#30 days of hermes
delicourse · 2 years
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Lesbian pride gowns<33
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mystrangebones · 8 months
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Hermes, for "rush."
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royal-wren · 1 year
I'm a bit late to the 30 days of Aphrodite (found here) so I'm diving in now.
Share the origin story of your relationship with Aphrodite It's not exactly a new story, but definitely a memorable one. As a united front, Aphrodite and Hermes gave me the all-consuming double-edged sword kind of brainrot that left me no peace. Every waking and sleeping thought was them to the point of eating and breathing their blaring green light signs that took me a while to realize the message. Here I have both of them banging insistently upon my door with increasing agitation and a need to be heard while Hermes was so much louder by comparison to Aphrodite's more chill approach.
If both want to be heard, they will be heard as their culmination ended in them being as blunt as possible to my oblivious mindset. Both pretty much grabbed and pulled me by my hands with fairly obvious communication of their wishes and their open-ended invitation to worship them. They became my start (ft Apollon as a third that was just there immediately after agreeing to the change, a shock for sure). I owe them everything for the comfort and teaching they brought to me in my early days of actually going through with something I was already deeply knowledgeable about. They are warm and have a huge open-arm approach that will always make me associate the song If You Want by Depeche Mode with them, the one I play whenever I start to feel unsure and insecure.
They are love, acceptance, and connection, the two smile/laughter-loving golden gods that I wouldn't trade or change how my stumbling into the shift from rotting monotheism to polytheism that feels so right.
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What was the first offering you ever gave Aphrodite? Seashells from my giant hoard of them (seriously, I have a whole big chest of them and stones/crystals I've been collecting for so long). I knew what to do to an extent but was weirdly nervous about actually doing it so I kind of went overboard with the shells and the crafted roses I had on hand. Aphrodite is very wealthy with all the gifts/offerings I have given to her so far.
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wolfhowlwitch · 7 months
ok ok I need to work on more dedicated worship so I’m gonna try out @4res’s 30 Days of Them, linked here:
(I've had this in my drafts for ages, seeing a mutual do it reminded me to do it myself!)
so without further ado, day 1!
1. introduce your God(s), but do not use Their names.
She is 3, and those 3 are many. She is the washer at the ford, the battle frenzy, the crow mother. She is a low hum, a vicious chant, a murmured encouragement. She speaks in screams and silence. She can be found in the fullest Moon, the smallest acorn, the sharpest knives. when you cannot find Her, it is because She is in the shadows, always there and at the ready.
He is words on the wind, laughter in the rainfall, footsteps in the language of birds. He is the writer at the desk, the wax that seals the envelope, and the swiftness with which it travels. He is the thief and the giver. He speaks in the peals of laughter echoing through a building, and He finds you as the hand that lifts your chin and wipes your tears.
She is both maiden and queen, both water and wine. She is in the warmth of sunshine on your skin and She is in the cold, refreshing dampness of the first rainfall. She is in the fog, floating in the wind like a ghost, gracing the grass with the dew, blessing the graves with a voice like a song. She speaks in smoke-worn whispers and child-like scream. to find Her, you must look for the beginning or the end- wherever you look She will be, so enrobed in life and death She will be hard to comprehend.
He is a Father, measured distance and warm embrace. He is a hand to hold, to lead you through each step, His absence met by His patiently waiting smile for you at the End of Ends. He is answers to questions you didn't ask, He is questions you never thought to think. He is the chill of the rain on your back, the shadow under the stairs, the tap of branch on your window- and He is finding comfort in these moments, not fear. He speaks from below, His voice an echo from beneath your feet, and you will find Him when the clock freezes in the cold.
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
30 Days of Them #4
Has there been a time where you feel They have sent something to appear to you on their behalf?
(link to post)
The things he sends most on his behalf are masks, things that seem so disparate and independent from him but, under the surface, tie to the same creature. When he presses against the fabric of this plane it forms new bodies around him, expansive and wild - still masks of a different and more literal sort. It's always masks for royalty.
I thought I saw myself stretched across the sky in a form I recognised so intimately, a great bird with wings of clouds and the presence within it of the Sun's light in summer. Why, then, were the feelings radiating off this self so contradictory to my own?
I loved my partner with all my heart. We would walk together, he in the Astral and I physically. The Sky Bird would make its appearance in all its glory, eclipsing any view into the star-heavens and stretching itself far over the land, and it would, with no uncertainty, be beaming down a disinterest at best, but mostly a brewing angered disappointment, distaste, towards my partner. He would beg and plead in religious words how he loved me and therefore the Sky, but the Sky Bird wouldn't budge. Its wordlessness and piercing stare would be unwaveringly cold. 
The Eye burns so fiercely in the sky when he shows up. The Sun is rounded by clouds, but overlaid across it in another dimension is so, so clearly not a coincidence in space and time just-so-happeningly making the clouds shaped like an eye. It's his eye, his presence, dwarfing reality before it. I can see him in all his radiance as the Sun itself poking a hole into reality, the physical Sun his iris and its core his pupil. It is a look that connects souls, the interplay of two different people when they realise and communicate through expression that they understand... Something. Whatever it is, I understand. In a world that doesn't look to the Sun anymore I understand who I am looking at. The Sun is his vessel for that.
I was possessed by an older gentleman in the car; his emotions were withered and heavy, and the silence between my partner and I was suddenly host to a pale yet absolute sadness. Tired, melancholic to the highest degree, chalky blue and ghostly. I wondered why my partner adamantly called him "Blue", a marker for a colour in his mind like that of the opaque Day Sky.
My partner at the time moved uncomfortably. I was too busy focusing on this sudden change in my body's input and personality to such an undeniable and unrejectable degree to really watch my partner's reaction to the newcomer, but we both knew this was an older man spoken about in my partner's cult lore as "Damian", and to my partner he was... A sign, likely, that someone outside his cult knew what he was doing. A warning. I check now with tarot to make sure I remember right. "What did my ex think and feel when this man showed up in our car?" X of Swords, in this deck a sword is broken against nine swords now descending upon it. Exactly, I felt it even if I was preoccupied. This was a warning to him, to me a friend.
My phone's auto-suggest recommends I input a link instead of a word, which brings me to something I haven't seen nor copied the link of in at least a month: a video on why Alduin from Skyrim, a character I relate to Leviathan, "should have won".
The Sky would occasionally roost in our backyard or just over its fence. Often it would skirt metres away from us in a dreamlike haze, unthinking, inhuman to the highest degree, but undeniably present and big.
My partner at the time received a vision: He was cornered in a place filled with the dead bodies of all the children he had caught up in his cult, sat in his chair, submitting to what was about to come which was so unlike him. No more charismatic talking himself out of all danger, no more manipulation, he was resigned: And specifically resigned as the character he pretended to be in his cult. Through the door came the usually fragile form of the one we labelled as my incarnation in my cult's supposed off-plane reality, an alternate universe self if you will, Agnus, but he walked with confidence unlike me and held a scythe in his hands with the perfect poise of someone much stronger than I ever could've been.
He beheaded my partner. One swift movement and it was over. I never understood, but the message was read loud and clear, apparently, by my partner, who would only have another few years alive after this before he was actually killed for his sins.
The shift in air pressure is like a deluge of ocean water - paradoxically a soft one, but it swamps the land in the feeling of a huge presence of something that could never be seen by the physical eye.
Ahead of him, when the presence grows stronger and stronger, the rooks always fly like heralds. 
It always happens, rooks fly literally... But they're a figurative thing too and a symbol for all of reality obeying its programming to fly ahead of him. He winds himself into reality and its programming obeys, like pheromones in the senses of an animal or a software update in the core of a machine.
The air and its spirits are sent ahead of him, the feelings of this plane shifting as it makes way for him. Electronics bend under the weight and start doing strange things and playing unskippable strange songs, televisions play things that match up exactly to things he is talking to you about, conversations of those you walk past speak his words, the clouds contort into clear images like sign language alongside what he's saying, the wind dances with his words as he speaks.
Reality is sent before him on his behalf; reality is, like so much else, the fabric to be used as his masks as he bends himself into the workings of the plane he rarely appears on physically.
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fountainsofcyprus · 2 years
30 Days of Deity Devotion ( Aphrodite ) - Day 29
Any interesting or unusual UPG to share? This also counts as an UPG for Hermes, but I like to think of Aphrodite and Hermes working together as the patrons of long-distance relationships, or simply long-distance love. My love currently resides all the way across the continent, and so travel and online communication ( also upg ), things Hermes rules over, are both things that are very important in our lives. And Aphrodite being the patroness of lovers, it just feels nice to think of both of them looking over us. We are also both trans, and knowing that Hermaphroditos is the child of Aphrodite and Hermes, it really feels comforting to think of them all as taking care of us.
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neo-nomatrix · 6 months
Sunshine and Midnight Rain
Luke Castellan x Apollo kid!Reader
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word count: 851
summary: Luke castellan and the daughter of apollos love story
a/n: “remember who the enemy is” IM TRYING
Luke Castellan held your heart since the day you met, and you held his.
You arrived at camp a few months after Luke. You were one of the lucky ones, claimed within an hour of being there. Your godly father is Apollo, god of poetry, the sun, music, narcissism, idiocy, stupidity, all that. You had assumed the gods would act superior to all, no matter if they were or weren’t. But Apollo was on a completely different level. You didn’t know why he had taken such a liking to you.
“You remind him of himself,” Your half sister, Kayla, had told you, “an archer who never misses, healer who fixes every wound, gifted singer, and somehow picked up the lyre in a day. And yet, you still ask why Apollo loves you the most?”
“I wish he wouldn’t,” you twirl the golden arrow he gifted you.
“y’know, that hermes boy has been staring since the moment you stepped foot here,” she smiles, nodding to the tan boy sitting on a picnic table.
“Great, more attention,” you keep your sights on the boy, lucas? Luca, maybe?
“His name’s luke castellan,” kayla says, ah luke, that’s it.
“He’s handsome,” you say matter of factly.
“Don’t trust those Hermes boys, all they do is lie,” Kayla leans back and rolls her eyes.
“It’s a good thing I play the lyre.”
“You’ve got a great shot,” a deep voice says from behind you.
You’ve been at the range for around an hour, it’s 4:30, you always practice when no one else is around.
“The whole reason why I come out here this early is so i can be alone,” sure, it sounds mean but you swear you’re not trying to be.
“Sorry, once I see you it’s hard to look away,” you’re not looking at him but you can tell me has the biggest smirk on his face.
“Funny,” you tell him bluntly.
You set down your bow, keeping the arrow in your hand, and sit on the nearby grass. He lays down beside you, you follow his lead and put your hands behind your head.
“That arrow, it’s like it’s made of the sun,” He says amazed.
“A gift from dear old dad. No matter how far I shoot it’ll always come back. Supposed to be a sign of his love or something. But I think he just constantly wants me to be annoyed by him,” you inform him possibly too much.
“Most people would be grateful if their godly parent cares that much,” he says.
“It’s different with Apollo, there is no such thing as true altruism with him,” you bite your inner lip.
“I get that, I’m just tryna say- Hermes never showed up for me, and I'd kill to just have him tell me he cares,” His eyes furrow.
“Guess we both have different priorities,” you smile.
“Opposites work best don’t they?” He smiles back.
“Isn’t it opposites attract?” You wonder.
“Hey, your words, not mine,” he laughs.
“That one’s Orion,” You point up at the constellation.
“He was always my favorite,” he adds.
“Mine has always been Cassiopeia, but you can never see her over here,” You look back up at the sky.
“That one’s Taurus, and then Sirius below, and Gemini above,” you point each of them out.
Even though he hums in acknowledgment his eyes are locked on you.
“You’re staring, again” You mention.
“I told you I can’t help it, especially when you glow like that,” he reaches out and touches your face.
You reach out and grab his hand, running your fingers against his slender digits.
“I’d like to be a constellation when I die, maybe my father will fulfill that wish,” you say to him.
“That’ll be my last wish too, we can lay in the stars together.”
It’s been a day since Percy Jackson came to Camp Half-blood. It just so happens to be your favorite day of the year, capture the flag. You have led the archers on the blue team for years, you’d say you’re doing well for what you’re given. Besides your siblings in Apollo the rest of the kids weren’t as gifted in archery.
As the first conch shell blew you were preparing for your mock-battle. Annabeth in charge of the plan and Percy, Luke with company, and you with the archers. You knew you could, no- would win. The archers took the trees, helping stray company from the skies.
“Today feels like a winning kind of day?” Annabeth asks luke.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” He smiles.
“Luke!” You pull him aside for a moment.
You cup his face the best you can through his armor. “You don’t get hurt okay? I don’t feel like healing anymore wounds from you. Understand?”
“Oh but I love to see you healing” he holds your hand and smirks
“Archers! Move out!” You call your team, eyes still locked with his, smiling.
“so… you and her?” Percy asks the taller boy.
“how could I not? She's perfect. I mean, I genuinely believe I could live without the sun if I just had her.”
And maybe, just maybe, he could.
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angelicdanvers · 6 months
BRACELETS | luke castellan.
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: y/n finds herself a friend to celebrate her special day with. takes place before the lightning thief. luke & y/n are the same age. wc: 1.9k key: n/n = nickname
taglist: @repostingmyfavs @rinisfruity14 @soobin-chois | pm or comment to be added <3
a/n: merry christmas to those who celebrate!! this goes out to all my loves who just wish for one person to embrace them and spread happiness <3
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it was finally y/n’s sixteenth birthday, and once again, not a single person to celebrate with. being a child of demeter was sweet, everyone was kind all around, but y/n simply couldn’t find her people.
she got along with everyone, no one had anything against her. sure, older kids would pick on her from time to time, but that was an automatic agreement she signed when joining camp two years ago.
she just couldn’t develop as strong of a bond with anyone. she’d sometimes fall asleep with silent tears, wondering if she was broken or missing something key. if everyone was nice, why couldn’t she trust? form a relation?
the night wielded a nice breeze, wafting through y/n’s locks as she sat by the strawberry fields, playing with the leaves. a slight glow emitted from her fingertips as she trailed them along the soil, a small smile on her lips. 
glancing towards the amphitheater, she could see those her age dancing and singing, having the time of their lives. the younger kids had dispersed due to curfew, she noted. 
they all seemed to be in glee.
snapping her eyes shut, she fought back the intrusive thoughts and inhaled a sharp breath. opening her eyes, y/n grabbed some of the soil, stacking it into three layers. grabbing a strawberry, she delicately placed it atop and pulled away to admire her makeshift cake.
“happy birthday, n/n — happy sweet sixteenth,” she said loud enough just for her to hear. looking up at the glimmering stars, y/n decided to make a wish.
all i wish for is belonging. true belonging.
y/n went back to her cake, grabbing the strawberry and picking herself up from the ground. dusting herself off, she took her water bottle and gently rinsed the strawberry. placing it between her teeth and softly biting into it, she savoured the taste as she walked down towards the amphitheater and then the cabins.
she felt stupid for not wearing a proper jacket or shirt, but she did enjoy the fresh air leaving a chill to her skin. y/n was hoping her black tee would blend her into the night, especially as she neared the amphitheater. she wasn’t entirely keen on interacting more at the moment — it was past twelve and she knew she couldn’t match their energy.
“hey, y/n?”
the girl halted in her tracks. turning on her heel, she came face to face with none other than the loveable hermes boy lightly jogging up to her.
“hi luke,” she greeted, passing him a small smile. 
luke smiled back immediately. after a silent beat, he spoke again. “i just wanted to say, ha —“
“hey, luke! get over here, man, we need your backup vocals right now!” one of the hermes kids yelled, y/n couldn’t tell who from their distance.
“yeah, give me a sec!” he screamed, turning back to the girl.
“no dude, we need you RIGHT NOW! we’re gonna be mashed potatoes if you don’t!”
luke rolled his eyes, positioning himself back towards the theatre. “can’t you see i’m busy?”
“you can talk to anyone about anything whenever, luke! this is a one time exclusive!”
“stop quoting missy elliot, and no, give me two minutes!” he replied, a slight whine in his voice.
a scoff followed, “we’re gonna be eliminated, castellan!”
exasperated by bickering with his brothers, luke sighed and nodded. “i’ll be right there!” 
the boy instantly spun back around, wanting to wish the demeter girl a happy birthday.
she was at least 30 feet ahead of him, speed walking away with a slight slump to her shoulders.
luke’s smile dropped. another day, another day of being unable to fully attend to her. these countless moments have occurred more than he could fathom — he was always pulled away from the one girl he didn’t want to be pulled away from.
and yet here she was, disappearing out of his sight once again. “this karaoke better be worth it,” he grumbled under his breath as he trudged back.
the next morning was calm, not many campers up to anything special. there was a soft pitter patter on the window panes, but y/n didn’t mind. the rain rejuvenated her.
throwing on her raincoat but paying no mind to her shorts or shoes, y/n left the cabin with her stash of bracelet material in her pocket and sprinted through the paths, heading to chiron and mr. d.
luke’s attention immediately perked up at the bolting girl, and he realized this might just be the one time he can say anything.
subtly running after her, he watched as she entered the big house and rather excitedly. he followed inside, keeping a distance when he heard her begin to speak to chiron.
he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he did hear it all.
“may i call my dad?”
“of course, y/n. here,” luke could hear the shuffle of a phone, and footsteps coming closer to the edge of chiron’s office. 
the dial tone was evident. it went through three times before he heard the young girl speak.
“hey dad. hope you’re doing good. should've known you weren't gonna pick up. i turned sixteen today, fyi. hope your kids are doing fine and same with that blonde bimbo,” she spat, making luke’s eyes widen. “i’m not coming home for christmas. might be early to determine but i’m sure i won’t. bye.”
she walked back to chiron, and luke could hear light sniffles coming from her. his heart sank. 
“for all it matters, i’m here, we all are. happy birthday, y/n. you’ve always made us proud, you’ve always been an asset to us, you deserve to know that no matter what,” chiron reassured, and luke could hear the girl softly thank him.
stepping outside of chiron’s office and shutting the door behind her, y/n broke into a sob in the hallway. it was one thing to have others not be around, but when family abandons, nothing feels real anymore. 
luke observed as she stopped her tears almost as quick as they started, wiping her eyes as she headed towards him, unbeknownst to her.
“uh,” luke cleared his throat, “hey, y/n.”
y/n’s face warmed up, startled at his presence. hurriedly fixing herself up, she nodded. “hi luke.”
“i’m sorry for last night,” he apologized, scratching the nape of his neck. “i was trying to talk to you but i guess i got carried away with everyone else,” he paused, looking down, “as usual. i’m sorry.”
y/n shook her head. “it’s okay. don’t apologize, life happens.”
“right,” luke acknowledged awkwardly. “speaking of life,” he approached her in a friendly manner, “i wanted to wish you a happy birthday last night. you’re sixteen, one of the biggest milestones in anyone’s life!”
his enthusiasm made the corners of y/n’s lips tug up, and she watched intently as he continued. “you deserve an amazing birthday, and i’m going to give that to you.”
y/n was not expecting that.
“c’mon, let’s go.” luke held his hand out to her, his dark curls practically bouncing in excitement. a sweet grin crept onto her face, making the young boy smile even wider. she accepted his hand, and the second he felt her palm within his, the fragility made him realize he could never be a part of something that’d hurt her ever again.
she was stronger than anyone he knew, enduring all the shit the world put upon her. he just knew he couldn’t be one of them to do the same. 
together, the two gracefully left the big house, trampling down to camp and rushing towards god knows where.
somehow, they ended up at the pavilions, and without a second thought, y/n pulled out her bracelet material. luke was confused but watched eagerly as she carefully took the little sacks out.
“wanna make some friendship bracelets?”
“friendship bracelets?” luke asked, unsure of the concept.
y/n nodded. “today’s the day someone willingly decided to hang out with me. i was going to make some alone but if you want, we can create matching ones and mark our friendship.”
luke grinned toothily, “so we’re friends now?”
y/n nodded, “i’d love to be, if you don’t mind.”
his eyes screamed happiness, “i definitely don’t mind.”
the two taped down their threads, choosing colours that work cohesively with one another’s. “now you’re gonna wanna take this thread and do a tuck-knot with it,” y/n explained, showing the boy to her left the steps.
after getting the basics down, the two fell into a comfortable silence, threading away and adding some cute hand-made clay beads here and there. “i’m not too childish for wanting to do this, right?” y/n suddenly asked, a nervous smile on her face.
luke shook his head and gave her a hearty grin. “i don’t think there should ever be such thing as “too childish”, sucks the life out of everyone,” he looked back down at the bracelet, “plus, when you’re a demigod, what else is there to do? play video games? we’d be dead in minutes.”
y/n laughed. luke froze.
he’d never heard her laugh this much. she sounded pretty.
“you’re not wrong,” she slowly caught her breathing and softly chuckled. “are you close to finishing your’s?”
the hermes boy nodded and watched intently as y/n’s delicate fingers tutored him on how to securely tie the ends of the bracelet. watching her move so effortlessly made his heart skip a beat — she was perfect.
even though this was the smallest activity they could ever do, she was perfect at it. it made him wonder why he didn’t seize the opportunity to be her friend beforehand.
“hey, y/n?”
“yes, luke?”
“i just wanted to say,” his breath lightly hitched when she began placing the bracelet on his wrist to make sure it was of right measurement, “that, uh, you’re really pretty.”
now it was y/n’s turn to freeze.
“but, i’m not doing all of this to just be your boyfriend or whatever. hell, we’ve just begun our friendship,” he stifled a small, sweet laugh, “so when i say this i really just mean it from the bottom of my heart. i don’t want it to influence you in any way, i just want you to know how i’ve seen you for the past two years.
“you’re gentle and loving, not to mention stealthy and incredibly intelligent. i love whenever i look over and you’re always doing something that captivates me. i’ve been an idiot to admire you from afar for this long, but you’ve always deserved to know and be appreciated. i’m sorry i couldn’t give that to you sooner.”
y/n looked into luke’s eyes, somber traversing in her’s. “may i hug you?”
luke nodded, and y/n wrapped him up in her arms. the boy held tightly onto her, a sudden thought of losing her intruding his mind of peace. “happy birthday, y/n,” he whispered into her ear as they continued to embrace.
“thank you, luke. this means the world to me.”
luke now knew he had to give her the world, no matter what.
their matching bracelets would only be a reminder of what there was, what there will be and what will be gone.
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tinydeskwriter · 3 months
LOVE HOLD|⟮little miss maverick⟯
lando norris x wolff reader| wolff reader x f1 grid platonic (mostly)
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a/n: there is no face claim, I just can't resist te perfection that is Anya Taylor-Joy(I wanted to save her for a Häkkinen!reader, but couldn't stop myself when I started the dior montage). those are little snippets from her life between the GQ video and Bahrain 23', to give some context. I gave names to y/n mother, sister, stepfather and etc, because I find mad confusing to put a bunch of y/mn, y/s/n, y/bff/n, it gets tiring and confusing especially if it comes one after the other in a social media tag or paragraph, thats the only reason I gave them names. there is a few tennis players in this story, not too crazy, but as it is a character a little bit inspired by break point some of those guys will show up and the netflix show will be mentioned. comment and give it a like if you like, I love to read what you guys have to say and your thoughts. I also gave a name to the series, it is very cliche but I couldn't think of nothing better.
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liked by lilymhe, lewishamilton and 865,678 others
(tagged: patrickmouratoglou; matsbahr; susie_wolff; lucy.abrams; british_airways; adidas; redbull; yonex_tennis; hbsc; hiltonhotels; hermes; charles_leclerc; carlossainz55; pierregasly; landonorris; benshelton; mariasherapova; the_kokk1; carlitosalcarazz; lewishamilton; georgerussell63; carmenmmundt)
y/name.wolff it wasn't easy but we did it! today my dream came true, in winning my twelfth title today, the fourth in a row this calendar year, I became the sixth grand slam champion in history, the fourth woman to do so and the very first brit. it takes a village and i would not have managed it without the amazing team i have behind me supporting me at every step. shout out to my coaches, my therapist, my sponsors and my family.🤍🏆🏆
thank u all for the flowers. i will be seeing a few of you in monza.
(i believe I tagged everyone, but my hands are shaking so much and is hard to see through my happy tears, so, if i forgot to tag you, consider yourself thanked)
view all 23,567 comments
pierregasly congratulations little wolff, never doubted you
↳y/n.wolff thank u 🍐
redbull #1!!!
↳y/name.wolff red bull gives you wings 😘
user1 mother is mothering😍😍
georgerussel63 #goat 🐐
landonorris 🔥🔥🔥
↳landonorris congratulations on yet another win, always knew you would🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you lan🤍
↳user4 the heart😍
↳user5 'lan' , oml
user2 girly is so delulu she forgot serenawilliams has like 30 grand slams
↳user3 serenawilliams has 23 titles from grand slams events, which eventually was a career grand slam, but she never managed all in a calendar year which is a true grand slam, y/n.wolff is the sixth tennis player to do so, and if she wins the WTA final in november she will have the super slam
benshelton #goat status🐐proud to see one of the greatest of our generation achieving something not even our heros did. keep going sis, next step is to make this a super slam 🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you little bro, you and those powerful serves next
mariasherapova little miss maverick. congrats kid, keep going marveling the world with your talent and breaking records along the way 🐐
↳ y/n.wolff🤍🤍🤍
11th Sep 2022
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Nov 9th 2022
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc & 933,566 others
(tagged: opheliagatz; p.blanchard; cassandra.blanchard; giambattistavalliparis)
y/n.wolff 09·01·2023· the day is here, it only took you guys 20 years of living in sin, 15 years of engagement and raising two beautiful, charming, talented daughters together to finally put a ring on it. i am grateful every single day that in a world with 9 billion people, living in the same city, sharing common friends, you two manage to met outside a little cafe in milano in the summer of 03'(btw, i had the honor of witness this cosmic encounter, though i claim no recollection of the event). père phillippe, thank you for all the years as my bonus father and all the support you always gave me (there is no backing now).
love you two more than words can describe. thank u for trusting me with the role of maid of honour, hope i did a good job.
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landonorris congrats to mamma O and Phil❤️ beautiful cerimony
↳y/n.wolff 🤍
user1 was lando at the wedding???
Jan 10th 2023
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Jan 14th 2023
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liked by pierregasly, dior & 933,566 others
(tagged: dior)
y/n.wolff i am happy to be (finally) able to announce that yours truly is now (officially) a dior muse and the new face of diorissimo🤍🤍🤍
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mariagraziachiuri I am so happy to share this journey with someone I have seen grow into the beautiful woman she is today, such an example of timeless beauty and elegance, our true English Rose and the incarnation of the spirit Diorissimo.
↳y/n.wolff grazie mille Maria, thank you so much for the trust
Feb 27th 2023
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y/n.wolff after three tournaments back-to-back and a brief pitstop in paris for fashion week, miss éclair wolff and I are heading to bahrain to watch 19 millionaires playboys going vrom vrom in circles for second place😊
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landonorris uncalled for ☹️
↳y/n.wolff as is your tractor 🙂
↳landonorris ☹️
↳y/n.wolff luv u sugarboo🤍
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tag list: @myescapefromthislife | @kapsylia | @biitch-with-wifi
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livlaughloveluke · 3 months
hi! could u do something with luke castellan x daughter of hades!reader? maybe something abt them training together?
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐥.𝐜 🦐
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daughter of ares! reader x luke castellan ⚔️
summary- two competitive rivals are placed in the same arena for an intense sword fight.. what could go wrong?
warnings- daddy issues ! , readers lowkey a bitch but for a reason, ares is also a bitch
[a/n]- is this cliche? maybe. do i care? no.
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The harsh sun beat down on Camp Half-Blood, creating an unwanted stench of sweat and a wave of exhausted campers. Its fiery touch left a red glow on the paler campers and the overheating of others. The heatwaves of mid-June had been expected, but that didn’t mean it hurt less to spend hours outside.
The flowers crisped up, and the lake overflowed with mucky children. Apollo’s choice of weather even caused Chiron to cancel activities, the infirmary becoming overcrowded with patients who had passed out from the unbearable temperatures.
However, while most campers and counselors enjoyed the cooling, fresh water, one remained absent from the day off. Leader of Ares Cabin, you have been missing all day. Everyone shrugged it off, the heat leaving them in a fatigued daze that removed all efforts to find you.
Instead of shedding your clothes and going for a swim, you took this moment to train in the amphitheater. Your camp shirt clung to your dewy skin as you swung your sword at a practice dummy. The unbearable sun only added to your determination.
‘Why would someone torture themselves by working in the dog days of summer?’ You may be asking. The answer was quite simple, really. Luke Castellan.
Camp liked to refer to him as ‘The Golden Boy’ for his friendly attitude and seemingly charming personality. He was the greatest swordsman to roam the property in three hundred years; his skills with the weapon were almost unmatchable.
You were first in the fighting industry for a while, until Luke decided to stumble in. You watched from afar as his fourteen-year-old self picked up the blade, slicing his opponents with ease. Your blood boiled upon seeing the sight, anger flooding your brain at his effortless talents. 
You had dedicated your whole camp experience to sword fighting, and now you were watching everything crumple with the arrival of a lousy new camper. Although your skills were displayed when you defeated him as a young teenager, he's improved since then. 
And that’s the reason he conquered you in battle a few months ago. It sent you into a fit of rage, a typical reaction for the children of Ares. Campers watched as you stomped away from the arena, breathing heavy as you carelessly tossed your armor onto the sandy floor.
What you hid from the crowd were the tears shedded into your pillow later that night. A mix of hatred towards Luke and disappointment bestowed upon yourself caused salty droplets to stream down your cheeks and into the fabric of your pillow. What would your father think of such a failure?
Ever since then, there has been none-stop resentment directed at the Hermes boy from you. Despite the fact that arguments were mainly caused by you, your interactions often left you pissed. But how were you supposed to ignore the way he constantly cracked his knuckles or the way he was always late to training who Chiron assigned you and Luke to lead?
While everyone was enjoying themselves and relaxing for the day, including Luke, you took it as a gift from the gods. No people in the arena meant a perfect solo training session, with no kids whispering in your ears about your loss to the counselor.
So here you were, sweating under 30 pounds of heavy armor and sticky clothes, working on your stance. Unfortunately for you, Luke had noticed your absence, and after asking around a little, he headed to find you. 
He came up empty-handed upon searching your cabin, then the fields, then the forges. Running out of hope and patience, he trudged along to the amphitheater. And there you were, looking heavenly as you swung your blade at a fake person. 
He saw as you furrowed your brows in frustration at every flaw you performed. You were so harsh on yourself, grunting in anger at nearly anything. He could tell you had been outside for a while by the way salty sweat dripped down your forehead. 
“You know training was canceled today, right?” He alerted you, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Yeah. Thanks, Castellan. You can go now.” You glanced over at him before turning back to continue your practice. All you wanted was a little peace, and with Luke here, you were sure to lash out. 
“Why are you out here then?” He persisted, ignoring your comment about leaving. You let out a heavy sigh, and this conversation became a large distraction.
“So I can practice. By myself.” You respond, not breaking to glare at him. For a moment, you thought he had left based on the silence in the arena. However, a few seconds later, he chirped back in.
“Go against me?” He offered, catching you off guard. You immediately turned to him, confused and slightly mad due to his presence.
“Redeem your title of number one sword fighter. Without the pressure of anyone watching.” He said, sweetly smiling at you. You rolled your eyes, although in reality, this deal didn’t seem so upsetting. 
He perked up after hearing your approval, lightly jogging to the equipment station with a pep in his step. He strapped on all of the metal gear and grabbed his signature sword.
You watched as he walked back, slightly bouncing with joy. You fought back a smile while witnessing his positive energy, trying to keep up your usual hatred towards him. 
The sight of his sword snapped you back to reality, and you cracked your knuckles while narrowing your eyes. His small grin made it really difficult to remain tough, but you put in a large effort to remain unfazed.
You both got into the starting position, staring at him with a fierce gaze. He remained calm, holding his sword up. Time seemed to stand still as you both waited for someone to make the first move. Originally, your plan was to play defense, with a perfect strategy to ensure your win. 
But your dreams fell apart the moment he sent you a smug smile, rage distracting you and sending you lunging forward. You sliced at his arm, clashing with the steel of his armor. He easily rebutted, nicking your thigh with his blade. The seeping red dripping down your leg caused a gasp of shock from you; your normal skills were slightly fractured due to his sudden offense.
You were able to mainly recover, your moves converting into some with rhythm and precision. Until he began to swipe with such power, one move sent you stumbling to the floor. As he held the blade to your throat, signaling your defeat, you muttered out a quick “I surrender” and slid the cold metal off. 
He retracted his weapon, offering you a hand to help lift you. You fiddled with your breast plate before sliding it off and chucking it onto the dusty ground, trying to blink away the water forming in your eyes. 
“I hate you, Castellan!” You yelled, your voice shaky, as you picked yourself up and stormed off. Unable to control your emotions, tears began to flood down your face. Your skin felt hot, partly irritated by the beaming sun, and partly flushed with embarrassment from your sobs.
Luke rushed behind you as you trailed to a secluded spot behind the building, throwing his gear down. When he finally caught up, you were sitting against the wall, your head buried between your arms as you weeped.
“Hey, hey. Are you okay?” He comforted you, watching your back rise and fall unsteadily, matching the pace of your breaths. 
“Go away. Please. And don’t tell anyone you saw me.” You mumbled, not bothering to look up. He slid down next to you, sitting on the sharp sticks and dirty floor.
“Why are you so bothered by losing? I promise you, the world won’t end because you lost one lousy match.” He whispered. 
“You don’t know my dad. I’m lucky he’s forgiven me for my last loss.” You replied, messily inhaling through tears. Your dad expected so much of you, constantly reminding you of your mistakes instead of your accomplishments.
“Forgiven you? For what? You did nothing to him.” He mentioned it, and you rolled your eyes. Why were you even conversing with your enemy? Maybe he wanted dirt on you—something new to make fun of you for. 
“Never mind. You don’t get it.” You said, voice still muffled as you spoke into your arm.
“Cmon, tell me.” He insisted.
“Forgive me for being such a disappointment.” You responded, going silent after. You felt his judgmental stare and realized you shouldn't have said anything, now awaiting a snarky comment about your confession. Instead, you ended up surprised by his next words. 
“Don’t say that. Your dedication is amazing. He’s just a god who only sees your mistakes. Don’t let that define you.”
His hand rested on your back, drawing shapes on your skin. Raising your head, your eyes met his. It was then that you realized how one-sided your feelings were. How he never started any arguments with you, or how he was the only one who noticed you were gone from the lake and set out to find you. 
Not to mention, he was cute. Really cute. His brown curls draped over his forehead, and his dark orbs stared into yours with such passion. It's like he put a spell on you; the moment you made eye contact, you felt the need to apologize. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so awful to you all these years, and for-" Luke cut off your rambling.
“All is forgiven. You know, you don’t have to be what they want you to be. You don’t have to hide your tears.” His sweet and genuine words caused you to grin for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Or your smile, either. You’re gorgeous.” He finished. The both of you silently leaned in until your faces were only centimeters apart.
“Can I..” He whispered.
“Please.” You responded, lifting up your hand to bring his head closer. He cusped your cheek, and within moments, his lips were on yours. Fireworks erupted in your stomach as you kissed for the first time, his dry lips getting coated in your spit. He pulled away, not wanting to creep you out so soon. 
"Would you want to, uh, maybe go out with me?" Luke whispered, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"I'd like that."
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[luke masterlist] ★ [request here] ★ [ares moodboard]
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talonabraxas · 13 days
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Sun in Gemini II (5/30 – 6/10 2024) The middle decan of Gemini is called the Hermaphrodite, after a child of Hermes and Aphrodite, who bore the external and internal genitalia of both men and women in their own body.
According to one story of Hermaphrodite, found in Ovid, he was a remarkable beautiful young man of extraordinary gracefulness and easiness of manner. A naiad, or water-spirit named Salamis observed him bathing one day, and jumped into the pool to fondle the youth who was too young to understand or consent to these advances. She tried to have her way with him, either through rape or seduction; yet the boy resisted, and Salmacis cried aloud her wish — to be united with this boy forever. A passing god, hearing her prayer, solemnly knitted them into one being — and Hermaphrodite became a god in themselves, a god of the unified masculine and feminine. They blessed — or cursed? — the spring in such a way that anyone else who bathed there would be similarly transformed.
Other accounts suggest that Hermaphrodite was an androgynous figure from birth. Roman theologians attributed the birth of human hermaphrodites to the influence of Hermaphrodite and their father Hermes’ influence. “Serious” scholars of natural history noted that hermaphroditic births were rare but regarded as significant omens of the future, while satirical authors made hermaphrodites into funny figures worthy of derision. Whether by alchemical change in a pool or divine birth, the Greeks and Romans depicted Hermaphrodite with both female breasts as well as penis and scrotum in naked depictions; I’m not aware of a statue that also shows a vagina — but it’s possible. Despite Ovid’s account connecting Hermaphrodite’s origins to female-on-male sexual assault, this boy-girl deity was highly sensualized and sexualized in Roman fresco and statuary, and was considered to be the patron of marriage. Since they united in themselves both the masculine and feminine, their feast day (the fourth of every month) was considered highly auspicious for weddings in many community around the Roman Mediterranean.
And Hermaphrodite stood in contrast to another figure, far more terrifying to the ancient Romans — that of Magna Mater, the Great Mother Cybele. She had been carried into Rome in procession in the form of a Black Stone that was said to have fallen from heaven — and she was placed in the porch of the temple of Capitoline Jupiter in the heart of the city during the Second Punic War, and spiritually married to Jupiter as the principal god of the Romans, an extra consort to be recognized alongside Juno. Her high priestess and priestesses were not scions of Rome, either, but foreigners from Phrygia in what is now Turkey — and there is symbolic evidence that Cybele had been worshipped there in some form since at least 6000 BCE. Even more than the women priestesses wielding significant power in the cult of the Great Mother, though, were the strange and androgyne priests of Cybele — eunuchs all — who had voluntarily allowed themselves to be castrated in service to the Mother. The Roman Senate, with the same kind of shrill horror that some modern US senators reserve for anti-immigration screeds, forbade any Roman man from joining the cult of Cybele as anything other than an observer.
So, here, in miniature, echoing from twenty-two centuries before our own time, we find some of the same kinds of strange dismay and fear of foreign customs, alchemical-medical recreations of the mortal frame, and ancient powers that do not seem to belong to “the modern rational world” —and yet do. Public officials have no trouble vilifying transgender people, and comedians satirize them, and preachers sermonize about the way they warn us that dire changes are coming. And yet, the presence of transgender people in the world is unnecessarily sexualized, their romance is celebrated (both their actual relationship lives and the fantasies we spin about their lives), and their presence in a community is a remarkable signpost (and perhaps talisman) that points to tolerance, diversity, and healthy community norms.
And maybe we react with such a strange mix of hope, unease, joy, and concern around transgender persons today, for the same reasons the Romans did — they’re proof that Mother Nature can bring forth a far vaster range of possibilities and potentials into the world, than our allegedly rational minds can understand. The Great Mother is truly greater, and more awe-inspiring, than we can conceive — and patriarchy has little choice but to bow down to her revelation.
Maybe that’s one of the key messages of Gemini more generally, and of The Hermaphrodite specifically. We humans want to control a lot of things: the wind, Mother Nature, the structure of sex and gender, what are the acceptable desires of flesh and heart — and Cybele and Hermaphrodite both say, “Terribly sorry, but those are not in your power to rule.”
The Dodeks of Gemini II are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn — and they also tell this complex story of dualities turning into uncontrollable multiplicities. Libra indicates a balance between two — this exactly equals that. But Scorpio is the many-handed monster of desire, carrying both healing and poison in its stinger. Sagittarius is the human, the divine, the technical, the feral and animalistic, all wrapped up in a strange hybridized package. Capricorn is the fish caught in the moment of chan into a goat — a reminder that evolution is ongoing, for sure; but also suggesting the Egyptian crocodile, 250 million years old and counting, reminding us that there are forms of nature far more enduring and steady than ourselves. --Wanderings in the Labyrinth
Hermaphrodite in Dreams Johfra Bosschart
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chiefhellenist · 10 months
Daily Devotions with the Orphic Hymns
Today is 4th of Metageitnion (21st of August)
This modern system of daily devotions blends material from two sources: Hesiod's sacred month, as described in his Works and Days, and the Orphic Hymns. The ideas in the Orphic Hymns sometimes don't match with more mainstream beliefs of the polis. But using these hymns is worth it because it helps us honor not just the main gods, but also many smaller ones. This way, we can pay our respects to a wide range of gods throughout the whole month.
Other hymns may of course be substituted at the individual's discretion. The numbers given for the hymns correspond to those in Apostolos N. Athanassakis, The Orphic Hymns: Text, Translation and Notes
Thomas Taylor's 1792 translation of the hymns is available online, free and in its entirety, at the Internet Sacred Texts Archive. Here:
Morning and Evening Devotions
Wash hands and face
Light lamp or candle
Hymn to Hestia (#84)
Light incense
Hymn to Eos (#78)
Hymn to Helios (#8)
Hymn(s) to special god/dess(es) of the day (see chart)
Additional hymns as desired (see chart)
Pour libation
Make personal supplications and thanksgivings
"Orpheus to Mousaios" (pp. 2-5)
Extinguish lamp or candle
Wash hands and face
Light lamp or candle
Hymn to Hestia (#84)
Light incense
Hymn to Nyx (#3)
Hymn to Selene (#9)
Hymn to the Stars (#7)
Hymn(s) to patron/matron god/desses
Hymn to Sleep (#85)
Hymn to Dream (#86)
Pour libation
Make personal supplications and thanksgivings
Hymn to Zeus (#15)
Extinguish lamp or candle
A shortened version of the devotions may be done by simply lighting a candle, reading "Orpheus to Mousaios," saying any personal prayers, and extinguishing the candle.
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Notes on chart:
Days mentioned by Hesiod as sacred to specific deities are marked.
Horkos is the god (or, if you like, personification) of Oath. Days sacred to this deity are considered difficult.
As the lunar calendar months range between 29 and 30 days in the Greek reckoning, it may be necessary in short months to recite all the hymns for both day 29 and day 30 on the day of the dark moon. As the last day of the month is sacred to Hekate, Her hymn should always be included.
About Incense
The Orphic Hymns specify particular types of incense to be offered to each deity. In cases where one is saying multiple hymns with differing instructions, one might either choose a single type or make a blend of all those indicated. Pure frankincense makes a good all-purpose offertory incense.
The incense specifications from the Orphic text are as follows:
Frankincense: Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Asklepios, Bakkhai, Dike, Eos, Hephaistos, Herakles, Hermes, Hygeia, Kouretes, Muses, Nike, Satyros, Silenos, Tethys, Themis, Titans
Myrrh: Leto, Nereus, Poseidon
Storax: Chthonic Hermes, Dionysos, Eleusinian Demeter, Erinues (also frankincense), Graces, Kronos, Semele, Zeus
Aromatic Herbs: Adonis, Athena, Eros, Eumenides, Fates, Hera, Hestia, Horai, Nereids, Nymphs, Okeanos, Rhea
Various: Mother of the Gods, Pan, Chthonic Dionysos (any except frankincense), Gaia (any grain; no beans or aromatic herbs)
No Incense (underworld deities): Hekate, Nemesis, Persephon
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rookiesbookies · 6 months
Geek Gods AU for CoD Boys
Masterlist is pinned on my account
Son of Zeus. God of Protectors and Leaders. Takes sacrifices of home cooked meals, razors, single woman over 30, and violent children who need a mentor/dad figure.
(See master list for the fic on what happened to the woman he got that was under 30)
Son of Ares. God of Explosives. He takes gunpowder, ammo, lighters, flammable things, gas, and bakes goods.
Son of Hades and Persephone. God of the Winter (bc he’s so cold lmao). He takes sacrifices of animal furs, grain, spices, and face masks that protect from the cold.
Son of Atlas. God of Mountains (im hilarious you can laugh). Hikers and travelers sacrifice to him for safe travels, especially if traveling North. Mount lions, cured meat, baked goods, and pine cones are sacrificed to him.
Son of Thanatos. God of Silent Deaths. Like being murdered silently or dying in your sleep. People sacrifice scorpions and poison berries to him. He has a holiday similar to day of the dead where you bring gifts to your dead family members.
Son of Hermes. Easy. He’s the God of falling from high places. People sacrifice feathers, birds, and bad drivers to him.
Sebastian is the son of the three Erinyes (goddess of vengeance and retribution). His job is to fulfill their wishes, as God of Executions. Likes sacrifices of dark colored birds, weapons, metals, and meat.
Let me know who else you want to see and if I should do lil fics about them?
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Hats for Afro-Textured Hair Make Graduation More Inclusive for the Black Population in Brazil
Initiative creates models to be used by Zumbi dos Palmares University and the University of Southern Bahia
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Graduation can be a significant moment in a person's life, but it can also become embarrassing and uncomfortable for black people with kinky or curly hair or braids when wearing the capelo. The traditional black hat, common in graduation attire, does not accommodate various types of hair.
Ana Carolina dos Santos, 30, was unable to wear it on the day of her biochemistry degree ceremony in 2015. "It was a very happy day for me, but I didn't feel complete," she says.
Nearly ten years later, after overcoming her frustration, Santos relived that moment, but this time the capelo fit perfectly over her voluminous, unbraided hair. She was part of the #RespeitaMeuCapelo campaign by Vult with the Dendezeiro brand. Four models of the item were designed for different hair types.
"When we understand the symbolic weight of the capelo, that it doesn't work for us, it says that we don't belong in that place," says Igor Hermes, art director of GUT, the agency that developed the project.
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 5 months
10 days ago, I decided I would get started on that linen summer dress with the swooshy skirt I've had all the materials for since last summer. So, naturally, 9 days ago, I did unspeakable things in a text editor software to reformat this free Apex Legends Nessie pattern by Jackalodreams on Deviantadt so most pieces fit on less pages. Then I printed it at 200%, taped the pieces together and... Things got a bit out of hand.
Long story short, I've got a new purse, and it made at least three separate adults who saw it smile squeal in public.
Construction notes after the break!
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I think it only took me an evening or two to make, the main thing was getting all the materials. Zipper is from a duvet, all other hardware, eyes included, are 3D printed with PLA. (Pro tip: don't size up safety eye STL files unless you have a way to size up your fabric thickness accordingly.) Patches are mostly from stash, as is the lining (just some random jersey) and belly fabric (basic double gauze). Body is a fuzzy blanket I found on clearance. Tag is a piece of cotton calico with some quick and dirty hand embroidery on it.
Getting the tag, zipper and D-ring caught in the butt seam made me fear for my little Brother sewing machine, so maybe don't do what I did there. I didn't have the patience to figure out something else, and I didn't not want to put in a tag. Still, all the fabric edges are finished, every seam is locked, the patches are sewn on instead of ironed on, so this thing, when empty, should be machine washable at 30°C.
This deceptive little beastie took an entire 400g bag of polyfill to get structurally sound, even with the pouch pre-filled with way more things than I expected would fit. It's a pretty practical size inside for everyday errands. It came out extremely squishy, to the point that I could probably use it as a pillow on a long drive or train ride. The different textures of eyes, patches, tag, body and belly go together nicely.
The shoulder strap was borrowed for about an hour from my wife's purse (thank you, sweetie!) when Hermes smiled down upon us and had us catch one market stall selling fashion straps that was several hours late in packing up and closing. (Lesson learned: drinking a can of Monster before running small errands is a good thing.) Don't have pictures of the new one yet.
It's the size of a medium-large plush, so not ideal for tiny stores while wearing a thick winter coat, but otherwise it did quite well on its first outing.
Just gotta attach the zipper pull with a jump ring, as the sewed on McGyvering I've got right now isn't the most practical.
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khaire-traveler · 22 days
I have a jar of change dedicated to Hermes. It's near overflowing so I counted it out. It's a little over $30 which should be a bit under that when I'm done putting it in a coin changing machine.
Point of all of this is, what do I use the money for? It's for Hermes. His alter is already nearly too big for my space so I wouldn't really want to get anything else. But I don't want to spend it on random things since it's dedicated to him. I would ask him what he wants me to spend it on but I wouldn't even know where to start. Do you have any ideas I could ask him about?
Hey, Nonny!
In all honesty, I run into this problem frequently (or at least I used to because I was a delivery driver who received lots of cash and coin tips). What I've found to be helpful for me is letting Lord Hermes know that I'm going to use the money myself. I do this after the amount gets to a certain point where it's overflowing or is just too much on his altar. Here is my logic with this:
Hermes is a god of currency, and part of currency is the exchange of it. Whenever we use cash or coins or even cards, it is directly interacting with Hermes' domain. Therefore, putting money back into use is contributing to Hermes' neverending cycle of exchange, of giving, of receiving. In this same way, I believe that the act of hoarding (NOT SAVING; these are two VERY different things) money doesn't do us well. Leaving a lot of money on his altar forever, never to be touched or used again, seems unhelpful to me. I personally feel that spending or saving that money puts it back into use, back into the realm of his domain. I think it has the opportunity to do better things there. Having said that, I think putting this money into your personal account or spending it for yourself is a great act of devotion. It's self-care, in this economy at least, and it actively contributes to his domain of currency and exchange. You give to receive, and the cycle continues.
I also specifically keep any coins I especially associate with him or that are super old. This is just something I enjoy doing, and I feel that it lets Hermes know that I'm not forgetting about him or taking the money from his altar simply to take it. Maybe leave him four coins from the bunch as a "thank you" or a sign of respect/care.
This is just how I deal with this situation personally. If you or others disagree, that's 100% ok. This is merely a suggestion, but I hope it's one that helps. Take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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