#3. it's not a well known symbol here so people will still not really know
melodies-and-memories · 8 months
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kakiastro · 5 months
2024: The Year of the Dragon
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Well, we made yall! This was a 7 ruled year, ruled by the Moon, Neptune, and South Node. This year had us all deep in our feelings. So many people had their first spiritual awakening, others psychic gifts has strengthened. This year was teaching us on how to listen to our intuition. If you’re a creative, then this year was really the year ideas and projects came to you. With the moon here, so many people started their own families, so many woman in my personal life had babies this year lol. Our family dynamics changed, our homes may have changed. Lots of early life/past lives issues smacked us in the face this year, a lot of people started their healing journey.
This year is an 8 ruled year.
8 rules over the spiritual and materialistic world. 8 is balance, it means you need to balance being in our world and the spiritual.
8 is also an infinity symbol, hence why is it’s a loop. What loops(patterns)have you been stuck in? This year will show you that and what loops you need to get out of
8 also have a deep love for humanity, so I personally expect more protest against wars, those who are really suffering in our world. There’s going to be a strong empathy pull. Make no mistake though, the number 8 also rules over authority, social status, ego, inner strength and wisdom. While there’s a lot of love, there’s going to lots of people having unchecked egos so be careful of that. Listening to others opinions(whether you agree or not) will be a collective lesson.
The number 8 is ruled by Saturn and Capricorn. This is a Saturnian year. So to my fellow Saturnians/Capricorn placements/10h, we are the first in line the classroom (earth) this year lol.
Saturn is in Pisces, so fellow Caps, and everyone really, I feel we are going to continue being in our feelings and will begin to open our hearts to others. Capricorn is a reserved sign, doesn’t really show outward emotions, they would rather cry in private or in the shower😅. Not this year LoL, this year is teaching us that it’s okay to not be okay, it’s okay to be open about it as well. We will meet people who will show us the magical side of life. Saturn is a realism and pessimistic sign, but Pisces is the sign of hope, magic and fantasy. Remember, Pisces is also co ruled by Jupiter which is currently in Taurus. What is success to you? Is this success to you because this is what you were taught or is this what you really want? These are the type of questions you will be asking yourself.
8 is the number for Karma as well. Karma isn’t what many people think it is lol. Karma isn’t just some revenge type of thing lol. Also, Karma isn’t always bad either so get that out your mindset as well. Bad things happen to good people all the time, you being a good person doesn’t exempt you of messed up situations. If anything, it’s to make you become more empathetic and self aware of the bad things. Karma can be good as well
The etymology of karma is from the Sanskrit meaning “Action, Effect, Fate”
Karma is what you do that will cause a ripple/effect that can change your fate.
1. You get into a relationship and everything is going great for a year. Then you discovered your partner cheated. Your hurt and say “karma will get him and I can’t wait to watch.”
2. Months go by and you see your cheater ex is in a new relationship, treating this new partner better than you. You start thinking “karmas not real because if it was, why are they living the good life?” Meanwhile, you’re still picking up the pieces to heal but you’re healing is the key word.
3. Little do you know, your ex had cheated on you with someone who’s only using them and they end up getting cheated on. It wasn’t because of you, know they created that ripple for themselves. They let there ego and lust dictate there actions. If they would’ve had any control, they would’ve known not to do this so the Universe/God let the domino fall. They may end struggling with their career, health, spiritually to teach them to grow and learn. Now will they? That’s up to them. Just because someone appears to be doing well from the outside doesn’t mean that they really are or going to be.
4. You’ve done your healing and now know what you want and the red flags to look out for. You end up in an actual healthy relationship. A friend of yours suspects her partner of cheating and asked for your advice. Because you went through this, you know the signs. Because of this, you helped her. See that domino effect lol
That was long but I hope that makes sense you all! I have a mercury Rx in my chart so my thoughts go everywhere lol.
One of the first biggest events of 2024 is that Pluto enters Aquarius
Dates: January 20th - September 1st
Then: it will go back in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime in September 1- November 20th.
Finally: it will go into Aquarius November 20th, where it will stay unto 2043. Y’all this is a 20 year transit!! So many changes are about to happen
I’ve already made a post about this transit, you can read it here!
2024 is the year of the dragon, in the element Wood.
Dragons are seen as honorable, strength, success
Wood represents vitality and creativity
-this is good year to pursue your goals and if you’re consistent, you will achieve success.
First Lunar eclipse will be on March 25th.
It will be in the sign of Libra! Which is where South Node currently is as well. Relationships with our family and within our home will be highlighted. The house that Libra rules in your chart will tell you how this will
First Solar eclipse will be on April 8th
It will be in the sign of Aries with NN being in it. Setting new goals for yourself, starting something new in your life, be bold and brave.
2nd Lunar eclipse is in Pisces on September 17th. Hello feelings lol! Pisces will have us sit alone and think about our most hidden thoughts and they will be highlighted. This is a good time for spiritual growth.
2nd Solar eclipse is in Libra on October 2nd. Relationships will be the hot topic for 2024. I predict so many people are going to be breaking up, finding love, having new friendships, family relationships are going to be changing, collaborating with people, justice, fairness will all be themes
Mercury Retrogrades will be in fire signs this year
First Mercury Rx is in Aries on April 1st-25th. Thinking and planning your goals, making sure everything is in order.
2nd Rx is August 4th-28th in the sign of Virgo and Leo. It’s giving say it with your chest energy but not too much lol. Be brave with your thoughts but try to think rationally as well.
3rd Rx is November 25th in Sagittarius. Time for us to reflect on our ideals that we’ve learned. Look at different philosophies point of view
Another big Astrological event is the Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus conjunction on April 20th.
Jupiter is the planet if expansion, higher learning, traveling and religion
Uranus is the planet of change, science of medicine, innovation and rebellion.
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac and it rules over our finances, self worth, our possessions, food, beauty, nature such as forest and trees.
What do I predict with this transit:
-huge breakthroughs with regarding medicines and innovative discoveries
-something dealing with travel or immigration
-I suspect some type if change regarding the church or how people view the church (pastors, priest etc)
-something dealing with our food and us being more aware about our own dietary choices. What’s not good for us and what goes in our food basically
On May 25th, Jupiter leaves Taurus and enters airy sign Gemini. It will be in Gemini until 2025
The best way to describe this transit is communication!!! Remember Jupiter expands everything so we will be more open about our thoughts and standing on business on what we say! I feel there’s going to be a huge influx on the dire need to want to go back to school and learn new things. Big cars are going to the thing everyone will want to have! If you’re a writer, this can be a good year to write that book and get it published, all the way up until 2025 at least.
Mars Go Rx December 6th- February 23rd 2025, in the sign of Cancer and Leo!
This is poignant because Mars only go retrograde every 2 years! The last Rx was 2021-2022 ish and it was in Gemini
With it switching from water and fire, emotions will be be high. Really check your emotions during this time, this can be a good time to sort your home out, being motivated to start something like a creative outlet.
As you all can see, this is going to be an eventful year but I’m wishing you all happy and memorable one! To those who’ve been following me this year, I just want to say thank you! thank you! thank you!
With love and gratitude
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
Wasn’t it Alfred who’d made Damian Robin in Battle for the Cowl? Dick must have agreed after the fact, but Alfred was the one who set it in motion.
Nominally yes, in the sense that Alfred is the person who first put the cape in Damian's hands:
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"You can't keep me here." "I'll do no such thing. But understand that you've been injured. Severely so." ......."What the hell are you pulling here, Al?" "It's time to earn your keep. If you're up for it." "So long as I'm not wasting any more time in here, whatever." -Battle for the Cowl #3
However, the reality is "not really." Three things to note about this:
One: no one in the story who actually knows what Damian's gotten up to while Dick was tracking down Tim and fighting Jason actually treats Damian as Robin. For the purposes of the narrative and everyone in it, Tim is still Robin, as Squire points out:
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"I'm sure Nightwing could use a hand finding Robin. This way, then." -Battle for the Cowl #3
We don't really see anyone else's reaction to Damian wearing the cape in BftC. Even when Damian saves Tim while wearing the symbol, Tim has no actual reaction besides a single exclamation of Damian's name, and he seems more bewildered that Damian is there at all than he is about Damian wearing the Robin tunic. But the people we do see? Don't treat him as Robin. They treat him as an ally who happens to be wearing the Robin tunic for convenience.
Two: within the bounds of BftC, Damian is explicitly framed as being "Dick's responsibility" with Bruce gone. After Jason shoots Damian, Dick has the same conversation with Alfred that Bruce often did whenever one of his Robins was hurt, framed in a way that made it obvious where things were heading:
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"Damian...this child...I could have gotten him killed tonight. I have a responsibility to him now. I let him down, Alfred." "Bruce also said the same of you...and Master Timothy, many times over the years." "And of Jason Todd." "Him as well." -Battle for the Cowl #2
Dick has already implicitly accepted Damian as his Robin at this point. And though Dick and Tim have not explicitly discussed it (as we see via their argument in Red Robin #1), it was also fairly clear that Tim would not be Dick's Robin based on how Dick thought of Tim by that point (as his brother, as his equal, as someone who should not be taking orders from him full-time). Tim had already spent time as the Robin to Dick's Batman back in Prodigal, and both boys had come a long way since then. Once Dick decided to take up the cowl at the end of BftC #2, it was inevitable that Damian would be his Robin rather than Tim (for a whole host of reasons I won't get into here). Alfred just hastened that inevitability.
Three: simply wearing the cape does not make you Robin. You are Robin if and only if two things happen: you have been explicitly accepted by Batman as his partner and Dick Grayson has given his blessing. You are a potential Robin. You are an ally wearing a Robin costume. But you are not Robin until those things happen.
Tim was not Robin in A Lonely Place of Dying even though he stole the costume with Alfred's help to save Bruce and Dick. Tim did not become Robin until after both Bruce and Dick had accepted him as such and he went through a training period (he was known as "Little Bat" until then, btw). The same is true of Damian, who wore the Robin tunic at least three times prior to actually becoming Robin (Bruce briefly took him out while wearing it in Batman and Son and he famously wore it during the events of Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul); he was no more Robin then than he was in BtfC.
The costume isn't what makes you Robin. Batman saying you're Robin and Dick giving the blessing of his parents' legacy to you makes you Robin (which. I will freely admit that's a loaded, complicated topic given the history of how the Robin mantle has been passed down over the years. but it generally holds true). Damian properly becoming Robin after BftC was clearly Dick's choice; Alfred can't "make" anyone Robin if Batman doesn't agree.
The core conceptual problem with Battle for the Cowl (well. there's about 5000 problems with BtfC. but you know what I mean) is that it tries to deal with about fifty different things at once, most of which all ordinarily would have gotten their own dedicated space across multiple books or tie-in comics to deal with. Instead, all of these things are smushed into a single massive threeshot event comic with awful characterization and a near-incomprehensible chain of events. In a perfect world, we would have gotten the same kind of build-up and transition between Tim and Damian that we did in the 90s when Tim became Robin after Jason's death. Unfortunately that's not what we got, so we're left to fill in the gaps ourselves.
But textually, Alfred did not make Damian Robin. Alfred handed an ally to the cause a Robin tunic during a crisis specifically for the purpose of rescuing Robin. After that crisis was over, Batman chose to make that same ally his Robin for reasons entirely unrelated to his wearing the symbol during that specific crisis. Dick chose Damian to be his Robin, and that choice should not be looked over just because removing it conveniently lifts some of the hurt feelings and messiness of that transition off of Dick's shoulders.
Dick handled his own legacy, as he should have. And while he did not handle it with as much communication and grace as he should have or probably would have liked to, it was his mantle and legacy to handle at the end of the day. For once, he had complete agency over choosing a successor to his heroing legacy (and his parents' legacy), not Bruce or Alfred or anyone who self-appointed themselves as a successor, and we should acknowledge and respect that.
He didn't pick Damian because Alfred unilaterally gave him a battlefield promotion; he picked Damian because he thought Tim was grown and independent enough to thrive without taking his orders every day and believed Damian needed his direct oversight and the growth opportunity being Robin would provide more than Tim did. Allow Dick the dignity of his choices instead of acting like he had no input or say in the matter of who his Robin was going to be.
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rainba · 17 days
Thank you for always doing my requests! It means a lot to me!
I had more ideas that you can answer on your free time when not answering any other questions.
1. I’m imagining the reader as some type of god/goddess, so how would they react? (I bet that Kairos would be their most loyal worshipper 🛐)
2. Reader being a criminal (Serial killer, robbed a bank, etc)
And finally 3. If the reader has depression or is suicidal (I asked this because I suffer from some bad depression and suicidal thoughts as well 😢😭)
Sorry for always asking stupid requests but I hope you enjoy writing about them!
-🇰🇷 anon
It’s no problem! Thank you for sending them 🇰🇷 anon!~ (*ノωノ) All of these prompts/questions are very interesting...
I hope I answered them properly!!! >_<
(Also, on a more serious note, I'm glad that you're alive and still here, anon! I might not know you personally, but I sincerely hope that things get better for you soon! Life will always get better in the end; you have to believe that it will. Always keep moving forward. I wish nothing but the best for you.) ღ
GN reader!
TWs: depression, suicidal ideations, toxic behaviors, dark content all around, yanderes
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Darling as some type of god/goddess.
You’re absolutely right about Kairos being the most loyal worshipper. He would take his role as a follower very, very seriously. Praying to you both day and night, offering his mind and body to you, giving you sacrifices, researching and studying every single detail about you, and so much more. It's his life's purpose to worship you!
If you were a god/goddess, Kairos wouldn’t hesitate to tattoo your religious symbol(s) onto his body. He would make it known to everyone that he is your most devoted worshipper, and that nobody else is as loyal as he is! (シ_ _)シ
As for Luka, he would be absolutely thrilled about his darling being some type of god/goddess. He, too, would be an extremely loyal worshipper– and he’d be far from an innocent one. To him, everyone who doesn’t worship you is less than human, and he treats all non-believers as such. Day in and day out, he would work to make sure that people put respect on your name. Much like Kairos, he would also get multiple tattoos that symbolizes your divinity– and he’d proudly show it off. ( ´ ꒳ ` )
Oh, also, he’d be dead set on catching your attention, if it's possible. While he wants everyone to worship you, he wants you to recognize only him and his devotion. The harder he works and the more he sacrifices, the more he expects you to reward him. So… Be a good god/goddess, and give him just a small taste of what he wants. ~ (=`ω´=)
2. Darling being a criminal.
One thing is for certain with this one: they would both be enablers. o(>< )o
Kairos won’t tell a single soul about what you’ve done…! All of your secrets are safe with him– nobody could waterboard the information out of him, even if they tried. While your behavior may not be the best, Kairos knows that his behaviors aren’t that much better. ^^;
His darling being a criminal would kind of turn him on...! You’re so dangerous, so wild, not even the law can stop you from doing what you want! It sends intense shivers down his spine.
With Luka, he just really has the tendency to want to blackmail you in a lot of situations… So, with you being a criminal, he would use your crimes as blackmail.~ ( ̄  ̄|||)
You don’t want the police to find out about what you’ve done, do you? Luka has all the evidence right in the palm of his hands. If he wanted to, he could waltz on down to the police station and have you imprisoned. So… You best do what he asks you to do~ 
...But, of course, he wouldn’t actually snitch. Not in a million years. He just likes to see you squirming under the shadow of his threats. If you call him out on his bluff, he will stop using your crimes as blackmail. ^^;;;;;;;
Also, if you need a partner in crime, he’d be willing to join you. Ღ
You need someone to wait outside of the store while you go inside and rob it? He'll wait outside for you on his motorcycle. Just hop on the back when you're done robbing the place, and the two of you will always manage to escape. ♡ ~('▽^人)
3. Darling who has depression/suicidal ideations.
Hearing that you have depression would, honestly, make Kairos equally depressed. He understands your feelings– and all he wants to do is stay by your side and help you through your dark times. If you want to lay in bed all day? That’s okay… He can lay in bed and cuddle with you, if you want him to. He’ll also always offer to let you sleep in his bed– he wants to make sure that you’re never alone. He wants to be there to comfort you when you cry.
Kairos wouldn’t really know what to do about your suicidal thoughts, though. All he would say is that you don’t have to be afraid to tell him– he’ll never judge you for anything. Before he met you, Kairos was also extremely suicidal, unsure of what he wants to do in life, unsure if his pathetic life is even worth living.
However, you simply existing gave him a reason to live– you breathed life into his soul, you showed him that he’s capable of love and that he needs to keep going…! If he can help you find a reason to live, too, then that’s exactly what he’ll do. He’ll stop at nothing.
Luka’s approach to a darling with depression is… A little rockier. He understands that you have no motivation– he understands that it’s incredibly hard to wake up in the mornings and hard to go to bed at night. Life itself feels so grey and dull, hardly anything makes you happy anymore…
Luka knows this, so he becomes determined to help add some color back into your bleak world. Luka will always be sure to make you the best of breakfasts every morning; breakfasts packed full of good nutrition. He'll walk up to you and give you a fresh plate of food, then he’d sit beside you and touch up your hair while you eat.
After that, he’d basically make you go on a walk with him– because fresh air is said to be really good at helping with depression! He read that somewhere online. If you really don’t feel like walking, though, he’d ask you to at least sit outside on his front porch with him, just to get some fresh air.
However... There may be times where he gets somewhat frustrated. If you refuse his food, refuse to go outside, refuse to do anything at all, he’ll become very upset. At first, he’d be upset at you– his ears falling flat as he grits his teeth, storming away and leaving you all alone in an empty bedroom while he goes to clear his thoughts. After a while, though, he’d realize that he shouldn’t be mad at you. He should be mad at the depression itself…
None of this is your fault.
When some time has passed, he’ll come back to where you are, and he’ll apologize. Luka will then slide behind you and try to cuddle up with you, not saying a single thing. Sometimes a comforting silence is worth more than words, anyways.
But for the suicidal thoughts, Luka really wouldn’t be able to understand. He doesn’t know what it’s like to feel that way– he’s never felt suicidal himself, and he’s never met somebody who's felt such things before. He does even more research online, tries to find ways to help you cope, and reassures you that he’ll listen to you at the very least.
Luka would end up monitoring your every move, truly making sure you don’t attempt anything. Luka, ultimately, just wants what’s best for you, and he yearns to keep you around for the rest of his life. Luka will set aside his ego and all of his little games in order to see you happy and healthy.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 1 year
Jungkook's birth chart analysis
Hey! Welcome back to another post in which I talk about an idol's birth chart. Since I want those posts to be more in depth, I'm doing them only with idols that have already mention their birth time. After the two bts members that I did, I will move on to Chan and Minho. Keep in mind that some haven't said whether it's am or pm so there are still two possible options, but it's much more specific than just a guess. Let's get it!
Highlights: Virgo stelium, Moon in the 1st, Leo rising, Jupiter in the 7th, Mercury in the 3rd.
Virgo stelium:
In general a stelium is a sign that's repeated 3 times or more in a birth chart. Since it's an energy that's very present for lack of a better word, it is very important in general and might even influence the person in other areas and not just the ones it falls under. I don't wanna emphasize Virgo traits that much because those are mostly known to people that are are familiar with astrology but more the aspects that are created in his chart. His Sun conjuncts his north node. The north node is a point that symbolizes where we're heading in this life time, the lessons we get, where we are going to shine etc. The sun is all about being seen, charming, glamorous, famous may I add 👀 it's also his chart ruler! Since he is a Leo rising. I'm saying it and I'll say it again, we should pay extra attention to the aspects our chart ruler creates, they might resonate with us more.
A really tight conjunction happens between his lilith and north node, which is very interesting. Lilith is an asteroid, the dark moon, it's sexual, raw, passionate and hidden. All those are important in his life (especially paired with his Mars in scorpio which is a notoriously sexual placement), but I want to say here that Virgo is known as a perfectionist, right? That includes themselves first and foremost. I think a big focus in this life time, might be to learn and accept the darker aspects of himself, that don't fit the idealized version of him.
Mercury in the 3rd:
Jungkook is a self proclaimed introvert but I wanna say here that having communication skills isn't tied to being an extrovert or an introvert. I know plenty of extroverted people that do terrible at conversations lmao. The 3rd house is ruled by Mercury so it feels right at home and gives him the benefits of communication and lively engagement with others. On top of that, Mercury is related to wit and intelligence, which are charms he does possess!
Leo rising:
Now is anything better for a celebrity than to be ruled by the sun? I don't know 🙈😂 In general I think that it's a beneficial placement, especially for performers since they crave and get attention easily when they come to the spotlight. Also men with Leo rising look phenomenal with longer hair and Jungkook's chef's kiss with long wavy hair 👌
Moon in the 1st:
Jungkook is someone very emotionally expressive. Despite being introverted, he wears his heart on his sleeve and cries easily when he feels like it, relatively okay with being vulnerable. His face is also rather expressive, no matter what emotions he experiences, evident on him. On top of that, his manly looks have an added softness to them, almost water sign like. A moon in the 1st house made a lot of sense for Jungkook, because his zodiac signs didn't suggest such a thing otherwise.
Jupiter in the 7th:
Lucky boy. Very lucky boy, I'm jealous lmao. Jupiter expands and gives luck to areas it falls under. The 7th house is about relationships and partnerships. It's mostly the romantic ones, although it can apply to colleagues sometimes too. None the less that's an area he is lucky in and that's further emphasized by his well placed Venus, in Libra, the planet ruler. In general overall Jungkook has a 'lucky' chart. Ofc there aren't inherently bad birth charts but some placements or aspects give you a harder time than others and he is, for the most part, lucky to not have too many of these.
(For astrology ships or chart readings DM me, 5-10 usd)
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
Completely separate from Mike and his issues with saying "I love you," I wanted to focus a little on El saying "I love you" to Mike.
Mike yelled "I love her and I can't lose her again" in 3x06. We know that she heard him while she was in the bathroom because she brings it up later, but in the moment, she comes out of the bathroom and asks "What's going on?" She decides to not say it back or pull him aside to talk about it. She doesn't feel a need right now to say it back. When Mike and Lucas brush it off, Lucas says it's just a family discussion, which gets the ball rolling here on mixing Mike and El's "I love you's" with a familial meaning. El moves on to finding Billy.
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In the next scene with El, she thinks back to spying in her mom's mind, inspired by the rainbow on a box of Lucky Charms. It's part of her plan to figure out what's going on with the flayed, but I also think that any mention or flashback to El's mom is so important and so connected to her feeling that familial love. When she goes into Billy's mind, we once again see a mom, Billy's mom, and we're shown how much he loved her. In this episode, El sees love in 3 ways: her own towards her mom, Billy's towards his mom, and Mike's towards her, which she doesn't confront at all and is told is part of a family discussion. Familial, familial, and... romantic?
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In 3x07, Mike and El talk about how "blank makes you crazy" and how "old people say it." Mike is the only one talking here except for El asking clarifying questions. This serves to show the audience that Mike can't say it, but I think just as important here is El: El isn't saying anything either. She has this time to talk to Mike about what she heard at the cabin but doesn't. She hears that Mike is trying to talk about his feelings towards her and she could take this as a time to talk about her feelings, but doesn't. She looks confused and anticipatory, but that's it.
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In 3x08, El is reunited with Hopper. She gets some of the most beautiful parental love from him and is told for quite possibly the first time that even though she can fight, she shouldn't, because Hopper wants her to stay safe. Hopper wants to protect her and doesn't want her sacrificing herself to protect him.
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They're attacked by the Mind Flayer and Billy, and we see that Billy's love for his mom protects El: she's able to reach him enough for him to stall. Such a big importance placed on mother's love, familial love. It almost makes me wonder if she's letting go in some way of her own mother, as these two moms were closely linked a couple episodes ago. Finding a mom in memories. She has Hopper now, she has a parent. But then she loses Hopper too.
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We skip forward 3 months, her powers are still gone, she's moving away from everyone and everything she's ever known, living with people she doesn't know well. We have another Hopper and Mike parallel here: "I know it will" vs "I know they will."
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And for the first time, El says to Mike "You talked about your feelings, your heart. I love you too." She only says it back once she's lost everything else. She only says it once she's lost her sense of parental love and she's completely floundering. Mike's love is a replacement for Hopper's.
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I know I've seen analysis that El is holding Will's bear and so she's literally holding a symbol of Will between them during this kiss. But it's also just a girl who lost her dad, holding a teddy bear for comfort. She needs comfort wherever she can get it right now, from a teddy bear and from her boyfriend. And El goes right from this conversation to reading Hopper's letter. More focus on missing Hopper.
And for all that we talk about Mike not loving El and how we don't really see him loving her the way that she needs, we don't focus so much on the other way around. Yeah, sometimes it seems like Mike loves El because she's a superhero, but why does El love Mike? Because he was one of the first people to be nice to her, because he helped take care of her when she needed to be housed and fed? Because he's still in her life? Because they have known each other so long? From El's POV, there's not a ton there to base romantic love on. That sounds a lot like familial love to me.
Not going into s4 as much detail, but in 4x01 and 4x02, El's struggling with her grief so much. She isn't getting the love she needs from Hopper, and now she isn't getting it from Mike either. When they fight in 4x03, she's sitting at her craft table where she was fixing her diorama of Hopper for half the conversation, up until she tells Mike "you can't even write it" and she finally stands up to really face him. She's missing familial love and she's begging for love from Mike. She doesn't need it to be romantic love. She just wants to hear that she's cared for and valued for more than her powers, like she heard in her last conversation with Hopper. If Mike was honest about not loving her romantically but loving her platonically, she likely would've been content. But he isn't honest, he can't say it, and worse, he reinforces that he values her for her powers, in direct contrast to her last conversation with Hopper.
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And this happens again in 4x09 in Mike's speech. Just more contrast to that last conversation with Hopper.
El has only ever said I love you or asked for love from Mike when she thinks Hopper is dead. She's looking for love where she can get it, and now that she has Hopper back, she's going to understand better how she loves Mike, what love she needs, and what love she's going to accept.
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cafeinthemoon · 10 months
King - Chapter VIII
Chapter VIII
Wordcount 3,8k
Title Worthy
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Poseidon is not a soft man; he knows how to make a girl cry
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: So I really wanted a cool title for this chapter, but nothing better than this one :/
Here's something about the quake that I forgot to explain in the previous chapter's notes: the reason why the girls didn't fall in another place when they witnessed the quake right in their first day at the palace was that Proteus was there. Knowing what happens after the quakes caused by his master, he knows how to guide people through the right path and might have a way to protect them from the effects. Since reader was alone when the second quake happened, there wasn't much she could do to protect herself. The idea for these sudden changes came when I was first building my concept for the Lord of the Seas: in Greek mythology, he was an unstable and irascible man, so it would be only fair that his house fitted his temper. It's not clear if hes aware of this, but it's not hard to suppose that he uses this changes to reach his purposes, combined with his extended vision, about which he will speak in this chapter.
Hope you enjoy it :)
Also a change in the gif because... well, you'll see 😅
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Nothing in that path was known to you.
The corridors – all of them shorter than the one where you met – were as blue and plain as the first one, and no doors or windows were present in them as well, making it impossible for you to try and memorize the way. Still, you couldn’t help feeling like you were walking in circles, even though your husband took different directions.
And to think that, if he hasn’t appeared at the right moment, I could be dead by now.
You were absorbed in those thoughts when Poseidon stopped in front of a door and put you down, but kept a hand on your wrist, though you would be a fool if you tried to run and take the risk of getting lost again – sometimes, not knowing what he took you for was irritating. He opened the door and, after making you enter before him, he locked it behind his back. You looked around… And found yourself in a familiar place.
He brought me to his chambers again.
You started wondering if that strange transformation in the environment was deliberated, if finding you was his final goal or if it was just a coincidence. Well, if he wanted to find you, he could’ve just sent a servant to the women’s lodge; where else did he think he could find you? But, at the same time, he didn’t seem the type who always chooses the obvious way. He didn’t use to give many explanations on his actions, but you already noticed that everything he did had a reason.
And, that time, you didn’t need to wait for too long to find it out.
Without a word, he grabbed your wrist and led you to the direction you knew the bathing area was. It was a short way, but you took the opportunity to observe the surroundings, and that’s how you noticed how clean and organized the room was: no clothes on the floor, no scent of perfume or essential oils in the air, no messed sheets upon the bed, which curtains were opened and wrapped, as if waiting for the next night; not even the small table and the bottle of contraceptive was visible beside it.
No signs of your passage were present there.
You turned your face away from the scene and tried not think about it, as you finally crossed the small corridor through which you were taken to the shower, that one where you almost drowned.
Is he going to make me bathe on it again?
Fortunately, that’s not what happened.
As you stopped before the shower, Poseidon took the shawl off your shoulders and told you to take off your shoes. He grabbed everything and put it on a place near, where the water wouldn’t reach, then led you to the bathtub area, returning to the shower and leaving you there by yourself. The air was warm, and the bathtub was already full.
Moments later, he walked after you, without his clothes and ready to enter the bathtub. You looked away when he passed by you, only seeing the moment he touched the water with the corner of your eye. When you looked again, he already had half of his body covered in water, in the same spot where he stood with you yesterday.
You took a moment to notice he was staring at you.
– Go to that shelf and bring something to me – he pointed at the shelf in question.
You went there and he indicated the line and the position of the chosen bottle. It was similar to the ones that contained the healing salts used in your previous bath there, but had an orange, creamy substance inside it, like a lotion.
You barely had the chance to observe the label to confirm its nature.
– Bring it here.
You obeyed, kneeling behind him and giving him the bottle. He opened it and gave it back to you.
– Make yourself useful and use it to massage my shoulders.
The order was clear, yet you took a second to process it: he brought you to his room just for you to do the work of a servant? Well, it was useless to argue: you were already there, and the bottle was opened; you couldn’t let him waiting, risking what was left of his patience after the unpleasing task of eliminating an insubordinate individual.
You took a generous amount of the lotion, spread it on your palms – not missing the chance to enjoy its pleasing texture – and started to work.
Somehow, it felt like you were touching his skin for the first time, for you were under a good light, entirely in control of your senses, not having to stand his glare, something that would certainly make your hands shake and interfere in your performance. With all those issues out of the way, you allowed yourself a bit of relaxation, using that time to observe your husband in a way you still haven’t the chance to do, and with that you noticed a curious detail: despite the warmth of the water, his skin didn’t turn rosy, but kept the uniformity of its pale shade, only changing in the spots where you spread the lotion; besides, he had no marks all over his back, even less on his neck; as you looked for them, your hands followed your eyes, trying to guess if there was at least the reminiscence of a scratch or a scar – but nothing could be found, and that was less impressive than scary.
He’s so fast that it’s impossible to touch him in a fight, and I can’t think of someone who’d be brave enough to get so close if he gave them the chance.
As you brought your hands to his neck, you observed something that counterbalanced this thought: his hair wasn’t entirely blond, as seen from a distance, but it had its roots in a silver shade, which changed to the evident golden. Compared to the thing about his skin, it was trivial, almost ridiculous.
Poseidon’s voice brought you back to reality.
– You are getting distracted – he casually commented – Your hands stopped.
It was true: you realized you were lost in your observations, and immediately got back to work. But that wasn’t the end of his admonition.
– Delicacy is appreciated in massaging sessions, but this is too much. Your touch is lacking strength – he glanced behind – Or are you going to tell me that this is the best you can do with these tiny hands of yours?
If your delicacy was too much for him, his provocations were too much for you. You held back a sigh of impatience, but compensated it by burying your nails on his skin.
Is this better for you?
This only caused him a chuckle.
– Ah, this is better. But do not use your nails.
You bit your lip, but said nothing in response. Apparently, there was a way to satisfy him through your aggressiveness – and that was something you preferred not to discuss. You just decided to keep the rhythm and wait until he told you to stop…
Which didn’t happen without a conversation.
– That place where I found you – Poseidon started – It is not one where your presence should be expected. I suppose you went there by accident. So, tell me, where were you trying to go?
For a second, you felt tempted to discuss the strange phenomenon that brought you to that corridor, but changed your mind and kept your answer simple.
– To the Library.
– The servants use to bring books for you at the lodge – he continued – Aren’t they entertaining enough?
You started massaging the back of his neck, your thumbs drawing circles upon his spine.
– I wasn’t looking for entertainment, my Lord.
– What were you looking for, then?
– Information.
– What kind of information? – he pressed.
– Anything that could be useful… to help me in my task.
A tense silence fell between you. You didn’t need to explain what you meant with task. In the end, Poseidon approved your attitude.
– I would not expect anything different from you – and, suddenly changing the subject, –Speaking of this, I have heard that you went to take your first meal in the company of the other girls today, and that this resulted in fabulous interactions between you. Can you speak about this to me?
You swallowed.
Just as expected, nothing stays hidden from him in this place.
– It was strange to me at first, because I’m not used to be in the company of people from multiple folks – you spoke carefully – But everything was alright in the end. The women received me well, and I had Alyssa with me, so I wouldn’t feel alone.
His response to this was a long “hm”, followed by a subtle movement of his left arm, that was resting upon the bathtub’s border: he slowly raised it from the marble, until his hand reached your cheek, his fingers caressing your skin as it started to heat up. Your hands stopped working again.
– You are always so vague whenever I try to have a proper conversation with you, my dragonet – he chuckled – What are you afraid of? Did you forget who I am to you? Or maybe you do not know how marriage works? If this is the case, let me tell you that a woman is not supposed to keep secrets from her husband.
You didn’t reply immediately. You knew that trying to use your tongue without calming yourself down would mean a problem, so you started working on this: taking a deep breath, you forced your hands to move again, this time more gently, your fingers tracing slow paths through his pale skin, as if taking care to not hurt it, even though it was impossible for you to do it. It was now less like a massage and more like a caress.
– And I suppose that this rule works for her husband as well – you started – Or are things different when a god is involved?
That time, Poseidon turned around to look inside your eyes instead of limiting himself to a glance. Fortunately for you, there wasn’t the slightest sign of irritation in them.
– I have been living for too long, girl. So much more than your human mind can conceive. Even if I tried to unveil my secrets to you, I would have to stop in the beginning, for you would never have the time nor the strength to stand them – a shadow of smile appeared on his lips – And with this I guess you already have your answer.
He still had his hand on your cheek; thinking you wouldn’t have anything more to say, he moved it away and turned his back on you again, to which you understood you had to continue your task. You did it, but that time you somehow started to experiment with it, extending your touch to his ears; you used your thumbs to massage behind them, then softly squeezed his lobes between your fingers, going through their length until you reached their pointy upper side. This provoking a surprising reaction from him: his body relaxed, and from the depths of his throat came a low, guttural sound that prolonged itself as you continued your caresses, ceasing when you moved your hands away from his ears and back to his neck and shoulders.
You frowned.
Did he just... purr?
– Are you trying to seduce me, dragonet? – he whispered – Who gave you such idea?
– I’m not trying anything in this sense, my Lord.
– Hm... You are trying to calm me down, then – he inclined his body backwards, as to make it easy for you to touch him – You want to tell me something, but felt the need to prepare my ears first, isn’t it?
Since he was giving you the chance, you decided to take it.
– I want to ask something, if possible.
– And what is it?
You took a moment before replying. That wasn’t an easy question, neither was its answer – that is, any of the answers you could give it.
And they were many.
Why did you do that to Suriah, and Melian and the others? Why did you do this to me? And Doonah? Why are you so obsessed with having all of us around you? And why the hell you need so many children who won’t live as much as yourself? Do you think it’s funny? What do you take us for? What do you know about justice, or love? Do you even care?
What you asked him, however, was much simpler.
– Poseidon-sama… Why did you marry me?
Silence. You didn’t get an immediate, verbal answer from him, but you sensed the change around you: the warmth of the air was no longer enough to bring you comfort; your hands felt a deep, growing tension in his muscles, and even his breath was inaudible now.
But I just started it, and I need this answer. I can’t stop now.
You forced your hands to keep moving.
– You said it was for your own sake, my Lord… – you continued – And that I would never stand your secrets... But if I am part of this… Then it’s not supposed to be a secret.
Strangely, saying those words put you in a state of peace that you’ve never expected to experience, though you could just be silenced regardless of your honesty and the validity of your inquiring. It calmed your heart and gave you the courage to face whatever your husband was preparing as a response.
And this is what he had for you.
– From time to time, I use to extend my vision to the outsides of my kingdom, to be aware of the changes in the other worlds, and to figure out some things that would escape my messengers’ understanding – you still had your hands upon his shoulders; you sensed a slight movement on them as the story followed – Though my apparitions in Midgard became a rarity, I still include it in my examinations, for you are not like the other folks: you cannot stay for too long without supervision.
You didn’t know if you should be flattered or offended by this: having your kind separated from others by a god’s vision was something unique, but the reasons for this might destroy one’s fantasies about it. On the other hand, you had to admit that humans weren’t the most reliable creatures, and given how they’ve treated the oceans all over their existence, it’d be hard to expect a different attitude from the god who ruled over them.
– It was during an ordinary day of observations that my thoughts stopped at your homeland and discovered the women of your time, and among all of them they fixated themselves in you – he explained – Once it happened, I decided I needed to bring you to my domains. And here you have your answer.
More silence. You waited to see what would happen next, but Poseidon didn’t say anything more than this. You bit your lip.
He desired and took me, and that’s all? He really thinks I’m a fool.
You moved your hands away from his body, laying them on your lap. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by him, but no reaction came from his part.
Your voice was heard, almost a whisper.
– Is this everything?
You closed your mouth and instantly felt like you provoked the sea, for it came to swallow you in the shape of a man who refused to believe you had the nerve to say those words.
The bathtub’s water became choppy and spread with a growing roar when he turned to you, rising out of the tank and soaking your legs and the hem of your dress. At the same time, he leaned his hands on the marble, but kept himself on the tub, in a way that reminded you of a mermaid luring a sailor to death. The fact that you had the Lord of all mermaids in this position, and that, unlike a sailor, you had no experience in the sea, only made things more terrifying.
– Yes, this is everything you need to know, little dragonet – he leaned closer to you as he spoke; his voice was sweet, but his words were pure ice; you glanced down and noticed his right hand moving from the marble and reaching for your thigh – I saw you there, desired you and took you for myself, and I did not need any more reasons for this. There is no secret in it, and I am not sorry for disappointing you in this sense. If humans are always seeking for mysteries where there is none, I am not the one to blame.
You opened your mouth, but closed it again: no words would serve as response for what you just heard. And, well, in reality, nothing passed your lips because your mind stopped working, and your body started acting by itself.
And that’s why you never saw how exactly you did that and why, later, you would find yourself unable to recall it: in one moment, you felt a bubbling inside your stomach, and your entire body started trembling; in the next, all of this stopped, and you saw your left hand raising and moving forward. After this, you only remembered a persistent burning on your palm and your cheeks soaked in tears.
When you raised your eyes to your husband, through your blurry sight you noticed him touching his own face in incredulity, and you swore there was a reddish mark on it. You covered your mouth with your hands.
Is this what I think t is? Did I just… slap him?
Whatever the explanation your mind could give you for the scene, as soon as you saw Poseidon’s hand moving away from his cheek and his glare turning to you, you knew it wouldn’t matter. Yes, no sign of the dark shade appeared in his eyes when you looked into them, but you wouldn’t stay there and wait to see what he would do after experiencing what was probably the worst example of the human audacity in centuries.
You were still kneeling on the floor; you tried to force your body to stand up and move away… but soon you realized you were unable to do it: the water, mixed with soap and lotions, eliminated the friction between your body and the floor, so when you turned to leave, you just manged to slip and fall on your stomach before you could go too far. At the same time, a strong hand made you turn on your back, closing around your leg, and you were pulled back to the bathtub’s edge.
You saw yourself laying on the floor, your dress clinging on your back, your hair floating on the water around your head. Besides, your feet were now passing over the tub’s edge, so that you would never find balance to move and leave your spot. And you had no time to think of anything else, because Poseidon was now leaving the tub and putting himself over you. The air escaped your lungs, and you shut your eyes tight, just waiting for death…
However, it didn’t come.
A hot breath touched your neck, and the voice of your husband reached your ear in a harsh whisper.
– Still, regarding the entire time you stood with me yesterday… – his lips brushed your lobe – You seemed far from disappointed.
You gasped. Your face burned with shame, because deep inside you knew he was right: when you met him, you were impressed, and when he showed himself to you, you admired, desired and accepted him as a man – and you ended up exhausted, but satisfied. That was how you remembered things; that was your truth. And something like this could never stay hidden from the sharp eyes of the god you had before you.
But the hardest part was that Poseidon wouldn’t miss the chance to have fun with it.
– But if you really want one more reason, here you have it – he chuckled; you felt his hand playing with the soaked hem of your dress, lifting it and exposing your thighs – You are a really entertaining creature, human... Keeping you is worthy...
Something stirred inside you at the sound of that word. You gathered courage and opened your eyes, only to find your husband staring back at your embarrassed traits. You looked into them, hoping to find something that explained the use of that word, but Poseidon was clearly better than you in keeping secrets, so the only thing you saw there was desire.
The same desire I perceived when he approached me for the first time.
– Why the surprise, dragonet? – he brought his hand to your face, and his fingers traced a line through your cheek, descending until they found your neck and closed themselves around it – Don’t you find it strange that I still did not eliminate you after everything you have done? That I did not cut off your hand after what you just did? Or did not burn your tongue for the things you said at the dinning room?
You didn’t reply. Still holding your neck, he brought his lips closer to yours.
– I like to keep what is mine intact – he gave you a brief kiss on your mouth – There is no use in breaking you... Especially when I just discovered this strength in your little hands…
It wasn’t hard to guess what was going to happen now.
With his thumb, he separated your lips, and his tongue he found its way into your mouth. It wasn’t too long until he extended his passionate gestures to your chin, your cheeks, your neck and collar, and for his hands to find a chance to free you from your soaking dress. You weren’t left without reaction, though: joining the kiss with a similar enthusiasm, you started to use your hands in him as well, caressing the spot you just slapped, touching the golden strands of his hair falling around his face, and even reaching for his ears, just to see his body’s response during love making.
And it was as intense as you could expect: he didn’t wait a single second to take you to him, tightening you in his arms, pressing your body under his, against the floor.
It’s like watching the sea falling over me.
In the middle of this, your regained your voice. And, as expected, to gather one more reason that would make your husband punish you if he had no regard for your integrity.
– There’s no use in breaking me, my Lord… but you rejoyce in breaking my spirit, right?
You closed your eyes, and the last thing you remembered was his voice making you a question that might have come from his mouth or your own mind.
– Is your spirit this easy to break?
Chapter 9
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tiaamorosa · 9 days
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
A Summary of Gameplay - Part 3
First a bit long text. I already mentioned at some point that I like playing with the story progression from Nraas (with some associated addons). And she tells me a lot. Since there are already interesting households and relationships between some Sims in Lucky Palms, this little program makes everything a little spicier. I either let myself be inspired by the messages that pop up from time to time or I ignore them if they don't particularly interest me. But with one person there were a few things that made me go to her and accompany her for a while... unfortunately I couldn't avoid falling into story mode. The little pixels just give me so much incentive. And there will be several parts. Well, enough talking… Let’s take a look.
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As I announced, the next household I am visiting is Marisol Loera. She is a young adult, a writer, and lives in a nice big house with a hot tub. I immediately set about making a few rooms a little nicer/cozy. Then I put the young lady through the CAS and I was able to concentrate on the essentials.
Marisol has a romantic interest with Donnovan Steel, that's right from the start when you start in this city. But Donnovan still seems to be interested in other women, according to Progression. I saw Marisol have the “cheated” symbol in her mood section.. And then there's someone else playing a role in Marisol's life. Her best friend Clark Bellamore, who is the leader and singer of a band. And the two of them got closer one day (or rather one evening). and here is the place where the story mode began.
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Marisol learned from a friend that Donnovan had apparently gone over the top again. "Don? It's me… No, don't hang up now, okay? I have questions… But I don't want to talk to you about it on the phone. Do you have time? no, I don't care, please come over"… And Don came by… Quite quickly actually, he seemed to have been nearby.
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The doorbell rang a little later "So, what do you want to talk about?"/ "I'm sure you can guess. Naomi called me…"/ "uh… So… I can explain…"/ "I'm looking forward to the explanation!" .(ironic tone of her voice). Marisol let him into the house. But she couldn't look at him. "Hey, about Naomi… It's nothing. It was just harmless flirting, you know I like to flirt sometimes."/ "It wasn't just harmless, you groped her even though you know she's with Jaycen"/ "I didn't grope her, okay? What you did was probably a lot more blatant, …" (Marisol spoke to Don after spending time with her best friend Clark after a concert, the rest will be explained in more detail later).
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"I haven't seen Clark for a long time, so I met up with him that evening after his concert". Don made a disgusted face. "Yes, you met him, got drunk and then fucked with him… Have you forgotten what I wrote to you, do you want me to show you again?". Donnovan's voice was a little sterner. "No, I… I just wasn't quite myself at that moment"/ "no, but he was in you… Man, Marisol. I like flirting with other people, but those words were meant seriously. I would have liked to have had you with me that night, shit, really…"
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Marisol looked at him wistfully. "Why didn't you say something about your feelings before? You always wanted something casual, you said……"/ "Would that have prevented you from sleeping with him?"/ "Most likely yes, Don. Clark and I, we've known each other since school, we're best friends, and that night … we really drank and talked a lot…"/ "don't blame the alcohol, okay?"..,
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"You must find something pretty great about him, best friends or not…"/ "That's not true, he… He's not really my type at all, but he's a nice person and…"/ "Yes, and now you're pregnant, but certainly not by me,…"/ "I know, Don…". Marisol and Donnovan also had longer conversations with each other and they agreed to sleep together with contraceptives because it was too early for them to have children… "Man…does he know about this yet?
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She shook her head. "No, I haven't told him yet… Don, I really don't want anything from him"/ "But now you're having a child with him and what about him? Does he have feelings for you?"/ "No… No, I don't think so, he had a guilty conscience because he had taken advantage of the situation that night. I went straight home the next morning". Donnovan shook his head, annoyed. "He may be a cool singer, but he's never had any luck with girls, he's a klutz and he's always on tour with his band. The most he gets is the occasional shag with groupies…". Marisol looked at him reproachfully because of his words. "Don't be like that. But I have to tell him anyway…and what about us now?"/ "I'm not really keen on bringing up someone else's child".
End of this Part
The conversation between Donnovan and Marisol continued for a bit, but overall Don was annoyed that he wasn't the father of her child (really?). And he once again explicitly stated that he was serious about her. Well…there was always a certain undertone in his voice, but she didn't really notice it. Anyway, a few days later she wanted to talk to Clark and inform him that he was going to be a father. You'll see that next time.
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roxie-roo · 1 year
another hermit hollow fic!! Hope you guys like this one, and stay tuned for some Interesting two fics in the future <3 enjoy, @majickth
People didn't move in to Hermit's Hollow. That just wasn't the case. Then again, no one moved out either. It was just a small, insular community, full of people who it seemed had known each other for years.
So imagine the surprise when a new person came, greeting Pearl with long built up feelings.
Her brother, they'd learned. A recently fired journalist, looking for peace and quiet for once.
Word travels fast in the Hollow.
Thus did news of his investigation into the hooded figures that townspeople dared not acknowledge.
It passed through trees, between lumberjacks. The blond one lugged a tree over her shoulder as she walked back towards town, pausing only to see her companion frozen in place.
"Ren?" She called to him. "What's got into you?"
"By the pricking of my thumb.." Ren muttered to himself, "something wicked this way comes.."
Shakespeare. She'd recalled Ren to have been a fan. Still, she didn't quite understand the usage of it now.
The news was spread among customers in a small bookshop near town. The librarian refused to say anything beyond cryptic messages and poetic waxing, all of which received eye rolls and "typical Joe"s from the customers. Except for one. A blond approached the counter, trying to look as casual as possible as he fidgeted with his feather earrings.
"Did-.. did he really say he was investigating.. them?"
"That's what I heard." Joe Hills, the owner of the bookshop, nodded and closed the book on his desk. "He's a journalist, I like journalists. They remind me of myself in a way... never know when to quit. Yknow, I think I met a journalist a while back. Some two,,, three? Years ago?"
The blond tuned out Joe's rambling, hastily paying for his books and leaving very quickly. Far too quickly for Joe to not at least be a little suspicious. He eyed the customer behind him, and shrugged.
"Oh well."
Hermit's Hollow was full of uneasy souls that afternoon. Coincidentally all blonde, a thought that crossed Ren's mind as he watched his,,, friend? Friend sounded good. Watched his friend stare at a scar on his wrist. The symbol was an almost perfect rectangle, permanently etched into the skin. Martyn had told him once what had marked him. A hot iron. Ren shuddered at the thought of it.
"You know, staring at it isn't gonna make it go away, dude." Ren called, arms crossed as he watched him.
"I know." Martyn sighed. Tired and drained, and so, so frustrated. "I don't know what to do at this point. Do I talk to him- ? Tell him its a bad idea?"
"I guess you have to.. Would he listen?"
"That's what I'm afraid of..."
It was certainly a fear not unfounded. And he wasn't the only one who felt it.
"Baby, you pacing is gonna make me dizzy." A soft laugh echoed through the electronics store, the owner of said store leaned over the counter as he watched his partner traverse the small shop, occasionally stumbling and tripping over his feet.
"Sorry.." He stopped, instead hugging his thin frame with a worried huff. "You know why I'm so freaked out.."
"I do." Tango nodded as he stepped out from behind the counter, frowning at the sight of his anxious partner as he pulled him into his arms. "C'mere... you wanna go home?"
"No,, no I'm okay.." He shook his head, relaxing into Tango's arms slowly. "Sorry.."
"Don't be sorry, Jimmy.. I get it.. hey, maybe it's just a rumor. Yknow?"
"Yeah.. rumor.."
The bell above Decked Out rang and Tango untangled himself from around Jimmy's frame, quickly ducking behind the counter again. "Welcome to Decked Out, what can I help you with?"
Jimmy turned to look at the customer, and all the color drained from his face. Exactly as described. Wiry frame, red sweater, glasses, journal and pen.
"Hi, I was told I might be able to find one James Tek here?"
Tango narrowed his eyes at the stranger, while Jimmy cleared his throat and stepped towards him.
"I'm him. Please, just call me Jimmy, everyone does."
"Jimmy, perfect." The stranger grinned. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
"I know what this is about.." Jimmy sighed. "I'll be back, Tangs..."
"Stay safe, baby.." Tango called out as they left.
Turns out, this was the rumored stranger, Grian. Pearl's brother. And Jimmy wasn't the only one being asked.
Martyn was also approached by this stranger, and asked the same question Jimmy dreaded now.
"What do you know about The Watchers?"
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maplefield · 4 months
rambling about fujin and the white snake adeptus
ok so. i was watching videos of previous lantern rite playthroughs on yt (started playing at the end of january 2023 so i couldn't even take part in last year's) and looking back now after the 4.4 livestream, i thought maybe that 2022 mingxiao lantern was a nod to fujin, so i started digging and went down the rabbit hole basically and collected some things i found interesting.
NO LEAKS, everything written about here is mentioned in in-game items or is a part of chinese culture and legends, but some of it might be considered potential spoilers regarding chenyu vale
first, i wanna preface this by saying that i am no expert in chinese culture so please do correct me if i say something incorrect.
during the 2022 lantern rite they didn't mention which fallen liyue hero the lantern was for (or i missed it) but i found a really good post on hoyolab by Flora's cake.EN, talking about chinese customs and the celebration of the lunar new year. they say that the mingxiao lantern was based on the lantern with the fish pattern of the previous year's festival, and they also note that the lantern resembles carp and goldfish, how in chinese culture they symbolize wealth, fortune, and benefits, and express "people's yearning for prosperity, auspiciousness, and good fortune". this symbolism in chinese culture is very clearly transferred to the game too since we know from the stream that there is a well-known legend in chenyu vale about a carp adeptus named fujin and that "in local legends the golden carp is a symbol of good luck". they also talk about jademouth, a famous landmark left behind by an adeptus to protect the people from flooding, and mention the abodes of the white snake and the carp adeptus.
bai suzhen aka the white snake is the central figure of a chinese legend titled "the legend of the white snake". there are several versions and i'll be fully transparent, i haven't read them yet unfortunately. according to this article by Minjie Su, who researches medieval literature (and apparently had the same uni major as me lol) bai suzhen was originally an evil snake spirit, but later the story became a romance between her and a man, Xu Xuan. in one of the later versions, though she is still morally questionable (she "poisons the well to boost her husband’s pharmacy") she is devoted to Xu and sympathetic to humankind. Xu almost dies of shock when he sees her true snake form. (1) however, she "revives him and makes him believe the snake was but an illusion. Enraged, Fahai wages war against Madam White and holds Xu as hostage, Madam White commands water to rise from the lake to drown Fahai’s temple. She would have defeated the monk, if she did not feel sympathy towards the innocent townsfolk involved in her war. In the end, she surrenders to Fahai’s power and becomes imprisoned under the Pagoda, but not before her short reunion with Xu and the birth of their son. (...) she will never bee freed unless the palm tree before the Pagoda blossoms (...)" she is eventually freed by her son, though this action is not intentional, merely a coincidence. (2)
while searching, i also found this post by baoboatree on reddit, who did some huge work and re-translated the descriptions of the echoes of an offering artifact set. three things to note before i continue: 1) this part might contain POSSIBLE SPOILERS regarding the story of the new chenyu vale region, so proceed with caution 2) my chinese is not good enough to be able to compare the translation to the original and verify the information presented here (i am NOT saying it is incorrect and i'm certainly NOT trying to criticize baoboatree, just thought i should mention this) and 3) the post is relatively old, so some information might have been updated/re-written in-game and become outdated here. for these reasons, it's best to take it all with a grain of salt.
according to baoboatree's interpretation, the story "involves two adeptus - a "medicine adeptus" and a "carp adeptus". The two are bickering lovers/friends and lived near Chenyu valley. Until one day, the carp adeptus was sacrificed in an ancient ritual and loses her human form. She can no longer walk on land, but longed to see Liyue harbor. The medicine adeptus took her on a trip to Liyue harbor by taking her along in a Serenitea pot . (...) The fish adeptus is implied in at least four of the five pieces to have sacrificed herself again, becoming the sunken jade of Chenyu Vale. In at least one but maybe two legends, the medicine adeptus is implied to have become a tea tree that only grows in Chenyu Vale." they say the medicine adeptus may or may not be madame ping, which personally, i believe it's more likely they have something to do with the white snake adeptus (or is even the white snake adeptus themselves), whose husband was a pharmacist in the legend, and who stole medicine for him in another version of that legend.
i encourage everyone to read the whole reddit post, i found it fascinating and baoboatree really worked hard on it. i don't want to go into too much detail here bc this post is already way too long. when the medicine adeptus brings the carp adeptus to liyue harbor in the teapot, baoboatree also states that, in contrast to the official english translation, the teapot was not a gift from "a friend" but "friends", plural. now, this was actually something i could check, and it is absolutely correct. they theoretize that these friends might include madame ping, the role of the medicine adeptus and carp adeptus being clear. they also note in a comment that the fish lantern during lantern rite might have been representing the fish adeptus. looking back now, i would be surprised if it wasn't. hoyo has shown to pay attention to things like this.
as for why it were two fish, one might have been referencing this medicine adeptus, or one could have simply been put there to make it look more balanced, or to emphasize the wish for good fortune, or maybe there will be more to this that we'll uncover. either way, i'm interested in seeing how the story about this carp adeptus will unfold. if they try to stay close to the legend, it might have been the white snake adeptus that caused the flood which made the carp adeptus sacrifice herself. as for whether this white snake adeptus is the same as the medicine adeptus, honestly i think it could go either way. i could argue both for them being the same character and them not being the same. as of right now, i'm more inclined to think that they are different beings. (edit bc 1) i deleted my reasoning bc looking back it was just ehh and 2) bc i realized that i forgot to add this originally: obviously all of this is just wild speculation, and it could very well be that the story that we get, assuming we learn of these events, will be entirely different. the whole turning into a tree legend from the artifact set could also really just be an in-game myth, though i don't think that very likely, but who knows. either way, nothing even remotely certain can be concluded from the information i presently have.) of course i could very well be wrong, and hoyo will probably do their own take on this legend. after all, they have taken a looot of inspiration from nordic mythology as well (i might do some posts about that too, i was a scandinavian studies major so it's always interesting for me to see how nordic mythology is implemented in games/films etc).
anyway, if anyone read this whole thing, i hope you found it interesting. sorry that it was not very concise, i haven't slept in weeks so my brain is barely working lol. i'm really excited for chenyu vale and lantern rite and can't wait to see what this update brings!
(1) the author points out the storyline also has similarities to that of the french legend of mélusine but i don't have enough brain capacity to go into this as well.
(2) the wikipedia page states that Xu actually dies, and "Bai Suzhen went to Heaven to steal the immortal herb Lingzhi. She succeeded in her mission and used the herb to revive Xu Xian. (...) Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing fought against Fahai and flooded the temple with water, hurting other living creatures.", however, i can't find this information in the relevant source.
Genshin Impact Version 4.4. Special Program https://youtu.be/abZdO3rWoVc?si=wA1QDAYqeCqh3yUA
Flora's cake.EN on Hoyolab
https://www.hoyolab.com/article/14973902 (accessed 20/01/24)
Minjie Su: The Legend of the White Snake: A Chinese Mélusine Story
https://www.medievalists.net/2017/11/legend-white-snake-chinese-melusine-story/ (accessed 20/01/24)
Bai Suzhen on Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bai_Suzhen (accessed 20/01/24)
baoboatree: Echoes of an Offering artifact lore re-translation and interpretation
https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/tta8wo/echoes_of_an_offering_artifact_lore_retranslation/ (accessed 20/21/24)
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moody-avocado · 1 year
Since I am still salty about this
Every time I see a Reylo post, I get reminded just how much I hated the ending of TROS, which includes the abrupt change in Rey’s character, so here’s rant & some lists/meta.
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I am still very annoyed by Rey's reaction to Ben' death, so here’s a list of 5 times Rey was grieving or was at least extremely concerned about someone’s well-being vs. TROS ending. The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker are all there. Daisy Ridley is an amazing actress, and this has nothing to do with her.
I am also including a second list of all the times Rey expressed concern and compassion for Ben, almost all of which were more emotionally intense and satisfying than her reaction to his death.
Rewatching all these scenes has reminded me what a sweet character Rey is; she expresses her emotions so easily and is really in touch with her feelings. The ending of TROS is so out of character for her. Making these lists has also reminded me just how frequently Rey experienced tragedy over the course of the three movies.
I wish Ben lived, of course.
Please keep in mind that a good part of this post talks about character deaths in Star Wars, so please proceed with caution. You might find the content triggering; I have used all the trigger warnings/“tw” tags that I could think of.
Let’s go.
1-2 - TFA
1. Han dies
At this point, Rey barely knows Han (I think she has known him for exactly one day here), and still, this is her reaction to him being stabbed/thrown off the bridge. She gets easily attached to people and that she cares deeply. Rey yells, she cries.
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Interestingly, her grief lasts in TFA - this is her returning to the Resistance base after Han’s death:
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For contrast, here is Rey returning to the Resistance base after Ben Solo’s death; they had known each other for some time and had a very complex relationship, where they were both vulnerable with each other/bonded through the Force, saved each other’s lives multiple times, and were in love/attracted to each other:
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It’s almost scary how quickly she gets over the whole thing.
2. Finn get injured
This scene lasts for a a pretty long time - unlike the segment where Ben disappears/dies and Rey is alone. When it comes to the emotional reaction, while you can argue that Rey is aware that she may die as well (the planet is collapsing), and that that adds to her sadness and concern, it’s still pretty clear that she cares about Finn deeply. She is again crying, and she also starts hugging him almost immediately after she finds him passed out.
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Bonus - we can feel the despair in this shot of the gloomy forest:
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There was nothing to even symbolically indicate Rey’s profound sadness/loneliness/despair after Ben dies. She does end up alone in a desert, but this is presented both as a happy event and unrelated to her Force dyad soulmate dying. The return to the desert was also awful, but that’s a rant for another time.
This is also a beautiful and very dramatic shot:
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This TFA scene would make me think that Rey cares more about Finn, even after knowing him for a very short time and very superficially, than she does about Ben at the end of the trilogy, if I were to compare her “shrug emoji” reaction to this one. However, I would assume that she cares about someone that she shares a connection that spans across space and time and that she is in love with, and a person she met that day, who is admittedly very likeable and who has helped her, in equal measure, at least.
Like with Han, this is Rey still being concerned after they get back to the Resistance base; she is reaching out to see if Finn is alright:
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3 - TLJ
3. Luke’s death
Luke dies in this one. Rey talks about it with Leia, and says that it was peaceful and purposeful, which I believe is meant to, in part, explain why they are both not grieving more than this:
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Please keep in mind that what I say in this paragraph is completely within the confines of the movies/the narrative and fantasy - it does not apply to real life. I guess that something along those lines could be applied to Ben’s death in TROS - that it was with a purpose - saving Rey. However, I just cannot compare Luke - who had a much longer life and a much less tormented existence overall, and who sacrificed himself to “right the wrong that he did”, which was “creating Kylo Ren” in the first place - dying to save the Resistance, to his nephew dying after he knew happiness for probably the first time in his life, after decades of abuse. A digression, but here is Luke vs. Ben, who is shaking, around the time when they made the decision to sacrifice themselves:
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TROS had one of the most depressing movie endings I have ever seen.
4-5 - TROS
4. Rey accidentally zaps the ship that she thought Chewbacca was in
I have no idea how close Rey and Chewbacca are, but here’s how she reacts when she is convinced that Chewie is dead:
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5. Leia
Leia dies and Rey senses it in the Force. This is probably the most miserable we ever see Rey. She has just lost her mother figure - it is difficult to watch:
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Ok, now Rey expressing concern for Ben:
1. TFA - planet collapsing
This is a subtle one, and she is either concerned (she left Kylo Ren/Ben to die, injured) or she is intrigued by their meeting and is reflecting on it (some third option is a possibility - for example, she noticed a ship come pick him up):
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2. TLJ - Ben explains to Rey that Luke tried to kill him
She calls him a liar, and while she might also be crying because she is shocked to learn such a thing and is disappointed in Luke, she is clearly sad about the whole thing:
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3. TLJ - Rey is mad that Luke tried to kill Ben
Rey is protective when it comes to the people (and droids) she cares about. You could argue that in this scene she is angry about all the events that stemmed from “Luke creating Kylo Ren”, and that that’s why she is in fight mode. Still, it’s shown that she has developed some feelings for Ben:
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4. TLJ - Rey sees Kylo getting strangled during the Throne room fight:
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5. TLJ - The “you are breaking my heart! You are going down a path that I can't follow” moment:
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6. TROS - Rey healing Ben
While she is still overwhelmed and crying due to Leia’s passing, Rey turns towards Ben (my interpretation is that she is also wondering what his feelings concerning his mother’s death are, due to their strained relationship) and then looks at his wound:
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Rey informs Ben that she wanted to take his hand after she is done healing him:
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She shifts from grieving for Leia, to grieving the relationship that she could have had with Ben.
7. TROS - Rey realizing Ben has arrived to help her fight Palpatine
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I love this moment ^
I think that all of these moments show that Rey does care about Ben, deeply. These are her reactions to events that are not as final as his death.
And finally - Ben dying:
The way this scene is presented, it really seems that Rey is frowning primarily because she is confused - she doesn’t understand why Ben is acting all weird:
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Rey when she comprehends that Ben is dead:
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That’s it. There is no screaming, crying, trying to hold him, nothing.
And then
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She doesn’t even mention Ben dying to anyone (there is no discussing Luke’s death-type scene). I am presuming that she has to bring it up, and fast, since this is also the Supreme Leader who has just died, she is the only one who knows for certain he is dead, and Rey and all her friends are... politically involved, but this probably happens off-screen then.
I could add that Rey holds a sort of a funeral for Leia and Luke (burying the lightsabers), but that she does not do anything similar for Ben.
If you have made it to the end of the post, please let me know what your thoughts are!
Thanks for reading, This has been therapeutic.
I do not own any of the materials used/any of the characters, entertainment purposes only.
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shellsinadune · 10 months
ok so i'm back, i've slept on it, here are some things i loved about the darlinghurst great comet (in no particular order - spoilers if you want to be surprised by the creative decisions):
the drinks were great, i don't drink so i had the war and peach at the intermission and it had glitter in it!! btw just in general love when theatres change the name of a drink for the show ('anatole spritz' (aperol spritz) tickled me)
everyone was so kind, i got complimented on my outfit and the person (usher? idk the word) was really helpful
the building was accessible in a way i wasn't used to. the accessible bathroom had those buttons to open and lock the door, idk whether the changing place was adequate for adults but it was there. there was a lift between the upper and lower ground floor so i could actually go down those half floor stairs that i usually just have to sit at the top of
the use of the (massive) disco ball was beautiful, i started crying during no one else and the little specks of light spinning like snow were a contributing factor in that
the costumes!!!! they definitely did their own thing with them. natasha's opening dress with the sleeves and anatole's crop top were highlights but the whole thing was cool. most of the fem clothes had a sort of babydoll vibe to them?? idk how to describe it.
sonya alone was beautiful, many of the solos (notably also pierre and dust and ashes) were performed as if the character was writing/singing a song rather than the actor performing the characters' thoughts, if that makes sense?? but just the spotlight on her, her playing the piano and singing..... it wasn't what i was expecting, but it allowed a nice little rest between bigger numbers and let me focus on the singing
the whole cast was so talented though, i think every actor played an instrument at some point which is super impressive. some of them had cellos strapped to them half the time and were still dancing.
the theatre was so small that i'm pretty sure the cast could fully see me sobbing in the back row at the end. that is how great comet should be.
the jumping skills were impressive. not just during the abduction but also when people were getting off the stage.
i like how opb's movements were mostly controlled by other actors dragging his clothes around. my dad and i had a conversation about whether it's symbolic of his privilege (having a bunch of yes man servants) or of his declining mental state (being controlled by his dementia (?) instead of what he used to be)
danatole rights in the duel and preparations (they are so dysfunctional <3). anatole grabbing at dolokhov's chest and kissing his neck when 'a fact known only to his intimates' *chefs kiss*
marya's actor wasn't performing and the swing was playing helene so the production manager (?) was playing marya. given that she didn't know the role perfectly (she had the script in hand) she did really well!!!!
the 2 little balconies were great, they added a lot of dimension to the stage. (for those wondering, to my memory the songs performed in the balconies were: pierre, natasha and sonya in the opera, natasha & anatole, dust and ashes, pierre in letters, preparations, anatole in find anatole, and pierre & anatole)
GENDERQUEER ANATOLE!!!!! the way they would switch octaves mid line <3333
actually multiple of these actors are trans/gnc!!!!!!!
there was no/very little ensemble so you could hear every individual voice during the harmonies
the program is gorgeous, there are little glossy constellations all over it which makes a nice texture
the choreography in charming was so neat. love those little shoulder wiggles.
no strobing in the duel (but yes strobing in the opera when anatole comes in)
they did something with the lighting during the ball kiss that sort of made it look like a veil of light and a little strip of darkness spinning around them. if i'm going to analyse it conveys natasha's confusion while giving her privacy. or something i can't figure out the words to explain it.
not really intentional but right before the bit of the opera with the show, they stopped the performance for a bit. idk why. but it was charming and helpful for me because i had to ground a bit.
i cried 7 times. my head hurt by the end of it.
the use of silence was so good. like pauses between songs, in the middle of them, idk just. you know that post about how live theatre conveys loneliness better than anything else? yeah.
i know i already said this but i kept putting these as separate points so i'll just say all the actors' performances are SO GOOD. natasha and sonya were like..... scarily well cast btw
the 'no, i am enjoying myself at home this evening' line was performed so well
i didn't get an on stage seat but they were sitting at a long table type thing that was actually part of the stage and the cast were literally dancing directly in front of them
i like the fact they didn't try to find gender conforming audience members to bring up (in this performance, mary's suitor was fem presenting and opb's 'cheap french thing' was masc presenting). they didn't change pronouns to try and match the gender presentation of whoever they called up. same with the actors during the abduction (matryoshka etc).
finally managed to id the woodwind instrument in the 'he'll come home one day and take me away, i want nothing more' bit ('twas a clarinet). that was bugging me for years.
the comet was depicted by natasha's actor holding a big lit up ball and slowly walking through the mid-audience bit of the stage. when the song ends she gives it to pierre and he holds it until it's the only light in the room. something something hope.
they didn't directly copy the recording, there were variations in the tune that caught me off guard (in a good way) and they pronounced things the way that was most natural for an australian performance instead of trying to americanise.
overall, the only thing i would want for is to have a recording for sale, because my memory is so shit that i remember something that happened yesterday about as well as i can remember being 4 years old (not an exaggeration). i'm sort of sad that i can't see it again and again, which is just part of ~the magic of theatre~ but also a sign that it's really that good.
(anyway i highly recommend it if you're in sydney before the 20th of august)
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zealctry · 2 months
Over the years, the way I viewed and portrayed Hidan’s religion has evolved drastically (welp, it’s been over a decade now, so it was inevitable), so I thought I’d write a small update concerning key elements and fundamental principles, in no particular order.
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1. Indoctrination.   In all verses, Hidan’s relationship with Jashinism is based on cult-like brainwashing indoctrination and a direct result of purposefully-inflicted trauma. There was no cute pamphlet and deep conversation that led to a voluntary and effortless change in mindset. In all verses, Hidan’s introduction to and acceptance of Jashinism is a result of prolonged and relentless, physical and psychological torture that lead him to believe that pain is god and worship and that death is a blessing (and highly desirable). Dude was literally experimented on when he wasn’t even an adult. (also, he lives with PTSD every single day and doesn’t even know/understand the concept. would be highly offended by it, too.
2. Isolation.  Jashinism is highly isolatory and its belief system, in essence, serves to cut the practitioner away from any other potential associations, be they social circles, spheres of influence, or emotional entanglements of any sort (all of which may potentially threaten its principles). By setting the practitioner apart from others, it reinforces its own dogma (can’t be challenged if there are no possibilities for that challenge to even happen, you know).
Whilst not dissing other religious practices, it highly discourages emotional attachments to other people. . ..  including other practitioners of the same faith (you’re not allowed to trauma-bond, my pals, lest you suddenly have an epiphany and decide to revolt). You grow attached to another human being, either platonically or romantically? You gotta kill them – kill thy neighbourand all that. On the surface, this is the highest level of sacrifice you can possibly offer Jashin: what you most love. Deeper still, you’re basically further isolating yourself from others by either avoiding connections beyond the superficial (a very Hidan-esque thing! he’s quite sociable and pleasant, but he’s one of those people whom you realize you spent time with but don’t really know-know at all) or brutally severing them once they’re formed (also known as slaughter and human sacrifice!).
3. Jashinism & Suffering.  Similar to Buddhism, a precept of Jashinism is that (unenlightened) life consists of inevitable suffering. Birth is suffering. Aging is suffering. Sickness if suffering. Despair, pain, grief, attachment, desire is suffering. However, the release from suffering, in Jashinism, is death.
4. Pain is pure and good and grounding and leads to enlightenment. You should be thankful to and praise your pain.
5. Hidan doesn’t believe he is the bad guy. He doesn’t get his kicks out of just mindlessly skewering people (or himself, see the point above). In fact, he believes he is The Bestest Boi, and that his raison d’etre is holy and useful and good. He has surrendered his own death in order to serve humanity and Jashin, and bring enlightenment and, ultimately, death upon others. In that sense, he selflessly gifts his death to others. He’s such a good boi, Jashin loves him.
6. Immortality.  Hidan believes that he will be allowed to die only when he has accomplished all the tasks set out for him, and all of Jashin’s demands (he only has a loose idea of what these are, btw). He strives towards this goal. He’s not afraid of dying, but welcomes it. In the same breath, he doesn’t believe that anyone cankill him. . . .. except his god. Death is his fun lil’ treat and the carrot Jashin dangles at the end of the rope for him, so to speak.
7. Jashinism has many symbols and associations (as well as associated practices). A vague visual post can be found here.
8. Jashinism is absolutist in some of its commandments, but it is not monotheistic. Hidan will look at you oddly if you were to preach a monotheistic doctrine to him, or even insinuate it. He mayserve Jashin, but he does not acknowledge Jashin as the only deity to exist (and, in fact, Hidan will pray at various shrines and holds all faiths in high some regard).  Fundamentally, Hidan’s belief system is a mixture of Shinto, Buddhism, and Christianity principles/themes. I won’t really elaborate here, as if would take pages, but to understand Hidan’s beliefs, you must have some understanding of Shinto (a large part of his practices and beliefs revolve around it.)
In modern verses, Hidan’s parents are “born again” Christians. As a result, he is both well-versed in Christianity and, as a direct result of his upbringing,disdains it/holds it in contempt.
9. Jashism tag.
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thinkingabthim · 2 years
make a mammon (obey me, shall we date) & y/n one but the plot twist is that mammon starts dating u bc he got dared to & then he falls in love with y/n more & more
🎧📚 。✧⭒˚ ~ Just a bet
Genre: Angst, fluff (maybe, maybe not)
Mammon x f!reader
Summary: As a dare, Mammon has to date someone in class. He picks a random girl in the back of his class. Not knowing she's hopelessly in love with him. One day he asks to call off the bet not realizing she was near. Will he be able to fix this?
Word count: 586
Inspired by: Sex sells by Lovejoy
Warnings: Angst, fluff (🤭🤔), cringe probably.
A/N: HOW ODD??? I thought ur request was deleted. I couldn't find it for like 3 days and it just randomly came out while I was going through my drafts. Anyway enjoy my fave little loser💋. I kinda hate this. AND ALSO THIS SONG IS BASED ON SEX SELLS BY LOVEJOY 😍😍😍
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It all started when Mammon took a bet from his friend.
“Hey Mammon! Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to date a random girl in class”
“No way, that’s horrible and mean”
“I’ll give you 5000 grimm if you do it.”
“...Okay deal, I’ll just tell her”
He didn’t know it would go this far. He didn’t know he’d fall for her like she fell for him.
“Hey Y/n, are you doing anything after school?”
“I’m doing nothing after, why?” She didn’t look up from her journal
“Wanna go out?”
“Go out where? And with who”
“Go out with me”
“How do I know you’re not fucking with me right not?”
“I’m not! I heard there was a fair opening near here”
“Fine. One date Mammon, one date.”
He fucked up. Real bad.
He shouldn’t have done it, he should’ve told her.
“I want the deal off.”
“Why? Are you losing? Or are you falling in love?”
“I’m serious, Arroth. I want the deal off.”
“Just break it off with her. I saw that girl you liked was getting jealous”
They were interrupted when Mammon heard running and also sobbing.
The image of you crying was burnt in his memory.
He adored you! He really did.
He noticed little things about you, things normally people wouldn’t notice.
He noticed how you used to wear cold, and earthy tones before you met him.
How you wore more warm tones when you met him, symbolizing confidence and independence.
How you were always happy and bubbly around him
How comfortable you were.
You thought he was the one.
You thought he was serious.
Only for him to lead you into a false sense of hope.
“I’m telling you Y/n! He’s into you!”
“Oh shush Thirteen, he isn’t”
“He is! I’m telling you! If you weren’t so oblivious you’d see him staring at you in class”
“Well… Maybe there’s something on my face! I don’t know? But what I do know is that he isn’t into me”
When he asked you out you couldn’t believe it.
You thought he was joking.
Turns out you were right. It was all a lie.
The cuddles, the compliments, the kisses.
How could you be so stupid? You should’ve known. It was right under your nose.
Once you’ve overheard what he said, you run straight to the House of Lamentation to seek comfort from Asmodeus. Only realizing that it was still the middle of the day, he was still in classes.
Only person who was present was Lucifer.
He heard the door slam. He got out of his office and comforted you.
Mammon ran home to see Lucifer guiding you into his office.
He was heartbroken of course, but he gave you some space for a few hours..
Hours turned into months.
Your eyes became lifeless, the sparkle disappeared.
You became more quiet and introverted.
Only people you’d talk to are Lucifer, and some close friends.
You became closer to Lucifer.
After a few months, you guys became a thing.
Mammon was heart broken. All because of a stupid bet.
A bet he shouldn’t have accepted.
He couldn’t sleep, all his thoughts were you.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard giggles outside.
He looks out to see you and Lucifer getting all cuddly.
‘Out of character for him’ He thought.
Lucifer made you more happy then he ever did.
At night he can’t even turn the lights off, knowing you were going to sleep in Lucifer’s room instead of his.
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raayllum · 3 months
hey I have some thoughts and theories on season six that I want to post but I feel like they’re kind of in cohesive and all over the place and rambly and I’m not really sure the best way to get them across especially when I’m more of a brainstorm type of personof like 10 different ways something could go I’m not really sure how to organize it or make it comprehensible to the average Tumblr scroller do you have any tips for this? because I want them to get reach cause I do feel like I’m contributing something but sometimes I think what I’m saying makes no sense at all or no one’s going to read all that you know. or, TLDR: Do you have any tips on making meta in general since you seem to be the main producer of it in the fandom ha ha, your input would be invaluable
So I actually did start writing a post a while ago about well, a kind of how to guide for writing meta, but it felt very self-gratuitous so it got semi-banished to the drafts although I still might finish / clean it up and post it someday
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That being said your ask does make me realize that your query is not something I had considered going over, approaching it from more of a "here's how to train your brain to notice things that can be fun to write meta about" > organizing said thoughts, so thank you for bringing it to my attention! I hope some of this advice will be useful, and it may even have some overlap with other thoughts I had planned
The most useful way I've found when it comes to meta is treating it like an essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs / sections (and sometimes headers), and a conclusion of some kind when warranted. This means looking for similarities or main ideas with possible consistent threads (i.e. avenues Aaravos' evil plans could go might be split off into branches, each one detailing a different avenue). So that would be my best advice when it comes to organization.
However, most concerns about "not making sense" comes down to thinking through what context you have to provide for your audience to understand what you're discussing, depending on the length and depth of the leap / analysis. Are there any symbols being drawn upon we will want to explain in more detail before theorizing how they relate to the show? Are there any smaller details or scene summaries to include when putting these things together?
For example, when I wrote a meta about Rayla being the metaphorical light to Callum's darkness (pre-S5), I first had to establish why I associated her with light, drawing from visual examples from S1, S2, and S4, as well as the "Dear Callum" letter. Callum's side of things was more straightforward with dialogue in the text. Then I could take it one step further and talk about why this light-dark duality indicates that she will likely save him from possession after possibly leading to the fall in the first place. But I had to go from a bottom-top approach in steadily building the layers rather than starting from the top and working my way down, as for more symbolic matters in particular, that can often be confusing.
Although sometimes more simplistic, consulting the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) can likewise be useful in meta in terms of 1) tracing where certain ideas are coming from in the text, 2) what is being posited/suggested, and 3) why these things might be conflated, and 4) who might be involved. Obviously meta tends to be more "what" heavy, particularly when its predictive, but it's kinda like explaining why one character might be more involved in one plot line than another, etc. There's going to be a Why to that Who, and those things both combine to form the What (otherwise known as theory or just plain analysis).
And don't be concerned about if people are gonna wanna read it. I find most people in TDP fandom are pretty down to theorize even if they may not necessarily write a lot of it down themselves (and often have cool ideas/contributions too!) and I am the king of making things overly long, yet people muscle through anyway!
That's about it for me without more specifics (a character study vs foil vs theme vs prediction are all kinda different in their own way) but I would love to hear more if you'd like to message me off anon or if you have more thoughts/questions you'd like to leave in my inbox once that's opened back up! Have fun theorizing, have fun writing, always feel free to break longer metas up into smaller bite sized ones as you go, and I look forward to seeing them int the tags!
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ydrance · 7 months
Headcanons Petra! (Petra Ral from AOT)
Hi! Here is a list of headcanons about Petra! I'm never going to write about those (no time, want, skills) but I feel the urge to put them out so here they are (they're about Petra mainly, but ships are mentioned. I also have HC about the other members of the squad, but not here. this is long enough already haha.) :
1. I see her as someone anxious in general (with an anxiety disorder eventually) and struggling a lot with the idea of being loved for herself. She is the team player, she is there for other and valued about what she can bring to them. What she can do. But then it poses the question : "can I be loved for myself? and not what I can bring people?" I think that even if she is popular she does really struggle with this, people and being friendly. And loved. (And if she survives after the war there'd be a big identity crisis : is she truly who she is or was it forced upon her by the situation? Does she even want to be that teamplayer/people person. Dedicated fully to helping others to the point of losing herself in the process? Does she has a right to not want it/fell comfortable in it. More on the next HC.)
2. If she survived she would have left after the war to travel and help rebuild. It took her years to come, if she came back at all. (In my old rivetra verse she comes back... or she did at first. Now I don't know.). I think the special situation, and who she is as a person, would lead to some complexe psychological stuff. They go from people that dedicated their lives to humanity, basically giving their whole, existing by and through others to... well. freedom. And the country that you know: committed a genocide. And Petra for me is someone that herself would have an identity crisis, and guilt. Who is she? She always was the team player, the people person, the glue of the teams she was on. She was dedicated. Total abnegation.
So now it poses the question: is she truly like that? Is it truly her... does she want it to be her?
But, there's also guilt, a feeling of obligation  maybe. Yes it wasn't her fault, or evene those of most of thr civilians, but still! The world is destroyed. Does she has a right? to be free? To ask those questions about herself? and contemplate the idea to stop, stop giving, stop helping, and take care of herself? doesn't she has a moral obligation to help rebuild?
Does she has a right to not be helping others?
I think there's also trauma, and that's what she's known her whole life : belonging to a higher cause. Existing by and through it.
So yeah. Trauma, guilt, identity crisis. She leaves, to go helping.
3. She is not dedicated to Levi himself but humanity. And Levi is the hope for it, so she follows him as a symbol, but not him as a man. He is just a man. And she is independant.
But I do see her as someone passionate that does need to dedicate herself, get her whole being into something. Like well humanity, or in modern days I see her as a ballerina, or other professions like that that just take you whole.
She needs to belong to something, she has a lot of passion and needs to get it out. But it's a dedication to something, not someone, whatever her ship is.
4. I like her better unattached. Or with women/afab people.
(Also, I used to think Petra might get a kid or two but now I don't really see her with kids at all. 🤔 She is maternal yeah, but I don't see her having her own, or like wanting her own. I actually wrote in the lantern festival some kid thing, but I really changed my mind since then. 🤔 Changed my mind about a lot of things.)
5. She's a good leader. She could have her own squad. She's actually Levi's true second in command I think.
6. She doesn't actually have "a temper". She is calm and mature. But yeah, she can get defensive and assertive and a bit impulsive. But she doesn't "have a temper". She stands her ground and she cares about things and people, she is a passionate person. But she doesn't have a temper. She is patient. And more of a reserved, calm, silent person, observative too. Very observative actually.
(for me, those are my personal HC! and nothing wrong with having a temper. I'm pretty impulsive myself.)
7. Being the team player actually means a lot in terms of skills. It means that one is very observant, but also very reactive and very very adaptable. Lots of very. They don't just have to insert themselves in situations, they have to do it well, and in adequation with the situation and the person they are helping. All of that in urgent situations with very little time to see and decide and act. They also have to know when they are needed exactly, be able to insert themselves, so they need to see where and how they can act but also communicate it to not surprise the other person.
It also means thinking on the spot, very quickly. Then, eventually switching everything in an instant.
So it's also being adaptable and reactive.
So yeah.
Lots of skills with that position. (haven't listed them all I think. Really a lot of skills, when you think about it.)
8. Not a HC but canon I believe, but she loves sweets.
9. Her mother died when she was young. Her father was absent for a while, emotionally I mean, and let her deal with herself, a bit Like Riza in FMA. But contrary to Riza he was never abusive, and he came back. +In FMA it was never said if he always was like that or not I believe. Petra's father was very loving. He just withdrew emotionally because of grief, and I imagine fell into depression. They never talk about it.
10. Her mother was working in wall Mitras, military police. But they lived in a village in a rural, forest, area.
11. In modernAU/our world AU she is scottish
12. modern AU, our world or SNK, she is a ballerina. It just fits her so well I think. The feminine delicate looking, being but also being incredibly strong and determined and disciplined. Also soulful, sensitive bc art, and giving her whole to something. There was more about that but I wrote this so long ago, right now it doesn't come to my mind. but Yeah, that duality inherent to ballet and ballerinas and Petra herself. Also I don't know, it just fits her. I had more to say about this topic that will forever be lost to the bottomless depths of my memory. Lots of things lost there.
14. She had a few dalliance with other women when in training and her first years in the corps.
15. She is around 26/27 when she dies.
16. She loves movement. She just loves moving, that's a part of her. And as sensitive and emotional and soulful as she is, she expresses herself through movement, not words. But she loves to read. She is someone of movements and actions.
17. Don't ask why but I now ship her with Viktor from Tua. Or Hanpeto (masc Hange more). But Viktor more.
My interest and fandom switched, but I can't leave Petra behind fully... So I still have some unfinished Rivetra, and Petra and squad, and some Hanpeto stuff to post. Drawings/paintings mostly but also some writings, to get out. I can't let go of them. Many are unfinished and Idk if I'll be able to finish the written ones. Or maybe I could post them unfinished. But I have some finished OS I just have to edit and post. Some were supposed to belong to bigger stories but well... :(
My interest has dropped. I am battling the idea of not having produced some things I really am proud of and happy with for the fandom, like not having represented the character as I wanted. Not having said and shown the things I wanted to say and show. Maybe I am just too hard on myself. I was proud of things I wrote and painted when I did them.
But anyways interest is not there anymore so eh. I also have ideas I think could be very interesting but never managed to finish and now I don't think I will manage, same reason. My adhd brain is not interested in it anymore so it doesn't see the point and I have so much things I'm not interested in but must do to do already...
Anyways. If you made it here, congrats on surviving my ramblings :) I still have some things related to Petra even Rivetra to post as I said. Just don't know when 🙈 But if there's a few people still into Petra and the squad, eventually Rivetra and some Hanpeto, there is some more to come :)
I already rewrote this post a 100 times and edited it a 100 more. If I don't post it I' never going to and it will nag me until the end of time. So here. If there are any questions, disagreements, don't hesitate to as I'll be happy to reexplain/explain better.
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