#American public school
hananono · 7 months
i just remembered this was a thing we did at both my middle and high school so. i wanna know if it was a thing elsewhere. reblog if you vote et cetera or dont im not a cop
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ineffectualdemon · 10 months
I was trying to explain American highschool culture to my English child and the best I could do was: "Training in nationalism"
Which, am I wrong?
But yeah, just so Americans know the whole "School spirit! Go School! School is the best!" thing? Not a thing in secondary schools in other parts of the world.
School pride does not exist in the American sense at all
Which is good because when you're away from it you realise how fucking weird and dystopian it is
Like I got in a talking to by the administration when I was in high school about my lack of "school spirit" and how that "could count against me in college applications" as a threat
I cannot see that happening in the UK ever
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sillycourtjester · 3 days
I want to be so many things at once like i want to be a historian and an author and an artist and a poet and a journalist and an activist and a psychologist and instead i'm in the fucking american public high school system
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as8bakwthesage · 30 days
i hate how america treats its educators i hate how america fucks over kids i hate how kids dont have access to food in school i hate how kids aren't taught the fundamentals of their own damn language i hate how purposefully uneducated people are i hate how states decrease school budgets i hate how being poc and/or trans in schools makes you an instant target i hate that unions can barely negotiate for shit for teachers i hate how many shootings there are i hate how exhausted teachers are and how there is no support for us i hate how we are subject to the whims of parents and bureaucracy and administrative horseshit
just let me fucking teach and do my fucking job to make the lives of kids better. this is literally the only reason i'm going into education. it's literally just because of the kids.
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herdreamywasteland · 4 months
I might die bcs this girl decided she hates meeeee-
what did I do? Stood up for my friend.
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iamdarthbader · 6 months
So I’m curious. Did anyone else have to read The Hunger Games as some point during school. Because some of my English teachers did and they told us that Suzanne Collins was inspired by channel surfing and flipped between reality tv and new coverage of teenagers fighting. (In actuality it was reality tv and coverage of the Iraq war). They also insisted on very shallow analysis of the book. They said it was about how vapid watching reality tv is and how violent teens are (so much wrong the latter). Barely touching the themes of war, poverty, and government control.
Did anyone else experience this?
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strangestland · 6 months
Sooooooo turns out I’m actually a lefty???? Only took 13+ years to figure this out because of this one teacher (who’s now retired and also has MAJOR drama associated with her due to her defending her pedo husband after he made crude comments. of 15 and 16 year old girls; but that’s a story time for another day 😘) who thought “oh! This student [me] is using both their right and left hand to pick up a pencil…… obviously they’re lying to try to sound cooler by being a lefty so I’m gonna force them to use their right hand” so she’d stop every lesson to “correct” me when I use my left hand and I thought this was normal until I had to get testing done for my mind and she said “yeahhh they’re meant to be a lefty” so like I do everything with my left hand (I can write with it but it looks like my writing from 3rd grade) but I mainly write with my right hand
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akira-9 · 9 months
The dude next to me in chemistry came to school looking exactly like a Merthur love child
White, blonde, blue eyes, red scarf (just like merlin's), blue shirt (JUST LIKE MERLIN), and khaki pants.
For the record the scarf is one of the circle ski scarves you can wear as a mask.
He put the scarf over his nose, pulled out another scarf, puts it over his head and pulls it down just down to his eyebrows, then he turns around, looks dude behind him dead in the eyes and says:
"Dude, I look like you!"
The person who sat behind is Indian.
The guy next to me made a terrorist joke
When class is almost over:
Backseat guy: dude you smoke weed
Dude: no I dont
Bg: yes you do!
Dude: if I smoke weed then you go back to your country. Back to india
I hate American public school
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I need everyone to start paying attention to what is happening in public education. I mean it’s been a mine field of increasing bureaucracy, red tape, training testing training testing, old buildings, old buses, and pitiful funding for over two decades … but this new stuff is squashing the last bit of life in everyone trying to work in this system.
It’s really bad, ya’ll. For the kids and the employees.
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My school has banned backpacks for over a year now
Why? To prevent vaping.
Who's gonna tell them that you can easily hide vapes literally anywhere? They're really small objects, banning bags won't fix anything.
Maybe instead just do some routine bathroom checks to make sure there's no smoke? Or, crazy idea, give better fucking education that does something other than demonize addicts?
If you have time to be weirdly fixated on teaching us how to make triangles with graph paper, you certainly have time to show the actual side effects of vaping other than "everyone who vapes is a terrible person". I like to think that my school district is fairly progressive, but some administrators have the critical thinking skills of a goddamn seahorse. Actually scratch that, almost all of them do.
And don't even get me started on how our district demonized Malcolm X.
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starfirefallen · 2 months
Honestly one of the stupidest things about American public schools is that our language options are usually French French and Spainiard Spanish. We border on Mexico and Canada. Why aren't you teaching us Canadian French and Mexican Spanish!!!
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
I will never forget that in middle school because I have no musical talent I didn't join band or choir and I also had no athletic ability so I wasn't on a sports team so during the period everyone was else was doing one of those things the rest of us no talent kids had to take "Reading class" where we just read books
And that sounds nice except I was a fast reader and I was only allowed to read 2 pages of the book in question a day. I was not allowed to read ahead of the class and I was not allowed to read my book from home or even work on my homework.
But if I looked too bored the teacher would get mad at me for that and for not reading and "I read it already" was met with a look of disgust and being told to read it again.
So for like an hour I would either stare into space or read the same 2 pages over and over and over again
And I couldn't even hide my book from home behind my textbook because she watched me like a hawk
Because the teacher of that class fucking hated me for god knows what reason
Anyway I hated the Odyssey for years because I was forced to read it at an absolute snails pace in middle school and it took me a long time to separate out the story from that experience
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alieninvadrr · 2 years
Being the oldest sibling in America is the worst
Idk if this is a typical thought or experience but everyday I get anxious daydreams that my siblings school(s, my stepbrother goes to a different school) will get sh0t up. I’m in highschool and they’re in elementary so theres no way i’d be able to protect them. Idk if I only freak out about this bc I have anxiety (diagnosed pls dont go apeshit on me jesus christ) but it honestly just freaks me the fuck out.
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mintaikcorpse · 11 months
Bro I'm so fucking nervous when I get back to school. My anxiety and depression have been at an all-time low this summer, I'm getting more and better sleep, I dont feel phsgically sick all the time, I'm not fucking stressed all the time, and I can focus on my hobbies more. And all of that shit is going to get thrown out the window when I go back to school
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herdreamywasteland · 8 days
someone set off a firework in one of my school halls today
Fire alarm didn’t even go off until the thing was put out
ugh, I still smell sulfur
gotta love American schools
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paradox-time · 4 months
Senior year! I found my high school's hidden boar head :)
Tumblr media
Yes, american public school, before you ask why my school has a hidden boar head.
To my knowledge this is not typical, but I've only attended two schools at a student, so who's to say.
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