sceptiseptic · 9 months
Can't wait to see Phil's next cake say Pour Bot Hem : )
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bangtang-boys · 2 years
Congratulation BTS "proof" for winning "ALBUM OF THE YEAR" at the 37th Golden Disc Awards for 6 Consecutive years !! ✨✨🏆🏆🎉🎉
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staceyhavoc · 2 months
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19 July 1987 🖤
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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tales0fthenugget · 1 year
Probably a Defining Moment.
Growing older through the recent past years, I’ve felt that I am slowly becoming less passionate in life. I have a plan but I am not too excited about it. I didn’t immediately notice it but I became complacent and didn’t have the sense of urgency to work towards my life goal of growth and happiness. I’ve been thinking about it but the answer has not come to me. I discerned a little but for some reason God’s answer has not reached me - like it’s been blocked. Looking back, it’s because I wasn’t really listening properly and was fixated already to the mediocre future plan I have in mind - something safe, simple, doable even without much effort. But at the back of my head I also know it’s not gonna reignite my dwindling passion/purpose in life nor will it assure me of growth and happiness. Basically, I continued moving towards that plan because it was easy.
Then I had an opportunity to make a bigger decision. It was unnecessary for my simplistic plan but it made a lot of sense in some aspects so I went on with it. Truthfully, I didn’t give it much thought. I remember a friend messaged me saying she knows I prayed about it. I felt a little sick in my stomach reading it because I did not. Usually I would undergo discernment for key decisions and events in my life. I made a rash decision and looking back, I don’t know why. There was no need to do that - no pressure whatsoever. And then God made sure to tighten the reins because I am going out of control already.
I have to find my way back. I reached a point where I already let myself wallow in sadness and self-pity. Then of course, God stepped-in and gave me something that could help. The greatest gifts I receive from God are not always rainbows and butterflies that magically alleviate my problems. It usually comes in the form of experiences and insights, which I noticed is usually random/unexpected. So yes - I got one again. It doesn’t come with a sign that this is it but I would always recognize it in time. And when I do - I would ask God why did He give it to me. Back tracking a bit - I adapted this prayer/communication method since the silent retreat and it worked effectively for me throughout the years, as long as I am ready to listen and open to receive grace (yes, I am not an atheist). It has never failed me. I am writing this down so I will be reminded and because I feel like it’s going to be one of the defining moment that I would go back to later on.
I was temporarily given something I want that I never acknowledged. So I never asked for it - under the pretense that I don’t really need it. But in reality it’s mainly because I feel like I don’t deserve it. I think God was fed up with me and decided to give me a lesson - I guess it was the perfect opportunity too considering my predicament. I was given what I want - something that made me more alive than I’ve been in the past years - excited, hopeful, determined. Hell - I forgot about my profit forecast and that’s saying something considering the past 4 months. But it was short-lived or at least about to end because it had served its main purpose. I.e. made me realize how it feels good when I have what I want and need both. And that what I was doing is totally not towards my growth and happiness. So I better drag my lazy ass back on track. It will also made me not regret my decisions because it has led me to His gifts.
A part of me wants to beg God for it not to be taken away from me - that it’s just the beginning and I would still need to do lots of work and have tough times ahead anyway. But I will still discern about it :) For now I have to believe that I deserve the good things too and that I will have to start asking for it, and yeah - maybe humbly beg too.
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ninzied · 4 months
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Tonight, Henry's silly and warm and ready, his body quick and smooth to give Alex what he's looking for, laughing and incredulous at his own responsiveness to touch. Alex leans down to kiss him, and Henry murmurs into the corner of his mouth, "Ready when you are, love."
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do we. do we remember how jaskier asked yennefer "who are we when we can no longer do the one thing we were put on this continent to do?" and was immediately kidnapped by rience and mere hours later was being tortured by having his hand burned and was face to face with the very real possibility of never being able to play the lute again. of no longer being able to do the one thing he was put on the continent to do. do we. do we fucking remember th
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entiqua · 9 months
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drew angels for the first time in a long time
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
I know most of the fandom is enthralled by how the relationship between Andrey and Goncharov develops (and I am too! it's a beautiful film, with a compelling power dynamic!), but I really think we need to talk more about Ice Pick Joe.
and more specifically, we've gotta talk about his ice pick, and how he uses it.
it's implied that he's killed a lot of people with that ice pick, but only one of those deaths is shown in the film. it's a hard scene to watch, and some people might want to skip over it, but I think the brutality is part of the point. there's a reason that it's played out with such excruciating detail.
see, ice picks are used as weapons all the time in movies, usually with a stab to the throat or ear, leading to a quick but bloody death. but in Goncharov, the scene is played out slowly, with Joe tying Amarro to a chair before almost carefully putting the pick through his eye socket.
sound familiar to anyone? it should. for a lot of reasons.
Amarro Fiamberti was the name of the first psychiatrist to ever perform a transorbital lobotomy. it was only due to his research that Walter Freeman was able to come up with his own lobotomy technique: one involving an ice pick.
Walter Freeman died in 1972, just months before Goncharov went into production.
and then there's the fact that Joe's ice pick is stolen (where did you steal it from, Joe? from whose operating table?) and the implications that he has his own struggles with mental health (the mention of his sister's murder, the humor he uses as a coping mechanism, the camera angles that give a sense of unreality to any scenes that are from his perspective).
I don't think any of that is an accident or a coincidence.
in my opinion, Ice Pick Joe's story is a tale of revenge - not against someone who wronged him, but against a medical procedure that wronged thousands of people.
and murderer though he may be, he's still my favorite character.
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reunitedinterlude · 8 months
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countdown to phil’s 37th bday celebration [bonus round] - phil’s homes through the years [37/37]
the phouse
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lemonadeslice · 2 years
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hello lgbt community. i have a new favorite movie(s).
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goldenpinof · 8 months
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Phil's 37th birthday countdown ↴
7 days: Why I Haven’t Been Uploading
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bangtang-boys · 2 years
Congratulation BTS "PROOF" for Winning "ALBUM OF THE YEAR" at the 37th Golden Disc Awards for 6 conservation years !! ✨✨🏆🏆🎉
🏆 2017 - Love yourself : Her
🏆 2018 - Love yourself : Answer
🏆 2019 - Map of The Soul : Person
🏆 2020 - Map of The Soul : 7
🏆 2021 - BE
🏆 2022 - proof
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tobythetrashyartist · 7 months
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Happy birthday to my favorite guy, Desmond Miles!! In another universe, you could've been enjoying your birthday eating cake with your son and friends 😔💔
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Nissan Redigo Concept, 2003. A compact SUV prototype presented at the 37th Tokyo Motor Show. The roof system used glass panel on the outboard edges that could retract into the centre section. French coachbuilders Heuliez developed a similar system in the 1970s which they called the Espace roof.
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clj-art-blog · 9 months
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DFQC & XLH | | When it's cold in Cangyan Hai | Warming using different methods
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