#5-6 is just obvious
creatorbiaze · 5 months
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this came to me while i was folding laundry
id badly edit all of their faces in but I'm lazy & dont wanna mess with my tablet so text is the best you get
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shepscapades · 8 months
prt five 👁️👁️ (going off the tags in the last rb)
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Hi so um! I’m fine!!!!!
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fromperdition4 · 1 year
Kinn’s Startle Response
Okay, so we all know that waking Kinn up from a deep sleep is a bad idea, right? Porsche shows us this very clearly in episodes 5 and 6, where he suddenly had/would have had a gun pointed right in his face:
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But, this isn’t the only times we see Kinn startled awake - first, later in episode 6, he’s woken by Porsche in the early morning:
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And this is probably the most relaxed we’d seen Kinn, up to this point in the show - he isn’t scared, he doesn’t go into murder mode, he just looks over at Porsche with new affection.
I think this moment makes it clear that Kinn’s previous startle response is tied directly to his levels of anxiety/stress. He’d just spent a day away from being a mafia boss - learning to fish, joking around, bathing with Porsche - and he’d also just made his first apology to Porsche. He’s finally unburdened, so his subconscious is no longer on high alert.
And this extends to episode 11, when Tay and Time sneak in to surprise Kinn and Porsche on a sleepy morning in bed:
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Kinn (and Porsche)’s first response is to open his eyes to look at what’s disturbing them, then after he realizes it’s just his asshole friends he kicks at them. It’s no more violent a response than any other guy with his friends, and that’s because his mind is settled - he’s relaxing in bed with his love, with his family’s approval and no more Tawan/mole to deal with. Life is good!
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Besides being adorably awkward (poor Porsche 😂), I think this scene also gives us some extra insight into Kinn’s startle response - it seems like it was a recent development for him, maybe even after he took over for his dad (when I imagine the death threats ramped up). That’s because of Tay and Time, who we know have been Kinn’s friends for a while (since at least his relationship with Tawan) and are close enough to him that they’re let into his suite without being announced:
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If Kinn’s startle response had always been to be instantly ready to murder someone, his best friends would have surely learned to avoid doing it a long time ago. Instead, I think we’re seeing that Porsche has brought Kinn back to his actual default state - a peaceful mind, and arms ready to snuggle
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thebirdarts · 3 months
trying out animation again! hopefully this will just be one part of a larger animation/matic centered around Elena & the teen group, to Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine, but im alreadyso happy with this section!! explanation for the visuals under the cut<3
the visuals are, in order:
The dog days are over: Elena's Scholarship acceptance letter opening [signaling her departure from the group/area/story, and the end of the dog days]
The dog days are done: the car headlights driving towards the finish-line, show as a red ribbon [they are driving towards the finish line of the dog days/it all changes from here]
The horses are coming: the stand arrows, that slightly look like horseshoes, disturbing the red of victory, turning it from a finish line to a smear of blood [stand arrows, and passione are altering the way of life and becoming the symbol of a new era]
So you better run: then footsteps running away from the blood, yet carrying it with them, while outlines of prone/dead bodies rise and fall from the finish line that is now dripping with blood. [Some people successfully run away, even as they take the blood with them, others escape death but the blood with forver dog their footsteps, and many arent so lucky, and die]
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technicalthinker · 11 months
Ok so Loki s2 have been very fun and relaxed with the Lokius dynamic, not trying to downplay it or no-homo it but instead have embraced it and made it feel genuine, funny, heartwarming etc. Like whether canon or not, they haven't tried to aggressively deny any possibility.
So with all that said,
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knightelf · 16 days
i could turn jacob seed. i could make him forgo his brothers orders and see through him for what he was evennn if he was maybe right about montana getting nuked whateverrr like what everrrr okay
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lexyscross · 1 year
Kirsch family headcanons! 💕
Since Radio Silence wanna play tricky, let’s just say that their first names are all the same, and their family name is Kirsch. I’m also assuming their personalities were all genuine and not just acts they put on. (Except for Ethan; I think his Shy Awkward Bean personality was probably an act. I think was probably likely a little douce canoe. (*affectionate) But, mostly, the only mentions here of him being shy or meek are the childhood headcanons, so it stills works.)
Ethan killed their mom.
Okay? Let’s go!
Richie is eldest (obviously), 7 years older, to be exact. Quinn and Ethan are twins; Quinn is older by 6 minutes. (Ethan is soooooo Baby Brother coded!)
Richie’s, Quinn’s, and Ethan’s nicknames from their parents as babies/little kids were “Buddy,” “Pretty Girl,” and “Pookie Bear,” respectively. (And they still fit the vibes when they grew up. 🥺)
The twins learned how to ride bikes at 5 or 6 years old. Quinn, with all of her boldness and confidence, took to it easily, but Ethan (having seen Quinn fall a couple of times, but get right back up) was scared. Quinn teased him for it, telling him to stop being a baby. Richie encouraged him, telling him that he wouldn’t let him fall and holding on at first until Ethan felt safe enough for Richie to let go.
They are absolutely one of those families that wear matching Christmas pajamas.
Wayne often worked late (obviously, he’s a detective), and their mother had... some career that required her to work late every now and then, so Richie sometimes had to babysit Quinn and Ethan. Whenever this happened, they would have a Stab marathon (even though their parents told him not to show the kids those movies). Quinn liked them almost immediately; for Ethan, it took 2 or 3 marathons for him to warm up to them.
Richie and Ethan are both autistic, but only Richie was diagnosed because with him it was more “apparent,” with his hyperfixations and all. Everyone just thought Ethan was shy and sensitive. This contributed to Wayne’s spoiling of Richie’s Stab obsession; he wanted to be supportive of his son’s interest (even though his wife told him it was unhealthy to indulge such a morbid fascination), but he took it too far. 🥺
Quinn has ADHD. She wasn’t diagnosed until she was 17.
Being that he’s 7 years older than them, Quinn and Ethan sort of hero worshipped Richie.
Richie loved his baby siblings, and he’d stab a bitch for them, but he was also constantly annoyed by them and how much they wanted to be around him. And they were often trying to get into his YouTube videos, trying to jump in view of the camera (especially Quinn), which drove him nuts. (”MOM! DAD! MAKE THEM GET OUT OF MY ROOM!”)
The kids sometimes helped Richie with his fan-films. But Richie was very... fastidious when it came to his art, so he wouldn’t really let them do much; it was more like letting them hand him props and stuff like that. But once they got older, he allowed them to actually be in the movies... as victims, of course.
Ethan liked looking over Richie’s shoulder (to Richie’s annoyance) while he’d draw. It started out as a baby brother shadowing his big brother, but eventually he started liking the violence and the gore of it.
They’re all so protective of each other, but Richie and Quinn also low-key bully Ethan; he’s the shy one, and the baby of the family, so of course they do. (🖤)
Once, when Richie was 13 and Ethan was 6, Richie play-smacked Ethan on the head just a bit too hard; Ethan starts WAILING, full screaming sobs, and Richie panics, not wanting to get in trouble. He starts trying to shush Ethan and rubs his head, “Shh, shh, stop crying. You’re okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, stop crying!!” He lost his Stab privileges for a week.
Cute childhood pictures of little Richie holding his baby siblings. 🥺 Like if you feel like chewing on glass. 🙂
When they were 7, some kid pushed Ethan on the playground at school and was picking on him, so Quinn jumped on this kid and started decking him. A teacher pulled her off of him, called the parents, and Wayne had to come to the school. Quinn told him what happened, and said, “Daddy, you say we have to look out for each other.” He acted upset with her in front of the principal and fake lectured her, but once they got to the car, he told her, “That’s my girl!” No one fucks with their family.
When Quinn and Ethan were born, Quinn (being the elder twin) screamed until Ethan was finally out and their mother held them together. She has always been a protective sister!
All of them were upset when Richie told them he was moving to California (they’re from the Midwest, so that’s way across the country), but Quinn especially, who yelled at him and then stomped up to her room, slamming the door shut. Ethan just sat on the couch, pouting with his arms crossed, saying nothing. (Richie, of course, knew why he was going, but he couldn’t give them an answer other than that he wanted to, which is probably what hurt the most. It felt like he was just abandoning the family; that he had his own life now and was ready to move on from them.)
Once Richie moved to California, he FaceTimed/Skyped/whatever with them all of the time. Like, almost every day. They certainly texted daily. A lot of memes and stuff like that, especially between Quinn and Richie.
I don’t even- ...I don’t even know how to describe what it was like when they got the news that Richie was murdered and was involved in a killing spree in California. It was...  it was sad is all I know. I imagine they were all home together when they got the news. They were definitely breaking down, mixed with denial. Wayne fell to the floor and sobbed once it hit him; his first baby was gone. Quinn practically had a panic attack right then; in fact, she probably did. And Ethan simply shut down; he just stood there against the wall for about 10 minutes, wordless, showing no reaction, staring at nothing, likely in a state of shock.
Ethan had a bit of a Roman Roy moment at Richie’s funeral. If you know, you know.
Wayne was so deep in his grief that the kids (more so Quinn, the Eldest Daughter™/now Eldest Child™) had to start taking care of him, making sure that he ate and got some sleep.
Quinn and Ethan saw the pictures that Wayne saw of Richie. I have varying theories about this that I enjoy, but all I know is that they saw those pictures. Did Wayne show them the pictures to motivate them? I like to think he tried to keep them from seeing them, but the man was so far gone in his devastation that who’s to say?
Wayne was so sleep-deprived that, when Ethan came to visit him in his office (home office, not at work) before bed one night, standing in the doorway, Wayne accidently called him Richie before realizing and correcting his mistake. He apologized, and Ethan just said it was okay. He wanted to be upset, but he knew it was a simple sleep-deprived mistake; he also knew that it had to be hard for his father to look at him and not see his first son.
Mom/Wife didn't want to talk about Richie after the funeral. She wanted to pretend that he'd never existed. Furthermore, she became cold (or colder, since he sounds like he really hated her in the script) toward Ethan because look at him. How was she supposed to forget her eldest son when her youngest looks and acts so much like him?
When Wayne brought up the revenge idea, and Mrs. Kirsch refused, freaking out and all (as one would do), Ethan knew they had to get rid of her, and he was so angry that she would betray Richie like that. He stormed off to the kitchen, grabbed a large knife, came back to the living room, and just stabbed the shit outta her! All of his rage toward her and about the entire situation just poured out. Quinn and Wayne were in shock. I have no idea how they handled that afterward.
Wayne actually misses his wife, which is why he still wears his wedding ring.
On Richie’s first birthday after his death (which would also end up being the only one they’d be alive for), they “celebrated” with a small chocolate cake (his favorite) and blew out the candles together. 🥺 (Richie is a September baby, to me. A virgo.)
That’s all for now! This took me, like, 3 months to finish. 😩
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outlawssweetheart · 1 year
Some writers/producers/directors have such obvious personal beef with certain characters, and it’s both hilarious and infuriating. Hilarious because of how pathetic it is, but infuriating because of how shitty they treat and talk about the character.
#richie kirsch#RICHIE! OH MY GOD I swear Radio Silence knew some guy they based Richie on who they fucking HATED#because all they do is shit-talk him in interviews and in the damn 6th movie!!#Not to mention that those guys are such obvious Pick Me Guys; it's PATHETIC! 🙄#I swear they just hate any guys who aren't Chadley angelic; or they act like they do to impress women who are antis. Idk which. 🙄#Either way it's annoying and pathetic and while *hate* is a strong word... I strongly dislike them. 😒#ethan landry#Yeah I think they hate Ethan too. Idk why; I can just *feel* it. 😒#vince schneider#They left him out of pretty much all marketing even though other characters in 5 & 6 who got posters/on the main posters#got basically the same amount of screen time before getting murked?? 🤨 And he's STU'S FUCKING NEPHEW ffs!#jason blossom#jason carver#These 2 have been SO BLATANT; especially Jason C! 😤😤😤#(I mean on Riverdale and in the various comics. Especially AWA.)#pietro maximoff#I wanna say#wanda maximoff#as well but Idk if Marvel writers *hate* her or if they just like to torment her bc she makes a good victim.#mk skarlet#petyr baelish#PETYR WAS A BAD BITCH (in more ways than one) and they made him die like a PUSSY! Just to service to most BORING fans. 😒#aegon ii targaryen#OBVIOUS. 🙄#daemon targaryen#Idk if it's Ryan Condal too but Sara Hess has most OBVIOUS beef with Daemon and it's so fucking stupid. 🙄 Please fire her already. 😒#daenerys targaryen#Do I even need to explain this one? (D&D; not GRRM.)#rant#txt
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agentravensong · 11 months
i was literally about to turn my phone off and go to bed (the podcast i was listening to was like 2 minutes away from finishing) when i got the email notification. crazy timing. thank you toby fox.
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the-mehlwurm · 4 months
o appreciate everyone so so so sos oso sossososossosksosso much I want to hold your hands and jump through Fields with daisies and then we'll pick up pillbugs and then I'll read everyone little stories and then I'll give you little kisses on your foreheads and then I'll say goodnight and you'll sleep and have the best dreams and you'll be happy and idk I just feel do emotional right now
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griffincastle · 7 months
If you still do these asks, then 5 and 6 for the codz asks? 😊
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i watched season 7 of rupaul's drag race which was my first. and i just have to say. miss fame was my messy queen and i didn't know i needed her in my life.
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gingerwerk · 1 year
Okay did have a good time at the concert cus they played so many of my favs but also I gotta say, I know the average age at this concert was approximately 37 but that was a stale ass crowd. With how expensive tickets are nowadays, even for a small venue like that, y’all better act like you want to be there
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
u guys were right succession is the shit omg
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Reading my descriptions of 8, they sound a lot like how people describe 7… the stuff about being impulsive and seeking experience > deep thoughts and needing to get in touch with your inner curiosity. which makes me wonder if I’m a mistyped 7. But then I go back to the fundamentals of what 7 is — loss of Holy Plan, and all the 7s in my life who embody this as their core fixation by constantly living out 10000 half-baked plans — and I’m like… nah. I relate heaps to 7 as any 8 will (plus my fix is 6w7), but there are strong differences between me and 7 cores. Mainly… they are hyperactive and struggle to stop moving. I’m hypoactive and depressive, even though I have an active mind and I will be determined af when I make my mind up. The 7 cores go wide, and I go deep. They have 483838 games in their steam library and are constantly seeking to try new media. I obsess over the same six games and struggle to detach from my attachments to these same six games to try new games. The 7s are just faster and shallower than me. They resist 5, I disintegrate to 5 and I have a bunch of 5 stuff constantly occurring in my life, such as aforementioned minimalism and over attachment to the little I let myself have. With being so hypoactive I would sooner be a 9 core than a 7 core. But all 8s I’ve met even crazy jail going 8w7 murderer gang lord 8s have this slowness and heaviness to them which distinguishes them from 7s.
7 and 8 are supposed to be similar and difficult to distinguish. Even 7w6s and 8w9s. The same way that it’s impossible for someone who isn’t well versed in ennea and isnt one of these types themselves, to tell 4s / 5s and 1s / 2s apart, it should not be straightforward to tell 7s and 8s apart. 8 is not always obvious. 8 is not the obnoxious boss screaming in your face archetype. That’s Superego and Competency types (with the exception of 5). I stand by my conviction that 8 was ruined by all these obnoxious Te 1s and 3s and 5-fixed 8s who injected all their Te competency shit into 8. 8s can behave domineering and control our space (we often do without even realizing) but all this stuff about us knowing who we are and where we’re going in life is crock. 8s are almost equally as chaotic and lacking in foresight and true introspective ability as 7s are. including 8w9s. 8w9s have an illusion of stability and groundedness and normalness (7-8 liners truly have none), we often tap into the 9-ish ritualism behavior instead of constantly pushing forward with new endeavors and imposing ourselves onto the world like our double assertive siblings. We fall prey to addictions a lot. Anyways dig beneath the surface and you’ll quickly see the retarded impulsive behavior and lack of direction in life and all over the placeness in any 8w9. It’s almost always written off by dumbogram people and Te people who think they’re 8s as something else. Becuz they made 8 into a type that’s all about *marina voice* I know exactly what I want and who I wanna be… but this isn’t 8. It never was.
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