#ADHD hard mode
lunapwrites · 8 months
Nothing worse than when your partner says something really fucking funny and you go to immortalize it in no context text form and you have already forgotten the punchline.
Bean please for the love of God can I have at least one of my brain cells back. I am begging you.
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spiderpawzsys · 7 days
I'm so scared people are gonna try and mansplain Minecraft story mode on me just because people are "apologizing" to it.
Bitch it's been my special interest ever since danTDM started playing that shit!
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ADHD really does put everything at equal levels of importance, huh? Like I'll have an email I need to write that'll take maybe 10 minutes, and getting that done will alleviate 6 months of stress. Then I'll notice a sock on the floor I need to put away. Then I'll get the strong conviction that it's up to me to cure cancer. And my brain will tell me that I need to do all of them at once, start and finish them all in the time span of 0 seconds, and my executive dysfunction will throw up its hands and do none of the above.
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yardsards · 8 months
earlier today in class the dude in front of me had his laptop open on split screen mode, one screen playing videos (with headphones) and the other side playing browser games. and he wouldn't stay on the same video or game for more than a couple minutes. and would periodically pull out his phone to check instagram.
and i have no clue if this person has adhd or not but nonetheless it is one of the biggest adhd moods i have ever encountered
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thecryptidart1st · 1 year
last night i went from "man i really love this one song from jem and the holograms, i should make an animatic for it" to "if i did make an animatic, this would probably be the best song for my canon take on Eclipse in Soldered Wires! FNAB SB, maybe I should make a sketch of him" to "this song is v glamrock what if Eclipse was an decommisioned glamrock animatronic version of the Daycare Attendant" to "THIS SONG IS VERY POMPOUS WHAT IF ECLIPSE IS A BAD GUY IN CANON OF THE PIZZAPLEX LORE" to "I GUESS IM DOING STEEL WOOL'S JOB BC ECLIPSE IS GONNA BE THE VILLAIN THAT GLAM FREDDY AND THE KIDS FIGHT AGAINST IN FAZER BLAST"
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the main design i'm happy with, still in debate on the coloring
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morvantmortuary · 5 months
leaving this image here and also making it my lockscreen so I can subtly shame myself into working on my diss chapter again today:
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(though to be clear, Maxi isn’t the type to shame his person if they’re obviously having a hard time on a project — he’d offer support where he could, in whatever way you needed it, and would be sure he encouraged you to take breaks for snacks and staying hydrated so you at least weren’t physically miserable too 🖤
I’m just the type of person whose ADHD is classically motivated by implied pressure and guilt :’D the only thing is, Maxi has a terrible time guilting anybody that’s not Hex or Rora, so this would just be a funny but kind of pathetic cycle for the pair of us lmao.)
if anyone can turn up photos of Diego, Eva, or David also pointing at the camera/viewer, I would be grateful, if only that means I have something to fiddle with on my next break lmao
okay. once more into the breach, dear friends :’D
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why-do-i-need-this2 · 5 months
Do you ever look at your hands holding your phone and feel physically like ‘whose hands are those? I am typing now with thumbs that don’t feel like mine. As I type slowly I start to feel them again.
Is this disassociating?
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galexibrain · 3 months
ADHD move of the week: I started doing long overdue cleaning work last night and RIGHT in the middle of it I lost all motivation, so now my broom is lying on the floor by the window and several dusty cushions that have been stuck in a corner for months are scattered all over the room.
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aidaronan · 2 years
Eddie getting a late adhd diagnosis.
Starting meds.
Being both elated and irritated because "wait, is this what it's like for everyone else? What the actual hell??"
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onlineufo · 7 months
got my first bad customer review truly humbled
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quatregats · 6 months
Really think I am currently experiencing the moment right before I actually bother to go and talk to a therapist and they're like how in the world did you make it this far in life without an ADHD diagnosis
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eggy-tea · 1 year
This fucking thing. You have no idea. 
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About two months ago, I took this thing into work. When I was done with it, I brought it back home and put it away… kind of. 
See, "taking it to work" involved:
remembering I owned it in the first place
remembering I needed it at work once I was back home
remembering to put it in my bag to bring to work
remembering to bring it out of the bag to use at work
actually using the damn thing
remembering to put it back in my bag to bring home
remembering to take it out of my bag once I got home, and
putting it back where it belonged
Where it belongs is in a tool bag on a shelf above our dryer. The shelf is slightly above eye level, and the tool bag sits near the back where I need to reach a bit to get it. The tool bag location makes sense, because it’s something I use often enough that I want it visible, but not so often that I want it in the way of other things. That, of course, means that it's mildly annoying to get to.
So over the course of about a week I managed to get through steps 1-7, but when it came to step 8 (putting it away properly), well… I was tired.  I had a lot of other things on my mind. So I put it on the shelf near the tool bag, because taking the tool bag out added five more steps to the process (take bag, place on surface, unzip bag, place screwdriver in bag, zip bag up, return bag to shelf vs put screwdriver on shelf) and I just couldn’t right then. 
And so it sat there. For like two months. And every time I saw it I’d think, “Right, I should put that away,” and every time I couldn’t, because Too Much. And now, on top of the task itself, there was the Emotional Context of it sitting there, weighing on me. It had become the Screwdriver of Bad Feelings. Every time I noticed it while doing the laundry, I would feel ever so slightly like shit for not just putting it away already it will literally take fifteen seconds, but it never bothered me enough in the moment to flip the switch in my brain and force me to do something about it. 
Until today. Today, I got out a different screwdriver from the tool bag for a different task. When I was done, I :
put away that screwdriver
put the tool bag back
noticed the Screwdriver of Bad Feelings was still there
took the tool bag back down
unzipped it again
put the Bad Feelings screwdriver in the bag,
zipped the bag back up, and
continued on to the next task. 
Like it was easy. Like it was nothing. Because today, it was. 
What was so special about today? Ritalin. That’s it. That’s all. 
Don’t ever let anyone fucking tell you that ADHD isn’t real, that executive dysfunction isn’t a real disability. Because without something extra (high levels of stress, pressure, anxiety… or meds) to make my brain do the thing? I cannot do the thing. I am unable. If that's not the definition of disability, I don't know what is.
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nerdacious · 9 months
It’s my first day on Vyvanse and holy shit is this how normal people feel all the time??
I can do work and sit through boring meetings and not want to die??
I am done with my lunch and I’m going to put down my phone and not check it and that’s just a thing I can do now?!?!?!
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shararan · 9 months
i think krita is starting to feel a bit better finally....???? figured out how to best adjust key shortcuts and after 2 months or so the default brushes are actually meshing with me now that i can better feel how similar they are to the ones i always use in csp.... tbh i might just consider using that and csp both side by side once i build my new desktop, theyre different enought to force different things out of me and i find that fun and refreshing honestly
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insertcommonnoun · 2 years
local teenager shocked to find out his mental disability that prevented him from doing schoolwork is preventing him from doing schoolwork
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