#Alan Kennedy
forensicated · 3 months
Trigger warning: mentions of rape and prostitution
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 231
CID have 24 hours to get a confession from Kennedy or he'll be released. There's still no physical evidence to say it's him. Jonathan and Gina watch the interviews from behind the glass screen. Jonathan worries that Kennedy is clever and that it'll be hard to break him.
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He's still watching as Kennedy admits that Jonathan got him off the indecency charge 5 years ago. "I can't believe he's lost his teeth and gone into the CPS." Neil is furious when he confronts Jonathan, but he tells him he couldn't break client confidentiality. He does tell them that it and the transcripts of what was said and how Kennedy behaved during the trial are in the case files. Neil makes a dig about him now progressing to a full blown rapist because of Jonathan getting him off. Jonathan can only repeat, calmly, that he did his job. Jonathan does tell them something that isn't in the file however, they had to delay the trial by a few days when Alan's mother was taken ill. It wasn't anything serious but he was distraught and clearly cared deeply about her. Now his mother has recently passed.
Sam thinks she has an inning finally. She wants to use his childhood to break him down to a confession. Uniform find out that Kennedy had a different surname as a child and need to check that police record and find his mother's address to search the house, suspecting that was his base during the rapes. Sam gets a breakthrough when they discover Alan's mother was a prostitute, his childhood home operated as a brothel and that it caused him to be constantly bullied.
As Kennedy is returned to the cells for a break, he crosses paths with Jonathan, calling him "his good friend." He asks how his daughter is and remembers her name and age as Jonathan tries to square up to him, held back by Tony and Gina.
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Jonathan keeps trying to get in touch with his daughter, worried that Alan might be freed and go after her. Gina tells him he's not out yet and that Chloe is likely either at school still or with her friends and to not worry. Jonathan makes an unthinking jibe, "You'd know all about that wouldn't you. How many kids have you got, Gina? Two, three is it?" Gina looks hurt and silently leaves the room.
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Adam wants Sam and Neil to decide if they're going to apply to the court for an extension to keep questioning Alan Kennedy. Sam is wary that they might not get one with the limited evidence they have and wonders if the time might be best used trying to break Kennedy. She wants to use the knowledge that his mother was a prostitute, his father, as Alan believed, constantly away as a marine. His childhood was blighted with abuse and bullying. Uniform have found his mothers house and are searching it. Jonathan admits finding the house is a good step, however they now have to prove that that has been his base during the attacks.
Adam reminds them they gave to finish in the next hour as Kennedy is entitled to an 8 hour break. Sam gets a breakthrough when she asks if Alan's father knew what his mother was doing and if she had any time for him in between sleeping with men for money. Kennedy shouts "All women are whores. It's what you come to expect from women. All they want is sex, they get everything they deserve." Sam asks if that includes rape. She calls him a soulless man who hates women because they don't show him love. Alan recovers, saying Sam almost had him going. They have one hour left come the morning if they don't get the extension. Adam tells them to go home and reconvene in the morning. Sam stays and goes through the pictures with a magnifying glass, finding a scar on Kennedy's mother's neck as well as reading through the letters Kennedy sent her whilst away.
Chloe Fox arrives at the station for her father to sign a permission slip for a trip. At the same time, Kennedy is removed from his cell and taken to an interview room. Thankfully Chloe is already in Jonathan's office so doesn't see him - but she does meet a very surprised Gina who introduces herself. "Oh! Are you dad's girlfriend?" Jonathan arrives before she can reply and Chloe hands him the form to fill in. She tells him she can't forge it "because it's against the law." to Gina's amusement. He then gets an officer to escort her safely out.
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As Sam and Neil return to the interview room for their final hour of questioning there's an audible clock ticking. Sam brings up the scar. She conjects that it was caused by a punter who cut his mother and made her scream for mercy. She suggests he panicked because the man was hurting his mummy and he didn't know what to do because he was only a young boy. He went to the hospital with her where she promised that they would be alright but it didn't stop. His mother continued to work as a prostitute rather than go and find his father so they could be safe. She suggests he cried and was angry and finally lashed out at someone - but not his mother because she'd been hurt enough and was all he had. During this time, Uniform continue searching the house of Alan's mother and find a knife likely used in the attacks hidden away.
Sam continues her same tactic and tells him they know that he lashed out with a beer bottle and slashed the face of a woman walking past his school. He was expelled but nothing changed and he was still angry. He couldn't stay at home as he was too scared to see what his mother was going through. He had no one to speak to and so decided to look for his father - who he'd never met. She suggest he thought bringing his father home to look after them would make everything alright. He headed to Scotland, only to find out his mother had lied to him. There was no John Kennedy serving in the marines. Finally Alan breaks and starts to cry. Sam says his mum had lied to try and keep him happy by letting his dad think was a hero when he was really a punter she didn't remember. Sam then produces a picture of Alan and his mum, suggesting Alan wanted to keep the lie going as without it he had nothing. He wrote to his mother to tell her he too was going to be a marine like his father. He needed her to keep lying to him because the truth was too unbearable to face. She didn't keep the lie going for him however or even write back. She was busy with her punters - punters who literally ripped her apart for pleasure were more important than her little boy. She must have cared about them more than him. Must have enjoyed what they did to her.
Sam continues, talking to Alan like she cares and understands. How dare his mother take away the hope that he would have a father who loved him. Someone to finally take care of him and want him above all else. He took his rage out on someone else to make them pay for his mums betrayal. She names his first victim - a prostitute, Brenda Kelman. Finally Alan speaks and tells Sam that noone has gotten to know him like that and in hearing it all played back he realised he's become one of the monsters that his mother feared the most. Sam takes his hands in faux comfort, getting the confession just before the time ran out.
Gina invites Jonathan to the Sun Hill Summer Party but unfortunately he has too much paperwork to complete he's unable to go. He does however apologise for what he said to her and for hurting her. He tells her he once lost Chloe for a couple of hours when she was 5 as she wandered off and he panicked and felt like it was happening all over again - only this time there was a serial rapist threat. "It's left a scar, you know?" "No I don't know, Jonathan." Gina says evenly. "As you so eloquently put it, I'm not a parent." "I'm sorry. It wasn't called for." "Right. What's done is done." "I should have had more confidence in you." Gina smiles a little and nods at him before leaving to go to the party.
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As Gina pulls up outside the pub where the party is being held with her colleagues already inside there's a loud noise and explosion with lots of smoke and screams filling the air...!
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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King of Wands. Art by Alan Kennedy, from the ETA Tarot.
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theydidntstaydead · 9 months
putting on a cute jacket before I go experience extremely traumatizing horrors that no human should ever go through
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hexbimbo · 7 days
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Here’s looking at you pookie 😘❤️❤️❤️
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rondanchan · 5 months
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Starting the year off with a sketch page for my fav games of 2023!
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lkhafel · 2 months
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✨ champions of light ••
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multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
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Are they on the Naughty List? Or have they’ve been good all year?Well that’s for you to decide.
Start:November 12
End: December 31
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◇ day 1-7: {Nov 12-18}
Day 1: Luis Sera - Ice Skating
Day 2: Carlos Oliveira - “I can’t believe you did that to Santa…”
Day3: Raiden - “I made you some hot cocoa.”
Day 4: Peter Parker - we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party || Insomniac Peter ||
Day5:Goro Takemura- Dancing In The Snow
Day 6:Johhny Cage-Sucking on a Candy Cane
Day 7: Peter Quill- “are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely november”
◇ day 8-14: {Nov 19-25}
Day 8:Gale Dekarios-Watching the snowfall from inside a cosy house
Day 9:Sam Drake-“Carmel apples, leaves falling down. What could better then November?” “I don’t know maybe fucking June?”
Day 10:Peter Parker -we got a little too carried away with the Christmas lights, and now suddenly my hands are bound with the lights and oh my god are we about to have sex? || Insomniac Peter ||
Day 11:Nathan Drake- it’s holiday dinner with your family, and oh Jesus where are your hands going?
Day 12:Peter Parker-“Do you need help hanging up the Christmas lights?” || MCU verse ||
Day 13: Peter Parker-“HAPPY NOVEMBER!” “No one wishes anyone a happy November.” “Well I just did.”|| MCU verse ||
Day 14:Tadashi Hamada-one lending the other their scarf to keep them warm.
◇ day 15-21 {Nov 26-Dec 2}
Day 15:Jacob Seed-Handing their S/O a positive pregnancy test with a sprig of holly and a note reading ‘Merry Christmas’
Day 16:Spencer Reid-Baking holiday cookies.
Day 17:Alejandro Vargas-Reader wearing nothing but a Santa hat
Day 18:Loki-A naughty sleigh ride || Exhibitionism sex ||
Day 19:Alex Casey-Build A snowman.
Day 20:Chris Redfield-“Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
Day 21:Mike Schmidt-Santa Baby: reader has decided to dress as Mrs. Claus for a little more “adult” Christmas fun. Oh boy!
◇ day 22-28 {Dec 3 -9}
Day 22:Matt Murdock-I picked you for secret Santa but I wrapped the wrong box so now I’ve given you a very festive sex toy, and oh my god this is so embarrassing
Day 23:Halsin-“Breasts/thighs are my favorite part to nibble on.”
Day 24:Miguel O’Hara-“You know, tying the legs together keeps everything moist.”
Day 25:Ethan Winters-Christmas Morning.
Day 26: Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish-Hanging Stockings.
Day 27:Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley-“The turkey’s not the only thing getting stuffed today.”
Day 28:Modern!Mizu-“Save some of that whipped cream for later.”*soon*
◇ day 29- 35 {Dec 10-16}
Day 29:Bigby Wolf-“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.”
Day 30:Harry Osborn-Christmas shenanigans under the tree, if you know what I mean
Day 31:Ethan Winters-“I’ll be content if you are the one stuffing my stocking.”
Day 32:Mike Schmidt-“Go on, open it.”
Day 33:Wyll Ravengard-“Did you decorate the tree without me? I can’t believe this!”
Day 34: Bruno Madrigal-Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe.
Day 35:Jordan Li-“Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?”
◇ day 36-42 {Dec 17-23}
Day 36:Mike Schmidt-"Why are there so many mistletoe?"
Day 37:Gojo“I’d like to be one of the unhealthy things you put inside your body this weekend.”*Soon*
Day 38:Luis Sera-“Alright, mister. I know you’re the one who keeps hanging up mistletoe everywhere."
Day 39:Chris Redfield-“Thanksgiving is for giving thanks” “And for body slamming each other during the family football match!”
Day 40:Aaron Hotchner-The scent of real Christmas trees
Day 41: Derek Morgan -“I’m going to have you stuffed better than the turkey by the end of the night.”
Day 42:Victor "Sully" Sullivan-“I’m not much of a cook, but I’m good at glazing.”
◇ day 43-50 {Dec 24-31}
Day 43:Leon S. Kennedy-Cabin Sex { Christmas Eve sex }
Day 44: Billy Butcher-“Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!”
Day 45: Bucky Barnes-“Did you spike the eggnog again?”
Day 46: Spencer Ried-“Will you make a gingerbread house with me?”
Day 47: Clint Barton- “It’s Snowing”
Day 48: Joel-Peppermint-flavoured everything
Day 49:Mizu-Snow/temperature play
Day 50:Johnny Cage-“It’s time for hand turkey’s everyone.” “FUCK YES YES!”
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lonestarflight · 1 month
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"This is the launch of the Mercury-Redstone 3 (MR-3) spacecraft from Cape Canaveral on a suborbital mission -- the first U.S. manned spaceflight. The spacecraft is already headed towards its suborbital mission." "The spacecraft attained a maximum speed of 5,180 miles per hour (mph), reached an altitude of 116 1/2 statute miles, and landed 302 statute miles downrange from Cape Canaveral, Florida."
Date: May 5, 1961
NASA ID: S61-01927, LOC-61C-883, JSC2007-E-046477, S61-01908
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billdecker · 1 year
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✨ a film for every year of my life ✨ | The Commitments (1991) dir. Alan Parker
Soul is the music that people understand. Sure it's basic and it's simple, but it's something else, something special. ‘Cause it's honest, that's it. It’s honest. There's no fucking bullshit. It sticks its neck out and says it straight from the heart. Sure there's a lot of different music you can get off on but soul is more than that. It takes you somewhere else. It grabs you by the balls and lifts you above the shite.
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extraordinary-heroes · 11 months
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Alien #1 (Variant Cover art by Alan Quah)
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Donald Trump is in the midst of his Manhattan criminal trial over accusations that he covered up a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in a plot to buy her silence ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Fox News personalities have responded by launching a campaign against the jurors who hold the former president’s fate, claiming people are trying to “rig” the jury and that “stealth” potential jurors are hiding their backgrounds to get seated. They’ve also scrutinized individual jurors over their jobs and interests. Meanwhile, one juror stepped down in part over concern about people discovering who she was. In the first week after jury selection started, Fox News guests and personalities made at least 89 such claims.
GOP propaganda organ Fox "News" is leading a campaign to discredit the People of New York v. Trump grand jury in Donald Trump's business records falsification trial.
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winters0689 · 6 months
I’ve noticed a theme regarding my comfort characters (characters who have suffered IMMENSE trauma in their life) so I’m just thinking about what it would be like to just lock these characters in a room together. What would happen?
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hexbimbo · 5 days
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What did you expect?? 🙄
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wanderingsongbird · 2 days
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Another day of doodles at work
Maybe I should start doing these doodle offers on tumblr, too
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lkhafel · 2 months
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New crackship dropped
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