#3) Golden Ninja in S2
the-painted-siren · 2 years
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Futzing around with some coloring and sketching to make some Ninjago concept art. Some of it is kinda old and janky but I still like them, so I decided to post them.
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ninjamelissajulien · 8 months
i love how S2/3 has Lloyd be the ultimate power, the Golden Ninja, the epitome of strength and resilience, the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master
and then in the Void
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bluestarjay · 29 days
I finally found a ninjago Lego set at a yard sale and it was literally s2 Lloyd as the golden ninja with the golden dragon and then I spent a fuck long time putting together an old day of the departed set I had in the basement. Unfortunately, about 3 pieces were missing from the golden set, but none of them are too noticeable so idrc too much.
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I found a Cole figure in our bin of Legos, and he did not come with the og set, only nya and ronin,,, so we must've had another set at some point,, his face is fucked up but I was gonna fix that, and he does not have his arms either but that's ok. I also keep a Calico critter in the little mech suit, lol. I don't know what happened to the net that goes to the large mecha suit, but it's probably in our basement somewhere. Also, Jay and kai are holding hands :3
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 1
Prompts: Canon/Lloyd Recs! The hard part is not recc'ing everything I've got because I have to save some for later days sgkhjggsf
Canon Recs:
Pathway: Canon-compliant look at how Wu and Ray's relationship over the years have helped shaped Wu into the person he is today (and the connects he makes with Kai in the process). As a suck for all things Wu and his dynamics with people, this is a must-read rec from me <3
Enclosed: A canon-compliant mystery where Lloyd, Zane, and Nya start to pick up on a few things that just aren't quite right. Still just getting started but a gripping read nonetheless!
Ready to Fly A bit of a Canon and Lloyd rec, this focuses on Lloyd's capture by the Overlord during the events of Season 3! Which, again, is probably something I would have loved to see in real time snksnkssk
Raising Hell Another double-whammy for canon+lloyd focus (can u tell what I like), follows the story of Lloyd finding his place on the team (and with others in general) especially in the case of the Smith Siblings. I go back to it all the time for the top-notch characterization and even just the dialogue. Siblings will being siblings <3
Lloyd Recs:
Lord Garmadon is Not Impressed With the Future: Essentially it's S2!Garmadon getting flung to the future to where S8!Garmadon is making a mess of his legacy, but it views Lloyd in the lens of both versions of his father and it is a FASCINATING read, and a nice little 'what if' that really makes me wish something like it happened in canon!
Far Too Good, Far Too Soon: A tale following some of Lloyd's time at Darkley's, where he inadvertently comes to learn about the pieces of the prophecy of the Green Ninja...and also, his eyes turn green in the process. Totally just a coincidence, yeah? Right up my alley when it comes to worldbuilding. And Darkley's stuff. And Lloyd.
Myrtleberries: Lloyd and Sensei Garmadon bonding, and getting used to the new changes both of them have gone through over time (or rather, the fact that it hasn't been very much time at all)
planetary go A fic where Llloyd gets a taste of what it's like to be a "Normal Teen" going on a "normal school field trip", but of course ninja-related shenanigans get in the way. Good thing the friends he's with don't mind too much!
what happens if you put a vampire on the sun? Still one of the funniest things I've ever read, the world somehow becomes convinced that Lloyd is a vampire and the rollercoaster of a journey that takes is nothing short of good, light-hearted fun and shenanigans~
Pipes, Paint, and Other Ordinary Things: Another fic where Lloyd and Garmadon bond, although this time Garmadon's a little too much like a dad and Lloyd, for the most part, is just happy to be here snksnkssnkn
Constant: Short but POTENT take on Lloyd, Garmadon, and the prophecy of the Golden Master which ofc speaks to me on a personal level aaaaa
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impulsivefanwriter · 2 years
Crystalized AU Idea - Vessel AU
Currently vibing with thoughts for a Crystalized AU (I’ll put it under the cut just in case the spoiler tags don’t work), feel free to send asks or use this as a prompt (just please tag me) or reblog and add your own ideas (just remember to tag spoilers!)
So the Crystal King is the vessel body of the Overlord, right?
...what if the ritual wasn’t to summon him, but to prep a new vessel host? One that’s quite familiar to us?
Option 1) Lloyd
In this version of the AU, the kidnapped Lloyd gets prepped for the ritual, and the Overlord returns possessing the hero that once vanquished him. Lloyd gets Morro trauma re-hashed, his family (who have been tearing out their hair looking for him) finally find him only for him to be possessed by the hecking OVERLORD, and Garmadon gets to have a fun reversal parallel to Season 2 in him calling for his son to fight off the Overlord.
Also Lloyd being alone when it happens, alone and scared and suddenly every bit the kid/younger teen he should be if the tea hadn’t happened, and he can do nothing to stop the Overlord from gaining the powers of Energy and the oni/dragon
Option 2) Wu
Not too many thoughts here, just the fun parallel of Wu being possessed like his brother was in S2, some of Wu’s dragon genes coming out
Option 3) Pixal
90% likely this results in a future where the Overlord wins. The other 10% he’s defeated in 5 minutes by Pixal kicking him out.
Option 4) the OG4 (Kai, Jay, Cole, AND Zane)
Four for the price of one (and my personal favourite of the bunch)! Harumi uses Lloyd to lure the four into a trap and capture them, then use them & their golden weapons in the ritual. The Overlord possesses all four at once (a 1 mind 4 bodies deal), with crystals and glowing purple eyes and slight draconic/later possibly centaur features. Sometimes just one talks for all, sometimes all four talk in sync, and sometimes one starts a sentence and the other finishes it (plus a fun mix of their original voice and the Overlord’s voice). They wield the crystalized version of the golden weapons and all their elemental powers change slightly to match the crystal theme (purple fire, purple lightning, crystal earth, and crystal ice).
The Council is half infuriated over having to bow to the four ninja, half smug over having bested them in revenge with the Overlord in control of them now. There are a few incidents where they see or hear them and nearly attack before remembering.
Also because the Overlord now has his own powers + the four elements of creation, Nya is speedrunning getting her powers back to save them. AND we get a new and improved version of the Replacement Ninja (including but not limited to: Pixal, Echo, Ronin, Fugidove, Akita, Okino & Blazey, Vania & the Upplies, and Benthomaar), and even Morro gets summoned from the Departed Realm because since he has knowledge on possessing people, he possibly has knowledge on how to UNpossess people.
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starrbee · 3 months
I have some questions
1. How did your elemental powers come into existence/was made?
2. Does Lloyd have any of your oc's elemental powers?
The next ones ate for all of your Oc's if you are willing
3. 🖊
4. 💖
5. ❗
6. 🗡
7. 🌪
8. 🖤
My personal HC is that the FSM was gifted from the Source Dragons, then gifted to the Elemental Masters
When he had his golden powers yes! but my OCs powers aren't directly connected to him :)
(emoji Q's found here )
🖊- What season would they be introduced into the story? If not directly introduced in a season, when in the timeline are they introduced?
Cal- Season 12, their being forced to work with the mechanic! they are there so Zane wouldnt die quickly when plugged into the portal.
Silver- They have their own fanseason, probably set out after S2 of dragons rising
Oberon- S4! They take part in the Tournament!
Cirris- S1 of Dragons Rising! They get an episode like Euphrasia (Also Vania is there. Give me back my girl DR writers-)
💖- Do they have a crush or significant other?
Silver/Cirris- Nope!
Cal - They meet a Starlike being from Mysterium during DR which their in a QPR with!
Oberon- They have a bit of a thing with Griffin Turner, They both know of each others feelings, and act like a couple, but have never actually said anything. Skylar is so done with them.
❗-Could they beat any of the ninja in a fight?
Silver/Cirris- No, their both still in training.
Cal - With EP, probably all but maybe Zane because... Humans can only take so much heat. But without, they wouldn't be able to beat anyone, but would put up a good fight.
Oberon- In a fight of pure strength and skill, They could probably beat like Lloyd, Jay or Kai? With EP, probably could beat the same people, but Cole and Zane? their both either strong or highly intelligent, so it would be harder?. They would probably lose against Nya's pure drive to win.
🗡-How good are they in a fight? Do they have a preferred weapon?
Silver- Dual wielding swords/knives. Can hold their own with or without magic.
Cirris- Wields a Glaive or spear. Has slight military training, so is good in a fight if they have time to plan.
Cal- Gun :) But yea they can hold their own and would probably win in a fight.
Oberon-Battleaxe! They can hold their own in a fight, but relies on their EP a bit too much.
🌪-Do they know spinjitzu?
Silver- No, and doesn't plan on it.
Cirris- Is learning, but isn't great at it
Cal- Nah, they didn't bother learning
Oberon- Yes, but by DR its a bit rusty
🖤-What’s their opinion on the ninja?
Silver- During their fanseason Arin isn't feeling great about his training, so Silver feels that they're a bit untrustworthy, but understands his awe towards them.
Cirris- Likes them! They grew up in ninjago, so thinks their really cool and respects them greatly.
Cal- Respects them and sees them as good friends, but is generally closer to PIXAL, Zane and Nya
Oberon- They're good friends, and from the small time they spent helping out at the monastery, sees them almist like younger siblings!
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can you rank the ninja suits pretty please
All right but I'm warning ya that *I* don't even remember all the names for them—
Destiny Robes/Airjitzu Suits (S6)- The All-Time love of my life. The perfectly distributed Black + Color combo. The winged symbols on the back. The sparkle accents. The front and center-ness of the animal symbols. Brilliant, darling, brilliant.
Core Outfits (Early!DR)- I looove these ones a LOT, especially in minifig form!! They're so colorful and vibrant, and they all follow the same uniform pattern while also highlighting everyone's individualities! Good stuff, good stuff, wish they were in the show just a bit more ;w;
Elemental Robes (S2)- Iconic AF, very clean design that has stood the test of time!
Deepstone Armor (S5)- I like these for the same reasons as Destiny + Elemental –> love me a good black + color combo, and the overall aesthetic is very clean and distinct!
Fugitive Suits (Crystalized)- These are sick! If we had these the whole time instead of the s11 suits I would've lost my mind these are cool aaaah–
Digi Suits (S12)- LOVE THESE!!! Perfectly fitting for the season, uniform yet unique to everyone, and used some very fun colors!!!
Hero Armor (S13)- All right, these were awesome for the short amount of time we got them. ...mainly for Cole's, but like, everyone was working what they had!
Movie Suits (The Movie)- These are a little more collectively disjointed than I usually like, but everyone's personality (theoretically) shines so well with these that I can't dock it snksnk
Island Robes (The Island)- I actually like these a lot! Makes me wish that the Jungle Suits were closer to what these were.
ZX Suits (S1/S2)- Iconic! So many fond memories <3
Tournament Robes (s4)- One of my favorites actually, though I do kind of wish they made them more individualized while sticking to a united theming. And then gave them to everyone in the tournament and not just the ninja :b
Stone Armor??? (S3)- These are pretty dope but I do not remember them outside of the last ep of S3 SO
Hunted Robes (S9)- Everyone being busted up in already cool outfits? Sign me up!
Resistance Robes (S8)- I like the spins they put on the movie gi, but in turn they all feel a little disjoined from one another. Individually they're great! As a collective, mweh.
Legacy Robes (S10)- I actually like these a lot, but they're not terribly memorable either
Merge Suits??? (DR)- Overall I like these (and the implied giant scarf thing around the necks) but they're kind of lacking a bit of pop. Plus the hoods are so smooth and it looks a lil strange snksnk
"Golden Armor" (Crystalized)- ...not everyone was meant to wear gold. Lloyd's fit is absolutely sick and is probably in the top three were it by itself, but it's very hit or miss when it comes to the others.
DX Suits (Pilots/S1)- Looove the little elemental dragons, but they a touch simplistic and not around long enough to make a lasting impression
Armor Robes??? (S11/Wildbrain Defaults)- I don't hate these but they don't stand out enough for me to really enjoy seeing them so very often either ahaha
Techno Robes (S3)- I love the individuality in these, but they're a bit busy and lack cohesion to me :d
Jungle Suits (S4)- I know these are fan favorite but they just never did it for me. I do have newfound appreciation for them, buuuut I like soooo many other suits more ahaha
Training Gi (Pilots/S1)- Classic! But very basic. Not their fault!
Fusion Armor??? (S7)- These have grown on me but I. Am Not. Fond of These. Lloyd and Nya's good, and Kai's if you squint, but the rest. I Cannot. Get Behind. AT ALL. (Jay looks like he's swimming in armor and Zane's is not easy on the eyes whatsoever snksnksn)
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justanothersong · 2 years
Complete, alphabetized Watchlist for 2022!
Note: Since I alphabetized, this is no longer in order.
Interesting to see what I repeated (a LOT) and what was new...
Top film repeats: Clue; Mr. Right
306 Hollywood*
A Fish Called Wanda*
A Ghost Waits*
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
After the Thin Man
After the Thin Man
Agatha Christie’s Murder With Mirrors*
Ali Wong: Don Wong*
Alison’s Birthday*
Archer, Season 1-2
Bad Milo*
Batman Returns
Beyond Evil*
Big Trouble in Little China
Black Christmas (74)
Black Roses*
Blithe Spirit (2020)*
Bloody Birthday
Bluey S1-3
Bluey, Seasons 1-3
Bob’s Burgers S1
Bob’s Burgers S2
Bob’s Burgers S3-4
Body Count (86)*
Brooklyn 99 S1-3
Brooklyn 99, S1-8
Cars 3*
Cat Hospital, Series 1*
Cathy’s Curse*
Class Action Park*
Count Dracula (1970)*
Crazy, Not Insane*
Creature (1985)*
Creepshow 2*
CSI, Seasons 1-4
Dark Knight of the Scarecrow*
Dead & Buried*
Dead Dudes in the House*
Dead Heat*
Dead Space*
Deadly Blessing*
Deadly Manor*
Death on the Nile*
Death on the Tyne*
Death Ship*
Demon Wind*
Dial M for Middlesbrough*
Dirty Rotten Cleaners S1*
Eat Local*
Ed and His Dead Mother*
Elementary, Season 1-2
Elementary, Seasons 3-4
Event Horizon*
Fallen (1998)*
Family Guy S2-3
Family Guy, S1
Family Reunion*
Fantastic Four (05)
Fear (1990)*
Fifty Greatest Horror Movies You’ve Never Seen*
Flesh Eating Mothers*
Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi*
Fright Night (1985)
Fright Night (1985)
Fright Night (Remake)
Garfield Halloween
Get Smart*
Ghosts (BBC), S1-3*
Ghosts (US) S1*
Grandmother’s House*
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Harry Wild, Season 1
Hell Night*
High Spirits
Hot Fuzz
Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania 2
Hotel Transylvania 2
Hotel Transylvania 2
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
In the Mouth of Madness
Inside Job, S1*
Into the Abyss*
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Last Night in Soho*
Leverage S1-2*
MASH, Season 1-3
MASH, Season 4
Medium, S1-3*
Meet Cute*
Men at Work
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Mirror Mirror (1990)
Monster Madness*
Moon of the Wolf*
Mr Right
Mr. Right
Mr. Right
Murder By Death
Murder on the Blackpool Express*
My Mom’s a Werewolf*
New Tricks, S1-3*
Night Court, Season 1
Night Court, Season 2-6
Night Court, Season 7
Night Court, Season 8-9
Office Uprising*
One Dark Night*
Our Flag Means Death S1*
Pet Semetary
Pledge Night
Preacher, S1*
Prince of Darkness*
Psych S1
Psych S2
Psych, Season 1-4
Psych, Season 5-7
Pupper Master*
Rabid (77)*
Red Lights*
Red Notice*
Return to Oz
Rise: Blood Hunter*
Roadfood, Season 1*
Rosemary & Thyme S1-3*
Russell Howard: Lubricant*
Russell Howard: Recalibrate*
Salem’s Lot (76)
Santa Camp*
Scream (2022)*
Secret Passions / Her Haunted Past (1987)*
Secret Screams*
See How They Run*
Shakespeare & Hathaway, S1-4*
Shaun of the Dead
Sherlock Holmes (09)*
Sister Boniface Mysteries, S1*
Spaced Invaders
Studio 666*
Tacoma FD, Season Three
Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight
Tales From the Darkside
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time*
The Addams Family S1*
The Beyond*
The Blob
The Bob’s Burgers Movie*
The Brokenwood Mysteries, S8
The Brokenwood Mysteries, Series 1-7 (7*)
The Changeling*
The Chill Factor*
The Cleaner (UK), S1*
The Conjuring
The Conjuring 2
The Cursed*
The First Power
The Golden Child*
The Gray Man*
The Horror Show*
The House By the Cemetery*
The Incredibles
The Initiation*
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane*
The Lost Boys
The Lost City*
The Monster Squad
The Mummy (1999)
The Omen (2006)
The Prowler*
The Relic
The Skeptic*
The Sleeper*
The Thing
The Thing (2011)*
The Vagrant*
The Video Dead*
The Willoughbys
The X-Files, Season 1
The X-Files, Season 2
The X-Files, Seasons 3-4
Tig Notaro: Happy to Be Here*
Tourist Trap*
Trick or Treats (1982)*
Trick R Treat
Trilogy of Terror
Urban Legend
Useless Humans*
Wellington Paranomal S3, 1-4*
Werewolves Within*
Wes Craven’s Mind Ripper*
Wes Craven’s Summer of Fear*
What We Do in the Shadows, S4, E1-5*
What We Do In the Shadows, Season 1
When the Walls Talk: The Whispers Estate Documentary*
Wolfman’s Got Nards*
Young Frankenstein
Young Frankenstein
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Ninjago magical girl au part 2!!
All of the ninja’s true potential forms + ultimate spinjitzu magical master Lloyd lol.
Part 1 - Part 2 (here) - Part 3
Explanations under the cut!
So the first set of magical girl outfits in part one, are gained by the ninja in the pilot, apart from Lloyd who gains his in the episode “The green ninja” (I guess the name would probably be changed because they’re magical girls not ninja).
This set of magical outfits are gained by the ninja when they achieve their true potential and are used in the latter half of s1 and throughout s2. Although Lloyd only gets his second form after Child’s play when he gets aged up. Lloyd also only gets his gold colours when he becomes the golden ninja. And I guess the ninja get a power up when they get those cool swords in the finale.
They’re all a tad over designed but I love them so it’s fine.
Sorry for no Nya (yet) but I think I’m going to continue designing magical girl transformations so when I get to s5 she’ll be here I promise.
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Fixing up elemental powers lore for Tommy the post
Notes: this is mostly headcanon/theory ((headtheory?)) and very little of It is based on canon. This is because the timeline is a mess and id much rather come up with something else. If you have any other points from canon you’d like to mention then I’d love to hear it. But I will be mainly ignoring anything that semi proves otherwise because again, timeline is a mess.
S15 spoilers ahead
So… s15 introduced a lot about elemental powers, most of which directly contradicts what has already been established. And because, like always, Tommy is no help. I wanted to try to see if I can come up with something on my own to fix this confusing puzzle together.
The first spinjitzu master didn’t create the elemental powers
Im not quite sure why tommy is still so admit on trying to say this is the case when s15 directly disproves this.
The existence of a water elemental master BEFORE the fsm ever appeared in ninjago straight up tells us he wasn’t the one who actually made the elemental powers, and implied he wasn’t the one who gave it to the masters either.
Hell, if anything, it would make more sense if the fsm mastered all the elements by training under elemental masters. It would explain why he never mastered water and supposedly air if they were never involved with him to begin with.
It would make sense for the fsm to be able to learn how to master these without having his own element. He’s half dragon and half oni which relay on creation and destruction ((which I also don’t think are elements but I’ll get to that)). So he could easily learn to use elements with his dragon powers.
Another bit of evidence to prove the fsm didn’t give the elemental powers to people is because if he did then why did he need the golden weapons? If he had the elements he could just make ninjago without the weapons anyways.
So then where did the elements come from?
While there is no real answer to that because, well duh, we can atleast attest that elemental masters aren’t JUST a ninjago thing.
For one, not many people know this but ninjago isn’t the whole realm, it’s a single continent and there are more continents in the realm. Paleman and tox are from another series called ultra agents, which sure as hell doesnt take place in ninjago.
And second, the elemental dragons in the first realm seem to have elemental powers aswell, hell it’s been implied that they might actually have stronger powers then the normal elemental masters
So then where did they come from? Well there are some possibilities
1. The dragon themselves, they can travel through realms and also they could create humans ((I mean look at fsm)) it’s also implied any large reptile creature can realm travel because of wojira being mentioned in the never realm
2. The realm spirits or whatever the fuck the preeminent is
3. The elements are there own beings that can affect who has elemental powers
Elementals could exist ((I know this is headcanon territory but shut up and let me have this))
Do you guys remember those little animal badges
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These things
They were on the ninja gi’s up until s8 where they just disappeared
They seem directly tied to the ninja themselves, because Kai has his lion badge even when he was a kid.
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And in s2 you can see them in the pillars for the elemental blades
Is almost like those symbols are meant to be direct representations of the elemental power
I’d also like to point out the golden weapons, they aren’t able to use specific elements ((like fire)) UNLESS its in there actual weapon form
And yet when Kai recreates them in s10, they still work even though there not exact replications
What if the specific elemental powers come from the dragon symbols? The golden weapons can’t use the element unless the dragon symbol is there to access that power. And because dragon elemental powers are more powerfully the symbols only work on the golden material.
What if the animal symbols work the same? And that people are Able to create spells, weapons, and such that use those powers.
As for where the elementals would live, well…
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Elements were formed from space, it would make sense if they lived in space and were using there powers to create realms and give other people a bit of there power
And also I just think it would be cool if the sun was a being that’s the center of the realms, much like how the sun is the center of our solar system
I don’t think wu, garm, and Lloyd have elemental powers Im sorry
there’s little actual evidence to prove that garm, wu, and Lloyd have elemental powers
They don’t appear on any elemental power lists
Chen didn’t need garm or wus powers to finish his spell even though water and wind are the only ones the fsm didn’t master
Lloyd’s power itself is super confusing because it’s never named outside of “green” but s15 saying that the fsm only mastered them could mean that he just passed down mastering the powers to Lloyd.. somehow?
If anything it’s more likely that there got there destruction and creation powers bc of the combination of oni and dragon blood, nothing elemental
And at this point if Lloyd does have a elemental power tommy needs to stop being a coward and actually say it
So my new sexy and powerful lore for ninjago elemental powers is that
A bunch of elemental beings came into existence when space was created ((by like idk a Big Bang or something)), they created the 16 realms and gave each of them there own set of elemental masters, the older realm elemental masters are the strongest while the newer ones are the weakest because of the elementals slowly giving away there power. They gave the elemental masters there powers so they can project/create there realm more then the elementals have already done.
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carrion-aac · 3 years
tell me about ninja lego man name kai you seem to like him
kai is a very funky man i like him lots. but unfortunately, tommy andreasen, the creator of ninjago, has said that kai's personality changes for plot which is BALLS
anyway he's very funky in s5, he's said to be aquaphobic and that he couldnt swim but in s2 he wanted to swim across the ocean, although to get nya back. and in s7 it was shown that he actually??? knew how to swim?? idk man. in s14 (seabound) he actually drowned and had to have cpr by the papergirl named antonia. shes rlly funky
he's also the ninja that has time travelled the most!! first in s2, when he and the other 3 of the og4 went back to wrong place, wrong time which goes back to the pilot episodes where garmadon tries to keep kai from becoming a ninja (he became one to rescue his sister!). he went back in time again in s6 when he wished to see his father before he (ray) was known as the elemental master of fire. although he doesnt remember this because jay wished that the events never occured, thus erasing the events. and then kai, nya (his sister), and wu went back 40 years and fought alongside the elemental alliance to defeat the time twins to which afterwards wu and the time twins got lost in time while kai and nya went back to the the present. afterwards, him and the other ninja minus zane went about 60 yrs into the past in the never realm. zane went back before them and as such was probably back there earlier.
he's ambidextrious!!! And is basically the only ninja to consistantly wield the same/similar weapon which is a sword/katana. the others have switched between shurikens, sais, bows, and scepters (zane), a sythe, hammer, naginata, punch, and blades (cole) etc etc. its always been blades for kai.
he was also chancellor of the geckles!! it was rlly funny because the geckles and zane kept throwing rocks at kai lmao.
he used to be a blacksmith before he was a ninja!!! hell he even forged a swingana which is half sword, half yoyo. it was touched on again in season 10 when he had to reforge the golden weapons which were destroyed in wrong place wrong time. kinda miss it. mostly because the golden weapons are the most important in ninjago because of the fact they helped the first spinjitzu master make ninjago when he ran from the first realm.
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Katabasis and Anabasis: Billy Is The God-King Who Dies and Lives Again, Pt. 1
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I’ve already offered evidence that Billy is a Christ figure. Mythologically speaking, the story of Christ fits into a larger tradition - that of the god-king who dies and lives again. This is an ancient mytheme that occurs over and over in wildly disparate cultures. It just really speaks to us for some reason, no matter where we’re from. If you want to tell a story that packs a punch, you can’t go wrong by tapping into this ancient myth.
With Billy, the Duffers have done precisely that. (Intentionally, imo.)
Proving it will take some work, so I hope you’re ready. ;) In this post, I’ll explore the extensive king symbolism that Billy has already been given. In my second post, I’ll explore his extensive god symbolism. In the third, I’ll explain the concepts of katabasis and anabasis and show how they apply to Billy.
>>In S2, Billy is a king in the making.
Billy may be a scruffy street rat when we meet him, but he has grand ambitions. From the second he struts into S2, he’s shown as having one primary goal: replace Steve Harrington as “King of Hawkins High.” He constantly stabs Steve in the back, undermines his manhood, and claims superiority in everything from playing sports to bedding women. And he does so with startling intensity.
We need only a handful of scenes to see this dynamic in action.
In our first scene with Billy and Steve, Billy’s just beaten the school’s keg record. “We have a new Keg King!” proclaims Tommy, Steve’s former hype-man. As the crowd chants Billy’s name, Billy struts inside, where he catches sight of Steve across the room. He then approaches him, climbing up onto a symbolic royal dais to present himself as a challenger to the throne. “We have a new Keg King, Harrington,” Tommy crows, informing us that the record Billy broke was Steve’s.
Old King, meet the new King.
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In their next scene, they’re playing basketball, literally competing with one another. Billy seizes the chance to taunt Steve. “Harrington, right? I heard you used to run this school. […] Then you turned bitch.” He punctuates his taunt by shoving Steve to the ground and scoring a basket.
Undermine Steve’s manhood? Check. Imply his days as king are over? Check. Show him you’re gonna take his place? Check.
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As if to emphasize the point - that Billy’s after Steve’s crown - the Duffers give us another basketball scene, this time with “Push It To The Limit” as the soundtrack. Here Billy taunts Steve by asking, “What? You afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that I’m here?” Then he shoves Steve down again, scores another basket, and comes back with an outstretched hand, presumably to help Steve to his feet. 
Not so. He just wants to undermine Steve further by suggesting he's incompetent.
“You were moving your feet,” he says. “Plant them next time. Draw a charge.” With that, he shoves Steve down a third time and walks away.
In the shower scene that follows, Billy offers a superficial olive branch, except it’s patronizing and dripping with disdain. “Don’t take it too hard, man,” he says of Steve’s breakup with Nancy. “Pretty boy like you’s got nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea. Am I right?” Then he walks away with a parting shot: “I’ll be sure to leave you some.”
These scenes paint a picture of two alpha males vying for authority. The dialogue refers to kings and rulers, Steve and Billy literally compete at every turn, and Billy symbolically kills Steve by shoving him to the ground. By the time he offers his “olive branch,” Billy clearly believes he’s won. He’s King of Hawkins High now, with everything that entails. Steve’s once-loyal subjects are now his, and he gets first pick of the women. Steve has to make do with the leftovers. 
>>By the beginning of S3, Billy has settled comfortably into his “kingship.”
Alas, poor Steve. While he’s been reduced to pauper status, dishing out ice cream for children and struggling to land a date, Billy has ascended to the symbolic throne of the Hawkins Community Pool. In his first scene, he emerges gloriously into the sun, with the perfectly coiffed hair of a spoiled monarch. Then he struts to the throne the lifeguard chair from which he will rule the citizens of Hawkins. Along the way, he spots a citizen breaking the law, and he lets his displeasure be known. Loudly.
“No running on my watch! I catch you running again, and you’ll be banned for life. You wanna be banned for life, lard-ass?”
Brutal. But Billy is king of the pool, and the king has total authority.
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He even has a symbolic harem: the middle-aged women who wait at the pool every day, clamoring, “Pick me!” “No, me!”  When Billy chooses Karen, he’s picking her out of the harem. She has won the favor of the king.
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That night, as Billy drives his royal chariot Camaro to their meeting place, he’s smiling and laughing. He has everything he (supposedly) wanted in S2 - power, glory, sex. No one can dim his star.
Then the Mind Flayer strikes. Like an assassin, He waylays the king’s chariot Billy's Camaro on the road, then symbolically kills him by dragging him into the underworld the basement of the steel mill.
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At the height of his powers, the king has been dragged off his throne. It’s a fuckin’ good twist, full of high drama and mythological meaning.
>>Even after he’s been “killed,” Billy’s kingly spirit shines through.
Yes, he’s the Mind Flayer’s puppet when El meets him. Still, their meeting is framed as the street rat visiting the prince or king in his castle. He’s presiding over a royal banquet for his subjects the Holloways, in a room decorated with gold and elegant chinoiserie. His hair is still beautifully coiffed, and he’s wearing a princely blue shirt.
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(Here, have some graphics, because this is one of my favorite looks for him EVER)
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In addition, lions are mentioned multiple times in Stranger Things. In S1, Nancy compares the Demogorgon to a lion: “And it seems to hunt at night, like a lion or coyote.” In S2, Steve tells Dustin you can pursue girls aggressively like a lion or stealthily like a ninja. (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LINE OF DIALOGUE! I’ll make a post about it eventually.)
For several reasons, I’ve come to believe Billy is the lion of Stranger Things. 
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1) His coloring is similar.
2) The sound design of the Camaro incorporates the roar of a big cat. (So does the sound design of the Demogorgon. Just fyi.) Listen to the Camaro in the first few seconds of this clip. Hear the roar? :)
3) When El comes to him in the Void, he’s made up to look like a lion: dark shading around the eyes, a golden “mane,” tan skin.
4) The Void scene evokes the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. El is Daniel, trapped in a symbolic cave with Billy, the lion who just might eat her.
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This is such common knowledge it hardly bears mentioning, but lions have long been regarded as regal, noble creatures. They’ve been called “king of the cats” and “king of the savanna.” Even Christ himself was called “the Lion of Judah.”
A lion is the perfect symbol for Billy. He’s fierce, lethal, but ultimately noble at heart. Piss him off, and he just might eat your face.
By showing us his kingly “lion” side in the Void, the Duffers are saying his star may have been dimmed for now... but it’s still hidden deep inside him, waiting for the chance to shine again.
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In my next post, I’ll explore how Billy evokes not just general god symbolism, but three gods in particular - Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the three brother-gods of Greek mythology.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
The “Billy Is Alive” Meta Series
For updates, follow the hashtag #billy is alive meta
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 3 years
Ninja Contacts Part 2!
Nya: Katara
Definite fan on ATLA. Everyone is actually.
Has totally pretended to be a waterbender after the whole possession arc to relax
Has wondered about "bloodbending" but is too scared to find out if she can
Saved contact picture is a selfie of with a dolphin during a mission.
Definitely tricked Kai into thinking she has the ability to speak to sea creatures
Lloyd: Also varies, but Greenie, Green Machine, Green Bean have been used. His favorite was The Avatar though.
Lloyd likes The Avatar because of two reasons, it doesn't have the word green and he is the literal avatar irl. He probably feels a kinship with Aang.
He doesn't mind the green nicknames but they get old quick
Green bean is his least favorite because it was one of the first nicknames after the dreaded growth spurt of s2 there is no way that guy didn't have a mental breakdown over that my god
He's gotten more apathetic to the name now, but he's more receptive to the other ones
Saved contact photo is him with his hair slicked back and a horrible crooked arrow drawn on his forehead in blue marker while grinning like Christmas came early
At one point, was refered to as the golden retriever because of a dog Jay saw while running an errand
"Lloyd, he has your hairstyle!"
Pixal: Pixie Stick
One of the first sweets she tried with the Ninja. She doesn't need to eat, but she does like to taste things
The pixie stick was a Halloween leftover and that's when Pixal decided to try more food
It's also because she's so sweet
Saved contact photo is a picture of her and Zane that they took at some point during a mission. She's wearing the samurai x suit
Should I do a part 3?
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valiantly-onward · 4 years
My Ninjago Timeline
After a bit of rewatching the show, some research, and guesswork, I’m presenting my thoughts about the show’s timeline, plus the ninja’s ages. I could be wrong about some of these things, and this is all with the concept that the ninja are actually growing up, which is my personal preference.
Pilots: 1 month - Ninja ages: about 13 years old (combining Kai’s training, their travel time between Golden Weapons, and their journey to the Underworld, I figure about 3 or 4 weeks of time, so a month)
3 months between Pilots and S1 - enough time for the ninja to move in, train a little more, and get lazy and bored
S1: 2 months - Ninja ages: about 13 years old
1 week between S1 and S2 - this is pretty much confirmed in the first episode of S2, when the ninja are cleaning up Ninjago City after the Great Devourer
S2: 5 months - Ninja ages: about 14 years old (I think 5 months is enough time for Lloyd to train and for everything that takes place in season 2 to happen)
1 year and 6 months between S2 and S3 - there needs to be enough time for Sensei Wu to set up his academy and for Ninjago City to rebuild into a technological empire
S3: 2 weeks - Ninja ages: about 15 years old
4 months between S3 and S4
S4: 3 weeks - Ninja ages: about 16 years old
1 month between S4 and S5 - enough time to set up the tea shop
S5: 1 month - Ninja ages: about 16 years old (same kind of thing as the Pilots, a combination of travel time and fighting)
3 months between S5 and S6 - time for the ninja to get extra famous and used to it
S6: technically takes no time - Ninja ages: about 16 years old
I’m not totally sure how much time passes between S6 and DoTD (the Dark Island trilogy also takes place during this time) but it’s only a few days/a week between DoTD and S7 - they’re cleaning up the museum at the beginning of S7
S7: 2 weeks - Ninja ages: about 17 years old
1 year between S7 and S8 - confirmed
S8: 2 weeks - Ninja ages: about 18 years old
1 week between S8 and S9 - confirmed
S9: 1 month - Ninja ages: about 18 years old (18 fits with Jay’s statement about them being “old teenagers”)
4 months between S9 and S10 - enough time for all those pre-March of the Oni shorts
S10: 3 days - Ninja ages: about 18 years old
6 months between S10 and S11 - PIXAL says she took about six months to build the new cave under the monastery, and that’s enough time for the ninja to get lazy again
S11: 1 month - Ninja ages: about 19 years old
1 week between S11 and S12 - in S13 Nya says that they haven’t had time to clean up after the events of Aspheera and Prime Empire, so it can’t be a long time
S12: 2 weeks - Ninja ages: about 19 years old
1 week/a few days between S12 and S13 - see above
S13: 2 weeks - Ninja ages: about 19 years old
I know this is a really long, complicated post, and feel free to correct me if you see any discrepancies. Note: the ninja’s ages doesn’t include Lloyd and Nya. I imagine after season 2 Lloyd is still about a year younger than the guys, and Nya is two years younger than Kai.
Bigger note: Nya. I know this timeline puts her at 11 years old in the Pilots, which is pretty young, but consider this - all the other ninja began their training around 13 or 14. If you look at Nya’s age in S5 according to this timeline, when she begins her Elemental training she’s about 14, which would make sense. Wu probably would be wary to begin early training a la Morro, so he held off from training Nya for a few years.
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heloflor · 4 years
Ducktales S2 episodes thoughts
So I finally caught up with Ducktales, since I stopped watching in the middle of season 2, right after “Whatever happened to Della Duck”; and I’ve decided to share my thoughts on each episode of the post-hiatus S2 and the episodes of S3 we have so far. So here is season 2 for those who are interested, and yes, this post is going to be long (this is definitely not the most practical way to do it but I don’t want to make one post per episode) :
“Treasure of the Found Lamp!” : not much to say on this one, aside from the fact that this is probably an ‘’’excuse’’’ to show more of the Beagle Boys (when you think about it, these guys barely show up after S1) and that the character of Djinn is pretty cool; I like him.
  “The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!” : still a delight to see Scrooge and Goldie interact and see how these two are genuinely attracted to each other but their desire for gold prevent them from being together. Though honestly, you can’t convince me that they didn’t date at some point, unless one of the creators (*cough* Frank *cough*) says otherwise. I mean, in season 1, when Goldie is introduced, not only does Scrooge immediately calls her his ex but Goldie is also willing to kiss him 5 minutes into their first meeting in years. Seriously, in season 1, you can tell that these two know they are attractive to the other, they know the effect they have on each other, and it wouldn’t be surprising that they acted upon those feelings at some point, before betraying each other again. Hell, remember the best quote from this episode ?
“You love gold more than you loved me.”
“And that’s why you loved me.”
They’re literally admitting that they’re in love with each other, or at least loved each other at some point.
  “The 87 Cent Solution!” : this episode did not age well. AT ALL. But this aside, the scene with Glomgold showing up during the funeral was one of the most hilarious things this show has done. And speaking of Glomgold, I really like how threatening he was in this. It shows that when he has a plan in mind and the right tools, he can really pull it off. We need more of Glomgold being clever like that (though I’ll admit he is pretty hilarious the way he is and in season 3 we have our lot of serious/threatening villains).
  “The Golden Spear!” : And they were roomates ! But more seriously; speaking of threatening villains : Lunaris is amazing as a strategist villain ! I absolutely love the way he’s able to pass himself as the good guy and manipulate everyone to get what he wants, whether it be Della by asking her for the ‘blueprints’ or his own people by making Della a traitor to their eyes. Hell, even Penumbra is at a loss by the end of the episode and doesn’t seem to know whether she should obey or not. And speaking of Penumbra, her evolution throughout the episode is really great. I especially like how Della is just so oblivious to the hatred Penumbra has for her. Honestly this episode alone is definitely enough justification for the Penny/Della shippers.
As for the “B plot”, it was nice to see a bit more of Donald being a dad, especially with the kids starting to realize the impact their actions can have on him. Though, they made Donald such an interesting and tragic character in this show that I’m not that big of a fan of seeing him get hurt for laughs.
Oh and one last thing about Della : for some reason, that shot of her in the rocket, seeing the earth and crying while saying “mommy’s coming home” gets me very emotional every time I watch it. I think it’s because we know that she spent 10 years trying to get home to meet her kids, facing failure after failure; and finally, after all these hardships, she’s going back with nothing to stop her.
On the same note, Donald’s hope when seeing the rocket and his accidental launch were pretty heartbreaking.
  “Nothing can stop Della Duck!” : Ok, first off, that intro. It is waaay too early in the episode for such feels and I love it ! Although, on one hand I’m a bit disappointed that the boys accept their mom so quickly (I expected a bit more heartbreak) but on the other hand it works because they all have a different reaction that truly fit with their personalities.
Secondly, the way Della is in this episode. It’s perfect. She’s not a mother, this is something the fandom had realized ever since “The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!”. Della had children too early, at a time when she was too immature for such responsibility. And her ten years on the moon, most of them in total isolation, didn’t help making her wiser. So now she’s back, still as immature, but now she has three kids to take care of; and she has no idea what she’s doing. Also, like some people already pointed out last year (or at least it probably was last year), Della doesn’t immediately know about Donald leaving the mansion for a decade. To her, the triplets grew up exactly like she did, hence why she doesn’t think her scary story would terrify them that much.
I also really like how Louie was and how Scrooge and Beakley handled the situation. I like how one of the kids wasn’t completely sold at the thought of their mom being back, and Louie works as the insecure triplet there. As for the adult characters, I love how they both knew that Della needed to learn how to be a parent but at the same time she just arrived, so they kept their distance to let her be with her kids while at the same time being close enough to act if something goes wrong.
Finally, it’s sweet to see how Della is truly willing to learn how to be a good parent, although the road is still very long, even in season 3.
  “Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!” : Nothing much to say about the plot with Glomgold. It’s just Glomgold being Glomgold while Owlson and Scrooge are just done with his shit. As for Della and Dewey, it’s a great plot. We see Della trying to bond with her kids by doing what they like, and it was pretty obvious that Dewey would be the first on the list. After all, he was the first to wonder about his mom and they both share the same thirst for adventure. And it’s great to see how Della doesn’t know her kids’ abilities. So at first, she’s completely fine with putting Dewey in stressful situations; but by the end of it, she realizes how dangerous things are and what she could lose, while Dewey started to believe too much in himself due to what his mother told him, only realizing too late in which situation he put himself in.
So yeah, it was great to see Della discover what her kids are able to do during their adventures, especially their limits.
  “Friendship Hates Magic!” : So, when I watched in 2017-2018, I didn’t really understand where the whole Lena/Webby came from; but seeing this now, I was definitely blind (and it didn’t help that I used to ship Webby and Dewey until I discovered Ace Att//orney and the ‘found siblings’ relationship between Edge//worth and Fran//ziska). Also I’m a bit split on Violet. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good character and I do like how she got interested in studying magic and her personality in general. But at the same time her personality kind of rub me the wrong way, not in a “she’s evil” way but more a “I don’t like her” way. It’s weird.
As for the rest, it’s sweet how Webby tried to be more normal because she’s afraid to lose a new friend, and her reaction to seeing Lena again was adorable. Lena was also really sweet in how much she cares for Webby and wants her to be safe.
As for the B-plot, it was nice seeing Beakley and Launchpad get along, and it’s pretty clever how what brought them together was their liking for heroism.
  “The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!” : Firstly, the kids are still shippers, which is a nice touch.
Secondly, that scene with Beaks and the lasers was amazing. If the scene at Scrooge’s ‘funeral’ is the best Glomgold scene, then the scene with the lasers is the best Mark Beaks scene so far.
Thirdly, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that Launchpad is pansexual. I mean, if a person can date anyone regardless of species, then gender shouldn’t be much of an issue. Also Launchpad mentions in his ‘list’ a wereduck and a ninja, which are often considered as male (by that I mean that, while werewolves and ninjas can be both male/man and female/woman, when you think of one of them you’ll have a tendency to see them as masculine, because that’s how they are represented in media most of the time). He also mentions a clone of himself, so another same-sex relationship; and a talking cloud of energy, which I’m pretty sure doesn’t have a gender to begin with. So yeah. Pansexual Launchpad. Or at least non-straight Launchpad. And speaking of Launchpad, I like how he can tell that Fenton isn’t smooth at all and puts some music on to prevent the duo to be forced to talk; it’s a pretty sweet gesture. Honestly it’s great how Launchpad is often seen as a complete idiot but then you have those specific ‘fields’ in which he knows and lot and can really shine (*cough* the next episode *cough*).
Update after lurking on Tumblr : apparently there’s an LGBT+ Ducktales event and a member of the crew made an art about Launchpad and all the people he dated (including his clone and the cloud of energy and I love this person for adding this); and given the appearance of several of them, it’s clear that this guy is pan. By the way if you want to see the art just time “Ducktales love is like a hurricane” on Tumblr and you’ll find it.
Fourthly, the “It’s a date” song is great and catchy.
Fifthly, the fact that DR. Atmosphere feels insulted by Fenton not giving much effort really works with him being a reference to Doofenshmirtz. After all, in Phineas and Ferb, we see that Heinz is just a lonely guy who truly likes Perry and takes their relationship seriously, between writing his monologues to making big musical numbers to complain when Perry isn’t there at the right time (and yes, by season 4, being evil is more of a job to him than an actual wish to dominate the Three-State Area).
Finally, the heart of this episode : Fenton. This episode worked well in how it develops how Fenton views his new role as a popular hero. We especially see how he struggles to balance his two lives and his relationships, wishing to be liked for who he is as a person instead of as a hero. It’s also interesting how much work he does as a hero, to the point of not really caring anymore about being dramatic and saying catchphrases and all that yada-yada. His relationship with Gandra is also pretty nice, although it is very predictable and by the end of the episode, I’m not even sure if they do end up together ? Like, Gandra talks about a second date but it’s just a trick to get Fenton to say the code thing; and though she does help at the end and give Fenton the right ‘formula’ (she draws a molecule so yeah, formula) for his invention, she still leaves without much words and seems to have taken the original ball (I think ?). Though, the idea of them dating could be very interesting in regards of her afflictions with F.O.W.L.
  “The Duck Knight Returns!” : so, first off, I never saw an episode of Darkwing Duck before seeing the recent fanart of the dt17 fandom. I more or less knew the show existed as a kid (there was a channel with old Disney shows in the early 2000s) because I remember there was another show than Ducktales that had Launchpad in it but I didn’t like his character at that time so I never watched. But I recently started watching and I have to say, the most surprising thing about it has to be the fact that Drake has a girlfriend because holy shit this show is gay ! Seriously ! Two guys, living together and raising a child together, having tons of domestic moments. Whoever wrote this show had no gaydar whatsoever ! And honestly this makes the whole thing hilarious. But shipping aside, the show’s pretty good. It has different villains with different goals and personalities, they decided to make the action cartoonish, which works well, and the show has some pretty good and hilarious quotes there and there. But what really makes this show a great one has to be the domestic moments, especially the relationship between Drake and Gosalyn. These two are adorable and their father/daughter relationship is both wholesome and feels realistic. On the same note, it’s great to see how a show from the 90s was breaking the gender norms not only by making a single father character (or, if you see Launchpad as a father figure too, you could say making two men be parents) but also by having a girl be a tomboy without it being seen as an issue by anyone (except for like one episode). So yeah, Darkwing Duck’s a pretty good show and if you like the duckverse and haven’t seen it yet, you should give it a watch !
Now, onto the actual Ducktales episode. It’s really great. I won’t talk much about it because pretty sure it’s been talked a lot already but yeah, it’s a great way to introduce Drake and give a backstory to Negaduck. Though my favorite thing about this episode has to be Launchpad. I love how he knows from the beginning that Jim’s plan is bad but still feels like he should roll with it because the guy’s his idol. I especially like the detail of Launchpad covering the eyes of the Scrooge logo while breaking into the studio. Also the “I’m trapped in a prison of guilt !” line. I also really like his interactions with Drake, especially at the end when he inspires him to become Darkwing. It really shows that, while Launchpad’s an idiot most of the time, when he’s truly passionate about something, a much more smooth and clever side of him shines (seriously during that part when he inspires Drake to become a hero, he sounds so smooth and yet it seems to come so naturally. And you can tell how much respect it makes Drake have for him with the way he looks at Launchpad when putting his hat on).
One last thing to say about this episode : there’s that scene right before Jim tries to trap Drake in which Dewey and Launchpad talk about how things are currently going for them; and when Dewey talks about how excited the whole ‘making a movie’ thing is for him, for some reason I absolutely love the animation of Dewey jumping into Launchpad’s arms while Launchpad tries not to drop him. I don’t know, it just feels really ‘fluid’ or something (I have no idea what’s the language for animation) but yeah, props to the animators for that moment.
  “What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!” : First off, the highlight of this episode is definitely the speech about Donald going to a therapist to control his anger. It’s simply amazing to have a children cartoon show a character having issues and deciding to deal with them in a healthy way, and it’s great to see Dewey realizing how much Donald does for him and his brothers and being touched by it. It’s also a great lesson about how you can’t make your anger magically disappear but you can work to deal with it in the best way possible.
As for the scenes on the moon, between Lunaris being extremely manipulative and planning everything, Penumbra trying to do what she believes is best and Donald’s determination to go home and parental instincts shining through, it was a really enjoyable episode. Not much to say about Dewey and Webby though. It’s just Dewey and Webby being Dewey and Webby.
  “Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!” : Doofus is still as terrifying as before, Goldie is still the same gold-driven robber as usual, Louie is still looking for an easy way to get rich, Glomgold is still doing weird schemes and Beaks is still relying on technology too much. So overall, not much to say aside from it’s a great and fun episode; the scene at the end with Scrooge and Louie is sweet and Boyd is a precious baby. Also I still love Goldie’s character and it’s great to see Doofus’ parents finally be free from their son’s creepy bullshit. Also also, seeing Della bond with Huey was really sweet, especially how she was willing for a while to stay with him and his garden despite how boring it was to her.
  “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” : again, not much to say. We get to see more of Violet’s character, along with what the kids dream of, which is a good way to reinforce their personalities but also their desires and fears (I especially like Dewey’s dream having him cry on the moon, it’s a great touch given that he spent an entire season trying to find more about his mom). And obviously, we get to see more of Lena and how afraid she is to be a bad person. I also like how it’s unclear by the end whether or not she can control her magic, which left room for season 3 to expand upon. It’s also great how by the end of the episode, her biggest comfort didn’t come from her friends but from seeing by herself the state in which Magica currently is. I don’t know why but I’d say it makes the whole thing more realistic ? Like, there’s only so much friends can do to help you, but seeing your abuser being in a terrible state is a much more direct proof that there’s nothing to fear.
  “The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!” : again, not much. It’s a classic fun episode with the kids trying to solve a mystery while some bad guys are on their tail. Though, I really like the whole thing with Webby trying to be more like Della, with Della starting to be a bit of a mom to her. I also liked seeing Della and Launchpad interact more and it’s still funny to see how the ship that so many people liked in season 1 is slowly fading away as we see Della having a hard time accepting Launchpad and as we have Tumblr remember how much it likes gay ships with the introduction of Penumbra and Drake (by the way, I’m not saying that Della/Launchpad is a bad ship; it’s just that I find it funny to see how quick a fandom is to change their opinion on shipping, especially when ‘gay options’ are created).
Although, Della felt a bit uncharacteristically cold and aggressive towards Launchpad, especially when compared to how she was with Dewey in “Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!”. But I guess it has to do with how she felt like Launchpad replaced her, making her more protective over her plane and her talent as a pilot.
  “Timephoon!” : so I have no memory of Bubba (the caveman duck) from the old Ducktales so I can’t compare him. But from what I’ve seen in this episode, he’s fine. Not the best character but he works as a one-off character and I wouldn’t mind a cameo or two in the future (as long as it’s not an entire episode focused on him because that would get boring pretty quickly).
Now, for the rest of the episode, I want to talk about Della, because she’s clearly the most interesting part here. Della was gone for a decade, she barely knows anything about her kids, especially the mischiefs they can get into, and that’s what the episode plays into. Della discovers that her kids don’t just get into danger from adventuring, they can put themselves in danger, more or less voluntary. And the way she reacts to it (along with the season finale) makes it feels like Donald and her never or rarely got into these kinds of situations, although Beakley’s line near the end of the episode might say otherwise. And speaking of which, I really appreciate how Scrooge and Beakley were when Della scolded Dewey. At first, Beakley was ready to step in when Louie made the comment of Della not being better than him; but Della made it clear that she needed to do it on her own. And afterwards, we see both Scrooge and Beakley respect her decision and staying silent as Louie is pleading them to step in. They know that Della needs to learn to be a good mother so they respect and support her decision. Though, if you search the name of the episode on Tumblr, there’s a post about how Della went too far given her current relationship with Louie, though it isn’t her fault as she doesn’t know him enough. You should try finding this post, it’s definitely worth giving it a read ! And yeah, there’s also a lot of other posts talking about the issue with much more analysis than I do so if you’re interested, go read the discourse on Tumblr.
  “GlomTales!” : first off, they used the takeover as the intro and I love every second of it !
Secondly, Della….yikes. Yeah. Grounding Louie was the right decision to make but forcing him to stay trapped in a room with a dangerous robot guarding him and ‘taunting’ him with recordings telling him about how much he fucked up, all the while the rest of the family is in vacation in a place he dreamed of visiting…I think you get the point. They went way too far with the punishment, so it’s no surprise when Louie wants to join the bad guys who let him do all the scheming he wants. And while Della accepted his personality more by the end of the episode, these two still need to connect more.
Speaking of the bad guys, they were pretty fun in this episode. I like how their different personalities and knowledge led them to act with each other. I especially liked Magica trying to get back her former glory and overstepping on Glomgold for the role of leader, Glomgold who is still as dramatic and dumb as ever while having actually smart schemes and I love it.
  “The Richest Duck in the Word!” : while the structure of the episode was pretty cliché (character suddenly has tons of powers but doesn’t realize the responsibilities that go with it), the ending with Louie and Scrooge was really sweet and satisfying. Honestly the season is supposed to be about Louie having a company and yet he and Scrooge didn’t have that many interactions (they still had some, but they could have more) so it’s really sweet to see them solve an issue linked to Scrooge’s company together.
And let’s not forget that Owlson finally stood up for herself and quitted (good for her honestly, she deserves a job where she can be happy and get what she wants done) and that Launchpad actually managed to land a plane without crashing (and it’s not even acknowledged !).
  “Moonvasion!” : the season finale, aka the one that should have its own post. You know what ? I’ll put the review here and, eventually, I’ll split it into its own post if it’s requested.
So, Moonvasion. Where to start. Ok, first off, it was an amazing episode. Just like the first finale, this was possibly the best episode of the season (depending of your point of view though, tastes and expectations are different). It was great to see so many characters come together and fight together, all with different fighting methods. I especially like Fenton’s mom being a protective badass, Beakley being a total badass and Gyro with his clone army (I especially love his line when everyone is debating on what to do and he’s like “Simple. Clone. Army.”. I just love the delivery here).
Secondly, I really like how they expended on Della there. As we’ve seen in previous episodes, Della still doesn’t know her kids and their abilities; so in the face of danger, she’d rather flee to protect her. On the other hand, Donald trust the kids to defend themselves and immediately starts strategizing with them. And speaking of Donald, I love how they acknowledge how much and how well he took care of the kids with the line about Della’s lullaby. In general, that entire sequence on the island with the twins and their kids (no incest intended) was probably the best part of the episode, along with the big fight with everyone and that “Hey kids.” line from Scrooge near the end. Oh yeah, and also the space fight with the moon theme playing and the family working together with the twins fighting and Scrooge being happy to have his angry babies back. This entire sequence was also amazing. And when Penumbra shows up, I love how she’s using the original spear of Selene. Again, just like last finale, the crew outdid themselves.
Another thing that I can praise here is Glomgold. I really love how they made his weird schemes work out. I also love how not only did he do this to help but he also used the situation to spite Scrooge by trolling him. Also earth baby jail. Just earth baby jail.
And speaking of strategists, I absolutely adore Lunaris in this episode. This guy was truly prepared for anything Scrooge could send him and it’s great.
Another character that I’d like to mention in this episode is Drake. Basically, watching the episode again, I’m pretty sure that guy has no fucking clue on what to do. I mean, we see him show up at Launchpad’s place at the beginning of the invasion, then he’s at the meeting with the others and gives ideas that show he’s much more on the theatrics parts of being a hero, which is fitting with him being an actor (side note that I forgot to mention earlier : I really appreciate that they made Drake an actor. It really fits with how overly dramatic he was in the old show; and it could play with his ego as well, though DT17 Drake doesn’t seem to have that big of an ego). Then, before the giant fight, he’s on a car with Launchpad and once Scrooge takes his place in it, Drake still holds onto it. And by the end of the second act, he’s trying to fight with Launchpad helping him. In other words, Drake spends the entire episode glued to Launchpad. So personally, I interpret it as Drake not really knowing what to do so, since Launchpad is the one who inspired him to be a hero in the first place and is the only one taking him seriously, Drake is going to try to stay with him and have him as support. And yeah, overall, the joke about nobody knowing who the fuck Drake is was pretty hilarious.
Finally, because no episode is perfect, here’s a few details that, while not making the episode any less amazing, still bother me a bit.
- When Della left Duckburg on a gigantic plane, how come no Moonlanders tried to follow her ? Hell, we know they came to her specifically and we see later that Lunaris was able to see her position; so what gives ? And even when they’re in Egypt, though I can understand why they wouldn’t try to follow since they only have one ship. But still, Della was able to fly for possibly hours before getting attacked, and they only got attacked because they landed on a place that was about to be invaded !
- What happened to Drake after he fainted ? Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand while we stop seeing him. After Scrooge see the landing of the ship, we get into the third act, which seems to take place a few hours after the previous scene (given that several characters changed clothing and it started freezing). And I know that, since it’s the third act, they only wanted the main characters to play a role. But still, one minute we see Drake faint into Launchpad’s arms and the next Launchpad arrives alone saying everyone was captured. So what happened to Drake ? I see three possibilities, all with a few flaws : A) Launchpad ditched Drake/the two split up. Let’s be honest, this didn’t happen. Launchpad would never let an injured person behind, especially not someone he admires so much. B) Launchpad tried to find a safe place to hide Drake so that the guy can rest; but given that they’re in an invasion, finding such a spot could be very hard. C) During the time between the two acts, they got attacked by Moonlanders and either Drake was too weak to fight and got captured or he basically sacrificed himself so that Launchpad can go try to find Scrooge; with a “He needs you more than me” move. But, again, it would feel weird for Launchpad to abandon someone but then again, if it’s for the sake of everyone by trying to find his boss, I guess it could happen. This scenario would even fit with the “everyone got captured” line. Though, if Launchpad and Drake got attacked which led to them being separated, then we were robbed of a perfectly good action scene !
- There’s a shot at some point where you can see Doofus and his family and I have two questions there : 1. Why are the parents still wearing the maid outfits (and why do they keep doing it in season 3) ? and 2. Can’t Boyd do anything to help them ? Like, I know he believes he’s a real boy but that doesn’t stop him from having some pretty powerful defense mechanisms.
Update (before the post was made; I know) : so I ended up wasting 4 hours of my life reading all of Frank’s answers that I hadn’t seen yet (the things asperger makes you do…) and apparently Doofus burned his parents’ other clothes. Still doesn’t explain Boyd tho.
- During the fight in space, when the Duck family started to lose, they took a few damages before finding themselves behind the rocket. So, if they were to take damage anyways, why couldn’t Della immediately pull them on the side to get out of the way instead of heading to certain doom ? And yes I completely understand that it was a very stressful situation so she did the first thing she had in mind. Honestly that last flaw is the one that bothers me the less in a characters’ standpoint, though it still feels like plot convenience.
  So that’s all for season 2 ! Again, I could put the finale on its own post if requested. As for season 3, it’d be in a second post. This one is long enough. The post for season 3 will most likely be split in half, with the last episode talked about depending on which episode airs last before the post is made.
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codenamed-queenie · 6 years
The Jason Todd and Roy Harper Parallels
Who else is stoked about Jason’s appearance in episode 6? Even though it was brief, I’m still hoping we get more of him as the season plays out. (Honestly, it would be weird if they just dangled such a tantalizing prospect in front of us without actually doing anything. Especially since Jason’s such a fan-favorite!)
But I was re-watching the previous seasons, and I stumbled on the episode ‘Satisfaction’ in s2. That’s the episode where the original Speedy finds out he’s been cloned and replaced, and has to come to terms with his mentor, his clone, and his desire for revenge against Lex Luthor. 
But throughout the whole thing, Roy’s anger just seemed...familiar. 
I can’t help but feel that, if the show’s creators decide to run with the Red Hood story line (and they’d be missing out on a golden opportunity if they didn’t), then we might just see some parallels between Speedy’s transition to Arsenal, and Jason’s to Red Hood.
For instance:
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And the kicker:
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Jason will regain his memories. He’ll confront Batman, his family, or something else, depending on which direction the show decides to take it. But whatever happens, there’s going to be a reckoning. 
Jason’s going to want to know why he was replaced, and how they could have left him with Ra’s for all that time without knowing. I suspect that he’ll be especially angry with Dick, since he’s the first one Jason was actually able to remember. And if he remembers that much, then he’ll remember that Dick took his new team with him and left Jason on Infinity Island.
The thing that’s interesting here is that Roy was cloned because the Light wanted an ‘in’ with the Team. Roy’s clone (now known as Will) was their mole. 
But with Jason, we can be sure that Ra’s is holding onto him for some reason, but we just don’t know what it is. I 100% know that Ra’s knows exactly who Jason really is, so we can probably rule out the whole ‘found a wandering zombie boy, took him in and raised him as a part of my killer ninja family’ idea. But that does beg the question. 
What does Ra’s want Jason for?
It can’t be for espionage purposes, like the Light used Roy for. Because, for one thing, they were banking on Green Arrow’s desperation in order to get their mole into place.
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Somehow, I doubt that would work with Batman. Because, for obvious reasons, Bruce would be somewhat suspicious if his dead partner just showed up one day at his door. Not to mention that it’s Batman. The man probably questions his breakfast cereal in the morning, for crying out loud.
So Ra’s is taking a different approach. He’s going to use Jason to serve some other purpose, eventually, and it’s anyone’s guess at this point as to what that would be. 
But one way or another, Jason’s back, everyone! He’s back, and he’s going to start remembering things. And when he does, he’s going to be hurt, he’s going to be angry, and he’ll be dead set (pardon the pun) on getting either revenge, or satisfaction. 
Just like Roy did.
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That’s right everyone. We have Arsenal. And now we have Jason. I don’t know if we’ll get Starfire, Artemis or Bizarro, but we already have 2/3 of Red Hood and the Outlaws. And if Roy took on his RHATO name, then I’d say it’s a pretty good bet that we’ll be seeing:
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The Red Hood.
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