#Ace fluff
loveydovey-leviathan · 3 months
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falling in love with you was the easiest thing ace had ever done.
there was no catalyst-- no exact moment he could pinpoint or remember that was the drop of water tipping the bucket. the two of you were just sitting next to each other in class when he looked over to you and... oh.
that was it. you didn't say anything, and he didn't do anything. he tore his gaze away from you, looked back at the professor and continued the lesson as normal.
the worst part about this realisation? he didn't even feel any different. he wasn't in denial about his feelings and there was no change to how he felt around you as the days passed. when you hugged him, he felt the same. when you hooked your arm around his, he felt the same. when you laughed at his dumb jokes, when you complimented him, when he saw you at the stands cheering at his basketball games, when you stayed up with him while he wast studying because you didn't want him to be alone, he felt the same.
he still laughed with you, he still made fun of you, he still teased you and held your hand and hugged you from the side and poked at your cheeks when you stuffed food in your mouth because if you ate too slow, grim would eat your portion too. it wasn't awkward in the slightest. being in love with you was so easy, it made him wonder how long he had felt this way.
did you always make his heart flutter? was it just him or had his hand always fit perfectly against yours? had his teeth always felt so sore when he was around you, or were you just so sweet you made everyone feel this way?
NOT PROOF-READ sorry if this is ass lmaooo, i just need to get back into writing
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thinkofahappyplace · 9 months
♡ Nightmares
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✎ w/ Luffy, Ace, Sabo ✎ ANGST ✎ Synopsis: he wakes up from a nightmare about you
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♡ Luffy Luffy jolted awake, finding himself in a dark room with sweat-soaked blankets. His heart beat was erratic as he looked around, picturing your tear streaked cheeks and scared, pleading eyes. Your cabin. He throws his blankets off and stumbles out of his hammock, paying no mind to the complaints of others and making a beeline for the door. The cold air bites his cheeks and suddenly the sheet of sweat covering his body is like ice, but he hurries on. He pauses when he gets to your door, placing his hand on the knob and bracing himself, not completely convincing himself he'll find your sleeping form when he opens it. Inhaling the icy air in a quick breath, Luffy opens the door and a small rectangle of light falls on the sleeping forms of his crew. His eyes immediately find your body, knee poking out of the covers and hair spread across your pillow like a web. Slowly, Luffy makes his way to your bedside, pulling the covers back slightly and slipping in beside you. You move towards his warmth and he accepts you into his arms and sweeps his hands tenderly over your back, hands slipping beneath your shirt to press the pads of his fingers against your warm skin. He closes his eyes and sighs against the crown of your head, heart slowing and body falling weak with exhaustion.
♡ Ace Ace jolted awake, looking around at the dark room lit only by rays of dim moonlight through the windows. He's in his cabin. Where are you?Whipping his head to the side where you had fallen asleep the night before, he finds a pile of blankets messily pushed off him. Where are you? His heart spikes in his chest and his stomach drops, he thinks he might puke. Where are you?! He shoots to his knees, frantically looking around the dark room in vain, he grabs at the sheets under him in frustration, breath getting caught in his throat as a million idea of what could be happening to you swim through his head. The sheets shuffle, he freezes. He grabs at the pile of blankets and pulls at them, locating your sleeping form which he'd accidentally covered when pushing the sweat-soaked sheets off his body. The moonlight outlined your silhouette and Ace felt like he'd been splashed with cold water, the sweat on his forehead turning icy in the cold room. He sits like this for awhile, watching your chest rise and fall with your breath, watching your eyes twitch. Ace wants to reach out and touch you as if you were a jewel-encrusted display at a museum, but he's afraid if he lays a finger on you you'll shatter and be lost in the sheets. You turn over and throw your hand over to where he'd be sleeping, clutching at empty air, and Ace finally moves. Reaching his hand down ever so slowly, so carefully, he lays his fingertips on your hand like he's trying not to break a surface of water. He runs his fingers up your arm, slowly, pressing more of his hand to your skin, feeling the warmth against his own. Ace slides his feet back under the covers and pulls them up to his waist, he takes you by the waist and pulls you flush against him, inhaling the scent of your hair.
He stares at the wall and listens to the sound of your breath, he swears he can feel your heart beat against his. ♡ Sabo Sabo sits panting among messed sheets, chest heaving up and down as your scream echoes through the corridors in his mind. Sweat beads his skin and he raises a hand to push his hair back. His feet appear out from under the covers and upon feeling the cold floor Sabo hunches and lets his mind fall into place. He searches through the anxiety and anger, fear and confusion, and finds that his body is craving you. Like when you get the gnawing idea you forgot something at home, he has the gnawing idea he'll search for you and find nothing but anguish. He grabs the glass of water on his nightstand, gulping it in seconds as stray streams run down his throat. Setting the glass down and throwing on his jacket and shoes, he hurries out the door. Having a mission, you were supposed to get back at one-thirty and it's almost two-thirty, you should be in your room. Sabo nearly runs down the hall, almost running into someone rounding a corner, and knocks quickly on your door. His heart pounds against his ribcage and he feels like his head is foggy with worries, what will he do if you don't open up? You should be back, why wouldn't you be back? Where are you? What if-- the door opens and you peer up the blond man. His eyes are bloodshot and wide with fear, face flushed and sick-looking. Before you can even comprehend what's happening, Sabo pushes you back through the door and pushes it shut behind, shoving his lips against yours as he guides you further into the small room. You put your hands up on his chest and push him back gently, confused and worried. Asking him what's wrong, he stutters out, "I- I- You were- You-" and you wrap your arms around him, cradling the back of his head with one hand as he hurries his head in your neck. He starts taking deep breaths, clinging to you. After a few moments, you feel his body lose some tension and he lets out a shuddering breath. "I'm sorry, I just got worried you weren't back...", he says sheepishly, panic being replaced by embarrassment. You think it's sweet, but you hate how worked up he was and how scared he looked "Sleep here tonight," you say quietly and he relaxes more against you, raising his head and pressing his lips against your forehead.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 5 months
Sleep nonnie again. Is it okay if I go by 🦊🌲 its easier.
Anyways I think it would be a funny scenario if you suggest to the op boys to keep their hands warm by putting them between your thighs. I know some boys would just get a heart attack if you suggest that and get a cute blush
say whAT NOW?? NONNIE HELLO AND WELCOME BACK!! (dm me so that we can be friends ur fic ideas are so out of pocket i love it); also, gonna add ace cause i see many ace thirsties out there ;)
let me warm you up ft. the monster trio//ace!
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💗when he agreed to this, he didn't know just what kind of uncharted territory he was entering. he was simply not prepared. you had given him such a soft smile, taking his hands into yours as gingerly, "luff, are you cold?" he had nodded a mindless yes because you were crossing a terribly cold patch of the sea and his hands were freezing. but then held his hand a bit tighter and whispered, "i can warm them up for you. if you like?" he was too drunk on the idea to see the mischievous glint in your eyes and the way you spurred him on with your honey-like voice.
💗so now, he sat in front of you, eyes blown wide and lips trembling as his hands rested between your plush thighs. you had squeezed your thighs shut around his restless hands, claiming that it'll get him warm in little to no time. but god, this was hard (much like something else) and he was trying his best to keep his fingers still and not do anything hasty, like digging it into your soft flesh and relishing in the way your body molded to his touches. or by trailing his hand a bit upwards and seeing the way you react. 💗"luffy??" you called out and captain shook his head as he crawled out of that daze like state, "y-yeah?" "you okay?" you mumbled, voice far too gentle. you fucking minx. "you seem like you're losing your mind." good catch! because he was. luffy abruptly pulled his hands backwards lest he do something that truly made him lose his sanity. he scrambled off of your bed, heading out the door into the chilly deck in long, skitterish steps. "where ya going?" you called after him but he rushed out, yelling after himself, "JUST GONNA WARM UP WITH USSOP INSTEAD BYE" did ussop have better thighs than you? you may never know.
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💚zoro was very stupid, very. he was not the smartest tool in the shed when it came to love or crushes or dating or cooking food or social cues or emotional intelligence or— i should stop before this turns into zoro slander [i promise i love him]. but now, the bounty hunter sat with his face flushed and hands tucked between your soft, malleable thighs. he was smarter than this, truly. he knew that when you suggested that he looked cold and you can warm him up, he was supposed to say "fuck no, get out." because having a crush on you was embarrassing enough on it's own. but you had given him such a gut-wrenching, pleading look. your eyes saddened and your lips fell into a pout and oh god, what was he, if not the man who would let you ruin him? 💚ever since he was a child, zoro had always known that he would die a noble swordman's death. he would die fighting, brave, courageous, unafraid. now, he was sure he'd die from the way you squirmed and pressed your thighs shut. "quit movin'" he grunted, looking away from you as your stared at him. but you tucked your arms against your chest and the soft swell of your tits fell forward towards him so deliciously. he must have lost focus and let his gaze travel against your body cause you coughed, drawing his attention back to your face, "quit starin'." he pulled his hands back, ears going red and heart faltering. he should really stop before he gave into the temptations and pinned you to the mattress to— his voice pitched up, "i-i'm going back to my room, bye." "zoro?!" you called after the swordsman as he ran out, "BUT THIS IS YOUR ROOM, WHERE ARE YOU GOING??" [spoiler: he went to chopper and crushed herbs to make medicine. he wanted to get rid of some of that tension but he failed. because he put the pressure too hard and the china dish in which he was crushing the leafy herbs broke, and now chopper was hitting him square in his head, talking about how important it was to be precise in medicine and how zoro will never make a good doctor. "stop hitting me— OW" "what KIND OF A DOCTOR ARE YOU?" "IM A SWORDSMAN!" "YEAH CAUSE YOU CANNOT BE A DOCTOR!"]
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💙breath in, breathe out. breathe in, breathe out. breath in, breath out— "sanji?" you asked, a tinge of worry at his almost fainting figure, "are you okay?!" "my love, darling, sugar pie—" the man caught his tongue between his teeth, trying to stop his head from spinning. the floor seem to sway under him, the lights seemed too bright. was he flying or was it the blood rush?? "what did you just ask me?" you look down at the kitchen floor, mumbling with a bashful smile, "if your hands are cold...i can warm them up." his heart quickened as did his fingers. he chopped the bell pepper so hastily that you were sure you saw sparks flying. "and how would you do that?" "you can keep them between my thighs, if you like?" you looked up, "OH MY GOD SANJI YOUR NOSE—" 💙i hate to cut the story short but sanji 100% fainted and you had to catch him before he fell face-forward into the pot with boiling water on the stove. sorry, he gets no bitches :( but you did look after him on the bedside and let him eventually touch your thighs so... idk, a win is a win!!! ["so, is he like dead?" zoro had asked, uninterested, as you hauled the cook's figure outside the kitchen. you were dragging him to his room as the rest of the crew trailed you. they had heard your shriek and came spilling into the kitchen to see what the fuss was about. "did you give him a hug?" nami asked, amused. "hug's too much." ussop snickered, "she probably smiled at him." sanji whipped his head dangerously to glare at them, "i can hear you. and i will be poisoning your food." he looked back at you, "oh don't you worry, im still fainted." he closed his eyes, letting his forehead fall on your shoulder. you smiled to yourself, making a note to warm him up later]
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🧡truthfully, how do you ask a man made of literal fire if you can "warm him up"??? you must have not thought you plan through because you had stood in his room a bit tipsy, locked the door behind you and asked a boy [who was always shirtless cause he was so warm] that question. "huh?" ace's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. he stood up to walk towards you, "what is that about? you wanna warm me up?" "NO!" you bit your cheek when you realized the implications of your words, "i was joking, obviously." "awh, i do love when you humor me." he quipped, "it's kinda cute." "shut up." you glared at him but he gave you an earnest smile back, "if you're cold, you could have just told me." he set his finger ablaze, acting suave, "see, i can warm you up." "you wanna set me on fire?" you seethed. "no?!" "why did you light your fingers on fire?!" "YOU ASKED A MAN MADE OF FIRE IF YOU CAN WARM HIM UP? DONT ASK ME QUESTIONS?!" "i'm drunk" you mumbled. after a beat you looked down at the floor, "and... i'm kinda cold." portagas d. ace just smiled, shrugging in mock nonchalance, "we can cuddle, if you like. i've been told i'm a pretty great heater." you laughed, "hah, hotshot." ace gave you a wicked grin, "how drunk are you?" "not nearly enough." just saying, portagas d ace was better than just a "pretty great heater." he was a pretty great fu-
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a/n: i love writing stupid things so much. it makes me so happy because i'm a stupid little girl giggling and typing on her laptop when she should be doing work. tagging the ever lovelies: @bokutosbiceps (resident luffy enjoyer) and @help-i-lost-my-sock (resident ace enjoyer). if you wanna be added to the tag list, please let me know (//tell me your preferences and i'd tag you in those fics)!
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portgasdwrld · 11 months
Bathing 🧼 [nsfw]
༊*·˚ Featuring: Ace x f!reader
༊*·˚ Warning: NSFW
༊*·˚I felt lazy to edit everything, so sorry for mistakes
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Ace and you are both temporarily accompanying his little brother and his crew for a little while in Alabasta.
So after a delicious meal on the ship, you take the opportunity of being on a boat to take a shower, not knowing when you could’ve the chance to have one while travelling in the desert for multiple days. So as everyone is leaving the table, you lean a little over Ace’s tattooed arm to whisper into his ear.
-Ima take a shower, you’re always welcome to join~
You whisper with an intentional suggestive tone. Frankly, you and him haven’t saw each other in a while as you left earlier than him to deal with another issue. You two met on the desert island, in pure coincidence and you are set on catching up with him, even if it meant risking whatever for a little intimacy with him.
He gives you a little amused smirk as he quietly nods. He stays behind at first, as he engages in a short conversation with Luffy and offers his help with cleaning to the cook, who turned it down. After noticing that everyone are doing their own personal thing, he decides that joining you is what best he has to do.
He exit the dining hall and walks out a bit confused. Even though it’s a small ship, he still is far from being familiar with it. He sees Usopp walking by and stops him in his track.
-Hey, do you know where the bathroom is ?
-Uh, y-yeah..It’s just at the end of the small hallway, but I think I saw Y/n enter for a shower.
-Oh, alright. Thank you!
Ace warmly taps Usopp shoulder as he walks away in the direction for the bathroom. Usopp watches him walk away with a cocked eyebrow.
Ace knocks on the door few times and hears your sweet voice behind the door letting him walk in, after you recognize his voice. The place is foggy from the hot water and he can barely even see you.
-You left the door open?
-There is a lock?
You question him as you try to figure where your man is through the fog. Ace looks at the door and easily finds the lock, which he uses to make sure no one walk in on y’all. He walks closer to you and he’s finally able to see you. He smirks as he watches the silhouette of your naked body. Your chest was pressed on the bath, as your crossed arms were resting on the edge, supporting your head. You look at him with bright, hungry eyes.
-I thought you would never come
He chuckles and slightly lean over to cup your face in one hand. He kisses your lips and caresses your cheek with his thumb.
-Didn’t want to make it obvious
-Ah fuck it, it’s been so long
-Has it been?
-You haven’t missed me?
You ask with a small pout playing along with him. He acts as if he’s thinking about it before he lean over you to close the drain so he can hear you better. You watch him move as your eyes gaze at his bare abs, he always had this attractive body and you want to feel it more than ever now. You straighten your body, letting your hand brush his toned abdomen as he’s leaning over you to close the water.
Ace chuckles as his hand wraps your wondering one, keeping it on his abs. He’s now straight looking down at you through his lustful eyes.
-Yes, I have missed you.. more than you can imagine
He finally answers. You look at him with big eyes as you level your head in front of his crotch. You get closer and drag your tongue against his clothed bulge, not breaking the eye contact with him. Your boyfriend let a curse out with a groan. You let your head rest on his thigh as you slightly bite your lips and look at him through your lashes.
-Not as much as me
-You’re sure about that?
He teasingly asks as he frees your hand from his hold. One hand is now resting on his thigh as the other one is pressed against his hard bulge, softly palming him. His hand caresses your head as he watches you with loving eyes.
-More than sure, babe
You coo as you take off his belt. As the accessory hits the floor, Ace doesn’t waste any time and bend so his lips are attached to yours. A quick passionate make out session blooms as you find yourself chasing for him as he pulls away. He takes his bottoms off, after putting his hat somewhere safe in the little space. You watch him with hungry eyes as he gets into the bath with you.
Ace is confident when it comes to how you long for him. He knows the effect he has on you when you watch him with those eyes, how you grab his biceps, how you feel his muscles under your hands. He knows anything he does drives you crazy, and to be truly honest he was on the same boat when it comes to you.
Ace easily picks you up as he sit you on his laps. His mouth quickly finds its way to your breast where he leaves heavy kisses. He pushes your breast up as his hot breath brushed against your nipple, before he wrapped them in the warm on his mouth. His tongue twirling around them, teeth slightly touching them, sucking them just enough to drive moans out of your mouth as pleasure is shot through your body.
-Fuck, you love me so good Ace
He releases your nipples with wet noises as his gaze shifts to your eyes. His hand grabs the back of your neck and he connects your lips to his once again, kissing you so hungrily like he would never have the opportunity to kiss you like this ever again, like he would die tomorrow and never be able to touch you again.
You feel his cock twitch against your stomach as his hands roam all over your hips and butt. One of his hands finds it’s way to your wet core leaving you gasping for air as his digits rub against your clit. You rest your forehead against his shoulder, gripping his dark hair at the back of his head.
-You like it?
He asks in a deep tone that sends shiver down your spine. You nod with a weak moan and shaky breath.
-Yes..I missed this so much
You reply before leaving a wet peck on his collarbone. You can’t even remember how many times you fantasized about him touching you and stretching you out. You couldn’t wait to see him again and hear his heavy breath in your ears as he thrusts into you ruthlessly, fucking you just the way you like it.
-You’re so wet. Been thinking of this happening for a while huh?
It wouldn’t be Ace if he didn’t find a way to make a cocky comment. You know that he loves seeing you needy for him, it makes him feel wanted. He longs for your lingering eyes and pleads. He loves you so much and the lust you hold for him, makes his heart flutter like nothing else.
-Been thinking of your cock whenever I can’t sleep
You admit in a sigh as you feel his finger penetrate you. You moan his name immediately slapping a hand on your mouth, remembering the setting.
-You love my dick so much, don’t ya
He chuckles as he moves his fingers inside of you. The water moves under the sudden change of pace of his fingers, now moving quickly in and out of you. You choke a moan due to his unexpected speed. You furrow your eyebrow and close your eyes, trying your best not to be a moaning mess and make an embarrassment out of yourself in front of his little brothers crew.
-Mmm, sweetheart?
-Please fuck me…I can’t take-
He curls his fingers hitting the perfect sweet spot inside of you, making the words in your throat get cut off. Your hands are now harshly gripping into his shoulders, probably leaving marks as your nails dig into his warm tan skin. You try your best to contain yourself, but his fingers just feel so good. A moan slip out of your lips and you can feel Ace smirking as he laughs.
-Need some help?
He asks before quickening up the pace, both ignoring your request and your will to keep quiet. You can’t hold it anymore as you moan his name, feeling so close to orgasm.
-Ace, fuck! Yes yes yes, just like that!
You come on his fingers with few last thrust of his fingers. You collapse against Ace’s body as your breath is unsteady and heavy. Your boyfriend kisses your forehead as he tries to soothe you by caressing your back with his fingers. He finally removes his digits, leaving you feeling empty. He put them in his mouth, sucking them clean in a quick move before he position his dick at your entrance. His precum is already smothered on his wet abdomen, he wants to fuck you more than ever.
-Can I?
He asks in a whisper as he kisses your neck and jawline. You weakly nod, already feeling your arousal rise as you watch his body shift a little under you. With that, he slowly enters you, stretching you out so good. The familiar feeling of him being inside you that you missed so much. As he’s completely buried inside of you, he starts to move a little, making the water under you two move at each movement.
-You take me so good, sweetheart
You agree with a nods as you wrap you arms around his neck and kiss him. Ace is moaning in your mouth as each of his thrust bring him a little closer to his high.
He hasn’t touched you in months because of the distance and he clearly can feel that he won’t last long. He takes in as much of you as he cans, smelling your hair, roaming his hands all over your curves, kissing your soft lips. He loves you so much. On you side, you already feel sensitive because of your first orgasm so when you feel him twitch and pulsate strongly inside of you, you figure out he’s close. He pulls out making you whine instantly.
-So needy
He teases you between two breaths, before telling you to face your back to him. You do as he says and lean over the edge of the bath, your arms supporting you. You feel his lips kiss your ass as he praises you. You tell him to put it in already, but he likes being annoying so he teases the tip a little until he just pushes his whole length unexpectedly. You shout loudly at the pleasure, at that point you give up being quiet.
There was nothing to be quiet while being dick downed by Portgas D. Ace.
His pace is rough, hips slamming against your ass just the way he likes it. He loves seeing your ass bounce back against his dick, the way your back is arched. It makes his head dizzy, and dick twitch. He grips your hips so strongly, you’re sure they are going to be bruised. The rythme gets a little sloppy and rougher so you know he’s feeling closer, his grunts fills the room along with your moans. He slaps your ass and grip it, not letting go.
-Fuck, I’m gonna cum
He moans with closed eyes. He gives few fast thrust before spilling all his seeds inside of you. He follows up with rough slow thrust riding out his orgasm, making sure you are all filled up with his seed. He opens his eyes and dart them to his dick, admiring almost his cum mixed with your juice.
-Did you cum?
He asks coming back to his sense, panting as he keeps his dick inside of you. You shake your head.
-Alright, let me take care of my baby
He starts playing with your clit and gives your pussy slow thrust. He hisses under his breath due to him being sensitive, but he wants you to cum. He gives your praises and talks you through it, until you climax all over his cock, clenching so tightly around him. Body shaking, he wraps his arms around your body and kisses the your back.
-Did so good to me
He finally pulls out, enjoying the view of your pussy completely filled with his seeds. He slaps your ass making your roll your eyes as a chuckle leaves your lips. He sits down and you join him, sat in between his legs. He warms the water who got a little cold and you two enjoy the comfortable silence.
-It’s gonna be a little awkward when we leave the bathroom…
You say with a yawn. Ace smirks and pecks your cheek.
-Was worth every seconds
-I have missed you so much
-I have too, but when we are done with our missions let’s just head back to the ship and stay together for a long time.
-Yeah don’t die by then
-Pff? Why would I die, I’m Fire fist Ace
-you’re too reckless..and Teach is up to no good..
He senses the deep worry in your voice and hold you tightly against his body, burying his nose in your neck. He leaves a long kiss on it before he makes you stare at him.
-I will be careful, promise
He kisses your forehead and your lips.
-Want me to wash your hair ?
You nod with a fond smile. Being a pirate is learning how to deal with unexpected situations, knowing the worse can happen as much as the best, but it was like that for everything in life really. You love this man so much, but for now you focus on his presence and simply
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badgerbl00d · 1 year
taking an aphrodisiac and seeing who gives in first
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☆ characters: ace, law, kidd
☆ up next: running into your ex ft. zoro
☆ summary: you take an aphrodisiac together and decide to throw in a competitive edge ; smutty, minimal plot oops
☆ a/n: this is a reupload- the original was deleted for some reason :(; requests are opened and being worked on! enjoy <3
☆ 18+, mdni
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You waited until everyone was asleep to make your way over to Ace’s room. The two of you had decided it would probably be best to not say anything to anyone for a while, at least until you both had more time to get used to being together. 
It still sent shivers down your spine to think about the fact that you were actually dating.
You knocked on his door, using the knocking pattern he’d taught you exactly the way he’d insisted you did. 
“Ace, that’s dumb,” you’d insisted.
“No- I-I’m serious! What if I answer the door naked and Marco’s the one who knocked?”
“Why the hell would you be answering the door naked at all?”
“Well, you know ‘cause it’s, like, sexy.”
You stared at him and decided it would be best to just do a stupid secret knock. 
“...Okay what’s the knock.”
“Haha! Yes! Ok, so knock once, and then twice really fast- like da-dum, OK?”
“Alright,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Good. Then you’re gonna drumroll on the door for like three whole seconds. After that alternate between left and right twice and then-”
“Ace I’m just gonna knock three times, ok?”
He rolled his eyes, “Fine.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You waited for a few seconds before Ace opened the door for you.
He pulled you in for a kiss, a boyish smile plastered on his face.
“My knock would’ve been better.”
You giggled and followed him to his bed, pulling out the chocolate.
The two of you had been sent shopping earlier and came across a stall selling ‘enhanced’ chocolate. After some inquiry, you discovered it was an aphrodisiac, supposed to increase libido. 
You and Ace bought it, giggling like schoolgirls, and decided you’d try it tonight.
“So we just eat it and… bang?”
“Yes, Ace, we eat it and bang.”
“I meant like bang, boom, y’know?”
Well, I meant it like sex. “Here,” you broke the candy in half and handed it to him. 
“Hold on, hold on,” he sat down next to you and pulled you onto his lap, placing a flurry of kisses on your cheek before continuing, “Wanna make it more interesting?”
“Depends what you have in mind.”
“Let’s make a bet- See who lasts longer without giving in.”
You perked up at this.
“What will I get when I win?”
He laughed, “ ‘When?’ I think you mean if. Don’t get overconfident, cutie. How about… I will take you shopping for anything you want.”
Ace grabbed half of the chocolate and popped it into his mouth, and you followed suit. 
He put on a kids' show you both liked in the background, it was a cute one about a boy and his stretchy dog. He said it reminded him of him and his brothers. The two of you got comfortable on the bed, you sat leaned up against a mountain of pillows, and Ace laid on you, head resting on your thighs.
You played with his hair while he rubbed your legs, as you slowly started to feel the effects of the drug. 
You could tell Ace had started to feel it as soon as he started squirming. 
When he turned over, his stomach against yours, and started to kiss your chest and tummy, you knew you’d won. 
“About that bet…” he said.
“Already?! You didn’t even try! Go sit over there.”
“I’m sorry you’re just so beautiful and soft and I’m so hard it’s starting to hurt.”
You giggled and pulled down the straps of your shirt to tease him. 
“You want this?”
He nodded eagerly. So cute. 
He reached behind you and unhooked your bra, tossing it on the floor.
He watched as your boobs bounced out, and with his hands around your waist, took one into his mouth. 
“A-ah, Ace,” you panted as his warm mouth enveloped your nipple. 
The hot, sticky wetness of his tongue felt so, so good. Your resolve immediately crumbled and you caved to his touch. 
He sucked slightly harder, his teeth gently closing around it. 
“Ace,” you whined, your hands finding their way up his back and into his hair. 
His hands were wrapped around his waist and he was laying on top of you, lined up so that his hardening dick was against your thigh. 
You felt a sudden burst of warmth emanate from his hands, sending a violently pleasurable shiver up your spine. He knew you loved when he involved his devil fruit abilities into your sexual encounters. 
You not-so-gently pulled on his hair as your back arched into his tongue that was persistently lapping at your sensitive nipple. 
He pulled away with a pop.
“M-more, Ace,” you breathed, “I want more.”
He sat up on his knees and clumsily fumbled with his pants, failing to untie the knot at the front. 
“Let me help,” you said, reaching up to untie it for him.
You made eye contact with him as you pulled down his sweats, slipping a finger into the band of his boxers.
He took in a shaky breath, his lips parted in awe. 
“You’re so pretty, you know that?”
You didn’t respond and instead pulled down his boxers. 
He was very long and pleasantly thick. 
You felt yourself getting even wetter at the memory of how he stretched you out last time.
Ace didn’t shave either, you figured he was far too impatient but it was something you absolutely loved.
You wrapped your lips around him, slowly working your way to the base, spit coating his dick. 
He placed a gentle hand in your hair, guiding you along with him as he laid back down on the bed. 
He gathered your hair into a messy ponytail and slowly bobbed your head up and down and up and down against his length- hissing as your tongue slid up his length and swirled around the tip with every movement. 
“F-feels so good,” he said.
You moaned against him, earning an involuntary shudder from your boyfriend.
You wrapped a hand around him, lightly squeezing his spit-soaked cock. 
“N-no, no, no, too much,” he whined, “Gonna cum!”
You started to move your head faster and were abruptly pulled off of him. 
“Let me fuck you first, princess, ‘m gonna cum if you keep going.”
You sighed but relented. 
“That’s the goal, baby,” you said, straddling his hips, and placing your hands on his chest.
“Then let me cum in you,” he begged. 
You lowered yourself down onto his length as he held himself in place for you, moaning as you felt that familiar stretch. 
“F-fuck,” you breathed, “You feel so good- So big.”
“Yeah? You like this position?”
He started to move his hips, fucking up into you. 
“Y-yes, Ace- Fuck! Oh, my god, d-don’t stop!”
Your breathless moans were more than enough to get him up to a delicious pace.
You pressed hot, wet kisses to his mouth, welcoming the abnormally warm sensation in your tummy. 
You knew your boyfriend ran hot and it was the most unexpectedly wonderful thing about having sex with him. 
You were sweating, covered with water droplets that were running down your body.
Ace’s hands dug into you, wet smacking sounds filling the room as you both got closer and closer. 
You cried out with every thrust, and Ace’s head was completely fogged with euphoria. 
Your stomach was twisting and tensing with pleasure, and you rapidly tapped Ace’s chest to let him know you were close. 
He brought an arm up to your throat, gently closing his hand around it. 
You grabbed onto his forearm and pulsed around him wildly as you finished all over him.
With a few more thrusts his hips started to twitch and you could tell by his erratic pace that he was close. 
“G-gonna cum, baby- Gonna cum!”
You tightened around Ace’s cock, and felt the sudden hot spurts of cum filling you up. 
When he was finished, he brushed your hair out of your face and gently tucked it behind your ears before lifting you up to pull out. 
His cum leaked out of you and all over his thighs. 
You laid down onto him, your sticky, sweaty bodies breathing in sync. 
He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head. 
You started giggling and he joined in. 
You slowly sat up and pressed a kiss to Ace’s sweaty forehead before collapsing onto the bed next to him.
He sighed and grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb over yours.
“Wanna know something?” he said.
“I love you!”
“I love you more! Do you wanna know something?”
“Always,” he said. 
“You lose.”
“Kidd! Hurry up,” you called him into your bedroom. 
You were sitting in bed, the covers messily thrown around you.
He walked into the room, his towel wrapped loosely around his waist, just barely dried off. 
He still had his lipstick on, not having bothered to take it off, it was smudged messily around his lips.
Water beads were running down his chest and arms, and he smelled like lavender and shampoo. 
He loved watching you get ready for bed and had started timing his showers so that he could be in the bathroom at the same time as you.
Something about the routine was so domestic- it made him feel warm inside. He’d never admit it out loud but by the third time he had made it a point to have all his work done so he could shower with you, you’d put two and two together.
He was completely entranced watching you take off your makeup, brush your hair, put on lotion like you always did, and, of course, watching you change. He’d offer to ‘help’ though, in reality, he just wanted an excuse to have his hands on you.
He sat next to you on the bed, reaching over to grab a pair of gray sweatpants you’d set out for him. 
You sat on your knees, wearing an old torn-up t-shirt of his.
In your hands were two small pieces of chocolate, that you and Kidd had been eagerly waiting to eat. 
“I'm here, darlin’,” he said, getting up to put on his pants. 
“Won’t be needing those,” you giggled.
He turned to give you a kiss on your forehead. 
You kissed him, gently biting his bottom lip.
“That eager, hm?”
Kidd reached for one of the chocolates in your hand, which you moved out of his reach.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, hold on,” you were greeted with an eye roll, “I wanna make a bet.”
Impatience had been starting to show itself on his face until the word ‘bet’ fell from your lips. 
His competitiveness outweighed his short attention span. 
“What kind of bet, love?”
A devilish smile spread on your face, easily Kidd’s favorite of your many expressions, “I think you’re going to be so pathetically desperate that you’ll give in before I even feel it.”
He laughed, and your stomach twisted in anticipation at the way he looked at you after.
“Deal, baby, but what am I gonna get when I win?”
“Whatever you want.”
You blinked up at him, and he felt his dick twitch in his pants. 
His confidence momentarily faltered, before he snatched a chocolate out of your hand and ate it as he made his way out of the room toward his office. 
“I’ll be in there, baby. Working.”
You lay down on your side of the bed and waved him off, grabbing your book from your nightstand. 
You knew five minutes in that you were destined for failure. You tried to focus on the book but the lines were blurring into one another and all you could think of was how Kidd’s hands felt when they were around your throat, or smacking your ass, or pulling you closer into him by your waist. 
After an excruciating twenty minutes of resisting the pooling wetness in between your thighs, you swallowed your pride and made your way to Kidd’s office.
You lightly knocked before walking in, blushing from embarrassment. 
Kidd sat in his office chair, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, beckoning you toward him with a few pats to his lap. 
If you weren’t so achingly desperate to feel that hand grabbing and squeezing you, you would’ve given him a piece of your mind for calling you to him like a dog. 
Yet, like a dog, you obeyed and made your way toward him tail tucked between your legs.
You were dressed in nothing but the t-shirts and a pair of black and white polka dot panties. 
He pulled you onto his lap once you were close enough and you straddled him, sinking your lips eagerly into his, his lipstick smudging across both of your faces.
He loved seeing you like that- he took a guilty pleasure in seeing you marked up, be it by his lipstick or hickeys he wanted to see you completely covered. 
Pulling away from the kiss to look at your lover, you suddenly became very aware of his hardening erection that was pushed snugly against your pussy.
It dawned on you now that had you stuck it out even just a few more minutes you probably would’ve won the bet. But that was the last thing on your mind and all you could think of now was the feeling of familiar hardness against your lower half.
A breath caught in your throat and your own arousal started to soak through your panties.
You could feel your heartbeat pulsing in your clit, the throbbing sensation starting to overwhelm you.
You pawed at his chest, desperate for some kind of give, and slowly started circling your hips against him.
“You like feeling my dick against ya? Hm?”
He patted your cheek lightly when you didn’t answer and you nodded. 
“You want more?”
You nodded again, more enthusiastically this time.
He slapped your face- a little harder this time.
“I want to hear you say it,” he reminded you, holding your face in one hand, your cheeks squished together. 
“Y-yesh, captain, want more,” you moaned, picking up the pace of your grinding against his lap. 
“Sit up for me baby,” he said.
You did, raising your ass from his thighs. 
He pushed your panties to the side and ran a cold, metal finger up your slit, gathering your slick arousal onto it. 
“Ah! Please, Kidd, please. I’ve already lost, so don’t tease!”
He laughed at your desperation, “Quit whinin’ sweetheart, gimme a sec.”
He pulled the waistline of his sweatpants down and his cock sprang up, lying flat against his abdomen. 
The tip was flushed pink and dribbling pre-cum. 
Tentatively, you wrapped your small hand around the base and lightly pumped up and down. 
Kidd made no complaints so you moved your hand with more vigor. 
Your thumb swiped at the leaking slit on his head and used the arousal to pump him faster, earning heavenly moans to fall on your ears.
“Just like that, Y/n.”
You bit your bottom lip and bent down slightly to start pressing wet kisses to his throat as you pleased him.  
You worked your way up to his jaw, and pulled away to look up at him. 
He was in complete euphoria, his head leaning back against the chair, neck completely exposed to you.
You watched as his chest rose and fell, in sync with every up and down motion of your hand. 
You slowly started to get yourself down from his lap- and his head shot up.
“Oi, oi, where’re ya goin’?”
“Shh, baby, just let me make you feel good.”
You could tell he didn’t like this at all, he was always in control.
He told you when to cum, where to lick, what to do, and this was driving him insane.
But the pleasure coursing through his body left his brain feeling too good to question anything.
You knelt down on the floor in front of him and guided his hand to your hair, which he gladly held up. 
“I see,” he mused, a smile spreading on his face, “In that case, go ahead, darlin’.”
You wrapped both hands around the base of his extraordinarily thick cock, bringing the tip towards your already extended tongue.
Your hands worked in unison with your mouth, pumping him while you licked up and down his head.
When he was sufficiently worked up you enclosed your mouth over the smallest amount possible, gathering spit in your mouth.
It dribbled down the underside of his cock, providing you with the necessary lubrication to take him down your throat.
You started slow- Kidd was big and you knew you had to warm up before taking all of him. 
His grip on your hair tightened as your tongue licked the underside of his shaft, and your lips wrapped around the rest of him.
His breathing was getting faster and curses were spilling out of his throat.
You finally took him to the base, your nose getting buried in his pubes.
You gagged and your eyes started to water, but Kidd held your head in place.  
“F-fuck, shh, shh, breathe baby, breathe,” Kidd shuddered out, “Just like that, oh, good girl.”
Tears started falling from your eyes as your Captain sat back up, and started to slowly pump himself in and out of your mouth. 
You could tell by the twitching and tensing of his dick that he was getting close, and your own arousal was starting to drip down your legs. 
You sharply inhaled with every thrust he gave, holding onto his thighs to try and support yourself. 
“So good f’me,” he panted, “Gonna cum soon.”
You moaned against him as he fucked your mouth, gently cupping his balls in one hand. 
With no warning you found yourself swallowing hot spurts of cum. 
“MM! Mmf mm mmm-” KIDD! Don’t do that-
He interrupted you with a loud laugh, “Sorry darlin’ I couldn’t help it.”
You swallowed and Kidd lifted you back up onto his lap, wrapping strong arms back around your waist. 
You pulled aside your panties, letting your flooding arousal pour onto him.
You sat up on your knees, letting him rub his length up and down your slit, before slipping the head in.
You winced as you lowered your hips down, taking him fully. 
He pushed up into you once he had bottomed out, earning a generous moan from you- music to his ears. 
His hands tightened around your waist as he started to bounce you up and down, you were so wet that every slight movement was audible and filled the room with the sticky, wet sounds of you sucking him in.
He slid in and out of you so easily, and you were so tender that it wasn’t long until you were close.
With every kiss of his tip against your g-spot the coil in your stomach tightened, a strong, delicious tension pressed against the spot right beneath your tummy. 
The steady smack, smack, smack that had started to fill the room clouded your thinking and you were completely rag-dolled by Kidd who was bouncing you at a relentless pace. 
In a flash of white, hot pleasure you came- hard. Your fingernails dug into your boyfriend’s back, a few even breaking skin. Your thighs pressed against each other and you fell forward, leaning your full body weight against him. 
The both of you sat in silence for a moment, the sound of your breathing filling the room. 
Slowly, you sat up pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. 
“I win.”
Kidd’s brows furrowed, “No, ya fuckin’ don’t. You came in here begging for-”
“So? I walked in and you were already hard, so I won.”
“That’s definitely not how this works, love. You walked in wetter than water-”
“HA! I did not,” you lied, “I wasn’t even wet until I sat on your lap. You’re such a sore loser-”
Kidd laughed, and pressed kisses all over your face, “You’re a terrible liar, love.”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Fine. What do you want as a prize?”
Kidd pulled you closer to him, your breath getting gently pushed out as your chest pressed against his. 
“I want more.”
You flipped through the pages of a special Valentine’s Day magazine, dog-earing the pages of clothing shops and restaurants you wanted to visit with your boyfriend when he had time. 
He was sitting at his desk, just a few feet away from you organizing medical files and equipment into his drawers. 
His music was playing in the background, out of a small speaker you got him for his twenty-fifth birthday. 
A smooth saxophone melody danced over a relaxing, steady drum beat. 
He loved jazz.
Helps me concentrate, he’d said. 
It had grown on you after a year of listening to it every night and there were few things you found yourself enjoying more than these late nights with your boyfriend, each of you doing your own thing while still enjoying the other’s company. 
You were the cutest, sweetest thing in the world to Law, and on nights like these, he liked watching you when you thought he was completely absorbed in his work.
He watched as you’d read, play a video game, or map out your next course. 
Laying on your stomach, you swished your feet in the air behind you, gently rocking them to and fro- a sign Law knew far too well.
“Bored, baby?”
You stilled your feet, feeling guilty that he noticed.
“A little,” you admitted, “And this magazine is making me sad.”
He quirked an eyebrow, asking for elaboration.
“It’s full of cute romantic stuff to do, but who knows if we’ll even get a chance. What with being outlaws and all.”
He smiled and put away the rest of the mess in front of him before sitting on the bed next to you.
You sat up, hugging your knees to your chest, and laid your head down against his shoulder. 
“If you want to go to any of these places, you just let me know and we’ll go. Any marines or bounty hunters that try to intervene will be sorry.”
You giggled, “Should we plan out our Valentine’s Day then?”
He nodded.
“But first, I have something for you.”
You sat up at this, looking up at him with your big doe eyes.
He pulled out a small piece of chocolate from his pocket. 
“Oh! Thank you! Is it dark chocolate ‘cause I don’t like the other kinds-”
You reached for it, but Law pulled back before you could grab it.
“Tsk, tsk- Hold on, my love. 
We’re going to split it.”
You found it somewhat odd that you’d split such a small piece of chocolate and furrowed your brows, earning a laugh from your boyfriend who was unwrapping the candy.
“It’s an aphrodisiac.”
Oh! Your eyes widened, and eagerness pooled into them.
He froze for a second, “Shit- wait! Should I have waited until Valentine’s Day? This would’ve been a good surprise, dammit.”
You laughed out loud at his sudden change in demeanor and quickly reassured him that it was perfectly fine.
“Good to have a test round anyway, no?”
He kissed your forehead and handed you a piece. 
As you ate he continued, “To make it a little more interesting, you’re gonna go to the library and I’ll go to the operation room. Whoever gives in first loses.”
“What constitutes giving in?”
“Asking for sex.”
You stood up, stretching your body out, fingertips extending toward the roof. 
Walking out you stood at the doorway, turning to look back at your lover.
“You’re gonna lose.”
“I am? Oh, but what if I do this,” he said before he suddenly stood up and walked toward you, “Please, Y/n.”
Your panties flooded upon hearing these words, so sickly sweet and needy, and you pressed your thighs together.
Law slowly knelt on the floor in front of you, placing a large hand on the outside of each of your thighs.
He sank lower before you and pressed soft kisses up your legs, stopping at your knees.
Your heartbeat quickened and you could hear your breathing, now made up entirely of fast inhales and exhales like your lungs were trying to catch up with the frenzied, eager mess between your thighs. 
A hand made its way between your knees and Law looked up to you, as though asking for permission to part them. 
Your lips were parted and glossy, you looked so sweet and cute that he could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, the denim tightening around it. 
This kind of eagerness, this lust that filled him had been completely unknown to him before meeting you. 
He pushed your legs apart and his tongue attached to your left thigh, licking a long, wet stripe up it, stopping right before your pussy.
It took immense willpower to not give in right then and there, to not sink his tongue and lips into your wet, dripping heat. To stop himself from indulging in that feeling of the fat of your pussy smothering his face.
But he instead turned to your right thigh, licking and biting his way up it, marking your legs with love marks. Littered hues of dark browns and purples mixed with vibrant reds and pinks covered your thighs. 
Your bottom lip trembled as you ignored every sensation traveling in and on your body. Your nerves were aching, screaming for you to ask Law to touch you. Beg him, if you had to.
But you resisted- blinking back the tears that pooled on your lower lash line in an attempt to refocus. 
The surgeon took note of your resolve and decided to make it crumble.
He lifted your shirt up and over your head and unhooked your bra.
He watched, with an unnerving intensity as your tits jiggled around and softly pinched at your nipples.
Your cheeks were hot to the touch and goosebumps flooded your skin. 
“A-ah-,” you moaned as he started to lick and suck your nipples, getting rougher and rougher. He held your breasts in his hands and pushed them against each other, sloppily licking over any and everything he could reach with his tongue. 
You openly moaned now, completely overcome by the euphoric sensation you were feeling.
His tongue was soft and warm and wet and sticky and felt so, so good over your aching breasts that had been eager for his touch. 
“L-law, please- Oh, my god, yes! Yes,” you whined and writhed under his touch.
He pulled away with a pop, “You like it that much, bunny?”
You fervently nodded and your hands found their way onto his head, tangling themselves in his dark black hair. 
“C’mere, baby,” he said, pulling you in for a kiss.
You snaked your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, savoring how he tasted. 
Pressing a hand against your chest, he laid you down on the couch and grabbed your legs placing them over his shoulders.
Your stomach tensed up, and you could feel your desperate pussy start to twitch. 
He lowered himself so he was level with your soaked panties and placed a kiss right on top of your clothed clit, earning a series of pathetic whines from you. 
You reintroduced your hands to his hair, gently pulling and tugging him toward your needy heat. 
“This is what you want?” 
He ran a long finger up and down your slit.
“Yes! Please, please Law. E-eat me out, ‘m so so wet for you,” you begged.
He pushed your panties to the side, and with a pointed tongue, licked up and down your slit- never quite touching your clit. He gathered the slick pouring out of your hole on his tongue and spit it back onto your pussy.
The teasing continued as he sucked and softly bit your lips, licking everywhere but the aching bundle of nerves that you could feel throbbing.
“Don’t tease!” you cried, desperate for him to give you what you wanted. 
 He laughed and with torturous slowness, started to lick your pulsing bud.
It was euphoric- waves of hot, warm pleasure flooded your body as you sunk your nails into the couch cushions, moans spilling from your lips.
He knew exactly what he was doing, where you liked him to apply more pressure, and where to ease off. 
He had an iron grip on your thighs, dimpling the flesh where his fingers held onto you.
Your moans got less consistent and more strained as you got closer.
“Just like that, baby,” you panted, “Gonna cum!”
As he heard this, he pulled you even closer toward his mouth and your back slid down the wall.
His grip tightened on your thighs and would have been painful if not for how sweetly he was eating you out. 
The obscene wet sounds of licking and slurping and sucking echoed off the walls of his room and you felt your core tightening as you got closer, your hips bucking up into Law’s face out of desperation. 
In a split second, the winding cord snapped and you gasped, digging your hands into the tangled mess that was Law’s hair. 
He slowly pulled his face away from your pussy completely soaked.
He had a drunk look in his eyes and you could already feel yourself wanting more.
Law picked you up, palming your ass, and carried you back to his bed. 
The clock read 6:34 a.m. when the two of you finally went to shower. 
Law did most of the work for you, as you were about ready to pass out. 
He pressed soft kisses on your soapy shoulders and dried you off when you were done. 
He went and grabbed your favorite pajamas for you and tucked you into bed with a soft kiss. 
“And by the way, my love.” 
You turned to look at him, lips still puffy from his assault on them. 
Law took a moment to appreciate the way your nipples poked through the thin silk of your nightgown, and how gently your chest rose and fell as you started to fall asleep. 
He sat next to where you lay on the bed, running a hand through your hair and rubbing circles on your back.
You turned up to look at him, beckoning for him to kiss you.
He bent down, your lips practically touching. 
As a sly smile spread over your face you told him, 
“Technically speaking, I win.”
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pholla-jm · 7 months
Orange Peels
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IMAGINE: ORANGE PEELS GENRE: FLUFF cw: none. luffy is a bit ooc. use of (y/n). characters: luffy, sanji, zoro, law, ace, mihawk ~~~~~~~~~~
You were questioning if you even wanted to ask Luffy to peel the orange for you. However, you really wanted to test the orange peel theory. 
“Hey, Luffy?” You walk up to him while he sits on the railing of the ship. He was fishing, which is the time where he is sitting still. 
He turns towards you, his full attention now on you. “Yeah?” His eyes flicker down to the orange in your hand. His pupils basically turn into stars seeing the snack in your hands. 
“Ooh, thanks (y/n)! I was getting hungry!” Luffy shouts, his hand leaving the fish pole and going to grab the orange in your hand. 
“Ah! Wait.” You quickly shout at him, while pulling the fruit from his reach. “What?” He pouts. 
“It’s a snack for me… I wanted to ask you if you could peel it for me?” 
Luffy slowly blinks at you, like the question didn’t comprehend in his head. 
“Well, I don’t like getting my hands sticky, so can you peel it for me? I’ll share.” That seems to do the trick. 
“Sure!” He shouts before jumping off the railing. You hand him the orange to peel and he wastes no time to peel it for you. 
His tongue stuck out a little bit as he concentrated on peeling the orange for you. Once the orange was peeled, he hesitated to give it back to you. He kept staring at it, his stomach just telling him to eat it, but he knew you would be upset about it. 
“Here ya go!” He hands you the orange without even taking a bite. A large smile graces your face. You immediately grab the orange, splitting it in half- giving it to Luffy. “Thank you.” You say and Luffy grabs the orange, swallowing it whole. “Thank’s (y/n), you’re the best!”
You sat in the kitchen, fingernails tapping against the counter. You were hungry and the smell of Sanji’s cooking only made it worse. 
Surely a snack wouldn’t hurt. 
You got up, walking to the pantry to grab an orange. The orange sat in your hand but you looked at your freshly manicured nails. You didn’t want to ruin your nails. 
“Something the matter mi amor?” Sanji asks, suddenly appearing behind you. 
He looks down at the orange in your hand, “ah, if you wanted a snack you could’ve told me. I would have happily gotten it for you.” You smile at him, showing that you were happy nonetheless. “It’s fine. But can you peel this for me?” 
“Of course~~” He happily grabs the orange from your hand and walks over to the counter. 
Now, you were only expecting him to peel it. But you knew Sanji likes to go above and beyond, so maybe he would cut it up for you. 
You sit back down at the counter. Your chin immediately finds the palm of your hand as you wait for your snack. 
It’s not long before the neatly prepared oranges are placed in front of you. 
“Hm?” You sat up, looking at the orange slices in front of you. “Is something wrong?” Sanji asks, his hand immediately going to grab the plate. 
“No,” you grab the plate before he could, “it’s just… the pith is gone.” “Of course, you don’t like the pith. So I took it out for you.” 
Your face warms up at this and a smile lights up on your face, “I never told you this. You just noticed?” “Of course, mi amor! It’s my duty to know all your likes and dislikes.” You swoon on the inside, flattered that he even noticed something this small. 
You lean over, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek, “Thank you Sanji.”
“Wait, say that again?” You tell Nami. “The orange peel theory. Try it out with Zoro. The idea involves the ability to understand your partner and their feelings; it's based on their tendency to perform simple tasks for you whether asked to do them or not ― like peeling an orange.” 
Nami reaches her arm up and grabs an orange from the tree, “here.” she says handing you the citrus. “Okay..” You say while getting up and headed to where you knew Zoro would be napping. 
You knew that he was a light sleeper, and sometimes he wouldn’t even really be sleeping. So would you feel bad for waking him up? Not really. 
“Hey Zoro?” 
You squat next to him. 
“Can you peel this for me?” You ask him and an eye pops open. His gaze immediately finds an orange in your hand. He then looks back up at you, wondering if you were serious. 
“Are you serious?” You nod your head. “You’re not a kid. Do it yourself.” “Awe,” you let out a small whine, lips forming into a pout. “but I don’t like getting my fingers sticky. Could you do it for me, please?” 
Zoro looks away, knowing if he looked any longer he would cave in. 
“You could have asked anyone else. But you decide to wake me up for this?” 
The pout immediately disappears, and you stand back up. “You’re right. I’ll go ask Sanji.” 
Hearing his name caused him to snap up and grab the orange from your hand. You hide the smirk, knowing that he would get riled up just from hearing Sanji’s name. “You don’t need that stupid cook. I’m right here.” He mutters. “Hmm? But I thought you said-” “Shut up. Here’s your orange.” 
He hands you the unpeeled orange. Your eyes widen at the orange. He did it so fast, and perfectly. The orange peel laid perfectly at his side. It only took peel to get it all. 
“Thank you!” You happily say crashing into his chest to give him a hug. 
His cheeks burn red at the action. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go to anyone else for help. Got it?”
“Nothing’s going to change if you keep staring at the orange, (y/n)-ya.” 
You recognize Law’s voice as he strolled into the kitchen. The orange laid in your hands, because you wanted to eat it. But peeling it seemed too tedious. 
“Can you peel this for me… please?” You look up at Law with the best puppy eyes you could muster, knowing that Law had a weak spot for cute things. 
When your eyes met his, he immediately felt his heart skip a bit. Trying to keep his cool facade, he tries to avert his eyes. 
“How old are you? You can do it yourself.” He mutters and your bottom lips form into a pout. “Please, I know it’s childish. But I just don’t like getting it underneath my nails.” 
He takes a quick glance at you, and that it is all it takes for him to cave into your wishes. “Tsk, give me it.” He doesn’t wait for you to hand him the orange, instead he takes it from your hands. 
He’s quick to work on the orange, wanting to leave the kitchen already. He didn’t want you to see the growing blush on his face, 
“Here,” he says, placing the orange back in your hand and quickly leaving the kitchen.
Ace likes to make sure that he does almost everything for you. If he sees that you’re trying to do something, he’ll jump in and do it for you. Even if it is as simple as peeling an orange. 
You were grabbing a midnight snack, not knowing that Ace was up as well. You grab an orange, sitting down at the table and start to try to peel the orange. 
“What are you doing?” 
You let out a small shriek, startled by sudden presence in the room. “Woah, calm down there. It’s just me.” Ace laughs as he sits next to you. 
You try to calm your breathing down as Ace eyes the orange that was in one of your hands. He doesn’t hesitate to grab the orange and start peeling it. 
“Hey, I can do that myself.” You say trying to grab the orange, but he pulls himself out of your reach. A smirk on his face as he finishes peeling it. “I know.” He pulls off a slice and pops it into his mouth. Your mouth falls agape at his actions causing him to laugh. “Think of it as the boyfriend tax.” He says handing you the fruit. “But I didn’t even ask you to peel it!” He just shrugs, “doesn't matter.”
Mihawk swears he doesn’t like your childish antics. But deep down, it keeps him on his toes. He had something to look forward to. 
However, as he stared at the orange in your hand and the question still hanging in the air… he really wondered what goes through your head. 
“So… are you going to peel it or not?” “And why would I do that?” “Because you’re my husband, and I asked you to do it.” 
Mihawk observes you for a second, noticing how you were avoiding eye contact. 
He lets out a breathy laugh, “do you not know how to do it yourself?” 
Your eyes widen, “what? I do!” “Then show me.” You click your tongue, “it’s not about that. I just don’t want to get my fingers sticky.” 
Mihawk doesn’t answer you, he just stares at you, waiting for your attempt to peel the orange. 
It was silent for about a minute, the longest minute of your life. You let out a sigh, “fine. I don’t know how.” 
Mihawk smiles at your answer, then grabs the fruit. “There, was that so hard?” 
“Whatever.” You mutter while crossing your arms. Mihawk doesn’t respond, instead he looks down at the orange as he continues to peel the orange. 
“No matter how small or childish your request is (y/n), I’ll always do it for you.”
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tetsuskei · 6 months
notes: a repost of my fave fic for my fave freckled faced boy ♡
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“stay still.”
you playfully pinch ace’s side before reaching back up to focus on what you are doing.
“ow,” he whines, feigning pain. he tilts his head back, looking up at you with a small pout and puppy eyes, “that hurt.”
you only laugh at his dramatics, grabbing his jaw before tilting his head back to level. “i said stay still. or you’ll end up with a ridiculous bob, dummy.”
the scissors in your hands carefully move through his black locks, snipping away dead ends and restoring health back into his hair.
“you wouldn’t dare.” he warns, glaring at you in the mirror.
a smirk crosses your face, “and maybe i would.”
this is routine for both of you, cutting ace’s hair. you try to keep up with it frequently (he has surprisingly fast growing hair). a lot of times he’d go however, not really caring about it and doing whatever (meaning nothing). but you’re always able to recognize when his locks are getting a little too shaggy.
it never really bothers you to do it. in a way, it’s small intimacy time for the both of you.
it’s a rare sight — ace without his hat on or necklace fresh after a bath as he sits—more so squirms—on a stool. his wavy locks are slightly damp from washing. you get to peak at his broad, tanned shoulders. they’re decorated with all kinds of freckles, like little jewels on his skin.
ace is thankful. never used to having someone care for him in this way. he feels pampered. his brown eyes are always large and filled with admiration when he watches you cut his hair, your face cute in concentration.
he’s never afraid or shy of any physical contact with you, but when you get close up to him, holding his face in your hand to trim his bangs just right, he feels a little skittish in his tummy. he’s already a naturally hot running person, so he feels he must be scalding when this happens.
this game you two play is cunning. you always pretend not to notice his staring, while he is vying for your attention, chasing after your glances when your eyes happen to meet a few times.
if there’s one thing about fire fist, he’s competitive. he won’t stop till he’s won.
“can i kiss you?” he blurts, gaze intense.
a shocked look appears on your face before you laugh, “what’s gotten into you?”
“you just…look so pretty when you’re concentrating…and i can’t help it. not any longer at least.” he admits sheepishly.
you feel heat in your cheeks but recover from his words, “tell you what, if you let me finish what i’m doing, i’ll let you kiss me.” you offer.
“i’m your boyfriend, why do i have to wait?” ace whines and complains, but you only poke his cheeks before smooshing them between your hand.
“listen you stubborn fool, i promise i’m almost done. i think you can manage till then.”
“fyne,” he grumbles, cheeks still puffed.
you resume your work, but it’s not long before his hands dance on your waist, fingers tracing your skin and marveling over the softness of it.
the snipping pauses, “ace, what are you doing?”
“you didn’t say i couldn’t touch you.” he argues, sniffing.
you don’t say anything and just shake your head. he’s lucky he’s really cute.
eventually you find yourself being near wrestled by the commander as he progressively pulls you into his grasp. you’re finishing up his bangs by this point. practically on his lap with a hand on his shoulder as you steady yourself.
ace is glad you don’t tease him for being a blushing mess. but at the same time he feels like he’s going to die. he’s going to implode if he doesn’t get your full attention in the next several seconds.
“…and done.” you say, snipping the last lock.
“finally.” he sighs, crushing you into his arms impossibly closer to him. you yelp when the scissors fall out of your hands.
“a-are you even going to look at my final work?” you huff, feeling him pepper kisses on your cheeks, chin, nose—anywhere he can reach. you can barely move.
“don’t need to. you did wonderful, babe.” he responds, chuckling.
admittedly you did do good. really good. he doesn’t look so boyish now. more grown up. mature. his hair is only a tad bit shorter but shows all his best features that were hidden away. the apples of his cheeks decorated by freckles, his sharp, defined jaw, and his brown eyes you love so much can all be seen with ease.
ace has always been pretty and you don’t know if he’s well aware of that. so you turn his face towards the bathroom mirror.
he protests once his lips miss your cheek, almost looking like a fish with the way they pucker. he doesn’t have a chance to ask anything when your next words stop him.
“look how beautiful you are, ace,” you say, beaming, “you look so handsome.”
the man turns from pink to absolutely beat red, not expecting your words so suddenly. he curses under his breath since he can’t hide behind his hat. “wha—why are you…?”
when his eyes meet yours in the mirror he sees the soft twinkle in your eyes that you give only him, no one else. like he’s put up the stars in the sky for you. like he’s built you an entire empire by hand.
he’s silent, knowing you’re not lying about your words.
“…thank you.” he finally says, burying his face in your neck. his voice is small with vulnerability that only you have seen and heard. there’s a thousand things he wants to say right now, but the words won’t come out.
“you don’t need to thank me for loving you.” you respond, bumping noses with him before finally kissing him on the lips.
and it’s times like these where he figures life is something he’s meant to be living.
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
Imagine trying to leave Yandere Op men.
Part 1 Part 2
does contain dark themes with manipulation, possessiveness and probably dub-con in some.
-He’s not going to allow it. Once you’re with him you won’t be able to leave.
-After Ace’s death, it definitely threw him off the edge and caused him to become more clingy and possessive and maybe even a bit insane.
-The feeling of losing his brother made him feel alone until you filled that void in his heart, he couldn’t even compare you to his friends because that’s how wonderful and meaningful you were to him.
-As much as you loved Luffy, his murderous tendencies bothered you heavily to the point where you were fearing your own friends lives and yours.
“Oi. Where’re ya goin’?”
-He’s definitely gonna stop you from going and he’ll do anything to gain you back on his side.
“See? Told ya~ No one else can do this better than me.” Luffy’s lust-filled and lovestruck stared deep into yours as your as he thrusts his cock into you sloppily yet hungrily. He was so needy for you and it was a shame that you thought you were gonna leave him.
“L-Luffy~ Mhh~ F-Feels so good~” As much as you hated to admit it, you couldn’t stay away from Luffy because of his loving affection. It was one of the easiest ways to win you back over and he knew it. Crawling away from him wasn’t an option as if you could think about it.
The rubber man fucked you so wonderfully that you couldn’t leave him. Giving him a loving kiss on his warm-chapped lips threw your mind in for a loop as you started to grow drunk on his cock.
“Ya not gonna leave me are ya? Y-Ya gonna stay here with me aren’t ya!?~”
“Cmon!~ Answer me baby! Is m’dick makin’ ya go dumb!?~”
-Zoro likes to linger and stalk your every move. As someone who doesn’t express his emotions often, he sits back and watches your every move but plays it cool to keep it low.
-But the thought of you leaving him affected him badly. He couldn’t suppress his emotions once he found out that you were trying to break the ties with him.
-He absolutely wouldn’t hesitate to use force to keep you with him.
“Hey. Where do y’think you’re going?”
-While he was watching and trying his best to keep his composure, noticing you sitting by Sanji and speaking with him (presumably about leaving Zoro) enraged him.
-A harsh grip to your wrist and a trip to the bathroom made your heart pound with fear yet slight excitement.
“What’re you planning? Are you going to leave me?” Zoro’s hand was tight on your neck his his hips had rutted into you harshly, pressing a hard and heavy kiss against your cervix. You couldn’t even answer the moss-headed man as he fucked his anger out on you.
“N-Nooo~ N-No m’n-not!~ Z-Zoro!~” You moan out, a bit of drool falling from your lips as the lack of oxygen made you lightheaded. He grins widely as he hears those words, the words making his heart pound with excitement and giving him a rush of adrenaline.
With his hips speeding up, you moan louder against him, your legs wrapping around his hips tightly as you felt your orgasm rising.
“Good girl, stay with me and I’ll keep makin’ you feel this good~”
“You better not think of leavin’ me ever again.”
-Sanji is very begging and possessive. He’s doing all he can just to keep you by his side but in his eyes he realizes that his efforts just aren’t enough for you.
-Surely it wasn’t him and his attitude towards anyone who even bothered to speak to you, it couldn’t have been that.
-So what exactly made you feel like you could leave him, even if he tried to respect your decision he just couldn’t.
-He can’t let you go, not a precious and rare gem.
“P-Please love! D-Don’t leave m-me!”
-He would try anything. Buying you gifts and cooking good food. But the thing that actually wins you over is once he fucks his love back into you, taking your heart back.
-Anytime you’d felt that you wanted to leave, he would give you more love just so you could stay and eventually you’d grew addicted and accustomed to him.
-You started to get so used to it that you would sometimes ask him to fill you up, and that’s when he knew that such a method of brainwashing and brain-fucking had worked.
“Ahh~ Y-You feel so wonderful!~” Drool slips from Sanji’s lips as he fucks into your cum-filled hole, your cunt already full and leaking from the recent rounds. A heavy gasp leaves you before your eyes rolls back as you feel him kiss your cervix.
“M-More!~ Give me m-more, Sanji!~” You moan out all whiney under him as he pressed smooches and kisses against your body, a little chuckle leaving him as he did so.
“Take it all!~ T-Take all of my love inside of you~”
“You want more? You want to take more of my love baby doll?~”
���Y-Yes! Yes Sanjiii!~”
You’d reach out your arms to him, filled up and so drunk on his dick and gets still yearning for more affection.
-Usopp won’t be able to accept your decision. Whether you keep it low key or tell him straight to his face, he’ll melt down into an emotional mess.
-He wouldn’t be able to handle the thought of you leaving his side, which is why he has his ways of keeping you close to him.
-Doing fun little things with him like your favorite hobbies and giving you attention slowly made you feel that maybe it was a bad idea to leave him.
-He could manipulate you or trick your mind into staying knowing damn well you’ve been planning to leave him.
“See? Isn’t this so much fun? Don’t you want to do this more often!?”
-He knew what he was doing and somehow you didn’t see it when you’ve had a chance.
-And now you were stuck in this constant loop with him, not remembering that it was a horrible idea to stay with him.
“Mmgh~ U-Usopp~ Y-You’re doing so good!~” A moan leaves your lips as you wrap your arms around Usopp, your legs wrapping around his waist as he softly ruts into you. He trembles from your praise, his body growing hotter the more you praised him.
He was doing so good pleasing you, his inner mind happy that he’s still able to have you in his arms.
“Y-Yes! I am doing good~ Y-You want me to do better?~”
“I-I’ll fuck you better this time than I did the last~”
-Ace would laugh about it. As if! As if someone like you would leave someone like him!
-It didn’t take very long for him to process the information and realize that you were serious about your decision.
“Wait- You aren’t really going to leave, are ya?”
-He was burning up once he heard so and he wanted to take you back with force.
-But he couldn’t just do that. It would be wrong and disrespectful right?
-It sure wasn’t hard to take you back over when he fucked you hard one night and you came back asking for more.
-He would joke and rub it in your face, finding it amusing that you would even think of such a decision.
“What’s wrong? I thought ya wanted to leave me?” Ace chuckles as he kept your hands pinned above your head, his cock buried deep within your cunt.
You give him a displeased yet sorrowful look, apologizing to him without exchanging words. His grin grows wider as he realizes that you’ve finally realized your mistake and fixed it.
“It’s okay baby! I’ll forgive you with fucking you to sleep!~”
-Sabo would take your words into consideration and plan something out.
-He didn’t want to think of something so dark to take you back over but he couldn’t act like it didn’t cross his mind once or twice either.
-After you’ve told him, he’s not gonna let you leave after you’ve only spoke to him. You genuinely have to prove to him that you want to leave him.
“Hold on Angel, don’t think I’m gonna let you leave with just your words.”
-If you can’t prove that, you might as well give up on the thought.
-He knew exactly how to keep you intact while the decision makes you both feel good.
“I thought you wanted to leave angel, it certainly doesn’t seem like it..” Sabo taunts you as he buries his cock deep within your gummy walls, a heavy gasp leaving you as you feel him kiss your g-spot. You whine out in your shame, a bit ashamed as you enjoyed his cock plunging into you.
“I-I don’t wanna leave S-Sabo!~” You moan out, your eyes crossing as he pulls your hips farther into his. A smile tugs at his lips before he chuckles and presses a kiss to your neck.
“Aww, was it just a feeling then? Changed your mind?”
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xxelfmamaxx · 1 year
Ace:okay serious talk
Ace:there's no breaking up in this relationship
Ace:if you're tired of me
Ace:take a nap
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head-empty-just-ace · 19 days
Ever thought of putting Ace and skincare together? I personally think it's a recipe for a cute fluffy scenario. So, here 'ya go—
Portgas D. Ace x GN!Reader
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CW: Suggestive Content (sitting on the lap and abuse of the word kiss) and he gets a bit overwhelmed but it ends in fluff i swear.
Word Count: 500+
Usually just stares at you when you do your skinccare routine in your shared quarters every night. He'd tinker with his dagger while casting you occasional glances.
It fascinated him in a sense. You going out of your way every night without fail to dedicate to your skincare. Your hands rubbing products on your face with a touch of gentleness.
He liked it when you'd ask him if he wanted a kiss before you did your skincare because you wouldn't do it afterwards. Oh, he'd make sure to make the most out of it. That's for sure.
Finally, on a whim, he approaches you. Leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. A curious look on his face as he asks if you could do his skincare for him.
He did not regret that decision when he saw the look in your eyes. Gods, he knew he'd never get tired of you looking so happy. Smiling so sweetly at him as your eyes shone brightly.
You get everything ready. Seeing if he has the same skin type as you, gathering up the supplies, and making sure you were gentle. He'd watch you move around with a smile on his lips— just appreciating your excitement in his interest.
Has he ever mentioned how much he loved it when you were gentle with him? How you'd soothe circles on his cheeks and face when washing it with a cleanser. He was already melting at your touch. But when you kissed him on the lips— he was putty in your hands.
Ofc, he makes you do the rest while you sit on his lap. His arms loosely wrapped around you waist while you busy yourself with rubbing products in his face.
You're explaining something to him. He knows he should listen. But he's too busy staring at you as if you hung the stars themselves. Asking himself what did he ever do to even deserve you. He'd make sure to do anything in his power to keep you in his life.
If he's feeling a little emotional, tears would sting his eyes. He'd hold you a bit closer to him. As if scared, you'd suddenly disappear if he loosened his hold.
It'd catch you off-guard. But you cradle his face in your hands so tenderly, and he'd lean into them immediately. Your lips brushed away the stray tears.
You're mumbling sweet nothings against his skin. It makes his heart swell with so much love and affection for you. He'll capture your lips with his in a languid kiss.
Both of you are now slowly becoming competitive. Showering each other with kisses and bantering who loves who more. It's tooth-rottingly sweet.
It doesn't take long before both of you are laughing and giggling again. You place one last kiss on his lips before you continue with your routine on him.
He'd just enjoy the feel of you in his arms. Hands on your hips with thumbs circling soothingly. Was the previous kiss the last one? No. He'd keep kissing you to show you how much he appreciates you every now and then.
Just wanted to mention @captainportgasdace
since you seemed to rlly look forward to this (if you dont mind). Hope you like it!
Also, if you liked this and wanna read more, here's my masterlist!
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galamalion · 11 months
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˚ ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ace taking care of you on your period﹕
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ace would give anything to get rid of your pms.
you're torn between wanting to bawl your eyes out and wanting to scream bloody murder at the next person you see. you're craving sweets but your poor stomach feels so swollen and the headaches just don't stop.
it breaks ace's heart seeing you like this, knowing there's little he can do to stop your body from performing its monthly duties. but he will try his absolute best to ease your pain.
ace will sneak little snacks while thatch isn't looking, whatever you're craving he will sacrifice his safety to retrieve from that cook's kitchen.
he's hauling cool water to your lodge so you don't have to take a step, bringing you a curly straw in an attempt to cheer you up. he attempts to bring you some ice as well, but it melted on his way back...
and you best believe that ace will massage any area of your body. warm hands will firmly press into your sore spots to push any aches out, flooding a comfortable heat into your most painful zones.
ace's devil fruit is to thank for that, his arms beating out the warmth of any blanket any day. it comes especially in handy for those blasted cramps, his strong hands resting on your stomach and chasing them away. he'll hold you in a loose embrace (for your own comfort) and rub small circles into your most inflamed areas.
it doesn't matter what your symptoms are like during this time, ace isn't one to back out without a fight.
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(requested by @amortentiaz!)
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
i had this idea for ace x reader id love to see😭 basically idk something along the lines of the reader being apart of the whitebeard pirates and ace having a crush on them/pining for them and they stop at some island to chill/celebrate or something and while partying later in the night reader tells ace he can kiss them if he catches them and after a bit of (playful) runing reader goes into the water at some beach and ace obviously cant follow bc of his devil fruit and yesh djdjjdhd idk how it would play out but lets say ace somehow ends up getting that kiss :3 you’re very much free to add to the story or change it!!
heheheh, this is so cute. i am an ACE TRUTHER FOR LIFE AAAAAAAH *rips my shirts and turns into a wolf* [i-ignore the fact that this has been a wip for about... 1.5 months now, im sorry. i will repent.]
❤️‍🔥hey! that's unfair! ft. portagas d. ace
set-up: as mentioned above by anon! playful banter, nicknames, chasing each other around. that's just part of being a crew, isn't it? okay, but what if your very attractive crewmate was running after you to kiss you? not very crew-mate-y of them, is it? warnings: NOT PROOFREAD CAUSE MY BAD, DUDE. nothing major cause i have wrote enough smut to last me a lifetime and i need a cleanse. contains playful banter/flirting, mentions of the asl brothers' past, "slut" as a joke. ace ughhh light me up. [my digital footprint goes crazy, but so does yours.] wc: 2.5k
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"slut behaviour." your drawled out the words, nose scrunching up as you looked up at the man. your fingers drew patterns into the coarse sand, as the man above you barked out a laugh.
"huh?" ace's eyes widened, a boyish grin overtaking his features as the sun shone from behind him. the winds from the sea almost blew his hat off, and he put a hand on his head as he peered you down, "what did you say?"
"i'm just saying~" you shrugged, eyes squinted to make out his face under the harsh backlight, fingers still writing something into the sand.
"you're saying i'm the slut?" he plopped down next to you on the beach mat once he was done setting the beach umbrella. giving you the same unabashed grin, he popped his knuckles, "that's harsh, dude."
"i'm not the one walking around with my top off all the time!" you stuck your tongue out and ace scrunched his nose up. he was adorable. "hey, i've told you. i run hot, okay?"
he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively next, "i've always said, you can sleep with me and find out the truth."
an aggressive blush blossomed from the tip of your nose to your ears, and you instinctively pushed ace away, "is that offer only for me? or can marco uncover the truth, as well?"
his expression turned sour, eyes squinting as if he had the worst daydream a man has ever known, "tch, why would you even make me imagine that?"
"mhm." you grinned, shooing him with a flick of your nail, "now, go get me some ice-cream."
"mean." he muttered, but got up nonetheless.
you stared at the gentle waves, the scorching sun, the wet sand that changed with every little movement of the ocean. your eyes travelled to your far right where some of your crewmates drank cocktails and some of the younger ones ran around, chasing each other with faux grievances.
then, your gaze fell atop portagas d. ace.
pops ruffled his hair and the fire-fist grinned in return, talking about some nonsense that you were sure to enchant everyone who stood there. he had that effortless thing going on. he could smile and offer out his palm and the entire crew will chop off their hearts to give it to him. how pretty. i mean— er, how pretty fucking annoying!
huh?! a nauseating feeling built up in your stomach as you tried to shake down these thoughts. it was wrong, ace was just a crewmate!
a crewmate who made you laugh till you cried, someone who would come running to you with gossips, buy you souvenirs when he went to visit luffy. someone who was just a crewmate. so, you really shouldn't be thinking how he made your chest tighten or about the way his biceps flexed, or the way his eyes glinted under the sunlight or the way his smile was so—
"—here you go, princess." he shoved the orange popsicle in front of your nose and you broke out of your daze. he sat next to you under the cool shade of the beach umbrella, sucking on his own blue-colored popsicle.
"who're you calling princess?" you muttered before chomping down on the ice-lolly, "your shampoo for a year would cost half my salary if i got paid."
"mmph huh? you are so mean—" he spoke with the popsicle still in his mouth, and you flicked his forehead at how dumb he looked. he grinned and you made fun of how his pretty lips were painted a dull shade of blue.
the two of you sat there in the shade, occasionally looking over to where the crewmates played volleyball. it wasn't uncommon for the two of you to spend hours upon hours together. out of all the high ranking faction commanders, you two were the closest in age. he would often crash on your couch after a long day, and you would admire his annoying, freckled face. uh, no. what the fuck. knock it off. just a crewmate.
after a while, ace grew fidgety. fingers playing with the red beads of his necklace, mouth busy with the ice-cream stick, he asked you, "wanna play a game?"
"hm? sure." you slurped down the quickly melting ice-cream, "what is it?"
"it's called twenty questions." he balanced the small stick between his teeth, leaning back on his forearms. "luffy's navigator taught me the last time i visited them."
you hummed, "what do you do in that?"
"well, you ask twenty questions, genius." he laughed as you glared at him, and picked the ice-cream stick caught between his lips, "yeah, i figured that much out. i mean, that's it? just twenty questions."
"yeah." he nodded, eyeing the plucked wooden stick in your hands for a second before dragging his gaze up to yours. god, you were so pretty that some days ace wondered if he would go in overheating just by looking at you. probably not. but what if?
you flicked the stick away, turning towards him, "so, wanna play or what?"
turns out, ace is an absurd man. you found that out as you two were on your eighteenth question. the sun dipped below the horizon and the clouds reflected back myriad of shades, painting you and the man next to you in a thousand hues.
"huh?!" your eyes widened comically, words spluttering into a half-sob-half-laugh, "repeat that, please."
he nodded, repeating solemnly like he didn't hear himself, "i said if you had to fuck one warlord, who would it be?"
"jesus christ." your rubbed your temple, "i dunno, like mihawk? the emo thing kinda gets you going."
"tasteful choice, i agree. you think he's a vampire?" he brushed off the comment, shaking his head, "no, wait, we've seen him in the sunlight. wait, have we? anyways, your turn. ask away."
"well, i'll ask something normal." you hummed in deep thought before asking, "if you could have any devil fruit, which one would it be?"
"mine, obviously." he flashed you a cashmere smile, "somebody as hot as me must ofcourse have a hot power."
"you're cheesy as fuck," your lips puckered up as if you had something sour, "dumbass."
but marco called you both over to help set up the campfire. and so, you followed ace as you both got up to walk over to where the rest of the crew was. chatting, chugging bottles upon bottles of sake, and laughing about days long gone.
the sand got stuck between your toes, the wind blew your hair over and you could just watch awestruck as ace turned around, giving you a soft smile before tugging your wrist and running towards the crew.
"i'll fall!" you shrieked but followed him nonetheless. you would probably follow that man to the depths of hell, it seemed.
by the time you both were free, it was dark. the moon hung low, the sky lay exposed with millions of stars, the dying embers of the campfire still twinkling as ace sat down on a log next to you. the rest of the crew had either slept on each other or retired to their rooms, having drank down every inch of sake available.
"ugh," you groaned, "gotta restock in the next island."
ace laughed, and the sound was so soft. he sounded like a boy in a wrong reality, so young. "why are you so sad? didn't get any today?"
"as if i'd get any with those fuckers drowning anything that even barely resembled liquor." you grumbled, and the fiery boy could only stare at you for a second. taking in your barely illuminated form, the steady rise and fall of your chest, your eyes as you sighed and fluttered them shut, and your arms as you stretched them over your head.
you were adorable. and he was an idiot for fancying his own fucking crewmate.
he shook his head as if to gently pull himself away from staring at you too hard, and you turned to look at him strangely, "what?"
"n-nothing." the section commander muttered, choosing to look at the dying embers in front of him. blushing furiously, you chose to focus on the same welcome distraction.
you air grew thick with tension, the kind both of you got crushed under like bugs. so you cleared your throat, rubbing your palms together as you quipped up, "wanna finish that game?"
"yeah." ace mumbled, mindlessly copying your actions by running his palms against each other, "two more questions, right? you start."
mulling over his words for minute, you tipped your head back to gaze at the stars. you sighed, "if you weren't a pirate..." you paused, "then, what do you think, what kind of job would you have?"
he tipped his head back all the same, hand coming to rest a mere inches away from yours. the glowing charcoal casted a subtle glow against his toned chest, the metallic necklace shimmering against his skin. he finally spoke, "i don' know, really. just think i'll do everything to stay with my brothers. whether that's to become a thief, or to become a marine."
you slowly turned your face to look at the somber man next to you. portagas d. ace rarely got quiet. he was all high-spirits and boyish laughs, freckled nose scrunched up in mischief when he wasn't busy leading the whitebeards to victory. but whenever he got back from seeing luffy, there would be a certain gloom that clung onto his aching bones — the kind he tried to laugh away and hid behind bowls upon bowls of food.
you never understood why seeing his younger brother filled him to the brim with regret. after all, monkey d. luffy was all smiles and reckless punches, right? but one drunken night, he confessed to you about sabo. heavy words, forlorn eyes, a man racked up with guilt. no. a boy racked up with guilt over not being able to chase off death.
your fingers inched closer to his, and your pressed your soft palm against his hand. squeezing down slowly, you found yourself comforting the fire-fist without even as much as a single word.
now, the same man boy next to you cleared his throat, squeezing your soft hand right back. as he dragged his eyes from the night sky back to your face, he gave you an earnest smile, "but then, i would have never met you, and what a shame that would have been."
warmth blossomed from the tips of your fingers to the tip of your nose. what a bother. you huffed, trying to hide away anything that gave away your voracious heart, "you're so cheesy, ace."
"hah, only for you." he was all smiles. he snuck in a prolonged breath, "okay then... my turn, right? if you could join any other pirate crew which would it be?"
"aha, i know this!" you lit up, "your brother's."
"the strawhats?" ace looked genuinely surprised and you nodded, "i wanna see what kind of weirdo are you responsible for. up close."
"that's fair." he shrugged, "okay, last question. go."
"d- d'you think that some day..." you drawled on, fingers stilling against his warm skin, "that some day, we'd leave this place? retire, and do something else with our lives maybe. i don't know if i wanna still be running from marines when i'm all sagging skin and weak bones."
"do you wanna leave?" he asked softly, and you shook your head, "no. i love pops, obviously. but... like i said—"
"—you don't wanna be seventy and still with a bounty on your head?"
"maybe, yeah? if i live for that long, anyways."
"then, i suppose i would have no choice but to follow you. just promise me good food, and i'll come with." the man said it so easily, but he knew it with every inch of his heart. he would follow you to hell and back, if you ever let him.
"tch." you pulled your hand back to your chest, you palm still slightly warm from his body temperature, "what's gotten into you? stop flirting."
"okay, my last question. ready?" he spoke softly, gaze searching your face and studying the flush as you looked away from him.
portagas d. ace moved closer to you, his fingers gently taking your palm in his own slightly burnt ones, and interlocking them. he exhaled, eyes meeting yours, "if i kissed you right now, will you kill me? or will you kiss me back?"
what? your eyes instinctively moved to his pretty lips. soft, pink lips that you've daydreamed about too often in the past few days. should you lean in? or should you tease the man some more?
well, you've never been a saint, have you?
a smile tugged at your lips as you pulled at hand back to yourself again, "hm, i think i will kiss you back. but for that, you'd have to kiss me first."
and with that you took off.
"hUH?!" ace's voice shot up as you bolted away from him, and he chased after you without a second thought, "come back, oh my god."
the sand under you feet almost made you fall but you reached the sea before your crewmate could catch you. clothes growing heavy as they wetted, you moved inwards till you were submerged till your waist in the cold, oceanic water.
the water around you reflected the star-studded sky, and among them you looked like an ethereal being. divine.
"hey!" ace yelled, a small pout on his lips, "that's unfair! come back!"
you found yourself giggling, "why?" you pouted back, "come get your kiss, ace."
"ugh, aren't you troublesome?" he groaned but a grin broke out on his face as he walked towards where you stood, each step drawing you two close. when he stood barely a meter away, his feet wobbled, "if i faint, you're gonna have to carry me back princess style, understand?"
"why? marco will save you, princess. hey, don't fall!" you teased, but ace wobbled again and the smile on your lips shriveled up into a frown. you found your feet moving to him. fighting the push of waves, you reached the man and supported his figure. hands on his toned torso, eyes staring up at him, concerned. "are you okay?"
he wrapped his strong arms against you and grinned like the devil itself. you found the muscles flexing against your wet clothes, gaze trained as he stared you down. what an asshole. he was pretending.
you glared at portagas d. ace, "you cheated."
"no, i didn't." his face titled downwards expectantly, hot breath fanning your nose, "i just tried to get what was rightfully mine."
"and what's that?" you whispered up at him.
"this." his finger lifted your chin up and he pressed a soft, chaste kiss. his lips slotted against your, soft lips dancing against yours so gently. but then his grip on your chin tightened, and he pressed himself against you heavier.
hand tightening against your waist, chest flush against his and tongue passing your pretty lips. as ace pulled back, he smiled to himself. closed eyes, parted kiss-bitten lips and flushed nose and cheeks. what kind of forbidden alchemy were you? and how did he get so lucky?
"huh," you opened your eyes to catch his smile, "looks like you really do run warm."
and turns out he's not "just a crewmate" either. a day full of discoveries, it seems!
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credits: @bucciniexe for the bby boy header! tagging: @help-i-lost-my-sock [i hope you genuinely like it!]; @chrollohearttags [ur tags on one of my ace fics were so funny, i had to tag you]; @tetsuskei [you told me ages ago to tag you in ace fics aaah :')] a/n: DROPPING TWO FICS IN TWO DAYS?! WHO AM I?1 omg i had so much fun writing this. don't tell anybody this, but i feel maybe my writing's block is slowly going away. yay! maybe i can upload consistently? who knows? anyways, ace has become one of my favs since i saw his greasy ass in alabasta and declared he's to be the father of my children [he's a 2d man, help].
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portgasdwrld · 10 months
★ Cleaning
↺ nsfw content featuring Ace x fem!reader
Summary: After being scolded by you because of his messy room, he finds himself tidying up his space, but falls on a pair of your thong. Let’s say, he easily got distracted…
Warning: NSFW content
He watches you walk toward the busy table with a bag in your hand. You don’t seem particularly pleased with seeing him and your eyebrows are slightly frowned. He pushes back a little his hat and stares at you with curious eyes. Your fellow crew members look at you intrigued as you close the distance, flickering their gaze between you two.
-Can I talk to you for moment?
You ask, but it sounded more like a demand from your tone. He knows at this moment that you are indeed pissed and he quickly nods. He stands up to walk away as his friends tease him about being a bad boyfriend to you.
-What’s wrong pretty girl?
He asks with a smile to relax the atmosphere, but it only earns him an annoyed sigh from you as you roll your eyes.
-Your room, that’s the problem.
He looks at you absently as he tries to recall what did he possibly did wrong this morning to piss you off so much. You quickly bring him back to reality as your hand softly grab his forearm.
-Ace, baby, I love you but I cant possibly sleep in your room anymore with the mess.
-It’s not that ba-
-Yes it’s that bad! I didn’t mind the messy clothes laying a bit everywhere, but I draw the line at food spoiling in your room as flies make it their own territory.
You explain frustrated at Ace’s easygoing attitude when it comes to cleaning. You let go of your hold and cross your arm against your chest. Yes you love him, yes he’s really important to you, but he still gets on your nerves at times.
-And! The dirty socks ?? It needs to go, there is a dirty-clothe basket for a reason.
-Y/n, wait-
-No, I’m done. If the room isn’t clean by tonight, I’m sleeping with the girls like I used to.
He cocks an eyebrow at you with a small smile, not believing your words. You two have been sleeping in the same bed for around a month now, and he can’t possibly imagine not having you in his arms while he sleeps. He challenges you a little with his furrowed eyebrows and sly smile. You roll your eyes at him once again and huff.
-I do my fair share of cleaning as we share your room and I know you can be busy when I’m not, but it has to be fair. The dirty plates really are my limit…So yeah, I’m being serious.
You hand him the bag with the garbages that you collected earlier as you were thinking what to tell him. You are upset, but you also get that he’s a pirate and probably never had proper discipline when it comes to that.
Ace frowns a little as he understands this is truly a serious situation and takes the bag in your hand. You avoid his face as you don’t want to be influenced by his charm and back down on your boundaries. You feel him walk closer to you and leave a quick peck on your forehead.
-Then you won’t be mad at me anymore?
He concludes with a soft smile. He takes your hand into his. You nod as you put distance again between you two by taking a step back.
-Yes, but it has to become a habit Ace..
-I will try my best! Let me take care of this, so my princess is able to sleep in a clean space tonight!…and after tonight too!
You chuckle a little, glad to see him enthusiastic and understanding to your frustrations.
-Thank you
-No problem, I will see you later then!
He smiles at you one last time and he doesn’t miss the chance to steal a kiss on your lips before walking away from you: Direction, his room!
As Ace walks in, he’s met by his familiar room. The bed is undone and he can see the beginning of your cleaning and where you clearly gave up. You left a pile of dishes on his desk and the dirty clothes near the bed.
The fire user sighs at the view, knowing it’s gonna be quite the work, but if it’s for you, anything is worth it. He starts by the easiest which is dropping the dirty dishes in the ship kitchen and quickly washing them.
He quickly runs back to his room ready to attack the next task. He takes a wet clothe and pass over his fournitures to remove accumulated dusts. He places your books as a small pile on his desk and put his maps in their designated basket, along with any files he had left around.
After running around the ship, he gets his hand on a broom. He cleans the floors from the dusts and any garbages, after putting the clothes on the bed to fold them or throw them in the dirty-clothe basket.
He finally sits down on the bed. As he’s drinking water, he eyes the clothes and pass his hands through the familiar pieces that you wear and he wears. He puts the water down and attack the pile of clothes.
It’s going very well until, he’s almost at the end of it and he falls on one of your pair of thongs. Ace can’t help himself but smirk as he exactly remember when you wore this and what exactly happened after this was removed from you. He finds himself lost between his dirty thoughts, him missing you, him being tired of cleaning.
A little break wont’t hurt right? As long as everything is done by tonight..?
He grins mischievously as he lays down on his bed. He closes his eyes for a second as he sighs before opening them once again and stares at your pair of panties between his fingers. Despite knowing you would kill him if you saw him possibly , maybe highly considering jerking off instead of cleaning, the thought is getting more and more tempting.
Damn he loves it when you stand your ground and show how confident you are. He loves when you climb on top of him and you two make out for minutes and minutes before getting to the act. Those moments where his hands roam all over your curves, feeling the goosebumps on your skin. He loves when you touch his bare chest with your fingers and press slightly your core against him. He loves how lost you get when he touches you, how your confident behaviour crumbles whenever he presses kisses over your body. You are such a turn on to him, it’s almost unfair.
He feels his shorts getting tighter as a tent form under the material. He sighs as he brushes his free hand in his dark hair. He looks at the ceiling as he let his other hand flop against the mattress.
“I can maybe do this in like 10 minutes? And like get back to cleaning after..”
He mumbles to himself as he tries to convince himself it’s a good plan even though he clearly has a feeling that it is not.
“Huh fuck it”
He concludes nonchalantly with a slight shoulder shrug as he awkwardly massages his cock through his shorts. What are the possible odds you enter the room while he decides to do this…
He hisses at the pleasure that the slight friction gives him and his eyes dart to your thong which he’s now holding tighter between his fingers.
From this moment, his mind forgets all about the cleaning task and he’s only thinking of your silhouette, the curve of your body, the view he has when you two are having intercourse. He’s thinking of how he ate your pussy out with this exact thong pressed against your wet core, you always get so wet for him.
His cock now in his hands, Ace allows himself to start with slow strokes which leaves him wishing for your presence. Your lips wrap his tip so well, you suck it and lick it with such skills that he dreams of spending a day just getting his cock sucked by you. Your name leaves his lips as he begins to go faster, occasionally holding his cock tighter like you do.
He’s lost in his train of thoughts before he hears some rumbling outside of his room and your voice from afar after being greeted by Marco. Usually he wouldn’t bother to hide the fact that he was jerking off, but now was a different situation. In panic he pulls his shorts up, but as you open the door, you seem to quickly notice something is off.
“Hey…I came to see how the cleaning was going..”
You trail off as you scan the room. Ace who was just now looking at you with surprised Bambi eyes, cough to shake the awkwardness away and points at his desk area with a slight blush.
“Well the desk is now uhh clean and uh I’m um finishing the clothes..”
“With my thong in your hand?”
You cock an eyebrow at his hand. Ace didn’t notice that he was still holding tightly into the piece of clothing when he pointed at his desk.
His hard bulge makes it harder for him to focus as all he’s thinking right now is tossing the clothes on the floor and fuck you. His eyes stare at you without much thoughts behind.
“Yeah…well your clothes are mixed up with mine”
You squint your eyes at him, before nodding still skeptic. You know Ace, you know your boyfriend, you clearly have an idea of what he was possibly doing and as you step on his belt laying on the floor, it completely confirms it for you.
“You did a better job than I was expecting …”
You start as you ignore him and analyze his job so far. Ace awkwardly shifts on the bed, trying to find a more confortable position that would relieve a little his dick.
“Oh..uh thanks babe, I really tried my best..”
“…, but there is clearly still unfinished work but I guess I did say you have until tonight for it to be done.”
You finish as you turn to face him and point at the pile of clothing. You cross your arms over your chest as you lean back on the desk for support. Ace looks delicious. His shorts are barely hanging on his waist, his obvious hard bulge, his toned body glistening from a slight sweat, his dark long hair covering a little his face and his flushed freckled cheeks.
“I will finish it don’t worry”
He says as he holds eye contact with you and a confident smile. You scoff as a smirk curve your lips. You uncross your arms and walk closer to him. You cup his face with one of your hand, your boyfriend on the other side is still holding eye contact with you. You peck his lips and you find it a bit funny how easily he left a sigh out.
“Alright, then I guess I’m done here”
You try to walk away, but Ace’s hand is quick to hold you back by holding one of your thighs. You know he’s not in a position to ask for favors after the whole cleaning situation and he’s very well aware of this too, which is why he hasn’t flipped you over, back pressed on the bed and fucked you already.
“You can kiss me better than this”
He teases as you feel his thumb massage circles on your skin.
“I will when you hold your promise Fire-Fist”
You reply as you flick his forehead. He whines a little and suddenly his attitude changes completely. He sighs defeated as he let go of his hold on you and lay down again on the bed.
“Alright baby, then see you tonight”
He smirks as he watches your confused expression. You nod slowly, “is he going to just continue what he was doing with my old pair of underwear…” you think to yourself. You slightly get annoyed that he’s able to always be so cool about everything. It’s not fair, because you really wanted to give him the best blowjob ever because he just looks amazing and you love him, but you have your pride. So you decide to not make it so easy for him, make him see what he’s clearly missing by not finishing up his cleaning task.
You quickly kick your footwear off and climb on top of him, surprising him. You smirk to yourself as you feel satisfied with the expected reaction you wanted.
“And what are you going to do Babe?”
You coo at him as you dangerously close the distance between your bodies. Ace brown eyes glitter in excitement and his hands find themselves naturally on your exposed thighs.
His cock is painfully hard at this point. Ace furrows his eyebrows, before tightly closing his eyes in pleasure when your knee softly presses against his bulge.
“Your cock is so hard baby..it must hurt so bad”
You continue in a fake concern. Ace doesn’t answer and he simply let his fingers travel under your shorts where he grabs tightly your ass. You leave at first a peck on his neck and then multiple butterflies kisses all over his torso, until you are facing his hard dick still hidden under his shorts.
“Your dick is probably leaking in precum already”
You continue, trying to push him to the edge. You know you have the control over the situation, but the thought of him randomly snapping and fucking you was incredibly tempting. But you had to stick to your plan. You pan your hot breath over his length under Ace lustful eyes. He’s tightly holding into the bed sheets and that’s when you figure it’s best to leave it there for now.
“Too bad there is still some cleaning to do”
You conclude as you remove yourself from him with a fake disappointed pout. You grin to Ace who looks completely out of it. His head heavily falls back against his pillow as he sighs annoyed.
You put your shoes back and as you’re about to leave, you hear your boyfriend speak.
“Enjoy whatever you have to do now, because I promise you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
You don’t turn around and simply close the door behind yourself.
A clean room and a hard fuck? Seems like the perfect night.
As of now, Ace has to finish, well his
lowkey might do a part 2. If I have time
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erzva · 1 year
⟡ how they kiss you ⸜⸜ luffy zorro sanji law ace
he’s very forceful, sudden and impatient. however still very passionate
a lot of cheek kisses
like he just loves kissing your cheek. he kisses your cheeks first before making out with you or kissing your lips. he often comes in to hug you from the side so your cheek is what’s facing him and since he wastes no time he kisses the first thing in sight. he also really likes the feeling of his lips digging into your soft plump cheeks
since he’s impulsive he often kisses you without a warning at random times. just whenever he feels like it really. which is often
sure he also knows how to time it properly and do it in fitting situations . but most of the time it’s very random bc he just gets the desire to make out with you a little
when he‘s bored he always goes to you to kill time. he‘ll start by clinging onto you and whining about how bored he is until he peppers your face with kisses before he takes your face into his hands to make out with you and feel your tongue against his. a lot of times he wants to take it even further and have sex so he‘ll drag you into his chambers after making out with you for a bit
he’s a very out of sight out of mind person so when he suddenly remembers that the two of you are together and that he has a s/o he gets excited and starts looking for you to kiss or hug you
he’s gentle slow and passionate
a lot of neck kisses
he never had a s/o and never really wanted one. his main goal is his swordsman rank. so he’s very inexperienced in the whole relationship field. you were his first everything and taught him all the things he wasn’t magically good at
he developed his own kissing style pretty quickly
he hates pda and only likes getting touchy in private
don’t expect him to have too high of a libido. he’s still very much focused on training and becoming the best
however he is really into foreplay. he likes getting all touchy and groping you when you’re in his chambers and
he’s a chronic cuddler and loves holding you captive during naps. when he’s sleepy and groggy after naps he always holds onto you and has to be touching you in some way. he doesn’t care if other ppl see in this instance. the rest of the crew has seen him slouching and holding onto your shirt with one arm while you’re leaving his chambers more than they can count
a/n : forgot this was about kissing and not hugging let me get back on track
his favorite thing to do is definitively making out. because you can decide when to stop and it doesn’t have to last too long. not as long as sex does. it’s perfect to him. it’s fun and sensual and nasty and it doesn’t take half an hour
when nobody’s looking or you’re kinda further away from the rest of the crew he’ll pull you into a kiss.
making out with him out in the open usually lasts a couple minutes
when you’re alone and he knows you’re probably not gonna get interrupted he makes out with you a lot longer
he’s passionate and forceful bc he just can’t get enough of you
a lot of forehead kisses
he loves pda. he loves showing you off and having other ppl see that you’re taken.
he often gives you little kisses throughout the day. like when he’s done making something delicious for you, after he hands you the plate he’ll kiss your forehead. or when you’re off somewhere with nami and robin and he passes by you, he comes up from behind and tilts your head back so he can kiss your forehead or lips.
also the type to kiss your hands a lot. like when you’re playing a card game with the crew for example and you’re sitting next to each other he’ll take your free hand and kiss it
or kissing your lower leg, not just during sex when you’re in your back and he’s taking off your panties but also during the day when you’re sunbathing for example. he’ll stand above you and lift your leg up to kiss it before he works his way up by kissing your stomach, chest and neck. he loves licking and kissing you when you’re sunbathing and sweating. he just loves your smell and taste
just constant displays of affection throughout the day
slow, gentle and shy
a lot of hand kisses
he has a thing for hands and he loves yours. loves kissing them, holding them, or having them around his dick. he prefers hand jobs over blow jobs
hates pda more than anything. don’t expect him to be all up on you when there’s ppl around or when there could be ppl around any second
he saves the clinginess for when you’re alone. then you can expect him to be all up on you. seriously when you’re in his chambers he doesn’t let go of you. clings to you like a panda. he’s just really touch and live starved and needs your attention all the time.
he loves having you sit on his lap or vice versa and switching between making out with you and hugging you
fast and gentle yet forceful. it’s just the right pressure
a lot of neck kisses
loves pda more than anything. he’s very insecure about his worth so he needs other ppl to see that you’re with him. that he’s the one you love and chose to be with.
he’s often standing behind you with his head buried in your neck just pressing light butterfly kisses on your delicate skin. unless ofc he’s marking it up and bruising it. he doesn’t care if there’s another person talking to you or even him.
he loves seeing you covered in love bites in places where they’re visible to everyone. also in places where only he sees them
he’s a bit possessive..
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portgasmalia · 1 year
ACE having immense trouble sleeping in his bunk without you. he‘s always reaching out for your body, his hand tapping the empty, cold space beside him. he‘s missing your warmth badly, the way your body molded perfectly against his. the little touches of your fingertips along his underarm and the sweet, soft snores as you drifted away in his embrace. so when he had to sleep alone, he had a hard time to find a peaceful night. always hoping you would return in the middle of the night.
whitebeard sent you off on another mission, attempting to find information about a certain enemy. ACE who stands on the deck, leaning against the railing and watching the endless ocean waves around the moby dick. he eagerly awaits your return, always worried that one day you might not come back to him. he could not imagine a life without you by his side, trying to talk father into letting him accompany you but whitebeard always denied it as ACE was needed on the ship.
when you return to the moby dick with the needed information, whitebeard announced a great feast to celebrate your being healthy. while the others celebrate, dance, and drink, you’re caught up in the tight embrace of ACE‘s arms. a hand softly placed on your stomach, his chin on your shoulder while watching the crew enjoy the night. „i missed you,“ he would mutter once in a while, pecking the side of your throat while his cold chains graze your arms and spread shivers.
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
Hello 🤗 can I request no6 from the drunk prompts for your event with ace?
Portgas D. Ace x prompt 6 (drunk prompts) - “okay, i think that’s enough for tonight.”
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ofc you can, tysm for participating!! hope this is okay :) i love writing for ace eheh - I hope this is okay and that it meets your expectations! enjoy and lmk what you think <333
gender neutral reader | mention of alcohol / drunken behaviour | 808 words.
reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated ♡ if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee. -> from this event.
A familiar warmth rapidly spread across your cheeks as you chucked down yet another drink, Thatch swiftly preparing one pint after the other. The whole ship echoed with laughter, loud music playing in the background as a bunch of crew members tunelessly sang their usual chants.
"To us!"
The clicking sound of two glasses followed your words as you cheered with Marco. His usual seriousness was now replaced by the boldness only a good drink can give, and for once, Marco was having fun with all of you - drinking more than he could handle, playing stupid games and blurting out embarrassing things he would regret in the morning. After all, you deserved it - you had just escaped a real-life nightmare, obtaining yet another Poneglyph and surviving a clash with one of the four emperors, continuing Whitebeard's legacy and honouring his name. For the first night in weeks, you could finally let your guard down.
When Izou took your hand, letting you get up from your seat just to swing you around and luring you into a dance with him, you couldn't help but laugh, following his movements. His body felt warm against yours, his experienced hands resting on your hips as he swayed you from one direction to another. Regardless of your goofy movements, everyone was cheering on the two of you - everyone but Ace.
The fire fist remained silent, sitting on the bench you were just sharing with him, sipping on his drink and keeping his eyes locked on you. His pupils kept scanning your figure, the way your stumbled during your dance and the places Izou's hands wondered around your body. The slightest sparkle of jealousy started in his heart as he saw the love of his life in the arms of another man - someone he could never compete with. Ace wondered whether the attentions you were giving to his fellow comrade were out of affection, or love, or alcohol. Sure - every time you drank you often grew cuddlier, gifting hugs and snuggling with him and Marco; but this time it was different. This time, your body was pressed against one of the strongest commanders among the Whitebeard's crew, and you seemed to look at him the way you should have looked at Ace.
Ace was brought back to reality when you slammed your hands on the table, a loud laugh escaping your lips as you tried to keep yourself from falling.
"Hi fire boi." you called, poking his nose.
Smiling in response, Ace lightly tapped his hand on the bench, inviting you to take place next to him. Accepting his invitation, you were quick to snuggle against him, your head now resting on his shoulder.
"Had fun?"
Ace asked, his words sounding more bitter than intended. Only nodding in response, you snatched his drink off his hands and took a sip, the stinging taste of rum making you scrunch your nose. Attempting to put the glass down, you clumsily smashed it against the table, knocking down a few other drinks that were now spilling all over and soaking all of your clothes.
“Okay, i think that’s enough for tonight.”
Ace said, taking what was left of the glasses off your hand and helping you get up. You couldn't help but chuckle at the mess you made, worsening your staggering and only making it easier for you to fall. Ace's arm was quick to wrap around your waist, holding you tightly and gently helping you make your way to your room. The path to your bedroom was not without obstacles, and when you finally made it to bed Ace could finally relax again.
"Take this."
Ace said, taking off his shirt. Ironically, earlier that night he had spent hours searching through his wardrobe, trying to find a shirt that would suit him perfectly - he wanted to look nice, and he wanted you to notice. Yet, here he was again - standing shirtless in front of you. A giggle escaped your lips as you appreciated the sight in front of you - regardless of how many times you had seen his abs or lazily traced the freckles on his chest, Ace was still doing it for you. Mumbling a weak thank you, you changed into his clothes.
"Don't need to turn around." you teased, seeing Ace flustered reaction.
The mere act of your fingers reaching the hems of your own shirt made painted Ace's cheeks of a crimson red, quickly turning around to give you some privacy.
"You clearly had enough drinks." Ace remarked.
"Not enough to regret this in the morning."
Getting up from your bed, you walked towards him. Wrapping your arms around his torso, you rested your head against his muscular back.
"Sleep here tonight, mh?" you whispered against his skin, leaving a kiss on his shoulder blade.
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