orionsangel86 · 5 months
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You know, I thought we were done with the ageism in fandom thinking that its purely for teenagers? Because it doesn't help anyone to have the attitude of this (now blocked) anon. People don't stop having passions and being fans of things just because they get older. Fandoms thrive BECAUSE older people put in the effort to MAKE them thrive. Do you really think that 100k word perfectly written epic fanfic that you adore so much was written by a 16 year old? Because I guarantee it was more likely to be written by a 35 year old mother of 2.
That amazing cosplay of your fave character you saw at a recent comic con that took phenomenal skill and probably a good deal of expense to look perfect wasn't put together by a 17 year old high schooler, it was perfected through years of passion into a hobby that more than likely required a full time job and a savings account to afford.
That amazing fanartist who has the BEST art of your OTP that captures their likeness in a really gorgeous style? They weren't born with that talent. It takes years to develop a personal art style, and capturing a persons likeness in art is a skill that has to be nurtured. The best artists are the ones who've had years to develop their skills. They aren't school kids. I have had mutuals on this site for a decade now and I have seen how much their art has improved and become absolutely beloved. These are people who at their youngest are in their late 20s now. Most of my mutuals are in their 30s, some of the best fanfiction writers I know are in their 40s and 50s. The meta writers I know are also in my age group. Hell, do you think teenagers run AO3? You'll be surprised just how many "old people" make the best fanworks. If you removed them from fandom spaces, I guarantee you would remove most of the talent, because no offence to you kids, but that talent is something that is nurtured over time, and time and aging go hand in hand i'm afraid.
The people who make fandoms what it is, the ones running events, pouring themselves into analytical posts, providing the best fanart, coming up with the amusing memes and textposts that go viral? Do you REALLY think they are all school kids? Fandoms are made up of PEOPLE, and newsflash assholes, people AGE.
This attitude always amazes me. There isn't an age limit in fandom. This isn't fucking Logan's Run (bet you the kids won't understand that reference) and honestly if these kids genuinely think they need to give it up and quit at a certain point in their future I just pity them.
Fandom thrives because of the older people that have nurtured it for years and carved out a space where younger people can enter in comfort and safety. Which are only possible BECAUSE older people built online fandoms and continued to put in the work to keep them going. If we all had to stop caring and leave fandom at some specific cut off date, the fandom landscape would be a vastly different space - and probably a lot worse for being predominantly run by hormonal teenagers - heh, I guess it would be a lot more like TikTok and we all know how dreadful TikTok has been for fandom so far. If nothing else that alone proves my point.
At the end of the day, no one can stop the passing of time. Even the horrible children who send adults nasty anons. Eventually, they will be the "fandom elders" and receiving their own anon hate from a future generation of brats, I personally can't wait to be the very old lady laughing at them when that day inevitably comes.
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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ainyan · 2 years
Questions to Provoke Thought
I like being asked questions about my OCs. I like being given prompts for flash fiction. They help me think and help me grow and they help me share something I’m passionate about - the stories and characters I’ve created. This post is to compile a list of the different prompts and questions I’ve come across, and I will update it as I find more. Feel free to ask me anything or borrow them for yourself. I’ve tried to link to the original (as far as I can tell) to make sure that the maker gets the credit. :)
This list is frequently updated. Check here to see if you have the latest!
Prompts and Sentence Starters
Humorous Writing Prompts
Fun Trope Combos
Kiss Roulette
Assorted Question Prompts
Twenty-Four Touches
Another Kiss Prompt
Prompts for Lavish Balls, Parties, and Secrets
Gentleness Actions Prompts
Prompts for Commands and Demands
Bad Morning Prompts
Friends Prompt Challenge
Soulmate AU Prompts
Prompts for Sharing a Bed
Kiss and Tell Prompts
Two-Word Prompts
Cuddle and Snuggle Prompts
Difficult Recovery Prompts
*Don’t Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Flirty Training/Sparring/Injury Prompts
Non-Verbal Love Writing Prompts
‘Broken Iris’ Sentence Starters
Love Language Prompts
Touching Tenderly Prompts
Written Notes Prompts
Touching Prompts
Touch Prompts
Question Prompts
One-Word Prompts
Outcast/Runaway Sentence Starters
Tol and Smol Prompts
Micro-Story Prompts
Compliment Sentence Starters
First Meeting Sentence Starters
Do Revenge
Kiss Prompts
OT3 Prompts
December Prompts
Variety of Writing Prompts
One Word Prompt & Genre
Non-Sexual Forms of Intimacy
Relationship/Friendship/SFW Sex Specific Ask Memes
OTP Questions
Polyamorous Ship Asks
Vanilla Sunday Asks
OC Questions on Friendships and Companionship
Couple Questions
Ship Opinion Bingo
Friendship Shipping Meme
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Valentine’s Day Questions for Relationships
OC Questions on the 7 forms of Love
Ask About Family
Ship Questions Redux
Not-so-SFW OC Asks/Prompts
Sinday Sunday Asks
Sinday Asks
Smut Dialogue Prompts
OC Ask Memes
Choose Violence Ask Game
In-Depth Headcanon Questions
Misc. Ask Meme
Little OC Creation Ask List
Edgy OC Ask Meme
FFXIV Culture and Geography Asks
Studio Ghibli Ask Game
Pride Themed OC Ask Game
30 Totally Random Get to Know You Character Asks
100 Random Character Development Asks
Stat Attribute Asks
Flowery OC Asks
Resident Evil Themed Asks
Tarot-Card OC Asks
Colorful Interview Questions
If Your OC was an NPC Asks
SW:TOR Character Ask Meme
Cocktail OC Asks
Basic OC Asks
Battery Percentage Meme
OC Asks
Random Headcanon Meme
Yet Another OC Ask Game
Pink-Themed Asks
Vanilla Sunday Meme
Wholesome OC Ask Memes
Send a Playing Card
Headcanon Memes, Comfort Character Edition
Super Detailed Asks
OC vs. Villain Asks
Character Design Asks
Character Development: Hard Mode
Odd OC Asks
People My Muse Knows
OC Emoji Asks
Weirdly Specific Questions
Uncommon OC Asks
Random OC Asks
OC/WoL Interview Asks
Piping Hot OC Asks
Headcanon by Number
Starlight Celebration Asks
Misc. Ask Meme
FFXIV Ask Memes [WoL]
Heraldic OC Questions
Childhood Asks
Emoji Character Asks
Some Character Questions
Capital Virtues OC Asks
OC Question Generator
FFXIV Deity Asks
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme
Headcanon Meme
Headcanon: Send me a Symbol
OTP Asks
More OTP Asks
Games and Single-Question Memes
Ship Opinion Bingo
Send △ and Ask An Invasive OC Question
Sinday Rumors (potentially NSFW)
Music Playlist Minific Game
Sinday Asks/Prompts
Friendship Ask Game
Friend or No?
Send Me 🔥 For an Unpopular Opinion
Author Ask Memes
25 Questions for the Writer
Let’s Get Real Fiction Writer Asks
Questions for Fic Writers
Gemstone-themed Writeblr Asks
Ask Game for Fanfic Writers
Colorful Writeblr Asks
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Ask a Writer: Fanfic Edition
(Note: I always reblog a meme first - I only add it to this list after it’s made it on my dash at least once. No stealing for me!)
Please let me know if you find any broken links - I will fix them!
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marvels-meme · 11 months
My honest review of The Marvels (2023):
I really don't want to be negative about this movie, but I really don't think this movie was great. I enjoyed it, but I don't think this movie was great.
First of all: the plot structure. Everyone says it is messy, and I didn't understand what they meant until I watched it. It was incredibly rushed - there was no clear structure, and things just happened. Nothing was developed, and when it was developed, it wasn't developed enough. There was no character development in this film, outside of Carol and Monica talking twice, and Carol doing something towards the end.
The beginning was incredibly messy and just felt like random scenes were thrown around. You don't need to see Wandavision, Ms Marvel or Secret Invasion, but that doesn't help. This film desperately needed to be 2 hours and 30 minutes. So much needed developing. So much needed to be done.
Kamala and the Khan's were excellent. Iman Vellani was excellent, and Zenobia Shroff was brilliant as Muneeba Khan.
Brie Larson and Teyonah Parris are doing the best they can, and that best is amazing. But the plot doesn't allow them to act like real people, and their respective characters suffer a lot.
Park Seo Joon as Prince Yan was... eh. He was okay, but Aladna was just... why? The Aladnans were just there.
Zawe Ashton as Dar-Benn was great. Her motivations, plan and acting were great. But again, she suffers from the same problems as Carol and Monica - there is no time to flesh her out. Nevertheless, she remains intimidating and fun to watch.
There's a scene with the flerkens that's executed beautifully. But in the grand scheme of things, they took up valuable screen time that I would have preferred being seen on the characters.
I'm just numb. This movie could have done so much. It didn't. I desperately hope this is a Thor: The Dark World scenario and the 3rd Captain Marvel movie, but I don't trust the MCU with Carol, Monica and Kamala anymore.
At the end of the day, I'm going to keep making memes and fanfic because I love these characters. I love what they can be. I love the people hidden beneath them.
I know why people love this movie, and I absoloutely know why people hate it.
At the end of the day, I just want to rewatch Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel and Wandavision. I want to see Carol act like a character again. I want to see Kamala be where she is strongest. As much as I don't like Wandavisions involvement with Monica, I just want to see Monica have motivations.
6/10 is the highest I can give it. Other than I enjoyed it, I don't know how to describe my feelings towards this movie. I don't want to. Guys, I really tried to love this movie, but I can't.
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nietr · 4 months
it really sucks being a silent hill fan for years and years now... its always sucked being a silent hill stan ever since post golden years (post sh4), our fanbase has been fucked time and time again and unfortunately it has led to some shitty things that have directly effected the overall disposition of the entire community at large extremely negatively and this makes me sad.
first of all, nowadays the community is absolutely toxic. it seems like konami is actually trying their best (for the most part) this time and the community behind silent hill just nitpicks every single tiny little thing. like, i don't think konami could ever in a million years make this community happy no matter what bloober or any other developer would do with any sh1-4 remake. the nitpicks i see people complaining about are just... silly at times. that's not to say some of them aren't valid. there are things i've seen in the trailers i'm not a fan of at all. it's not like im stanning and defending the remake, willing to die on the hill of "it's going to be good no matter what, it's a silent hill 2 remake." It's not like that, it's just that this community is absurdly toxic and salty. and the sad thing is, i get where this vitriol comes from. this community, we have been constantly just thrown under the bus. the IP has had its history of just, absolutely not handled with respect at all and it has sucked, so the community is in this place of, "we're going to be salty no matter or how good it is." it seems like.
look, i'm not a fan of consulting firms being hired for a fucking horror game for 'inclusivity', like what the hell is that? I don't get it myself. But that's not the point. The main contention and memes i'm seeing are solely based on Angela's face rn being a little bit more boxy and not up to par with the absurdly realistic faces of other characters.
Okay, well, it is a trailer and not the final product so seeing all these memes and mockery (as funny as some of them have been), i have a feeling her face will be changed, probably quite a bit, like James' face was. Maybe her character's face was not completely finished, I don't know. But, her face did need the most work. She is supposed to be a teenager and looked like she was ~30 in the original, so I get needing to completely rework how she looks. That being said, her character was always going to look completely different from the original in a reimagining in a game with photorealistic character design. the character design for Angela wasn't always the best out of the lot of all of them, so ofc she needed the most redesign and i'm not even mad... idgi and this is coming from someone whos favorite game of all time is SIlent Hill 2.
It's just, so much of this criticism seems very contrived and it seems like people are just shitting on the small knit-picky bullshit things because its the bandwagon thing to do.
Meanwhile, the first trailer had some problems. This second trailer shows Bloober team willing to listen to the community and tweak the problems people were having with what they saw and I was blown away by some of what I saw...
I'm just willing to have an open mind to all of this, because at the end of the day this WILL be the best Silent Hill installment we've gotten in YEARS, and despite the couple of gripes I personally have with what I've seen so far, I was BLOWN away by this reimagining of Silent Hill 2.
Again, this is coming from someone whos favorite game is Silent Hill 2. I personally think this is an absolute massive undertaking, because at the end of the day, I do believe Sh2 was a literal masterpiece. I think it is a must play game because it is. in my opinion, one of the most profound pieces of modern media, period. So, I'm willing to accept the fact that a remake will NEVER, no matter what, ever live up to being just as good as the original. To me, this is going to be a welcome return, reimagined in the modern age, with far different gameplay and mechanics, so it may not be a masterpiece at the end of the day. (Maybe I'm wrong, I'd love to be proven wrong.). but it will be a very awesome and fun return to my favorite place in the world and from this new trailer and what i've seen, I think this is going to be an awesome time.
I just hope they fix a couple of things. They do need to make Angela look as detailed as other characters, for some reason she doesn't, maybe they're still working on that. They need to get rid of the red "i'm hurt" border, that shit is lame. Some of the physics sometimes look unnatural... Other than that, I'm fucking stoked.
People need to just stop shitting on things to shit on them, and if you've never played Silent Hill 2, and you like horror games, do not wait for this game. The original will always be a masterpiece, something absolutely fucking rare as all hell, and it is absolutely worth playing. There's no reason to NOT play it if you like games.
Like, I don't get these people waiting for the remake, never played the OG games by team silent and then being like "This looks like shit." It's like, it's because you never played the original and I feel like this game really is for the fans... Like, I get it, there's younger people who don't like older games or whatever, and they want modern gameplay but the game was never supposed to be a resident evil clone. the game was never about how good the combat is... so you don't get it. PLAY THE ORIGINAL. The graphics hold up, the story is a mindfuck amazing journey, the atmosphere is mind-blowing, it's not like other PS2 games where it's like if you're a bit younger you'd go "This is too dated, the graphics are too bad and I can't enjoy this." The game is a cinematic masterpiece, it's almost like the most interactive movie ever made at times. I don't know, I just don't get these kids not willing to play the original but waiting for the remake and then also shitting on things about it... half the time it's because they don't get where they're coming from with the source material. this shit isn't supposed to be RE, even though they could be considered video game horror cousins..
there's just all these salty people and I've been livid with Konami for so much and especially with things they've done with this IP, so I get the gripe at times but people just need to stop being SO salty, there are things worth being excited about IMO....
I personally love what I saw this time. I hope the community can rebound from being mostly toxic at times, and this IP finally gets a worthy installment of praise... We shall see.
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spinjitzu-spy · 8 months
Anya’s general dynamics with each of the ninja
Kai: Anya and Kai’s dynamic is surprisingly pretty chill, they’re both the protective type and so they understand each other really well. She does get occasionally annoyed with him when he’s acting pretty full of himself, but understands that it’s usually just him thinking he has to be the best all the time to protect those he cares about (because I actually make Kai’s character development consistent, dammit!)
Jay: While Jay tends to drive Anya crazy at least once a day, she would definitely die for him just like any of the others. One specific part of their relationship is that he’ll make a really bad pun and Anya will groan and roll her eyes, and then five minutes later make the exact same pun herself (based off of real interactions I have with my brother)
Zane: You know that one meme that’s like “an actual android and some guy who just thinks they’re both autistic being best friends?” That’s Anya and Zane. They tend to just quietly vibe together, sometimes Zane gives Anya advice to improve her cooking, and they laugh at cheesy movies together. Also Anya is a #1 Pixane shipper and has like 30 versions of their wedding planned
Lloyd: Anya’s relationship with Lloyd is probably the one that’s based the most off of my actual relationship with my younger brother. She sees a lot of herself in him, especially how they first found him, and grows incredibly protective over him. Honestly their dynamic is hard to explain with just words, but Lloyd is definitely one of her closest friends.
Cole: Anya is very gentle towards Cole, almost instinctively. He tends to keep a lot of his insecurities close to the chest, which Anya can definitely relate to. As a result, she tends to be there for him as an open ear, and gives him the occasional reminder that it’s ok to not be strong all the time. I really love their dynamic, it’s genuinely so sweet.
Nya: Nya is lowkey a menace and Anya is her biggest enabler. She actually knew that Nya was Samurai X from the start (they shared a room when they first got the Bounty so it was hard to keep secrets) and when Nya became the Water Ninja, Anya was her biggest supporter, going as far as punching Darreth in the face for being misogynistic towards Nya.
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jezabatlovesbats · 8 months
2023: The Year of Milestones
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What a crazy year it's been, am I right? I graduated high school, and I'm now a college freshman. We got some new films that were memed a lot and made a lot of cash. The Owl House and Summer Camp Island ended. I got into some new things as well. Unikitty: Big Bright World turned 5 in January 2023, which is why I crappily edited in the milestone doodle I did for it. You can find it here because I made an ask blog for BBW. For anyone who doesn't yet know me, Unikitty and the BBW AU mean a lot to me.
Following that milestone, I realized there were more things I liked that were turning 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 that year than I thought, and those are very noteworthy digits to me. I wanted to create anniversary drawings for them in celebration. But, because I was procrastinating from them and I also had other stuff going on, I couldn't. 
Instead of individual milestone drawings, I decided to compile all of them into one big tribute. For the same reasons, though, I had to delay it to January of 2024. I was aiming to have it ready to go by about New Years' Eve. But then on Christmas day, me and my brothers were surprised with a trip to California, and we left three days later.
Without further padding out, I'll talk about the things from which the characters are here partying with me, and what those things mean to me. I'll also talk about what the 5 on my hot chocolate mug means, because I'm not 5 years old, and I wasn't born on Leap Day. Here we go! 
We're starting with the oldest thing featured, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which came out in 1993 and hit 30 years. Me and my family went to see it in a theater back in October of 2020, leading to me growing fascinated by it, its characters and its worldbuilding. I LOVE ME SOME COOL AND INTERESTINGLY DEVELOPED WORLDS, OKAY? THE HOLIDAY FOREST IS NO EXCEPTION! I thought of some other towns based on New Years, birthdays and Earth Day. I also thought up some backstory for Lock, Shock and Barrel because they're my favorite characters and I need more of them. Honestly, I felt like I was late to the party. Like, why hadn't I watched it sooner? But let me tell you, you can get invested in something at any time, no matter how dead its fandom is. I think the reason why TNBC stuck with me is because of its spooky-fun atmosphere. I'm not a fan of horror movies; when I go into the garage or go to pee at night, I have this subconscious fear that something's gonna jump out and slash me in two. I sleep with a nightlight on, too. But if it's clear that the spooks are non-threatening (which the Halloween Town citizens made clear in This is Halloween) and there's no graphic violence or gore anywhere, I'm all for it. After all, I enjoy both cute and dark things, and that's how I present myself. Also, I made an entry for TheITinFIT's YTP collab for TNBC in observance of its 30th anniversary, and you can watch it at the link in the replies!
Finding Nemo came out in 2003, so it's hit 20 years. Let me tell you- I was scared of this movie when I was younger. I wouldn't watch it because of the part where Marlin and Dory were sucked up by that whale, or when that pelican swallowed them (not Nigel; he's a good egg). I was also scared of that Octonauts episode where Dashi gets stuck inside a whale shark. I've always had this fear of getting swallowed by a larger being. And this is just my personal opinion, but I'm disgusted by vore. It's not for me, and it's never been. I can handle those scenes now- after all, Dory and Marlin made it out alive both times (and Dashi did, too). Later on, I had a greater appreciation for FN. Like spooky-fun stuff, another favorite, uh, aesthetic of mine is oceans and the sea. I dunno- sea animals are cool, and I've been fascinated with them since I was a kid. I had this phase where I wanted to be a marine biologist. There's just something so relaxing, but simultaneously exciting about Finding Nemo, and for that reason, it's now one of my favorites from Pixar. 
I was listening to the theme song for this show while writing this. Teen Titans also premiered in 2003, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I was introduced to it by Teen Titans Go. In 2018, we saw Teen Titans Go To The Movies in theaters, and I followed TTG up until, like, 2021. By that point, it just wasn't enjoyable for me anymore, but I still very much enjoy the classic series. I watched it from start to finish in 2019 and got super into it, especially the HIVE Five. On Wattpad, I created a random story that was basically a blog for the HIVE. I wrote them profiles, let my followers ask them questions, and did incorrect quotes. It's deleted now, though. I was weirdly obsessed with See-More to the point where I made an OC that was his cousin, made OCs based on the other four senses, and shipped him with Scorpion (though they broke up later on). My mom printed the HIVE symbol on a black T-shirt, and it's still in my closet today. Besides them, one of my other favorite characters is Raven. Any character with a purple and black color scheme will catch my eye, but I also found her history and character traits interesting to the point where she influenced one of my favorite OCs I've made. I've got the entire Teen Titans series on DVD, including the Trouble in Tokyo movie. It was one of the first things I could say was one of my fandoms, so it's got a special place in my heart. By the way, I’d LOVE a (good) HIVE Five movie. 
Another thing I absolutely ADORE that came out of 2003 was the Mario & Luigi RPG series. I mean, I've been playing games in the entire Super Mario franchise since I was young. With this series, I'd always be playing Partners in Time, Bowser's Inside Story and Dream Team on my DS, but in both games, I could never get past two parts. For PiT, I couldn't beat the Swiggler, and in BiS, I couldn't get past the Pump Works area inside Bowser. (Like, I couldn't find the Stingler, even though it was actually super easy. You know, the sparky bzzt thing that opens that one door?) Dream Team was the only game my younger self actually completed, and I think that's why it was the game I liked the most. We got Paper Jam when it came out, and though me and my brothers fought over who got to play it for a while, I played it and beat it. I REALLY started getting invested in the M&L series in 2017, when the Superstar Saga remake came out. Now, as I said earlier, big, elaborate worlds with multiple places to explore and lots of characters will have my attention! So, I was hyped to traverse the Beanbean Kingdom. I never played the original Superstar Saga because we never owned any type of Gameboy. But, I got the remake, played it, and beat both SS and Bowser's minions. One thing led to another, and I fell back down the M&L hole. I even wrote a Prince and the Pauper-like story about Prince Peasley and Red, one of my OCs, but it's also deleted now. I had the idea that the series would be a great TV show, leading to me developing an AU in which I write it like one, with my own characters and kingdoms. Some of you may be thinking that if the M&L series appeals to me, then I would enjoy Paper Mario, too. If you are, I think you might be right! 
As I just said, I loved Dream Team the most, and it's still my favorite game in the series. For this occasion, I was planning on writing a post on why Dream Team was, in fact, a CLASSIC, but again- because of personal business and procrastination, I didn't. I forgot all of my points anyway. But I will say this: even with all the long tutorials, the visuals in the game are absolutely GORGEOUS. I love how well-detailed everything is. The colors were so vibrant and dream-like (just like the game title, guys!). And, the music is AWESOME. In fact, it's one of my favorite game soundtracks ever. I want more of the music with lyrics! I already wrote some for three of them! Luigi really got his time to shine, and his and Mario's brotherliness thoughout the game was just SO amazing and sweet. Luigi believes in Mario so much, and he's willing to fight alongside him, and they're unstoppable together! Also, the Pi'illos were and still are an extremely interesting concept to me, to the point where I thought up a whole Elena of Avalor-type character arc for Prince Dreambert. To me, he seems like a prince learning to rule his land in a different time after being stuck in a nightmare chunk for who knows how long. Anyways, Dream Team is amazing. I freakin' love it. Not much more needed to be said. 
Hitting 15 years in 2023 is one of my all-time favorite movies ever, WALL-E! I have loved and appreciated this movie ever sense I was a literal toddler! I made a bunch of little WALL-E stories, so I’ve been writing fanfiction as early as then. I just didn’t know what that was yet. I remember pretending to be EVE and M-O, the latter of whom is my favorite character. I loved it when I was younger, but I didn’t realize just how amazing it was until I started fixating on it again in 2021. When you revisit something, you can notice lots of things you hadn’t seen before and understand why you love it and what makes it so great. Like, I came to better understand WALL-E’s story and themes, and appreciate how gorgeous it is. I watched Hello, Dolly because of WALL-E, and the parallels I noticed blew my little mind. Those old stories I wrote when I was 5 influenced that WALL-E human AU I made. I think I might bring back my gijinkas and create ones for other things with non-human characters because I miss them. I think the reason why this movie appeals to me is because WALL-E himself is fun and perky and curious (and music-loving) in a similar way to myself. And, I’m a firm believer that there’s more to life than my job. I think that because of WALL-E, I enjoy sci-fi stories and worlds just as much as fantasy stories and worlds. I’m also a sucker for stories that combine sci-fi with fantasy. I still love and appreciate WALL-E so, so, SOOO much, and it’s such a huge part of my life. Autistic WALL-E is real to me. 
A movie that came out the same year as WALL-E that I also still love a lot is Ponyo. It came out in the US a year later, but I’m still including it here. Ponyo was my introduction to Studio Ghibli, and I watched it as often as I did WALL-E back in the day. Me and my brother LOVED this movie and would watch it while in in the car a lot of the time. I remember that my brother even started pretending to be a character called “Sonyo.” I think he also started liking ham. I already said how much I love oceans and fantasies! I don’t really watch a lot of anime or movies from Japan, so this was actually my first time drawing Sosuke and Ponyo. I think they came out pretty great. If it hadn’t been for this movie, though, I don’t think I would have wanted to check out Ghibli’s other films. I did watch Doraemon, Yokai Watch and some Pokémon XY Kalos Quest, so I think I still may have wanted to see other anime shows like Eizouken (which I watched all 12 episodes of). But, I’ve got Ponyo to thank for introducing me to Japanese animation as a whole, and in 2021, I watched all of Ghibli’s other movies (except for Grave of the Fireflies). I think I’ll rewatch Spirited Away and Arrietty sometime later on. I really want to see The Boy and the Heron.
There’s a good number of 10s here, by which I mean these things all came out in 2013. The earliest of these is Steven Universe, which came out in May of that year. I got into Unikitty when the last few episodes of SU were being hyped up. I remember watching a clip for Tragic Magic before YouTube slapped the For Kids thing on it, and most the comments were like, “Give us Legs From Here to Homeworld!” So later on in, like, 2019, I got curious and started watching the show from late Season 3 onwards. My first episode was Earthlings. Then, I watched the whole show from start to finish when CN did the Every Steven Ever thing before the movie came out. I watched the movie past my bedtime ‘cause it premiered on a school night. I made myself a gemsona, my brother started watching the movie and getting interested, and I watched the whole series with him including Future. Even with its flaws, and despite what people say about it, it was an enjoyable watch for us! It’s not the best thing ever because nothing is, but I’m on the side of defending it. Even with its flaws and all the shade it got thrown at it, it paved the way for lots of great things and helped so many people feel understood. This show is legendary in more ways than one, and it still has my respect. 
I’ve been interested in Ever After High since it first launched in 2013. I never had any of the dolls, but I think I watched a few episodes of the series. I remember reading Shannon Hale’s books and owning some of the other toys (like a lockable diary). I was interested in Monster High as well (creepy/fun and cute style! Right up my alley!), but I mostly leaned towards Ever After High. I’d also search the web and look up information about the characters. Raven’s included here because, once again, purple and black color scheme! Yay! But it’s mainly because I remember wanting to be like her. I wanted to be a rebel, and I began calling myself one. Back then, I interpreted her as being so defiant of her prewritten destiny that she believed following it was dumb. But I’ve grown since then, and I came to realize that she isn’t like that. Far from that image, in fact. It’s such a HUGE shame what happened to EAH, but I’m glad there are still people out there who show interest in it. I currently follow someone who’s got lots of ideas for a reboot! Sign me up!
I loved lots of other games in the Super Mario franchise, like Mario Party 9 and New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. My great enjoyment of Super Mario 3D World pretty much goes hand-in-hand with Ever After High. Why, you may ask? Because of the weird crossovers I wrote. Let me explain! Hear me out! I was a well-known enthusiast for the game’s Sprixies. You know, those little fairy creatures? I even had names for the Sprixie princesses based on their colors: Greenia, Yellowlina, Bluia, Orangia, Violet, Aquamarina and Redna. (Get it? Edna, but red?) These days, I still call the purple one Violet, but I gave the rest of them other nicknames. Also, back then, I had the red one be the queen of the Sprixies even though the green one is implied to be the face of the seven. Back to the ridiculous EAH crossovers. I made Sprixie sisters for the female characters in the series. The male characters had Toad brothers. It wasn’t just canon characters, either- I also made Sprixie and Toad siblings for people’s OCs I found on the internet. I even typed up a story about the characters and their, quote-unquote, siblings. But yeah- Super Mario 3D world was ridiculously fun, the music was bouncy and catchy, and the graphics are actually really pretty. In the last worlds, whenever we didn’t have enough green stars to advance, I’d organize the Daily Green Star Hunt. Games like this are the reason why I love searching levels for treasures and trinkets as I go along, and I don’t want to advance until all is found. I’m at a point in my life where I completed SM3DW (and also Bowser’s Fury, since we got that edition) to its entirety with everything you could collect in the game. This game stands as one of my top favorites in the Mario franchise as a whole, so much so that I wanted to include it in Mario & Luigi Rewritten.
I love a lot of films from Pixar, but when I was 9, I especially loved Monsters University. The most noteworthy memory I have with it, which is also the most important one to me, is when I had my tonsils removed. By the way, that’s the only time I ever had surgery done on me. After it happened, the next three or so weeks consisted of me eating nothing but ice cream, taking nasty medicine, and messing around with an iPad on this app called Toontastic (if anyone here has heard of it, you’re a legend to me). I also rented MU out on the TV without my parents’ permission and watched it on repeat. I loved to doodle the movie’s background characters and include my doodles of them into my Toontastic cartoons. (Yeah- the app had a thing where you could draw your own characters and backdrops. Also, off-topic, but Toontastic is the reason I know about Deng Xiaoping.) Also, I shipped the frats and sororities with each other. Like, all six of each one. The RORs with the HSSs, the EEKs with the JOXs, the PNKs with Oozma Kappa. Except for Mike, whom I knew was with Celia, and Sulley, who I shipped with… Carla the Killer Claws lady? That wasn’t the best idea. Johnny x Rosie is a ship I still remember quite fondly. Like I said with WALL-E, the older you get, the more you notice why you love a film so much and what makes it good. I really appreciate MU’s message about how it’s okay to fail. And yes, it is! Because if failure wasn’t an option, you wouldn’t know how to pick yourself back up on your feet when things go wrong. Even if you don’t achieve the dreams you hope for, that doesn’t mean you’re done for and there aren’t other doors you can go through. You still matter. My brother and I made a bunch of jokes about MU when I started college. Of course, it’s not what college is actually like, but I still love it and the original Monsters Inc. If I ever see Steve Buscemi, Billy Crystal or any of the other people from this movie in real life, I’m telling them about me watching it while recovering from surgery.
I’ve always gravitated towards the Mario franchise more than the Sonic franchise. And while I have played Mario and Sonic at London 2012, I didn’t like to play anything solely Sonic except for Sonic Lost World. I know, I know- it wasn’t well-received, but that doesn’t make me any less of someone who enjoys Sonic. Back then, I loved watching cutscenes and walkthroughs of the game, and I was particularly fascinated by the Deadly Six. I can only remember looking up pictures of them and reading fics about them. But, that led me to come back to my affinity for them in 2020. I became interested in fleshing out their characters more and imagining what their pasts were like. I do that a lot when I hear people say a thing is half-baked or cookie-cutter of mediocre/bad. I also created my own Zeti characters as well. I played other Sonic games like Colors and Forces, I saw the movies, and I thought up my Mobian characters. Also, I watched Snapcube’s SA2 fandub. I was there to witness Eggman go on the moon. I’d love to branch out to more Sonic stuff, so if anyone would like to recommend me some, please do! I’m all ears! If you’ve seen Take Me To Snurch (Snail Church), a version of that with the Zeti is stuck in my head now. 🎶 Take me to zurch. I’ll worship like a Zeti at the zhrine of your zife… 
Oof… I’m just gonna say that Frozen fever was inescapable back in the day to tons of kids, including me. When I was a kid, I was a huge copycat. I’d be into things because my friends were into them, and I’d plagiarize other people’s stuff almost all of the time. So, I don’t really remember if I was genuinely interested in Frozen. But apparently, I was enough to have my 9th birthday party be themed around it. Also, I remember that shortly afterwards, I had a sleepover with my friends from dance class, and we watched the movie together (not all of it). Right before we went to bed, we were all singing Let it Go as loud as we could. Frozen’s impacted my young life enough for me to take inspiration from it for Broken and Frozen. But, I agree when people say we need to warm up.
Lastly, there’s my milestone, which just so happens to be Christmas. On Christmas of 2018, I got a new computer, and my parents told me they’d set up the Wattpad account I’ve wanted since before I turned 13. I was first introduced to Wattpad after watching a video about fanfiction and reading the MC:SM Rewritten series (even though it’s now inactive). I talked about the weird little things I liked in real life, but while people listened, I never felt like they really knew what I was talking about. I started uploading my random thoughts, characters and stories to Wattpad, and I started making friends with people who were interested in the same things as me. When I did that, I really felt understood. The same happened when I joined DeviantArt in 2019, and for a while, it was just those two. Later on, in 2021, I hopped on Tumblr, YouTube and AO3. Then came Discord, and most recently, Amino. I was and still am fiercely loyal to my creations and my pals online. Through my high points and my mess-ups, I’ll want to connect with my closest friends and mutuals whenever I can. I’ve found enjoyment in lots of things, and I’ve come so far in terms of developing my artistic skills. When online, I found it easier to connect with people because I could more easily seek out people I had things in common with. What’s especially important to me is that connecting in this way is how I met one of my best friends ever, and while on my trip, I got to see them in real life. I hope it happens again someday. It’s not good to be chronically online, of course. But, being here has helped me discover myself and find peace within this world in ways you can’t even imagine. To everyone I’ve ever interacted with, thank you for five wonderful years! 
Wow! This sure was a lot. To everyone I’ve ever befriended and followed over these things and others, and to everyone who followed me, I can’t thank you enough for being here! You guys are the reason I keep logging in almost every day and why I’m still on my feet. Especially you, Hino! Thank you so, so, SO much! 
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docescene · 3 months
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Masterlist & Tags — Reblogs
Welcome to my masterlist of reblogged post tags!
This will be updated as the tag list grows. You can return to the main post here!
In alphabetic order | Update: 07.08.24
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Bing prompt
Character development
Dialogue prompt
Dice roll prompt
Fandom prompt
Image prompt
Masterlist prompt
Multiple prompt
One word prompt
Prompts list
Prompt set
Song prompts
Writing tips / Masterlist / Vocabulary
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Ask meme
Event / AUgust / Drabblecember / Fictober / Inktober / MicroficMay / Promptober
Monthly / 30 days
Word numbers / Short Story / Microfic / Drabble
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New Year
Valentine's Day
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Alternative universe
Arranged Marriage
BDSM / Gore / Kink / Smut / NSFW
College / School / Academy
Dark / Manipulative
Friendship / BrOTP
Flower / Plant
Horror / Terror / Spooky
Love / Date / Heartbreak / Break up / Jealousy
Pain / Sick / Whump
(Something) to lovers
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A/B/O (Omegaverse) / Werewolf/Lycan
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terranovathemust · 13 days
POST FOR ih8marysues PART 1
this post is dedicated to a user ih8marysues who regularly reviews my fanfiction on fanfiction.net and who follows me on tumblr. this is not meant to be a polemical post, but simply I want to clarify some issues that have been raised several times through his reviews. i want to say that i know i am not arthur conan doyle or stephen king in writing, in fact my goal is not to make a best seller, but to have fun telling a story even if it is not the best in originality or quality. the goal is fun for me, i don't have to ruin my days to tell a story. on the creativity issue, i know very well that i exploited events that are present in the game, but i didn't copy and paste, that would be hyperbole, nor did i radically distort everything, i did a middle way. it's called fanfiction, originality as important as it may be, is not an obligation. sure, it makes no sense to copy and paste something that already exists, but you don't have to obsess over creativity either, it's also fine to look for a middle ground without mentally killing yourself by necessarily looking for an extreme. moreover in the chapters that I will release in the future there will be totally original situations, contexts and characters and be careful, it's not something that I thought of now to make up for the lack of creativity, but it's something that has already been planned since the first chapter, like the character of Alice and her development in the third chapter. what I have done and what I will do I had already planned in due time, I didn't do anything haphazardly. among other things I would like to ask, what is the point of comparing a beautiful fanfic of 90 chapters, I repeat 90, like Young and Young At Heart, with one like The Deep Breath that only has 4 chapters? it's obvious that the first will be much more developed, it's 90 chapters, while mine has barely started, give me time. then there are issues like the meme on the Oneshot, that I find it useless to include it in a review, but I want to explain. that meme is about a sentence that you weren't the only one to say, plus I didn't do it with the aim of crying for the negative review you wrote to me, but I simply exploited that sentence, combined with a thought and created a meme with the aim of making people smile. the fact that reddit removed it is worrying, it shouldn't be a reason for enjoyment for you, because it's not normal to remove a harmless meme, which has the aim of entertaining people. obviously I know what a Oneshot is, meaning each chapter tells a different self-conclusive plot. the meaning of the meme is "guys I understand that my chapters have a very gradual approach in telling and I understand that some don't like it, that's fine, but you can't even get to the point of putting 80 kg of plot in a single chapter just to avoid you getting bored." my fanfic is not a collection of oneshots, but it is a choral plot divided into multiple chapters. What's the point of writing 20, 30, 80 chapters, if then I develop everything quickly in 2 chapters? if I wanted to be polemical or if I wanted attack someone, I would have made a much more aggressive or provocative meme at the very least, so don't worry, I'm not targeting you. I make the meme for fun and to amuse others, not to attack, I don't want to waste time attacking people and I don't cry if someone tells me I suck. I'll tell you more, in your reviews you are very aggressive, already from the first review, but especially in the last ones you write with frustration, as if I were ignoring them. I'm not ignoring you, in fact I read negative reviews more often than positive ones, since the former are much more useful to me.
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immobiliter · 1 month
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
so i have way too many muses on this blog to really categorise every pairing that i ship for them, but i will echo ventium's answer and say that my otps are what i currently ship with my rp partners. this is particularly the case for me because, while i love a good "canon" ship ( as in, the characters actually get to interact within their canon even if you have to read romantic or sexual context into them ), a lot of the ships i write are crossover ships between two muses who would never have cause or reason to interact within their canon. that means i rarely enter into them knowing that they will have a romantic endgame, so i have no real preconceived otps as it were. i also tend to be quite picky about ships more generally speaking, it can take a lot for a ship in a tv show or book or movie to actually grab me, and i think this is because romance in general doesn't really do much for me on a personal level lmao.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i'm honestly up for most things, barring the obvious no-gos. although if the dynamic is more toxic in nature ( which, again, i'm not opposed to ), it does make me pickier when it comes to shipping. certain muses of mine are pretty incapable of developing romantic or sexual bonds ( or even friendships for that matter ) without a degree of toxicity or challenge involved and that therefore makes them lower priority/more selective in terms of who i would choose to ship them with.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
this is hard to answer in a general sense because it's very specific to the individual muse and ship ? as far as i am concerned, as long as it's not shipping a minor with an adult, and it is a ship that makes sense for the characters and can justify in that respect, age differences aren't a big deal. i have muses who are 18 who i would only ship with others of a similar age, i have muses who are in their 30s and may date those a lil older/younger than them, and i have muses who are hundreds of years old or immortal who fall for a human. context and the nature of the individual character is very important.
Are you selective when shipping?
yes, i am picky about what i ship and who i ship it with. there has to be chemistry not just between the two muses but between writers as well — we have to vibe well, plotting and talking behind the scenes cannot feel like a chore or like it's forced, and i'm also someone who will very rarely engage in that tumblr favoured pastime of yelling constantly in dms about ships. i like to get excited about ships and characters, i like to talk about them ( and talking about them usually does encourage me to write them ), but at my own pace. i have a lot of muses and therefore a lot of ships ( plus y'know i have a life outside of tumblr too, we all do ), so i like to know that my rp partner and i can take our time developing them, can talk in dms at our own pace with no pressure to write everything for them all the time, and that if neither of us reply to any threads or answer any memes for months at a time, we're both okay with it. i have shipping partners who i talk to most days, i have shipping partners who i send plotting walls to once every so often ( u know who u are lmao ), and i have shipping partners who i talk to about pretty much anything other than our actual ships that we write once in a blue moon lmaooo. but my point is it's all very chilled and laid back and that's how i approach everything when it comes to tumblr these days. if it takes 6+ months or 2+ years for two muses to kiss, that's all good with me! it makes the end result even more satisfying. i think for that reason, too, i prefer shipping partners who are willing to enter into that long-term commitment. if you are one of those people who will jump straight in with a ship and then move on within a few weeks to the next muse/ship, i don't think we'll mesh that well.
i will say though that usually once you pass that vibe check as a shipping partner, i am much more likely to immediately say yes if you suggest another ship to me lmao. if i know that i can ship one pairing with you, chances are i will ship all the things with you.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
anything that goes beyond the realms of foreplay/as soon as clothing starts to come off/when more intimate touching and kissing occurs, really. i honestly don't write smut all that often, but i will usually start to tag with a "nsfw ish" tag first to indicate that's where a thread is going before i tag something as nsfw.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
this varies depending on muse. i do have some characters that i have specific ships for ( though it's not something i tend to publicise on the dash ), while there are other characters that i don't even write for the purposes of shipping ( meaning that any shipping that occurs with them is either accidental or the result of extensive plotting or talking behind the scenes ).
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
yes, for the most part. i write many flirtatious characters who will shamelessly flirt with muses they come across but i never intend this to be an initiation of a ship ( and i'm sure others who write Those sorts of muses would agree ), so the best way is to simply ask me — especially if we've written them a little and you're getting that vibe. i will always endeavour to reach out to rp partners when i can feel a ship brewing or if i have an idea for one that i wish to pitch, and i encourage others to do that to me in return.
How often do you like to ship?
this is a hard question because it always depends what i'm in the mood for ? i enjoy ships, but they're not all i wish to write on tumblr dot com. i'm fortunate that with a multimuse full of all different flavours of muses, i can usually find something to satisfy that writing itch whenever it flares up lmao.
Are you multiship?
yes, in the sense that none of my active muses are really single-ship, and if i have caveats to shipping with them they're always noted on the muse's page. i don't like to limit myself to single-shipping unless the muse in question is a private one that i just write for one writing partner lmao. i also don't tend to ship with duplicates once i have found one that i click with — this is never something that i ask for anyone to reciprocate, it's just how my brain works.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
i'm really not ship obsessed at all lmao, hence why i consider myself pretty picky ( and the reason why i tend to have lots of different shippy dynamics ongoing is mainly because i ship multiple pairings with the same 6 or 7 people lmao ). you know what i am obsessed with though? platonic expressions of devotion. few things can truly hit me like a well developed friendship ( robin & steve from st ), or a platonic bond that transcends all attempts to define it ( neuvillette & furina ). i think tumblr sleeps on those sorts of dynamics soo much, and so when they do come along for me they end up being extra special.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
honestly this may be a cop-out answer, but all of the ships that i currently have ongoing. i love them all in their own way, they all contribute something to my portrayals and to my blog and writing style and i appreciate everyone who writes a ship with me of any kind, even the platonic and familial ones.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
talk to me! i tend to prefer that our characters have interacted at least a little first, but i'm also not opposed to a pitch of two characters who you think might work well together! communication is key :')
Tagged by: @apocryphis & @delusionaid ( thank you!! ) Tagging: i've seen this go around my dash and therefore don't know who has or hasn't done this yet, so if you see this you are tagged! do the thing! tag me!!!
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twothpaste · 9 months
17 and 30 for the ao3 meme?
[ ao3 wrapped ]
17. Your favorite character to write this year? It is with a heavy heart I must concede, Claus continues to steal the show. There's somethin really engaging to me about developing him in these postgame fics, how he becomes such a dynamic character over the span of like 30 years. The Settled Score in particular is so dense with flashbacks, constantly weaving the past and present together - so I end up with lots of interesting little cross-sections of Claus' growth as a person. I can put carefree kid Claus right up next to the haggard PTSD-addled survivor he's become. Or the Masked Man right up against his present-day defiant love & optimism. I'm workin' with the whole Ship of Theseus at once. It's loads of fun discovering & highlighting the things he's outgrown, versus the things that've stayed exactly the same.
Porky's also a top contender. His in-the-flesh appearances in TSS are scarce, and some haven't been posted yet. In this fic he's like an awful misanthropic sickness haunting the world, living rent free in the rest of the cast's heads. An invisible implication beneath each little thing. Even when I'm not writing Porky, I'm definitely writing Porky. But every time I do get to work on a scene where he's physically present, I'm hyped as hell. I love writing his bitter & downright nasty dialogue, how pitiful he is, how he's so unrepentantly self-assured. In contrast with Claus, it's also a blast writing a character who petulantly refuses to grow, and instead prides himself in his stagnation.
I'll mention Hox, the former Pigmask Colonel, as a bonus. Out of the handful of "OCs" I've thrown together in this project, I think she's my fav. I always get a kick outta writing her. She's a brazen burly lady in her 50's, she's funny, she's straightforward, she gets shit done. She's got a complicated past, but since she very deliberately chooses not to wallow over it, you've kinda just gotta take little scraps of it at face value. She has surprisingly subtly sensitive interactions with characters you'd expect her to hate, and it makes me sappy as hell. Gotta love her.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? That this one goddamn fic was gonna take me all year. And then some. I've got no ETA on finishing it, it'll be done whenever it's done. After banging out so many fics last year though, it's weird slowing down like this for the sake of just one. I was expecting I'd wanna work on a bunch of oneshots instead, but this Fucking Thing had other plans. I'm happy with it. Finally learning how to take my time and commit to a long-term project feels really nice, actually.
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
BSTS Masterlist 4
➣ BSTS Masterlists [1][2][3]
Started: 5/5/23
Last Updated: 9/25/24
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BSTS Guides:
Linking Account/Transfer Code
Setting Character on Homepage
Tips For New Players
Building Performance Teams
Troubleshooting Steps
Rehearsing Characters/Skills Explanation
Card Skill and Team Formation
How Many Songs Has Each Singer Sung? (Updated: 4/30/24)
5th Anniversary Song Guide 
(For BSTS gameplay info, look up bsts gameplay) 
BSTS Info:
For theory: bsts theory
For spoilers: bsts spoilers
For character info: bsts character info
For reblogs of fics/art: starless reblogs
❗ - NSFW || 📹 - GIF HC || 🎥 - GIF + words || 📜 - Oneshot/scenario || 🌧️ - Angst || 🧁 - Fluff || 🍂 - Holiday/Seasonal || 💖 - Personal fav || ⭐ -Commission || 🤗 - Hurt/Comfort || 🏔️- Choose Your Own Adventure || 🎲 - Word game 
And The Best Booty Goes To...
BSTS Cast Members [Possible] Real Names
Sus Character List
What is Borderline?
BSTS Memes 2
Most Sane & Craziest Cast Member
Written and Unwritten Rules of Starless 
Most to Least Normal Cast Member
Angriest and Least Angriest Cast Member
Most to Least Naive Cast Member
Moral Alignment of the Cast Members
Logical to Most Melancholy Cast Members
Most to Least Butthurt Cast Member
Dad Figure in Each Team
Carefree to Most Anxious Cast Member
Sus Cast Member Who Don’t Get Along
Little Brother in Each Team
Easiest to Hardest to Control
Most to Least Scariest 
Worst to Best Drunk
Random Trivia About Cast Members
Blackstar High School Starless
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Thoughts on His character Development: [Kei] [Gui] [Yakou]
Reaction to Rating 
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
Which Car Suits Them?
Pickup Lines
Starless’ New Flirty Drink
Chubby Cheeks🧁
Procrastination 2 
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All Nighter 🎲
You Dodge His Kiss
First Time❗  
Don’t Go 2❗📜
Boyish MC
Playing with Your Hair🧁
Hidden Tattoo
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Teasing 2❗
Stargazing and Hanami 🎲
Spoiling You📜
Onsen Weekend 
First Time❗
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️🌧️
Only For Warmth
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Pocky Stick 3
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First Kiss 2   
Awkward Moments
Playing with Your Hair🧁
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Caught Reverse 2❗
You’re Pretty 2
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Caught Reverse 3❗
Playing with Your Hair🧁
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Thoughts on His Character Development: [Kokuyou] [Sin] [Takami]
But We Aren’t Dating 
Reaction to Rating 
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
We Weren’t Doing Anything 2❗
Nuzzle and Run🧁   
Which Car Suits Them?
Pickup Lines
Starless’ New Flirty Drink
My Hair!
Spin the Bottle
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Stargazing and Hanami 🎲
His Reaction If Menou Acts Up
First Time❗
Chubby Cheeks🧁
Only For Warmth
Pros/Cons of Dating Them: W Edition
Boyish MC
What Gets Him Going?❗
Awkward Moments
Playing with Your Hair🧁
Hidden Tattoo
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Caught Reverse 2❗
Teasing 2❗
You Dodge His Kiss
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️🌧️
Boyish MC
Playing with Your Hair🧁
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Marriage Candidate 🏔️
Secret 🎲
Unforgettable Sight❗
Onsen Weekend 
Heated Argument❗
First Kiss 2   
First Time❗
What Gets Him Going?❗
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Caught Reverse 2❗
Marriage Candidate 🏔️
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Marriage Candidate 🏔️
Teasing 2❗
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️
An Unforgettable Evening🎲
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Thoughts on His Character Development: [Rindou] [Menou] [Maica] [Sinju] 
Reaction to Rating 
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
Which Sports Car Suits Them?
Pickup Lines
Starless’ New Flirty Drink
Height Insecurity
Spin the Bottle
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Caught Reverse 2❗
After a Long Day 🎲
His Reaction If Menou Acts Up
Yours Forever❗🧁
Pocky Stick 3
I Never Forgot You📜
Distraction 🎲❗   
Hidden Tattoo
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His Reaction If Menou Acts Up
You Dodge His Kiss
What Gets Him Going?❗
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Red String 🎲
First Kiss 2   
Awkward Moments
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You’re Pretty 2
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️🌧️
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Caught Reverse 2❗
Onsen Weekend 
General N.SFW HC❗
Ideal Type 2
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Thoughts on His Character Development: [Qu][Zakuro]
But We Aren’t Dating 
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
Which Sports Car Suits Them?
Pickup Lines
Starless’ New Flirty Drink
Height Insecurity
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Reaction to Rating 
Drunk Dancing 🎲❗  
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The Little MerQu  🎲🧁
Beautiful Rainy Day 🎲🧁
Reaction to Rating 
You’re Pretty 2 
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️🌧️
Hidden Tattoo
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Marriage Candidate 🏔️
Lost and Found
You’re Pretty 2
You Dodge His Kiss
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The Bodyguard 📜
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Heated Argument❗
Ideal Type 2
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Thoughts on His Character Development: [Kongou] [Ran] [Rico][Mizuki]
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
Which Sports Car Suits Them?
We Weren’t Doing Anything 2❗
Nuzzle and Run🧁
Pickup Lines
Starless’ New Flirty Drink
My Hair!
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Caught Reverse 3❗
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Heated Argument❗
First Time❗
Awkward Moments
Hidden Tattoo
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You’re Pretty 2
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Heated Argument❗
You Dodge His Kiss
Threatened Reader 2 🌧️🌧️
Caught Reverse 3❗
What Gets Him Going?❗
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Teasing 2❗
Rough Day📜🤗
Boyish MC
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First Kiss 2  
Ideal Type 2
A Hug is Enough🧁
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Thoughts on His Character Development: [Iwami]
Sweater Xmas Party 🍂
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Reminiscing 🎲🧁
Reaction to Rating 
Which Sports Car Suits Them?
It All Started with a Bite 🎲
40 notes · View notes
jynxd · 11 months
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I thought you could love me, accept me, even though I am different. But you have changed too. So here's to the new us.
An independent, selective Canon divergent Jinx from Arcane blog written and cherished by Bli. (Also including Silco and Ekko)
heavily affiliated with @hexcoremagician, @ferinehuntress, @shimmerbeasts
Graphics and Banners made by : @marsrpresources
General information: Rules | Jinx/verses | Ekko/verses | Silco/verses
Headcanons: Jinx (Overview) | Silco (Overview) | Ekko (Overview) RP: Permanent Starter call | Memes Other blog: Multimuse blog
Follows shimmerbeasts Zaun Lore
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For the convenience of those on mobile I will put the rules here!
18 + Mutuals only
Typically writes in paras-novelias
They/Them Pronouns
activity can range from high to low
mature themes might occur on this blog
Mun (30) and muse(s) are of age.
I will work with OC’S however, I do ask that the OC be developed enough when I am getting idea of them. I don’t write to come up with your characters for you, so please know your muse! If your about’s have all the information needed, that’s awesome. If you don’t have any of this supplied, I mostly likely will not work with you.
As someone who loves to write AU’s I will gladly do them! In fact I find AU’s more hella fun! Please feel free to throw any and all ideas my way!
There are/will be cross over verses, so I am completely open to rping cross overs! If it’s a fandom I am unfamiliar with that might require work, but otherwise I’m down for it
I use ASKS only for rp sake, so if you want to plot with me send me an IM. I am however not opposed to Ice breakers. So If neither of feel like plotting (which most likely will be mentioned in pms) you can send an ask my way and start from there!
Unless you are an active participant in ongoing threads, DO NOT reblog any rp posts! 
If I reblog memes, please try to reblog it from its original source material to keep my activity clean. (I won’t say anything if you don’t but it would be greatly appreciated.)
Remember, even you have foreknowledge, your muse does not! Don’t bring knowledge they shouldn’t know into threads.
Don’t try to control what my character says and/or does. 
The muse can be highly selective depending on mood, so if he is a certain mood, he will reply to what he is feeling. OR WHAT IM FEELING. 
There a select few that will almost always get a response first, don’t take this personally, it’s just how the muse can be! (There is a select few people who are going to take complete importance!)
I am not a fast roleplayer, so I replies may sit in my drafts for days to weeks. But eventually they will be responded to.
If a thread is dropped, I typically won’t say anything especially if I’m not feeling it.
If I haven’t responded in a while, you can remind me once, but don’t spam me with reminders
Multiple threads are completely okay!
I am OKAY with pre-established ships but it has to be plotted out or discussed.
Multi-ship friendly and even willingly ship OT3’s
Smut CAN be an option, but it will most likely not be written due preference of the mun unless heavily plotted.
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sincerely-sofie · 11 months
Check-in for November 1st, 2023
After a 2.4k word writing session spread across about two hours, The Present is a Gift has reached 14k words!
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I thought that I would barely be able to reach the 15k word count across the entirety of November, but all my prepping combined with some improved writing habits has given me hope for reaching the actual word count goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. I've been attempting this challenge for 7 years and have never once come remotely close to this amount of words written in November. Who knew that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction would be what got me out of my writerly shell?
I spent 5 hours on a single assignment today and had to phone a friend to come even remotely close to completing it correctly. Python loops hate me and honestly, the feeling is mutual. Why is a "for" loop chill with having a placeholder variable in it but no other functions in Python feel the same??? I'm so tired. My brain cannot brain any longer.
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I also tested out a ring light tripod I got ages ago and took some clips to see how it'd look if I ended up recording my actual face for YouTube videos. I think it would be fun to record some process logs for working on my AU, developing my visual novel idea, maybe some silly skits, etc, etc.
I also also threw out my back recording those tripod clips. Do not ask me how I managed to do it; I have the spine of an old woman. It's embarrassing.
(I managed to do it by spinning into the shot and tripping on a yoga mat. It was honestly pretty impressive.)
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With that, I'm going to retire and try to scoop my brain matter into a vaguely cerebral shape after all of that homework. I plan to get some more writing and homework done, and hopefully I'll have some creative energy leftover to make some memes or comics or something. I miss the PMD2: Text Post Boogaloo series. I would love to make some more content for it. If you guys have any ideas of series to superimpose PMD character faces over screenshots of or silly memes to inspire new installments, let me know!
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infintasmal · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Chai ! KC is also acceptable
★  PRONOUNS:  she/they/unbothered
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Def the relationships I've managed to forge. I've had some partners for years, those that I've become great friends with, with whom I owe much of my development as a creative toward. I've found a sense of community in rp spaces that I otherwise wouldn't have had access to.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Any DMs are fine, discord or otherwise. I am notably bad at initiating or maintaining conversation, I struggle a lot in social settings even online so I am appreciative of those that have been patient with me. I'm trying to be better about it but I know it can be frustrating.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Botan on DeathBlossomed is at the forefront rn which is why I've been low activity here. However Ja'far is nearly always active and has remained a steady muse for several years.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started in middle school (I'm turning 30 next month, so 2007/8) on Gaiaonline, writing real cringy stuff but it sparked a long standing passion. I moved onto tumblr in 2012/3 my freshman year of college. You can do the math bc it makes me feel old
I tend to be pretty unbothered by most things, I've been here too long however I'll never like the active policing of other people's blog content that seems to have intensified in the recent years with the 'puriteen' wave. I think people really forgot fandoms roots with the "Don't like, don't read. Dead Dove Do Not Eat." disclaimers and could use a lesson in it. The whole 'proshipper' discourse is just exhausting and I'm simply too old to be bothered, y'know. I don't mean to be like 'you shoulda seen what was going on back in my day *shakes cane*' bc some of it was skeezy for sure and we had our fair share of problems, but I felt like most people were at least staying in their own lane.
I also take issue with people who repeatedly, publicly complain about not having 'any' rp partners or not enough interactions while simultaneously making no effort to reach out to others and show interest in anything beyond their own self satisfaction. It shows that you don't appreciate the current rp partners you have or have had by stating that they're 'not enough' and that you're only looking to satisfy your own needs rather than acting as part of a community. It sucks to feel left out but at some point you've gotta start taking initiative. If we all sat around waiting for someone to come to us, no one would ever communicate.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: I find that memes are good way to initiate a first interaction, it kinda gives me a sense of who you wanna write with, what kinda things you're interested in, and sets up the relationship nicely. But I do like plotting out threads, but only as an outline or a starter point. Sometimes, we end up plotting a little too specifically and it's like, what's the point of writing it if I already know what's gonna happen, y'know? Like, tell me where I'm going but don't tell me what I'm gonna see along the way. I like to have a solid starting point and then go with the flow from there with discussions being mainly about major plot points.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Ahh, I'm sure if you look closely enough you can find some overlapping traits with some of my muses (like dumb & gay LMAO) but I don't think there's any one muse that I would say is really like me. I think I'd be a really boring character to rp as so I'll leave it for memoir writing x3
Tagged by: @quickdeaths (Ty !! I appreciate it ~)
Tagging: I've seen a lot of my dash do this so if you haven't had the chance yet, go for it bbs
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vidyadawn · 6 months
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#VIDYADAWN. Welcome to my roleplaying blog for Honkai: Star Rail's Dan Heng. This blog is independent, selective and multi-verse. Established in March 2024 and written by Min. Please read the rules below before following :)
This blog primarily features Dan Heng. That said, Imbibitor Lunae might make an appearance when the opportunity arises, because I'd love to write threads set in the past with him.
I'm not up to date with the storyline / recent update on H:SR yet but I don't mind spoilers!
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ABOUT ME. My name is Min, I'm over 30 years of age and I've been rping in various fandoms for over 15 years. I work during the week so replies are slow, but I'm usually online and available through DMs or discord (for mutuals only).
REQUIREMENTS. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, you must be at least 18 years of age, ideally over 21. I make no exceptions for minors, regardless of thread content. I will gravitate towards H:SR canon muses, but I am open to OCs if the character appeals to me and crossovers if I can see a way to merge our worlds together.
WRITING. I prefer plotted threads and longer replies (on average I'll write 3-6 paragraphs), but I don't expect you to match length. What matters to me is the content of our posts and our ability to progress in the story we want to tell. I don't really do short convos anymore (unless it's dash crack) and I don't write unplotted starters because they often lead nowhere. If you have ideas for our muses, just message me and if you don't have ideas yet but would like to write, let's plot together :)
MEMES. Best way to get something started with me is through memes. Any memes in my meme tag are available without time limit for all mutuals, so no need to ask first, just send in whatever tickles your fancy! Heads up: it might take me forever and three days to respond, but I will get there eventually. Feel free to reblog any meme posts directly from my blog, I don't mind that at all.
SHIPPING. I am open to shipping and I would love to develop something more profound and long-lasting for Dan Heng. He is not an easy muse to ship with and I don't insta-ship, but I very much enjoy writing ships. If I write multiple ships, they are automatically in separate verses unless discussed otherwise. As an example, I'd be happy to explore Dan Feng/Yingxing in past threads and its repercussions on the present, but I'm also perfectly fine writing them without any romantic context. I have a soft spot for Jing Yuan / Dan Heng, particularly if Jing Yuan had feelings for Dan Feng in the past, because I think that would make for a beautiful angsty love story in the present :) But here as well, I just love the dynamic and I'm happy to write then as platonic dynamic, as long as we can agree that they have a complex connection. Please note that I do not ship Dan Heng/March 7th romantically and I am torn on shipping him with the Trailblazer (that one's debatable), but I'll happily write them as a platonic dynamic. If you're interested in writing a ship with me, best come discuss it with me directly.
SOCIAL POLITICS. I am against callout and cancel culture and do not engage in it. Callouts will not be reblogged - I curate my dashboard my own way and I have no interest in being dragged into other people's fights. I don't respect publicly hating on fictional ships, characters or portrayals. I will never harass anyone or shame them for the fictional things they choose to write, I simply avoid, blacklist or block what I don't want to see. I believe the RPC would be a better place if people tried to be more tolerant, respectful and kind to one another.
Graphic credit (for my Dan Feng banners)
Rules are subject to change. Thank you for reading this far! :)
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