#3 she doesn't deserve him because he has ~deeper relationships~ with others
miyuskye · 1 year
ready to fight anyone slandering pudding and sanji x pudding
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Preston propaganda:
“He's just such a good guy. Working tirelessly to help the people he's sworn to help against hopeless odds. Helping you as much as he can. He deserves much better than what people say about him.”
Josephine propaganda:
“you get to have a full Disney princess style romance with her, she is the most precious, the most sweet, I love her so much 🥺”
“Josephine's one of the "behind the scenes" companion for the protagonist and she advises them on diplomacy-related matters.
Her personal quest and romance is fairy-tale worthy: she gets threatened with assassination, you help her restore her family's fortune, you get threatened by her best friend to not break her heart, she doesn't dare to hope you mean anything serious when flirting until you spell it out for her, after which Josie agrees to a deeper relationship... And immediately after that she finds out her family has engaged her to a random noble without her knowledge!! You publicly challenge the suitor to a one-on-one duel to win her hand, she finds out and interrupts the duel because she's worried of the Inquisitor throwing literally the entire plot away and risk life in combat for her... To which of course you can confess that they're doing it because they love Josephine, and they get the cutest cutscene with Josie jumping in the Inquisitor's arms and them spinning her around before kissing each other <3 The betrothed steps away because he sees true love between the two. She and the Inquisitor stay together through the end game and after it, gaining a "second home" with her and her family.
She really believes in the Inquisitor's cause and from the very first conversations with her, she asks questions about your background and tries to make you feel welcomed (especially appreciated if the Inquisitor isn't human since people are less trusting of them). She's politically smart but dislikes violence, overall very sweet but still strong... Josie tends to overwork herself (she's a perfectionist) and at first she tries to keep a professional air at all times but if you encourage her, she will rant to you and spill all the tea about nobles lol.”
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giantmushyfriend · 9 months
Discussing Crowley's S3 (potential) relationships
As soon as season 3 got confirmed, or even since Neil told us that one way or another he would tell its story, we as a community have wondered about how Crowley will interact with the different characters as he and Aziraphale attempt to once again prevent the end of the world, and finally resolve the barricade that has stopped them from actually talking to each other, which will allow them to eventually be what they are meant to be: together. While we know that Aziraphale and Crowley will end up together in a cottage in the South Downs, presumably in a garden, we don't know how we are going to get there. All we know of season three yet, especially since scripts are still being written as per Neil's Tumblr, is that Aziraphale and Crowley are currently not talking, that they will save the world and end up together. That's it, and that's all we're going to know for a very long time since these shows take a very long time to produce to the level of quality that we've come to expect from Neil and the team. That being said, we know that major character growth is going to happen for both of our protagonists. For Aziraphale, it seems safe to assume that he's going to learn how to be more independent and overcome his issues with his faith, which is currently centered in the institution of Heaven. Aziraphale's growth is going to be within his predetermined beliefs of what things should be vs what things actually are. Heaven should be inherently good, but it's not. Aziraphale should have no issues with the plans Heaven and Hell have concocted, but he does. That's what we can assume will push Aziraphale's story and character within the last season, and it's assumably going to be by himself. There aren't a lot of people who are going to be around him to help him in his journey outside of Muriel and eventually Crowley as they rebuild their relationship. Crowley, on the other hand, looks like his story will be primarily based on him building relationships with others and moving past his trauma. This seemingly will be through Muriel, Nina, Maggie, and then eventually Aziraphale. To best understand how these potential relationships, their growths, and even their conflicts will help Crowley grow as a character, it's best to look at them one at a time.
Let's start with Nina, the character that, on the surface level, mirrors Crowley. Nina and Crowley are parallels in terms of their personality. It's straightforward to compare the two of them and how they carry themselves. Both are protective and strong-minded and despite being tough on the outside, they have a lot of unresolved issues. It wouldn't be hard to believe that Crowley sees aspects of himself in Nina and vice versa. However, when we dig deeper, we see that Nina more or less mirrors Aziraphale in terms of her relationship with her abusive ex-partner. Like Aziraphale, Nina made excuses for how her ex-partner was treating her, often being manipulated into thinking she was the problem in the relationship. Nina knows what Aziraphale is going through and also knows how to put it in terms that Crowley will understand. It wouldn't be surprising sometime next season to see Nina talk about her experiences in her past relationship in a way that helps Crowley understand not only her past but also Aziraphale's. One of the largest roadblocks within Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is that Crowley doesn't understand the relationship that Aziraphale has with Heaven because it's so different from his own. Crowley, since his fall, knows that Heaven is toxic. They can punish those who don't deserve it, and they, as an institution, cause a lot of harm. He knows that, has witnessed it firsthand, and has recognized the systematic issues that are constructed within the framework. In modern terms, Crowley has seemingly deconstructed, despite the fact that he still holds faith in God. This is a large gap from where Aziraphale is in terms of his journey and relationship with these institutions, something that Crowley has a hard time comprehending. He doesn't understand what Aziraphale's relationship with Heaven is really like and thus doesn't see Aziraphale's actions through the lens of someone in a toxic relationship. Rather, based on his prior experiences, he believes that Aziraphale could never love him or choose him because he's a demon; he's fallen. To Crowley, Aziraphale rejected him for the same reasons why God and Heaven rejected him: he wasn't good enough. Nina's storyline matches well to help Crowley understand where Aziraphale is coming from and why he has acted the way he has, and it helps him make sense of their situation. I believe that Nina will help be the person who gets Crowley to a place where he can help navigate working with Aziraphale to save the world through a close-knit friendship that we've already seen the fandom begin to speculate about.
Another interesting dynamic I'm excited to see develop next season is Crowley and Maggie. Like Nina, Maggie, at first glance, appears to fulfill the role of Aziraphale's parallel as the kinder, more cheerful member of the duo. However, as many others have pointed out, she's a better parallel for Crowley in terms of her role in the plot. Maggie is deeply in love with Nina. Unlike her past partner, she cares for her profoundly and respects her. With Nina and Maggie, it's a partnership, not a hierarchy. And like Crowley, she waits as long as necessary until the person she loves is ready to begin that relationship. Unlike Nina, I don't necessarily think that Crowley and Maggie are going to be the best of friends. Maggie has a lot of traits that Crowley will probably see Aziraphale in, such as her kindness, her affection for specific things like records or books, and the odd quirks that she's expressed throughout the second season. Those aspects of Maggie will both be comforting to Crowley since they reflect traits his own best friend had/has, but they'll also be reminders of Aziraphale. The two won't be attached to the hip, but they'll have this mutual understanding. Through Maggie and her relationship with Nina, which may be established by the time season three starts, Crowley might see glimpses of what he and Aziraphale could have if they worked out their differences.
That being said, there could be room for conflict and resolution within their friendship. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw, at least once, Maggie trying to talk to Crowley about Aziraphale and him pushing her away, saying she knows nothing about them or him. It wouldn't be unlikely to see him make some snarky remark about how he got abandoned the last time he followed her advice and tried talking. And it wouldn't be unlikely for this to lead to either Maggie or Nina confronting Crowley about how he reacts to things, inherently pushing people away out of anger rather than communicating, and how that probably drove Aziraphale away- most likely in the heat of the argument. While this may hurt Crowley at the moment, it could act as a springboard for some self-reflection needed for his growth and to complete his arch.
Muriel is also another character who may, and most certainly will, have a complex relationship with Crowley. I've heard a lot of people discuss these points, so they won't be new, but Crowley will be initially hostile towards the young angel before eventually warming up to them. Muriel will initially stand as a reminder of what happened between Aziraphale and Crowley. Crowley will look at Muriel, at them running Aziraphale's bookshop, and be instantly reminded of why Aziraphale isn't there. At least initially, their mere existence will be a reminder of Aziraphale's absence, and he will be furious at them for it. He will most likely use them to grieve the relationship that he lost, the one that got away. But I think there will be a couple of ways that Muriel helps Crowley along his journey. Firstly, in combination with Nina, Muriel will help Crowley understand where Aziraphale was coming from, even if his actions were misdirected. I think they will do this by displaying their newfound love and admiration for the world around them. As many have pointed out when discussing this potential plot point, this is Muriel's first time on Earth, and they are mesmerized by everything they see. They will be amazed by everything around them, even the ugly parts, and probably filled with questions about how the world works. This will resonate with Crowley, perhaps showing him aspects of who he used to be and helping him remember what this has all been for in the first place. Muriel will help him remember why he and Azirapahle saved the world in the first place and potentially give him the drive to save it again. Initially, like Nina and Maggie, I think Muriel will push Crowley and Aziraphale back together. Muriel is the only connecting point between Aziraphale and Crowley at this point, primarily because of their new role as the bookshop keeper. Through their role as this bridge for the two of them, Muriel will get them to reflect on what they love about the world and their love for each other. I would bet that Muriel, at least once, asks Crowley about his feelings for Aziraphale or points it out like Nina did, and I think that will cause Crowley to spiral into readmitting to himself that he did love Aziraphale that he still does, even if he's angry at him.
Lastly, Aziraphale. We already know that the beginning of their reconciliation is going to be a literal shit show. I am still determining how or when these two will find their way back to each other, which is primarily why this section is so short, but I have a hunch that it will be a slow-burn-ish subplot throughout the season. They're both probably going to be angry at each other at the beginning, but then put aside their differences to save the world. No matter what, through the help of the other characters and their respective relationships with them, the two will slowly find their way back to each other. I think it's going to be a season full of them essentially talking to each other in the ways that couples in couples therapy talk to each other, but I also think it's going to be a season of them falling in love with each other and learning how to express that love within their new dynamic. I think after years apart, under these new circumstances, they will be reminded of what they love about each other and the place of salvation their relationship has been for them. They will fall back into their banter, bickering, and longing glances, but they will get it together at the end of it all.
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pixiedust-poppers · 6 months
you know funny enough, I feel like Jake and the neverland pirates would actually do really well as a Disney channel show for older kids (like say Gravity falls) instead of a preschool show. You’d be able to get more into lore and emotional stuff. Maybe even plot?
I don’t know, if they ever did decide to reboot the show it’s a neat idea.
*grabs your shoulders and shakes you excitedly*
Ok, I think there is something to be done with Jake and his crew and his dynamic with Peter and Hook. Like for example how do the kids feel that Peter is only here for a day or a few hours, just enough to help with their issue? I'm sure the kids have a bit of an unhealthy attachment to him as he's really the only guardian figure they know, and as shown in Peter Pan's return, they all crave his attention so bad that they fuck up the mission trying to impress him! Like sure they can call him to bring him back to Neverland, but they don't perhaps he implemented a rule that they can only call him for emergencies. Which is also kinda hm. But you know he doesn't completely neglect them.
Word vomit incoming
Now let's take this a step deeper; what about Peter's relationship with them individually, it's clear he has a favorite, and it's Jake like that isn't a contest. Even if the show tries not to portray it in that manner it's obvious (I mean for fuck sake his name is in the title lol). His item(s)? A wooden sword personally hand-carved by Peter himself. After completing the Forever Quest, a golden sword called the Destiny Sword (towards the end of season 3) turns him into Captain Jake after giving the others a rousing speech about teamwork and how they can all get together to defeat Fathom with it. So it's clear he's the chosen (I'll touch more on that pressure later) by Neverland. But what does that mean for Izzy and Cubby? I mean sure they got items from him and he does care about them, but they're not as special as Jake. And they're never going to be, I mean god, Disney didn't even bother to make them Birthday episodes yet gave Jake two, then gave Skully and a minor character one. So it could develop into them realizing that while they are well-liked they aren't loved by Peter, Cubby is in denial about this revelation as he has gotten more gifts than Izzy. Izzy, the only girl in the main cast, is grated by this knowledge, she KNOWS and she has known for a long time. Enough to the point where perhaps she deserves a villain arc (then a redeemed villain arc) with the help of Captain Hook, who sees this opportunity to manipulate her for his gain.
Ok so jumping, let's go back to that Captain Jake issue. I personally didn't like Season 4, I thought it was shit BUT this new Captain Jake in a reboot could bring up an interesting little angst point called, "The pressure of being forced to be THE responsible one when you're only still a child." You might have all these other well-established Captains around you but, they depend on you to think of ideas, and come up with solutions to save the day, if you fail then it's on you but you're only 8 or 10 years old!!! A user mentioned this before but Jake could develop an entirely new personality as a Captain to make himself seem smarter and more capable than he actually is! This can go two ways A) he burns out and he burns out REAL bad and rather fast. B) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the realization of how much power he holds makes him realize he can almost do whatever he wants because he IS the 2nd most powerful person after Peter. This then comes his Power-tripping arc and the consequences of Peter not dividing this power between the trio, and being gassed up everyone, which raises his ego through the roof. This can only end badly obv and it does, how? idk but just know it does.
As for Captain Hook, because this is New Disney he can't be 100% back to his OG self but he can absolutely be raised to be more of an asshole in a Disney channel show and probably a bit fucked up. But you also would have to thread carefully on how you do these things, because one wrong move and Disney will have you rewrite the whole thing and tone it down more than need be. I also think there would be more to explore with the kids and their dynamic with him, since they also would have more nuance to them. They could have more stakes with him, and could honestly do more messed up shit with them he could make them have an inner conflict, he could manipulate one to join his side temporarily. Put the kids in more life-threatening situations that they don't come out unscathed from. Hell, you know what, I want him to win some episodes and get his way with Jake and his crew being powerless to stop it. It would teach a lesson that some days, you just can't win, someone who is nasty will win and get away with it and you have to be ok with that! (if you have resourced all your options first) Life will not always go your way. As for him and Red Jessica, show a toxic relationship, I mean come on do you REALLY think she has a thing for hook lol, it was shoehorned Hetero-shipping bait and it worked now can we do something else with it? As for smee, sharky and bones? I guess they can be less friendly to the sea pups, it would be more of a loyalty thing rather than a personal thing.
Also, the show could bring back the lost boys, to make the island seem less empty than it is, and maybe a different set of kids to replace the Native Americans.
Finally, to end this word vomit, the relationship between the kids. I really beg it be explored more. Now don't get me wrong they can have a wholesome and loving bond but not everything has to be peachy-keen. Like sure Jake is their captain but do they, not envy or resent him in some way? For example, they're all bright but Izzy is shown to be the brightest she has more knowledge about Neverland and its artifacts, so why is she not captain? Is it because she isn't naive enough? She isn't as nice or forgiving as Jake? She has no issue snapping at you when she's fed up? Then there's cubby, does he even have the real guts to be cut up for this type of thing? The classic "why him and not me?" type of deal. Then there's Cubby, does he hate being just stuck as coconut boy by his peers and other pirates? Will he ever break out of his shell, does he have a breaking point with his friends? Then Jake gets annoyed that they're not as in sync as they once were, he kinda hates that they're developing on their own and steadily gaining more and more independence. They're willing to talk back to him, be rude, and do less trio activities. Which leads to more conflicting ideas, possibly fights, and less "what I say goes!". He is scared of them changing and becoming their own individuals, he's scared that they might be growing up.
Sorry this is so so so long and rambly, I just have a lot to say about a reboot for this show that I cannot help myself.
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Comparing loki’s friendship with mobius to loki’s friendship with the asgardians - How are they different?
1) Mobius sees past Loki’s mischief and recognize his potential for growth. The Asgardians ( sif and the warrior 3 for example) focuses on loki’s mischief without encouraging him to grow. They treat him with so much disrespect and that doesn't encourage growth in anyone.
2). Understanding and Empathy: Unlike many Asgardians, who often view Loki through the lens of his past actions; Mobius approaches Loki with a deeper understanding and empathy. He recognizes that Loki's mischief is often a mask for deeper insecurities and vulnerabilities. This understanding allows Mobius to connect with Loki on a more personal level, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie between them.
3) Acknowledgement of Potential: While other Asgardians may underestimate Loki or dismiss him as irredeemable, Mobius sees beyond Loki's facade and acknowledges his potential for growth and change. He recognises loki’s intelligence, wit, and resourcefulness. Most asgardians dismiss loki. Mobius’s acknowledgement of Loki's potential empowers him to embrace his identity and strive for redemption, something he may not have felt encouraged to do among his Asgardian peers. Loki himself confirmed this when he told mobius “you saw something in me that i have not seen in myself’ . Mobius friendship with loki increases his self esteem and self worth. Compare this with sif’s “you deserve to be alone and you always will be” loki ’s friendship with sif and the warriors 3 tears him down and crushes his spirit. Instead of thinking about how to grow and develop his own talents; he is always thinking about how to receive acceptance from the asgardians and the only way to do this is to become like thor. This is really sad because he has his own talents and passions which makes him unique. But his “friends” on asgard laugh at him when he tries to be himself.
4) Mutual Respect and Collaboration: Unlike some of Loki's interactions with other Asgardians, which are often marked by disrespect, abuse; both physical and verbal-. his relationship with Mobius is characterized by mutual respect. Mobius encourages loki to bring his own unique perspective and skills to the table. For the first time in loki’s life, someone wants to work with him because they respect him. Him not thor. Mobius is not lookimg to work with thor, he is looking to work with him , loki. Him, loki with no hammer? Mobius is not wanting to work with him because he is thor’s brother and he has to tolerate loki like the warriors 3. No, mobius wants to work with loki because he respects loki’s skills and talents. For the first time in loki’s life, loki does not have to be thor or act like thor to recieve acceptance. He could just be himself- loki. He is not tolerated in the tva, he is respected by mobius, casey , OB e.t.c
In conclusion, mobius friendship with loki allows Loki to grow and evolve in ways that is not possible on asgard. Loki is not stupid, he can feel that sense of geniune friendship and care from mobius the way he never felt from anyone on asgard. Mobius said ’i want a loki who remains and he took loki to OB for help’. It was like taking your sick friend to a doctor. Loki never felt that love from anyone on asgard (maybe except his mum but she is his mum). Mobius friendship with loki empowers Loki to embrace his true self and strive for redemption in ways that he may not have thought possible before.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Blitzo Might Be Panromantic & Ace, And Stolas Doesn't Deserve Him...At Least Not Yet.
[Note 2# : I had to edit this and add something at the bottom...cause of reasons, cause I didn't want any misunderstandings...]
[Note: Please Do NOT reblog this without my permission, also this theory is for Mature Audience Readers only...also will be talking about my thoughts about Emberlynn from Helluva Short Series in the Short Episode 3...don't read if you haven't watched it yet, cause spoilers.]
okay even though we know that it has been confirmed that Blitzo is Pansexual, but for all we know it could be possible that while Blitz is in fact Pan, he might actually be Panromantic and Ace...
there are different types of Aces in the Asexual Spectrum, but it is possible that either Blitz hasn't figured out he is Ace or he has but he stays in the closet because of how some people in Hell in Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel's shared universe, react to others being Ace with possibly only a few like Rosie who is accepting.
but even I know there is the possibility that Rosie might not know that some people who are Ace, do in fact have boyfriends, girlfriends and romantic-partners and they can choose to have or not to have "snu-snu" time but both parties will have to be okay with it.
it's kind of gross about some info I read before, I was curious and wanted to see if there was a name for something that is a mix of Platonic & Romantic, but then I found some gross info about how some people view "romantic partnership" seriously, it is just so misinformed and gross.
as if sexual attraction is the only thing involved, and love doesn't always involve that "snu-snu" at least Fizz and Ozzie have it a bit more together and balanced because they know their feelings for each other are way beyond the physical stuff...
also thinking about the times when Blitz in the past episodes had pointed out how uncomfortable he felt with how Stolas flirted him, because no matter if your Ace or not, that could make some uncomfortable.
but when Blitz gives Stolas a taste of his own medicine, Stolas of course replied back with "I don't like how your speaking to me!"
even some fans have figured this out, and while we can probably still see the good side of Stolas, but it doesn't change the fact he is the one in the wrong.
even if there were miscommunications between Blitz and Stolas, in the episode where that Anti-Blitzo Party had first appeared in.
but Blitz never wanted to have that first affair with Stolas, he just wanted the book...but Stolas technically guilt trip him with his "sweet but heartbreaking words"...
Blitz might still need to work on himself, to try to be better...
but he might be the true victim, and some of his Exes who only half of them weren't even Exes at all but just some jerks who were making moves on a emotional hurt by the events at Ozzie's, DENNIS.
plus Vortex was there at his girlfriend Bee's party, so he shouldn't play a part in labeling Blitz as the "one in the wrong" and the "bad guy"
I guess Verosika is in the friend zone and is in a better place with Blitz, but it is possible that when she was saying "love" it might not really involved what we originally thought, and it might not have to do with the whole saying "I love you" to Blitz, not 100% sure.
but whatever it might be, it could be hinted in Verosika's song at Ozzie's that it is linked to the words she used that had her saying she "loved" but it isn't fully explained, which leaves fans guessing it was her telling Blitz that she loved him, but we aren't 100% sure if that is what had him dump her.
but if Blitz is Ace, well Panromantic-Ace but is in the closet when it comes to being Ace...
it's possible he isn't truly comfortable with romantic-relationships that aren't like Millie and Moxxie's relationship, because those two have a balance and don't make it all about the physical stuff.
even if they still do that, but their love for each other runs way deeper than that.
it might be possible only some fans are seeing signs on victim blaming and scapegoating going on, I still liked the episode where the Anti-Blitzo Party took place.
but while we can feel sorry for Stolas for being married with Stella, with the only good thing coming out of it being Octavia.
but with how he was at Ozzie's Club, and how he acted during the whole taking his book back for good which also had a misunderstanding because Blitz had no idea what was going on.
but Stolas had to be a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg to Blitz, who was possibly only acting like a Apple Sugar Spice in trying to get back together, but in the wrong way, might be from the idea that it is "normal" with those like Stolas, but it isn't.
just because Stolas was being a insensitive Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg, doesn't mean Blitz had to play the same game as him.
and yeah, with some who are clueless to the situation between those two, will likely take "poor sweet and vulnerable Stolas's side" but I'm not sure if he 100% deserves it at this point, not unless he figures out he is more in the wrong than Blitz is, and they both would have to start in the friend zone.
I already view Mammon being Panromantic-Ace, even though it would be mostly Fanon, while in the Canon he is fully Asexual.
plus it could be possible maybe, there were always hidden hints that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace.
but what type of Ace he is, we don't know for sure.
and even if it might be a while before Vassago appears in a episode, but I kind of want to OTP Ship him with Blitz.
I think if Vassago did have a boyfriend who was Ace, he would be a bit more respecting and loving and NOT make their relationship into all about what Stolas had made it between him and Blitz, but it is possible Stolas might not fully understand there are more ways to show love and he could of been the one to ask Blitz out on a REAL date for the first time, even if the reason why Blitz asked him to come to Ozzie's was for a different reason.
Blitz isn't the one to make it all about "snu-snu", plus Stolas did kinda caught him in a bad time with Martha's Family trying to get him, Moxxie and Millie...
Stolas is the one who came up with the deal and favor for the book, NOT Blitz...and I don't think Stolas gave Ozzie the full story as to why he needed a Asmodean Crystal.
and if he did, it might be possible that Ozzie wouldn't give Stolas the Asmodean Crystal, cause the Prince of Lust has apparently more sense than Stolas does when it comes to "mutual love & lust" and not being for "forced lust"...
Ozzie would possibly still do it for Fizz, as well as for his new rekindle friendship with Blitz....BUT NEVER for Stolas.
Ozzie's words about "artificial love" and how "lust shouldn't be forced"
might have more meaning than what it appears, because Stolas might of been forcing the lust he was feeling before...
he had to make it all about him and not fully get why Blitz was upset with him after the incident that happen at Ozzie's.
or the fact what happen left him emotional vulnerable mess that those like Dennis, will take advantage of...
Dennis is a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg.
Blitz was NEVER fully in the wrong, but he was made to believe he was.
he may have messed up in life, and I still think Barbie was responsible for those fireworks that caused Fizz to not make it out in time and become a cyborg in the first place.
it's good that Blitz wants to be better, but he isn't the only one who is at fault...
and if the fan theory about Blitz being Panromantic and Ace is correct, then he does not need to be fixed, cause he will always be loved by both his daughter and even M & M.
also I can't remember the name of the video or the channel on Youtube that talks about how Blitz is the true victim.
but I can't help but be happy someone else sees that Loona should be made Blitz's top priority when it comes to getting her help at the hospital at the Sloth Ring first, but trust Moxxie and Millie to save that sorry excuse of a Apple Sugar Spice of Stolas's.
and Stolas still has to make it about him, how "Blitzy his knight didn't come to safe him from Striker."
dude, he had to be there for his daughter...
the video had pointed out the reasons why Blitz couldn't be the one to save Stolas, because he had to help his DAUGHTER and couldn't drop everything for him, and had to send people he was close to and trust to go save his spoiled bird apple sugar spice.
and if I remember correctly it had pointed out how Stolas was the one who first made Blitz uncomfortable with the unwanted flirting and advances at Loo Loo Land.
but when Blitz did give Stolas the same treatment, Stolas is of course saying he doesn't feel comfortable on how Blitz is speaking to him, even though he did the same dang thing to him before.
maybe Striker is only half-right about blue bloods, I'm still going to identify as purple blood, also I may have found out why my Mom had Evening Sickness with me before I was born, and well I don't think I will talk about it fully on here right away...cause it is best that I don't.
still going to be weird and still call myself that self-nickname "The Eveningstar Princess"...and I think I'm still a weird defective earth angel who's blood type is O RH D Negative, and I shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Toxic-Religious people.
even ones that made a offense video that seems to have a problem with Pride Month, well excuse me if my being Gray-Aroace (who is also Fictoromantic) insults that jerk, who I'm not going to say the name of or the video...
maybe later or tomorrow I will listen to the song "F*** You" by Lily Allen.
also Blitz shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Stolas or him playing the "victim", but even if those two did get back together...it should be Stolas begging on his knees for Blitz's forgiveness.
also my thoughts about Emberlynna Pinkle, is that well the episode short was funny, I couldn't help but laugh.
but seriously Emberlynn, you NEVER take off a charm that protects you from demons!
I mean even if I might have small crushes on Ozzie and Fizz, but would rather I be in the friend zone, like being the platonic girlfriend aka Girl-Buddy...but even I know that in this universe, ya can't just you know do what she did...
the reason I had started to wear gem bracelets to sleep, and even keep them on almost all the time now and only take them off when I have to...
is because of a possible Incubus scaring me awake, and I rather not go into full detail how that went, only that I was on my back and it was dark and I might of been fully aware in the dream...and I didn't see the Incubus but I felt them and it felt too real and it scared me awake.
of course it isn't just Incubus I have to worry about now, but also humans who give off too much Toxic-Lust energy, and gave me about three close calls, four if you count from the residue left over that was still in their now former room, but they had moved out.
and it only got into my room and caused that small 4th close call, because it possibly jump on to someone else who I have some trust for, and when they open the door to my room to tell me something it let that little monster residue in.
which is why I had to put some bag of salt in that other room...
but yeah, besides me having to protect myself from both Incubus and Humans with toxic-lust energy...
Emberlynn should of kept that charm on, would of kept her safe...even if she was creeping Blitz out...but as funny as that episode is, going to have to feel sorry for Blitz.
one of the things I hope, is that she wasn't foreshadowing about the King of Wrath having concubines, and well even if Bee sees him as a brother figure but also thinks he is hot, is still too much info for me.
and I'm not really a fan of the one from our universe, but who knows how the one from Helluva Boss will be like.
and as weird as it might be to some, when Innocent souls who end up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanist crossing lines.
it might of been last month, when I realize that those innocent souls who were hurt, they are MY people.
and like Charlie's words said in the song "More Than Anything"
I need to save my people more than anything.
the Sinners that Charlie is trying to help save and redeem, are her people.
the Innocent souls that ended up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanists, those are my people and I will never be okay with Toxic-Satanists crossing those lines.
and if it were possible, I still want to give Abel the cold hands to face punishment for the lambs, and put Grunkle Abel and Grandpa Cain in a time-out box, Grandpa Seth doesn't get the same punishment, cause for all we know, he might be the more likely not make the same mistakes as those two.
Cain wasn't given the proper help before it got worse and he had a very dangerous breaking point.
I don't care if Abel is way taller than me, I still want to place my hands on both sides of his face...but only when my hands are cold, and sometimes they are.
those lambs deserve justice...plus it is one thing to make animals into food or clothes but as for what Abel was doing...
I can't be the only one who finds it messed up, what happens to Abel is still messed up too...but both Abel and Cain were in the wrong and both were victims.
but back to the whole Emberlynn Pinkle, even if she isn't alone in her romantic interest types, some might handle it a it more better...
I wont say too much about that episode 3 of Helluva Shorts, but I think Emberlynn should of kept the charm on, she could of had a charm place on her room that kept Blitz from coming into her room...
but sadly she didn't, also Blitz likely didn't know what he has unleash upon Hell...
may Roo have some form of mercy on Blitz.
also I can still feel some forms of attraction, but just not a certain one very much anymore, maybe because the times when I did feel that way, it wasn't really my own and I was just the energies I was picking up from another person in another room...
too bad Mordin Solus can't be romanced in Mass Effect, like maybe instead what normally happens when you are able to fully romance a character and become romantic-partners with them.
there is just this tender and sweet moment between Mordin and Jane Shepard, where she just kisses his forehead and just hold hands with him and they just spend the night together just talking and after that romantic cut scene, they become romantic-partners.
but yeah, too bad that isn't part of the Mass Effect game.
anyway I'm not 100% sure if the hallucination that Blitz had in one of the episodes and even in one of the newer episodes when Blitz said sorry to Verosika about not falling for her or anyone else at that party...were hinting that he might be Panromantic and Asexual, and there are different types of Aces.
and the whole "falling for Verosika and everyone else" could of implied in a physical love, and not the emotional deep love that Ozzie x Fizz and even Charlie x Vaggie have.
but even if it is kinda good between him and Verosika now, doesn't mean he should be made to be the bad guy when really he was never truly that and his Exes and Dennis are just being Apple Sugar Spice Liquid Eggs.
plus for all we know, while Blitz was driving that vehicle in that art that was for Pride Month, while his chest may have had Pan Colors (like both Pansexual & Panromantic) but for all we know he could of been wearing shorts that couldn't be seen that had the colors for the Asexual Flag.
still can't believe that Striker was half-right about Stolas...
and it is possible if Stolas was fully honest with Ozzie, it would be possible Ozzie would of got really mad at him and even if he did listen to him and got his help with making sure not to sign the wrong paper to get Fizz back safely, even after finding out the full story and truth...
Ozzie would only listen to him, for Fizz's sake.
and Fizz could of still told Ozzie to give Blitz the Crystals anyway, even after telling Fizz the full story on what Stolas told him...
and instead of Blitz returning the book, it is Ozzie instead who gives Stolas the book back as well as a much needed scolding for how he treated Blitz.
and Ozzie could of decided to have a restraining order placed on Stolas that says that he isn't allowed to get too close to Blitz and must stay a safe distance from him.
Octavia can still come to the IMP office and even Blitz and Loona's home, to hang out with Loona, but Stolas is not allowed.
Octavia and Loona are more of the "I Fam it" and "I sib it"
cause remember, when it comes to non-romantic ships you do NOT use the word "I ship it" or call it a ship, it should be a unspoken rule between every person who does ships but know that not all are romantic types and some are in fact more platonic.
but as much as I would love to see Blitz and Stolas get back together, it might be a good idea to keep them from getting back together right now, because of how Stolas treated Blitz and act like he is the "victim" when really he isn't...the only times he was when he was badly hurt by Striker and from the cruelty and verbal abuse he got from Stella.
Stolas needs to get his Sugar Honey Ice Tea together, and admit that he is just as almost as bad as his soon to be Ex-Wife.
Blitz had a good reason to be upset and he had every right to point out the obvious to Stolas after the bad date at Ozzie's.
the truth hurts Stolas, and you better get a clue and try to win Blitz back the right way and not be such a self absorbed narcissistic apple sugar spice honey of liquid egg prince anymore....
for both Blitz and Octavia's sake.
I'm not sure if my theory about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace is correct but we will have to wait and see.
but I think until Stolas admits that he was fully in the wrong, and not Blitz...
I don't want them to get back together yet, and Stolas can just be with that "Better Than Blitzo" guy, and Blitz and Vassago can be together.
even if Blitz x Vassago are just together in the Fanon Timeline but still, they are becoming my OTP and I had started to ship them maybe yesterday well make that around August of last month, before I found out others are also shipping them as well, too bad they can't be a canon ship.
I think I can like the ship of Blitz x Stolas as another OTP, but most Fanon versions of Stolas seem to be my favorite right now.
I guess my feelings to Stolas from the canon, is like bittersweet.
also I'm going to re-watch all the first season of Helluva Boss and the other seasons so far, to see if there really are hints and signs that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace...but I'm still not 100% sure if he is Ace but it could be possible but we wont know unless it is confirmed or debunked.
anyway I hope some understand my thoughts and feelings about the whole Blitz and Stolas shouldn't get back together right away.
cause I think before they do get back together, Stolas needs to admit to his flaws and how he hurt Blitz at Ozzie's and even when he didn't explain things better when trying to break his and Blitz's original deal.
also is it weird I hope Bee dumps Vortex if she finds out about the Anti-Blitzo Party...
the Bee x Loona HoneyMoon ship seems interesting, so maybe at some point they could end up together after Bee dumps Vortex after finding out about what happen at that party...
anyway we might not fully have all the evidence that might prov that Blitz is Ace, cause Ace or not, anyone would be feeling the same way Blitz was feeling with how Stolas flirts with him and belittles him even if Stolas doesn't know he is accidentally belittling Blitz.
I know that it is just a Fan-headcanon about Blitz being possibly Ace, but it is also a theory and we just have to wait to see if it is true or not about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
plus it can be possible some fans, not just me, who have come to the same thoughts and theory about about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
and for all we know, his research he was doing in one of the episodes where we ended up seeing Chaz for the first time, could be important.
what kind of important, who knows but maybe we will find out in the future either in a episode of Helluva Boss or in one of the episodes of the Helluva Shorts.
and we can try to hope that Blitz and Stolas do get back together...just not right away, not until Stolas stops being well, how he has being that isn't good for his daughter Octava or even for Blitz.
also not everyone has to agree with me that Blitz might be Panromantic-Ace, it is just both a Fan-headcanon and theory.
and not everyone has to agree on the theory that Blitz might be both Panromantic and have a Asexuality and is one of the type of Aces, just not 100% sure which type of Ace Blitz is...and I can only make guesses.
Editing This In...
I want to say this...I know what Stolas was doing was messed up and wrong, but let me make this clear, STOLAS as a self absorbed and clueless prince that he is, probably didn't know, there is probably a lot of things he is naive about, which he NEEDS to work on to be better and not make the same mistakes again if he is going to work things out with Blitz...and I am seriously not in the mood for...misunderstandings, I'm not agreeing what Stolas did was right, I'm saying that he probably didn't know what he was doing was wrong, but he still ended up hurting Blitz by not getting that half of the reason Blitz was emotonally hurt at what happen at Ozzie's was because of half of the reason was because of Stolas.
I do not want my words to be misinterpreted or twisted,
and it is possible Stolas didn't know what he was doing was wrong, and he didn't understand the damage it might cause later on when he tried to break the deal...I'm still not happy with Stolas, but he needs to understand that he isn't the only one in Blitz's life, and his daughter Loona came first, and at least he send Moxxie and Millie to go save him...
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Some of my Favorite Manga That Deserve an Anime Adaptation
Red River (28 volumes)
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😍😍😍 !!!!!!!! *gestures dramatically at the screen* I just!!! I cannot scream this enough!!!! This forgotten gem stole my heart in 2020 and I cannot get over it. In a word, this series is: passionate. Exquisite. UNDERRATED. 😭😭😭 It's a historical isekai romance that is full of political intrigue, erotica, brilliant characterization, GORGEOUS art, and great action. This manga is the reason why I wrote 3 out of the 8 non-crossover Red River fics that exist on AO3 lmaooooo. IT'S JUST SOOOOO GOOD!!!! I never finished a series longer than 7 volumes within less than 2 weeks, and completely online, no less! It's a damn shame that it's so hard finding even physical copies of the manga to own, because dammit, I NEED!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺 I would straight up CRY from joy if an anime adaptation was ever announced skgjfdfkjgdf (but I doubt it'd ever happen 😭)
MAO (14 volumes and counting!)
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I mean, it's only the legendary Rumiko Takahashi's latest work, COME ON. It has Takahashi's usual touch in the art style, themes, and motifs, but is also wonderfully refreshing, with all new memorable characters and low-key one of her BEST main ships of all time. The game's afoot, and there's mysteries to unravel with deeper conspiracies beneath them all, all with a hot immortal doctor and a feisty girl who shares his curse with a cat demon thing (a byoki, to be precise). WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?!
FAKE (7 volumes)
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Yes, there's an OVA 2-part special. No, it's not enough. This bitch is thirsty for MORE. 😍😍😍👀👀👀 Yuri on Ice may be the first "yaoi" to steal my heart (I only put quotations because there's no porn lol), but FAKE is the first "official" yaoi to make me SQUEEEE while reading. Yes, this older series is not free from some of the unfortunate trappings of older yaoi series (*cough* noncon issues! *cough cough*), but I think what makes it work is that it's never pushed too far. And honestly, the mysteries surrounding their work as private detectives was so compelling, that it was almost like they never had time for shenanigans.... until after they fell in love 👀👀👀 Or, rather, after Ryo FINALLY accepted that he's gay AF for Dee lmao. Also: points for Dee being an openly bisexual man, who constantly corrects those who call him a homosexual. For the 90's??? That's surprisingly progressive.
Angel Sanctuary (20 volumes)
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Yes, there's a 3 episode OVA. But it only "covers" the first 2 volumes out of TWENTY. This series is absolutely gorgeous: the Gothic inspired art, every panel is just dripping in angst, detail, and passion. The incest takes a backseat for the REAL drama, a savage dressing down of the hypocrisy of Christian ideals in a world where even the realm of Heaven is corrupt and full of sin. Dark, angsty, deliciously sinful, and a thoughtfully cynical yet inspiring commentary on what makes us human (even if you're a devil or an angel), it is an absolute CRIME that this series was never made into a full-length anime. If other controversial anime can be made/adapted in this day and age, then why not give this classic, forgotten gem a try, anime studios?! 😤
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (11 volumes)
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Arina Tanemura's art is simply *chef's kiss* She has such a Shoujo Style that is unparalleled. Two are of her earlier works were made into beloved early 2000's magical girl anime series: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite. So why not THIS?! It is such a deliciously absurd Drama that is addicting and frustrating as hell. It's also just a truly touching tale of how family baggage can be so damaging to people's perceptions on love, relationships, and self-worth. It's a series that's near and dear to my heart, and I'd love to see it animated one day.
Kitchen Princess (10 volumes)
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This adorable series is 90% fluff, 10% ANGST, with some of the cutest art styles imaginable. If you're itching for a series about food that doesn't go batshit like Food Wars (I love that show, but I can understand that it can be, er, overwhelming lol), Kitchen Princess invites you in for tea and cake and holds your hand as you eat delicious desserts that warm your soul. It is just a sweet, sweet story, with an abundance of fluff, but enough angst and hurt/comfort to balance out the cutesyness. Definitely a comfort food series that NEEDS AN ADORABLE, WHOLESOME ANIME AND CUTESY SOUNDTRACK, DAMMIT!!!!
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden (12 volumes)
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If the original series can get an anime, then SO CAN THE PREQUEL, DAMMIT!!!! Genbu Kaiden took what is good about Fushigi Yuugi, and made it better. The protagonist is a thousand times more likable and stronger, both physically and emotionally. The dramatic scenes are far more effective and don't rely on Soap Opera BS. And the art has improved! GENBU KAIDEN DESERVES MORE LOVE!!!
Arisa (12 volumes)
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Don't let the cutesy art fool you: this is one of the darkest series I ever read that didn't kill off the entire cast. With the right soundtrack and animation studio, this could be a downright chilling show to watch, without resorting to Higurashi levels of terror and violence. I don't Do horror at all, but the psychological thrills and twists of this dark series kept me invested, frightened, alarmed, and entertained until the very end. I would love to see it animated one day.... 👀
Shinobi Life (13 volumes)
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THE BODYGUARD ROMANCE BEFORE YONA OF THE DAWN MADE IT COOL!!!! 😍😍😍 Lol, but in all seriousness, this series is SO GOOD!!! Now that I finally own all of the physical copies published in English (which is only half, because this world is cruel 😭😭😭), I cannot WAIT to dive back into this world of time-traveling ninjas and reincarnated princesses and adorkable relationship shenanigans, with an added bonus of backstory ANGST.
Alice in the Country of Joker: Circus and Liar's Game (7 volumes)
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Listen. LISTEN. I DEMAND AN ANIME BASED OFF THIS MIND-BOGGLING TRASH, and no, not just that joke of a "movie" that is even somehow even more incoherent than the countless manga spin-offs. Not all of us have the patience or understanding to play the games, pleeeeeease 😭😭😭
Honorable Mentions:
Fairy Cube (3 volumes)
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First of all: fairies. Second of all: this tiny 3-volume series is such a clusterfuck of chaos, lightning fast plot points, that if stretched out to even a 12 or 13 episode series would probably make it coherent AND give justice to the story.
Alice 19th (6 volumes)
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Same logic to Fairy Cube: I just want someone to take this mind-fuck of a series, because, in the right studio and director's hands, it'd be soooo amazing!
Otomen (17 volumes)
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Honestly, I barely remember much of this adorkable series, other than the very refreshing and honest takes on gender, gender roles, and gender identity and how all are similar and yet separate. It would be nice to see more representation in mainstream anime, even now.
RG Veda (10 volumes)
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Once again: a 2-episode OVA does not an anime make. Literally I just love the art and mythologies. And it's one of CLAMP's earliest work, and is low-key their most gorgeous. Imagining this story animated to today's standards would be *chef's kiss* AMAZING!!! 😍
Kilala Princess (5 volumes)
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Let me make one thing absolutely clear: this will never happen. Ever. Never ever ever. Not in my lifetime, certainly, as long as copyright laws exist. If Kingdom Hearts is never gonna get an anime/animated show adaptation, then this cutesy manga sure as hell won't. But GODS I WANT IT!!!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 It is every childhood Disnerd's self-insert dream come true sdkjgdjfgr
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Snail I missed yewwwww
Got caught up with life and didn't have the energy or time to write and read but now I'm more free I'm gonna read through everything so prepare yourself for the onslaught.
Anyway, been thinking about the use of nicknames and terms of endearment in Sapsorrow so have my take on the collection of all Mihawk and Governess' nicknames for each other;
Chapter 1:
"Governess" - formal, respectful of the title she has worked for, as we know later in the story he does respect the work she put into it and her herself
"Warlord" - Distanced. Reduces him to a persona and showing she doesn't know anything beyond his surface
"Lord Dracule" - professional, formal, respectful in some instances but with enough distance to also allow slight reproach and disrespect depending on tone and context without compromising her professionality
The use of "my" in front of their nicknames for each other as they grow closer, no longer designating each other as their titles/roles but rather their inescapable existence in each other lives.
"My Lord" - formal, respectful, but distanced. She is keeping it professional. (Bonus for the times she uses it snarkily and he dies inside like a cat left out in the rain with no dinner)
"Sir" - again, professional
"My Lady" - spoken when he's alone because he's not yet ready to admit it otherwise. Already calling her by the title she will inherit when they marry, despite not knowing if he can fulfill the task, some wishful thinking, perhaps driven by survival, or a Freudian slip.
Chapter 2:
"My betrothed" - simmering tension, still some professional separation and even resentment. This is a status, not a promise or relationship.
"My beloved" - Freudian slip!!!!! The start of the end!!! He is, I am afraid, doomed.
"My love" - I love 'my love' as a term of endearment bc it has nuanced meaning, my love - my love that is mine. My love - my lover, my lovely, the one I love that I claim as my own. My love - the love I have, have had, and could have, for anything and everything, the act of loving is so instrinsically affected by your existence that you shape how I love and I cannot separate the two. You are the reason I love, the love I give and the love I take. My love - my love I give to you. My love - my love given to me by you. I look for my definition of love and I see you.
Chapter 3:
"My lady" - putting this here as well, because he specifically says it more often as the Farm-hand. Seeing as servants and her wards would have to refer to her as such it makes sense but I also believe a part of Mihawk relished in finally getting to call her that so freely to her face. A hopeful glimpse into what the future might be like once she is the lady or Kuraigana. His lady of Kuraigana. The lady to his lord.
"Farm-hand" - Mihawk's bet at trying to get her to be more casual and at ease, both around him and in the castle. He so desperately wants her to be comfortable and have a friend and confidant that isn't the betrothed she was forced into, or the wards who she has a professional courtesy to maintain formality with. His first gift to her before the dresses is that she doesn't have to stretch herself with her typical formality and professionalism, knowing that she's in a strange situation and deserves to be able to feel those emotions and not do so alone.
"Lost-Lady" - Mihawk deigns her with a name that shows some more fondness and familiarity than his own. Keeping an epithet of his usual 'my lady' in there, and referencing their first carefree interaction, the first time she's felt carefree to speak to him. Calling her 'lost' also has a double meaning and shows he knows her deeper than they both realize, and recognizes the feelings she might be having and wants to acknowledge them, to show her it's okay, to hold her hand through the darkness. Including something about her that is just theirs - not the facade she keeps up, not the professional and fraught relationship between them, but the first part of her she shows to him willingly, something he gleams beyond her resume or reputation or what she's presented to him. Her gift to him is this first part of her she lets him see. It's also the first time he gets to show her this version of himself, being more playful and carefree in teasing her
The names represent the first step in their relationship, a fresh start for them to get to know each other with a clean slate and without the burden of their forced proximity.
Chapter 4:
"My bride" - spoken of with protectiveness and possessiveness to Sir Crocodile, and then as an olive branch (forgive the thematic pun) to his darling, trying to find an alternative she might like as well as hint to his feelings
"My friend" - perhaps more intimate? An equal footing. From Mihawk's perspective a promise that he will not let her be alone in this, on this island, in this marriage, in this scary scenario they face that she didn't sign up for. From Governess' perspective a reassurance that even in the event this turns out bad she knows she has someone beside her.
Chapter 5:
"My beau"
I just love how much they grow into being open with their expressions of love, especially because by the time Sapsorrow does try to interfere by undermining the relationship and attacking Governess' insecurities, they've established a much stronger bond that is more openly loving, even if they still remain angsty and repressed. The way you write it you can feel the relief and joy they get from being able to call eachother such, charged as the atmosphere may be it is a comfort that rolls off the tongue with ease.
"Beloved" - a change from my beloved, specifically saying that they are each beloved. An adjective. And of course, the implication that one is beloved contains an admission of loving, because how else would you be so sure?
Chapter 6:
Some more of "my bride" - this time spoken with relief at finally getting to say it
"My darling" - after finding out Mihawk is the farmhand Governess slips and calls Farmhand her darling bc they are the same, they've built a basis of friendship and Governess now recognises Mihawk's true person through Farmhand without
"He yearned for this deceit to flee from his form. No longer desiring to adorn this shield and to be the man beneath this amassment of muck for you; he wanted so desperately to cast aside titles and just truly be yours." - HE WANTS TO BE HERS!!!! It ties into the nicknames and especially the "my ___"!!! He doesn't care for titles except those gifted to him out of love for who he truly is instead of his accomplishments and facades
"My love" - again, love this nickname. Used when expressing concern for Governess
Reflecting on their chosen nicknames:
“I never thought of you as a lady who was ever lost, I had always thought of you as a woman who commanded every space she found herself within. Even as a man far more advanced in his years, I had always seen you as a woman who could have the mighty fall to their knees- much as you had me do this morning.” 
Also calling each other "my beloved-Farm Hand" and "my Lost-Lady" - letting go of the facade and accepting that their moments together were exactly that - theirs
Chapter 7:
The use of "my" in their nicknames takes on a new context as both the governess admitted in chapter 4 "I have always felt the need for control. There were so many, many things outside of my control. I wanted to make a life for myself, a life that was mine.” and Sapsorrow admits she wanted "a love that was truly mine"
"My groom"
"My beloved wife"
"My darling"
"Your devoted husband" - a promise of their matrimony. That they would overcome Sapsorrows curse. A promise that he would devote himself as a husband. A promise that he would be hers. And, since this is the first time their terms of endearment have referred to themselves instead of the other it highlights what they want to be seen as by the other. He wants to be her devoted husband.
"Your love" - Sapsorrow tells the governess to enjoy her time with her love, referring to Mihawk and the literal sense of her (their) love she feels
"Your swordsman"
"Your husband"
"My wife" - Awe-filled and thankful, as if he can't believe it
"Lady Dracule" - the Governess' realization at her new title as well as Mihawk speaking it
"I am yours, just as you are mine." & “I love you, my wife. I am yours, and you are mine, for as long as we both shall live. And for whatever comes next.” 
"My heart."... Although his anger never left, the small twitch of his lip and hitch in his breath indicated his pleasure of receiving such a high honor of that title. 
Snail... I missed you so much. Having your ask slide on in has me like:
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I mourned your absence so, so much in my notifications. I am glad you've dedicated your time to life and school, and now you've got some time for recreational reading and writing. Ever since you chucked in that Buggy drabble, I have been thinking very unhinged thoughts about the clown again.
I would love to inform you that I will be writing Sapsorrow tonight. No more distractions, no more putting it off. I have the wine, I have the motivation, and I have the playlist. It's coming, and you have come through at just the most perfect time - as usual. I love you.
I am giggling so much that you've noticed the development in their names for one another. Their walls are crumbling down and they finally give into what their hearts are feeling for one another. They are now husband and wife, and I am loving writing their dynamic in this light.
As always, I adore you sweet snail. Welcome back, you've been missed 🥹😘😘😘
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deadsince1973 · 5 months
Okay, so, I am LOVING The Legend of ShenLi! It might be in my top 3 C-dramas of all time, is definitely in the top 5, and is possibly the most exciting C-drama I've ever seen in the sense of making me want to watch the next episode right away. (I think that last one applies even more than Till the End of the Moon, to be honest.) But, all that being said, it's also clarified for me one of the things I hate most about a lot of romances (and why TTEOTM is so great).
Namely, I hate when crucial information is kept from the audience. I understand that that makes the show more suspenseful, which makes it harder for the audience to stop watching because then they're eager to learn the information. Clearly this is working with TLoSL and me. But, a well-written show can keep the suspense going even when the audience has all the knowledge of all the characters combined, and withholding that crucial information runs the risk of making the drama frustrating.
Let me give a concrete example. I just finished Episode 17 of TLoSL and these were my thoughts while watching the episodes yesterday and today:
Episode 13: I'm starting to get really annoyed. Xing Zhi is almost gaslighting her about being Xingyun. She told him flat-out that she liked him. She wasn't shy, she wasn't playing games, she wasn't unwilling to admit her own feelings. He clearly likes her back, so why can't he do the same?! It's not like he can be afraid of rejection when she's already been so open and honest about her feelings! And there are no outside repercussions he can face for admitting he likes her back. He is physically/spiritually the strongest being in the universe, and he's also got the highest social position in the universe. There can be no consequences for him for getting together with her, so why is he unwilling?! I've started cheering when she’s cold to or domineering over Xing Zhi, because she deserves to assert dominance over a man who's going to disrespect her by saying he doesn't like her and then taking her on romantic dates.
Episode 14: Okay, so he's finally stopped lying to her about not being Xingyun, but now he's explicitly told her that he doesn't have feelings for her. If you don't have feelings for her, why do you keep acting like you do?! She's right, it is really frustrating how he rejects her on one hand and seduces her on the other!
Episode 15: My cheering for her being cold to or domineering over him is becoming more sincere and less humorous.
Episode 17: His best friend lost his divinity for falling in love with the wrong person. So is that why Xing Zhi's afraid to tell her he loves her? Is he afraid to admit his feelings even to himself for fear of losing his own divinity? If that's the case, WHY WEREN'T WE THE AUDIENCE TOLD THAT EARLIER?!?! We could have spent this whole time crying for the poor immortal who can't love the woman he loves instead of getting frustrated by him!
Honestly, whether this is the explanation for Xing Zhi's reticence, or there's a bigger, deeper, truer reason coming down the line doesn't really matter. Either way, they've left us with a lot of episodes of frustration wondering why Xing Zhi can't just admit his feelings for her. This makes it harder to enjoy all the genuinely sweet and romantic moments they have together. It's hard to watch a character I love so much falling in love with another character who seems incapable of loving her back as fully as she loves him. Likewise, it's not a very fun self-insert fantasy to have: loving a man who won't say he loves you back. Being unable to fully enjoy the moments where he does show honest affection to her compounds the frustration in my opinion, because there's nothing else problematic in their relationship really (or what there is can be overlooked), so I want to cheer for them and their love, but Xing Zhi's making it hard.
Compare all of this to TTEOTM. We knew all of Li Susu's and all of Tantai Jin's complex, contradictory, and constantly shifting motivations and feelings from the get-go* (*episode 3. But that's still pretty close to the get-go!). What kept them together? Li Susu had to stay by Tantai Jin's side and show him kindness in order to save the three realms and four continents. Tantai Jin wanted Li Susu to stay by his side because she was the only one who'd ever shown him love. [Yes, my fellow TTEOTM stans, I know it's a lot more complicated and nuanced than that, but that's the biggest link in the chain holding the two of them together.] What's driving them apart? Li Susu's doubt that Tantai Jin can ever be anything but the Devil God; Tantai Jin's (correct) suspicion that Li Susu has an ulterior motive and (his incorrect suspicion that she) doesn't really love him. As soon as the main characters know these things, we know them, and it's wondering how the situation is going to evolve that pulls us through the story. We never have to be frustrated with a character decision, because every character decision makes sense based on the information we the audience have. It makes the story so much more enjoyable, in my opinion.
In addition to everything I've said above, I'd like to add a secondary point I've already alluded to but haven't yet made explicit: I think making important information a mystery decreases re-watch value. I admit, my re-watch of TTEOTM is proceeding MUCH slower than my first viewing, which in itself went much slower than TLoSL. But, I am at least re-watching it. I don't know if I'm going to want to revisit the characters of TLoSL once there's no more mystery about them. With TLoS, it's the ending that matters; with TTEOTM, it's the journey.
I want to end by saying that dramas are so complex, what doesn't work in one show might work in another. Not only is this all my opinion, but the way all the elements of a drama combine can make all the difference in whether one single element is good or bad. There are so many elements in TLoSL that I've HATED in other shows, but TLoSL did so well that I love them!
But, even with that caveat, I just think, as a general rule, making your main characters' motivations clear from the outset is the superior way to structure a show.
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strongsam · 1 year
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sam x mika playlist
first tumblr post hehe. i’ve been a huge fan of seduce me for years, i remember being in high school obsessed with the game. erik was my fav at first actually but then sam became my husband for all these years after playing his route.
i have a very diverse music taste so the songs may seem a little all over the place, but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless! i’m sure with the variety there will be something for everyone
(this originally was supposed to be a playlist for just sam but somehow became one for sam x mika bc i love them sm)
1. Therapy - Khalid
Mika is Sam's therapy, period. Although he initially tried to hide his feelings for her, he later recognizes his deep emotional dependence on her and how much he actually needs their relationship.
2. Hatefuck - Cruel Youth
"Will you love me tomorrow?" - Sam rhetorically asks Mika if he is worthy of her love, questioning whether he can live up to her expectations and fears that he may not be good enough for her.
3. Demons - Imagine Dragons
A more obvious choice, but like...c'mon. Sam is reluctant to tell Mika the truth about him and his past, however, it is impossible to do this because his past is who he is. Sam was scared to show his flaws and insecurities to Mika. Sam has a dark side to him but Mika does not get the full truth of this until Sam reveals everything about his past to her
4. Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Sam initially had no intention of falling for Mika, seeing her as merely a source of energy. However, as they spend more time together, they develop a strong connection and unexpectedly fall in love with each other.
5. Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
In Sam's route, he falls deeply in love with Mika, finding comfort and solace in their intimate moments. Sam needs that feeling of warmth from the intimacy he shares with Mika.
6. Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Sam trying to figure out how Mika feels about him by attempting to determine if she's showing him overt behaviour that would suggest that she has feelings for him (blushing, etc). I believe Sam would do this because of his anxiety about Mika's interest in him, specifically when she can be with a "real man" like James instead of him (Sam was seriously gonna ask James for lessons on how to be a real man and I will never, ever forget this)
7. Fell for You - Green Day
Ugh, this one. This song is actually how I picture Sam falling in love with someone, the vibe of this song just suits him perfectly. Sam fell for Mika and ever since then, his thoughts have been surrounded by her. Of course, our baby tsun tsun is gonna deny that he's fallen for her and has insecurities about their relationship because he believes Mika is too good for him ("I'm a mess and you're a work of art) and that he doesn't deserve a "perfect" girl like Mika.
8. pink bubblegum - lavi kou
First off, Sam's fav body part is the neck sooo...and Mika loves purple and kinda resembles that colour. and hickeys are usually purple so..ya i'm dumb ik. Sam may pretend not to like Mika openly, but he secretly fantasizes about being with her. Mika's love for the color purple resonates with Sam, and the idea of leaving hickeys symbolizes his hidden desire and the passion between them.
9. A Little Death - The Neighbourhood
This song makes me feel a certain type of way. I feel like Sam would want Mika to give herself to him fully at her own expense, knowing that she is participating in a relationship with a brute whose looks are "deadly" and who has an abundance of power and lethal allure, which creates that complex dynamic between them.
10. Animals - Maroon 5
This song reveals the intense passion and desire between Sam and Mika. The song depicts a raw, animalistic attraction, reflecting Sam's initial purely physical interest in Mika. It portrays his longing for her and the powerful magnetism that draws them together. As their relationship progresses, this intense attraction transforms into a deeper emotional connection.
11. Prisoner - Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa
This song reminds me of "Chained the Monster". Sam's love may make Mika feel like a "prisoner" and the other way around with Sam feeling like a "prisoner" to Mika, but neither of them can forget each other because they have a passion that is so strong. Essentially, both feel like prisoners in their intense relationship, unable to forget each other due to the overwhelming passion they share.
12. Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
Sam is not the easiest man to love or hell, even communicate with, yet Mika still has an immense amount of patience with him and stays with him throughout the whole thing in his route. Sam does not have a lot of experience with loving and trusting another person, and Mika is able to ease him through the process of forming a true connection with another person. Mika is probably the person who understands Sam the most in his route and Mika displays immense patience and understanding towards Sam. Through their journey, Mika helps Sam learn to love and trust, taking baby steps to form a deep connection with him.
13. New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco
Sam is a strong boi, and part of the reason for this is that no matter what happens to him, he never lets it defeat him. Sam is a resilient character who refuses to let his past define him. However, as his relationship with Mika grows, he fears that his less desirable traits will affect her. Sam hopes to become a better man for Mika while staying true to his strength and identity. The song also alludes to Sam's initial awkwardness and difficulty in opening up emotionally.
14. Religion - Lana Del Rey
Sam and Mika's relationship began kind of..rough, you know, with the whole kissing without consent (Sam obviously had his reasons) and Sam's attitude. Despite this, Mika chooses to stay with him, emphasizing her dedication to him and their love.
15. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
"It was only a kiss" (literally Sam and Mika's first interaction together, I couldn't resist) it was simply just a way for Sam to get energy when he desperately needed it at the time (Although he did feel at least a bit of remorse when he found out that the kiss meant more to Mika, as it was her first kiss) This emphasis of "it was only a kiss" reveals how to Sam, this should have only been a kiss for him to acquire energy, and nothing more, but it becomes so much more in Sam's route. Sam may also experience moments of jealousy when Mika receives attention from other boys.
16. Take My Name - Parmalee
This song is just adorable, I know it's about proposing to someone you love and wanting to spend the rest of your life with them, but besides that and it reminded me of when Sam shares his demon name with Mika, "Aomaris", which then helps her in an upcoming dangerous situation with Malix. It represents the depth of their connection and how Sam is willing to reveal a vulnerable part of himself to protect her.
17. Guns and Roses - Lana Del Rey
I chose this song because it reminds me of how Sam is quite a destructive man, a "brute" who loves destructive actions and objects, he also manages to fall in love with someone like Mika. The title's oxymoron reflects the contradiction between Sam's rough exterior and his capacity for deep affection.
18. Monster - Adventure Time
Sam's tough exterior and emotional guardedness stem from his difficult upbringing, where he had to learn to fend for himself. This song also speaks to how Sam is seen as a brute by pretty much everyone around him, so he is used to feeling like the "bad guy". While he fears being seen as weak, Mika helps him embrace vulnerability and understand that she loves him despite his flaws.
19. Broken - DNMO & Sub Urban
Ending with some angst apparently lmfao. This song represents the initial phase of Sam and Mika's relationship, where Sam primarily uses her for sexual gratification and fails to appreciate her as a person. It highlights his self-destructive tendencies and their journey towards a healthier connection.
20. Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
I think this reflects the tumultuous nature of Sam and Mika's relationship. The song speaks to the challenges they face, the conflicts they navigate, and the intense emotions they experience while being in love. It captures the idea that love can sometimes feel like a war zone, where they must fight for their connection and overcome obstacles together.
There you guys go. This surely isn't perfect and there's a lot of my own self-indulgence in there bc I love them but this is honestly just supposed to be for fun and honestly a good distraction from a pretty hard time in my life.
I'm currently working on a mika playlist, which i'm actually having a lot of fun with i'm ngl. I find making a playlist so much easier with Mika than Sam (maybe bc she's a more simple character than Sam) but idk, part of me thinks I just understand females more than males lol. I found myself being very picky with this one, which is what took me so long making this
I'd love to hear what you guys think! And what songs you'd choose for these two :)
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weirdowithaquill · 2 months
Can you do Duncan x Cody headcanons
I did some of those a little while back (you can find those here) but I get the feeling you mean less about how they got there and more about how they act once within the relationship. In which case, I've got a few ideas!
1: Duncan secretly loves reading, but only certain books, especially those that criticize the government or question society through philosophy. This can range from something like 1984 through to All Quiet on the Western Front and even into longer novels like Crime and Punishment. It's this weird idea in his mind of rebelling against his parents, by reading these books that question a lot of the values his parents tried to instill in him. Cody is less fond of these deeper, psychological books - but he does enjoy curling up with Duncan to read his own books alongside the punk. They have a rather massive bookshelf in their apartment which is filled with books and has their favourite reading couch beside it.
2: Cody hates jump-scare horror films, but he watches them with Duncan anyway, even if it means burying his head in Duncan's chest throughout most of the film and trying to ignore the film. Duncan keeps taking Cody to watch these films because he likes the feeling of having Cody in his arms. He does like the really shitty B-list horror movies though, having watched way too many of them with Gwen - but only if he can dissect them loudly and spend the film lambasting the characters' mistakes.
3: Duncan is a very, very light sleeper. It comes from his juvie (and later prison) days, when the worst things happened at night, and has transferred over to his return to normal life. It also means that Duncan likes to sleep as close to a wall as possible - another hold over from his prison days - and their bed is shoved right up against the walls of their bedroom. Duncan sleeps next to the wall and Cody sleeps beside/on top of him.
4: Cody still makes money from his time with the Drama Brothers, and this makes Duncan feel a little... inferior. Cody, after all, is a successful musician, not to mention he likely goes to a good university and has some sort of degree. Duncan has none of these things - what he does have is a police record, and it makes him feel almost like he doesn't deserve Cody. When Cody finds out about this, he does try and help Duncan with these feelings - but it takes some time for those feelings to fade.
5: Duncan still talks to Gwen, which makes Cody a little jealous. He's not worried about Duncan cheating - Gwen burnt that bridge to the ground and then tossed the ashes off a cliff - but he does envy how naturally they click. Cody had to work to gain anything resembling their easy friendship with anyone who isn't an insane superfan, and it leads to a similar situation as Duncan's inferiority worries, where they have to work on it.
6: Sierra and Courtney are not allowed anywhere near their apartment. Sierra has a restraining order placed against her by Cody (one which Cody's friends helped finalise) while Courtney was never given their address by anyone because of how uncomfortable she makes both of them. This does get a bit awkward as Courtney enters into a relationship with Gwen, but the three can spend time around each other in neutral settings without kicking off so it's less of a problem.
7: Speaking of people that our main men don't like, Alejandro ranks high on the list. After Heather ditched him for the final time, he is quietly removed from their contacts list and faded out of their lives. It's not for quite the same reasons as Sierra, but more because of how untrustworthy he is. There's a real fear that he'll reveal their address to Sierra, or worse yet Chris, and moreover he just exudes a toxicity that they're trying to move beyond.
8: Duncan and Cody both, however, like Heather. It's a bit of a surprise to a lot of cast members, but the pair really do get along with the Queen Bee. Duncan likes her brutal honesty and sharp wit, while Cody likes how much she evolved and really tried her best to help him get away from Sierra. She's one of the first people to accept them, and they end up loaning her their spare bedroom when she breaks up with Alejandro for the last time.
9: Speaking of, they own an apartment in Montreal. It's where a good chunk of the cast settle after TD, being outside of Ontario (where Camp Wawanakwa is) but also still a pretty central part of Canada. It's close to Ottawa, the US border and Quebec City, and a lot of the cast just sort of gravitates towards it. It's a nice apartment in a nice area, with an open-plan kitchen/living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and an en-suite, a study and a balcony from which they can see the St Lawrence River. It's also got a lot of white noise, which they both really appreciate after TD, prison and Cody's childhood estate of a home.
10: Cody and Duncan both end up going to university after they settle in. Cody goes first - he's most of the way through his degree or even finished by the end of Season 5 of TD, and I feel like he'd either study music or journalism after breaking from his parents' expectations for him to pursue law. Duncan has to wait a little longer - he takes a few low-skill labour jobs to make some money first - but then he goes to Uni and startles everyone by doing psychology and philosophy. Duncan just really wants to understand the mindsets behind people's decisions and also just enjoys questioning everything in society and driving his professors up the wall.
No pictures this time - mostly cause I exhausted them all last time. Whoops.
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stanleyl · 2 months
Yes/ saying it makes it sound like he's having the fandom he deserves, or people he's qgreeing with. They always use this as a dig to say well if they're being racists and stupid and weirdos it's making it hard to support him because he doesn't even address it so he must love this type of support
They know really well the people they're talking about couldn't care less about him... Qlso i know you're not a shipper blog but actually there's something I find so weird and you mentioned it a little bit, how many people on the bird app are riding at dawn for Zendaya (and good for her idc) but they're saying the meanest things about him. About his films ? I mean whatever it's personal preference but no, it's about who he is as person, his character and values. They put her on a pedestal saying she can't do any wrong and have this idea of her, and genuinely think she has been in a serious and committed relationship with someone who is the opposite of everything she stands for, so racists, homophobic, piece of shit human.. I've seen everything. How does that make sense, judging someone's character based of an handful of interviews vs. her sharing her life with him for the past god knows how many years. They put everything she does on a pedestal but the one thing that she actually has 100% control over (aka her romantic life) they hate it. and maybe that's why, it's because they can't do anything about it no matter which new wbotm appear
Yes. They know associating him with these groups will make him look bad.
I could delve into a deeper conversation and analysis of the whole situation, but this is me keeping it short, lol.
The core of her fan base has been with her since her Disney days, and these fans are quite different from typical fans of actors, they resemble pop star fans more. So, the behavior of treating her partner similarly to how Swifties treat Taylor Swift's partners isn't surprising to me. Like you said, there's a tendency to place these girls on a higher pedestal, and the people they choose to date often become punching bags if they don't meet fans' standards.
I know every celebrity has their own subset of weird or disrespectful fans, but anyone with common sense can see how her fans often get a pass to drag this man and usually get away with it. But you'll never see a viral post from a Tom fan saying the same stuff about Z, like you will NEVER see viral posts saying things like, "I miss when Tom was dating Nadia", but T/Z will be married with kids and you'll still see viral things about "Jacdaya", and how good they looked together because JE is taller, 🤪.
I can't stand a fan base that constantly accuses his fans of being racist just to justify their own harsh comments about him. When you try to find these supposed racist fans, you often find little evidence of the alleged racist insults thrown at Z. I'm not saying white male celebrities don't have racist white fans, especially when they're publicly dating women of color, but many of the issues her fans accuse Tom's fandom of are blown out of proportion or fabricated. On the other hand, there is plenty of real evidence of her fans (including some in the Tomdaya fandom) being disrespectful to him for years, and it's not just random obscure posts that can be easily scrolled past.
It's genuinely annoying how conniving people can be, because the hate from both sides is not equal. Not only are they awful to him, but they also control the narrative in their favor because they are, in fact, the majority. They will keep using these "But Tom fans are calling her slurs" excuses, when in reality the "fans" are just 1 or 3 stans with 50 followers getting rightfully attacked for saying those things, but they will frame it as if it's some viral post with many quotes saying "yasss girl, drag her ass", lol.
I'm just genuinely tired of their bullshit, lol.
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
3, 4, 24
DC Comics Asks
3. First comic read?
The 1st paperback edition of the New 52 Harley Quinn comic book
4. What introduced you to the DC universe? Was it a show, comic, or movie?
I'm not so sure since I was so young, but I think the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon was what got me way more invested in the DC world as a kid since I loved watching it so much and still do
24. If you had total control, what you change?
1. Deage Jon back to being a kid, because he should've been allowed to grow up naturally and honestly deserves the character development that he should've gotten before in the past, and also because it was terrible that he just got ripped away from his original fans like that just because Bendis wanted to make him date Saturn girl (instead of finding someone else who was actually her age, since Jon was STILL JUST 10 years old at the time when he had thought of this ship for her, which is very EW!!) and didn't want a kid character getting in the way of his Superman stories because "it's not that fun to include them", which makes no sense, because he was literally so much more likeable and way more interesting as a kid than he is now, because as an adult, now he just feels like a completely different person and a boring character that many old fans just can't see as the real Jon anymore, even if they tried to, since he's more like a stranger now. He's just a plain, younger clone of Clark now with no real personality of his own in him (he doesn't even have his own style!!!)
2. Make Dickkory happen again and leave Dickbabs behind, because that relationship is just a forced one that DC only wants to happen just so that things can only stay in the Batfamily. But Dickkory is the one that actually has real love in it and a much deeper connection in it between the two. Plus those two are always crazy about eachother, way more than Barbara and Dick could ever be for one another. And I would also make baby Mar'i and Jake happen later on in the future too. Also, the trope that always happens with either Dick or Kory abandoning the other and the kids or dying everytime they finally have a family of their own needs to just stop, because they deserve to be happy together already after such a long time and I would make sure that it stays that way too
3. Make Bruce an actual good father, because #1 it is not cool at all and I do not ever enjoy seeing him treat any of his kids horribly, it just only makes me really irritated to see everytime and #2 it does not make sense for who he is actually meant to be as a character. It doesn't matter how many times writers will make it happen in canon, because that just means that they don't actually know him at all and only think he would do it just because "Oh, he's a dark, edgy man who gets angry at everything, so he must be such a horrible Father too.", which is not how he should be. There should never be anything so wrong about letting him be good Dad to his kids. There's always other ways to create a bunch of drama for Batfamily stories, but him being an abusive parent definitely shouldn't be one of them and if some DC writer thinks it is, than that just means they can't really think outside of the box
4. Stop the "Talia is an evil person who loves killing and is also a terrible Mother who tortures her kid with no mercy if they don't do what she wants" trope, because she originally doesn't actually agree with her Fathers ways at all and has always felt uncomfortable with having to be an assassin who takes lives, and another thing about her original character is that she's also a very loving person at heart and would never want to hurt the ones that she loves, so it doesn't make any sense for her to be a cruel and hateful parent who hurts and uses her Son for only whatever she wants
5. Keep the name "Kon". I heard that Conner is getting a new official name change for himself soon in his series, so he's ditching "Kon" now for something else just because "Clark was the one who gave it to him, but he didn't actually choose it himself, so it's not his", but like... HELLO????!! The writer definitely did not read any of his older books at all, because Kon was literally so happy when Clark offered it to him, because he finally felt accepted into the Superfamily that way and even cried tears of joy from it too if I remember correctly, so what the heck are they changing it for if he actually loves it and originally has no problems with it????
6. Revive Alfred, because to me, he is an iconic character that shouldn't be killed, because then nothing ever really feels the same again without him
7. Batgirl was cool for Barbara back then, especially because she was still young at that time, but I would make her Oracle again because it's just a definitely more fitting role for her nowadays
8. Keep more awesome Supersons stories happening again, because they're always a joy to read and also because I really miss them a lot
Idk if I have anymore ideas in mind for anything else😅 but this is everything for now that I would definitely change if I could
Thanks for the ask, Pal!!
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violetlunette · 2 years
Hi I saw your reblog from bottleblondefeelingconned's post and I was wondering what was your opinion on Athanasia's and Claude's relationship in Who made me a princess? I never understood how fans idolized their relationship as the "perfect" father‐daughter relationship when it was toxic.
Full disclosure, this was one of the stories I jumped around while reading because I hated Claude so much, as well as the tropes associated with him. Therefore, this answer isn't as informed as it should be and I may have missed some things. But I don't like leaving people hanging so I'll give what I can;
*Take it with a grain of salt
My opinion? I hate it. I hate all relationships like this. I hate the trope where someone has to “earn” someone’s affection to survive, especially when it’s a parent. A child should NEVER have to beg for their parents to love them. More than that a child should never have to live in fear that if they make one mistake, they’ll be killed.
That’s Athanasia’s situation. If Anthy makes one wrong move, she’ll be dead, as proven in the original storyline. He didn’t even give the original Athanasia a trial, he just killed her in cold blood and didn’t even care when he discovered that she was innocent. Like, did he even give her a funeral?
The present Athanasia has to do all the work in the relationship, and Claude barely does the bare minimum.
Plus, there is just a severe level of emotional abuse, intentional or not. Aside from knowing a wrong word will get her killed, it could also get others killed. Hell, in their first meeting, he threatened to kill a chef because she was too scared to talk to him.
The relationship is not only toxic, but it's also deadly. Honestly, I wanted Athanasia to take what she could and flee the figgin’ continent to get away from him. She deserved better than that bastard, and so did the original Athy. Honestly, it's lucky she's cute. Like if she looked like this;
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She'd be dead like the original. (Btw, Patalliro don't listen to what anyone says, you're adorable!)
Claude is a tyrant asshole that deserves death. He killed several innocent people over the years, including a mansion full of his concubines and the servants—if memory serves—to kill his newborn daughter, only stopping when he learned her name. And no. No matter how sad his past is, he is still a murderer with a crown. The fact that he’s occasionally nice to Athanasia doesn’t wash away all the blood on his hands.
And I hate that mindset where an mc is a cold-blooded murderer who killed and kills people daily. But because he’s sweet to the protagonist, she (because it’s always a girl) and everyone else is casually willing to casually forget that.
I get why he's popular, however.
1: He's pretty
2: It's the same reason people like the brooding asshole love interest; it's what many think is a "Beauty and the Beast" scenario. Many love the idea that a kind heart and patience can redeem even the cruelest of hearts. (This is the Daddy edition of that.)
3: People like this have power and others like having this person use this power to please them.
4: People like to feel special, so having someone who a bastard to everyone else but kind to you can make one feel as such.
(I plan to go deeper into this in another post, so forgive the choppy explanation for now.)
However, for me, it’s just like they said in “All Cheating Bastards must Die.”
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Yes, he's occasionally kind to Anthansia and a few others but that doesn't change the pain he caused in the past. And as I've said in other posts, the sad backstory I'm sure he has explains why he did what he did, not excuse it.
Regardless of his reasons, Claude deserves to die and be forgotten just like the original Anthy was, if only for the women he slaughtered.
As I said, I haven’t thoroughly read this story and I don’t want to, so I can’t give the best answer, and I may be unfair. Sorry, but this is the best answer I can give at this time.
If you want to see the father redeemed done right, I suggest reading, “Father, I don’t want this marriage!” Because the one who has to change is the FATHER, the one who messed up. He is the one reaching out and endearing himself to his child, doing everything he can to fix their relationship.
Don’t get me wrong, the MC is scared of her father at first for similar reasons as Anthy but it’s revealed that this was a misunderstanding.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No need to apologize! It's a fun question!
I have a lot of favorites when it comes to characters so I'll name the top ten off the top of my head.
Okay, so on no specific order...
Kaldur'ahm (Young Justice), as a kid watching this show I always thought he was pretty cool from his fighting style to his personality and I still do to this day. As I got older, I also started to see more... complex? Like there's more to him than we got in the show.
Raven (Teen Titans), okay I love all the Titans and Starfire is actually tied with her but I'm gonna talk about Raven. First, her powers. I always wanted her powers as a kid. I really love magic. She was pretty cool in my eyes. I also love her personality, always so quiet and stoic, but still had her fun moments with the others. I also love her color scheme. Purple and black are two of my favorite colors.
Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire), she is still my favorite Disney Queen and Princess to this day. Atlantis is my favorite Disney movie, there are few Disney movies I can watch back to back and not get tired of it and Atlantis is one. With Kida, she is not only gorgeous, but badass. She always cares for her people and wanted to do whatever she could to help them. And her relationship with Milo is just so precious to me. I will always love the hand holding scene.
Layla/Aisha (Winx Club), she is my favorite out of the six. I actually didn't have a favorite at first before she came on the scene because I loved all the girls and then she came on and it was like "HER". She's just so caring and sweet and fun. Her fairy outfit is my favorite outfit which is a surprise for me at that time because as a kid, I had this dislike for green but I think she made me feel better about the color. And I still find it unfair what they did to my boy Nabu. I didn't watch the show past season 3, so I found out much later about Nabu and wanted to fight. I loves him and Layla together.
Haru Katou (Balance Unlimited), everyone was more on the rave about Daisuke, but Haru? Haru easily became my favorite because I thought he was prettier and I really liked how he is as a character. Sympathetic, fair, has a bit of a temper, and passionate about what he does. He's even though the story was about Daisuke, his role wasn't overshadowed to me in the overall plot.
Miruko (My Hero Academia), of course, I'm gonna talk about her. Her and Midoriya are tied for #1 for me, but I gotta talk about my girl, Miruko. She is a badass. She is a tiny rabbit woman who fights with just speed and strength. She's confident and fearless. And I love that even though she has thing about teamwork, she isn't a character that refuses to work with others when the need arises. She's also a character to me that I feel like there's more to her. Like there's other deeper details to her that could be explored.
Nico (Nanbaka), overall all the characters from that series are great. Nico, he is precious and a badass. Like he looks like he wouldn't harm a fly but he could and will kick your ass. His love for anime and video games is adorable.
Tanjiro (Demon Slayer), he is compassionate and kind hearted, and best big brother. Also, gotta give it up to that forehead and nose of his. I also love that he straightforward and isn't a pushover, he has this low tolerance for tomfoolery and when he gets angry, he gets angry. He's also quite open minded to his foes. He doesn't treat them all one way. Even of a demon is pure evil, he takes in on their actions, their upcoming and their behavior before considering "is this an enemy I will loathe for the rest of my life or have they at least deserve a bit of sympathy".
Kat Elliott (Wendell & Wild), first off her design is kickass and you can tell they took care into her overall look. It's not often we see black goth characters in media, but Kat is a real treat. She is a rebel, always had this shield up throughout the movie but as the story went on it was clear that she just vulnerable and needed someone to care for her and her relationship with her parents did make me cry because that is a loving family right there.
Kym (Legacies), I find it out unfair how long her appearance in the show lasted because I thought she was a great character. She's outgoing, friendly and beautiful and darn it, her relationship with MG was cute. I wanted to see more of her in the show. She was great! (I also haven't finished Legacies.)
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gamora-borealis · 1 year
I think with vol 1 Gamora we see her have a slow transition from beginning to end of the film and she softens over time. She had a plan in place to leave Thanos and was ready to risk distancing herself from him. She goes from quick to anger and having almost no trust and fear of vulnerability to letting her guard down a little. We can see her nodding her head to Peter's music and offering him a gentle smile by the end. In vol 2 she's grown some more and is closer to the others and more open, but she still has rough spots and doesn't trust new people easily or read every emotional situation. Then of course by the end there's more growth and deeper relationships to the others. We get to see a solid arc of emotional and mental healing. We're allowed to understand the good and bad parts of her and to connect with her story. In Endgame 2014Gamora is just like vol 1 Gamora. We see how hard she can be but also that she cares and has a good heart. In vol 3 Gamora is very much like vol 1 Gamora only a bit rougher because she's a ravager now. But also she's basically vol 1 Gamora who didn't get to ease into changes. She was thrown into the future, found out she had been killed, was dealing with both 2018 and 2014 Nebula and had to then jump head first into a potentially universe ending battle against her abuser. If that had been me I would have had a nervous breakdown. There's so much that was going on and vol 3 never allows that to be explored. Her entire significant experiences in the future all happened between Endgame and vol 3 where people couldn't emotionally connect to it. The guardians aren't given space to sympathize with her and the audience is left with undefined backstory and no real plot for Gamora in the film.
Lots of people have been deliberating on 2014Gamora and I think the most simplistic answer is they never should have killed 2018Gamora. Especially with only one film left. The contrast between her death in Infinity War and how James Gunn has handled characters deaths with far more agency and dignity stands out a lot. But in vol 3 it's so much more in your face how Gamora was treated compared to the other characters. In Infinity War she dealt with Thanos mostly on her own, was emotionally abused and then just as she's telling her abuser what he's done to her isn't love the movie allows her experience to be silenced when Thanos throws her off the cliff and actually receives the soul stone. Afterwards we are never given a chance in any other movie or show with the guardians to see them all angry or sad about what happened. In vol 3 we see every member of the team openly distraught over Rocket's situation. When he faces his abusive past he's not alone. When he stands up to his abuser his feelings aren't shutdown and he gets to win.
I think vol 3 had a number of nice character moments for Gamora and I was particularly happy she got to stab the villain. There are many aspects to the writing and characterization that are great. But it's hard not to notice Gamora's treatment compared to all the other characters has been pretty awful since IW. I saw lots of people excusing what Thanos did to Gamora after Infinity War or saying she wasn't really abused because Thanos got the soul stone. I now see some of those same people talking about how Rocket's abuser was actually a bad person and what he did was unforgivable. That alone tells me Infinity War should never have happened. Nobody should have been left feeling Gamora deserved what happened or that it was justified. James Gunn has said he signed off on and was okay with how Infinity War went down and I try to respect that but I don't understand him signing off on the message Infinity War sent about Gamora's abuse compared to the message he put out about Rocket's abuser. I don't get allowing a prominent character who was on her way to easily having one of the strongest arcs in the mcu, ending the trilogy the least developed character with the least amount of relationships to a story that she helped shape.
Yes Yes Yes! Great write up anon.
I think there could have been more Gamora stuff in Vol. 3, but it clearly was meant to be a Rocket-centric movie and there was so much going on considering they had to fit in Adam as well, so more stuff with her would have taken away from all that from a writing perspective. Not that that's fair to her character at all, but story/time-wise and knowing that Rocket is Gunn's favorite and this was meant to be his movie (whereas the last one was a little more Gamora and Nebula heavy), it makes a lot of sense.
We also have to remember: the timing of the James Gunn drama may have affected this too. The first time we see the Guardians again being in Thor 4 where it's just supposed to be kinda goofy and short was not ideal. This movie is 3 years late, and there were some changes made to the script (not huge, but probably some side-plot Gamora and Adam related stuff because the movie was further up the timeline now).
One thing I liked in Vol. 3 is they kind of have a moment where they take a jab at the "magic cliff" and how it doesn't make sense. I also struggle with Gunn's decision to sign off on her death. He seems to care about these characters a lot, even if Gamora isn't maybe his favorite like Rocket. It makes me wonder how much say he actually had in all of it, and how much it was just reassuring the fans (I'm skeptical of statements like this having become a Supernatural fan since 2020 lmao). From a writing standpoint, I can see how "Gamora having a big emotional death and Peter fucking everything up" sounds appealing, especially since they were desperately trying to figure out how to incorporate the soul stone and give the movie emotional depth. The soul stone was originally supposed to be tied to Black Panther/Wakanda, but their director wanted the movie and T'Challa's powers to be rooted in Wakanda/Africa (the flowers) and not some weird space thing (which makes sense!). So they probably came up with the Vormir idea and approached Gunn with not a lot of options. If Gunn had been the sole writer of IW/Endgame, I'm sure that even if he still chose to kill Gamora, that the stuff after Gamora's death would have been handled a lot better (as we see with Rocket and his abuser in this film). It's clear that Gamora couldn't have been brought back though because that would have meant Natasha also would have needed to come back, and the Avengers people clearly wanted her to stay dead (and that's a whole other problem ugh). Gunn probably was given story points he had to work with in IW/Endgame and write dialogue for, which I feel like he did a decent job of (Gamora spoke her mind as much as the story allowed and tried to sacrifice herself).
A lot of people have pointed out that sexism probably has some to do with how Gamora has been treated too (like if she was a male lead would it have played out like this). And you know, I don't think James Gunn is purposely trying to be sexist, but the dude is flawed (and admits it) and his writing used to be more problematic than it is now. It's maybe still a blindspot for him.
I'm also potentially processing this all differently because I purposely spoiled myself on some Gamora details last weekend before going into the movie (yesterday) to prepare myself (because if not I can get wayyy too invested and it hurts a lot). So I've had some time to think about all of this at a meta-level before I saw the film. I think I'm generally happy with how it turned out considering what happened happened in IW and can't be changed now. I kind of liked that Gamora had all this growth in Vol. 2, idk what path she would have taken in Vol 3. Everyone had to go discover themselves at the end. Would Starmora have broken up then? Adding the new challenge of making it a different Gamora was kind of more compelling in some ways, although I absolutely hate that that meant she had to die to get there (maybe if it was the same Gamora with no memories that would have been interesting).
I'm also very used to filling in all the gaps of what isn't on screen because that's just how my fanfic brain works, and I feel like Gunn writes such strong characters that it's easy to imagine stuff offscreen (and maybe that's what he wants us to do). So like, just because some of the Gamora / Guardians mourning her stuff happened offscreen doesn't mean it didn't happen. Gunn would probably agree with that. It still sucks that we didn't get to see it though.
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