#Alan Balsam
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arkygifs · 2 months
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All The President's Men (1976)
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likeitovich · 1 year
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Catch-22 by Mike Nichols (1970)
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littlemourningstarr · 2 months
Eager Little Wings
Astarion finally manages to accomplish one of his vampirism quirks- even if the process isn't all that smooth.
Read below or on AO3!
Pairing: Astarion x Transmasc tav
Part of the Eternally Yours series!
Tags: Transmasc tav, fluff, a touch of comedy, batstarion, referenced Astarion/Tav/Rolan
A/N: Yes, this is based on a Batstarion post I made who knows who long ago. It's quite short so I hesitated posting it- but figured what the hell (plus it's referenced in a current WIP)
Sekh leaned back against his work table, watching Astarion pace across his basement lab. The room was pulsing in soft light- pinks, purples, blues from the plethora of Underdark flora that was thriving now.
Astarion had been pacing for ten solid minutes now, his face scrunched in concentration. And while Sekh didn't want to push him- he truly thought his lover was trying a bit too hard.
“Halsin said you'd need to relax,” Sekh reminded him. They'd taken a trip out to visit the druid and had just returned the previous day- sans Yenna, as the girl had wanted to stay longer. She did have a soft spot for Halsin- and while she had friends in the city, she had been utterly enthralled by the sheer amount of children Halsin now had in his care. It was strange to be home without her.
Astarion had, as of recently, taken up researching his vampirism. Up to this point, he only ever knew what Cazador had told him- and Sekh had been more than sure the bastard had been lying. His lover had also started corresponding with one of his siblings- Dalyria- and Sekh had learned from Astarion's stories that she had been fascinated by their condition, and was doing her own research for a cure.
He was reminded of the old diary he’d found, what felt like lifetimes ago, in the Szarr palace. It must have been hers. He assumed it was still there, collecting dust in the now abandoned palace.
The curiosity led to searching for any written materials on the topic. Gale was searching for them in Waterdeep- had sworn to send anything promising their way. But they had lucked out, when Rolan found a few tomes caked in dust at Sorcerous Sundries.
The kiss Astarion had given him in gratitude had left the tiefling flushed and breathless, and Sekh nearly falling into a fit of giggles. It was still so easy to fluster the wizard- and one of their favorite things to do.
Astarion paused his pacing, shot an annoyed look at Sekh. The drow just shrugged it off- Astarion wasn't annoyed with him, after all. “He is the expert,” Sekh added, “he's only a 350 year old druid.”
Astarion crossed his arms, but didn't argue. He knew the drow had a point.
Sekh pushed off the work table, walked over, got his hands on Astarion’s biceps and rubbed gently. “He said you needed to relax, and just pull at the desire in you. Don’t think about all the complications, that you’ve never done it- just know that you can.” He moved his hands to Astarion’s shoulders, then up to cradle his face. “Picture a little bat, if you need to.”
Astarion scrunched his face in mock annoyance, and Sekh chuckled, pecking his lips softly.
“You’ll get it eventually.”
The vampire didn’t argue, and Sekh went back to his work table, settling down to his own experiments. He had been working on a new healing potion recipe- removing the harder to find surface dwelling flora and replacing it with his ever favorite bulb fruits. The things just grew so quickly and easily! Within a month he could have an entire crop of them, whereas balsam took much longer. And not to even mention musk creepers.
He was stirring in some of the bulb fruit salts he’d dried over the past week, mentally calculating how long he had until the next batch was ready to harvest- and if he could split the crop in half. He’d mentioned to Alan over at the Elfsong that they were edible, had a flavor like garlic and onions, and the man had been intrigued- couple with that they were easy to grow even above ground and cheap, and it was the perfect thing for a tavern trying to save as much coin as possible. The Elfsong was doing well now that order was restored in the city, but Sekh never forgot Lakrissa telling him the Counting House has screwed him over royally.
He paused when he heard the sudden heavy drop of fabric, and a soft beating in the air. He set his experiment down, turned in his chair-
And noticed Astarion was gone. On the floor were his shoes, a haphazard pile of his clothing-
And then, suddenly flying into Sekh’s face, was a small, white bat.
“You did it!” Sekh yelled, standing up, as the bat bumped into his head, making little excited squeaks. “Gods above look at you!” Sekh held his hands out, and Astarion tried to land in them- more falling than anything- but Sekh caught him. “You’re so small. I could tuck you right into my clothes and carry you about!”
He was rather precious- a bit fluffy, much to Sekh’s delight. He looked so harmless, he truly reminded Sekh of a little kitten. Not that he’d say that- at least, not yet. Astarion would so hate to hear it.
Astarion flapped his wings and managed to take flight from Sekh’s hand, doing a few circles around the room eagerly. Sekh watched, grinning so hard his cheeks ached. Astarion was a bit unsteady in the air, but he was managing quite well-
That is, until he bumped directly into the wall. There was a very loud squeak as he faltered, and Sekh ran to catch him, hands out.
Instead of catching a small bat, however, Sekh ended up sprawled on the ground, below a slightly breathless and very naked Astarion. Sekh groaned, hip aching from where he had impacted the floor, as Astarion squirmed, tangling up in Sekh’s limbs.
“Are you- gods Astarion i have an organ there, careful!” Sekh exclaimed, as he felt Astarion’s weight shifting onto his belly, pushing heavily at him. The vampire managed to prop himself up enough to take his weight off Sekh- who took a breath, before trying again. “Are you alright?”
Astarion got up onto his knees, so Sekh could sit up properly. Ignoring the question entirely, he said in a rather excited voice, “I bloody did it! I was a bat! Gods, Dalyria is going to be so annoyed, she hasn’t been able to do this yet. I’ll have to practice, perhaps if we pay her a visit I can make a show of flying in.”
Sekh bit back a chuckle. “Starshine, that’s lovely, but… you may need to practice transforming with your clothes.”
Astarion glanced down at himself, a silly little laugh leaving him. “Yes, I suppose I will have to figure that out. Now’s as good a time as any I suppose.” Astarion hopped up, completely ignored his clothing, and stood facing away from Sekh, mumbling something to himself- trying to get back into the mindset he had been in, right before he transformed.
Sekh stayed on the ground, heaving a sigh. He thought to try and convince Astarion to put something on, lest he get cold as the basement tended to-
But well, the view was rather nice. And honestly, Sekh didn’t see the harm in perhaps pausing his own experiments to just watch his lover for a minute or two. He never did get sick of looking at him, after all.
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Thoughts on Catch-22
That was...an experience.
Honestly, I think that’s the best way to describe it.  I haven’t read the book yet, and all I really knew about it was what I read on the back of the DVD, so I went in pretty cold.  I knew it was a black comedy and that it was a satire, but I really didn’t know what to expect.
This movie is bonkers.
And I mean that in a good way.  Maybe in the best way.
I don’t really know where to start.
I guess the best place to start is with Alan Arkin.
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He is so fucking good in this movie.  Yes, he was good in everything...but his portrayal of Yossarian is so nuanced...he’s funny, irreverent, dark, sympathetic, charming...it’s a fantastic performance.
And let’s be honest, the casting in general is top-notch.  In addition to Alan Arkin, you have Anthony Perkins, Martin Sheen, Bob Newhart, Martin Balsam, Art Garfunkel (which made me do a double take when I saw him on the box cover) and Orson Welles...talked about a stacked cast.  
Of course, I love seeing Anthony Perkins in anything...it was nice seeing him do something a little bit lighter.  And seeing him do a scene with Martin Balsam made me smile...a little Psycho reunion, ten years later.  *Side note, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: when are we getting the Anthony Perkins biopic starring Andrew Garfield??  Holy shit do they look alike*.
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And while this movie is very funny...there are some great bits of subtle comedy that really got me (Bob Newhart as Major Major comes to mind)...I was actually kind of shocked when the tone drastically shifted to some really dark stuff.  That scene between Alan Arkin and Charles Grodin legitimately made me gasp.  (Brief TW) When Aardvark says: “I only raped her once”, my hands flew to my mouth, and I was frozen for the rest of the scene.  Just the frankness at which he delivered his dialogue was such a contrast to the rest of the movie.
And of course, the scene in the airplane with Yossarian and Snowden was a major gut punch.  I was not expecting that level of gore in that final flashback...again, huge gasp and absolutely frozen...and Arkin’s reaction is heartbreaking.
And I have to admit, I actually thought this movie was going to end differently than it did.  *Spoilers for a 53 year old movie*  Given the way it started, with Yossarian being stabbed, I thought it was basically his life flashing before his eyes and the movie was going to end with him dying.  But lo and behold, he survives and decides to try and row to Sweden!  Because why not?
All in all, I really enjoyed this one.  It could maybe have been cut down a little bit (I thought I had arrived at the movie a couple times), but it was a fun trip!  I’m glad I watched it with the subtitles on though, because a lot happens in this movie.  
I think this is one that I will enjoy more with multiple viewings!
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pelibirdie · 2 years
Felix- literature major. People call him lame for it but he loves to slander Edgar Alan Poe and make fun of old literature. Thinks of Bazarov as his favorite asshole. Actually gained him a skill to analyze ppl bc he analyzed too many characters from literature. Now sits at cafes, romantisizes his life and judges ppl with Elowen.
Anisa- criminology OR law major. She used to want to become a cop. But eh, she decided her passion was to look into murder cases. So the best she could do would be to choose one of those degrees. No one knew why she learned the specific blood patterns to look for in a crime scene, nor why she listened to court murder cases podcasts but what she leaned for fun became her lectures. Also watched the Jonny Depp/ Amber Herd case with popcorn and laughed her ass off.
Sage - idk had an engineering class but kinda not liked it and had to provide for his sister first so dropped out. They were in a hard situation but maybe with the help of his friends can pick up a major that's less stressful. Thanks Lucan and Balsam a world bc they helped him out with Tulsi, also Anisa and Felix for helping him out financially.
Elowen- something in me says a social science. Psychology, possibly. Big brain lady. She decided that if she cannot get therapy she will major in it instead. She is a smart woman who likes to observe ppls behaviors tho. So probably sits down and judges ppl with Felix. Nothing serious just two emos bonding
Rime- Medical major. I believe he'd get into pharmacy. Bc he whips up some good potions and also he is good with medicine!! Pro at chemistry, he actually learned shit for fun. He has some rare substances in his home lab...but shhh. Honestly I think he actually had knowledge about medicine uses before, just so he could keep his buddies alive.
Tulsi- mechanical engineering!! She likes it :)) She makes robots for Lucan to code and give the stupidest names to. This is their bonding time. Also has a brotherly relationship with him, they both take care of Sage together.
Lucan- seems like a smart guy who will purposefully code a robot for no purpose and only for shits and giggles. Un-corrupt self probably would like the idea of Baymax. Is besites with Sage and Tulsi, actually tutored tulsi for a while when Sage had to work and find a way to earn money.
Saaros- International relationships and politics. Has already done their internships. Additionally has taken chemistry courses (in story they also know alchemy so) They are a beast. Also has Azimuth who majors in astronomy. They actually lead on a vary formal yet friendly relationship.
Florian- biology professor everyone is willing to kill for. Has a plant named Bob in his office, gifted by his students.
Ayanna- literally an engineer. She just vibes by herself and does her own projects.
Escell- that one mf physics teacher everyone hates. Tired all the time. Fuck you.
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kwebtv · 11 months
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The Lindberg Kidnapping Case - CBS - February 26, 1976
Historical Drama
Running Time: 148 minutes
Cliff DeYoung as Charles Lindbergh
Anthony Hopkins as Bruno Hauptmann
Denise Alexander as Violet Sharpe
Sian Barbara Allen as Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Martin Balsam as Edward J. Reilly
Joseph Cotten as Dr. John F. Condon
Peter Donat as Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
John Fink as Mr. Anderson
Dean Jagger as Arthur Koehler
Laurence Luckinbill as Gov. Hal Hoffman
Frank Marth as Chief Harry Wolfe
Walter Pidgeon as Judge Thomas Whitaker Trenchard
Tony Roberts as Lt. Jim Finn
Robert Sampson as John Curtis
David Spielberg as David Wilentz
Joseph Stern as Dr. Schonfeld
Kate Woodville as Betty Gow
Keenan Wynn as Fred Huisache
Alan Beckwith as Walter Lyle
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Christmas in July Chapter 19
Here’s a short and simple little story for y’all today: To Christmas! Hope you enjoy! :)
AO3 link here!
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“Well, my dear little brother,” Virgil stars, sidling up to Alan spread eagle on the couch. Everyone’s enjoying their Thanksgiving meal food comas after a well deserved catered feast. Hey- just because they aren’t in America anymore doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy some good turkey and mashed potatoes!
Alan cracks open an eye. He mumbles something incomprehensible, trying to kick Virgil away. “G’way. Trying to sleep here.”
“You wouldn’t be so tired if you realized what day it is.”
“It’s a Thursday.”
“It’s Thanksgiving.”
“Technically, it’s past Thanksgiving by my standards. Which means…”
“It’s Black Friday?”
Virgil pokes Alan in the cheek with something. One peek and he sees it’s a golden outdoor Santa decoration; its inside is filled with string lights and covered in gold glitter. A streak of sparkles stays on Alan’s chin. That perks the youngest up right away.
“It’s Christmas season, baby!” Alan whoops.
Somewhere across the living room, amongst the pillows and dessert dishes stacked about the holoprojector, Scott groans. “Give it at least until December 1st.”
“Nope. The deal is nothing until after Thanksgiving.”
“I don’t know if this counts.”
“We already have so little time!”
“Yeah, because you’d trash the place in tinsel in October if you could.”
“And so you give us thirty one measly days instead.” Alan falls into Virgil’s side as if the lamentation sapped all his strength.
Scott takes one look at Virgil, sparkly Santa tightly in hand, and decides it’s not worth arguing. He lets the turkey tryptophan do its job and take him back down to a food filled dreamland. John is out cold next to him, using Scott’s thigh like a pillow. Gordon and Kayo are curled up on the couch with the best holoprojector view, polishing off the cherry pie with A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving rerun in the background.
“You boys better not overdo it in one day,” Grandma says from behind them. Alan jumps, not expecting her presence to sneak up right behind them. Virgil hands off the decoration to Alan and pulls a Santa hat from his back pocket.
“Have a little faith Grandma! We never overdo it.”
They overdid it.
Not in the sense that there’s too much Christmas-y spirit, oh no. There’s never too much of that. But Alan’s pouting with no brothers in sight and no decorations left to hang. It took four days of Virgil and Alan’s Christmas adrenaline paired with a light rescue load to decorate the entire villa.
Thunderbird One is docking in her silo as Alan tries to think of something else to throw Christmas up onto! The stockings are hung for each and every one of them, hand embroidered by Grandma and touched up by Virgil. Even EOS has a little one right next to John’s Starry Night print stocking.
Tinsel is wrapped about the banisters of the stairs in a flourish of blue and silver. Virgil dug out the Christmas throw pillows to replace the boring solid color ones of the couches. A balsam fir tree so grand that Scott had to carry it home in One sits empty except for lights at the top of the lounge balcony. Ornament decorating is off-limits until next week when John has a scheduled downtime. Alan and Virgil’s room are covered head to toe in decorations. Worry not, that was the first place the brothers tackled.
The silos are a no decoration zone. Which, Alan agrees, is fair. He did sneak in and leave a few stuffed snowmen in the Birds in case they come across a rescue with children.
“Damn! I can smell that tree all the way from the locker room.”
Alan looks to find Scott coming up with two red cups in hand. His suit’s still on with the sleeves wrapped around his waist and undershirt on show. Alan wrinkles his nose.
“And I can smell you from over here.” Alan fake gags. “Why didn’t you shower yet?”
“Huh, well apparently I have a little brother who doesn’t want his spiced latte.”
“What? Gimme!”
Alan pops up and reaches for the cup he says labelled with Alan. Scott holds it above his head while taking a sip of his own. Realizing that Scott can keep his latte above his head a lot longer than his patience can hold out, Alan pulls away.
“Here I thought you’d be grateful I didn’t let it cool any longer than it had to while I showered and changed.”
“I am grateful, you idiot,” Alan retorts, sticking out his tongue.
Scott passes off the red Starbucks cup and Alan downs a third of it in one long drink. Who cares that they live on a hot tropical island?
Rather than going down to clean up quite yet, Scott walks to the kitchen with Alan hot on his heels. He finds the deli turkey in the bottom fridge door and pulls it out; Scott shovels the plain meat into his meat as Alan finds a spot at the kitchen island.
“You get any decorating done today?”
Alan pouts. “No. It’s all done and I can’t think of anything to add!”
Scott hums. He keeps munching on the turkey in lieu of a real meal. “You seen Virgil today? Gordon’s been working on Four all day and said he hasn’t seen him.”
On cue, Virgil comes scrambling up the stairs from the basement. Arguably their least used staircase as the only thing down there is long term storage. Alan jumps up as Virgil crashes his way over, depositing three Rubbermaid boxes on the ground.
“Oh no…” Scott whispers to no one but himself. Virgil’s pupils are blown wide with excitement.
“I found another four boxes of decorations!”
“Hell yeah!”
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krispyweiss · 5 months
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Album Review: Balsam Range - Kinetic Tone
Balsam Range is essentially two bands on Kinetic Tone, where they’re as comfortable singing to the religious right on “God Knows” as they are courting the left on “We’ll all Drink Money.”
Musically, they’re a super-charged, trad-bluegrass quintet that rhymes California with warn ya on “Echo Canyon,” tells familiar tales from the genre on “Marshall McClain” and sings of universal romantic themes on “Just to Satisfy You.” They’re also the right-of-MOR band of “Evergreen” and “Running out of Reasons,” songs that would work equally well on modern-country radio or a MAGA gathering.
These dichotomous swings lessen the appeal of the music fiddler Buddy Melton, banjoist Marc Pruett, mandolinist Alan Bibey, Tim Surrett (bass and Dobro) and guitarist Caleb Smith make together. Their pristine-but-muscular vocal harmonies, however, cannot be denied and the funky strut of “Worry” is an instant, feel-good classic delivered with finger snaps, acoustic guitar, double bass and barbershop vocals.
Kinetic Tone is as divided as the United States. Bluegrass and country partisans are therefore apt to hear it more as a parts album, with the parts they favor determined by respective preferences.
Grade card: Balsam Range - Kinetic Tone - C+
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thebandcampdiaries · 1 year
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Missy Balsam has recently released a new work: "Now".
January 2023 - Missy Balsam is an artist and songwriter with a focus on creating music that sets the bar higher in terms of blending different genres and sounds, especially blending alternative rock with Sanskrit mantras from the yogic tradition.
Missy Balsam’s most recent release is titled "Now", and it is feels like an amazing creative statement: what a great way to kick off a new year! Fans of artists such as Alan's Morissette are most definitely going to be able to connect with what Missy Balsam is really all about in terms of splicing up a variety of style to create a distinctive sound. "Now" is a really focused song, which really serves as a demonstration of Missy Balsam’s wonderful musical abilities.
Find out more about Missy Balsam, and check out "Now". This release is currently available on some of the best digital music streaming services.
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newcountryradio · 2 years
New country 25e jaargang  #1148 (707) van24 oktober    2022  (wk 43) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
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           Artiest                        Title                                                  
1.    Chris LeDoux – Horse Power    
2.    Little Big Town – Pontooon   - 2012
3.    Ryan Griffin – Salt, Lime & Tequilla   
4.    Ashley Cooke + Brett Young – Never Til Now  
5.    Walker Hayes – Y’ All Life  
6.    Chris Stapleton – Jpy Of My Life  
7.    Lee Brice – Soul  
8.    Luke Bryan – Country On 1 
9.    Dieter van der Westen Band -  The Sun will Always Rise  *album vd week
10. Dieter van  der Westen Band – At  Least The Music was Live  * cd vd week
11. Overzicht  5-1 airplay
12. Morgan Wallen – You Proof  -  #1
13. Bailey Zimmerman – Rock And A Hard Place  
14. Jo Dee Messina – That’s The way
15. Alan Jackson – Don’t Rock The Jukebox
16. Drake Milligan – Sounds Like something I Do --favoriet    
17. Toby Keith  - Who’s Your Daddy   (unleashed  2002)
18. Toby Keith -  Beer For My Horses   (unleashed  2002)
19. Lauren Alaina – Dirt Road Prayer   Sofi
20. Balsam Range – Angel Too Soon
21. Town Mountain – Lines In The Levee     .   -
22. Alex Miller  – The Best Thing  
23. Fantastic Cat – Amigo
24. Joshua Hedley – Broke Again
25. Dieter van der Westen Band  - Homeward Bound .  *album vd week
26. Ashley McBryde – If These Dogs Could Talk album vorige week  
27. Molly Tuttle /Golden Highway – She’ll Change
28. Morgan Wallen – More Surprised Than Me      #1 album  
29. Lonestar – what About Now
30. Chad Brock – Yes !
31. Gunnar & The Grizzly Boys – Pedal To The Floor *Trucksong
32. Chris Ledoux -  Silence On The Line  
33.  Billy Joe Shaver – West Texas Waltz  F.t Kimmie Rhodes      *   juweeltje
34. Waylon Jennings /Neil Diamond - One Good Love
35. Ruud Hermans Band – Tulsa Time - * Dutch corner
36. Black Fields – I’m Always Behind You Honey!
37. Country Trail Band - You Don’t Play For Nothing
38. Waylon Jennings -  The Door Is Always Open      .
39. Waylon Jennings - Dreaming My Dreams With You      
40. Waylon Jennings - Bob Wills Is Still The King      
41. Dieter van der Westen Band – Don’t Wait For My Money .*album vd week
42. Del McCoury Band – Moneyland .
43. Willie Nelson /Merle Haggard – It’s Only Money
44. Brad Paisley  (With Dolly Parton)– When I Get Where I’m Going  
45. Luke Combs – Going Going  Gone
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badgaymovies · 2 years
Harlem Nights (1989)
Harlem Nights by #EddieMurphy starring #RichardPryor, "Much as the plot is brilliantly executed, Murphy's comedic tone is all over the map", Now reviewed on MyOldAddiction.com
EDDIE MURPHY Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBB USA, 1989. Eddie Murphy Productions, Paramount Pictures. Screenplay by Eddie Murphy. Cinematography by Woody Omens. Produced by Mark Lipsky, Robert D. Wachs. Music by Herbie Hancock. Production Design by Lawrence G. Paull. Costume Design by Joe I. Tompkins. Film Editing by Alan Balsam, George Bowers. Eddie Murphy makes his directorial debut (at the time…
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audiemurphy1945 · 3 years
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moviepostersgalore · 3 years
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All the President’s Men (1976)
Directed by: Alan J. Pakula
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vintagewarhol · 3 years
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