the one feeling your pain. 
Sudden;y, you bumped into a figue the walked out of a room. In a panic you wiped your eyes as you made eye contact with the person.
"Zane." You chuckled, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"It's quite alright, Y/N. What are you doing up so early?" Zane asked, looking at you. He noticed your eyelids were red but didn't say anything about it until you replied to his question. 
"Oh, I-I just said hi to Lloyd, I-I'm heading back to my room."
Before he could say anythin you push by him but pause, "Zane, do you know what today is?" 
"Well, of course I do. Happy birthday, Y/N."
You smiled softly, thanking him and returning to your room. He watched as you entered your rooom beside Nya's and Kai's. 
It was now later in the morning, around 9AM. Lloyd came back from outside and he was done training for a couple of hours. At least 1 or 2 he told himself.
As he entered the kitchen, he ran into Zane who was finishing up breakfast. "Good morning, Lloyd. Have you finished training?" 
Lloyd smieles as he sits at the table, "Yeah. I am." Lloyd soon looked around the room. With the corner of his eye he spots ballons and banners in a supply closet. He tilted his head to the side, "We still have these? I thought we put them away after Nya's birthday last month?" He said as he took a sip of water that Zane placed down for him. 
"Well, we did put them away, but I took them back out for Y/N's birthday today-" 
The sound of Lloyd spitting water out of his mouth caused Zane to jump slighty, obviously not expecting it. "WHAT?" He basically shouted, wiping his chin. "It's for Y/N's birthday today, I asked Cole to assit me in putting up the banners and Nya and Jay offered to get them presents from all of us. Kai will be in charge blowing up balloons."
Zane spoke, looking over to Lloyd to see panic all over his face. "Lloyd," he started slowly, placing down his cloth and cup he was drying, "You do remember it's Y/N's birthday? Correct?" 
Lloyd stared at the table in thought. What the fuck? he asked himseld over and over, How the hell could I forget my own partners birthday?!
"I mean- I-I was distracted by all my ninja training, I-I didn't think-"
Zane gave a sworrowful look as he shook his head. Lloyd grumbled as he slammed his head to the table. 
"Oh. Sorry Y/N, I didn;t know you were-" Cole had accdeintly walked in on you in the bathroom, and as he was aplogizing you were quick to move from the mirror nad wipe your eyes. You and him made eye contact and as you prayed he's close the door, he instead opened it slowly, noticing your puffy eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you crying? 
You shook your head fast, too fast, causing your head to hurt and tears to spill more. "N-No." Your voice cracked as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Cole didn't know what to do, not until you choked out his name and the tears were more visiable. "Cole..." He immediatly wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his shoulder. 
"Oh god, ssh. ssh. It's alright, hey, hey, hey!" He smiles as he sups your ace togethet to get a better look at your face. Your tear stained face caused a frown to form on his face, "Awh, Y/N." He hugged you once and rubbed your back in comfort.
"How-How could he forget?" You spoke. 
You and Cole have moved into the hall and back into your room. He got you issues, your stuffed animal, your blanket, anything to make you feel more safe and happy. He rubbed your shoulder as he sat beside you, 
"Who forgot?"
"Lloyd!" Your voice squeaked as you coughed out a cry. "How-How could he forget my birthd-day?" You squezzed your stuffed animal as Cole paused to think.
Suddenly, he started to chuckle and you snapped your head at him, More tears started to form, and Cole quickly noticed. "Omg, Y/N." Cole handed you a tissue, but still wiped your tears for you. "I thought you meant he forgot something like an aniverrsity, or a graduation."
You cocked your eyebrow at Cole, "Y/N. A lot of people forget birthdays! I do sometimes. Lemme'tell you, when I forgot Jay's birthday he was crying his eyes out. I felt bad, but he didn't take any offence of it."
"True, but he forgave me because it was only a one time thing. Tell me, when was the last time Lloyd ever  forgot your birthday. Or Kai's birthday? Or even Darreths?!" You looked at him as you were deep in thought.
He was right. 
Lloyd never forgot your birthday and even if he would, he would ask someone, no? 
You shrugged your shoulders, rubbing the arm of your stuffed toy. Cole smiled, "See. Now, don't let one person who forgot your birthday ruin your entire day. Hae fun, you only turn (A/N) once!" He joked, shaking your arm to egt you to laugh, which much to your liking, did.
"You only turn any age once, dummy." 
You and Cole laugh, not hearing the sudden door knock until the door creaked open. You both snap your heads to find Lloyd peeking his head in. Your stomach dropped for a minute, but you remained calm. 
"Uh, Y/N. Could I talk to you?"
Cole looked back at you and smiled, you look back at him and slowly smiled back as he stood up after rubbing the top of your hair. He walked by Lloyd anc gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. 
You placed your legs on your bed to sit criss cross on the mattress. As you didn, Lloyd entered with his hands behind his back.  He sat where Cole was perviously before he left. 
"Y/N. I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I forgot your birthday and that was a dumb move of me. I'm your boyfriend, and I've already forgotten your birthday, I felt so bad when I remembered. This morning, when you asked me if we wanted to hang out, I was a jerk and set you off for tomorrow. So-So I want to make it up to you, if you'd let me." 
You saw him reach into a bag he placed on the bed as he sat down, he took out a small box and handed it to you. You look at him, you could tell he was on edge. So you took the box, taking a moment to open it and when it did you were met with pieces of papers. You took one out and read it."
"Coupon #7 : Movie Night." 
You look up at him confused, "I-I don't have any money on me, so I decided t go old-school and make you something, Basically, I made you (A/N) coupons, cause that's how old you are now, and which ever one you pick every hour we will do." 
He took the paper from you, "Example, You got Coupon #7" Movie Night. Meaning tonight we'll watch a moive, you're pick but I do have those rented movies we got at Doomsday."
You paused, "I know. I know, It's not the best present, but I felt really bad that I forgot your birthday and I wish you could for-" Before you could let Lloyd finish, you jumped into his arms, tossing him backwards on the bed.
His back hits your blanket and you laid on top of him. 
You laughed into his shoulder before showing him your smile with small tears in your eyes. "Thank you." You squeaked, hugging him again, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the best, I love you so much, Thank you, this was such a cute idea!" 
Lloyd.EXE has stopped working. 
"You're-you're not mad, or-or upset."
"Of course I was, but I realized it's you." You kissed his cheek, "I know you wouldn't forget my birthday because I know you'll remember sooner or later." 
Lloyd's lips formed into a smile as you kissed his lips and pulled away. You took the box and closed it, shaking it. 
"Now, what will the amazing Lloyd Garmadon do with the awesome Y/N L/N today!" 
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colekinnie-4life · 2 months
I’m upset so I’m gonna rant for a while
You guys need to know that Cole is my favorite character in Ninjago. He’s funny, can be relatable at some times, and is probably the nicest person on the show
My only problem with being a Cole fan is that we don’t really get much from him if that makes sense
Like in season one the only things that happen to him is he gets hypnotized by the serpentine and he comes out to his dad for being a ninja
Season 2 he does the exact same thing as everyone else. Sure he’s the first one (besides Nya) to turn evil but that’s for 3 seconds of screen time and it gets reversed
To be fair though it’s the same with Jay and Zane (I mean some people believe that Zane was just an animation error but I like to believe he turned evil tbh)
Season 3 had the stupid-ass love triangle that I will not be talking about because this already long-ass rant will become a fucking essay
Season 4 he was the first ninja to get kicked out of the tournament. Do you guys sense a pattern?
It feels like he’s always the last one picked for stuff. He’s the first one to turn evil, or to get kicked off the team. Or he’s shoved into an awkward love triangle where he doesn’t even like the girl in question.
What I’m trying to say is that he’s always the afterthought of the earlier seasons
In season 5 they kill him off
I guarantee this is because they didn’t know what else to do with him
Kai had the thing with Lloyd. Jay and Zane had that funny bit where Zane’s voice box broke and Jay couldn’t fix it right. Nya was training to be the water ninja. Lloyd was the villain of the season (technically not but who cares)
What does Cole get to do?
Oh yeah!
He fucking dies
Season 6 he does nothing except find out he can turn invisible and fly, only to end up only using the invisibility powers only once and then they’re never mentioned again
He gets stranded on the island with Nya and Lloyd and has that really awkward sexist line
“I dunno, because it takes a lot of paint to make em look good?” 💀
Then he gets kicked out of the plot while it focuses on Jay (not complaining, I love this season and the characterization of Jay),until he gets sucked into the soul sword. He gets out of the sword, then fucking dies again
He cries at Nya’s death and then time is reversed and he has one extra line that’s canon during this whole season
Day of the Departed
Lord have mercy
It’s supposed to be based around him. And the writers fucked that up.
The whole point of this special was to be centered around Cole, and they make it about the other ninja because he’s an afterthought
But whatever. He defeats the bad guy through the power of friendship after being chained up the whole 40 minutes and then turns back into a human with the coolest scar ever
Season 7, the only thing noteworthy is that this is the only season he has his scar be shown when he’s not using his powers. Besides that, he does absolutely nothing except for shout out Kai’s name when he gets sucked into the portal (fruity ass)
Season 8 is where he finally does something plot relevant instead of fucking dying or turning evil
He becomes a dad for baby Wu and that’s his role throughout most the season, besides being kidnapped after singing worse than my dad in the shower
Season 9. I don’t care that people call it a “Wu season”. This could be classified as a Cole season with how much stuff he gets to do. He’s still Wu’s adoptive dad, he’s the main guy who comes up with the plans, and he’s Rocky Dangerbuff, making this season 100% a Cole season/j
Season 10…
This is where my main argument comes back
Cole got too much stuff to do in seasons 8-9, so what do the writers do?
Why they yeet him off the destiny’s bounty of course!
This is my problem. The writers barely give him anything to do. He finally gets a few seasons where he’s able to be more than just a mannequin, and he gets kicked off the boat
Of course he survives this, because we can’t kill off a main character, we’ve got legos to sell!
(Even though they do this with Zane a million times but that’s a conversation for another day)
And even after that amazing scene where Cole falls off, there’s no reunion between the ninja. They’re just happy he’s alive, thrown his scythe, and after the tornado of friendship, Lloyd fucking dies and it’s focused on him again
I love you Lloyd but the writers are so fucking obsessed with you
Give my boy Cole some more love dammit
Anyways I need to go to bed so I’ll leave it here for now, gonna pick it up tomorrow (I’m nowhere near done)
Just remember this until I return
Cole deserves better than being the guy who turns evil, dies, or is just thrown out of the plot entirely so it can focus on Lloyd
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one-half-guy · 9 months
If there's one thing I really hate in the newests Power Rangers series and in the comics is their insistence in want fit a stereotypes in every color.
Like "Blue Rangers are the techboys, the mechanical geniuses, expert in every high tech stuff" well, what's truth for almost all the teams except for:
Zeo, since Billy was out of the team and Rocky continued with the charisma of... Well, a rock
In Space, where all Rangers had the same knowledge of the Astro Megaship systems, except for Andros, who was the one to teach them everything
Lost Galaxy, where 3 out of 5 Rangers were enoughly qualified people to be part of Terraventure's crew, and the Green Ranger was the one among these three to be most fit to this description
Lightspeed Rescue, where all the tech stuff was made by someone out of the team
Ninja Storm, where all tech stuff was made by someone out of the team
Dino Thunder, where all the tech stuff was made by someone out of the team
SPD, where *gasp* all the tech stuff was made by someone out of the team
RPM, where the geniuses in team were Gem and Gemma, the Gold and Silver Rangers
Samurai, where the genius in the team was Antonio, the Gold Ranger
Wow, it seems a lot of exceptions, too much Ranger Teams going against the the universal laws hm...
It just is not worse than their insistence in bring Zordon back, but I'm not getting in this yet
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Infodump about dark sorcerer Cole because yes
he tries to find his biological parents after s13. it doesn't go well, Lou doesn't want anything to do with him and Lilly is dead so. not fun
in s6 he's having a really bad time over Clouse being back. he still remembers the alternate timeline (everyone does) and has a breakdown over not knowing Clouse's whereabouts after defeating Nakhadan
Cole and Skylor weren't very close on Chen's island, but after s4 they bond over shared experiences. they're besties here
he hates noodles with a burning passion
everyone jokes about how Cole looks a lot like famous performer Lou Brookstone. it's not as funny when they figure out who his parents are
the ninja don't officially start dating until s7, since they were dealing with Lloyd being kidnapped, the alternate timeline and Cole was still adjusting to being a ninja
Cole is much more suspicious of King Vangelis because he can sense magic. when they get thrown into the pit he's not even surprised
Harumi knows about his backstory and tries to get him on her side, but it doesn't work.
he has a teddy bear named Rocky Dangerbuff, hence why he went with that pseudonym in SoG
said teddy bear was given to him by Jay to match Mr Cuddlywomp
he's considered dead in absentia and never bothered changing it
Cole doesn't exist in the legal system other than a birth and death certificate, so it's a pain for the police to arrest him in s6 and 16
he makes a hole in the monastery walls multiple times while learning to control his powers
Kai is very blunt about having found the master of earth. when they go to tell Wu he just says "we found the master of earth" with no other context. Cole isn't even in the room at the time
he was kidnapped at about 3 years old so he doesn't have much memory of his parents other than them dancing
Jay jokingly got him a wizard costume for day of the departed. he's dressed as one for 3 years in a row now
he can actually cook in this au. he thinks of it like potion making except it also tastes good
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raging-violets · 15 days
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
Literally no one other than us two (and maybe a few others) cares about the 3 Ninjas movies/fandom but this is something I've wanted to talk about after having talked about it/realized it with Rhuben and is something that I'm going to bring up in the Between A Rock and Hard Place fic series that focuses on Rocky to explain the highs and lows of being the eldest child and being his father's namesake as well as a well knonw ninja.
The boys' ninja names are obviously important. Rocky = cool and solid as granite rock. Colt = wild and free as the spirit of a young horse. Tum-Tum = energy begins and ends with his stomach. We know that.
Their actual names are really important as well.
Rocky aka Samuel Jr. off their father, Samuel Sr. Rocky being the first born was named after their father. If he was a girl, his name would've more than likely been Samantha to keep the 'Sam' part of their names. He still would've been a Jr. You can tell in some instances that there's a very good chance he was parentified in some ways. You can kind of see it in Kick Back when he immediately speaks like a parent to tell Colt and Tum-Tum to go into the house when Darren and the rest of the Mustangs are antagonizing them. But in all movies it's clear he takes his responsibility as the eldest seriously and despite not being especially close to the adults in the films, you could bet that he's closest to their father because of his namesake.
Colt aka Jeffrey off their mother, Jessica. If Colt were born a girl, chances are he would be Jessica Jr but since he was a boy, he's named Jeffrey, which is the male version of 'Jessica' with the same number of letters compared to being called 'Jesse'. He is also shown to have a close relationship with their mother because she immediately comes to his defense anytime something is antagonizing him (re: Samuel Sr.) and also works hard to reassure him when he gets his new ninja name and when it's clear the boys are effected with their dad's absence/workaholic tendencies.
Tum-Tum aka Michael off of their grandpa Mori. In every 3 Ninjas movie you see that Tum-Tum is the closest to their grandpa. He's the only one of the boys that has a nickname from Mori other than their ninja name, as he's called 'Little One' once in every movie (I believe). Being the youngest, he tends to be sidelined by his brothers and not listened to but Mori is clearly very fond of Tum-Tum and believes in him considering he trains the young boy in ninja and doesn't get too upset or annoyed by Tum-Tum's preoccupation with food. Especially as I feel his food preoccupation is filling an emotional hole left behind by his father consistently being gone.
The boys were named after the three most important adults in their lives and it wasn't a coincidence.
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riptidesblog · 4 months
If I rewrote/fixed plot holes in Ninjago Pilots:
They're actually not that bad for a beginning,but I would change a few things:
-I'll not question blacksmith being a career that could provide for two teens,but the fact that Kai seems to be a bad one does not sit right with me.Especially since the issue with the curled sword was not his impatience but the size of the water bucket used(I think)
-Wu being "I told you so,useless" to Kai after Nya is captured.Replace that with sympathy maybe? It would make sense as Wu knows what it's like to lose a family member and is wise enough to understand that Kai is distraught
-Give better reasoning for trusting the map to Ray than Wu fearing his death bc knowing the lore we have now,Wu is likely to outlive him.It could be that monastery was obviously a bad choice and Wu didn't want the weapons lost forever bc they're needed for the prophecy and with most of the past generation of ems either gone or not entirely trustworthy(earth em before Lilly was a traitor during the serpentine wars,then rejoined the alliance,damaging Wu's trust in him and Lilly herself was young and going out on adventures making her unavailable; Libber is missing,Ice em is either dead or missing to Wu's knowledge and etc)
-Personal hc for where Cole,Jay and Zane were during Kai's training is that on the journey to monastery Wu messaged them without Kai noticing,sending them away with a task.Once Kai mastered the course he called the 3 back without warning them about Kai
-Jay's "We're saving a girl?Is she hot?" line.The first part along with their reaction to Kai implies the 3 didn't know anything about Smith-Jiang siblings.Including age.On the one hand,that's creepy.Jay is just lucky that Nya's not too much younger.On the other,it might be in character for Jay to say something without thinking.If we're keeping it then have Jay say it later when there is a possibility that Kai or Wu informed them of the situation and the details.
-Show Kai warming up to the team more and more
-Establish the disastrous consequences of Tornado of Creation bc the only bad thing to happen from that in all the show was Lloyd being taken out by a door and that was just a coincidence.Not only will it give more detail,but also explain why ninja don't use it all the time
-Nya quoting Ray despite not remembering much about her parents.Let's assume Kai told her about it
-Wu's plan.What was the point of taking the sword to the Underworld if the other three weapons would be brought to the same place? That moment needs to be thought through
-Wu's 'death'.He was not a fallen warrior bitter with defeat,so there's no reason for him to go to the Underworld with the sword of fire and he did not turn into a skulkin.To fix this and previous point,let's say he got trapped on the other side of the volcano with the entrance to the Underworld and sword of fire has been with him bc he obtained it during the battle.He did not die yet
-Flame.Other 3 dragons didn't need to be woken up to protect their weapons(Rocky took some time tho).My personal hc is that the other 3 woke up immediately bc they sensed the humans and the skulkin.Flame however living so close to Underworld has his senses for the skulkin and similar dark forces(like Garmadon's Oni heritage) muted and the only others present in the Fire Temple were Kai,Nya and Wu,who all have dragon heritage
-Dragon saddles should not exist at this point in the show(I know it's to sell toys,but still)
-Jaya hug and Ignacians enthusiasm/cheering. Just don't include it at all,Jay and Nya are strangers at this point and Ignacians have no idea what's going on.Instead show them being confused and afraid of dragons and Jay maybe introducing himself to Nya
-Garmadon and Wu need to refer to each-other by smth other than just brother.It's repetitive and kinda unrealistic(no matter how old,siblings are siblings).This goes for the whole show
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
what can you tell us about pixals relation ships with the core cast her zane probably dives into spoiler stuff but what about the other ninja or wu jesse skylor and miranda and other ocs and side characters like dareth or ronin
Listen. Literally almost everything about Pixal is a spoiler. She is the core driving force of the entirety of S3 (or at least a good two-thirds of it). It's why I've hardly brought her up outside of what her personality's like + some small tidbits with Zane. I've gone deeper about Skylor than I have about Pixal, and it's on purpose.
So. That being said, I genuinely cannot talk about her relationship with Lloyd, Zane, Nya, or Olivia (but as I've mentioned before, her dynamic with Lloyd is one of my favorites but I cannot say why yet hnng). Everyone else...I guess I'll just have to be vague with!
She and Kai have a similar dynamic as in the show—snarking at each other, but always ready to help the other out of a pinch. Pixal tends to get more snark in that Kai, though.
At first she finds Jay to be a bit much for her taste, but after witnessing his approach to engineering finds a newfound fascination with him (and the subject)
Her first impressions with Cole are...not good, since he isn't exactly warm to her initially due to her "swooping in and snatching Zane" so, y'know. After Cole apologizes for his behavior and she sees him for who he actually is, she comes to understand why Zane considers him his best friend <3
She respects Wu quite a bit, and although she's not a direct student of his, she still highly values his opinion and hates to disappoint him
She and Jesse kind of start out only as friends by association with their other friends, but once they both start taking a more active role in the fighting as a sort of 'B team' (along with Skylor), they start to build up more of a respect for one another
Her relationship with Skylor is rocky at first due to Skylor's involvement with Pixal/Zane's kidnapping to Chen's island/tearing her apart in the first place, but overtime they warm up to one another and become very close!
Also starts off a little rocky with Miranda since Miranda struggles to see Pixal as a 'person' past all her tech (an issue Miranda develops with Zane later on as well), but once Miranda starts working with Borg and they start to find common ground, Pixal grows less cold with her.
She doesn't really get a lot of time to interact with Sunni, so we'll say they're neutral towards one another for now. A friend of my friends' friend, sort of thing.
Thinks Harleigh is nothing more than a nuisance. Still likes her more than Ronin, though.
Doesn't mind Dareth. Sees him as more of a liability that anyone actually helpful, but would rather have his support than not have it.
Hates Ronin. Will begrudgingly work with him when the situation calls for it, and laments the fact that everyone starts to come around on him eventually, but she's always going to harbor some resentment for him.
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leoizkool · 22 days
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RAPH LORE !!! (From a person that has never really written a cool story before)
-Raph used to prove himself to others, he feels like he will never be enough for those around him, causing him to overachieve (which he mostly fails to do) and is often trying to get splinter to think he is the best. His siblings caught onto this quickly, and Raph began to try and like himself more, stopped trying to prove himself as much, and instead tries to lift his brothers up with him (after a long history of bringing his brothers down)
For a long time (12-14 yrs old) Raph would bring his brothers down for his own gain, like downplaying their achievements and getting jealous whenever they outshined him. Thankfully Raph realized that wasn’t the way to go, and after many apologies decided to try and help his brothers out, if they four weren’t the best, then he’d rather not be.
LIKES !! : wrestling, boxing, art (painting, drawing, writing, etc) rollerblading, drums, his Brothers ^_^!
DISLIKES.. : Extremely loud people, bugs (mostly grasshoppers or roaches) , people crossing his boundaries.
Raph began to draw and do art on an attempt to outshine his siblings, and ended up liking it enough to keep doing it for fun
Began to invite Mikey to rollerblade with him! Tho Mikey preferred skateboarding instead
He is the Go to whenever you want to move something heavy
Is “OKAY” with Leo..(it’s a bit rocky)
Has broken 3 bones so far, and there are WAY more to come
Treats Mikey extra nicely on April fools day, just so he does get pranked as hard
He and Donnie have this middle child energy, they can agree on things without even talking..mind reading communication..whoaa..
Really wants to be emo/punk/scene/scenemo (I think that’s how u write it..) and goes around trying to find cool things that fell down the sewers, or just steals B-Grade stuff from hot topic and hopes for the best 
Mikey goes with him sometimes ^_^
His favorite sibling is Donnie, Donnie creates the most dangerous things, and he LOVES trying them out
*secretly* watches old anime with Leo..mostly sailor moon
His favorite bands/singers are : Tyler, the creator, ICP (insane clown posse) , babymetal, Weezer, Mindless self indulgence, Rebzyyx, 6arelyhuman, some other Rap/punk artist out there somewhere..
He and April are besties, they sometimes just sit down to talk about the most underground music/ strangest topics or gossips they know..and could spent hours
Secretly listens to MORE MORE JUMP! (Self insert in there)
Appreciates J-pop, he likes the *sometimes* strong instrumentals !
Listens to ADO, he loves the way she puts her whole soul onto her covers/songs, finds it very satisfying to listen to
HAS bought stuff from VampireFreaks ^_^
Wants to play Guilty gear SO BAD..but can’t (Would be an A.B.A main)
has played skullgirls, he is a Fukua main, or would play Beowulf OR Squigly (mostly on mobile), he plays characters he considers have “Fast gameplay” since characters that attack “slowly” stress him out
Has a teddy bear named “Skully” Mikey crocheted for him..
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 2
Prompts: AU+Movieverse/Jay Recs! *vibrates at the thought of Jay content*
AU/Movieverse Recs:
if you could date any of the ninja, which one would you date?: Lloyd experiences the world's worst second-hand embarrassment and the rest of the ninja absolutely are not helping. Not actually shippy, just really funny and Lloyd has a (mostly) light-hearted hard time.
Reference Letters: Kai is tasked with recruiting some fresh talent to the Secret Ninja Force, and what starts as a joke to welcome Lloyd Garmadon into the squad turns into a genuine crusade for his friendship. The Green Ninja, however, is having none of that. (It goes exactly how you expect it to and gah it's beautiful. Kai and Lloyd duo forever!)
Who's the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green: Movieverse fic in which Lloyd is the last to become a ninja, and the last to learn everyone else's identities. It's full of team-bonding (collectively and one-on-one!), hilarious Wu moments, and Movie!Lloyd being Movie!Lloyd ;w;)/
Jay Recs:
Unfortunately, You're Amazing: Jay faces the dilemma of *maybe* possibly kinda sorta having a small little totally non-consequential thing for Samurai X. But beyond that Jay just gets to be his dorky, smart, snarky, easily impressed self and it's so fun and delightful to read, I go back to it all the time!
Play to Win: An au/ canon divergent whump fic where Jay and Cole are roped into a round of Scrap-N-Tap...and that description does NOT do it justice, but if you like emotional tension, a heaping of personal distress, and a Jay who is unfortunately one step ahead of everyone else, you'll love this. Probably not for the faint of heart, definitely for the angsty daredevils (such as myself)
Jay and the Important Differences Between Spider Pokemon: Pokemon AU that explores Jay's "perplexing" fear of spiders post S6. A fascinating and fun idea for a plot, plus, there's Pokemon. it's all good stuff!
And She Wore Blue, Right?: Jay starts suddenly having reason to look into who his birth mother is...was. Hits just right for people who've always wondered how the show might have tackles this little interesting conundrum.
turtle or the hare: WOW I forgot I read this one aaaaaaaa BUT Jay inadvertently meets his bio mom in a rather...expected place. God their personalities are so similar yet mesh so well hnnnnnnnng (we could have had it aaaaaaall)
Jay and the Deafening Sound: ...this one's mine BUT I've got all three categories covered—extremely about Jay, takes place in the movieverse, and has shades of my legacyverse au to boot <3 Not-so long story short, Jay finds himself up against the main faction of the Shark Army all on his own and finally has a good excuse to pop off with his powers <3
this doesn't really have a title but it IS really very good: A scene or so where Jay and Kai spat over caring for each other too much and it's just such a beautiful depiction of their relationship, rocky tho it may seem ;w;)/
The Fantastic Mr. Walker: All these years later and it's still my favorite Jay-related thing to exist. Really gotta re-read it again so I can be delightedly distressed all over again <3
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