dougielombax · 1 month
I’m looking forward to the next season of Star Trek Lower Decks.
But I’m still FURIOUS at Paramount+ for cutting it short as an AFTERTHOUGHT!!!
To say nothing of how they straight up ABANDONED Star Trek Prodigy. (Which has at least gotten a second chance for now)
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cookkoo · 10 months
I DID IT!!! agsdhjkaa
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Drawtober 2023: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]
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Ok I haven't done this since 2018 it feels weird asdfjka. But since I finally able to complete the challenge I feel like it's ok to talk about it
First of, thank you for all the hearts and the reblogs— the tags are great as usual lol. could never stressed this enough but these interactions really fire me up. So thank you!!
Now for the reflection part
tbh I was not really sure what I was trying to achieve when I started drawing this year challenge, but one thing is I draw way too little and there's not enough shumako content in my own sketchbook
Long story short, this challenge has been a great journey, I did surprised myself a lot of times, especially day12, hotdamn I never knew I could draw a back this hot asdfhgja. But also, for someone who have been holding the ideas of 'drawing is suffering, and it will always kills your ego because you will never be good enough' mentality, doing this challenge kinda fix that in a good way. Sure, my back still ache and I pulled way too many all nighters for my own good, but I really really enjoy almost every moment of these past two months.
(Let's not talk about the fact that it took me 2 months to finish O}-{)
I think I should add that working traditionally (altho it kinda turn into more of a mix media at some point) really was refreshing. Inking is a bit unforgiving in a way, but it does give my brain good exercise, looking for solutions when making a mistake. It also kinda forced me to stop overwork on some parts, forgive myself (since there's not much I could do with those thick paint) and move on.
Also, this challenge finally give me the opportunity to express my love to P5S asdfjagd. Srsly tho, it came out when I stuck in a very bad slump. So I'm very happy I got to draw the PT hanging out and enjoying their summer together
Anyhow! Since I'm actually completed it, I'm thinking of compiling them and turn them into a zine. So, one more time, I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I might comeback with a few more drawtober posts just because I wanna show how the zine gonna turn out asdfagj
If you read it this far then, uh, that's a lot of reading. Thank you once again for letting me cover your tl with my ted talk! lmao Hope you will stick around because I'm not done expressing my love to my OTP. Until then~!
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aromanticgarbage · 1 month
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Benee AMA x
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icingnsprinkles · 6 months
In the quiet of night, she's the whisper in my dreams,
Her laughter, a melody, like flowing streams.
With every breath, her presence I find,
For she's the only one on my mind.
In fields of stars, her eyes do shine bright,
Guiding me through darkness with their gentle light.
Her touch, a soft breeze, so tender and kind,
Oh, she's the only one on my mind.
In every song, her voice I hear,
A symphony of love, forever dear.
In the silence of solitude, her essence I find,
For she's the only one on my mind.
Through valleys deep and mountains high,
In every moment, she's by my side.
With every beat, her love I bind,
For she's the only one on my mind.
In the tapestry of life, she's my guiding star,
Leading me through shadows near and far.
In every thought, in every rhyme,
She's the only one on my mind, for all time.
From a Broken Heart
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stevieschrodinger · 23 days
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 2 months
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Summary: Written for day 7 of Augusnippets. Mind Full AU. Forgetting himself, Hiccup finds himself pinned underwater.
Warnings: /
Rating: Teen and Up
Dead Dove: No
Words: 497
Prompts: Drowning
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless
Author's Notes: Back in the present, but that doesn't mean Hiccup is any safer. 😈
The only time when Hiccup can feel himself is when he’s hurt. Not with a bruise or a cut, but when his body is screaming and his brain fears for his life.
Like when hunting Astrid and her friends down in a place they once again aren’t supposed to bein leads to him being crushed underwater. He doesn’t even realize he’s trouble until his lungs feel like they’re going to burst.
Stormfly tracked them to the bowls of the ship and now it’s sinking. Their meddling panicked dragons, including the Light Fury who went on a rampage and now they needed to let every dragon they rescued free.
It’s as Hiccup lets out the final Nadder in thigh-high water, that a beam from this storage area, compromised by a blast, comes down.
“Hiccup, look out!” But the warning comes to late and it flattens him down onto the grated platform on his front. At first, he doesn’t even realize the trouble he’s in, more concerned about that Nadder getting away in time. Eyes stinging in the salty water, he watches it take off and feels relief.
And that’s when the trouble begins. Just then his lungs are ready to burst and his chest feels like it’s being crushed, his ribs on the cusp of collapsing beneath him, his back is in agony. He tried to push it off, but one arm is beneath him and he wouldn’t have any leverage even if it wasn’t.
Panic, he pushes, he kicks. In his mind, he’s calling to his dragons for help. He’s going to die, black edges his vision.
Two feet land in the water next to him as his struggling slows. Teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, he recognizes Astrid, shewarned him. Her arms dive into the water and wrap around the beam. She’s trying to lift it off him. If that wasn’t a shock already, her friends try to help. Underwater, he can hear their muffled arguing.
They groan from the effort until it budges and get it off him with just enough space to pull him out. Astrid’s hands grab hold of his flannel button-up and she pulls him out. Finally, he can breathe and he takes in a gulp so big it hurts.
“Okay, calm down, just breathe. Breathe.”
It’s hard to. His back, chest, ribs, it all hurts, they feel crushed. His spine is made of liquid fire, it could be broken and he holds himself. He stares at her in shock. Why would they save him when they’re on opposite sides?
“Are you okay?” Astrid asks and he’s not sure how to answer that.
When Toothless lands nearby on a container, the time to has passed. They should all escape. Ignoring his pain, he tries to climb in the saddle.
“You don’t have to go back to her!” Astrid yells and he stares like she’s crazy. He has a mission!
Growling, Toothless urges him in the saddle, bringing an end to that conversation.
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arlenelperez · 8 months
When you finally realize
You're someone's afterthought,
it's time to...
validate your feelings,
remove yourself from the equation,
shift your narrative,
talk with a loved one...
or bend a therapist's ear.
Remind yourself...
stings are temporary sensations,
this is about them, not you.
Fortify your self-confidence.
Try to make new friendships,
or build up current relationships.
BUT most importantly....
Stop wasting your time
on individuals
who treat you like an afterthought.
surround yourself with people
who love and support you.
And NEVER...
ALLOW yourself
to be an afterthought
ever again!
Copyright by Arlene L. Perez on February 2, 2024.
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 1 year
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Recently redesigned all my Homestuck OCS 🥳
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stompingondaisies · 1 year
I would like to be a priority for a change. I'm very tired of being an after thought, but maybe that's all I'm worth.
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plasmagrrl · 9 months
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secondaryafter · 4 months
Secondary After Thought Pt 1
My body doesn’t work … or at least the parts that define a woman. I don’t know where I am even going to go with this but here we are.
Struggling to figure out if I am or will ever be enough. Feeling like a lady but cursed with excessive growth of hair in places a lady just doesn’t or should not have. Shaving , waxing, and even going through extreme amounts of pain just to hide it all. Wondering if he ever thinks “ew”. Does he know how hard it is to brush through hair that is falling out leaving bald spots in its place. How hard it is to see what beauty is left.
I just want to be normal.
Welcome to the secondary after thoughts.
Please enjoy your stay.
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You are not an afterthought, my love.
You are not the silent letters in spellings that children forget exist and make mistakes over. You are not the date after a new year, hastily scribbled and scratched out to be corrected. You are not the things stuffed in my knick-knack drawer, where I know I have things but I never really remember them.
You are the sun shining so bright that even in a room with the curtains closed, I know from the gentle brightness peeking through, you are there. You are the sun, so bright that even when you're not around, your light keeps the moon illuminated at night for others to see. You don't slip my mind, because you can't slip my mind.
You have always been a magnificent shade of red, my love. I'm sorry those around you were colourblind and didn't know there was more to you than they could possibly fathom.
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hopkin0012 · 8 months
I don’t want to be someone’s insignificant other.
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celticanglopres · 8 months
All Under Heaven - Afterthought
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echo1sm · 8 months
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follow up to Sim!Step erm….
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evelhak · 2 years
If me mentioning my divorce lightheartedly made someone uncomfortable I am very sorry. Humour is often my coping mechanism and no one knows me or my wife irl so I didn't think anything of talking about it generally. But I may have been thoughtless.
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