octorosi · 2 years
Octonauts teaching inkling how to use a Device or phone-
Inkling: I still don’t quite understand this, Dashi-
Dashi: Professor you need to turn it on-
Inkling: how do I do that-?
Barnacles: I think it’s the buttons on the side?
Tweek: No cap- thats the volume- you were close though! it’s the one button on the side!
Inkling: Wow! Ok now what?
Kwazii: Do you remember your password professor?
Inkling: Barnacles, do you remember it..-?
Barnacles: No sorry professor- It was quite a long time ago-
Inkling: Oh fiddle sticks-
Tweek: Hmmm- Oh! Didn’t we make it based something you hate? Or was it something you love-
Inkling:We can try those?
Peso: Good! Let’s start with #1, What do you hate?
Inkling: People messing up my books order, folding my pages, misplacing my books-
Shellington: Non of those worked-
Inkling: I love my books, the ocean, y-
Barnacles: Try min!
Barnacles: WHAT?!? YOU LOVE HER DON’T YOU???
Dashi: Non of those-
Kwazii: My grandad has my name and some numbers as his password- Maybe you guys did that?
Dashi: Maybe it’s squirt?
Shellington: Nope-
Tweek: Is it your sister professor?
Shellington: Nope- her name didn’t work either-
Barnacles: Wait a second-
Dashi: What?
Barnacles: Hand me the computer-
Kwazii: Ok?
Inkling: It worked!
Dashi: WHAT WAS IT???
Barnacles: It was and I quote, “Barnacles knows the password123”
Shellington: wheeze
Inkling: Oh I remember it now!
Tweek: Oh my god
Dashi: No actually their password is vanilla kelp pudding something something-
Kwazii: H-how could you-
Kwazii: how dare you😔
Inkling: HA
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nikholascrow · 8 months
Regulus who loved his older brother more than life itself Regulus who hated James potter for taking Sirius away from him Regulus who watched his brother happier than ever without him Regulus who fell for James because he shined like the sun and kept Sirius safe Regulus who never said a word or tried to leave because he didn’t think he deserved it Regulus who died alone in a cave to save his brother and his ‘replacement’
Sirius who spent every quiet moment wishing for his little brother back
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One of my all time favorite things about Crowley is the way he's not afraid to take up space.
That signature stalking gay strut that tells you to run--though you're not sure whether it's towards or from--or at the very least get out of his way.
The open-legged slouchy way he sits in chairs, somehow exuding supreme confidence and aloofness yet extreme vigilance.
The way he's not afraid to be in the way. How his body language says "I'm here and I will make that everyone else's problem if I don't like what's going on."
I know internally he's a lot more scared than he lets on, but you'd never know it just from seeing him on the street.
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cereal-oak · 1 year
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Black-bellied pangolin you are everything to me
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paper-cities · 1 year
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Photo Analysis 1/?
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a few things: 1. how have I never seen this photo before? 2. do I need context? not really. 3. do I want said context? very much so. 
I’m going to count this as prologue to the analysis of John and Delenn’s body language with one another, but first I want to establish a bit on the photo at large. there’s so much going on! in this essay I will... 
Okay so let’s start with the bicycle itself. A bicycle is a means of transportation. It’s an impetus for movement. Moving, going, transition- transition is a huge motif throughout the show. Think of the titles of the episodes: Points of Departure (s02e02),Point of No Return (s03e09), Objects in Motion (s05e20), Objects at Rest (s05e21). Now is also a good time to mention that it’s a tandem bicycle, built to be used by multiple people at a time, just like a certain space station that unlike its predecessors, hasn’t been sabotaged or dragged through time.  A bicycle like this would work best when everyone pedals 1. in the same direction and 2. operating at the same speed, AKA being on the same wavelength, as if they were an army of light. Another note on this bike is the horns. One, they’re bike horns, so there’s an increased enthusiastic vibe from it- mature enough to save the galaxy and youthful enough to trust that faith manages. Then, there’s the positioning of the horns. Let’s go down the line, shall we? G’Kar’s horn is upward towards Londo, Londo’s faces the camera, Garibaldi’s is up and outwards yet angled towards Londo, Lochley’s is parallel to the ground and facing Garibaldi, and Sheridan’s upward-facing horn is rendered inaccessible by Delenn’s proximity to it.  So: G’Kar and Garibaldi give Londo their attention because he easily draws it, and can be very annoying- thus his own horn faces the camera. Lochley’s horn is backwards, facing Garibaldi, because her attention is in facing her past, which parallels the alcoholism Garibaldi relapses with in the fifth season. Sheridan’s horn faces upwards (*wink wink*; *nudge nudge*). Finally, in regards to the bicycle, it’s a great color for a children’s hospital. It’s a color of confidence and vitality, a color of blood and impulse- but most of all, it’s a color of love. Love, of course, being essential to endurance. And to quote one Susan Ivanova, “Babylon 5 endures.”
He’s the only one with both of his feet on the ground, a direct opposite to Delenn, a notion compounded by the fact that they’re the only two not smiling with their teeth in the photo, and the furthest from one another. This could be interpreted as G’Kar is enamored with the idea of the death of the enemy race in the same manner Delenn was when she was the newest member of the Grey Council- something she tries to put behind her as much as possible. It could also be a tie to being the most grounded and “down-to-earth” of the characters. He’s also not focused on the photographer as he’s staring at Delenn. There are multiple ways in which this could be interpreted, especially as everyone else’s attention is directed at the camera, but it keeps Delenn as the focal point of the picture.
Alright, here’s everyone’s favorite character endowed with a shrapnel of a moral compass outside of his attaché: Londo Mollari. He’s in the moment, enjoying himself, but is it because he has attention or because it’s a good photo-op for the Prime Minister of the Centauri Republic? There’s not much of a variation between his behavior and the average of the others, so I have less conclusions to draw, but given G’Kar’s expression, he’s genuinely having a good time. 
Now, Garibaldi isn’t actually seated on the bike, unlike everyone else. He’s up higher, like one might do to survey their surroundings. He’s setting distance between himself and Londo, thereby lessening the regulated distance he has with Lochley. This mirrors the way that Garibaldi comes around to apologize to Lochley at the end of the fifth season, and how the distance between Garibaldi and Londo is increased as Garibaldi returns to Mars with Lise as his permanent companion, a contrast to Londo’s permanent companion, the Drakh Keeper. Lise keeps Garibaldi away from alcohol, Londo is dependent on it for his freedom.
Lochley doesn’t have her feet on the pedals, she’s taking up less space. She’s not contributing to the maneuvering of the bike so much as she is its stability. She’s squatting, something one might do to gain easier access to a smaller space, or how one might attempt to approach someone / something that would otherwise find it intimidating. She’s the only one without her hands on the bars, too, it’s very “Look, no hands!”- the absence of the necessity for control is exactly why she has such control. Her hands are just in her lap, as if she just wants to start a dialogue- the approach she uses both with Bester and Garibaldi. She sit further back in her seat, towards Garibaldi and away from Sheridan. 
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: he’s in-between his ex-wife and his wife. He’s in-between his past and his future. His link is just barely visible, the last of his attachment to the station (as the station a military base, and as John a soldier) as it fades into the history books. He’s got neither of his feet on the peddles because he wants to live in the moment. His Wife Guy™ Face is diluted not because of the presence of his ex-wife, but because of Delenn’s possessiveness- the last time someone took away an important man in her life, she instigated a war. 
She’s everything, including the focal point of this photo- ironic, since a basic of photography is the Rule of Three. 
Alright now that I’ve gotten Some Thoughts™ out of my system: LET’S TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRICIATE HOW MUCH SHE’S LEANED INTO JOHN’S CHEST, OKAY? GIRLBOSS x MALEWIFE and I’m here for it. (That’s Delenn’s Atonement™ face, and we all know it.) She’s got her hand on John’s horn and she knows it.  Her legs are sticking out, a contrast to Lochley’s crouching.
Many, if not most bicycles, have triangular frames, since triangles are the strongest shape. Delenn is the frame of the Interstellar Alliance. She created it, she served as both vice president and president. She supports John, and therefore everyone around them, much like the bicycle is the support and the unifying force of everyone on it. (That’s not even touching her roles as Satai or Ambassador or Entil’Zha / Anla’Shok Na.) There’s still the part where a bicycle is a means of transportation, and therefore transition. She’s even wearing the dress she wears on the White Star- you know, where they’re going from point A to point B... in literal moments of transition? Delenn may be the biggest motif for transition in any form of media, especially a “cisgender” character (as the voice-altering technology wouldn’t allow for proper masculine characterization). 
Final Notes:
The dynamics are reflected so well in this photo, it’s amazing
There’s so much hot potato with the two collective brain cells in this photo
Sheridan and Delenn are literally holding hands in this photo and that's nothing additional for me to comment on as part of the analysis itself when everything is so obviously presented, but I love them very much and I needed to bring it up
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earako · 2 months
So uh...
re-worked that Filbrick piece...
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
Write a fic with Finch/Crutchie and Buttons/ Elmer romance.
Call that Crunchy Butter.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
i saw family (one of my cousins, but not the one i'm fighting with) for the first time in a month and it actually went well
i am pleasantly surprised
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thebaffledcaptain · 1 year
also very Bothered by people who post about how “historical figures were real people!!1!” and then go right back to blorboifying them left and right. like. it doesn’t mean anything if you just Say it
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phosphoenolpyruvat · 1 year
imho those tone indicators are useless af. bc who can remember all those abbreviations, yk? it's so hard like wtf? idgi wdym??? what am i supposed to do, look them up or ask? lol. iirc MY generation always spelled everything out. and afaik they do nothing. idk it's just annoying and don't tell me I'm wrong cuz idc. so pls stop using them thx. smh
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chesthighwater · 1 year
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edit: it's finished! read here<3
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ineloquent-creature · 6 months
love when i feel a physical emotion & it literally makes me not breathe thank u god cool
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brokenhardies · 7 months
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sleepingfancies · 2 years
i gave mortimer chronic knee problems so that every time my knee has a fit im motivated to write a chapter in his pov
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