#82 BBY
sw5w · 6 months
...Recently Elected Ruler of the Naboo...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:27:35
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desperatepleasures · 2 years
me trying to figure out when to consider wolfram an Adult for archive warning purposes
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Welcome to my Bad Batch rewatch you're all invited
I'm rewatching it all before season 3 drops and I'm just gonna blab on here if anyone's interested because I'm sure @anonymous-galager is sick of me rambling about it constantly lmao
Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't seen any bad batch content bc I'm starting with the clone wars eps too
Clone wars 7x01
Shoutout to Anakin's S7 look
"Rex is one of our best" ~CODY 😭
The 🙂👉 picture
Jesse and Kix gossiping about the batch before they've even met them 😂
The fact that Tech is piloting when they first land, he just scared the shit outta everyone because he can 💀
99 needs a mention for obvious reasons
THEYRE ALL SMILING (except Crosshair hehe)
Rex's zero hesitation to pull Cody out of the wreck himself 😭
Plan 82: shockwave - they named their plans 🥺
I'm already getting emotional about the S1 finale Louk SLOW DOWN
Wrecker with the droid head 💀
The sibling energy is strong with this one
EW TRENCH get outta here with your clicking
*sniffs dirt* (side note - go watch @kingeika voice over on insta lmao)
Jesse and Kix gossiping about the batch literally right next to them 💀💀
The whole campfire scene is chaos
Hunter being the single dad (just wait bby the mom isn't far away)
The outpost battle 💕
BOOM no. 2
Arc trooper Jesse 👀🥰
Y'all go watch the last scene, Tech's helmet is completely white 👀
Thanks for coming to Louk's rewatch part 1 I hope you enjoyed 🥰
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inyourwildestdreams22 · 10 months
Tom really had that energy yesterday haha he said "I'm not gonna be good at it but everything for you bby"
I love how he is not afraid to try things even if he is not the best of it, we should all be like him and not be afraid to try things.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 96.brb x oc
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a/n: I just love making Bea suffer. I'm sorry bby it's FOR A GOOD REASON
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: f l uf f, bea is hearing things ( OR IS SHE)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
Since she’d only need the dress by the end of September, Beatrice left it at her parents’ house. Her mother almost fainted when she saw it, but got back together quite quickly before her head hit the floor, holding the dress as if it was the most precious thing she had ever seen.
Beatrice had a little care manual to keep the dress together until the day she’d need it, but she had a feeling her mother wouldn’t really use it and would figure out how to keep that beautiful dress together until then.
Claudia refused to show the dress to Rafael, pushing her husband back into his office and closing the door before running up the stairs to hide it. Beatrice’s father only poked his head out when his wife was no longer in sight, giving his youngest daughter a worried look, “She’s doing it again.” he chuckles, “She did this with every single one of your siblings with the exception of Michael, I could never see their wedding outfits.”
Beatrice smiles sweetly, looking up to where she could hear her mother’s soft singing from Sabrina’s old room- it had more space to keep the dress safe and hidden - before she meets her father’s eyes, “It’s tradition,papa.”
“Yes,yes,I know.” Rafael’s eyes met Beatrice’s, a smile forming over his lips, “How are you feeling,tesoro? Excited?”
“I’m over the moon,papa.” Beatrice replied in a breathy whisper, her smile widening as she turned to her father, shaking her head in almost disbelief, “I…It’s been so…wonderful, it’s been so crazy and wonderful and everything has been happening so quickly, but not in a bad way, you know?” she sighs dreamily, looking down at her engagement ring, “I’m really happy.”
Rafael’s eyes softened the longer he looked at her, “Mia bambina, getting married. Now the circle is complete. All my kids are getting married.”
‘Michael is still single papa.”
He chuffs out a laugh, “You know very well your brother would never get married, tesoro. He said so himself.” Rafael’s large hand drops on top of her head, gently caressing her hair before he leans down to kiss her forehead, “I’m very happy for you. And for Bradley, he’s a good boy, he’s going to make you very happy…If he doesn’t, let me know–”
“I am joking, tesoro.” Rafael’s deep rumbled laugh only makes Beatrice roll her eyes and sneak out a quiet chuckle, her father’s hand dropping to his side, “Your mother has been all over the place, your wedding, plus Leonardo’s new baby is making her jump around like a rodeo bull.”
Considering who her mother was, it wasn’t surprising. “Did you talk to them yet? Leo and Cyn? I think I might visit them since I’m free right now and Bradley is working.” she hasn’t visited them in a while, the last time was to give the invitation and to ask Bianca to be the ring bearer - alongside Jolene which made Bianca get really excited.
“I talked to them…I think a few days ago? Leonardo asked if we still had some paint left from when we painted the living room.” Rafael says with his hands on his hips, “I told him there was none left and he sounded…a bit worried.”
Of course he did. “I’m going to hop there for a bit, maybe they need the help.” she smiles, hugging him, “I’m going to tell mamma goodbye, or else she’ll think I forgot about her.” her father agreed, watching Beatrice walk up the stairs and disappear in the room Claudia was. 
After repeating the hug - this one was a bit harder to break free considering her mother was still holding her when she tried to step back - she made her way back down, kissing Jolene’s parents on the head before pulling out her phone to check the time…only to see a message from Cynthia?
Cyn (14:30)
Hey,Bea, can you come over if you can? Leo and Michael are grinding on my nerves and I think your input would be more than welcome. Pls??
Omg of course Cyn!I was just planning on stopping by, give me a few minutes yeah?
Cyn (14:39)
Oh thank God, you are a lifesaver.  Thank you Bea.
If she knew her brothers, which she did, they would probably be arguing with each other trying to figure out how to do something but never finding a solution. And Cynthia, being six months pregnant, didn't need that stress in her life or else she’d be out of a husband and a brother in law.
Beatrice’s jeep parked outside their house after a few minutes she sent that message, she could hear her brothers’ voices from the inside, “Oh Jesus.” she says exasperatedly while laughing, stepping out of the car and walking up the front yard to the door…that immediately opened revealing a very tired looking Cynthia, who was clenching the door handle so tight Beatrice feared it’d snap, “Oh boy, that good huh?”
“They’ve been arguing since early morning.” her blonde sister in law replied, stepping aside carefully to let Beatrice in, the male voices getting louder the further she walked, “All I asked was for them to paint the baby’s room.”
Beatrice chuckled, looking up at the ceiling,standing right under the area where the baby room would be, “I’ll work on it, you can relax Cyn,I know it’s been rough.” Cynthia thanked her again, waddling her way over to the couch and finally sitting down with a heavy sigh. 
The sound of her brothers’ voices got louder every step she took up the staircase, it wasn’t a full blown argument but they were being the typical ‘I’m older than you so I’m right’ type of fight. Beatrice just stood by the baby room’s door, watching both of her brothers - Leonardo with a bandanna around his head and Michael with his hair in a low ponytail- gesturing to each other and to the wall with still clean paint rollers.
The whole room was empty and covered with newspaper so the paint wouldn’t land on the floor, but the fact that not even the paint cans were open meant that they had been too busy being petty to each other.
“I am the dad,I should know what wall to start on!”
“Well,I am the cool uncle, so my input weighs as much as yours!”
“It does not!”
“Yes it does!”
Beatrice just watched this whole scene with her eyes wide, not believing that was the reason they were arguing about, “Also, I want to paint the walls green to represent the Shire!” Leonardo snaps, pointing to the closed can.
“If you want to represent the Shire, why did you name your baby Éowyn? She’s not a hobbit! She’s a shieldmaiden.”
“Oh my God, can you two please stop?!” Beatrice’s voice snapped the two brothers out of their nonsensical argument, looking over to their younger sister who now had her hands on her hips, “Is that why the two of you did absolutely nothing here? That’s ridiculous!” she then pulls her hair up in a bun, immediately stepping in and yanking the paint roller out of their hands, using it to point at each, “You two are just arguing like two boys because of that? No wonder Cyn is tired.”
Leonardo’s face was the first to fall, his lips moving, trying to come up with an excuse or an explanation as to why he was acting like such but Beatrice just shook her head, “What color did Cyn want?” she asks, arching one eyebrow when he takes too long to reply, “Leo.”
“She wanted mint green and light yellow.” he murmurs, “But they were all out of mint green back at the store so I bought a forest green one instead.”
“And I brought the white paint to mix it.” Michael adds after a quick glare thrown to Leonardo.
Beatrice huffs, rolling her eyes and shoving each paint roller to their chest, “We are going to paint it mint green and yellow like Cyn asked, no more arguing.” She didn’t even plan on staying but seeing how her brothers were too busy bickering to come to a conclusion, she decided to stay and do it because they’d spend too long being dumb about it.
But as soon as Beatrice popped the paint can lid open, both brothers looked at each other, clearly neither wanting to admit defeat over the silly argument and then stepped forward to help their sister. And with Beatrice there, everything worked quite quickly and smoothly, they managed to paint the room the colors that Cynthia desired. 
Of all things she thought she’d be doing today, helping her brothers paint a baby room was the last of her thoughts but honestly, she had to admit, it was very relaxing.
She and Rooster have been so busy making sure everything was going to go smoothly for the wedding that a break like this was really rare. Well, not rare, they did spend time together and did…things to relax, but something like this, something she could use her hands for was something she clearly missed.
And it was a baby room! Her new niece’s baby room. 
Cynthia looked good, thankfully because she knew how hard Bianca’s pregnancy was and undoubtedly both Cynthia and Leonardo were still a bit scared if the baby was to be born prematurely. And if she could help in some way, especially since her sister in law asked her to, she would.
Leonardo and Michael got quiet, Beatrice was the only one who talked to the two, pointing to where they should go while kneeling on top of the newspaper, blowing a few strands of hair that fell in front of her eyes. 
While she was busy moving the paint roller up and down on the wall, she could swear, she could swear she heard it again. The child giggle and it wasn’t Bianca’s, she could identify her niece’s laugh, no this one was very…specific. She looked over her shoulder to Leo and Michael, who were too busy following her orders and heard nothing.
Beatrice’s eyebrows furrowed, was she…haunted? Was she haunted by the ghost of a Victorian child victim of tuberculosis? Or was her mind voicing her wants to have a child of her own, ever since she and Rooster talked about it she had to admit it made the need for a child become permanent in her mind but she still had time to think about it and yeah, while she’d stop the birth control shots after the wedding it didn’t mean they’d end up having a baby so soon, right?
She had a wedding to worry about so she couldn’t worry about hearing disembodied child voices like that. 
When Beatrice arrives home it’s already a bit late, she did spend a long time making sure her brothers wouldn’t turn their focus back to their silly bickering and Bianca once she came back home wanted her aunt to stay a little bit longer. The Bronco was already in the garage and the music coming from inside their house meant that Rooster already arrived.
Of course he knew where she was, she did let him know about it or else he’d go insane trying to figure out where exactly she’d be. Beatrice giggles to herself, walking out of the Jeep Wrangler to walk inside the house, the music getting louder as she steps in, leaning down to greet Jolene when she rushes over to say hi.
Beatrice shuts the door behind her, slowly making her way deeper into the house to see her fiancé wearing only his boxer shorts and an apron - one that she was sure she bought ages ago and completely forgot about it - while mixing something on the stove.
With his back to her, she couldn’t help but admire his amazing physique with a little smile - he still had the nail marks on his shoulders from a few nights ago- sometimes her brain, even if they’ve been together for a whole year now, takes a while to understand that he was hers.
Bradley probably felt her eyes on him ,because he stopped moving the spoon inside the pot to turn around, giving her a brilliant smile, “Hi, gorgeous.” she smiles back, leaning her shoulder on the doorframe, “Took you a while to come back.”
“Bibi wanted me to stay but I told her I had to go back to my prince.” she says sweetly and the sudden compliment makes him stop for a second, then smirk, putting the spoon aside, “That’s my apron.” she said, seeing it was one she had for ages with the tiny pugs all over the fabric, it was much smaller on him than on her - obviously- and it barely covered the upper part of his defined chest.
“I found it somewhere,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer, nuzzling her neck, “I needed it for tonight because I didn’t want to put a shirt on.”
Beatrice giggles,leaning her head back when he lifts his, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his lips, “I don’t mind it, it looks good on you.” she says against his mouth, loving that he laughed in response, “But I thought tonight was my night to cook dinner?”
“What?” Rooster recoils his head back in confusion with a little smile, “No,baby, it’s tuesday. That’s my night.”
Beatrice blinks, “Oh…sorry, my mind is all over the place.” which he understood, completely, just leaning down to kiss her cheek, “I’m going to take a shower, I am sticky- and no, don’t you start.” she laughs, pointing a finger at him when he opens his mouth to retort, narrowing her eyes playfully, “You have dinner to worry about, sir.”
Bradley’s pupils enlarge at the honorific, his hands dragging on the flare of her waist as she steps backwards to the staircase, “I can cook fast!” he calls when she’s on the steps, only giving him a knowing look before she disappears on the second floor.
“Baby!” she laughs softly at his almost desperate tone, then rolls her shoulder when she feels a sudden pain dart from it to her arm, rubbing the sore muscle. She was kicking off her shoes and unbuttoning her shorts by their room’s door and by the time she reached the bathroom she had the clothes in her arms, wearing only her underwear.
Beatrice steps into the shower, opening the faucet and letting the water fall down her hear, wetting her hair. She wasn’t planning on washing her hair this late, but considering how hot it was it’d dry off before she went to bed. 
She stood under the water for a few seconds, just letting it’s warmth take over her body with her eyes closed, feeling the sore muscle on her shoulder relax as soon as the hot water hit it. Beatrice opened her eyes the best she could with the water falling over them, waterdrops clinging to her lashes, grabbing her shampoo.
While washing her hair, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander back to the weird child voice she’s been hearing for a while, it had stopped a few days ago but hearing it again wasn’t something she found entertaining.  She never told Rooster about it, she didn’t even know if she could tell him about it, how the hell would he react?
Well, of course he wouldn’t make fun of her but he’d be weirded out by it. Should she talk to her aunt about it? Her aunt was already considered a witch maybe she could figure out what the hell was happening to her. Because it was really strange, was she having hallucinations now? Should she tell her therapist about it? 
Beatrice groans, rubbing her scalp a little bit harder to get rid of the suds, “I’m going to think about this after dinner.” she murmurs hearing her stomach growl in agreement, “Then I’ll figure out what to do.” 
She finishes her shower, wrapping her hair on a towel after drying herself off and slipping on one of the many large t-shirts she had, walking down the staircase with a smile once the smell of whatever Rooster cooked hit her nose. He was leaning his lower back on the kitchen counter, waiting for her to walk past the threshold with a little smile, “Hey, nice shower?”
“Yes, great shower.” she giggles, “Thank you for cooking dinner, I know it’s your night but I still,” she pecks his lips, “Appreciate it a whole lot.”
Rooster smiles, humming against her mouth and kissing her again, “You are so welcome. You can sit down,I’ll bring the food over.” Beatrice nods while stepping back, yelping in surprise at the soft slap on her right buttcheek, giving the pilot a narrowed yet amused glare that only received a boyish grin in response.
Beatrice watched with a small grin when he walked over with a tray in his hands, “Honey glazed garlic salmon.” he says once he puts it down, holding a finger up under the kitchen gloves, “And-” he grabs something else soon after, “Roasted potatoes with rosemary.”
“Oh wow, how fancy.”
“I know.” he smirks, tossing the kitchen gloves aside to sit down in front of her, “I felt like making something nice because I felt we deserved it.” Beatrice laughs softly with a nod, “We’ve been running around like crazy.”
“We have.” she thanks him when he hands her already made plate, drizzling some of the honey garlic sauce on top for the special effect, “But everything has been going well, thankfully, we haven’t had any issues.” besides the constant hearing of disembodied child voices around the house.
Bradley nods, “I think whoever is looking out for us is making sure we get married without any problems, babe.” he chuckles as soon as he gets himself a plate, “Anyway, how’s Cynthia? And how’s everyone else?”
“Cyn is fine, Éwoyn is fine, Bibi is fine, my brothers are grown children.” she adds with a quiet laugh, “But everyone is fine, really. We spent so long trying to paint that room, God, I think when it comes to us I won’t be–” she stops talking, her cheeks heating up and she decided that even if they talked about it before it wasn’t something she should worry about right now.
But her fiancé, who was always amused when she stopped talking all red faced like that, only smirked her way, “When it comes to us…?”
“N-Nothing,just thinking outloud.”
Rooster sets the fork aside, propping his chin on a hand with a dopey smile on his face, “You are so cute.” Beatrice doesn’t meet his eyes when he says that, “You are saying that our kid’s bedroom won’t be like that, that we’ll come to a conclusion sooner,right?” she didn’t say anything but her subtle nod gave it all away “I mean,I agree, we would do a good job figuring it out.”
Beatrice finally smiles, looking at him sheepishly,”Let’s just not ask Michael to help, it’d be a huge mess if we did.” He laughs but agrees, saying that they couldn’t ask for Mav either because he’d be a pain in the ass undoubtedly. She was still nervous talking about it, even after their conversation, but she had the comfort of knowing that Rooster would always be open to chat about it.
She always said he was one in a million and he was. The fact he took in the subject so easily and didn’t seem bothered about it spoke a lot.
Their dinner continued without her bringing up children nor the ghost children she was sure she heard, with both of them washing dishes and drying them while laughing at literally nothing. When they were done and Beatrice was cobing her hair after putting the towel back on their bathroom, Rooster was lying on the couch with Drag Race UK on, waiting for her to come back, “I didn’t press play yet.” he announces when the brunette walks into the living room, avoiding the sleeping pitbull on the way, running her fingers on her damp hair.
“You can now,” she smiles, watching him lift his uppet body off the couch enough for her to sit and his head to land on her lap. Running her fingers through the sandy brown strands, Beatrice watched the show with a little smile everytime Rooster had a little commentary about it. It was so cute–
She immediately stopped moving her hand on his hair, inhaling so deeply she feared her lungs would explode. This was not happening. She sneakily looked down at Bradley, checking on his reaction only to see he hadn’t noticed anything, then to Jolene who was still asleep next to the couch.
Beatrice slowly, slowly turned her head over her shoulder only to see…nothing. Absolutely nothing. No creepy child standing in the hallway, nor a weird figure on the wall, nothing, there was nothing.
What was happening?? Was this just because of stress? She wasn’t stressed before the proposal, she missed Rooster but she wasn’t stressed.
…she really needed to talk to her aunt.
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iijkblogg · 8 months
Gente, me respondam uma coisa aqui rapidinho;
Pra voces tipo, o que importa é só caloria ou vcs tambem contam o sódio das coisas??
Por que tipo, eu tenho a opção de comer uma certa quantidade de um alimento - tendo ela: 92kcal e 163mg de sódio
MAS- eu tenho a opção de comer um outro alimento que na mesma quantidade tem 10kcal a menos (82) só que tem tipo 400mg de sódio a mais - e eu não to afim de reter liquido ne
O que vcs fariam bbys?
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yazzydream · 1 year
JJK Season 2 Episode Predictions
Manga SPOILERS for season 2. Just having fun making predictions for what chapters the episodes will cover. It's been rumored that s2 will have 23 episodes on twitter. No official source yet but it's probably from the next issue of Jump.
Season 1 ended with chapter 63. So, starting off with chapter 64!
1. Ch 64 - A super cute episode covering Ozawa's crush on Yuji. It'll be a nice nostalgic episode establishing of a better time before all our hearts are ripped to shreds later.
Hidden Inventory/Gojo's Past arc
2. Ch 65-67 - Official start of Hidden Inventory/Gojo's Past arc. Ends with the revelation of Riko's bounty.
3. Ch 68-70 - Starts with Toji explaining his plans. Satoru and Suguru deal with the bounty hunters attacking Riko's school. Kuroi gets kidnapped... which was a non-issue, so... Okinawa! Ends with Satoru getting stabbed in the back after returning to the school. Man, I can't believe these animators would be so cruel to end the episode on such a cliffhanger, amirite?
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4. Ch 71-73 - Starts with that great Toji flashback.
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Just an overall high tension, tragic episode where Toji fucks up all the kids. Ends with him remembering who Megumi is. Lol.
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5. 74-75 - I'd start with a scene where Toji is walking away from Suguru and cutting to Satoru's finger twitch that was shown at the end of ch 73 first. Then back to Toji, who drops off Riko's corpse. And we get the iconic battle, round II, Satoru v. Toji.
6. 76-77 - Suguru finds Satoru with Riko's body at the Time Vessal Association. The year of Suguru's downward spiral. Ends on the massacre report.
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7. 78-79 - Satoru is shook. The big breakup. Satoru meeting Megumi. Satoru wakes up in the present to the first years.
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Post-credits scene where the first years go find Mechamaru. Episode properly ends with Geto and Mahito approaching him.
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Notes: I can't believe I thought Gojo's past arc would initially only take like 3-4 episodes. It's definitely closer to 5-6 now that I've typed this all up. lol. 16 episodes left now.
Shibuya Incident arc
8. Ch 79-82 - Picking up where we left off, with Mahito and Kenjaku discussing their deal with Kokichi/Mechamaru. Whole episode is just dedicated to the Mechamaru fight. Ends on this ominous scene:
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9. Ch 83-85 - Welp, here's Shibuya Incident arc. Begins with incident report lessgoooo. I love this narrative framing device in JJK tbh.
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Introducing our allies and antagonists. The absolute massacre that starts in Shibuya station once Satoru is confronted with the disaster curses. Ends partway through ch 85; with Satoru exorcising Hanami.
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10. Ch 85-89 - An auxiliary manager explains how the curtain around Shibuya station works. Yuji v. Grasshopper Curse, I expect would be relatively short? Ends with the train packed with transfigured humans coming into the station and Satoru casting Domain. Satoru is exhausted, and then the episode ends with:
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11. Ch 90-91 - Opens with the flashback of Kenjaku explaining his plan to the curses. Kenjaku reveals himself to Satoru. Portable Mechamaru appearing on Yuji's ear. Satoru... getting sealed in the Prison Realm. Omg, it's here. Ends with Satoru having "faith in everyone." 😭 Goodbye for at least another season, bby.
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12. Ch 92-95 - 9:22PM Allies meeting, concerned that it's been a while since Satoru's gone in. Yuji tells all about the sealing. Ino, Megumi, and Yuji team up. Ep ends with the knowledge that Ogami, that weird grandma, is trying to resurrect Toji.
13. Ch 96-99 - Begins with the curse users' backstory; Satoru's birth. Yuji et al. fight against them. Toji resurrected. Begin Nobara v. Shigemo fight. Episode ends in affirmation of Nobara being a badass and telling Akari to hide; so it's only partway through ch 99.
14. Ch 99-102 - Continue Nobara v. Shigemo. Nanami joins in and wrecks Shigemo's shit. Mei Mei & Ui Ui v. Smallpox Curse. Choso v. Yuji begins ahhh. Ends when Mei Mei wins her fight and Kenjaku comes to compliments her.
15. Ch 103-106 Choso v. Yuji continues. Choso has the memory that never was. End with Mimiko and Nanako finding Yuji; partway through ch 106.
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16. Ch 106-109 - Starting partway through ch 106; 10:20PM Naobita, Maki, and Nanami v. Dagon. Megumi to the rescue! Ends with the gang trying to escape Dagon's Domain, only for Toji to pop up like a daisy.
17. Ch 110-112 - Toji kicks Dagon's ass. Megumi separates from the others and the Naobita, Maki, and Nanami face Jogo. Mimiko, Nanako, and Jogo all feed Yuji fingers. Sukuna kills the twins. Ends with Jogo terrified; partway through ch 112.
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18. Ch 112-116 - Continuing right where 112 left off; Sukuna asking what Jogo wants. Toji v. Megumi fight. Kusakabe and Panda face Suguru's curse users before they're rudely interrupted by Sukuna v. Jogo. Sukuna and Uraume reunite. Ends with Shigemo freaking out about something Megumi did.
19. Ch 117-121 - An absolutely somber as shit episode. Starts at 11:05PM Shigemo v. Megumi where Megumi initiates Mahoraga. Sukuna summons Domain and destroys Shibuya. Yuji finally regains consciousness and is devastated. Nanami is killed by Mahito, and the episode ends on Yuji's facial reaction.
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20. Ch 121-124 - Start off right at that last page on ch 121; Yuji is furious. Mahito v. Yuji. Mahito v. Nobara. It's like "Accomplices" part 2. But then Mahito touches Nobara's face; partway through ch 124.
21. Ch 124-128 - Starts partway through ch 124; Nobara's childhood flashback, adult Saori, the first years hanging out, etc., etc. Mahito beats up a shocked Yuji. Todo and Aarata show up and Todo tells Yuji to get up, which where I imagine the first half of the ep to end.
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The Kyoto school are on the train, where the last remnants of Mechamaru talks to Miwa. Yuji and Todo v. Mahito. Episode ends partway through ch 128 where they've "brought out 120% of their potential."
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22. Ch 128-132 - Cont. right where we left off ch 128. My absolute favorite sequence where Yuji chases Mahito through the metaphorical snow drift. Can't wait to see this animated.
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Episode ends on Kenjaku appearing and offering to save Mahito.
23. Ch 133-136 - Starts with catching up on what everyone was up to until this point. Kenjaku bloodies Yuji up a bit and consumes Mahito. Everyone shows up and teams up against Kenjaku. Including Choso! Then Yuki! Episode/season ends with Kenjaku bouncing with the Prison Realm.
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Wow, what a foreboding and depressing end to the season. lmao.
It'll be fun to see how accurate or completely off base I was with how I divided the chapters. Just about 2 weeks left!
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Inarizaki x foreign manager (English as a 1st language)
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request! Update: my neck is slowly healing but I'm managing to write 1/2 headcannons a day! I'm thankfully about a week ahead so I'm hoping this gives me enough time to heal and keep ahead!
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Ok I just imagine being a foreign exchange student would be scary enough
But like being a foreign exchange student, managing the boys volleyball team AND attending Inarizaki 👀
Oof 😬
First off, Aran and Kita are so accepting
Aran definitely questions why you came to Inarizaki of all places 😅
Kita is totally one of those people that the school places new students with
Like he can walk backwards and direct attention to things without even a second thought 🙌🏻
I forgot to mention that this is your third year, which thank god 🙏🏻
Imagine if Atsumu had gotten ahold of you first 😅
Anyways, Kita begins to show you the lay of the land
Basic customs and etiquette that is practiced daily in school and in Japan
It's all very interesting!
Where you come from is very different from your new surroundings and a bit intimidating honestly
Kita will introduce you to Michinari and Omimi next
He's slowly integrating you yn 😊
Michinari is super interested in comparing cultural differences
Please he watches public television daily and his favorite shows are the travel shows ✋️
Omimi is more interested in you personally
Your likes? Dislikes? How you ended up here?
It's honestly a great introduction to high-school in a different country
Unfortunately for you YN, you can't have nice things 🙃
Now you are pretty fluent in Japanese but let's just say English is your first language
You have a basic knowledge and understanding down but it's different in practice
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687 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Team Japan's Group Chat: Someone's Following Me
A/N: I promise I'm going to learn how to do text and social media posts 😅 when I reopen requests, there will be a text or headcannon option! Just bare with me, I still hear the dial tone internet connection in my head daily 🤣
YN: Guys 👀 hey can someone come get me?
Yaku: what's wrong YN?
YN: So I just left the coffee shop and there's someone following me
Komori: what coffee shop?
Atsumu: Bokuto, Hinata and I are already in the car!
Sakusa: You don't even know where she is!
Ushiwaka: are you on a public street YN?
Aran: YN you can FaceTime us if you need too
Iwaizumi: if anyone messes with my girl istg!
Sakusa: hold up 🤚��your girl?
Hinata: just about to say that 🤨
Iwaizumi: I said what I said 😐
YN: Jesus christ I'm over here trying to dodge a potential kidnapper and you are arguing over me
Kageyama: if we don't save YN now she'll probably go missing
Habuka: RIP YN
YN: WTFUDUCJSJDHDB KAGS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Hakuba 😫😫😫😫😫😫
Kageyama: what? Haven't you ever seen Law and Order: SVU
Yaku: I mean, he has a point YN
Hoshiumi: what did I miss?
Komori: YN's got a creeper following her, iwaizumi said she's "his" girl and Kageyama is convinced YN's going to be the next victim of a serial killer
Atsumu: seriously Hoshiumi keep up
Hoshiumi: I hate it here 😒
Hyakuzawa: did we all just forget YN's in danger??
Yaku: oh yeah...
Aran: YN, are you near a police station?
Ushiwaka: if you need help, just scream YN
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715 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
🦅Being Shiratorizawa's Manager 🦅
Our Adorable Manager Falls Asleep on Ushijima
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Ushijima Wakatoshi featuring Shiratorizawa x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
AN: This is an Anon request and THE LAST REQUEST!!! It's taken 2 months but here we are 👏🏻 I'm going to be opening requests for chats scenarios and headcannons in June so be on the look out!
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
First off, can we just talk about how big this man is ✋️
Seriously, he's 6'3" and like bulky
Yet he just glides thought the air like a freaking flying squirrel
I mean, COME ON 👇🏻
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800 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
😍Miss Manager is Adorable 😍
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
AN: This is a request from @times-new-roman-in-pastel! This was requested in addition!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
How does one describe Inarizaki 🤔
Hmm words like scary, intimidating and strong come to mind
The essence of a power house
Plus Atsumu 😅
Please I'm barely starting and I can't resist 🤣
Let's be honest, they are blunt, loud, outspoken and super intimidating
Kita says whatever is on his mind, Atsumu and Osamu have no filters
Suna is essentially the Tsukishima of Inarizaki
Omimi is just like Ushijima 😐
There is literally nothing soft about Inarizaki
That is 👀 until they met you 🥰🌈🌸
Being a new student at Inarizaki is hard on its own, but when you are the most adorable, softest human on earth 🥺
Well it's extremely difficult
Their uniforms are dark colors mixed with some white
Nit really your style but thankfully there is some room to accessorize 💅🏼
Some adorable tights with hearts or bows
A colorful hair ribbon 🎀
Maybe a colorful necklace or undershirt 😍
Sorry YN but you stick out like a sore thumb
But hey, sticky out isn't all bad right?
Definitely not 🤩
You get alot of attention for both females and males in your class as well as above and below you
You're a second year- forgot to mention that 🙃
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809 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Inarizaki 2nd Years
Being Protective of Miss Manager
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See the full post
852 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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beasanfi1997 · 8 months
Young Jedi adventures and Acolyte are only two shows that Anakin didn't Born yet because there Is only Yoda.
Those two shows, Young Jedi Academy and Acolyte are set before Phantom Menace.
Young Jedi Academy was set in 500-82 BBY, 459 and 41 years before Anakin born
Acolyte was set in 132 BBY, 91 years before Anakin born
They are both set in a High Republican Era unlike the Legends Which One with Revan
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shynrel-vp · 1 year
⭐️ OCs as other characters ⭐️
Tagged by @cyberneutral , thank you bby !
Rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
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So I have a huge backlog on TV shows/movies but apparently the best match is : Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (Hannibal): 90%. You guys tell me if it's a good or bad thing idk.
Here is the top 5 from stuff I know and enjoy (had to expand to top 100) :
Lorraine Broughton (Atomic Blonde): 86% Raymond 'Red' Reddington (The Blacklist): 85% Jessica Pearson (Suits): 85% Annalise Keating (How To Get Away With Murder): 83% Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada): 82%
I'm pretty satisfied with the few names I recognized there, and now I have tons of shows/movies to watch because it got me curious.
Tagging time ! No pressure, sorry if you've already been tagged and anyone is free to join of course ! @gloryride @rosapexa @chevvy-yates @chilljustacat @dreamskug
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sadbitchhours9 · 1 year
Weight goals to keep me accountable.
Log the dates you hit these goals:
Start weight: 111kg (I know, disgusting)
Lowest weight I've been: 99.6kg 22/11/2023 (loss of 11.4kg)
Start date: 22/05/2023
As of 08/06/2023 (making this post) I am 109.6kg
Lw: 99.6kg 22/11/2023
Total weight lost: 11.4kg 22/11/2023
CW: 99.9kg
22/06/2023 - 1 month down: 107.4kg - Total loss (4.2kg)
19/08/23 - nearly 3 months down: 104.8kg - Total loss (6.2kg)
22/09/2023: 4 months (goal 103.5kg) - 103.7kg (7.3kg)
22/10/2023: 5 months (goal 102kg) - 101.7kg 21/10/2023 Total loss (9.3kg)
22/11/2023: 6 months (goal 99.9kg) - 99.6kg total loss 11.4kg.
22/12/2023: 7 months (goal 98.0kg)
109 - aight good work, 1st kilo is the hardest. 10/06/2023
108 - Scraping under at 107.9 but I'm happy to be getting closer to that 100 mark 15/06/2023
107 - 106.8kg is under 107! 27.06.2023
106 - goddamn this one felt like it took forever. 105.5kg! 14/07/2023
105 - fuck yeah 6kg down! You got this! That's the weight of a mini fridge! 19/08/2023 104.8kg
104 - 7kg down - equivalent of Tippi #itsaboutdamntime and only just scraped in at 103.9kg for 2 days in a row. 17/09/2023
103 - 8kg down - equivalent of a bag of potatoes (those things are heavy!) - 102.9kg 02/10/2023
102 - 9kg down - equivalent of a standard office chair - 101.7kg 21/10/2023
Back here on 09/03/2024
101 - 10kgs down - equivalent of a 24 pack of beer - 100.6kg 04/11/2023
Back here 14/03/2024
100 - Damn 11kg! That's half a sack of feed! 100.0kg 14/11/2023
Back here 29/3/2024!
99 🌟 - Under 100, double digits bby! well on your way. 12kg down and you're doing great, those sizes will be dropping down soon.
98 - 13kg down
97 - Keep pushing, this shit is hard but you're doing amazing. 14kg down
96 - 15kg down
95 - yessss queen 16kg! Get in that wedding dress!
94 - 17kg down
93 - 18kg down
92 - 19kg down
91 - 20kg down
90 - 21kg! You a whole sack of feed lighter. Get moving more!
89 🌟- under 90 we go 👀 22kgs
88 - 23kg down is about the weight of Huckle omg 😅
87 - 24kg
86 - 25kg
85🌟 - Holy shit I bet you're starting to feel really good about now right? Don't stop yet! Keep it up! 26kg!!!
84 - 27kg
83 - 28kg
82 - 29kg
81 - 30kg
80🌟🌟 - Did we ever think we'd see this day? Hell no, this is incredible!!! 31 fucking kilograms!!!
79 👀- Ummmm hi? Who are you ya skinny ma'am. 32kg
78 - 33kg
77 - Oh my God I bet you look amazing 34kg
76 - 35kg
75- UGW WTF?????😍😍😍 36kg down!! Now just maintain this!!!
74 - 37kg down ...may as well get to 40 right?
73 - 38kg
72 - 39kg
71 - 40kg 🌟🌟
70kg - 41kg down 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
1gw 99kg 💀 2gw 90kg🌴 3gw 80kg🌸 4gw 75kg 🧚🏼‍♀️ 5gw 70kg 🐇 ugw 65kg🕊 an actual dream maybe I'm delulu 60kg 🪶
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les-mis-in-space · 2 years
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(dotted lines indicate a non-blood relationship)
Calisuma "Leela" Broque (b. 18 BBY)
Kaltha (37 BBY-11 BBY) Than Meehal (55 BBY-24 ABY)
Broque (82 BBY-7 BBY) Com Narcom (62 BBY-9 ABY)
Cam "Cammie" Narcom (68 BBY-34 BBY) Druv Gariste (66 BBY-36 BBY)
Caddie Gariste (47 BBY-34 BBY) Cohor Gariste (44 BBY-34 BBY) Corrie Gariste (42 BBY-34 BBY) Cavla Gariste (40 BBY-34 BBY) Curel Gariste (39 BBY-34 BBY) Coll Gariste (38 BBY-34 BBY) Clem Gariste (36 BBY-34 BBY)
Coriantum "Cor" Narcom (100 BBY-39 BBY) Cae-Lan Jinn (102 BBY-38 BBY)
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Ok shsjjs just got to day 82 of Safe Heaven and ahsjsj this series it's so fricking good. Did I shear a tear when they left the planet.... Yes... Maybe more than a single tear :")
The heartache I felt when they said their goodbyes I-
DUDE DJHSKJFHSDFJK you just gave me a flashback to when i wrote the day they left... the part with chan and freyja specifically had me in my feels ngl
i'm suuuper happy you're enjoying it bby💜💜💜💜💜
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
kiwi i would be utterly delighted to learn about how the order is in the kiwiki verse; especially the areas that are neglected in canon
Of course!
In the Kiwiki the Jedi are divided into four class groups rather than three:
Guardians are the Warrior Class, they are made up of Jedi who prefers to be out on battlefields or hone their fighting skills in the more traditional way. Jedi Aces or the Ace Pilots of the Jedi are also in this group. It is not to say that they are warmongers, however, they just prefer to be out with their feet on the ground and hands in the nitty gritty, so to speak. Think along the lines of Anakin Skywalker, Agen Kolar, or Ahsoka Tano— but also Saesee Tiin
Consulars are the Political Class, so to speak. Where Guardians fight, the Consulars take time to find negotiations, they are the political liaisons and diplomats, along with seers and researchers. They understand how politics work and use it to their advantage. On top of that, the Healers also fall into this division with Lore-Keepers and archivists. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, and Jocasta Nu are the ones you think of, but also Vokara Che, and Adi Gallia.
Sentinels are the rather unorthodox division, and while they are often seen as the balance between the Guardians and Consulars, they are much more than that. Divisions such as The Shadows, Instructors, Watchmen, Seekers, Culinary Jedi, Investigators, and artisans fall into this group. They are both distinctive yet blend into the other classes and don't stick strictly to the traditions of the Order. This division has more acceptance of non-force techniques and non-traditional jedi skills. Think Quinlan Vos, Tholme, Terra Sinube, Micah Giett, and even Plo Koon.
The Guard is solely made up of the Jedi Temple Guard and their Sibling branches (such as the Guard at Lola Sayu or at other Temples, though these branches grew more or less dilapidated and returned to the main body as the Order drew itself closer into Coruscant). The Peace Keepers and Gate Keepers are also associated with this class, but it should be known that they are technically Sentinels.
Think of the four classes as such: In the case of a locked door, the Guardian will try and break it down, the Consular will try and negotiate with the person who locked the door, the sentinels will pick the lock, and the Guard is on the other side holding the door closed (lol)
Within these Class Categories, there are other Divisions/jobs that the Jedi can do. I sort of stated it before when listing examples, such as the Ace Starfighter Pilots, the Healers, and Investigators.
(More below but this is getting a bit long lol)
Within each of these divisions are smaller departments that are created based on specialty— for example, the various artisan groups, research groups, combat vs academic instructors, the various classes of healers, archivists who are more into research and logging vs those who prefer writing and creating, and so on.
Each department has a department Head, and then each division has a head picked from these department heads. In the Kiwiki, Cin Drallig heads both the Instructors and Jedi Temple Guard, but Anoon Bondara (before his death) was the Department head for the Combat Instructors. Similarly, Coleman Kcaj is both the Division head of the Artisans and the Department Head of the textile workers, Jocasta Nu heads the Archive Division and the Lore-keeping department, and Vokara Che is head of the Halls of Healing and the General Department of Healers, but OCs of mine— Altha, Nix Mora, and Bruce Rion— head the Mind Healer, Pediatrician, and Surgical departments. And so on and so forth.
(I'll talk about the Guard in a second)
Unfortunately, after the High Republic Era ended (roughly 82 BBY), the various Divisions began to fall to the wayside. On a traditional level, the Jedi Initiates were still offered many choices to choose from and Jedi Masters and Knights in those divisions would gladly train the initates who were interested in joining their divisions, but the equal power that Division heads had in decision-making slowly wained.
For example, the Councils would often make decisions and the Divisions would only learn of them after instead of being there in person. While the Division heads did not expect to be there for every bit of news and meeting, major events and news to be broken had the input of Division Heads in the past.
When the War ends in 18 BBY (Kiwiki'Verse), many of the Division Heads start putting pressure on the Councils for things to return to the pre-end of the high republic balance— this certainly did happen, especially with the reconstruction of the High Council as well.
In terms of the Jedi Temple Guard, there is a bit of a divide as the Jedi Temple Guard are the only Division to not accept Padawans into their ranks. You are either Knighted upon entering the Guard or have been Knighted previously. This is because the training within the Guard's ranks is rather brutal and Children are seen as too young to deal with that. Both mentally and physically.
The Guard also has its own structure and departments: General Guard, Night Guard, Lower Level Patrol, Political Guard, Healers, Ventilation Patrol, Sniper Corp, Trainers, and the Investigations
The General Guard is where you fall if you don't think you can fit into any of the other groups
the Night Guard primarily works for the Nocturnal Shift
The Lower Level Patrol deals with the lowest levels of the Jedi Temple
The Political Guard mostly goes with other Jedi to the Senate or acts as Jedi Escorts with Political Liaisons. They also transfer dangerous criminals— think when the guard brought Barriss in
The ventilations patrol patrols the vent systems in the temple. They were either all on strike because they don't get paid or cad bane killed the patrol during the holocron heist. one of the two.
The Sniper Corp is the least known branch of the Guard and are stationed along the top of the temple in hidden places. They keep watch for threats from the outside and act as cover and ranged fighters if the Temple is attacked externally (ie: operation Knightfall)
Trainers are some of the oldest and who train the newer guard in how the guard functions and works.
Investigators keep tabs on holo-cams and act as shadow informants between the main temple and the shadows.
All of the Guard within the division branches will jump around as needed and all are assigned to general patrols, front guard, and so on. It's like a miniature version of the main Order.
Anyways, There's a lot more that is just drifting in my brain, but that's the main gist of it.
TLDR: There are Classes -> Divisions -> Departments (based on Speciality) but there's definitely overlap and sticking with just one department, division, or even Class is not required— it's actually highly encouraged to learn under a number of departments at least. If you can crossover through Divisions and even Classes, all the better!
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herochron · 2 years
Star Wars Canon Chronological Timeline
Golden Age of the Sith (?)
Visions Season 1, Episode 9
High Republic Era (?)
Visions Season 1, Episode 7
82-32 BBY
Tales of the Jedi Season 1, Episodes 2-3
Tales of the Jedi Season 1, Episode 1
32 BBY
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Tales of the Jedi Season 1, Episode 4
32 - 22 BBY~
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 10
22 BBY
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episode 16
The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 16
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 1
Tales of the Jedi Season 1, Episode 5
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 3
The Clone Wars Season 1, Episodes 1-8
21 BBY
The Clone Wars Season 1, Episodes 9-15
The Clone Wars Season 1, Episodes 17-21
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 1-3
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 17-19
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 4-14
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 20-22
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episodes 5-7
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 2
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 4
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 8
The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 22
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 9
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 11
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 6
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 12
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 4
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episodes 10-11
The Clone Wars Season 2, Episode 15
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 2
20 BBY
The Clone Wars Season 3, Episodes 12-22
The Clone Wars Season 4, Episodes 1-22
The Clone Wars Season 5, Episodes 2-13
The Clone Wars Season 5, Episode 1
19 BBY
The Clone Wars Season 5, Episodes 14-20
The Clone Wars Season 6, Episodes 1-13
The Clone Wars Season 6, Unfinished Episodes 14-17
The Clone Wars Season 7, Episodes 5-8
The Clone Wars Season 7, Episodes 1-4
The Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 9
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
The Clone Wars Season 7, Episodes 10-11
The Bad Batch Season 1, Episode 1
The Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 12
Tales of the Jedi Season 1, Episode 6
The Bad Batch Season 1, Episodes 2-16
Visions Season 1, Episode 6
14 BBY
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
11 BBY
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 16
10 BBY
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 1, Episodes 1-6
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Visions Season 1, Episode 8
Visions Season 1, Episode 4
Andor Season 1, Episodes 1-12
Rebels Shorts, Episodes 1-4
Rebels Season 1, Episodes 1-7
Rebels Season 1, Episodes 8-15
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 15
Rebels Season 2, Episodes 1-9
Rebels Season 2, Episodes 10-12
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 8
Rebels Season 2, Episodes 13-22
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 9
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 16
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 1
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 7
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 13
Rebels Season 3, Episodes 1-16
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 11
Rebels Season 3, Episodes 17-22
Rebels Season 4, Episodes 1-11
Rebels Season 4, Episodes 12-16
Visions Season 1, Episode 2
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 4
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
0 BBY - 0 ABY
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 5
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 7
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 6
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 3
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 14
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 14
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 9
Star Wars: Hunted
Visions Season 1, Episode 1
The Mandalorian Season 1, Episodes 1-8
The Mandalorian Season 2, Episodes 1-8
The Book of Boba Fett Season 1, Episodes 1-7
34 ABY
Resistance Season 1, Episodes 1-7
Resistance Shorts, Episode 1
Resistance Season 1, Episodes 8-11
Resistance Shorts, Episodes 2-12
Resistance Season 1, Episodes 12-16
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 15
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 5
Resistance Season 1, Episodes 17-19
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episodes 1-2
Forces of Destiny Season 1, Episode 10
Resistance Season 1, Episodes 20-21
Resistance Season 2, Episode 1
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 13
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 8
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 12
Forces of Destiny Season 2, Episode 3
Resistance Season 2, Episodes 2-17
35 ABY
Resistance Season 2, Episodes 18-19
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Visions Season 1, Episode 3
Unknown Future Date
Visions Season 1, Episode 5
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tohokuu · 2 years
ohhh enjoy ur stayyy there bby!!!!!! <3333
enjoying it but like - it’s been so hot these last couple days and the electricity here is extremely unreliable 😭
we just got a backup power grid installed the other day and now there’s electricity but it’s so so stressful being here 😭
the weather has finally cooled down since it rained one night ago but i like it a solid 68 degrees and the temperature never goes below 82 😞
i got a pet cat tho ! her name is hoshi
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