#ANYWAY what if i play dark souls 😂
cosmicrhetoric · 1 month
im undecided on how i feel about berserk cause on one hand some of it really hit hard and i like the main Question of god and fate etc. that the series is about but on the other hand man idk 😬. i do think the funniest possible outcome of me trying to read this is actually just playing dark souls instead
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lilac-den · 5 months
Just play the game, and oh, the fact I keep smiling of how my mc looks happy and dang, dang, dang!!!! The moment tragic unfolds—— Thank you for making me cry, author, 😭💕
Anyway, here's a few suggestions:
Eyes selection
I think maybe there could be a main selection and subselection? Like after choosing brown, we have:
Light brown
Dark brown
to continue choosing the colors. And can we have more abnormal colors like ruby, garnet, amethyst etc.? Think it would be great to have some unusual eyes colors
If you don't mind, can the stats each have a 10%-30% for us to choose at the beginning? Since mc is pretty steong, I imagine they are still strong, wth the only reason is because they're in a new body and their soul are still trying to connect with it, so that their strengths won't recover immediately. But, it might be cool if there are pre-existing stats on the start.
That's all from me, overall, I really enjoy the game!!! Can't wait for season 2 OMG!!! The way you just casually drop bomb made me shriek😂 😂!!
Bye👋! And have a nice day!
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In response to your suggestions:
Please do not worry - I do want to add the eye options. 🤣 I just have yet to place them in because of circumstances.
But I do find it interesting with the main and sub selections with the colours. However, I imagine it would be annoying because that would mean more 'page animating' for readers - and I imagine that would be a bit of an annoyance for those who are quick-reading or bum-rushing the customization point of the stories! But I will try my best to give diverse eye colour options (All of them natural 👀 something that made MC stand out a lot in both worlds)
In regards to the stats - it's what the carriage thing is about, actually, to increase the base stats. There'll be more opportunities to improve your skills and have your body finally catch up with your potential. I did think about letting MC have a pre-existing stat, but I also want to give MC that fresh start. (Plus, I think I tend to be generous with the stats without thinking so XD)
But thank you so much for the suggestions, Anon! :D I'm really happy to hear a lot of them - I prefer having people doing so rather than demand this or that. ^^" Had a bit of a rough experience with that.
Thank you so much for your ask, anon! X3 And also your shrieking excitement XD LOL
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hello!!! Jim here from the @theonceandfuturetrollhunter blog, but I'm making this text anonymous because Clotpole (who owns my blog) doesn't want the reply back- I'll have to search for it instead 😂😒
Anyway, we love your headcanons and the AUs you create with adks back here in Arcadia- Claire is obsessed with reading them- and we wanted to know how you wpould take to this AU...
What if mine and Claire's roles were swapped over (me being the wizard and Claire being the Trollhunter) but we found out about our respective roles at the times we did in the show (me first, then Claire)?
Can't wait for the reply!!!!
Hi, Jim:)
This ask is something I really like, so I've put it up my queue of asks (there are more than thirty of those in my inbox, holy trolls!).
Anyway, to the AU.
So, in this AU Kanjigar manages to escape during his battle with Bular, so Jim and Toby pass through the canals as usual, with nothing happening. Toby sees that his bro is slightly disappointed that it's just a regular day and suggests investigating the stone monsters Eli mentioned. Obviously, Toby doesn't believe in any supernatural creatures, thinking those are just another one of Eli's delusions, but he thinks Jim needs some fun (and a minor adventure is better than no adventure at all).
It turns out to be a horrible mistake as Bular is pissed because of his failure and is actively looking for a consolation snack. Jim and Toby look like a wonderful meal for him. Bular nearly catches Toby - and it's when Jim awakes his shadow magic, firstly blasting and injuring Bular and then teleporting Toby and himself to the safe location. Jim collapses afterward as he has pushed past his limits.
The next morning, Toby is excited, but Jim is conflicted as he isn't sure it's the kind of adventure he wants. Besides, his newfound magic keeps acting on its own, complicating his life.
Jim comes to Strickler to talk about his issue, but chickens at the last second and tells some lie. Strickler initially believes that it's something trivial, but later notices Jim falling through the shadow portal, and everything clicks. After all, last night, Bular came back enraged, cursing some fleshbag wizard who injured him and swearing to kill that bastard. Strickler deduces that the wizard in question could be Jim. Unlike Bular, he wonders if he can use Jim's talent (after all, all the changelings are connected to shadow magic) and decides to get even closer to his student.
Meanwhile, Douxie visits Jim (as he learned about him from Archie who witnessed the encounter with Bular). Douxie wouldn't get involved in most cases, but apparently, Jim's magic is too strong for someone born during this age, and Jim lacks control, which could easily lead to a lot of damage. So Douxie decides to teach him a bit.
Because Bular has a personal vendetta against Jim, soon enough Kanjigar contacts him as well. Jim learns about the Trollhunter and his mission and proposes to help him (after some initial shock, Jim starts to wonder if there is some meaning to the fact that he got magic). Kanjigar is against it - he has worked alone since the very beginning, and well, Jim is a kid. Jim and Toby still sneak to the Trollmarket, and meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh there. Blinky believes that having a trollhunting team might not be such a bad idea, so now there are four of them trying to help Kanjigar. Draal eventually joins too, becoming the fifth member. Jim keeps this fact from Douxie because Douxie forbids him to risk his life needlessly (out of concern that there might be another spike in Jim's developing magic which can be harmful to his soul). As for Toby, he gets his Warhammer early on.
Meanwhile, Strickler gets close to Barbara, wondering if she knows her son's secret. He discovers rather fast that she is in the dark about everything and uses it for his own profit.
Much like in the canon, Jim is in the school play, but he skips less because his outings are more controlled (be it magic lessons with Douxie or visits to the Trollmarket), so he has less friction with Claire. Claire still senses that Jim hides something and tries to talk to him about it.
Jim and Toby are the ones who discover the hideout at the museum and basically trigger all the changeling-related events, including Enrique's kidnapping. Enrique is picked because Jim is a regular guest at Claire's house by this point, and Strickler feels that he can use another pair of eyes.
Jim is the one who goes to the concert with Claire in this AU, while Toby babysits Enrique. Claire is initially upset with Jim afterward as she thinks that Toby and Jim decided to prank her together, but after giving it some thought, tries to investigate what is wrong.
Jim still gets Grit-shaka from Draal and ends up exposing his connection to trolls before Douxie before running to fight Bular. Much like in the canon, Bular exposes Strickler.
Claire catches her fake brother herself and encounters Jim, asking if he knows too. Jim decides to tell her everything.
Kanjigar decides to face Bular head-on together with his team (plus Douxie, who joins at the last second). Together they slay him and recover the Killahead.
Now that everything is more or less safe, Claire comes to Kanjigar and asks him to save her brother. Jim and Toby join her pleas, and Jim says that he'll travel to the Darklands himself if Kanjigar disagrees. Kanjigar agrees after some consideration (the previous Trollhunters are against it, but Kanjigar reminds them that his team has slain Bular).
Strickler frees Angor Rot, much like in the canon. Angor, however, disobeys the first command to attack the Trollhunter and judge his skill and goes for Jim instead (he senses his shadow magic and decides to get rid of someone who can possibly become a second Morgana). In this fight, Jim manages to wrestle out the shadow staff. After some examination, Douxie allows him to use it - as the shadow staff, apparently, stabilizes Jim's rather chaotic magic.
The Trollhunters recover the first triumbric stone, but during the quest at the Quagawumps' swamp, the tragedy happens - Kanjigar dies, taking the hit from Angor meant for Claire (it's something that will haunt her for a while). The amulet chooses her as the next champion, but she is conflicted wondering if she can be a good one. After all, she couldn't protect her brother, and Kanjigar died because of her. Draal also doesn't help as he questions her worth (he isn't as bad as he was with Jim in the canon, but his words are still mean).
Jim, however, believes in Claire and says that she can be the best (after all, she is a quick learner, brave, and loyal). Claire starts training, hoping to be able to catch up quickly. Draal warms up eventually and comes to help her.
Angor doesn't make any deal with the Trollhunters in this AU, as he doesn't trust Jim by default. Douxie is the one who suggests stealing Inferna Copula from Strickler, but much like in the canon it ends destroyed, and Angor unleashes his anger at Strickler, Jim, and everyone else. Barbara walks in amid the fight and gets wounded. In this AU she learns everything without losing her memories. Obviously, she is mad at Strickler for using her to get to Jim.
Angor Rot is the first Claire's major opponent, but she manages to defeat him with the help of Jim, Toby, and Draal. Draal feels that his father is avenged and thanks Claire.
However, for Claire, it's not enough. She doesn't want to lose another team member, so goes to the Darklands alone (besides, she was the one who requested that mission to start with). She saves Enrique but ends up trapped.
And here's the problem - only the Trollhunter can open the portal to the Darklands. Jim tries to find an alternative solution and finds a book in Douxie's library about summoning spirits and letting them possess the body. There is a risk, however, as the one who performs it is more vulnerable to possession later, but Jim is willing to risk. He summons Kanjigar's spirit and the team heads into the Darklands to save Claire.
Gunmar getting out isn't the only consequence of that venture. Morgana senses Jim's mind's vulnerability and starts to take over. She resurrects Angor first, then contacts Gunmar.
No one realizes that something is off with Jim at first, chalking most of the stuff to the shadow magic acting up. Claire gets suspicious first and goes to Douxie, demanding if all of that is actually shadow magic. Douxie admits that his fellow student Morgana was odd at times too. After hearing that, Claire is even more worried, and she and Douxie encounter Jim - only to realize that Morgana already fully possesses him.
Claire and Douxie restrain possessed Jim and decide to travel inside his mind to free him. They also bring Toby and Barbara with them, as more meaningful people should make it more likely to succeed. Jim is free, and fighting Morgana gives him a better understanding of his own magic.
With Gunmar and Morgana around the team decides to wake up Merlin (per Douxie's suggestion). And, well, Merlin isn't excited to learn that Douxie got involved and even took a shadowmancer as an apprentice (he is pretty much convinced that Jim will end the same as Morgana if not worse).
Merlin also plans to turn Claire into a half-troll, but as Douxie is around, he investigates the ingredients and discovers what they might do. The team encounters Merlin, and he admits his intentions but tells everyone there is no other choice. Strickler, however, intervenes and makes a guess that there might be some alternative in the Janus Order's records, which turns out to be true. The alternative just requires some blood from a shadowmancer, which Jim gladly provides. Claire becomes a shapeshifter with the ability to change forms at will.
However, Merlin also comes to Jim regarding Morgana. It's possible to seal her inside the Shadow Realm, but all the links between it and the outside world should be cut, meaning that Jim should stay inside the Shadow Realm for good. Merlin appeals to Jim's insecurities and reminds him that the shadow magic is evil, convincing Jim that it'll be better for everyone.
However, Claire overhears this conversation and confronts Jim about it. She also reminds him that Merlin's solutions have already proved to be not the only answer and that their team has already found an alternative once, so it's possible to find another one.
The encouragement from Claire prompts Jim to craft his own spell for the first time to use against Morgana. So, once the Eternal Night comes, both Claire and Jim defeat Gunmar and Morgana respectfully.
@theonceandfuturetrollhunter, I know that you feel down now, so hopefully, this one cheers you up a bit:)
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acourtofquestions · 21 days
Okay, Rowan deserves a pro post now (because evolution & character growth / backstory explanation PLOT TWIST is a fav of mine in SJM writing) & I genuinely almost hated him for a minute & now I think I LOVE him — SO Heir of Fire Part 1 (continuing the start of Part 2… like right now after I post this & organize my brain😂🙃)
Rowan IS the other side of the coin aka Celaena/Aelin
She even says so herself: “The past few weeks had been like gazing at a reflection. No wonder she’d hated him.” (Side note: hated is past tense). — It is the very reason they hate each other to begin with, they hate each other because they hate themselves. Rowan could not give her hope because Rowan did not have hope to give, he had no hope; other than perhaps her; perhaps watching it die slowly within her gave it back to him because he realized he didn’t want to lose it.
Because Rowan realizes he WAS wrong he stops calling her princess and girl because he realizes she has lived and loved and lost and died inside with it. just. like. him. She understands, perhaps even more (though it’s never a comparison).
And the most striking difference within them (this is not a comparison) however I feel it important:
1. Now yes this is a classic enemies to lovers, however most Celaena relationships lack the enemy portion, Chaol and Dorian trust her an ODD amount from the beginning which speaks to her character & was healing in a way however I’m not fully sure Aelin ever trusted it (you know how scared I am of elevators never trust it if it rises fast it can’t last).
And the main point: 2. they see each other and themselves as broken without a promise of “becoming whole” and take it honestly anyway.
Sam & Celaena survived on a dream, a hope, a knowledge that they had to get away or they would die & in the end it is their end (not karma, but Arobynn) catches up & they cannot outrun it.
Dorian and Celaena always had this BIG difference; knowing that Dorian was born to be King of Adarlan (& he HAS to be, because the world desperately needs him) and Celaena does NOT want to be Queen; even Aelin never wanted to be Queen… they would never be happy in it… someone would end up resentful. — Almost as if they may have really loved each other, but they never really knew each other.
Chaol & Celaena existed from beginning to end in the knowledge of “we would never be a normal boy and a normal girl” however that is what they want; they “play house” like somehow they can get away with this… but in the end reality always catches up. And they cannot be “a normal boy and normal girl”.
Rowan is the first person to truly understand the depth of her darkness and “how far she can go”, he knows where she is & what she wants. He does not exist to cancel it out (perhaps balance at times) but never to be anything other than what they are. They both understand and are not expecting it or the other to change (even though they are trying to grow) they exist in either way & any reality of it. It is accepted. Seen. And still chosen. She may have been loved, but she has never been so seen & so wanted & understood at once. … In a way at times, it feels dangerous; two of them! But in a way, it’s only that which could pull the other from the edge. They have opposites & balance; twin souls. Two sides, same coin.
At times (as shown in Pt. 1) it is sometimes unhealthy. They can bring out the worst in the other; Celaena HAS to have someone, he wants no one. They hit each other where it hurts, they do not pull punches; but they can take it. They can handle the others worst. At times there worst needs it like when they are self sacrificial (as they can be) and need someone to call them out before they end up dead from it.
It’s not that “all is forgiven” or even “okay” but all is understood and accepted.
It’s why she fights for him to want her, because if not him then who? And also why she’s terrified of him choosing her… because he’s REALLY choosing her then. But as someone who’s spent a lifetime hiding herself (even from herself) she needs honesty. And as someone who’s spent centuries frozen, burnt out, empty; he needs her, an utterly overwhelming demanding to burn endless blaze.
So essentially I really loved that final chapter and am now counting pages till they finally realize & say all of this lol😂 CAUSE UM… SHE JUST GAVE HIM A TATTOO… and that chin grab with the “not friends”… cause it’s more ;-) unspoken line needs to be honest, for Wyrd’s sake🤣 … so I guess there the first accurate version of the “love & hate are close emotions” meme quote😂
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fantomette22 · 12 days
2, 4, and 13 for Maria!!
3 for Gehrman!
1 for your smol KH boy, the mini Gehrman…BRAIN! I remembered!
Ask game from here
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Euh oh boy hmm I guess I have severals ones but I will say the fact that she really respected and had huge admiration for Gehrman. I really wanna know what happened in their goddamn life to have such a strong bond (whatever the interprets just platonically have a strong connection at least).
And I will add that I headcanon she could really do blood pyromancy for real if she really wanted to or loose control. And that's why she almost never did from her living, it terrifyed her.
4. Favorite line
Well she basically have 3 sentences of dialogue 💀 so if cut content don't count I guess so all of them? Maybe the first one.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
AH interesting! Well if the more dramatic dumb things don't count (like idk getting into fight with your family of running away!) she did a couple of very dumb things when she was younger for sure 😂 Hm I guess trying to cook something for the first times and failing. Oh Maria it's not gonna boil & get cook if you don't put it on the fire XD
Also I supposed tons of lil jokes to her family & cousins. Oh I could tell you the time she had enough of freaking raw meat and said she didn't want to eat some anymore. Oh boy... (that's your fault for the inspo) but they give her a whole ass salad 💀 with all the leaf maybe not wash. And all. And afterwards whole ass vegetables like carrot who weren't cut or peeled! She last 1-2 weeks before apologising XD
Oh and of course my fav dumb & dangerous Byrgenwerth shenanigans! (it's not just her but the entire students squad, who are like around 20y) : Hey, what if we decided to go in a restricted and forbidden area that was surprisingly open during prom night to discover dark secrets about the college! No one will know, or we'll play dumb to not get into trouble! I'm sure nothing will go wrong and we will not almost die because a werewolf show up! :)
A miracle some of them managed to live 15 more years 😑😭
3. Obscure headcanon  for Gehrman
Hmmmm... ok I got it thanks XD Well while hc about him being neurodivergent aren't unique, me projecting all my knowledge in geology into him is XD I imagined even with his very modest childhood he liked reading books, to discover and learn things about nature and the world around him.
Seeing a lil meteorite crash in the field and recovering it changed him as well! So yes besides being a strong fighter with good survival skills, having the ability to make weapons, know the materials' characteristics etc I like to imagine he did learn more on geology, geography, cartography, how to built mines and underground tunnels, and a bit of astronomy as well! Always useful on the field! He can easily recognize the 3 different irons ore as well! Everyone is confuse but it feel very easy to him to differentiate hematite from magnetite from siderite x)
1. Canon I outright reject for Brain. (we literally have another character/hero who literally have a red scarf lmao. This one is a goth with a fedora who really like data and informatics and screw up fate xD )
Euhhhhhh. Well it's still not sure if it's canon and you'll probably don't understand shit but anyway spoiler
I refuse to believe Luxu just stole Brain's body and yet his heart & soul idk where and basically kills him. I wanna believe maybe it wasn't Luxu but Brain after a time skip? Or maybe he did took Brain's body but still send his heart/souls in Scala? And so he got a new body/his body back?? Idk this game & series is making me crazy.
Like I am still so confuse. 3 YEARS AFTERWARDS huzdabdbkefz
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fortheloveofbuddie · 8 months
I kinda feel like Buck had a secrete emo phase (think olivers role from mind games) during his adventures and tried to hide it but the emo just leaks out sometimes until everyones seeing the pictures of emo Evan
Thank you so much for this request anon! I had to look up the pictures of Oliver in the movie that you mentioned and it really made my day to see him like that. Anyways, here’s my take on this 💗
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(Pictures because everyone needs to see this 😂)
Emo-gency Transformation
Most people know Evan Buckley as a fearless firefighter, always ready to leap into action as disaster strikes. But beneath his brave exterior, there was a hidden chapter of Evan’s life that not a lot of people knew about - his immersion in something darker, something that had helped him through his late teens and early twenties before finding his way to firefighting.
It slowly began during Evan’s high school years but really took off by the time that he turned 19. He had been a quiet and sensitive kid, not really knowing where he belonged and parents that didn’t see him, didn’t want to see him, he found himself alone with his feelings. And so he left home to go find a piece of himself.
One day in Peru, months into his journey, while browsing through a record store, he stumbled upon a CD with a black cover adorned with melancholic artwork. The band's name, "Shadowed Hearts," immediately drew him in. Evan purchased the CD and rushed home to listen to it.
As the haunting melodies and heartfelt lyrics filled his room, Evan felt an instant connection to the music. How could he not?
The anguished vocals and emotional guitar riffs seemed to mirror the turmoil he felt inside. It was as though the band's lyrics spoke directly to his soul, giving voice to the pain and confusion he had been harboring for all of these years. The music that he had found quickly made him delve deeper into the emo world and culture.
He dyed his hair black, grew it out too and started wearing dark clothing, adorned with band logos and patches. He discovered a community of like-minded individuals who, like him, used music as a means of coping with life's challenges.
Evan even started playing the guitar, pouring his own emotions into the music he created. He wrote heartfelt songs that spoke of lost love, shattered hopes and dreams and the constant struggle to find one's identity as his parents had never accepted him for who he was. Nor had they ever paid much attention to him. Music became his sanctuary, a way to express what he couldn't put into words. He even joined a band, playing several underground gigs in the emo scene of L.A.
But life has a way of changing people and Evan Buckley was no exception. Somewhere along his journey, still not knowing where he was going or what he was doing with his life, he was faced with having to act quickly as a car accident happened right in front of his eyes.
It made him reevaluate his path and he found himself with a desire to help others and make a difference in the world which eventually led him to become a firefighter.
As Evan threw himself into his firefighting duties, the emo phase of his life gradually faded into the background. He cut his hair, traded his dark wardrobe for a firefighter's uniform, and focused on the bravery and resilience that defined his new profession. Yet he couldn’t deny that his past and his delving into the emo world had changed him into the person that he was today: empathetic, loving and incredibly kind.
Yet he couldn’t help when pieces of his past sometimes slipped through, revealing glimpses of the person that he used to be. Sometimes it was expressions that he used or music that he listened to or ways that he acted that made people question him about it.
One sunny afternoon, years after Evan’s emo phase ended, Chimney was idly browsing the internet, searching for funny memes to share with the crew when he stumbled upon something unexpected.
"Guys, you won't believe what I just found," Chimney called out to the others, his eyes wide with amazement.
The team gathered around his computer, eager to see what had captured his attention. Chimney clicked on a link and revealed a collection of old photographs from an underground music scene in Los Angeles. As they scrolled through the pictures, their jaws dropped.
There, in all his emo glory, was Evan Buckley. His jet-black hair, heavy eyeliner, and the rivet covered vest was unmistakable. He was captured on stage, passionately playing the guitar, and in candid shots with his fellow band members .
"Well, well, Buck. It seems like your past wasn't as secret as you thought." Hen couldn’t help but to chuckle, giving Buck’s shoulders a playful squeeze.
Eddie joined in the laughter. "Man, you were really into this, weren't you?"
“I guess we know what our next team-building activity should be—a reenactment of one of Buck's old gigs!" Bobby said, maybe a tad too enthusiastically.
Buck blushed but couldn't help but smile at their playful teasing. He had kept his emo past a secret for so long, but now that it was out in the open, he realized that he didn't need to hide that part of himself from his firefighting family. In fact, it only brought them closer together. But it didn’t change how it was amusing to them right now.
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shmowder · 4 days
SO I was about to say that we never spoke on your BG3 blog, but I actually found one question by me, asking if you were playing the original Pathologic or P2 😂 By the time I found that blog you'd already pretty much moved on to this one (which is fine!). But I rb'd a couple fics to my sideblog. Certainly never imagined myself reading about a giant half-spider woman but here we are ♡ The thing about Minthara is that I adore her but I don't know anything about the rest of the game and it's too expensive for me to commit to right now - and I'm always hearing about her romance being bugged anyway.
Yuria <333 And Sister Friede but more importantly, Yuria! I love that you love her too! I confess that I never got past the Abyss Watchers but tbh I'm amazed I got that far. And at least my Ashen One got to meet Yuria (and heard her best line "And I, of course, am also thine" hehe). Good for you for getting through it! Bloodborne is the one Fromsoft game I've beaten and it was rough getting used to the Dark Souls combat, so I watched a walkthrough of the rest. And I've also watched a ~90 hour walkthrough of Elden Ring, which did put me to sleep occasionally lmao but I just don't have the willpower to play huge open world games anymore.
I almost finished a NG+ playthrough of Bloodborne recently, until I started the DLC and promptly got my ass handed to me and I was like hmmmm actually now is the perfect time to start a new SDV farm 🤔
But, I'm taking a little break because I've indeed started Patho 2 again!! It's the beginning of day 5, I'm using super easy settings again and I found my old notes of where the Dead Item Shop is every day and which items to save for upgrades etc. Despite that, I seem to be missing more than ever. I may have focused a little too much on trading and collecting herbs and caches. Forgot the bell rang on Day 3 and didn't gather the Apple Basket Gang rip :( (I noticed that Lara and Artemy both have dialogue about not being 30 yet, so there's that question out of the way) But on the bright side I have more eggs than I could ever need (maybe…) and I'm on my 3rd inventory upgrade.
Haha, based on that anecdote I'd say you know more Russian than I do. I know a lot of people listen to other things when playing games but I've never tried that except when hatching Pokemon eggs. I love hearing the in-game sounds and music. Victor and Yulia have the same theme playing in their houses!
Yes of course we can be friends! Requesting from writing blogs is what originally got me interacting with others, so, kind of like you, just the other way around 😅 Then I discovered it can be nice just to talk sometimes. It seems like you're having a good time on this blog! Chill is good. Part of me is still flabbergasted that there's a Pathologic x reader blog that exists and it's run by a great writer who obviously has so much love for the characters which is a huge plus <3 But I like the memes too :) I can't speak for other anons, but I always check my entire dash until I'm completely caught up.
Moving on… WHEN I TRANSLATED THE TITLE OF THE VICTOR X READER FIC!! Hooo boy, I'm a simple girl and the "You're good, my little dove, you're good. Despite it all, you're good" quote is one of my favorites. It's like you read my mind with the description - SOFT, TENDER, and UNSTABLE? Three of my favorite things 😇
So!! I am the human embodiment of this emoji while reading 🤭🤭🤭 Honestly so galaxy brained of you make it into a fic, I could never be upset about that. There's such an atmosphere to this from the very beginning, I don't know how to describe it but I want to bite it. Playing house with slightly off vibes, "Like handling a stray cat" OUGH. (I agree that'd he'd want to play at domesticity.) The way he notices everything, his solicitousness. Reader as sacrificial lamb imagery. "He takes and takes like you're the cure for his morose soul."
The immortality vs mortality thing! That's when I really got why this works so well as a fic instead of hcs. I love that it feels like a character study as much as a smut fic (and ofc I appreciate all the little details about time). TOP TIER SMUT ALSO. His endless patience while also being in emotional/spiritual/physical agony, him praising the reader's patience, he does seem like the type to draw it out a while - "He'll hide you from the world and everything dangerous outside" 😳
And the end!! What a beautiful, brilliant mind, what a sensitive fragile heart, what a lovely soul. My goodness. Just - [keysmash] [disintegrates]
That was AMAZING and you should be proud. Thank you for taking my request and running with it <333
If my overzealous reaction to the froggy chair birthday pic never made it through, thank you for that too! It's delightful.
Happy birthday!! 🧁🎉 I hope you enjoy the day.
🐿️ anon
You remembered my birthday! I love you!
God I was refreshing my notes waiting for your reaction over the fic. I'm so happy you liked it <33 Especially how you qouted your favourite lines and your reaction to them, that's literally the highest of praise I could receive. You understand the underlying themes, the whole playing house but something seems off, Victor's inner fits of monologue occasionally completely going off-rails and showing how lost in his head he tends to get. How his brain switches focus between topics constantly before snapping back to reality and vice versa.
Conflicted in everything. At times, he appears as if he's pleading with you, below you as loyal as a guard dog. At others he appears above you, pulling your strings with sheer authority and nothing else.
The whole turmoil of deciding to let Reader die a natural death, to be selfish and never allow them into the Kains grand scheme of immortality, to know you'll only exist by his side before your soul is lost to the cosmos forever.
I avoided bringing Nina by name but her presence is heavy in each line of the story. How much he would let you hurt him and others as much as you want like she used to do, how he lets your sins slide and sweeps your wrongs under the rug. How he clings to your mortality because part of his resents humanity for taking his wife away, for stealing his own life and future away.
The whole wings and feather symbolism. Immortality is the wings the Kains are sewing together one thread at a time, each feather plucked being a brilliant person's soul. That eventually, maybe they too will ascend past the larva stage and be able to live freely with no fear of death much like Icarus flew above the seas without regards to his father's words. They're flying straight into the sun and they mistake its blazing fire for the heavens above.
His little dove petname fitting perfectly with the Icarus symbolism, with you being a beautiful bird he wants to keep caged in the mortal real out of selfishness, out of the desire to finally call someone his own. All his life he has give for the future of humanity, both his wife and two kids turned into chess pieces to be sacrificed in times of need.
And that's fine that's okay. He can handle it. His family may belong to the future, they may belong to mankind and the utopia they're slowly shaping. He is strong and pragmatic, he can more than understand why heavy costs and live with the consequences. He will carry that burden of guilt indefinitely.
But you, oh you.... He won't allow it. You have to slip away from their clutches, from his own sharp claws. You won't belong to the future, you will belong to the present forever with him, forever to him.
I enjoyed writing it so much. I started as Headcanons but the words piled up and the sentences started weaving themselves on their own. It was so beautiful, I didn't have the heart to trim the growth and force it back into the headcanons mould, so i let it blossom into a full story even if it meant more work.
Headcanons are usually effortless, stories are not. I had several open tabs by the end of writing it searching for various idoms, symbolism and word synonyms. Looking through Victor's qoute then remembering the latin endearment term for dove.
I really wanted to paint the picture of how he makes loving you a form of self-flagellation, but I had to keep the message subtle so it shows how well he hides it. How on the surface you can easily mistake his infatuation for any adoring partner, but deep down he's completely unstable behind the calculated hardened face. I'd argue that he was as crazy as Nina if not even more. He just happened to be better at hiding it. It was an elaborate plan for him to play the role of the reliable soft-hearted self-sacrificing leader to win people's favour, to paint the Kains in an angelic light so their women may be as cruel as their hearts desire.
Again, thank you for leaving such a sweet message afterwards. People rarely do, you get accustomed to fulfilling requests then throwing your writing into the ocean after posting it. The reblogs and likes are good and all but I just want to hear another human's words at times you know? Another soul's opinion, something that proves that this exists and was read by an actual person rather than a number counter going up.
Although oh my god you read THAT Minthara fic?? A beautiful webbing?? IT'S ONE OF MY MOST PROUD WORKS! One of my most ambitious too! The descriptive scenery in that fic took a lifetime out of me, so much blood and tears poured onto the layout of the garden, of the sussur tree and blood rose. Writing it felt like my magnum opus at the time, although now I'd say Lingum Vitea holds the spot for the amount of Latin I had to research for that Burakhovsky fic.
I'm so glad you liked that fic! They're my favourite children <333 I like the rest too but sometimes I write things purely out of passion and they shine brighter than the rest in my eyes.
You've already started your P2 playthrough hell yeah! I hope it goes well and it's fun! I actually missed the apple basket gang meeting too in my playthrough- I thought it was scripted to be missed because it directly coincident with the Bachelor calling people to town hall and proclaiming quarantine so I thought oh, it must be cancelled duh! I didn't realise you could still walk to it ah-
You can never have too much eggs, trust me.
Being a trader hoarder is good! you'll eventually learn which people overpay for which items and look out for them. Usually trading is rng depent on which npc you meet on the road to your current mission because straying from the path means losing precious time.
Good for beating bloodborne and going on ng+! Hell yeah! I've never played it but it seems hard bc of the parries and no shield. I miss my shield in ds3 :( During the end of the game, my brother was watching me play and he tricked me into going to the end boss unprepared. He claimed it was just another npc for a quest and I didn't know it was the end boss bc I didn't watch anything about dark souls before playing it- I just walked to the soul of cinder all like "omfg hiii bestiee :3 " then got stabbed.
BUT I FUCKING BEAT HIM IN ONE TRY! EVEN WHEN I WAS TRICKED AND ALMOST DIED. I managed to clutch with my trustyyyy shieellldd.
But also I died to that weird balls tree 90+
I am not exaggerating, I genuinely couldn't handle that lame mini boss tree. I killee the abyss watchers in two tries and the soul of cinder in one but a fucking tree is responsible for 70% of my deaths through all of the game.
I'm celebrating my birthday today. it's not going well but at least I have a lot of cake and will buy myself flowers in an hour after the shops open. I got cheesecake! I love cheesecake! I think Yulia would like cheesecake or is she more of a dark chocolate person? I still have your request for her nsfw hc so don't worry it wasn't swallowed by tumblr.
Honestly I can't believe I'm the only pathologic x reader blog- Seems almost blasphemous tbh. I hope more pop up in the future, this fandom is surprisingly chill and nice. Especially for such a hardcore game.
I hope your day is amazing <3
Oh and I did receive your froggy chair submission! I just wasn't sure whether to reply to it publicly or not in case you wanted to stay anonymous to others on this blog. I'm glad you liked the meme I threw together and my other memes on this blog hehe. I like making them, it's like visual storytelling.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader - Storyteller Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome to my another experiment trying to find out what’s actually possible with tarot and oracle cards.
This time I have asked myself, what if I became a part of my favourite story and could actually meet my favourite fictional characters? What role would I play in the story? How would the original story change if I were a part of it? What kind of relationship would I have with my favourite fictional character? And how would our story end?
This type of tarot reading is similar to the hypothetical scenario of I, Villain tarot readings I did recently, only it simply portrays a full story and interactions with already existing fictional characters. Obviously I wouldn’t be able to be my true self in the story, I would have to be a fictional character, too, to be able to interact with other fictional characters, so this reading might only include some of my real life traits and some of my qualities have to completely change for the sake of the story.
You would probably think, I will go for Mr. Darcy first, but nope! My Mr. Darcy was Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader from the Star Wars universe and so I’m here today to show you how my test round went when I asked my cards what it would look like if I were a part of Anakin’s / Vader’s story.
Let me know what you think! Let me know whether you want to become my next test subject!
P.S. Yes, I know I have a mile long to-do request list but you have to understand that my mind never stops and never rests and if I don’t let at least some ideas out, my head will explode. But don’t worry. I work on the requests, too.
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P.P.S. Yes, I'm aware I can't do edits. Shut up! 😂
Kleo + Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
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What would be our story about?
Cards: Alchemist (Archetype Cards), Knight of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Cups (Dark Wood Tarot), 4 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Wands (Edgar Allan Poe Tarot)
It looks like our story wouldn’t lack some drama. It’s possible that I would clash with Anakin or Darth Vader on intellectual or wit bases. We might struggle to find a common ground, him being the ego driven and fast thinking and acting villain using all his knowledge to assert his dominance and gain more and more power. While I would be the curious one trying to dig through all the smoke and steel and find the real man, probably made of smoky grey steel, underneath. It’s very likely for me to find myself imprisoned and in danger at one point. Anakin / Vader could really consider having me executed in the story, thus those swords hanging over the motionless body. As we would be more or less rivals, but more on the personal level than professional one, arguing and fighting, he might be tempted to just remove me from the picture. On the other hand, the ace of cups suggests I would have something highly desired by him, a holy grail he wants and obsesses about. I can’t really be sure what this ultimate treasure could be - it could be something tangible as a real treasure or something more philosophical as a redemption for his soul through an actual bond with someone. It’s obvious I can see more than he can see, I can read the circumstances with a certain wisdom he’s lacking and might get into trouble due to his short sightedness. 
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What relationship would we have?
Cards: Prince (Archetype Cards), 7 of Swords, XVI The Tower, 5 of Swords (Erotic Fantasy Tarot), 10 of Cups (The Slavic Legends Tarot), Mother / Queen of Pentacles, III The Empress (The Wild Unknown Tarot)
Lol! Prince card right from the bet! Anyway! It looks like he would try to hide his romantic feelings slowly building up through the quarrels. You see the prince figure is hiding the flowers behind their back denoting a secret romance, something that’s suppressed. Because this is supposed to describe the relationship from my perspective, it’s possible I’m unaware of his feelings for a long time in the story (especially when he wants to kill me) and I’m trying to get upper hand over him, sneak away, battle him and gain some freedom (the ankle shackles are broken on the 7 of Swords). There’s obviously a breaking point, a plot twist, probably when I think he died and I lost him forever when I realise the true feelings which are far from animosity. The Empress card shows a white tree suddenly blossoming red in the middle of the night, something beautiful emerging from darkness and growing into abundance. Both the Empress and Queen of Pentacles cards suggest connection with nature and healing. It’s possible that the plot twist includes me bringing Anakin / Vader back from death, healing him with my power and ultimately falling in mutual love as depicted in the 10 of Cups (which also show a lot of nature).
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What would be the ending of our story?
Cards: Pioneer (Archetype Cards), 7 of Wands, 4 of Shields / Pentacles, 10 of Shields / Pentacles (The Runic Tarot), X The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, 4 of Wands (Tarot of Tales)
Seriously, what are the chances of getting cards which show the higher ground (7 of Wands), flames (4 of Shields) and lava similar to the scene from Star Wars III when Anakin is defeated by Obi-Wan and reduced to like a half of a man, in a tarot reading that’s connected to him? Lol! Okay! Let’s rewrite the Star Wars III ending in this reading. In this story Anakin has me by his side which turns the wheel of fortune to his favour. Obviously. I’m basically a living lucky charm. Anakin’s and mine story ends with us defeating any opposition by working towards goals together, riding the lucky wave and avoiding lava by stepping on the stones and progressing quickly. As the Page of Swords show, together we are more than just a sum of our traits, we are bigger together. Together we can face the thunderstorm and instead of being hit by lightning, utilise its power for our benefit. The end of the story seems to be an open one, though. Actually an opening for more adventures to come.
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Okay! This is it.
Thanks for reading this far. Don't be shy to hit my inbox anytime. 😊
Kleo 🦄
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airaza · 2 months
What are your favourite videogames?
What are some of your favourite anime? (Can be a top 5 if that's easier)
What books have made the greatest impact on you?
Go to comfort movie and/or show?
I will ask about all the nerdy shit 😂 And most importantly how are you doing? 😇
Hey you! Let's get into it ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
-Fav/most played video games.... Animal Crossing, Sky:Cotl, Cult of the Lamb, Little Nightmares, Smash Bros, Identity V, uhhh there's More I can't remember... I try a lot of different games- I'm just really bad at some of them like Valorant or FPS games in general and I played Dark Souls and it sucked cuz I was bad at it lolol also played League of legends and didn't like it...😭😭😔💀💀💀
- My faves are memorable picks so don't judge → Attack on Titan, Maid Sama, Tokyo Ghoul, Apothecary Diaries, JJK, One Punch Man, Komi can't communicate and Kakeguri in no particular order... The list goes on and on 😂
-Hm. I've read a lot of good books but there's two that stand out to me: Assata Shakur's autobiography because my literature teacher gave it to me and it's kind of what got me into reading (and perhaps opened my eyes to the world a bit) and 'I contain multitudes' by Ed Yong; it's a book on microbiology which was also a gift from someone very special to me and it was a fun, informative read!
-My comfort movie is Porco Rosso or anything Studio Ghibli! The movies are cute and nostalgic yes, but there's a lot of heavy hitting topics mixed in too (Family, love, war, loss etc.)
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cinamun · 11 months
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As soon as I seen her with the wine glass in the dark at 3:15AM, I knew she had fucked up. As much as I wish she could stand firm, I had to remember this is her first rodeo when it comes to a situation like this. In her eyes right now (after kicking him out and having her fun-filled night of clubbin & Komorebian peen)…she’s a big boss & is now in control. But also, (I know that we know this) I tend to forget that Mercy has no inkling that this man is literally psycho. So it brings me back to reality: In real life, we backslide & double back out of familiarity or “not wanting to add to our count” more often than we should, so that’s the normal part in Mercy’s situation. But Mercy’s literally playing with fire and she has no clue. Despite what we like to say, Bishop isn’t our typical “aint shit nigga”…Sir will off you & put you somewhere where they’ll never find you. Hell, even the FBI Customer Service can’t find his ass. 😂
Her biggest mistake was letting this man back into her home…Miss Ma’am’s first mistake was not packing up the problematic penthouse & starting anew. Listen, Mercy girl, I know you love the views but it’s time to relocate! Because at this point, how did this man even make it past the concierge & security at the front desk. For as much as you pay for this big ass luxurious yet problematic place, they should be fired because he should have been added to the list of people that aren’t allowed on this property anymore. Do we need to make a group call to Corporate!? Because…?
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The flesh is WEEEEAAAAAKKKKKK honey! But the crazy thing is, he was never going to leave her alone anyway. He enjoys playing with her mind & emotions too much. 😩 Bishop out here playing an intense game of Simbles with our girl’s mind, body, AND soul…just having a blast. Listen, we all grown here (or atleast we should be), ya’ll know it be hard to ease from the grips of the soul-snatchin’ strokes (and/or straps). 👀
Also I’m just over here, face hurting from laughing because we’re all over here like:
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And Mercy is all like:
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😂 It’s not funny at all but the gifs are making me cackle!
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Chae coming through on this fine Monday afternoon with the undisputed FACTS!!! Chae you get the big piece of chicken during the Ratchet Readers™ nightly recap.
Anyway, facts on facts and the gifs don't lie. Sis was too far in her head (and so was the wine) at 3:15am after the backslide-smash and didn't properly kick him out. Instead, he poked her in the booty cheek as if to say he was ready for round two right here:
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and she is trying to focus on the fuckshit he just said so she had to just squeeze the chair (in order to stop wobbling also because tipsy) and tell his ass to shut up.
But none of it worked and now the 90 degree arch is back
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..... this was the pic I removed and got slapped with 'sexual themes' anyway but I digress.
The good sis just took 37 steps backwards and she has however many days I have pregnancy set on to get her shit together.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Okay, now I've finished-finished KH2, and like... I don't have *terribly* much to add (post-mortem edit: lie), since I was pretty much on the brink of the final battle when I last posted about the game, but DAMN. That was actually really sweet/heartwarming.
First off, holy SHIT that final battle was movie-like as all hell. The choreographed action and reaction commands... woah. I was such a dumbass during multiple Xemnas phases, though, it was a wonder I beat him first try. Buckle up for my dumbass endeavors, it's a trip.
That part where you're flying to his little throne thing and he's tossing buildings at you was fun, because I kept launching myself against his fucking barrier and getting repelled/damaged and Xemnas was all "why do you despise the void," over and over again. I was so confused, but just... kept trying like a bullheaded idiot until my health was nose-diving and Riku started healing Sora. Cue me screaming into the void like "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Started playing Marco-Polo when Riku would say "Sora!" every time his health dropped, and eventually found him on a building at the bottom of the map I was supposed to fling at Xemnas apparently? 😂
Two other cringe-fails on my end... when Xemnas was tasering Sora and you briefly shift into Riku to complete mission 'Save His Guy,' I was beating the decoy Xemnas to death like "DON'T WORRY SORA, I'VE GOT YOU," only to realize right before Sora bit the dust that you were supposed to walk up to the other Xemnas actively doing the electrocution and just... y'know... tap the reaction command. I'm sensing a common theme here...
And to top it off, on that scene that would Otherwise Be Really Cool where Sora and Riku are meant to deflect the lasers from Xemnas, I must've missed my chance for the reaction command, and it was really fucking hilarious to watch actually, because you have the action movie sweeping spiral shot, where Riku's Understood The Instructions, leaping around and deflecting everything like a ninja, whereas Sora was utterly stunlocked, and just sort of... standing there... getting hit over and over again... it looked so pathetic, haha.
Anyway, actual plot aside from me being bad at the game, and by plot I mean Sora and Riku just being the heart and soul of the cracked out finale, apparently:
(Although shout-out to Roxas for making me feel all weepy just by saying "Look sharp," I'm eternally sad. Someone free him.)
I just... I don't even know where to start, guys. Riku being angsty, "How am I gonna face everyone?" only for Sora to go "Like this!" And make the goofiest little face to cheer Riku up, and it WORKED. That was just... I cooed, y'all.
These faces (I tracked down the GIF because I was just appalled the animators in a 2006 game had them make goo-goo eyes at each other, Sora looking away like that is what gets me):
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Xemnas trying to pit them against each other in his boss fight, but you know it just wouldn't matter, because of *course* Sora trusts Riku, he can't imagine thinking otherwise, and of *course* Riku was jealous of Sora in some aspects (which was addressed later, wooo), but it didn't matter, because he just wanted to be able to be with Sora over any misgivings he might've had about his self image.
(Side Note: What in the Sam-Hill did Xemnas mean when he said there were falsehoods in their hearts? Excuse me? Will that be expanded upon? What are they denying??)
And like... they literally ended up trapped in KH Hell-equivalent, and they were just... fine?? with it?? Just completely zen on the beach (I can't help but find it interesting that the realm of darkness is a beach like Destiny Islands, and wonder if there's some light/dark parallels about the trio involving that), staring out at the water side by side, fully knowing they could just wither away there, but it was cool, because they were together. "I've got something you could never imitate too," (Which was being Riku's friend, godDAMN Sora you're gonna make me cry 😭) says Sora, just chilled out as all hell.
For further laughs, in the post credits scene where and Riku and Sora were sitting on the Paopu tree, and Sora was like 'where'd the door to light come from?' and I was all excited like a kid paying attention in class or something "Kairi Princess of Heart ex-machina, she and her letter must have been tied to-" and then Riku poked at Sora's heart and was like "From here 😌 It's closer than you think," and then I'm over here, being a vaguely disappointed nerd, like "Oh, no lore. Just... Riku saying Sora is filled with light. They're just... still having a moment. That's fine." (And they were just looking and smiling at each other while the camera was focused on their faces, which is completely interrupted by Kairi running up, pfft- bless her for the tonal whiplash)
Edit: I also loved that credits clip of Sora walking through the secret hideout cave and running his hands along the drawings, you could see his eyes combing over the memories, it was so touching. I loved when he found the drawing him and Kairi made, because I thought of that KH1 cutscene of them as small children carving it out, and you could *see* it in his eyes that Sora had a "Look where I am now," kind of moment. I will never stop screaming about the facial animations for these games.
Anyway that ended up being longer than I expected. The boys are back together and they're mushy. Kairi still has abandonment issues and they'll probably just get worse from here. Someone, somewhere curls up into a fetal position every time a KH villain gives another darkness/light monologue with the dumbest sounding lines known to man. Maleficent's entire subplot this game was just her house-hunting. Michael Mouse acts like a war veteran, and it would be hilarious if post-Ansem the Wise (I missed hearing your voice, Christopher Lee RIP) explosion he starts having survivor's guilt too. Roxas makes me want to cry, and Naminé does too. The mystery of Kairi's Keyblade has not been answered. Nobody has told Sora about Castle Oblivion even though Naminé was Right There. Next time... on Kingdom Hearts...
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I wish I could caption this in the KH subtitle font but I'm too lazy to figure out how zip files work at this hour so here's comic sans
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s6e13 unforgiven (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
flashback soulless!sam is just beating the shit out of this cop. grandpa. really. just gonna let that go too huh
(looks like the black desktop background is here to stay)
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he looks so young in his silly little suit and bright lighting with his new(er) hair. and yes the little joke about how tall sam was endearing
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DEAN And how would you... characterize their relationship?
NICOLE'S ROOMMATE Relationship? No, they weren't having a --
DEAN just the -- the -- the tone or the nature of their conversation.
NICOLE'S ROOMMATE Well... loud. And... athletic.
he went on a little face journey there
here i thought i'd seen the last of the guys having problems with the law, that particular variety of conflict stresses me out. and this time, robosam really fucked up and now our sam has to deal with it? agh
i've been reading this fic that focuses a lot more on kind of lingering effects of trauma that the guys have been through and just now watching sam have this very impassioned conversation with the lady that leads to her unlocking the cell he's in, got me thinking about like. changing gears so quickly from robosam to regular sam, i'm watching him waiting for the con. and i wonder if dean would catch himself having similar thoughts
so soulless managed to bang 5 ladies in this little town on a job. that seems... logistically challenging
(robo)SAM Well, Samuel wasn't really around when I was a kid. We have more of a, uh, business relationship.
BRENNA Uh, do you have any other family?
(robo)SAM Family just slows you down.
he was sweating after that flashback. i mean, objectively terrifying having sudden intrusive memories of an event you don't remember and with yourself being so cold and cruel.
(wiki) Sam and Samuel use the aliases "Roark and Wynand." Sam's alias (H. Roark) is a reference to the main character—Howard Roark—in Ayn Rand's novel The Fountainhead which embodied the philosophy of objectivism, where individual self-interest was held as the purpose of one's life (and so it is interesting that this is associated with soulless Sam). Samuel's alias Wynand refers to Gail Wynand, another character in the book.
oh my god that's hilarious. it is ~interesting~ supernaturalwiki 😂
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i adjusted the lighting on this because it was so dark and the quality is laughable but anyway again squatting in a place with power and a janky lampshade. i liked dean's plaid, in this shot it looks more like black and white plaid which is a little bold for him (but it's more of a subdued blue in better light)
DEAN We are not the only hunters on the planet, okay? We can call Bobby. He and Rufus could come and wrap up.
he makes a good point. give bobby and rufus some quality time together
DEAN Really? You get that every time you scratch that wall, that you are playing Russian roulette?
SAM Dean, I get you're worried, okay? And I know what you think is gonna happen. But you know what? It will or it won't.
i get where dean is coming from but also sam makes a good point that it's gonna happen or not.
DEAN Sam --
SAM --look, I'm starting to think that -- that I might have done some bad stuff here, Dean. And so I don't care if it's dangerous. I have to set things right, 'cause I got a frigging soul now, and -- and it won't let me just walk away. I'm staying here. And I need you to back me
DEAN All right. Why not? Well, let's "memento" this thing, shall we?
(two memento references in as many episodes)
oh the flashbacks got even worse. using this dude as bait for the monster, which clearly went above bait to just plain food. oh, and "mercy" killing them. right. GREAT.
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giggling over these weird contacts. it wasn't until after i'd been staring at them entranced for this entire speech that i realized they're probably supposed to be like. another pupil? cuz he's a spider lol 🕷️🕷️🕷️
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so he's upset she ignored his sorry and went inside but i was just thinking to myself, well you got her husband killed (again) and kind of killed him (again), it's unforgivable. and then i remembered the episode title. ha ha. queuing up the unforgiven by metallica (love that album, and they totally played this at a middle school dance i attended)
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did you sleep on that gross ass bed, samuel winchester
DEAN Sam, you got to understand that all that crap last year -- all of it -- none of it was you.
SAM Let's be crystal clear, okay? It was me.
DEAN Well, can I get you anything?
SAM What are you now, my waitress?
DEAN I'm just trying to make you feel better. Don't be a bitch.
SAM Yeah, I'm fine.
DEAN Yeah, you look fine. All I'm saying is everything's gonna be okay.
SAM I don't know, Dean. If I did this here, then who knows how many oth-
didn't know he was gonna have hell creep in so soon. so i guess they were like well when dean went to hell it was 40 years and we had to make it even worse by breaking his will and him enjoying torturing people. so, how can we make this even worse for sam... hmmm. not only does he get the multiplied years of torture (from what i gleaned it was a lot longer too?) but a bonus year of being a monster topside where he can suffer for feeling guilty about getting people killed etc etc. sam is totally going to win the trauma olympics
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wikiangela · 2 years
so, I really liked season 6 - here's some general thoughts and opinions
I mean, I hated what happened to Tara and I don't think I'll ever get over it, she was my fave - I literally took like a month break from watching after 6x19 because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Tara
but it was a really good season (not close to how amazing s5 was but still great l)
I loved Buffy dealing with being back, though her relationship with Spike was getting annoying tbh 😂 at first I felt bad for Spike with how Buffy was playing with him all the time, up until that bathroom scene tbh
also, tbh in 6x22 I couldn't care less about Spike's side of the episode but omg he got his soul back?? I'm really curious about what's gonna happen now ngl 👀
Willow and Tara were my fave part of this season, loved how they portrayed Willow struggling with her addiction to magic etc - and, again, how could they take Tara away from us 😭💔
I was so here for Dark Willow, I was 💯 rooting for her (tho I probably was supposed to be against her but fuck it, I wanted revenge too) 😂😂 the show could've ended here with Willow actually destroying the world and I'd still be with her, what even is the point without Tara 😭
I think I'm starting to like Anya a bit more (she's still annoying tho) and I like that she's a vengeance demon again
and I definitely dislike Xander now, for many reasons that I ready expressed in other posts I think 😂 he's just so infuriating, and at this point I'm pretty sure part of my dislike must be the actor, because I saw him in criminal minds too and I'm annoyed every second he's on screen (it's never for long but I hope he stops showing up altogether soon lol - I'm on s7 there too 😂) I genuinely wish Willow eneded up killing Xander at the end there lol
and omg I was SO sick of Anya and Xander's relationship and of hearing about the wedding and don't get me started on how Xander just left her at the altar, and how he handled all that (I have a whole other post about it, not gonna get into it again)
I love that Giles didn't die, I genuinely got worried there for a second, but I'm so happy he didn't 😂 missed him when he wasn't there tbh (tho that laughing scene with Buffy was a bit weird and went on for way too long 😂)
the trio weren't the best villains but also not the worst, they were more competent than I initially gave them credit for and Warren was seriously gross and evil and got what he deserved haha
also, I saw that so many people love the musical episode and it's the top rated eps on imdb, but I lowkey hated it - not the worst episode of the series but definitely far from fave 😂 the worst episode of the season was definitely 6x15 - as you were - with fucking Riley back 🤢 god I hated that one so much, almost as much as beer bad (the actual worst episode of the series so far imo) 😂😂
the finale was insane and I loved it - tho that scene with Willow and Xander was kinda meh and lowkey anticlimactic? idk I was underwhelmed 😂😂 him just repeating 'I love you' was too cheesy even for me tbh, and because I don't like Xander, I probably liked it less than I normally would've anyway 😂 (so it might be just my bias, I admit haha)
tho tbh I also wish we got more of Dark Willow than just, what was it, three episodes? would've been even better haha
but overall, it was a good season, tho I'm never gonna forgive them for killing off Tara - despite that, I did enjoy it a lot and can't wait to start s7 soon 😁
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sugarlesswriting · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @the-type-a :)
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos? 
No tattoos and even though I think they’re pretty I would never get one, I’m to much of a baby when it comes to pain lol
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Pink or anything pastel
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Spaghetti and crab meat, we out to eat with friends and since it was pay day I decided to treat myself.
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
9:21 pm, ready for bed so tired
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
I never really thought about it, I mean Irish and Scottish is pretty hot I guess
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Yes, two are from surgery on my foot and on my back. I have a scar on my hand that I don’t know how I got it. And a long scar on my arm and a small one on my upper lip from my cat using my body as a baseboard to jump in the window (thanks Huntress)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
I’m listing my top 5 in no particular order, Balto, An American Tail, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Coco and Cinderella
📺 - Favourite show?
I have several: Psych, The Venture Bros., Community, Modern Family, Happy Endings, and King of the Hill, probs more but these are just my current rotations of shows at the moment lol.
😂 - Are you ticklish?
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, but I just need to find the poor soul that can deal with my annoying ass  🤪
😳 - Do you like your name?
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My dad promised his dying friend to name his son after him but got me instead lol.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
Was in school a bit longer than I needed to be so I graduated in 2020, didn’t have a graduation, but I wouldn’t have gone anyways - too boring lol. Got to keep my cap and gown though!
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Got my ears pierced when I was 11, but the holes covered up because I never wore earrings once I got to high school. Now I want to get them repierced.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
If I was pretentious or a main character in a YA novel I’d say icy blue
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Keep it down, besides I can’t do anything with it because the humidity is where good hairstyles go to die.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes? I mean a few times but never enough to get drunk like a shot here and there.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Yes. I never drink but one time, like 6 months after we turned 21, Hannah and I went to a friends place for a small party and I got drunk on this vodka lemonade our friends then boyfriend now husband made. I started to finish off other’s drinks that didn’t want them and I got a little sloppy lol. Her boyfriend asked if I was okay and I just said, ‘I’m good, I know what’s going on around me.’ To which he went to go find Hannah because I couldn’t stand up. The other time was this year at a friend's Christmas party and I got a little tipsy and that’s when I found out that I talk in third person. ‘Carley’s a little tipsy teehee.’ ‘ Carley’s hungry.’ Again a mess lol.
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
I got two, one’s heights, can’t even watch a movie that deals with heights I get dizzy. Second is the dark, my anxiety plays with my mind too much lol.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold, I live in the South so it’s always hot as balls here so of course I’d want to be cold. It’s not like I can take off my skin!
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Cloudy and chilly. We only get like three weeks of that weather though.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Aesthetically? Fall. Temperature? Winter. 
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
Arctic Fox, they’re just so cute 🥺
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Yes, the little boobie Huntress
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Like 20 hours I think? But I like to sleep so it rarely happens.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
I like to write, cook and bake. Cooking and baking calms me lol. Also collecting clocks and old cookbooks. 
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Probably Ireland or Scotland, I want to visit their historical sites
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Probably youtube because I have several tabs open, one for songs for this book, one for songs for that book, and funny videos.
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Reddit, sorry Tumblr girlies but Momma likes to read HobbyDrama and her other niche interests.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I’mma cheat and say Suburbia. Cities too loud but the country is too quiet. See, someone from the city would say that where I live is country to them but you don’t know what country is until you get out of cell service and the only source of entertainment is going from Sonic to the Dairy Queen and there’s a Walmart 45 minutes away. 😂
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
More CFV x Yugioh edits
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This is describing my CFV X Yugioh crossver idea. I do definitely imagine Aichi and Yugi getting along. They are very similar after all. Poor sad hobbit boys who were bullied. Though, they do certainly differ in certain aspects. While Atem is prattling about fate and destiny Aichi be like “Fate what?! I came here to play card games”. After awhile every time he sees Yugi at a tournament he assumes something is going on and it’s true like 99% of the time. Also, Yugi finds it odd that Aichi idolizes Kaiba (just like Kai). Though, to fair Aichi isn’t aware of just how fucked up Kaiba is😅. Aichi and Kaiba have a weird relationship. He barely tolerates Aichi, only doing so because he’s a strong duelist. Like Aichi’s so constantly nice (no matter how much of a jerk Kaiba acts like) and it pisses Kaiba off. He gets especially annoyed when Aichi tries to befriend him. He first learns of Aichi through Kai who mentions him. Yugi and Kaiba actually know Kai before Aichi. Because Kai is always seeking out the best challenges and gets caught up in everything earlier. I imagine they meet Kai at Duelist Kingdom. Hilariously Yugi knows of Aichi indirectly for awhile from seeing him duel at Nationals. They don’t actually meet in person till Battle City and that’s after Ren gaslights Yugi into thinking Aichi is like him (honestly Ren doesn’t do it because he’s calculating or anything he just does it because he’s bored😅)and a classic protagonist fight caused by a misunderstanding occurs.
However, Yugi does realize Ren was messing with him as he duels Aichi. Poor Aichi is just completely clueless 😅. After their duel they actually get properly acquainted. One thing that Yugi quickly catches onto is that Aichi can see Atem (this makes Atem more wary of Aichi initially wondering how he can do that). Obviously this is because of Aichi’s Psyqualia. After hearing about Aichi’s intent to use his own power that makes Yugi start to think about dueling on his own more. Also, there is a moment when Aichi’s Psyqualia acts up and Atem considers erasing dark Aichi with mind crush. Hilariously they almost think he’s like them and Bakura but it’s just a normal dark side not an ancient soul or anything 😂. So, anyway Guardian of Order is basically like “Please don’t spiritually lobotomize my vanguard. He has to get over this himself.”. Yugi agrees like “He’s right we shouldn’t mind crush friends!”. As usual Aichi is oblivious to all this nonsense. He’s especially oblivious when everyone is talking about Marik and when he starts doing shadow realm stuff. Aichi’s just left like “What did I walk into?! I just came to play card games.”.
Later version of Aichi’s deck pre-season 2
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Haven’t quite decided on Ezel yet so I’m saving his Asia Circuit deck for later. I have an idea for a good Ezel but I’m worried it’s too op.
Aichi using Honest
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I do imagine Guardian of Order is a very rare card like Blaster Blade (especially since it actually has a good effect). I’m thinking Aichi gets Honest some time during Battle City or a little before (basically he doesn’t always have Honest). This post is getting long so I’ll talk more on another one.
The transparent Guardian of Order Honest on its own:
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Also I’m considering giving Aichi this card later to deal with cards with ridiculous attack. A few infinite attack point monsters come to mind.
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ajokeformur-ray · 1 year
~ Merry Christmas, Rose! ~ 🎁🎄❄️💝
For @rosesloveletters
Overall word count for this gift package: 4, 246.
First, as is one of our traditions, a little note from me🥺
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Second, just in case we haven't been able to go on call to open physical gifts just yet, a glimpse of what you're in for...
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Next, letters from some of my beloveds!💖 I had a hard time putting these together; none of my F/Os make things easy.😂
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Now for some fics! I've written four; These are what I was spending all that time with your F/Os for!😭🙏💕I worked long and hard on these so I really really hope you enjoy them, darling! And if not, let me know and I’m more than happy to write you something else🫂💖I love you so so much and I had a lot of fun putting all of these together!👀
These four walls // Rose x Frank Slade // Scent of a Woman
Summary: the bedroom scene in which someone should really give Frank a cuddle. Lucky he has you, no?
(We had this conversation when we watched this film together and I took some mental notes of things you mentioned wanting to do in that moment🤗🌸)
Word count: 1, 468.
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To finish the GIF:
"... Fuck."
Okay, sorry, this made me giggle! And the scene was playing as I was looking for GIFs so how could I not use it? Alsoooo, from the Thanksgiving dinner scene onwards, I just wanna give him a huuuuuug💔Okay, the fic!!!😂👀
Lt. Col. Frank Slade was... a lot to take sometimes. His mood was unpredictable, his bark always worse than his bite, he was stronger than he looked in so many ways. If you rolled your eyes in another room or suppressed a quiet sigh, he swore he could hear it and called you out on it if the mood struck him. Sometimes he did it anyway just to hear you laugh under your breath at his antics. It always made him smile, softened his already soft deep brown eyes.
He was beautiful.
And tragic. Twisted but not broken, blind but not unseeing, hard of resolve but soft of heart. Witty and mean, complex yet simple, kind to you and to Charlie but an asshole to most others. He had a soft spot for women of all kinds, men who had served or were intending to train, young people with promising futures, for the tomorrows and the somedays and the maybes. Frank had no spot, no time, for no's before one had even tried and what if's and people who didn't care to look underneath the underneath of his psyche. Underneath it all, he felt much but said little, and his actions spoke louder than he ever could, even when he was shouting so loud it made your ears feel like they would begin to bleed if he yelled any louder.
On days like this, if his soul had vocal chords, it would be bringing the walls down with the volume of its cries.
Frank lay on the bed, dark hair and eyes a stark contrast to the bright white sheets and pillows. Golden sunlight streamed in through the open curtains and left silver white rays across the white material of Frank's short sleeve t-shirt; with his hair mussed and about his face like a dark halo, he was the very picture of melancholy as he stared up at the ceiling, gazing at nothing in the room but everything in his mind. The monochrome of your bed and his attire was broken up by a dark brown blanket which was strewn across his abdomen and lap.
While you had gotten up to face the day at noon, Frank had stayed in bed. It wasn't entirely uncharacteristic of him, but it was an unusual enough event that it had given you pause and you had resolved to do your work in the bedroom, your typing and rustling of papers, the scratching of pen and your mutterings the accompaniment to the sounds of the city bustling outside the open window. You wanted to be close so that when Frank broke, as he always would at some point or another whether he wanted to or not, you would be there to offer him your undying support and unconditional love.
It was the very least you could give a man such a Frank, and yet it meant the very most to him. He wasn't used to people wanting him to be around for his own sake; his derision was often met with scorn, people took offense by his snark even when they knew him well enough to know that he didn't necessarily mean it. Anger was a secondary emotion which always hid pain or fear and, in Frank's case, being so terribly in the dark - but not alone, for never would you allow that now that he was quite firmly in your life - it hid both. He was in a lot of pain, emotionally, and his fear was such that almost everything he said had a sharp gruffness to the tone, even when his voice was soft and the words were kind.
Frank Slade had always been a bit of an enigma.
You paused in your work, currently working on invoices and book balancing - a tedious job which required typing repetitive figures and double, triple checking information, though you got it done quickly - to examine Frank and the very particular way he moved his head from and against the headboard, looking for some grounding.
Frank must have felt your stare. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." A pause and then a customary barked, "hah!" Another pause and then his eyes and voice softened, "Oh, Rose," His sigh was weighed down with all the sadness of the world, someething in his dark eyes pleading. For what, neither of you knew. Even so, it drew you to him like a moth to a flame and you got up, abandoning your work in favour of approaching your Colonel. "What do you want?"
"You're worrying me. Are you - are you okay?"
"What do you think?" Frank groaned and closed his eyes before he opened them again, fixing his gaze on you. "Come lay by me, sweetheart. Let me feel you." You were at the side of the bed in a heartbeat, so fast you were almost dizzy, and Frank sat up with awkward movements, as if his body was weighted down with lead, "Give me your hand."
Somehow, even though he wasn't looking directly at you but just at your nose, his fingers slid perfectly and without hesitation, like a knife through hot buitter, into the spaces between your own. He gripped you tight, as if he was afraid that you would disappear if he loosened his grip even a little. In truth, he was afraid that he would lose himself if he let go of you. "I am eternally grateful for every day you give me, but right now I want to be left to sleep here."
You noticed that Frank didn't let go of your hand and he didn't say "alone", which meant that in a very very roundabout way, in a method so casual that if you didn't know him as well as you did, you would have missed it, Frank was asking you to stay with him. To let the world outside of the bed he had been laying in all morning and all afternoon, if the day carried on this way, slip away until all that remained was the two of you. If you didn't take him up on it, then Frank would lessen the sting of rejection by telling himself that you hadn't picked up on his little hints. But he knew you better than that, and he knew that you would pick up on the things he didn't say; those were always the things you responded to as best as you could.
You answered his non-verbal question silently as you slid into the bed with him, immediately burrowing down so that your head rested on the portion of his arm where tanned hairs met pale upper arm, your dark hair spilling across his skin and creating more of a contrast between the light materials which made up the bed and the way you both had dark hair, with tender eyes to match. You laid beside him and watched his eyes move around the room, taking it all in without seeing anything, and wondered what he was looking at, while you snuggled in further and closed your eyes, intent on keeping him company just like this all day. You wondered what he was thinking of - fallen friends, lost opportunities, the grenade that got away.
A few inches away, Frank's mind was in a similar place to yours, but where you mourned the life he could have had as much as he did, tried to decide how best you could help him and where to put your other arm - his shoulders or his waist? - Frank had decided upon something else, too, something which gave him a little more appreciation for his bleak future: if his eyesight was the price for finding you, then Lt. Col. Frank Slade would happily pay it again and again.
"The thought that one day, I'd have a woman's arms wrapped around me, her legs wrapped around me, that I could wake up in the morning and she would still be there and I could smell her, all warm... I finally gave up on it, but you, sweetheart..." Frank smiled softly and it made your heart melt, "you're right here, aren't you? Hoo-ah!"
You squeezed your arms and legs around your Colenol, pressed your head against his and held it there, as if your mind could reach his and offer him comfort from the inside out while your body gave him comfort from the outside in and decided that there was nowhere you would rather be, no one you would rather be with, and that you would be with him for as long as he would have you. And as it turned out, that was to be forever. You deserved the love of a lifetime and Frank was already in the process of growing that with you. As they used to say in the service - teamwork makes the dream work.
I shouldn’t be doing this, it’s too easy // Rose and her Daddy ft. the rest of Ocean’s Eleven
Summary: you step foot into the Bellagio with the intent to try gambling. After only moments on one slot machine with 'free' money, you make a wise decision.
Based on real conversations we got to have in an actual casino😭and I tried to remember bits and pieces of things your dad taught us!
Word count: 1, 411.
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You were as familar a face in the Bellagio as Terry Benedict himself, and indeed did people who didn't know you well give you a wide berth as they walked past. It was as if even the threat of accidentally brushing shoulders with you in a packed and crowded place such as one of Terry's casinos was enough to keep people away from you, in fear of incurring Terry's wrath.
They weren't wrong, exactly, but neither you nor Terry were going to tell them that.
It was way more fun watching people try to squash their shoulders in while in an already wide corridor just to avoid even potentially brushing your shoulders, clad in a high-end dress which suited you perfectly.
At first, it had slightly upset you, sensitive were you even though you sometimes tried not to be, but now it was just funny. Especially after Danny and Rusty took it upon themselves to deliberately and loudly bump your shoulders with theirs, knocking you off your sure path before catching you with a smooth arm around your waist and a "sorry" soaked in humour. Those two could turn anything into something humourous, and indeed did they make your hectic and chaotic life easier to manage, deal with.
You were always in the Bellagio; of all of Terry's casinos, this one was your favourite. It was your first love, as far as places went, and it served only to bring you closer to Terry, whom also obviously favoured the Bellagio. Though you worked in all three casinos, as trained up by your daddy, you spent the majority of your working life here, walking the same halls as Terry Benedict. Your postures were similar; you both held your heads high when you were comfortable in your surroundings, your shoulders were set yet relaxed, your hands were either down by your sides or holding a set of keys tightly in your fist or clutching a clipboard; they were never empty and you were always busy.
Just like your daddy.
That thought never failed to send a thrill down your spine. You were so proud to be Terry Benedict's only daughter, the very best investment in his life alongside his casinos; he almost owned the whole strip in Las Vegas and regularly asked for your input on which ones you thought he should buy up next. He valued your opinions, tauight you to speak up for yourself and to take what you wanted if no one else would give it to you. Nothing was impossible or improbably for his daughter if she wanted it enough.
As yet, you had never wanted to try gambling for yourself. You were content to walk through the aisles, casting a critical eye over slot machines and card game tables, looking for any signs that things weren't as they should be, checking winnings and withdrawals of cash, making sure that the people in the casino were being lawful in every possible way so that Terry's name and reputation remained as intact as he worked hard for it to be.
You didn't really see the appeal of gambling, but then, how would you know about something if you didn't try it for yourself? Life wouldn't come to you, you would have to go to it. Chase it down and make it your own, just as your daddy taught you from a young age.
So you did.
You had spoken to your daddy at length about this and he said that if you were going to try gambling, you were going to try. So, you approached the front desk to sign up for an account at the Bellagio, with your first real name but a fake last name which was obviously fake so Terry could wipe it from the system at just a glance if you wanted him to after your experience as a customer. You were given a voucher for $10, 'free' money with which to give you a taste of what it meant to gamble, and with Danny and Rusty flanking you - security as well as giving you hints and tips on how to successfully gamble, Linus with his hand in yours, you were on your way. Terry, for his part, was stood on top of the grand staircase, where he usually stood every morning during security and management handover, to keep an eye on you. It was how he usually handled life; he would step back and watch you, curious to see how you would do and proud no matter how you did, but he would intervene as and when he thought it to be necessary or when you asked for him to.
Linus, Danny and Rusty had taken it upon themselves to teach you about how to select the best slot machine, what to do with the $10 given to you; what machines to avoid, how to get the best payout, which staff members had better sleight of hand and which ones took bribes, which ones had helped in previous operations... the three men had your mind spinning with information and possibilities and fragmented sentences which you did your absolute best to hold onto.
The neon lights and high pitched noises alerting of winnings dizzied you as you walked around the casino, looking over titles and buttons.
"Nothing too complicated to start," Danny muttered, hands pointing over to a relatively simple slot machine which only had three buttons on the panel, "But something like this would be good for your first time."
"I don't like the graphics, though." Your nose wrinkled slightly as you looked the machine over, eyes wandering over to a machine with golden vegetables. "How about something like this?"
Danny eyed it, shared a look with Rusty, and the two men nodded. Agreement - this was a good pick. Not for them, necessarily, they preferred the more complex machines, but for your first time gambling, as well as for the fact that you chose it, this one was perfect.
Linus leaned in close, his lips almost brushing the shell of your ear, "Do you like it?"
You wouldn't know until you tried, and so Danny walked you through putting the $10 in the slot, setting up the money you were happy to put up to gamble, the pace of the game, and all the other details, and soon you were gambling for the first time, with Danny, Linus and Rusty all giving you advice and your daddy still watching you. You had chosen a good machine and he made a note to buy some more of those; he wanted parts of you in every part of his every casino. His daughter and his life's work, joined together, so that you were both everywhere he looked.
Within just a few bids, you were noticing a problem within yourself and it was raising alarm bels inside your head, red hot, loud bells. You were enjoying yourself just a little too much and you were beginning to understand how people could get addicted to gambling. "This... is gonna be a problem if I let it," there was laughter in your voice, but it sounded nervous. It caught the attention of all three men.
"Hold it," Linus muttered, a hand hovering over the button you were about to push, "What's the matter?"
You shrugged, the golden lights of the machine reflected in your eyes, "I can see how this would be a problem for some people... it's only been five minutes and I'm already - " You shook your head, finished the bid, and stood up, "I don't want to do anymore. It's too much fun and I can see how it can be addicting."
"Wanna withdraw the money you got left? Technically, that's your profit because this was on the house."
You looked at Linus for guidance and he shrugged, already taking out the money and handing it to you in a movement so deft you barely registered him moving. You decided there and then that it was the last time you would ever gamble.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket and the screen lit up with a notification from your daddy; A wise decision. I'm proud of you.
The smile that lit up your face was brighter than any of the lights in or around the casino, and Terry realised as he watched you from across the room, still on the staircase, that his greatest treasure wasn't the $160 million in his vaults, but you. His daughter.
Rose Benedict.
I then wrote you two smaller pieces, because I had some ideas I wanted to share with you. They're shorter than the previous two but I hope you enjoy them!💖 And if not, then pleaseeee let me know, you know I'll write you something else.🥹💖
All I have is your name // Rose x Tony Montana // Scarface
Summary: you envy his easy way in the world. Tony tries to show you. Comfort for having too much to do and not enough time.
Word count: 790.
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You could never have enough time with Tony.
Even if you spent your whole day with him, like you consistently did, it still wouldn't be enough time. Unfortunately for you, life frequently kept you away not only from Tony, but also from yourself. There was simply too much to do, and never enough time to do it in. In order to get things done, you felt the need to sacrifice your favourite comforts; your stomach twisting, your mind racing, your heart pounding, your energy levels depleted from late nights and days which started earlier than you would prefer, but still you tried. Your body was just another thing to take care of on your never-ending list.
Looking back with the gift of hindsight, you rarely understood how you had made it through something, but still you always did. You kept going, day after day, with more work than there was hours in the day.
It was something which Tony felt connected to you over, for he, too, had no idea how he would survive going from being a Cuban refugee to being someone who was living the American Dream, but somehow, some way, he had done it, despite all the people and all the thoughts telling him that he wouldn't, not now or ever, and he had always known that you would, too. You would make it in your own way and in your own time, this Tony knew.
You were strong, stronger than you or others gave you credit for, and for every time you had faced a challenge and thought that you wouldn't survive it, you had done just that. Tony was never surprised because he knew firsthand what you were capable of, but you always were. He had learned the hard way that when everyone tells you no, you have to believe in yourself and be your own advocate, and though he wanted for you to have some more confidence in yourself, he also didn't want you to because it meant that he could be your hype man, he could be the one to build you up when others ripped you to a size they could bite down on and chew up easier. He knew what the world was capable of doing to someone and he wanted to protect you from that as much as he possibly could, while also admiring your strength. It was a tight line to walk but Tony had always been good with enclosed spaces. He left you to your own devices for the most part, but he trusted you to go to him when you needed help or wanted some comfort. Whatever you wanted, whatever you needed, it was yours. No hesitation, no questions, no fuss.
Tony had always been an all or nothing type of man, one who was hard working and aligned to his own firm principles. He had built himself a life from rock bottom, crawled up from hell until his knees were scraped raw, covered with the blood of those he had walked on to get to where he was. Despite this, even he marvelled at how much you got done each day. Tony had come from nothing, in every sense of the word. He only has his momma and his little sister, Gina, his word and his balls. Those first two, he protected with his life and indeed had done terrible things in the name of defending those he loved. The second two, he broke for no one.
But if he was going to break them for anyone at all, it would be you.
You, who worked so hard and tried as much as she could even if she didn't know why. You, who walked with your chin held high when you wore a shirt which Tony had bought for you, but a less healthy posture when you wore clothes you picked out for yourself. You, who often moved around Tony's desk to sit in his lap because you missed him but you didn't want to interrupt what he was doing. He had gotten so used to you doing it that when you walked towards him, he automatically took his feet off the top of his desk to welcome you into his space. Even when he was meeting with Manny.
Especially when he was meeting with Manny.
What Tony's Rose wanted, his Rose got, and if she wanted to sit on his lap while she did her own work because she missed him so much it drove her to the point of not being able to concentrate, then... who was Tony to tell her no?
After all, what good were unbroken balls if he had to break his word to keep them that way?
A lion protects his pride... To the max 😉 // Rose x Lion x Max // Scarecrow
Summary: Softness😭
Word count: 577
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Things had not always been happy or easy for your boys... Or for you.
They had been through so much, both individually and as the duo they were; Lion especially. More often than not were you the third, quieter party, the one who listened as Max drank a beer or three and Lion did his best to help, clutching a white box which had definitely seen better days. You had asked him multiple times if he wanted you to replace the box, so that the contents inside were better protected, but Lion metaphorically and literally held fast. He always shook his head at you with a quiet, "no, thank you", paired with a genuinely grateful smile. Max didn't often listen to Lion, preferring to do his own things in his own way, but slowly and with the gift of time was he learning to take himself less seriously and to have a bit of fun in amongst the chaos. What was the point, otherwise?
Where Lion and Max clashed or couldn't quite see eye to eye despite how clearly either of them was explaining their point of view, you were there to level them out and help them to work through any frustrations. You didn't speak with as much confidence as they did, but when you did speak, both men shut up relatively quickly and gave you their undivided attention. You had a way of coming up with solutions to problems quickly, thinking on your feet and making the most, the best, of what you had. It was one of the things they both loved about you; no matter what, you had a way of making things happen for yourself which you previously had wanted but hadn't thought to be possible. Possible for others? Of course! But for you? Maybe not.
It practically drove Lion to distraction and it only made him and Max even more protective of you than they already were.
You supported them, advocated for them and accommodated their wants and needs as best as you could, all the while asking for nothing from them except for them to be themselves. And so when night time fell and you finally, finally, got to go to sleep, Max and Lion guarded you and your rest with everything they had in them. They were used to sleeping anywhere; in barracks, in truck beds, slumped against each other's weary bodies, up against tree trunks or simply on the cold hard ground. But you had a proper bed, with a real mattress and blankets, and both men always hesitated to join you each night, feeling out of place and undeserving of an actual, real bed.
With time, patience and persistence, especially with Max, you managed to get the both of them to join you in bed almost every night; sandwiched between them, with Lion clinging to you like an oversized cat (if the shoe fit... the thought always made you smile) and Max laying beside you but barely touching, unless either you or Lion were in great need of comfort or you explicitly asked him to. He just couldn't, wouldn't, say no to either you or Lion, if only because of all the things you had gone through on your own as well as since knowing each other and being together as a couple.
Things hadn't always been easy for any of you, but things were easier with Max and Lion in your life, and you in theirs.
So there we go!!! ~ 🥺🥺🥺I really hope that you enjoyed these, darling, and if not then please let me know so I can write you something else or even add more detgails to these pieces if that's what you'd prefer!! I love you so so so much hasdfghjkl merry christmas, angel!!!💖💖💖💖💖
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