#A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael
scattered-irises · 4 months
The Stage was the Castle Hope in Astral
Chapter 3 of OOParts Iron Maiden and the Dreamy Prince is the last wholesome wholesome chapter. Please read it after chapter two for the full fairytale wedding experience.
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 4242
Characters: Michael Arclight, Yuma Tsukumo
Pairing: Michael Arclight/Yuma Tsukumo
Warnings: Mentions of past Arclight weirdness, arranged marriage
Summary: Michael has the fairytale wedding of his dreams. Afterwards, he and Yuma talk about their dreams for the future.
  Another rain of flower petals greeted him as he entered the cathedral. A looming figure of the Astral god, the Emperor Hope, watched over the altar. Compared to the joyous salutations of the throne room, the cathedral was silent. Courtiers continued to greet him with smiles, but they were more restrained. Flower girls dressed in flowing silks threw even more flower petals at his feet. Michael began to walk down the long walkway, a boyish figure awaiting him at the end. 
  His heart filled with joy upon seeing Yuma’s merry red eyes and grin. He wore a suit of red, bright against the white backdrop of the cathedral. A crown of white Astran lilies perched on his head, matching Michael’s own flower crown. He could fly down the flower-strewn path if the flower girls hadn’t dictated the pace of the ceremony. Run into Yuma’s arms and tell him what a dream-come-true Astral was. And yet, with the very little etiquette lessons he was steeped in, he forces himself to match the even gait of the flower girls. 
  “You all look so beautiful,” he whispered. 
  One of the younger girls turned back and stuck out her tongue. 
  Such cheek. Children of Barian were never this joyous. Even the village children seemed dour. His own upbringing alongside his brothers were guided by their father’s stern hand. When he had lost himself to his arcane studies, their imposing tutor had taken Tron’s place. Even Thomas, with all of his eccentricities, appeared doused in the presence of their tutor.
  “Doctor Starfruit,” as he and Thomas secretly called him, had gnarled fingers and a beak-like nose. His hair had never appeared brushed and stuck out like the angles of a starfruit. His clothes were alway black and ill-fit his hunched figure. A sharp rap on the head was his signature move for sleepy students, quickly shaking Christopher out of the habit. 
  Even though Thomas answered Doctor Starfruit’s questions through his puppets and Christopher mumbled his responses over pieces of flesh, the fear the man instilled into them long remained. 
  Scanning the crowd of courtiers, there were no Doctor Starfruit-like figures in the audience. Everyone was fresh-faced and wearing their most colorful clothes. 
  The priest at the head of the altar outstretched his arms in welcome, his silvery sleeves stretching to the floor. His wizened expression and curiously braided eyebrows were filled with kindness. He gave Michael a brief nod and Michael nodded back. 
  As the flower girls emptied their baskets at the foot of the altar, Michael turned to face Yuma. Immediately, his betrothed beamed. Michael stilled for a few moments, taken by Yuma’s charm. His skin appeared to be kissed by the sun and his hair touched by flame. Despite that, he possessed the same gentle expression as his mother. Although the miniature he had been gifted of Yuma was skilled, it was nothing compared to real life. No amount of talent could capture such effervescent brightness.
  “We are here today to celebrate the union between enemy lines!” declared the priest. “One from the Kingdom of Barian and one from the Kingdom of Astral. Both are of noble lineage, House Arclight of Barian’s great mages and House Tsukumo of Astral’s greatest generals. Rejoice!” 
  Polite applause rose from the audience. Michael caught Queen Mirai’s eye in the front row. The queen beamed, a prideful expression on her face. 
  “May their unity upon many others bring peace to our kingdoms,” said the priest to greater applause. “The war has taken far too many noble souls.” 
  Yuma offered Michael his hands. Quickly, Michael grabbed them. They were reassuringly warm. 
  “You look amazing,” whispered Yuma. 
  Heat filled Michael’s cheeks and he stopped himself from looking away. Yuma’s eyes burned with tender passion as Michael’s heart soared. How could he have been so lucky? His father could have betrothed him to a cold widow or a cruel tyrant. Instead, he had been presented with a lovely youth close to his age. 
  “You do as well,” said Michael. 
  Yuma grinned and it felt as if all of the candles in the room had dimmed. Never had he seen such a bright smile before. The boy must have been blessed by the Emperor Hope himself. Gazing up at the deity, Michael felt a wave of reassurance fill his chest. There was nothing heathen-like about this foreign god. In his strong arms he held twin blades. According to the books he had read, Emperor Hope could also furnish an impenetrable shield if needed. 
  Looking back at Yuma, Michael straightened his posture. He would protect that smile. He would become his prince’s sword and shield if needed. 
  “...Under orders from the Great Dragon, Emperor Hope sought to protect Man, for Man was small and weak. The Great Hope shielded Man from wicked influences like the pariah Don Thousand and the Black Mist,” recited the priest.
  At the mention of the Barian gods, Michael stiffened. Ever since Emperor Durbe ascended the Barian throne, Astral’s forces had seemed to grow even more fervent. Their emperor was a devout worshiper of the Barian gods, his palace rumored to be filled with religious artifacts. 
  The first time he had seen the emperor, he had been in the midst of a pilgrimage. Tron had offered him shelter from the rain. Clutching his father’s hand, Michael gazed up at the bespectacled man in awe. Could such a plainly dressed man truly be the great ruler of Barian? All Durbe had worn was a roughspun pair of trousers and a shirt dyed black. His boots were worn and covered in mud. Around his neck, a pendant featuring Don Thousand’s lotus hung, the only item of true value on his body. The emperor had knelt down before him and touched his forehead. His breath had smelled of coriander. 
  “ May Black Mist guide you, little one, ” he had intoned in a voice like whispering reeds. 
  His gray eyes had radiated kindness and his hand was warm. He ate very little and never commented on the behaviors of Michael’s brothers. How could such a man and his gods be considered evil? 
  Don Thousand stood for the creativity and soul of man, protecting them from oppression. Black Mist, his son, protected wayward youths and encouraged cleverness. Anything they had done to the old gods had been necessitated by self defense. Man could not be protected by Emperor Hope forever. 
  And what about Astral’s own emperor, Eliphas? Everyone knew that he was an extravagant man who commanded absolute respect. Never seen without a retinue or his golden helm, the emperor of Astral always seemed to flaunt his country’s wealth. 
  Noticing Michael’s discomfort, Yuma squeezed his hands and gave him an awkward smile. 
  “Traditions are traditions,” he breathed. 
  Michael gave him a brief nod and waited for the sermon to end. 
  As the priest droned on about the virtues of hope and obedience, he felt himself rebelling at the words. Exploring the unknown moved humanity ahead. Change brought forth progress. A refusal to accept the gods’ rules allowed Man to think on his own. He thought back to his father’s resurrected rat. 
  One could not bring back the dead. 
  And yet he did. 
  At the cost of his sanity and body, hissed a voice in Michael’s head. 
  Michael swallowed. Right. These new gods of order and hope were his gods now. This was his new home and kingdom. He would be obedient. He would be meek. He would allow Emperor Hope to shield him with his iron wings. 
  “And now, beneath the Great Hope’s watchful eyes, I pronounce you as one. Your souls have ranked up, ever closer to Utopia,” declared the priest. 
  A triumphant roar washed over the audience as Yuma pulled Michael into a chaste kiss. More flower petals fell from the sky. 
  They were quickly led to the banquet hall, where a sumptuous feast awaited them. Greenery of all shapes and sizes. Meat roasted to perfection. So many plates and names he didn’t know the names of. There was even a peacock edged with gold leaf. 
  “It’s just like you said…!” gasped Michael. “There’s no —”
  Yuma gave him a conspiratorial wink and dragged him towards the head of the table. They were quickly surrounded by a bevy of excited courtiers. 
  “Is Barian truly as miserable as they say?”
  “Did you truly feast on the blood of angels and eat from the skulls of traitors?”
  Yuma laughed at the courtiers’ questions, quickly waving them off. 
  “As you can see, Michael has normal human teeth just like us! And his hands are even more lily-white than some of yours!” boasted Yuma. 
  Shrinking at the attention, a wave of relief filled Michael’s chest as Yuma expertly parried the courtiers’ questions. He had to set a good example for his people, especially if there was so much ignorance about his culture. Yes, Barian at times could be miserable, but it had its wonderful moments too! 
  “Did I ever tell you about the harvest festivals we have?” asked Michael over the din of the courtiers. 
  Yuma quickly shook his head and proceeded to yank a turkey leg from a large platter.
  “No! Tell me!” he said, taking a large bite out of the leg afterwards. 
  “It’s quite the occasion! My people paint all kinds of things on their harvest crops. Faces, animals, scenes from legends…anything! It’s a way for them to pray for a good harvest. Once, there was this beautiful rendition of the moon floating over a river. Pine trees surrounded the lake and there was a howling wolf at the shore. It was painted on a beautiful white pumpkin—the largest I had ever seen…”
  It’s then that Michael realizes that all of the courtiers had silenced. They gazed at him with curious expressions, the food on their plates ignored. Heat filled Michael’s cheeks. 
  “U-uhm…w-we—the villagers—they also put candles in their hollowed squashes and display them as a way to entice Black Mist to guide their children.”
  “Isn’t that god of yours evil?” asked a young woman. 
  Michael met her eyes and straightened his shoulders. 
  “Black Mist is the guide of lost souls. He protects lost children and returns them home, wherever that may be,” replied Michael. “As a child himself, he likes sweets and plays pranks on his elders.”
  “Didn’t Black Mist steal Emperor Hope’s sword once?” asked another noble. 
  The nobles stirred, beginning to glance at Michael with suspicion. 
  “I believe all children are mischievous at heart,” said Michael as he was served soup. “Weren’t you also mischievous at that age?”
  The man blushed and then gave Michael a small grin. 
  “Why, yes. I stole the head priest’s hat and hid it in the stables,” he recalled with a chuckle. 
  “I do hope he found it!” said Michael. 
  “He did! And I had to muck out the stables for half a year!” 
  Laughter filled the banquet hall, soon giving way to easy conversation. 
  “They love you, see?” whispered Yuma. 
  Michael took a sip of his soup and smiled. The soft flesh of the fish melding with the herbs was nothing like the soups at home. He reached for a piece of turkey, only to find that his arms were too short. Quickly, Yuma leaned over the table, cut off a piece and placed it on Michael’s plate. 
  “Thank you,” said Michael. 
  “Don’t worry about it! This is really good!” said Yuma through a mouthful of food. 
  “It is!” agrees Michael after his first bite. 
  He had always adhered to a simple diet. He never wanted to bother the frightened chefs back at home. He had settled for lightly seasoned meats and tasteless vegetables for who knew how long. Now, faced with an array of expertly seasoned foods and plates as far as the eye could see, it was almost too much. 
  “Do you eat like this every night…?” breathed Michael after he finished his soup. 
  He reached for a strange purple fruit as Yuma quirked a grin. 
  “It’s only slightly less grand on normal nights,” he drawled. 
  Lights filled Michael’s eyes. He bit into the fruit and was met with a tart sweetness. The pale flesh of the fruit compared to its purple skin piqued his interest. Quickly finishing it, he waved over a server for some salad. He tried a little bit of everything, from meats he had never tried before to more unusually colored fruits. They all tasted fresh and new to him, refreshing compared to the earthy tastes of his usual fare. 
  “If I died right now, I would be happy,” he said, leaning back in his seat after he had eaten his fill. 
  Yuma furrowed his brows in mock worry. 
  “But then you wouldn’t be able to try our cake!” he said. 
  “Cake…?” echoed Michael, following Yuma’s gaze. 
  A beautiful creation decorated with fruits and flowers entered the room. Small sparklers burned at the top of the towering confection. The cake was split in half, one side dark and decorated with Barian roses while the other half was white and bedecked with Astral lilies. Michael’s mouth watered at the sight, his heart fluttering at the thought of eating it. 
  When he was served a slice, he slowly sunk his fork into the dark cake. 
  “What? You’ve never had a cake before?” asked Yuma through a mouthful. 
  “Not this nice I haven’t!” said Michael. 
  Barian’s cakes were small, barely-sweet affairs. If the chefs were feeling particularly generous, he got one for breakfast. 
  “I’ll have a cake ordered for your birthday as delicious as this one every year!” resolved Yuma. 
  With his husband’s promise buoying him, Michael bit into the cake. Immediately, he was hit by the rich chocolate. The cake melted in his mouth, leaving sugar dancing on his tongue. He quickly finished it, gazing at Yuma with bright eyes. If he could only have one meal for the rest of his life, it would be this. 
  “You got a little bit on you!” said Yuma as he playfully swiped a piece away from Michael’s mouth. 
  Michael blushed and smiled. 
  “Do you promise I can have a cake like this every birthday?” he whispered.
  Yuma eagerly nodded. 
  “I can teach you to make one too!” he added. 
  “Oh, I would love that!” 
  Looking around at the reveling courtiers, Yuma gave Michael a sly grin. 
  “How about we sneak out and go to my room for the night?” he said.
  Michael grabbed Yuma’s hand. 
  “That would be lovely,” he said, growing suddenly weary of the bright lights and overlapping voices. 
  “Then let’s go!” said Yuma as he pulled Michael out of his seat and toward the doors.
  As they walked through the halls, he found himself falling in step with Yuma. His husband began whistling a tune, his eyes gazing out at the night sky. 
  “With the treaty in process…do you think your father will be home soon?” asked Michael.
  Joy sparked Yuma’s eyes.
  “I hope so! I’m sure he’d love you!” he said. “And I’m sure my mother does as well!”
  “Your mother is very beautiful,” said Michael. “And very kind.”
  Yuma beamed. 
  “I’m so glad you like her!”
  They walked in peaceful silence for a few moments, their footsteps echoing across the halls. A beautiful tapestry soon caught Michael’s eyes. He paused, gazing at the battle depicted. Emperor Hope was brandishing his silvery swords, pointing them at Don Thousand in his secondary form. Flames surrounded the gods. Meteors fell from the sky. With his masked visage and towering figure, Michael had to agree that his god appeared quite demonic. 
  Seldom did Don Thousand appear in this frightful form. Only when he needed to defend his people did he don his obsidian armor and ride off into battle. At home, he was usually depicted as a deity who slept on lotus blossoms. His benevolent smile and gentle eyes made him seem good-natured and kind. 
  Often, Michael had prayed to him for inspiration. 
  “Akari?” called Queen Mirai’s distant voice. 
  Michael turned toward the sound. A door was slightly parted, Mirai’s silhouette stretched across the floor. 
  “Yes, mother?” replied Akari.
  He saw Mirai’s silhouette remove her gloves and toss them to the floor. 
  “Tell Eri to burn these gloves as soon as possible,” she ordered. 
  A chill ran up Michael’s spine. She must have stained them during the banquet. He slowly walked toward Yuma, trying to push the disgust in Mirai’s voice out of his mind. 
  Did women regularly burn their gloves after staining them? 
  Or was it only because she had touched him?
  Burn them. Such cruelty. Such venom in that voice. It was almost like how the villagers spoke about his family. 
  It couldn’t be the same woman who had embraced him and treated him like her own. It couldn’t be. There had to be an explanation. 
  “Yuma…?” asked Michael as they approached his room. 
  “Yeah?” asked Yuma as he unlocked the doors.
  “Does your mother regularly burn her gloves?”
  “Eh…? I…don’t know. Is that a thing Barian women do?” asked Yuma as he threw open the doors. 
  Michael’s worries were immediately dissipated by the sight of Yuma’s room. Artifacts upon artifacts filled the prince’s room. A homey smell emanated from the walls, starlight filtering in through the ceiling. Yuma opened his closet and tossed Michael some pajamas. He grabbed his own pair and began to change. He hung his flower crown haphazardly on the corner of his closet. 
  Walking behind a screen, Michael followed suit. Yuma’s clothes smelled like him, a mixture of incense and freshly cut wood. He held the pajamas up to his nose, breathing them in. If he could keep a bottle of this with him forever…
  He heard Yuma jumping into bed, the wooden frame creaking in protest. Quickly tossing his borrowed clothes on and hanging his flower crown on the corner of the screen, Michael ran out to meet him. 
  “Not bad!” said Yuma with a grin.
  Heat filled Michael’s cheeks. 
  “Thank you,” he said. 
  Hesitantly, he sat on the bed. It was as soft as his own, his body sinking into its soft folds. He wondered what the mattress was filled with. Looking up at the walls, he noticed that a few traditional Barian masks hung from them. There was Phecda, guardian of merchants. Alioth of the sunset. Merak of the warriors. Megrez, the maiden of marriage. He couldn’t help but think of the countless protagonists who had prayed to her in the face of an unwanted marriage. 
  “I always read that arranged marriages were loveless,” sighed Michael. 
  Yuma shrugged. 
  “I like you alot,” he said.
  Michael laid down next to Yuma and held his outstretched hand. 
  “Me too,” said Michael. 
  A moment of silence filled the room. Yuma let out a sigh. 
  “I can’t wait for my father to return,” he said. 
  Michael closed his eyes. He wished he could feel the same for his own father. 
  “I haven’t seen him in more than five years,” added Yuma. 
  “The way you wrote about him in the letters made you seem very close,” noted Michael. 
  “Yeah, you could put it that way,” murmured Yuma, a distant look in his eyes. 
  More silence. Michael used to despise such moments. It used to be overwhelming, a void he was surrounded by. His home was always silent. The emptiness that followed after an unanswered question always clung to his skin in sticky bits. The silence of the night felt as if the world had stopped and he would be trapped in the darkness forever. Now, it felt reassuring. 
  “After the war is over, will you take me to see the mountains as you promised me in your first letter?” asked Michael after a few breaths. 
  Yuma turned to Michael, tenderness filling his expression.
  “You still remember that?” he asked.
  “I’ve never forgotten,” replied Michael. 
  Yuma curls in on himself, heat filling his cheeks. 
  “I was nine at the time!” he protested.
  “And I loved you then,” said Michael. 
  “I thought you were too old,” said Yuma. 
  “Eleven isn’t old!” laughed Michael. 
  “To a nine year old, you seemed like an adult!”
  “I was not!”
  When he was told that he was to be married off to some child in a distant kingdom, he had run away and sobbed. No matter how much he had begged his father to reconsider, he remained adamant. 
  “Politics are an ugly game we all must play,” said his father as Michael hugged his legs. 
  Reluctantly, he had slunk off to read Yuma’s letters. They had seemed so silly at first, describing blue skies and the pranks he had played on his sister. Despite that, he felt a twinge of jealousy for Yuma’s easygoing letters. When did he ever get to play pranks on his brothers?
  The letters continued, one after another. Boating trips. Hunting trips. All of the treasures his father found throughout his battles. And then, slowly, he fell in love with Yuma’s earnestness. He dreamed of Astral’s blue skies and sunny shorelines. He imagined climbing mountains alongside the adventurous boy. 
  They could be happy together, couldn’t they?
  “You were my first friend,” murmured Michael. 
  Yuma glanced at Michael, surprise filling his expression. 
  Unlike the imaginary friends he made from his novels, Yuma was real. He was out there somewhere and one day, Michael would be able to hold his hand and talk to him. 
  “You didn’t even see my face until last year though,” said Yuma. 
  “I have a good imagination,” replied Michael.
  Messy black and red hair. Too-large red eyes. A perky button nose. Some chipped teeth. Freckles. An outfit that was always torn somewhere. In Michael’s imagination, Yuma had been a royal ragamuffin. 
  “Well…do I look like what you imagined?” Yuma ventured. 
  Michael quirked a smile.
  “Even better. Your teeth aren’t chipped for one.”
  Yuma let out a small laugh, warming Michael’s heart. In fact, he was just perfect. Michael could cup Yuma’s face in his hands and gently kiss his perfections forever.  
  “Hey, why don’t you tell me another of your stories?” asked Yuma, excitement filling his face. 
�� “What stories?” asked Michael, raising a brow. 
  “You know. Of your life in Barian.”
  Michael pursed his lips. What was there to tell that he hadn’t told through his letters? He will never tell of the true nature of Thomas’ puppets. He will never talk about Christopher’s specialized diet and habit of collecting corpses. Most importantly, he will never talk about his father’s wretched body and cursed experiments. No mentions of loneliness. No mentions of the rats. No mentions of the jeering villagers when they had found out he had snuck out to join their harvest festival. 
  They had tossed tomatoes at him and cursed his bloodline. With fiery torches and stakes, they had chased him through the woods…
  No, he will never dredge up such sad memories again. 
  “Ah, well…”
  Oh. He knew one. 
  “Once Thomas attempted to make a puppet from a fish that lived in the Barian sea,” recounted Michael. 
  It was an ugly, blind creature with slippery scales and a multitude of thin long teeth. Thomas had dispatched it with a rock while he sang a sea shanty. Then, he had strung it up with sticks and twine. When it was complete, he had talked through it while flicking his lips back and forth with a finger. Michael had to admit, it did sound like a fish. 
  “It didn’t last for too long. Christopher sat on it and screamed like I had never heard him scream before,” he continued.  
  Yuma let out a laugh. 
  Christopher proceeded to savagely rip apart the fish with his bare teeth while Thomas wailed. 
  “My brother always checks his seat before sitting down now.”
  “Tell me another,” prompted Yuma. 
  Michael leaned back and tapped his chin. 
  “Ah…Christopher once fell in love with the court librarian’s daughter. He left her all sorts of awkward gifts.”
  Locks of his own hair, gathered from his baths. Ashes from cremated prisoners. Dead beetles arranged to spell out her name, FLORA. 
  “Eventually, he gathered up the courage to speak to her. She was quite frightened by his appearance and ran away the first few times.” 
  With Michael’s help, he had arranged the two to meet in the library. He remembered bribing the girl with chocolates he had received for his birthday. 
  “When he finally succeeded, he found that they liked reading the same books.”
  Books on the stars. Books on the celestial spheres. Things far, far away from the gloom of Barian. 
  Yes, his brother hadn’t always been such a taciturn cannibal. 
  “He wanted to marry her only after a week of meeting her. My father forbade it. Eventually, she married an alchemist from the neighboring village.” 
  Christopher had refused to come out of his dungeons for days afterwards. To this day, Michael suspected that his father had married Flora off. Regardless, his brother had never been the same. He spoke less, grunted more and distanced himself from his brothers. Before, Christopher had occasionally read books to Michael. He could even be convinced to speak to him if the topic was interesting enough. 
  Once Flora was sent away, the semblance of warmth in his brother had vanished. 
  A twinge filled Michael’s heart. He wondered if his brother would ever love again. 
  “Has anything like that happened to you?” he asked softly.
  A soft snore answered Michael. Turning to Yuma, Michael let out a small laugh at his husband’s sleeping face. The resolve to protect him strengthened. He would fight to the death if it meant Yuma could continue sleeping like this. Carefree, brilliant and curious…he had to preserve such innocence. Giving Yuma one last look, Michael closed his eyes and allowed Yuma’s snores to send him to sleep. 
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mintspidey · 6 months
Queen of the Night- My Chemical Romance
Summary: Gerard was fifteen years late to her dawning. She wouldn’t care much if that wasn’t all she heard about every single fucking day, either from the maidens outside the gates, or even the ones whispering in the walls of her palace. Attending dawning ceremonies all over the country and feeling a murder of sympathetic eyes on her had made her bitter and bored. She would spend her days at the hookah clubs in town, head buried between the cream-colored lace-clad thighs of waitresses and unhappily married women, giving them the first and probably the best orgasm of their life before kissing the back of their hand softly, never to be seen again. As a result, Michael, her younger sibling, was always on edge, covering up her mess, wanting to keep the Decree of Dawn far away from their palace. But when two helpers deployed by the Decree, Frank and Ray, are assigned to the Way Manor to conduct their first ever new Dawning on Gerard, things take a heated turn for the worst. Author's note and warnings: minors dni please. vampire femcr. smut. frerard and rikey. maybe ill add pete wentz for fun who knows. enjoy!! idk when ill update but ill try my best <3
The Way Manor, Cynthia. 
Epiphyllum Oxypetalum, often known as the Queen of the Night blooms after sunset. Sharp and crisp petals fall apart to reveal a softer, more delicate flower underneath: like a full moon against the midnight sky. It taunts its beauty, proud and angelic, riding its glorious high before the inevitable eclipse of its prime. 
Gerard has been pressing these flowers between the pages of her brown leatherback diary since she was five years old. The garden of her father’s palace was lavishly decorated in the spring (he spared no expense). Every spring, these were planted along the edge of the greenery and fifteen minutes past six in the evening, right before supper, Gerard would sneak off in her day gown to watch them bloom, a candle caged between her dainty, pale fingers, as she plucked them off and hit them in the pockets of her gown. 
She never told anyone of her habit, however normal it was as a young girl to like flowers at the time, giggling whenever the housekeepers complained about this ‘flower thief.’ It was her secret. 
And maybe her father’s too, sometimes. She painted the flowers in detail till rigid paint stains covered her lily white gown; and she would skip over to her father’s chambers, crying out, “Look what I made!” 
He ruffled her hair and pressed an adoring kiss to her forehead before he hung the canvas up on the royal blue walls of his study. Once Gerard turned sixteen, her father requested that his deathbed be moved into the study; he wanted her paintings to be his last memory of the earth, he explained, barely able to croak out the sentence as Gerard stood in the corner, quiet staccato sobs seeping into the canvas. 
Her trips to the garden shortened over the next few years, her spine stood taller, canvases grew darker, like she invented a new color of melancholy; her sister, Michael, after a few months, called it over emotional with a twinge of blood red and black. 
Michael was reserved, not as expressive as Gerard, but not heartless. She didn’t eat for days after the passing of her father, and Gerard had to sit by her bed and take care of her before she got back up on her feet. Michael made fun of Gerard for worrying too much and Gerard then knew she was okay. 
When Michael approached dawning, Gerard assumed the role of her guardian. Gerard, older than her and still not having dawned, tried her best to push feelings of being left out and made sure her baby sister was taken care of, now that only housekeepers and maidens roamed the halls.
Michael developed an aversion to sunlight during her first dawning and Gerard installed heavier, more opaque curtains, giving candle shops back in town more business than they had ever seen. Vials of crimson liquid reflecting the candle flames, struck the hottest glare into Michael’s eyes, and Gerard would hear her wail all night before her newfound thirst died for the night. She was safe to be fed then, and only then . 
It was all about contro l, their mother’s diary read. Gerard narrated it into melodies and sang them softly over the piano in Michael’s room, noticing the way her sister’s eyebrows moved the slightest in amusement. 
“Control your teeth, control your eyes, control your mind before you wilt and die.”
Michael lied when she needed to. When she had to. A lot of the time she felt like the older sibling in the family, a calculated mind outsmarting all others. She knew Gerard had a good soul and that she would never outright admit wishing it was her who dawned earlier. 
“Mi, is she just as dramatic as she seems?” Gerard once asked, lifting her fingers momentarily from the black and white keys to face her sister who had her pupils blown wide open. 
Michael hesitated for a fraction of a second before wincing out loud, “I am in so much pain, she exaggerated of course, you know how she was.” 
The truth was: Michael felt alive for the first time in her life. Sure, she wasn’t being completely dishonest about her pain, but it didn’t exactly sting her after the first hour. Rather, it grew dull and insignificant with every meal. Her blood ran cold, yet she felt like she could breathe for the first time in her life. And she wanted so badly to tell Gerard all about it; she was her best friend after all. 
But because she was the only person Michael would ever live, lie, kill, die, do whatever it took for, she stood silent.
Gerard was fifteen years late to her dawning. She wouldn’t care much if that wasn’t all she heard about every single fucking day, either from the maidens outside the gates, or even the ones whispering in the walls of her palace. Attending dawning ceremonies all over the country and feeling a murder of sympathetic eyes on her had made her bitter and bored. She would spend her days at the hookah clubs in town, head buried between the cream-colored lace-clad thighs of waitresses and unhappily married women, giving them the first and probably the best orgasm of their life before kissing the back of their hand softly, never to be seen again. 
Michael often found her smoking in some alleyway, hiding from the flock of women around town looking for her, and her sister would have their carriage escort her back to the palace, throwing judgmental looks at the maroon marks on her neck. 
“You know that the Decree is to visit the palace soon, no? What are they going to think about,” Michael pauses, gesturing towards her sister’s neck in disgust, “all of that .”
“Oh, who cares? I have plenty of scarves. I find it hard to believe that the Decree of Cynthia will-”
“It is not them.” Michael stated and looked out the window, her glasses bobbing up and down with the bumps on the road.
“What the fuck do they want? You’re done with your dawning aren’t you? I’m not sharing anything about our decree either, and those women don’t suspect a thing especially because I haven’t dawned.”
“That’s the point, Gerard.” A lull fell over the carriage, nothing to be heard but the click-clacking of horseshoes against the unpaved roads of the town side. Of course , it came back to her dawning, God forbid they ever ever let that go. 
Gerard bit the inside of her cheek, “So what? Do they intend to force my dawning? Has that ever even been done before?”
“I’ve heard stories,” Michael commented, deep in thought, “Someone in Camellia was successful, but that is about all I have heard.”
“Did they at least tell you who is coming?” Gerard paused, a glint starring in her eyes, “Are they women?”
“Do not even think about bedding the helpers of the Decree of Dawn.” Gerard had never seen Michael this agitated, except when she caught her crying over her broken cello, as if they couldn’t fill the entire palace with cellos and still have enough money to buy the entire town. 
The older woman smiled, soothing the younger’s nerves. That’s how things worked between them. Gerard would get a kick out of making Michael concerned beyond belief, and they would forget about it immediately after. 
Losing Michael was the worst thing that could happen, according to Gerard; she was not afraid of much. Her baby sister was her only priority, especially after the rest of their family had passed. 
Her romantic life wasn’t worthy of mention; none of her escapades involved love, simply pure bouts of dopamine. For the fairytale-like romance that her parents had, she needed someone like her. Some non-human. Someone who understood her needs: maybe even shared them.
So at night, when loneliness grew like black mold and etched scratches in her heart, and her ribcage tugged so hard that her chest felt like it would burst open, she painted. Herself, her brushes, and some late night smoke-filled affairs. She could not be bothered anymore about her dawning. She already had everything she needed. She was satisfied. 
She did not wish for change. Not at all. 
Juliet Docks, Camellia
“Frank Iero and Raymond Toro; Way Manor for ten months.” The voice in the atrium echoed and Raymond’s fingers fisted the puffy fabric of Frank’s dress pants, making her hiss in surprise. 
Frank’s heart had started beating again (as much as it could for someone of his kind), and she sighed in relief before glancing at her chum with the shiny brown curls and a hopeful grin facing the front of the room. The tie around Frank’s neck felt like a noose before their assignment was announced, and now it hung lower, unbuttoning the first few knobs on her dress shirt in the process. 
She leaned into the taller woman’s ear, almost resting her chin on her shoulder, chapped lips ghosting over her neck, “Can we please leave now?”
And they did, the shorter’s wobbly legs hardly making it out of the assignment room as nausea and bile sank lower in her torso. 
“Can you believe this? The Way Manor? We must have saved the world in our past lives.” Raymond wondered out loud, arms hooking Frank’s as they walked out of the tent, onto the gravel ridden path lit by the moonlight. 
Frank reached behind her ear adorned by a tiny pearl resting atop the lobe and plucked a cigarette out, Raymond lighting it as a reflex. “My stomach has been in knots all day, Ray,” her voice had softened, stopping in her tracks to inhale.
“Frankie, it is less than a year,” Ray stroked her thumb over Frank’s as her gaze tracked the smoker’s movement, “Besides, I will be there with you. We have nothing to fear, right?”
The shorter woman shrugs, clouding her face before clutching the cigarette between her rosy lips, “We have only ever seen a new Dawning once, and Ray…” She trails off, not wanting to say what she wanted to out loud; as if that would make it true. 
Ray sighed; she had heard this from Frankie a hundred times before, “You know it won’t be like that, Frankie. That was years ago, and we barely knew anything about them then.”
“I am not sure. I feel a tempest brewing beneath my chest. Like something inevitable is coming.”
“The time of our lives at a palace for ten months and maybe a few bad nights? I cannot wait a single day either.”
Frank giggled at Ray’s complete lack of consideration for her overdriven thoughts and linked arms again, “Do you have to be so happy all the time?”
“You would be lying on your cot covered in bottles of absinthe if it weren’t for me dragging you out of there.”
Frankie drops her head in defeat, making the taller one straighten her back, “Who knows, maybe one of the Ways look exactly like Jacki-”
Frank shot her best friend a desperate look, begging her to stop talking, “She is the reason I signed up for this. I need to take my mind off her, so I would appreciate it if you did not mention my most recent gut wrenching heartbreak that had me draining those jars of absinthe in the first place, thank you very much.”
The two looked around the dock, watching parents bid their children goodbye, hugging and crying into their shoulders as their luggage was thrown onto the boats haphazardly. The raging wind had Camellians clutching their coats and hats, making Frank and Ray seek shelter under a beaten wooden shed. It was going to rain, presumably, the tacky air and petrichor overwhelming their senses. 
Frank sipped the last of the stick hanging between her lips before putting the embers out on her tongue and tucking it back behind her ear. Her silence had tipped Ray off to place a soothing touch on the small of her back. She knew Frank better than herself, and Frank was painfully aware of that. 
“It will be good for us, Frankie.” Ray reassures the younger one, ruffling her hair before pulling her in by her shoulders, “I know it will.”
I don't know when the next update will be, but I am genuinely looking forward to writing this because it has been a while since I have delved into supernatural concepts. Please comment and let me know if you liked it :) Thanks for reading xx. 
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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MangaGamer: Localization Update (2/23/2018)
Note: This post contains links that may lead to NSFW content. Games whose statuses remain unchanged from previous updates have been omitted from this post.
Out Now A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael (Yuri; All-Ages & 18+)
Reg. Price: $34.95
Discount Price: $31.45
Available on MangaGamer and Steam. The discount period ends on March 1st.
Coming Soon Funbag Fantasy: Sideboob Story (Bishoujo; 18+)
Reg. Price: $44.95
Pre-Order Price: $40.95
Will be available on MangaGamer on March 29th. Pre-orders are currently open on MangaGamer.
Project Updates Evenicle (Bishoujo; 18+)
In testing
Hashihime of the Old Book Town (Boys’ Love; All-Ages & 18+)
Translation: 100%
Editing: 67%
House in Fata Morgana: A Requiem for Innocence, The (General)
Translation: 100%
Editing: 100%
Maggot baits (Bishoujo; 18+)
Translation: 73%
Editing: 22%
Magical Marriage Lunatics!! (Bishoujo; 18+)
In testing
Rance Quest Magnum (Bishoujo; 18+)
Translation: 74%
Editing: 55%
Sengoku Rance (Bishoujo; 18+)
Translation: 100%
Editing: 100%
Sona-Nyl of the Violet Shadows (General; 18+)
Translation: 33%
Trinoline (Bishoujo; All-Ages & 18+)
Translation: 82%
Editing: 41%
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yurimother · 3 years
Yuri Visual Novel Sale from MangaGamer
Right now, MangaGamer is celebrating White Day with a sale on many of their romance visual novels. Here is the full list of WLW games and where you can grab at a discount today!
Note, some titles are not appropriate for all ages and contain adult content. Titles marked with a ★ are recommended
A Kiss for The Petals: Remembering How We Met - MG and Steam
A kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael - MG
★ Lilycle Rainbow Stage - MG and Steam
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OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos (Adult Version) - MG
★ The Expression Amrilato - MG and Steam
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★ The Curse of Kudan - MG and Steam
★ Kindred Spirits on the Roof (Original and Full Chorus Edition) - MG and Steam
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★ Kindred Spirits of the Roof Drama CD 1-4 - MG and Steam
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hanakogames · 3 years
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Happy White Day - sale is on at MG and the game list looks much more leaning towards my tastes than it usually does. (I guess for White Day they thought they should focus on the titles “girls” are more into, since it’s supposed to be giving back after the Valentine’s gifts?) 
Thinking I should possibly go ahead and finally pick up some of the yuri stuff I’m interested in, especially with a stimulus expected that I feel compelled to spend.
Anyway, games! MOST (but not all) are 18+ only and most are only sold on MG, not Steam. You’ll get a warning before clicking through to anything naughty, I believe.
YURI: A Kiss For the Petals: Maidens of Michael $34.95 $19.22 (-45%) A Kiss For the Petals: Remembering How We Met $7.99 $4.00 (-50%) A Kiss For the Petals: The New Generation! $34.95 $19.22 (-45%) Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!! $24.99 $12.50 (-50%) Sisterly Bliss ~ Don’t Let Mom Find Out ~ $24.95 $16.22 (-35%) The Shadows of Pygmalion $34.99 $8.75 (-75%) Wanting Wings ~ Her and Her Romance $34.95 $29.71 (-15%) Kindred Spirits on the Roof $34.99 $14.00 (-60%) OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos Adult Ver. $24.95 $19.96 (-20%) OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos Non-H Ver. $19.99 $15.99 (-20%) The Curse of Kudan $24.99 $19.99 (-20%) The Expression Amrilato $24.99 $14.99 (-40%)
OTOME: Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome $24.99 $14.99 (-40%) Fxxx Me Royally!! ~ Horny Magical Princess ~ $29.99 $25.49 (-15%) OZMAFIA!! $34.99 $17.50 (-50%) Steam Prison $34.99 $22.74 (-35%)
BOYS LOVE: Hadaka Shitsuji ~ Naked Butlers $34.99 $19.24 (-45%) Hashihime of the Old Book Town $34.99 $22.74 (-35%) NO, THANK YOU!!! $39.99 $20.00 (-50%) Room No. 9 $29.99 $22.49 (-25%)
OTHER: Sorcery Jokers $39.99 $14.00 (-65%) Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning $39.99 $12.00 (-70%) Tokyo Babel $34.99 $8.75 (-75%)
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Over the weekend MangaGamer held a panel at Anime NYC where they revealed some new releases coming to their website and some new projects as well. Let’s jump in and see what goodies they had in store.
First up we have Lupiesoft’s long awaited release of Dizzy Hearts Chapter 1. The game is up for pre-order now on MangaGamer.com with a sweet discount making it a mere $10.46. You can snag up this tale of a world split between eternal day and eternal night on December 5th. This is an All-Ages title.
The naive but energetic Seriva sets out on a journey of adulthood in the tradition of her people, venturing to the land of eternal night in the hopes of new discoveries.
Yet what she finds is a realm dominated by a social hierarchy born from biological necessity. In this vastly different culture of elves living in a sunless land, the rulers are all ‘fiore’, the hermaphroditic sires of their people. Yet it would seem Seriva has arrived at a tumultuous time – rumor has it the acting Queen will soon abdicate her throne to one of the four fiore princesses. A chance encounter with the bastard princess, Mercilla, lands her quarters within the palace and she finds herself forced to make a choice. She must choose between remaining a spectator to the political machinations, or getting more involved for the sake of Mercilla, who struggles with the weight of an impending crown she never wanted.
Dizzy Hearts is the biggest and most ambitious project in Lupiesoft’s history as a developer. While the title will be released in three chapters, the first of which will be available on December 5th, fans can now pre-order the first chapter today on MangaGamer, and check out the demo on both MangaGamer and Steam.
MangaGamer is now releasing a physical edition of A Kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael. This release will also include A Kiss for the Petals: Remember How We Met. Making the entire story of Risa and Miya’s relationship together in one deluxe package.
The game is available for pre-order now and will begin shipping on November 22nd.
Next up at Anime NYC 2019 we have information about the release of Bokuten – Why I Became an Angel. This is OVERDRIVE’s heart-wrenching tale of love and happiness with some heavy feels.
In this cold, cruel world where happiness is finite, and the pursuit is fraught with pain and suffering, what does it really mean to be happy? Love? The absence of pain?
If you were gifted with the ability to revive fading loves, would you choose to do so? Would you let them all play out? Would you try reviving all of them? Or would you pick and choose, deciding which love, which happiness was worth trying to save? What about your own?
Available for pre-order now from MangaGamer, this highly emotional tale of love, pain, and the complexity of human relationships will be coming to MangaGamer and Steam this winter on December 19th. Fans will also be able to order a deluxe edition that includes the game’s OST and vocal albums from the in-game band!
I am super stoked to check this one out myself. Been a long time since I read a Visual Novel the left me completely broken. Thanks Little Busters!
Last but not least MangaGamer is to commemorate the release of Bokuten They will be releasing OVERDRIVE’s big OVA, Kick Start Generation.
But wait, there’s more! We will be launching two special DLC packs on our website and Steam to celebrate Bokuten – Why I Became an Angel’s release! DLC Pack #1 – #Bokuten Vocal Album & OST Collection ($9.99) DLC Pack #2 – KICK START Generation OVA + OST ($19.99) pic.twitter.com/RIs5H3tkYy
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) November 17, 2019
This live rock-concert OVA features songs from Kira Kira (featuring vocals from AiRI), DEARDROPS (featuring vocals from Kano Yui), as well as Bokuten, all with amazing animation created by SILVER LINK!
In true live concert fashion, MangaGamer will be hosting the premier of Kick Start Generation as a Live YouTube event on their YouTube channel for everyone to enjoy together!
Thereafter, the video will be made available on MangaGamer and Steam along with the OVA’s OST.
That was all the announcements at Anime NYC. Which are you most excited for?
Mangagamer Reveals New Releases and Projects at Anime NYC Over the weekend MangaGamer held a panel at Anime NYC where they revealed some new releases coming to their website and some new projects as well.
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oneangrygamer · 6 years
Maidens Of Michael Launches On GOG.com; R18+ Patch Available For Download
Maidens Of Michael Launches On GOG.com; R18+ Patch Available For Download | #R18 #Uncensored #VN #Yuri #MaidensofMichael
MangaGamer announced that the visual novel that was banned from Steam called A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael, is now currently available for purchase on GOG.com. You can download the free uncensored R18+ patch for Maidens of Michael from the MangaGamer download page. (more…)
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Promoção na Steam do jogo A Kiss For The Petals - Maidens of Michael
O jogo A Kiss For The Petals - Maidens of Michael está com 10% de #desconto, saindo por apenas R$ 59,39! https://store.steampowered.com/app/766540/
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coralnightcoffee · 6 years
A Kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael Now Available on GOG
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erokeis · 6 years
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[News] A Kiss For The Petals Maidens of Michael A Kiss For The Petals Maidens of Michael is now being released on Steam! Please get yours! ^^ Steam Link
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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The Best Couples in School — MangaGamer Releases A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael
Developer: St. Michael’s Girls School Publisher: MangaGamer Release Date: February 22, 2018 Platform: Windows, Mac, & Linux Age Rating: 15+ & 18+ Price: $34.95
Note: This post includes links that may lead to NSFW content.
The 18+ version of A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael is now available on the MangaGamer store for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The all-ages version will go live on Steam later today. MangaGamer also released a free patch on their website that adds adult content to the all-ages version.
Developed by St. Michael’s Girls School, A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael is an installment from the A Kiss for the Petals yuri visual novel series. Maidens of Michael reintroduces and expands the stories of five prominent, fan-favorite couples from the series.
MangaGamer uploaded the A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael opening video on Youtube:
Relevant Links:
Where to Buy (Digital): MangaGamer (18+ ver.), Steam (All-Ages ver.)
Official Site
18+ Steam Patch
Features, via MangaGamer:
Free adult content patch available on launch for Steam customers!
Resolution upgrade with unscaled artwork! 800×600 -> 1600×1200
All image and audio data has been recompressed to WebP and Opus for optimal file sizes without an appreciable loss in quality
A configurable Climax Timer that counts down to the end of a love scene
Optional text pause on CG
Adjustable text box opacity, text shadow, and outline
Azumi Risa, class representative of the Year 1 “Snow” class, was once again fighting with the class troublemaker, Ayase Miya today. The no-nonsense, assertive Risa, and the antisocial Miya couldn’t be more incompatible, with their arguments frequently bordering on shouting matches.At the time, the whole school was in high spirits in anticipation of Christmas.Amidst the flirtations of couples, established and spontaneous ones alike, excitement was brewing over the informal student poll to decide “St. Michael’s Best Couples.” Not having a girlfriend, Risa didn’t think the matter concerned her… Until she and Miya were chosen as a pair!
Naturally, Risa denied having any sort of romantic relationship, but the classmates who endorsed them simply smiled gently with the reasoning of refined girls brought up in respectable families, saying, “You always appear to be having such fun. "Although the two agree to go along with it for appearance’s sake, it turns out they’ll also be stuck on an committee with four other couples, planning events for the upcoming holidays of Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
What’s more… those four other couples are:
Matsubara Yuuna, chairman of the Campus Improvement Committee, which effectively serves as the student council, and her junior, Oda Nanami.
The popular student model, Kitajima Sara, and her cousin, Kitajima Kaede.
The singing sensation of the school’s culture festival, Kawamura Reo, and her girlfriend, Sawaguchi Mai.
And finally, the transfer student with her own "Lily Platinum” fan club, Shitogi Eris, and the school’s highly regarded foremost scribe, Kirishima Shizuku…
Nothing but the most prominent couples on campus.
Will they be able to make it through the upcoming events in the company of these prominent couples? And will Risa be able to survive spending the lovers’ holidays of Christmas and Valentine’s Day with Miya?
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Risa Azumi Voiced by: Neko Kuroi
(Known roles: Kaho Nishihara from Koi to Koi Suru Utopia, Keisuke Takatou [Child] from euphoria [OVA], Nami Horikawa from Rance 03: Leazas Kanraku, etc.)
Class Representative of the Year 1 “Snow” class.  She’s a hard worker with a no-nonsense personality, and her assertiveness tends to land her in leadership positions.
She’s the half-Japanese daughter of a foreign company with a British mother. She dresses in subdued clothing, but has the build of a model. She’s also big-chested.
She does well academically and has good common sense, but whenever she gets into it with Miya, she always gets out-argued and loses her cool.
It just so happens that matters of love embarrass her more easily than most, and when the subject comes up, she gets flustered with an adorable expression on her face, and ends up putting her foot in her mouth. 
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Miya Ayase Voiced by: Nerine Akimoto
(Known roles: Kozue from Konohana Kitan, Rachnera from Monster Musume, Yuri Hisaka from Bokuten - Why I Became an Angel, etc.)
A student of the Year 1 “Snow” class, and a classmate of Risa’s. She’s the foremost genius on campus, but has difficulty in social situations, keeping her interactions with everyone but Risa to a safe minimum. Her words with Risa are always abrasive. In that same vein, she keeps everyone else at a distance with her speech and behavior. As a genius, she’s studied abroad and has been offered the chance to skip grades, but interacting with others is a pain for her, so she enrolled in the St. Michael’s school for refined young girls, which seemed easier to manage. She rarely shows weakness and never loses her composure. However, in her more sincere moments, she becomes timid and casts nervous glances from beneath her lashes. She’s actually very feminine, in contrast to how she usually talks.
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Nanami Oda Voiced by: Konoko Takanashi
(Known roles: Coco Reeve from Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon, Kozue Orihara from Chaos;Head, Monika from Granblue Fantasy, etc.)
A freshman student. Lighthearted and energetic, with an outgoing disposition. She’s currently romantically involved with Yuuna, an upperclassman.
She’s actually quite the daydreamer, and knows a thing or two about sex. Her head is always full of romantic thoughts for Yuuna.
She’s a girl so madly in love, that the more she discovers that Yuuna is nothing like her mental image, the harder she falls for her. 
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Yuuna Matsubara Voiced by: Pochi Uchino
(Known roles: Katou Otome from Shiny Days, Lastier Olazabal from Arabians Doubt ~The Engagement on Desert~, Shingo Shigeno from Major, etc.)
A junior student. Chairman of the Campus Improvement Committee, a group that’s the functional equivalent of the student council.
She’s an intellectual beauty with a gentle disposition. Her athletic excellence makes her a true superwoman.
She’s something of an idol on campus to both the younger and older students alike, although she’s blind to this fact.
In truth, she’s the type of dedicated person who isn’t satisfied unless she puts all her heart and soul into something.
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Kaede Kitajima Voiced by: Nazuna Gogyou
(Known roles: Akira Nanase from White Album, Misaki Andou from Chrono Clock, Rasputin and Takeru Yamato from Eiyuu Senki, etc.)
A junior student. A talented girl who serves as class representative. She’s a typical class representative, with her glasses and braided hair. Although meek and subdued by nature, she has a strong sense of duty.  She actually has a very nice figure.
Since it came to light that she’s actually quite gorgeous without her glasses and braid, she’s currently somewhat of a celebrity. 
She and her younger cousin Sara are an officially recognized couple on campus.
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Sara Kitajima Voiced by: Satsuki Bari
(Known roles: Azusa Suwaki and Haruna Usami from Ouran High School Host Club, Coco Bandicoot from the Crash Bandicoot series, Sakurako Himegami from the Full House Kiss series, etc.)
A freshman student. Kaede’s younger cousin. She’s a popular student model from her work in fashion magazines.
She has an incredibly bright and sociable personality. With looks and personality, she unwittingly charms everyone around her.
She’s what you might call an open book, and something of an airhead. Her affections toward Kaede don’t have an off switch, whether they’re in public or private.
It’s those overflowing expressions of love that make the other students jealous of their closeness. 
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Mai Sawaguchi Voiced by: Ayaka Izumi
(Known roles: Kohaku from Let's Meow Meow!, Kurumi Imari from the Bible Black series, Rumi Takahata from Catgirl Alliance, etc.)
A junior student who’s been attending St. Michael’s since kindergarten.  She comes from an ordinary two-income family.
She isn’t formally on any class committees, but perhaps due to her helpful, sisterly personality, others tend to rely on her.
Although a self-avowed “commoner,” she’s spent so much time at St. Michael’s, she’s gotten quite used to dealing with high-class young ladies.
She currently commutes to see Reo, who lives alone despite not having the slightest domestic ability.
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Reo Kawamura Voiced by: Hana Anzu
(Known roles: Ayumi Murai from the Bible Black series, Momo Sakura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable, Noah from Sorcery Jokers, etc.)
A junior student and classmate of Mai’s. She comes from corporate affluence, and is what you might call a sheltered girl.
Despite her childlike stature, long, fluffy hair, refined facial features, and doll-like appearance, she’s socially inept and has an intense shyness around strangers.
She remains detached from everyone except Mai, and is a hyper-tsundere who’s like a wild beast in some ways.
Both her parents are living overseas, so she lives alone in her apartment. She survives solely on Mai’s cooking.
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Shizuku Kirishima Voiced by: Miei
(Known roles: Cordelia from Fire Emblem: Awakening, Satoko Isaki from Shiki, Takamiya from Little Busters!, etc.)
A senior student. A Japanese beauty who grew up at St. Michael’s, having attended since kindergarten.
Her father is a calligrapher, and Shizuku herself is highly regarded as the foremost scribe of St. Michael’s. Her character is one of sincerity and excellence, but she’s exceedingly bad with foreign words.
She’s in a loving relationship with the exchange student Eris, who isn’t shy about speaking her mind no matter the place, and always seems to have Shizuku wrapped around her little finger.
While she could naturally never hate Eris, her troubles never seem to end.
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Eris Shitogi Voiced by: Mio Oukawa
(Known roles: Ellis from Agarest: Generations of War, Mouki Bahou from Koihime Musou, Yuka Kirimura from Kara no Shojo - The Second Episode, etc.)
A senior student. Shizuku’s classmate. An exchange student who transferred to St. Michael’s. She is half-Japanese and half of Nordic descent.
She proficient at Japanese, with a fearless spirit and generous heart, who cluelessly makes all the girls swoon.
Girls are endlessly captivated by her charm, but even with a fan club in her honor, she’s completely unaware.
When she speaks passionate words of love to Shizuku with complete disregard for whoever else may be listening, there are some days Shizuku goes tsundere on her.
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Takako Suminoe Voiced by: Yui Azuma
(Known roles: Cherche and Tharja from Fire Emblem: Awakening, Flameu from Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky, Mine from Amnesia: Memories, etc.)
A teacher at Saint Michael Girls’ School. Romantically involved with Runa, one of her students.
While the two live together, she tries to encourage more youthfully-appropriate behavior, but mostly ends up getting bossed around.
However, she doesn’t harbor any ill will about being under Runa’s thumb, and even admires the way she carries herself with such distinction.
Although she takes great pride in being a teacher and has a strong sense of responsibility, she has to desperately resist the urge to shout her relationship with Runa from the rooftops, which makes her a tad pathetic. 
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Runa Houraisen Voiced by: Yuki Ueda
(Known roles: Hilda from Under Night In-Birth, Kokoro from Evolimit, Sakura Narumi from the Supipara series, etc.)
A transfer student to St. Michael’s and Takako’s lover. She speaks and carries herself like an adult, and has everyone around her wrapped around her little finger.
She doesn’t hesitate to say, “Sensei belongs to me.” This single-mindedness leads to a powerfully jealous possessiveness.
Essentially a sadist, one way or another, she’ll interpret things to her own advantage and then smile with a sadistic gracefulness.
However, kids will be kids. She won’t drink coffee because it’s too bitter, and loves sweets. She also gets sad when her Sensei scolds her.
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Rena Houraisen Voiced by: Kou Manazuru
(Known roles: Sherry from Elf-hime Nina [OVA], Yayoi Sasaki from Mahou Shoujo Isuka [OVA] etc.)
A new teacher at St. Michael’s. She’s Runa’s big sister and Takako’s former tutor. Stylish and dashingly beautiful, Rena is the perfect lady.
Her personality is free and easygoing. Although she’s blunt and undisciplined, she has the kind of likable personality that’s impossible to hate for some reason.
An alumna of St. Michael’s through junior college, the teachers of her time all revered her as “The Ultimate Lady.”
In truth, she was chasing skirts left and right, regardless of whether they were seniors or juniors. It’s rumored her lovers numbered in the triple digits.
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yurimother · 4 years
MangaGamer Lesbian Visual Novels on Sale at GOG.com
Right now on GOG.com, sevral games from MangaGamer are avalible at a discounted price, including many of their Yuri offerings. Here is a full list of the WLW visual novels you can get now at a discount.
Kindred Spirits on the Roof - $13.99 (-60%) - YuriMother rating 10/10
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Kindred Spirits on the Roof Full Chorus DLC - $4.99 (-50%)
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The Expression Amrilato - $21.19 (-15%) - YuriMother rating 7/10
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Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!! - $17.49 (-30%) - YuriMother rating 8/10
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A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met - $3.99 (-50%)
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A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael - $20.99 (-40%)
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Kindred Spirits on the Roof Drama CD Vol. 1-4 - $7.49 each (-25%)
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hanakogames · 3 years
Yuri Valentines
Valentine’s Day is approaching, so a variety of yuri games are on sale on Mangagamer again! The following titles are all yuri and all 18+ (sadly no discount at the moment on Curse of Kudan) 
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A Kiss For The Petals - Maidens of Michael 30% off
This is the big followup to the previous doujin series bringing in tons of existing couples (and for that reason is probably more appealing if you’ve been following the earlier series and have some idea who some of these people are!)
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A Kiss For The Petals - The New Generation 30% off
This on the other hand is starting a totally new cast at a new school and therefore no prior knowledge is needed, it’s a perfectly good place to climb on board if you’ve never played any SonoHana stuff. There are three couples each with their own story. Yes, one is a pair of twins (they didn’t grow up together).
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Sisterly Bliss ~Don’t Let Mom Find Out~ 30% off
And this one is pure sister/sister action so you’re either into that or you’re not. It can apparently turn out either sweet and happy or go dark and yandere.
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Wanting Wings ~Her and Her Romance~ - 15% off
This is the newest and probably bigger than the last as it’s two Japanese releases combined into one game. I don’t know too much about it though other than that they were roommates.
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operationrainfall · 6 years
Title A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael Developer Yurin Yurin Publisher MangaGamer Release Date February 22nd, 2018 Genre Visual Novel, Yuri, Eroge Platform Windows Age Rating 18+ Official Website
The A Kiss For The Petals series, known as Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o in Japanese, is a long-running series of yuri visual novels developed initially by doujin creator group Fuguriya, later taken up by the group’s commercial brand Yurin Yurin for larger commercial releases in the series. As one might expect from a series initially created by a doujin group, the majority of the over 20 games in the series are very short, focusing on a single event with a single pair of characters. However, there are currently three larger releases featuring multiple pairs. The most recent of these was released in English as A Kiss For The Petals: The New Generation! by MangaGamer back in 2016. A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael is the first of these such games, first released in 2012. (The other longer game, Shirayuki no Kishi from 2013, hasn’t been released in English yet.) It stars all five pairs for the previous games, as well as the first introduction of Risa Azumi and Miya Ayase, also featured in A Kiss For The Petals: Remembering How They Met. I’m a yuri fan myself, but my experience is more with manga, and this is one of the first yuri visual novels I’ve read.
While Risa and Miya are the primary focus of Maidens of Michael, after completing their story you can see the stories for the other five couples: Nanami Oda and Yuuna Matsubara, Sara and Kaede Kitajima, Mai Sawaguchi and Reo Kawamura, Shizuku Kirishima and Eris Shitogi, and Takako Suminoe and Runa Houraisen. They’re all students at St. Michael Girls’ School, with the exception of Takako and Runa, who are a respectively a teacher and student at St. Michael’s middle school annex. The students at the school vote the aforementioned couples in a “St. Michael’s Best Couples” event, particularly shocking Risa since she thought she and Miya were constantly arguing and butting heads. The couples end up comprising the Events Planning Committee, and the story follows them as they put together the school’s Christmas, Valentine’s and graduation festivals, while Risa and Miya discover their real feelings for each other.
Yeah, this is a normal question for a teacher to be asking her students.
Something somewhat awkward about Maidens of Michael is that, with the exception of Risa and Miya, all the previous couples had been introduced in earlier games which have never been officially translated. While the previous games are not necessarily required reading to understand the story – I was able to get through it pretty easily – the game does seem to assume a certain degree of prior familiarity with the characters, although there’s not a huge amount of story to be caught up on to begin with. If there’s any important information or backstory for a couple aside from “these two girls are dating” it’s generally provided, and if this game is any indication there’s likely not a ton of depth to the previous stories anyway.
I’m not sure if I’d exactly call it an issue that I have with the game, but the nature of the story is something that definitely stood out to me. With the exception of Risa and Miya, the stories in general seem very inconsequential, like they’re a lot of momentary drama but lack any lasting significance. There’s plenty of cute yuri to be had here, both romance and H-scenes, but I personally wish the stories felt like they carried more lasting weight, while most of the drama seems to come from simple misunderstandings and lack of communication. There’s not much that I think will stay with me having finished the game, or that really stood out as exceptional.
I wish I got to see more of this face.
It seems like it would be rather a unique problem with the A Kiss For The Petals series, and with Maidens of Michael being one of the only games to have received an official English release. Risa and Miya are the only couple that receives any significant degree of development, since this is their first appearance and it goes through a full romantic arc for them. Meanwhile that same development and romantic arc are implied to have already happened for the other couples in the earlier games. As a result, there’s not much development in these couples to be seen, with the routes centered around seemingly somewhat isolated events.
However, even if Maidens of Michael‘s drama feels somewhat inconsequential and the characters don’t get much development, that doesn’t mean they aren’t appealing. Since the majority of the story revolves around events involving the five main student couples, there’s a lot of interactions between them, which are enjoyable to see even if most of them don’t receive the full introductions from their earlier games. It’s fun to see the interactions between the couples, and it provides more than adequate introduction to everyone before you read their individual routes. The individual routes show these friendships as well, with the girls often helping each other get through the issues and misunderstandings that come up in their relationships. Even if the problems seem to lack significance, it’s still heartwarming to see them resolved, as they reaffirm and strengthen their relationships even if things aren’t always perfect.
Choices like this come up from time to time, but it’s usually pretty obvious what’s the right choice.
As for the H-scenes, Maidens of Michael has good number of them for each couple. That being said, they’re all pretty vanilla, and after doing 6 routes the H-scenes all tend to feel somewhat the same and blur together. Aside from the different pairs themselves and their own unique dynamics, most of them feel somewhat bland, especially the several times when it seems like there’s very little transition from regular scene into an H-scene. All that being said, if you’re mainly here for the yuri, as many playing the game likely will be, you’ll probably be satisfied. However, for me, even as a yuri fan, the H-scenes started to lose their shine after seeing enough of them across the six routes.
The music is inoffensive, but it feels generic and uninteresting. None of it is particularly memorable, but it’s not intrusive and generally makes decent background music. The vocal opening and credits themes are fine, but nothing fantastic. I have a hard time commenting on the voice acting, considering I don’t speak Japanese, but it seems as good as any, although none of the voices particularly stood out.
Rena is a teacher who’s known for very normal interactions with her students.
Ultimately, I feel like I probably would’ve enjoyed Maidens of Michael more if I had played the previous games in the series. I’ve played Remembering How We Met, so I was at least somewhat familiar with Risa and Miya, but considering they’re introduced in this game that’s not especially important here. All of the previous games have been fan translated, so it’s possible to play them, if you’re willing to track down the games and patches. The characters are appealing as it is, and important story points are summarized in the game, but I think that the stories in particular would’ve resonated more with me if I’d played the other games. That being said, it’s still not a bad introduction to the characters and the A Kiss For The Petals series as a whole, and even if they seem somewhat inconsequential the stories are still enjoyable and heartwarming to read. With its multiple routes it’s longer than most of the other games in the series, similar to The New Generation! – I don’t know exactly how long my playthrough took, but VNDB lists it in the 10-30 hour length category. While it’s definitely not the best yuri I’ve ever read, it’s decent for $34.99 USD. It will be even better if we get the earlier games officially translated at some point, but as it stands A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael is still not a bad choice for yuri fans.
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[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”3.5″]
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(18+) EROGE REVIEW: A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael Title A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael
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oneangrygamer · 6 years
Valve Still Refuses To Talk To MangaGamer About Maidens Of Michael Steam Ban
Valve Still Refuses To Talk To MangaGamer About Maidens Of Michael Steam Ban | #Censorship #Valve #Steam #WaifuHolocaust
Back during early spring Valve banned A Kiss For The Petals: Maidens of Michael, a yuri visual novel, from Steam. The reason for the ban has been reportedly linked to a troll who wanted to get the game off of the Steam store, as noted by Operation Rainfall. (more…)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
MangaGamer Announces Latest Licenses
At this weekend's Otakon, English Visual Novel localization company had a slate of new plans to announces, with more otome game plans, more Supipara, more Rance, and, well... more!
  Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome - preorders now open 
 Our very first 18+ otome game, Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome is now available for pre-order! Out September 8th on both MangaGamer.com and Steam! 
  Supipara Chapter 2
We've reached our funding goal for chapter 2! It's another round of Supipara, but something is different. Our story begins anew on Yukinari's first day in Kamakura... except that he magically has a new family member?! What other changes could this altered history bring about? 
Announcement #1: Supipara chapter 2 funded! #SPPL https://t.co/hK4VYjYTEA http://pic.twitter.com/lXathVqYCq
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
  The Spirit Master of Retarnia
A classic 3D Dungeon RPG brought to you by Lunasoft! Explore 3D dungeons with five heroines and make use of their special abilities to fight your way to each dungeon's farthest depths and defeat its boss! 
Announcement #2: dungeon crawler The Spirit Master of Retarnia from indie developer Lunasoft! http://pic.twitter.com/vtwdEmpNTI
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
Room No. 9
From the developers of No, Thank You—Best friends Daichi and Seiji set out on an almost too-good-to-be-true summer vacation, but it quickly turns into a nightmare... Can they make it out alive? And will they still be themselves when it's over? 
Announcement #3: Room No. 9 another #BLgame from parade, developers of No, Thank You!!! #RN9 https://t.co/gCwYl0W6CC http://pic.twitter.com/hJyiiFIEmM
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
  A Kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael
Yurin Yurin
Picking up from the famous, original A Kiss for the Petals titles, Maidens of Michael reintroduces the five couples fans have grown to know and love while expanding on their story, sharing many new months worth of development and a new budding couple is introduced as well. 
Announcement #4: A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael from Yurin Yurin! #yuri #sonohana https://t.co/A2CXd0ILbe http://pic.twitter.com/6fsC3852QB
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
  Sengoku Rance
In the far east nation of Nippon, a plethora of feudal lords are fighting for supremacy in the 4th Sengoku Era. After doing immeasurable damage on the Continent, the brute known as Rance traveled with his slave, Sill, to the island country. When Rance becomes the ruler of one of the feudal states, he charges head first toward uniting Nippon! 
Announcement #5: Sengoku Rance from Alicesoft! http://pic.twitter.com/sw6plYT1cC
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
  Rance Quest MAGNUM
Rance is back from Nippon and planning to take it easy for a while, but he's barely into his vacation when he's struck with a debilitating curse! Unable to have sex with any woman under level 35, Rance sets off on another grand (though not always grave) adventure across the Continent: to find and fuck all the girls over level 35 he can get his hands on. 
And last but not least… Announcement #6: Rance Quest Magnum! https://t.co/1tEafndEBp http://pic.twitter.com/7GO01Esrkx
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) August 12, 2017
  We're proud to announce that #Dizzy Hearts will be coming to @MangaGamer exclusively!https://t.co/Poc4i2ECuC http://pic.twitter.com/C0GaDk7AwP
— Lupiesoft (@Lupiesoft) August 12, 2017
Our surprise announcement for the evening is that #StargazersVN will be coming to Kickstarter! @MangaGamerhttps://t.co/Poc4i2ECuC http://pic.twitter.com/Ogm0sgahyE
— Lupiesoft (@Lupiesoft) August 12, 2017
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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