gonersgoners · 2 years
*serial inner explosions because of the latest chapters* 
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merbear25 · 23 days
Reverse role : Caesar as a Guinea pig
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Because of this art, i can"t help but wander how Caesar would react, being tied up, being the guinea pig of someone else. An other scientist just decided to experiment on him, possibly on his devil fruit powers, on his weird goat anatomy, who knows... You can do him alone, or with a xreader as another victim, or an assistant of the Mad Scientist torturing him... PS : Good luck, you're fan fic and headcanons are always amazing and well written !!!
So...This ended up being...way longer than I thought it was going to be. He is my muse and the inspiration he gives me knows no bounds. Thank you for sending this in! I hope you like it! 💜💜 artist of pic
The man known as Caesar Clown had piqued your interest in more ways than one. His dastardly reputation aside, the devil fruit abilities he possessed proved to be some of the most useful you’d ever come across. Oh, what you wouldn’t give to explore the extent of such powers…
CW: no sexual themes, gn!reader, some fluff, reader is a mad scientist, experiments (needles, tubes, restraints, torture), during Egghead arc at Germa (some spoilers)
For research purposes (Caesar Clown)
Those who succeeded in this life did so by taking what they saw as theirs. Cruelty and aggression outshined comradery and empathy more often than not when making a name for oneself. Vegapunk, Judge, Queen, and Caesar were among the most notable in your field having created their names through means others may view as unethical.
Their reputations painted vivid pictures of the lives they must have led and the future they were destined for. With powers complimenting personal tastes, there was one who stood out from the others—Caesar.
To be given the chance to explore the inner workings of that man’s mind felt like something so far out of reach that even wishing on a star would’ve seemed more realistic. The granting of said wish would open the floodgates of possibilities. Wishful thinking, head in the clouds, such starry eyes were assumed to have no place in this world.
Being someone relatively unknown to the field of science came with its downfalls: prone to being overlooked, undervalued, underappreciated. However, it was only others who viewed these as such. Those who lacked the capability to see below the surface inadvertently were wide open to falling victim to their own nescience. With the lab being riddled with shallow opinions of you, using them to your advantage was the key you’d use to unlock the doors to areas previously off limits. 
To be recruited by Judge Vinsmoke as a, how it was put, helping hand felt like you’d had the wind knocked out of you. Of all people to have recognized the talents you displayed, it got you wondering why he called upon you specifically.
The waters were rippling with the ambiguity of your future at Germa 66. Suspicion, distrust, skepticism: your body language made it known that the invitation felt more like coercion. Scouring through your mind of the past you’d left behind, there were barely any traces left of how you made use of the resources you’d been stealing. Given the circumstances, it was becoming more and more probable that someone caught wind of your deeds.
As the blonde man towered over you, his gaze remained unphased by the challenge behind your eyes.
“Why would you ask me to work under you?”
Before he had the chance to answer, clouds of gas cascaded over his shoulders and led right to you, swirling around your feet. His colleague manifested, lurching over Judge to get a better look at you.
“Why indeed?” The innotation of his question proved the acrimony of your mere presence.
An irritated grumble shook in Judge’s throat.
Standing at full height, Caesar scoffed at him. “What? You expect me not to greet this little… helper you hired? A nobody?” He fiddled his long fingers in the space above your head.
“Starting off hostile is not exactly “greeting,” he claimed.
Caesar’s face twisted in a peevish frown, knowing full well that Judge was offering him sanctuary from the bounty hunters looking to make a quick buck.
Shooting a glare down his nose at you, he cleared his throat once returning his focus to his business partner. “Fine,” he feigned level-headedness. “Just be sure your little pet doesn’t get under my feet.”
With the clown having left the room, Judge motioned you over to a more secluded area. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you.”
The blunt words gave a hint to all of the dirt he’d been collecting. Your face was grave, yet you kept yourself mentally prepared if worse came to worst.
Staring at you with a stone-walled expression, he continued, “I believe I may have some use for you.”
“For what exactly?”
His eyes were locked on you, as if looking at you from under a microscope. “Have you any idea how difficult you are to keep track of? You have an act for leaving your crime scenes without so much of a trace.”
“And what is it th—”
“Caesar and I,” he interrupted, “joined forces to beat an old rival. Now that Vegapunk’s dead, I have no further use for Caesar as a business partner. However, there are other, more classified ways I could squeeze him for all he’s worth.”
Your demeanor shifted slightly, no longer in a defensive stance. “You want me to…test on him?”
He gave a subtle nod. “Gather as much information as you can. Then, report back to me.”
“Do you want him to live?” Your voice was low, asking such a question held an obvious omen.
“Just give me the information I require.” His voice was thick with apathy towards the safety of someone he’d known for a large portion of his life. “If he’s left alive, make sure he won’t talk.”
“Understood.” You took the file he handed to you containing the details of what he was requesting.
After his leaving, you thumbed through your assignment. Researching the extent of the gas gas fruit’s effects on the human body and his specific anatomy was the summary of it all.
Capturing, or rather lurering, a man into the restraints of an examination table wouldn’t be an easy task. However, seeing as this man in particular had been a quirky interest of yours for some time, there were recurring shortcomings that you took notice of:
Firstly, he was weak to praise, although this would need to be done tactfully so as not to raise suspicion. Secondly, he could not defend himself without his powers, which meant getting the seastone cuffs on him would almost guarantee his capture.
With an idea of how to go about this, you examined your surroundings. To be familiar with the walls that sealed you in was to ensure success.
You passed by the entrance of the lab one too many times for Caesar’s liking. A disgruntled  man brooded in his own displeasure of your pacing.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be other than that damn hallway?” He shouted at you, catching sight of your pant leg just as he turned around.
Pausing for a moment just out of sight, you pondered whether or not to confront him. You chose to ignore him.
“Hey!” You heard him screeching and chasing after you. “Hey! You can’t just ignore me!”
“You just reminded me of something, is all.” You took in the size of the man you’d eventually have to drag away. “So, thank you for that.” The smile you paired with your supposed gratitude came off as sincerely as you intended it to.
“Well, good. Get out of here then!” He huffed and stomped off.
You watched him disappear back into the room, leaving you to fiddle where you’d designated to play out the depths of your task.
His mind flooded with whispers of your purpose there: why you? What did Judge see in you? Surely there was something remarkable about you, but what? Your pacing, albeit having ceased, was lingering. What were you up to? Why did Judge insist on you being there?
The thoughts spiraled, turning into a whirlwind. With his concentration side-tracked, carelessness spread to his hands. His fingertips shook ever so slightly, but it was enough to cause an accident at his workstation. He cried out from the sudden shock and singe, further unleashing more chaos in that room.
His screams were hardly anything you or anyone could miss. The gentle self-soothing thoughts he spoke out loud to himself trailed out the doorway, unintentionally bringing you to his side.
“Would you like help?”
Another panicked gasp escaped him, nearly jumping out of his skin and causing him to bump his head on the table he was under. “Wha-? Didn’t anyone tell you not to sneak up on people?” 
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” your tone held no ill-intent.
“F-fine! Just…grab that kit over there.”
Cleaning up the mess he made was done in uncomfortable silence. No thank you would be given, but that was fine with you. Being that close to him would be his indirect way of giving thanks.
Without being told, you fetched the materials he wasted. You were able to tell what the fluid consisted of based on its color and burn on his hand.
“Perhaps, you aren’t as useless as I thought you were,” he spat out.
“Well, it helps when it’s combined to perfection.” Your voice wrapped around him.
His cautious sideways glance caught your gaze. You pointed at the uniquely colored chemical burn on his hand. “This helped too.”
The smirk upon your face left him flustered—how nice. He began fumbling with the mess of papers, refusing to make eye contact—how cute. Then, he shouted at you to get out of his sight—how pathetic.
“I thought I said to–!” The room was as quiet without you as it was with you in it. Looking around, he knew he was now totally alone with nothing but the faint whispers to keep him company.
Secluding yourself to the room destined to live out your wildest dreams—stoned walls and white tiled floors were meant to feel cold, yet they filled you with warmth. The lights dangling above were headache inducingly bright, but to you they lit the path of tasks to come.The room which held a past that would make others shudder was seen through rose-tinted glasses.
Going to collect the seastone cuffs and syringe that had been hidden away in preparation, you took a moment to admire the sheer size of the castle you were in. The grand entrance you passed through with a ceiling high enough to make you feel as if you were an ant, the long entry rug embroidered with golden swirls and tassels at the sides: truly remarkable in every sense of the word.
Lost in thought, you almost didn’t catch on to the onlooker peeking behind the corner. Your eyes flickered to the side, giving you a glimpse of the horned man ducking back behind the wall. He was more inquisitive than you’d envisioned.
With a smile ghosting your lips at the thought of having your turn at reaping the cream of the crop, you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering just what was going on in that head of his and just how good it was going to be to find out.
Cuffs and syringe tucked away securely in your inner coat pockets, feet carrying you to the place where you last saw him, and a plan set in motion long before you ever crossed that entry’s threshold: the chains of destiny were unraveled, ready to shackle that who sat before you.
His curses were mumbled in a low growl, ignorant to the stalking shadow. You peered over his shoulder, gathering that his overworked mind was missing the obvious piece to this problem he was wrecking his brain for.
Before you had a chance to speak, he leaned his head against his hand and saw you out of the corner of his eye.
“Fucking hell!” You just about gave him a heart attack. “We should put a damn bell on you!” He said while still attempting to soothe his racing pulse.
“Perhaps, I will for your sake.” An airy laugh accompanied the amusement you tried to suppress.
With him turning back to his work, unaware that the answer was clear as day, he half-heartedly shooed you away. “I’m very busy, so if you don’t have any thoughts swarming in that little head of which I can make use…” He flicked his wrist at you.
“It seems that you’ve exhausted yourself,” you hummed softly as you pointed at the vile that held the solution.
His eyes fell on it, then back to his notes. Begrudgingly, he felt inclined to agree that a break might suit him.
His guard was down. Though only for a moment, it was enough for the adrenaline to course through you.
Clamping a wrist with the cuff, a swift head butt to the face gave you enough time to secure his other wrist. Just before he came to, you stabbed the needle into him.
Jumping at the small opening, you tied him against the backrest of the rolling chair. The lazy stare he held on you went in hand with a grimace—What a sight to behold. His seething remarks were slurred, and as his eyes drooped, they stayed on you for as long as the serum allowed.
“Shhh, there, there. It will all be over soon.” Even you couldn’t convince yourself of the lie seeping through your teeth.
Rolling him out of the room, there wouldn’t have been the possibility of you transporting him without the rickety wheels. The dead-weight was carefully pushed onto the table with grunts and huffs. 
Your eyes washed over him. You tugged at his suit. “This just won’t do.”
The blade you wielded glided through the fibers, revealing more and more of his lean body to you. Peeling off the shredded cotton fabric piece by piece, the metal restraints and tubes you attached to his neck and sides made him appear far more dashing than any article of clothing ever could.
Whimpers sounded from behind, while you were finishing the preparations for the experiments.
“H-he…!” He struggled to scream. “H-help!” The strangled pleas only fell on deaf ears.
You approached him, observing each quiver of absolute terror beading out of his pores. The attempt he made to wiggle away from you, in spite of his restraints, had you cocking your head. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Your tone was eerily playful. 
You leaned in closer, not giving him any other choice but to look at you. “You were always my favorite among the big names of science.” The dreamy attitude of your words, which would have flattered him under normal circumstances, struck him to his core.
“I never thought I’d see you in the flesh, but now…you’re so close I can touch you.” As your finger neared his face, his voice strained to be heard by someone, anyone who could save him.
“Help! P-please! Judge! Save me! Judge! H-ah!” He winced in pain from the tip of your nail digging into the center of his forehead. A spot of blood formed around your skin, trickling down to the bridge of his nose. ‘You bleed nicely’ was a compliment he never wanted to be paid. 
The strangled gasps from him as he tried to break free were curious. The intensity in your eyes burned a hole into him. Tapping on the metal plate around his neck, you reminded him, “The edges are sharp enough to cut you if you move all willy-nilly. You should know that.”
With a quick flick to his face, you left him momentarily to wallow in his own self-pity. “Let’s see,” your mind wandered. “We have quite the assortment on the menu we could pump you with…But, don’t you worry, you’ll get a chance to sample all of them,” you spoke with glee in your voice.
Carefully, you picked out the gem that would start it all and let it flow through the tubes with speed and grace. Each cough, movement, gag, gasp, tear no matter how seemingly insignificant was recorded with diligence.
With some of the solutions causing his veins to bulge, you considered letting him rest. You couldn’t have him dying on the table when there was still so much left to explore.
As he caught his breath, the droop in his face and fall in his eyes caught your attention.
“Hey, now! Stay with me.” You slapped him on the cheek. Checking his heart rate, there were no signs of him flatlining at that moment. 
A long sigh passed your lips as you pulled up a chair. “Oh, I see. You’re probably exhausted, aren’t you.” You gently brushed the locks caked in sweat off of his face. His expression softened and a puff of what appeared to be a hint at solace found in your touch parted his lips.
Humming sweetly at this little discovery, your smile was inevitable. “You like that?” You kept your tone comforting and inviting, while you tenderly stroked his face. His brow and lips twitched and his eyes remained closed, as if imagining the affectionate touch being given under different circumstances.
“Who are you thinking of?” You thought to yourself. “Is it someone else? Or could it be a different version of me?” Allowing him to rest was a necessity overall, but there was a part of you that took pleasure in seeing him like this. 
You didn’t want to have to kill him because like it or not, you were growing attached to him. Judge hadn’t given you any specific orders to do so anyway, only to make sure nothing could be traced back. Looking at this weakened man cuddling up to the faintest sign of affection made you feel queasy.
“I’ll make sure you won’t remember any of this,” you whispered.
With hours ticking by, each moment was crucial in completing the order bestowed upon you. Even with your conscience pulling at you to hold back at moments, you knew that doing so would lead to your head on a spike.
A grueling process, one which you were certain you’d enjoy was soured. Looking over your notes, double checking each minute detail, you were confident that everything was in order and accounted for.
Grabbing a small vile from your bag, you came to Caesar’s side once more. Feeble and unable to speak properly, he merely whimpered and shifted his head from side to side in protest. “No, no, no,” was all he could muster.
“Don’t worry, my little lamb. This is something that will help you. I promise.” Your soothing tone, the sincerity in your words, and your compassionate touch: tears beaded in his eyes once more, knowing full well that this side of you would be followed by him suffering.
His locks were shifted, uncovering his ear. Your fingers tenderly massaged the shell of it, as well as his earlobe. With just one droplet, the deed was done. Leaning closer, the feather-like kiss you placed on his temple caused his sobs to cease.
“Shhh, soon you won’t remember a thing. Not even your dreams will reveal the horrors you endured today.” Your voice cradled him. “Which means you won’t remember me…But that’s alright. It doesn’t mean we can’t meet again one day.”
You watched the subtleties in his face closely. As he drifted out of consciousness, you stayed by him to offer a tenderness of which he would have no recollection.
Caesar was put in his corridors, sedated into blissful ignorance. Handing over your findings to Judge and watching as he combed through each detail, the twisting knot in your gut was only becoming more unbearable.
“This will do fine.” His demeanor never faltered from stoic. “Now, to deal with the remains.”
“I can take him.” You spoke out without thinking.
He cocked an eyebrow at you, assuming that the only reason was to conduct more torturous experiments on him.
‘What I mean to say is—”
He put up a hand to stop you. “I don’t want to know. Take him, don’t take him, just as long as you never cross my path again.”
The riled up goat rose from his medicated slumber, making his bad mood everyone else’s problem. Why you were choosing to carry this fiasco of a man with you was beyond Judge, but that was something that you would keep under lock and key just like all of the other secrets your heart held.
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beaulesbian · 6 months
[one piece episode 1098 & chapter 1111 spoilers]
Some Joyboy, Zunesha & the Iron Giant connections
I love how the new anime episode 1098 started with Vegapunk saying about the Iron Giant that "Once it wakes up, it's gonna be big trouble" and later adding also that the WG doesn't know at all that it's on the Egghead island:
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and it's reflected in the new chapter 1111 which ended with the Iron Giant fully waking up and walking, towering over the whole island!!
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I can't wait to see the look on the Gorosei's faces when they realize who just woke up, if this is how they react towards someone like the giants helping Luffy, who poses a big threat to them now:
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and that some scientists didn't listen to (possibly) the Gorosei's direct orders to destroy the Iron Giant 200 years ago!
I wonder if the Iron Giant's energy is somehow connected with Luffy/Joyboy's own will or strength (like that heartbeat rhythm, which Zunesha could feel on a long distance, and Iron Giant woke up when Luffy went into Gear 5), and therefore it could now attack the Marine ships surrounding Egghead to help Luffy and others escape.
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Some time ago I made this post about the eyes of Zunesha and the Iron giant, and now that seeing how Giant the iron giant really is, I have so much more thoughts about their connection and relation to Joyboy and how they possibly could have been all giants.
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Another similarity with Zunesha and the Iron Giant was the theme of being apologetic towards Joyboy. Something in the past must have happened that they feel like they let Joyboy down (or in my opinion- there wasn't a way to save Joyboy/ had to abandon him, or watched the WG "disappear" him, (just like now the Gorosei are threatening to Luffy, Dorry and Brogy)) and both of their roles of what they were doing up until current storyline is a sort of self inflicted punishment (& loss of will or energy):
Zunesha walking around the world for almost a millenium, (and thanks to it, the island of Zou became a home to the Minks);
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and the Iron Giant shutting down/remained deactivated for 200 years. (but thanks to its presence, Vegapunk created other robots based on its design, studied it in details but couldn't replicate/understand its powersource).
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(And there was some other similar theme of the apology -with Joyboy himself leaving a message on the Fishman Island's poneglyph with an apology for the previous mermaid princess.
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With the way Luffy always helps those he encounters if they ask for help, this could have been a similar situation, but Joyboy possibly knew that for some reason he couldn't accomplish his promise or help her during their lives..)
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local-fire-dumpster · 5 months
AU where Sanji is stuck in Germa,Luffy is a Warlord and somehow that results in Judge being terrorized by a monkey seraphim.
I have yet to build up the courage to post on my new AO3 account, so here is the draft I've been working on these past days. Maybe you guys can share some thoughts?
One of the main premises of this fic is that Sanji is still in stuck in Germa.Judge invests resources and time into "fixing" Sanji rather than throwing him into the dungeon. A boatload of inhumane experiments later the physical modification on Sanji's body work just aswell as his brothers. Too bad the mental ones don't, but it's not like Judge cares if Sanji fells awful about killing random civilians. He only goes as far as to make sure Sanji is forced to obey orders when it comes to the modification.
So yeah, Sanji's life sucks.Time passes and he forces himself to accept his fate as a tool for Germa.It's not like he'll ever amount to anything else. He can't even as much as enter the kitchen anymore,bc Judge forbade it and he can't refuse orders.
Then something happens
Judge gave him a mission to infiltrate Egghead. 'This is a prank' Sanji thinks but as it turns out Judge is dead set on Sanji infiltrating Vegapunk's lab and stealing something for him.
A Seraphim.Vegapunks newest shiny weapon,equipped with lunarian and warlord dna.Sanji has little choice in the matter so he goes and steals S-Monkey,the seraphim of the youngest warlord,Monkey D. Luffy.
What Sanji wasn't aware of however was that this "weapon" is an absolute menace.Luffy's seraphim terrorizes the entirety of germa, especially the scientists and Judge which pleases Sanji to no end.
He starts sneaking into the labs to give it food and as a result he's referred to by his actual name instead of a mean nickname.
I haven't worked out all details yet but I'd like Sanji and seraphim luffy's first meeting with the straw hats to still be WCI.
Pekoms comes after the SHs for having Ceasar Clown and Bege ends up taking chopper too bc big mom likes collecting weird creatures.
Chopper is the first straw hat to meet Seraphim Luffy and Sanji.
Needless to say he is shocked beyond belief.Not only did the WG and Judge steal his captain's dna,no they also had to create a child soldier clone with it. He is even more sickened when he finds out that Judge did something similar to his own children.
Luffy definitely has to punch this guy once he arrives here.
Either way that's the outline I have in mind so far. Naturally the fic would extend for some chapter beyond WCI and into Wano but how far I'm not certain of yet
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
Kid, Law, and Zoro finding a stowaway in one of the ships storage rooms. When asked what their doing there, their answer is "Hiding from Vegapunk, PLEASE DON"T LET THEM FIND ME! I"LL DO ANYTHING" Basically their a experiment escaped and is terrified of going back to that cray old dude.
Greetings!🍞 hope you're doing all good! Sorry for the super long wait on this and hope you enjoy~ 🍀
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: Kid, Law, Zoro x Stowaway! Reader - Escaping and hiding from Dr. Vegapunk
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Eustass Kid
🛠 The Kid pirates were gearing up to set sail once again. Periodic stops to restock and make sure they had all their necessities was a very important task after all. Killer decided for safety sake he would take one last look at everything to ensure the crew had everything it needs. Kid went down to help, and of course, take stock of the alcohol situation. Can never have too much after all. While counting the barrels and making mental notes of the stock, Kid noticed an unfamiliar feeling, a presence lurking around somewhere. He looked around, neither hearing nor seeing anyone.
🛠 {Name} held their breath. They snuck onto the very first ship they could find, their ankles and wrists still held the metal cuffs that kept them confined. {Name} was going to rest, but was startled by the sounds of someone coming down, without much choice they dove under a very dusty sheet. One that clearly long overdue to be washed. The unsettled dust permeated the air around them, and tickled their nose until they couldn't hold back their sneeze. Kid and Killer instantly went on guard, his feeling of a lurking presence turned out to be accurate.
🛠 Without holding back, Kid attacked the area, ripping the sheet away and unveiling the stowaway. Kid and Killer were ready, eager for the unexpected conflict. Kid noticed the metal cuffs that is clamped on their hands and used it as a means to pin them down using his abilities. {Name} flailed against their cuffs, unable to get anywhere. Kid is a notorious pirate with a relatively hefty bounty, it wasn't unusual for someone to try their luck at a sneak attack, on his ship no less. Which is why he presumed the worst of {Name}.
🛠 {Name} persistently struggled, trying to get free and with some unimaginable amount of strength they got free from the magnetic grip of Kid's abilities. They tried to run past the two pirates, and without much effort, Kid picked them up by their collar, looking remnant of holding a wild cat by the scruff. They wiggled and flailed to get out of his grip, it was pretty obvious to Kid that they weren't there to take his life, nor did they look very capable of doing so in the first place.
🛠 "What are you doing on my ship runt?" Kid's voice came out cold, and stern. {Name} didn't know what, or who to fear more. "I-I...I needed somewhere to hide..." they managed to squeak out, "Needed to... escape." They settled down and stopped struggling seeing that there was no escape from Kid's grip. "That's not my problem" Kid coldly replied, he did not care if some stranger had problems, he cares about the fact that a stranger desecrated his ship with their unwelcome presence. "I'll give you a map! Please! I can't go back there, I can't let him find me!" {Name} pleaded and protested, Kid felt quite intrigued by the prospect of treasure. Though, nothing was really stopping him from taking the map and tossing {Name} overboard.
🛠 Them hiding from someone also caught his attention, depending on who, Kid very may well be inclined to helping. "Who are you hiding from?" He probed, "Vegapunk, I'm hiding from Vegapunk..." and that name is very recognizable. The infamous scientist who is nothing more than the World Government's dog, making weapons. The little runt currently dangling in his hand is an experiment of Vegapunks? A potential weapon in the making? Kid set them down, he didn't want to be involved in anything annoying. Kid however, was not going to say no to a chance of screwing the World Government over. For all he knew {Name} could be a weapon of mass destruction in the making, and he intended to use that very well.
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 Hiding on a submarine, not very easy nor long lasting. Everyone is in pretty close proximity to one another, and there's certainly nowhere to hide in comfort. Without food and absolutely hellish heat was expected. Which is why when {Name} fainted from heatstroke due to hiding in a very small, metallic compartment that seemed to get very hot. Suffice to say that {Name's} plan didn't go exactly the way they planned it. Despite all of that, they managed to stay hidden and without discovery.
🍄 Law easily found the stowaway, not in their hiding place but rather sneaking around the kitchen. Due to him not sleeping and hearing some suspicious noises from the kitchen, while everybody was already asleep. He walked quietly, carefully and peered into the kitchen. An unfamiliar silhouette, rummaged for food as quietly as possible.
🍄 Law neither announced his presence nor demanded an explanation, he quietly activated his Room ability and cut {Name} in half to prevent them from running away. In hindsight there was nowhere to run in an enclosed submarine but it was to spare him the effort of chasing them. Certainly being cut in half was quite the new experience for {Name} and they could agree it's not a pleasant feeling.
🍄 {Name} dropped their food in fright, the lack of pain delayed their understanding of the situation. They tried to run and their legs did... without the torso attached. Trying to coordinate both halves of one's body in perfect tandem simultaneously was not as easy as they imagined. {Name} saw the tall man standing over them, sword in hand and looking down at them. They tried to apologise and explain their case.
🍄 Law thought of them as an enemy, of which he has many. A likely conclusion given the vague understanding of the stranger aboard his submarine. {Name} surrendered without a fight, their struggle was only the result of fear not one of retaliation. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to steal your food. I was just so hungry while hiding and I-" {Name} furiously explained trying to clear up the misunderstanding. "Why are you hiding on my ship?" Law coldly cut to the point, wanting a reason not an apology. "I... I'm an experiment. I escaped from Dr. Vegapunks lab and jumped onto the first ship I saw... I didn't know who it belonged to." Hearing Vegapunks name left a bad taste in Law's mouth. Seeing the atrocity Vegapunk helped to contribute to such as the Pacifista.
🍄 Law sighed and reassembled {Name's} body. He still had the overwhelming urge to toss them out the submarine, have them become someone else's problem. Somehow, seeing them afraid, admitting to being an experiment and noting all the numbers tattooed onto to them to serve as identification for whatever process Vegapunk operated. Law somehow couldn’t turn them away, no one helped them and they tried to help themselves. Law agreed to tolerate their presence until the Polar Tang is safely tethered to land once more.
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Roronoa Zoro
⚔The storm outside felt too heavy, Zoro could truly nap through many things including heavy storms, but today he was more inclined to finding repose inside. He went down to a secluded corner, his notable favourite indoors napping spot. He even kept a blanket there for rainy days. He enjoys the isolation, the freedom to nap with no disruption, he saw his blanket sprawled out and a figure underneath. Zoro was almost inclined to think that someone else had maybe found his napping spot and used it, which didn't make much sense considering he saw the whole crew just moments prior to coming down.
⚔ {Name} was soundly asleep, and unaware of anything around them. Zoro pulled the blanket, uncovering a strange figure. The audacity of the stranger to sleep in his spot, {Name} sleepily mumbles with the absence of the blanket. Something along the lines the of being cold. Zoro musters the sweetest faux voice, "Here's your blanket~" it takes a moment for their sleep riddled brain to realize they've been found.
⚔ Zoro held the handle of his sword, ready to be drawn at any given moment. "Who are you?" Zoro's question commanded an answer from them, {Name} was intimidated by the person standing over them. Zoro would dictate what to do based on their answer, if they wanted a fight they would get one, if they asked for help then knowing Luffy, he would probably help.
⚔ {Name} panicked seeing this, before answering his question their mind clouded with fear of being sent back to the madman they just escaped from. {Name's} only thought is to run, they try to dash only to have their feet entangled in the blanket and fall flat on their face. Zoro sighs, picking them up like a sack of potatoes to see the rest of the crew and decide what to do.
⚔ The rest of the crew were surprised when they saw the stranger writhing in Zoro's arm and trying to wriggle themselves to freedom. Zoro plops the stranger down "I found this in the storage down below" he states nonchalantly, though gets rebuked for the use of 'this' for a person. {Name} feeling reassured by the crew that they wouldn't be harmed. They explained their need to hide, Vegapunk, and the fact that they were an experiment. {Name} got so used to life as an experiment that when the crew asked for their name they introduced themselves by their number rather than their actual name.
⚔ Luffy decides he will help {Name} and the rest of the crew were on board as well. Much like a baby chick who imprinted, {Name} stuck with Zoro everywhere he went. They followed him around and could always be found nearby. Having someone constantly stuck to him annoyed Zoro, and when he finally got to the point of snapping and trying to chase them away he couldn't. The sad look on their face, one that seemed to scream the woes of their abandonment. They trudged away with lifeless steps, occasionally looking back at Zoro with tear filled eyes before they shuffled out of sight. Zoro felt so guilty that he let them follow him around to their hearts desire.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
An Android’s Tears
Warnings: ANGST!, Marineford spoilers, character death, reader is an android, grief, No romantic pairing Word Count: 1510
Looking down at the black haired boy, you wished you were human. Maybe if you were human you could shed tears over his death. But you weren’t, you were an android and a useless one at that. Made to look almost completely human by creators that had died long ago, an advanced AI that had grown with the passing of time, yet none of it had been as meaningful as the last 2 years with the boy in front of you. Or perhaps he was no longer a boy, no longer a man even, but just another body. You wanted to feel the same things the other talked about. The tightening in your chest, the tears that should stream down your cheeks, but you couldn’t, all you felt was lost and sad. He deserved more. He deserved for you to mourn him properly. But you couldn’t, you were incapable of such things. At one point you’d asked a man for help to gain such advancements, but he’d been unable to help you, his knowledge of your inner workings too limited to help you. Turning to the man that had been a close friend, you envied the tears that fell down his cheeks. No, you couldn’t do that, not now. “Brain death has occurred, it is too late for a revival project. Best options. A complete download of remaining intact memories into a robotic body. An android with human memories, thoughts, and emotions. Second option, burial, this unit… I shall set forth, seek answers, and grow as he had wished.” you ‘reported’. He’d been the one to teach you to refer to yourself as “I’ and not ‘this unit’. Even as advanced an AI as you were, you’d still been ‘this unit’, ‘this machine’, never ‘I’, you’d never referred to yourself as a person. “He… I don’t think he would have wanted to be revived. Besides, do you even have any idea how you’d do so?” Marco asked, looking at you. “A body can be created with the aid of a scientist known as Vegapunk. His advancements in science are unparalleled. His remaining memories can be stored within my own memory banks until a suitable housing unit is available. Probability of successful transfer, 86% and dwindling.” you said, only to have Marco shake his head once more. “Ace wanted you to learn and grow, to become more than a simple AI, to become more than what you’d been created for. You can’t do that if you’re stuck in the past.” he said. It hurt to hear him say that but you knew he was right, Ace had told you multiple times that you weren’t just some machine made to do a task, you’d grown, you were a person. Marco reached up, startling you as he wiped something away from your cheek. Looking at his hand, you noticed a black smudge on his thumb. “You were crying. I think it’s oil.” Marco stated as you stared at the ‘tear’ in shock. You’d told them you’d never cried before, Marco understanding just how important this was to you. Wiping the tear off his thumb, you walked over to Ace’s body, smearing the black liquid across his cheek. Your first tear and it was shed for him. Walking away, you allowed Marco to take care of Ace. You had a journey to begin, for Ace. Looking in the mirror, you tucked a lock of ‘hair’ behind your ear. You still looked the same as that day, though you hadn’t changed much in many, many years so perhaps that was to be expected. There were a few changes you’d gotten. A ‘tattoo’ of an upside down spade under your eye, half resembling a teardrop. Those close to you understood the meaning behind it, understood how much it meant to you. A knock on your door drew your attention, a familiar mess of blond hair attached to a young man peeking into your room. “Hey, you ready?” the boy asked, making you nod. “Affir- yes. Are you?” you asked, the young man giving you a sad smile. “As ready as can be expected. Let’s uh… let’s go.” he said, opening the door wider, extending his hand to you. “Sabo… do you think he’ll be happy to see me again?” you asked, taking his hand as you left your room. “Of course he will. You’ve grown a lot since I met you, probably even more since he last saw you.” he reassured, making you smile. You’d met Sabo shortly after leaving to start your journey, easily recognizing him as Ace’s brother. It wasn’t his looks that had tipped you off, but his similarities to his brother, the pipe on his back, and the way he dressed. They all matched up with the stories Ace had told you. It had you wishing that Ace could have met back up with Sabo when he was still alive. The both of you stepped off the ship, heading towards the all too familiar grave. It wasn’t the first time either of you had been here, having taken Sabo here shortly before he’d obtained the Mera Mera fruit. Sitting in front of Ace’s grave, you smiled sadly. “Hey Ace, I know it’s been a few years… 3 years, 5 months, 1 week, and 4 days to be exact, since I last visited you, but I’m here now. I’ve… The Revolutionary Army keeps me busy. We’re doing really good work… I miss you though. I miss sailing with you, miss talking with you. The army, it’s not the same. I… I’ll try to visit more often, I promise. Just… don’t miss me too much, alright?” you said with a small chuckle. Placing a small flower in front of his grave, you turned back to Sabo, tears running down your cheeks. The blond wrapped his arms around you, letting the oily liquid seep into his vest. He knew it would ruin his clothing, but you needed this right now. Hesitantly, you pulled back slightly, staring up at him for a moment. Biting your lip, you stood on your tiptoes, moving to kiss him, only to have him gently push you away. The look in his eyes was a pained one as he took a deep breath. “You… you’re still hurting. This… I know you think you want this, I’ve been here for you, comforting you every step of the way, but I… I can tell, you’re not ready for this, not yet. Besides, what would Ace say? Knowing what kind of state you’re in.” Sabo said, hands firmly on your shoulders. The tears fell faster down your cheeks as you just stared at him. Part of you knew he was right, but at the same time, you almost wanted to make that mistake. You wanted someone to hold you in that loving way. It wasn’t that he didn’t care for you, or that he couldn’t imagine loving you like that, but you were still grieving too much, still too new to this kind of pain. His eyes widened as he scrambled to catch your collapsing form, sobs beginning to tear from your throat as he once more pulled you to his chest, allowing you to cry. He hadn’t expected this. You’d come to him when you were in pain, when you were sad, but he’d never seen you sob like this before. “Hey, hey, it’s alright. I…” Sabo hesitated, what was he supposed to say? Everything he could come up with only felt like he’d be making things worse, “Ace wouldn’t want to see you crying like this.” he said, trying to reassure you. “W-what would you know what Ace would have wanted?! He’s gone! I can’t ask him what he would have wanted! I… y-you were gone for over 10 years! He died thinking you were dead!” you shouted at him. You didn’t mean it, Sabo knew that, knew that you were just still hurting, but your words stabbed at him worse than any knife ever could have. “I know because I know my brother, I know that he would have wanted those he cared about to be happy. That’s just how Ace was. I might have lost my memory for 10 years, but I still knew Ace. He’d have been proud of how much you’ve grown, sad to see you so distressed… and disappointed if I’d let you do as you wanted.” he said sadly, his words hitting you like a cannonball to the chest. He was right, you knew he was right, not that you wanted to admit it. Instead, you just slumped forward, the tears slowing but not stopping as Sabo held your despondent form tightly. For the first time in your long life, you were tired. As an android, you never got tired, you never suffered from fatigue like humans did, but right now, all you wanted was to sleep, sleep like Ace had so often. So you sat there, completely unresponsive, allowing Sabo to hold you, praying that time would heal even the wounds of an android.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
The Inevitable Scrum
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First off, this memory world thing is exactly the type of weird funky fun I’ve been on about. Especially this bit of Bonney getting tossed. The throughline of memory being a dangerous thing to play with is strong. Mostly with these two chapters though we’re seeing the situation devolve. Because of course it was gonna. That alone doesn’t really say much even if it feels like we’re sticking to the framework...because of course the situation was gonna devolve into a scrum.
You need to spend a couple chapters showing the situation escalating. But for someone looking at a more thematic angle it doesn’t offer a lot. Love little bits like Nami swiping the jewels. Sanji simping over Stussy is pretty fun too. Love her reaction. I swear though, girl’s astro tankini is like an inch away from the final frontier of going full beaver. Very interested in where the cover story is taking us though, VP and the Gorosei is pretty interesting. What I like we’ve set up though is this:
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Luffy and Zoro are paired up again. We ruminated on this a bit at the start, Luffy being with Chopper to set up Bonney’s story. But now we have a Luffy/Zoro plot and it wastes no time drumming up another example of nostalgia. Egghead is directly mentioning the previous journey a lot more than most arcs. Which is interesting in it’s own right. I want you to think about Luffy and Zoro for today though. We’ve talked about this “caste” theme a fair bit, seeing it come up as these two get together though jogged my memory about something beyond the obvious tie to Bakura Town. There’s a really important part of this story about these two and that core theme. That’s for tomorrow, for today I’ll leave you with this thought.
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Seeing the Oden face made me consider something. Is Egghead the island Oden met Toki? You might want to dismiss that on the basis it’s naturally a winter island, but when we pull away for the “VP has disappeared” panel in 1073 the seas are calm around it. Not to mention they were rather rough in the past when Oden was hanging onto the chain. They are both three days from Wano and have the same type of palm-like tree. See for yourself and judge:
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What would confirm it would be those rafflesia-looking flowers, but I could buy these being different sides of the same island. We don’t really dwell on that place in the past, it’d be about 30 years ago from present day so if Bonney is familiar with it being less developed it probably wouldn’t be the futuristic paradise in Oden’s day. MADS disbanded 24 years before present time so it’s possible Vegapunk was already active there. This idea plus the reveal the Ancient Kingdom from 800 years ago was more advanced opens up a very compelling possibility right in our wheelhouse..what if VP met Toki? Maybe Captain Karma was trying to capture her for the scientist? Or even something like dropping an artifact that ultimately aided Vegapunk’s discoveries. Something to consider at least. Aside from those ruminations there was just one moment that caught my eye:
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Not as big of a deal plot wise but thematically interesting. One panel cramming in a dark/light themed character, a “mask” reference, and talking about replacing body parts while putting that left arm on display. It’s little but there’s still these types of notes sprinkled all over this arc.
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cptn-m · 10 months
One Piece chapter 1099 review
I'm glad to see Oda's break treated him well after the last chapter, because this one is not only completely finished, I'd say it's one of the cleanest looking we've seen in a while. The lines seem very sharp relative to the sketchiness that's become a trademark of the last few years. There's areas of roughness, sure, but I think most of the chapter is high quality work. I wonder if Oda came to some kind of realisation or new technique to even out the process, or if he's simply pushed himself extra hard because he feels like he needs to make up for the state of the last one.
Either way, this is a fairly transitional chapter when you get down to it, ticking off the boxes we knew needed to be ticked and filling in blank space in the timeline. No shock that Kuma traded himself for Bonney in a deal with Vegapunk, nor that his tyrant epithet was propaganda or that he stumbled onto the throne accidentally after confronting Becori. Predictable or not, these developments needed to be shown (in part because not all the casual readers are going to remember the vague statements about Kuma's past from hundreds of chapters ago that the hardcore fans had used to piece together their existing ideas of his history through implication) and we actually get through them pretty quick, hopefully to set up this flashback's next big gut punch for chapter 1100.
Bonney getting her Devil Fruit at random at this point is certainly a surprise. I wonder if there'll be an SBS answer for how it ended up in the hands of a girl who can't go outside. Or will it just be a mystery forever like Robin and her Devil Fruit.
The misdirect gag between Bonney's aging and Conny's appearance is fun, and I was almost not expecting to see an explanation for Bonney being able to impersonate her so easily at the Reverie, but it also feels a bit like evidence of a changed plan. Wouldn't shock me if there was an early outline somewhere that made Bonney an actual part of the royal family (perhaps Ginny was originally a local, some distant relation of Bulldog who was enslaved after a cruel twist of fate) and Oda decided to go another way when he reached the point of actually doing the flashback and mapping it out event by event. But it still fits together as what it is, this is just me as a writer trying to dissect things.
Could Bonney learning to base her elderly form on Conny be the origin of her distorted futures? It would explain her being able to take on Kuma's physique despite the lack of blood connection.
There are some awesome continuity callouts in Kuma's piracy montage, from the islands he scattered the Strawhats to, to Abdulla and Jeet, to the Revolutionary Army regional commanders showing up again. And of course references to the purging of Grey Terminal and the explosion at Punk Hazard around the chapter. It's also cool seeing Egghead before Vegapunk made it into Egghead. Can you believe the difference in less than seven years?
Vegapunk is frighteningly naive in his ideas about how the clone soldiers will be used by the Government, but it tracks with how we know him in the present as well. it's hard to say what Kuma's read on the old scientist is in this scene, especially the panel at the bottom right of page 16, where he looks surprised and concerned by Vegapunk's declaration of "mighty warriors from the future." I think Kuma has seen enough that he understands how the World Government would use things like that, but for Bonney's sake (who we already know matters more to him than the Revolutionaries' cause) he can't say no. So he justifies. He falls back on Dragon insisting Vegapunk's intentions are good (and hey, he was cool about the Buccaneer thing). He hopes against hope something good actually will be made from the clone soldiers. He trusts himself to deal with the fallout if it goes wrong and take the burden on his own shoulders, as he did with the ousting and return of Becori.
Unfortunately, we know it won't be that easy. Saturn is set to take away Kuma's mind and rob him of the chance to set right the abuse of his clones. That makes me think that part of Kuma's agenda when he's on Egghead and at least partly in control will be to destroy as many Pacifistas as he can, or at least the facilities that make them, to put an end to his own misuse. The Seraphim are likely to be salvaged, as the World Government's endgame weapons, but the annihilation of the regular cyborgs would be a huge blow.
I don't think we're quite close enough to the end here to wrap up the flashback for 1100, nor is it really positioned for a huge lore bomb like some are hoping for. I think the big thing next week is just going to be the tragic but inevitable betrayal of Kuma that makes him what he is. This is also potentially the end of volume 108, but I want to see where 1100 leaves us before I put any final bets in on that front.
Read older reviews on my Wordpress.
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moustawott · 2 years
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With all the theorizing about devil fruits, right now, we should keep in mind that the Japanese text is ambiguous on whether Vegapunk is speaking figuratively or literally. Imo, it would make more sense if he was speaking metaphorically. The desires of the scientists of the past made them want to create devil fruits through artificial means
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1072 - Initial Thoughts
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The long wait is over, after 2 and a half weeks of no One Piece chapters thanks to SJ's new year break we are back for some more goodness. 2022 left behind a lot of big moments, but with 2023 furthering the 'final saga' you're sure to notice some twists on the way.
So let's see what 2023 Oda has to offer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
So the 'peaceful scientist group' MADS start immediately by trying to mass produce weapons, where did it all go wrong huh?
The more I think about it too the more I wonder if Caesar's fruit is awakened? He has the god scarf thing (looked it up, it's called a Hagoromo) and we've never seen a confirmed awakened Logia
Still mad that Judge doesn't have the twirly brows, there's some twirl but not enough to explain his kids, but he, Caesar and Queen all do seem interested with the Devil Fruit Caesar's holding
Also Queen wasn't lying about him being too popular if he got thinner, already seen social media thirst for him, guess he has to join the Moria club of 'Ugly villains who fandom found handsome when they were younger'
It seems the cover story is again bleeding into the main chapter, as the narration suggests that MADS created a human, dunno how that leads into world peace though
Kid Bonney is on the ground hurt, at first you'd think paired with the narration that it's in the past but she's still in Vega clothes and has the pipe
Old man Vegapunk also took the bait far too easily, but it does show that he cares
Oda now gets a chance to show some creativity with Bonney's powers, she adjusts her body to an 'distorted' timeline where she's buffed up, then she turns Vegapunk into a kid with an attack which causes Vegapunk's 'age pieces' to fall out of him
Interesting word choices there, 'my abilities don't permanently affect living things', does that mean inorganic stuff is affected? Does this also mean she can't send someone to a death or unalive age?
Bonney is asking for Vegapunk's reason, but he refuses to tell since it'd hurt her and because he promised Kuma, all paralleled by Kuma himself climbing the Red Line and being shot down by the guards
Of course Bonney is reluctant to accept that as is, she gets even more angry that Vegapunk said that Kuma chose to give away his humanity, I mean she is his daughter she wouldn't want to comprehend that her father chose to not be with her
Bonney though hears a sound and it turns out to be one of Kuma's paw pads floating
In Flashback we see Vegapunk explaining how Kuma's powers work, specifically how he was able to bring out Luffy's pain, turns out he transmitted the nerve signals for pain and fatigue into radio waves
Young Kuma also has chad energy, even if he has the little bear ears (wonder if it's a headset or his hair curling because he didn't have it in Bonney's flashback), it seems he was interested in the concept of a soul, and the findings of a 'west blue scientist', wonder if that'll be elaborated on
Since Kuma's powers can transmit pain, Vegapunk asks whether he could do the same for memories, since it's the same in that it's nerve signals being transmitted
In the present Lil' Vegapunk tries to warn Bonney off the Paw by saying it's 'pain' and too much for her to handle, but Bonney knows her father's powers, she knows it's memories
The lab group assess the situation of last chapter, Usopp confident Zoro won't lose to Kaku
However, Shaka notes that the numbers advantage may be too much, since the Seraphim have also shown up
Turns out they took their own initiative too, which means that CP0 are in the dark about this too
But this can bode well for Vegapunk, since they have the higher chain of command, all they need to do is physically deliver an order to them
Edison decides to go, with Lilith quickly following because she's desperate to throw down
Sanji's sly comment about Zoro dying before reaching the One Piece though prompts Nami to tell him to go with, which he obliges as if he's a seraphim, 'Sanjiphim' and 'Swirlyphim' are pun names used as Franky comes with, but I'd have gone with Serasimp
Jacket's off for Brook I guess that does mean he's serious
But Kaku has also awakened, not that it concerns Zoro at all
I gotta smirk because a bunch of anti-Zoro people on Social Media started sharing a fanart that Zoro would lose to an Awakened Kaku, and yet Zoro's not even going all out and he still smacks Kaku to the floor
Lucci with the tactics though, instead of attacking Vegapunk directly, he orders the Seraphim to destroy the Labophase (though doesn't destroying Punk Records also destroy all the sensitive equipment they were told not to destroy?)
They do oblige at destroying the lab at least, which will likely prompt more scattering from the Straw Hats and the Punks
As Kaku reprimands Lucci though, Stussy bites him and he's out cold!
She got demon wings and drank blood I'm guessing girl has a vampire fruit
But that's not all, she's a clone! MADS' first successful clone!
Also says she's a Rocks Pirate crewmate, 'Clone of Miss Buckingham Stussy', but does that mean the clone was a Rocks member or that she's a clone of the Rocks member? EDIT: Better scanlations make it clearer that Miss Buckingham Stussy was the Rocks Pirate member and MADS cloned her
I guess now we will need to entertain that Weevil may indeed be Whitebeard's son, since Buckin could be short for Buckingham, plus why would MADS decide to clone Rocks pirates? That ain't peaceful
But since she KO'd Kaku she also sets sights on Lucci too!
Okay that was a great twist.
For one it's great because Stussy was often established as a deceiver already; she works in the Underworld and CP0, she suggested that the Straw Hats planned to assassinate Big Mom via the Tamatebako but she also threatens the media. We establish in this arc though that she knows a lot about Egghead, which prompted suggestions that she was from MADS or an experiment, the cover page last chapter also showed someone who kinda looked like her from the back too. And we ended up getting it all in one plus Oda going 'I see your Shakky was a Rocks member theory and I debunk it so you don't think about Stussy'
But it's also a great twist in how the chapter began, the opening narration paired with Bonney makes you unconsciously think that perhaps Bonney is the creation, and not Stussy, so it's a nice little misdirect there too.
This chapter had a lot going for it, much of it involving Kuma. I wonder does Kuma's memories all sit there and that's how he lost his humanity? Was Kuma effectively able to remove his 'soul'? And if so that means it could be put back right? So long as Bonney didn't internalize it all. Seeing more of Bonney's power was fun too, always like to see when Oda gets creative with stuff.
Surprisingly too, we didn't get a since panel of Luffy this whole chapter, nor Robin, Chopper and Jinbe. Though it was about time we got more Zoro and Brook. Brook is defending the ship but with Kaku KO'd I wonder what this means? Is Stussy on our side or just on her own side? Was she the one Vegapunk called for help or was it another person? How does this affect the numbers game too? I would guess Kaku will awaken eventually but it is starting to feel like Lucci vs Everyone until Kizaru shows up, then it's likely 3 plus 4 Seraphim and maybe the G-14 (plus potentially Tashigi for a small while, I don't expect her to fight against the Straw Hats once she learns that CP0 intend to kill Vegapunk - the only one capable of saving the Punk Hazard kids) vs 10 Straw Hats, 6 Vegapunks, Bonney, Stussy and potentially 1 other, something has to balance out a bit more. The lab breaking apart to split everyone may aid in that, since the Seraphim are strong enough to require tag teaming for some crew members, but it's still in need of balancing out. Plus I'm gonna be mad if Lilith doesn't get to go guns blazing, though I do kinda expect Sanji to protect her from harm, I know we are all however worried about him encountering S-Snake...
Edison is still sus to me too, last chapter he was in his own space but now suddenly he's 'take charge'? With Franky going with I wonder if we're setting the stage for him, like Chopper was by Hogback in Thriller Bark, being let down by his hero.
None of last chapter was really answered, but such is the way with One Piece though; to get 1 answer you must receive 10 new questions minimum, but Oda sure did pack a lot on his first chapter back
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ninjaboyjoel · 2 years
(En)Elbaf Part 2
So a few things about 1066 (Spoilers! Obviously):
Saul is most likely the burn-scarred man
Kid is most likely on Elbaf
It looks like Hajrudin and his crew were there on Ohara.
Elbaf, Ohara and Vegapunk are now inextricably linked. Vegapunk and his satellites are are also heavily linked to the moon. Each of his satellites are named after craters or something else related to the moon. 
In Enel's cover story we see Vegapunk's homeland of Karakuri Island and the scientist Doctor Tsukimi who fixes up automata that were seemingly created by the sky people in the past.
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We see very similar automata working on Egghead island in the background. We now know that Vegapunk has learned things about the ancient kingdom and the void century via the books from Ohara and that it appears that he even has some technology from that time. 
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The large robot indeed has a very Viking-esque appearance to it which must be noted, invoking both Elbaf and the Ancient Giants (who may well be from Elbaf themselves).
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People online have been pointing out that the Space Pirates jolly roger looks exceptionally similar to Doctor Vegapunk himself (with a very looooong head! Hey, who knows maybe this can link to Long Ring Long Land somehow). 
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It seems like Elbaf will be an arc of reunions, Dorry, Brogy, Oimo, Kashi, Saul, maybe Hajrudin and his crew and perhaps the Kid Pirates too. A lot of allies gained by Usopp and heavy ties to Usopp and Robin’s developments in Enies Lobby.
Speaking of Hajrudin, we can see what appears to be him, Gerd and Goldberg being captained by Saul in Chapter 1066! How odd, seeing as Saul was not from Elbaf and didn’t seem to have a very high opinion of him when he spoke to Robin. I wonder what changed in the month between the Buster Call and his return to Ohara with his new crew. 
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Now as to why I believe he is the burn-scarred man? He’s really the only person who could be, he has the most info about the void century thanks to his retrieval of the books and he was most likely burned by the fires of Ohara during the Buster Call or by Kuzan’s ice (which was most likely the thing that saved him! Cheeky “Ice Time Capsule” we really should have realised he was alive from that). 
This only compounds the link between a few key things to me, ancient technology, Elbaf, and the sky people. Sky People -> Ancient Tech -> Vegapunk and Saul -> Elbaf. Its a trail of connections and I still need something a little more concrete, but this could very well be paving the way for info about Birka, which I believe establishes a key connection between the Giants and the sky people. I think Birka is the key and that is what would bring us to the return of Enel. I should make some kind of web to show how everything connects but I’d look like a conspiracy theorist...
if Elbaf is an arc of reunions, both friends, for Usopp and Robin, and enemies/rivals if Kid appears, (Which I believe he will!). A lot of people are hoping for Vivi’s return here and if the theme of reunions really does ring true, I think we can expect this! Kid and Enel could cause some real havoc together, electromagnets anyone?
I unfortunately can’t really find a way to tie Urouge into this any more than I already have, other than the fact he’s now the only Supernova not to be a major arc character yet. His time will come soon.
Sorry if this was kind of light compared to the previous part, I just wanted to make sure I had my thoughts out there about this. Information is coming at such a fast pace now, if I’m right about this we’ll know before long. A strange tidbit- an early concept for Film Red was in fact the return of Enel, but it was shot down. I can’t work out if that’s good or bad for the theory, I’ll leave that with you.
All the best everyone and I hope to have more to share soon.
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misti-chan · 3 years
Hello! What are you thoughts on Caesar's childhood? Back then, how did he behave himself in general and did he ever come in terms with the fact that he was born with those goat horns? Thank you for taking a look at my request.
Hello! Guys, it’s killing me, I also talked about this with my friend somewhile ago. Well, more for his past in general, because I have headcanons for him (for my selfship). So here I go about my thoughts on this.
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❤ Headcanons about Caesar’s childhood and past (those are COMPLETE headcanons from my part, since we do not have ANY information on his past before Vegapunk) ❤
He did not grow up with any father figure as it was his mother who took care of him. But I feel like his mother was quite absent too, from flirting with men. But she was always very nice with him, trying to buy him what he wanted (like books or science relating stuff). In general, a very affectionate mother.
I also have the feeling that he was getting bullied, because of his horns and also because of his love for science.
Maybe he had a mentor at some point that gave him some advice and pushed him in the right direction.
I also watched a theory video about Caesar somewhile ago and I kinda agree with it. You can find the video here. Caesar was not like this, I mean a mad scientist, before working with Vegapunk. It certainly is his jealousy and thrive for being better than him that actually made him this way. (I also feel like that Vegapunk is not THAT righteous person most people are trying to make him)
One headcanon that I already have before (for my selfship) is the fact that he tried to ask out women when he was a young adult (before working with Vegapunk) and he always got violently rejected. And one time one woman told him to not touch him with his “disgusting hands”, so now he always wears gloves. Yeah I like angst.
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physicalturian · 4 years
Why don’t you listen to me? Law x GN! Reader - Part 1
Spoilers for : Punk Hazard and Dressrosa arcs [No gender used for the reader, no physical description, everyone is +18] Words : 3966 Archive of Our Own No warnings, if you feel like I should put some, send me a DM or an ask!
Trafalgar Law. When he left the crew to go on Punk Hazard, I knew something was off. I knew him enough to know that while he might seem cold on the outside, he did rightful things. That’s why there must have been something deeper behind this course of action of him suddenly leaving us to go work with Caesar Clown on this forsaken island; He would have never worked for this mad scientist if he did not have something else in mind.
 After having let Bepo and the others know of my plan, I asked them to let me follow our captain. I was met with a bit of resistance from most of the crew, they tried to hold me back but I was able to convince them to drop me off on the abandoned island. They were right to tell me it was crazy to follow him, and I did not have any good reason to give them to justify my actions but my stubbornness. However, I did not tell them that and instead said I needed proof that our captain was not going to become a maniac murderer and that once I had that proof, I’d come back. They agreed, hoping it’d go smoothly, hoping that I’d come back in a few once I realized our captain was not doing shady stuff.
 But nothing went according to plan. While I was able to follow him to the facility without getting caught, I realized it was not exactly the case. With no one around, he stopped in the middle of the tundra and raised his hand. I tried to take a good look at what he was doing, but with the constant falling of snow, I could not see much. “Room. Shambles.” In an instant I went from leaning behind a frozen stone, to falling on the snow-filled ground, with only my hands to soften my fall. With a certain disappointment, he muttered my name, “You can’t be here, why did you follow me?” I quickly got up, trying to brush off the snow from my coat before shoving my hands in my pockets. “Trying to prove a point.” I shrugged.
With a scoff, he shook his head as he adjusted his sword on his shoulder. “Go back to the submarine.” He said before walking past me, but I quickly grabbed his shoulder, earning a dissatisfied grunt from my captain. “Wait, tell me you’re not turning bad.” Why did I sound desperate like this? I have to get myself together, so I let go of his arm, muttering a sorry as I took a step back. “We’re pirates, aren’t we already bad?” he asked rhetorically. I knew he was trying to joke around, at least that is how I took it but I did not need that right now. Fucking Law and his way of avoiding things. “That’s not what I meant and you know it- just tell me if I’m right-“ he sighed but turned around and was now facing me.
 “You have a bigger plan, right? You don’t believe in what Caesar is doing, right? He’s been testing shit on children in there for crying out loud! We can-“ “I know! I know what he’s doing, I know.” He raised his voice at first, then gradually it lowered as if he was even disgusted by what I said. His answer, while not straight-up answering my questions, gave me all I needed to know. “It’s just the beginning, but you need to go, I don’t even know why you followed me here.” I felt my heart tightened at that, I was not about to tell him that I did it out of pure selfishness, but it was the case. I followed him to make sure I did not like someone that was rotten, to make sure he was actually still right in his mind and that it was still alright to feel something more that camaraderie for him. Ah, how stupid is that?
 Laughing it off, I raised my shoulders a bit then let them down, my eyes slowly meeting his. “You’re right, you’re right, captain.” Pointing behind me with my thumb, I gave him a small grin, “I’ll go back, come back to me- us, come back to us in one piece, alright?” I laughed nervously afterwards, noticing the slight change in his expression at my lapsus; It made me want to dig a whole and crawl inside but I kept my casual attitude. Turning around to leave, I stopped when I heard my name being called in this all too familiar way, “Why did you follow me?” The question, he did not have to ask it like this. He did not even have to ask it at all, because I would have to find a subtle way to not confess. Seeing how he was frowning he would be safer to indeed find an excuse, he truly looked confused.
 My brain now running wild, I said the first thing that crossed my mind: “Bepo asked me to come,” why did I say that, it was a lie, I was bad a lying, I’m sure he could see it on my face, and yet I continued; “Yep because we were all a bit worried by your departure you know? And you know how they are,” I was about to continue but seeing how the stern look on his face had not changed, he was still staring at me with the same intensity. So, I stopped and gave him a curt nod, “We’ll wait for your return captain.” The hope in my voice was unfamiliar to me, I knew what was going on here, I knew it too well. And I did not plan to return to the submarine, but that’s not something he was going to know. Hearing his farewell, I think I heard him say ‘Just Law.’ But I could not be sure, so I kept on walking until I reached a safe place to stay.
 I had taken a few things from the submarine before leaving, just enough to be able to survive a few days on this god forsaken island. Knowing the crew must have been worried, I called them and told them I was going to stay a bit- once more they started yelling, saying I had to come back and that it wasn’t safe but with as much confidence I could give off, I reassured them. It was a hard task to do considering they were ready to storm here and bring me back to the submarine, themselves. “I promise, I’m alright. I’m well hidden, and I’m just staying a few days, until I’m sure he’s alright.” There was a shuffle behind on the other end, so I waited until I couldn’t hear anything before speaking once more. “Guys?” waiting a bit more, Bepo’s voice came through as he said my name softly, “I’m sorry if this is not appropriate but seeing how you’re so worried for the captain even though we know he’s strong, I couldn’t help but have that theory that maybe you like him… sorry if it’s embarrassing, maybe I’m wrong-“
 Damn him and his observation skills, I thought I was being discrete. Maybe I should have come back to the submarine, maybe staying here just out of worry was stupid indeed. But he was right, so I cut him off, “Don’t apologize, I-…” I trailed off, running my hand on my scalp. “It’s nothing more than a crush, really, but I’m really worried you know? I am staying professional, so everything is good.” Once again, there was a shuffle then I heard Penguin’s voice very close to the den den mushi, “Give me the den den mushi, Bepo-“ Ah shit, everyone was still there. I thought they had left. At this very moment, I regretted telling Bepo, because now I knew they would all tease me, the usually stoic person of the crew, the professional looking one, for having feelings.
 Not that I ever said I did not have any, I just did not like letting anyone know what I felt. And the one time I did, they were all there. Sighing, I spoke again, “Guys, guys. Don’t you dare tell the captain anything, it’s going to go away. It’s just a crush, so keep your mouths shut, ok?” The loud voices I could hear, meant they did not agree to that at all. I couldn’t understand what they were saying but I definitely think someone said that knowing I had a heart made them believe in the most supernatural things. But since they all kept talking at the same time, all together, I just told them I’d hang up, adding that I’d see them later. What I did not know was how late I was going to meet them again, and how much I’d miss them in between.
 Days on Punk Hazard were long, very long, I had everything I needed to survive but temperatures were so awful I could hardly sleep at night. But I made it through; Most days looked the same but I was safe and I did not come across anyone, and for that I was grateful. Every day I would leave my hideout and check on Law, making sure he was still fine. When I could see he was uninjured, I’d go back and wait for the next day. I trusted him, but I also wanted to make sure he was not trafficking kids. After a few days or weeks, I didn’t know anymore, there was something strange that happened, from my spot I could see the dragon Vegapunk had created to protect the island. And at some point, that dragon got taken down.
 From there on, I knew things were about to change, so I packed my stuff and followed the people that had taken down that gigantic monster. I had to assess if they were allies or enemies, see if I should warn Law or not. At that thought, I shook my head and kept my pace, following the group of loud people; I was not going to warn him, he was strong enough and he would definitely beat me up for having stayed on the island instead of following his order of going back to the submarine. It’s good, it’s alright, I’ll just assess from afar, I thought with determination. “Yeah, it’s all right.” I muttered, as the moment left my mouth I noticed from my higher point, that the group of people down had defeated the centaurs of the island.
 Nothing stops them it seems; I can barely catch my breath that they’re already on the move again. I got up and followed them once more as they rode on the leader-centaur. The guts to do that, do they not respect anything? But it was slightly funny too. The further we walked through the tundra; the more rumbling could be heard. At some point, I could no longer follow them from my high vantage point and had to go down the mountain to be able to follow them. I almost lost them by the time I reached the bottom, but I managed to catch a glimpse of them and was able to resume my discrete walk.
 I was surprised when on their path, they came across a rough fight that had just ended between the Marine and- Law? He was standing there with Admiral Smoker’s heart in his hand, then started walking away as the Admiral’s crewmates gathered around him. What has he gotten himself into? Is that why he did not want us to help him? Did he not want to get us involved with the Marine? As the people that had defeated the centaurs walked on, the man with the straw hat waved his arm high and called out something. I could quite hear, but I could see he seemed to be having a discussion with my captain, for a moment I wondered who it might be then everything came back to me. It was the Straw Hats crew. We had taken care of the young captain after the Summit War.
 Coming closer to listen on what they were saying, I only had time to hear my captain’s directions before having to hide from the group of people that were coming back on their path. I stayed there a few minutes, seeing them disappear in the constant snow then sighed. Puru puru puru. Puru puru puru. Scrambling to my senses, I grabbed my den den mushi and pick up, “Yes?” “Come out from your hideout, I can see your foot from behind the wall.” I felt the blood drain out of my face upon hearing my captain’s voice. This is why I was not the person they send on recon missions; this is exactly why. Now he knew, and I had to come clean, right? “Right away captain.” I mumbled before hanging up and feeling myself being swapped like before as he used ‘Shambles’.
 “I told you to leave. It was a direct order, why are you still here.” My throat tightened, and I felt my face heat up, it was embarrassing to be in this situation. I never expected to be scolded like a child, it all started from a good sentiment, right? I simply wanted to make sure he was alright. There was a silence. I couldn’t look at him in the eyes, instead I focused on the tattoos on his hand while he held his sword over his shoulder. What could I say? If I spoke, I would just tell him the truth, and it would be even more embarrassing. “You disobeyed a direct order-“ He stopped himself and took a deep breath to keep his cool. What had happened to him to be this unnerved? No one had seen me, everything was fine.
 It ticked me off, so with a bit more bite I spoke up, “Direct order or not, I don’t see why you’re getting frustrated when I haven’t been caught- that’s a bit dramatic if you ask me.” I shrugged, finally looking him in the eyes and seeing he was almost seething, even though it did not show that much on his face I could see it clear as day. “Dramatic? I never asked you to come here, it’s dangerous! I can’t watch your back here,” he said the last part a bit angrier towards himself than at me, saying my name in a threatening manner. “I didn’t ask you to watch my back- if anything I’m watching yours, but I’m not planning on fighting-“ “That’s not the point!” his hand tightened on the handle of his sword and he closed his eyes, his free hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
 Hearing the door open behind Law, I grabbed his shoulder and teleported us in a higher location so that we would not be caught by whoever had left the facility. Whispering in a hushed tone, I continued, “Then what’s the point? If I’m not fighting, you don’t need to watch-“ “If you get caught, you won’t have any choice but fight! And since you can’t listen to orders-“ I interrupted him the same way he did me, “That’s not- I can listen to orders just, not this one, I was worried. That’s all. I know you’re strong Law!- Captain, I meant captain.” I took a deep breath and calmed down, “I know that, but I can’t help it, ok?” Sighing, I gave him a smile that hopefully conveyed how sorry I was. His previously angry face was now back to his usual frowning one, but I could see he was confused.
 Law looked to the side and placed his sword back on his shoulder, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’m going to ask the Straw Hats for an alliance, once you’re back on the submarine, tell the others to wait for me at Zou.” He did not even continue on the topic, he just cut the conversation short. He ended it entirely, ready to leave. But I was surprised, “Zou? How long until you meet us there?” Zou was a ghost island; I did not know how he expected us to find it and even less how he hoped to meet us there, but he seemed set on the idea. His answer was a long hum, “Some time. I have things to do before that.” He explained off-handedly. I quirked a brow but did not question him further, if he did not talk about it more than that it meant he was trying to keep us safe and not involve us.
 I hated that because it meant he was about to do something dangerous and crazy, without even mentioning it to us. And yet, I nodded. “I get it, I’ll get out of Punk Hazard.” I stated. His eyes widened for a second, as if it was a miracle to hear me say that. I chuckled at this reaction, and it made him pull his cap down. “Be careful captain, I’d like to have you back with the crew, alive.” He scoffed, a small, and yet beautiful, smile painted on his face. He then opened his coat, grabbing something from the inside of his pocket, before ripping a piece of it and handing it to me. “This should ease your mind. A piece of my vivre card.” It’d be a lie if I said it didn’t lift a weight off my chest, but there was still this constant feeling I had when he was around that was not leaving.
 Taking the piece from his hand, I grazed his fingers and felt how soft they were. How stupid is that? Obviously, they’re nice, he’s a surgeon, he has to. It would be strange for him to have rough hands, right? I mean he’s a surgeon and a swordsman so it could happen, but here- “Everything okay?” The pirate said. Getting out of my daydream, I realized I was holding his hand instead of just taking the paper. In panic I quickly let go, almost dropping the piece of paper but grabbing it before it could fall. “Yep, all good captain. Thank you- see you soon?” A huffed laugh escaped his lips as he nodded before placing a hand on my shoulder, it was so close to my neck that I felt shiver ran down my spine at the feeling of his cold fingers grazing my skin.
 I quickly got myself together and placed my hand on his shoulder and teleported him back down, squeezing his shoulder before letting go. “I’ll let Bepo know that you’re fine, good luck.” For some reason it made him laugh, instead of asking what was so amusing I turned around and left. He did the same as he entered the facility, once I made sure he was inside, I teleported from points to points instead of walking. I did say I was going to leave Punk Hazard, and since he was going to make an alliance with the Straw Hats, odds were that he’d ask them to help with what he had planned. All I had to do was sneak on their boat and wait for them to leave the island, it made sense, right?
 Making my way around the island to find the boat, I pulled out my den den mushi and called Bepo, the moment I heard him pick up, he started rambling. It was a long speech on how I shouldn’t have done what I did, that I should come back on the boat, adding that he even called the captain since I was not answering- “You what? Bepo what did you do?! Oh my…” with a soft ‘sorry’ he stopped rambling and asked if he had done something wrong. I chuckled, but felt completely embarrassed. “I- no you didn’t, it’s just that out of panic I told the captain I had come here because you were worried… what did you tell him?” Hearing him stutter a bit, I gasped when I saw the big flashy boat on the freezing water outside. There it is, the Straw Hats’ boat.
 “Just that- you know, you had asked us to go on the island because you were worried- and you said you were staying there- but then you stopped picking up so we had to ask the captain if he knew if you were ok! And he said you were fine, he said he saw you every day for the past few-“ I couldn’t help but laugh loudly, but nervously. So, he knew I was bullshitting him, I mean at least he doesn’t know I have a crush on him, right? That little shit never said he saw me, now I felt like an idiot for having thought I had never been caught. Fucking shit. “Alright, alright, everything is fine. I saw him a few minutes ago, he said we had to meet up at Zou.” Everyone started protesting, saying it was hard to find and constantly on the move. It was not news, everyone knew how hard it was, and yet our captain had thought it’d be the best meet-up point.
 “You can already go, I’ll be staying here and accompanying the captain. Just don’t tell him that, he… doesn’t know that exactly?” More protests ensued after my hesitant announcement, as I snuck on the huge boat that was left on its own while the rest of the Straw Hats were on the Island. I had not hung up, yet, and paid attention to what they were saying as I walked around, trying to find a spot to lay low in the meantime. They would definitely go back inside, probably to the med bay once they’re done with taking care of Caesar, right? So, going inside wouldn’t be smart. Thinking some more, I looked around, craning my head up as I noticed a huge place on top, like a nest. See, they’re not going to check there, right? I teleported up there and entered the room through the door, it was cozy and pretty empty, but warmer than where I had been staying that past couple of days.
 Bringing the den den mushi closer to my face, everyone was still talking so I had to interrupt them, “Everyone, please. I’m not changing my mind; I don’t want to let our captain go alone. Please do as he said and we’ll meet up on the Island of Zou, alright?” grumbling they agreed, but I knew that wasn’t enough. “I promise I’ll bring him whole; I mean he can definitely take care of himself but I’ll give him extra care just for you.” I said jokingly, clearly, I shouldn’t have since that seemed to spark a fire as they all started shouting, and talking at the same time, saying that clearly if I was going to give extra attention to our captain it wouldn’t be because of them but because I liked him. I took it as my cue to go; with a short goodbye I told them we’d see each other soon then hung up.
  Now that I was finally alone with my thoughts, and in a warm, very warm place, I was able to let my guard down. Sitting down on the wooden bench against the wall, I took off my coat and placed it on myself like a blanket, making sure I had Law’s vivre card in sight in case anything happened.
I’ll just take a quick nap and wake up before they’re back, I just need to catch a few hours of sleep, two hours sounds good. Yeah, two hours in this warm, comfortable, well-isolated, windless place.
It took me only a few minutes before the fatigue took over me and I was knocked out. [Part 2]
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
sanji will fight queen
sanji vs queen because  of queen being an okama  with  technology  (a mechanical arm ) as revealed in one piece 925 and  sanjis history on  okama  island  and him having a  raid suit  
to add to the idea of sanji fighting queen queen rules over the prison where they can only get one piece of food for every block they bring leading many to starve like old man hyou and sanji due to his past and feelings on starvation would be pissed about that
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megashadowdragon . tumblr . com/post/181975792907/sanji-will-end-up-transforming-after-getting-angry/embed
Uses tech + wears Sunglasses like RS Sanji Blonde like Sanji Smoker like Sanji Food obsession Opposite of Sanjis code to not let anyone starve, he starves people to keep them under control Obsessed with pretty women he reacts to Komurasakis death same as Sanji.
not to mention they both refer to women like  komurasaki being komurasaki tan sanji with swan etc Sent his men after Sanji that Sanji dealt/is dealing with already Has a comedic side to him with his dances and reactions like MR2, Jabra and Absalom all had their quirks.
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And now hes also the guy with a plan like Sanji, managing to capture a Yonko like Sanji stopped a Buster Call against all odds, and hes revealed to be a martial artist using wrestling moves in combat like the Brachio Bomb.
Also somehow i just recently realized the connection between Soba Mask and Queen ruling over Udon. Soba and Udon are both iconic type of japanese noodles
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Also important to note, Sanji’s Hell Memories was fueled by remembering the torture he has gone through within the last two years and Queen is not only likely a Okama, also a cruel guy which is responsible for breaking the spirits of the prisoners. It’s the perfect opportunity to push Sanji to his limits…
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I like to add that when Sanji was fighting with Judge and thought about their past, his Dj(Poele A Frire) glowed brighter than than usual.
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against judge
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Diable Jambe and Poele A Frire against Doflamingo:
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also on queen being an okama
The word “okama” generally refers to homosexual men, trans women or heterosexual men who are considered feminine or flamboyant (similar to “onee” or “new half”).
so queen would be an okama though he has shown attraction to women due to his feminine traits and “  having all of the mannerisms of an okama,  “
and there is a bit of a pun with queen I mean he is a  massive man named Queen with make up and okama mannerism who can transform into a creature classified as a Dragon( his brachiosaurus fruit is classified under the Ryu Ryu (Dragon-Dragon) Fruit family therefore making the dinosaur he turns into being classified as a dragon subspecies. This is so as the Japanese word for dinosaur, Kyoryu, is written with the characters for “Fearful” and “Dragon”.). In other words, Drag Queen.
– Queen’s appearance is based on the character “Heart” from “Fist of the North Star”. in Kenshiro vs Heart,  how Kenshiro defeated him with “SUPER KICKS”.
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In it Kamen Rider Black RX is a cyborg whose motif is a black grasshopper, which mirrors Sanji’s own epithet as Black Leg. Grasshoppers are known for their incredible spring like leg muscles that allow them to jump incredible heights which allow them to launch themselves in the air to fly. However he also has another motif and that is based on the sun. Kamen Rider Black RX is a photosynthetic warrior who is powered by the sun.
– Queen showed interest in Sanji because he’s a Vinsmoke and Judge’s son. That’s the first build-up of this upcoming fight.
– Queen knows Judge. And based on Queen’s evil medical and engineering expertise, he was definitely a previous member of Vegapunk’s scientific team (Queen, Ceasar, Judge, Vegapunk). This is a build-up for a flashback.
– Queen can extend his neck like Yonji’s right forearm. It’s the same design and both act as a winch. He can also shoot bullets from his mouth and use poison. , I expect Queen to have all Germa’s tech in him. And by defeating him, it would seem as if Sanji defeated or overcame his siblings.
Since Kamen Rider is powered by the sun, he can set his legs and fists on fire to increase the lethality of his kicks and punches, which is basically what Sanji’s Diable Jambe does
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and he hada form called the prince of anger where once he reaches a certain point of anger  he transformed and
this would be foreshadowing
so either sanji will get pissed off enough that he uses the raid suit
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so he will either havea physical transformationthere’s a tokusatsu that we know Oda likes, which would be a much more explicit inspiration for the Germa 66 : Kamen Rider. specifically the villainous organization shocker
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Shocker was a terrorist organization that planned on ruling the world (in the original manga is shown that Shocker had some influences over the governments of the world), with virtually all of its members modified in some way. The founders had mostly Nazi ties so it fits that germa66 not only references the nazis but the shocker organization from kamen rider Shocker’s scientists performed surgical alterations that gave the subject superhuman fighting abilities. Even the most basic Shocker soldier was tougher, stronger and faster than the average human civilian. The most powerful of their forces were the Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and human cybernetics to create living weapons. In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker. and sanji and his siblings were altered genetically and the kamen riders specialty is the kamen rider KICK
both sanjis experience as a child  and duval was a reference to the man in the iron mask .
Though based on a real prisoner in the late 1600’s who Louis XIV forced to always wear a velvet mask to hide his identity and who was made to serve other prisoners, one of the most popular versions of the story is that of Alexandre Dumas, translated into a film in 1998. The prisoner, now shown wearing an iron mask, was Louis XIV’s twin brother  
sanji had encountered the same fate as written in Alexandre DUMAS book (The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later). Declared dead for the country but condemned to wear a mask and to spend all his life in an horrible prison
and louis XIV was known as the sun king and kamen rider black rx is solar powered
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and sanjis and zoros rivalry parallels inuarashi and nekomamushis rivalry ( and inuarashi is called the ruler of the day and has a group under him that reference the three musketeers by alexander dumas  (a french story ) and sanji was dressed up as a musketeer and oda said in an sbs that sanji in the real world would be french
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porche-chan . tumblr . com/post/134501849916/weve-located-zoros-fashion-twinkie-everyone porche-chan . tumblr . com/post/138118772526/i-made-an-observation-a-while-back-about#notes porche-chan . tumblr . com/post…is-an-imposing-figure?is_related_post=1#notes
both nekomamushi and inuarashi (zoro and sanjis counterparts) losing the precise limb that could incapacitate zoro and sanjis respective fighting styles
about inuarashis similarities to sanji I have to point out that inuarashi has a group that operates under his command called the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad Among them are three minks known as the “Three Inuarashi Musketeers”, The name of the squad is a reference to the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. a french story and oda stated in an sbs that sanji would be french in the real world
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heavenlyborne · 4 years
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“All lifeforms have the Lineage Factor, and by manipulating it from a young age, the growth of a lifeform can be changed. Eating a Devil Fruit affects one's Lineage Factor, which allows them to gain a supernatural power.” - (sensitive information under the cut)
( ~ So, something I’ve been thinking about reoccured last night thanks to @ikkaku-of-heart​ asking about who made the suits of Celestial Dragons and not only did it remind me that Dr. Vegapunk exists, there’s also the curious fact about something called Lineage Factor which is basically the equivalent of DNA in One Piece? It’s popped up a few times in canon as we saw in the Vinsmoke Family where Judge’s sons were all genetically modified with the exception of Sanji, and how Caesar took the research he learned and used it to create SAD, the making of Artificial Devil Fruits. This is all a bit beyond my understanding right now what with only just having woken up but I wouldn’t put it past a Celestial Dragon to genetically modify their own children for whatever reason, given how their genetics are probably weakening every generation? Charlos is an absolute disaster of a firstborn child and I could believe that Rosward would want a ‘perfect’ heir to take over the family line, essentially having Shalria ‘created’ for that purpose as opposed to risking another poorly child like Charlos? She has her unique lineage trait such as her ancestry from Drum Kingdom, a Winter Island where occasionally some people can never fall asleep for some reason but given Vinsmoke Judge’s example, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Celestial Dragons wanted to go that little step further and remove as much ‘humanity’ from their own children as possible prompting me to think about Ian Malcom’s infamous lines in Jurassic Park ~ )       “Genetic power’s the most awesome force the planet’s ever seen, but you wield it like a kid who’s found his dad’s gun.”             “...your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
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genogenocrazycatman · 3 years
Terrible - Eustass Kid x OC
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Terrible [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net]
Progress: 1/1
Characters: Eustass Kid, Original Character
So this a repost of a fic from a couple of years ago that is loosely based off of a headcannon that firefistlaw got from an anon..
“Modern!Headcanon that Eustass kid’s s/o goes to college like for some very impressive field, but Kid didn’t really want to go to college so he a mechanic and just, they live together and Eustass always picks up his s/o from their classes. Intimidating people because he’s just intensely gazing at the door to see if his s/o is on their ways/o"
“Well, I say that went well,” Jay said cheerily, grinning as we headed towards the elevators in the university’s main offices.
 Jay and his half sister, Rei, were biomedical engineers. The two WizKids and his sister, Rei, were biomedical engineers. The two whiz kids had been working with the world renowned, Dr. Vegapunk. They along with the rest of Vegapunk’s lab researched and produced highly advanced cybernetic limbs, that were integrated with the nervous system, and thus reacted to the body’s natural impulses.
 I didn’t fully understand the ins and outs of it, but I knew that the research was expensive as shit, and without funding any potential it had wouldn’t be realized. That’s where I came in. I worked in the University’s development office. I worked specifically with the science department as their development liaison.  
 Now I had worked with a lot of scientists and doctors who were wonderful people and great with donors. Vegapunk’s team? Not at all. Vegapunk himself rarely left the lab. He sent me the information I needed to shop out, but aside from that I never heard from the guy. From what I understood, he only ever met with the higher ups and that was only when he was met with the threat of termination. Admittedly, those threats rang hollow. Vegapunk was the university’s crown jewel.
 The others were all exceptionally bright. Without fail they were the smartest people in every room they stepped into… And they knew it… And without trying they let everyone else know it... No one likes a know it all.
 Vegapunk, Rei and Jay were geniuses, but there are some things that they couldn’t even manage to do and fundraise was among those. We’d just had a meeting with a couple of potential donors in one of the university’s board rooms, which thankfully with my serving as a buffer, had gone extremely well.
 I had another meeting with the father and daughter pair coming up in the next couple of weeks, where I would make a proper ask. I had high hopes.
 “That’s because I was there. You two are hopeless. If it takes more than three minutes to explain it, and it isn’t even something that they ask about, then don’t bring it up.”
“Materials are important,” Jay stressed.
 “Yeah. With this new compound that Dr. Vegapunk has created, everything we produce will be lighter and more durable.”
 I just blinked at them. “You mean you spent ten minutes explaining this to them in a way that went so far over their head, I’m pretty sure it went into orbit, and you just explained it to me in two sentences?”
 They looked at each other, finally getting my point. “Oh.”
 “Unbelievable,” I groaned.
 I shook my head, stepping off of the elevator behind them.
 “At least it’s over now, and you don’t have to deal with our genius level stupidity until Monday,” Rei said.
 “Or any donors,” Jay added.
 “Nope,” I agreed. “Just my man and his band of grease monkeys.”
 “Yes, the mysterious mechanic,” Rei said.
 I snorted. “Mysterious. Kid’s one of the most straight forward people that you will ever meet.”
 “But we haven’t met him,” Jay said.
 “Hence why he’s mysterious.”
 I rolled my eyes. “I hate, when you two do that.”
 I was pretty close with the twins. I interacted with them more than anyone else on campus, and we had formed a friendship, a weird friendship, but a friendship none the less.
 “I mean. All we know is that he owns his own repair shop,” Rei continued ignoring me. “Which makes the think of some middle-aged man named with Ron with an overly bushy mustache and a beer gut, and that doesn’t really fit with our amazingly professional and well put together fundraiser.”
 I scoffed. Professional and put together. That did not extend past the university. If only they could see me at the shop, in shredded jeans and faded band shirts, my electric blue hair free of the wig I hid it under at work, desperately looking for clients’ keys, receipts and invoices, while yelling at Kid and Heat to turn down the damn music. Meanwhile Killer practically danced around me, putting everything I was looking for together, before handing it over.
 “I see you with like an investment banker.”
 “Yeah or some really high profile real estate agent, named Chaz or Andrew.”
 I scrunched up my nose. ‘A Chaz?’ “Not even close.” I chuckled. “His name is Kid, and he doesn’t have a beer gut. In fact, he’s got abs you could grate cheese on, and I’m nowhere as put together as you seem to think I am. I’m just a dumb punk kid with a day job.“
 The two of them looked at me for a moment, assessing me. “Can’t see it,” they chorused.
 Jay was a step ahead of us and pushed the door to the outside world open, but stopped short, causing both Rei and I to crash into him.
 “That scary guy’s in the parking lot,” Jay said.
 “What scary guy?” I asked.
 “Seriously?” Rei whined, peering out the door over Jay’s shoulder.
 Jay back at me. “The terrifying dude that hangs out in the staff parking lot,” Jay tried to jog my memory. “Always here at like a quarter to five.”
 “Uh huh…” I said, not having any idea of, who he was talking about.
 “You seriously have never seen him?”
 I shook my head. “Apparently not.”
 “He must leave, before you get out of the office,” Rei deduced.  “Well, you’re gonna see him now. You can’t miss him.”
 “Whatever. Can we go now? Weird dude or not, I want to go home.”
 “Not weird,” Jay corrected.
 “Weird,” Rei agreed.
 “Okay, weird, but mostly scary. He just glares at the door, as if he’s trying to make it explode.”
 Cue the light bulb going off over my head.
 “Yeah. I know you said you were going to wait for your boyfriend or whatever, but why don’t you come back to the lab with us? I don’t really want to leave you here with that weirdo lingering.”
 I snorted at Rei. “I’m sure, I’ll be fine,” I said, wiggling past Jay and out the door.
 Once I was outside, I was finally able to see the guy that they were talking about.
 I could see how he could be intimidating. For one, leaning against the side of a perfectly refurbished 1970 Chevy Chevelle it was obvious that he was closer to seven feet tall than six. The garish fabrics that his clothes were pulled taut over his frame. The patterns almost distracted from the obvious muscle underneath. Almost.
 With a build like that, no one dared to comment on his outlandish clothing, the goggles on his head, the grease splattered over him, the black polish on his nails or the dark lipstick he wore. Despite all this, his eyes were still his most striking feature.
 With one glance, Eustass Kid could put the fear of the God into in to anyone stupid enough to cross him, no matter how big or bad they thought they were.
 Those piercing eyes met mine, which brought a wicked grin to his lips.
 Involuntarily, the muscles in my face pulled, returning that gesture. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and walked over to him, leaving the twins at the door.
 “Hey,” I greeted, wrapping my arms around his neck.
 “Hey babe,” he greeted.
 He brought his hands to my hips, running them up my sides, before pulling me flush against him and dropping his lips down to meet mine for a kiss that was by no means appropriate, especially considering that I was technically still at work, even if I was not technically on the clock.
 He rested his forehead on mine. “What’s with the audience?” he asked, eyes flickering over to the twins.
 “Probably trying to make sure that you don’t murder me. They think you’re rather frightening. Though after that display, now they probably think that you like to get off in public.”
 His smirk grew. “Considering how into it you were, I’m starting to think that you do. You know we could always-”
 “Not a chance,” I said, trying and failing not to smile at him. “You’re such a sleaze ball.”
 “That I am,” Kid said, hand traveling down to my ass. “But at least I’m honest about it,” he said, giving it a squeeze.
 I tried to level him with a firm glare, but it did nothing. “Kid, I’m still technically at work,” I scolded, stepping back, before he could get any more handsy.
 “I’m not,” he said, unfazed. “They can’t fire me.”
 “No, but they can me.”
 “Then, I guess we better get out of here, before I get you canned.” He pushed himself up off the car.
 I tossed my bag in the open window, heading around to the passenger’s side. I finally looked at the twins, who looked absolutely dumfounded. “I’ll see you guys Monday!” I hollered at them, waving.
 Kid gave them one of his more sinister grins, raising his hand in a mocking wave.
 I leaned over the center console, pushing his door open. “Quit trying to scare them and let’s go home.”
 “Whatever you say, babe,” he said, humoring me. He slipped into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. He revved the engine a few times, before peeling out of the parking lot and speeding towards home.
 “You’re terrible,” I said, laughing.
 “You love it,” he shot back, removing his hand from the gear shift and flipping his hand, so that his palm was facing up.
 I slipped my hand into his. “Yeah. I do.”
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