#37+ drafts... fuck it we ball
impishsensei-a · 1 year
ok ok i'm embarrassingly sad still but i swear i'm gonna work on some replies tonight. hey everyone <;3
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justworthlessreblogs · 11 months
waffleverse: full bibury fic author's notes
this fic is so long and i had so many writing decisions/notes i wanted to talk about that they couldn't all fit in ao3's 5000 character limit. so i figured i might as well put them here. they'll be under a cut to prevent any accidental spoilers!
writing notes:
- first off this fic drove me CRAZY. another one of its nicknames was “the frankenfic” because i really did feel like i had 3 fics i was shoving into one. and it also took on a life of its own. every day i wake up and scold myself for deciding that covering 33-40 was a good idea. it was not helped by me not having many strong feelings about any of the episodes in that set, which led to me feeling really bored when writing them, and then in the last month of writing i said “fuck it, we ball” and started just making up shit. i also remembered Hey I Made Bibury Try To Kill Rio Back In May I Should Do Something About That. so you get bibury backstory! plus i was sad that they never explore her’s and rio’s time working under noir in canon aside from like. one scene in episode 18
- rio is trying his best to be better at emotions but it is definitely an uphill battle and not linear. the other cures meant well by accepting bibury so easily - after all, it didn’t really work out that great when they were constantly suspicious of him - but he didn’t see it the same way they did. in his eyes bibury was getting away with everything even though she did similar things to him. this was inspired by how the show itself does not seem to ever hold bibury accountable (at least as of where i’m at) but makes it very clear that rio needed to do something to make up for what he did (which i am fine with! this is not a “omg poor rio he was so hated by the writers” moment. i just found it interesting and thought i could explore it)
- episode 37 was the reason for like. nearly all of my original writer's block. it almost got cut, but in the end 34 got the chopping block instead because i felt that bibury didn't really have a justification to be there and 36 got basically entirely cut because i thought it was boring. plus 37 was just… too important to not acknowledge unfortunately. i still definitely want to write a waffleverse version of 34, though, i just think it’d work better on its own! which is why i summarized it here. i had the entire thing written out and saved it, so the original version will probably get uploaded to spice of life someday
- rio being like “i am so mad at my sister. however she is upset so i will make her waffles” was very funny to me. the duality of rio kuroki
- i left the bib & rio talk at the end open-ended, since i had so many things they could have possibly discussed that i couldn’t fit them all in naturally no matter how hard i tried. so let your imaginations go wild lol. however i guess i do have to thank that original draft of their conversation since it was the thing that finally, finally, made me figure out what i wanted from this fic - exploring not just bibury, but bibury and rio. this fic was originally a lot more ciel-heavy than what the final product ended up being, and frankly bib & rio didn’t interact much at all, and i wasn’t able to get to the bottom of why they still hated each other until i remembered. hey. attempted murder
- you are all so lucky that i ended up incorporating 26 into this fic because the original plan was for the scenes that changed to be stuck into spice of life when i got around to writing them someday. the mcu-ification of waffleverse is defeated for another day
- no fantastic animale because i really dislike those super forms and the attack. this is one of two times i have actively disregarded canon, i usually try to stick as close to canon events as possible (which is why the crystal animals are in this. you have no idea how badly i wanted to cut them). fantastic animale is Just That Bad. this was literally the first thing i decided after i started planning this fic. so animal-go-round is powerful enough in this ‘verse. just roll with it please
- no "do sweets bring sadness?" dilemma here because i didn't vibe with that part of the episode. i was looking forward to bibury shenanigans :( the crystal animals are just cielbib shippers /j
- if the writing seems disjointed i apologize it's because this thing was written on and off over a period of 3 months and is also super long
- i had so much fun writing the bathroom scene. finally allowing myself silly rights. the flashback scenes were also really enjoyable
- i messed with the yukari v. kirarin fight because i was a little disappointed with how it played out in canon. yukari tells everyone right away here because she had a Realization because of part 4. kirarin is more resistant than the average fairy to diable in this universe but not fully immune
- RIO FINALLY GETS TO SAY FUCK WOOHOO i've waited so long for this. also bibury is definitely a character who would cuss if the show's rating wasn't the japanese equivalent of tv-y7 so i was a little looser here
- you all know it in your hearts that aoi was 100% a vine kid. also there was no way i was letting that joke slip past me
- did the math and i'm preeettty sure that rio's age in the prologue section checks out with the waffleverse timeline? when i started this series i was under the impression that rio had been gone for way longer than what the series ended up implying, and so in waffleverse i decided he was gone for about a year. he's 12-about-to-turn-13 in the prologue and 14 in the present (his & ciel’s birthday was shortly after part 4!)
-bib starts calling him rio pretty quickly because a) she may have been evil, but she respects people's preferred name choices and b) yukari already had an arc about realizing how he's not julio anymore and i really didn't want to write that same arc a second time!
- waffle’s secondary attack finally shows up!!! waffle protége my beloved. giving him some sort of barrier just Felt Right (and waffles are the perfect shape for it). i like to think he can split it apart and use it offensively a la rosetta reflection. it was originally supposed to show up in 34 (which got cut) then in 37 (then i cut the battle from the episode since it felt very forced) and then i worried i wouldn’t be able to fit it in at all but got the opportunity with the climax rewrite
- in regard to bib's aging i'm going with "noir's presence slowed down her aging a lot somehow, so she may be chronologically 106 or so, but in all other aspects she's around 13-14 and will now start aging normally again". the same would've happened to rio had he stayed with noir longer. insert noir child labor joke here
- hey remember that time noir tried to take rio back!? i guess 40 kinda busted that for canon by establishing he sees them all as expendable but in my defense while i was writing part 3 i saw it more as a twilight-dyspear situation. and then i ran with that. at this point i’m just gonna have to accept that waffleverse isn’t purely canon divergence any more thanks to me writing it as i watch the show, which leads to the show debunking things from earlier parts 
- was a bit disappointed that the great fairy meeting episode didn't really involve, well, a meeting. so they actually get some time to talk strategy here! i'm so sad the technological limitations of ichigoyama meant that i couldn't have waffle give a powerpoint presentation on noir like i wanted to. it would've been so funny. maybe i'll make it for fun someday
- yeah i messed with episode 40 like. a lot. sorry. it's just how it ended up working out tbh. i actually debated back and forth for literal months on if i should give bib a "canon cure waffle" moment or not, and nearly did it, but decided against it because in the end it just didn't feel quite right for a multitude of reasons. so you were going to get fairy combat and then bib yelling at grave instead. and then that got rewritten once i decided i wanted to expand more on why rio & bib are so antagonistic to each other. you can still see traces of the original climax though in ciel showing up with the fairies, as well as the part where bib confronts grave! bib also originally wasn’t supposed to be dragged into the town with them, she was gonna stay on the mountain and then venture down with ciel and the fairies. but rio said Nope She’s Coming With Us once the fic's course changed direction
- my beta enabled me on the "bibury hasn't slept in an actual bed in a century" thing. i originally sent it to him as a joke. he told me to go ahead with it. but let's be real noir would do something fucked up like that
- let waffle fight the townspeople 2k23. this is the other time i actively disregarded canon in the fic idc what it says He Would Do It
- bibury’s verbal beatdown of grave was inspired by her canon one in episode 40
- ciel & bib's relationship isn't gonna progress past "mutual crush" at any point in waffleverse simply because i cannot write romance sorry. rest assured it blossoms into a beautiful love story. they get married on the island where they met properly for the first time. rio is ciel's best man
- i came to the realization that a lot of my decisions regarding this fic were along the lines of "fuck canon". idk what that means
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
‘cause right now you're mine
set in this verse
Dean 12:01 You didn’t tell me you led Carver Prep’s quiz bowl team???
Castiel 12:15 It’s in the middle of the school day and you’re texting. What kind of example are you setting for your students?
Castiel 12:16 I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t relevant.
Dean 12:17 Haha smartass I’m having lunch in my office Youre texting me back so i see right through you And of course it’s freaking relevant
Castiel 12:20 How?
Dean 12:21 Because I got tapped to coach Edlund High's quiz bowl team this morning!
Castiel 12:21 Oh no.
Dean 12:30 Oh no is right buddy
Castiel 12:37 I thought you coached the softball team.
Dean 12:37 I can do both You’re dating a very talented man
Castiel 12:49 I know that. I just didn’t know it extended to quiz bowls and softball in addition to blow jobs and breaking and entering places to give blow jobs.
Dean 12:52 What the fuck is wrong with you I’m in school! My lunch hour is almost over I’ll have to get up from my desk very soon This is all your fault
Castiel 12:59 :)
Dean 1:00 Just for that No blow jobs for you tonight
Castiel 1:07 :(
Dean 11:55 I bet I can grade more midterms than you today
Castiel 11:58 I know better than to make bets with you, Dean Winchester.
Dean 12:03 It was just a kiss I bet you’re just pissed you lost
Castiel 12:04 I can’t engage in PDA in front of my niece and one of my students at a school event!
Dean 12:04 Youre such a prude
Castiel 12:06 Unlike some teachers, I maintain boundaries between my personal and professional life.
Dean 12:07 Prude.
Castiel 12:09 Did you text me on a Monday afternoon just to harass me about my reluctance to kiss my boyfriend in front of minors?
Dean 12:11 Huh Boyfriend
Castiel 12:20 Dean?
Dean 12:21 What?
Castiel 12:22 Is everything okay?
Dean 12:23 Other than *my boyfriend* refusing to even entertain the idea of a friendly wager?
Castiel 12:23 Yes, other than that.
Dean 12:23 No
Castiel 12:25 That’s good. You scared me for a second.
Dean 12:26 I did?
Castiel 12:26 Are you okay with being my boyfriend? The long gap between our messages made me realize we haven’t talked about it before.
Dean 12:27 I mean it’s a little weird My 16 year old students have boyfriends “boyfriend” seems a little I don’t know Juvenile We’re not 16 anymore, Cas Thank god.
Castiel 12:30 Would you prefer “partner”?
Castiel 12:31 It’s just whenever I hear someone call their significant other “partner” I can never tell if they are talking about their life partner, same-sex partner, police partner, or if they are cowboys. That was a joke! Ignore this. I remember how much you like Westerns. “Partners” is off the table.
Castiel 12:31 Please never introduce me to someone like this.
Dean 12:32 Only if you watch Tombstone with me tonight
Castiel 12:33 Can I still grade my midterms?
Dean 12:35 You’re killing me here Cas Yes
Castiel 12:40 I’m your huckleberry
Castiel 2:19 Good luck with the softball game today!
Dean 2:21 You’d better make it up for me for missing this one Its the semifinals
Castiel 2:22 I will. Say “hi” to Claire for me.
Dean 2:27 What the hell? Why is she here? We’re not even playing Carver
Castiel 2:29 She has a crush on Kaia Nieves
Dean 2:30 Ohhhhh That explains a lot
Castiel 2:30 She thinks she’s being subtle.
Dean 2:37 I see that runs in the family Subtle as a brick wall. All of you.
Castiel 2:38 Excuse me, you had no idea about my feelings for you back in high school.
Dean 2:49 So? Charlie said you were obvious as fuck But it didn’t matter since I was a dumbass
Castiel 2:50 I prefer oblivious Less dumb Less ass
Dean 2:57 How dare you My ass is a goddamn gift. You take that back right now
Castiel 2:59 Of course. Don’t you have a game to coach?
Dean 3:01 Shit you’re right
Castiel 11:18 I know how I can make up for missing that last softball game last weekend
Dean 12:01 Sorry The kids called me out for texting you 5 mins before the bell last time How the hell did i get stuck with a class full of narcs
Castiel 12:03 It’s probably karma For all the rule breaking you did in school
Dean 12:05 Hey I wasn’t that bad
Castiel 12:05 You frequently defaced school desks and returned library books after their due date.
Dean 12:06 I’m dating a narc too???
Castiel 12:07 You didn’t ask what I have planned.
Dean 12:07 OK i’ll bite What do you have planned babe? Please tell me it’s not another documentary on bees That was depressing The grand canyon one was cool though
Castiel 12:10 Speaking of narcs
Dean 12:10 This doesn’t sound good
Castiel 12:11 When I had to get my extra copy of Camus from my car, I stumbled on Miriam at the edge of the parking lot with a few more students. They were skipping class and smoking marijuana. Naturally, I reported them to the administration.
Dean 12:13 Not helping your not-a-narc case
Castiel 12:13 They received detention for skipping class.
Dean 12:13 And the drugs?
Castiel 12:13 I may have neglected to report the drug use.
Dean 12:14 Seriously?
Castiel 12:14 I still confiscated it. Research evidence shows marijuana has negative effects on the developing brain.
Dean 12:14 I guess that’s fair
Dean 12:15 Hang on Do you still have it? OUR brains are old as balls Seriously, are you telling me you have weed now?
Castiel 12:15 Surprise?  I can throw it out if you’d prefer to do something else tonight.
Dean 12:15 Dont you dare!!! I’m going to get a six pack on the way home, download the last Star Wars, and we’re gonna do this right Your place or mine?
Castiel 12:16 I have been neglecting laundry lately. Yours?
Dean 12:16 You’re on This is going to be so awesome
Dean 12:06 Did you really mean to invite me to dinner with your brother?
Castiel 12:09 I didn’t mean to bring it up when we were high, but the invitation still stands. Claire told him we were together. He wants to meet you.
Dean 12:11 Oh
Castiel 12:11 You do not have to say yes.
Dean 12:13 I’ll go It just took me by surprise
Castiel 12:13 I don’t want to pressure you.
Dean 12:14 Youre not pressuring me
Castiel 12:14 Are you sure?
Dean 12:16 Look, I just know your relationship with your brother is complicated And I don’t want to stick my foot in it By accident or some other way
Castiel 12:20 We’re in a better place than I’d like to admit. I spent a long time resenting Jimmy for the time he had with Father. But it wasn’t his fault Father was a bastard who had a second family he preferred to be with. Jimmy was barely in middle school when Father started going on his “business trips”
Dean 12:21 Jesus christ You told me bit about it back in high school But I didn’t realize it was a second family situation
Castiel 12:21 Mother kept it from us for years. I still haven’t forgiven her for it.
Dean 12:21 Are you OK?
Castiel 12:22 I’m fine. It was a long time ago.
Dean 12:22 That stuff takes a long time to get over.
Castiel 12:22 I suppose.
Dean 12:23 Is it okay if you stay at mine tonight?
Castiel 12:24 Our next date isn’t until Friday
Dean 12:24 I don’t want to wait until Friday to see you
Castiel 12:27 Can you pick me up at Carver at 4pm?
Dean 12:27 You got it More time with you and my baby Win-win!
Dean 11:51 Are you sure what I usually wear to school is OK?
Castiel 11:53 You texted me nine minutes early?
Dean 11:53 Shut up I had to bribe my kids For NINE extra minutes Friggin tyrants
Castiel 11:54 What did they extort from you?
Dean 11:54 I promised to throw out their lowest pop quiz grade
Castiel 11:54 That isn’t too bad.
Dean 11:54 I was already planning on doing it
Castiel 11:55 Clever of you.
Dean 11:56 You’re not just dating a pretty face But getting back to dinner with your brother Is a regular button up OK? The tie hides most of the sloppy joe stain
Castiel 11:56 I’m sure you look very handsome
Dean 11:57 I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not
Castiel 11:57 I rarely manage sarcasm in-person. What makes you think I would attempt it over text?
Dean 11:58 Good point
Castiel 11:58 You’re a very good-looking man, Dean. I’ve known this since we were 15.
Dean 11:59 Stop it you’re making me blush
Castiel 12:01 It’s the truth.
Dean 12:04 Alright, alright I’m already sleeping with you No need to butter me up
Dean 12:05 It’s just I remember how you used to talk about him The perfect big brother
Castiel 12:07 More like the perfect student and perfect son. Jimmy was honestly too busy to be much of a brother. The 11 year age difference didn’t help. When I was in high school, he already had the perfect nuclear family on the way.
Dean 12:07 Exactly
Castiel 12:08 Exactly what?
Dean 12:08 You’re lucky I know you And I know you’re not drawing this out on purpose Look, i want to make a good impression, OK? he seems like a hard guy to please.
Castiel 12:09 I That’s very admirable of you, but it’s entirely unnecessary.
Dean 12:10 He’s your family
Castiel 12:11 And I understand family is very important to you, but it isn’t the same with me. It would be very nice if dinner goes well, but if it does not, I will not care in the slightest.
Dean 12:11 Really?
Castiel 12:11 Truly.
11:16 I’m sorry for my dad.
Dean 11:17 Who is this? 
11:20 Claire Novak
Dean 11:21 How did you get this number?
Claire 11:23 Alex Jones
Dean 11:24 How did Alex get my number???
Claire 11:24 It was on the softball permission forms How did you not know this Didn’t you draft them?
Dean 11:25 It’s been a while I’m a very busy man
Claire 11:25 Sure. Anyway, my dad was a dick.  Totally out of line last night
Dean 11:26 Shouldn’t you be texting Cas about this?
Claire 11:26 I don’t have his number
Dean 11:26 Cas wasn’t kidding when he said you guys weren’t close
Claire 11:27 Nope.
Dean 11:27 Well I am very close with my brother He’s a lawyer out in California
Claire 11:27 Good for you???
Dean 11:29 It doesn’t sit right with me that Cas doesn't have a real relationship with his family
Claire 11:31 That seems like Uncle Castiels business
Dean 11:33 But Jimmy isn’t Cas’s only family SO if you ever need a place to crash, i’m always available
Claire 11:35 Maybe my dad was right And you’re secretly a perv I’m not staying with you you freak
Dean 11:35 Jesus christ, I’m trying to say, if ALEX isn’t the only girl on Edlund's softball team you’re getting buddy-buddy with, it’s fine You should get a chance to explore that part of being a teenager While STAYING SAFE But don’t let your parents stand in the way of that side of your life
Claire 11:41 Dad wouldn’t kick me out
Dean 11:42 Maybe not. But if you are at all uncomfortable, just give cas a call I’ll forward you his contact info now
 “I might have told Claire she’s always welcome at my place if she comes out to her parents,” Dean says as he pockets his phone. He turns his back on the pile of sparkling clean dishes drying on the rack by Cas's sink. Dean adds, “Hopefully she’ll ask you before she goes to me.”
They hadn't really discussed the disaster of a dinner with Jimmy and Claire. A few tense words on the drive back to Cas's house, a tacit acknowledgement in the morning not to mention it until after coffee and breakfast. But then Cas brought out his homework for the weekend, even while last night's argument scratches at the back of his mind like a fly trapped in a windowless room. So Dean did the dishes and texted Claire.
Cas looks up from his juniors’ final exams. “You were talking to Claire?”
“She texted me first,” Dean says defensively.
Cas sighs and caps his pen. It’s blue, because red pen, according to Cas, is too traumatizing a grading implement. “I’m very sorry about last night.”
Dean waves his apology off. “You warned me it could go sideways.”
Cas’s brow furrows. “Still,” he says slowly, “I told my mother and Jimmy I was gay a few years ago. I think it was easy for them to ignore it as long as I didn’t have a boyfriend in the picture.”
Dean fiddles with a dishrag as he hovers by the sink. “Was Jimmy a jackass to your other boyfriends?”
“What others?” Cas asks wryly. “None of them were ever serious enough to pique Jimmy’s interest.”
Cas nods and gestures for Dean to take a seat at the kitchen table next to him. He holds out his hand, which Dean takes, bemused. “I don’t know why Jimmy thought religion was an appropriate introductory dinner topic. I could tell he was trying to genuinely understand our… lifestyle, to use his word, but-”
“I got angry,” Dean says looking down at their clasped hands.
“You didn’t say anything I wasn't thinking,” Cas says simply. “I’m glad you reached out to Claire.”
“It seems like she needed it.”
“She doesn’t have a lot of adults in her life she can rely on to be in her corner,” Cas says diplomatically. “I’ve tried, over the years, but I can’t relate to her at all.”
Dean laughs. “Of course not. Teenage rebellion wasn’t really your style.”
“Ah yes, of course,” Cas says, his voice dry as chalk, “you’d be the perfect person to talk to her. The cool kids speak their own language. How could I forget?”
Dean smirks. “It’s full of references you don’t get.”
“Don’t remind me,” Cas says darkly.
Dean leans in for a kiss. Eyes dancing, as he whispers, “Relax, babe. You were always the coolest kid in school to me."
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
2, 4 and 14~ (I'm really interested in 2, lol. That gotta be a lot)
thank you haku, my beloved, for the questions! ♥️♥️
2 - how many wips in your doc list
you’re right. there’s so much in there. I haven’t transferred everything over as well, but have been organising fics and transferring the stuff I have in tumblr onto my drive. so counting them won’t be monstrous task, lol.
59 — ao no exorcist
16 — crossovers
13 — fma, khr
3 — boku no hero academia
15 — shingeki no kyojin
4 — the old guard
94 — the originals
65 — omniscient reader
2 — Given, ml, shades of magic
6 — golden time, naruto
8 — vampire knight
1 — the great gabsty, hannibal, mk, romance is a bonus book, saiki k, villain initialisation, good omens, sense8, star wars
27 — who made me a princess
18 — Harry Potter
37 — jjk
38 — Tokyo ghoul
20 — merlin, mp100
I tried to make this as accurate as possible but I have… a lot of uncounted wips buried in my tumblr drafts/other places and my whole spn folder is confusing as fuck. but over-all what i counted is around 571 and that is a lot. but I swear it really doesn’t feel like that much, sometimes.
4 - Tell me about your favorite will-never-finish-it fic? Why won’t it be finished?
oh mannnn
this is a difficult question to answer.
I have… a lot of these will-I-ever-finish wip. and I can’t choose which is my “favourite” so gonna go for a random one.
my aoex wip, misunderstandings. for one: I have no clue on where it will just be izushie or (pre)rinzumoshie. I keep changing my mind.z and another reasons: im having difficulty in general writing this urgh
the pacing feels sorta off, and there is the thing with the plot? beyond “izumi misunderstanding shiemi’s feelings” I got a confusing conflicting mess on where to go there and am super indecisive about them.
and also there’s the whole, urgh, I don’t know how to continue it. like logically I know where to naturally go. but it’s not working.
14 - Share a few sentences of what you’re currently working on?
I would love to show you some part of the new wip I started. a companion, sort-of sequel for to you, who left but focused on gojo and gojohime.
yeah, I read your comment and it inspired me a hella lot. but sadly, I’m still going over it in my head and don’t have anything show-able currently.
but I do have this that has gojo&utahime. it’s for the jjk week, day three: beach day! I am having so, so much fun with this one
“How about we play something we actually know,” Iori suggests.
“You just want to play baseball,” Satoru accuses. “We’re on the beach! It’s tradition that we play some beach volleyball. How hard could the rules be? It’s just tossing some ball over the net, and not letting it touch the ground.”
An immediate scowl etches on Iori’s face. “Shut up,” She hisses. “I wasn’t talking to you, or suggesting baseball. How the hell would be play that here? And the play isn’t that easy, you idiot!”
“Don’t you mean it’s not easy for you?” Satoru edges her, a maniac grin takening on his face. “The rest of us is not as weak as you.”
& also this moment between Geto & Gojo that shows how much bastard Gojo towards Utahime. <3 I hate him (affectionate)
“You really like to rile her up, don’t you?” Geto comments.
Satoru grins. “It’s in my blood, what can I do? It hurts my poor soul letting the weak be ignorant and not know exactly how weak they are.”
Geto laughs. Yeah, right.
Satoru’s dialogue is still under revision, there’s just something about that rubs me off wrong. but I haven’t figured what it is but seriously. why is he ike that. why do I love him so much.
also this might be one of my ambition fics yet because I am tackling a whole lot of characters at once — like ten — when I can barely do three, lol. but it’s going so well so far im very pleased.
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delta-roseblr · 4 years
Weekly Writing Updates
***********READ THIS FIRST**************
Before I get into the actual update I want to explain a bit of what has been going on in my own life first because you are going to see that dates have changed. 
I am going to be taking Two Months Off from posting and will be returning in DECEMBER. For the sake of transparency and hopefully understanding I want to explain why this is happening.
Lets go all the way back to March when things really started getting crazy with COVID and schools (including the one I work for) moved to virtual learning. I experienced a lot of initial anxiety with that (which I think we all did) that kept me from writing as much as I normally do. I have a pretty significant history with anxiety that I’m not going to outline here but I can say that it has been bad in the past. I thing I have never experienced before was how Anxiety can shift to Depression but as COVID stay at home orders went from being a couple weeks to pretty much being for the foreseeable future that happened to me. There was a period of time where just getting out of bed was really hard- Obviously this further impacted my writing.
Over the summer things started to get better- I started to get better. I found a routine that worked for me, and I was looking forward to the start of the school year even though I knew it was going to be chaotic. Then right as I got my feet under me, it happened- My supervisor was fired. Not because she did anything illegal or anything like that, just district politics. Beyond the personal disappointment that came with the fact that we worked well together, and I was going to miss her, there was the problem of who was appointed to replace her. It became clear very early on that the new women didn’t have the knowledge to do the job. It took a little longer to realize just how unprofessional and retaliator she is. I can’t go into a lot of detail about what has been happening due to confidentiality reasons, but I can say that the last two months (since this woman was appointed) has been HELL for me. I have cried almost daily because of this woman and her horrible treatment of myself and others.
One thing I learned from my last job was that you should never stay at a job if you are miserable so as hard as it was for me (because I still love many of the people I work with) I began looking for a new job. The good news is that within a week and a half of seriously pursuing something I was offered a new position, and that is such a relief! The thing is they want me to start in October and the position is in Delaware.
So I’m moving again which wasn’t exactly the plan. Right now I am in a whirlwind of applying for my licensure in Delaware, completing all my employment paperwork, trying to find a new apartment, and packing. It’s all happened so fast and I’m still a big old ball of anxiety but at least there is hope at the end of the tunnel now.
So I have decided to take a few months off from posting to take a stressor off my plate as I move and settle in. I will still be writing as time allows, just without impending due dates.
What I’m asking for from all of you is understanding and patience. PLEASE DON’T send me asks asking me if I’m really taking two months off or can’t I start posting sooner. I know asks like that come from a good place but it fucking hurts. This WAS NOT an easy decision for me. I want nothing more then to keep posting and interacting at my normal rate but I’m also trying to get through one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with.
I’m still going to post my weekly writing updates because it is a good way to keep all of you up to date with what is going on. I’m always going to try to post updates about my life as things happens even though that in general is hard for me.
Now onto the actually updates!
All Moments Delix                                          
Chapter 31- Complete -Anticipated Post Date 12/4
Chapter 32- Draft Complete - Anticipated Post Date 1/
Chapter 33- Complete- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 34- Draft Complete- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 35- Complete- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 36- Complete- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 37- Complete- Anticipate Post Date
Chapter 38- Draft in Progress- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Prompt Based Ficlets
Delix & Solangelo kid fic -Outline complete
Anon- Felix thanksgiving prompt
Kyle and “Mysterious Handsome” (AKA- Cecil) meeting- Draft in progress
Solangelo spanking prompt
Delix & Solangelo double-date prompt- Outline Complete
@ satan-with-grey-socks Morning after prompt- Outline complete
Anon prompt: How everyone acts toward Felix following the break up with Dean
@fionaisabel13 prompt Felix acceptance letter
Sex toy prompt
Felix prom prompt
Delix at Camp Half Blood fic-
Chapter 19- DRAFT IN PROGRESS- Anticipated Post Date 12/7
Chapter 20- Outline Complete- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 21 Anticipated Post Date
Other Projects:
Solangelo Mortal Delinquent AU-            
Chapter 13- Complete- Posted on Website – Ao3 9/26
Chapter 14- Complete- Posted on Website – Ao3
Chapter 15- Complete- Posted on Website – Ao3
Chapter 16- Complete- Posted on Website – Ao3
Chapter 17- Complete- Posted on Website – Ao3
Chapter 18- COMPLETE- Anticipated Post Date 9/24
Chapter 19- DRAFT IN PROGRESS- Anticipated Post Date 12/30
Chapter 20- Anticipated Post Date 1/27
Chapter 21- Anticipated Post Date 2/25
Chapter 22- Anticipated Post Date 3/25
Chapter 23- Anticipated Post Date 4/29
Chapter 24- Anticipated Post Date 5/27
Chapter 25- Anticipated Post Date 6/24
Chapter 26- Anticipated Post Date 7/29
Chapter 27- Anticipated Post Date 8/26
Chapter 28- Anticipated Post Date 9/30
Chapter 29- Anticipated Post Date 10/28
Chapter 30- Anticipated Post Date 11/25
Chapter 31- Anticipated Post Date 12/30
Chapter 32- Anticipated Post Date
Chapter 33- Anticipated Post Date
PJO Fancy Word One-Shot Compilation-
Aesthete – Draft complete
Ailurophile – Draft complete 
Ailurophile – Draft complete
Lascivious -Outline Complete 
Prurient- Outline Complete 
basorexia – Draft in Progress
Mellifluous- Draft Complete
Sweven- Draft complete
College AU
Chapter 1- Draft complete
Chapter 2- Draft complete
Chapter 3- Draft complete
Chapter 4- Draft complete
Chapter 5- Draft Complete
Chapter 6- Draft Complete
Chapter 8- Outline Complete
Chapter 9- Outline Complete
Chapter 10- Outline Complete
Chapter 11- Outline Complete
Chapter 12- Outline Complete
Chapter 13- Outline Complete
Chapter 14- Outline Complete
Chapter 15- Outline Complete
Chapter 16- Outline Complete
College AU Delix Companion Fic
Chapter 1- Outline Complete
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Other Projects
Sequel to the Hogwarts AU
Chapter 1- Draft Complete
Chapter 2- Draft Complete
Chapter 3- Draft Complete
Chapter 4- Draft Complete
Chapter 5- Draft in Progress
Chapter 6- Outline Complete
Chapter 7- Outline Complete
Chapter 8- Outline Complete
Chapter 9- Outline Complete
Chapter 10- Outline Complete
Delix as Demigods 😉
Chapter 1- Draft Complete
Chapter 2- Draft Complete
Chapter 3- Draft Complete
Chapter 5- Outline complete
Chapter 6- Outline complete
Chapter 7- Outline complete
Chapter 8- Outline complete
Chapter 9- Outline Complete
Chapter 10- Outline Complete
Chapter 11- Outline Complete
Chapter 12- Outline Complete
Chapter 13- Outline Complete
Chapter 14- Outline Complete
Chapter 15- Outline Complete
Chapter 16- Outline Complete
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
I'm honestly not too shocked that Aruto is going to work together Gai now. He always rubbed me the wrong way when it came to his views about Humagears, esp his reaction to Raiden & Subaru. That was a huge red flag for me. Also, if he's really so concerned about the well-being of Humagears, then he should offer counseling for the destroyed & revived Humagears to deal with the trauma. But I guess that would be too much to ask. As long as they serve humans who cares about Humagears' feelings.
I def agree w/ you, he’s rubbed me the wrong way in many of the same ways.
It’s hard to believe he sees HumaGear as people when he’s all pleased w/ Raiden talking about how he’ll be decommissioned soon and even calling the two of them ‘just like real brothers.’
You know, like he keeps saying Horobi is ‘trying to be like Jin’s father.’
And don’t even get me started on ‘a caring brother can’t be a spy,’ ‘if only you had been different,’ ‘why did you hurt Izu?’ ‘I’ve never treated them differently’…
To me, Aruto’s ‘dream’ can be summed up in a line from a song that was cut from Frozen (ya’ll thought I’d forgotten about this, didn’t you, but no) that goes ‘It’ll be just like it was, except for we’ll be best friends.’
This got long, so I’m cutting it here. Or. I’m trying to. 
He doesn’t see HumaGear as equal to people, he just wants them to stay right where they are, and ‘be happy’ there. ‘Good’ HumaGear are the ones whose development is convenient for humans. Raiden was ‘good’ when he saw no problem dying bc his ‘purpose was served,’ Naki was ‘good’ when they just wanted to support other HumaGear’s dreams as long as they were steered towards HumaGear w/ dreams of benefiting humanity, Jin is ‘good’ now bc he’s not trying to get HumaGear away from serving humans anymore and is also willing to kill his own father or due himself to do something that will benefit humans. The morality of the show has always been very much centred around humans, how HumaGear benefit humans, and HumaGear are expected to be these perfect little angels who exist to help humans and never think of themselves. Horobi is ‘bad’ bc he has resentment towards humans and has been so deeply under the Ark’s control for so long that he can’t think outside of her (esp not after being possessed) so obviously he doesn’t ‘want’ to be ‘change.’
I said it in the tags of my other post, but there’s something wrong w/ the picture when you’re holding a literally mind controlled AI who hasn’t had any concept of free will or self thought in his entire life aside from small snatches that were quickly stomped out, more accountable than a human w/ full autonomy and knowledge and power who deliberately did things that caused death and harm (and shot someone in the head). It’s not a good message. I’m supposed to feel bad for Gai bc he’s ‘sad,’ but Horobi deserves to die? I’m sorry, what?
The message has very much been ‘humans are special special and HumaGear are expendable/need to be carefully moulded into a ‘singularity’ that’s at the least convenient for humans.’ ‘Good’ HumaGear aspire only to properly serve their humans, to be like them, they are pure and angelic creatures who never feel anything ‘negative,’ and if they do, they need to be purged.
I could rant myself in circles about this for ages. I think for me, the really glaring example is Aruto’s treatment of Jin, a relationship that could have been an interesting learning experience for both of them (though, honestly, I was also hoping to see Fuwa also help Aruto realise the issues w/ his attitude, bc as he started coming down from his prejudice and aggression, Fuwa actually treated HumaGear more like equals than Aruto did, one of the many things I loved about him and Horobi as a pair), but instead ends up being a glaring example of Aruto’s… Whatever.
So Horobi has his first moment of clarity and genuinely fears for Jin, so the Ark steps in and ‘tells’ him to protect his son, so he does and it hurt, and Jin is hysterical. Izu proceeds to walk right up to the still-transformed, clearly emotionally volatile and very uninjured Jin, and announce w/ a smile that Horobi has been defeated. Jin, hysterical and lost, reacts in the only way he knows how, violently, which she should have bloody seen coming, wth. But then, Aruto is demanding to know ‘why did you hurt Izu’ like she did nothing wrong and Jin just attacked her randomly (which was a thing that could have happened and would have made his emotions make mire sense, Jin lashing out at Izu as ‘revenge’ for Horobi), and then Jin gets treated like the total bad guy. Then, on top of that, Aruto finds out during the fight that Jin doesn’t actually know what’s going on, he’s just been raised into this. Instead of immediately trying to change tactics and reason w/ him, Aruto just spews his ‘I want HumaGear and humans to smile together’ line (what does that even mean?), and when Jin rejects that, Aruto just… Gives up and says ‘if only you had been different.’ doesn’t try to prompt Jin to think about what Jin wants, what Jin is feeling, doesn’t bother to try to find out why Jin is so hysterical. It gets even worse when he quickly gains the firepower advantage and learns that Izu will be totally fine, but he still doesn’t bother trying anything else. He just kills Jin, bc… What? Jin didn’t immediately bow to his ‘love’ for HumaGear? Of course once sentence wasn’t gonna do it, he just watched humans kill his father! Aruto didn’t need to kill Jin at all, it would have been easy to disable him—alternatively, if they really wanted Jin to go down there, there were ways to do it that didn’t make it come off as Aruto quickly erasing a HumaGear for having any negative feelings or resentment towards humans, esp when you follow it w/ a scene of him and Izu being all pleased about other HumaGear ‘behaving’ themselves, and then never mention Jin again.
Fast forward, and when Jin comes back talking about wanting to free HumaGear from humans… Aruto actually asks him what he wants, finally? Then Aruto gets the boot from Hiden and decides to go to Jin for help. This should be a turning point where Jin get to properly confront Aruto about what happened and Aruto reflects on what he did, but no. Jin gets to shout a little, but then Aruto claims he never treated humans and HumaGear differently and says ‘I watched my HumaGear dad die’ and Jin just… Says nothing? doesn’t shoot back w/, ‘so did I, humans killed him.’ Then they get interrupted and Jin runs off… Only to… Rescue Izu later? But then after he does he… Grabs her hand and runs away and tries to convince her to be free? After… Literally buying his father time to reconnect to the Ark? And this is Izu? Who he stabbed? Okay… Anyway, then we have more stuff w/ poor connotations of Jin saying he ‘learned something’ from Aruto killing him and Izu ‘choosing’ to keep being Aruto’s secretary like a ‘good’ little HumaGear (her liking him and wanting to stay on his side would be one thing, but this… Esp w/ him claiming that he thought she should choose, going by his later insistence that Jin can’t take G-Pen bc he’s a human’s ‘partner’), and only then does he take a bullet for her. This apparently means something to Jin, although I feel like the implications of ‘she’s worth protecting bc she decided to keep serving humans and I killed you bc you didn’t want to do that’ should not have been lost on him (also wtf did Jin start caring about Izu?). The we have the next ep w/ aforementioned G-Pen incident which for some reason Aruto defending another HumaGear choosing to serve humans makes Jin decide to ‘believe in his dream’ or whatever. But then later the Raiden scene makes it seem like Jin was playing along bc that conversation w/ Horobi about HumaGear needing guidance to break free gave him an idea or something, I dunno, but naturally Aruto reacts like this is some huge betrayal, despite the fact that they hardly have any relationship—okay, so this friendship is something Aruto made up in his head, given his character, and apparent assumptions that all HumaGear actually adore humans, that makes sense. That could work. But then episode thirty fucking six happens. Jin apparently cares more for Yaiba, a human he’s barely interacted w/ who had yet to show any sign of no longer considering HumaGear to be tools, who had previously represented all the things Jin hated about them, then his own father. Acts all protective of her, throws himself in as a shield for her, moons about while she’s in the hospital. Then we learn he decided he trusted her (?????) enough to conspire w/ her to… Use his own father as a sacrifice to kill the Ark. Aruto seems to be more worried about Horobi, but merely yells a bit about how Horobi should ‘remember who he is by now.’ Come ep 37, Jin fucking takes a hit for miss perfect HumaGear Izu (note: aside from her grabbing the idiot ball in ep 15, my annoyance w/ Izu isn’t really something she as a character has done, it’s the way they’ve written her as the ‘pinnacle of ‘good’ HumaGear for her devotion to her human’), and tells Aruto to leave. Now that Jin is behaving in a way that benefits/is convenient for humans, though, Aruto is a like ‘oh, we totally were best buds, I was right!’ and is so worried and distressed about him, forgetting Horobi (who is so ‘bad’ for not being able to break through more than a decade of mind control! forget him, Jin must be saved!). Then we have that incredibly forced scene in 38 where Aruto tries to ‘get through to Jin’ and Jin ‘breaks through the Ark’s control bc of Aruto’ (see my draft horse pack on a shetland pony analogy) and ‘tells Aruto to kill him!’ which continues in to this ep. In which we also have… Gai. Who Aruto quickly puts effort into ‘reasoning w/’ and ‘showing the light’ bc ‘oh no he had a bad childhood’… Okay, but… You killed Jin for that, and he literally didn’t understand what he was doing. Gai had full autonomy and knowledge of his actions. People were hurt bc of both of their actions, but it’s Gai who gets a big speech and Jin who gets blown up. I said it back when it happened. If Jin had been human? I bet they would have made Aruto approach that much differently.
The fact that Aruto is willing to do all that for Gai but killed Jin, and only now considers Jin worth any effort bc Jin is behaving in a way that benefits/is convenient for humans even at the expense of HumaGear (being willing to sacrifice Horobi, even himself, to stop the Ark, while that goal is technically ultimately noble, the context gives a bad connotation), and not trying to talk HumaGear out of being subservient to humans and telling them to think for themselves, or wanting to revive a HumaGear that Aruto was content to leave deactivated bc he didn’t have a ‘use’… But Horobi only gets a few shouts and then ditched bc he ‘won’t listen’… Leaves a really bad impression.
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bdubb678 · 4 years
2020 Fantasy Baseball Sleepers
I was drinking last night (heavily) and decided I would attempt to write about something I love--fantasy baseball. Let me start off by saying, FUCK CORONA. I desperately wish I was able to take Caltrain to a San Francisco Giants game, order some garlic fries, and watch them get boat raced by the visiting team—but I guess being stuck in my apartment constantly refreshing twitter for any semblance of “good news” is today’s reality. I’ve long since completed my fantasy baseball research, league drafts, and crying over the fact we have no idea when baseball will start. In order to preserve my sanity, here are some sleepers for the 2020 fantasy baseball season:
Josh Bell
Fantasy drafters seem low on Bell after a down second half of the 2019 season. He actually finished strong slashing .261/.373/.554 in August ending the season with a robust .277/.367/.569 batting line. His 37 homers and 116 RBI were both top 10 amongst all hitters in the National League. At 27 years old, there is still time for Bell to improve and his batted ball data suggests his power breakout last year was no fluke—ranking top 15 in average exit velocity. I have no problem taking Bell many rounds later if I miss on Bellinger or Freeman. I’m projecting a .270/.370/.550 slash line and above average production in 4/5 categories (R, HR, RBI, AVG).
Tyler Glasnow
Unfortunately, injuries have always been the issue for Tyler Glasnow, and they again took their toll in 2019. After being traded away from Ray Searage and the Pirates pitching staff, the Devil Ray’s analytical approach to pitching has worked wonders for Glasnow. In spite of the injury-shortened season last year, Glasnow had the second-lowest xwOBA against in the MLB, an 11.3 K/9, and a WHIP under 1.00. If he stays healthy, he could easily finish as a top 10 starting pitcher this year. Carried by elite velocity (96.3 MPH four-seamer) and a nasty curveball (43.9 whiff %), developing a third pitch is key to him taking the next step. Even now, when healthy, he is damn near unhittable.
Joey Gallo
Gallo was in the midst of a full-blown breakout last year until a hamate bone injury ended his season—sporting an ISO of .344, a walk rate over 15%, and the highest batting average of his career (.253) in 2019. Although the batting average was buoyed by a .368 BABIP, Gallo was mashing last year and looked ready to push for 40+ homers. Gallo has some of the most prodigious power in the MLB, and any reduction to his strikeout rate could lead to a massive uptick in fantasy value. His upside is immense and I believe he hits the ball hard enough to overcome his strikeout issues. I’m betting on a 240/.370/.565 slash line, and the AL lead in strikeouts and homers.
Tommy Edman
When you can draft a player that is likely to have 25-30 steals and won’t kill your batting average—you do it. When you can draft that player at 137 overall—it’s a no brainer. Quietly, Edman led the Cardinals in batting average and slugging percentage while mashing 11 homers over 326 at-bats in 2019. Even if the power wasn’t for real, the batting average looks legit (.292 xBA). Although he is slated for a super-utility role, he is likely to play every day. If the Cardinals decide to bat him leadoff with regularity, fantasy owners could be looking at a ton of runs to go along with a .285/.345/.450 triple slash. This is an extremely useful player is today’s fantasy landscape that can swipe bags and is eligible at multiple positions (2B, 3B, OF).
Frankie Montas
Montas was on an upward trajectory since being traded to the Athletics in 2018. In 2019, he pitched to a 2.63 ERA and 1.11 WHIP over 16 starts before being hit with an 80 game PED suspension. He throws gas (96.8 MPT four-seamer), has two elite off-speed pitches, and a chance to be one of the biggest breakout pitchers of the 2020 season. When selecting players outside the top 100 you want to look for upside and Montas has the arsenal to easily outpace his current ADP. Being drafted around the same as Zach Wheeler and Madison Bumgarner, I’ll draft the upside with Montas and reap the benefits whenever the season starts (May?).
Zac Gallen
The Pacific Coast League (‘PCL”) is well known for being the most hitter-friendly league in professional baseball. In 2019, the league average OPS in the PCL was .829, compared to .758 in the MLB. None of those numbers mattered to Gallen who dominated the PCL with a 1.77 ERA, .71 WHIP and 11 K/9 before being called up by the Florida Marlins and eventually being traded to the Diamondbacks. Gallen dominated the MLB with a 2.81 ERA and 10.8 K/9 and looks to build on that by reducing his walk rate in 2020. Gallen’s 10.8% walk percentage is sharply divergent from his minor league numbers (6.26% walk rate) indicating he should improve in that category during his second season in the MLB.
Marcell Ozuna
Ozuna will likely be batting cleanup for a stacked Braves lineup. As long as he stays healthy, he is a strong contender to lead the league in RBI. Recently signed as a free agent after coming up with the Marlins and two years with the Cardinals, Ozuna is a great value at his current ADP. He was in the top 10 percent of the league in average exit velocity and xWOBA during 2019 despite his modest .800 OPS—meaning he very likely underperformed last year. Not a lot else to say here—when people inevitably overlook Ozuna, be smart and take a player who has a great chance to lead to the league in RBI in 2020.
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All weird asks!! They're so good!
Sorry this is a bit late, babe! I wanted to wait til I had the opportunity to answer all these uninterrupted!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! tbh I drink tea out of coffee mugs because who actually uses teacups? I mean my grandma has tons and I would use them, but the handles are so tiny and I am v clumsy so it scares me.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars!!! I’m too impatient for lollipops and plus they always get coated in saliva which just...drips down my chin since my mouth is already full.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubblegum! I love cotton candy but I can only handle a bit at a time tbh. Also I haven’t had bubblegum in almost two years bc of braces and I miss it so much I can’t wait to have it again.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Okay, so even though I’ve always been homeschooled, when I was in elementary school we did this program with a ton of other homeschoolers where you could take actual classes and stuff. My teachers always said I was quiet and focused and studious, and you could always count on me to be lecturing everyone else on the instructions if they hadn’t been paying attention. (does any of that surprise anyone?)
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? GLASS SODA BOTTLES. nothing beats soda that’s been bottled in glass rather than plastic. You ever had orange cream soda from a glass bottle????? SLAPS ASS MY DUDE.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Pastel/boho/preppy/goth, my dude. I have so many sides to my fashion and aesthetic.
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Tv shows tbh because even though I can binge 4 eps of 45 minutes each per night, they’ll hold my attention a lot more than a movie. It’s weird.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Thunderstorms/petrichor, also natural bogs. PEAT BOG SMELL FUCKING SLAPS.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None. I liked trampoline time back when we took gymnastics, if that counts. I also liked jump roping and Irish step dancing.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Nothing lmao. I sleep til like noon and then I microwave something for lunch.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
My catchall playlist, Things I Love, my summer playlist, Summer Songs, my Gryffindor playlist, My Queen And Country playlist for writing, and my playlist for The Raven Cycle. (after I post this I’ll edit it and link them)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Keyring, a lanyard would like constantly detract from my outfit if that makes sense???
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Between The Grapes Of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, The Handmaid’s Tale, and To Kill A Mockingbird!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Just fucking sprawled every which way.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My grey converse if it’s comfortable out, my silver flip flops if it’s hot, and my fur-lined black combat boots if it’s cold.
18. ideal weather?
65-70 degrees, partly sunny, breezy, not humid.
19. sleeping position?
I need to sprawl to fall asleep, but once I’m asleep I curl up into a little ball.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop and notebook ONLY IF I’m sure of myself, which isn’t often. But I do write dense, scribbled paragraphs on sermon note pages if something comes to me during church lmao.
21. obsession from childhood?
The American Revolution, weather, astronomy, and mysteries/ghost stories.
22. role model?
Idk tbh? Lately I’m just trying to define and live up to my own standards?
23. strange habits?
Pulling the collar of my shirt up to my mouth and sucking on it. Also being a perfectionist in my writing. I don’t do messy drafts. It’s all perfect by the time I write it, and I edit/spellcheck as I go.
24. favorite crystal?
Amethyst (my birthstone), bismuth, opal, and blue goldstone.
25. first song you remember hearing?
Other than nursery rhymes/kid’s songs, it was Light Up The Sky by The Afters, or California Dreamin’ by The Mamas And The Papas.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Find shade/a cool spot and read with a cold drink.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
ALSO READ. And snuggle with thick socks and a cup of tea and play DS games all day.
28. five songs to describe you?
My five faves atm -
I Am Here // Pink
The Pines // Roses and Revolutions
Soldier, Poet, King // The Oh Hellos
Traveler’s Song // Aviators
Hymn // Kesha
29. best way to bond with you?
Share my interests about politics, history, books, true crime, paranormal, tv shows, and also be kind and understanding when I don’t text for long periods bc I don’t feel up to talking.
30. places that you find sacred?
The woods on the hill behind my house. Dense, deeply green, secluded woods. Hedge mazes. Old and crumbling castles. Anywhere beneath a clear sky and a full moon. Your heart when you’ve come to terms with your fears and made peace with yourself. Anyplace with historical significance. Bookstores on an autumn/winter day. Libraries.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A kickass plaid, bruh. Also my leather jacket - once I lose enough shoulder weight to fit in it again.
32. top five favorite vines?
Fre shavoc ado, the one where the dog eats the butterfly, the Lin-Manuel Miranda one where he’s brainstorming, “what the FUCK kind of weather is this, and the dad and son with the saxophone and the oven door.
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“oh mood”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
“WOW! It’s NatureStone!”
35. average time you fall asleep?
Right now it’s 4-5 am because I suck.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I Can Haz Cheezburger, My mom used to look at the website with me when I was like 10.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
They both have pros and cons. :/ Duffel bags are easier to carry but suitcases keep stuff from getting broken better.
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon meringue pie!!! my stepdad made a really good one the other week.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Nothing, since I was homeschooled. Same weird shit that always happens at home. Our safe word for when I got overwhelmed in math was “quokka” and we’d stop and look at cute quokka pictures.
41. last person you texted?
My gf :)
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets because things are not only hard to fit in girls’ pants pockets, but if you put a chapstick/lipstick in there it starts to melt :(
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Irish Spring soap or the blue Dial bars smells better and cleaner than anything to me.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy. It can take me a bit to get into it, but once I do, I love it. I only do sci-fi if it has rebellion and isn’t heavy on the sci. And superhero movies are great but a lot of the tropes are meh. Fantasy has a lot more versatility if you ask me.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Sweatpants/leggings and a soft, well worn tee.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Parmesan, white cheddar, or Muenster.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“do no harm but take no shit.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
A really poorly edited political ad on tv a couple years ago. There was weird jazz playing, flames in the background of an image of the Capitol Building, and then the top of the dome opened and this guy’s face was inside. It is the single funniest ad I have ever seen and I laughed for 10 minutes so hard I was like an inch away from passing out.
51. current stresses?
Passing my driving test next month, getting a job, figuring out if my math skills are okay enough to take the SAT or an equivalent test.
52. favorite font?
Baskerville or Georgia!
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My fingernails are short bc I picked them while reading earlier, my cuticles suck bc I pick at those two, and my pinky is obliterated and scabbed because of when I accidentally sliced through the nail with a razor while shaving the other day. So, not great, but I’m living.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
That kids can be really annoying but also really cute and hilarious if you can get them to calm down. And also that baby fingernails are surprisingly sharp.
55. favorite fairy tale?
The OG Princess and the Frog where it’s implied the prince and “faithful Henry,’ his carriage driver, fall in love and ride off together at the end. JACOB AND WILHELM GRIMM SAID GAY RIGHTS.
56. favorite tradition?
Every December, my mom and I drive around after dark at night and I play Pokemon and we rate everyone’s Christmas decorations based on tackiness.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
So isolated I was as a preteen/early teenager, my self harm, and the internalized anger over my abusive relationship and PTSD.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing, puzzle solving, singing, and calligraphy.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Benvoli-no.” (I recently remembered I used to say that a lot and I need to bring it back)
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Dark, fairy tale anime with a lot of secrets to uncover and some dark woods.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
TV show - “I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.” - Doctor Who
Movie - “It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” - Wonder Woman
Book - “If you never saw the stars, candles were enough.” - The Dream Thieves, by Maggie Stiefvater
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Jack Kline Winchester - Supernatural
Charlie Bradbury - Supernatural
Gansey - The Raven Cycle
Blue Sargent - The Raven Cycle
Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Final Song // MO
Call Home // Heathers
I Am Here // Pink
Babylon // 5 Seconds of Summer
Shake It Off // Taylor Swift
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yes, I have several that remain from self harm, scars all over my left knee from being a clumsy child, and most of all a major scar down the center of my chest from heart surgery when I was a baby.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Rose, lavender, lilac, and dahlia.
67. good luck charms?
Not really???
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Olives, mushrooms, radishes, cottage cheese, and ranch dressing are all foul.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Martin Luther didn’t actually nail his 95 theses to the church door, he just kind of passed them around, which is a lot less dramatic tbh. Also light-up signs were first used in New York City in 1884.
70. left or right handed?
I’m left-handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
I think zebra stripes, leopard print, and houndstooth are super ugly.
72. worst subject?
Math for sure. Even science would be easier if it didn’t involve so much math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Wendy’s fries and chocolate frosty!!!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I think a 7, usually. My pain tolerance is pretty high because of a) years of self harm, and b) due to my PTSD my muscles are constantly tense and in pain anyway.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was 4, and it had been loose but it fell out when I was trying to blow up an inflatable ball.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Fries or roasted potatoes that are charred and crunchy on the bottom. Chips are a close third.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk, my grandma’s the one with the green thumb mania lmao. But She keeps a lot of violets and arrowhead plants in the windowsills!
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Never had a school ID, but my temporary license photo is actually pretty good right now!
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I really like earth tones for myself.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
THEY ARE THE SAME MF THING. Also I call them both, it just depends on what comes out of my mouth haha.
82. pc or console?
PC, I guess, though I don’t really game. I just watch my stepdad game.
83. writing or drawing?
WRITING. I cannot draw to save my life.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts, talk radio is so annoying.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, although I loved both.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology I guess??? Although again, I love both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Rejection, losing people I love, people secretly hating me. Also drowning, spiders, clowns, and guns.
88. your greatest wish?
To be a semi-successful author and work in a library/museum.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom and my gf.
90. luckiest mistake?
Almost dropping a knife blade first on my foot but it landed between my toes.
91. boxes or bags?
um boxes I guess? I’m really good at fitting things in tetris style.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ell, Alexander, Ellie, Little Lion, and Nerd.
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr or Spotify. Two apps I couldn’t live without.
96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
About a half dozen. Mine, my mom’s, my stepdad’s, my grandparents’ home number, my grandpa’s, and my grandma’s.
98. favorite historical era?
Both the American Revolutionary period and the Victorian Era (esp in Britain)
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DOTW 57 - Full draft
Jolted awake again, Levi growled. He was so fucking done with his boss. Sure. We can give you mental health leave, but first we need you to finish your shifts, then we need you to go see our counsellor, get declared crazy and then, we might be able to give you leave next month... and then we're going to send you to another therapist because we don't agree with the first assessment. Levi wasn't happy. He felt like a corroded rubber band stretched too tight. He couldn't stop thinking about Eren, to the point his omega had started ignoring his messages when he was supposed to start working. His fiancée was tired, and clingy, repeatedly apologising for taking up all his attention, and the repeated trips to the bathroom, that meant dozing rather than sleeping properly didn't fucking help. He was exhausted... and last night... he'd slightly over done it in the need to blow off some steam. And who could say no with Eren in their lap "Late night?" "Is it still a late night when you haven't fucking slept?" "Is Eren alright?" Eren... yeah... his omega was... "He's fine" Levi's tone was unintentionally bitter. Eren had managed to keep to the no sex memo for four days... but last night... things sort of progressed. One moment he was helping Eren lactate... purely because Eren was in so much pain... cough... the next he was buried in his sopping wet omega. And sex happened... a lot of sex happened... his dick still tender from the previous night. They'd gone at it like rabbits all over their apartment until Levi remembered, they weren't even supposed to be having sex in the first place. But by then it was a little bit late. The bed was a mess, he'd bitten Eren's nape and shoulders red, while Eren was purring up a storm "He's fine? No complications or bleeds? No fights?" Fight. Yeah. More like a fucking attack... "Erwin, he's fine. Stop it" "Mike said he's happy to examine Eren..." "I swear to god, I'll kill you" Erwin laughed, not giving two shits about his icy scowl. Couldn't bushy brows fucking let him sleep?! "Fine. Fine. Did they authorise your leave?" "Would I be here if they did? They said I have to finish my shifts and then maybe, just maybe, I'll get time off next month" "That's not right" No fucking shit "Well, apparently their shrink doesn't think I'm crazy enough" "Have you been to see Krista?" "When have I had time?" "Off shift?" "Sure. Because I don't have Eren to look after when I get home" "Hey, if you need a break, Hanji is always happy to step in" "I thought we didn't want him going into labour before 37 weeks" "Hanji's not about to send him into labour" "Sometimes I feel like we aren't talking about the same person" "She is super excited about your engagement, so you may have a point" Oh. Yeah. That was a thing. Coming home from Mike's, they'd made their engagement Facebook official, setting the date back to original date Eren had proposed. Hanji had lost her shit, spamming the fuck out of them for not telling her sooner, while Eren hadn't wanted to deal with any of it. Ignoring her completely in favour of belly rubs and cuddles. The sedatives Mike had given Eren to help him sleep helped the first two nights, though left Eren with a constant headache and nosebleed of impressive proportions, so Levi had binned them... "Did you two remember to pay Mike?" "Hanji says all bets are void thanks to you two already being engaged" "And what does Mike say?" "That I can work off my debt in his bed" Ew... he didn't need to think that "That might work with you, but what about Hanji?" "You know Mike's more than happy to let me work her debt off too" "I really didn't need to know that" "You're the one who asked" "Mostly because I'm sick of you asking about Eren" "I'm just worried for you both" "We're engaged. He's going to give birth by the end of the month. We're bonded..." "Eren is?" Levi frowned. He was certain Erwin knew, or he was fucking with him "I feel like I told you that they're going to give him a c-section before the end of the month if he doesn't go into labour" "Have you stocked up?" "On?" "Everything? Nappies? Wipes? Milk?" Levi's mind flicked to the previous night and the milk dribbling down his chin... while Eren rocked on his leg, soaking his pants with slick and cum "Organised" "How about Christmas presents? Have you got him something yet? In case he's in labour and doesn't get to celebrate Christmas at home" "He's sorting tree ornaments today. I dragged it all out for him the other day" Actually, Eren was probably sleeping. He'd asked for the tree before everything had gone down, but he'd firmly told his fiancée not to put the tree up on alone. He kind of hoped he wasn't napping, on the off chance he could get a full nights sleep "Alone?" "He's fine. Ok. My phone hasn't gone off. Your phone hasn't gone off. Mike's phone hasn't gone off. As for Christmas shopping, I showed him how to shop online" "That's him, I was asking about you" He was trying to find something perfect and it was yet to happen... "I'm getting there" "Levi..." "What the fuck do you want from me Erwin!? I'm trying my fucking hardest. They won't give me time off work. Eren needs constant attention or he'll push himself too hard. The pup's going to be here by the end of the month and I'm fucking exhausted. So just back the fuck off" Pulling off to the side of the road. Erwin climbed from the ambulance. Walking around, he opened the passenger side door "Get out" "What?" "Get out" "Why the fuck would do I do that?" "Just get out already" Cursing Erwin, Levi nearly whimpered as he jumped down from the ambiance. He was so fucking tired that everything fucking hurt. Pulling out his cigarettes, Erwin pulled two from the pack, lighting them both before handing him one "What?" "You fucking need it" "What I need is more fucking time between now and Eren going into labour" "Give him a call" "What?" "Call him and let him know you'll be home late" "He'll worry..." "And you'll explode if you keep up like this" "I don't have a fucking choice" Choking on the smoke filling his lungs, he was pretty sure the cigarette wasn't solving any off his issues, but fuck... it helped "Then I'll call him" "No. It's fine" "It's not fine. You're working yourself into..." "Give it rest" "What would Eren think?" "Erwin, I'm fucking warning you. I have a headache the size of your fucking ego" Erwin let him finish cigarette, before starting again "I'm just saying. Eren would be disappointed to see you like this. You don't have to try do this alone" "I can't fucking do anything about it. Work won't give me time off. I'm supposed to be starting parental leave next week, but that isn't happening either. And that's been booked since I came back to work" "Levi. Just stop and take a breath" "I don't have time to" "You're going to burn yourself out. What if Eren..." Erwin was sounding like a broken record. Sick of it, he opened he passenger side door, only for Erwin to stop him half way up his step. Pulled down, he growled, kicking out. Erwin gut punching him as he went... both alpha's dropping each other, because by some miracle, his foot had found Erwin's balls. Glaring at each other, Erwin was the first to crack. Starting to laugh, he clutched his crotch with a whimper "Fuck" "You asked for it" Levi felt like he was drooling like an idiot "You need to slow down" "Pup's aren't cheap" "No. But what's Eren going to do if you work yourself into a heart attack" "Then tell me what to do" "I'll talk to human resources. Give Eren a call and let him know you'll be a little late" "Fine... fuck. Between that punch and that cigarette, I would say you're trying to do me in" "I'll be nice and let you recover before you call him" "Fuck you" "Nah. You've got Eren for that" "That's true..." He didn't regret the smugness that bled into his tone. Erwin and Mike night have an open relationship of sorts, but what he had with Eren... that was something he'd never be able to put into words. Even though he'd been partially regretting the night before, one thought of Eren's dripping opening... and fuck. He wanted to be fucking buried balls deep in him. Recovered enough to crawl back into the ambulance, Levi pulled out his phone. Erwin watching as he opened up Eren's contact details and called his mate. It took a few moments before Eren answered "Levi. What's wrong?" Eren's voice was shaking "Oh. Nothing. I was just ringing to see if you're ok" "I'm ok. I was hoping you'd ring. I'm just sitting under that flocked blanket..." Eren sounded pained... he was emphasising words as in moaning in pain, without the actual moaning. Levi drew his brow in concern "Are you alright? You don't sound alright" "Like I said, I was hoping you'd ring. I really like this flocked blanket... but more importantly, what time are you getting home?" "Oh... I'm going to be a little late" "Ok. Cool. I got my first Christmas delivery today. I wasn't expecting it. But if you're going to be late, I guess it can wait" His omega was being weird "Eren. Are you sure everything's ok?" "Yeah. Take your time coming home. I know what you're like, jumping the gun and all. I love you" "I love you too" The call ended. Levi still frowning deeply "What is it? What's wrong?" "Something's off with Eren" Erwin sighed "You're probably being paranoid" "I don't know..." "What did he say?" "That he was hoping I'd ring and that he's sitting under his flocked blanket" "That doesn't sound like anything to worry about" "It's the way he said it, like he was in pain. Then he told me not to jump the gun on the way home" "We can call by, if you want?" "No. No. He said he got a Christmas delivery today. He's probably being weird because of that" "It was just weird. He started talking about how he liked his flocked blanket. He said it twice..." "Look. He probably just forgot he'd mentioned it" Levi wasn't sure. Something felt off... "It's fine. You're over thinking things. You probably feel guilty as you're doing something for yourself" "He sounded pained" "Possible Braxton-hicks, or he could have twinged his back. I bet he didn't wait to do the Christmas tree" "I wouldn't put it past him. He saved some of Isabel's old ornaments. I think Christmas is is his favourite holiday of the year" "Too bad he can't perk your mood up over it all" "I don't know. Last year was pretty good" "I seem to remember you being shoved into an ugly sweater, and not being too happy about it" "But before that, Eren was a naughty little ho. He made me birthday cake, sang happy birthday. Made a fuss about it being something other than Christmas" "So, he's busy planning this years costume?" "Not this year. He's too swollen for that" In more ways than one. Eren's back had been tender for a long time now. Maybe he had just been trying to hide how uncomfortable he really was, so that Levi wouldn't worry? If so, he'd done a fucking shit job of it. Work unfortunately picked up, and Levi swore they'd been called to the exact same house the previous year, for the exact same reason. People can't hang Christmas lights without getting the urge to throw themselves off their own roof. It was fucking frustrating. Though he'd told Erwin he'd take some time at the end of his shift, he couldn't be fucking bothered. Even if it meant possibly snapping at Eren, he was far too tired. He just wanted a fucking shower and to collapse in bed for a year. Or at least until Eren went into labour. He could barely keep his eyes open. The lights of Shinganshima seemed blinding to his poor sensitive eyes, the red brake lights in front of him were the worst. They seemed to bore right into his brain. Parking in his bay, Levi literally fell out his car. He was fucking dead on his feet. If Eren wanted sex or cuddles, he was going to have to do all the work while Levi slept. Or maybe he could play with his toys... shit. No. He wanted to watch that. Locking his car, the alpha made the conscious effort to drag himself towards the elevator. The stupid thing way too far away from his parking bay. Prodding the shitty button, Levi hefted out a groan. It annoyed him to no end when people continued to poke at buttons once pressed, like in elevators or at crosswalks, but today he just wanted the stupid thing to reach the parking basement already. Too tried for his senses to realise anything was wrong, Levi didn't even feel it coming until an arm wrapped around his neck, a hand over his mouth as something was burning at his nose and throat. Kicking and snarling, whoever behind him was wearing a scent canceller, and way bigger than he was. He felt like a small pup in their arms as he was lifted by his neck... unconscious before he even know what happened to him. * Growling his was back into consciousness, Levi felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to his head... and the rest of him. Instinctively, he tried to raise his hand to his aching head, only to find he couldn't move. Snapping his eyes open, Levi growled again. His gut felt like it was on fire. His back and hips throbbing in time with his own heartbeat "There he is. You took so long, I thought you were going to miss the main event" Levi froze. He knew that voice. Sucking a deep breath down, he nearly heaved at the stink in the air. God. What the fuck had happened to him? Blinking, the world slowly came into focus. Strapped down to the dining chair he was in, Eren was staring at him with pained eyes. Something was wrong with his mate. He could smell it. He could feel it. With Eren to his left, he swallowed hard as he looked to the right, vomiting into his mouth as he did. A very dead Bertholdt sat there... fuck. Fuck... at the opposite end, the head of the clumsily dressed table, sat Reiner. The gun in the man's hand was pointed right at Eren "What the fuck?! How fucking dare you come into our fucking apartment and how fucking dare you point a gun at my fucking mate! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Struggling against his bindings, Reiner just laughed "Now, is that anyway to treat your host. Maybe I need to give you a lesson in manners?" Levi's eyes narrowed, his chest heaving as he panted and growled "I'm going to fucking kill you!" Lowering the gun beneath the table, Reiner pulled the trigger. Eren's shriek only angered him further as flash of pain flashed his gut "What was that? Need I remind you, I have the power here" "Leave him alone!" "Why would I do that? Did he tell you what he did? What his father did? He took my mate away, and now I'm going to make him watch as I take his away" Eren shrieked "You killed by fucking brother!" "You killed my fucking mate" Rising from the table, Reiner walked around to wrap his arms around Bertholdt. Stroking the corpses stringy hair, he looked so pained "He didn't want things to be like this. Why did you do it Eren? Why did he have to die?" "He tried to kill me! He tried to kill my baby! You were there! You could have stopped him!" "And what? They would have killed us!" "You were helping them torture omegas!" "We had no choice!" "You always have a choice!" "Like you. You could have kept your mouth shut. You could have handed over your baby. But the moment you found out you were pregnant, it became the Eren show all over again. You know what you are? You're a parasite. You suck the life from all those around you. Your mum. Your dad. Your brother. Your friends. And those omegas. What do you think happened to those omegas? Do you really think the church let them go so easily? All you did was lead them to their slaughter!" Eren paled, his omega shaking his head "No! No. We helped them!" "You helped them to their death. Their rotten bloated corpses are still in that forest. All those children are dead because you selfishly wanted your child. Bertholdt is dead because of you! Why should you get to be engaged?! Why should you get to be with happy? You did this Eren! You killed them! You killed him!" "All I wanted was to go home! I wanted them to go home! Bertholdt was the one who came after me! He could have run! You both could have escaped while the main building burnt! You had to know they were all dead in there! You had to know dad killed them..." "What home? Tell me Eren, what home do you think that cattle had? You ruined their lives. You ruin everything. You're fucking ruined everything! Now you're going to sit there while your pup dies inside you. Then, you're going to watch as I kill your mate" Lifting Bertholdt's rotting body, the stench was incredible. Eren throwing up down his side, while Levi fought not to. Reiner had lost his mind with grief. He was an alpha who'd lost his mate and lost his mind as he did. Carrying Bertholdt from the room, Levi renewed his struggles. He needed to get Eren the fuck out of here "Eren, what happened? Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" "He... I thought it was something I ordered... please tell me you called Floch?!" "What? What does Floch have to do with this?" Eren groaned "Really?! I tried to fucking tell you!" "You didn't!..." "You really think I was talking about Floch-ed blankets for nothing! Or gunning home?!" Levi groaned at himself "I thought you were the smart one!" "Me! Why didn't you just... fucking tell me you were in trouble!" "He has a fucking gun! I tried!" Eren whimpered, his head rolling back "Eren?" "Don't fucking talk to me!" "Don't yell at me!" "Fuck off!" "What are you getting so mad at me for? It's not my fault I didn't get your cryptic fucking message" "What was I supposed to say? Reiner was right there?" "I don't know! Just... how's the pup?" "Oh. Fan-fucking-tastic!" Levi almost would have preferred Eren was mute. His throbbing head would have. Sighing angrily, he stopped struggling. He needed to think... "Can you move?" Eren glared at him "Can you move, or not?" "Not" "Fuck. Fuck! My head hurts too fucking much to think clearly" "I don't want to hear it" "Who's fault do you think it is? You're the one who wanted to fuck! And your constant trips to the bathroom!" "Excuse me for being fucking pregnant! At least I won't be for much longer!" Levi snarked "What's that supposed to mean?" "Oh, you know. I'm in labour, but I guess that's something you don't care about" "You're in labour?! Now? Seriously?" Oh fuck... "I'm sorry! You try having your head slammed against the ground and gun shoved in your fucking face. You're stress levels tend to shoot right the fuck up! God! Please tell me you can get out of that chair" "Do I look like I can?" "You're an alpha! I know you're strong" The plastic ties around his wrists had already cut in. The blood making things slippery, but there just wasn't enough give "I'm trying to figure this out" "Well try harder" "You try harder! You're the one that was awake" "I did try!" Levi scoffed. He was royally pissed, but if he kept Eren mad at him, his mate might just stay angry enough to help him find a way out this... Eren definitely smelt angry enough... They didn't have time to be sitting there like fucking idiots. Eren needed a hospital. He needed professional medical help. Even if something where to happen to him, he couldn't let his omega give birth in a place like this "Sure you did" "Fuck you!" "Do you know where we are, at least?" "Yeah. We're trapped with a psychopath" "Jesus Christ, Eren. I'm trying to fucking think here!" "Well think faster!" "I'm thinking!" "And I'm..." Eren shut his mouth as Reiner returned. The alpha stalking over to his mate, before backhanding him hard enough that Eren, and the chair he was strapped to, tipped sideways. Screaming, couldn't protect himself as Reiner laid into his face "Stop it! You're killing him!" Snarling as he turned his murderous gaze to Levi, Reiner dropped his bloody fist to his side "You're right. I can't have him dying before you do" Stepping over Eren, Reiner ran his fingers through his hair "It takes a certain kind of person to love some thing like this. I suppose he's told you all about the time he spent living with us. The tight little outfits he'd wear. The way he'd climb into bed with Zeke. The sounds he'd make through his heat, only letting Zeke touch him... he enjoyed being in his brother's bed. He enjoyed giving himself to us... How can you love such a loose omega? Though. That arse of his... so fucking hot and wet" Levi couldn't help himself. He laughed. Reiner was trying to get under his skin, but fuck. Really? "The way I heard it, you never stood a chance. That's why you had to settle for another alpha. No omega was satisfied with that pimple you call a dick. Tell me. Did you really make Bertholdt happy? Or were you just a convenient hole to fuck" Reiner's fist slammed into his face "Don't you fucking talk about him!" "What? Hit a nerve? Stuck knowing you'd never have an omega of your own. You'd never have Eren to yourself. You'd never have his love so you had to settle for second best" Reiner roared "It wasn't like that!" "Really? It sounds to me like you're trying to convince yourself of that..." Grabbing him by the hair, Reiner slammed his head against the edge of the table. Eren screaming at Reiner to stop, like that was actually going anything. Throwing him back, Levi hit the floor. The chair underneath him cracking from the weight and impact. Sitting blood from his mouth, Levi smirked "A little too close to the truth. Did he love you? Did you two fight over Eren? Or didn't you know Bertholdt was going to buy him off Zeke" Levi had no idea who the fuck Zeke planned to sell Eren too... buuuut... "Shut the fuck up! I was going to wait. Let you see that dead bastard of yours, but now you just keep talking... Maybe Eren will bare my pup next. Bertholdt would have been such a good mother" Pulling his gun back out, Reiner didn't even hesitate as he shot him through the left thigh. Levi couldn't stop the strangle scream that escaped as the pain assaulted him. Fucking shit. The pig had actually shot him?! Had he shot Eren too? Or just as their feet? Looking for his mate, there was an alarmingly amount of something pooled around his omega. He needed out "Oh look at you. A big boy because you've got a little gun? You don't fucking scare me" "Is that right?" The next shot went right through the middle of Levi's left hand. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fucking fuck fuck "This house... this house was going to be our family home... we thought we'd escaped Zeke. But he just couldn't leave it alone..." Tears filled Reiner's eyes, leaving Levi feeling like he'd caught a glimpse of something he wasn't supposed to be. Growling as he recovered, Reiner booted him solidly in the side of the abdomen "This wasn't how it was supposed to go! We were kids! No one cared what we wanted!" Whimpering, Eren caught Reiner's attention. Turning from him Levi nearly passed out from the pain of his fucked up hand, tearing up against the restraints as the wood had been shattered by the bullet. He now has enough give to get one hand free... kind of... the plastic had cut in so deeply, and his hand was so fucked, that all movement was clumsy and uncoordinated "Bertholdt loved you..." Whimpering the words, Reiner sank down beside Eren "What the fuck did you just say?" "Bertholdt loved you... he... he told me that he..." Eren's sentence trailed off, his mate coughing. Grabbing him by the neck, Reiner snarled into his face "What the fuck did he tell you?!" Oh hell no. Uh uh. Now that he was on his way to freedom, Reiner was not touching his omega like that. He didn't care how fucking uncomfortable or how much it fucking hurt. It wasn't fucking happening! "Eren! What did he say!?" Struggling with renewed vigour, all Levi could focus on was his rage. He wanted Reiner dead. He wanted his hands off Eren and the man dead! Ripping free his right hand, he scrambled to work at his ankles. His actions turning Reiner's attention back on him. Coldly, and without releasing his hold on Eren's neck, Reiner fired his third shot into him, Levi's eyes widened as the pain bloomed in his right side, and stayed wide as Eren plunged as piece of chair arm into Reiner's neck "How dare you touch my fucking alpha!" Dropping the gun and releasing Eren in surprise, both Reiner's hands went to his neck. The man visibly swallowing as he tried to figure out what the fuck had happened. Abandoning his ankles, Levi wriggled, dragging the chair with him as he went for the gun. Reiner lunging the same time Eren tore the wood from his neck, spraying bright red blood up and across the wall. Stabbing down again, the alpha backhanded Eren so hard the crack echoed in the space. Blood bubbled at Reiner's moving lips... the alpha looking so shocked and hurt by Eren's actions that it was almost comical... Levi might have laughed if it wasn't for his own shock. Seeing someone die, and being completely responsible for their death were two unbelievably different things. He wouldn't allow Eren to carry the sin of killing Reiner. He wouldn't allow him to carry that stain on his heart forever. Using the tips of his fingers to pull the gun closer with his left hand, he damn near ended up looking like a turtle as he grabbed it with his right, and fired blindly at Reiner until the gun clicked empty and everything fell silent "Eren?!" Not getting a reply, Levi lost his shit completely. The plastic ties cutting deeply into his hand as he fought to free his ankles, his side hurting so fucking badly that he wanted to throw up, but his heart and mind were racing with a need to get to Eren. Finally freed, Levi dragged himself up, stumbling then tripping over the sack of shit formerly known as Reiner. Landing by mate, he gasped in pain... and not just at his own pain. He'd been wearing his work uniform when he'd been taken. His thick pants and thin shirt offering some tiny measure of protection against the cables. Eren didn't have that. He was simply wearing the same shirt and underwear he'd been in when Levi left for work. His mate had struggled so hard, the plastic ties had cut in deep enough to start "degloving" the skin around his ankles bunched in a way that made him see black for an instant. God. It was revolting and barbaric. Holding his left arm to his stomach protectively, he crawled up Eren's side. Between his legs was wet with blood, way too much blood... but as he kept going, he almost wished Eren was staring at him "Eren?" "It hurts... the baby... he's..." "Shhhh. I know it hurts. I know, but we need to get you out of here. Can you do that, for me?" Shit... moving... he didn't want to keep moving. He needed to dress his own wounds... if he bled out, he'd be no fucking help to Eren Eren sniffled softly as he gave a tiny nod "I need to find a knife or something. Something to cut you free. I'll be right back. Ok" "L-Lee... what about you?" "I've got this" "Liar..." "Let me get you out, then we'll go from there" * Freed from his constraints, Eren was in better shape than Levi. His alpha stripping off his ruined shirt to dress his wounds. His alpha pale and drenched it sweat, his pain flowing through their bond... which meant Levi definitely had to be feeling the pain he was in. He needed to push. The feeling only growing, but there was no way he was giving birth to his pup here. He wasn't having his pup come into the world here "Eren!" Clicking his fingers, Eren blinked at Levi "You're going to have to help me here" "Right..." "Does Reiner a phone or anything? Do you have your phone?" "N-no... it's at home" "Fuck... right, I know it hurts but we're getting out of here..." * They made it to the door before Levi had to go and faint. His alpha was drenched in sweat, his breathing ragged as Eren was forced to drag Levi out the front door. He mentally apologised as Levi smacked into the doorway, he only one hand to use to use, the other clutching his stomach. The need to fucking push was all the could concentrate on as it was, but he was definitely not giving birth in Reiner's fucked up house of horrors. Levi was lucky he'd been unconscious, he'd missed Reiner fawning over Bertholdt... climbing into the lap of his mate's corpse at the dinner table and yeah... no... Dragging Levi down the front step, his legs gave out, squashing his alpha as he fell on him. Levi letting out a soft growl as he tried to push him off "Eren?" "L-Lee... I need to push..." "Shit... shit... did I faint?" "Ye.... ahhhh.... fuck..." His contractions hurt so fucking much "Eren... ok... I need... to... to look at you. Are you sure you need to push?" Levi was struggling to breathe, while Eren felt like a beached whale on top of him "Of course I'm fucking sure! God... Levi... it hurts so much... something's wrong with him" "Ok... just let me do my job" "I... think..." "It's ok. It's ok, we can do this" Giving birth in an a some overgrown front yard was not part of his birth plan. Nor was Levi silently crying as he peeled Eren's ruined underwear off him. He knew he was bleeding. He could feel himself bleeding. Reiner had gut punched him, there'd been a kind of "pop" feeling, then... he had no idea how long he'd been with Reiner... it hadn't been that long after Levi left. Reiner had started screaming at him about how it wasn't fair he was engaged... and how he'd tried to ignore him... but then Bertholdt had died and he knew what he had to do... he'd lost his mate and his mind. Eren could smell the deep pain coming from Reiner. He wanted to help him... but he'd lost that chance when he'd fucking shot his mate "Eren... I need you to keep breathing for me, just like that" He wasn't sure he was breathing. He was on his back, but that was uncomfortable as fuck... and he was so fucking tired "I... can't do this..." "It's ok... just don't push" "I need to push" "Eren, you're not dilated enough..." His body wasn't exactly programmed not to push. Especially when his contractions were nearly atop each other. His back felt like it was about to snap... sobbing, he shook his head "I can't do this... I can't..." "You can. You'll be ok... you'll..." Levi coughed, blood dribbling from his alpha's lips. Watching Levi wiping the back of his lips with his hand, Eren cried hard "I can't... I..." He really had to push. Trying to breathe through it, he bored down with all he could. He could feel himself tearing as he screamed "Eren! Stop!" His scream stopped as he slumped back "You're not dilated enough... I know you want to push... I know, but you can't yet... shit... shit... the blood won't stop..." Babbling Levi's name, he waited for the next proper contraction to start... beginning to push again "Eren! Stop... stop. You're bleeding too much..." Eren had already run out of fucks to give. He'd stopped feeling his baby moving after Reiner hit him... right now, he didn't care if he died. He just wanted his pup to live... Reiner was right. He ruined everything... Levi had gotten hurt because of him. His pup was probably dead because of him... he never did anything right and he'd never accomplished anything in his life. All the time he'd spent studying. All the time he'd spent dancing. All the time and money Levi had poured into him to help him... and he was just nothing... * Blood wouldn't stop spilling from between Eren's legs. Each time Eren pushed, Levi watched as his omega tore deeper, more blood spilling onto the path beneath him. Trying to stop the bleeding with Eren's ruined underwear wasn't helping, and the tears flowing thickly down his face as he sobbed made it hard to see. Eren was fucking dying in front of him. Eren and his pup were dying... his alpha was screaming at him to save their mate, to save their pup... but the blood wouldn't stop. His arms were covered in it. Eren was covered in it. Howling, he felt so fucking useless. Eren was still struggling. Still trying to birth their pup... hanging his head, he didn't know what to do. White noise had filled his head... blocking out the pained way Eren was whispering his name over and over. Slumping sideways, he couldn't stop himself. He was supposed to be the strong one. He was the fucking alpha. He was supposed to protect Eren from all the horror in this world... Laying on his back, Levi stared up the sky. It'd been late when he'd left work, and now the sun was up... how fucking long had he been here? Wherever here was? Why hadn't he figured out Eren's message? His omega had tried to warn him. He'd tried to tell him Reiner was their was a gun, and that he needed to ring Floch. Why the shit was the sky so blue? And why did the sun feel so cold... his eyes slowly slid closed... he just wanted to be with Eren. If god or whoever was listening, he prayed they'd let him see his mate again. Eren was the love of his life... and he might not believe in resurrection, but if they could be born again, he'd want to be a bird... because Eren would like that. Eren would love to see the whole wide world. "Levi!" Sucking in a huge breath, Levi was confused as fuck. Erwin's shitty face hovered in front of him, swinging like a pendulum, in and out of focus. Coughing, it turned to a groan as he tried to curl around his stomach "Don't move... you're going to be ok, you stupid arseholes" "E-Eren..." Trying to look past Erwin, he could see the basic blur of their uniform... "No. Focus on me for now" "Eren..." "Levi. Focus. I need you to stay awake. They're are working on Eren... How did this happened?" Coughing again, he choked on his own spit "Hold on, I've got you" Lifted by Erwin's stupidly thick arms, Levi felt like a rag doll in his hold. Carried away from his mate, he whined in distress "Eren would want someone working on you" "How... the... fuck... are-you-here?" "I couldn't get Eren's phone call out of my head. I went to your apartment, and you were gone... the only thing left was blood on the sofa and the smell of a scared omega in labour. I couldn't smell you at all, so I called the hospital, you weren't there. It didn't sit right with me... so I called Floch. He traced your car's GPS to the next suburb over. He knew Bertholdt had died... he was in custody of the Karanes Police, but comatose... they had no idea where Reiner was. This place was brought by a company under the name of the "The Church". They searched it before and it's been left like this since" Erwin talked way too fucking much. He could tell his friend was scared by the way his tone was clipped as he seemed to jump from sentence to sentence. Hauled into the back of the ambulance, Levi shivered as his back hit the cold floor "You look like shit" "Next time I get shot, I'll try and make it pretty" "How bad is it?" "Not great. Through and through left hand, left thigh. Right side entry would, I don't think it exited" Erwin swore, rummaging through the drawers for gauze "How the fuck are you conscious?" "I was busy dying... I just want to be with Eren" "You're not fucking dying" "Please, Erwin. You need to take care of him. He's all I have" "He's not all you have. You have him and your pup" "Is he... is he alive?" "You're having a boy?" "Y-yeah... when Eren found out, he was so happy..." Shit. He could almost see Eren's smiling face. He'd said he'd wanted it so bad that he'd made it happen, even if they both knew it wouldn't work that way... "He was such a cute kid..." "Then let's hope the pup looks more like him than you" "I know..." Shit... he could barely keep his eyes open... "Keep talking to me. Do you have names picked out?" "No... not yet" "Erwin's a great name" "I'm not cursing my kid with eyebrows like that" "At least I don't look constipated... fuck, up you go" Levi was confused as he dragged up, that was until the gurney was slid into the back of the ambulance. His eyes on Eren. Erwin growling as moved the EMT out the way. He'd thought them paramedics... why was he even thinking about this...? "How is he?" "He's bleeding out..." "Switch with me. Pad the bleed on the right side. Bullets still inside him" He didn't want some stranger touching him, but Erwin had moved to Eren. That was good. Leaning down, he stroked Eren's hair "Hey. It's going to be ok" His mate was awake? "How's the pup?" "Breach birth. If we don't get to hospital soon..." Erwin cut him off, moving to examine Eren "I'll take over here. Eren, it's Erwin. It's going to be ok. You and your pup are going to be ok" His mate didn't smell ok. He smelt... if Levi had to describe it, like death. It was something beyond pained and into the realm of nothingness "E-Erwin?" "He's trying to birth the pup, but he's just not strong enough. Eren. Eren. I need you to stop trying to push" "He's supposed to have a c-section" "It's too late for that, he's already starting to crown. Eren, I need you to take a few deep breaths. We need you to gather some strength up. Get him a pain whistle. Levi's right here, ok. He's ok. I'm going to try my fucking hardest for you and your pup" "Let me at him..." "Levi, you need to stay still" "Let me hold his hand! He's my goddamn mate!" The EMT looked to Eren, before Erwin nodded. Helped to sit by his omega, he buried his face against Eren's neck "You've got this. I'm right here" "Levi...?" "I'm here. I'm here. You're going to be ok" "It hurts... so much" "I know. I know, baby. I love you" Eren was still struggling through his labour when they reached the hospital. Each time he pushed, he cried out in pain. Levi holding one hand, while watching as Eren was forced open by their son, the tears growing before his eyes. Blood and birth didn't seem to end, nor did the cum oozing from Eren's limp dick as the pup stimulated his prostate. It was clear his mate was not enjoying himself in the slightest. He'd heard some omegas found birth erotic. Right now, Levi wished he was the kind of alpha who could look away. His mate was going to be butt hurt for the next century. Erwin's fingers delved into his mate's heat, his arse not as supple and forgiving as a bitches sex organ. The tiny boy's shoulders getting stuck, while Eren didn't have the strength to push any harder. Still. Eren kept breathing and pushing, his hold on Levi's good hand crushing. They'd barely made it though the glass doors before Eren let out an almighty howl. His back arching off the bed before he slumped back down. His doey eyes glossed over with pain. Kneeling on the bed, Erwin yelled to stop. The flurry of medical staff around them all seemed as confused as Levi was "Erwin!" "Come on... come on..." Climbing off the bed, Erwin stood at the edge. Levi couldn't take it. Snarling at the staff trying to help him, he abandoned his wheelchair. Someone grabbing at his arm, but he shook them off. Making it to Eren's side, he grabbed for Erwin. The man clearing the face of his tiny son with one hand, while massaging his chest with his other. His pup... the tiny boy was absolutely perfect... "Come on..." "Lee?" "He's beautiful. He's beautiful, Eren" "C-can I... see..." "Come on!" Pushing harder on the pups chest, the infant let out a tiny squeak... Levi's stupidly addled mind now releasing the boy hadn't been breathing. How Eren was conscious, he had no clue. His stats were spiralling downwards... "He's beautiful... you did so good. So good, brat. Erwin, he needs to see him" Delivering the afterbirth while Erwin worked, it was a mess as Eren was shown their new born son. His mate's face lighting up with an exhausted smile "Thank... god" Erwin barely gave them half a moment, before yelling "We need to move! Eren's still bleeding..." Levi really didn't mean to pass out, but his pup was born. His omega in hospital... and he was just so fucking tired.
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kuresoto · 7 years
*eyes emoji* 7, 11, 21, 29, 37 for the 40 Qs meme
Mah babe, ty
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. 
Arghhhh I have two from the same chapter of Smoke and Retribution lmfao spoilers w/e
“You’re a monster,” she whispered, fear creeping into her voice.
“How else does anyone survive? How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?” His dishevelled hair fell across his face but his dark eyes still found her. “It’s just us now.” He moved to caress her cheek but the tears streaming down her face made him stop, fingertips inches from her face. “Whatever you decide to do now, I won’t stop you. Whether you decide to leave or stay, I won’t stop you.”
Rey exhaled slowly and repositioned her grip on the knife. She shifted her knees and flexed her fingers. She had to do it. It was now or never.
“You should have reported me when you had the chance.”
Ben’s sleep-ridden voice caught her off guard but not enough for her to pull the knife away from his throat. “I didn’t know you had killed everyone who had wronged me in my life.”
“No, I don’t mean recently. I mean before, when we first met, years ago.”
She pressed the tip further against his throat, the dull edge sinking into his flesh. “What do you mean?” she whispered harshly.
“Rey, sweet Rey, the small girl who used to masquerade as a boy. The small girl who helped an injured man she found in an alleyway one night. The girl who understood that the Security Force could not be trusted. Rey, the girl who was nobody but somebody at the same time.”
Ben opened his eyes lazily, his dark orbs watching her through his long lashes. “I recognised you the moment you bumped into me on the street. I was even more surprised when you managed to find your way back into my life, in this very room. The moon was out, just like tonight. You had changed but yet hadn’t at the same time.” He chuckled. “You still had that hair.”
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s a hobby I’m passionate about heh, but srs, it’s just a hobby and I know it’ll never be more than that, which I’m okay with. It distracts from my monotonous job :)
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I try and read my one-shots like….at least once before posting, which is TERRIBRO. For my 2+ chapter fics, I try and get a beta since my eyes just zone out, and then do a final once over as I post.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? 
Alright alright alright so @extrakyloren​ @lariren-shadow​ and I read @coupdefoudrey​ mermaid reylo fic and have been losing our shit over it bc WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS NEXT we don’t know but we sure are fucking thirsty to find out and headcanon-ed about it for two days sweats
37. Talk about your current wips.
I mean….do you really want to know? Skldfhsdjg alrighty
Sunblossum: My inception AU fic for @reylofanfictionanthology that I’m busting my balls to finish the draft x_x
Paper Minds (Kylo origin story): currently written 8/11 (? maybe?) and it’s at that part where it’s fucking complicated and I need to make sure shit makes sense
One Month Vacation (Reydar for @red-applesith): MAN I’m like halfway through the second chapter (ngl, I haven’t touched it since Feb) and it’ll probably have like…idk another chapter and I’m trying to think of more crack scenarios for it
Bad Neighbors: lmfao I do actually want to write a second chapter that is Kylo’s POV
Professor/Pole Dancer AU: Rey is older than Ben and they’re both teachers at a high school and Ben obvs has a crush on Rey who is peak Hot Older Woman™ and he finds out she’s also a pole dancer whaaaaat pole dance pole dance drop splits fishnet bodysuits stripper heels my aesthetic i love
Smuggler Ben/Rey follow up from this that is stupid long and probably going to be a bullshit mutlichap and borderline crack but the title would be ‘Ben Solo’s Guide To Surviving The GalaxyWhile Trying To Not Fall In Love With Your Partner (And Ultimately Failing)’…yes, the title is purposely long and I’m still intending it to be a present for @politicalmamaduck​ who has to deal with me just dropping 15k+ shit for her to beta ;-; tq bby D;
And then I have Ideas™ that haven’t been written up but already blurted out to @reyloporn​ (Spy AU, xenomorph AU, demon/witch AU continuation, and that one canon divergent AU with clock emojis)
40 questions meme for fic writers
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izzyspussy · 7 years
1: Age Group   For fic tbh whatever, I know a lot of people in fandom are underage and are exploring and figuring out what they like, etc. Plus not all my stuff is explicit, and some of the stuff that is still isn’t porn so. As for original stuff that will likely all be explicit as well, so an adult market audience.
2: Genre   Usually fantasy, sometimes science fiction.
3: Big Idea or Detail Oriented Outlining   binch i cant outline for absolute shit. I guess big picture but like…. ?? the biggest possible picture, almost to the point of being useless lmfao. someone help me.
4: Line Editing or Plot Revision   I prefer line editing for fics because I’m lazy and it’s for free, but overhaul type revision results in a better finished product so I use that for original stuff (and commissions).
5: With or Without Deadlines    With deadlines, definitely. I can crank out 1k in an hour if I have a deadline, but without one it can take me 2 years to write just as much (see: Zwangsneurose, started the second I got home from seeing The Winter Soldier, still not finished, word count at ~800 lmfao).
6: The Biggest Compliment   I love it when people mention details that they noticed! Or if god forbid I was funny once.
7: Current WIP Length   I have 12 fic WIPs right now and the longest one is 7.7k. I have 4 original WIPs right now, but they are all in development stages, with no word count yet.
8: Author Comparison Goal   @neil-gaiman 110%. He is my ultimate goals and a huge inspiration, not to mention just a plain cool guy. I also would love to be compared to Rick Riordan or Gillian Flynn.
9: Biggest Struggle   Foreshadowing probably. I sort of wing it as I’m writing, and I can’t do a very good outline like I said, so it’s tough to get good hints and clues as to what’s coming. That’s part of the reason my originals are taking so much development (not just because I have to fill in all the worldbuilding that is already mostly done for fic).
10: Brainstorming With Others or Alone     I like to do a bit of both. I really appreciate input, plus talking things out can really get the creative ball rolling. But I like to get into Deep Shit on my own too, especially with worldbuilding. I’ll always share with others though, even the stuff I wanted to come up with all on my lonesome.
11: Characters Based on Real People     I’m sure there are aspects of people I know, and of myself, in every character I create, and likely even in characters that have already been created. What you know will always leak into your writing. However, I don’t usually base a character fully (or purposefully) around one real person. I do namesakes though, but they’re almost never modeled after that person, it’s just a shoutout to someone I find inspiring in some way.
12: Writing Space Clean or Cluttered     cluttered af binch u been here & seen it smh make me drag myself in front of everyone……
13: Character Driven or Plot Driven     Always character driven!! what kinda question
14: Favorite Writing Related Quote     “Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which sometimes pay the rent.” - guess who lmao
15: My Characters in Someone Else’s World     I would transport my characters into (brace yourselves for a shock lol jk) American Gods, primarily so that they could get some good old fashioned “help” from the Big Guys.
16: Movie or TV Show     Well two of them have pretty finite endings. The romance legend could be a tv show but with a limited amount of renewal, ala A:TLA (but I’d like it better as a graphic novel). The vampire tragedy has a very finite ending so that would make a better movie. And the witch noir and girl gang are both a bit neverending-WIP-ish so they’d make pretty good shows.
17: Soundtracks     Yes! They help keep me focused and writing in a cohesive tone when I have to leave and come back. Y’all can listen to the playlist I have for witch noir here. Eventually I’ll split it up for character and/or scene mood, and I might add some scene suitable ambient noise tracks too.
18: One Song to Sum It Up    witch noir - Temptress, S.J. Tucker    romance legend - Take Me to Church, Neon Jungle    vampire tragedy - Bodies, Celia Pavey    girl gang - Weapon, Bastille & Angel Haze & FUGZ & Braque
19: Me There or Characters Here     …me there, I guess? In the romance legend, vampire tragedy, and girl gang not anything would really be different, but in the witch noir I’d probably have inherited some sweet powers. Not many of my characters are very friendly tho lmao.
20: Most Wanted Adaptation     Probably (a piece of) the witch noir. It’d be neat to actually see all those neat film noir lighting tricks.
21: Finish     Uh. I finish one shot porn a lot? lmao. Other than that, damn… no.
22: Made Myself Cry     lol yah
23: Proud or Anxious     usually I’m more proud, but sometimes when it’s something that’s very deeply personal or controversial I can get anxious.
24: When Did I Become a Writer     tbh sometimes I think I came out the womb that way. I don’t remember not being a writer, and I know I had legit novel ideas as early as like 3rd grade, and was making shit up with pretty words even earlier.
25: Must Reads in My Genre     three guesses what i’m bout to say y’all. Literally anything by Gaiman. Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart series. Any Pratchett. Donna Gillespe fucked me up with The Light Bearer. Bear Daughter by Judith Berman (although that is kind of a tough read, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for everyone).
26: My Genre Needs More…     Diversity in general, specifically more people of color, queer people, and people with disabilities (that aren’t magically erased). Also in my opinion there needs to be more things in between grimdark and go-lucky fairytale.
27: Inspiration Source     History, anthropology, and pseudoscience.
28: Character Naming Stress from 1-10     Probably about a 2 or a 3. I use behindthename.com which can be searched for meanings, sound patterns, usage, and origin, and has a handy “name themes” search algorithm. I also recently found the legit U.S. census thanks to @peppersandcats helping me out with search terms, and that can be sorted by ethnicity, gender, time period, and geographical location. So I’ve got names pretty well covered!
29: Underwrite or Overwrite First Drafts     It could go either way, but generally speaking unless I have a word limit I usually like to add more during editing. Except when something is confusing or too complicated, then I’ll cut it.
30: Calming or Stressing      Not really either tbh. I enjoy it a lot, but it’s mostly exciting! Not calming or stressful, but either a fun adventure or a challenging puzzle.
31: Favorite Trope     Tough to pick just one tbh. I love tropes when they are done “right”. Even tropes done classically can be great (as long as they’re not -phobic of some sort), but I especially love when they are done satirically or inverted.
32: Backstories for Side Characters     Guilty af. Even characters that might not even make it into the finished book have backstories, personalities, and quirks.
33: Characterize Before Writing or Develop with The Story     A little bit of both. I like to have a solid character to work with at the beginning, but for in-text character development I like to let that unfold with the plot and the other characters.
34: Old Writing in One Word     Prolific
35: Villains or Heroes     I like them both pretty well, but my favorite characters of all time are always a little ambiguous so if I had to pick just one kind that’s what I’d go with.
36: B&W Morality     No way! I live in the gray area.
37: Advice     Have fun! Be proud of yourself for what you come up with and celebrate your creativity even if you think it doesn’t compare with other writers. The happier you are to create, the more creative you’ll get. Also, like with any other kind of art, pick a couple role models to emulate and that will help you develop your own solid style.
38: Advice I Fail At     The first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. I spend too long line editing while I’m writing my first draft and that makes it a lot harder to finish anything.
39: Importance of Positive Reinforcement     I’d say reasonably important. Definitely helpful. But I know I’ll keep writing even without it.
40: Question for Favorite Author     How much difference is there between how his creation is in his head versus how it came out in the words, and does he ever think about rewriting things that are long finished?
41: Distracting to Read While Writing     Actually, no. Reading other comparable works helps keep me motivated, inspired, and focused.
42: Motivated or Discouraged by Critiques     Tbh I don’t think I have ever received a real in-depth critique so I’m not certain? I’ve had idle “I liked this, but I didn’t like/understand that” type of feedback, and that has usually been pretty helpful and appreciated. If nothing else it lets me know what parts of the story might not be as accessible to an audience.
43: Protagonists in My Likeness     Yes, there’s a little of me in very many of my protagonists, and often even in fic characters that I write. But, like with other real people, they’re not usually modeled after me, we just have some stuff in common because I leak over into them (and sometimes they leak over into me) when I’m writing them.
44: Choosing An Idea      This is something I struggle with, really. My process is usually to try writing a bit of it, and if I hate it it’s probably not viable.
45: Harder or Easier While Stressed      It’s usually a harder to write when I’m stressed, and what I do manage to write doesn’t have as much quality.
46: Sort Protagonists      !!! There are too many!! these are just the Big Ones (so far) in witch noir      Gryffindor - toots, eddie, maddie, anca, seth      Hufflepuff - lily, charisma, s.j., angel, iris      Ravenclaw - fred, ariel, dido, father piero      Slytherin - evelyn, jessica, sloan, clara-claudia, aixa
47: Five Year Goal     Hopefully I will have fucking finished something. Maybe published? Or maybe getting my manuscript looked at. (I have a humble-ish time frame, I think. Writing is a lot of work, and five years is a lot less time than it sounds like.)
48: Co-Writing     I’m a huge control freak, so probably not. At least not with original characters. Maybe for fic tho, because that can be much lower stakes lmao.
49: Fast or Slow     When I’m in The Zone I speed thru, but it can take me a while to get started and I come up on blocks pretty often so I’m a slow finisher.
50: Worldbuilding or Characters     Shit man, that’s a tough choice. I guess characters? I don’t know.
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astramachina · 8 years
omg i love all the hp questions sooo i want to ask you for all of them :D if you don't have time, choosing your fav 10 would be lovely too.
i’m gonna be a total ass and answer all of them (or at least try???) (i answered this forever ago and apparently i saved to drafts rather than post it i am an idiot)
A field mouse. (Kinda underwhelmed by that but apparently the most powerful patronus ever cast was a field mouse??? so i guess that’s pretty neat.)
Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!
Holyhead Harpies~
Drarry, Wolfstar, Linny, Neville/Ginny, Scorbus
8: OTP?
Draco/Harry cause i’m predictable trash
9: NOTP?
Snape/Lily mostly
THIS IS HARD BECAUSE I LIKE ALL THREE??? but i guess beauxbatons??
Fir wood with dragon heartstring core
draco malfoy if we remove the whole SPOILED RICH KID thing out of the equation
draco malfoy ;o;
…..i…. dk….??? pine trees?? and, uh, idfk.
defense against the dark arts
herbology maybe
minerva mcG
chocolate frogs
i’ve been to the three broomsticks and let me tell you the food is severely lacking. now, the leaky cauldron??? their fish & chips are a+
….. me/hjp
broomstick travel.
lumos, probably. 
bitch you better give me a spot on the team.
a cat, maybe. 
freelance curse-breaker, probs. or DADA professor.
draco, probably. i bet the fuck can dance better than anyone else there.
wizard chess. i don’t want no funky ass shit spraying on me.
ravenclaw, duh.
the quibbler.
……… uhm they both had their weakness and strong points but since i’m still salty over the huge NO HOMO at the end of CC i’ma go with fantastic beasts.
invisibility cloak? it’s the one i’m most likely to use??
I D K !!!
Gambon, altho he’s a little EXTRA more often than not.
probably? i feel like i’d hate it tho
POA, def. 
neville, i feel. cause he’s super mellow and chill as opposed to everyone else’s… everything.
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cptsdofficial · 8 years
1-170 : * )
 Ask me! I'll answer honestly jesus fucking hell here we go
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? tbh i’m pretty ok with my height maybe like one (1) inch taller2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i want a sphynx cat shgdhg3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i like all kinds of styles’ Aesthetic but mine is wearing the same ten t shirts over and over4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Ocarina of Time5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Jacob, dying and going to sleep6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? emotionally unstable7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? i Hate candy corn its Disgusting8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] melancholic have u seen my blog9: Are you ticklish? yea10: Are you allergic to anything? I’m allergic to Nut11: What’s your sexuality? people who give me attention12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? coffee13: Are you a cat or dog person? i like both but! probably more dog14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? vampire15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? youtube is a sin16: How tall are you? 5′8?17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? i chose my name lol bye18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] too much lol19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? idk not really but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20: Do you like space or the ocean more? space!21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves? being alive
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? don’t have one25: Favorite star? don’t have one26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? no?27: Any phobias or fears? bugs28: Do you think global warming is real? who am i trump29: Do you believe in reincarnation? idk i don’t really Believe in it that much but i don’t believe against it30: Favorite movie? Totoro probably
31: Do you get scared easily? pretty much32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? idk a few34: What is a color that calms you? green or purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? i wanna visit Japan36: Where were you born? Indiana37: What is your eye color? brown38: Introvert or extrovert? introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? not really but i still read them40: Hugs or kisses? neither lol
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? god42: Who is someone you love deeply? jacob43: Any piercings you want? no44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? on other people yeah, i kinda want tattoos45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? smoke what lol i’m kidding yeah46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! no47: What is a sound you really hate? me talking48: A sound you really love? cronch49: Can you do a backflip? who am i sportacus50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Samira Wiley!52: Favorite movie? whys this on here twice bye53: How are you feeling right now? like i still have 120 questions to go54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? what it is55: When did you feel happiest? with @cruelknives56: Something that calms you down? I’ve never once been calm in my life57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] lol58: What does your URL mean? it means i’m a borderline and i’m also an ass59: What three words describe you the most? Bad Awful Theworst 60: Do you believe in evolution? it doesn’t matter if u believe in it or not it’s still tru lol61: What makes you unfollow a blog? everything62: What makes you follow a blog? bad content63: Favorite kind of person: Jacob64: Favorite animal(s): idk but i have rats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. mine66: Favorite emoticon: i’m on desktop but the sparkle or the bee67: Favorite meme: all memes are bad68: What is your MBTI personality type? infp!69: What is your star sign? cancer71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? the same ones72: Post a selfie or two? http://generallyqueer.tumblr.com/tagged/my-face73: Do you have platform shoes? no 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? my head hurts75: Can you do a front flip? no76: Do you like birds? yea77: Do you like to swim? i used to but now dysphoria78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist: me lol80: Some thing you wish did exist: money in my wallet81: Piercings you have? only my ears82: Something you really enjoy doing: sleeping83: Favorite person to talk to: Jacob84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? bad85: How many followers do you have? on this blog, 19986: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? hwo is this someone healthy87: Do your socks always match? my socks haven’t matched in eight years88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? idk buut i’m not gonna try89: What are your birthstones? pearl and alexandrite!90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? frog91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? i.. don’t kno somebody tell me my aesthetic flower92: A store you hate? all of them93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? is that a challenge94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly cause my brain is enough95: Do you like to wear camo? never in my life96: Winter or summer? neither97: How long can you hold your breath for? don’t know not gonna try98: Least favorite person? me lol  jake99: Someone you look up to: death himself100: A store you love? idk pac sun
101: Favorite type of shoes high tops102: Where do you live? florida103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? no104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? rose quartz probably!105: Do you drink milk? yea106: Do you like bugs? No!107: Do you like spiders? No!!!!108: Something you get paranoid about? being alive lol109: Can you draw: technically yes110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? idk111: A question you hate being asked? to describe myself112: Ever been bitten by a spider? idk113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yea114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: mothman116: Favorite cloud type: idk117: What color do you wish the sky was? idk118: Do you have freckles? no119: Favorite thing about a person: gives me attention120: Fruits or vegetables? fruit121: Something you want to do right now: stop answering these122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? sky123: Sweet or sour foods? sweet124: Bright or dim lights? dim125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? me126: Something you hate about Tumblr: www.tumblr.com127: Something you love about Tumblr: validation128: What do you think about the least? idk129: What would you want written on your tombstone? it was lit fam130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? myself131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? my entire appearance 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? rarely133: Computer or TV? computer134: Do you like roller coasters? yea135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? not that often136: Are your ears lobed or attached? lobed137: Do you believe in karma? kind of138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? -1 but also 11139: What nicknames do you have/have had? who140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? not really141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? no142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? lol i influence people143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? giving144: What makes you angry waking up every day145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? tbh who knows I lean towards mostly nb people and male-aligned ppl i think?? but i’m probably also aro so?? god147: Are you androgynous? I try148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: eyelashes149: Favorite thing about your personality: my 2 personality disorders150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. no one
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? dinosuars so i could get destroyed by that meteor152: Do you like BuzzFeed? no154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? no cause i don’t really touch people lol155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? no156: What embarrasses you? being alive157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: being alive158: Biggest lie you have ever told: i convinced my mom i was stabbed when i was seven159: How many people are you following? 205160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 1,400161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 9162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 195163: Last time you cried and why: today because my rat was mad at me164: Do you have long or short hair? short165: Longest your hair has ever been: like down to my ass it was bad166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? I mean, i have opinions on religion as a whole (i’m not religious myself) but really idc, i just respect everyone’s beliefs167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? tbh? not really168: Do you like to wear makeup? no169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea
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motownrundown · 4 years
Weekend Jorts V: NFL vs. Detroit
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I wasn’t even planning on writing anything for Weekend Jorts this week. I’ve been working on a little passion project article the last few weeks that is about 99% ready to go.
But Jorts care not what my plans are. They just appear with the sole intent of causing as much inconvenience as possible before crawling back to their domain.
The Detroit Lions wrapped up another season this past Sunday against the Minnesota Vikings, losing 37-35 in front of the cardboard cutout fans. Many people, myself included, wanted Detroit to lose. Winning the game served no good purpose for either team, and both squads gave it their best effort (or lack thereof) to chalk one up in the “L” column. Obviously, a Lions win would wreak havoc on Detroit’s upcoming NFL Draft position. And with a general manager and head coaching vacancy still to be filled, we needed to do everything possible to make those job openings as attractive as possible. So you may question why the what happened to the Lions on Sunday had me and so many other likeminded fans upset, and I’ll get to that later, but first... Let’s chat about Tracy Walker’s roughing the passer penalty.
With 10:32 to play in the 4th quarter, on a 4th-and-goal from Detroit’s 1-yard line, Lions safety Tracy Walker seemed to come up with huge sack on Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins. The Vikings lead by just two points, and the stop would’ve given Detroit the ball back, with all the momentum on their side.
But NFL official Adrian Hill saw it differently, and flagged Tracy Walker for roughing the passer.
What’s even worse, is that after the game, Hill actually defended his call.
When asked what made Walker’s tackle a foul in his eyes, Hill said “By rule, one of the categories for roughing-the-passer is full body weight, where the tackler lands with his full body weight on the quarterback. That’s the category this play fell into.”
Now this is just absolutely absurd. I haven’t seen anyone other than Hill say that he believes this tackle would fall under that description. Hits like this occur in the NFL every single week, and are not flagged. If the wording of the rule constitutes that as roughing the passer, then the rule needs to be changed. I don’t know why the NFL leaves any interpretation to what roughing the passer is.
The reporter who sat down with Hill challenged him on this, saying “It kind of looked like the defender grabbed the quarterback and his momentum rolled him off.”
Ahh, someone with common sense.
Not so shockingly, Hill didn’t agree.
“The momentum doesn’t play a role, and the rolling off afterwards does not play a role. It’s that initial contact to the ground. If you roll off afterwards, that doesn’t eliminate the foul.”
But when you’re digging your own grave, you’ve got to make sure you dig the whole six feet.
When asked what Walker could’ve done differently to avoid the flag, Hill responded with, “A lot of the techniques that defensive coaches are teaching include kind of a barrel roll, where you grab the player to the side and you take him down to your side and roll, rather than coming down with your full body weight.”
So, let me get this straight. Rolling off of Cousins didn’t eliminate the flag, but his suggestion is to... roll off of Cousins?
The call was an absolute embarrassment to the NFL, and the latest middle finger to the Detroit Lions. Every team in the league gets screwed by a bad call every now and then, but the Lions are screwed more often, and in much grander fashion, than anyone any other team.
There’s of course the infamous “Calvin Johnson Rule”, that made the phrase, “the process of the catch” a household phrase to football fans. Calvin had caught a would be go-ahead touchdown pass from Shaun Hill with 24 seconds to go in the 2010 season opener against Chicago. Both feet in bounds, and had possession as he went to the ground as well, but as Calvin got up to celebrate his touchdown, he left the ball on the ground, and the officials, even after review, decided that Calvin had not completed the “process” even though he maintained possession (one handed, might I add) as he went to the ground.
There’s the 2015 game against Seattle on Monday Night Football, again involving Calvin Johnson. Kam Chancellor had forced Johnson to fumble at the goal line, and Seattle linebacker KJ Wright batted the ball out of the end zone, right in front of a official, but no penalty was called. Had the correct call been made, Detroit would’ve had a first-and-goal inside the one yard line.
In a 2017 contest against the Atlanta Falcons, Golden Tate capped off an incredible two-minute drill with what appeared to be the game winning touchdown with eight seconds to go. This play featured a double kick to the nuts. First off, Tate’s touchdown was overturned, even though you still to this day can’t convince me that Tate was short of the end zone before being touched. But that was the call the refs made, in what would end up being the last play of the game. Since Tate was ruled down in bounds, that meant the clock would’ve continued running, and by rule, a ten second runoff was applied. Had Detroit still had a timeout, they could’ve used one to prevent the runoff. In short, the Lions got screwed because the officials fucked up.
Detroit vs. the refs isn’t a new thing. On the day Barry Sanders broke the 2,000-yard threshold in 1997, the Pontiac Silverdome was rocking. The crowd got so loud in fact, that the officials essentially gave the New York Jets two free timeouts, because they deemed that the crowd was too loud. Jets QB Neil O’Donnell pleaded with officials that the crowd was so loud they couldn’t execute a play, which is just absurd. Head official Dick Hantak got on the microphone asking the crowd to be quiet so they could run a play, and when the crowd did not comply, Hantak threatened to charge the Lions with a timeout. Now there were rules in the NFL at the time that regulated crowd noise, so this was completely within the rules, but I can’t find any other footage of this rule being invoked, and any google search just leads me to this game at the Silverdome.
In one of the few Lions postseason games I’ve been treated to in my lifetime, in the 2014 Wild Card game, the Lions were putting together a late drive against the Dallas Cowboys, and on a crucial 3rd-and-1 play late in the game, Dallas LB Anthony Hitchens was all over Detroit Lions TE Brandon Pettigrew, and initially, the refs agreed, and threw the flag. But for no good reason at all, that flag was picked up and no penalty was issued, and Dallas would end up winning 24-20.
In the final seconds of a 2015 divisional clash with the Packers, Green Bay was pulling out all the stops to set themselves up for a Hail Mary play, when one would be gifted to them. Lions DE Devin Taylor was flagged for grabbing the face mask of Aaron Rodgers, when he actually didn’t. We all know how that ended.
Whether it’s these big notable ones, or other moments that may get lost in the shuffle with the rest of the NFL’s screwing over of the Lions, such as in 2016 against the Bears, when officials called illegal hands to the face on the wrong team, that negated a big run from Dwayne Washington, the Lions have been disrespected by the NFL far too often.
“But you wanted them to lose, right? The blown call made it harder for them to win, you should be thankful”.
Except here’s my problem. One day down the road, just as has been the case in the past, something like this will go against Detroit and cost them, like the picked up flag in the Dallas game. This just continues the utter disrespect shown to the Lions by the NFL, and it needs to change. I mean, think about it, can you remember a moment where the Lions were on the benefitting end of a bad call like the ones mentioned above? Because I can’t.
The Lions are the NFL’s red-headed stepchild, we don’t get the respect the other 31 teams get. Teams like Green Bay, or Dallas, or New England don’t have these type of calls go against them. And if this Sunday is any indication, that won’t be changing any time soon.
Detroit vs. Everybody.
Thank you for checking out this edition of Weekend Jorts, you can follow me on Instagram @motownrundown, and Twitter @MotownRundown_. You can also like Motown Rundown on Facebook. My personal account is @twitchynitch on all social media platforms. I hope you enjoyed, and let me know what you thought of this weeks’ Jorts.
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joshmspicer · 5 years
Omfg “talk about” is a lot cuter than ask me
Nabbed from @qookyquiche​
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. I saw a trailer for it ages ago and I didn’t know what it was, so I decided to sit down and [watch it legally online] and I fell in love with it. Secret of Kells is a damn treasure.
2: Talk about your first kiss. Never had one.
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for. Oh man. If we’re talking legitimate romance than I she was my coworker and eventual employee, but I knew her for a solid three years but never could or just never did ask about her. We got along so great and had so many shared interests. She always talked about her boyfriend and how she bagged on him for caring more about himself and his school than a girlfriend, which would be fine, but he literally had no time for her and it hurt to hear.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far. Leaving Minneapolis completely when my dad died.
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had. Didny Worl
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had. The one where my cat died, my dog died, or my Grandma died?
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity. I just want everyone to like me or like the person I am. If somebody doesn’t like me I’d like to figure out why.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of. I wrote the first draft of a novel.
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most. My hair. My feet.
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had. My mom and I really got into it one time after she stole from me due to her gambling addiction than tried to kill herself (she didn’t succeed and that was years ago). Pretty sure we didn’t talk for a few days after that despite being in the same house.
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had. My Grandma had died fairly recently and I had this dream where my family and I were at a mall and my Grandma came down an escalator wearing this beautiful flowing white dress. My family and I ran towards her and we all just smiled and had a good time for how little the dream lasted.
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had. Couldn’t tell you for sure but I was in bed, might’ve had sleep paralysis, but this weird creature just kinda came down from the ceiling and jumped on me. Woke up gasping. Woke my sister up in the room next door.
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time. This is weird. I guess we’re--I’d rather not. I wouldn’t know where to start.
14: Talk about a vacation. Went to the Mississippi for one of my birthdays. Stayed in a nice cabin and had a great time with my family. Went fishing a couple days, went to a mine where we were early but the guys let us come upstairs and hang around for a bit until they were ready. They gave us soda which for a kid as young as me made them instantly cool. The mine itself was awesome. I got a nice science book for my birthday that I fell in love with. I got hay fever in the middle but all in all I had a great time.
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life. Late 2011 to Early 2012. I’ve talked about it extensively but as part of the brony fandom I felt like I had found my place. I was making consistent (albeit shitty) raps, consistent (albeit shitty) stories, I was on top of the world as a mod for Mic, I felt like I could do no wrong. I didn’t have a job and stayed up until 3 AM almost everyday, sometimes later depending on the day or just if I forget to sleep or not. I even modded the stream for the January BronyCon and Alex S’ debut of “We Only Got One Life to Live” was the absolute peak moment for me.
16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to. I have literally never been to a party.
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with. He’s a guy who isn’t afraid to tell you what he thinks even if he’s a fucking prick about it, but the guy is genuinely nice and wants to help you out if he trusts you. He’s a guy where I can’t tell if he likes me or not depending on the week.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school. Pokemon craze went wild and I had two friends that I absolutely adored and were totally into it. Almost everything we did was Pokemon related.
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school. Fuck middle school. With a fucking passion. Worst time of my life. Fuck it. Hope it burns down.
20: Talk about something that happened in high school. I looked like McLovin a lot as a freshman and as the movie had just came out, I was called that a lot. I just accepted it and rode that shit to the end. I was like by a lot of people but it still felt fake at times.
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down. I was in middle school. I was randomly asked by this person I don’t know. I guess we dated for like half a day but we never spoke to each other at all before or after.
22: Talk about your worst fear. I’ll be completely alone with nothing to go for me and it’ll be all my fault.
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down. Never asked anybody despite somebody apparently liking me since elementary school, even though it was obvious I liked her but apparently she didn’t want to ask?
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot. A lot of the quotes I remember are shit I make up.
25: Talk about an ex-best friend. He was my best friend since middle school. I hung out at his house a lot but a lot of the time his “jokes” were pretty fucking rude and could border on sexual harassment, but since this was middle school, he was the only friend I basically had so I had to deal with him. It all came to ahead during high school when he brought along a guy who was really cool but kind of a tool, a guy who was a fucking prick but tried to hide behind the fact that he was uber fat, and a fucker who wouldn’t stop farting on you and used it as a joke while putting you down. The latter tried to fart on me again and I had enough so I grabbed the guy’s shirt and ripped it. Everybody blamed me (except for the first guy), of course, despite everything just kind of coming ahead. My “best friend”’s Dad kicked us out and sent us all home. My “best friend” dedicated a song on his CD in the car ride home to him and offered him a shirt. We dicked around in an Aegon parking lot near my house and they took my shoes, threatening to throw them in a nearby creek until a cop stopped us.
I saw my “best friend” later on when he invited me out, but because at this point I was much more confident and accepting of myself and he was still the same old dick, we didn’t do a whole lot before he took me back home. Apparently he’s doing better now? I don’t care.
26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick. Try to do not a goddamn thing but power through on my computer. Drink water and take pills.
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body. Eyes or their face.
28: Talk about your fetishes. Skirts are my true weakness. Clothed.
29: Talk about what turns you on. Skirts, again.
30: Talk about what turns you off. If somebody’s clearly not into something.
31: Talk about what you think death is like. Either we repeat the cycle with the same damn things forever, not remembering the previous life, things change in the next cycle, or we’re reincarnated as something or someone else.
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood. We used to live in an old office building turned into a house across the street from a church. I learned to ride my bike in their parking lot and we used to play with a ball in a back part as well as on their playground.
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad. I shut myself in and try not to let anybody know I’m not happy. A lot of people who know me still know though.
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured. I broke my pinky on one of those rolling fences (because why not, it looked fun). My pinky nail was shoved in my hand while the ring finger and middle finger was just removed completely.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. Being so hard on myself all the fucking time. Taking everything to heart. Saying the wrong shit at the wrong time. Stuttering all the fucking time. Knowing what to do and when to do it.
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures. I don’t believe in guilty pleasures, but I guess all the animation I watch. It’s fine to talk about here, but to do it with the people I hang out with is generally impossible.
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with. This girl at work who I thought I liked but turned out to be somebody who loves to gossip and won’t stop bitching about people on the job.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people. Nah
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier. How to be confident and not take too much shit. Or to stop crying at stupid times.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.  The last time I had a serious and legitimate connection with one of my cousins was ages ago. The last time we spoke we basically agreed that we didn’t like who we were at that time. Now she has a fiance (probably at this point, it took him long enough) and is a common horse wrangler, something she loves, and I’m much more conversational and relax.
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junker-town · 4 years
Fumble Dimension #1: One year later.
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Looking back at the first ever Fumble Dimension episode
It’s been over a year since Jon and I made the first ever Fumble Dimension episode, and want to tell you a little story about how working with Jon came to be. When I joined SB Nation, it was with the hope of eventually becoming a video personality ... or a do it all type person — writing, blogging or whatnot.
One and a half years on the social team pass and I start to realize something. I haven’t made a single serious style video since graduating from college. I needed to prove that I was serious about breaking into video, so in true Kofie fashion I made my own YouTube channel. About 18 months later, Ryan Nanni flies me up to New York to talk about my future with the company. I had a slideshow full of ideas that would suit my skills and weirdness. When I got to the meeting, Ryan said that Jon was getting his own wing and would like me to join up. I accepted on the spot, so we never went through my PowerPoint (ed note: we demand this Powerpoint be shown at our next group meeting).
When we were brainstorming names for what ultimately became Fumble Dimension, Jon suggested calling it “Nightmare,” after the Doom difficulty level. As we were working on the Death of Basketball video, however, Jon decided that we should change the name to indicate that the shows focus was weird first and challenging second. After a day of name vibing we settled on Fumble Dimension. It had been the first name Jon brought to the table and after brainstorming we realized we weren’t going to top it.
We chose a video remake of the “Death of Basketball” as our first episode for a couple of reasons. For one, we wanted to do an ode to those fans who were around during Jon’s NBA Y2K series. We didn’t know what Fumble Dimension was going to turn into. Hell, back then we didn’t even know what separates a Fumble Dimension from a “Let’s Play” on YouTube. We did know however, that the NBA Y2K would be a good starting baseline for what the series was and what it could become.
So what are we doing in this article? Well, in honor of one year since our debut episode we are going to take a look back. So let’s rewind.
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Just kidding. No Rewinder this time. But we will be talking about certain points in the video and I’ll share some secrets about them. So let’s... begin? Yeah let’s begin.
1:01: I’m Jon Bois ... I’m not.
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As a social media manager I would often see old videos get spammed with “THIS ISN’T JON” and “WHERE THE FUCK IS JON”. I knew that debuting with Jon on a 47-minute video would be putting myself under a big microscope. I wrote this goof to show that I’m fully aware that I’m not Jon — I’m Kofie, and you’re going to love me the more that you see me on film.
4:47 2k-35
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When I saw Jon wrote this in the script I didn’t think it’d have a visual cue. When I first saw this I busted out laughing.
7:19 Eye injury
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Every damn year, I had to press A like 80 times because everyone had an eye injury.
11:06 I didn’t think the rookies would retire already lmao
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13:29 PER
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We decided to make PER charts for every year that we could, and then failed to actually go over them for every video. Hell, we didn’t even put them in the directors commentary.
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As a Pistons fan, this was hilarious to me. In the Fumble Dimension we actually win back-to-back titles. I’ll probably never see that in my lifetime, and I’ve come to terms with it.
22:02 The players are fake
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This photo is significant because we have been putting our 40 overall army into the game every season during this experiment. Seeing this player alarmed me because not only is he not a 40 overall, he’s not even a real basketball player. Our experiment was being invaded by frauds! It reminds me of the “Whose man is this” scene in the third Pirates of the Caribbean.
When I found out about the fake players that were taking roster spots from our 40 overall draft class, I was PISSED. I thought I would have to do the whole entire experiment over again. Which I was not happy about because it took me WEEKS to do the simulation. However, Fumble Dimension works best when things don’t go according to plan so we decided to keep that in.
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Kevin Knox, 4-time All-Star. Huh.
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So it seems like NBA 2k has a generic highlights montage where they fit whatever players into the same animation montage no matter who is in the finals. The problem here is that that montage usually has someone dunking and there was no one in our league that could do that. That game doesn’t know that so that’s why the ball is so far away from the guy attempting the worst dunk of all time. It does its best, which is gloriously bad.
The one thing I do regret about Fumble Dimension 1 is not audio mixing it very well. I hadn’t had to deal with audio mixing on that level before, so I didn’t know until after the video went out that it was mixed poorly. I’m so sorry y’all.
Anyway, that’s all from me today. Now I’m going back to work on the next Fumble Dimension. It might be the funniest one yet or incredibly boring. I can’t tell yet.
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