apocalyptic-byler · 6 months
ok so im in a class with this girl right and we’re not really that close i mean we talk but it’s not like we’re super close friends right and so once class was over we were walking together through the hallways to get to our next classes (hers is upstairs while mine is downstairs) and so once we got to the steps she said “see you later!” and im like “yup bye” AND THEN THERE WAS A COUPLE SECONDS OF HESITATION AND THEN SHE LOOKED AT ME AND SAID “love you.” WITH THIS SMILE AND THIS LOOK AND I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO SAY CAUSE I DIDNT KNOW HOW SHE MEANT IT SO I JUST SMILED AND KEPT WALKING AMMFKFKSKMSMDOMF THE WAY SHE SAID IT MADE IT SEEM LIKE IT WAS ROMANTIC LIKE HER VOICE WAS LOWER AND SOFTER AND I SWEAR IM NOT MAKING THIS UP IT WAS SO ??????? and i know i love you can be said in a platonic sense my best friend says it to me and i say it to her and it’s so natural but w her it felt different and weird SO YEAH 😭😭😭😭 it was quite odd to say the least
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r3ynah · 5 months
The girls the boys they all like Carmen.
(In this scenario Carmen is the fentons).
I just want to headcanon, that the Fenton's have a ethereal type of beauty, not sexy or hot. Ethereal, like if you didn't know that they're a family of Mad scientist, a obsessive therapist and a dead boy. they could've passed as deity's.
And the amity park's citizens can and will totally agree, they might've disagree and fight for a lot of things but the only thing they can agree on was the Fenton's was down to earth beautiful.
Like Jack Fenton for example, He has built that can seemingly bench you without any hesitation, but a himbo at heart, the greys of his hair compliments way it mixes with the black hair of his, if Jack isn't in his ghost hunting suit, he is pretty decent when it comes to his fashion sense, When Jazz first brought along her friends, the first thing they asked was if Jack was single, which caused Jazz to smack their heads individually with a newspaper.
And don't get me started with Madeline Fenton, because I cannot stop when it comes to her, My girl with her short straight Reddish-brown hair, looks like a masculine but also feminine beauty, Can and will bench you, if you have any ill intent towards her family, she came from a long line of riches if I say so myself. Tall as fuck, about 6'7 while Jack is 7'0. very elegant when it comes to fighting, that it looks like she's just dancing, Was titled as a Milf by Danny's classmate which made the boy groan in annoyance, Sam and Tucker calls out to Maddie and says "Mother is Mothering", just to get something out of Danny who looks at them with disgust knowing full well what they were trying to do. While Maddie is just happy for the kids to see her as a mother figure.
Now Jazz, My love, my girl. Her long Red hair that came down to her hips, and her blue eyes, made all the girls and boys in her college swoon, with her 6'4 figure she strutted down the halls with confidence, beauty and brains everyone would oh so called it, and her knowledge in martial arts didn't lessen her attractiveness, The humans and ghosts can agree with that delightfully.
And now her dearest sibling Danny, Danny is a nonbinary fuck that can gender envy anyone he meets, that's why he got bullied in the first place, he was too fucking beautiful and handsome at the same time, all the boys and girls of his school have atleast had a crush on him, He was the only cute boy there, what could they do? He stared at them with his icey colored eyes that made their legs tremble from the pressure, and that black hair that always seemed messy but in a good way. It didn't help when he got that lichtenberg scar, that ran up his neck and the side of his face. you should've seen him in P.E cause my guy got everyone staring at him.
And the Fenton family has fashion sense, if they really put their mind and soul into it, everytime they dressed up for a family reunion or just an outing it was a very sweet treat for everyone's eyes. like how it is right now.
The Amity parkers waved goodbye at the Fenton's as they went on and attended a gala they were invited to, it was supposedly because of the sudden rise and popularity of their works and how's it been helping the environment.
One citizen sighed as he looked at the car that family was driving as it slowly became smaller and smaller.
"You think they can handle Gotham, heard nasty thing bout that place." She questioned
"Girl, Gotham should be the one readying to handle them, that family may be beautiful, but their crazy." Her friend's answered
"well that does give them a more attractive look isn't it?"
"I hate how you're right."
The Gala the Fenton's went to certainly had an awkward atmosphere when they went inside, all the guest kept staring at them that it was starting to get creepy, did they overdress or underdressed, come on just walk towards start to talk or criticize them, because it's starting to get embarrassing for the family.
Gotham wasn't fucking prepared to meet the Fentons like as in, They had been awestrucked when the family walked in. A very tall man seemingly in his 40's with his hair gelled back, and a suit that fitted him too perfectly, gosh dang, even the homophobic guests couldn't help but stare, And then there was his Wife her straight her was curled and brushed out leaving a wavy effect that compliments her face shape, and that dress she was wearing was utterly gorgeous, fancy but also simple and mature, the heels certainly helped her height more and made her look more intimidating, The ladies blushed when she looks at them and smiles.
And don't get them started with the couples children, who looked adorable and elegant at the same time, The older sister had a aura that says: 'Im in your presence bow down' (And they would've if it was in a more private area due to the paparazzi's out the window). She wore a spaghetti strapped dress that had a slit on either side and was , making it more comfortable to move in for the girl, partnered by a white shawl made of silk, she had heels that also complimented he already tall stature, her hair was tied in a neat bun, with a few strands free to not make her face feel bare. And lastly the youngest everyone assumed, wearing a suit, double-breasted suit that was elegant and sophisticated it matched the way his hair is messed up for him to still look young, he was also wearing a black shawl that had specks of white making it look like stars. The family had a colour scheme of green, that made all gothamites present swoon, Including a certain family of bats.
(I might make a fanart of this later.)
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mahoutoons · 12 days
no, the sailor moon 90s anime is not more feminst than the manga
i've seen people herald the 90s anime as this beacon of feminism just because it focuses on the relationship between the inner senshi instead of usagi and mamoru's relationship. there's this idea that the manga being more about romance makes it inherently less feminist than the anime. but i want to shut that idea down.
people keep circulating these three screenshots to prove the 90s anime is this feminist masterpiece
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but just a scene prior in the SAME EPISODE, rei calls usagi ugly COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED
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yes there's teasing between friends but come on. usagi didn't even do anything to warrant being compared to a monkey.
and speaking of rei... she's so heavily lesbian coded in the manga. literally her nightmare in the dream arc is getting married and settling down in the trad family sense. which she destroys with her akuryo taisan like the lesbian queen she is. also her distrust of men is a big part of her character in every adaptation... except the 90s anime which made her boy crazy and have that plotline where she gets with mamoru for a while for the sake of a rivalry with usagi!
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there's the whole jealousy thing with chibiusa which is honestly weird no matter the adaptation and idk why ANYONE thought that was a good idea. but its somehow WORSE in the 90s anime. at least, at the very LEAST in the manga she actually communicates with mamoru about her insecurities and the whole jealousy thing only lasts in the black moon arc (which continues staying the worst arc regardless of the adaptation). in the anime... it lasts well into the end of supers... TWO SEASONS after usagi found out chibiusa was her and mamoru's daughter!
and lets talk about how they made usagi jealous over small things in supers! look i get it, she's a teenage girl and she gets jealous easily. but when you get jealous of a child who is also your future daughter and an old woman your boyfriend tried to help, that's when you have issues. there's an entire fucking episode where she stalks rei just because mamoru is staying at her house for a day!
and the most egregious thing which makes me laugh at any claim of the 90s anime being much more feminist than the manga.. is how they handled prince demande. you know, the guy who kidnapped and sexually assaulted usagi? in the manga and crystal, he's killed off unceremoniously.
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but guess what ikuhara, the feminist king who knows to write SO MUCH BETTER than naoko, did. he tried to make demande sympathetic. he made usagi sympathise with him.
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yasssss ikuhara you go make the pedophile sexual assaulter sympathetic, you feminist king! you definitely know SO MUCH BETTER than naoko!
and people thought crystal was antifeminist? get outta my face with that at least crystal didn't try to make the fucking borderline rapist sympathetic, he disintegrated in a pile of dust like he deserves.
you might be thinking "get outta here no one says the 90s anime is more feminist than the manga". well yes people do. you'd be surprised. i went to an old anime confession blog and found these posts back when crystal was still new and still had a MASSIVE hatedom
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and these are just some of the posts. there's so much more. people who dared to enjoy crystal were called misogynistic for... liking a show. even today i see people bash naoko for the smallest things while praising ikuhara as a feminist king and lgbt ally who did more for the community than naoko (which is funny because the 90s anime has an episode where makoto has a crush on haruka and the girls are like "nuuuuuu mako you can't date haruka you're a girl" which wasn't in the manga). when he wouldn't even have been able to make the anime without naoko's manga.
there's an interview with naoko takeuchi where she says that the difference between the manga and 90s anime was that the 90s anime had a male perspective as it was directed by men while the manga mostly had a female perspective as it was written by a woman.
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and it honestly really shows when you watch the anime again.
was the 90s anime progressive for its time? yes. is the manga peak feminist literature? no. you can prefer the 90s anime over the manga but don't go acting like its inherently more feminist than the manga just because it doesn't focus as much on the romance aspect. the manga focusing more on usagi and mamoru's romance doesn't make it inherently less feminist.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕨
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Hii , please take what resonates and leave the rest , use your intuition and choose a pile , hope you resonate and enjoy ,likes and reblogs and feedbacks are really appreciated.
Pile 1:
So my dearest pile 1 there are many people who are currently crushing on you😚😏😋 because they're in love with your expressions, your grace , your poise , elegance , i see that you're an introvert but an it girl omg 😳😎 it's like your vibe and aura is so magnetic it just pulls people towards you 🙇✨ theirs like this unreachable vibe to you and people are fawning over it , their are three archaetype of people coming through for you 😁 , someone who is very artistic, they're a part of your friend group , usually they were very friendly with you ig now they feel kind of uncomfortable because they're so in love 😍😣 and they can't really hide it huh 😏 , the other person I'm sensing is someone in your neighborhood, kind of beach boy , chocolate boy vibe they're really cool and they love you so much, but you don't notice them it makes them really sad and wanna cry 😭❤️ , momma's boy vibe , but don't underestimate them for you they'd break bones huh , the third person 😏hello my dear pile your crush likes you back huh , this is someone you are awkward around and really wanna talk but your conversations are very minimal , they want you , they really do they're just afraid that you don't like them 🙃 and you're confused and shivering 😂 dw guys they like you, just try to talk to them and he friends first , the other people that are coming through are your classmates or in your workplace.
Pile 2 :
Hello babes 🕊️ the person crushing on you is a senior maybe your boss or someone in authority they like you a lot because of your go getter attitude because you do what you need to with less complaints, your vibe is beautiful 💖🥹✨ , the person has fallen i love with your essence, they see you as this beautiful angel , with a beautiful face and a pretty heart , they want to keep you forever protect you in their arms , when you're in the room they only look at you , there's nothing more beautiful to them than you 🥹🤌🤍 , they want some signs from your side , if they get them then they will probably approach you or else they won't , which is quite saddening but at the same time they've been hurt a lot and can't afford to be hurt again , they act busy , they act as if they don't see you truth is the person is all about you from head to toe , they love you desire you , wanna be your provider, however i see a third party interference 🫠 probably either one of you has a partner already , it's not necessary tho , it this relationship comes into fruition you guys will be really happy and into it for some years ♥️.
Pile 3:
Hi lovely 💕 , the person crushing on you has a very romantic artistic vibe to them , i sense it's not just one but two people for you , the second one tho is a person who sees you rarely like you could call it an airport crush🤌✨ , however the first person is banging their heads 😂 because they can't have you , they wanna cry fr , because they love you adore you , devote to you and put you on a pedestal, they think youre unattainable , you are everything they are not , you are a 10/10 😌 , they may have met you while travelling, in religious places and i think they have a feeling that you're their twin flame or soulmate, i think some of you maybe , they will approach, with a smile on their face and ask you to be their friend , make sure you say yes , they will really be a good person to spend time with and if you like them , after that you can be like friend's to lovers 😚 , this relationship is gonna be a very light-hearted fun relationship, lot of trips , parties , they also really like how you are always so determined, could be some of sexual attraction too . In a relationship they would be the faith in your hopeless times, the sun with brimming light 🌻.
Thank you so much for reading...
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vex91 · 1 year
Jang Wonyoung - Smile through the pain
Pairing: Jang Wonyoung x Female Reader (Highschool AU)
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Summary: Wonyoung's world stopped when her best friend and long time crush told her that she likes a pretty popular girl at their school, Ahn Yujin.
A/N: Some Wonyoung angst✌
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3rd's POV
The first thing that she felt when she saw you that day, along with the fast beating of her heart that was there everytime she saw or even thought about you.
Was the second thing that she felt when she saw your excited eyes and heard you saying how you wanted to tell her something important because you trusted her a lot.
Was the third and last thing that she felt that day after hearing that you were in love with one of the popular students, Ahn Yujin. The thought of your heart being taken by someone else destroyed her inside.
Later that day Wonyoung found herself observing this Ahn Yujin. A student popular for a lot of things but mostly because of her nice personality and the fact that she was soccer's team captain, a school's ace player. There were always a lot of boys but mostly girls admiring and confessing to her but she rejected all of them so far. The only girl that people know that she dated was older than her Kim Gaeul, who was also one of her best friends.
She could see why you would find interest in her but it still didn't sat right with her.
The next day you weren't waiting for her next to her locker like always, instead you showed up 5 minutes later and on top of that the person who walked you to her was no other than the Yujin you liked.
When did you start talking with her?
"It was nice talking to you Y/N, we'll talk more later right?" She gave you a charming smile that almost made your knees gave up and walked away after bidding goodbye to Wonyoung as well.
"She said that we will talk more later" You squealed into Wonyoung's shoulder while she was still trying to process the face that you had on when you talked with Yujin. "When did you two started talking?" You looked up at her after hearing her question "Oh, I accidentally bumped into her and somehow we started talking. But Wonyoung, I honestly thought that my chances with her disappeared after I bumped into her but she's so nice and understanding"
That smile that you gave her, it showed how happy you were because of Yujin. It made her realize that if she really loved you then she should support you.
So with a smile Wonyoung looked at you "I really root for you two Y/N"
That's how you and her ended up becoming friends with Yujin and her friends. Wonyoung quickly became comfortable with talking and hanging out with Gaeul, Rei and Jiwon who everyone just called Liz and later the youngest of the group, Hyunseo also called Leeseo. She was happy to have other people to talk to because she wanted to give you as much space to hang out with Yujin as you needed. Still, it didn't stopped her from looking sadly at you two becoming closer.
Finally the day came.
Wonyoung was sitting with the rest of the girls in the cafeteria waiting for you and Yujin, the only two people missing right now. When you finally came, Wonyoung didn't failed to notice your hands being clasped with Yujin's but before she could think more about it, she heard that words coming out of Yujin's mouth.
"I've asked Y/N to be my girlfriend yesterday and she said yes"
Oh... So that being fully heartbroken felt. The moment she heard those words and saw Yujin wrap her arm around your waist, Wonyoung's heart fully broke.
But just like she decided, she was gonna support you.
"I'm really happy for you" Wonyoung muttered to herself while smiling through the pain at the sight of Yujin kissing you after her team won the game that same day.
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danganronpafan777 · 3 months
hello its nyx (on another account since my phones charging) and i have come to share more dr nyx lore points and some improvements ive made for them :3 (its been a year)
- nyx didnt join the kirasagi foundation, however they have helped in lots of kisaragi foundations missions. so they basically became the ‘replacement for members’ of the kirasagi foundation. so technically they joined kirasagi foundation without direct approval.
- nyx lives with adult mech arm nagito in post-sdra2 time period.
- both dra and sdra2 games keeps nyx’s gender a secret, so they got a bathroom in their dorm so they dont have to go to the girls / boys bathroom.
- nyx was in the future foundation’s care in post-udg and pregame dra. nyx finds kyoko to be pretty, and finds makoto to be ugly.
- nyx bought momo (their mini pomeranian dog) in pregame sdra2.
- its established that if nyx enters any of the girls or boys bathroom, they get punished by running around the school for 5 times. its specially for nyx because nyx pissed off monokuma and monocrow.
- nyx used to have long hair that reaches around the waist in udg, they got their hair cut so its around shoulder-neck length.
- if nyx sees mitch, they basically just walk away even if they have to be in that room. someone has to drag nyx back in the room.
- nyx finds rei to be ‘pretty and smart, but also the meanest mean’. and also, nyx finds tsurugi to be ‘ugly, has too strong morals, and is scary’.
- nyx was in sdra2 because the kirasagi foundation wanted them to be there. nyx just came in too early.
- nyx tried to shave mikados hair off to eat them.
- nyx is friends with haruhiko and satsuki, having a little crush on them both.
- nyx in sdra2 wants to apply for psychology major in university, but cant because they have to be with the kirasagi foundation. theyre only willing to help because teruyas there.
- nyx has a lot of knifes and guns in their closet because their father likes collecting knifes and guns.
- nyx admires kiyoka and wishes they could be as pretty and friendly as her. but they also claim that they dont wanna be ‘too pretty’.
- nyx likes to switch up on how they act around people as boredom. i guess its like junko, but its not constant. its like.. 1 week per new act. their true self is just an apathetic, yet emotional person whose insecure of their own true self.
- nyx doesnt like tight clothing, clothing thats uncomfortale around the armpit, and clothing thats considered to them ‘too close to the neck’.
Nyx and Nagito is a duo I didn’t think about but it sounds like a cool dynamic!
Nyx finding Makoto ugly lmaoo (I don’t think he’s ugly, but his hair confuses me)
Momo 🥺 Minako and Midori definitely took care of the pooch during the events in Sdra2
Running around the entire school 5 times for walking into the gendered bathroom? They fr getting the Yuki treatment goddamn
Nyx with shorter hair def suits them better :)
Mitch would be offended for a while, but eventually just accept it. This definitely helps humble him lol
Nyx summarized how half the fandom sees Tsurugi and Rei in Dra. Calling Tsurugi ugly tho is hilarious
They were put in another killing game for being at the wrong place at the wrong time? Damn…
Nikei and Teruya held him down while they did it
That’s adorable! (And based ngl) I can’t help but imagine them as part of the sunshine quartet (quintet now)
I’m actually taking AP Psychology, and it’s really cool! (Lots of memorizing and writing tho) Teruya, and surprisingly Rei, would hound Tsurugi to give them time off for them to study and do what they like.
“Name something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into a house.”
Nyx is already beautiful and friendly, and Kiyoka wouldn’t hesitate to tell them so
Changing personalities each week is a mood, and Teruya would def just vibe with it
As for tight clothing, I honestly feel the same way tbh
Thank you for sharing, and hope you have a great day or night! 😄
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flowerstardrops · 2 years
( LIKE ) akaashi keiji x gn!reader
wherein the reader confesses through a love letter ( email ).
cross-posted on my ao3 so if you see this there, then that's most likely my account.
WORDS: 1834
GENRE: comedy, one-sided crush
Good day. This is (Last Name) (First Name) from Class 3-6 and I am writing this letter to convey my feelings for you. My friend, Rei, had told me that this is one of the best ways that I can confess to the individual that I hold romantic feelings for, which is you. I had initially planned to make a bento for you but I then crossed that out when I accidentally burned the tempura along with my hand in the frying pan during the process, thus, I was not (and still not) able to fulfill such. Thankfully, my left hand was salvaged from the incident so I am able to type.
Firstly, I would like to ask how you are. I hope that all is well. I heard that Bokuto-senpai, your teammate, accidentally spiked a volleyball to your face a few days ago. I searched online and have found this thing called the “RICE” technique. And no, this is not a joke about soaking your face in rice to fix it; Rei likes to joke about that to me a lot, but do not worry, I do not make lame jokes. I applied the same technique to my right hand and it is now healing up well, thankfully. I will be inserting an attachment which obviously includes the link containing this RICE technique at the end of the letter. Please view it and follow the technique in the video if you have not done so yet.
Secondly, I will be stating the main reason as to why I am writing you a letter. I like you, Akaashi-san, and I do not think that I can say this to you in real life. I like to think that I am a great writer, but I cannot say the same for my verbal communication skills. It is the same status as my cooking skills and love life: non-existent. But with this letter, I hope that my feelings are starting to get across by now.
Lastly, despite the fact that I have mentioned my lack of verbal communication skills, I would like to make a request. If it does not trouble you, perhaps you would like to go on a date. My friend, Rei, had also told me that boys are usually the ones asking girls out on dates, but alas, I am no man and you are no woman. Although, I am sure that I might still like you the same even if we were. I am going off topic. Anyway, whether I am a man or a woman, it does not matter to me.
If your answer to the date is yes, then please meet me by the Ginkgo trees near Fukurodani’s basketball court, right beside the vending machine at exactly 3:00 PM tomorrow after classes end. I had asked Bokuto-san whether you all had practice during Thursdays, and apparently you did not.
If you do not go, then that is alright with me as well and I will no longer bother you. Please do not feel pressured to accept my feelings. I would hate for you to feel that way. Rest assured that I will accept whatever response you provide me with.
Thank you and have a nice day ahead.
(Last Name) (First Name)
Fukurodani Class 2-3
> [ lastname.firstname@yohomail inserted an attachment ]
> https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0
PS. if you are not able to press the link, I suggest that you copy and paste it on your browser instead. I hope this helps.
YOU WOULDN’T CALL YOURSELF COURAGEOUS. Such a word was quite loaded considering that there are situations that you would rather not face, but you could say that doing this; confessing to the person you like, is a courageous step on your part. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re scared. Simply standing here by the vending machine, being caressed by the cold wind passing by aids in causing your heart to continue racing. It also causes you to shiver, and so you hug your arms tighter around you, pulling your hoodie close against your skin.
You yawn. It’s one habit you do whenever you are nervous. Akaashi-san could appear from any moment now, after all, and the anticipation causes you to yawn once again.
But then, there is also this probability that he wouldn’t show up at all. If you were to estimate the probability that he returns your feelings, you could say that it’s not zero. You’ve interacted with him enough to see that he at least doesn’t dislike you—if the act of simply glancing at you whenever he would enter Bokuto-san’s classroom and you happened to also be there, was considered an interaction at all. It’s not even a glance; just a passing look as he searches for Bokuto-san.
The first rule of probability states that the probability of an impossible event from happening is 0, while the probability of a certain event is 1. So, given Event A being Akaashi coming here and returning your feelings, you could say that 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 with P(A) representing Event A. The equation means that the probability of Event A is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. Still, that is simply one facet of the multifacets of outcomes that this one scenario can possibly bring and it doesn’t allow you to predict anything at all. It was a desperate attempt to stabilize and comfort yourself.
You aren’t comforted, worse, you are left at a standstill.
“(Last Name)-senpai.”
You jolt amidst your musings and stare owlishly at the newcomer.
You don’t like watching cheesy rom-coms and would much rather prefer to watch informative videos (e.g. the unexplored parts of the Earth’s waters which subsequently informs yet also scares you), but you could say that gazing at him feels like something straight out of a rom-com movie.
Akaashi Keiji stops to stand right beside you, in all his straight-faced glory, looking as cool as a cucumber right beside you. His ebony hair shines against the dewy light of day; the Ginkgo's green leaves filtering out the sunlight, but still somehow emphasizing the features of his face with its highlight. His eyes, straight and sharp ocean blue gazing at you with its usual intensity like raging waters, hidden behind glassy vitreous humour (i.e. the liquid that keeps the eye moist). There's still a bruise by his right eye but it doesn't make him look less breathe-taking to you. His lips, typically set to a straight line, is now quirked slightly downwards along with his furrowed eyebrows make you question whether something wrong had happened.
“Are you okay, (Last Name)-senpai?” He glances down at your bandaged hand. "And how is your hand by the way?"
You cough behind a hand lightly and stand straight, patting the imaginary dust away from your hoodie. “Yes, I am f-fine and dandy, Akaashi-san. My hand is well. I had applied the RICE technique which I hope you are aware of by now."
The corners of his lips quirk up and you internally panic. You had a step-by-step flow prepared for you to follow for an efficient and effective romantic confession, but it all had been thrown out the window all of a sudden.
“... !” So, you stand straight there, unsure of what to do, and avoiding his searching gaze.
“(Last Name)-senpai,”
You jolt once more. “Yes?”
He starts off slowly. “I have received the email you sent yesterday.”
You nod with your arms crossed and respond to him matter-of-factly. “Yes. Yes, I did send one. I am glad the email was well-received and not corrupted.”
No! Why would I say that? Why would it even be corrupted?!
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would it be corrupted?”
Yes, why would it?
You shook your head shortly. “Yes, why would it be corrupted? It is merely just an email containing my romantic confession after all. No hacker would be interested in attacking such a file with malware.”
He simply nods along, although you can see the confusion start to show on his face.
He doesn’t know where this conversation is going and clearly, you don’t either. So, with all of the courage you’ve spent saving up in your entire current lifetime, you take a step.
“If you have received my email yesterday then I must assume that you are aware of why I had given you the choice to meet or to not meet me here. Meeting with me here would indicate that you reciprocate my feelings, yes? And you are here right now, yes? Unless I am imagining things right now.” You almost stutter with your continuous sentences. You could do without the embarrassing last sentence but you’ve done well. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder.
He nods his head. “Yes I am well aware. Although,”
You deflated and it seems that he’s noticed this. Still, he continues on mercilessly.
“I felt that it would be rude if I simply did not show up.”
You admire that he is at least softening the blow. But the damage is done and you could feel the corners of your lips twitching down and the sting behind the back of your eyes. You did not anticipate this: to even be crying at all. You had spent the last few months planning and backing out on this confession, and you have strengthened your will to wholeheartedly accept whatever response he provides you with. As it turns out: You cannot completely rationalize your emotions nor can you always predict it. It is irritating.
You nod your head slowly. “I-I see. Do not worry about it, Akaashi-san. Rest assured, I will not bother you from now on.”
You make a move to bow deeply. “Thank you and have a nice day ahead.”
A hand grasps the edge of your hoodie’s sleeve. You turn to look at him. His face is serious and stance is firm, and yet, his eyes turn softer. You don’t know. It is a disgustingly cheesy thought to even have, but you like to think that it did happen.
“Yes, it is true that I don’t reciprocate your feelings.” He began.
You nod in reassurance, standing up straighter as he releases his hold on your sleeve. You are now both facing each other and you can see the stress showing through the crease between his two slightly narrowed eyes.
You confirm firmly despite the twinge of pain. “Yes. Yes, we have already established that.”
“But that is because I’ve yet to get to know you.” He pauses, switching to speak less formally. “If it’s okay with you, (Last Name)-senpai, I’d like us to be friends and get to know each other first.”
Your heart fills with hope and you cannot help but stare at him with wide eyes.
“And maybe, we could go on that date once we have crossed that bridge.” He finishes off with a smile. It’s not wide and it doesn’t show his set of pearly teeth, but the corners of his eyes crinkle that you can’t help but do the same.
“Y-Yes. Yes, I would like that.”
His smile grows a tad bit wider and softer. “Please take care of me.”
© flowerstardrops — do not commit any acts of plagiarism. i do not condone anyone stealing or copying my works, and especially posting these on another platform.
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whats-it-mean · 6 months
The COLORED is the thoughts of a friend of mine. The rest is me expanding on their thoughts!!!
The main interpretation I see is that what we saw in After Pain and Mu's more timid behavior is an act, this is a good interpretation! but my main thoughts after seeing It's Not My Fault were that it's perfectly possible for both of Mu's videos to exist together in the same timeline
1- I think it's worth noting in Mu's first drama audio she's panicked and quiet at first, needing to be reassured that she won't be hurt. This is fully reasonable, she's in Milgram lol. But I do think it's worth noting that while, as many have pointed out, her "I never did anything wrong" mentality was always there, it primarily comes out after she is questioned about her murder directly
2- in It's Not My Fault, Mu's eyes are green like they normally are until after her murder, in which they become pink and blue for a shot.
3- After that, her bug version is shown emerging from a cocoon
In my head currently, Mu was part of a group of friends that picked on another student, then Mu had the situation flipped on her. The repeated mention of sorry not reaching anyone is related to that, with her classmates possibly not caring that she's being bullied because she was once a bully herself, despite her remorse for her actions. She reaches out to the girl in forgot the name of who from here on will be called A, because A stood up for the girl her group picked on in the past, or at the very least openly expressed disgust for their actions while they were still ongoing. A pulls away, deeming her unforgivable for what she's done (heh), and Mu, as we all know, kills her. I think it's perfectly expected for Mu to withdraw into a the personality she had when she was the bully on not the one being bullied. After all, she spent an unknowable amount of time being punished excessively while actively repenting. Sorry never reached anyone, so why would she return to that? 
Basically my point is I don't really see Mu's timid behavior as a front, I see the opposite, in which her smug, avoidant behavior is the front. The front which Mu herself either is unaware of or unable to acknowledge, to the point where it's just another part of her psyche.
Was the innocent verdict pushing her further into this? Yes. Do I think another innocent verdict would help her? No. Do I think her guilty verdict will help her? Hell fucking no.
(hey, hey!! Mairu's thoughts on this start here)
Yeah, so- in one of her voice dramas (i cant remember which) she also adamantly explains that she never PHYSICALLY bullied anyone, which was clearly what she had done to her.
and then there’s the whole theory of Muu being in love with Rei which i am a FIRM BELIEVER IN!!!
Aside from all the results of the bullying both two and from Muu, we never get a true reason for why they’re being bullied- and as a kid who was been bullied my entire life i have my theories about that. My theory is that, Rei was always out as being gay/bi, and therefore received bullying over that. Muu was in the closet at the time, and upon realizing her friends were making fun of Rei for the same thing thought she HAD to join in because she didn’t want her friends to reject her and to lose her place as the popular girl, but over time she had a crush on Rei. I feel like i don’t have to explain my reasoning for this because she literally says ‘i love you’ while looking directly at Rei. That said, she felt guilty for bullying rei and eventually confessed. Rei always viewed Muu as one of the bullies, and rejected her, leading to Muu getting bullied by her friends. She desperately asks Rei for help and apologizes in hopes that the bullying would stop, but to no avail and over time starts blaming Rei- and, driven crazy by the bullying… yk. killed her.
again, thats all just theorizing, but it doesn’t make sense that people were getting bullied over nothing- when you get bullied, they’re always making fun of specific. and from first hand experience, its pretty common to be bullied for being gay and much more plausible than any of the other theories regarding why Rei was bullied.
All that said, this would give more backing to the idea that the confident queen bee Muu was really just a front, and the Muu we saw in after pain was the real her. We can’t exactly blame her for believing in the delusion she did nothing wrong after trial one since she was in a terrible mental state and wouldn’t have been able to process the information properly regardless.
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
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* List of Chapters
Hibiki has a sex appeal that makes him stand out even with those of the same sex.
However, despite that kind of matter, there was little concern for appearance. Despite the fact that he has cat hair and a bad habit of sleeping, he doesn't mind it, and even comes out on stage with a very messy head.
When he came to see Hibiki live for the first time, Minase was worried about Hibiki's sleeping habit, coldly barked, and couldn't concentrate. Since then, he has come to fix his hair before live performances.
"Is it alright if I let it play lightly like always?"
"Yes, leave it at that, Minase."
In the small dressing room of the live show, Minase fixed Hibiki's hair while he was careful not to disturb the other performers. First, he lightly dampened the hair to restore hair that he was bouncing too freely and then blow-dried it to create a lock of hair.
"Hibiki, are you going to have Minase-kun do your hair again?"
The band member, Yasushi, who was getting a haircut together with Hibiki, pouted and said that.
Hibiki also gloated and laughed, so Minase lowered his eyebrows and waved his hand.
"No, to me it's like I'm practicing with a cracked hair."
"If we become famous, I'll be proud to say that you're the hairstylist and makeup artist who made Hibiki Aisaka shine."
"In that case, I'd like to use Hibiki's name as much as possible. It'll be a nice addition, so let me quickly brag."
Minase replied jokingly, but it wasn't really a joke, it was a possible future.
Hibiki is a man in the band whose homeland is Shimokitazawa. He is the vocalist of the band "Lonely Sleep" and is also the main songwriter for the band's songs. "Lonely Sleep" has gained solid popularity centered on Hibiki, with the latter song being ranked in the TOP 100 on the distribution site. Currently, it seems that famous people are also calling him.
"I like when Minase touches my hair."
As he let the gel mix into his fluffy hair and let it play with the ends of his hair, Hibiki narrowed his eyes and said that.
"That's what you usually say to girls, right?"
"Haha, did you hear?"
"You don't have to show off your girl's persuasion techniques."
"I'm just saying what I think. You'll fall in love with me, so it's like committing a sin."
"Yes, yes."
He asked him again about his tone as he spoke lightly and finished his hair with a spray.
"Will the crackers go to the majors?"
"Eh? Hmm... I don't know."
In response to Minase's question, he returned a gruff voice that was different from the good response he had received earlier.
"You're reluctant, Hibiki. Well, indies have more freedom, and I've seen a lot of them disappear as soon as they go to the majors, so I don't know."
Although it's his own band, Yasushi says it's someone else's problem. Yasushi, who is the oldest member of the band and has a job, seems to be the type not originally oriented towards professionals and is content to do what he likes with the music he likes. The choice of whether or not to go to the majors seemed to be left up to Hibiki, who is the core of the band.
"Right now, I want to broaden my musical horizons. For that reason, I want to sing Yozora's song."
Hibiki said that with a light tone and laughed.
Hibiki's choices affect the lives of Yasushi and other band members.
To Hibiki, who was trying to choose a path to follow, his desire to sing a song Yozora made seemed convincing, contrary to the frivolous tone of the words Yozora said.
"I think Yozora will write songs that I can't write right now. If I can sing that, I feel like I'll be able to see a different scenario."
Minase smiled wryly.
"If you told Yozora-kun about your serious feelings, he'd probably listen to you a bit more."
"Eh? It's true that Yozora has that silly side, but it wouldn't hurt to ask him to do it without crying. If Yozora doesn't feel like doing it, it's pointless."
"I'm not telling you to cry. I'm telling you to be sincerer with your requests."
Hearing the exchange between Minase and Hibiki, Yasushi raised an eyebrow and said, "Sure.".
"Hibiki, did you talk about your obsession with "Yozora-kun" with anyone other than Minase-kun and Ba?"
At Yasushi's question, Hibiki tilted his head blankly.
"How is it? I feel like there's a story about that someone you want to make a song for. Why?"
"Because Miike-kun wrote a letter that seemed to know."
As Minase bowed his head, Yasushi picked up a paper parcel from among the stacked gifts and held it up where Hibiki and Minase could see it.
"Someone who writes a long fan letter every time. He's a huge fan of Hibiki. The shock was so strong that I completely remembered his face and his name."
Hibiki received a letter that seemed to be written on stationery and flipped through it. Minase looked at the letter from behind Hibiki.
The letter itself was addressed to the band, but the content was mostly words to Hibiki. Perhaps someone with some musical experience, his impressions of the "Lonely Sleep" songs were extraordinarily detailed, and although he thought he wrote a series of critical analyzes of the songs, he also wrote extensively about how he felt about the songs on hibiki.
"How can I say...? It's amazing."
When he tried to express his impressions softly, that was all he could say.
However, Hibiki was probably used to receiving strong attachments and affections. "Well.", he stopped him slightly.
"Artists don't like other people making them dream, so I'm thankful that people are so involved with me~. He seems to have a bit of a stalker temper."
"He is a man, right?"
"Yes. He's in his late twenties and it doesn't look like he's in a band. It's pretty rare for a guy to send out hot fan mail all the time."
Hibiki continued to flip through the paper. The letter, which was a mixture of criticism and fantasies, and in some places the statement that "I am the one who understands Hibiki's talent the most", honestly brought tears to his eyes, but Hibiki wiped his eyes with a flat attitude.
However, towards the end of the letter, Hibiki stopped.
"I heard that there is someone Hibiki wants me to write a song. I think Hibiki's songs are supreme, but I can understand the idea of wanting to add something new, so I won't object. Hibiki wants to make that wish come true, but before that, I want you to take a look at the song I wrote. I think it's a song that fits Hibiki. It doesn't matter if Hibiki sings it or not."
At the end of the letter was the sheet music. Minase was able to read the score. He followed the notes with Hibiki's eyes, and in his heart, he thought he was bold.
The song included in the letter was in good shape, but that was all. Sending that to a musician he admires and being able to say it from a higher perspective that he doesn't care if he sings seemed to be the heart of the matter.
"Well, just take my feelings."
Hibiki said that with a wry smile and put down the letter.
"I don't remember revealing Yozora's name or background, so I think it's fine, but I don't think you should say careless things outside."
Hibiki scratched his head.
The proximity between independent bands and the fans can often cause problems.
Minase looked at the letter on the desk.
Even if the music written there was of higher quality, it wouldn't be what Hibiki wanted.
What Hibiki is looking for is his starting point, the sound of the beginning of his longing.
Minase, Hibiki, and Yozora met ten years ago.
Minase was eleven years old, Hibiki was twelve, and Yozora was fifteen.
It was just an exchange of words. Ten years have passed since then, and it was only about a month and a half ago that Minase and Hibiki met again.
Hibiki came to the beauty salon where Minase works and became Minase's first client.
Normally, it takes two to three years for an assistant who just graduated from beauty school to be able to cut clients' hair as a stylist. The owner of the beauty salon where Minase works is meritocratic, and the assistant graduates when she judges that he has the skills to match hers.
That day was the first time Minase was allowed to touch a customer's hair other than shampoo and blow dryer, and it was Hibiki who came there.
At first, he didn't realize it was the boy he met ten years ago. Facing a young man with an aura who opened the door of the shop and appeared, he was nervous because the obstacles seemed to be high from the first shot.
The owner of the beauty salon where Minase works is a well-known person who also does hair and makeup for magazines and publicity shoots. That young man, who seemed to make a living by appearing in public, must have heard of the owner's reputation and came to the store.
He greeted with a sense of humiliation that such a novice stylist was in charge.
"I am Rui Minase, and I will be in charge today. Nice to meet you."
There was no immediate response, so Minase silently looked at Hibiki. Hibiki's eyes, which were wide, met his line of sight through the mirror.
"Rui? It's you?"
"Eh? Those eyes, after all, but..."
He answered while he was confused, and Hibiki's eyes widened further.
"Minase, it's you?"
"Yes. Have I changed?"
Minase's name is generally not used in kanji for boys' names. That name was given to him by his mother, who once tried to become a pianist and was frustrated in the past, hoping that this child could perform in a way that would make people cry.
Unfortunately, that wish never came true.
"I knew it.", he heard a low-pitched murmur.
"Hairdresser, you used to play the piano, right?"
"Eh? Why...?"
Hibiki, who was looking at him through the mirror, turned around and looked straight at Minase's face.
"Ten years ago, you were in a restaurant with a piano! A restaurant where there was a recital by an amazing fifteen-year-old boy!"
At that moment, the sight from ten years ago flashed in Minase's head.
The sound of a piano played by a genius. The pressure from his mother. Fingers happily jumping on the keyboard. The face of a young man fascinated and excited by music.
He remembered the name. He also felt a remnant of his face, if you asked him.
At that time, he had the impression that he was more feminine and cute, but his cat eyes were still the same.
"Yes, Hibiki Aisaka! Hey, are you still his friend? That piano boy, Yozora!"
He thought that comment was something strange.
Minase left the piano a long time ago, his relationship with Yozora had been broken for a long time, but he met Yozora a few months before he met Hibiki.
Looking for a model who would let him cut his hair for free, he called Yozora who was in front of Shimokitazawa station. When he called out to him, all he could see was Yozora's silky black hair, but the moment Yozora turned around and his eyes met, they recognized each other.
He felt like saying goodbye after exchanging just a few words, but when he learned that Yozora lived in the same neighborhood and currently works as a bartender, he somehow ended up becoming a regular customer there.
Then, not long after, he ran into Hibiki again.
In that city where people live with loose connections, the thin threads of three people who crossed paths ten years ago became intertwined again. Minase sensed there a modest destiny.
Unfortunately, when he took Hibiki to Yozora's bar, Yozora didn't remember Hibiki.
Minase left the dressing room remembering Yozora's indescribable face when he introduced Hibiki to him. When he entered the room, he found a straight face leaning against the far wall, having a drink.
Minase walked directly towards him.
"Yozora-kun, you're here. You said you wouldn't go because you'd be at the store."
Yozora turned away sheepishly as his smile relaxed.
"By the way, the bar was originally closed irregularly and forced me to leave the ticket, I don't think it's a good idea to waste it..."
He laughed at Yozora who said things that weren't honest.
Yozora didn't remember the Hibiki that he met ten years ago. Although it was annoying, they seemed to be completely united.
Minase also thinks that Hibiki is quite a mysterious man. He seems flighty, but he's good at people watching and pushing the limits without breaking the line.
Minase also admits that he's quite sociable, but he has a broad and superficial style, and even though he didn't have many friends to hang out with frequently, Hibiki called him many times in a short period of time, and before he knew it, he was closer to him than any of his old acquaintances.
On the other hand, he never touched the part where Minase seemed to get annoyed and he apart his hand.
"...I know you're popular with the girls."
He mumbled unintentionally, and Yozora looked at Minase in a strange way.
As the time for the performance approached, the venue was packed with people. The customer ratio between men and women is about 50/50, and you can see that Hibiki's imagery isn't the only thing that attracts women.
Now that he thought about it, he wondered if the fan card guy he'd seen in the dressing room was out there somewhere. As he looked around him, Minase moved slightly and shook his shoulders.
Standing in the front row of the stage, there was a young man looking at the venue as if he was watching it.
The other people waiting in the front row looked excitedly at the stage and chatted with their companions, but the man turned his back to the stage and searched the faces of the people, looking around as if he was going to leave.
If the position where the young man was standing was in the back, where Minase and Yozora were, he might have wondered if it was someone from the industry who came to watch the live performance, but while standing in the front row, the behavior from him it was as if he floated in the surroundings.
In Minase's head, the sender of the fan letter and his existence were immediately linked.
It matched the characteristics that Hibiki said. He was in his late twenties, roughly the same age as Yozora, and was dressed in a crisp white shirt and pants that didn't fit the atmosphere of a live show. He seemed well educated.
"Minase? What's wrong?"
Yozora strangely called out to the hardened Minase.
As Minase was about to reply, the young man's eyes suddenly turned to him.
He felt that their gazes were mixed. No, was he looking at Yozora instead of Minase?
Looking directly at the young man's face, a slight feeling of déjà vu passed through Minase.
"Yozora-kun, that person…"
As Minase was about to say that, the hall lights went out.
Kyaaa, ooohhh, cheers filled with anticipation rose like a wave.
Minase and Yozora also stopped talking and looked at the stage. The young man in the front row, who had been looking back until just now, also turned to face the stage.
The band members appeared on stage. Guitar, bass, drums, and finally Hibiki stood in front of the vocal microphone.
When he met him in the dressing room, he was the usual slow young man, but when he stood up straight onstage, Hibiki was impressively powerful.
The drums set the rhythm, he played the guitar and the song began.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
So about the goblin ocs--
There are three, and they were supposed to have union with the original Rigur for diplomacy. It's been planned since they were kids, and the four of them were very close. Rigur II spent a good amount of time going "gee, i wish I had a name so I could unite with such cool ppl" bc hes a little younger and had a crush on them. No jealousy tho, just dramatic sighing.
They were in Tempest To Be to prep for the union when Valdora disappeared and it quickly became a panicked "do what you can" situation.
Rei, the daughter of her groups elder, is a midwife and healer-- she also uses a walking stick due to weak ankles. She uses the stick to hit things and that's 90% of why shes alive by the time Rimuru rolls up. The other 10 is everyone keeping the pregnant lady away from the wolves. Shes heavily pregnant with the original Rigurs child-- they'd expected to be settled by the time she delivered and YET. Is absolutely the one who will vow to burn someone's everything to the ground before someone stops her. Cares for her people A LOT and hates anything against them. Her attitude with the tempest wolves is basically "I will trust you because Rimuru said to, but if you twitch wrong I SWEAR". Very much the standard anime pretty girl appearance, but unexpectedly intense.
Rio is a hunter/forager that has a knack for tracking. Often joked with Rigur I that she'd be the main provider, if only because he was bad at sneaking up on things after evolving. Very much concerned with making sure everyone has food, even once Rimuru handles things. Isnt totally sold on the wolves, even after being told to pair up. Spends the first 3 days wrestling with her wolf to befriend them, so she could tell how strong they were as named monsters. They then became very, very good at tracking what the other couldnt. Tomboy to the max. Tends to hover over Rei, and likes to spoil her. Has decided that Rigur is just another wife more than anything. He really doesnt argue.
Rin is the shortest and the one who was most impressed by Rigur I having a name. Her personality is genuinely caring and shes passionate about things that interest her. Her main concern is always the safety of her family, regardless of scale. In light of Rigur I being killed, she went into overdrive making spears and trying to use them to help. Her experience was largely using them to fish, but it worked out. Flat refuses to call a wolf her partner, and only working with hers to honor Rimuru's wishes. Not happy that Rigurs name was handed off to his brother, and takes his loss out on Rigur II a bit. Eventually mellows, but it takes a bit. Will flatly call Rigur "husband", probably gives him a heart attack the first time she calls him "beloved" or something.
But wait you say, did Rigurd just have them marry Rigur while Rimuru was in name naps?
Its actually kinda Rimurus fault. Because while Rigurd would probably have worked out the follow up math on the union, Rimuru just heard "these are my fallen sons wives" (rigurd was paraphrasing) and slapped the same name after their unique names.
Which both gave them two names and tied them to Rigur II via their family name now being Rigur.
So they rolled with it and Rigur now has three wives and a baby coming. Hes Stressed But Hype.
Then he went to dwargon and left Rigurd to do diplomacy about it...because a whole lot of social capital was just gained and Rimuru has NO IDEA.
also just. Love the mental image of Rin and Rigur working together for Tempest defense. Rio being in charge of sustainable harvesting of stuff they cant work out how to cultivate. Rei has 100% handed her baby to Rimuru when he comes to see how the domestic medicine department is doing and just. Let's him hang while grabbing things. Slime Uncle has been considered family, he WILL hold baby that tries to eat his hair.
Will they change the world much? Probably not aside of Rin evolving through sheer protective instincts or Rei formulating contraceptives for ppl and selling them. Rio likes to garden. They're just lil guys
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shiki-stars · 5 months
Sailor Moon - Thoughts (S01EP28-EP46)
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01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
spoilers! regarding| season one ending
Tired. 0535 AM. Will probably drop some screenshots and call it good with a few comments.
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Jan. 4
Seems like Rei and Mamoru are acutally dating. For Rei, I give her a pass because most teen girls will have a big fat crush on someone older than her without fail, but why are YOU going along with it, Mamoru???
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Motoki major green flag. Has a messy apartment but he's a college student he gets a pass. Even though I knew he was a college student, it truly didn't dawn on me he's a college student until I saw the beer bottles in his apartment. Like. "Oh. Oh you can drink. We are nearly the same age. Crazy." But again, Motoki is SUCH a green flag. "They're still in middle school." SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE ONES IN THE BACK.
The problem isn't being dense, it's that he's literally not going to date middle schoolers. Mamoru what are you on.
"Just as I thought." Just as you thought my ass. You used the crystal to see exactly who had the crystal, you thought nothing.
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Rei. Please, please, please. Pick Yuichiro. Drop the other motherfucker.
The Shitennou literally have so many powers??? Each of them have a power unique to them (I think), Jadeite and Zoisite both used the projection message, so I assume Nephrite and Kunizite each have it as well. Zoisite can shapeshift and has pyrokinesis. Zoisite and Kunizite have telekinesis and levitation. Kunizite could also send the sailor soldiers to another dimension??? I'm going blank right now, there's others too but whatever, my point stands. So many powers but all is mundane in the eyes of love and friendship.
I THOUGHT ARTEMIS WAS A GIRL. Got jumpscared when I heard his voice.
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I do love a good reveal though. I love when the truth comes out and everyone is like :0 It's so satisfying. My lil angsty heart doesn't know how to react when the truth is revealed.
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His transformation was silly, the way the hat paused then plopped down on his head lolol.
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"Aristocrat from England", counts in French???
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Awww they all look so cute here. Look at Luna and Artemis's big kitty eyes ><
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Makoto! "He looks just like him..." You also said that about Crane Game Joe. They look nothing alike??
Nevermind she clarified that it's the hair... So the senior who broke Makoto's heart has a face like Crane Game Joe, voice like Motoki, and hair like Misha. Makoto is literally the type to name herself "i miss him" on Valorant.
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Ice skating blades on heels is crazy.
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They did Queen Serenity dirty. She deserves a power sequence for when she casted "Moon Healing Escalation".
The sailor soldiers can teleport if they're all together. That would've been really handy information earlier on, Artemis.
Me tired. 0635 AM. Wonder how they'll navigate season two, I would hate to sit through another dozen episodes of the characters rekindling their friendship. I am not a big fan of shows ending the season (or even worse, the ending itself) with some sort of "everyone forgets" situation, because it feels like a huge cop out. How Sailor Moon progresses in season two will determine whether I hate it here too or not.
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
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Beige Stars - Divder @/saradika-graphics Purple Hearts - Divider @/cafekitsune Purple Heart Fairy Lights - Divider @/benkeibear
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arlakos · 3 years
Miraculous Rant
Actually, you know what, while im still mad from the previous post I made, lets go off on a rant. No punches pulled. Lets do this.
The lovesquare is the most terrible ship in this fandom. One girl is a hyper obsessed stalker who tracks her crush with her planner for 3 whole seasons, while the boy couldn’t learn to take a hint and stop flirting for 3 whole seasons until he decided to move on with another girl. Ironically that makes them perfect for eachother, but its in a creepy kind of way, not a loving kind of way.
Adrigami and Lukanette in the S3 Finale were wasted events and never should have occured because they were immediately axed in the first few episodes of the next season. I feel sorry for those that were hoping their ships could be real for at least a short actual while, and it makes me want to curse the writers for their story-boner for the status quo of teases
Despite what I said earlier, none of the girls are good for Adrien. Marinette’s stalkery and a borderline yandere, Kagami’s somewhat controlling and too similar to Adrien help him grow as a person, Chloe is a queen bee beyotch and honestly too much like a sibling to Adrien, and Lila is garbage. Fuck it, have Luka date Adrien and they can play some sweet music together (not like that you pervs, I meant they both play instruments).
Nino needs more love. Not only that, but there needs to be more Adrien/Nino bro moments. If Marinette and Alya can have moments together, why not the bros?
Chloe’s character is a mess, and is neither redeemable, nor notably evil. Her role as a villain in season 1 is very hamfisted, such as in the episodes Mr Pigeon and Kung Food. Not only that, Chloe also lacks any of the qualities that makes a good “bully villain” or rival to Marinette, and her sympathetic moments (which are Written by Sebastien) are mostly overshadowed by the fact that Astruc wants her to be a bully, so it just makes her bipolar and confusing when her character is tugged between two writers.
Chloe should not have joined Hawkmoth in Miracle Queen, see my other post as to why I think so. TLDR, its kinda ooc  for her to go full on 2d villain like Hawkmoth especially after Miraculer, plus Lila was being build up to be the main antagonist of S3
Chloe got kicked from the Team in Miraculer because people know her identity? Fine. Kagami gets to be Ryuko again despite being known to Hawkmoth in Ikari Gozen? Not cool. Ladybug shouldn’t be a hypocrite and be willing to break her own rules just because “Kagami is my friend and Chloe’s not”. Same goes for her breaking the rule with secrect identities with Alya, only for her to go on and on about the rules to Chat when he pries.
Zoe is a bland character who’s only notable trait that she likes Marinette, which automatically makes her worthy of a miraculous after two episodes and no actual development.
Astruc is a petty frick who makes episodes that give the finger to fans of the show that have a different opinion than him. Queen Banana, Miracle Queen, and Reverser are good examples of this (Reverser did Nathaniel dirty).
Master Fu is a shit guardian. Read my post for more.
FRICK THE FEAST EPISODE. Not only did is ruin Fu as character, it ruined all the good theories as to why the order fell, and wasted the idea of a new villain being introduced or even taking over as the main antagonist! Speaking of Feast, despite the sentimonster destroying an order when he wasn’t even big, he still go beat by 2 kids even when he was supersized!
Marinette is not a good Guardian. Her ability to choose heroes does not make her capable, and just because “tradition is stupid” doesnt mean that Marinette shouldn’t be tested like others before her!
Despite the Kwami’s being ancient magical buildings, they seem to act like kids a lot, and that annoys me when in S1 they are supposed to apparently be mentors to their wielders, like how Tikki was before she was mentally de-aged.
Lila is trash and should be removed from the show. The only reasons her lies work is because the writers dumb down every other character in the show and ignore the fact the people have smartphones with google.
The “Miraculous” Ladybug spell should require both Ladybug and Chat Noir to cast, because not only does the power have nothing to do with creation, but it also “destroys” anything created by the akuma, which thematically makes no sense. Also it would place more emphasis on the two heroes being equals and “two halfs of the same coin”
On that note, Ladybug has too many powers. Not only is she the only one who can purify akumas, and can cast a spell that can fix Paris time and time again like its no one’s buisness, but she also now gets a new suit and the ability to nullify Hawkmoth’s akumas. Like COME ON! Give Chat some powers too.
Mayura’s feather’s shouldnt be able to be purified by Ladybug since they have no dark energy, and (thematically speaking) Chat should be given an ability that allows him to “vanquish” the energy in Mayura[’s feathers similar to how Ladybug can purify Hawkmoth’s akumas. At least it would develop a rivalry between Chat and Mayura, and would make Chat necassary against Shadowmoth rather than being replacable with any other hero.
The are too many temporary heroes. They should have just stuck with the 3 heroes from s2 and leave it at that. Sure, new heroes were cool, but the overuse has made the whole hero thing feel less special. It made sense for the first 3 to have them, but now it’s just like Oprah where everyone gets a miraculous. Except Gabe.
Chat Blanc was a stupid reason as to why secret identities cant be revealed, also Chat could have told LB who Hawkmoth once he returned back to normal was and the show would be over.
Hawkmoth should not be Gabriel. Frick the lore about Gabriel’s wife dying and him going evil to get her back, it makes the story feel too much like a star wars/Darth vader reference and leaves Gabriel acting bipolar, flipping from wanting to save his wife and doing this out of necessity to being a power hungry madman wanting to take over the world ( which is said in his canon music video). Having Hawkmoth be his own character means he can be an actual maniac who wants world domination and not just have villanous plot that rely on obtaining magical jewellery (perhaps doing other evil things/taking a more active role), while Gabriel being his own character means he can be a father that has become estranged from his son due to the lose of his S,O, and thus can have a plot about him reuniting with his son (I liked the end seen in Simon says, ok?)
On that same note, I think Mayura shouldn’t have been Nathalie. Considering Hawkmoth’s plans were repetitive as heck for most of the show, when I heard about the Mayura leaks back in Season 2 (when she was called “le Paon”) I was theorising that Mayura would actually being Hawkmoth’s boss, the villain the was responsible for giving him his Miraculous and the one who destroyed the Order of the Miraculous, and would take over as the main villain in season 3 due to Hawkmoth’s failures. However, that turned out not to be the case.
Not only that, but Mayuras power is a copy paste power with some modifications to make it complement Hawkmoth’s power, by basically giving his akuma’s magic pokemon.
Speaking of Hawkmoth’s power, for a miraculous that is supposed to be used for good, how can his power mind control people and make them become evil? More importantly, for a miraculous that is supposedly weaker than the main heroes of the show, having it be able to multiply and posses people to create an army is kinda strong.
Fuck the Maribat ship that the salt fandom came up with. Its trash, it was made to bash most of the Miraculous cast sans Marinette, and anyone thinks it is good are either those same salters or are the same people who think that Rey-lo and the Twilight Saga are masterpieces of romance.
Whew! I needed that vent. Hope you enjoyed it as as much as I did, and Tune in next time on the next episode of:  Arlakos loses his Mind and Rants for 2 pages of writing!
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Manga Review — I'm in Love with the Villainess Vol. 1 (Manga)
A New Look on a Compelling and Innovative Series
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A manga adaptation of one of the best and queerest Yuri light novels I have ever seen, what is not to love! As a massive proponent of the light novels, I eagerly followed I'm in Love with the Villainess began serialization in Comic Yuri Hime last year. I am thrilled to get my hands on the first English volume, and now that it is finally out (digitally at the time of writing), I am equally delighted to read over the start of Rae and Claire's journey once again. Getting to see my favorite isekai protagonist and her bratty noble crush in full illustrations is terrific. However, it does not make for a completely flawless work.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess follows Rei Ohashi, an avid otome gamer who dies and is reincarnated as Rae Taylor in her favorite game, "Revolution." Rather than chase any of the game's handsome bachelors, all students at the Royal Academy in the European-inspired fantasy world, Rae heads straight for her favorite character, the game's villainess! Rae begins to relentlessly tease the bratty and elitist Claire, much to the latter's frustration. Soon a rivalry forms between the two girls, but despite Claire's taunts and coldness, Rae is determined to stay by her side and protect her.
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The increased focus provided to Claire and Rae's early relationship will be noticeable to light novel readers. While Inori's writing focuses mainly on world-building in the first several chapters, the manga makes the wise choice to condense much of this information for the sake of reading. Blocks of exposition work poorly in the manga compared to prose. However, establishing a setting is not completely thrown out the window. There are several small conversations and explanations of key aspects of the world. After quickly setting the story, the characters are left with room to explore.
Claire and Rae are the most enjoyable part of this manga. Rae is eager and doting, with a touch of masochistic. On the other hand, Claire is more arrogant, often looking down on peasants like Rae, and is continuously infuriated by her affection. A hilarious rivalry starts to spring up between the two, with Claire pranking or mocking Rae and then getting outraged when she revels in the attention and teases Claire by expressing her undying affection.
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These interactions also further the story. They establish the dynamic between our two heroines and add more detail to the political situation and tensions between the commoners and nobility, the series’ main plotline. Interestingly, while Claire may believe commoners inferior, she also sees it as her responsibility to protect and instruct them in her very elitist way. Noticeably none of the torments she subjects Rea could ever cause permanent harm or damage. It is a fascinating insight into this character's mental state, and even in the first volume seeing her start to change and become more aware slowly is fascinating.
Much of the rivalry is comedy and often plays out as such. However, some readers may find it slightly off-putting and understandably see the dynamic as Rae sexually harassing Claire. I strongly encourage you to give this series a chance. This book will undoubtedly be the worst volume of an incredible series. Once I'm in Love with the Villainess breaks into its stride of exploring queer and socioeconomic issues, some point in the next volume based on reading the serialized chapters, I promise it will become a quick favorite. If you know you may not be able to overlook its immediate faults during the wait, consider holding off on the mage until after the second book is out and get them together.
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Much of the previously mentioned content is the same or strongly similar to the light novels, perhaps a touch more emphasis on Claire's early hostilities; however, there are some significant points unique to the manga to consider. For one, Aonoshimo's artwork is fantastic! The characters and backgrounds are distinct, with only slight adjustments for the more comedic or dramatic stylistic choices. No matter the panel's tone, though, it is always easy to read without oversimplification. Aonoshimo also relies on very standard square or rectangle panels during most of the manga, but occasionally produces more dynamic boundaries and layouts for action and service scenes. Lastly, all the characters are on full display. It suddenly becomes a lot easier for light novel readers to picture their favorite moments. It is a lovely treat for returning readers as the visuals aid the characters, allowing us to clearly see Rod as the strong-willed if slightly aloof prince and understand how Maximillion Pegasus-cosplayer Thane is the most unpopular character in the fictional otome game when they are displayed visually.
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There are some other vital factors to consider when reading the manga. For one, every character's personality was dialed up a few points, with Rae being a touch more physically affectionate and masochistic and Claire more easily exacerbated. However, the manga and the English translation takes many quirks and exaggerates them further, reducing the series’ performance. For example, while Claire's actions show the complicated relationship to commoners described above, her dialogue contains a surprising amount of vitriol and vulgarity that stands out notably.
Additionally, while Rod is usually the perfect if slightly detached prince acting as the occasional voice of reason in early chapters, his dialogue here appears laughable indifferent and meanspirited. As I'm in Love with the Villainess is one of a very few series that I follow the monthly serializations of in magazines, I was surprised to see this dialogue, as it did not stand out to me in the Japanese version (admittedly, the manga did overblow everyone's personality to some extent for comedic effect). I feel it changes the characters for the worse — do not get me wrong here, calls for "literal translation" are as unfavorable as they are uninformed. Still, the work feels careless at times.
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Finally, there is the service. While the first volume contains virtually no romantic caresses or sweeping panels of scenery we associate with Yuri, there is a fair amount of salacious content. Of course, there are Rae's desperate and overblown expressions of admiration for Claire and her slight case of masochism. However, towards the end of the volume, Aonoshimo shows some skin. In one scene, Rae helps Claire get dressed and very openly admires her body, accompanied by some close-up panels of her back, stomach, and butt. There is also a very exposed bathing scene, although light covers the most explicate bits. It is obviously garish, though it tonally fits with Inori and Aonoshimo's more comedic manga interpritation and even includes some wholesome interactions with Claire and Rae alongside the sexualized comedy. Reader's millage will vary here, but I enjoyed it.
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This first outing of Aonoshimo's I'm in Love with the Villainess manga adaptation is very likely to be the weakest entry in a phenomenal series to follow. The manga does a fantastic job of bringing the original light novels to life in a new visual format. The artwork is excellent, and the story condensed with a slightly different focus that maintains the feel of the original while providing manga audiences with entertainment that does not feel constrained or lacking. However, the gradual pacing of the plot and the main characters' relationship means that the volume leaves off before showcasing the meat of the series and most of its best features. There is a little bit of the stumble out of the gate, and both the publisher and the manga will likely have to course correct in future volumes or else risk destroying the development and voice of the series remarkable characters. I still recommend the series, but unless you are a diehard fan of the original like you, you might wait a year or so until we have the second volume and can enjoy a more complete vision of Inori's intricate and groundbreaking story.
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Ratings: Story – 8 Characters – 7 Art – 9 LGBTQ – 9 Sexual Content – 6 Final – 8
Check out I'm in Love with the Villainess (Manga) Vol. 1 today: https://amzn.to/3wTSJ9R
Thanks to Joshua Hardy, Courtney Williams, Peter Adrian Behravesh, and the rest of the team at Seven Seas for their hard work.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
💖🚗 With Reiner, Reader, and Armin as the main characters. For the plot; Reiner has a huge crush on the reader, who is super quiet, sweet, and a total bookworm. Reiner has no clue how to even talk to her. He learns that Armin is friends with the reader and talks with her everyday at the library. So Reiner asks Armin for his help in asking his crush out. -> requested by @venomhound
thanks for your request and i really hope you like it! <3
romance + modern au! + crush feat Reiner Braun.
Maybe it was destiny.
Reiner remembers the day he saw you for the first time. He was working on the cafeteria in front of the local library. He was serving a couple that sat near the big windows, from where he could easily see the entrance of the library and the child park in front of it. He looked through the window while taking the couples orders, and he saw you.
Maybe you where running late, your hair moving softly with every fast step you gave. You have some books against your chest, and you walk as fast as your shoes let you. Reiner got lost in the way you walked, in how you were smiling with that quantity of books in your arms. 
“Sorry, do you noted that?” The client asked. No, he didn’t. 
He tried to talk to you for months, but he was afraid to disturb you or be too repenting. 
Armin usually goes for a coffee at evening, right after ending his study session in the library. Reiner knows him since high school, and now they also share some classes on uni. That’s why Reiner usually talks with Armin when he goes for his coffee. They’re like friends, kind of. Today, you don’t have your english class, so you can stay a little bit longer searching a good book to read. Armin is there, sitting, studying. You walk closer to him and whisper.
“Min, do you know any good book to read?” you ask. Armin takes his blue eyes away from the book and fixes them in yours. He smiles.
“Yes, come.” he stands up and starts to walk around the library. “Oh, after studying I’ll go for a coffee, wanna come?” he asks. You sigh. You have to work. Since you entered the arts school to specialize on writing skills, you started to work on a restaurant near your apartment to get rid of bills by yourself, without needing your parents’ money.
“I have to work today.” You say. Armin pouts and takes a book out, giving it to you.
“When will be the day I can go for a coffee with my friend?” he sighs dramatically. You laugh quietly. Armin  gives you another book, this time, a manga. You take it as well while you follow your friend around the library. 
You’ve met Armin casually in the library, when he wanted to read a book that you took the week before. He was really desperate for reading it, and you overheard that it was for an exam. Even when Armin is really responsible and he always has all the exams noted, that one was an exception. He didn’t heard the date clearly and thought he had one more month to read it. 
“Please, I really need that book...” You passed by and saw he was looking for the one you were about to give back.
“Sorry, do you talk about this book?” you asked, showing him the cover. He smiled so brightly you thought he was maybe too centered in his studies. He nodded and you gave the book to him, that thanked a hundred times. Since that, he always smiled at you on the library, and you started to talk with trivial things as “the weather is rare today, isn’t it?” and ended becoming almost besties.
 It’s time for you to leave, and also Armin’s. He gets all his things and stand up next to you. You two leave the library and he asks you, once again, if you want to pass and have a coffee. You nod again, leaving. Armin walks towards the cafe, were Reiner is looking surprised how his friend says bye softly to his crush.
He never thought Armin will get his dreamed girl for himself. Like, it’s not like Reiner showed Armin that he’s secretly liking you through a window, but he didn’t expected to be Armin the boy you talked to. Armin enters and sits near the bar, behind the one Reiner is taking a cup to make Armin’s coffee.
“Do you know her?” he asked first. Armin looked at his friend concerned. About who is he talking? “With who you walked out of the library”
Armin looked at the boy before laughing. “Oh, Y/N?” he says. “We’re friends. Library friends. We met on the library and that’s why we came together.” he says. Reiner looks at Armin’s blue eyes directly. 
“Friends? Nothing more?” he asks, nervous. Armin knows exactly what is happening.
“Do you like her?” he asks. Reiner blushes and looks to the little cup. 
“Could you help me? I feel really ashamed every time I want to talk to her.” Reiner says. Armin raises an eyebrow. He never acted as a matchmaker. But he would be glad to help, since he knows what type of people you like and what type of person Reiner is. He knows you’ll be a good couple. 
Anyway, he’s not going to force anything. He’ll just help Reiner to meet you, and whatever happens next is all your thing. Armin smiles.
“I’ll invite her tomorrow. She said she doesn’t have to work so we can go out of the library earlier. It’s friday, so I don’t have to study that much.” Reiner’s thankful eyes look at Armin. He smiles. “Now prepare a coffee, I’m about to sleep sitting here.”
❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁
Reiner is so nervous. He tries to put his hair in a different way and use more rings, but discards all. That’s not his style, and rings could be uncomfortable to work. He sighs. Will he cause a good impression on you? He decides to take only a ring he puts on his middle finger, a ring he bought on his last trip to the city where he grow up. 
At afternoon, he’s already on the cafe, starting his turn when you enter the library. Armin is there since 4. He smiles at you.
“Hi, Y/N” he says. You smile back to him, taking a seat in his table. “You don’t work today, don’t you?” You shake your head. Armin smiles. “We’ll leave the library earlier, I’m going to invite you to the better vanilla frapé you’ve ever tried.” You laugh a little and nod.
Reiner knew you were going to leave earlier, but not that early. He got surprised when you entered the cafe, dressing so casually yet so beautiful. Armin was behind you, and he waved his hand towards the blonde bartender. You knew him. You see him every morning, when you go to uni and he goes to his. You liked how he looked always so polite and sweet, how he didn’t care to wait with a little boy that lost his mother on a park until she came back. You liked those little details of him. You acted quite shy.
“You know him?” Armin nods to your question.
“I’ll introduce you to him, he’s my friend from uni.” You nod and walk to the bar, following Armin. He takes sit in front of the boy. You smile at him. He gives the gest back.
“Okay. He’s Reiner, my uni friend. Reiner, Y/N, my library friend.” he says. You bow your head a little for him and he does the same.
Pretty awkward. Armin smiles to Reiner, the typical evil smile.
“Reiner, could you talk to my friend a little? I forgot a book. Be right back.”
Armin leaves you in front of him. He smiles and dries a cup while he talks to you. 
“So, you like reading?” you nod. Reading has been your scape way since you’re little. You kept the interest in it, and even thought about writing your own book. “I saw you a couple times in the main entrance of the library.” he says. A couple? You don’t know, but he saw you almost every day. Not in a obsessive way. Just by chance. He worked there, develop a crush on you, and you passed in front of him every day. It was almost destiny.
"Do you like to read, Reiner?" you ask. He nods shyly.
"I do, but since i have to work and study and that, I don't have too much time to read lately." he says. He leaves the cup and takes a sit in his chair, inside the bar. "Oh, sorry, what do you want to drink?" he asks.
"I'll wait for Armin better. We can talk while he isn't here." You were praying that he says yes, and he does. He puts both of his hands in the table, next to yours. You see the ring.
"Oh, you have such little hands!" he says. Was it a coincidence? Did he read your mind?
"Yes." you agree. "My ring is a couple times littlest." you take of your ring and so does he, giving it to you. You put it in your middle finger, where it hangs. You two laugh. "It's so big." He looks the ring between his fingers. It looks so little... He gives it back to you. You give him his.
Armin was taking so long to take the book, but the cute girl on the last floor was really nice to him.
"Oh, Armin met a girl and he's helping her. He says we should drink without him." He said she was called Annie. Reiner looks to his clock. "End of my turn. Do you want to have a coffee here?" you nod.
"Yes. I would love to try that vanilla frapé. But I thought you were the one making it. It would taste better." you say. How did you became so unashamed? He laughs a little.
"Don't worry, I'm sure I can prepare it to you any other day."
He was right. That late conversation sharing a coffee was the start of a friendship that both of you knew it will grow to a healthy and beautiful relationship. He prepares you coffees when you arrive late and his morning kisses taste like cappuccino. You're kinda thankful for the book Armin left, even when you two know that that book was in his backpack all the time.
Maybe it was destiny, but sometimes even destiny needs a little push.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Bakugou and Todoroki w/ future kids but they meet the reader first
Request: I know you just wrote the future kids thing but I never see the reverse scenario happen where the kid meets the reader. But maybe because they're young or the reader isn't with the boi (Bakugou in this case who doesn't have a hero name yet and maybe the reader doesn't either) The kid keeps saying his parents hero names until he finally runs into Bakugou. The kid didn't realize the reader was the mom until they stood next to Bakugou. - anonymous 
I really enjoyed writing the future kids requests mainly because they were the cutest along side some dad requests I got recently. So I chose these two since we don’t have hero names for them and you didn’t specify any characters so yeah. If you want me to write for others please don’t hesitate to ask. Love yaa.💖💖💖
warnings: fluff, some mild panic
Bakugou Katsuki
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-You had gone shopping with Tsuyu and Ochako but had parted ways when the girls had been called in from their agencies. 
-Making your way back to the dorms, you were vibin along with your music when you felt a small tug at your pant leg.
-Looking down you were met with a pair of small e/c eyes staring back at you with a few stray ash blonde locks swaying along the autumn breeze. 
-The little figure stared at you for a moment, a poker face adorning his features before he spoke. 
- “Excuse me, do you know where the Ground Zero agency is?”
-You had never heard of such an agency and kneeling down you looked at the small boy.
- “I’m sorry sweetheart but I don’t know an agency by that name. Who are your parents? Maybe we can find them.”
-The boy looked at you with confusion and some irritation sprinkled on top, for a few moments before letting out a sigh and telling you that his parents were pro heroes.
-His mother apparently was on a mission across seas so they couldn’t really contact her  but his dad, the number two hero , Ground Zero  would definitely help. 
-At first you thought that the boy was confused since the number two hero right now was Hawks and you didn’t know anyone by that hero name. 
-And you told the boy that he was wrong but he was adamant, insisting that his daddy was number two.
-When you mentioned Hawks he titled his little head to the side and said rather matter of factly that Hawks had retired long before he was born.
-That was weird to say the least.
-With everything that the boy told you you were beyond confused and you decided to take him to Aizawa, thinking it was the best course of action. 
-Offering the boy your hand he hesitantly took it saying that his mommy always said that he shouldn’t trust strangers. 
- “But you look very familiar so I trust you. Kinda.”
-And with that you walked hand in hand to the dorms with the intention to find Aizawa in his room.
-Along the way however you heard yelling coming from the common room and you mentally prepared yourself for the tantrum that Katsuki must be throwing in there. 
-Halting your steps you leaned down to the boy ready to prepare him for what was to come only to be met with an ecstatic little human chanting ‘daddy’ under his breath.
-His eyes were practically shinning while he was making mini hops here and there, trying to mask his excitement. 
-If you were being honest he reminded you of yourself when you get fired up but his appearance practically screamed Bakugou at you.
-You have had a crush on Katsuki for some time now but you’ve attempted to drown your feelings and save yourself the humiliation and heart break. 
-Key word: attempted.
- “You excited there kiddo?”
-He looked up at you with a large smile on his tiny face.
- “That sounds like my daddy! Mommy always says that shouting might be part of his quirk and every time she says that, daddy and I need to tickle her until she takes it back.”
- “Well if your father is anything like the baka you are about to meet than god help your mother.” you mumbled under your breath, the boy too excited to pay attention to you, as you pushed the door open and stepped inside. 
-You made to walk to Aizawa’s room when his voice boomed through the room. 
- “Oi this isn’t a nursery. What are you doing?” 
- “Shut it Bakugou!’
- “Did you kidnap the kid? ‘Cause it seems that he’s trying to get away from your dumbass.”
-He wasn’t wrong. 
-The boy was trying to leave your grasp that you had unconsciously tightened when you started talking with Bakugou.
-The little boy looked back at you and mouthed ‘That’s daddy!!!’ before prying your hand off of his wrist and running to the couch that Bakugou was sitting. 
-He looked at the child with a scowl on his face, his eyes darting over the boys’ features noticing some resemblances to himself but also some of your characteristics. 
-The kid certainly had his hair and face structure but his eyes, nose and mouth were all you. 
-And don’t get him started on that cute grin he had on his face that was a carbon copy of the one you have. 
-Bakugou hated to admit that he had a crush on you. 
-You had caught his eye when you had roasted him during your first week of school and you two had been bickering back and forth ever since, feelings starting to develop on both sides but neither of you being brave enough to actually confess. 
- “Y/N why the hell is your brother looking at me like that?”
-At that the boy snapped his head to you, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape the grin he adorned just a few seconds ago being replaced by a really confused look. 
- “He’s not my brother, I found him! Now if you’ll excuse us I have to find Aizawa and clear things out.”
-The boy didn’t move an inch as you approached him, his eyes fixated on your face and as you leaned forward to grab him he wrapped both his arms around your neck and manhandled you onto the couch, making you fall on top of Katsuki. 
-The blushes on your faces were legendary.
-The kid was staring at you two and suddenly jumped on top of BOTH of you making Katsuki groan.
- “Mommy, mommy i thought you were in America with auntie Mina! Why did you pretend you didn’t know me? Why is daddy so small? Where are we?”
-Bakugou was staring at the kid shooting question after question as you on the other hand were on the brink of passing out from the word mommy. 
- “Oi, oi slow down. What’s your name shrimp?”
-He looked at Katsuki with a frown before roll his eyes and answering. 
- “Bakugou Tatsuo you old man.”
-They had to bring you to Recovery girl because you passed out and both Bakugou men were panicking.
Todoroki Shouto
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-You didn’t know what hit you really. 
-You were lounging outside on your balcony enjoying the view the dorms gave you when you heard shouting from above you before you were frozen in place and a little ball of red hair came tumbling down the ice slide.
-It almost slammed against your glass door but stopped just on time, shaking the frost from the red locks. 
-As the child turned to you, her eyes widened and she quickly let out a string of sorry’s as she defrosted you, messing up her words many times and confusing the r with w.
-It was the cutest thing watching this five year old at best trying to melt her ice, her chubby hands resting on the iceberg as her nose scrunched up in concentration. 
-Eventually the ice melted and you were set free, rubbing your arms for some warmth as you looked at the child on your balcony more closely. 
- “I’m so sorry miss, I didn’t see you!!”
- “Well you were falling from the sky so I find it logical.”
-The little girl fidgeted with her fingers looking around in pure confusion, her lower lip trembling at the unfamiliar scenery in front of her. 
-Despite the clear panic in her gaze she held herself together, dawning a poker face soon after and looking at you straight in the eyes, her gaze feeling awfully familiar. 
- “I’m Rei. Nice to meet you.”
-She extended her hand and you were taken aback from her manners and the fact that you were being owned by a toddler. 
-Taking her small hand in yours you shake it and lead her inside, placing her on your bed and sitting across from her on your chair. 
-You stared at each other for a solid five minutes before you broke the silence with some basic questions. 
-How old she was, how she got here, where are her parents.
- “A kid got his quirk and things got out of hand. But my daddy will know what to do!! He’s a pro hero.”
- “Oh what’s his hero name? Maybe I can take you to him.”
- “Icyhot, he has an agency in the city but I don’t know how to get there.”
-At the sound of that name you were confused again. 
-Icyhot is Bakugou’s way of mocking Todoroki, your long time crush, and as far as you know there is no hero with that name,
-As you looked at the girl again you saw some similarities with Shouto.
-The hair and the poker face along with her quirk and some of her mannerisms scream Shouto.
-Even though her hair was the same color as his, she looked like you when you were around her age.
-Pushing your confusion in the back of your mind you looked at her again. 
- “Is you daddy Todoroki Shouto?”
-You wished that your first time referring to Shouto as daddy would be under him other circumstances. 
- “Yes!! Do you know him??”
-Oh you knew him alright.
-Nodding you sat up and extended your hand to the little girl, who grabbed it with no hesitation, and led her out of your room.
-And so the mad hunt for Todoroki began.
-Along the way Rei would tell you all kinds of stuff and share funny situations that her and her twin sister got themselves into. 
-Apperantly, Rei had a twin sister Ren and a younger sister who was recently added to the family, Ru. 
-You had been running around the school grounds for like an hour and you could feel Rei getting tired as she slowed down after a while. 
-She didn’t complain though. she just kept talking about her family and how her mom stayed at home for the last few weeks. 
-She was the cutest thing you have seen in a fat while and you could say that you were more than jealous of her mother, whoever she was.
-As you rounded a corner your eye caught sight of a head with vibrant red and white hair.
-And there stood Todoroki in all his glory holding a little girl of his own in his arms, this one with snow white hair.
-The moment Rei saw them she made a mad sprint and literally tackled both of them to the ground, the twins hugging each other like they weren’t suffocating Shouto. 
-You rushed to them, kneeling beside Shouto and prying the twins off of him, giving him a weak smile as you helped him up. 
-As you two stood there, the twins looked at you and something clicked.
-Both of them smiled to themselves and hugged you, nuzzling into yor side as Todoroki stared at you. 
-You all agreed to go to Aizawa or Recovery Girl to see how to get them back home.
-As you made your way to Aizawa’s office the twins were whispering to each other not as quietly as they thought. 
- “Mommy is really pretty.”
- “Yeah and daddy has that smile on his face.”
-You both became a blushing mess unbeknownst to them.
-You sure as hell had a lot to talk about after this. 
-And you’d finally get to call him daddy. 
@brattyquirks​ , @the-arcana-fan-fic​
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
THOUGHT ABOUT IT, needs to happen.
Professor Ren x Professor Reader ONESHOT
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“Good morning Professor (Y/N),” your students called out, filing into their seats. Today you had them set up in a half circle. All of them on some big pillows, with their canvases at their feet. It was all about getting to feel the inspiration flow through you this morning.
You smiled from the floor, brushing back your hair to tie into a loose bun. Some paint from your hand smeared on your cheek but that’s okay, it’s art! Art can be anything and anywhere!
“Good morning everyone! There’s coffee and fresh tea in the back! I had my husband go grab some from your favorite shop so we could all relax this morning!”
One of your students yawned, “Thank you professors husband.”
“Oh it was no trouble,” you mused, “It was he and I’s coffee date this morning, we were already there and I thought of all of you.”
Once everyone was settled you told them the plan for the day. Working to connect with the early morning spirits, their souls, how they were feeling today and using the colors to express that. No brushes, no pencils, just the hand to create.
“Oh,” a student piped up, “Professor how was your weekend? Wasn’t it your anniversary?”
You smiled, letting out a sigh as you thought about your wonderful husband. He was so loving, caring, gentle, understanding.... and tall.
“It was fantastic,” you squealed, “We spent the weekend cleaning out the outdoor patio, I used to horde all my art supplies in there. And Ben set it up to be a nice seating area, so many colors and plants and flowers.”
“What did you do for your anniversary?”
You dropped the canvas, thinking intently on what you actually did for your celebration, you knew your students loved to hear about your life. As the textbook oversharing professor, they were thrilled to hear about how eccentric your partner was, calling you ‘true love’ in the purest sense.
“Well, we had a wedding for our cat, you all remember Finn.”
Everyone nodded, “He met some other cat down the street, a stray, and we named him Poe. They had a lovely wedding, both of us cried. Ben loves his cat so much, it was tough for him to realize he had grown up...”
You dabbed at the corner of your eye, wiping away a stray tear from the memories. Ben had Finn before he met you, such a sweet kitty. He loved his cat, which was strange for a man who was so distant at first, but you understood the bond. And now he was all grown up, with a husband!
“What did you guys do though,” they asked once more, “Since it was your 10th anniversary.”
“Oh,” you rolled your eyes, “Ben does things for me all the time, he doesn’t have to ham it up for one day. We spent the morning doing our couples yoga, al-fresco as nature intended, had some nice quiche that I made the evening before.”
“After that, you all remember the bathroom Ben redid for me, the one with the claw foot tub and the living eucalyptus plants lining the windows, we took a wonderful bath together. I don’t want to go into any intimate details, but yoga really makes that man,” you shivered, “Limber.”
Your class laughed, “Professor, you’ve told us stuff about your husband that’s way worse.”
“Anyway, after our morning rounds, we went for a walk outside. Our dog Chewie needed some exercise and we both felt like walking the hills behind the house. It was very beautiful. I think I have pictures...”
You moved to get up, wiping the excess paint from your hand on your apron. Scrambling behind your desk for your bag, practically dumping out the contents to find your phone. You frowned when you couldn’t find it, instead finding your husbands phone, “I’m sorry class, I guess I don’t have it today...”
“Oh well, moving on. After that we had a nice dinner downtown, some dancing. My Ben can be quite the romantic when it comes to that, hes an excellent dancer aside from his ginormous feet. And once we got home,” you winked, “Let’s just say we didn’t rest for too long.”
Everyone laughed, congratulating you on your anniversary. How wonderful your life was, how much they love hearing about you and Ben. They so desperately wanted to meet him... but that wouldn’t happen.
Unfortunately, Ben was another professor at the university. In a completely different department, under the English Literature studies branch. Teaching the effects and influences mid century writers have on society today, he was a mean and strict man. Didn’t enjoy loud noises, food, drinks, or phones in his class. He also didn’t go by Ben for his professional name, he went by Kylo Ren. No one knew he was your husband, the same one who helped you rescue a baby bird, or the one who crushes you at chess, or the one who sings while showering, and sleeps with a teddy bear when you’re away.
It would be devastating to his reputation if he knew how much you shared of your personal lives.
However... he did marry you.
Fully knowing how loud mouthed you were, so sharing and compassionate with your students. Even calling them by their first names when he likes to seperate them from himself by using their last names. He doesn’t share anything with them, they barely know that he’s married. All they know is that Professor Ren is mean, and probably eats babies for breakfast.
You moved back to your seat, waving your hand for everyone to focus back on their paintings. Things were getting a little out of control and you did want them to finish these before class was over.
After about ten minutes of quiet murmuring, the door to your room flew open.
“Lovely,” your husband burst in, “I think we swapped phones this morning, yours kept playing that ridiculous shark song whenever someone messaged you.”
“Professor Ren?”
He stopped at your desk, scanning your classroom for the face that had recognized him. You repeated the action, zeroing in on one of your students.
“Good morning Miss Johnson,” Ben cleared his throat, his face dropping into a stone frown. “I was unaware you were in art courses.”
“Um,” she cleared her throat, looking as uncomfortable as you felt, “I’m double majoring.”
Ben swiftly swapped phones from behind your desk, moving towards you. Cringing at all the paint on the floors and how messy everyone was. He squatted down next to you, his shiny black oxfords creasing slightly. Dressed from head to toe in a black suit, looking the complete opposite from you. His harsh, pale face frowning at all your students. The scar that slashed across his cheek red from his embarrassment, he finally looked at you. “I’ll see you for lunch my love.”
He kissed your lips, quickly standing as if to reverse the action. Over his shoulder he yelled at your mutual student, “Not a peep Miss Johnson, not a peep!”
After he slammed the door shut everyone’s gaze fell to you. Eyes wide and mouths popped open in awe, how was that supposed to be the same man you had told them about?
“Professor?” Rey piped up.
“Yes,” you cleared your throat, “Yes sweetie?”
“Professor Ren, the one who made that girl cry in front of the entire class, is your Ben?”
“Oh,” she swallowed, “Professor?”
“I think I’m switching majors.”
HAHAHHAA yes. Gotta love a hard ass in the streets and a big lover in the sheets.
i ❤️ kylo ren
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @onlykyloscenes​ @candycanes19​ @desiraypark​ @historyandfandoms50​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​ @ghoulian13​ @mrs-kylo-ren​ @millenialcatlady​ @emeraldsiren20​ @dancingmicrobes​ @relationshipwithmybed​ @wayward-rose​ @safarigirlsp​ @contesa-lui-alucard​ @daydreamsofren​ @caillea​ @insufferablelust​ @ohdamnadamm​ @mariesackler​ @jalexunderthestars​ @shesakillerkween​ @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch
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