#Al Street
itslillyillustrates · 11 months
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
I loved Summon AU, is it possible that you make more Summon AU?
The aftermath of the summoning leaves the Wayne Manor in a strange sense of foreboding. No one really knows what the Ghost King has done with their list or what it means for them that he has accepted.
Everyone tried to go about their daily lives, attempting to act like they weren't looking over their shoulders. Bruce had nearly broken a blood vessel when he heard about them doing a stupid online trend when they knew magic and gods were real.
They couldn't think of a better excuse for why they did besides "it seemed funny at the time."
Bruce had been so unimpressed with them all that he broke out the big guns.
That night, Alfred grounded them. He really sat everyone- minutes Cass because she had escaped through the window after Danny called- and told them they would not be allowed to use any form of technology unless it was related to their nighttime job.
They would also be given a chore list to complete every day until their punishment was over.
Even though neither Dick or Jason lived at home anymore, they too were grounded and didn't bother to even try to argue with the aging butler. Cass was informed of her own punishment through a text, and she returned about thirty minutes later, ready to face her punishment.
She reorganized everything in storage- and in Wayne Manor, there was a lot in storage- without a single complaint, but she did seem somewhat nervous. And excited?
Like a child waiting to open a present.
That was out of character for Cass, but no one was brave enough to ask her about it. Life before the manor was a taboo topic when it came to Cass.
A week later, her restless behavior finally came to light.
When the doorbell rang, Alfred was just looking over the wood polishing job Tim and Damian had been assigned. Confused- as there were no expected guests and the kids were all still grounded- he approached the door cautiously. Tim was on standby in case things went south.
A young adult, likely barely eighteen, with pretty blue eyes, a vast, charming smile, and a gorgeous winter-themed dress, was on the other side of the door. Their hair is short but styled to have one side longer than the other, framing their face perfectly.
A spinnable circle pin on her dress read Gender Fluid in the unmovable part and "She/Her day" in the spinal part.
"Hi there," She chirps, a dimple on full display. "I'm Danny."
"Good afternoon, Danny. My name is Alfred. How can I help you?"
"I was wondering if Cass was home?" Dany starts surprising Alfred and Tim -who were eavesdropping around the corner- as the girl carefully plays with her hair. "I was hoping to talk to her."
"Miss Casandra is currently not allowed guests." The butler starts slowly. He watches her face fall dramatically before humming. "I can, however, pass along a message to her."
"Oh yeah, that be great. Please let her know Danny was wondering if she would like to go with me to see a ballet tonight. Um if she's allowed to go out."
Tim's eyes widen. A date? Danny had come here in person to ask Cass if she wanted to go on a date? Then had the courage to ask Alfred, to his face, if she could take his grandaughter out?
Who is she? Tim thinks amazed. He wants to text the rest of the group chat, which would invade Cass' privacy. He waits a few minutes until Alfred responds.
"Miss Casandra is currently grounded. Unfortunately, she and her siblings cannot leave until their punishment ends."
Tim winces. Hopefully, Cass being nineteen and still being grounded at her age didn't scare off Danny. Some people didn't understand how much power Alfred's word had over the manor and frankly, those people didn't deserve Cass anyway.
But it would make her sad.
"Oh, that's okay. Thank you for letting me-"
A scream makes everyone jump. Tim whirls around to find Damian pressed against the main stairway. His face has gone three sheets of white, staring at Danny with horror.
Danny tilts her head. "Me?"
"Y-you!" Damian gasps and Tim is highly alarmed that his voice is tinted with fear. "Why are you here?!"
"I came to ask Cass if-"
"You will not take Cain from me, Ghost King! I will destroy your core before you try to get near her!" Damian screams, hand suddenly holding a glowing green sword, but his threat doesn't hold much because he is literally shaking in his boots. "You have your summon payment already! You shall leave Cain alone!"
"Oh! You think no, no. I'm not here for her soul or anything. Cass and I go way back when she lived on the streets. " Danny- the ghost king they summoned using a list of their gay awaking apparently- laughs, waving her hands as if to calm the young child. "I liked her for a while but thought she didn't feel the same. Until the summoning, where I saw my name on the list. We talked it out, and I was hoping to take her on a first date, you know?"
"You lie!" Damian races down to point his sword at Danny, looking just as wild as a cornered animal about to fight for its life. "Why would the strongest being in the multiverse live on the streets?!"
"Well....it's not like they pay to rule the dead....I had a rough patch, but Cass helped me get back on my feet." Danny muttered, slightly embarrassed. Then she squits at Damian. "Wait, are you a al Ghul?"
Damian breaks into a sweat as Danny gasps, "You are! You're family owes me so much money in backed up taxes for the healing pool! We cut off contamination maintenance because Ra's refused to pay years ago! Kid, do you know I can get into contact with your family member about the Lazarus pit?"
Damian screamed again, turned around, and ran, leaving a stunned Alfred, Tim and Danny. "Guess not. Anyway, sorry to be a bother Mr. Alfred, I'll come back when Cass can go out. Bye!"
A familiar portal rips under Danny as she falls through with a cheerful wave. Alfred and Tim watch it close in a moment before Tim turns to the butler. "Did I inhale too many polishing chemicals? Am I hallucinating?"
"No, my dear boy, I saw everything as well."
"Oh, good. " Tim pauses. " One of us needs to speak to Damian and Cass."
Alfred closes the door slowly. "I'll find Master Damian. You go for Miss Cassandra and Master Tim?"
"The next time, Mister Conner sends you a fun trend to try. Don't."
"Yeah, that's fair."
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
14 April 2024
Concerning reports coming out of north Gaza this morning
Resistance News Network claims on Telegram that the occupation supposedly allowed some women and children under the age of 14 to return to their homes in north Gaza via Rashid Street.
However, journalist Hossam Shabat says that the IOF has denounced this as completely false, advising people not to approach the area or try to return to the north, as it is still an active war zone. RNN provides photographic and video evidence, while Hossam directly cites the words of the occupation.
Journalist Anas Al-Sharif reports this on his Telegram channel as well, citing the same evidence.
Meanwhile journalist Saed Al-Zaneen reports on Telegram that some people are trying to return to their homes in the north of their own initiative. Some occupation squads *may* be allowing this in certain areas, but it is not sanctioned by IOF leadership and could change at any time. He warns that the troops may suddenly attack the people trying to return, and that the occupation is not to be trusted.
We will continue monitoring the situation, but advise our followers not to spread word of any return of displaced people to the north right now, at least until circumstances are much more clear
UPDATE AT TIME OF PUBLISHING: Hossam Shabat reports occupation vehicles are now advancing on Al-Rashid Street in Gaza City. Saed Al-Zaneen reports this as well. He now also reports one martyr and one wounded person have arrived at Al-Awda Hospital in north Gaza after they tried to return to the north via Al-Rashid Street. He reports they are being attacked from helicopters and provides documentation. Resistance News Network reports this as well. Journalist Momin Abu Owda also documents this Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul is at Al-Nabulsi Roundabout on Al-Rashid Street and reports no sign of people being able to return.
The situation is obviously in flux. I need to go to bed, but I will review the situation when I wake up. Please follow the cited sources and use a translation software as needed.
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corpseflwr · 4 months
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ryllen · 8 months
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Was giving these analysis a read [ x , x , x , x ]
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odinsblog · 8 months
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The site of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing in Jenin has been bulldozed and her shrine desecrated, in an unexplained early-morning operation on 26 October.
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A surfaced road running between houses has been reduced to huge boulders of broken concrete, and earth dug to over half a meters depth. Vehicles passed up and down the lane. One day after, even walking amid the smashed rocks would be a challenge. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) in condemning this act of vandalism and recalls on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh.
The road, Balat al-Shuhada’ Street, in the Jabriyat neighbourhood of Jenin is thought to have been ploughed up by heavy civil engineering vehicles at approximately 3 am on 27 October. Locals state that these were operated by members of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). Paintings of Abu Akleh, and tributes left on the spot where she was shot have beed destroyed.
Nasser Abu Bakr, PJS president said: “This is a monstrous act of destruction. Shireen’s family and friends have found some solace visiting the place where she was shot down, and placing tributes. This wanton act of vandalism is surely revenge for the report just issued by the UN that states that Israeli forces ‘wilfully or recklessly killed Abu Akleh’. It underlines the need for her case to the investigated by the International Criminal Court ICC, with which the IFJ has already lodged a complaint”.
IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger said: “I have visited this site myself and know firsthand how important it had become to those who mourn Shireen’s loss. It is hard to see this destruction as anything other than a cruel act of vengeance, of a kind that can only exacerbate tensions in Palestine. The sooner the ICC gives this case the attention it deserves, the better”.
(continue reading)
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stuckinapril · 2 months
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bookseller in baghdad, iraq
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vyorei · 6 months
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The IOF's started fuckin seawater into the tunnel system despite it potentially hurting the freshwater supply
Not that 98% of it was even drinkable anyway but still
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wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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PARIS STREET oil painting by Guymick Cormic
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Heat (1995) dir. Michael Mann // The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) dir. Martin Scorsese
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12neonlit-stage · 1 year
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STH // To Meknes, Morocco! - Sonic World Adventure My Illust for @sonicworldadventurezine !
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supercap2319 · 11 days
"You think you got what it takes? Freddy chuckles. "I've been guarding my gate for a long time, bitch." Freddy grabbed Y/N and threw him across the church; he crashed into the confessional booth with debris flying everywhere upon impact.
"Poor, Y/N. So much power. So much potential, but you squandered it." Freddy walked towards him, clicking his finger blades together in an attempt to scare Y/N. "Don't worry though. I'll put that power of yours to good use."
"What makes you think I'd willing hand it over to you?" Y/N asked.
"Oh, I figured you wouldn't. So, I had to find me some piggies to play with." Freddy smirks. Before Y/N could ask what he meant, Freddy waved his non bladed hand, and suddenly, images of Peter, Jaime, and Al came into view. They were trapped in horrible nightmares. Their own fears.
"What are you doing? Leave them alone!"
"Uh uh uh. Powers first, bitch. Boyfriends second." Freddy grins.
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
9 April 2024
Journalist Belal Mortaja documents how, despite the devastation and ongoing danger, the people of north Gaza refuse to give up celebrating Eid al-Fitr under genocide.
A small marketplace has been erected among the rubble of destroyed shops and homes on Omar al-Mukhtar Street in Gaza City. Despite having so little food available, a small amount of festive sweets has been prepared. Premade candies and other snacks are available as well. Shops have gone through their decimated inventories to find clothing, toys, and goods that are still usable, and put them up for sale.
The size and spirit does not compare to a typical Eid market in Gaza, and money for purchases has mostly been depleted over the last six months. However, the social and emotional value of this gathering is incalculable. It is a testament to the determination, resilience, and community devotion of the people of north Gaza that the market has been constructed at all.
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Al Vandenberg, London, 1970 - 1980
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sweet-honey-fruit · 1 year
Kaveh makes so much noise in bed, whether it's praise or just him having and it's hard to keep him from getting the both of you caught when you're riding him silly, you know very well that Alhaitham is reading in the other room and when you try to cover Kaveh's mouth he stops you because Kaveh thinks he's probably got his "soundproof earpieces" on while reading his book so you let Kaveh be noisy and let yourself loose, too... what you guys don't know is that Alhaitham has them off and is too distracted to read from how good both of you sound together... You both don't even think about it when you hear a voice that isn't your own accidentally moan out loud as you both come until you're coming down from your highs. And the thought actually turns both of you on knowing the scribe lost his cool for once. A note is made to invite him into the room when you both clean yourselves up.
Got me drooling.
So many thoughts swirling from this.
Like inviting him into the room, letting one thing lead to another, and the usually always composed Scribe being turned into a mumbling, flushed mess.
The feeling of both of you touching him making him do nothing but melt, letting you do as you please. Kaveh using this as an opportunity to get back at Al-Haitham for all those months- years, of torment. Edging him non stop till his cock is leaking precum and he's begging. Begging for release. And when it doesn't work he turns to you, hoping that you'll be his saving grace. Maybe you will be. Maybe you'll convince Kaveh to let the poor Scribe cum all over his hand. It would be a sight to see Kaveh lick it up.
Or maybe you want to play the sadist too. Giving him a mocking smile as you force him down onto your arousal, to force his tongue to do some other work other than beg for something he hasn't deserved yet.
Another thought: being the one in the middle. Having your holes filled oh do nicely by the two of them. Letting them use you, to get themselves off while you cum over and over. It's your own little reward for being so good for Kaveh earlier.
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sluggoonthestreet · 10 months
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Later that day, Clem and Stuart's new business venture hit a rough patch when they learned that waffle makers need to be plugged in.
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