officesuppliez · 6 months
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trans rights african forest buffalo I love you
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turns-out-its-adhd · 6 months
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queenoftheantz · 5 months
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Happy Secret Samol @handbasketofdreams !
So I did go a little bit weird with this years gift.... I did do art! But I also recorded a.... fan episode? Of Americas Playground! It's 1.5h of me alone playing mall kids and recording myself doing voices in a little fan adventure! I'm no professional podcaster (as you can hear), but sometimes you have an idea but don't have time for a 20 page comic and you are not a fic writer, so you gotta do what you gotta do!
You can listen to it here!
The kids are back at the pier- for the Christmas market! And this time it's no air baloon, it's a carousel! Or it would be, if not all the carousel horses had been stolen.... and now there's a mall detective sneaking around, messing up all kind of things.... Eluise, Melinda, Cattie, Sank and Pomp (and the immortal doll and Princeton of course) have to find the horses so they can have a peacful Christmas!
And if you don't want to listen, here are some sketches!
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All the music is from Freesound.org!
merrygoround efteling 338 pm 220229 by Klankeeld
street organ by breviceps
hull fair carousel 3 songs by sonic ranger
carnival and crowd ambience by ev dawg
cartoon horse by martian
horse cantering on bricks owi by gingerhoney
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mendelmakes · 1 year
I've started painting my keyboard with some of my favorite aquatic bois
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respectthepetty · 3 months
23.5 has every single 'like' covered:
She likes everyone
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She likes no one
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She likes girls
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He likes boys
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She likes both
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Everyone likes her
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Everyone likes him
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No one likes him
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And I'm in love with her because she's gonna pair all these kids up like her name is Noah and she has a ship ark to sail.
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Call this the Love Boat because I'm shipping them all!
Bonus: They like each other
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It's canon to me.
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verm1c1de · 2 months
im stupid. people on the internet have already made things
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froths at the mouth.
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kiern · 1 year
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she is my man he is my woman
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nbnbd · 1 year
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I cried at the altar of Charro
happy pride
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frogisol · 1 year
I rly just spent an entire week hunkered by my pc learning After Effects out of pure love for this anime huh
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ladysisyphus · 1 month
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Shousetsu Bang*Bang Issue 108: Another Round
cover by Viy Sitante
Everything’s Easy, Side B, by Domashita Romero (地下ロメロ)
Arctic butterflies, by Someone Else
An Unexpected Mole, by Kit Miller *
A Little Bit Louder and a Little Bit Worse, by Iron Eater *
Accidentals, by Greta Jia-Kang Cabrel
Make It Last, by Suzuran
The Dictionary of Daily Wants, by Hyakunichisou 13 (百日草 十三)
Come As You Are, by H.P. Lovecock (力。下。愛ちんちん) *
He who Bleeds, by Shrimp King
never love someone who could love someone like me, by shukyou (主教) *
Right now, when you read one of our stories (for free), you’ll get another sequel story for the low, low price of absolutely nothing! That’s right: Two (or more!) tales of smutty queer romance, bringing back characters and scenarios you’ve been missing, from the writers you love — and all at absolutely no cost to you!
No code necessary! No purchase necessary! Act now to get your sequel-packed new issue of Shousetsu Bang*Bang and get ready to revisit some of your old favorites in new situations!
Participants must be 18 or older, or at least willing to lie about it, we’re not fucking narcs. Void where prohibited by some pearl-clutching bullshit law somewhere, probably. Offer does not apply to one of the stories in the issue, which is a completely standalone story, because that’s the joke. Readers of this issue do not have to have read the original stories, but it probably helps. Management is not responsible for any new kinks you discover about yourself while reading. Terms and conditions apply. Leave comments for the creators. See our website for details. We love you.
Hi there! Since the Shousetsu Bang*Bang Tumblr has been deleted without explanation or follow-up, I'm posting this issue announcement from my personal blog.
Are you a fan of original queer content? Do you like steamy stories where people fall in love and also touch each other's naked parts? Does it make you happy to see illustrations of such things? Do you like all these things best when they're completely free, unencumbered by ads or algorithms, handmade and delivered to you by the same webzine that's been doing this since 2005?
Then friend, I have the perfect thing for you.
If you like what we do, and you'd like to see us keep going, here's what you can do to help:
Read the new issue!
Leave comments on the new issue telling the creators that you appreciate their hard work!
Tell your friends (which includes reblogging this post)!
Consider signing up to participate in our June issue!
Thanks, everybody!
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td-tbbg-official · 2 months
edit: THE FIRST TD:TBBG CHAPTER IS OUT!!! go read it now! :3
“Sorry for the radio silence, folks! Things have been hectic on the production end, but I promise we’re on the right track!
“In fact, we are so on the right track, that I can make an exciting announcement...”
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The first chapter of Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations drops Friday, April 26th, at 12 PM EST!
“That’s right, folks! We’re coming at ya live from Camp Wawanakwa this Friday!”
“Eh, Chris, it’s not exactly live...”
“I know, darling, it’s just a saying.”
“Also, won’t this make production slower?”
“Eh? Why would that be?”
“Well, the episodes aren’t all done being edited, and our production team has their own business besides the show. When will episodes drop?”
“Well, we won’t have an exact schedule - they will drop when I feel like it. After all, we have lives outside of the show.”
“Hm, fair enough. I guess I should gather the crew to keep on editing.”
“Yeah, yeah, go. I gotta film an outro.”
You excited yet? I know I am! Make some noise and show your support by subscribing to canonically47 on AO3 and tuning in for...
ooc note
launching TD:TBBG is super exciting! it’s been months since i started promoting this project, so finally getting to publish it feels amazing!
please be understanding with me while i put out the fic. i am a busy high school student with extracurriculars, volunteer work, hobbies, a social life and many other things to handle. this fic will be written out of pure pleasure and new chapters will drop whenever i feel like it. i ask that you are patient with me on this journey <3
well, with that said... are you ready for friday? 👀
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jacklesversebingo · 5 months
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We’re almost at the midway point for Round One of the Bingo!
I’m very grateful to all the participants and followers supporting this event. Because I’ve been having so much fun with this, I would like to open this round for late sign-ups.
The sign-up form will be open from February 1 through February 14, 2024. New participants will receive a 3 x 3 card. Sample Cards
Please read the Guidelines/Rules and FAQs before signing up.
The bingo is open to all creatives—artists and authors, gif, video, and aesthetic makers.
What characters can I create for?
Jason Teague (Smallville)
Jake Gray (Devour)
Priestly (Ten Inch Hero)
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine 3D)
Dean Winchester (SPN/The Winchesters)
Jack Durfy (Buddy Games)
Soldier Boy/Ben (The Boys)
Beau Arlen (Big Sky)
Jensen RPF is also welcome.
Followers also have an option to participate—no sign-up necessary. Spread joy and use the All About Ackles bingo card to help show your love for all the wonderful creations posted on the @jacklesversebingo blog.
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jlf23tumble · 2 months
Jen! First quarter of 2024 is somehow already in the bag??? Confounding, uncalled for, devastating. Care to share your fav fics so far this year to distract us from the unrelenting passage of time? Filthy or otherwise 🙏
LMAO, I love this request, Q1 fic, incoming! It's been...a quarter, and even going into Q2 feels mildly insane, so here's a grab bag of what I've read and loved, from January 2, 2024-April 2, 2024. Not sure what fandom you're after, so I'll split it between the D and other:
The D:
@dirtythirtyfest, just GOD, all of these were so good.
drabble: open and drabble: full, daddyalphalouisbabyomegaharry, <1k
April Drools!, @uhoh-but-yeah-alright, 1.4k
Hot Hearts, @jaerie, 2.3k
wings and rainbows, anonymous, 3.2k
pretty please?, @disgruntledkittenface, 3.4k
This Is Not the End, @littleroverlouis, 4.4k
nothing to do with fate, matchmesidney, 1.6k
Intolerable Craving, objectlesson, 3.6k (honestly ALL of this series)
beauty of the harm, objectlesson, 12k
The Enchanted Tiki Room, objectlesson, 24k
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
It is a Prowl Day, so I feel like I should mention him in Propagate. I mentioned briefly that he is also carrying and in denial. Basically, most things follow Canon, but Prowl after the Tyrest Incident when he almost died and wasn't found by the Autobots sought to comfort and comfort from them. It ended with him carrying, which he didn't think was possible due to how CCs were constructed given how rare it was with a governmentally steralized species.
He isn't fully aware of it, just experiencing a lot of high stress needs to den and avoid thos ehe doesn't trust behaviors and even more wary of others.
The Dark Cybertron Arc occurs, and Megatron's Trial, but when Optimus invites him, Prowl declines. He has genuinely lost trust in Optimus in a lot of ways and is noting his instability, and his entire body screams DANGER, though he isn't consciously recognizing it.
Now Cybertron has to deal with an increasingly shut in devstated Prowl who is convinced he's dying while the Constructicons are trying to figure out a delicate way to get him to admit the obvious (to them) because the Carrier is the one who announces it culturally and him not doing it yet is semi rejecting them so they are trying to prove their worth and get him to acknowledge them. He's giving them mixed signals as he is responding well to things, but then catches himself. He blames his instinct to trust them on the gestalt bond and it upsets him more.
Society takes a sharp left turn when Phase Seven is announced, and there is a confusing reaction (for those not in the know) from the Decepticon Populace who, accept this as the reason Megatron went Autobot and immediately start being more actively courting Autobots and Neutrals. Even more its working and everyone is dealing with a baby boom.
Tarantulas eventually still happens and kidnaps Prowl, forcing him to accept what is really happening. Due to changes though the Constructicons are the ones who come running and Prowl hesitates when Tarantulas asks and is emotionally compromised enough to admit Ostaros/Springer lived and he has been keeping an eye on him since. This changes the direction of this conversation and when Arcee and the Wreckers and Kup (who got pinged by panicking Sires) arrives Prowl gives it away and there is a whole messy family reunion and everything takes on very different tones with Verity just judging the entire time. The Constructicons are bristling and holding Prowl who accepts it and very quietly informs them he is carrying and they are over the moon.
Prowl cannot make himself go back to Cybertron and Starscream's rule, and the Constructicons don't blame him. He considers going to Earth but sees Optimus decide annexing it is a sane reaction and turns away. They head towards Luna-1 because Prowl is still needing to eliminaye threats and he leaves Tarantulas a contact and does not order he be eliminated not that it would work.
On the way a situation occurs and Prowl gets separated from the Constructicons who are freaking out and runs into the Scavengers who end up delaing with him giving birth while being attacked by slavers who want to sell the baby Cybertronians. Grimlock and Spinister help him with Grimlock specifically carefully carrying one, the future Grimlock II, back to Prowl.
He names them afterwards.
Sentinel happens with the addition of the Constructicons and commentary on Prowl’s "abominations" (babies) and Prowl dens down on Luna-1 making awkward friends with the Moon Husbands who think he is just enough of a sad sack to pity and is covered in children.
Tarantulas eventually ends up calling up Prowl instead of Overlord and they reminisce and Prowl thinks up a reciprocity since Mesothulas didn't get to raise a child Prowl should give him one so he attempts to seduce and babytrap Tarantulas who sort of bluescreens about it. Fort Max is the one who sits Prowl down and goes hey body please use words after the third time he catches Prowl in the closet with the "spider monster" that Red Alert warned them about and Prowl explains the logic. Fortress Maximus has become that friend who helps Prowl be less an asshole and articulate his feelings and forces him to verbalize them.
He, Tarantulas, and the Constructicons discuss their future and plans and the Constructicons explain yeah they love Prowl and he's Gestalt and theirs but they can tell he has some weird complicated feelings he needs to resolve and they are fine with the spiderbot and appreciate the warning because they've been having some weird sex dreams lately.
Blackarachnia happens by the time anyone finally realizes where the "missing" Prowl ended up.
Of course he's carrying and in denial about it yep yep, typical Prowl move
yk Prowl under more stress is probably something nobody needs, goddamn he's gotta be terrifying
A lack of Prowl at the trial has gotta lead to interesting consequences! Makes sense he lost trust in Optimus, Prowl isn't doing so well
So Prowl's losing it and the constructicons are trying to help but they kiiinda don't know what to do, makes sense the gestalt bond would register them as safe™️
I cannot properly explain the sheer sound I made when I read "when phase seven was announced"
My godddd is that gonna cause fun results because all the other phases were rather unpleasant, but this part? Oh dear Primus is this gonna cause so many funny interactions between decepticons who Know and the autobots and neutrals who Do Not Know. Megatron did not intend on this when defecting, but ykw it could've been worse. It could have been worse. I mean, this definitely changes how mecha are gonna see the moderately confused Megatron and the far too elated Tarn. Tarn, such a force for horribleness, endorsing creation.
Ooo on the Tarantulas event still happening and him immediately noticing Prowl is carrying and well Tara Mc No Filter is definitely gonna bring it up. Makes sense in this case the constructicons are the ones coming for him this time, which has gotta cause interesting results.
Verity is judging so much
So so much
Prowl: fine I'm pregnant
Verity, who has eyes and can see this: nice to see you've caught up with the rest of us
So Cybertron is a no go, Earth is a no go, so off to Luna-1 they go time to have some babies on the moon. Moon babies yet again
[this action will have consequences later on]
So the scavs 100% help, Prowl babies love being born at the exact wrong time don't they. Aw on Grimlock with just a tiny little constructiprowl sparkling.
The moon husbands have several opinions about this but those opinions are somewhat in the positive, "nice to see someone loves Prowl, must be lonely to be the only ones" just.
A sad sack of pity and covered in children
oh Prowl.
Tara: ykw I'm gonna try the whole parenthood thing again and Prowl did give me his number after all
Poor Red Alert, he probably thought he was losing it again but nope nope it's real, the "spider monster" is real babygirl and don't worry destruction is the opposite of what's on his mind right now
I like to think Fort Max gave them the most tired stare after catching Tara and Prowl. Just. MN YES, HE'S NOT SO SURE THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BEND LIKE THAT. The idea of Fortress Maximus actually helping Prowl be a better person is amazing, because fuck knows someone's gotta do it.
They do honestly need to have a thorough, thorough talk, and I like to think the moon husbands are lightly but consistently pushing them to talk about figuring stuff out. This actually brings up cool things regarding how being in a gestalt affects having a non gestalt partner, I'm stashing this away for Broadwings Universe KOBD and Stunticons reasons.
And all of this went down while only two large handfuls of people knew where Prowl was
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notruevampire · 10 months
Turn your heart to the stars
Fun fact: Those of us taught the "nine planets" thing between 1979-1999 were lied to (in a way). Not just because of Pluto's weird status, but because it was the eighth planet from the sun during those two decades. Its orbit is so off kilter to the rest of the planets that it switches positions (relative to the sun, not orbits) with Neptune.
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And remember kids, Pluto isn't a planet unless Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris are, too! Ceres was discovered 129 years before Pluto (1801 vs 1930), Eris is slightly bigger (and was going to become the 10th planet, which sparked the need for further classification in what constitutes a planet), Makemake and Haumea are bigger than Ceres.
Ceres and Makemake* doesn't have [known] moons, so maybe you can ignore them for being little and moonless (rude--Ceres was originally classified as a planet, just like Pluto!), but Eris definitely deserves its name remembered. *(Makemake does have a known moon!)
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We may actually have up to fifty dwarf planets (which are still planets, just little) in our solar system, and either a massive exoplanet that we can't see yet or a teeny black hole (5cm) out past Neptune, based on the same kind of data that originally found Pluto! (It wasn't actually seen for quite a while after its existence was hypothesized by its effects on the orbits of Neptune and Uranus).
Anyway, hope you enjoyed learning with me!
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pand0monium · 10 months
oh my god you're so annoying. do you want to kiss
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