feelingtheaster99 · 1 year
I am so happy that Brennan finally got to spout his own fun animal facts at Hank during gameplay!!!
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caraphernellie · 1 year
truly, madly, deeply // a.a.
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there was nothing you loved more than your job. you were so passionate about it - you loved books so dearly. you loved reading, spreading knowledge, and helping others.
being a librarian was the perfect job. it was a quiet environment and it combined many of the things you loved. it didn’t matter whether you were working behind the scenes cataloguing books, or if you were at the front desk working circulation, or if you were simply shelving books into their correct spaces - you loved it. it was stress free, and the conversations you got to have with customers were pleasant and made you excited.
one particularly chilly and rainy autumn morning, you were working circulation when a very pretty stranger walked up to you. you’d not seen her before, but you knew she must be a regular given the way she immediately placed down both the book and her library card gently before you.
you smiled sweetly at her, trying not to tremble as you picked up her book to scan. she was so pretty you seemed to be getting nervous.
she was all muscle and height, but she didn’t act that way. she was so gentle to you.
eyeing the cover of the book as you turned it over to scan, you spoke up. “i’ve not read this one yet. it’s on my reading list though.”
it was a sapphic novel, and you knew you had to say something - it was the perfect way to try and hint that you liked girls. it was not always obvious to people so you had to take any chance you had.
she laughed politely as you scanned her card, and you took note of her name. abigail anderson.
“it’s been on my list for a while, too,” she admitted, scratching her neck. you almost fell apart over her voice alone - you didn’t know if it was her voice in general, or the way she tried to speak lowly as to not disturb other patrons in the library.
you nodded and passed back her book and card. “they’re all yours until next week. i guess you’ll have to tell me what you thought of the book. an honest review might motivate me to move it up on my list.”
she looked you up and down once more, taking the book from your hands.
“i guess i will, then.”
and with what happened next, you felt your eyes practically turn into love hearts. it was so small, but said so much.
she put the book into a fucking book pouch.
most people wouldn’t think twice about it- but people who take care of their books are huge, huge green flags.
especially when you work a job where you see hundreds of people shove a book into their bag or even drop the book on the floor before even walking out of the building.
with rain gently spattering the windows of the library you glanced at her one last time for the day. if you had self restraint, that is.
“have a good day.”
“you too,” she replied, a pleasant smile on her face.
as she walked out of earshot, suddenly your coworker beside you broke down into quiet giggles.
“you should see how red you are!” they quietly laughed, pointing at your cheeks. “and what a great attempt at flirting that was!”
your face burned in embarrassment as you gasped. “shut up, ezra. she was… she was totally digging it, right?”
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of course, for the entire week that pretty stranger had not left your mind. if anything, she consumed every little space in your mind. you were up pacing at two in the morning some nights, hoping it really was the start of something special, or if it was just another dumb, unrealistic dream your imagination had come up with.
some might say romanticising every part of your life is a blessing, or a beautiful quality to have. but to you, it was just something that came with being a bookworm, your mind filling with cliches and maladaptive thoughts over everything until you went insane.
it was exhausting.
ezra hadn’t forgot, either. they teased you everyday, letting you know that it was a day closer to when you would see abby again.
ezra also knew a bit more about abby than you did, as they worked the circulation desk more than you did on the days abby would come in, and they didn’t hesitate to tell you what would be very helpful information.
abigail, or abby, as she preferred, which ezra had told you, came in weekly to borrow and return primarily classics and sapphic lit.
she was perfect. probably the dreamiest human being ever. tall, buff, and she had good taste in literature.
today was the day! you’d been looking forward to this tuesday for the whole week, but you had this horrible feeling inside of you, too - what if it went wrong?
to ezra’s knowledge, abby was single, so you didn’t have to worry about that, but still - what if she didn’t even like you in general?
what if she didn’t show up at all?
and that was how you knew you were being delusional about this whole thing - you had one conversation that lasted a minute. and now you wondered if she even cared as much as you did, or if she had literally forgotten about you.
it felt like you were staring at the clock all day long, taking note of every time an hour passed.
she didn’t come.
at the end of the day, you tried not to look disappointed as you got ready to leave. you grabbed your umbrella, noticing the pouring rain.
you couldn’t help but feel like maybe you were overreacting, but the miserable rain said exactly how you felt on the inside.
you stepped over orange leaves soaked into the road as you walked to your car and thought about her again.
you just wanted your happily ever after already.
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abby had no idea what had gotten into her - she really spent all of last night writing a spoiler-free review of some dumb romcom for the cute librarian. reading romcoms was typical for her, sure, but writing an in depth, spoiler free review? for the cute librarian?
unusual behaviour, for sure, but there was no way she would let whatever this was lead to a dead end. and as abby was walking towards the door of the library, crunching leaves in her path on a day that finally wasn’t raining, she realised she had forgotten something.
she mumbled a curse quietly to herself as she grabbed the paper she’d typed up and printed out, leaning against the wall and fishing through her bag for a pen.
she finally found one, scribbling down her name and number in what she hoped was legible handwriting, drawing a small heart next to it.
with a small nod at herself she finally mustered the courage to walk through the doors. she paused for a second in defeat, spotting the front desk with no sign of you there. fuck. how embarrassing, she mused.
she’d seen you shelving a few times in the past when she’d come, and admired you from a distance. she was praying to god that that was the case today.
she walked up to ezra, who she’d seen many times, to return the book. they gave her a knowing smile.
abby nervously returned the smile, turning back to walk upstairs. she held the paper so delicately in her hand, trying her best not to crease it, and fiddled with her braid in the other hand.
as she reached the top of the stairs, she was so relieved upon seeing your checkered brown blazer that she almost jumped in the air.
this was the hard part - getting the courage to speak to you. she almost didn’t want to disturb you while you were working, you just looked so cute in the dark lighting, searching through the classifications to find the right spot for every book you shelved.
until she noticed you struggle to lean up and push in a book on the highest shelf. that was her chance.
“hey, you need help?” she asked, walking over and leaning a little closed to you. she cringed a little at the way she sounded, so shaky and nervous for no reason - it’s not like you were going to laugh at her.
you jumped a little, looking at her, unable to stop a wide smile from crossing your face.
“if that’s okay- i just have some trouble with the high shelves sometimes…”
“of course, no big deal.” abby suddenly felt a bit more confident, taking the book from your hands gently. “where am i putting it?”
you pointed up high at a little gap you had created. “just up there, thank you-”
“hey, it’s no problem,” abby said as she shelved the book with ease, then leaned down to squeeze your shoulder. she liked the way you suddenly grew bashful over that. “i know i was supposed to come in yesterday- i needed an extra day to finish…”
“oh! that’s alright,” you laughed off, suddenly feeling a bit dumb. of course she needed an extra day to finish. why hadn’t you thought of that? “one extra day’s not bad. so how was the book?”
now abby didn’t exactly know what to say - she knew there was a chance she’d come across weird. she rehearsed this a million times and yet she strayed so far from the script she’d made in her head.
“uh- s-so i had like a lot of thoughts about it and- i mean, i don’t know, there was a lot to say. so i kinda wrote a- a review? no spoilers, don’t worry! i just-”
“no way!” you exclaimed, a wide smile on your face. you realised you were a little loud then, trying to calm down. “that’s really nice! thank you-”
“it’s no biggie,” abby mumbled shyly, handing you the written review and rubbing the back of her neck. she was close enough that she could smell your perfume - a warm, vanilla scent, almost like cookies.
she couldn’t help the small smirk that played at her lips when she noticed you stutter and pause when you saw her number at the bottom of the page.
“i- thank you- i’ll read it when i get home,” you said, a quiet giggle accompanying it. everything about you drove abby insane.
“you got any recommendations for what i should read this week?” abby asked.
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Hi hi request time
Optimus x reader
The reader is a librarian and works at the local library. There she met a guy named Orion( optimus in holo form as a secret experiment of dwelling among humans) and often talked to him about things. She is also a part of team prime and has a huge crush on Optimus but never approaches him for obvious reasons. So she confines with Orion about her feelings for optimus and makes him aware of her feelings for which he feels guilty and starts to see her in a different light
Now comes another guy into the picture
I want u to make Optimus jealous as hell enough to make him confess his feelings with a passionate kiss which will cause her to faint in his arms.
Ps: make him panic as she faints in his arms and later being chewed out by Rachet as it seems he has broken her by that kiss
Optimus was unsure where to go in the human town. He'd driven through a few times, but now that he was of the appropriate size to enter buildings, he didn't know which one to go to. There were just so many and he didn't want to get it wrong.
Perhaps it was luck or fate, but he found his way to a large building with a sign posted above labeling it saying 'Public Library'. He may not know a lot about human things, but he at least knows what a library is. He also knows someone who works there.
He entered and instantly saw you sitting at the desk. Your familiar face instantly soothed his unease about being in unfamiliar territory. He walked over to the desk about to greet you as he would normally back at the base. You looked up and spotted him.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" You smiled sweetly. You had not seen this man before, you wondered if perhaps he was new to town.
It took Optimus only a second to remember he was wearing a different face, you did not know what his holoform looked like, so it made sense that you did not recognize him. He was about to explain it was him, Optimus. But then remembered Ratchet telling him not to tell anyone. They didn't need anyone recognizing their holoforms as it could ruin their cover.
"Just browsing." Optimus smiled back.
"Let me know if you need any help finding something." You said, then got back to your duties.
Optimus was happy to see you, you were always so kind and helpful. He wandered around the library for a little, reading through a few that looked interesting. Mostly about Earth's history, or politics. Eventually, he found his way back to your desk.
"Find everything you were looking for?" You asked.
"Actually, I was wondering, if you could recommend something." Optimus asked.
"Sure, what genre are you looking for?"
"What's your favorite?"
"Oh that's a tough one." You laughed. "There are so many good choices. But let's see." You walked away from the desk, walking through the shelves of books. You scanned over each book until you found one.
"Here. I think this is a pretty good one for someone who is open to anything." You handed over the book. Optimus took the book from your hand gently.
"Thank you."
You smiled and headed back to your desk. Optimus found a seat and began reading. After many years of being a clerk, Optimus was a very fast reader. And a couple of hours later, he was done. He took the book back over to you.
"This was a great recommendation, I enjoyed it." Optimus stated.
"You're done already?" You were shocked. Optimus nodded. "Wow, you read faster than I do. Uhm, I am glad you liked it. This author has a few more if you like."
"Thank you." Optimus chuckled. He had never been complimented on his reading ability before.
"What's your name?" You asked. Optimus had a slight panic, unable to think of any human names.
"Nice to meet you. Are you new to town?" You greeted.
"I am. I just moved here. What about you?" Optimus tried to direct the conversation back to you, hoping it would stop you from asking too many questions.
"No, I've been here my whole life." You answered.
"Do you enjoy working here?"
"I do. I love books and reading, so this is pretty much a dream job for me. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk," Optimus replied, using some semi-truth as he used to be. So he didn't feel like he was lying to you. "What else do you do around here?"
"I generally spend time with my friends after work."
Optimus wondered if you were talking about him and the other Autobots. Or perhaps some human friends he didn't know about.
"Well it was really nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I have to close up." You apologized.
"Of course. Have a good night." Optimus left and headed back to base. It wasn't long until you arrived at the base as well. Optimus smiled as he saw you, he wanted to talk to you about the book he read. But he knew he had to keep his holoform activities a secret.
For the next week, Optimus kept going to the library, reading books that you suggested. Then he would go to the front desk to discuss them with you. He enjoyed your time together and found that you both had a lot more in common than he originally thought.
Once again he entered the library, your happy face bringing a smile to his.
"You look very happy today." He commented as you seemed much chipper than before.
"Oh, well I guess I am." You giggled.
"May I ask why?" Optimus was intregued. He had spoken to you yesterday in his bot form, about other things. But you seemed like your normal self. And now you seem a lot more bubbly.
"Well, uh. It's this guy that I like. I spent ages with him yesterday, and it was just a really good time. It was so nice to spend some time with him and talk to him. It's kind of rare getting alone time with him, so it was amazing." You explained. Optimus wondered who you were talking about, and who was the mystery guy you enjoyed spending time with.
"That sounds like a pleasant time. Is this someone you are fond of?" Optimus was intrigued to know more about someone who could make you grin so much. You blushed in response.
"I guess you could say that yes. I really like him, you could say I have a little crush on him." You brushed some hair behind your ear, a nervous habit. The thought of your crush makes you blush more. "It's kind of funny, and a coincidence really but his name begins with O too."
Optimus thought about it, it must really be a coincidence that you knew so many people with an O name. Then it began to click, was it possible you meant him. Maybe, but he had to be sure.
"What's he like?" Optimus asked.
"Tall, smart, he's a wise leader that takes care of his friends and looks out for everyone. Really trustworthy and just someone you can look up to." You sighed, picturing Optimus as the tall bot you knew.
Optimus blushed, he didn't know you viewed him like that. Or that you felt that way about him, but he felt flattered. He could see the way you smiled as you thought about him, and it made him feel warm and happy.
"Have you thought about telling him?"
"Oh no, I couldn't! I don't think he feels the same way, and I don't want to ruin anything." You admitted. "I am content just being around him."
Optimus thought you were so sweet, and they way you blushed when you talked about him was cute.
"Anyway, would you like another book recommendation?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, please."
Later that night, at base Optimus couldn't keep his eyes off you. He kept thinking about how you felt, and how guilty he felt that he knew, but you could never know. Optimus watched you more closely, watching the way your face lit up when you saw him, the way you fidgeted with your clothes when you spoke to him. They way you sounded happier and livelier when you spoke to him than with the other bots. It was all adorable. As he watched you and listened to your voice and your lovely laugh, his spark began to tingle. His frame heated up, in a Cybertronian form of a blush. He had to excuse himself to calm himself down. It didn't take long for him to realize he was starting to have feelings for you.
The next day at the library he saw you again, your bright smiling face illuminated the room and made him enamored. He wanted to say something but couldn't. He couldn't tell you who he was. He was worried telling you who he was after all this time may upset you, as it may seem like he was lying to you this whole time. And he did not want to upset you.
Optimus walked straight over to the books, distracting himself with trying to find something to read. He wanted to talk to you, but he knew talking to you would make his spark beat fast. Optimus grabbed a random book and took it, going to use it as an excuse to start a conversation. Then he heard you laugh, a loud joyful laugh that made him feel fuzzy and warm. He smiled and walked to the front, only to find you talking to another human male.
The man was leaning on the desk, talking to you. You laughed as he spoke. Optimus felt a rush of jealousy, something he had not felt for many years. At first, he was not going to do or say anything, he knew how you felt about him. The human male could not sway your mind so easily. But then the man touched your shoulder and tried to lean in towards you. Optimus quickly scurried over and began pulling you away.
"Orion? Is everything ok?" You asked as you were dragged from the desk towards the back of the library.
Optimus thought about the words he was about to say, wanting it to be perfect.
"I want to apologize, I had to keep this a secret to make sure my cover was safe. And that you would be kept safe from not knowing. But I can't keep it secret anymore. I have to tell you because I have to tell you how I feel. It is me, Optimus, this is my holoform. I'm sorry I have deceived you, but I have to tell you now because I want you to know that I have come to be very fond of you. Over these last few weeks I have seen you in a brighter light, you have shown me how truly beautiful and amazing you are and I have fallen for you." Optimus then gently cupped your face in his hands and pulled you forward into a loving and passionate kiss.
He pulled back to see your shocked face. A split second later you fainted, falling into his arms. Optimus caught you, slowly lowering you to the floor. He panicked, having no idea what happened. He was terrified he had done something wrong and hurt you. He quickly picked you up and rushed outside, to his truck mode. He placed you inside and quickly raced you back to base. He quickly transformed, asking Ratchet to look you over, as he gently held you in his servos.
You were still unconscious while Ratchet demanded to know what happened and what Optimus did to cause you to be unconscious. Ratchet's telling off made Optimus feel worse about the situation. He should have known better than to ambush you like that.
Eventually, you woke up. Coming too on an empty berth with Optimus sitting by your side. He smiled as he watched you open your eyes.
"Did you confess to me?" You asked, your voice quiet as you slowly came to.
"I did." Optimus admitted, feeling guilty. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have."
"No, I am glad you did. And I am glad I didn't just dream it." You sat up, now fully awake. You scooched closer to Optimus and placed your hand on his servo. "I feel the same way. But I guess you already know that." You laughed.
Optimus smiled, glad that you were not angry at him. Thankful that you still felt the same way about him. After all this, he was glad he decided to go into the library as his holoform. It turned out to be one of the best choices he ever made.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Secret Spot
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Summary: The secret spot.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Reader
Warnings: just fluff, mentions of his business, established relationship 
A/N: I love soft mafia Bucky. So, you will all suffer with me...
Part 3
Soft Spot masterlist
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“Doll, where are we going?” Bucky sighs as you harshly tug at his wrist. 
“You must see this, Bucky. It’s perfect…”
You want him to follow toward a shop, hidden at the end of an alley. He frowns as the store looks a little…shabby. The windows have cracks, the door has seen better days, and in front of it stands a box filled with old books… 
“Ah, I get it. You found another bookstore.”
“No!” You drop your hand from his wrist to cup his face with both hands. “Bucky, that’s not just an ordinary bookstore. It’s the one I visited when I was a little girl.”
At that, Bucky smiles. He softly says your name, as you keep on babbling about how much you love the store. “They give away books for free too, look.” You point at the box which has seen better days.
“What did you say last time?” He dips his head to glance at the books. “You cannot buy another book.”
“But…uh…that’s a bookstore, and it’s impolite to not buy a book if you enter it,” you conclude, and batt your eyelashes. “Let's go inside. I’ll show you my secret spot.”
“Secret spot?” Bucky furrows his brows. You are adorable to him when you talk about books and your passion for reading. “Let’s go then. I don’t want to miss the chance to see your secret spot.”
You give him a wink. “To more books,” you smirk. “I knew you’ll love it.”
Bucky follows you inside the bookstore. It looks a little better inside, but not much. The shelves look like they are going to fall apart at any time and we don't want to talk about the wallpapers, carpet, and reading corner. “Y/N, be careful. These shelves…”
“Are my dreamland!” you clap your hands. “Look over there.” Pointing at a spot at the far right you grin. “That’s it. My secret spot.” You whisper. “I used to hide there from the world when I was a kid. And sometimes before I met you. I sat on the ground and read books.”
Bucky’s heart wants to burst as you tell him you didn’t need this place since you met him. “It’s a nice bookstore.”
“It’s a wreck of a store,” the owner clicks his tongue. “But it’s all I have.” The elderly owner says. He has seen better days too. His shirt looks worn-out, and his tired eyes tell Bucky he didn’t seel much lately.
“Doll, how about you look at the books,” Bucky whispers, hoping you won’t get lost between the shelves. “I’ll be right there.”
“More books…more books.” You chant like the bookworm you are. “See you later, Bucky Bear.”
And off you go. Bucky watches you, chuckling as you look over your shoulder to blow him a kiss.
“She’s a nice young woman,” the owner says. “My only constant customer. If not for her, I’d close the store.”
“Hmm…” Bucky looks around the store again. “How much longer can you keep the store open?”
“Not much longer, son,” the man shrugs. “It’s…everyone buys books online or at that fancy new store in town. I can’t keep up, young man.”
Looking at you, happily roaming the shelves Bucky sighs. “What if you get a little help? My girl loves this store, so…what do you need?”
The owner gasps. “I…I won’t lend money from you Sir. I can’t pay it back.”
“That’s not what I had in mind,” Bucky shushes the man. “I’ll help you keep the bookstore open, and make sure people will buy their books here, and you will not give up business as long as you want to run the store. If you ever want to close it, I’ll buy it.”
“Young man,” the owner nods knowingly, “you must love that girl with all your heart if you offer to safe my business.”
“I’d do anything for her.”
“I had someone like her once upon a time too,” the owner says. “If it makes your girl happy, I’ll keep the store open.”
“Deal,” Bucky offers his hands. “I’ll send my lawyer this week. You can tell Andy how much money you’ll need to keep the business running and to do some…renovations…” Bucky hands the owner his car. “If you need help, give me a call.”
“Thank you, Sir…”
“BUCKY! Come here! I’ll share my secret spot with you,” you call for your boyfriend, waving your hands. “Hurry!”
“I’m gonna marry that woman,” Bucky grins. He already got the ring. He just needs to prepare the perfect proposal…
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Tags in reblog.
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veronicaphoenix · 7 months
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Enter a world of crime, betrayal, and heartbreak. Upcoming full-length fanfiction featuring Noah Sebastian x Kitsey (og. fem. character) consisting of 3 acts. Coming Summer 2024.
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"Loving means weakness, and your weakness has a name, Noah. Did you think we'd never find out?"
Disclaimer: This story will contain graphic descriptions of violence, including torture and murder, and will involve explicit sex scenes between the two main characters. The story will delve into harsh and delicate themes such as abuse and mental health. The content presented within may be disturbing or triggering to some, so it's obviously intended for mature audiences only. I do not condone or endorse the behaviors depicted in the narrative (except for Noah being a sweetheart to his girl). This work is a fictional piece and does not reflect real-life events or individuals. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
*working title
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Noah has been entangled in a life of crime since his brother Abel’s passing. Forced to right his wrongs and avoid dire consequences, Noah is left with no choice but to commit a series of perilous jobs in order to break free from the chains his own brother left around his neck.  
Amidst the darkness of his life, Noah meets Kitsey, the sweetest creature he’s ever laid eyes on. Awestruck by her bravery and boldness during an unfortunate incident at a party, he falls in love immediately. 
Kitsey, a lovely and passionate librarian with captivating brown eyes, is far from having a perfect life, either. Marked by a troubled childhood, she thinks life would never be truly fair to her. That’s until she meets the most perfect boy: Noah. 
As years pass and their relationship deepens, Kitsey senses that their situation won’t improve unless Noah puts an end to the constant blackmailing he’s facing from the people he’s working for. But Noah is blinded by hope, believing time is on their side. He wants to get his freedom back, and above that, he wants to give Kitsey hers and provide her with everything else she didn’t have as a child.
However, as Kitsey's life hangs in the balance after one of Noah's jobs takes a harrowing turn, Noah faces the crushing reality that his delay in breaking free has put the love of his life in danger, igniting a race against time to save her, uncovering the true cost of his choices and the sacrifices needed to secure a future with his girl.
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Standing on her tiptoes, Kitsey carefully slotted the book into its designated space on the shelf. A faint sight escaped her lips as she successfully nestled it into the snug gap among the other books in the section. She was about to grab the next book from the trolley she’d been pushing through the aisles for the past half-hour when she caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of her eye. A tall, slender figure was approaching from the other side.  
Noah had a soft smile playing on his lips, hands casually tucked into the pockets of his jeans. He was wearing a black jacket, his hair still glistening slightly, as if he had taken a shower not long ago.  
Kitsey’s surprise was evident as she stared at him. He was supposed to be sleeping; it was only eleven in the morning. He had come home at six thirty, and even though that day he had struggled to fall asleep while she got ready for work, typically, he wouldn’t wake up until well past noon, occasionally going to the gym if he woke earlier. It wasn’t uncommon for him to visit her at the library every once in a while. He had never said it, but Kitsey sensed that he enjoyed the serene atmosphere of her workplace and the sight of her engrossed in her tasks. Noah, in fact, adored watching her, his heart swelling with every passing second and each delicate movement of her fingers over the covers of the books. Her presence alone brought him a peace that he hadn’t found anywhere else, ever. 
Today, however, he was there for a different purpose.  
“Noah, what are you d—” Her question was cut short when Noah enveloped her in a warm embrace, his long arms engulfing her.   
Noah’s familiar scent of soap mingling with his cologne brought a comforting sense of security, even in the library where the most threatening danger could be a flame setting the pages of the books on fire. It took her a moment to process the unexpected tender embrace, but as she inhaled his scent, she melted into him, letting his warmth seep through her despite the cold outside.
"I missed my girl, so I thought I'd come see her," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as he drew back slightly to meet her light brown gaze while keeping his arms around her waist. She was dressed in black jeans and a white knitted shirt, a black ribbon holding back some of her hair, her glasses absent. "Any chance I can steal you away for a few minutes and treat you to a hot chocolate?"
His sweet suggestion elicited a smile from Kitsey, making her forget for a while how odd it was that he was up that early and standing there, in one of the library hallways. Surely there was something going on, something nagging at him. She knew him too well after so many years of dating. One way or another, she couldn't keep her fingers from gently playing with the strands of hair at the nape of his neck.
"My next break is in fifty minutes," she informed him.
"I can wait," Noah replied.
"All right, but no following me around like a lost puppy," Kitsey warned, her hand patting his chest.
"I promise," Noah assured her with a grin, lifting a hand in a solemn pledge. "I'll find a good book and wait like an obedient puppy in one of those armchairs."
The sound of her soft little laughter was a balm to his nerves. She was okay. She was safe. She was where she loved to be, in the library, immersed in her work amidst the comforting presence of books. 
Everything was as it should be. 
No need to worry.
Kitsey is safe.
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Snippet 2: Meet Grey
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
req: yes
can you write a Melissa x Reader where reader is the new VP of Abbott and she’s just the most professional person ever. She doesn’t wanna interact with the staff in any way that’s not professional, she’ll refer to them by last name, has lunches in her car, doesn’t try to socialize unless it’s Melissa. Melissa never notices but reader is always lingering to watch her, calls her by her first name, goes out of her way to make sure Mel is never inconvenienced by anything at Abbott. it’s not until maybe Janine or Jacob, hell Gregory even point it out that Mel notices and confronts the reader about it. Reader responds in like the cheesiest way possible, something like “i was down bad for you from the moment i saw you” and Melissa just m e l t s!!
warnings: none
A/N: hello again 🧛🏻‍♀️ i absolutely LOVED this request, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing :)) thank you for all the support !!
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After earning yourself your graduate degree, and interning at schools all over, you found yourself at Abbott Elementary. Despite its hazards here and there, you loved it. You maintain your poise and passion for work each day, staying on task and doing everything you could to help. 
       Being the Vice Principal came with a lot of responsibilities, especially working for Ava Coleman. Over the school year, just like the rest of Abbott, you grew to love her—but that didn’t mean she didn’t give you a headache every week. “Can you not eat in your car for one day and just come with me to this brunch?” Ava begged, but you knew better. “Ms. Coleman, if you’re going on this brunch, somebody has to stay here. Besides, you’ll be fine. I’ve prepared your folder for you and you nailed rehearsals,” you encouraged her. 
       Ava was preparing for a brunch with some people from the district, and as much as you wanted to go and support her, you had to stay. “You’re right, I did kill that last rehearsal. I guess I’ll go alone,” the principal dramatized, and left for her lunch. Walking back, you decided to do a quick sweep before heading into your own office. No harm in checking on everyone, right? You passed Mrs. Howard’s door, noticing her students taking a nap. She saw you through the window, and the two of you exchanged smiles before you parted. 
        “Oh, hey Y/N! I had a question for you,” a small, but loud, voice was heard from behind you. “Hello Ms. Teagues, how can I help you?” You turned to greet her. “You know you can call me Janine, right?” The shorter teacher gave you a friendly smile, and continued.  “Anyways, I was thinking about doing a project with my students, they started this new book and are just loving it! Honestly I was a bit surprised, but I guess when the kids are with me-”
       “The question you had?” You interrupted her. As much as Janine had a soft spot in your heart, you had work to do and a lunch to half-eat. “Right, sorry. Do you think Friday we could use the library?” She asked, shooting you puppy dog eyes. “I don’t see why not. Let me touch base with our librarian that week and make sure, I’ll get back to you.” You answered. 
        “Yay! Okay, I gotta pick my kids up but, thank you!” She yelled as she started to pick up speed down the hallway. You shook your head and smiled to yourself as you continued your walk, but quickly stopped in your tracks. Melissa’s door was open. For whatever reason, Melissa was…different for you. You never interacted much with people from your work life, never have. With Melissa you still kept your physical distance, but that didn’t stop the thoughts in your head that always came back to her. 
       Nervously, you leaned against the door frame and took in her room. She sat in her chair at the front of the room, book in hand, reading to her class. Every few sentences she would pick her head up and glance at her students, and each time you got nervous she would catch you staring. “The vine was alive! It was a long green snake! The snake fell from the tree, it splashed in the water and swam away,” Melissa read aloud. You watched as one of her students stood up from their seat. “Does the snake get Jack? Or Annie?” He asked. “I don’t know hon, that’s why we have to keep reading,” Melissa said to him, and motioned for him to sit back down. 
        “Sorry Ms. Schemmenti,” he apologized, albeit quietly. “That’s alright, I know reading can be very exciting. But let’s regroup, okay?” She regained everyone’s attention so quickly, and you couldn’t help but watch in complete adoration for the woman. You completely missed two teachers walk right behind you. Melissa went to go back to reading, but her head snapped back up immediately as she saw you standing. She waved for you to come in, and continued on. You sat there for the next few minutes, until it was time for her students to go to lunch. “Jacob is coming to get my kids, give me a minute and then I wanna talk to ya,” Melissa said to you as she stood up to get her kids ready. 
         You couldn’t help but study her every movement, the way she walked, the way she bent down to talk to the kids, everything. She had you wrapped around her finger like it was nothing. Melissa was, without a doubt, the highlight of your day. Every day. “So,” she started, pulling you out of your trance. “I need the library on Friday. I’m getting my kids ready for the science fair this year and I wanna try some bigger stuff with them,” she said. You could see the excitement practically glowing off of her as she told you about her plans. How could you say no? “Yeah! That sounds great. If I have time, I’d love to come see what you guys end up doing,” You told her. 
       “Yeah hon, you should swing by. I’d like that,” She responded. You tried desperately to ignore the way your heart pounded when she called you that, and went to make your exit. “It’s a plan. I have to get back to work but, I’ll see you around, Melissa.” She waved goodbye to you, and you went back to your office stomach full of butterflies. 
       Melissa wasn’t far behind you, although she was going in a different direction. She grabbed her things and headed towards the break room for her own lunch. “I’m not saying I don’t like her! I really like her, I just think it’s strange she still won’t call me Janine.” Melissa heard a voice she tried to ignore. She smiled or waved to those around, and made her way to sit down and eat. “She calls all of us by our last names, even Ava. She’s not social with us either, one time I think I saw her working and eating in her car. Are we not fun to be friends with?” Jacob frantically asked. 
       “No,” Melissa said in time with Ava, who was just walking in. “Are y’all talkin bad about my little helper?” She asked. Melissa, against her better judgment, chimed in. “She’s the Vice Principal, not just your little helper.” Ava sported a cheeky grin, noticing how that got under her skin. “Whatever, anyways, I came in here to tell you actually that the library is yours on Friday,” The principal continued her conversation with Melissa, although Janine was quick to say something. “Wait, what? I just talked to Y/N, and she said I could have the library,” she said frantically. “No, I just talked to her, she said I could have it. Sorry kid,” Melissa retorted. “Just because you’re her favorite, doesn’t mean you should get privileges,” Janine tried to say quietly, but she wasn’t quiet enough. “I am not her favorite! She doesn’t have favorites, she doesn’t like any of us,” Melissa argued. She turned her body more towards the table in front of her and crossed her arms. 
       “Oh come on Melissa, you don’t notice?” Janine poked. When she got no response, everybody decided to help paint the picture. “She calls you by your name. Your first name,” Janine told her. “She gave you the library over Janine,” Jacob added. “I saw her outside your classroom for like, five minutes today,” Gregory finished. Melissa was too stunned to say anything, both at everyone noting your behavior towards her, and the fact that she missed all of this. You didn’t wanna socialize with everyone, but everyone didn’t mean Melissa. 
       “Okay, okay, I’ll go figure it out. Sorry,” The redhead shot Janine an apologetic look as she walked out the door once again. Melissa felt her palms get sweaty as she got closer to your office. Now that she knew about all her little privileges with you, she didn’t want to say something and ruin it. Besides, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, Melissa enjoyed the rare company you brought her. As she approached your door, Melissa took a deep breath in. After a quick mental pep talk, she knocked gently. Upon hearing your, “Come in,” she opened the door as slowly as she could. 
       Lifting your head to look at the door, your face lit up at the sight. “Oh! Hi Melissa, what’s up?” You asked her. Melissa closed the door behind her, and took a seat across from you. When she didn’t answer, you leaned in a bit closer and furrowed your eyebrows at her. Melissa couldn’t meet your gaze, and you hated it. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly. 
       “Why am I special?” Melissa blurted out. The both of you looked at each other, surprised at what she had just said. “I…I’m not sure what you mean by that,” you lied. “You told Janine she could have the library, and then went and gave it to me. You call me ‘Melissa’ but everyone else is last names only. And I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only person you buy coffee for once a week,” the older woman explained. You felt cheeks turn as red as Melissa’s hair when she said all this to you, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact. “Hon?” She pushed when you didn’t reply. 
      After a deep breath, you spoke. “I don’t know. I don’t know what it is about you Melissa but my god. From the first day I got here I…I can’t keep my eyes off you when we’re in the same room. I want to do everything I can to make your day easier or better or just to see you smile. Everything I do here is for you. You’re special, that’s it. And I like you that way.” When you finally looked back up, you saw tears forming in the green eyes across from you. 
        “You…you really mean that?” Melissa asked you, like she almost believed everything you said. “Yes!” You let out a defeated laugh, tears forming in your own eyes out of embarrassment. “Of course I mean it. What made you decide to bring this up today?” 
       Melissa shifted in her seat. “It was brought to my attention today, that I may or may not be your favorite,” she admitted. She tried to hide the smile that was forming, but it was clear she was happy to be your favorite person. You sighed, “Well, you are. I’m sorry that it’s affecting work now,” You slid your chair back a bit and started to mess with papers on your desk. “Woah woah woah, don’t get all sad on me now. I never said it was a bad thing,” Melissa said, reaching across the desk to stop your hand from moving another paper. You tilted your head in confusion, which led to Melissa giggling at you. She stood up from her seat and walked around your desk, turning your chair to face her.
       “I think I like being your favorite,” Melissa said in a much lower voice than you’ve ever heard from her. She rested her hands on either side of your chair, faces so close your noses were almost touching. You looked from her eyes to her lips, fighting internally which one to stare at. “Yeah?” You asked, so quietly you weren’t sure she heard you. Melissa nodded her head and when you did the same, she finally closed the distance and you were wrapped in the sweetest kiss you had ever felt. 
        After a few more kisses from Melissa, she finally pulled away. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice,” She mumbled. You took her hands in yours and played with her fingers. “Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry it took me so long to actually do something about it,” You joked, which thankfully the older woman did find funny. “I think I was the one who did something about it,” Melissa corrected you. “Okay, fine. But either way, I’m glad you brought it up. Would you, maybe, want to kiss me again sometime? After dinner together?” Even though Melissa had just kissed you, you were so nervous about asking her out. 
      “I would love to, but I might kiss you before then.”
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halflingkima · 23 days
I'm doing a reading challenge next month and one of the prompts is a rec from someone who doesn't read for fun. I live among a community of teachers, academics, and librarians, so I thought I'd ask the internet. (the social media poll prompt isnt on the list this time, so this feels like a legal loophole.)
I'm also not gonna read something like game of thrones or atomic habits, so here's what's on my 2024 tbr.
If you don't read for fun, what book should I read next month? If you do read for fun, you can also vote, how would I tell? (propaganda/synopses & covers under the cut)
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There You Are: Octavian, a Black man, and Mina, a white woman, were childhood sweethearts in St. Louis, but grew estranged in adulthood. During the awakening of the Black Lives Matter movement, both are drawn back to their hometown as the record shop where they first fell in love in the 90s is closing. (I would like to read it because I have not read many Black stories involving the emergence/birth of the Black Lives Matter movement, which was a very formative time in my life.)
Mortal Follies: In an 1814 England full of fairies and sorcerers, Miss Mitchelmore attempts to enter society and is faced by a frustrating curse. Lady Landrake – who is rumored to have killed her family to inherit her title – may have the magic Miss Mitchelmore needs to survive. (I would like to read it because it's the first sapphic romance from my favorite romance author.)
Chain-Gang All-Stars: In a dystopian near-future where prison convicts star in reality-style television competition shows, two women – a couple – must fight each other for freedom. (I would like to read it because it seems like a unique approach to social-issue sci-fi, and I have not read many stories directly critical of the US prison system.)
Wordslut: A nonfiction linguistic exploration of how language has been used throughout the history of English to oppress, degrade, and subjugate women. (I would like to read it because I find linguistics fascinating, and I get very passionate about gender equality.)
Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: A spirited, deeply researched exploration of why capitalism is bad for women and how, when done right, socialism leads to economic independence, better labor conditions, better work-life balance and even better sex. (I would like to read it because the author seems both extremely educated and funny, and I get very passionate about gender equality.)
The Pallbearers Club: Art started an after school club for volunteer pallbearers at poorly attended funerals, and makes a friend who seems fascinated by the resulting death that surrounds him. Strange things happen when this friend is around, but he brushes it off in the name of friendship. As an adult, Art is writing a memoir, attempting to make sense of everything that happened when they were teens; but this friend got her hands on the manuscript, and she has some notes. (I would like to read it because I have a deep fascination – perhaps obsession – with meta-texts, or books about books, or books involving books, particularly if they lean in a horror/thriller direction.)
10 Things That Never Happened: When Sam's boss Jonathan schedules a difficult meeting, Sam's nerves lead to him tripping and bumping his head – and then accidentally implying he's lost his memory. Faking amnesia started as a plan to avoid getting fired, but now Sam has to deal with Jonathan's guilt and figuring out how to break the truth to him. (I would like to read it because it's in the London Calling universe, which is my favorite books from my favorite romance author.)
Black Sun: In a high fantasy world, the celestial phenomenon of a solar eclipse aligns with the winter solstice. A cast of characters are poised at the start of a journey. (I would like to read it because I haven't read a Rebecca Roanhorse before.)
The Child Thief: A re-imagining of Peter Pan from the mind of the horror artist Brom. (I would like to read it because I love Peter Pan as a horror story, and I've not read a Brom book before.)
Maurice: As a young man in Edwardian England, Maurice struggles into adulthood, grappling with unrequited love and coming to terms with his homosexuality. (I would like to read it because I find the movie achingly beautiful, and I have seen quotations from this book that feel the same.)
White is for Witching: Twins Miranda and Eliot – along with their father Luc – mourn the loss of their mother Lily, who simply disappeared one day. The house is also unhappy, trapping visitors and forcing plants into overgrowth. Miranda is more attuned to the ghosts of women in the walls than she is to her brother & father, and one day, vanishes altogether. (I would like to read it because I've enjoyed other works by this author, and this one seems sufficiently spooky.)
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ravewing · 3 months
you know what i feel like yapping and none of my friends have any interest in wof so i will yap here instead . felt like sharing my favorite dragons from every tribe so if you guys want to yap too then yannow . perchance reblog with your favorite wof characters
also i have not read the entirety of arc three in one sitting since 2022 so my memory on the pantala characters are rather hazy
mudwings - unfortunately since tui likes neglecting mudwings i cant really say that im necessarily passionate about any of them ... i liked bullfrog i suppose? ooh and crocodile. i think im gonna have to go with crocodile for this one .. wish tui did more with her but i guess that kind of applies to all my favs
seawings - you know before i finished rereading all of arc 2 today i would have confidently said pike but oughhh indigo and anemone and turtle ........ and also nautilus and squid i like them very much too ..... i think im sticking with pike for now because hes been my favorite seawing for like almost a decade but i really like the other ones too
rainwings - chameleon EASY next . i also quite liked liana and jambu and coconut and obviously kinkajou but i think chameleon has to be my favorite .. old slimy evil pathetic dragons they could never make me hate you
nightwings - im gonna be real with you all here i have no idea who id pick for my top fav . i really like fierceteeth but also morrowseer and i really liked thoughtful and also clearsight and mastermind too and obviously moon and starflight i liked a lot .... i think probably fierceteeth but in all honesty i like these guys the same amount
sandwings - my mind is telling me onyx but when i was really young i LOVED six claws but tbhonest i cant remember all that much about him other than that hes ostrichs dad .. vulture and jerboa i were cool too though .. but yeah probably onyx i think shes neat
icewings - winter . like this isnt even a competition . winter they could never never never never never make me hate you
skywings - come on guys . flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame he is my number one favorite character of all time is this even a question flame flame flame flame flame .
silkwings - this is a toughie guys . i remember liking swordtail a lot ? but like i said its been years since ive touched arc three, i think im gonna reread it after i reread dragonslayer or something . i think i liked daniad too but i dont remember why or who she was but her name is in my brain
hivewings - the librarian was cool . jewel was also neat
leafwings - hawthorn ?? i feel like theres another one that i liked but nothing is coming to mind so i dont know
anyways thats all thank you for listening to my yap session
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musewrangler · 4 months
For the five fun facts prompt game:
The Skywalker family (optional bonus Han Solo and/or assorted Imperials) in the plot of The Mummy? (I had to sit and think for a minute to come up with an AU you hadn't already done, actually.)
LOL. I have covered a fair gamut of AU ideas. Thank you for this friend!
Leia loves being a librarian and weaponizing this knowledge at exceedingly boring upper crust parties. She's rubbish with a pistol but incredible with a sword and loves her brother even when he's a fathead.
Luke crashes his cars on a regular basis, not because he isn't good at driving but because technology in the 1920s is not able to give him the speeds he'd like to go. It's frankly miraculous he's not been more seriously injured. Given that Anakin Skywalker disappeared years ago during the Great War and is presumed dead, Luke honors him by continuing the passion for automobiles and driving.
Han Solo REALLY didn't want to go with the crazy Brits on this dumb ass mission to Hamunaptra, but hey it got him out of prison and being hanged. He has to unfortunately travel with Warden Jabba who wants his share of this spectacular treasure, but Han figures he can give Jabba the slip when this is over. Besides, the insane librarian is sort of cute in an obsessive, bossy way.
This mysterious Darth Vader who leads the Medjai is eventually recognized by Luke and Leia as their long lost father. His memory was affected and he joined the Medjai shortly after his medical release from the military in 1916. He and his band must now help to defeat the horrific power of Palpatine, the High Priest, whom Leia accidentally resurrected. Somehow, he returned after all. ;D
It's a narrowly won fight and the Skywalkers and Solo are glad of the help of the Medjai. Luke discovers that his insane driving instincts translate well to sprinting through tunnels ahead of mummy zombies, while Leia discovers that certain Americans are quite charming when they're fighting back to back for their lives. Anakin decides to stay with his band in Egypt, among whom are some very competent fighters named Firmus and Max, but he promises to visit his children in England soon.
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nonagesiiiimus · 12 days
eden's tlt reread: a sidebar on names- palamedes (and cytherea)
i cannot stop thinking about the names of these characters and their many, many, many different references and deeper meanings. i haven't even finished my chapter two analysis because I am thinking about names so much. i know i've talked about it before. I am going to talk about it again. sue me. i want to talk about Palamedes and Cytherea's names. i will eventually get to chapter two. but for now...
Palamedes Diomedes:
Palamedes was originally going to be named Diomedes, who is also a figure in the Trojan War. Diomedes was the King of Argos, a friend of Odysseus, and a man admired by Athena. in the Iliad, Diomedes charges into battle and ends up wounding Aphrodite. additionally, in the battle, as he heads in, he is blessed with the protection of Athena:
"She set the man ablaze, his shield and helmet flaming with tireless fire like the star that flames at harvest, bathed in the Ocean, rising up to outshine all other stars." (Iliad, 5.4-6)
here’s why i think the characterization of Palamedes and Diomedes is important, even though Palamedes was not actually named after him in the final book. there are some clear parallels. Diomedes was smart, brave, and blessed by the goddess of wisdom and tact on the battlefield. Palamedes is the first of the house of the scholarly Sixth librarians and the living legacy of the incredibly tactful and brilliant Cassiopeia. i can’t help but feel that Athena setting him ablaze with bravery as he charged into Troy is akin to Palamedes charging into Dulcinea/Cytherea’s room and, after completing his mission to ring the truth out of her, bursting into flames. user u/onlymodestdreams on reddit also pointed out that the bursting into flames aspect also calls back to the Paul transformation in NTN, something i totally missed but absolutely think is relevant here.
why mention Aphrodite before? so glad you asked. Cytherea is another name for Aphrodite, as recorded in Homer’s Hymn 5 and 10 to Aphrodite:
"Muse, tell me the deeds of golden Aphrodite the Cyprian, who stirs up sweet passion in the gods and subdues the tribes of mortal men and birds that fly in air and all the many creatures that the dry land rears, and all that the sea: all these love the deeds of rich-crowned Cytherea." (Homer’s Hymn 5 to Aphrodite)
"Of Cytherea, born in Cyprus, I will sing. She gives kindly gifts to men: smiles are ever on her lovely face, and lovely is the brightness that plays over it." (Homer’s Hymn 10 to Aphrodite)
Kythira, or Cythera, is a Greek island where the Phoenicians brought the worship of Aphrodite—hence, her secondary name as Cytherea. Cytherea/Aphrodite is a goddess of love and beauty, but also of war and violence and, across many stories, revenge. it’s quite familiar to how we see Cytherea portrayed in GTN: a goddess, beautiful and charming and enchanting, but full of rage and pain and vengeful angst. and of course, she was injured by Palamedes, just like how she was injured by Diomedes during the Trojan War! some people argue that Palamedes’ sacrifice did nothing to hinder Cytherea, but it’s pretty clearly laid out at the end of GTN that him going dynamite mode really injures Cytherea and affects her ability to heal on her own without siphoning from Ianthe:
"As Gideon watched, somewhere between horror and fascination, the earlier wounds—the ones Palamedes had inflicted when he blew up the sick room—began to reopen… 'What in the hell?' objected Gideon, more to relieve her feelings than in hope of an answer. 'She hadn't healed,' said Camilla weakly… 'She'd just skinned over the damage—a surface fix, hides the cracks.'" (p. 420).
Palamedes is another Greek hero from the Iliad, one who outsmarted Odysseus and was betrayed by those he saw as allies. when Odysseus pretended to be insane instead of going to serve in the Trojan War, Palamedes understood Odysseus was trying to trick them. to prove this, he threatened Odysseus’ son's, forcing Odysseus to reveal he was not insane. by ensuring Odysseus entered the war, Palamedes played a big part in the Achaeans winning the war. Odysseus, still feeling betrayed by Palamedes getting him to come to the front lines, later framed Palamedes as a traitor by forging a letter from Priam, resulting in Palamedes being stoned to death by his supposed allies (Apollodorus Epitome E.3.7-9).
Palamedes was described by Dares Phygrius in his History of the Fall of Troy as "tall and slender, wise, magnanimous, and charming" (reference). he is also credited with many academic inventions: "Palamedes had a reputation for sagacity, and the ancients attributed a number of inventions to him, including the alphabet, numbers, weights and measures, coinage, board games, and the practice of eating at regular intervals" (Britannica).
Palamedes was clearly a super brilliant man—from his dealing with Odysseus to his prowess on the battlefield to his scholarly inventions. his hand in pushing Odysseus into the Trojan War- his ability to see through Odysseus' lies and disguise of insanity- was what led to his death by his allies, but also to the victory of the Achaeans. for Locked Tomb Palamedes, the parallel is quite clear. his intelligence and his physical appearance sound quite similar to historical Greek Palamedes. without Palamedes' ingenious discovery of Cytherea and his subsequent death because of her, someone he once trusted, Harrow would likely have never triumphed. instead, they all might have been defeated one by one by Cytherea. Palamedes’ sacrifice provided Harrow with the crucial impetus to confront the enemy directly and ultimately secure victory.
Palamedes is also an Arthurian hero. Palemedes in Arthurian tales is a Middle-Eastern knight, known for a couple key things. first, he is in love with a woman named Iseult. He loses the fight for Iseult's hand against another knight, leaving his love unrequited (but still there). he remains in love with her, despite not being able to be with her. he is also one of the knights said to have fought the Questing Beast, a mythical monster that represents all the core issues of the Arthurian time that eventually tear the society apart. to me, this too sounds like our TLT Palamedes: unrequited love, questing to destroy something that he sees as the root of evil. whether that's Jod, the lyctor process, or the resurrection beasts is hard to tell, but to be honest my vote is for the former two.
there's so much buried in a single name, that sets up some of the most complex and incredible characters in the series. this is the kind of shit we live for, and honestly why this series is so addictive. everything unspools into something bigger.
please note that i am not a classics scholar by any means, so there are errors in here i'm sure. please correct as you see fit!
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dandelion-wings · 4 months
For the ask meme: 💛 Jean/Lisa
Thank you for the ask! :> I got it at bedtime last night so it had to wait for when I was free today, but I hope you enjoy the snippet!
From the air, Jean can see hilichurl barricades on the roads and fields around the city. Her heart clenches at the sight. They don't seem to have pressed beyond the barricades, though, and she can also see the glinting of silvery armor as the Knights push them back. Already they're nearly scattered.
More flee as Dvalin swoops overhead, and the Knights look up with startled fear that turns to relief as he tilts in the air and they see the figures on his back. Venti hops off before he can be too easily spotted, spiraling down to a rooftop below, and Diluc watches him fall and then copies the move himself. Only Jean and their Honorary Knight are left when Dvalin swoops low before the city gates.
As soon as the two of them leap off, he's gone, soaring upwards in a precipitous spiral as he delights in his renewed freedom. Dandelion fluff rises in the wind of his passage.
"What's the situation?" Jean demands of the guards at the gate.
Before they can answer, a familiar figure comes dashing out from the gate, flinging herself at Jean. Catching Lisa in the air, Jean sets her carefully on the ground before her. Lisa is smiling at her, pride and relief mingled in her gaze.
"You made it back," she whispers, only Jean catching the soft words, and with them depth of the worry she must have felt.
"With help," Jean agrees, about to name the others--some may wish to be secret in their efforts, but Lisa she can surely trust.
She gets no further. Lisa leans forward and catches Jean's mouth in a fierce, hungry kiss, hands on her shoulders to draw her in. It's not at all something they should be doing here, at the city's gate, in full view of the knights and any civilians within. Nor when there's clearly still action taking place beyond the city walls.
But Lisa's grip is firm, and Jean can't make herself pull away. All of Lisa's worries are palpable here, too, and her relief and joy and pride, and with them all the love they share between them, in private nights and casual, tender touches and the little gestures and looks they share throughout each day. Jean leans in too and lets herself, for a single, drawn-out moment, drink in all that passion and care.
Then she pulls away, slowly, gently, and Lisa lets her. Stepping back, Lisa smiles at her with warmth and relief still in her eyes, but her posture shifts, subtly, in the way it always does when responsibilities arise.
"The situation is under control, but I know you'll want the details," she tells Jean, and all at once they're the Acting Grand Master and the Ordo Librarian again, two knights attending to their duties, whatever else they might be when duty no longer calls.
If the feel of Lisa's lips on her own lingers as Jean resumes command of the battle's clean-up, that's something that no one else has to know.
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lov-eable · 2 years
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TELL ME  ֗ ˖ ࣪ ᩠ ༉‧₊˚ ✿ #06
━━ a filmmaker decides to follow and document the lives of the worst and best students at your school for a month, unfortunately, those students are you and chishiya, the most annoying guy on earth.
masterlist ◌*ꕤ
word count ✦ 1416
A/N: hellooooooooo! a little bit later than usual sorryyyy <3 not proofread so excuse any mistakes :] im so excited for next chapter hehe hope u enjoy itttt 💗 btw i LOVE reading your comments and mixed opinions about chishiya, i think im fulfilling the purpose i had for chishiya's character :D
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06/12/18 12:24
You were sitting between the library shelves, as usual, your small beat-up notebook with childish stickers on the cover in one hand, and your chewed pencil in the other. You weren’t so sure how you were still allowed there, you considered maybe the librarian had begun to care for you seeing you read so passionately, grabbing as many books as you could and always greeting her with a contagious smile. Also, forbidding you to enter the establishment was maybe a bit too much for anyone, not letting you borrow books for a whole month was enough punishment. 
You stared blankly at the page, almost as empty as your mind if it hadn’t been for some scribbles you did at the top, unsure of what to write. Whatever you had written yesterday before ‘him’ -his name was now forbidden- destroyed the paper was wonderful but was absolutely forgotten. You contemplated that maybe you should’ve taken the remaining papers with you, taken them home and put it all together with some tape, but the idea didn’t cross your mind at the moment. So angry you needed to step out of the classroom for a minute, a minute which turned into some hours, you don’t remember exactly how many but you were outside until some minutes before the final bell rang.
Fleeing the way you did had two main purposes, not punching anyone innocent, sometimes you could be pretty impulsive and hasty towards others, and avoiding him. This task did not end there, you made your best effort to evade him completely, but it wasn’t as easy as you thought. You made sure to be at the classroom for roll call before sneaking out, you thought you were so clever by doing but teachers noticed your absence right away as the silence was more prominent than ever. Although it did not disturb teachers enough to search for you because, at the end of the day, it was you, you were always disappearing, and if you were in the classroom by god’s grace, all you did was distract others or bicker with Chishiya.
Sorry, bicker with he-who-should-not-be-named. It was your teacher’s indifference the main reason why your plan succeeded. When the shoot started, you promised yourself you would commit and not escape, again, for Mr. Kyuma’s sake but the conditions did not work in your favour to keep this promise. So now, you weren’t avoiding only ‘him’, you were avoiding Director Kyuma and his cameraman, Mr. Shitara. In fact, you tried to sneak yourself into the cafeteria earlier as you were quite hungry but you almost ran into Mr. Shitara, so you had to stay in the library.
You were deep into your thoughts, trying to find the lost poem in the ponds and rivers of your mind, when you heard how a book hit the floor, most probably on accident. You looked up at whoever dropped the book and there he was, the Dark Lord -you had a dream some days before in which he was Voldemort and you were Harry Potter, so now it was his nickname between you and your friends- looking at you, you had the impression he did not expect you to encounter you there, but you never knew with Chishiya. 
He picked up the book and left it where it was supposed to be to then head towards you, when he was just right in front of you, he knelt down as you were sitting on the floor. You were about to ask him what he wanted when he spoke, “let’s eat something after school, I know you haven’t eaten all day” he handed you a packet of cookies, “I need to tell you something too, you can stay here, I won’t tell Director Kyuma I saw you. Meet me outside the school gates, okay?” you took the cookies puzzled and before any word could exit your mouth, he left you there, extremely confused and with some cookies. Strawberry cream-filled cookies, your favourite ones.
You were not sure why, but you stood outside the school gates as soon as they were open, just like Chishiya told you to. Kuina and Arisu questioned you about your hideaway when they saw you and told you to go with them to get some ice creams, only to deny the offer this one time. They were suspicious about why you had rejected them, and even more suspicious about why you were still standing there as if you were waiting for someone else, but with some glances between them, they decided to keep the interrogation for later.
If they had asked right then and right there, they probably would have left with more doubts than before. Yes, you were waiting for Chishiya, but why? Because he told you to? You were not the kind of person who just did what they were told to do, so why were you there, rejecting ice cream offers from your friends? He hadn’t even apologised for tearing apart your poem, there was no reason for you to be waiting for him. As you were regaining some sense and decided to leave, he stood in front of you, “let’s go”.
You decided to eat in a small shop named ‘Midsummer Noodles’, the walk there was painfully silent but as soon as you took a seat, the owner greeted you, “Oh, Chishiya! Long time no see! Please send my greetings to your father” he smiled with the softness only older people could, “oh, you are Kano's youngest daughter, right?” you nodded, smiling back to him, “you must be Chishiya’s girlfriend…” you did not let him finish the statement by telling him it was not like that right away, your cheeks flushed.
“Sorry, the neighbours recognize me a lot because of my dad” you told him it was okay, town people were always so noisy, as you were checking the menu, “I have never eaten here, what’s good here?” you clearly saw how he thought it for a moment before answering you, “the spicy noodles are really good”, “let’s have them then”. He directed himself towards the owner whose name was unknown to you, “mister, can we get two spicy noodles? Please make one less spicy”.
When the noodles arrived, he told the owner the less spicy ones were for you. It was strange, first, your favourite cookies, then, this. He had noticed your eating preferences. And he also said he would be paying for the food, even if you insisted you would pay for your food. “So, you said you had something to tell me, right?” without replying, he brought his school backpack from behind the chair to his lap and, after searching for a bit, he took out a laminated sheet. He handed the sheet to you and you noticed the paper inside it was all stuck together with tape. You read some words. It was your not-destroyed anymore poem.
“I’m sorry about this, and about the book too. I hope you did not get punished too hard” you smiled delicately at him, “it’s okay, I mean, I’m not permanently banned, the lady just took my library card for a month, but I’ll get it back” he smirked, as usual, “oh, so I get this whole month to read more books than you and finally win” you looked at him with a confused gesture, “what? The library competition?” you seemed disoriented, “oh, god. Don’t you even look at the board which says the students who have read the most every month?” you nodded denying it, “you are the one who reads the most every month, I’m always second. So I’ll win this time” you needed some seconds to process the information, “oh, no! I’ll lose my record!”. For the first time ever, you took the time to talk with each other.
The food was over and he had already paid for it, you were ready to go but he stopped you. “Before you leave, you should keep your important documents safe…”, he took some empty transparent sheets and handed you them, “here are some more, don’t let your poems roam free through the desks” he smirked, again, but you were starting to get used to it. You thanked him and both of you were outside the restaurant, ready to part ways, he had already gone his own way when you turned around and began walking next to him, “my house is this way too, I’m not following you”, you clarified, “didn’t say you were”.
tag list: @surshica @enslique @httpsimmy @elernity @eshtravagent @fishisahappydog @kreishin @vernon-dursley @mhyunri @thenightsflower @madjz @saiewithakatana @yeosangiehwa @xiaoishwrites @seloise @justhere105 @naegisimp @mxbrahms @chlooooop @woodandwaxwings @huachengsbestie01 
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cityoftheangelllls · 14 days
So I have a theory about “Time Enough at Last” .
Yes, THAT episode of the original Twilight Zone series, that one episode which is most likely one of the most heartbreaking pieces of media ever conceived.
So you know how the front of the newspaper Henry Bemis was reading said “H-Bomb Capable of Total Destruction”? For me, that never really meant destruction of the entire world, per se. The episode also never explicitly states that the entire world was decimated, even though that’s the way a lot of people put it. Imagine, if you will, that only Henry’s hometown and maybe a few of the surrounding cities/towns were destroyed and their populations killed. Some time after the episode’s end, Henry is found by someone who managed to hear his cries for help earlier, and is brought to a city that is still standing in the aftermath of the nuclear war. There, Henry makes a good living as a librarian, and is initially well loved by his new community. He changes his name to one that he feels better suits his passion for reading, either because it’s something he’s always wanted to do, or something deep down tells him that his wife may have survived the blast after all and he wants to avoid being found by her again. He also decides to start wearing contacts, wanting to avoid his glasses breaking on him again, possibly unwilling to relive that trauma.
All is bliss, until, as the decades wane on, the world around him changes to a totalitarian dictatorship. Freedoms are stripped away from the people bit by bit, and those who have a trade or career that is no longer useful in this dystopian society are deemed worthless themselves and condemned to death. Several things, including books, fade into obscurity, forgotten relics of the past, and with the disappearance of books comes the closure of libraries and bookshops one by one, as they are no longer used or funded by the public. It is around this time that a certain struggling, middle-aged man, a librarian, is targeted, kidnapped, and brought to justice - or what the government perceives as justice.
This man, formerly Henry Bemis, now Romney Wordsworth, becomes known as the Obsolete Man.
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itssweetiedarling · 8 months
Beauty and the Bite
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Astarion's life is forever changed when a mysterious being curses him to live as a vampire. Redemption seems impossible until he's given a chance - he must learn to love a young woman and earn her love in return. Ten long years pass before destiny finally presents itself in the form of a brave and selfless maiden named Tav. She offers to take her father's place as Astarion's prisoner, providing him with the opportunity he's been waiting for. However, their troubles are far from over. A cunning bard named Gaddis has his plans for Tav and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
Beauty and the Beast retelling.
Chapter 1: Her Nose Stuck in a Book
The Library in Baldur's Gate was indeed a marvel, drawing in countless tourists with its vast collection of knowledge and rare manuscripts. Bards, in particular, harbored dreams of seeing their works proudly displayed on the prestigious high shelves alongside renowned literary masterpieces.
The shelves themselves were a testament to the rich history and cultural significance of the city. Each book, scroll, and manuscript told a story, contributing to the collective wisdom stored within the library's hallowed walls. Citizens who were fortunate enough to have their creations archived in this esteemed institution felt a deep sense of accomplishment and recognition.
Tav, with her vibrant curiosity and insatiable appetite for knowledge, had become a familiar presence within the hallowed halls of the Library. Her love for books transcended the ordinary, and she had developed a unique bond with the books themselves.
Each day, Tav would make her way through the labyrinth of bookshelves, her fingers gently tracing the spines of ancient tomes and her eyes lighting up with excitement at the prospect of discovering something new. The librarians recognized her passion and welcomed her as a regular visitor.
Her beauty was not only in her physical appearance but in the way her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Tav's thirst for knowledge seemed unquenchable, and the library became her sanctuary. Even if she wasn’t looking for books, she visited the library every day to sit down and read.
Today, that was exactly what she was doing. She was nose-deep in a book she picked up this week. She sat in her corner of the library, with her blue dress flowing to the floor like a waterfall. As she flipped the page, a blur of another person filled the corner of her eye. She turned away from her book and saw Gaddis.
Gaddis was a rather handsome man, often seen entertaining the females at the Elfsong tavern. His presence in the library was a rare sight, as the establishment usually catered to scholars and intellectuals. Gaddis, however, seemed out of place among the meticulously organized shelves and studious patrons.
Tav couldn't help but be intrigued by the sudden appearance of Gaddis. As he approached, a mischievous grin played on his lips, contrasting with the solemn atmosphere of the library. He greeted Tav with a bow, acknowledging her presence with a glint of familiarity in his eyes.
"Ah, Tav, the seeker of wisdom. Fancy meeting you in this sea of books," Gaddis said, his voice smooth and resonant.
Tav, momentarily confused by the unexpected company, closed her book. "Gaddis, what brings you here? I didn't think the Elfsong needed a break from your charismatic performances."
“Coming to see you.” Gaddis smirks.
Tav couldn't help but roll her eyes at Gaddis's cheeky response. If Gaddis wanted to keep his crush on her a secret, he wasn’t doing a good job at it. His intentions were as transparent as the crystal-clear streams that flowed through the forest outside Baldur's Gate.
"Well, you've found me, Gaddis," Tav replied. She has never been interested in the life of Gaddis.
Gaddis chuckled, seemingly undeterred by Tav's lack of interest. He pulled up a chair, making himself comfortable as if he belonged in the scholarly atmosphere of the library.
"I thought I'd take a break from the lively tunes of the Elfsong and delve into the world of knowledge," Gaddis explained, gesturing towards the shelves around them. "Who knows, maybe I'll find something intriguing enough to impress even you."
Tav raised an eyebrow, skeptical yet curious about Gaddis's sudden interest in intellectual pursuits. "Impress me with knowledge? That's a bold claim, considering your usual repertoire involves charming folks with fists.”
Gaddis leaned back in his chair, a playful glint in his eyes. "You never know, sweetheart.”
Tav, unable to resist a challenge, decided to play along. "Well, Gaddis, let's see if you can handle it. What topic are you interested in exploring today?"
Gaddis paused for a moment as if contemplating his choice. "How about something mysterious and adventurous? I've heard tales of hidden treasures and ancient artifacts. That should be entertaining, don't you think?"
"Hidden treasures, you say? I shouldn’t be suprised. But alright, let me find a book for you."
As Tav navigated the shelves with practiced ease, Gaddis observed her with a smirk. His eyes wandered down her body as she walked.
After a few moments, Tav returned with a dusty tome bound in worn leather. "Here you go, Gaddis. 'Legends of Forgotten Treasures.' It's filled with tales of hidden riches, mysterious maps, and daring adventurers. Give it a read, and we'll see if you can impress me with your newfound knowledge."
Gaddis accepted the book with a grin, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Challenge accepted, Tav. Who knows, maybe I'll discover a hidden talent for unraveling mysteries."
Tav picked up her books, placing them in her basket. “Now, thank you for entertaining me, but I need to go check in on my father.”
Gaddis laughs, “Your father always needs checking up on!”
Tav shot Gaddis a glare, "He may be getting on in years, but he's still sharper than most. Unlike some, he doesn't rely on bar fights alone to get by."
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I see him in the news as the city's new serial killer. He seems just about wicked enough to do something like that.”
That was Tav’s cue to leave. She gives one last look to Gaddis before departing. "You have a wild imagination, Gaddis. But I'll leave you to your treasure tales and sinister speculations. I have more reliable things to attend to."
Left to his own devices, Gaddis delved into the 'Legends of Forgotten Treasures.' The tales within transported him to distant lands, filled with mythical beasts, cunning rogues, and the allure of untold wealth.
As the evening shadows deepened, Gaddis found himself engrossed in the stories, occasionally glancing towards the library entrance, half-expecting Tav to return for him.
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soheessongs · 12 days
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╰   ⛰️  ◞       (   IM JINAH.  CIS WOMAN.  THIRTY.  SHE/HER.   )  do  you  see  SOHEE SONG  over  there  ?  they've  been  in  greylock  for  thirty years  working  as  an  librarian  at  greylock library.  i  heard  they  can  be  ADVENTUROUS  but  i  wouldn't  get  too  comfortable  ,  rumor  has  it  they  can  also  be  RECKLESS.  it  isn't  too  surprising  when  you  realize  they  have  a  reputation  as  the  local  PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR.
name ; sohee song nicknames ; soso (family only), spookysohee (youtube channel) age ; thirty date of birth ; august 11th gender & pronouns ; cis woman & she/her orientation ; pansexual, panromantic occupation ; librarian
bio ;
sohee was the first of three, being brought into a loving home. her parents were teachers, one in elementary, the other in high school. her grandparents often watched her growing up, as her parents worked. sohee was instantly drawn to her grandmother, an otherworldly air to her.
she remembers the first time her grandmother brought up a superstition, and she remembers the curiosity that filled her. it was different, even a little bit scary, but she listened and learned.
her curiosity lead her to books on subjects that her parents said were more suitable for halloween. but sohee ate it up, reading about anything paranormal that was in the libraries.
she was a good student, not the best, not the worst. she was more focused on books rather than learning or making friends. her curiosity was always sated when she started devouring books.
her love of the paranormal lead her to create a youtube channel where she talked about her passion. she read spooky books, loving the idea of other people being able to see her enjoyment. she loved the idea of helping people satisfy their curiosity.
she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life, so she decided one of her loves was going to be the one she focused on. books. she went away to college to get her degrees so she can be a librarian, and then came back home to be closer to her family
misc ;
has two black cats named salem and blair.
still uploads to her youtube channel.
loves all things considered 'odd' or 'weird'
has a group of friends that are looking into the weird things going on in town.
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yinandyanglifestyle · 29 days
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Namaste wonderful souls, families, nature lovers, and dear readers. My name is Somaly. I am from Cambodia. I live in Australia. I value education, personal aspirations, and self-developments. I have enjoyed learning different aspects in my life.
I love to share my experiences, memories, and learning new ways to be creative. I have been working in the education sector almost 15 years. I love growing plants, lifestyle to be self-sustainable and the simple life. I love flowers and animals especially wild birds. Yoga, crystals, and spiritual things also mean to me.
Icie teaches me English, music, art, beauty.
Now, I work on building my own personal brand and expend my passions on creativities. I love to create more flexible and freedom lifestyle in future. You can find me on Facebook Page: (So&Jo better lifestyle, So&Jo Fairy Garden, and So&Jo Khmer-Australia life), YouTube (So&Jo better lifestyle, So&Jo Fairy Garden, and So&Jo Khmer-Australia life), and Blog(So&Jo Khmer-Australia life, and Yin and Yang lifestyle). If you would like to get to know about me, here is my personal blog address: soandjostories.blogspot.com
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Kumusta friends! I’m Icie, originally from the Philippines but moved to Australia a long time ago. I value my love of anything that can be done indoors, education (particularly self-studying) and self-development.
I love to share and talk about the things that I love: anime, games (video, board, card, word), binge watching, movies food, art, events, music, languages, fashion, reading, writing stories and trying out new things. I am they/them, atheist (but maybe I love paganism) and have ADD. Plants and animals tether me especially cats, so does Kundalini Yoga.
Now, I am working on staying still at my current job because I have been so many things and I haven’t settled down: call-centre agent, copy writer, professional artisan baker, librarian and now kindy teacher. I don’t have a brand, but I want to help Somaly expand hers.
Somaly teaches me about gardening, mindfulness, sustainability and getting out of my house.
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We created Yin and Yang lifestyle in 2024 because it benefits our lives. It’s about enjoying everything around you, be it geared towards feminine things or masculine things. Mindfulness is our main focus and we would like to share our journey to people who are willing to stop, look, and listen. And if you like our journey, we hope it benefits you.
This is our logo because we talk about the yin and yang philosophy. We are (technically) both women and this logo represents our personalities: sometimes, one of us is more feminine than the other and the other one is more masculine and that’s ok. Yin and Yang is in everyone and we spend time together despite our differences. This made us better people as we work together, always aspiring towards the same goal.
Thank you for being part of our community. Thanks for the likes, comments, share, reblog, and follows!
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