#seriously angst
sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
An Android’s Tears
Warnings: ANGST!, Marineford spoilers, character death, reader is an android, grief, No romantic pairing Word Count: 1510
Looking down at the black haired boy, you wished you were human. Maybe if you were human you could shed tears over his death. But you weren’t, you were an android and a useless one at that. Made to look almost completely human by creators that had died long ago, an advanced AI that had grown with the passing of time, yet none of it had been as meaningful as the last 2 years with the boy in front of you. Or perhaps he was no longer a boy, no longer a man even, but just another body. You wanted to feel the same things the other talked about. The tightening in your chest, the tears that should stream down your cheeks, but you couldn’t, all you felt was lost and sad. He deserved more. He deserved for you to mourn him properly. But you couldn’t, you were incapable of such things. At one point you’d asked a man for help to gain such advancements, but he’d been unable to help you, his knowledge of your inner workings too limited to help you. Turning to the man that had been a close friend, you envied the tears that fell down his cheeks. No, you couldn’t do that, not now. “Brain death has occurred, it is too late for a revival project. Best options. A complete download of remaining intact memories into a robotic body. An android with human memories, thoughts, and emotions. Second option, burial, this unit… I shall set forth, seek answers, and grow as he had wished.” you ‘reported’. He’d been the one to teach you to refer to yourself as “I’ and not ‘this unit’. Even as advanced an AI as you were, you’d still been ‘this unit’, ‘this machine’, never ‘I’, you’d never referred to yourself as a person. “He… I don’t think he would have wanted to be revived. Besides, do you even have any idea how you’d do so?” Marco asked, looking at you. “A body can be created with the aid of a scientist known as Vegapunk. His advancements in science are unparalleled. His remaining memories can be stored within my own memory banks until a suitable housing unit is available. Probability of successful transfer, 86% and dwindling.” you said, only to have Marco shake his head once more. “Ace wanted you to learn and grow, to become more than a simple AI, to become more than what you’d been created for. You can’t do that if you’re stuck in the past.” he said. It hurt to hear him say that but you knew he was right, Ace had told you multiple times that you weren’t just some machine made to do a task, you’d grown, you were a person. Marco reached up, startling you as he wiped something away from your cheek. Looking at his hand, you noticed a black smudge on his thumb. “You were crying. I think it’s oil.” Marco stated as you stared at the ‘tear’ in shock. You’d told them you’d never cried before, Marco understanding just how important this was to you. Wiping the tear off his thumb, you walked over to Ace’s body, smearing the black liquid across his cheek. Your first tear and it was shed for him. Walking away, you allowed Marco to take care of Ace. You had a journey to begin, for Ace. Looking in the mirror, you tucked a lock of ‘hair’ behind your ear. You still looked the same as that day, though you hadn’t changed much in many, many years so perhaps that was to be expected. There were a few changes you’d gotten. A ‘tattoo’ of an upside down spade under your eye, half resembling a teardrop. Those close to you understood the meaning behind it, understood how much it meant to you. A knock on your door drew your attention, a familiar mess of blond hair attached to a young man peeking into your room. “Hey, you ready?” the boy asked, making you nod. “Affir- yes. Are you?” you asked, the young man giving you a sad smile. “As ready as can be expected. Let’s uh… let’s go.” he said, opening the door wider, extending his hand to you. “Sabo… do you think he’ll be happy to see me again?” you asked, taking his hand as you left your room. “Of course he will. You’ve grown a lot since I met you, probably even more since he last saw you.” he reassured, making you smile. You’d met Sabo shortly after leaving to start your journey, easily recognizing him as Ace’s brother. It wasn’t his looks that had tipped you off, but his similarities to his brother, the pipe on his back, and the way he dressed. They all matched up with the stories Ace had told you. It had you wishing that Ace could have met back up with Sabo when he was still alive. The both of you stepped off the ship, heading towards the all too familiar grave. It wasn’t the first time either of you had been here, having taken Sabo here shortly before he’d obtained the Mera Mera fruit. Sitting in front of Ace’s grave, you smiled sadly. “Hey Ace, I know it’s been a few years… 3 years, 5 months, 1 week, and 4 days to be exact, since I last visited you, but I’m here now. I’ve… The Revolutionary Army keeps me busy. We’re doing really good work… I miss you though. I miss sailing with you, miss talking with you. The army, it’s not the same. I… I’ll try to visit more often, I promise. Just… don’t miss me too much, alright?” you said with a small chuckle. Placing a small flower in front of his grave, you turned back to Sabo, tears running down your cheeks. The blond wrapped his arms around you, letting the oily liquid seep into his vest. He knew it would ruin his clothing, but you needed this right now. Hesitantly, you pulled back slightly, staring up at him for a moment. Biting your lip, you stood on your tiptoes, moving to kiss him, only to have him gently push you away. The look in his eyes was a pained one as he took a deep breath. “You… you’re still hurting. This… I know you think you want this, I’ve been here for you, comforting you every step of the way, but I… I can tell, you’re not ready for this, not yet. Besides, what would Ace say? Knowing what kind of state you’re in.” Sabo said, hands firmly on your shoulders. The tears fell faster down your cheeks as you just stared at him. Part of you knew he was right, but at the same time, you almost wanted to make that mistake. You wanted someone to hold you in that loving way. It wasn’t that he didn’t care for you, or that he couldn’t imagine loving you like that, but you were still grieving too much, still too new to this kind of pain. His eyes widened as he scrambled to catch your collapsing form, sobs beginning to tear from your throat as he once more pulled you to his chest, allowing you to cry. He hadn’t expected this. You’d come to him when you were in pain, when you were sad, but he’d never seen you sob like this before. “Hey, hey, it’s alright. I…” Sabo hesitated, what was he supposed to say? Everything he could come up with only felt like he’d be making things worse, “Ace wouldn’t want to see you crying like this.” he said, trying to reassure you. “W-what would you know what Ace would have wanted?! He’s gone! I can’t ask him what he would have wanted! I… y-you were gone for over 10 years! He died thinking you were dead!” you shouted at him. You didn’t mean it, Sabo knew that, knew that you were just still hurting, but your words stabbed at him worse than any knife ever could have. “I know because I know my brother, I know that he would have wanted those he cared about to be happy. That’s just how Ace was. I might have lost my memory for 10 years, but I still knew Ace. He’d have been proud of how much you’ve grown, sad to see you so distressed… and disappointed if I’d let you do as you wanted.” he said sadly, his words hitting you like a cannonball to the chest. He was right, you knew he was right, not that you wanted to admit it. Instead, you just slumped forward, the tears slowing but not stopping as Sabo held your despondent form tightly. For the first time in your long life, you were tired. As an android, you never got tired, you never suffered from fatigue like humans did, but right now, all you wanted was to sleep, sleep like Ace had so often. So you sat there, completely unresponsive, allowing Sabo to hold you, praying that time would heal even the wounds of an android.
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hinamie · 22 days
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Sleeping Soundly Again - my comic for the Until the End of Time zine! I drew this around a year ago, and I'm so excited to get to unleash it on the world at last.
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
Am I the only one that actually agrees with Neil about season 2 being "quiet, gentle and romantic"? OBVIOUSLY not the final 15, but the rest was terribly sweet and so so so romantic.
The dancing? "I thought we carved it out for ourselves" "so did I"??? "Our car"????? Are you kiiiiidding me????
And- hear me out. What's more romantic than this:
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cj-the-random-artist · 4 months
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Here's a Cult of the Lamb comic that I scripted on a whim and then spent. Actual time on.
I hope y'all like this cuz it was fun to make and. I spent actual time on it lmfao
(Also for the "brought Narinder back" line. I started a new save and I swear between my two saves he's died three times. This guy. Goodness gracious.)
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zoe-oneesama · 10 months
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If you haven't been keeping up with the Dad Villain/Viceroy AU by @bigfatbreak then you are asleep at the wheel because it is everything U_U. Someday I'll draw Tom/Viceroy, he's just so haaaaard! (Chloe over here trying to just get on with her dead mom jokes but Kim just won't let That Day go and she's about to have to make it a double body count just so he SHUTS UP-!)
Ko-fi | Patreon
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felis-rach · 5 months
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remebered how insanely good the second dimension movie was and how it changed kid me forever
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kittykatninja321 · 6 months
it’s wild to me that the “titans tower incident” gets angsted so hard as “the time Jason tried to kill Tim” because it’s not even the time Jason actually tried to kill Tim (bftc is a mess better left forgotten I can’t even get mad at that). Like that was not a murder attempt that was a waffle house tier fight that was high schoolers beefing in the parking lot. Growing up me and my sibling could’ve recreated the “titans tower incident” play for play and been fine the with each other the next day
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eeriemothz · 2 months
there's not nearly enough talk about how funny Solas and The Iron Bull are together. The two of them were in my party for a lot of my first playthrough and every single one of their conversations got me to laugh. Seriously, the funniest duo. One of of favorite exchanges is in the fade
B: This must excite your weird ass
S: yes! It does!
I hope Solas feels bad about leaving him.
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thatskindarough · 2 months
I’m not sure about anyone else but I personally have a pretty hard time finding Aziraphale centric fics. Crowley centric fics are really easy to find, stuff that splits C/A evenly is also pretty easy to find.
So I think we should start a thread of Aziraphale centric fics (or at least ones where he gets to take a major role in.)
I’ll go first:
These are the Soul by Mikripetra—This is my comfort fic I love it with my entire being.
Starmaker and Starlight by Nohaljiachi—This one just made me very happy then very sad. It focuses on Aziraphale before the beginning, coming to be friends with the starmaker (angel Crowley)
Prax In Terris —by Oatmeal Addiction I love this one because it captures the spirit of good omens perfectly. Genuinely if s3 was a fanfiction this (and the other fic in this series) is what I’d want it to be. Now it is not exactly Aziraphale centric, it does split time pretty evenly with Crowley and Muriel, but I love Aziraphale’s role in this, and he gets to be really interesting and stubborn. (Maybe not for all readers who dislike face value interpretations of the FF though.) It’s a wip about the second coming and I’m very curious where the author is gonna take it.
If you want, please feel free to add any Aziraphale centric fics to this post and also please shamelessly self-rec your own fics
(Edited to add the author names and also to say thank you for everyone recommending things, it makes me and I’m sure other Aziraphale fans very happy!)
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ky-landfill · 11 months
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He had known, bone-deep, that he could not depend on anyone else. Now, it feels like the world has blossomed out around him. Around all of them. There is a future, now. There are people who care.
Now, Damian feels like every inhale goes deeper, and every exhale leaves more behind.
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fairsweetlonging · 1 month
just thinking about how binghe had no idea that without-a-cure even had a cure and he spent all his years as a disciple thinking his shizun would at best be disabled for the rest of his life and at worst die a slow and painful death, and it was to save him.
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lopsidedspecs · 5 months
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“No one else that I would go to hell for”
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2aceofspades · 5 months
TW: Blood/Injury, Implied Death
With you
Lil one-shot I guess...??
After the dust cleared, it was dead silent. The air was thick with moisture from the dark clouds looming above them all. Someone, probably Raphael, yelled out something Two didn't quite process, his ears still ringing as his vision slowly cleared.
A faint blue glow flickered in the near distance, not too far from where Two was slumped on the ground. More muffled shouts rang out as Two attempted to collect himself, staggering to his feet and trudging over to the source of-
Just the image alone was enough to bring Two collapsing back to his knees. Stupid, he thought.
"H-hey..." One's weak voice just barely got through to Two, snapping him right out of his thoughts.
He stared down at the dimming blue glow, watching it flicker and fade in and out. How the hell are you still here, breathing?
His thoughts became flooded in his head, even more so as he felt his arms cradle his brother's near-lifeless body.
"Did we win?"
Two felt his jaw clench at One's question, feeling frighteningly close to grinding his teeth until they were flat.
Did we win?
The question echoed in Two’s head, as if that would better help him process this moment. In any other instance, he would have deflected and scoffed at such an empty, meaningless question. Did it matter? he thought as he titled his head up, looking around briefly at the wasteland that surrounded them. It was over, that much was apparent.
"Yes,” he huffed, looking down at his brother in his arms as he continued, “Now, shut it and save your strength. Your heart-"
"I know," One croaked out in between a few sputtering breaths, interrupting Two in more ways than one. Two tried to ignore the cast-off of blood coming from his brother's mouth, despising the sickening feeling settling in his stomach as it hit his chin. One smiled weakly up at his brother, his eyes dull and unfocused.
How dare you, Two thought to himself.
His eyes flickered from One's exposed heart, bleeding out and hardly beating, and back to his brother’s face. His brother looked beaten, bloody...broken. It wasn't a look he saw from him often, if at all. It was that damn smile that he watched waver as One's heart beat softer and softer. What cruel irony, Two couldn't help but think, a metaphorical expression brought to life by his stupid, thoughtless, idiotic brother.
Two could still fix this. Even as he held his brother tighter against his own plastron and felt his shirt get soaked by the horrid mix of blood and empyrean; he thought to himself how he'd be the one to fix this.
There was no other choice left.
“Good…” One let out the softest of chuckles, “…we…we can s-start over.”
Something in Two’s own chest faltered, even just briefly. It was enough to shut out the feeling of One’s pathetic coughs and wheezes against him. He watched how One's eyes dulled further, his gaze wandering away from Two's face.
Starting over? That wasn’t ever an option, not one that Two had ever weighed in his mind. He wasn’t sure if that was even an option now. After everything he had done, everything he sacrificed, worked for…his brother still wanted to burn it, bury everything down and out of Two’s reach. One wanted this win, he wanted the impossible.
“Impossible…” Two muttered under his breath.
He heard yet another faint chuckle. And then the dense silence that followed.
~bonus doodles~
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hisbucky · 4 months
Eddie: You'll have a hard time believing this because it never happens - but I made a mistake. Buck: Not to be rude or anything, but I don't have a hard time believing that at all. Eddie: Hey, I'm not the one who always gets reprimanded at work! Buck, side-eye: And I'm not the one who made our son run away from home. Twice. Eddie: *surprised pikachu face* Buck: I believe that is my win, thank you.
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da-janela-lateral · 9 days
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To be part of something big.
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