9-1-1 Lonestar as News Headlines
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tvshowspoilers · 2 months
God, the heaviness that is on Bobby in episode 8 and then episode 9.....ouch 😭
and the whole thing with Hen's arc in episode 9....damn
Everything is crumbing
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thetokentrans · 3 days
I need a spin off set in Seattle. I know when 911 switched to ABC there was some talk in the community about wanting a grey's anatomy/station 18 cross over, but I want something on its own. Or a different station I guess. One, because I'd love to see another wildfire episode, setin the mountains here or somewhere to the north of me, maybe. But also because I wanna see what wild calls they get up to.
I also just had this concept in my head of a trans woman, who started her career presenting as male and then transitioning while she worked at the firehouse and all the guys treating her with the utmost respect and love. And like, her still staying fit and muscular because her job is intensive, and because she *likes* her muscles and her body, she just doesn't want to be referred to as a man, or assumed to be a man. Because big jacked lady in a firefighter uniform?? Yes pls. And also I just want good trans representation for a trans woman who isn't hyperfemme but her identity is still treated as valid because if she says she's a woman, by Job she's a woman.
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
andrea “andy” herrera
victoria “vic” hughes
maya bishop
carina deluca
marina (maya x carina)
addison montgomery
charlotte king
naomi bennett
violet turner
⏤͟͟͞͞911 UNIVERSE
marjan marwani
tommy vega
hen wilson
nancy gillian
natalie manning
april sexton
maggie lockwood
gabrielle dawson
leslie shay
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cowboylikesel · 4 months
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and that’s what you missed at the 118
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llove-me-anyway · 6 months
obsessed with the way Eddie is about to look back down on his phone but in a split second recognises from Buck’s face that something very serious is happening and immediately gives him his whole attention.
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it literally took less than a second for Eddie to read Buck and he immediately responded accordingly. it was so fast, blink and you’d miss it.
i’ve said it way to many times before and i’ll say it again: they’re soulmates in the most beautiful way. idc about “romantic” a “platonic” how about written in the stars
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hunybody · 3 months
the thing that is SO miserable about eddie diaz is. it really seems like the narrative is something alive that hates him. this season especially it was like… look at how hen and karen’s support system came together to prevent their baby from being taken from them! look how easy that was! not for you though. your family is going to finally take your baby away after years of trying.
awww nice buck is happily engaging with his queerness and has a boyfriend now look how easy that was! not for you though. you’re doomed to have panic attacks about women and the idea of having to ‘perform’ forever. look at how bobby engages with this ghost from his past! he gets to express himself and get things off his chest and his family is going to love him no matter what. not you though, eddie, and fuck you for trying!
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months
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911: Lone Star | Nancy & Marjan ↳ for @sznofthesticks
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lonestardust · 15 days
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'The centre of my universe is in your arms'
Tarlos throughout the seasons.
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invisible-pink-toast · 7 months
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butches appreciation!!
bonus: not canonically butch... but not not butch
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theotherbuckley · 1 year
Eddie: the universe does not scream
The universe: *tsunami almost takes both Chris and Buck* *lightning traps Eddie in the well where he thinks if Buck and Chris* *sniper shoots Eddie in front of Buck where he has to roll under a fire truck and lift Eddie to safety* *lightning temporarily kills Buck and throws Eddie off the ladder*
*Buck and Eddie still not realising they’re in love*
The universe:
The universe: what the fuck do you want me to do next
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TK: “This is my ex boyfriend, Carlos.”
Carlos: “For the love of god stop telling people that, I’m his husband.”
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firewasabeast · 2 months
okay so I wrote a fic based off this post that I made earlier today so... enjoy!
read here or on ao3
Thomas Kinard is eighteen years old and he just graduated basic training.
He's standing among nearly two hundred other graduates, all filled with some form of anxiety and excitement.
They're all standing at attention, although Tommy knows everyone's eyes are searching the audience.
They've all been given their orders.
They stand at attention until a family member or loved one comes and taps them out. Only then can they be at ease.
Tommy had called his dad a couple weeks ago. Left him a message on the landline about the date and time of his graduation. He hadn't expected a call back. The payphones at basic weren't great and you didn't have much spare time to be on them, but he knew his dad would get the message.
He wrote a letter to his grandparents, just in case. His aunt on his mom's side, and his older cousins too.
They'd been proud when he told them he was graduating early, joining the service, would be celebrating his eighteenth birthday in boot camp.
Even his dad has slapped him on the back and told him he was glad he was finally becoming a real man.
Tommy's eyes scanned the crowd, but it was hard to make anyone out.
He waited patiently through the ceremony. His heart skipped a beat or two when people began making their way toward the graduates.
He stood still, only his eyes darting around as the people beside him began to get tapped out. He listened to the cries of parents who had done nothing but miss their children for the past 10 weeks. Saw grown men cry at the site of their moms. Heard the laughter from boyfriends and girlfriends who surprised their partner by showing up. Watched little kids run to their sibling and wrap their arms around them in a hug.
He was certain that only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like hours.
As more and more seconds passed, his heart continued to pound, but for a different reason now.
Surely he wasn't the only one. As he glanced around, he didn't see anyone else waiting. No, he couldn't see everybody, but he was near the back in the center row so he could see most people, and they all had somebody with them.
A hand tapped his shoulder and his head jerked to the side, eyes wide. He felt a lump in the back of his throat when he saw his commanding officer standing beside him. He had the softest look on his face that Tommy had ever seen.
“At ease, soldier.”
Tommy takes a breath, relaxes his posture. His CO moves in front of him, shakes his hand. “You've done well, Kinard. You should be proud.”
Tommy nods. Can't find his voice to speak.
He feels tears in his eyes, but he blinks them away.
He shouldn't have expected anyone to show up anyway.
He lowers his head as he walks off the field. A part of him wonders what it was all even for?
Thomas Kinard is forty-eight years old and he just got promoted to captain.
It's not something he ever thought about until the past couple of years. He wouldn't get to fly much as captain. There's more paperwork, more politics, more people to answer to.
But there's also more stability. Especially with being the captain at Harbor. A regular schedule, forty-eight on and ninety-six off.
It was safer. There had been a scare a couple years back. Engine failure on his bird. He went plummeting toward the ground and, if not for a dense area of trees slowing his descent, the chopper would have exploded the second it hit the ground.
He survived, obviously, but his injuries were severe. He had a broken pelvis, fractured leg, thirty stitches down his arm, cranial bleeding, and ended up in a coma for nearly two weeks.
The recovery was long and so, so painful but he had Buck by his side every step of the way. Even the times he'd push Buck away, tell him to please just leave him alone, Buck stayed. He stayed and he learned all the physical therapy techniques and he loved Tommy through all of it.
Flying hadn't felt the same since. He was relieved when he had fully recovered. When he took his recertification classes and passed with flying colors.
But the freedom he had always felt with being in the sky changed into something completely different. There was anxiety. Relief when he was back on solid ground.
He stared out into the crowd, at the little girl sitting on Buck's lap.
Juniper. Six years old and looking more grown up every day. She was glancing all around the room, her eyes never staying in one place for very long. She kept pointing at things, leaning back to whisper into Buck's ear. He'd nod, smile, then whisper back. Tommy was sure they were swapping facts.
So much like her father, he thought.
He'd never forget the day he got home from the hospital. Juniper, only four then, staring at him as he was wheeled into the house. She was clutching onto Eddie's hand, her knuckles snow white. She hadn't gotten to see him in nearly a month, besides an occasional Facetime call.
Once he had gotten settled into the hospital bed that had been delivered to the house the day before, he called her over to him. She slowly climbed up onto the bed, Buck helping her settle beside Tommy without really touching him.
“You scared me, Papa,” she spoke quietly, eyes wet with unshed tears. “Please don't do it again.”
No, flying was never the same after that.
His eyes wander over the rest of the crowd.
A small smile breaks out over his face when he realizes he knows everyone in the first two rows.
Besides his husband and daughter, Maddie, Chimney, and Jee were there. Hen- or, Captain Wilson, now- and Karen. Eddie, Ravi, and Athena. Behind his family were all the firefighters from Harbor. They had been thrilled when they heard Tommy would be the new captain. He'd been taking cues from Bobby recently, starting special dinners with the crew and getting to know them better before he even became captain. He wanted his team to know he'd be there for them, that they could count on him. From the excitement they showed when it was officially announced that he'd be the new captain, he was fairly certain he'd done a good job so far.
The only person not in the audience today was Bobby. But, that was simply because Chief Nash was the one leading the ceremony.
Tommy takes another look around at the family in front of him. He waves at Juniper. She grins wide, showing off her missing front teeth, waves enthusiastically.
His eyes meet Evan's. Tommy gives him a wink. Buck smiles, winks back.
He straightens his posture as the ceremony begins.
He thinks, this... this is what it's all for.
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firehose118 · 3 months
rewatching Hen Begins
sal is definitely the one who took the initiative on reporting gerrard, right?
at the infamous Team Jacob meal, gerrard says he’s worried about putting his life and the lives of “his men” in the “hands of someone who isn’t up to the job”
and sal gives him this long, evaluating, critical look
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this is before hen thinks quickly to save the woman in the mudslide
this is before hen puts together the clues that there was another car in the accident and saves a drowned child
this look might be about female firefighters or about black firefighters but it is NOT about hen’s as-yet-untested abilities
i think sal sees gerrard as “someone who isn’t up to the job”
i think sal doesn’t trust gerrard with the lives of “his men”
we see later how gerrard dismisses hen’s ideas even when those ideas save lives. he chastises her for having them at all. does he listen to anyone else’s ideas? does he listen to sal?
how many people have died or been in unnecessary pain because gerrard has been too stubborn to listen to anyone but himself?
i think sal has wanted gerrard gone for a long time now
does he sense an opportunity in hen’s arrival? we know from Bobby Begins Again that sal wants to be captain. the easiest path to that for him is to take over from gerrard
gerrard has his say about women and leaves the table. sal kind of rolls his eyes but looks at tommy and nods for them to both leave with him
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he looks almost regretful? like he doesn’t want to follow gerrard but knows he and tommy have to stay on his good side
maybe that’s the only way to get gerrard to listen—to make him see you as an extension of himself
so sal is still playing the game, still playing along as a card-carrying member of the Straight White Boys’ Club (and plays it so well that it wasn’t until my 5th rewatch with my saltommy goggles on that i even noticed this moment of evaluation at all)
throughout the episode, tommy follows closely at sal’s heels. sometimes tommy will look to gerrard for approval instead of sal (cutting out the middleman), but if sal goes somewhere, tommy is only a step behind him
sal knows how to play the game. tommy knows how to follow along. to hide in plain sight under the wing of someone who will guide him
i think sal said “let’s report this guy” and only had more and more justification as time when on—as hen proved herself more than capable and gerrard only got nastier in response
once their mission was set, tommy sent in his own reports. so did chimney, of course. who knows how many others sal recruited to report gerrard en masse
yes, hen is a great firefighter. but gerrard leaving the 118 was a coup, and it started before she set foot on her first call
this was a coup—and an unsuccessful one
gerrard was gone, yes. but sal did not replace him
i think this casts sal’s Bobby Begins Again insubordination/meltdown over being passed over for captain yet again into a more interesting light
after all sal has done for the 118? he got gerrard kicked out. he saved hen’s career—one of the smartest and most determined firefighters he’s ever worked with. he’s held the place together and run scenes as their string of retiring captains bumbled through calls
and then this random guy from minnesota is chastising sal for saving a kid trapped in a burning building? he thinks this is his house?
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amidnightjen · 1 year
The man who opens the door is not her brother. He’s just as tall as she remembered Evan being but he’s dark haired and brown eyed and a complete stranger.
He’s also holding a baby in one arm. It’s the baby who holds her gaze. Soft blonde curls, startling blue eyes and a tiny little birthmark.
“Can I help you?” The man asks, growing at her and then shifting his baby slightly further out of her reach as though he’s worried she’s going to snatch the little girl and run.
“I’m looking for Evan,” she tells the man.
“He’s not here.”
“Oh. Sorry, I, uh - he lives here, though? Evan Buckley?”
“Yeah,” the man confirms slowly. “Who are you?” He still sounds wary and she feels so wrong footed. She hadn’t really thought much beyond running, beyond finding her baby brother.
“I’m Maddie,” she says, and even as she does, she wonders if it will even mean anything to this man. This man who is holding a tiny little baby version of Evan.
But the man’s eyebrows shoot up and he takes a step back, not to protect himself further, she realises, but to give her room to come inside. “Oh, wow, uh, you should come in.”
“I can wait out here,” she offers, still remembering his earlier caution.
The man snorts. “And let him come home and find you waiting outside? Nah, he’d kill me.”
“He might not want to see me,” she cautions because she has to prepare herself for the the possibility that he won’t want to see her.
The man snorts. “I’m Eddie by the way,” he introduces, shutting the door behind her. He bounces the baby in his arms gently, adding, “This is Maddie.”
The sob that tears out of her is unplanned and raw.
Evan named his daughter Maddie.
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asraindarkness · 3 months
is he really ur favorite fictional man or he is just a unstable lonely man who believes he is nothing if he can’t help people even if it means sacrificing himself and goes through all type of shit while he’s found family are always worried sick for him and he’s also always is covered in blood and tears?????
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