#Also I can't spell for crap apparently...
darkspace7 · 1 year
Somehow, combining a few of my favourite tropes (throwing randos into situations way over their head and found family formation via feral vigilante youths and their reluctant but just as chaotic guardians) have somehow resulted in the following: the vicarious need for a phantom thief spiderman.
And who am I to ignore my gremlin-brain impulses?
Enter: Pitch Warker "The Glass Arachnia"
• So this spidey wasn't "bitten" in the traditional sense but was instead pricked by a cursed bejewled spider-broach thing. (Think something along the lines of that shitty mask from JoJo part 1.) Maybe this happens when they go on an errand to, idk, deliver lunch to their Uncle Mais -who works as a security guard at the "New Londattan Gallery of Art"- at the bequest of their Aunt Benita (who are local Aunt May/Uncle Ben variants but cisswaped/roleswaped for some reason?)
•Okay and so while on this normally easy errand somehow the two of them get caught up in a jewel heist with some mook trying to get at the "Glass Spider" (a polished silver & garnet broach with a diamond decal so clear that it looks like glass) and that's what gets this ball rolling.
•The spider jewel apperantly has some legendary curse associated with it. Something about how "the blood shed in the darkened night shall beholden to whims of the fanged court albeit at the cost of forever being ensnared upon their shadowy throne." And so during the scuffle our little wannabe hero tries wrestling back the jewel from the thief but gets scratched in the process. Getting blood on the diamond activates the curse (which for...plot reasons...can only have one bearer at a time?) In the confusion the crook tries takes aim at our hero only to be pulled back by Mais. The weapon misfires hitting the man in the process.
•As expected, Uncle Mais kicks it while the mook takes the opportunity to abscond with the now useless gem leaving a traumatized kid behind for the cops to (not) deal with. (Also because this is New Londhatten, where the only cure for bereavement to either lock yourself away in mourning clothes and drown yourself in absinthe & gin or find a sketchy religion) Aunt Benita kind of dips off for a while to (not) deal with being newly widowed, and so our newly cursed spiderling takes it upon themself to find out why this happened and (hopefully) avenge his relative's death. And what better way to catch a thief is to become a thief yourself and find a way lure out the other? Not the healthiest of coping methods but whatever, it's not like the police are gonna believe some kid coming up to them and spouting on about 'cursed gems' and magic abilities' right?
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•I'm thinking of a fancy victorian gentleman thief/steampunk-themed "spider" suit. Something distictly regal and vaugely unearthly to fit with the more magical aspect of the origin as opposed to the usual techno-organic radioactive superhero sthick. Maybe a nice white suit with an gossimer capelett and attached hood. Coupled with an interwoven reddish-silver spiderlace design as the (bulletproof) vest. A spider-shaped broach (perhaps modeled after the "missing" Glass Spider?) Pinned to the neck, a dashing caravat matches sticky-palmed gloves (that somehow never manage to leave a smudge.) They compliment the ruby-tinted lenses of goggles set in that strange porciline mask. Oh and of course what gentleman is without his multi-purpose utility cane (now with retractable grappling hook!) Really, stark white clothes and clacky heels don't mean a thing when you can become the shadows themselves.~
•After not only attracting the attention of the New Londhatten police but managing to snag the attention of other interesting characters as well. Like: Lady Jamie Joan Jameson, a gossip reporter desperate for the next breaking scoop on that 'dastardly snitch-thief Glass Arachnia' with a fondness for that queer little bookbinder who always seem to have their head stuck in some little tinkering thing this or sewing project that. Or Mikelangleo "Mike" Jones, the lovestruck youth with a massive pining for the bespecticaled little bookbinder, whose dry (and often unintentional) sense of humour and keen intellect continuously sends his heart a-flutter. (Such a shame that said bookbinder is completly uninterested in Mike's advances & any and all attempts at disuading the other have -through a continuing comedy of errors only sought to bolster the himbo's impression of the other. A misunderstanding like this would probably easily be solved if there was just a moment of direct communication but when has a phantom thief been direct about anything?) Luckily Gunther Stetson, current owner of Bugel's Books, resident "guy-behind-the-curtain" (Pitch's words -not his-), and the only (self proclaimed) sane man, runs interference.
•And after a while of doing this thieving gig the cursed spiderling hits paydirt. It turns out the mook who stole the Glass Spider was actually part of a larger scheme by this shifty organization to steal away cursed gems and use their powers to do horrific and unspeakable things. Also, something about getting enough of them and it equal immortality. Somehow? I mean what kind of name is Sinistrum Orichalcium, anyway?
•Gunther: "So yeah, that's bad and someone reasonable and totally equiped for this should probably go stop them? Right? Right?? [Of course it has to be them, damn it all Pitch...This is only going to end poorly.] (He was right. Oh mercy, he was right. The youth watched as the body of his ((only)) friend slipped off the crystiline horn of the rhinocerous-beetle-that-was-once-a-man. A lunge forward, torn glove outstreched as the hand r e a c h e d o u t. Metalline claws dug in ((burning agony it hurt)) and rapidly drug his form up and away. He writhed against the restraint, razor blades that drew him back again and again as solid steel scales absorbed the blows. ((Let me go let me go please I can't reach!)) Cackling as groping fingers wriggled under the dirtied white of his mask and ripped it away ((his shield, his safety nonono!)) Recognition. "So this is what you really are little spider. Even now you try to bear your milkteeth." A derisive snort as a gnarled tendril cupped his face an mockery of care. "Poor little Pitch, who would've expected the simple bookboy to have such a storied life?" Everything he had worked for, all that he had sacrificed was now crumbling around him as the other went on, "Feh, you are as brittle as the pages of tomes you peddle and as fragile as the Glass you come from." A contemplative look and the porcaline shattered. "Now look at your ruins and weep.")
• When it rains it pours. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Sinisturm Orichalcum, the New Londhattan Task Force, and Lady Jameson, our hero is now not only wanted for numerous accounts of thievery, breaking & entry, and other assorted stuff related to his vigilantism but now Pitch Warker aka the Glass Arachnia is (erroneously but not that they'd take his word for it) on the list for no less than three counts of battery, assault, & murder. The Sinistrum and their allies basically have been given free access to all of the remaining gems that they need to complete their plan and the city itself. Oh and Mike hates him now. So he fine. He can totally handle this solo. Not like he's the reason his close loved ones are dead and a bunch of villains are going to become supervillains that he still somehow has to stop despite being public enemy number one. Yep. Totally.
•(Spoiler: He is not fine. The spiderling is very stressed and needs a break. Not his supposed villain origin story. Let our adhd boi rest.)
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softpng · 2 years
the nonbinary urge to get more ear piercings
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Gleberman's podcast, take 2: the video edition
I volunteered to take one for the team, again, this time watching (or trying to, at least) the video version of Gleberman's infamous podcast on Youtube (if you are a masochist, like me, feel free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_md73Ws2O4&t=303s). You see, I was so intrigued by the OTT praise that I wanted to see the live reactions. To do so, I even watched it at a 0,25 reduced speed ratio, just to catch up those pesky, spontaneous facial expressions he couldn't possibly hide.
Let's start with what we all know: in 10 years, S is much, much better at hiding his game and almost proficient at mastering the poker face. But if you really pay attention (and I did), you might still notice some interesting things: after all, we aren't robots and we can't calibrate or control everything. So, here's my take on what I saw, with screencaps, and covering only the bits I quoted in my first post (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/733285180488450048/and-kia-ora-to-new-zealand-like-youve )- the rest was really beyond my patience and goodwill abilities, to be honest.
A word and a question on the staging of this podcast, before anything else. I am always paying great attention to the outfits of the people who participate, because I believe they are an integral part of the show itself. While Gleberman's was, to be honest, unacceptably sloppy, S was right on point the message he wanted to convey, with the short-sleeved (?) khaki shirt that spelled three things: Bachelor. Traveler/Explorer. Tropical Chic. As a side note, I wish he'd been dressed like that in the Nevis resort suite snippet: not the usual Peter Panesque/Marty McFly/boyz in da hood outfit. But hey, that's just me, what do I know, after all, maybe the boy really feels more relaxed in those. Brand-wise, however, I will never cease to drum up the urgent need to step up the outfit game and start aligning it with the real age.
The other thing that intrigued me is common to S and C: their love of cupboards and hallways when it comes to playing the show/not show game on podcasts 'from home'. Because they know we watch and because they know, by now, we are probably worse than the MI-6, we're left with... eh... nothing. He apparently found the perfect solution with that sort of a connecting space he is always showing us, lately. Seriously, though, who the hell places himself in front of an opening (sliding door?) to a bigger room, except when wanting to block both the view and any other interpretation? Heh. Things that make one go 🤔.
Anyways. Let's have a look at some reactions I have screencapped:
Gleberman: 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being'.
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Translation: I am pursing my lips and bracing myself for the rest of the #silly compliment. I can't possibly express how much this annoys and embarrasses the bejesus out of me. But hey, Monica, have at it and let's be done already with this circus.
Gleberman: '...and friend to talk to and I just love you.'
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Translation: I close my eyes because I don't want to hear the OTT crap this woman is shamelessly peddling around. I cross my arms defensively, because this is the best I can do. I really pray internally she'd immediately stop it, somehow (though I am fully aware she won't and this is just the beginning). She definitely overstepped a red line and I don't want to be a part of it.
S: '.I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake.'
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Translation: I am talking with my hands to make a point (and also to show off the damn rings - oh, Lord, let them talk about these to oblivion, on socials). I am also covering my face with a gesture evocative of a smoke curtain, because ultimately I feel the need to protect myself from the smiling entity on the other side of my screen and because, at the same time, I know exactly what I did here. Oops, I just unleashed another half-in-jest zeppelin, that people could pretzel exactly how they see fit. However, it's true: my public persona is a carefully curated lie. Peekaboo, underneath I know very well what my committed truth is.
S: ' I am the double'.
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Translation: I am opening my arms and I am puffing out my chest. There, I've said it. Ha! I am in full defiant mode, now. I meant every single word I just said and damn the consequences.
I wish I'd had the patience to watch it all. But I think I've managed to analyze the most interesting part of it. Overall, there was quite a bit of stress involved on S's side (lots of chin grabbing, etc), the only one I was interested in. She was simply not worth my attention and I doubt she, unlike many other people in the media, 'knows stuff'. If anything, that only served to validate my first impressions.
And yes, always look for the presence of the teeny-tiny abnormal detail. Sometimes (not always) it can prove rewarding.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
It's been a week. "But Pancake," you say, "it's only Monday."
At least we can all come together and cry over Trigun.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 6, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 6 Covers
This is the most band cover of the covers. Except someone forgot to tell Vash and he's just enjoying hanging out with everyone, and Milly has given up on her cool pose because it's just too hot.
Ohhhhhh, crap! I don't recognize most of the people on the back cover, but there's a certain two-gunned fellow who looks familiar. I'm so excited to meet him!
I love how the text on the back frames this like some fun, action-packed adventure instead of action-trauma with an extra side of MORE trauma.
I don't have a clue what's going on with the gag covers. I wish everyone the best in the inevitable tentacle wars.
Oh, man. These chapter titles have me hyped!
Chapter 1: The Gunslinger
Every time Vash is wrapped in a big cloak like that I think of him looking over the crater of July.
Is this... Meryl having a bit of a panic attack over all the information?
Yep, that's what it is.
At least Milly is sleeping again. And apparently through Meryl waking up screaming.
Maaaaannnn, the old-timey Southwestern U.S. aesthetic is real.
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Oh, dude. Was this guy in '98? Are we gonna get to see Vash's drinking tie again??
Telling someone who refused to give you a guy that they're gonna regret not giving you a gun isn't a very sound argument for them giving you a gun.
Eyyy, it's Vash!
LOL, "Lightning." I wonder what this guy's seen Vash do to give him a nickname like that.
Nick thinks Meryl just wants some of his food.... I mean, eating probably would make her feel a bit better.
Wolfwood knows. Sort of.
I don't think he's trying to drive her away so much as he's trying to protect her.
Look at him being all pretty here....
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You know... Nightow hasn't exactly portrayed sheriffs as good, upstanding citizens in this series....
He's not a very good sheriff if he couldn't figure out that Marlon and this "total stranger" have a bit of a history.
Oh, don't worry about Meryl. She's seen worse. A lot worse.
Glad she takes her weapons seriously.
Whyyyyy is this guy a walking, talking bell??
That's soooooo many bullets....
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Good hell, Vash. Burning off some steam or something? Pretty sure you don't need to shoot that much.
Sherrif's an idiot if he doesn't recognize the skill required for precise grouping. Doesn't deserve a gun.
Dude. I don't like this sheriff guy. I know I already implied that, but now I'm gonna spell it out.
Spoilers for '98: Ok, this gunsmith guy is apparently a direct descendant of the character from the anime. That explains the resemblance; I'm pretty sure that episode aired before this volume was compiled and likely before this chapter was written.
Ah, this shitty sheriff can handle a gun. But he goes straight for killshots and doesn't have nearly the precise grouping Vash has. Also, Vash's face....
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Vash still claps for the guy. He knows it's expected of him, and he'll get further with the guy if he tries to smooth things out than if he criticizes his technique. They're not close enough for that yet.
Marlon gets it. Also, I think it's hilarious that he calls the sheriff "kid," since I'm guessing the sheriff assumes he's older than Vash. But it seems like the Marlon family has a history with Vash that goes back far enough to know he's not exactly human.
Ooooh, Vash just went straight into panic mode. Poor boy, he's got so much trauma....
Dynamite for EVERYONE!!!!
Milly seems happy to be able to go back to hiding behind Meryl. Can't wait to see this dynamic in Stampede.
Uhhhhh, that's a lot more than one....
Rocket? Is... is this Wolfwood?
LOL, what the heck, Vash?? Aaaand there's the Punisher, so....
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Bet me Vash is gonna do this without firing a single shot, just to prove a point. Maybe without even pulling a gun.
These shield guys are so Mad Max.
Geez, regardless of whatever other conflicted emotions they might have about him, they're so worried for his wellbeing.
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Pretty sure he can still pull the trigger. Pretty sure he still doesn't want to, though.
Oop, he's got a gun out... aaaaand he's pulling crazy trick shots again.
The sheriff continues to be the real dumbass here.
He's putting two and two together. Took him long enough.
Oh, now Vash has the Vash gun.
Yep, that's Vash right there.
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His look is like... a bit of an apology, and maybe a bit of embarrassment. He didn't mean to worry Meryl, I think. And he's not used to being seen so plainly.
LOL, he stole the Punisher. Wolfwood will get over it. He just missed his security giant machine gun cross.
Chapter 2: Double Team
Dramatic Wolfwood pose!
The thing about never being able to go back to the people you left to keep safe is you can never quite be sure if they're actually safe in your absence.
Dang, that's quite a recruitment squad that came for him there.
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Did... Knives kill everyone at the orphanage??
Nightow really likes his custom alcohol labels, doesn't he? I wish we could get a better look at this one, 'cause it looks all kinds of intricate.
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Barkeep's trying to be friendly, but Wolfwood's in no mood to talk.
Yyyyyeeeaaahhh, comparing someone to Bluesummers is not a compliment.
Is the "him" Wolfwood is thinking of here Knives or Vash?
Fffffwwwwhaaaaaaat?? Knives shows up, Vash blows a hole in the moon, and Wolfwood, gosh darnit, he goes straight to Knives and pulls a gun on him??? Dang, boy is far more like Midvalley than he'd like to admit.
HC Vash picked up on Wolfwood feeling down and out and deliberately went to find him and check up on him. I mean, if he was able to pick up Wolfwood's voice in the crazy that was the fight in the Dragon's Nest from however far away....
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I have thoughts on Wolfwood pulling his gun on Vash.
Wolfwood: "Sit this one out, Vash." Vash: *already gone*
Oh, no. They've earned Vash's serious face.
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This new yin-yang brother is a bit unhinged.
Awwww, they damaged those super-tough tables!
OMG this spread a;sjdf;lal;al;al;fa;lfl;ajdl;jasdhfah it's delicious
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RIP table. It was hiding a Wolfwood and a big-ass cross machine gun.
LOL, the shot of the poor bartender mourning his awesome table.
Gods, the way Wolfwood's gone from leveling a gun at Vash's head to placing himself as a shield at Vash's back.... Ugh. These boys.
Haaaahahahahahahahaha, Wolfwood knows that Vash knows. And it just makes him like Vash more.
Meanwhile, Milly slept through their building getting the crap beat out of it. You go girl.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Volume 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
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distortsverity · 5 months
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Hikari if she had a normal life, went to high school / university, and at one point got mad after a networking event between students and the League :
If you just opened this like I told you to, tie yourself down to whatever chair you're sitting in, because this email is going to be a rough fucking ride.
For those of you that have your heads stuck under rocks, which apparently is the majority of the student body, we have been FUCKING UP in terms of evening networking events and general social interactions with the League. I've been getting message after message about people being so goddamn AWKWARD and so goddamn BORING. If you're saying to yourself, "But oh em gee Hikari, I've been having so much fun with my friends this week!", then punch yourself in the face right now so that I don't have to find you on campus to do it myself.
I do not give a flying fuck, and the League does not give a flying fuck, about how much you love to talk to your friends. You have 358 days out of the year to talk to friends, and this week is NOT, I repeat NOT one of them. This week is about fostering relationships between us youth and the region’s professional hotshots plus their support, and that's not possible if you're going to stand around talking to each other instead of them. Newsflash you stupid pieces of shit: OFFICIALS DON'T LIKE KIDS WASTING THEIR TIME. OH WAIT, DOUBLE NEWSFLASH: THE LEAGUE IS NOT GOING TO WANT TO SHOW US THE ROPES IF WE FUCKING SUCK, which by the way, in case you're an idiot and need it spelled out for you, WE FUCKING SUCK SO FAR.
"But Hikari!" you say in a whiny little bitch voice to your computer screen as you read this email, "I've been cheering on our League at all the conference matches, doesn't that count for something?" NO YOU ASS HATS, IT DOES NOT. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? IT DOESN'T COUNT BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING UP AT THE MATCHES TOO. I've not only gotten texts about people being WEIRD (for example, acting braindead and saying stuff like "durr what's a Z-Move?" is not funny), but I've also heard about people cheering for the opposing team. The opposing. Fucking. Team. I don't care about “sportsmanship,” YOU CHEER FOR OUR GODDAMN LEAGUE AND NOT THE OTHER ONES. Have you never watched a single tournament before? Are you blind? Or are you just so disgustingly dense about what it means to make people like you that you think being a good little supporter of EVERYONE ELSE is going to make our League happy? Well it's time someone told you: NO ONE LIKES THAT, ESPECIALLY OUR LEAGUE. I will cunt punt the next person I hear doing something like that, and I don't give a crap if you report me, I WILL ASSAULT YOU.
"Ohhh Hikari, I'm now crying because your email has made me oh so so sad.” Well good. If this email applies to you in any way, meaning if you’re a little asswipe that stands in the corners during nighttime discussions or if you're a weird shit that does weird shit during the conference, this following message is for you:
I'm not kidding. Don't go. If you have done ANYTHING I've mentioned in this email and have some rare disease where you're unable to NOT do these things, then you are HORRIBLE, I repeat, HORRIBLE PR FOR OUR SCHOOL. I would rather have four students that are fun and interesting chatting with our League officials than eighty clueless imbeciles. If you are one of the people that have told me "Oh nooo boo hoo I can't talk to them I'm too scared", then I pity you because I don't know how you got this far in life. With that in mind, don't show up unless you're going to stop being an embarrassment for our school. I swear to Arceus if I see anyone being a jackass at tonight's event, I will tell you to leave even if you're a straight-A battling prodigy. I'm not even kidding. Try me.
And for those of you who are offended by this email, I would apologize but I really don't give a fuck. Go fuck yourself.
- Your Class President
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trickster-shi · 5 months
WIP Updates
Been a while since I did one of these, and I should honestly be trying to sleep so this damn sore throat/respiratory crap goes away, but I just can't breathe when I lay down >_< however, I'm feeling a bit better than a couple days ago so I'll do this update and see if I can concentrate long enough to get some words in on at least one of these projects.
Project Zander:
I finished chapter five last night and sent it off to the beta readers. That one took a while to really come together to my satisfaction, especially the past scene. I had over 10k words on this chapter at one point before figuring out what it needed and cutting it down to 6500.
I am now working on outlining the next five chapters before I dive into chapter six.
Untitled Original Project:
I decided to scavenge some parts from Teenage Vigilante Witch and build an original story out of it. So far I like what I've got, which is about 4k words and needs a lot of outlining. Still keeping the found family aspect, but I'm doing a lot of world building and outlining to ensure it's a very different story from Teenage Viginate Witch. Looking back on it now, there was a lot of stuff I wish I'd explored in that first story, but it was written very fast and thrown up on archive to prove to myself that I could still write. I never intend to go back and edit or rewrite any of it, so I'm going to take the potential it had and put it into another story and take it a couple jogs to the left. Mostly, I'm going to be exploring that guilty/vigilante mindset with a spell amnesia twist that slowly pulls back to reveal a truth better left forgotten with a different take on found family. Still working out a lot of the details but I'm excited for it.
Home Across the Universe #10:
It's a little over 3k at the moment but I have notes and scenes in my email that I need to get and stitch together in the draft, so it's likely closer to 5k. Also, I already have the ending outlined and I'm excited to get to that since it's a cliffhanger I'm gonna get yelled at over. Looking forward to that. I may poke at this one today and see if I can get some more written on it.
Rabbit Come Home part 4:
Also a little over 3k written, I'm still outlining the scenes to make sure I include everything I need to so it's a satisfying ending. I'm shooting for this to be the end of the series and there are a lot of threads to tie off.
Into the Black, Episode 3:
Also sitting at 3k, this has a couple of chunk sitting in my email I need to stitch in as well. I haven't worked on it in a couple weeks and need to sit down and outline my scenes to figure out where it needs to go. I have a vague idea but not enough to work on, especially today with my mind being fried from sickness.
Untitled Sequel to the supposed Jurassic World/Teen Wolf Oneshot:
I told myself it was a one shot and I believed it for a while, but a plot bunny bit me after a recent rewatch of Fallen Kingdom and I now have...5,515 words of a sequel. It goes a bit AU from Fallen Kingdom because I had high hopes for the promises that movie set up for Dominion that Dominion just did not deliver for me. I'm still let down about that, apparently. I'm aiming to keep the story small in scale, but it was fun pitting Stiles against dinosaurs the first time and this sequel has him showcasing some more of his smarts while injured and a little delirious from pain meds, so it should be entertaining.
Aaand, that's all I've been working on lately. Hoping to get the next Home Across the Universe oneshot finished and posted first, though I'm not making any promises or predictions on when that will be. Hopefully I can scrape together enough brain cells to work on it today and get it closer to the end scene.
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carrinth · 1 year
The (Re)Adventures of Marzel Amell
Sooooooo ok I ended up binge playing DA:O for the last two weeks. And it might as well have been a blind playthrough because I forgot almost everything ^_^;; Below are Carrinth's Random Observations or Things That Have Happened to Marzel (Redux):
DA armor is still ugly as sin. I'm sorry. Robes 4 lyfe.
Man I tell you, a single Heal spell makes ALL the difference. Especially early on when you don't have money or potions or skillz. Dying less apparently makes game moar fun! SHOCKING.
I have recruited Sten.
I have also recruited Shale for the first time. I love Shale. Shale is best rock. Squish me. (Not really pls don't Shale) DLC ftw!
Sten really, really, REALLY likes my warden this time wtf. His affection is the HIGHEST of everyone, second only to dog. I have no idea how that happened. O_O I just RP-ed Marzel as being very indifferent to Sten. "I'm not here to impress you, bruh." Sten is a tsundere confirmed.
I did the FADE quest. Again. I told myself it wasn't as bad this round and that I'm fine but obviously I'm not fine but you just have to hold it in and my bags are full of junk and I need to sell them bcos I needs the money but I can't leave pls pls let me out LET ME OUT!2111
Wynne talking about what makes an abomination made me have Anders/Justice feels. "If one retains one's humanity, one is not an abomination." 😥
Still bff with Jowan. We bros for life. Alistair didn't like that.
"Teagan! Who iZ dis mAN?" Idk but the second round I really enjoyed her voice-acting. She's a distraught mother close to hysterics. It's amazingly hilarious and compelling! <3
Wait. Wait. I totally forgot about Connor. So wait. We CAN CURE demonic possession??? I thought it was permanent?! No way of saving but death via a pokey sword yadda yadda?? Omg is this one of those 'we could cure you but it's too expensive and you can't afford it' scenarios? IT IS. Poor farmer's kid can't afford a pile of lyrium but if you're the son of an arl? No problem! Whole Circle bending over just to help you. Wow. Goddamn. Chantry/Circle seriously just kill mages because it's the cheaper alternative! >:O
MMmmmm. People say I should save Orzammar for last because it is harder. But. Oghren. But. Difficult. But OGHREN. But BROODMOTHER. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE SUFFERING OF DEEP ROADS?! .......... OGHREN. Marzel and friends died a lot. Mostly because I stubbornly wanted my party to consist of Oghren and Shale. That's like, two warriors ugh. We got by. Shale extra conversations were worth it ;)
Got Flemeth's grimoire for Morrigan. Formed a team made only of dude-bros to help Marzel get laid. Which meant they had to make do without any healing or bard song. I named them... the Snu Snu Squad (affectionate). Zevran died almost immediately. (Note: Dragon bum be dangerous position) Marzel stupidly killed his own self with blood magic while throwing his single Heal spell >_> MVP goes to Alistair for keeping alive long enough to whittle away Flemeth's health and died just exact moment Sten landed a killing blow. Grimoire was given and snu snu was had!
Marzel is in weird love triangle where all romancable persons love him. This cannot end well.
Why are there so many Desire demons? Holy crap, with the DLCs I have encountered no less than 4. Were there always this many?? Are Fereldans so horny?
People who challenge MAGES to duels deserve to die... from stupidity. I don't make the rules. You sir, have a pointy stick. Marzel can conjure blizzards and crushing barriers with his fingertips. We are not the same.
Ok I just read codex that those Wild Sylvan trees are possessed by Rage demons?? Omg. They are Angry Trees. Low-key wanna see Justice fight Angry Trees while yelling about demons.
Haha I missed this game. Now onward to Sacred Ashes and moar stuff I can't remember!
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s14e20 moriah (w. andrew dabb)
dads fighting over killing their kid, sammy stressed. what a world
(jfc when jdm/john is talking in the recap i'm like godDAMN whose voice is he reminding of - oh right, i talked about this already when watching that very episode -_- good voice 10/10 both actors)
i wonder how far back it goes that they showed people getting their heads chopped off to the line "Lay your weary head to rest" in carry on my wayward song because i remember this song used to hit me in the feelings way back when (mentioned it still working for me in 6x22 at least.) anyway, i am also very literal with song lyrics and my little fanvids so i can't really criticize but tone 🤌
CASTIEL You should never have tried to lock him away. DEAN You know what? You're right. I never wanted to put him in that damn box. I wanted him dead. CASTIEL Dean. DEAN He's dangerous, Cas, and you knew it! You've known it for a long time! But that's okay. You know why? Because me and Sam, we've killed just about everything there is. And this -- Jack -- oh, we'll find a way. Because he's just another monster. CASTIEL You don't mean that. DEAN The hell I don't.
sigh, this is frustrating! but we gotta have conflict somewhere right, so dean's taking out is hurt and grief over mary on jack, making choices that are making jack worse. and now hellbent on killing him without taking any time to try to work the problem in another way
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DEAN I don't know. Maybe we call Rowena, see if she can put together one of those, um, "soul bombs." SAM The...thing you were gonna use against the Darkness? DEAN Yeah, might actually put a dent in the kid. SAM Okay. (quietly) DEAN Sam, I know this isn't easy, okay? He -- I know how much he meant to you. He meant a lot to me. He was family. But this? This is not Jack anymore. He's hurting, he's killing people. This isn't gonna be easy, but we're gonna have to do the hard thing. We're gonna have to do the ugly thing. Ain't like it's the first time, though, right?
was he raring to kills cas when he killed all those people and angels when fake god juiced up on souls?
apparently yes! clearly forgot about that
wiki summary excerpt from 7x01 The ritual is successful, and Death appears, bound. He thinks that he has been summoned regarding Sam's hallucinations, and Dean looks to Sam, surprised by the news. Death asserts that he can't help Sam (there's only "one wall per customer"), and Dean tells him instead that they want him to kill Castiel. Before they can convince him, though, Castiel appears. He threatens to kill them all, but Dean reminds him that Death is under their control. It appears that they are at a stalemate.
ok, so is this truth spell business from jack everywhere? fic premise-y. and mirror universe for the company name, okay.
SAM You. Come on, man. You're always calling me a geek, but you know every word to every Led Zeppelin song -- backwards and forwards -- you can discuss in detail every major rock drummer between '67 and '84, and... you watch "Jeopardy!" every night.
not to mention nerding out over horror films, cars, etc etc. we are all but nerds in our own special ways
like, we're really going for truth spell gags here? what'd i say about tone? lol
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well. stapler queen is cute
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pretty place to film and nice shot. didn't expect chuck but knew he had to come around eventually. i do really enjoy rob benedict though. he's so good at being that chill aw shucks persona that chuck usually is. like hey what a nice smile, good to see him! wait, he's the absent-est of fathers and lets the world nearly implode on a regular basis
DEAN Yeah, guess your life isn't so perfect after all, EightPackMommy. SAM What? DEAN Yeah, she's got this blog. Yeah, you know what? Your kids aren't that cute. And that gluten-free popover looks like crap because there's no gluten in it. You know what I mean? I'll stop talking. SAM Probably a good plan.
hope we get better truth spell anecdotes than dean follows a mommy blogger (nope.) also are we really supposed to just take on this info that sam's favorite singer is actually celine dion? :p
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cathartic until god yells at you
CHUCK Okay, look. I get it. All right, I'm from the deus from the machina, and you have questions.
all very twee
CHUCK: Listen, you guys know me. I'm hands-off. I built the sandbox -- you play in it. You want to fight Leviathans? Cool. You got that. You want to go up against -- what was it? -- the "British Men of Letters"? Okay. Little weak, but okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse or the Other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in.
i will always appreciate a roast of the bmol plotline
SAM So you're saying Jack is Apocalyptic? CHUCK The kid said, "Stop lying," and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane.
the whole crazy powered up nephilim actually equates to god powers, sure
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lol what. the colt 2.0 but actually kills anything
CHUCK So, this doesn't so much fire bullets as it sends a wave of multi-dimensional energy across a perfectly balanced quantum link between whoever's shooting it and whoever they're shooting at.
this is giving very crack treated seriously (or just plain crack) vibes
CHUCK Uh, whatever happens to the person you're aiming at also happens to you. So you kill him... DEAN You die.
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CAS I don't understand why we're talking about killing Jack. Y-You can fix him. You can --You can restore his soul. That's why I called you. CHUCK Yeah, not so much. SAM You're God. CHUCK Well, souls are complicated -- even for me. Besides, even if I could, would you really want -- I mean, after what he did? CASTIEL Then we bind him. We throw him in the Cage until -- DEAN Stop, Cas. You heard him. This is the only way. CAS And Billie said the only way to defeat Michael was to lock you in a box. CHUCK Ugh. Billie. I liked the old Death better. He was all about fried pickles and tickle porn. This new Death -- she's always sticking her scythe where it doesn't belong. CAS There has to be another way. DEAN Well, there's not. Now, I know you don't like it, and I don't really care. 'Cause you just heard it from God Himself that this is the only thing that can kill Jack, so either get on board, or walk away.
i think part of why i'm finally warming up to cas is him consistently caring about someone - like, willing to go to the mat with anyone for jack. and there's less of this bumbling clueless angel schtick periodically thrown in.
and something again i don't like is when anyone does this shut up there's no other way it's my way or the highway business. i feel like i talked about this before... maybe with the soul bomb business? and probably the box too? rushing into deadly action that can't be walked back with almost no information. which i compared to agonizing over how to deal with lucifer all season in s5 and finally accepting sam going into the cage was the only viable option left. there's just so many plot beats and so much going on at one time. and then dean rushes into shit and i'm just like STOP BREATHE WAIT.
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hopefully not plot relevant flask filling, unlike last time we saw him do it (that i recall) in 7x18
music (lennertz and wynn) at the beginning reminds me a bit of hannibal bloodfest again, the muted version that was in 14x08 when jack had died from the heavenly tuberculosis
glad sam is standing up to dean's willingness to again sacrifice himself at the drop of a hat and point out they haven't even tried to fix anything, just rushing into these awful solutions. and pointing out that they got themselves into this situation in the first place by bringing jack back. (and hey, maybe consider chuck's motivations in all this)
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not a great hug but way less creepy than hugging soulless sam at least. glad he didn't actually kill his grandmother and has calmed down a bit and acknowledged he's not feeling anything anymore
CHUCK No. Sam... you and your brother, of all the Sams and Deans in all the multiverse, you're my favorite. You're just so interesting. I mean, like that thing that happened at the office earlier today -- that was crazy, right? SAM Do you watch us? When you're not here, are -- are you... watching us? CHUCK Yeah. I mean, you're my favorite show.
creeper asshole. what new way can we make them suffer today
SAM Wait a second. Why, when the chips are down, when the world is -- is failing, why does it always have to be on us?! CHUCK Because you're my guys.
good to see sam yelling at chuck about it.
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like this really is soul bomb 2.0 (i was not a fan). some half cocked plan with new random made up weapon that gets introduced mid episode in the season finale that will result in dean dying to kill some almost-impossible to kill god type entity. not making me cry this time, bitches
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padalecki got to phoebe-run through the park yelling for dean for an extended period of time, that was something
CHUCK This isn't how the story is supposed to end. CAS The story? CHUCK Lookit, the -- the -- the gathering storm, the gun, the -- the father killing his own son. This is Abraham and Isaac. This is epic! DEAN Wait. What are you saying? SAM He's saying he's been playing us. This whole time. CHUCK Come on. SAM Our entire lives. Mom, Dad -- everything. This is all you because you wrote it all, right? Because -- Because what? Because we're your favorite show? Because we're part of your story? CHUCK Okay, Dean, no offense, but your brother is stupid and crazy. And that kid is still dangerous. So pick up the gun. Pick it up... pull the trigger... and I'll bring her back. Your mom. DEAN No. My mom was my hero. And I miss her, and I will miss her every second of my life, but she would not want this. And it's not like you even really care. 'Cause Sam's right. The Apocalypse, the first go-around, with Lucifer and Michael -- you knew everything that was going on, so why the games, Chuck, huh? Why don't You just snap your fingers and end it?! CHUCK Look, I -- SAM And every other bad thing we've been killing, been dying over -- where were you? Just sitting back and watching us suffer so we can do this over and over and over again -- fighting, losing people we love? When does it end? Tell me. CHUCK Dean, don't do this. DEAN No, we're done talking. 'Cause this -- this isn't just a story. It's our lives! So God or no God, you go to hell.
it feels kind of bonkers that they're just now getting clued into the conceit that all the suffering and misery and death they've been through has been at chuck's direction
surely the god-killing gun doesn't actually work on chuck. there's been a couple weird cuts for ads in the past season or two - where they repeat some action/dialogue after a cut for an ad. which is so weird, they never did that before.
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looks like the bandana dean was using for sam's woulda-been-fatal head wound few episodes ago
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spn 14x17
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so jack's in the empty... and billie is there. okaayyy
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resurrecting all the monsters they killed or whatever this is, sure. an extremely long shot of shambling zombies. did they need to kill time (i thought the cut to billie was the end of the episode and almost just skipped the last several minutes 🥴)
one season left to go. makes me think about how jared and jensen periodically talk about reviving the show but like. The Show was so out of ideas and things just got more and more convoluted and outlandish, what is there even left to do? other than some timeline reset but when they're older. or like apparently the winchesters, whole new au.
and despite how critical i am of the show, i'm still invested and care about sam and dean. so i'd watch whatever sam and dean show they might make. but i'm still gonna be critical :p i have avoided reading other people's opinions on any of the show i haven't seen so whatever criticism i'm spewing out is just my reaction as i watch
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danmeiconfession · 7 months
I hate transmigration. I used to like it but I don't not anymore. I feel like after the craze of so many danmei and other works using transmigration especially quick and world-hopping transmigration I started to despise it. I honestly started to feel like the characters they are playing are actors and the ML's fall for it and sure they reveal it but like I felt like it was a lie. I can't explain well but I don't have much interests in stories of characters being in someone body especially stories they have no connection with because they are outsiders for lack of a better term and them acting as the host for points to survive. What stakes are there for me to read if these characters know the future and then oh whoops here we go again they suddenly changed the course of the story and got the villan or ML to fall for them. I hate the family drama which is something I really like in original stories but knowing that the MC just has no care because we know they aren't connected with the family and ML and a lot of the times they're a cannon fodder in a dogblood drama but the feeligns they exhibit on the outside is so fake just makes me quit as a reader. Like system stories be doing that so much lately that the one story I read that didn't had the system I fucking liked it because they weren't bound to follow through their course. I hate stories that just have that stupid system who are so cruel to their hosts for no apparent reason to motherfuckers if I were there I'd rather they'd send me back because no benefit in the world will I allow myself to be degraded and talked shit to by the system and fictional characters I read from a book once.
I hate sickly beauty MC's too. Just putting it out there.I'm a face con but damn it is that all there is to you fainting dizzying spells lol?
Also these systems just be for real liars because the MC only joined them for benefits like living in a world they want to choose or to go back before they died. But, it's a lie I theorize these systems just be pulling shit because these psyco MLs be jumping across every world who the fuck signed up for that? The MC's be doing their due diligence and work hard as hell to earn points just for me to find out their access was denied.
I'd love to one day see a series where an MC so aware of this stupid system crap they just rather go back to their resting place instead.
Another trope I hate: I fucking hate danmei MC who willingly allow themselves to be walked over I get trauma but what person wouldn't punch their white lotus siblings in the face for it? Especially the men they choose just makes me roll my eyes you want to die fine but choose a finer man or make them regret making you a substitute.
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Purr for your thoughts?
A/N: This is a repost from one of my Wattpad accounts, I wrote it forever ago; there’s a bunch of grammar mistakes and it’s generally not very good
(Requests are open)
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif)
Format: oneshot
Characters: Stella, briefly Felix (relationship not specified but it's friendly)
Type: crack, slight comfort, I’m not sure tbh
Reader info: 1st person, no 3rd person pronouns
Warnings: some swear words, d/ath related mentions
Word count: 1628
Proofread: no
Summary: after a long day you hang out with Stella
The door clicks as I turn the key Felix gave me. As I open it I am met with utter chaos and while it isn't a surprise to find his study in such a state it still earns a loud groan from me. That is really not something I wanted to deal with today. I flop down on the small sofa and sigh. When Felix asked me to get one of his books he didn't mention I'd have to fight myself through such a mess to find it. The day was already stressful as it was: Sage needed to get bailed out of some trouble, I was assigned the reappearing Saaros-lotion-situation (we stocked up on lotion and thought it as solved but apparently you 'can't use that lotion with these weather conditions'), I unfortunately ran into Felix right as he was searching for someone to test a new spell on and Anisa somehow talked me into taking some of her chores today while she's on some mysterious mission.
I should've just told Felix to get his stuff himself, but no, I thought "how bad can that one little task be compared to all the shit I already did today". Honestly I should've expected something like this from him. Not that I'm mad, it's just frustrating to think I spent all day doing stuff for people that they just see as a small favour while I am completely exhausted with all the crap I did for them.
Little no-big-deal snowballs add up to an avalanche burying me in stress and tiredness.
I'm happy to help out best I can but heck, some appreciation would be nice. But today no one seems to pay attention to me at-
I turn my head to see two big green eyes staring right at me. Well, maybe someone does after all.
"Let me guess.... You want food?"
Stella jumps on the sofa and stretches.
"Hard day, huh? Yeah, me too. Everyone seemed to need help with stuff! You know how annoying it can be to do things for others and not get the recognition you think you deserve. I mean, you've been protecting this place for, actually how long is it? Years I'm sure. I've only once seen Felix even touch you and..... actually, I don't think I've ever seen anyone feed you? Do you even eat?" I laughed lightly "Well, at least that's not what you want from me then. Don'T get me wrong, I would've fed you! I just did so much today already and now I also gotta find that book somewhere in here, gosh I just wanna have dinner and go to bed. It's exhausting to be busy all day with none of it even being for yourself, and then not even being sure if you'll ever get anything back..... do you think I'm being selfish?"
I once again turn my head in her direction and am met with her very confused expression (though... maybe that's just how her face looks?)
I groan at the realisation I'm talking to an undead ball of fluff right now.
"Alright, c'mere zombie kitty", I say as I pat my lap.
Felix has warned me often not to cuddle with or even touch her but hey! She's a little cat. Yeah, she's undead. Yes, she's got some weird super dangerous demon-thingy in her. Yup, she has eaten spirits in my presence multiple times already (wherever these came from). But hey. She's small and fluffy.
After a moment she obeys, making her way on my lap. She curls up there, her stub moving slightly. I rest my hand on her, almost gasping.
"You're so soft!"
She looks up, as if questioning what I said.
"Yes! You're so soft!", I started, switching to baby-voice. "Especially considering that, you know, you're a corpse and all. Such a fluffy little princess! So sooooft. And adorable of course! You're very- geez do you ever blink?"
She kept staring at me a bit longer before I carefully guided her head to lay back on my leg.
"Aaaalright. Yknow little one, you're really awesome. You're doing a great job. You're an amazing little demon cat."
I start stroking her back with my fingertips, afraid to scare her away. When she moves I'm already worried she'll leave, but instead she stretches across my legs to reveal her belly to me. Her cuteness almost makes me squeak, but what actually makes me is how soft her belly fur is.
"So sooooft", I whisper yet again as I pet her, mesmerised by her fluffiness. As I give her little head scratches for a change she slowly reaches out for my sleeve with her little paws. I quickly move my hand a bit in amusement, making her move quickly in an attempt to catch it.
Thinking a moment I remember the ribbon that still lingers in my pocket (for whatever reason), pulling it out with a quick movement that makes Stella basically jump up.
"Heeere kitty kitty kitty", I say smiling as I move it around, leading to Stella sitting in my lap while her front paws are stretched towards the ribbon above her.
It's like she's possessed.
Comedy was always my strength.
Half lost in thoughts I don't even notice when I pull the now-cat-toy a bit too far, only realising my mistake when I hear Stella land on the floor with a thud.
"Stella?" I look over the sofas edge, seeing her lay still with her face turned away from me. "Uhm.... Stella?" I gently tap her back but don't get any response.
Shit, did I break her?
I panic as I realise she isn't breathing for a moment before remembering that of course she doesn't, she didn't before either.... I think.
Just as I'm considering getting Felix she quickly turns her head and grabs the ribbon I no longer paid attention to from my hand and scurries away with it.
I just stare for a moment before chuckling in disbelief. "Clever puss. Is that what Felix meant? You're really evil, huh?" Stella lays a bit further off playing with her new prey and I doubt she's listening, but I continue nonetheless. "Oh, you need a villain name! Something good. Nothing boring like LoRd Of ShAdOwS (lord of shadows), like what kinda name is that? It's always just something with shadows or darkness and then that boring Lord. 'Dark Lord' this 'Lord of Shadows' that, these are so boring!"
I notice Stella is now looking at me like I have her full attention. I still with pride at the thought of her considering my monologue interesting.
"How about.... Furry death? Fiendish floof? Cutie of destruction?" She meows, though I'm not sure if it's in approval or not. Before I can think of another terrible villain name for her she turns away and jumps up the small table, knocking down some papers placed on it by a messy necromancer.
I get up to place the notes back, stacking some of them up to avoid further chaos. Right, the book. I've been gone for a while already, I don't wanna make Felix wait too long. Skimming through the books still on the shelf I notice quickly it must be laying on the floor. I try to make my way back to the sofa to work myself through the mess from there, but accidentally knock over a stack of books.
"Nah shit!" Stella jumps up at the sudden noise, making me sigh yet again. "I'm sorry, Stella." 
After a moment I suddenly feel something softly pressing against my arm. I look to see the little cat put her head against me, now looking up at me.
She almost sounds commanding.
Her little paws carry her down the table and across the floor, where she circles a book with what seems to be some notes and an old cup of tea on it. "Hm?" I Walk over and carefully put papers and cup away, to reveal the very book I was searching.
"You found it!", I cheer as I take Stella into my arms and lift her up. "Thank you, little monster." I nuzzle my face into her back. She's. So. Soft.
Just as I'm about to give her some more cuddles the door opens again.
"Ah, here you are."
I look up to see Felix in the doorway. When he sees Stella in my arms his face turns concerned. "MC-" before he can go on with what definitely would've been a lecture about how Stella is dangerous she jumps out of my embrace and hurries away, distracting Felix for long enough for me to change the subject.
"Er, I got your book. Sorry I kept you waiting." I quickly grabbed it from the floor and made my way over to him.
"Thank you."
"Not to be rude but I think I should get going, find something to eat somewhere and then just head to bed."
I go to move past him, but he stops me.
"Actually, we made dinner"
"We, Uhm, kind of talked and noticed you helped all of us out today so we thought we'd give something back to you."
My heart warms at the gesture, a smile spreading across my face.
"That's so sweet of you guys..."
Felix smiles and motions for me to follow. I turn around one last time, looking at Stella.
She blinks at me slowly, and I return the gesture.
So she does blink.
"Ah, right!" I quickly close the door behind me, catching up with Felix to eat whatever kind of dinner him and the others made.
I'm glad the thought is what counts, cause I doubt it'll be actually edible.
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ninjapotatohead · 2 years
Sonic Chronicles, a Sonic RPG from Bioware back when they still had a perfect reputation & is the closest we got to a game based on the comics continuity. It got B's & 80%s from various review sites & magazines. What could possibly go wrong?
Oh God it hurts, please make the hurting stop.
Here's 3 quick facts about me: A. I can play Sonic games B. I can play RPG C. I can't play rhythm games to save my life
Which of these 3 facts would you say is the most important to playing a Sonic RPG? Well it turns out the answer is C because every damn attack & spell requires the player to do some Elite Beat Agents bullshit to work. Made worse that the you-did-it-wrong sound effect sounded more like a you-did-it-right SFX to me, so I didn't realize how badly I was screwing up for the longest time.
In fact, the audio top to bottom is just terrible Shadow's "voice" is the falling-down-the-tube SFX from Sonic Spinball. & the music, Hoolee Moolee the music. Apparently Bioware ran into legal issues with their soundtrack in the 11th hour or some other shit & at the last minute replaced most of the tracks with MIDIs from a fan site. The results weren't pretty.
Story is.............ok. To Bioware's credit, they've done some homework & tied previously unconnected threads from multiple past games together to form this game's backstory & this was probably the last time any Sonic game remembered the Master Emerald. However, some of these callbacks don't really amount to much in the long run. OK, so the Dark Brotherhood built the Gizoids from Sonic Battle, what of it? The gizoids in the game might just as well have elite Brotherhood troops for all the difference it makes. If Gemerl from Advance 3 made an appearance they could've gone somewhere with it but he doesn't so nevermind.
Speaking of the Dark Brotherhood, the other disappointment is that this is like the only Sonic game to incorporate elements from the archie comics canon, except not really. Instead of the Dark Legion/Julie Su/Dimitri, SC has the store brand knock-offs Dark Brotherhood/Shade/Ix. It's like getting Kylo Ren instead of Jacen Solo. I hate to imagine a sequel having substitute Freedom Fighters if Bioware kept going.
Dialogue choices seem to be there for the sake of Bioware tradition, not to actually add anything of note. You can either choose from sarcastic Sonic or serious Sonic, but the results the same regardless. This probably would've been a better game to work in a custom player avatar instead of Forces, Bioware at least could've done more with it. Tails is so insufferable about reminding the player to save the game, he continues to do it even after telling him to stop. That's how inconsequential choices are.
Stats are so weirdly implemented. Damage output is not a visible stat, you can equipped items that increase your damage but they don't show by how much. There's an "Attack" stat that you can see, but it actually refers to the attack's accuracy, which I didn't know for the longest time & was hella confused at why I was doing so little damage. You give party members protection from different elemental attacks, but there is no single enemy in the whole game that even deals any sort of elemental damage so the shields are pointless.
In short, it's a game where every facet of it fails. Crap graphics, terrible audio, lousy controls, half-assed gameplay, weak story, & a cliffhanger ending that'll never get resolved thanks to a lawsuit from a dumbass ex-writer. It may not be the worst Sonic game ever but it was the 1 that broke my heart the most.
Though, to be fair, Chronicles also sold like shit. If memory serves me, there were special "Viral" Chao that were supposed to be given out at special events, but they never were due to poor attendance from the players.
Chronicles is only just barely passable as "baby's first RPG", but it's when the game is shown to someone who's played many better RPGs that the game's many glaring flaws are laid bare for all to see.
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kierancampire · 9 months
Percy Jackson spoilers.
I was so excited to watch the show but I think I honestly dunno if I can continue watching it. I've got 8:30 minutes left of episode 3, yet to watch episode 4. But god it's just pissing me off constantly! I know it's for younger audiences, but some of us grew up reading and loving the books! I wish there was something for us older fans! And I get it can't mirror the books exactly and it needs changes, but god I am so absolutely fuck sick of the show telling you everything and not leaving you any time to guess anything or to sit with anything! It just spells out and screams everything at you! And the changes it makes are crap!
Sally telling Percy everything instantly, Luke telling Percy the Annabeth and Thalia story, Grover telling Percy that Hades has his mum, Annabeth telling Percy that Grover was their protector, Medusa instantly telling them who she is, now Percy is immediately telling them the prophecy in full that he heard!?! What the fuck is up with this show and subtlety!?! It's leaving no complexities to the characters, it is leaving no mysteries, and it is making such huge and shit changes! Like the first Dodds fight, except oh wait, they didn't fight, Percy accidentally stabbed her. Or like the fight where Percy discovers his powers, except oh wait, that never happened either as Annabeth pushed him in a lake. Or like how the Furies show they are really formidable on the bus and they have an almost deadly encounter, except oh wait! That never fucking happens and just a queue of 4 people is apparently enough to stop a high ranking monster! Medusa was barely anything! The monsters aren't scary and have posed no threat because all they do is stand there! The Minotaur was impressive and intimidating, that's it! Then they just are constantly arguing and bickering over nothing, and they're accusing Percy of being scared and defensive when they keep starting on him, firstly he wasn't acting differently at all? So that feels out of nowhere? And of course he's gonna get defensive when they keep fighting him? They've had no kind moments together, just fighting and accusing!
Like, I will try episode 4 once this is done, I will give it a go. But if this show shows one more thing then instantly explains it, or explains a thing before it is even shown or mentioned, honestly I'm dropping it! I just do not get why they wrote it in this way where they do nothing but explain EVERYTHING in the first 3 episodes, and leave nothing for suspense! Especially when it completely goes against the story and characters! The characters in the show are so fucking flat! You are getting spoon fed EVERYTHING, even before you/Percy really know anything about it, like Thalia, they are so one dimensional and bland because they're extracting all the substance! Or like in Mr. D's case, none of his threat is there, Gabe's a pushover, Luke hasn't really shown any anger at the gods, Annabeth hasn't shown any sadness about her arrival, Grover hasn't shown any upset about his past, Percy wasn't allowed to secretly hope to save his mum, they characters have no depth! The show has written them so one note, and anything that could be deep, it just instantly explains or tosses aside! Also, I know he's a kid, but Grover's actor ain't the greatest, and just adding on everything else. If somehow people are enjoying this show, good for them, I'm glad. I was so excited to watch this and was really looking forward to it, especially with how more book accurate it was meant to be. But it's like they're actively going out of their way to ruin the story by removing all the fights, all the excitement, all the mysteries, all the depth, then replacing it with non-stop bickering. The movie did quite a few things better and no one should be saying that.
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the-loaf-of-all · 9 months
Billy Bragg Changed My Life.
My dear friend! I can't even begin to express how stoked I am that you liked "Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards." Here are a few of my absolute favorites from this most wonderful of songwriters, from across a few of his albums.
To Have And Have Not: Way back in the 90s, I got Joel (from Plow) into Operation Ivy. As a thanks, he says, he made me a mixtape of Billy. I lost that tape when someone broke into my Jetta outside Jen's apartment, but not before almost wearing it out to the point where Bill had already morphed my musical DNA. This was the first song on that tape. In it, you get a little bit of so much that I've come to associate with Bill: workers' rights, class struggles, clever wordplay...and that voice, accompanied by that single guitar. I said he was my cello yesterday, which might not have made sense...apparently, cellos resonate so much with folks because their frequency is closest to the human voice. I think Bill's voice is closest in frequency to whatever frequency my heart sings at.
She's Got a New Spell: "She's gone to let the cat in, the next thing I know she's mumbling in Latin, and she pulled the stars down from the sky and baked them in a pie." C'mon, Bill...that's not fair to the rest of us trying to write. :)
Strange Things Happen: Oh, this one...I'm 90% sure I play guitar like I do because of this one track.
Like Soldiers Do: "Blue eyes fighting the grey eyes fighting the tears." I can't even type those lyrics without tearing up. When Bill was in the army, Bob Marley died, and when he found out, he wept while in formation. Apparently, his DI gave him a bunch of crap about it, which, maybe, is where the impetus for this song came from. it's one of his most beautiful, especially the fucking harmonies at the end after the repeated chorus line, raised in register, that finishes me off, every time.
The Saturday Boy: "In the end it took me a dictionary to find out the meaning of unrequited." Jesus, Bill...give us a chance over here!
Levi Stubbs' Tears: One from his "Difficult Third Album". Sad as fuck, but also simply beautiful.
Lovers' Town Revisited: I can't seem to find the original "Lovers' Town" on Spotify, but I do have a recording of from his Peel Sessions (lemme know if this works, if you'd like another treasure trove of his songs). This is a gorgeous follow-up, if you can call it that (it's really a totally different song). "Sometimes it makes me stop and think and sometimes it makes me turn away." Yup.
Waiting for the Great Leap Forward: Jesus, this one. I'm so glad you liked it! This one taught me in so many ways, and continues to do so to this day. "You can be active with the activists, or sleep in with the sleepers" encapsulates so much of what I do and why, while "in a perfect world we'd all sing in tune, but this is reality, give me room" is permission to belt it out like I do. :) And the live version from this bootleg has about 2/3 alternate lyrics (as he often does at shows) which is why I sent it to you after watching Oppenheimer yesterday.
A New England: If I had to guess, I'd say this is his most famous song. It's so perfect, in every way. "Though I put you on a pedestal, they put you on the pill." Chills. He sang a version of this with Kristy MacColl waaaaay back in the day, too, which was incredible. I thought of the "I saw two shooting stars last night" line when we were down in Summer Lake. :)
There is Power in a Union: I used to play this with a guy named James Stedman at COCC whenever we were together and both had our guitars, which was, predictably, not as often as I would have liked. One of those memories I'm glad we shared when we did, as he was killed in a car crash a few years back. I'll never forget how big he smiled when we would do this. <3
Help Save the Youth of America: Of all the incredible lines in this amazing song, I think "The incident at Chernobyl proves that the world we live in is very small" is my favorite. There's a reason I always write him in for local government positions.
Tank Park Salute: Speaking of sleepers, this one took a few years to grow on me. Then, I found out it was about his dad. <3 I had inadvertently aped the lyrical feel of these verses in my own songs about Max and, reading Billy's lyrics now, I well up, both in my heart and with my eyes. Fuck, I love this guy.
I Dreamt I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night: Absolutely haunting. A play on "I Dreamt I saw Joe Hill Last Night." Aside: Phil Ochs is one of only three artist I have in my vinyl collection that starts with "O" (alongside The Outfield - which I hope you love! - and Operation Ivy - which I think you already do)
You Woke Up My Neighbourhood: Oh, this one. Sometimes, he uses a band - perfectly. Again, the "beneath the Seven Sister stars" ran through my mind when I saw the Pleiades in Summer Lake. Billy's never far in my heart and mind. <3 Listen for Michael Stipe!
The World Turned Upside Down: A very old poem that Billy made his own. The words are painted on the restroom at Peoples' Park in Berkley, which gives me great joy.
There Will Be A Reckoning: The only song in this list from after 2000. :) Here's him doing a soundcheck of it at the Tower in 2010 right before I got to see him the second time. It was election night, and he came onto stage with a little tee shirt that had a 45 adapter on it, and a cup of tea. I melted. And then he said, "No matter what happens out there, you're safe in here." Then I laughed. And cried. For two hours. <3
Upfield: "New England" might be his most well-known song, but I think this one encapsulates his life's work the best. Bill taught me what socialism actually was through this lovely, lovely tune. And the line "I've got socialism of the heart" has guided me in ways innumerate, and will, forever.
Thanks, Bill. For everything.
And thank you , LILI BOWERS! I hope you enjoy him, too.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Is a huge war between pseudo empire and the morlock and partially the clothes and everyone's fighting the clones. Here in Charlotte county they're going to have it and very hard and they're taking each other out and they hate each other there's a giant number of them that have died in the past hour it's from the Battle of the rings and the battle inside Charlotte county today they said we don't want to fight each other and all this crap and they go at it and they really do and they're a bunch of morons and say so much stuff out loud spells and They do not work. Donald Trump is a egotist a madman and a loser all at the same time he's going down in flames now he's saying things on TV his issuing statements to groups including the media he's telling his own people to screw he's getting caught by almost everybody and he is also going to jail they said it in court your behavior is criminal and they keep saying it too you're acting like a criminal right now they're saying in court to the president out loud and they're trying to stop him from being this blithering a****** you see everywhere he's making public statements and threats and people are bringing him to court there's four new lawsuits from yesterday's rants and there's 10 that came up on the past two weeks and he can't handle the pressure and he keeps on putting on himself with half as many and they're going to suffer for what they're doing here we don't want you here annoying him enough and it is painful and the people connected to you and die including Max and foreigners who are having a stupid s*** done. And they're falling it's a huge conflict too between the warlock and the pseudo empire and they're actually morlock and idiots for doing it. Now BJ ain't talking about 200 million chips from Stan. And there are a lot of things happening but Stan is on the warpath and he can't stand the guy and nobody can is looking for an excuse and he found one bja at his front door and we mean it too he's bothering him in his house and chasing him around he's a little f**** and they're going at it and bja is trying to take the big stuff and he really needs it and he needs the ground bases and they're on like full attack you start taking a bunch of stuff and death star is trying to hit the ground base that they take and Stan is still got I think it says around 10% and threatening the chips to take them they hit like 4500 and several big ones and that's like 10% so they move over to destroy the place and they can't get a shot off and the thing heats up and it's a bunch of them and then they come in real fast and they heat it up too much and blew up that's what happens and it's coming up probably within the next few days and a lot of them will be dead completely incinerated and others will be partially there's a bunch of movies that happened before and it's 3 or 4 days finally he becomes general grievous rather soon and dies and Dan becomes singe and dies. And there you moved out of the house shortly apparently. But that war is going to heat up and between bja and Stan because of today's battle and a lot of other things the other two are not doing great and Biden has taken his they're not really following orders and if they do this crappy and they're going after the head guys computers right now they can see what it's doing. That's what they say. Get a like about a hundred million chips and now he has 50 million that's not bad his bases are cut in half and the ones that operational are at 50%. McDonald's are still kind of going but they lost half their fleet and it down to about 300 million ships and they're down about 30% of the large stuff and look at their asses kicked and the empire starts trying to take diamonds now they have about four 10,000 mi that stars that's what the four and will push people here to invite in fight
There's a lot more happening but these are the highlights and it's very important it's huge this news above is gigantic and Star wars begins and they go after a stand and they go after bja and each other and it's a nightmare and they're still going after the three and right now the rings are devastated up to including the 18th and after that they're only about 50 mi away and at the closest flight and they're still proceeding with a good size Force and the ships are added they're trying to get here and they're fighting and Stan had to pull out
Thor Freya
Fairly soon Stan will fall and he becomes Obi-Wan Kenobi is then cut in half comes back as obi won. And finally kills Trump. This is very strange his end is very strange he's fighting in Pennsylvania it looks like he gets the empire but it could be clothes and his dad answer possible
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
sorry i just saw your post + all the notes about rory missing lorelai’s graduation and for the ppl criticizing her for being “selfish” or “manipulative” i would just like to point out that she was SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!!! teenagers can be rash and extremely emotional and selfish! no one defending rory is saying that was a great moment for her but holy crap it was hardly maliciously evil. does no one who watched this show remember what it was like to be a teenager?? lol anyway just had to get that out, rory haters always irk me!
Yes, exactly! Is it because Rory generally carries herself in a serious and "adult-like" manner that they expect her to, well, BE an adult? (Before anyone comes at me about the Revival, I'm not talking about that right now)
And about her having impulsive moments from the beginning... well, yeah? That's because they're using it as a storytelling device. Rory normally IS very quiet and contained and likes to have all her ducks in a row, and she tends not to talk about her feelings, so when Rory goes and does something rash (running away to her grandparents in Season 1, skipping school to see Jess in Season 2, sleeping with Dean in Season 4, etc. etc.), it's SUPPOSED to be a signal to the audience that SOMETHING IS WRONG and there's some strong emotional turmoil that Rory isn't dealing with.
In this case, the show even spells it out for you! Rory's freaking out about what she did, and it's meant to lead up to Lorelai's observation that "maybe, honey, you are falling for Jess." Because the entire POINT is that Rory wouldn't just do this for no reason! The entire POINT is to show that her feelings for this boy are way stronger than she wants to admit to herself! Like, did people not pay attention to that part? And yes, Rory tends to be very self-contained physically, so maybe some people would take that as her not being very emotionally involved here, but that is ALSO part of the point! She holds herself in and holds herself in, until eventually she can't and she explodes. And yeah, it's messy, and yeah, there's collateral damage and it's a problem (I mean, there's a reason I sent her to therapy in my fanfiction, haha. That poor girl could use some!), but this is also a TV DRAMA and this is apparently what ASP thinks audiences want. You could say the writers maybe leaned on that device too often. Sure. That's certainly a valid critique. Because it DOES start to lose its "shock value" after a while, and (especially when people binge a show and time seems compressed) it can start to look more "normal" than the writers clearly intended it to be.
But to that point, I don't understand why Rory is singled out for being messy, because there's hardly a character in this show who ISN'T! Lorelai had definitely had a lot of impulsive and self-destructive moments too. But Rory's not "supposed to" be like Lorelai in this way, and maybe that's part of the point too. Rory has been bending over backwards her entire life to please her mother and her grandparents by not acting like her mother, but sometimes... despite it all, she is her mother's daughter, more than anyone wants her to be, and not in the ways she's "supposed to" be. Can't there be room enough and compassion enough to see the complicated beauty and tragedy in that?
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art-rat · 2 years
Ok but like consider this
Fae David au
He's at least 100 years old
But is still one of the younger fea
The camp was built literally in the middle of his territory
But he was too nice to terrorize literal children
But at the same time had to make sure they didn't mess up his beautiful forest
So to compromise
Posed as a child to keep an eye on the humans
But got attached
Tried to be an annoying little kid
Somehow became someone's best friend???
Also cant act for long periods of time apparently
Cambell in return for "keeping the camp safe" keeps people from destroying the forest
: buying out construction sites threatening people un aliving them shady shit
"You must make sure I can't get sued or let the camp get shut down due to my shady business practices related to this camp."
"alright but in return you must keep my forests safe, protect my land from your people"
(Little Fae Davy grumpy that his parents are making him go out and experience the human world via a human summer camp)
no one except Cambell knows he's fae at first
Later on I think the treo find out somehow
Like Davids healing a dead tree or they over hear him talking to Cambell about their "broken deal"
Campbell finds out later
He totally thinks little Davy is human for an embarrassingly long period of time.
Like David glows in the light somehow and Cambell in none the wiser
Davy having to spell it out for him...
Lmao definitely
"fae sir but yes I told you this a thousand times, I counted"
"I can't believe I figured it out all on my own!"
"=-= ...sure"
"I, Cameron Campbell, found a fairy that hid itself as a camper in my camp!"
"I... wasn't really hiding from you, Mr. Campbell sir..."
"yep I found it, me, all on my own"
"All on my own"
"And now, you must do my bidding."
"I don't do people's bidding, I make deals. And... your camp could use a deal."
Please make a deal, I don't want to lose this amazing camp to human money nonsense or whatever.
"a deal aye, what's in it for me" he's smirks a little after all deals are his specialty
"Well, you're-" Dang it, I don't really understand human stuff like this.
"You, um... Mentioned that you need to... To keep this camp running somehow... And that the idea I gave you might get you ... sewed?"
He thinks for a second "alright how about this, you use your fairy magic to keep me from being
in prison for the rest of my life, sued, or hurt"
"I'm not using my magic to make sure you never get hurt. There's nothing you have that could make me want to spend the rest of my life stopping everything bad from happening."
"fine fine how about just keeping this place open and keeping me from getting sued, that good enough for you fairy boy"
"Hmm.... yes, but you have to protect the surrounding forest and natural sites from human attempts to colonize it."
"yeah yeah sure nature hippie shit whatever"
"so it's a deal?" David says as he raises his hand and his eyes shine a faint green glow
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