#Achieve Your Dreams
yourlovelyspace · 10 days
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And get happy when the other one achieves them 💝
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safieblue · 10 months
Basic wealth principles ✨💸🍀
• If you have all of your expenses taken care of, you are wealthy.
• If you have your living provided, you are wealthy.
With a wealth mindset, you know that you pay for new expenses with cashflow, you acquire something new or set yourself into your next paradigm when you have a certain amount of money coming to you assured, that will cover for your expenses - you never pay at your own expense, you do not accumulate debt, you grow into your own money - this is cashflow, and in most cases, is passive, strategized or business-originated.
🩷 See this if you are not yet there, if you have your living expenses, your day to day wishes taken care of - you are already wealthy.
🩷 Growing from there is increasing your wealth, and your focus is always mainly on cashflow growth. Cashflow will always grow and assure the concept of being taken care of, that wealth provided and orientated people bring about through their lives.
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jenniferdarjeeling · 6 months
Honest Thoughts:
If only my kid self, who was so shy and timid with big dreams, could see me now.
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super-selfpower · 1 year
How Should we Deal With Fear And Limits to Achieve our Goals And Dreams?
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Desire and fear are both natural human emotions. Fear can serve as a warning system and help us avoid harm if we are aware of potential dangers. When fear overwhelms us and prevents us from taking action toward our goals and dreams, it can be harmful. To overcome fear and achieve our goals and dreams, it can be helpful to:
Identify the source of the fear: Understanding the root cause of our fear can help us address it more effectively.
Challenge our fears: It's imperative to question whether our fears are rational and grounded in reality, or if they are based on assumptions and beliefs that may not be true.
Take small steps: Starting with small, manageable tasks can help build confidence and momentum.
Seek support: Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can provide valuable perspective and guidance.
Desire, on the other hand, can be a powerful motivator. To achieve our goals and dreams, it's imperative to:
Set clear and specific goals: Having a clear idea of what we want to achieve can help us stay motivated and focused.
Make a plan: Break larger goals down into smaller, more manageable tasks and create a plan of action.
Take action: Consistently taking steps towards our goals, no matter how small, can help us make progress.
Stay flexible: Be open to new opportunities and be ready to adapt our plan as needed.
In the end, dealing with fear and desire is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. We must find a balance between the two and avoid letting fear stop us from pursuing our dreams.
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Hi, I would like to share with you a short poem I wrote on 30th November 2022. I hope you'll enjoy it even though it's very short :)
Sometimes I forget about the light I glow
I feel so little in this world
But then I realize that in my heart
There is a fire that's burning so hard
It makes me want to fight
It makes me want to run for my life
And go for the dreams that I have
I can do this, am I right?
Inside of me there is a light
And that light is burning bright
It will lead me to the start
Of me being myself, not wanting to hide
I can feel the passion deep inside
Nothing will make it stop
Reminding me that I have purpose in my life
Yes, I am here a reason, love
But so you are
A song recommendation for today:
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edilylearning · 1 year
Today is a good day as any to go achieve your dreams! - Daily motivation from your friends at Edily🫶🏼
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what if i eat their weapons THEN the contestants?? :0
Try your best
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sarahboyerdigiexpert · 3 months
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Let's challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zones, to dream big, and to work tirelessly towards turning those dreams into reality. Remember, the only limits that truly exist are the ones we place upon ourselves.
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no-one-picked-maris · 3 months
~*~*~* goals ~*~*~*
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livingwellnessblog · 4 months
Hear  Your Good news Announced! A Neville Goddard Method
Hear  Your Good news Announced! A Neville Goddard Method
Hear  Your Good news Announced! Imagine this: You’re chatting with an aquaintance, someone you know and who knows you but NOT your best friend. Why not your best friend? Because your best friend already knows everything! You tell your best friend everything first, so imagine a person who maybe knows you both, but you don’t usually confide in them. In other words; An acquaintance! Hear them say…
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alexherringva · 5 months
Transform Your Aspirations into Reality with 'SMART Goals: The Blueprint for Achievable New Year Resolutions
As the New Year unfolds, it brings with it a sense of renewal and a chance to reset our aspirations. But how often have we set New Year resolutions only to find them gathering dust by February? The key to transforming these aspirations into tangible achievements lies in the art of setting ‘SMART’ goals. So here we delve into this tried and tested method. Let’s break down each element of SMART…
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illumtori · 5 months
Budget Template Transformation: Adapting to Financial Milestones
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Ever felt like your financial life is a jigsaw puzzle, and just as you place one piece, the picture changes? That is where the beauty of a flexible budget template comes in. Whether you are landing your first job, tying the knot, or planning for retirement, your budget needs to adapt. In this guide, we will explore how to transform your budget template to align with your changing financial landscape, ensuring it remains a powerful tool in achieving your financial goals.
Understanding Financial Milestones
Financial milestones are significant events that mark changes in your financial journey; think of them like signposts guiding your path. These could range from your first paycheck, buying your dream home, getting married, to welcoming a new family member, and even planning for retirement. Each of these milestones comes with its unique financial implications and opportunities.
Recognizing these milestones is the first step in financial planning as it is like having a map for your journey. You need to know the key destinations. By identifying these events, you can prepare and adapt your budget accordingly, ensuring you are not just reacting to changes but proactively managing them.
Initial Budget Template Setup
Setting up your budget template is like laying the foundation for a house. It needs to be solid, yet adaptable. There are several methods to consider, such as the 50/30/20 rule, where you allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debts. Another approach is zero-based budgeting, where every dollar is assigned a specific purpose.
The key is to choose a template that is not just user-friendly but also customizable. Life isn’t static, and neither should be your budget. A good budget template should allow you to easily adjust categories, add new income sources, and adapt to changing financial priorities.
Adapting Your Budget for Major Life Changes
Life is full of surprises, and your budget needs to reflect that. A significant career move, for instance, may mean a higher income, but also possibly increased expenses or a new retirement plan. Marriage or partnering up can merge two financial worlds, requiring a revised budget approach. And let’s not forget about the joy (and financial impact) of adding a new family member!
In these moments, revisit your budget template. Look at adjusting your savings goals, re-evaluate your spending categories, and ensure your budget aligns with your new financial reality. Remember, a budget that adapts is a budget that works.
Budgeting for Long-Term Goals
Long-term goals often seem distant but planning for them can’t be an afterthought. Whether it is building a retirement nest egg or saving for your children’s education, these goals require early and strategic planning. Start by incorporating them into your budget template as distinct categories. Allocate a portion of your income regularly to these categories, just as you would for your monthly expenses. This foresight not only gives you a clearer vision of your financial future but also instills a sense of discipline and purpose in your day-to-day spending.
Using Technology to Track and Adapt Your Budget
Gone are the days of budgeting with pen and paper. In our digital age, an array of budgeting tools and apps are at your fingertips, making it easier to adapt your budget as your life changes. These tools can automatically categorize your spending, alert you when you are nearing your budget limits, and even provide insights into your financial habits.
Look for apps that allow for customization in line with your financial milestones. Whether it is setting up savings goals for a new home or tracking expenses for a new baby, these tools can be invaluable in helping you stay on track with your evolving financial goals.
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Even the best budget can be undermined by common pitfalls. One such trap is failing to review and adjust your budget regularly. Just as your life isn’t static, your budget shouldn’t be either. Regular check-ins ensure your budget remains relevant and effective.
Another pitfall is being too rigid. While discipline is important, your budget should have some flexibility to accommodate unexpected expenses or changes in income. Lastly, don’t forget to factor in some room for enjoyment. A budget that’s too restrictive can lead to burnout and make it harder to stick to in the long run.
Adapting your budget to life’s financial milestones is about creating a dynamic tool that grows and changes as you do. By understanding your financial milestones, setting up a flexible budget template, and using technology to your advantage, you can navigate each stage of your financial journey with confidence. Remember, the goal of a budget isn’t to restrict you, but to empower you in achieving a balanced and fulfilling financial life.
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wizedaily · 5 months
Keep thinking about your goals day and night
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educationhubtexas · 8 months
The Power of Motivational Speaking 💪🎤
Discover the transformative influence of motivational speaking. Explore how motivational speakers inspire, motivate, and empower individuals to achieve their goals and dreams.
Refer Link - https://justpaste.it/motivational-speaking
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monicascot · 10 months
Your judgements are affected
We delve into the fascinating realm of human judgment and uncover the myriad factors that affect our decision-making process. From cognitive biases to social pressures, our judgment are constantly influenced by external forces. Join us as we explore the psychology behind judgment formation and discover how these influences shape our perceptions.
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