Advance your profession with advanced esthetics training. Gain expertise in advanced skincare methods and procedures to deliver premium services.
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sreejyothi · 1 year
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emsesthetics · 1 year
Step into comfort by learning about the advantages of advance footcare treatment.
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beraberblog · 5 months
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Esthetic Hair Mexico: Your Premier Destination for Natural-Looking Hair Transplants
Are you tired of dealing with hair loss and looking for a reliable solution? Look no further than Esthetic Hair Mexico, where we specialize in providing advanced hair transplant services tailored to your needs.
Brady Hair Plugs: At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we understand the importance of natural-looking results. That's why we offer Brady hair plus, a state-of-the-art hair transplant technique that ensures seamless integration with your existing hairline. Our skilled surgeons meticulously implant individual follicles to achieve a natural appearance that complements your features.
Female Hair Transplant: Hair loss affects women as well, and Esthetic Hair Mexico is here to help. Our female hair transplant services are designed to address the unique needs of women, providing personalized treatment plans that restore volume and thickness to your hair. Whether you're dealing with thinning hair or bald patches, we have the expertise to help you regain your confidence.
2000 Grafts Hair Transplant: If you're looking for a comprehensive solution to your hair loss concerns, our 2000 grafts hair transplant may be the answer. This procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from donor areas to areas of thinning or balding, resulting in natural-looking, long-lasting results. Our skilled surgeons ensure precise placement for optimal density and coverage.
Celebrities Hair Transplant: Join the ranks of celebrities hair transplant who have trusted Esthetic Hair Mexico for their hair restoration needs. Our reputation for excellence has earned us the trust of prominent figures in the entertainment industry, who rely on us to deliver outstanding results that meet their high standards.
At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we prioritize patient satisfaction and safety above all else. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your hair restoration journey.
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dreamgrlarchive · 10 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ some updates:
hi, since i’m no longer active on here i’ve been doing a lot on other platforms and i just wanted to show you guys what ive been up to!
#1: the looks i’ve been styling!
i had a huge shopping spree recently and it inspired me to plan more lookz. i’ve been on a huge black + pink, and pink + brown kick lately. the vibe is very preppy yet sexy and glam.
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#2: i’ve been building my tiktok audience!
i recently made slideshows talking about my bedroom and pinkmas wishlist. also been really into glamour magick too (basically doing my makeup and dressing myself with spiritual intent)!
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#3: shopping!
i actually checked some things off my wishlist. those including my new phone and my fall wardrobe! here’s a peek at one of the hauls (expect a try on haul soon pretties) i got stuff from i am gia that i’ve been wanting for a while and WILL BE supporting @finegirl on their next drop! stay tuned, xo!
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#4: youtube planning!
i’ve been making my “youtube kit” which is just elements i’ll be using to boost my brand in my new vidz!
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#5: dolly wishlist!
finally SAT DOWN and started making my doll wishlist. i’m not done but this thing is longgg. but i like that, it’ll give me a reason to take my time expanding my collection!
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#6: career planning!
most of you may not know, but i was in cos school in 2019 and unfortunately had to drop for personal reasons. but i’ll be going to this beautiful school in my city come the end of this academic semester to start my advanced esthetics, + then nails certification. i’m so happy because this career will support me through finishing my credits for my degree. just a focused barbie on a mission right now.
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#7: posting on my moodboard again!
i kinda abandoned my instagram moodboard a while back but i’ve been using it again and it’s really fun seeing what’s changed and stayed the same with my aesthetic. luvs it!
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thank you for reading! let me know if this is something yall want me to do every now and then! i know a lot of you only really use tumblr. but till next time babes, muah! ❤︎︎
- amara noelle
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niqhtlord01 · 9 months
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Humans are weird: Never put a human in a zoo
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)    
The sudden extinction of the Dre people was as sudden as it was unexpected to the galactic community. They were one of the oldest and most technologically advanced races in the universe. Heavily isolationist by nature, coupled with their inherent self-sense of superiority they viewed much of the other space faring species as little more than savages by comparison as none of them presented a credible challenge their rule. Yet within a month they had lost nearly 99% of their population across multiple worlds.
The worst hit was their homeworld of Belnuck situated at the heart of their empire which became an empty husk of a world seemingly overnight. Ancient and powerful cities of technological wonder now were little more than ghost towns to be picked clean by scavengers.
There were no signs of civil strife or unrest, no exterior threat from military forces, not even a record of natural disaster on their homeworld. Nothing was found that could give a clue as to what could have erased such a prominent power as the Dre, and so it was written off as a deadly unsolved mystery and the galactic community went on.
At least, that was what the public report stated.
It wasn’t until a group of Kreen scavengers came upon a set of personal journals that the shroud of uncertainty was lifted. Only to be then shortly locked away and sealed under the highest security restrictions to ensure the truth never saw the light of day.
These are those journal entries: ------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757931 Head curator Migu
The benefactors are requesting we add new exhibits to the zoo again.
I thought they would have been content with the Draxic specimens we captured last month but it seems the general public no longer find giant lizards fascinating to observe. One of them suggested we allow the Draxic to mingle with other exhibits for inter species interactions for potential science research; but I could tell right away that what they really wanted from this was to have guests pay to see those lizard savages rip apart our other attractions like a Frong in a Skitch field.
I wish they could at least try to hide their greediness behind some semblance of rationality. At least then it would be easier to stomach.
I’ve scheduled a discussion with our head capture specialists to go out and find new attractions for the people later today. I don’t have much hope they can find anything as fascinating to revive interest but one never knows. End Log Entry. ---------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757935 Head curator Migu
Capture team theta appears to have acquired something of value.
The specimens were caught will transitioning into real space at the edge of a system and were removed from their vessel shortly after.
Their technology was primitive in nature, but from the recordings the capture team sent back their esthetic design choices appear to be unique for such a low species. Accessing their data banks was a trivial matter and provided a wealth of history to them.
They appear to call themselves “Humons”, and have only recently begun intergalactic travel.
From the data we have gathered these humons are a highly warlike society repeating cycles of great conflict to great resurgence throughout their history. During war time they have fought with everything from sharpened wood stakes to low grade thermo nuclear devices.
While lacking the physical exciting traits like armored skin or shape shifting qualities, I believe their nature as a self-destructive race will make them a comedic addition to the zoo.
Theta team is on their way back now with them and I’ve already given instructions to create the new paddock for them in the east wing. With any luck the benefactors will find them as amusing as I do and calm down. End Log Entry. ------------------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-757940 Head curator Migu It could not have gone any better. The public loves the new attractions and the benefactors love the increase in profits. Theta team captured roughly a dozen of these humons and when coupled with their historical data we were able to depict several invigorating habitats. We injected them with the standard nano machines to provide feedback on each of them for both the caretakers and the guests. I do have some concerns about handing the medical needs of these humons as none of our handlers know how to treat them, but I have tasked them with dissecting the gathered data for any relevant medical information. They seem very energetic and many of them have not stopped trying to escape their exhibit since they woke up. A few of them have already begun crafting crude weapons to defend themselves while forming mini factions. The largest group has created a primitive wooden fortress by sharpening sticks and creating walls with them. The smaller group has kept their distance from the larger groups while the remaining few have decided to remain in isolation from both groups. Guests love it when they start banging on the windows and try to talk with them. The children in particular I overheard already picking out their favorites and rooting for them to survive should they begin fighting. We’ve not had this kind of engagement since we brought in Bengols with their psionic abilities. ------------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758021 Head curator Migu
It’s been several cycles since my last entry and we’ve had a few snags. Our lack of medical knowledge regarding our latest exhibits has proven costly. Despite our best efforts to decrypt the remaining data from their ships it appears medical information was damaged beyond recovery during the capture process. This has left us unable to properly care for them during medical emergencies; which have happened far sooner than expected.
After several days of captivity several of the humons began showing signs of rapidly deteriorating mental stability. They’ve displayed signs of paranoia, societal breakdown, and an increase in aggression levels to the point they murdered other humons in the enclosure.
We’ve never had this problem before with our other exhibits, at least within such a short timeframe, and now the benefactors are calling for my head. They are upset that their most prized money generators are murdering each other risking their profit margin.
I’ve suggested applying mild sedatives to calm them but was denied. They insist that curbing their more primitive tendencies would cause customers to lose interest in them.
The suggestion of capturing more of these humons was strongly advocated for but it was my turn to deny that request. Deploying a capture team was an expensive endeavor and if the humons continued killing each other the costs would overturn any increase in profits.
I’m putting together alternatives now for my next meeting with them. Hopefully something will come along and save our hides. ---------------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758043 Head curator Migu
The problem for the time being has resolved itself via an unexpected avenue.
One of the capture humons was seen treating the few remaining humans; providing basic medical treatment and care.
Ordinarily we would have written off such behavior but because of our current medical situation we decided to bend regulations and reach out to the subject directly.
A translator unit was acquired and we were able to speak directly with the humon. It took several minutes to calibrate, thankfully much of their speech was unrecognizable. They would not stop trying to speak with us while it was being adjusted and went on and on about wanting to be set free and demanding answers. Honestly you think these humons would be grateful that we are lowering ourselves to speak with them.
When they finally calmed down we explained the situation to them. In exchange for their cooperation they would be given special privileges to treats and comforts for the duration of their stay. They wanted to be let out and freed from the exhibit but I quickly shut that down as a non-starter.
It eventually dawned on them that this was going to be their new existence for the remainder of their life and could live in comfort or watch as their friends died one by one; and they accepted the offer. -------------------------
Personal Journal Entry J-758117 Head curator Migu
While unusual the negotiating tactic with the humon has resolved the issue for us and the benefactors are happy once more.
With the medical humons help they were able to stabilize the injured humons while also negotiate a form of agreement between the humon factions in the exhibit. They could still maim and injure each other while guests were present but would not kill and then would be treated afterwards before the next day’s opening.
Interestingly enough the medical humon has proved very useful. They’ve been able to communicate with the rest of the humons and get them to fall in line. What’s more they’ve been minimalistic in requests with the biggest being to be taught some of the basics of our medical equipment so he can use it himself.
Ordinarily we don’t allow this but it would have freed up some of the medical wing so we allowed it with extensive supervision.
I must admit I am rather proud of myself for resolving the situation, and with such little expenditure. Things now are running smoothly once more and the profits are seeing ever increasing margins. Maybe now the benefactors will get off my back. Though honestly I think it’ll only last one or two months before the humons are worn out and they want something new.
---------------------- Personal Journal Entry J-758135 Head curator Migu
Oh gods it burns!
Everyone at the zoo is screaming and clawing their own skin!
Gods damnit make it stop! MaKE IT Stop!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergency Transmission January 2873 Chief Medical Officer Maxwill Clemons
This is Chief Medical officer Maxwill Clemons of the ship “Hades Rest” calling out to any terran ships requesting immediate rescue.
I am not sure what planet or system we’re in, but hone in on this signal and you will find us. I will be repeating this message every hour on the hour for as long as this place has power.
I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been in this god forsaken hellhole. The automated day/night cycles have made my attempts at record keeping near impossible.
Maybe a month? Two? I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.
We were kidnapped from our ship after exiting a jump and woke up to find ourselves in some sort of alien zoo. The aliens refused to speak to us at first, instead watching us from windows and laughing at us while we struggled to find out what was going on.
They’re all dead now. The aliens that is.
I never knew what they called themselves and I don’t really care.
They treated my friends like animals, so I took their precious tech and turned it on them. Made the nano machines they injected us with register the alien DNA as a deadly virus in need of immediate eradication.
First one I got was the one who was so smug about our capture and display. They changed their tune after I spat in their eye and their face started melting as the nano tech spread. Two others came in after the screaming started and they got infected as well before fleeing the room.
I stood up and went to my comrades “habitat’ and let them out as every alien around us began screaming and melting away. That was at least three days ago now and I haven’t seen one of them yet. Their whole planet now is like one massive ghost town.
We’ve enough provisions to last us and the other freed captives for some time, but please do hurry. I want off this fraking shit hole as soon as possible. --------------- Message repeats:
Emergency Transmission January 2873 Chief Medical Officer Maxwill Clemons
This is Chief Medical officer Maxwill Clemons of the ship “Hades Rest” calling out to any terran ships requesting immediate rescue. ------
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glambots · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering, what if an employee had arrived at 6am for their shift, before the fire start, to discover all the mess and managing to save one of the bots!!! Most of them are seriously damaged, both physically and mentally, how would they live this situation and adjust to their new handicap?
This employee isn't from the mechanical department, they can maybe help for the esthetic scars, but can't repair them! Roxy is now blind, Chica is mute, Monty would probably need a wheelchair and Sun/Moon would probably be highly traumatized....
Thanks in advance!
This...isn't my best work, but I tried!
🐺Roxanne Wolf + "A New Kind of Normal:"🐺
For a long time, she just cries and cries and cries. Not just because she's lost her vision, but because she really liked her eyes because they were pretty, and now she thinks she's hideous, and if she's hideous how could you ever love her, and if you don't love her she's worthless, and if she's worthless she's--there's a lot of spiraling and comforting her involved. Thankfully, you have the patience of a saint, and even after assuring her for the millionth time that, Yes, You Do Love Her, Even Without Her Eyes, she finally starts to believe it.
🍕Glamrock Chica + "A New Kind of Normal:"🍕
She tries to talk all the time, only to pause and deflate when she remembers that she can't. Sure, she's used to listening to people, she's actually really good at it. But she liked to have conversations, ones where she could contribute. Thankfully, ASL is pre-programmed into her system, so if you know it, the transition isn't nearly as painful as it could be. If you don't, she'll just have to teach you! Because otherwise...she'd probably just have to start writing everything down! Which would be frustrating as hell.
🐊Montgomery Gator + "A New Kind of Normal:"🐊
It's incredibly difficult, at first. Monty is really frustrated with how his ability to do anything has gotten so much harder, but he doesn't let it keep him down for long. Though he definitely won't let it show (or at least, he'll try as hard as he can not to). He'll joke and do tricks, offering to race you around or pop wheelies, then other times you'll sometimes catch him just sitting in place, staring off into nothing. Oh, he's fine. Just...thinking about stuff. Those are the times it's best to leave him to his thoughts.
☀️Sunnydrop + "A New Kind of Normal:"☀️
He's so scared of...pretty much everything. He wants to be happy again, to be normal, to go back to how everything used to be. But he can't. Not after what he--what the other him--did. He'll never be able to erase that guilt from his system, no matter how bad he tries. It takes a very long time before he's willing to let you turn the lights off in his presence, even for just a little while. Once he reaches that point, only then can he really start to heal from everything. Things can never go back to how they were, and it'll take him a while to get used to that thought.
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sweetchcolate · 7 months
I'm curious. What are your top 10 favorite shoujos of all time? (LN, Anime, Manga) Can you rank them from: I'll always love them and I'm very invested with them; to I like them, but I'm not very invested?
(why is it that the second someone asks me for anime recs or listing my fave series, I suddenly forget every series i ever read/watched lmao it is a curse)
Just as a reminder, these are series I either watched recently or remember at the top of my mind because of sheer popularity. Also, my bad in advance if it turns out some of these aren't shojo but shonen (reason I didn't include Skip&Loafer, for example).
With that out of the way, my top 10 fave shojos in order (that I would and have rewatched multiple times):
Revolutionary Girl Utena. A classic. It's got it all: the esthetics, the slightly surreal aspect of the world, the trope deconstruction, tackling rarely addressed issues (such as patriarchy, heteronormativity, the changes puberty brings to a teenage girl, etc.) as well as some... more sensitive ones (there's a reason there's so many trigger warning lists for RGU). Also, the music SLAPS.
SAFT (both anime and LN). Just look at my Sugar Apple Fairy Tale tag. I've liveblogged every episode of this show since I learned of its existence. I was looking forward to the previews. I fell into this head first and it was some of the best experience I had with a series! It was right up my alley: sunshine hardworking girl winning over the people around her thanks to her kindness and optimism + grumpy stoic traumatized man who becomes softer and grows thanks to her set in a semi-fantasy Europe-based world. I liked that both Anne and Shall had to deal with discrimination (Anne as a girl in a male-dominated industry, Shall as a fairy in a human-led society) and how the later LN volumes address those issues (instead of fairy slavery and sexism being just background lore). The show can be really pretty when it wants to, and the music is also very nice.
7th Time Loop (both anime and LN). Just like with SAFT, I'm obsessed. The anime is doing such a good job adapting the source material at a good pace, the quality is great, and the VAs are killing it. The LN also has very tight writing: the author has an eye for adding details that seem unassuming/offhanded at first, but end up being crucial. Rishe's and Arnold's characters and dynamic are phenomenal. Just look at my 7th time loop tag
Akatsuki no Yona (the anime/early corresponding manga arcs).
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at LVL 999.
Ouran High School Host Club (the anime). I'm a sucker for romance, but where OHSHC got me is with its humor. The first episode is a classic, and I will always love the light bulbs scene as each member of the host club figures out Haruhi is a girl. Tamaki is a riot, the perfect blend of goofy, perceptive, and introspective. He deals with some serious issues, but he never lets them drag him down or, at the very least, affect his precious ones. What's great about OHSHC too is the character growth in the second half of the show. The series lures you in thinking it's just a comedic slice of life high school romance only to hit you with some real feels when it reveals its characters' backstories, fears, and reflections.
My Happy Marriage.
Kimi ni Todoke.
Ones for a cute ride: Lovely Complex, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Akagami no Shirayukhime, Donten Ni Warau
Ones I've watched that were good, but lost interest in (mostly due to being too long or me catching up the latest release and not keeping up after): Skip Beat, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon (the 1990s anime), Niehime
Ones I remember watching but won't ever watch again because I've outgrown the target demographic: Special A, Shugo Chara, Tokyo Mew Mew, Fushigi Yugi, Itazura Kiss
Ones I heard good praise for and want to check someday: Rose of Versailles, Basara, Colette Decides to Die
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bluesdesk · 11 months
First of all, the Link and Zelda from Skyward Sword are named Sky (Link) and Sun (Zelda) to distinguish them from Link and Zelda (botw/totk)!
The nicknames are borrowed from Linked Universe!!
- That Ganondorf? He's not Ganondorf, but another man. Maybe gerudo, an evil king. But not Ganondorf.
- Rauru is a Hylian, the son of Sky and Sun, first king of Hyrule and first sage
- the constructs are ancient Sheikah tech infused with holy power from Sun/Hylia! They look so magical and advanced because they are full of Sun's power nobody else has.
- Sonia is a Sheikah, and she isn't the descendant of Sun and Sky.
(spoilers ahead)
- Before leaving the world of the living, Sun created the sacred stones, taking 7 amber relics and adding her power to them, and explained her and Sky's son (Rauru) their purpose, though there was a collateral effect, the draconification, if one was to eat the stone.
- Link didn't start from the sky islands when he woke up after the accident under the castle, but Rauru's hand took him in the depths, in an enclosed area containing the Sealed temple and the huge goddess statue temple from sksw, that got buried with time under what's now the Great Plateau. The tutorial is both in the depths and, when Link reactivates the 3 stone tablets and the last remaining bird statue, he gets his paraglider back and is sent to the sky thanks to the bird statue, the only access to the sky other than using the rewind functionality if the hand.
- Link's arm is NOT Rauru's (that so strange, chopping an arm off a dead body and sewing it to Link... eww) but one of those ancient constructs. Rauru reactivates the hand but it's not fully ready, Link had to reactivate its functionalities (ultrahabd, rewind, autobuild, fuse etc)
- Mineru isn't Rauru's sister but his and Sonia's daughter, and she's half Sheikah half Hylian. When her mother passed away, and Zelda, a Hylian, took her place, Mineru was considered the Sheikah sage. Her parents didn't want her to get a stone though, she took it by accident out of curiosity maybe, or maybe I'll find a more fitting story/reason. Also, she doesn't die or turn into a spirit. She lives and the royal bloodline continues with her and most likely an Hylian as the royal family has always been known as Hylian. In modern times, her stone is passed to Josha.
- It's the power of all the new sages, the great fairies, the 3 dragons and Link together to bring Zelda back, and not the ghosts of Rauru and Sonia.
- The first group of sages was created by Rauru, giving the secret stones to wise people of different populations. He's the sage of light. The others are Sonia (sheikah), a goron, a "zora" (primitive zora, blue colored probably, a mix of oot looking zora and parella from sksw), a gerudo (oot style and nomad), instead of the Rito who didn't exist yet we get a member of the Wind Tribe, and Mineru. When Sonia is killed, Zelda takes her place, but with her own stone, as the enemy has taken Sonia's.
- Link won't get his arm back, but the construct arm will get esthetic upgrades to look less metallic and easier to use, smoother to move. The holy power inside will most likely fade after the whole adventure that used and "drained" it, so at the end Link will have a working prosthetic arm and hand but no special powers. He will as well learn to use both the hands to fight.
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resident-sentinel · 1 year
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Francisca 'Frankie' Shepard
Frankie Shepard, born in a timeline where Humanity were the first to discover the Citadel. That comes along with humans dealing with the chaos of first meetings and well.... a drastic fashion change that has them dressed in 80s/90's punk esthetics....
Their technology may be far advanced than other species, but their choice of fashion did change... for the better many will say.
Shout out to @redreart!!! Amazing as always!!! Her work is amazing go check her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frankie Shepard: Masterlist
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kittysdiary · 6 months
how to become an aesthetician? does it usually require a medical-related degree?
To become an esthetician you have to go to esthetician school and complete your state’s required hours.
To become a medical esthetician (advanced esthetician) you need your basic esthetic license and you have to go to an advanced esthetician school.
A medical related degree is NOT required for both schools.
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fierce-little-miana · 2 years
I have finally watched Hakuouki: Kyoto Ranbu and I had a surprisingly good time (I really thought I would mind the plot points they have cut out and how they rushed the story more). So, as promised, here is a list of things I found really great in the movie:
The opening being the destruction of the Yukimura village. I think it was really well done, but it was also the first time I saw it animated and it anchored the fact that Chizuru is the protagonist. Also, the transition from her running away for her life as a child to her running away for her life as a young adult ten years latter was great (can she catch a break? The answer is no).
Chizuru is undoubtedly the protagonist of the movie and I love how it focuses on her moral anguish, her determination to help the Shinsengumi, and her identity crisis. It was no small feat to do that in a 1h36 long movie that had to cover so much ground.
Speaking of identity, I love what they have done with the Oni. I love how menacing they are, I love how over-powered they feel, I love their gradual transformation that impacts even the environment around them, I love that it is made abundantly clear that their powers are influenced by their feelings, I love the tidbits of Oni worldbuilding they give... I love it I love it!
The way they depict Chizuru relating to her Oni identity is better than what they did in the anime. You can see she is very powerful but completely untrained hence while it only manifests in highly emotional moments and why Kazama can see her coming from miles away.
The fights are amazing: well animated, well choreographed and they take into accounts characters' abilities and personalities.
The violence is depicted very cleverly. The movie puts a lot of emphasis on blood, wounds and destruction. It is still esthetically very beautiful, but also has you recoil a little each time which, considering that Chizuru is the protagonist, is the good choice.
Speaking of violence, I know I will create disagreement with this, but I like that Chizuru was more proactive in fights. Hakuouki (the games, the anime and the movie!) takes time establishing that she knows how to use a sword and is serviceable with one despite being uncomfortable at the idea of using one/hurting someone with one (because of her healing abilities and because she doesn't want to kill or hurt someone, which, girl same). I never understood why she would not use her sword to protect the people she deeply cares about in situations that would require it. In this movie I think she unsheathes her sword twice, both time to protect people she cares about (even if "just" to protect their honor). Most of the time, she intervenes in fights by helping the injured and using her body as a shield. I think it is a clever way to reconcile the fact Chizuru's real strength is her inner strength and her will to care for the people around her without making her completely hopeless. Chizuru will stand for others in all the way she knows how.
Generally, the dialogues were quite clever and really helped the character's characterizations in a movie progressing with drums beating (special mention for Ito's "Very well, keep your secret and I will keep my scission" and Chizuru's "you are a doctor!")
Hijikata was really good in this. I get it now Chizuru.
Sannan's characterization was quite good too. I was so worried when I realized that he was hurt since his very first scene in the movie. Sannan is a massively plot important character but also a character I really like. But, despite the plot advancing at the speed of a mad train (to put everything in a 1h36 movie! as @flowerynameslover​ rightly put), he was given enough key scenes to have enough depth to still be Sannan. Phew...
Souji got really lucky in term of characterization. I think he was the most developed of all the captains (how come you get two full fights with thematically relevant opponents when some others did not even got one, a pretty long scene alone with Chizuru and several personal reaction shots when the rest of the groups gets to be that, a group?).
Generally, the movie was clever with how it used its time and what it showed us. For example, I really like that during Ito's meeting with the Satsuma they were sitting at an occidental table. Really good details to remind everyone of Satsuma's historical position at the time.
While Chizuru saved 0 damsel in distress (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I felt her emit so much pent up violence when Souji's implied he was ready to use the ochimizu to cure his TB that it almost made up for the lack of rescue. Please stop using/talking about using that stuff in front of her, she is traumatized.
The music was good too.
*Souji and Kaoru are of course still my poor little mew mews. There is something wrong with them and there is something wrong with me.
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
sending this w love but it's really hard to read ur comments if they're purple *and* tiny
First and foremost, thank you. That is good to know, that is a great example of constructive criticism, and I appreciate you helping me make what I write more user-friendly for readers.
Second, this has stirred something in me that I cannot tamp down, and so here goes a well-meaning rant. Sorry in advance (especially if this is one of my moots on anon).
There are several reasons I do the tiny, purple text; among them are personal esthetics, good conditioning, and bad conditioning.
I don't know why I've sorta chosen purple/lavender/etc as a theme for a while, but meh, I like it, and to have purple text show up works with the theme. Speaking of themes, Tumblr has various ways you can see your dash, called 'palettes' I think, and mine is set to idk 'goth rave' or something which has purple text on black as the default. It's easier on my eyes and makes the tiny, purple text stand out nicely in my draft posts. Because that's how I see them when formatting, I didn't notice it might be much harder on a white background or any of the other palettes. Thank you for pointing it out! I hadn't thought of that.
This might also be me as a distracted person, but the visual of a divider such as this:
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...doesn't seem like enough of an end-cap to the actual story portion of the post, so I change the way the A/N looks afterward to really separate the two. (Special shoutout to the fact that the divider's message seems utterly useless in encouraging/reminding readers to leave comments or reblog. You've all heard that tirade. Let's just say I know the reminder is ignored, so I gotta try something else as a transition.)
Writing/posting on this platform, as you may have heard, is a bit of a crapshoot mixed bag. Readers feel limited both in number and in time, so we creators tend to try various things to make our posts stand out, to make them appealing. Color or text variation is one of those ways. Now, I have no flippin' idea how to get rainbow or gradient text; I barely figured out how to put hyperlinks into my bio, bless my heart, so there's little chance of my blog looking super unique or fancy. Instead I vary the look between actual prose and my notes/warnings/summaries, which leads me to the sad bit.
I am conditioned by this site and others to understand that you are here to consume content. That content is the writing that I have curated and edited into a story which doesn't involve me, just the character of 'you' and other OCs or canon IP, so my thoughts and opinions are not and never have been the reason anyone follows me. Those are quite literally small compared to the actual work I generate.
I still think of comment reblogs as flooding your dash with stuff most of you have already seen. I think I'm being annoying--even though I know it's the only way to have my writing go farther on this site--and because I will do so very, very much IRL to *not* annoy anyone, I put opinion and random side comments and little thoughts in small text that is color-coded so you can ignore it as "not-story bits."
It is taking everything in me to NOT make this small text or purple. Honestly, my palms are sweating so badly, I've wiped my computer keyboard four times.
No, I don't want anything to be hard for you to see or read. Yes, I am really grateful you pointed this out. *Do* please remember that we are all doing the best we can to get the experience we want from Tumblr by customizing what we can.
The comment I posted in tiny, purple text immediately before this was sent to me has been changed to regular, default color. Hopefully that helps, and I will try to keep in mind how things will look in the future.
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I did purposefully choose to not put a readmore in this post fwiw.
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Hazbin Hotel Headcanon Bundle #1
Yet another new thing of mine! Pretty simple, actually. Just a few headcanons for, as I would like to call, my main 6. These might be out of the blue and not interconnected or maybe not, we both will have to see what happens. Be my guest, dear friend!
Charlie would be an avid cute simulation games player. Minecraft, Stardew Walley, Sims and much more.
She is a holiday person who always has way too much planned in advance. Decorations, food, music, activities, everything! Halloween, Valentine’s Day, somebody’s birthday, anything!
Is on the “Cute Animals” side of Helltok.
Exercises every day. Hazbin Hotel definitely has at least a little gym in which Vaggie spends no less than an hour or two a day.
 Has a custom bingo card for every resident. In there she writes sort of predictions for them, for instance, “Alastor finally asks how to use a normal phone”. Funny thing, she has all of them half – filled already.
Can play loads of songs on guitar and is a quick learner to new ones.
This man does not approve of any kind of transport. He only travels by walking or some teleportation, maybe via shadows.
Is a total lightweight. A few glasses/shots according to alcohol’s degree and Alastor is a babbling mess.
When he first came down to Hell, he made a few allies, later turned friends from around his death decade. They jokingly made a bet about who will die last in Hell. Today they are either dead because of Termination Day or Alastor completely cut ties with them due to some bad blood in between. He stills does a quick check – up out of interest to see if they are still “alive”.
His Hell’s equivalent of dating app description would be “Angel in life, devil in bed”.
Actually knows how to sew and decorate clothes. Has made a few for himself and dozens for the Fat Nuggets.
Loves reality tv shows. Has seen all “Love Island” seasons, since it is his favourite one.
Knows a handful of close – up magic tricks with cards. Always gets the right card.
Although he has wings, Husk never bothered to learn how to properly fly.
Loves 70’s esthetic.
Listens to boy bands regularly. New, old – all!
Is the best at any kind of board game. Monopoly’s monarch, slayer of Scrabble, absolute queen of Alias. Though, she lets others win sometimes. Sometimes…
Niffty loves to study new subjects and expand her knowledge on practically anything she can possibly can.
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beraberblog · 6 months
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Esthetic Hair Mexico: Your Premier Destination for Advanced Hair Transplant Solutions
Are you considering a hair transplant procedure to address your hair loss concerns? Esthetic Hair Mexico offers top-quality hair transplant services, including FUE and DHI procedures, with exceptional results that enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.
Hair Transplant Mexico vs. Turkey: When it comes to choosing a destination for your hair transplant procedure, Hair transplant Mexico vs Turkeyare two popular options. While both countries offer high-quality treatment at affordable prices, there are some key differences to consider. Esthetic Hair Mexico stands out for its experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and personalized care that ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction.
FUE Hair Transplant Mexico: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. At Esthetic Hair Mexico, our skilled surgeons specialize in Fue hair transplant mexico, delivering natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime.
Hair Transplant Before and After: Seeing is believing, and at Esthetic Hair Mexico, we're proud to showcase the remarkable transformations our patients undergo with our hair transplant procedures. Hair transplant before and after gallery features real patients who have achieved natural-looking, life-changing results with our FUE and DHI procedures.
DHI Hair Transplant: Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is another advanced hair transplant technique offered at Esthetic Hair Mexico. With Dhi hair transplant and hair follicles are extracted and implanted directly into the recipient area using specialized tools, ensuring precise placement and optimal growth. The result is denser, fuller hair with minimal downtime and maximum satisfaction.
At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we understand the impact that hair loss can have on your confidence and self-esteem. That's why we're committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your hair restoration journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative care and beyond.
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spongebobafettywap · 7 months
It might be because there weren't that many crazy changes between now and the 80s ? I know it sounds dumb but hear me about : Outside of technological and medical advancement, the past 10 or so years kinda looped back to the 80s-90s period especially for all the stuff relating to entertainment from music to shows to movies (remakes and sequels). The biggest hit show since the mid 2010's was Stranger Things whose story takes place in the 1980s. Slightly less blatant but still noteworthy are the clothing trends, vintage stuff got brought back a bit and the 80s attract a lot of people for the esthetic too
It creates a huge dissonance between the past and present
You're kind of right but you can't really discount the technological and medical advances as they do a huge influence on our cultures and lifestyles, especially if you were born in the mid to late 90s like me and witnessed technology change in real time with vhs and casette tapes and dial up internet going away in the mid 2000s.
So with technology, the 80s is when the home computer became a mainstream thing and back then computers were mainly used for working on documents or playing games. Although Emails have existed for much longer than you would think and a very primitive version of the Internet existed back then you can see a video on it here:
But I will say that 80s nostalgia has been huge in every decade since it passed, the 90s still held onto bright 80s colours for a time being, then the 2000s would make 80s throwbacks in media like with Grand Theft Auto Vice City paying homage to 80s movies, music and styles. The 2000s also had the major nostalgia boom for 80s Toy Franchises like Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thundercats, He-Man etc.
Though whilst that nostalgia level was high and probably the highest of any decade, I still think things evolved from the 90s culture onwards, I'd say the 90s and the 2000s were quite similar for a majority of it, though towards the mid to tail end of the 2000s a lot of things we have today came from that time period. Someone said the other day online that in Grand Theft Auto 4 a game that takes place in 2008 there's actually not a whole lot about it that doesn't feel like it couldn't take place today, they have a in universe version of Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
And I think thats the main thing that makes the late 2000s, the 2010s and the early 2020s just seem to blend together, what can we really point to came about from the last decade or this one that wasnt just a continuation or remix of something from the late 2000s? Its kind of like things have just been put on repeat since then. I'll admit I am more nostalgic for the late 2010s but I think a big part of that is it still felt like things could change even more the 2000s weren't all that long ago so it didn't feel like things needed to progress more.
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