#7 inches of Rock N Roll
50thirdand3rd · 2 years
Primus - The Revenant Juke: A Collection Of Fables And Farce 6x 7inches of Rock N Roll With Benny Fuzz
Primus – The Revenant Juke: A Collection Of Fables And Farce 6x 7inches of Rock N Roll With Benny Fuzz
Hey, people, it’s 7-inch time with Benny Fuzz! What do you do when a Cool Daddy-O Rock n Roll band from American Rock N Roll History releases not only 1 but 6 7-inches in one box? You Get one! Primus, who have earned their spot on more than one of my trapper keepers in high school also had never released such a thing as a 7-inch until now all the singles were 12-inch, CDs, a couple of 10-inches…
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the numbered edition (out of 666 copies) of the "Over the Top" 7 inch single by MOTÖRDAMN, released under the UK's Devils Jukebox Records in 2007.
EXTRA INFO: THE DAMNED performing with Lemmy Kilmister of MOTÖRHEAD under the name "THE DOOMED," c. 1978-'79. They later released a single in '79 under the name "MOTÖRDAMN."
"I thought of us more as a punk band than a metal band, we had more in common with THE DAMNED than with JUDAS PRIEST or something like that."
-- LEMMY when asked about MOTÖRHEAD being the only metal band accepted by punks
Source: www.picuki.com/tag/Mot%C3%B6rdamn.
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iloveyoubuddy · 10 months
The Track of the Day is “Missing Person” from the great Aussie band Lothario
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caffeinewitchcraft · 6 days
Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairytales (pt 10)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3). (Part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9)
Summary: There are many sorts of meetings. Meetings you dread and meetings you anticipate. Baron Ramsey is overdue for both.
“I did not expect you to return so soon,” the Queen says. Her coal-like eyes flick over the Baron, cataloguing every inch of him. Did she see the dust clinging to his trousers, evidence of his haste to arrive? Did she see the tightness in his jaw at her welcome? Did she see the new bead of sweat rolling down his cheek? “Another week at the earliest.”
“I—” The Baron has to summon moisture to his mouth to speak. He swallows. “I was already within our borders when your message found me. Of course, I had no choice but to return.”
The Queen’s expression doesn’t change, but her aura does. She leans back in her throne and watches him through half-lidded eyes. “Why is it you think I called for you, Baron David Ramsey?”
To torment me, he thinks and doesn’t say. He wishes he would have listened to his wife all those years ago. She told him they must go unnoticed. He thought he had rid himself of his arrogance when he married her, but he was wrong. It had been arrogant of him to not heed her warning.
“There is a new type of dye in the southern islands,” he says. He spreads his hands wide. “If I had known your majesty had already heard of it, I would not have delayed in finding a sample. I hope you will understand. I was returning home after so many years abroad.”
The Queen never admits to not knowing. Her expression flickers. “Yes, the new dye…I am interested in it.”
A wave of relief rocks through him. This is familiar territory. Every request for a new product she gives him is another handful of months he can keep her attention away from his home and the secrets he has kept hidden there for 19 years. “It would be my privilege to acquire some products using this new dye for you, your majesty. I have made a promise to the Baroness to return home this month however, so there will be a delay—”
“Returning home to an empty house?”
The Baron blinks. “Pardon?” Then her words register and a surge of sick fear makes him sway on the spot. What has she done? He swallows twice before he can speak. “N-no, to my daughter – my daughters. To the Baroness.”
The Queen studies him. The Baron desperately tries to hold himself still. The Queen always speaks vaguely. He is hearing a threat where none exists. The Queen’s domain may extend past his manor, but her magic doesn’t. She doesn’t know, she can’t know. She is testing him. Should he have denied knowing that the higher nobility of this land were, in fact, the Unseelie Court?
Sweat rolls down his temple and he feels the Queen’s eyes track its progress.
“Then rejoice,” the Queen says at last. Her nails trace the arm of her throne. “Your journey is at an end. Your family is in the Capital.”
“Wha—” What?! The Baron bites his tongue so hard blood wells. The pain does little to clear the panic from his mind. “I—I was not aware.”
“I can see that,” the Queen says. The sharp edge in her gaze softens. Calculation crosses her face briefly and settles into an unsettling amusement. She smiles. “Yes, that makes sense. You wouldn’t have been home to receive the invitation. There is a ball, Baron David Ramsey. All eligible ladies of the kingdom are in the Capital for it, of course. Your…daughters included.”
A ball? It’s been three decades since the Queen last a held a ball, perhaps longer. Why now? His wife told him that the Unseelie Court was confined to the very core of their territory after the last great war. She predicted that their power would not be enough to free them for another hundred years. So why a ball? Why invite the human nobles across the land to come into the heart of the territory before they were recovered? Why—
The Prince. These are politics the Baron knows. The Prince has come of age this year. This isn’t an ordinary ball. The Royal Line must continue regardless of the powers they may or may not have recovered. A Prince needs a Princess.
The Unseelie Court is hunting for new blood.
“Then I suppose,” the Baron says faintly, “that I am not going home quite yet after all.” The unease the Queen voicing his name evokes fades next to the sick fear roiling in the Baron’s stomach. “By your leave, of course.”
“Nothing would make me happier than having your attendance at the ball tonight,” the Queen purrs. She extends a hand and an invitation appears in the air between them. She crooks her finger and it drifts into the Baron’s chest. “I guarantee that this will be a  surprise reunion that no one will want to miss.”
The Baron’s clammy hand presses the invitation over his heart. Is it his imagination or can he feel oily tendrils seep from it and into his heart? Is the air colder? Without thinking, the Baron says, “Thank you for your consideration, your majesty.”
A wave of weakness washes over him as soon as his thanks leaves his lips. He staggers and his vision wavers. The Queen’s nostrils flare as she breathes in deeply, eyes fluttering shut. Does the King laugh behind his hand? Or does he cough?
His wife’s voice echoes in his mind. Never thank the fae. Never apologize. And especially never give thanks nor apology to the Unseelie.
“Don’t thank me yet, Baron,” the Queen says. When she opens her eyes they gleam with an unearthly purple. Black stains her mouth when she smiles. “Tonight. Thank me tonight.”
The order slips around his neck like a noose. The invitation throbs like a second heart. “Yes, my Queen,” the Baron whispers.
Cinderella watches the colors of the sunset catch in the crystals embroidered on her dress, red and pink and gold against the eggshell blue of the silk. Helga’s hands are gentle as she weaves Cinderella’s hair into an intricate knot.
“There,” Helga says. There’s a faint press of lips on top of Cinderella’s head, the move so effortlessly affectionate that Cinderella’s heart sings. Helga gently lifts Cinderella’s chin. “Take a look. We can change anything you don’t like.”
This afternoon with Helga has been magical. Cinderella doesn’t remember the last time she felt so at ease with another person besides the Prince. They talked and laughed and commiserated over her friend’s lack of communication, about nature, about what type of jam goes best on what type of bread, about everything and anything. Good food and good company has healed something deep inside of Cinderella, another crack sealing tight and holding. She can’t imagine not liking something that Helga has done for her.
She is still surprised when she sees herself in the mirror.
Last night’s gold jewelry highlighted Cinderella’s hair and the deep green of the dress. She remembers feeling beautiful and elegant and so, so confident.
Tonight is—well, it’s everything Cinderella feels.
It’s as if Helga listened to Cinderella’s recounting of the previous night and manifested every hope and every joyful memory  into what Cinderella sees before her. She feels like she’s glowing. Rather than focus on her hair this dress throws her light eyes into brilliant focus. She blinks quickly. She didn’t realize she had her mother’s eyes until this moment.
Her jewelry is still dainty, but it all shines as brightly as the crystals dotted like flowers through the skirts of her dress. A single teardrop pendant hangs from a silver chain around her neck and diamond earrings reflect firelight as the castle lights the sconces around her room. Silver thread holds Cinderella’s hairstyle in place.
“I’m the sky,” Cinderella says breathlessly.
“And more,” Helga promises. There’s a knock on the door. Helga meets Cinderella’s eyes through the mirror and she smiles. “Your carriage has arrived, my lady.”
Cinderella’s heart leaps as she rises. The Prince is here. Her friend. Suddenly she feels…not insecure, not quite. There is a fluttering in her stomach as Helga goes to the door, a breathless anticipation that makes her feel weightless. She finds herself following Helga to the door, stopping a few feet behind her when the older woman opens it.
Oh, Cinderella thinks as, unerringly, the Prince’s eyes meet hers. The Prince is draped in a deep, night-sky blue, the same crystals on Cinderella’s dress sewn in clusters on his jacket. His black hair is swept away from his face and a thin, silver wire twines around one ear like a vine.
“You’re early,” Helga chastises the Prince.
The Prince jolts as if he didn’t notice Helga at all. “I thought it best if we had dinner before—”
“We match,” Cinderella says.
Helga jumps, spinning on one foot with her hand presses over her heart. “Oh! I didn’t hear you come up behind me...”
“Why,” the Prince says and pretends shock as he looks down at his outfit. “I think we do.”
Cinderella fights against a smile. “You knew I would choose the blue dress.”
“I had an inkling.”
Cinderella slides around Helga, barely noticing as the older woman wordlessly gives way. She takes the Prince’s arm when he offers it. “You said dinner?”
“That I did.”
Cinderella is full on bread and jam and juice. “I’d like that.”
“You could have sent a note,” Helga mutters. But she drapes a buttery-soft shawl around Cinderella’s shoulders to protect her against the evening chill and does not protest when the Prince leads her from Emerald Castle and into the gardens rather than to the carriage.
The gardens are a different world at night, especially seen from the ground rather than the window of her guest room. Small, wrought iron torches mark their path past the flower beds and towards the hedge maze.
“If you get us lost and we wind up being late again, I’m not walking in with you,” Cinderella says as they enter. The hedges smell slightly floral and she breathes the fresh scent in hungrily. Jasmine, maybe? “I saw the look the Queen gave you last night.”
“My mother doesn’t give looks to me,” the Prince denies. He grins at her. “And we won’t be late. Or, if we are, neither of my parents will be upset.”
Something in his voice gives Cinderella pause. “Because they love you so very much?”
“Because if we’re late, they’ll be late too,” the Prince says and directs her around one last corner into the center of the maze where the Queen and King are waiting at a table set for four.
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get-purged · 2 months
vessel's pre-venue jitters [nsfw - gn!reader]
-had to pause writing my lewis fic cause i listen to sleep token while i write and had a wicked idea pop into my head. now i can't stop thinking about vessel having mad anxiety before a show and the reader, who's also in the band, helping him calm down-
(i did not plan this out, i wrote it all on the spot, i just needed to get this out of my brain - i'm still prioritising my lewis fic)
word count: 886
cw: nsfw, swearing, sub!vessel, dom!reader, oral sex (m!recieving), reader's anatomy is not mentioned, no use of y/n, first fic posted! - author doesn't know what else to put here????
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god i want him to mount me like thatfjsgtrwdsgvfyuiuh
you were a part of the band and served as a second guitarist next to iv, and you were always quite close to vessel - in ways that the others would always tease you about. although, you kept assuring them that there was nothing between you both, even when you used little petnames with each other.
you were searching for vessel right before a show to seek validation for a quirky idea you had about a little something you could do on stage. you never made rash decisions on the spot for fear you'd mess up the performance, very unlike the others.
you find vessel, still in one of the dressing rooms behind stage rather than getting ready to go out and perform.
you then notice that he's facing away from and has got his head against the wall, muttering small things to himself, and shaking slightly.
you approach to ask him what's wrong, to which he jumps a little, clearly not expecting you of all people to find him here.
"just... gimme a minute... get out there, i'll follow later..."
you're not having it. you make him sit down and notice the light sheen of sweat on his neck, which is already testing the integrity of the black body paint coating his skin. and he hasn't even done all his little dancey dances yet!
you ask him again what's up with him, kneeling down in front of him to appear less intimidating. he simply sighs. his shaky hands reach for yours, searching for that anchor to ground himself.
"just a bit nervous, love..." he mumbled as his hands interlocked with yours. "dunno why..."
you do your best to comfort him but none of your words seem to work, he always has a negative thought step in and frustratingly deflect your consolation with it's iron shield of self-deprecation.
as the time ticks quickly and you've now likely just less than 10 minutes before you have to go out on stage, and you definitely can't let him go out there like this. you need to release his tension somehow.
it's in this moment when you abandon your value of not making rash, on-the-spot decisions.
you slip your hands out from his, roll your mask up just above your nose, and begin make quick work of his belt, which ultimately made him panic a bit more.
"shit- w-what are you doing?!" he tried to stop you, but you simply swatted his hands away and began to shimmy his pants down his thighs.
you shushed him, telling him to just lay back and focus on the sensations. you assured him that you'd ease his nerves.
was it his fault that he trusted you?
he definitely goes commando under the costume, fucking fight me, i will die on this hill. he's also like 7-8 inches, yet you still believe you can take him all when you watch the length of it roll out like a red carpet.
you feasted on both his fat cock and the little moans you illicit out of him with stripe you lick up his long shaft, enticed as you witness him go from soft to rock hard after mere moments of you touching him.
your hand rested on his thigh while your other was tenderly fondling his balls as you suckled on his swollen, leaky tip. it was a struggle for him to keep quiet, who knows who could be lurking outside the unlocked door of the dressing room.
he could probably pass it off as him practicing his vocals should anyone have heard him.
his hand came up to nest on top of your head, gripping at the fabric of your mask as you slowly begin to take an inch of him into your mouth.
he struggles not to buck up and fuck the ever-living shit out of your throat.
you make quick work of him, taking as much of him in as you can, wasting no time in sucking him off. he softly whimpers out your name.
he finishes quickly with a loud stifled moan, you made it hard for him not to when you're bobbing up and down on his length like that, your tongue flattened, and your cheeks hollowed to optimise his pleasure.
he shoots his fat load deep down your throat, you swallow it all gratefully. your mouth pops off his cock, which is beginning to soften as he pants. he's certainly a lot calmer now.
however, he doesn't know if he could look at you the same while performing without getting hard again.
you may have eased his nerves but what have you done to his mind?
he tucks himself back into his pants, you pull your mask back down over the bottom half of your face, and you both leave the dressing room without uttering any words to each other.
vessel has a bit of a haze clouding his head while you regroup with the rest of the band, who are definitely smirking at you both for being gone until last second.
"you two snogging back there, or what?" iii teased you, making ii and iv giggle.
vessel was a little embarrassed, but he ignored it, finding comfort in the fact that they didn't exactly what it was that you two were doing.
you simply told them to get fucked as you all began to flood onto stage.
hey, hoped you enjoyed this! i haven't read it over, i wrote it all on the spot and am now posting it. please let me know if you have any icks or recommendations on how to make this better!
thank you for reading!
-leo :3
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tainted-liquor · 9 months
'Watch Your Fucking Mouth! ...₊˚⊹♡ Ft. 42Miles
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...˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
e42!Miles Morales x Autistic!BlackFem!Reader
ingredients: Sugar, Lemon zest, n a lil bit of smiles!
TWs: 'ual harrasment, Miles choosing violence, cussing, bullying
A/N: this is designed for blackfem readers on the mild to moderate end of the autism spectrum. NOT every autistic person is the same, but this is specifically modeled based on MY experience with autism, because this is how I see the world. Enjoy
Reader has a kirby/retro games special interest btw
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For the past 7 months, you've been dating your beloved boyfriend, Miles Morales! Of course, this was way easier said than done. Miles had a permanent stone face, a smooth and focused voice, and struggled to describe or depict his emotions. Regardless of that small barrier, he made every effort in the world to make sure you understood where he was coming from. By now he had a pretty good understanding of what to do and what not to do, even going so far as developing somewhat of a routine with you.
You were walking hand in hand with Miles, listening to him recall his day before you briefly paused to look at a cute little shop housing tons of adorable plushies, but most importantly Kirby plushies. Miles stopped, watching as you stared down the cute little sleeping Kirby in the window. Miles chuckled to himself, finding the whole ordeal adorable as you ripped your eyes away from the display window. "You want that plush, huh?" He asked, leading you back in the direction of the tiny store as you nodded eagerly. "Aight, c'mon. Go get it" he nodded as his heart throbbed in his chest while he watched your face light up.
You left the store with 2 new action figures that you fought to pay for and several Kirby plushies. "Happy?" he asked, smiling subtly as his hand found purchase right in yours. "Mhm! I fucking love Kirby man he's just so...cool!" you beamed, rocking your arms side to side with joy. "Aight, c'mon. I gotta get you home before your mom blow my top off" he chuckled, rolling his eyes with faux annoyance as he led you home. "'Kay. Can you walk me to school tomorrow, please?" you asked, gazing into the paper bag holding your merchandise.
"Of course, mama. You want me to bring you a croissant from that bakery?" He asked, watching your side profile with a soft smile gracing his features. "Yes please!" You beamed while rounding the corner to your house. "I think when I get home I'm gonna play with my kitchen set or something...that shit was fun" You giggled as Miles pretended to help you up the stairs like a bodyguard, pressing his imaginary earpiece and muttering an 'all clear'. You waved goodbye, peppering every inch of his face with kisses and tiny bites.
The next day rolled around within the blink of an eye, prompting you to do your daily routine of a hot shower and self-care. You quickly touched up your Fulani braids, slicking down your edges and adding pink star clips to tie the look together before throwing on your uniform, mentally cringing at how the waistband felt against your stomach. You charged down the stairs with your backpack, waiting on the couch for a couple of minutes before getting a text from Miles informing you that he was outside. You flung the front door open, immediately smiling as you caught sight of your boyfriend. "Hey Miles!"
"Hey. I gotchu your croissant, c'mon" he smiled as he gestured behind him with his head. You locked your front door, walking alongside him as he handed you your food and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You walked the entire way to school, giggling like children as you showed him some dumb 'school tea pages' on your phone. "Niggas be irritatin'...HELP LOOK AT THIS ONE!" you guffawed, tears clouding your eyes as you showed Miles a 'lala bop' video. His eyes widened, jaw hanging open as he read the caption before bursting out in laughter.
"Nah that's TRAGIC...how you 15 with 17 bodies? That's fucking CRAZY!" He gasped, shaking his head in disbelief as you made your way into school. "Aight, Imma see you during 3rd, okay?" He reassured, giving you a kiss on the cheek before walking in the direction of his advisory. You waved bye in between bites of your croissant as you skipped over to your advisory, ready for another boring and dull day of school. You hated the constant cycle of sad blue and white days, praying that something would spice up the day. Well, you got your wish! It just wasn't what you were expecting...at all.
Miles walked through the halls, scrolling through your Instagram on his phone before deciding to make a slight detour to the bathroom. He huffed in annoyance as he saw a small line leading out of the boy's bathroom, opting to lean on a neighboring locker while he continued to mind the business that paid him. "YEO! Miles!" Someone shouted, prompting him to snap his head towards the noise. He locked eyes with his friend Terrence, smirking slightly as he dapped him up. "What's good witchu? You trynna skip 1st period?" Miles asked as he tucked his phone in his back pocket.
"Yessir. Who the fuck bouta be up at 8 AM doing math? They must be fuckin' stupid or some shit, like. Fuck is you talkin' bout" Terrence complained, rolling his eyes with an obvious grimace. "Nah, I feel you. I just do the homework they posted cuz fuck I needa go to the class for if you post the lessons?" Miles grunted, dawning the same grimace as his homie. "Bullshit, that's what it is. But YO! I heard from niggas that you dating what's her name now?" Terrence poked, smirking slightly. "Y/N," Miles corrected "And yes, that's my girl. Why?" He asked, furrowing his brows slightly and turning his head to the side. "Okay, I see you my boy. Her shit mad yurky too I understand" Terrence joked, elbowing Miles slightly with a...disgustingly lustful expression.
"Pardon?" Miles asked, leaning his head towards the shorter boy in an attempt to make sense of his previous sentence. "I'm sayin', she got a body on her. Can't be there for the personality, that bitch a fuckin' geek, just tell her you trynna hit!" Terrence giggled. "Yo, Terrence. Watch your fucking mouth" Miles spat, feeling anger and rage bubble throughout his veins. "My bad gang, I assumed you was in it to hit it! C'mon man, don't tell me you like-"
There was a universal wave of "OHHHH!" and gasps. Splotches of blood littered the floor as the metal locker dented slightly. "Say it again. So I can fuck you up, c'mon" Miles grunted, delivering a disgustingly heavy kick to Terrance's head. "No te quedes callado ahora, vamos" He giggled, leaning back against the locker like nothing ever happened. The news took absolutely zero time to get to you, considering you were two rooms down from the actual fight. "Fuck" you whispered, mentally preparing yourself to have to yell at your boyfriend for two hours.
"MILES FUCKING GONZALO MORALES! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! WHY WERE YOU EVEN FIGHTING THE NIGGA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" You screamed as soon as Miles showed up at your bedroom window after school. "Baby I'm not gonna subject you to the shit he was saying, but just know it was for you" He cooed, subtly ignoring the fact that you were practically berating him in real time as he mushed his cheek against yours. "DO YOU EVEN HEAR ME RIGHT NOW?" You yelled, ripping his face away from yours as you held his jaw in both hands. "Yes, 'm sorry. I swear I am, but I do not like when niggas talk about my girl" he grunted as he rolled his eyes. You sighed, rubbing your temples as you called upon your ancestors to give you the strength to deal with this boy.
"Look, I can handle myself. Don't do that shit again, aight?"
"Yes my love."
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@ashsostrange @chessbox @faeriesoiree333 @janaeby @an1bara @fivestardior
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elliesdirtywifebeater · 11 months
Tryna Smoke
paring: soft dom!ellie x sub!reader
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cw: smoking, strap riding, slight teasing, praising
summary: after not seeing each other for a few weeks you and ellie hang out and smoke together but theres alot of pent up tension the two of you have been holding out on
you were on your way to your girlfriend ellies house, both of you were super excited because its felt forever since the two of you could actually be alone together.
as youre walking down the street you shot ellie a text letting her know you were almost there, she replied telling you to hurry up or else she'll die. shes always such a dramatic but you found it cute.
before you could reach the door to knock it flew open and you were met with an ecstatic ellie. you both threw your arms in the air before holding each other tight in a much needed hug "omg babe i miss you so much" she said as she stood up straight.
you returned her cheesy smile "i know im so amazing" you said jokingly rolling your eyes.
"oh whatever" she said with a small laugh "cmon in and meet me upstairs alright?" she moved to the side giving you room to come in and you do.
you turn around to look at ellie, "dont take too long, yk a girl is impatient" you said and gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs to her room"
after a few moments of you getting comfortable in her bed ellie walked in with a princess lunchbox that she uses to hold her weed, wraps, lighters and shit like that. you always thought it was the funniest thing ever.
"you tryna smoke?" she asked as she held the box up before sitting down next to you "uh hell yeah i am" you say shifting your body to face her. she opens the box up and sat everything down on her rolling tin and started rolling a few joints.
you watched her hands and the way she gripped the grinder, how she licked the paper and how her fingers worked while she rolled them. she noticed you absolutely gawking at her as she was rolling, "youre staring baby" she whispered to you and you jumped out of your daze. "nuh uh no i wasnt" you said looking away "id wanna look at me too dont worry" she said being a total smartass for earlier.
"asshole" you said trying to cover it with a cough.
she lit two up as soon as she finished the last joint and handed you the other, she was never one to share to be honest. "you're so stingy williams" you said jokingly as she put everything away.
while the two of you were talking about nonsense you didn't even realize how close you two were physically. finishing off the joint she sparked ellie looked at you for a second not saying anything, which is normal because ellie tends to be the quiet type when high.
you noticed her face inching in on yours and without saying anything she kissed you, resting her hand on your face pulling you in. you place your hands on her thighs softly gripping them as she deepened the kiss.
she pulls out of the kiss and quickly pulls her shirt off and you follow behind doing the same going back into the kiss afterwards.
"stay here and take these off" ellie mumbled against your lips before walking over to her dresser. she pulled out her black strap, youve heard her mention having one but she never showed it to you. you looked at it for a bit and assumed it was like 6ish inches maybe 7.
"hey why dont you light another one for us babe" she said while she took her jeans off and put the strap on.
you listened and lit another one, taking a few hits she comes over to the edge of the bed and crawled up next to you sitting back slightly. she pulled you over to her and you sat on her thigh, you leaned over to her and shot gunned the blunt you lit.
"fuck that was hot" ellie said as ran her hands up and down your body. "youre hot" you said taking another hit before kissing her.
youd never be this confident in doing any of this sober, ellie knows how shy you can be but she also knows the things you can really do and handle.
you started rocking your hips back n forth grinding on her thigh. "fuck baby youre already so wet for me" she huffed out.
ellie wanted you more by the second just from the sight of you. you riding her leg, face flushed red, moaning out quiet profanities.
she grabbed your leg bringing it over so you were in a straddling position. hovering over her strap she looked up at you with wanting eyes, "c'mon and take my cock like i know you can baby"
the rasp in her voice sent a swarm of butterflies to fit your stomach up. you started lowering yourself down on her and gripping her shoulders for support "take your time pretty" she whispered to you taking the blunt from you hitting it a few times before putting it out.
you moaned out ellies name as you fully sunk down on her, "fuck its so big" you stuttered out.
you were slowly rocking your hips against her getting used to the feeling, once comfortable you started bouncing down, "oh my god fuck" ellie moaned "e-everything okay?" you said between moans. she nodded in response "i just.. fuck-" she was cut off by her moans, her grip intensified on you "i didnt expect it to grind against my clit like that, shit." she grunted out.
"fuck you look so good riding me" she grabbed your neck and pulled you into a kiss, reaching her free hand down she started rubbing your throbbing clit with her thumb. both of your moans fill up the room
you throw your head back at the sudden contact, youre sensitive and ellie loves to take advantage of that. she loves seeing you fall apart at her disposal.
she brought your face back to meet hers "i wanna see you while im fucking you." the sudden assertiveness in her voice made you go faster, babbling nonsense as ellie began thrusting her hips upwards trying to match your rhythm.
"e-ellie m'gonna.. fuck" you stuttered out. her hands found their way back to your hips as her thrusts got faster. "hold it in." she demanded "w-what?" you question her "you heard me baby" she grunted out as she flippped the two of you over, not moving from inside of you.
she straightened herself and continued thrusting. placing her hand on your lower stomach, she applied pressure causing you to whimper her name.
"youre taking me so good baby" she grunted.
she threw your leg over her shoulder going deeper, hitting all the right places. her hands ran up and down your legs before stopping at your core, her thumb teased your clit making your body jolt at the random contact.
her thrusts became more sloppy and both of your moans grew louder as she got closer "my god.. cmon pretty cum for me.." she could barely speak. seeing her break sent you over the edge.
your nails dug into ellies thighs, and your back arched as you came all over ellies length, she started mumbling curse words under breath as she finished right after you.
ellie pulled out of you and huffled trying to catch her breath. she looked down at the mess she made of you, with a soft grin she leaned down. "you have no idea how bad ive been wanting to do that to you baby." she whispered by your ear before kissing right below it.
you let out a soft moan mixed in with panting. finally being able to speak you smiled and gave her a quick kiss on her lips "we should have done this sooner" you said earning a soft laugh from ellie "i agree"
"cmon lets go clean up in the shower" ellie stood up removing the strap. you nodded and got up stumbling your way to the bathroom making ellie laugh at your struggle.
you were soon met with ellie in the bathroom and she holds you from behind and leans her head down by your ear "we can have a round two if you want baby" she said grazing her fingers along your body sending chills up your spine.
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Familiar Faces
Tech x Reader
Summary- Techs death was not a reality you were ready for, you relied so much on his love. After months of grief, you find he might not actually be dead.
A/N- SPOILERS FOR TBB SEASON 3 EP 7. I know nothing is confirmed about Tech, but watching this newest episode has got my brain working overtime with fic ideas!
Word Count- 2,708
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The cart creaked across the rail line, sending shivers down your spine. There wasn't much keeping all of you up. Inches from falling thousands of feet to your death. The clouds didn't help either, you couldn't see anything.
You fired away, missing most of the time. Everything was happening so fast. A mission gone wrong. Your thoughts were stopped by Hunter's yelling.
"Three ships inbound!" He informs, even when you saw nothing in the sky- you trusted him. He knew better than any of you.
Shortly you heard them coming, the roar of the engines were loud. Soon followed by it's blaster's shaking the cart.
"Tech we need power!" Hunter commands. You work on pure adrenaline and fire at the ships closing in.
One of them is shot down, but not before it knocks out one of the support hooks. You feel the ground shift down, leaning.
Like a breath of fresh air, you hear Tech's voice. Him yelling back "Echo, Now!" was enough to calm you.
"We're online!" Echo retorts. You can't help your grin rising. Finally, things were looking up.
Though, you didn't need Hunter to tell you three more ships were headed your way.
"Tech, hurry." You called out.
You and Omega blasted at one of the new ships, effectively destroying its wing. It crashed down in a black smoke.
From this black smoke a fourth ship came. It was too quick- it shot at Tech, who was still running towards you. He gave a yelp as he fell off the support beam.
Your eyes widened as you gasped, body craning to try and see him. He had a hard landing, but was standing to his feet on the falling compartment of the cart.
It rumbled and shook, about to crash down.
You ran to the back of the cart, trying to get closer. "Tech!" You watched in horror as he tripped back with the rest of the detached pieces.
His grappling hook barely caught onto a stray metal piece. His body bounced back at the tension. "Don't move! I'll pull you up." You tried to reach his line, but it seemed impossible without everyone toppling over into the abyss.
"I-I can't reach!" You called over comms.
"I will climb up, do not risk falling over." You nodded at this, forgetting he couldn't see you. He was more worried for you than himself.
"Come on Tech, hurry!" Wrecker booms, coming over to see what the status was.
You could feel Tech roll his eyes, "I am climbing as fast as I can!"
His grunts break your heart, he panted as he tried to pull himself up. Storm troopers still fired all around you. One of the blast forcing Tech to fall even further.
"Tech!" This time it came from Omega. Your heart was beating too fast to think and speak. You were so worried.
"Why aren't we moving?" Hunter asks Echo. "The cart is being ripped from the back."
The very cart Tech was holding on to for dear life.
You frantically looked to Hunter. "Wrecker, get him on board!" He instructs.
"No, you're too big." You push past Wrecker to take a step on the falling cart.
It creaked loudly, almost giving out. "NO! Don't!" Tech yells up at you. Your eyes connect through the ripped metal. "Any shift in weight could send both of these carts over."
Incoming ships shoot at Techs line, he dropped down again.
"You must sever the connection hinge. Now!" Tech says.
Your face falls. "Are you crazy! No, you'll go over!" Tears welled up in your eyes. There had to be another way.
Another creak and shift. You were almost thrown over by the rocking.
Tech gave out a heavy sigh. This time he spoke gentle, saying your name. "There is no time..."
"Tech, please no!" You begged. He pulled out his blaster, not looking away from you. He was going to sever the connection himself.
"No!" You screamed, desperate. Your tears were falling faster than ever.
"Plan 99... I love you" He started. With a deep breath you yelled, "Don't you dare!"
"You can't! Please!" You sobbed, still trying to get closer. You heard Wrecker straining behind you, he was trying to hold the falling cart up.
"When have we ever followed orders?"
A shot rang out, he fell.
A piercing scream erupted. You almost didn't recognize that it was your own.
Your instincts kicked in and you tried to leap down, like you could still save him somehow. Wrecker was too fast and caught you, his arm throwing you back into the safe cart.
"No, NO let me go!" You tried to fight off Wrecker, but he was far too strong. He pinned you down easily.
You were hysterical, arms wailing at anyone who kept you from jumping after him. Later, when you were thinking straight- you'd thank them.
"He's gone, he's gone!" You sobbed out, devastated. Your screams filled the air, shocking a few storm troopers close by.
Echo wired the cart to start moving and get everybody to safety.
That was months ago. Just the thought could bring you to tears. You had lost everything you felt the reason to live for. He was your everything. His incompetence for social queues, his punctual speech, his stupidly intelligent brain. All of it was yours, and now it was all gone.
A deep depression fell over you, the only thing driving you was Hunter and Wrecker. They inspired you how hard they fought for Omega. It warmed your heart in your worst times.
It hurt immensely when you heard his name, but it got easier to get out of bed. It got easier to smile again.
Eventually, you reconnected with Omega and started defending Crosshair. Something that was typically Tech's job... You knew you had to take on more responsibilities and make up for the time you were down.
You constantly wondered if Tech would be proud of you.
You and the rest of The Batch found yourselves helping Rex, then... escaping with Rex. An enemy assassin leading the Empire to us.
The nine of you hurried down a secret passage way, to a leach vessel.
The soft clicks of the steps soothed you in some wicked way, even when everyone was running for their lives.
"Stop!" Crosshair yelled out. You turned to look at him, he took a few steps back to look out a carved hole in the stone. "They are coming..."
Just then, a shot rang out. Another assassin hung from the inner walls.
Crosshair ducked behind the wall, "Go, I'll handle it."
The rest of the squad moved down, but you stayed. "I'll help."
That was until you peaked around the hole, getting a glimpse of the man. A rush a deja vu consumed you. Your breath quickened. Why was this man so familiar?
You pushed it down, you had already let your feelings get the best of you too many times. It can't happen again. You fired at him, Crosshair backing you up.
Crosshair put an explosive at the end of his shotgun, catching the man off guard. It threw him off the wall. The two of you headed to the ship.
A blast to the ship sent all of you crashing down. You briefly heard Rex sending Echo a message about an extraction.
Commotion ensued, but it all ended with you falling and getting a bad headache. Your helmet did not do much to cushion the hit.
The rest of the team was briefly recovering from the crash as well, but you had to get a move on.
"We've got attack shuttles inbound." Hunter noted.
"This way." Rex lead.
You traveled on foot in the woods, trying to lose the storm troopers. Fighting them off was light work. One however, stood out from the rest.
Crosshair proved your suspicions when he frantically turned around, gun raised.
"What is it?" Hunter questioned. He got his answer when the assassin shot at us.
With our numbers down and the assassin having the upper hand, Crosshair suggested "I'll draw his fire out. Get to the rendezvous."
You heard Omegas small voice through comms, "I don't like that idea..."
"Too bad." He responds, already crouched behind a rock to fire.
Looking at Omegas worried gaze, "Go, I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed."
Omega nods at you, then joins Hunter's side. Crosshair just grunts in acknowledgement.
In truth, Crosshair didn't need you. Though, you both knew that Omega needed the peace of you fighting with him. Two verses one had much better odds.
You heard Rex commanding the rest of the squad to move out. You and Crosshair pursued the assassin.
He gave out hand signals, letting you know he was above you. You nodded, sneaking around.
The assassin saw you easily, perfect. He was distracted just enough for Crosshair to get a hit on him, knocking his balance off.
Your face dropped when the assassin recovered in record time, it was like he hadn't even been hit. He now caught you by surprise when he shot at your hand, you lost your weapon. Damn. All you had left was a blade, which you now grasped.
To your dismay, Crosshair had already taunted the assassin away from you. No doubt on purpose.
It took you a minute to find them, Crosshair had followed him to a waterfall. One with rapids at the bottom. The booming of the current was distracting.
You crouched down, keeping a low profile. Crosshair and the assassin fought vigorously. When you saw an opportunity, you jumped.
You tried to get your blade around his neck or at least cut his suit. The assassin was stunned for a second, giving Crosshair time to recover.
The man disarmed you, overpowering you in strength. You fell back with a thud, your helmet flying off. You scrambled to stand, but was forced to stay down because of a stray blast. It just missed your head.
The assassin seemed to know every single move Crosshair made. Like, he had studied Crosshair's fighting technique multiple ways, There was only one man who you knew did that, and he was dead.
The stranger knocked Crosshair to his knees, a gun to his head.
The man now looked to you, ready to dispose of you as well.
You sat up, but did nothing to fight back- fear of him shooting Crosshair.
He however, stopped in his tracks. You just stared, confused. He looked to you, maybe in disbelief?
He, not moving his gaze, stunned Crosshair. You were in shock that he didn't kill him... The thud of Crosshairs body made you jump.
You slowly rose to your feet, you somehow didn't feel threatened by the man anymore.
Now that you stepped closer to him, he stepped back. He seemed to be fighting with himself... Throwing his blaster as far as he could away.
His hands moved to grip the sides of his head, in pain. He stumbled back, head barred down. With a loud 'thud' he fell on his rear.
He scratched at his helmet, trying to take it off. Something inside of him wouldn't let him. He was in turmoil with himself.
Did you feel pity for the man? You slightly shook your head, baffled at what you saw. He was so vulnerable now, you should have killed him for what he did to Crosshair. At least Stun him.
You couldn't find it in yourself. He looked so confused with himself, so conflicted. Your heart wrenched, but why?
Your own actions shocked you, stepping closer to him. You lowered yourself to your knees, inches away. You were skeptical but determined.
He stopped his frantic movements when your hands moved to his head. He let you do as you pleased, frozen in place.
You kept your eyes on him as you gently lifted his helmet. You only got it up enough to see the mans eyes, a deep brown. That and his face structure was enough to tell you who it was.
The face you spent hours drooling over, embarrassing stares caught at, nights laying with. The very face you saw fall thousands of feet down to a cloudy abyss.
You gasped loudly, scrambling back. No, NO. It wasn't him. It couldn't be him...
Your reaction seemed to have broken him out of his haze. His helmet fell back down, covering his face. He, almost instinctively, moved to you. You were too shocked to fight back. He swiftly grabbed your wrist, pulling you up.
The grip was tight, you winced. The man realized his mistake immediately and loosened the grip. if he wanted to kill you, why was he worried about your wrist?
When you were sitting back up, the man reclined on his knees. He slowly moved his hands up to the helmet again, this time with more control.
He raised it completely off. It was him.
Both hands moved to cover your gaping mouth. How? HOW?
"T-Tech?" You called out, voice cracking.
He squinted his eyes and had one hand holding the side of his head in pain.
"You must take Crosshair and run, now." He ended by saying you name desperately.
"W-what? No, I am not leaving you. Tech, what happened? How are you alive!" You leaned to him, wanting nothing more than to hold and kiss him.
He moved back, your touch like fire.
"You have to go. I do not know how much longer I can hold off the chip. I do not want to hurt you." He looked at the ground, ashamed.
"You won't. I know you won't..." You moved closer again, resting a hand over his. You slowly moved it off of his head, holding it. He breathed hard.
"Any better?" You ask. "Yes, I would suspect my will to keep you safe overrided the new chip the Empire has put in my head." You smiled, finally leaning forward to hold him.
The second your arms wrapped around him, you sobbed. It all felt like a dream- well, nightmare.
"I thought you were dead... Tech, oh my Tech." He hugged back, petting your hair. You both frantically proclaimed 'I love you's.' But, he soon pulled away.
"I will not put you at risk any longer." He moved to stand up,
"I just got you back, why are you leaving me?" You couldn't understand.
He stood up, saying your name in a whisper. "I thought I made it clear. My new inhibitor chip is stronger. I am assigned to kill you. I do not want to do such a thing, ever."
"Tech, just please come with me. Rex is with us, he can help remove this one. Just like the others..." You grabbed onto his arm, pleading. How did he expect you to walk away, leave him behind. Especially when you just figured out he was alive.
"I suppose that might work..." He rested a hand to his chin, thinking. More tears flowed from your eyes, he was exactly how he was before. Always calm, always thinking everything through with a steady heart beat.
You looked up at him. "Please, I need you. I-"
"I know. I need you too. I uh- I apologize for shooting you." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Your eyebrows furrowed, "You didn't mean to.." You leaned up to kiss him, but something switched in him.
His face twisted and turned, he stepped back. He was fighting himself again, now a hand reached for his blaster. He looked up, face cold and blank. He pointed the gun at your face.
"Tech, Tech, it's just me!" He didn't care, he had a mission to fulfill. The chip was regaining control.
Suddenly, his body quivered and shook. He fell to the ground. Crosshair stood behind.
"Please don't kill him!" You ran to him, making sure he was aware of the situation.
"I know, his chip... I'll carry him back. Rex can look at him." You were hopeful, he was coming home.
It would be a rocky start, but he was alive. He was alive and half-conscious. That was a problem for when you got back on the ship.
For just a second, watching Crosshair hoist Tech up, you relaxed. The pounding of the water on rocks soothed you.
He was alive...
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I hated the ending, sorry ya'll had to go through that. I didn't know how to end it! I was so motivated with this plot, then kind of lost it. Expect a Crosshair fic this weekend!!!
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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ch3rryc4ndy · 1 year
Cherry Flavor
Relationship - haechan bestfriend X fem reader
Genre - smut
Summary - A night with friends ends up in both you and haechan figuring out each others kinks. 7 minutes in heaven turns into something you’ve both been needing.
Warnings - unprotected sex, breeding kink, language, pet names, fingering!, teasing
[Request ⭐︎ ]
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“Come on! Let’s sit!” I hear ningning squeal as the group of people settle down into a circle on the couches around us “I think we should play truth or dare” she coos, shooting a wink at me with a smile on her face “ok” I shrug as we hear 3 other people walk in.
I turn to see haechan, jeno, and Renjun coming in late from practice as they make their way toward us “what’s going on here” jeno sighs as he plants down next to Karina “truth or dare” she shrugs as haechan perks at the name “oh I’m in” he purrs as he sits next to me, throwing me a smile and a greeting before the game begins.
“Haven’t seen you all day” he sighs as he leans onto my shoulder giving me a pout “my best friend thinks she’s too cool for me” he fake cries causing a smile to grow on my face “cut the theatrics” I laugh, lifting my leg up slowly exposing my thigh a little higher than usual. Haechan’s breath hitches as I squirm on the couch, my eyes focused back on Karina as she asks me a question.
Karina notices haechans wondering eyes, from my thighs to my boobs, to my lips, she had a plan. “Y/n! Truth or dare” she smiles that smile I know all too well. I squint my eyes, knowing it going to be trouble “truth” I shrug as she loses her smile “BOOO” she sighs “what’s a kink you have but never told anyone” she winks as I lean back, hitting haechans arm that was spread behind me on the couch “breeding kink probably” I shrug nonchalantly as I feel haechan stiffen from beside me.
“What do you know haechan has that exact same kink” jeno smiles over at both of us and Karina. I look over to haechan who has a smirk on his face, the tension growing as it goes silent for a few seconds. “Ok rina truth or dare” I coo as she smiles at me coyly “dare” she coos.
“I dare you to kiss jeno” I smile “fine” she rolls her eyes and leans to her left, kissing jeno softly but the soft kisses quickly turn into a make-out as she straddles him. They pull back slowly, smiling at each other before jeno looks over to haechan. “Haechan truth or dare” he hums “dare” hyuck smiles.
“I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with y/n” jeno nods, I chuckle as I look over towards hyuck “fine” he shrugs as he pulls me up and pushes me into the closet nearest to the living room “so what are we going to do” I coo as our bodies are inches away from touching “whatever you want any doll” he hums onto my neck.
“Hyuck” I mewl as his hands run up my body “why didn’t you tell me you had a breeding kink” he coos as I try and hide my moans as his hands trail up my hips “you never asked” I shrug as his eyes stay glued onto mine “fuck me” I pout teasingly, taking hyuck by surprise as I trail my finger down his chest.
“Don’t tease me y/n” he groans as I press myself onto him “or what?” I smile as his eyes grow dark “or else all of our friends will hear me fucking my cum into you sweetheart” he purrs into my ear as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I whine at the feeling of his fingers trailing up my legs “do it then” I coo.
Haechans hands grip the back of my thighs, lifting me onto the small desk as he throws the stack of towels onto the ground. Our lips ravage each others as he kisses my neck harshly “please” I whine as his jeans rub against me “mmh?” He smiles.
“Hurry” I whine as he nuzzles into my neck, playing with the hem of my panties as he pulls them off slowly “I’ll take my time” he coos, tucking my panties into his pocket and pressing my pussy onto his pants, rocking slowly as I tug at his waist band “not yet” he smiles onto my lips as he trials 2 fingers between my legs.
He rubs slow circles onto my clit as my back arches at the warmth of fingers “god you’re already soaked” he hisses as he dips one finger into me, rubbing my wetness all over my folds with 3 of his fingers. His fingers go back to my clit, rubbing larger circles as my legs wrap around his waist. 
His pace quickens as I fall onto his chest, breathing heavily as my cum drips down his fingers “please please” I pant out, digging my nails into his arms as he scatters sloppy kisses onto my jaw and cheeks.
“O- oh sh-“ I breath out onto his chest as my eyes squeeze shut, his warmth making me shiver as I hear him softly groaning from the scene playing out “let it out doll, let it out” he coos. I feel his hand snake to the nape of my neck, tugging my head back and latching onto my neck.
A shock of pleasure going through my body as my legs squeeze onto his waist, my moans being muffled as I fall onto his chest, moaning onto him as I shake “god you look so pretty” he smiles as he pulls his fingers back, taking in my droopy eyes and mouth hanging open as I pull back from his chest.
“I’m not finished with you yet” he hums as he drops his cargo pants and boxers “let them hear how good I make you feel, don’t be shy” he whispers onto my cheek as his nails dig into my jaw. I nod eagerly, not taking in his words as I come down from my orgasm.
He pulls me forward, angling me slightly up as he slowly pushes into me. Loud moans escape both of us as he pulls back slowly, slamming back into me roughly as he fucks me onto the table. My hands fly to my mouth as his pace quickens, his cock filling me to the brim as the table creeks with each thrust.
Incoherent words spill from hyuck as his nails dig into my hips “I said I wanted them to fuckin hear you” he hisses as he sees my hands on my mouth. He grips my wrists and pins them onto my stomach, fucking me harder for my disobedience.
“H- hyu- hae-“ I mutter out as I feel my wetness on his hips with each of his thrusts “gonna fill you full of my cum doll, I’ll keep these pretty panties in my pocket so you can feel me dripping out of you as we sit with our friends. Do you like the sound of that?” Hyuck coos as he grips my face to his.
My cries get louder from his words “yes yes yes” I pant out as his strokes hit deeper than before “want me to fuck a baby into you yea? You want everyone to know your best friend did this?” He hums as my hands scratch at his shirt.
“f- fuckk” I cry out as I squeeze around him. “Been wanting to fuck you full of my cum for so long. You feel so fucking good”, his words make me go dizzy as I shake from the feeling of him fucking me like he’s been dreaming of this “good girl” he coos as silent cries and pants spill from my mouth. His thrusts get sloppier as he feels me squeezing around him “fuck you’re just begging for me to fill you up huh?” he hisses.
“Sh- shit” he groans as he thrusts into me once more, staying still for a few seconds as he fills me with his cum. “All mine” he pants as he kisses me softly. My mind still hazy from the fucking, mascara running down my cheeks as he chuckles at the fucked out image of me in front of him.
“You good sweetheart?” he softly asks as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear “mmh” I nod weakly as he pulls out slowly. A whine escaping me from the emptiness as he pulls out slowly, my eyes going down to his cock that was coated in our cum.
I smile, jumping off the table and getting on my knees as I suck him clean. His body shakes softly from the feeling of my mouth around him after an orgasm “just cleaning up” I smile as I pull back. He hisses with a smirk, his jawline more noticeable as he clenches his jaw and moves his face to the left.
God, he looked so pretty from my view “get up before you give me another boner and I fuck that pretty mouth” he scoffs as he lifts me up “maybe I should get back down” I teasingly smile “I think we’ve gone over the 7 minute timer” he chuckles as he cleans both of us up “oh my fucken god I forgot they are all outside”

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bump1nthen1ght · 8 months
A Very Monstrous Kinktober: Day 26 (Masturbation)
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Kink: Masturbation
Pairing: Mothman x GN!Reader
Other Kinks: Consensual Voyeurism, Mutual Masturbation
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1091 words
Kinktober Masterlist
There is a vivid squelch, silicone against lube, when you press the dildo into you. It’s loud, wet, and perfectly lewd. The kind of sound you’d hear amped up in volume in a schlocky porno or some hentai. It’s the kind of sound you’d avoid making in fear of being caught; But your partner is gone, has been for the past 3 days, to help in the forewarning of an oncoming disaster two states over.
And gods, how you have missed him.
A year ago you never thought you’d be this touchstarved, this desperate for affection for one man’s touch. You thought that kind of stuff was only in romance novels and smutty fanfiction, accepting that no human man was ever going to be that exciting, leaving you wanting so much more.
Well, you had been right about the human part, at least.
Still, your body ached for the soft feeling of your partner's fuzzy wings, his long fingers which always held onto your waist so gently. His ruby red eyes that seemed to stare directly into your soul, always filled with a gentlemanly love, even when he had you bent over a table.
“Hmmm, Atticus.” You moan, feeling the fake balls of your toy nudge against your entrance, sunken full inside of you. “It feels so good.”
Familiar with a…tool this size, you waste no time and begin to thrust it in and out, moaning your sweet partner's name as you do. You imagine his deep, southern drawl. His claws running down the side of your face. His antennae twirling and buzzing as you come undone for him.
You even imagine the familiar tapping on your window, the one he always uses to sneak into your bed late at night. So quiet despite being 7 feet tall.
“Oh my.”
And now you can even hear-
Your eyes shoot open, sitting up from bed, realizing you now lie spread eagle in front of your very-real boyfriend who is very much actually present in your bedroom.
His antennas tutter back and forth, hand thrown over his mouth like a shocked 50s housewife. The dildo slides an inch out of you as you scramble upward, something like an excuse on your lips, face red hot with embarrassment.
“Did you miss me that much?” Your partner chuckles, lighthearted, a matching blush lighting up his black fur.
“I-” You stutter, wondering if he heard you calling out his name. You may have been dating for a year now, but still, being caught by your refined, almost-victorian gentleman partner is a little mortifying.
“Well, if it helps.” Atticus’ voice sinks to a lower octave, big eyes narrowed like a smirk. “I missed you a whole lot too.”
The hand around his mouth slides down his chest, leading your eye across his scrumptious body, right to his unsheathed cock.
When did he even get that out?
“C’mon baby.” Atticus drawls. “Keep going.” He sits down in a corner chair, stroking his swollen dick. “Gimme a show.”
A shiver rolls down your spine.
My god, where’d he learn to talk like that?
You ain’t complaining, slipping back to your comfortable position, making sure to keep your legs extra wide. You slide the dildo all the way back in.
Atticus hums in approval, hand rubbing at his flushed head.
“How's it feel?”
“Good.” You pant, slowly rocking the dildo in and out, making sure to press it extra hard with each thrust.
“As good as mine?” Mothman chuckles, rubbing some leaking precum down his shaft with his thumb.
You eye up his cock, biting your lip.
“No.” You gasp, the dildo hitting a particular sensitive spot, sending tingles down to your toes. “Not even close.”
“Hmm, but good enough while I was away?” His eyes shoot to the clear bottle of lube on your bedside table, almost halfway empty. “Seems it got put to work.”
“Couldn’t-” You breath hitches, spreading up your pace, “Couldn't h-help myself. Missed your cock so much.”
You throw your hips up, making a show of your entrance clenching around the thick shaft of the dildo. Lube and juices trickle down the curve of your ass.
Atticus remains dignified, silent as he lazily jerks himself off. But you know the signs by now, see the way his chest tightens and his antennae twitch.
“That right?” Atticus’ other hand reaches down and begins rubbing at the slit where his cock protrudes, an extra sensitive spot you're well acquainted with. “This cock missed you too.” He finally shows some sign of his pleasure, a small hitch in his articulation when he squeezes his head. “Missed that tight hole, missed filling it up.” He rolls his neck, a move he knows you love, showing off the sinewy muscle as it cracks. “Hmm, felt like torture, not being able to fuck you whenever I wanted.”
Your wrist aches and goes ignored, your focus solely on Atticus and the burning fire in your belly. You hang off every word like it’s gospel, letting it sink into your chest and stir up your insides.
“You got me addicted, honey. How could I resist coming home early?” Precum squirts out his head, splattering the top of his hand. “Knowing I’d have such a sweet little thing to greet me?”
Your moans are breathy, vision getting fuzzy are your orgasm climbs. Your brain wants to close them to ignore everything else and focus on your high, but you force them on Atticus. His cock twitches in his hands, and you think you can make out a low “Damn.” as he jerks it.
“You gonna cum?” Atticus asks.
All you can do is nod, head stuffed with cotton and legs trembling. You imagine it’s his cock, the cock in front of your eyes, fucking you open. That it's his hands wrapped around your hips, his pelvis in between your thighs.
Atticus leans forward, cock still humping into his palm, but those big eyes only on you.
“Then cum.”
“Ahh-nggh!” You keen, hips spasming as your orgasm wracks your body, exploding across your abdomen and miking your toy.
Your limbs feel heavy, sweat dripping down your chest. The toy slips out of you and you pant, leaving trails of lube on the bed. Its that post-orgams kind of high that has you going “Wait, what was I doing again?”
“Good job.”
You don’t even have the energy to react when you feel Mothman’s palm against your face, not even wondering how he moved over so quickly, now straddling your hips.
“Now, it’s my turn.”
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love-bitesx · 1 year
Hey, luv ur last Hobie writing it was so good! so like as a request (sorry if my wording is a bit awk ive never requested anything on tumblr b4😭) hobie x fem reader (or not gendered i dont mind) on like what it would be like putting Hobie on music as a reader that listens to a ton of genres and not mainly punk rock- like would he be open minded on it etc. and also what falling asleep w him with music in the background would be like and stuff. like a little one-shot on that (or hc’s!)
gonna hug every anon/req ever i love u lot so much <3 this is kind of just a ranty headcanon one shot. thing. i think. we'll find out. i think im physically incapable of writing a short one shot, i just love this guy too much thank u for the req!!! love u also, this is strictly my headcanon and my opinion, if there's something canon that contradicts this, my apologies!! this is just a bit of fun :)
i think he'd be somewhat open-minded, but he'd have his strict no-nos. pop music being that, or anything on the radio, he tells you it's just propaganda from the 'system'. remember, this guy is an anarchist, plus so much more.
having grown up in england, london specifically, i think he'd be partial to uk hip hop, grime, garage, alt rock, alternative music, etc. anything that sparks a bit of controversy. anything from the streets, the people. plenty of those genres stem from rock'n'roll music anyway, so i wouldn't be surprised.
you're laying in your room one night, it's dark outside, the night crawling in as a gentle breeze drifts through your open window. headphones plugged into your phone, you scrolled through a newly made playlist, brows furrowed in thought as you tried to remember anymore songs you wanted to add.
humming along to the tune echoing in the headset, you were absolutely zoned out. it wasn't until a large pair of hands grabbed your waist, did you crash back down to earth. ripping the headphones off your head, you jumped back in defense.
"what did i tell you about leaving your window open, y/n?" hobie scolded you, a playful smirk on his lips, standing up straight, looking down at you, "could've been any dickhead coming in here, y'know?"
"not just any dickhead can scale 7 floors and climb in through my window, hobie," you rolled your eyes, fixing the mess you made when you threw your headphones and phone on the bed.
"yeah," he leant down, until his face was but an inch from your own, "only the really bad ones can."
with that, and a devilish grin, he pressed his lips against yours, using his advantage to push you backwards onto the bed, climbing on, making himself comfortable on the mattress next to you, holding you close to him. your hands went to his chest, feeling it rise and fall under your touch.
"i missed you," he muttered between kisses, his piercing ice cold against your lips, sending chills down your spine.
"i missed you, too, hobie," you whispered back, welcoming his touch on your waist.
pulling back with a smirk, he reached for the phone in your hand, opening it up.
"what were you listening to so intensely?" he quizzed, but his question was instantly answered at the name of the playlist you had made.
for hobie
to say he was stunned, was an understatement. this was new to him, no one had ever made him a specially made playlist before, no one had gone to the effort. his heart swelled. scrolling through, he saw an array of artists that he hadn't even heard of before, mixes of genres that he knew you loved.
"sorry, it's really silly," you dismissed, reaching for your phone at his blunt response, suddenly feeling a wave of insecurity.
his eyes snapped to yours, shocked at your reaction, "what? no, absolutely not."
though his stomach twisted slightly at the thought of listening to lana del rey? whoever that was, he wasn't sure, but the fact you listened to it, thought of him, and thought of him so much you made it into a playlist dedicated to him? well, he'd be an idiot to refuse that.
"i love it, darlin', thank you," his smile was soft, genuine, one you only see him give to you, which is why you loved it so dearly.
"baby, who's kendrick lamar?"
it was a late night, you were exhausted from working all day, and the 7 staircase climb wasn't ideal, now that the elevator in your block had stopped working. dumping all your stuff in the living room, quickly throwing on some clothes from the dryer and a quick bathroom visit, you nudged open the door to your bedroom.
you knew hobie was crashing at yours, it was more rare when he wasn't.
what you didn't expect was the sound of mellow, soft music coming from inside. continuing quietly, you peered around the door to see your boyfriend, barely under the covers, sound asleep on your bed. eyes scanning the room, you saw his phone, open on the mattress beside him.
silently stepping over, your heart melted at what you saw on his phone screen. the playlist you had made him, shuffled, playing through the speakers on his phone.
chest warm and full of adoration for this man, you leant down to place a kiss on his temple, smiling at the way his body reacted to your touch.
he was an angel, of sorts.
though you complained about it at first, hobie would definitely need music to fall asleep to. sometimes he was so tired that the second his head hit the pillows and his arms wrapped themselves around you, he was asleep. but mainly, he played music from the speakers in either of your rooms.
the only issue with this, however, is that his music was never stereotypical sleeping music.
whilst only on a low volume, just something to keep his mind from fuzzing too much as he tried to sleep, you weren't a stranger to falling asleep to the likes of ramones, dead kennedys, motörhead, sex pistols, etc.
he loved you for it though, beyond grateful with your patience with him.
a/n: golly gosh i love this man so much
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50thirdand3rd · 2 years
The Monsters Rock Around The Tombstone b/w Play with Fire on 7-inches of Rock N Roll with Benny Fuzz
The Monsters Rock Around The Tombstone b/w Play with Fire on 7-inches of Rock N Roll with Benny Fuzz
Hey kids, I’ve been searching the globe for cool-worthy rock n roll on seven inches to write about. This one comes to us from the Switzerland label Voodoo Rhythm Records. This powerhouse Swiss label of Rock N Roll and Psych madness started with a worthy contender in the seven-inch world as an instant classic! 1995 was the year and the band was The Monsters! With an A-side burning hot from the…
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on sleeve art to Spanish import of MOTORHEAD's 7 inch vinyl single "Go to Hell/"Iron Fist," released in March 1982 under the Bronze label.
"Ya told me that ya wanted it, I knew it wasn't true, Turned out to be the facts, babe, You know what you can do, You can go to hell, you can go to hell, Goodbye for you."
-- "Go to Hell" (1982) by MOTÖRHEAD
Source: www.discogs.com/es/release/1597955-Motorhead-Go-To-Hell-Vete-Al-Infierno.
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linghxr · 3 months
10 traditional characters that I didn't know existed
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In 2023 I started learning to write traditional characters by hand, so I've been paying extra attention to differences between traditional and simplified forms. In some cases, I didn't even realize the traditional and simplified forms were different!
Here are 10 sets of simplified and traditional characters with subtle differences, 8 of which I only discovered recently. Definitions are adapted from MDBG.
(1)抛 | 拋 pāo
The difference is SO subtle with this one. I have to hold the screen 3 inches from my face to see it. The simplified version has 7 strokes, but the traditional version has 8.
抛 | 拋 pāo - to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
抛弃 | 拋棄 pāoqì - to abandon / to discard / to renounce / to dump (sb) 抛开 | 拋開 pāokāi - to throw out / to get rid of 抛物线 | 拋物線 pāowùxiàn - parabola
(2)滚 | 滾 gǔn
I actually prefer the traditional version, particularly when I'm writing by hand. When I write the simplified version, the 衣 strokes on the bottom always looks awkward under 公 to me.
滚 | 滾 gǔn - to boil / to roll / to take a hike / get lost!
摇滚 | 搖滾 yáogǔn - rock 'n' roll (music) / to rock / to fall off 滚开 | 滾開 gǔnkāi - to boil (of liquid) / boiling hot / Get out! / Go away! 滚烫 | 滾燙 gǔntàng - boiling / scalding 打滚 | 打滾 dǎgǔn - to roll about
(3)匀 | 勻 yún
I think these look pretty much the same when handwritten, but on the computer they are distinct. I definitely prefer how the simplified one looks.
匀 | 勻 yún - even / well-distributed / uniform / to distribute evenly / to share
均匀 | 均勻 jūnyún - even / well-distributed / homogeneous / well-proportioned (figure, body etc)
(4)叙 | 敘 xù
叙 | 敘 xù - to narrate / to chat
叙述 | 敘述 xùshù - to relate (a story or information) / to tell or talk about / to recount / narration / telling / narrative / account 叙事 | 敘事 xùshì - narrative
(5)奥 | 奧 ào
奥 | 奧 ào - obscure / mysterious
It really bugs me that 奥 has a different traditional form, but 澳 (as in 澳门 Macao) does not!
深奥 | 深奧 shēn'ào - profound / abstruse / recondite / profoundly 奥运会 | 奧運會 Àoyùnhuì - Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. for 奥林匹克运动会 | 奧林匹克運動會) 奥利给 | 奧利給 àolìgěi - come on, you can do it!
(6)厨 | 廚 chú
厨 | 廚 chú - kitchen
厨房 | 廚房 chúfáng - kitchen 厨师 | 廚師 chúshī - cook / chef 厨艺 | 廚藝 chúyì - cooking skills / culinary talent
Other similar cases: 厮 | 廝 sī - (bound form) together; each other / (bound form) male servant / (bound form) dude; so-and-so 厢 | 廂 xiāng - box (in theater) / side room / side 厦 | 廈 shà - tall building / mansion / rear annex / lean-to / also pr. xià
(7)刹 | 剎 chà/shā
Whether the bottom looks like 朩 or 木 seems to be somewhat stylistic and can vary by font. But the little 点 is a consistent difference.
刹 | 剎 chà - used to transcribe several words originally from Sanskrit
刹那 | 剎那 chànà - an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye
刹 | 剎 shā - to brake
刹车 | 剎車 shāchē - to brake (when driving) / to stop / to switch off / to check (bad habits) / a brake
(8)侣 | 侶 lǚ
侣 | 侶 lǚ - companion
伴侣 | 伴侶 bànlǚ - companion / mate / partner 情侣 | 情侶 qínglǚ - sweethearts / lovers
Other similar cases: 宫 | 宮 gōng - palace / temple / castration (as corporal punishment) / first note in pentatonic scale 吕 | 呂 lǚ - pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system / surname Lǚ
(9)别 | 別 bié
I've known about the traditional form of this character for a while now, but to be honest, it still looks like 别 written incorrectly to me...sorry.
别 | 別 bié - to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) other; another; different / don't …! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category
差别 | 差別 chābié - difference; distinction; disparity 分别 | 分別 fēnbié - to part; to leave each other / to distinguish; to tell apart / difference; distinction / in different ways; differently / separately; individually 区别 | 區別 qūbié - difference / to distinguish / to discriminate / to make a distinction 性别 | 性別 xìngbié - gender / sex 个别 | 個別 gèbié - individually; one by one / just one or two; exceptional; rare
(10)丢 | 丟 diū
OK, I literally just realized there are separate simplified and traditional forms for this character while working on this post 😭 I feel utterly betrayed.
丢 | 丟 diū - to lose / to put aside / to throw
丢脸 | 丟臉 diūliǎn - to lose face / humiliation 丢人 | 丟人 diūrén - to lose face 丢掉 | 丟掉 diūdiào - to lose / to throw away / to discard / to cast away 丢失 | 丟失 diūshī - to lose; to misplace 跟丢 | 跟丟 gēndiū - to lose track of
See similar posts: Characters I used to write incorrectly Characters that look TOO similar Traditional characters that haunt me
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autumnshighlady · 6 months
I've Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 18)
summary: it's time to meet Beron
warnings: Night Court slander, anti Rhysand, MENTIONS OF R*PE/SA, BRIEF SA IMPLICATIONS (nothing graphic but it's still icky)
word count: 5.9k
a/n: things are picking up again! more plottwists and turns hehe, i hope you enjoy this chapter!
feedback is appreciated, just no hate pls! these are just my opinions, i’m more curious to see how you all like the writing and characterization and storylines!
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / 
read on ao3
Spotify playlist
Your wrists were sweating beneath the cuffs that adorned your wrists. Every inch of your body trembled, remembering the last time you had been chained up. It was necessary, you reminded yourself. Beron had to see you as a prisoner, as much as you hated that role you needed to look the part.
The servants had put you in a tattered gown and covered your skin in smears of dirt and grime. You looked very convincing, almost too convincing. Every time you glanced down at yourself, that cold, familiar feeling washed over you - the one that made your heart stop beating for a split second and left you wondering if you were back in Rhysand’s dungeons. The servants’ eyes were sympathetic as they tied the gag around your mouth as gently as possible, quietly offering you words of comfort through your tears.
Nesta and Eris were already in the throne room with Beron. They had been in there for a few minutes, but it had felt like hours. Two of Eris’ personal guards stood on either side of you - Saeros and Ivar were their names, they had politely informed you. You wondered how many other people in the Autumn Court were secretly loyal to Eris rather than their current High Lord. At the very least, it gave you confidence that Eris’s succession would go smoothly.
Saeros, a tall male with long brown hair and a stern face gently squeezed your arm. It's time, he seemed to say. You nodded subtly, understanding. After a deep breath, you began thrashing wildly in their grip just as the heavy doors to the throne room swung open. You kicked and rocked back and forth, screaming through the gag. The guards held you firm, dragging you across the ground towards the throne. You dared not sneak a glance to the right side of the bottom steps, knowing Nesta and Eris stood there. You focused on your performance, putting up a hell of a fight. Eventually, you ended up on your knees right before the bottom of the throne stairs. You forced your eyes upwards and were met with the sneering face of Beron Vanserra.
His slender face was twisted in a mix of disgust and glee. Ageing brown hair was too slicked back, reminding you of a snakeskin. His eyes were so dark brown they were basically black - bottomless dark voids of hatred that knew new bounds. A golden crown sat upon his head, a bright red jewel in the centre of it. Bony fingers gripped the sides of his throne, knuckles white. He was sizing you up like you were his next meal, and you tried not to squirm underneath his gaze.
“Consider this your Autumn Equinox gift from me, father.” Eris’s smug voice filled the room as the guards removed your gag. “One of Rhysand’s spies, (Y/N), was found at the border. She claims she’s fleeing from him, and is seeking sanctuary.”
Beron’s eyes gleamed even more. “Is that true?”
You gulped, forcing yourself to shake slightly in fear. “Yes, my Lord.”
“And why would you be running away from your master?” The male sneered. “I don’t believe it for a second, girl. For all we know, he sent you here to spy on us.”
“He did not.” You let the tears you had summoned fall down along your cheeks. “I swear by the Mother, my Lord.”
Beron rolled his eyes and huffed. He turned to Eris as if you were no longer there. “Why did you even bother bringing her here, boy?” He growled at his son. “This is not my problem. Send her back to Rhysand, or just kill her and be done with it. I couldn’t care less.”
“I have intel.” You blurted out, remembering the angle Eris had told you to play. “Valuable intel that could change everything. I will tell you everything I know if you give me sanctuary. Please, my Lord, I beg you.”
Something in Beron’s gaze shifted, as he seemingly contemplated the weight of your words. He paused for a moment before speaking. “You’re not from the Night Court originally, are you?” You opened your mouth to speak, but the High Lord cut you off before you could form any words. “I’ve been around long enough to tell which court someone belongs to, girl. The Night Court stench that clings to you is not very strong, so you clearly haven’t been there long. You stink of flowers, so I assume it is the Spring Court you originate from?”
“Yes, my Lord.” Your eyes burned into the floor, and it took all your willpower not to glance at Eris and Nesta. They were so close, yet so far away.
“And how does a girl from the Spring Court end up as one of Rhysand’s spies, only to flee from him less than a year into the job?”
“My father was one of Tamlin’s closest advisors. When Hybern came, I was the only one of my family to survive. My entire village was gone, so I wandered until one of Rhysand’s spies found me.” You decided to leave out that it was Lucien who found you. “They took me in and kept me prisoner, my only way to have a chance at living a life was to spy for them in return for my life being saved. I trained under the Spymaster, and was sent on several small missions to Spring. I hated it, and wanted out. But one day I overheard something…” You shook your shoulders, letting your voice trail off.
“Go on.” Beron snapped with little patience.
“Apologies, my Lord.” You continued. You could feel Nesta and Eris’s gazes burning into you as you put on a performance. “The Spymaster and Rhysand spoke of a weapon, a Made weapon. One that the High Lord could use to claim the title of High King and take over all of Prythian.”
Beron’s face went red with anger, and you resisted the urge to chuckle. His hands gripped the throne so tightly you were surprised it didn’t shatter. 
“Father, if Rhysand intends to seize that title–” Eris spoke up but was cut off.
“I’d sooner spend a thousand years being tortured in Hel before I kneel to that half-breed scum!” Spit was practically flying out of the High Lord’s mouth as he yelled, outraged. “I will slaughter him and his entire court before I let him take my own!”
You finally caught a glimpse of Eris as he left Nesta’s side and walked up the steps to his father. You willed your cheeks not to flush as you caught sight of him. His deep red tunic was clinging to his frame, a pattern suited for none other than royalty. His hair was pulled back in a simple braid, with a few loose jaw-length strands framing his face. Eris whispered something in his father’s ear, but he was so quiet even your fae hearing could not make out his words. Whatever he said worked, as he retreated back to Nesta’s side and Beron began to calm down. His face returned to its normal ashy colour as he settled back into his throne. 
“Now, why would Rhysand becoming High King make you run away?” Beron asked, all too calmly. “Surely you’d benefit from it, being a member of his court after all.”
“Because when he found out I knew, he imprisoned and tortured me.” You didn’t have to fake the tremor in your voice this time as you recalled the cold dungeon.
“And yet you got out.”
“They let me out to complete a mission, and I used it as an opportunity to run.”
Beron’s eyes narrowed, and fear churned in your gut. If he did not believe you, then this was all for nothing. You silently pleaded for help, yet you weren’t even sure to whom. All you could think of was keeping your racing heart from exploding out of your chest.
“She’s telling the truth, father.” Eris piped up, as if he had heard your pleas.
“And how do you know that?” The High Lord’s voice was dry and bored, which worried you even more.
“I noticed fresh wounds on her back when I found her.”
“Show me.”
At Beron’s command, Eris stepped towards you. You met his amber gaze, which was stone cold. It lacked the warmth that had been present a few hours ago in the dining room. This was the mask that Eris had worn for centuries. You had never quite gotten used to it, to how easily he slipped in and out of his guise.
Eris nodded at the guards, who turned you around so your back was facing the throne. Before you could register what was happening, the prince’s slender hands gripped the neckline of your dress from behind and pulled. A loud ripping sound echoed throughout the room as Eris pulled your dress in half, exposing your wounded back. Shame rushed through your veins as you felt the cold air on your backside, which was clearly on display to the High Lord now.
You whimpered, not entirely for show as embarrassment flooded your cheeks. Beron stared at you for what you thought was too long before the guards turned you back to face him. “He did a number on you, girl.” Beron chuckled humourlessly. You could tell by his tone that he almost admired the bloody artwork on your back. Beron Vanserra was no stranger to amusement from torture - that you knew.
“My Lord,” Nesta’s voice spoke up like music to your ears. “You called me in here to display my powers, did you not? May I suggest we get on with it?”
You tensed at Nesta’s brazen challenge. It was stupid to speak to the male in such a tone in his own throne room, and you half expected him to simply scoff and smite Nesta to ash right there and then. But instead, Beron simply huffed. “Very well. Impress me, Nesta Archeron, and I shall allow you to marry my eldest son. If not…”
He didn’t have to finish his sentence for it to be understood that it was a threat. For the first time, you glanced at Nesta. Her hair was neatly braided as usual, and she wore a dark red gown bearing the same pattern as Eris’s tunic. It had a high neckline and long sleeves, a thousand times more modest than anything in the Night Court. Yet it suited her, and brought about an elegance that enhanced her beauty even more.
Nesta only nodded, and the guards hauled you off to the side. Nesta took your place at the bottom of the throne, smoothing her skirts. For a second, her gaze fluttered to Eris, who gave her a reassuring nod. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. When she opened them again they glowed silver, and you noticed Beron sitting forward in his seat. Silver flames began to whorl around her fingertips, dancing like leaves in the wind as they scattered throughout the room.
Nesta’s entire body began to glow as more and more fire poured out of her. You glanced at Beron again, seeing panic in his eyes as the flames rushed towards him. They leapt over him like a wave, and it was only a few seconds before you felt another wall of silver fire headed towards you and your guards. Yet you did not feel any fear, only a deep sense of trust that whatever happened, Nesta’s flames wouldn’t hurt you. They cocooned around you, trapping you inside them but never touching you. Through the flickers, you could just make out the same thing happening to Eris, Beron, and everyone else in the room. Nesta had bathed the entire room in her silver fire, yet did not harm a soul. It was to exemplify control, to show Beron that she could manipulate the magic to do whatever she, or Beron, wanted.
The noise of the flames was not a harsh, crackling noise like most fires. It was soothing, like the tide of the ocean or the rush of wind on a summer’s eve. The flames danced and sang to you, a force so strong you could practically hear words emitting from them in an ancient tongue.
After a few moments, the flames retreated to Nesta’s side. Like a tsunami, they pulled in behind her glowing figure and arched over fifteen feet in the air. Everyone’s mouth was agape as the flames moulded and shaped themselves into a dragon’s head identical to Athariel’s. Nesta remained glowing at the base of the dragon’s neck, its head arching above her like a protective dog. She was completely and utterly still, as if her mind was both present and relieving the memories of an ancient god from a millenia ago at the same time.
You swallowed thickly, emotion overcoming you. Months ago, Nesta had been too afraid to summon even a flame. Now, here she was, shaping her fire into majestic serpents with full control over them. You were proud, but couldn’t help the pang in your chest. Nesta had faced so many challenges while you were stuck in a cell, unable to witness her growth. It was time you could never get back.
Without struggling, the silver flames retreated, fading into Nesta’s fingertips as they went out. When she opened her eyes again, they were their normal shade of grey. You looked around, expecting to see a room scorched. But there was no damage - the flames did not burn anything.
The room is utterly silent for a few minutes, Beron’s expression unreadable. Even Eris was shuffling on his feet, nervousness apparent. Finally, the High Lord spoke. “Consider me impressed, Nesta Archeron.” His voice was suspiciously kind, and both you and Eris blinked in surprise at the same time. “And consider yourself having my blessing for this marriage with my son.”
“Thank you, my Lord.” Nesta said, bowing her head.
“Wonderful.” Beron clapped his hands together. “We shall have the wedding in two months' time, and (Y/N)’s wedding the month after.”
Every bone in your body froze. “What?” Was all you managed to stutter through your dry throat.
Beron smiled, an unsettling gesture. “I accept your request for sanctuary in exchange for information, as the intel you provided is crucial in the survival of my court.” He said smoothly. “Yet you seem to have a habit of bouncing between courts, so I will assure that you remain here where I can keep an eye on you. You shall be marrying Melgorm, my second youngest son. You are from a respectable family, are you not? You should be honoured at the chance to marry someone from a royal bloodline.”
You glanced over at Eris, whose mask had fallen entirely. His face was one of pure horror, panic settling over his amber eyes. You weren’t sure if you were still breathing, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. You had heard stories of Eris and Lucien’s brothers, none of them good. 
“Have chambers prepared for the lady.” Beron ordered the guards. “You will all be staying here as wedding preparations are made. This meeting is over. Congratulations to the happy couples.” The High Lord’s smile was one of pure evil and gloating as he drank in your distress. 
You felt numb as the guards dragged you to your new chambers, locking the door behind you as you entered the room.
Over the next half hour, you scrubbed the dirt off your skin in the bath and changed into a soft, gold nightgown. You had hardly felt the scalding water, nor the harsh scrapes of the brush as you tried to scrub away the memories of that entire interaction. Every time you thought about Beron’s smiling face as he announced he was marrying you off, you felt ill.
You had not been naive growing up – you knew most marriages between noble High Fae families were arranged and as a result, often loveless at best. But you remembered the haunting fear in Lucien's eyes as he cried to you over the cruel things his brothers had done. You had accepted long ago that you would likely not marry for love, but this… this would be worse than a loveless marriage. It would be a whole new kind of torture.
As you sat lifelessly on the bed, a sharp gust of air swirled behind you, causing you to spin around. You yelped in surprise as you were met with Nesta and Eris. “Dammit, don't do that,” You hissed. “You made me jump out of my skin!” 
You expected a witty comeback from Eris, but none came. His face was grave, and Nesta’s was filled with rage. They were both still dressed in their attire from the meeting. “I’m so sorry.” Eris blurted out. “I had no idea he would do that. I swear by it.”
“I believe–” You tried to speak but Eris continued rambling.
“If I had known he was going to do that I would have never–”
“Eris!” You practically yelled. “I believe you. It’s not your fault.”
The prince’s eyes were glassy as he walked around the bed and kneeled in front of you. He took your hands in his own and pressed his forehead against them. “Forgive me.” He muttered.
“Eris,” You said softly. “It’s ok.”
Amber eyes gazed up at you, even as his hands still tightly clung on to your own. He did not rise from his kneeling position. “No, it’s not.” He said. “You don’t know Malgorm. He is the worst of all my brothers. He makes my father look like a bunny rabbit.”
You felt the bed dip behind you and a familiar hand rubbed your shoulder. Nesta’s presence steadied you as she sat behind you, the warmth of her hand easing the shock from your body.
“Malgorm does not view females as people, but rather toys for his own personal amusement.” Eris continued. “None of his lovers have been his on their own free will. He does not hesitate to inflict pain on them, humiliate them, force himself…”
“Eris…” Nesta warned, her hand squeezing your shoulder even tighter.
“My point is, my father knows exactly damn well exactly what kind of monster his second youngest son is. I strongly suspect he wants to marry you to him because he hopes that he’ll kill you or just lock you away somewhere. That way he won’t have to worry about you becoming a problem.”
“So how do we stop it?” Nesta asked, her voice sharp like razors.
“We can’t.” Eris sighed, resting his chin on your knee. “Not while Beron is alive.”
“So then we kill him.” Nesta argued defiantly.
“If it was that simple don’t you think I’d have done it already? No, it takes planning. And time. Time to ensure that when I overthrow him, we for one, have a cover story; and two, have enough people on my side that there won’t instantly be a coup.”
You gently untangled one of your hands from his and then combed your fingers through his silky hair. “It’ll be ok.” You reassured him as you stroked the locks. “Plans change all the time. We just have to adapt.”
Eris sighed, closing his eyes and ever so slightly leaning into your touch. Nesta leaned forward gently and rested her head on your shoulder, sighing deeply. “This is bad.” She muttered. “This is really, really bad.”
“Yes,” You said firmly, heart fluttering at her and Eris’s closeness to you. “But we can’t change the past, so now we just have to figure out how to move forward. Eris, how much power is needed to take down a High Lord?”
“A lot.” The Prince mumbled.
“No shit.” You snorted. “Between the three of us, do you think we have enough?”
“Two of us.” Eris corrected. “You’re taking no part in this.”
You blinked. “Excuse me?”
“You haven’t trained your powers,” He said firmly. “It’s too risky to have you anywhere near this when it goes down.”
You scoffed, furious. “So I’m just supposed to stand by while you two risk your lives killing a High Lord? No, not gonna happen.”
“Dammit, (Y/N)!” Nesta snapped, silencing the room. “We just got you back. We’re not losing you again.”
You went quiet, tears welling in your eyes. You hated feeling useless, shackled down by your inability to be like everyone else. But deep down you knew they were right. Frankly, you weren’t even sure what you could do with your powers, let alone how to wield them. All you’d done is accidentally explode a mountain cave, and you didn’t even know what you were doing. 
The Archeron sister inhaled deeply. “Eris and I will take care of Beron, end of story. Now, when we were still in the House of Wind, you said you had more planned for the Night Court.”
You nodded. “Yeah. Although frankly the rest of it was just vague ideas, I wasn’t even sure we’d make it this far to be honest.”
“Ye of little faith.” Eris chuckled, patting your hand. “So, little fox, what else is in this master revenge plan of yours? Was burning down the Inner Circle’s houses not enough?”
“No.” Your voice was firm. “That was just the beginning. I want to make sure their entire court knows how horrible they are. I want them to lose all their power.”
“And how do you plan on that?” The male beneath you asked, still resting his head in your hand.
You took a deep breath. You hadn’t uttered a word of this part of your plan to anyone, even Nesta. It had always seemed too big, too far away to be realistic. But it was here. You’d made it this far. “The women in the Night Court who don’t live in Velaris have suffered for too long.” You began. “I want to help them, to show them that just because their High Lord doesn’t care about them doesn’t mean others don’t. When Beron is overthrown, I need things in Autumn to change, Eris. I want this to become a court that’s safe for women, where they won’t have to worry about being mutilated or sold off like livestock.
“We can bring the Valkyrie training program here. Teach women how to fight and defend themselves if that’s what they wish. Create a village for females who have been traumatised by males and want to live in peace. Like the Library in the House of Wind, but less isolated. Once word gets out, we offer sanctuary to any females suffering – from Night Court or any court. Once the females start leaving Night, the males will turn on each other. The entire court will crumble.”
The room was silent for a minute before Eris spoke. “My dear, changing the ways of this court will take time…”
You cut him off. “No. That’s Rhysand’s exact excuse. You will be High Lord, Eris. Your word is law, and you can write and rewrite them as you wish. Anyone who opposes you can face the consequences. Make an example of those who oppose the loudest.”
“But then he’d be just like Beron.” Nesta protested.
“Beron used his power to enforce laws of hate,” You countered. “To make people's lives worse. You can use it to make them better, even if it's at the cost of some of the uptight males.”
You heard Eris chuckle into your leg, his amber eyes glinting. You yanked on his hair, not missing the way his throat bobbed. “What’s so funny?” You demanded.
“You’re just so sexy when you’re plotting revenge and the downfall of an enemy court.” Eris purred, rubbing your thigh ever so slightly with his hand. Your skin tingled beneath his touch, and you felt yourself heat up at the contact. Nesta chuckled, her sweet breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine. With your mate behind you, her lips so close to your skin, and the silver tongued Autumn prince still kneeling in front of you, the room suddenly felt a lot warmer.
“Speaking of sexy and plotting revenge, there’s someone who I think could be of great use to this plan.” Eris continued.
Nesta frowned. “Who?”
Eris smirked, lifting his head and nodding towards the empty corner of the room. The darkness began to shift, familiar shadows curling to the side to reveal a dark set of leathers, accompanied by a pair of leathery wings and hazel eyes. 
The Spymaster of the Night Court.
“What the fuck?” You practically yelled as Azriel stepped into the light. Nesta’s arm went in front of you protectively, her eyes smouldering.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Azriel said quietly, his scarred hands at his sides. “I’m working with Eris.”
“You… what?” You sputtered. Nesta was utterly still, like a lioness poised to strike at any second. While Azriel had refused to kill you and disobeyed Rhysand’s orders, you couldn’t forget how he grabbed you and put you in that cell. How you’d seen that dark side of the shadowsinger that everyone in Prythian feared.
“He and I began working together right before we rescued you.” Eris explained. “He told us where you were, and we began meeting in secret after that.”
“Why?” Your answers were limited to a few words, as you reeled with shock.
“Rhysand has been very shaken up by your escape,” Azriel spoke softly, trying to appear in the least threatening manner possible. “I wanted Eris to know if he was planning retaliation, so I’ve been reporting his movements.” The same mission he gave you to do on Tamlin.
“But… why? Why go through all of this for us?”
The shadowsinger shifted on his feet, swallowing thickly. “Because what I did… what I let happen… it was wrong. All of this was wrong, handled incredibly poorly on my family’s part. I know apologising will not mean anything, and it shouldn’t. I’ve done nothing to earn your trust, but I hope I can soon. I want to help you.” He glanced between you and Nesta. “Both of you.”
“You’re committing treason, Azriel.” Nesta said lowly. “Rhysand will kill you if he finds out.”
“He won’t find out unless I want him to.” Azriel said confidently. “And I can take care of myself.”
Eris piped up. “Azzy has been very useful to me. Rhysand thinks he’s spying on me, it’s quite ironic. We’re a fantastic pair if you ask me.”
The Illyrian rolled his eyes, but didn’t snap back like you had expected. Last you checked, the pair hated each other. Their allegiance was surprising, but opened up a whole other world of possibilities for getting into Night.
“I have something for you.” Azriel reached into his pocket, pulling out two neatly folded pieces of paper. “From your friends.”
You sucked in a breath, feeling Nesta do the same. You both missed Emerie and Gwyn terribly, and you found yourself plagued by guilt of leaving them behind. You grabbed one of the letters while Nesta grabbed the other, and began to read.
Nesta, (Y/N), Azriel told Gwyn and I everything. I am so sorry we couldn’t protect you, and it makes me sick to think about what Rhysand was doing to you, (Y/N). Things are going badly here – the training sessions have mostly been disbanded, Cassian is too unhinged right now to be around the priestesses. I think Rhysand is suspicious of us too, thinking we helped you somehow. I hope you’re both safe in Autumn with Eris. Azriel says we can hopefully visit soon, maybe we can move in with you guys haha. Thinking of you both, Emerie.
Tears pricked your eyes, and you looked over and saw Nesta’s doing the same. “Emerie said Cassian is….unhinged.” You said carefully, noting the female tense behind you. “What does that mean?”
Azriel’s hazel eyes shifted to Nesta. “There’s a lot on your plates right now, we don’t need to make it worse by discussing Cassian…”
“I would like to know.” Nesta said firmly, her voice monotone. You reached down and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze.
Azriel took a breath before replying. “He’s angry. Murderous. He would never hurt the priestesses, but he’s surrounded by a cloud of rage that terrifies everyone around him. He’s picking fights in the war camps every day, beating asshole generals half to death to let off steam. None of us can get through to him, except Rhysand. I fear he will snap and fly to Autumn to try and take Nesta back, he’s convinced himself she’s being held here against her will.”
“He can’t do that.” You blurted out.
Eris scoffed. “He can try. My father would love that, actually. The brute would be breaking a ton of rules and would be forfeiting his life by doing so. We won’t let anything happen to you, Nesta.”
You went to speak, but Azriel quickly shushed you. The room went still as tendrils of shadows scurried back to the spymaster. “Someone’s coming.”
“Here?” You whispered, confused.
“Yes, it’s your fiancé.” Azriel hissed. “Nesta, Eris, come here.”
Without a word, your mate and the Autumn Prince scurried over to the spymaster. He held out his arms, and Eris snorted. “You want a hug right now, bat boy?”
“Shut up. My shadows can shield us. Quickly.” 
Eris rolled his eyes, but stepped into Azriel’s arm. Nesta did the same, eyes wide with panic. Shadows began to engulf them as they blended into the darkness. Within seconds, they had vanished entirely just as the doorknob began to turn.
The door swung open harshly, revealing a tall male who was unmistakably a Vanserra. He had a stocky build, a wide face with glowing amber eyes that were too close together for your liking. His red hair was short, slicked back in the exact same way Beron’s was. He wore elaborate armour that reeked with the faint stench of blood. Your blood chilled as he let out a sickly smile that reminded you of a demon. A golden tooth glinted in the candlelight, illuminating a white scar through his lip that spanned across the lower half of his face.
“Well, if it isn’t my lovely bride to be.” His voice was like a snake – smooth and charming, yet unmistakably dangerous.
“Malgorm.” You said evenly, standing up. You backed up, trying to put more space between you and the imposing male in front of you. That only egged him on more, as he took another large step towards you.
“The one and only.” He rubbed his hands together, sizing you up as if you were his next meal.
“What are you doing here?” You fought to keep the tremor out of your voice.
He shrugged. “I came to inspect my wife, of course. To see what I’m working with.”
Inspect. His choice of words chilled you. He truly saw you as an object, like you were a shiny new toy he was going to decide if he liked or not. There was a hunger in his eyes that scared you, one that looked like it was a bottomless pit, never satisfied. “I take it you’re a virgin?” He continued casually.
You lied. “Yes.”
Malgorm hummed in approval, walking around to your side of the bed. You stood your ground, despite every instinct telling you to run for the hills. When he reached you, he grabbed the neckline of your dress and pulled it towards him, eyes unabashedly going to your bare chest beneath. 
Disgusted, you slapped his hand away instinctively, not thinking of the consequences. Malgorm let out a low growl and grabbed you by the throat, slamming you into the wall. Your head screamed at the impact, but your throat was too restricted to let out a gasp. He was like a feral beast, breathing heavily in your face like a hound salivating before a piece of fresh meat. He leaned forward, dragging his crooked nose along your neck and inhaling deeply. You whimpered – not in arousal, but in fear. You wanted to kick, scream, anything, but you felt frozen.
And Malgorm knew it.
He chuckled, biting your ear hard enough to draw blood. You winced as the liquid trickled down your neck. “I’m going to have fun with you.” He purred in your bleeding ear before finally letting you go just as the edges of your vision went blurry.
You fell to the floor, gasping for air as he turned to walk away. Your entire body trembled, and you felt like you were going to be sick. 
“Until next time, my lovely.” Malgorm quipped before slamming the door behind him.
The second the male’s footsteps went out of earshot, the shadows in the corner quickly disappeared, Nesta and Eris shooting out from behind them like a rocket. Fury consumed Nesta’s features as she crouched down beside you and put a hand on your back. Her eyes glowed faintly as she spoke, and you noticed she was breathing heavily as if she had been struggling against something. “I’m going to fucking kill him.” She growled through her teeth.
Eris gently knelt on your other side and pulled a cloth from his pocket. He pressed it against your breathing ear while examining the forming bruises on your neck and the back of your head. It stung, but you barely felt it.
Azriel stepped forward, the disgust written clear as day on his face. “That’s who Beron is marrying you to?” He gaped, echoing your thoughts.
“Not if I can help it.” Nesta hissed, rubbing small circles on your back. “I don’t care what I have to do, I am not letting this marriage happen.”
“Neither am I,” Eris spoke cautiously, gently wiping the blood off your neck in soothing strokes. “But we have to be smart about this. We can’t just kill him randomly one afternoon, especially not before we deal with my father.”
You let out a sob, tears flowing down your cheeks. Nesta wiped them away with her sleeve, which only made you cry harder. Every time you thought you had escaped something bad, it only led to something worse. At this point, you were more scared of being held captive by Malgorm than Rhysand. At least you were pretty sure the High Lord of the Night Court wouldn’t rape you.
As Nesta comforted you and Eris tended to your wounds, you looked up at Azriel. You expected to see a look of disgust on his face at the sight of the three of you cuddled up together on the floor. Admittedly, you had no idea what to call whatever was going on between you all – you were mated to Nesta, who also had feelings for Eris, something you shared in common with her. Yet you felt no jealousy, no anger that your mate blushed whenever the male complimented her. You had assumed Azriel would find it strange, but there was no distaste on his features as he stared down at the three of you. There was something else behind his gaze, a mixture of regret, contentment, and something else you couldn’t place.
The shadowsinger’s deep voice filled the room, quieting your sobs. “I will help you get out of this marriage, (Y/N), if it’s the last thing I do. Whatever you need me to do, you only have to ask.”
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-9 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @the-sweet-psycho @
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melusinealarice · 1 year
I saw someone ask for this, and I want it as-well so Im writing it
Finnick and reader (y/n) screwing in the arena as a “fuck you” to the capitol.
A final, fuck you
Annie doesn’t exist, quarter quel, no established relationships, just enemies to lovers, sexual tension and an axe to grind
Warnings: cursing, smut, angst, hunger games so yk, violence, mentions of prostitution, porn with a little plot, If you wanna skip there I’ll put a huge red heart right before ❤️❤️‍🔥🩷❣️
Backstory: reader is 23, district 4 won 70th games, family was killed,
“Look at you,” you turn around to see Finnick, and turn away covering your eyes. “You know there are children watching this Odair, wanna put some clothes on? Or leave anything to the imagination?” You say, “ouch, feisty.” He retorts, tossing a sugar cube up catching it between his teeth. “What are you? 12?” You say rolling my eyes at him. God he is such a peacock, and it pisses you off so much. He just thinks he is god’s gift to man. “12 inches deep in your mom.” He says playing into the character. You try my best not to laugh, and Finnick can tell, “you wanna laugh and you know it.” He says, a smirk on his face. “Funny, hilarious actually, it almost made me not want to kill myself.” You roll your eyes, regaining your composure. “Well, we wouldn’t want that now would we, who would be the pretty girl on my arm?” He says eyeing me up and down, “we are wearing the same thing (y/n). You have no leverage here.” He says. “Yes, it seems ive lost my clothes, usually its just you dressed like a whore, i mean if the shoe fits.” You fire back, now it was your turn to smirk, “what? Cat got your tung?” His face falls, he looks, angry? He pulls you in so no one else can hear him. “Look (y/n), you dont know shit.” He whispers harshly, his grip on your arm tightening, his nails digging into the skin, you like the feeling. “So i’ll give you a warning, shut the fuck up.” He finishes before pulling away, his facade back on. “After you m’lady,” he says, a fake smile that looks teasing now, as he holds out a hand to help you into the carriage.
After that interaction meals are quiet, you had quit trying to talk with him, focusing on the task ahead, getting out of that arena, one way or another.
“(Y/n)?” Your stylist, Ines says snapping you back to the present, “what?” You ask. “Never-mind,” she says, waving if off. You’re about to enter the tube that will take you to the arena. “30 seconds remaining.” The speaker says. I step into the tube. “Good luck,” Ines says. “20 seconds remaining.” “Thank you,” you reply, “10 seconds” the tube closes, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” You start to move up. Sun hits your face, as your eyes ajust to the light you look around. Water, you’re completely surrounded by water, well, you know who this arena favors. You get ready as the count down starts. “60 seconds” you look around, Beetee and Chaff are on either side of you. “50 seconds” you look at the cornucopia, you’re facing it’s mouth, there are throwing knives relatively close to you. “40 seconds” you look for Johanna, the two of you made an alliance, she is your best friend and if you’re dying you wanted it to be with her. “30 seconds” you spot her, she is already looking at you. “20 seconds,” you get ready to dive into the water. “10,” you’re shaking, “9” This is really happening, “8” fuck. “7” just get to the cornucopia, “6” Dive as far out as you can, “5” get onto the rocks, “4” run as fast as you can, “3” dont trip “2” you’re ready, “1” shit. The cannon booms, you dive in, you pull myself onto the rocks and start running, not looking anywhere but forward. You make it to the cornucopia and grab the knives and the belt. The first cannon goes off, you look for Jo, and spot her, you run towards her, “Fight them off, Ill get Beetee and Wirus!” She yells, you throw your knife, it finds it’s way into a tribute’s chest, cannon, you throw a few more. “LETS GO!” You shout to Jo, “ok come on follow me!” She starts down a strip of rock, you dive in swimming along side her. You all make it to the beach and run into the cover of the jungle.
“Ok wait stop.” You say after a few minutes of running, “lets stop here and talk strategy.” “Good idea,” says Jo. “I think we should play evasive until we have no choice.” Says Beetee. You all agree. After a minute or two of talking Blight talks, “ok, lets keep moving, we’ll walk as far into the jungle as we can.” He says, “alright, take the lead.” You say, motioning for him to start. Jo and you bring up the rear, half defending half talking and joking. “Would you two focu-” blight starts to say but he is cut off. “RAIN!” You scream, tilting your face to the sky, but something is off, Jo notices it aswell, you all exchange confused looks. “Oh shit.” You say with Jo. Suddenly the ‘rain’ turns into down pour, but its not rain, its blood. Thick hot blood. You can barley see in-front of of you. Jo grabs your hand “RUN!” blight screams, starting to run forward, you start to follow as best you can but he hits something. It throws him back. “WAIT WAIT! STOP!” Beetee screams, “its a force field, other way!” He screams, the cannon goes off. “Damn it!” Jo screams, you turn around. Stumbling blind, you trudge through the jungle, only knowing where the others are by hearing their voices. “THE BEACH! I SEE THE BEACH!” Jo screams, and you follow her voice.
You get to the beach around the same time as Jo. You hug each-other, a few seconds later Beetee emerges with Wirus. She is freaking out, you all are covered in blood. As Jo tries to coax Wirus out of the tree line you are checking the surroundings. “JOHANNA!” You hear, you turn drawing a knife, its just Finnick. But you dont put the knife back tho. “FINNICK!” She screams back. He starts running to her. Sometimes you can’t believe they are friends. As you look past, you see Katniss and Peeta, you clutch your knife tighter seeing she has her bow drawn. Johanna starts explaining the situation to Finnick, but Wirus starts getting on Jo’s nerves, who is already stressed out and pissed off. “Tik tok, tik tok,” she repeats over and over like a mad woman grabbing Jo. “OKAY OKAY!” Jo screams pushing her off. “Hey, HEY, LEAVE HER ALONE!” Katniss screams running up and pushing Jo, she draws an arrow. You look around, Peeta, perfect! You draw your dagger and before anyone can react you put him in a headlock, holding the dagger to his throat. “HEY!” You scream, Katniss turns, aiming her bow at you.“Let him go.” She comands, as if she has any authority in the situation. “Leave Jo the fuck alone, we just ran through fucking blood!” You yell back. She fires her arrow, but you dodge out of the way taking Peeta with you. “Shoot it again, I fucking dare you! This time, I’ll move lover boy right in the line of fire, try me!” You scream at her, pressing the knife harder into Peeta’s neck. He puts his hands up in surrender. “Woah woah, calm down.” Finnick says stepping in between the two of you. “Dont tell me to ‘calm down’! SHE HAS A KNIFE TO PEETA’S TROAT!” Katniss screams at Finnick, “How about we all put our weapons down,” Peeta says, pleading to Katniss. “Shut up.” You sneer, moving your knife to tilt his head up. “Ok look, Katniss, she just thought you were gonna hurt Jo, are you gonna hurt Jo?” Finnick asks Katniss, telling her the right answer, “No.” She says, arrow still in place. Finnick exhales, Katniss must realize your too good to be stubborn with. “See, now, (y/n) let Peeta go,” he says. “I’ll drop my dagger, but im not letting him go till she drops the bow.” You drop the knife. “Katniss, will you please drop your bow?” Finnick says, he knows, you’ll kill him, right here, right now, and that’s exactly what he needs to not happen. She drops her bow. “If you try anything I swear to god i’ll snap your fuckin neck.” You whisper in his ear, he nods. You let him go, with hands still in the air he walk to katniss. “Okay, good, we’re all stressed lets just cool off,” Finnick says walking to you. “Im fine,” you say grabbing your dagger. “No your not, your mad and you’re gonna do something stupid.” He says grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder. “FINNICK! FINNICK WHAT THE FUCK! PUT ME DOWN- I SWEAR TO GOD ILL KILL YOU!” You scream squirming around. “Calm down” he says dunking you in the water a few times before straight up dropping you into it. You stand up, wiping the water from your eyes, still pissed off, just at him. He laughs, “god you know, you look so… cute when your mad.” He says, still laughing. “Oh fuck off Odair.” You say turning away from him. You wash the blood off as he turns and walks back to the beach. Jo joins you, washing the blood off her. Once you are both done yall go back to the beach, sitting together on the sand.
Some time passes, “Im gonna go get water.”you say getting up and walking into the jungle. Really you just wanna be alone for a little. It peaceful until you hear a scream, it’s Katniss’s name, but its not a tribute. “PRIM” you hear her scream in the distance, shit. You try and ignore it, not your circus, not your monkeys. You hear another scream. “FINNICK!” “FINNICK HELP ME!” What? But thats not possible, you’re not screaming. But its your voice. “(Y/N)” you hear him scream back. “DAMNIT ODAIR!” You scream to no one in particular, your circus, your monkeys. You run towards the screams but run, into a wall? But it’s clear, and it doesn’t throw you back like the force field did with Blight, you cant hear any screams anymore. “(Y/N)! Over here!” Jo beckons to you. You walk over to her. “What is this?” You quickly regret asking as Beetee starts going on about some science stuff. “Okay, okay.” Jo says cutting him off. You look to see Katniss on the ground covering he ears as birds swoop in. “Jabber-Jays, DAMNIT, I HATE SNOW! FUCK YOU, CANT YOU JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY! HOW ABOUT YOU COME DOWN HERE AND WE CAN FIGHT YOU PUSSY!” You scream up at the sky, Jo is smiling, Wirus is mentally gone, Peeta is staring at you like you’ve lost your mind and Beete is just not saying anything. “Finnick flipped out when he heard your screams,” Jo says sitting beside you. Finnick is currently on the ground as well, but he looks up for a brief moment, long enough to see you, and you see some of the worry in his face leave, you look back at Jo but he stays staring at you. You look at Jo, a look of confusion on your face but you know exactly what’s going on because you’ve felt is aswell.
The hour is up, you run up to Finnick, holding his head, “shit, im so sorry” you say, he straightens hugging you back, it’s strong, and he smells like the ocean. Katniss is worried about her sister, “they aren’t gonna do anything to Prim.” Peeta says. “He’s right ya know, the whole country  loves your sister, if they ever did anything to her, forget the districts, there would be riots in the damn capitol. HEY HOW DOES THAT SOUND SNOW? WHAT IF WE, WHAT IF WE SET YOUR BACKYARD ON FIRE? YA KNOW YOU CANT PUT EVERYBODY IN HERE!” Jo screams, waving her axe around. Katniss and Peeta stare at her in absolute terror, its almost funny. “What? He can’t hurt me. There’s no one left that I love.” She says, “im gonna go get some water.” She leaves. “Lets go scout out the area Finnick,” you say. The two of you get up and walk away. You walk for a few minutes in silence before Finnick breaks it. “Im so fucking ma-” but you cut him off, backing against a tree and pulling him with you into a kiss. Its rough and passionate but hungry. “Fuck,” you pant out. “God you’re hot,” he says kissing down your neck. “Wait, what about the Capitol?” You say before he draws a whine from you, sucking on a sweet spot. “Fuck them, now they’ll know how I really feel.” His voice is low and raspy, his eyes filled with lust. You pull his zipper to the wetsuit down revealing his abs and arms and fuck, he might be god’s gift to you. “Is this really, the best, place?” You say in between pants and moans as he peels the wetsuit off your body, grabbing your breasts and massaging them, making you push back into the tree throwing your head back in pleasure. “I dont want to die never having done this with you sweetheart.” He growls into the crest of your neck. “Mhm oh god, me neither.” You say as you feel his bulge against your stomach. On instinct you start to grind on it. “Fuck thats it.” He says, groaning as he throws his head back in pleasure, “please,” you whine, he brings the rest of your wetsuit down and picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You shimmy his suit down the rest of the way, pulling him out. He groans at the contact, “Fuck, you’ve hardly touched me and look at how worked up I am,” he says, lining up with you. “Oh darling, you’re so fuckin wet for me” he coos, running his tip along my slit eliciting a whimper from you as you grab his hair. He pushes into you with a groan. “You feel so good (Y/n)” he says, moaning your name. It sounds so right coming from his mouth. You clench around him and he lets out a loud groan, his nails digging into your arm, you like it, so much more this time. “Fuck, Finn,” you whine out. “Yea good girl, say my name, tell them all who’s making you feel so good, im making you mine (y/n)” he groans, thrusting into you faster and your moaning and whimpering around him, he feels so good, so so good, “so so so good, finn, mhm dont stop.” You whine out, yanking his hair harder, closing your eyes. “Open those pretty eyes for me,” you whine in protest, “now or I stop.” He forces your eyes open, looking into his as he fucks you harder, hitting all the right spots, getting all the best noises. You can feel how close you are, and so can he. “Finnickk.” You whine out, “I know, me too,” he grunts out, moving his hand to rub your aching clit, “yes, right there, please oh god oh god FIN!” You cry out as you cum for him, “fuck sweetheart you sound so pretty, you feel so good.” You whine and your hips buck up trying to get away from the overstimulation, “Finnickkk, please I can’t,” you whimper out, still shaking from your first orgasm, “Im close sweetheart.” He says his pace picking up, his fingers still working your clit. He hits the spot deep in you that has you seeing stars. You moan his name, as a second orgasm hits you, “Oh god Finnick, finnick,” you moan his name like a chant it feels so good, “Im gonna cum (y/n)” he grunts out, his thrusts getting sloppy before he cums inside of you, moaning your name and burying his face in your neck as he thrusts in a few more times. “God, you did so so good sweetheart” he pants out.
You both regain your dignity before turning to face up and flipping off the world. A final fuck you to the capitol.
The end, hope you liked it ❤️
Funny story, as I was writing the smut while my playlist was on shuffle, Ronan by Taylor Swift started playing, so I had to take a break and cry. 😃 so if the smut sucks thats why, it killed my mood. Then my cat came in and needed my attention.
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