#And a bunch of them got together in their hotel room with a bunch of flour
kaluawoo · 5 months
My question is What did Belkia think the power was!? Did he think Otogiri was doing drugs in the kitchen or something
Yeah my best guess is drugs. Gun powder is black so drugs would be the most common Dangerous White Powder...
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soobnny · 2 months
dating him | yang jeongin
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❝ why’d you come into my life so late? ❞
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | JEONGIN
guys this one’s a secret romantic
even the boys are shocked when he tells them he has a gf now so casually
like WDYM ?!!??
anon said this but picture the boys eating at a restaurant
and the boys r like the food here is crazy good like how’d u find this place
and he goes idk my gf recommended it
and then there’s silence
before all hell breaks loose
bc wdym … wdym u have a gf and u didn’t tell us ????????????
dramatic faces of betrayal from hyunjin and han i can imagine bc their baby didn’t tell him
i think seungmin would know just bc they’re dorm mates and i think jeongin trusts to ask him advice without BOOKING him to the boys
he seems nonchalant on the outside, just a silly boy
but he’s the sweetest
i think he’d treat love so gently ☹️☹️
he’s always wanted to explore romance, always wanted to find it
he couldn’t ever admit it out loud bc he knows he’d get teased
he was the boys’ baby after all
and since he was the boys’ baby, by association, you were now their baby too
u two are the couple they adore
they act like they’re ur parents
chan dad mode activated
anyways he’s kind of emotional and sensitive
so i think the both of u navigate through love for the first time together
it’s a lot of ups and downs
BUT …. it’s led to him realizing just how much he loves you
i totally believe you’d go on either the most goofy dates or very expensive dates
no in between
he’d be the type to treat you and have staycations at 5-star hotels
you’d just cuddle and watch movies and eat room service
even the boys were shocked when they saw it for the first time
bc ?!!!???? their baby ?!!!?? physical touch ?!!?
jeongin never minds when it’s with u
but it’s also something he’s had to learn
he’s very appreciative of ur patience
anyways back to ur dates
i can imagine u guys just buying a bunch of strawberry cakes and doing a taste testing
like u’d record it and everything
u can’t post it bc he kisses u like 928373 times in that video
there’s a makeout session like once
oh, and dinner dates
and very competitive rock paper and scissors over who pays for the food
except when he loses, he’d cheat and say he’d go to the bathroom but he’s actually paying for it
so keep ur eyes on that boy
i think he’d also be the type to really enjoy clothes shopping with you
you’d just put on a fashion show for each other
he’d end up buying a few things he rly liked on you
he’s got good fashion sense
might sneak in a matching item or two
maybe some shoes so it’s more subtle
jeongin also loves playing tourist in ur own city
the two of u would just walk around
visit some tourist spots
take pictures even
it’s just rly funny and rly cute
it feels a lot like being a kid again with him
u guys even buy useless toys for kids and bring them back to the dorm
this includes like those little charms for kids
u two end up making craft bracelets and necklaces
and even tho they look ridiculous, u wear them in public
this is ur own version of promise rings
anywahs minho ends up taking some of the toys u’d bought for his cats
when the boys come home, u two are usually just cooped up in jeongin’s room
bc he wants his privacy!!!!!!!!
but when he lets it slip, and u two fall asleep on the couch, expect lots of pictures taken
i’m sorry
the boys are also emotional
they’d wake u up so u guys can have dinner together
he’d get so blushy and embarrassed and threaten his hyungs ofc
han jisung: when will it be my turn ???
they just want love from innie too
UGHHGHG kicking each other’s foot under the table while eating
he loves annoying u
but u love annoying him equally
when u aren’t over at the dorms
he’d be the type to text you random links on youtube at 3am
those charlie bit my finger type beat
gorilla destroys crocodile epic video
jeongin also gives me the “sends u things” vibe
u’d suddenly receive flowers without warning
or get those “did you eat?” texts and if u say no, yeah, best believe he’s already delivering food to u
hmmmmm u’d probably be his plus one in fancy events
but u guys end up ditching those to eat at fast food chains
yes … in ur very fancy dress and his rly sexy suit …. out in a fast food restaurant
u guys get weird looks but
jeongin doesn’t mind 🙁
as long as he’s happy with u
u guys also attend or volunteer for charity events together
i think he’s rly found his match
treat each other well !!!!!
congrats on finding love
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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sillyandquiteawkward · 10 months
sillys (not so) lil info dump about how to be a human being. smiles
htbahb is an album from glass animals, of which notably, all the songs align with different people's lives, perspectives, and feelings, also of which are shown on the (various) album covers. so the easiest way to go thru the story is song by song. but i will show you the album art so you can get a gist of things before we go into details.
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these are just some of the various album covers for htbahb, theres a bunch of them, but we dont need to see all of them to see the different lives of our characters.
1, Life Itself
this is our main character for life itself. you can call him a bit of a nerd if youd like. apparently his name is chuck rogers. they dont all have names.
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hes an inventor, loves ray guns and strange technology, but as noted in his song, feels like he was raised with expectations hell never be able to achieve. his father as a child said he would be a superstar, but nowadays, he cant get a job and he lives with his mom. hes struggling with finding himself and his place in society and hes doing drugs and feeling like hes absolute rock bottom with everyone being against him. he feels alone and attacked and retreats back into his car or grandmothers basement and keeps folding back into himself.
in the music video for life itself, hes only seen in a few scenes, leading the charge against [popular st] with a smoke bomb as [mamas gun] watches knowingly from the sidelines as perhaps the real leader behind the assault. they seems to be accomplices with each other, as they ride in the car together and seem to be specifically looking for [youth].
2. Youth
now the main character for youth is tricky, it seems like we have two characters for youth, the small child, and assumedly, his mother the waitress. i think i like the interpretation that the mother is the main character for this song, and the child represents the album as a whole. alternatively i also like the idea that the child is youth, and his mother represents [premade sandwiches]. but for the most part, they are just both the characters for youth.
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youth is a mother talking about her child, and to her child, almost in a detached sort of way as if they arent able to see each other. a mother speaking her hopes and dreams to her child. somehow these two have been separated when the child was young, perhaps through giving up to adoption, or hinted in the music video, abduction. she wishes best for the child, urges them to feel their mother at their side, and notes that theyve got her eyes. she lists off her wishes for them to be happy and have friends, and be silly. this perhaps is for the best, that they can be happy even without her. i particularly like in this song, the wordplay makes it sound like the singer is counting one, two, three, four, five, when they are singing other words like boy, to, free, funny, and fly respectively.
in the music video for youth, the child is seen almost haunting the mother as she works as a waiter, appearing in several locations playing and running around as she remains dutiful to her job. they briefly sit looking at each other in the same hotel room he had been taken to in life itself's music video.
3. Season 2 Episode 3
this is the main character for season 2 ep 3 and i think one of the cool changes between album covers, as we see a fully done up girl all put together with her make up on, and in the other, someone a bit more silly with her makeup removed. this might be the way she sees herself vs how other people see her.
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the song is the lament of a boyfriend to his girlfriend, who seems to be glued to the couch, watching shows, getting high, not changing her clothes, and eating day old leftover food and most notably, mayonnaise straight from the jar. at the beginning of the song, the two of them are high together, however he soon sobers and realizes she refuses to get sober along with him. he tries to convince her that their relationship wont work if she keeps being like this and doesnt try, but she wants him back the way he was (high as well) and views him as a nag. she still makes him happy, but sometimes she makes him sad to see how she lives. even after an acceptance from the boyfriend that she wont change and will never be vertical and golden like he wants and that the relationship will never work out, the song ends hinting that hes picked up getting high with her again due to her calling him a killjoy and wearing him down.
in the music video we watch the girl splay out on the sofa, surrounded by her mess watching tv and doing nothing. halfway into the video, we are brought into the game she plays, as she battles [life itself] [cane shuga] and [the other side of paradise], all of which are men who could possibly be the boyfriend figure.
4. Pork Soda
this is our main character for everyones favorite pork soda. hes an older man, who for the most part seems pretty happy. wonder if hes harboring some long lost feelings or something.
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the song opens with a street performance unintelligible to a normal listener, its like passing by a conversation, you are only able to hear bits and pieces of the spoken words. once the song starts you hear a story about this guy's girl who used to be fun and adventurous and would take him along with her. in the same breathe hes begging to go back to the days they were happy together. it seems like they fell out of love, or are in a struggling relationship bereft of communication or the passion it once had. shes only happy when theyre having sex together, and just looking at each other causes him heartache. the song talks about pineapples in my head, and being brain dead, as well as other references to diminishing mental facilities, that perhaps in their age, theyd forgotten about each other.
the music video gives us probably the most clear story line, as we see the wife prepare a meal before sending it through a dumbwaiter into the basement for the husband. there he sits alone, watching tv. up above the wife plays with their dog, imagining the dog is the younger version of her husband. all of her time is dedicated to the dog, and all of his time is dedicated to the tv. they have forgotten they love each other and live in the same house, but live in separate worlds. only after the dog destroys his tv and the husband destroys the floor above him and under her feet, do they finally get back together as he catches her as she falls, surprised and exhilarated for the first time in forever. and things seem to be better as they finally occupy the same room together again.
5. Mama's Gun
This is the main character for mamas gun. shes a victim of the perception of her mental illness. i think this is my fav song of the album.
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during the song, the woman initially admits that she took her gun and made her husband go to neverland. however she also says she loved him a lot and he was perfect. through bits and pieces of the lyrics you can come to the conclusion that she has some sort of psychosis, or perhaps schizophrenia in particular as she notes many different voices and figures talking to her. the song references dr swango, a doctor who killed his patients, however he insists to her that him and all the other voices in her head are too from neverland, and that she was a murderer just like him. is she really guilty of murder? what really happened? the flute played during various instrumental parts of the song is a sample from the carpenter's mr. guder, a song about a man who does what hes supposed to in society and his job and gets nothing from it. karen carpenter herself was a victim of her own mental illness and they say that theres a specific purpose for the sample chosen. once the lyrics pick back up, the voices again pipe up and tell her she was a murderer, even the voice who had never spoken says so, so he must be telling the truth right? during the final bit of the song, it seems like her husbands voice joins into her collection of voices, as he bears a cheshire smile and asks her to lay with him once again, and that hes waiting for her. in the end, its unclear what happened with her and her husband, as she goes back and forth saying she was violent, she was doing nothing. this song was inspired by a story they heard of a woman going into a drug induced black out for a month and reappearing in another state with no memory, and the lingering fear that shes done something terrible wrong, and never being able to have the closure of knowing what happened.
theres no music video for this song, but we see her appear in life itself. she and [life itself] drive to the hotel where [poplar st] is holding [youth] captive and attempt to break into the room hes in.
6. Cane Shuga
this is our main character for cane shuga. hes exactly how he seems, a rich white guy who is, of course, using that cane shuga all day everyday.
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cane shuga presents a dialogue from two parties, two people in a relationship. the singer promises he wont do coke anymore, that he wont be a john doe in the hospital. the chorus however is the high he rides on, where he thinks hes hot shit, hes 007 james bond, hes as powerful as kim jong, with a popped collar as he looks into the glare of the mirror and hypes himself up after using in the bathroom at work. hes untouchable. the second chorus is his partner, giving up on him, their love has burned up, just like his drugs. theres a humorous line of putting their foot down saying ive had quite enough, but corrects themself and sarcastically says or lack there of, that they arent being given anything anymore by him. regardless, their verses and conversation is short. the chorus of his high is the main focus of the song, and repeat over and over as the days continue.
[cane shuga] appears in season 2 ep 3's music video as [season 2 episode 3]'s potential lover. their stories do seem to entangle, they both are drug users dealing with partners who want to stop using. some people say that he is her partner, that he stops using for her, but falls back into the habit. however this doesnt exactly line up with her song, as she doesnt want him to stop. i think its part of that unreliable narrator theme weve seen in previous songs. people have different experiences with each other and get different messages due to the issue of communication. im not exactly on board with these two being together, but i do understand where people are coming from with this take.
7. [Premade Sandwiches]
this is a spoken word interlude, sped up and pitched down. there doesnt seem to be a character paired with this song, and on cd this song is simply a bonus track hidden behind cane shuga. on first listening its very difficult to catch what is being said, but over and over the speaker is talking about standing in line for various things. this song discusses mindless over consumption of drugs, of buzz words, of natural foods for your dog, watches, new clothes made to look old, the junk drawer filled with phones you dont use, with pens that dont work, with random shit you never needed just piling up. people stand in line and they dont even know why.
8. The Other Side Of Paradise
this is our main character for the other side. hes gonna be a basketball player and make it big babyeee.
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so its a bit unclear and vague in the lyrics, but it seems our narrator and the basketball player used to be close friends. he even seems to be in love with the basketball player, calling him my love. but the basketball player leaves their home in new orleans to go chase his dreams out west and make it big, leaving our narrator's side. he told the narrator not to worry but after phone calls, it seems like basketball boy got a girlfriend. hes gloating to the narrator, hes got a girlfriend now, hes got a gold camaro, hes made it big, meanwhile our narrator is at the payphone hearing all this and his world turns in slow motion. no longer is the basketball player his baby blue anymore. hes moved on, hell never have another chance to love his friend. hes so angry and hurt, but he balls up his fist almost in a fight or flight reaction, and settles for the ghost of his love. hed always hoped for a paradise where they could be together but it seems like fate had other plans. he laments the basketball player for ditching them, saying here in new orleans people dont leave and ditch their lady (him). he wants to be loved and pampered by him, not her. heres where the vagueness comes back, the narrator seems to be so distraught that he rather kills himself, or finds that his body looks wrong, perhaps that hes not a girl that couldve been loved by the basketball player.
he only ever appears in the music video for season 2 ep 3 as one of the bosses [season 2 episode 3] defeats, claiming ball is life. there is a music video that was recently released for this song, however it does not depict the basketball player.
9. Take a Slice
this is our main character for take a slice, hes a bit of a slut but he makes it work :) the spoken intro to this song is the real recording the band took while talking to a male fortune teller, so the sausage candle is rather real or a lie from the fortune teller.
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take a slice regales the story of a young man who finds pleasures in the sultry sexual aspects of life. hes sucking on cigarettes in a way freud would roll in his grave, hes painted his nails dark, has piercings, hes asking for another slice of cherry pie, cherries being a symbol for all things sex and lust. hes smitten with the idea of being a prize to be sought after, and after trying sex work for the first time, realizes this is the job for him. hes going to fuck his way through college, and sleep during class dreaming of you. wink. hes rolling in the dough, hes got a gold car, hes maybe dabbling in drugs too, and hes filthy and he loves it.
10. Poplar St
ms moore is the main character of poplar st, and shes a cougar, and not the good kind.
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a young boy lives a typical suburban life. hes got bandaids on his knees and hes climbing trees. but one day, he sees mrs moore and mr keats have sex. immediately this drags him out of his childhood, hes such a man now that he knows what sex is. this is the first step of her grasp around him. as he gets a bit older, his mother calls her prosti-tits and looks down upon her. but the boy looks up to ms moore, despite his mothers words. mrs moore sees his desperation and pulls him into her clutches. theres a very specific voice crack when her teeth sink in deep and the note hes singing falls flat. this bit of pain expressed is highly contrasted with the chorus coming back in, the boy once again considers himself a real man, a true romantic, this is what all men dream of, isnt it? but there are dead flowers in the sand, hinting that these roses arent just romantic. the next bridge plays and interesting word switch up. it starts out with her begging him for more as she sits in her underwear, and then switches to him begging her for more in his underwear. theyve both wasted their days, but when it comes to his youth and her age, the only one wasting their childhood is him. the song concludes with mrs moore calling him up collect (so he has to pay for the phone call, not her) one day and breaking up with him. and then it all gets pulled out from under him and hes just a boy again. this tells the sad tale of how men and boys' sexual assault and grooming often is pushed to the side because they think this is how things are supposed to go, that they are supposed to have sex and to be used and abused from a woman is supposed to be an achievement. but really all it is, is abuse that leaves him feeling terrible.
11. Agnes
this is agnes :) i think it was mentioned at some point that he takes pictures of people when they arent looking, so to me, i like to think hes the one capturing everyone pictured in this album. bear witness to other humans.
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the song starts out where the singer is appearing to try and comfort agnes. how did it get this bad, agnes used to just take pills and smoke a little, somethings changed perhaps. the singer notes agnes is just going through the motions every day, numb, and nervous, but hes swelling with emotion all the same. here the singer laments he wants to hold agnes like hes mine. theres a longing sadness in the lyrics. the next verse confirms the worst, while agnes was perhaps a genius when it came to the romantic, he was a deeply depressed and lonely person. he started to rely on the drugs and the alcohol he used to use recreationally, just to live a normal life. and he ultimately commited suicide. the singer wonders where the agnes he used to know went. however the singer reconsiders, and accepts that agnes did his best, life must feel so unbearably long when its soaked in sadness, living a false life filled with depression. so it goes, the singer thinks, but cant help but to feel lost. the only thing he can think of is agnes, perhaps considering all the art agnes made, all the photos he took of other people, perhaps just thinking about his friend in any aspect. grief is funny like that. on the vinyl record, this song's last seconds repeat over and over until you stop the machine from playing, like a lingering memory you cant stop thinking about.
the agnes music video is much different than the others, as it focuses on the singer, dave bayley as he sits in a centrifuge and attempts to sing the song. this causes a very physical reaction and he struggles to even lift his hand, by the end of it hes sweating profusely and unable to catch his breath, but he persists and continues singing. he mentions this was a mere fraction of what someone going through depression could feel like. during the music video as well, he appears to be looking across from a mannequin, perhaps the stand in for himself once hes put himself in agnes' shoes.
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thanks for reading if you did i love being insane. all of these are my personal thoughts on the album, and might not exactly match up with your interpretation, but i have tried to keep to what we believe is what glass animals had in mind for the album and these characters.
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Can you do tom x f!reader who's in the band and they were always like bestfriends no feelings for eachother or anything but as they get older like around 2007/08 he starts to realize he's totally in love w/ reader and tries to get rid of his feelings by sleeping w/ a bunch of girls but nothing helps because he can only think of reader? And they end up going to a party together and having fun and shii and then they end up on a balcony outside just drinking out of solo cups totally plastered and tom confesses to reader and kisses her but reader is super shocked and surprised and doesn't really know what to say so she doesn't kiss him back and just stares at him, and he doesn't take it very well he's just like "...oh.." and then gets up and reader tries to stop him and he's like "no, no I'm just gonna go back to the party" and stumbles out w/ a broken heart but in reality reader liked him back too but didn't know she did until he confesses so over the next few weeks she realizes how much she's in love with him and she goes to his room to tell him all romantic and shit and they end up having soft sex (or not wtv you're comfortable with) ty sm!! I love your writing btw!
EEEHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE IM SO EXCITED TO DO THIS (and tysm for the compliment❤️)
T! Kaulitz x F! Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom have always been good friends, but he realizes he wants to be more..what’ll happen when those feelings don’t falter?
Notes: 18+, Name is in the band, flashbacks to ‘Devilish’, drinking, getting drunk, concerts, parties, jealousy, talks of unrequited feelings, Tom being a attention whore💀, insecurities, platonic! Bill x reader, oral, soft sex, underlying sub! Tom (I hate using that word but idk how else to describe it???)
A/N:tysm Anon for requesting and I hope this lives up to your expectations, I decided to right this in normal style instead of bullet points, I hope you don’t mind. This is was frustrated I wanted to get it out on the 3rd😭 bro this is a few days later and it took so long because i just hate the way it turned out im so pissed at myself rn
“I act like I don’t care, that’s cause I don’t care”
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For as long as you’ve lived you and Tom have stuck together like glue, you lived a few streets away but being one of the only kids their age in the neighborhood it was hard for you to not gravitate towards them.
You guys weren’t exactly alike, but more like you complimented each other, he was all brash and broody like almost every other boy going through puberty and you were kind and sweet always helping whenever it was needed.
Soon you were invited into a band that consisted of two other troublemaking kids you hadn’t met yet, you traveled around to small talent shows and state fairs to perform music. It was a rough start; you weren’t popular by any means and were made fun of for what you liked to do.
It didn’t get to you like it got to Tom yet you let him rant and yell about it to you because you knew, along with everyone else, that it was just a matter of time before you five would be praised for your talents instead of bullied.
And you were, your band became a hit, Devilish became Tokio Hotel, garage performances became studio practices, and backyard shows slowly became country-wide concerts. Tom also changed, from a little boy who would yell at anyone who messed with his friends to a teen that couldn’t even bother with people hating.
It was different, you were all different, but it was a good difference. Bill became confident, Tom became more open, Gustav wasn’t shy, and Georg was well…Georg was amazing to begin with, it just doubled. The few fans that consisted of you guy’s parents and a few old neighbors became thousands, girls and boys alike paid to come and watch the five of you perform live.
When 2009 rolled around you were known across all of Germany and a few other countries. You couldn’t have been more successful, as the years progressed Tom morphed into someone completely different. Everyone knew of his reputation, a boy who had a new girl in his car every day.
You guys didn’t drift per se, but you didn’t talk about all the things like you used to. That was okay, some things are better left unsaid, but it was weird. You both used to talk to each other about everything and it just changed so suddenly it left you confused for a while.
But you learned to accept the fact that he wasn’t the same and took advantage of that time to get closer to the rest of the band, especially Bill. He became your number 1, always there with you whether it be shopping to helping you get ready. This was one of those instances where you ended up in your shared hotel room with him and Tom.
“This is going to look really good on your Name I promise!”
You let Bill practice his makeup skills on you, a little hesitant at first because of the particular style but when you saw how his face lit up when you agreed you couldn’t say no. Bill also said the style suited you perfectly.
Tonight, was particularly special compared to other nights. It was a large party hosted by a company in celebration of Tokio Hotel’s rise to fame. Bill made it a goal to doll you up in fancy lipstick and glittery eyeshadow before leaving, which Tom wasn’t too keen on.
“Bill hurry up the party starts in like 20 minutes.”
You looked over a Tom from the corner of your eye. He was sprawled out on your bed flicking through the channels on the hotel’s tv. He was already ready and had been ready for at least an hour now.
“Be patient Tommy not everyone can just wear whatever they find on the floor.”
Bill let out a laugh when he saw how offended his brother got at your insult before turning back and applying pretty shade to your lips.
“Tom wah wah hurry up the party starts in 20 minutes blah blah blah!”
He mocked his brother in a high-pitched voice before pulling his brother from the bed and onto the hard floor with a thump! grabbing your hand and running out of the room leaving him behind as you laugh.
“What the fuck you two! Get back here, I’m literally your ride to the party!”
The party was boring if you were being honest. But that was probably just you. There was no one you knew except the band and some celebrities and they were all doing their own thing so you were stuck lying on one of the many plush sofas the company had lying around.
Your eyes trailed over to Tom as he walked towards you, handing you a vibrant red solo cup while he settled himself next to you on the couch, moving your legs to lay comfortably over his lap while you stared at the contents of the cup.
“What’re you doing just sitting here? You’re always in the mood to party.”
He was right, you loved to party. It was one of the only times you could let loose when on tour. Today you just weren’t feeling it like you usually were.
“I don’t know, I think it’s the fact that I ordered a Pina Colada and got vodka. But who knows.”
He hummed as he absentmindedly observed the area. Tom had an unusual habit of wanting to be around you but never talking, preferring silence, it never bothered you so you let your head lay against the armchair swirling the drink around in your hand as you observed him.
He was never really good at taking your compliments, always avoiding them in some way with a “What’re you talking about?” Or the “Name just shut the fuck up”. You figured it had to do with the whole ‘I’m too cool for compliments’ thing he had going on, but it never stopped you from slipping up and saying something every once in a while.
“You're so beautiful Tom” and he was, honestly. His eyes reflected the neon lights that flashed above giving him that euphoric effect, the curves and dips of his face were perfectly sculpted to him. His true smile was so unbelievably cute, one that only you and the band had the pleasure of seeing, and his laugh…oh my god his laugh. You were definitely drunk. Whatever.
He gave you a quick side eye at the sudden praise before getting up and grabbing the cup out of your hand successfully spooking you.
“Let’s go smoke.”
‘Let’s go smoke’ was usually his way of saying “you're being annoying, let's get high” but you nodded and took his waiting hand as he led you through the busy crowd and out some double doors.
When out on the fairly sized balcony he grabbed a joint from out of one of the side pockets on his pants, while you flicked open your lighter that you had found stuffed under some gum and candy wrappers in your handbag.
He always enjoyed it when you smoked together, the delicate flame illuminated your face just enough to see the features that he’d always admired. Maybe that’s why he hated it when you complimented him, because he always wanted to do the same but couldn’t. 
Nervousness wasn’t something he felt. There was no reason for him to be nervous. Nerves were for insecurity, anxiousness, that was bullshit to him, well until it came to you, and that oh so familiar feeling bubbled up in his stomach when you looked at him under the dim light.
He concluded that he had a thing for you pretty early on, when he was about 16. One time you pulled a fan on stage that you told the band you found particularly attractive. Bill teased you and Georg and Gustav laughed as you all made your way to the bus, but he stayed back. Deciding that the pit in his stomach wasn’t jealousy like he thought it might be and just that natural protective feeling for a friend.
He didn’t want to think about the possibility that he liked you. You’d always been best friends and that was how it was supposed to say. He remembers how Bill would always tell him “Being best friends with someone like Name isn’t a good idea” because he wouldn’t wanna be just friends. Bill was right and that scared him.
After that realization he took notice of who he gravitated towards in hookups, they all looked in some way, like you. He thought it was weird. It wasn’t like he selectively picked out the ones with similar features as you…right?
“-Tom, are you listening? Pass the joint you hog”
You plucked the blunt from his hand and he stared as you inhaled some of it, releasing the air into his face, looking at him with a weird expression. You watched him stride forward and suddenly his lips were pressed against yours.
You pulled away after a few antagonizing seconds and hesitantly looked at him. You saw the way his face dropped, probably realizing what he just did. Shit.
“Tom I... you're drunk. It’s fine, okay? You won’t remember this in the morning let’s just...let’s just go home, okay?”
That nerve quickly turned into frustration as he rolled his eyes turning towards the entrance and muttering something under his breath before pushing through the doors back into the party, leaving you alone on the cold balcony with a burnt out joint and heart.
It had been a few weeks since the incident on the balcony, and you concluded that he did remember it the day after as he wouldn’t talk or even be around you alone. It was fine at first, but by the time the second week rolled around it was starting to affect everyone else. 
His performance was slower than normal, and he brought more girls to the hotel who unsurprisingly leaked where he was were staying and crowded around the hotel to catch a glimpse of the five of you.
He was being so unprofessional; he didn't give you time to voice your feelings about what happened and just up and left you in the dark. Like how do you even bring that up?
“Hey Tom, yeah I know that I didn’t kiss you back even though you totally unexpectedly pounced on me and it looked like I rejected you because I thought you were full-on plastered but like I’m in love with you so could you stop ignoring me?”
Yeah, that’s a no. So, you just endured it for a while until he decided to lay off. That point happened around the 3-week mark when the band was on a small break from tour.
He made it his goal to stay inside his room the whole time, sulking as Bill told you. You were at ends meet, if he couldn’t just talk to you about it like adults then you would have to do it yourself.
This leads up to the moment where you’re standing in front of his door contemplating all your life choices.
Are you serious, the one time you were hesitant about your decision he just had to open the door and make it for you?
“Hey, Tom uhh..can we talk about the party?” This is so awkward. What the fuuck.
He stood there hesitant for a second before opening up the door for you to come in. You ducked under his arm and situated yourself at the edge of his bed as he stared at you from the doorway.
“Okay um..so I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment and I just wanted to ask you something.”
He gave you a small nod of acknowledgment and you continued. 
“Do you like me? Like I don’t know if the reason you kissed me was just heat of the moment and you just got upset because you were drunk and your feelings were all mixed or something but I really want us to go back to normal…I miss you a lot and it's weird not seeing you at our practices”
You watched him closely for any signs of discomfort but his face was unwavering except for a light smile at your words easing your nerves only a little.
“I like you; I’ve liked you for years And Scheiße I miss you too but don’t wanna be just your friend anymore and if that changes things between us just forget about this whole thing”
You smiled softly walking towards him and cupping his face with your hands, bringing your lips to his feeling him relax into you. 
His breath caught in his throat when you grazed your fingers against the front of his pants, slightly palming him through the jeans when he abruptly pulled your hand away.
“Name I wanna do this with you…but I don’t wanna have sex like I normally do. I want it to mean something because you really mean something, I just don’t know how”
“Let me show you, Tom.”
Tom groaned when your lips pressed against his pelvis, muscles flexing underneath you at the feeling. You hummed in contentment before coming back up to him and giving him a quick kiss and taking off his boxers.
He’d never had someone take their time on him, it was foreign, different, you looked so pretty as you toyed with his cock. Seeing what made him shiver and what gave him goosebumps. 
Laying your tongue flat you licked a thick strip up the underside of his dick watching the way his eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Mhm…just- just like that Name please mhm…keep going.”
Voice slightly weak, he begged you to continue, not like you’ve ever heard and it encouraged you to continue, hands slick with his precum you stroked him at a controlled pace, squeezing slightly at the head hearing his soft curses get louder.
“Let’s empty that brain of yours ‘mkay?”
While you made yourself comfortable on top of him you felt his hips shift under you, his hands finding place on your hips. You align yourself with his cock, sliding down and listening to the way he mutters your name like a prayer as his cock disappears inside you.
“Shit this is much better than I ever imagined… s’much better...” his eyes raked your body seeing his hips met your thighs. You push down on his legs to keep him steady and use them as leverage to grind against him. Not even minutes later did his quiet concealed groans turn into gasps and random obscenities.
Seeing your pace begin to slow he flips himself over taking you with him, letting your legs rest flush against his shoulders next to his ears. He experimentally rocks his hips finding a comfortable rhythm, laying his hand flat on your stomach feeling at the bulge.
Now it was your turn to be a noisy mess, covering your face with a pillow in an attempt to muffle yourself but it was quickly discarded somewhere on the floor by Tom.
“Don’t- don’t do that- you look so pretty writhing under me like that, I could stare at you all day…shit shit shit.. if you keep tightening around me, I won’t last long...”
You smiled as you looked up at him. His eyes were closed tight and his jaw was clenched tight, focused on how you squeezed around him. You let your hand travel to his face tracing his features. His eyes opened at the touch and he sucked in his breath, feeling his high approaching.
 You were glowing, your hair fanned out on the bed, your eyes slightly glassy from his pace, sweat collecting on your hairline, suddenly every part of him felt so sensitive and his lips connected with yours before his hips stuttered letting out a guttural moan making sure you had ridden through your orgasm.
You cried out in his neck holding him against you as he continued for a little longer before coming to a halt, collapsing on top of you. Holding you against him in a vice grip. 
“I love you Name, a lot”
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bijouxcarys · 3 months
Prove It (Roman Reigns x fem!Reader)
Description: They work together, they travel together, they're around each other almost 24/7. So, why is it so damn hard for them to be alone when they need it? Oh, that's right... it's a secret.
Warnings: NSFW, MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, dirty talk, semi-public escapades, Roman being a lil menace, secret affairs, fluffy undertones...
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I have used everyone's real names (apart from where Sasha references Ambrose). The superstars included are Roman, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley, Sasha Banks, and Liv Morgan.
Tags: @trippinsorrows @empressdede @thetribalqueen (if you'd like to be added to the tag list for any future Roman fics, just let me know in the replies/reblog!)
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The door to the hotel room swung open, a chorus of laughter and chatter spilling out into the hallway. It had been a gruelling week on the road, and the whole lot of them were ready for some much-needed relaxation. Thankfully, a majority of the rooms down that particular hallway were occupied by WWE Superstars, so noise complaints were a slimmer chance than usual.
Using her and Gionna’s hotel room as a gathering spot wasn’t on Y/N’s to-do list, but when conversation struck up in the car about having a night of relaxation, to let go a little, Gi was more than eager to offer up the room. That was Gi for you; more like her Liv alter ego than even she cared to admit.
Not that Y/N was mad of course; these people were practically family.
“Someone get the drinks?” Gi called out, scrunching her nose up to push her clear-framed glasses further up as she plopped down on one of the beds, her blonde hair splayed out behind her.
“I got ‘em, relax,” Colby replied, holding up two six-packs with a grin. He cracked one open and handed it to her, settling onto the floor next to Jon, who was already mid-story.
“So, there I am, right? Middle of this tiny-ass town, and I can’t find the damn gym anywhere,” Jon was saying, his voice animated. “GPS is telling me I’m there, but I’m lookin’ at a freakin’ cornfield!”
“Classic Ambrose move,” Mercedes laughed, shaking her head as she leaned against the wall. “A terrible sense of direction.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! Technology hates me,” Jon shot back, taking a swig from his beer.
Leaning over the group from her place on the bed, Y/N accepted a can from Colby, her eyes involuntarily capturing those she knew would be hard to refrain from the entire night. Gazes locked with the man standing just behind where Colby sat, arms folded; his tank top allowed for a perfect view of his tensing muscles under the gorgeous tan of his complexion. It was a look that spoke volumes—intense, secretive, and heavy.
Considering the close-knit nature of the wrestling world, it was an impressive feat that Joe and Y/N had managed to keep their affair under wraps.
“Who knew we’d all end up here tonight?” Mercedes said, her voice cutting through the din as she reclined on the floor, back pressed against the side of Gi’s bed.
“Yeah, thanks a bunch for lettin’ up the room, Y/N,” Becky added, raising her bottle of water in a mock toast.
“Don’t be thanking me, thank Barbie over there,” Y/N nodded towards Gi, who simply shot a thumbs up in her direction as a response. “But yeah, I mean it’s nice to have a moment to just… be.”
“Amen to that,” Joe said, his deep voice rumbling as he grabbed a drink from the pack Colby brought.
Jon snorted from his spot on the bed. “Yeah, because being crammed into a tiny hotel room is so much better than our own rooms.”
“Hey, at least it’s free entertainment,” Colby retorted, tossing a pillow at Jon, who caught it with a lazy grin.
“Free entertainment, huh? Guess that makes you the clown,” Jon shot back, eliciting laughs from everyone.
“Better than being the guy who gets thrown out of bars,” Colby quipped, throwing his arm around Becky with a cocky grin towards Jon. Colby and Becky were truly in the throes of a honeymoon period. It was a task just getting him to own up to the fact that he liked Becky in more ways than one, so when they finally decided to screw everything and officially become a couple—PDA and all—it was a relief. Finally, the two people who practically pined over each other for at least a year, had gotten their shit, and themselves, together.
The night wore on with more stories, jabbing at one and other, and moments over the last week that were becoming fond memories. At some point, pizza boxes were ordered and devoured, and the room’s occupants settled into various positions of comfort—or as close to comfort as they could get in the cramped space. Joe had claimed a spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed, leaning back against the wall with a relaxed posture that belied what was going through his head.
“Man, I could get used to this,” Mercedes said, stretching out on the floor. “Better than passing out alone in my room.”
“Yeah,” Becky agreed, earning an offended glance from Colby. “We should do this more often, is what I’m sayin’, babe, relax.”
“Just as long as he,” Jon pointed directly at Becky’s boyfriend, “promises to keep his snoring to a minimum.”
“I don’t snore!” Colby protested.
“You absolutely do!” Gi pointed out, honestly scaring the crap out of everyone since they all just assumed she’d passed out across her bed.
Y/N found herself increasingly distracted by Joe’s presence. Every laugh, every shift of his body, every low rumble of his voice seemed to pull her attention like a magnet. She could feel his eyes on her intermittently, a silent conversation playing out between them that no one else in the room could hear.
“Y/N, remember that time we got lost tryin’ to find that diner?” Becky asked, breaking Y/N’s reverie.
“Oh my God, don’t,” Y/N laughed, recalling the memory. “We ended up in the middle of nowhere, and you were convinced we were gonna end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.”
“I was being cautious!” Becky protested, lifting her hands up. “You never know with those back roads, they’re frickin’ dodgy!”
“That’s why I always use GPS,” Joe interjected smoothly, and deeply, sending a wave of chills over Y/N’s body, though she did a damn good job at hiding it.
“Excuse me, did I not just tell you about my cornfield trauma as a result of GPS earlier?” Jon called out.
“You made it eventually, man, calm down,” Joe chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
As the night wore on, the energy in the room began to wane. Conversations quieted to soft murmurs and the occasional chuckle, as everyone started to feel the weight of the week on the road.
“Alright, I’m calling it,” Colby said, stretching out his arms and yawning. “I’m too beat to head back to my room. Mind if I crash here?”
“You can take the floor, Rollins,” Jon muttered from his foetal position in the armchair, his eyes half-closed. “Ain’t no way I’m movin’.”
“Yeah, me too,” Mercedes chimed in, curling up in a corner with a pillow Gi threw at her. “Too tired to move.”
Becky looked around at the group, her eyes landing on Y/N. “Looks like we’re all stopping in here. Hope you don’t mind, love.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied with a smile. “It’s nice having everyone here, and I’m sure that one doesn’t mind.” She glanced over at Gi, who was already on the precipice of slumber.
“It is kinda nice,” Becky nodded. “Feels like a big ol’ sleepover.”
“Except with more muscles and less gossip,” Colby quipped with an amused chortle.
Joe had stuck to the spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed. He glanced up at her as she climbed into the sheets, their eyes meeting once again in the dim light.
As the others began to settle in, finding whatever space they could to lay down, the room slowly descended into a comfortable silence. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle were the only sounds that broke the silence.
Y/N laid back against her pillows, her thoughts drifting. She felt Joe’s presence nearby like a physical touch, a comforting and exhilarating reminder of their secret. She turned her head slightly, catching his eye in the dark.
“You okay?” Joe whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispered back, her lips curving into a smile. “You?”
“Better now,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on her face.
Her pulse quickened. They were surrounded by their friends, all blissfully unaware of the silent conversation happening right under their noses. The thrill of the secrecy only made the moment more intense.
“Think they have any idea?” she asked in a hushed tone, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Joe smirked. “Not a clue. We’re good at this.”
“Guess we are,” she replied, her heart pounding against her ribcage.
A quiet laugh escaped Joe’s lips, and he shook his head slightly. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
Y/N grinned. “You love it.”
“Damn right I do,” he said softly, eyes glued to her.
They shared a long, meaningful look, the best they could in the limited light. They both knew the risks of being discovered, but in that fleeting moment, it didn’t matter. They were together, and that was enough.
“Night, Y/N,” Joe whispered, his voice barely audible.
“Night, Joe,” she replied, equally as gentle.
With a final lingering look, they both turned away, settling into their respective spots. The room was filled with the quiet sounds of their friends, but for Joe and Y/N, the silence couldn’t be louder.
She woke up around 3am, the room shrouded in darkness save for the faint glow from the streetlights outside. She shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, when she felt it—his gaze. Slowly, she turned her head and found Joe propped up on one arm with his phone in his hand. His face was illuminated only by the device.
Seriously? You couldn’t have just stayed asleep? She thought to herself, a mix of amusement and frustration bubbling up inside her. Here they were, in a room full of their sleeping friends, with Joe looking like a whole meal doing the bare minimum. The absurdity and excitement was so much for her to handle.
She gave him a pointed look when he finally took a peek over in her direction, her lips quirking up in a half-smile when he noticed she was awake.
“What are you doing awake?” she asked as quietly as she could.
Joe’s lips curved into a slow, lazy grin, with a bashful undertone. “Couldn’t sleep,” he practically mouthed, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“Sure,” she rolled her eyes. “You just want to make this night more interesting.”
Joe shifted quietly on the floor, his movements careful and deliberate. He glanced around the room, ensuring everyone else was still sound asleep, then slowly moved to sit up. Y/N’s heart raced as she watched him, every nerve in her body on high alert.
Sliding onto the bed beside her, he moved with a careful grace that belied his size. The mattress dipped under his weight, and he settled beside her, his body warm and solid against hers.
She bit her lip, trying to suppress a giddy giggle that threatened to escape. “We’re gonna get caught one of these days, you know.”
He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. “Maybe,” he conceded. “But that’s what makes it fun, right?”
“Oh yeah, tons of fun,” she replied sarcastically. “Nothing like the thrill of getting caught by our friends to spice things up.”
Even the darkness couldn’t prevent her from seeing his pearly white grin. “Admit it, you love the risk.”
“Maybe I do,” she admitted with a gentle sigh, relaxing into his warmth as his hand slid up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
They laid there for a moment in the snore-filled room. The tension was palpable, a taut wire strung between them that could snap at any moment.
“So, what’s the plan?” she whispered up at him.
“Plan?” he echoed, feigning innocence. “I was just thinkin’ we could enjoy each other’s company.”
She rolled her eyes, positive that her cheeks flushed a deep pink, and despite the darkness, covered her face with her hand anyways. “You’re terrible.”
“And…? You love it, babygirl,” he shot back, his hand moving down to rest on her hip, fingertips teasing the space between her tank top and her shorts. “Remember that time we almost got caught in the locker room?” he asked with an audible smirk, his calloused thumb tracing circles on her exposed skin. “You nearly blew our cover with that yelp.”
“You’re the one who made me jump!” she protested, swatting him lightly on the arm.
He laughed softly, a rich hum that sent sparks straight to her core. “Sure, blame it on me.”
“You really don’t think anyone suspects anything?” Her question came as a small mumble, lost in the shadow of his form practically hovering over her at this point. And he was so close to her. She could feel light tickles from his beard on her cheek.
“Nah, baby,” he confidently reassured her. “We’re too good at this shit.”
“Famous last words,” she chuckled, though she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing delicately against the shell of her ear. “Don’t worry. I got this.”
“Yeah?” she challenged, sliding her hand up to rest on his shoulder. “Prove it.”
With a smirk, Joe shifted, rolling over so he could press his body entirely on top of hers. The bed creaked slightly, and they both froze, glancing around to make sure no one had woken up. Satisfied that their secret was still safe, they relaxed.
“What was that about ‘I got this’?” she lightly scolded, emulating his voice the best she could in her whispered tone.
“Shh…” With that, he pressed his lips down against hers, the hand that rested on her hip coming up to hold the side of her neck. He kissed her with a hunger that spoke of all the nights they had to keep their distance, the desire that had been simmering just below the surface finally boiling over. She returned it with equal fervour, trailing her fingers up to his man bun and feeling where the couple of hours being laid down had taken a toll on its usually pristine quality.
“Take this out,” she mumbled against his lips. “I like when your hair’s down.”
He didn’t need to be asked twice. It was a relief to take it out, to let it fall down and create a protective shield around their faces as he went back in for another kiss. It deepened, tips of tongues prodding against each other until they were fully entwined in an intense dance. Her hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscle beneath his skin, the same way Joe traced the contours of her curves with a reverence that made her feel like a Goddess.
“God, I’ve missed this,” he breathed out in a gravelly whisper.
“Me too,” she admitted.
They were lost in each other, the world outside their bubble of desire forgotten. Joe’s hands slipped under her shirt, the heat of his touch against her bare skin making her gasp softly. He paused, his eyes searching hers in the small beams of light from outside, asking for silent permission.
She nodded, her breath hitching as his hands continued their exploration upwards. He pushed the fabric up, exposing her round breasts to the cool air and his heated gaze. Following the path of his hands, Joe’s lips made a tender journey down her neck, nipping and sucking lightly, before they stopped at her chest. Pressing kisses to her skin. Tip of his tongue tracing slow patterns along it until one of her hard nubs made contact. Thick lips wrapped around, kissing and suckling like he’d never get to again. Branding possession and desire.
“Joe,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
“Shh, we gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he reminded her, words muffled against the supple skin as he moved to pay the same exquisite attention to her other breast. “Don’t wanna wake the others.”
The reminder of their precarious situation only added to the intensity, causing her to unintentionally roll her hips up towards his. His hands were everywhere, mapping her body with a familiarity that was both comforting and thrilling. Her own hands were just as eager, exploring the hard planes of his chest. His heart pounding beneath her palm, a mirror to her own racing pulse.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her skin.
She smiled, a flush of pleasure spreading through her at his words. “You’re not so bad yourself, big guy.”
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her. “Glad you think so.”
Coming back up to her lips, she barely had time to readjust before his long, tepid fingers slipped under the fabric of her shorts and her panties. Another sharp gasp escaped her lips, internally cringing at how loud it was. God forbid, if anyone actually knew what they were doing…
“Easy, baby. Just let me take care of you.”
The pads of his fingers stroked over her slick folds, gently… teasingly. A moan rose in her throat, causing her to clamp her teeth down on Joe’s lower lip to suppress the sound.
“Damn, baby, you’re this wet already?”
“Yes,” she managed to breathe as he pressed heated kisses down the side of her neck. His middle fingers teased the smooth surface of her tiny, sensitive pearl, and she once again was forced to keep her noises to a minimum.
“Good girl,” he praised her efforts, rewarding her by pressing his fingers down firmer, further, until they slipped inside her with a smooth, practised motion.
The sensation was almost too much to bear. She clung to him, her nails digging into his bare shoulders as he began to move, digits sliding in and out in a slow and calculated motion. God only knew he wanted to finger fuck the shit out of her, but he knew that would cause unnecessary noise and a climax too short lived.
“God, how you always feel this good?” he groaned softly.
She whimpered, biting her lip to stifle it. His fingers curled upwards in their movements, pressing closer to her sweet spot. Driving her wild. Coiling her pleasure. Tighter. And tighter.
“Look at you,” he peered over her writhing form in awe. “So gorgeous… so ready for me, huh?”
Her response was a tight grip on the back of his head.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered hotly against her neck. “Tell me how you want it.”
“M-more…” She pathetically sighed. “Please, Joe…”
He chuckled softly, feeling a familiar twitch between his own legs. “Anything for you, doll,” he obliged happily, fingers picking up speed and his thumb finding her clit easily to glide against it in tandem with the rhythm he had curated on her body.
A gasp, an arch, a flutter around his fingers, and he knew. “Feel that?” he whispered in a seductive, dark purr. “Feel how close you are?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “Oh, God, yes…”
“Atta girl,” he cooed down at her, propping himself up on his arm and pressing his forehead down on hers. “Cum, baby.”
Noticing her characteristic shudder, the way her eyebrows furrowed when a release was approaching, he took the initiative to manoeuvre his free hand to cover her mouth, baring down enough pressure for her to bite onto it as she rippled and arched into him. Her cunt throbbed and tightened around his fingers, and he watched with parted lips as she came so hard.
“That’s it,” he murmured in a soothing rumble. “Just like that…”
As she came down from her high, twitches and aftershock present, he carefully withdrew his fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple, his hand smoothing over her hair. Another kiss came quickly, but not without Joe taking an expert taste of his own fingers, where Y/N’s honey coated him with a thick sheen. She tasted herself as he swirled his long tongue around hers, hand stroking back his hair to thread her fingers through the dark tendrils.
It was almost sad, kissing him in that moment. The way she gripped onto him as though she was solidifying how he felt in her mind, capturing the memory; they never knew the next time they’d get to be together.
“Joe…” Y/N whispered. “I need you… so bad.”
“I know, babygirl,” he sighed, peppering small kisses along her jaw. “But as much as I’d love for you to nut on this dick right now, it might be wiser to wait ‘til I can have you alone.”
She whimpered impatiently, making Joe stifle a laugh by burying his face in her neck. “Don’t make me laugh,” he murmured, clearly grinning.
“I’m not trying to…” she giggled softly, biting her lip. They really just did that, in the same room as their sleeping friends. Damn. “Fuck, Joe, we’re totally gonna get found out soon if we keep this up.”
“Yeah?” he asked, lifting his head to gaze down at her. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, baby.”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone would love to know that you just fingered me a metre away from their sleeping bodies.”
“They will know if you don’t keep it down,” he chuckled. “That bein’ said, we should probably try and get some sleep, huh?”
Y/N frowned, but reluctantly nodded, knowing he would have to leave her bed and return to his spot on the floor. “Where are we heading in the morning?”
“Uh,” Joe hummed, carefully pulling himself back up into a seated position. “Atlanta, I think.”
“Sit next to me on the bus?” she half-asked.
“You sure you wanna do that? Y’know… considering we’re ‘totally gonna get found out soon’?” He sent her a cocky smirk, silently moving himself back to the floor. She rolled over to the edge of the bed so she could still see him. 
“I don’t care… I’ve missed you,” she told him earnestly. It was true; they really hadn’t seen as much of each other lately, which is ironic when you consider the fact they were currently on the road. It just meant eyes were on them more than usual. 
With an understanding exhale, Joe reached over and held the side of her face, stroking over her cheek with his thumb. “I’ve missed you too, baby.”
“So sit with me tomorrow, please,” she practically begged, leaning into his touch.
“I’m not sayin’ no, am I?” he answered with a soft laugh. “Now, go to sleep, ‘kay? It’ll be more suspicious if we’re both tired.”
“Yes, Dad,” Y/N playfully retorted, rolling her eyes.
“I’ll remind you you called me that, as well.”
“I’m sure you fucking will, Big Dog.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Morning crept into the room with the soft glow of dawn filtering through the thin curtains. The peaceful quiet of the night gave way to the gentle sounds of stirring bodies and muffled groans of discomfort.
“Ugh, my back,” Jon complained, rolling over on the cramped armchair. “Why did I think sleeping on here was a good idea?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” Colby mumbled, pulling Becky closer to him. “Pass me that pillow, will ya?” Becky groaned, grabbing the pillow that had fallen off Gi’s bed in the middle of the night, and flinging it back in Colby’s direction.
Gi, still half-asleep, rolled over and bumped into Mercedes, who let out a sleepy groan. “Move over, you bed hog,” she muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow she hugged tightly.
“When did you get there?” Gi mumbled, squinting her eyes as she searched for her glasses somewhere in the bed, realising she must have passed out with them on. 
“When I decided the corner was too damn uncomfortable,” Mercedes bluntly responded.
Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the events of the night playing on a loop in her mind, extended into a pleasurable dream. She sat up, eyes adjusting to the daylight as she surveyed the room. No Joe, just a messy blanket and his balled up jacket from where he had slept. 
“Ahh!” Mercedes let out a yelp as the hotel door began to open, almost hitting her in the process. “Oh, it’s you—what the fuck, man?”
“Sorry, didn’t realise your stupid ass was standin’ in the way,'' Joe's sleepy, but cheery laugh echoed as he emerged, shutting the door behind him. He’d changed his clothes, now wearing his grey shorts and a hoodie, and his hair was back to its pristine nature, perfectly slicked back into a bun.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Colby strained his neck from the floor to look up at him.
“My room? We have rooms, guys, did you know that?” he nudged Colby with his knee as he attempted to sit up. His next stop was Y/N’s bed, where he placed her keycard down on the table beside it, giving her a small smile. 
“You took my key?”
“I’ve been awake for, like, two hours. Needed to get out for a bit, take a shower, y’know,” he shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the bed to collect his stuff from the floor. He made a point to brush against Y/N’s arm as he did, making her bite back a smile. “You sleep okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod. “You?”
“Better than expected,” he said, sending a smirk over his shoulder.
Across the room, Colby struggled to stand, stretching his arms above his head with an exaggerated yawn. “Alright, who’s up for breakfast?”
“Count me in,” Jon said, finally rolling off the armchair and onto the floor with a thud. “As long as it’s not cornflakes.”
Gi sat up, her hair a wild halo around her head. “Can we get coffee first? I need coffee.”
“Coffee sounds so good right now,” Mercedes agreed, brushing her fingers through her hair and rubbing at her neck. “And a chiropractor.”
By the time breakfast was had and everyone had dispersed back to their own rooms, Gi and Y/N started the gruelling task of packing what little they took out of their bags and tidying the room of empty cans and pizza boxes.
“They could have helped us,” Gi sighed as she tried to clumsily shove a pizza box into a trash bag.
“Joe offered,” Y/N shrugged, working on picking up cans and any other scraps of trash. Gi glanced up at her, narrowing her eyes with a cheeky smile.
“Did he?”
Y/N met her gaze, raising an eyebrow at her friend quizzically. “Yeah, he did. But he still had a fuckload left to pack, so I told him we could handle it.”
“Oh,” Gi simply hummed, a grin spreading across her face, unbeknownst to Y/N.
Y/N tried her utmost hardest to avoid eye contact after that, knowing that if she looked at Gi for too long, it would be impossible not to spill everything that happened. And after complaining to Joe herself about the possibility of anyone finding out about them, it would seem somewhat counterproductive and ironic on her end.
When the pair was ready to leave, their WhatsApp group chat dinging with confirmations of the same, Gi leaned over to Y/N as she opened their door.
“Oh, by the way, Y/N, about last night,” Gi started.
“Yeah?” Y/N answered as she shut the door behind them, the two of them now standing in the hallway. She caught glimpses of fresh-faced superstars that weren’t in their room last night, who took more pride in their night routines on the road than anything else, greeting them from afar with a warm smile.
“The next time you and Joe fool about, make sure we’re all actually asleep before you do.”
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minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: HAN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: CONFIDENT!JISUNG, ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP, LIP BITING, SOFT DOM!HAN/SUB!READER (NOT HEAVY ON THE DYNAMIC), FINGERING, CHOKING, PET NAMES (BABY, PRETTY), EXHIBITIONISM (vocally? They in a hotel room), ORAL (F REC.), LIGHT BEGGING, TEASING, UNPROTECTED SEX (wrap it before you tap it), SCRATCHING, CREAMPIE, MENTION AFTERCARE, ☾ ━━━ WC: 2.2K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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      Confidence in the right person was attractive, especially when the right person was more so goofy than anything. That’s how (Y/n) felt when she watched her boyfriend perform. She was so used to her goofball, cuddle-loving Han Jisung. And while he could be that on stage. But there were plenty of times during those same performances she’d catch such a wave of confidence in him. His little stage habits were already as attractive as his, especially when he caught her eye in the middle of them while she watched from the crowd. 
      He’d never really tease her too much about it either when he saw her blush from up on stage. Typically he’d smother her with kisses when she got backstage and when they got back to the hotel afterward. Most of the time it led to him complimenting her more than she had complimented him as they cuddled up under the hotel bed covers.
      “You looked good up there tonight,” (Y/n) smiled as Jisung pulled her into his arms when she got backstage as they were getting ready to leave
      “Just tonight?” He joked as kissed her cheek
      “You look good every night.” (Y/n) smiled as she grabbed his cheeks in one hand and pecked his lips as she squished his cheeks together.
      “Sho do you” he mumbled before she let go of his cheeks.
      The two headed back to the rest of the group as (Y/n) congratulated them on another great show before they all headed back to the hotel for the night. Of course, the entire ride there, all eight of them still had a bunch of energy from their performance and wouldn’t stop goofing around, which (Y/n) didn’t mind. She was used to them being like this. They were boys after all.
      Jisung kept his arm wrapped around her shoulders the whole car ride and up to their room. Gradually everyone went to wash up or just take a minute to relax. The same could be said for the couple. 
      Jisung plopped back on the bed as soon as they got into the room. (Y/n) giggled at him as she opted to sit on his lap and lean down and kiss his nose. 
      “Hi pretty,” he smiled as brought his head up
      “Hi,” (Y/n) smiled back. 
      Jisung wrapped his arms around her before rolling her over so she was laid under. (Y/n) fully wrapped her legs around his waist as he started peppering her face with kisses. She giggled a bit as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her fingers into his hair. 
      His lips finally landed on hers. (Y/n) grinned while returning the kiss, hands lightly grabbing at the roots of his hair. He moved his arms out from under her body and placed them on her waist. 
     Jisung pushed himself closer to her body before he tugged on her lower lip with his teeth as he pulled away from their kiss. (Y/n) looked at him as he released her lip and smiled at her again.
     “Tease,” (Y/n) pouted
     “That needy after a kiss?” Jisung moved to slowly kiss down her neck.
     “Been needy since the concert.” 
     “Really now?”
     Han moved his hands down slightly to her hips and rubbed small circles into them as he placed open-mouth kisses on her neck. (Y/n) gripped his hair a little tighter as he did so. She had told him before that his confidence, especially when he was on the stage, did something for her. Sometimes he even used it to his advantage in the bedroom— not every time, but sometimes.
     He lightly sucked on her pulse spot whilst his hands traveled up her— actually his— t-shirt. His hands ran smoothly up her sides, hiking the fabric up slightly. Jisung moved his mouth away from her pulse point and left a few more marks along her neck as his hands cupped her breasts, gently massaging them. 
     “Ji,” (Y/n) moaned as she rolled her hips up against his. The idol stopped for a moment as she brushed against his hardening cock. The girl couldn't help but smile to herself as he stopped. 
     “And I'm the tease,” he groaned before fully pushing the shirt over her breasts, bringing his lips down to leave a few marks on the skin. 
     One hand resettled on her waist while the other pushed between their bodies, starting to unbutton her jeans. Slowly but surely his lips shifted down from her breast to trail across her stomach. He left a small trail of love bites on her side, making her squirm ever so slightly.
     Just as he got down to the waistband of her now-unbuttoned jeans, he sat back up and tossed off his hoodie and t-shirt he had thrown on after the show. (Y/n) smiled at her boyfriend's upper body before she tossed her shirt fully off. 
     “My pretty baby,” Han smiled as he slid his hand up her thighs, leaning down to kiss her lips again. 
     (Y/n) happily returned the kiss and ran her hands over his toned muscles. She’d have to thank Changbin for dragging him to the gym later. 
     His hands slipped under the waistband of her jeans and wiggled them off of her as much as he could with her legs locked around his hips. He just needed enough room to comfortably slip a hand in between her legs and slowly rub her clit. 
      (Y/n) moaned softly into the kiss. Jisung moved his lips back down to her neck, leaving more kisses and marks on her as his fingers picked up the pace a bit. (Y/n) grabbed his biceps and pressed her lips together. 
      “Ji,” (Y/n) moaned 
      “Words baby.”
      “Off. Want your fingers”
     The rapper removed her legs from his hips and got rid of her jeans and undergarments, leaving her in just her bra. He’d worry about that later though. He did as she asked and ran his fingers through her slit, collecting the slick that had seeped out of her. He smiled as he licked it off his fingers and looked down at his girlfriend who watched him with doe eyes. 
     Han pushed two fingers into her, pumping them in and out of her at a steady pace. (Y/n) panted a bit as she pulled him back down for another kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth. His free hand perched itself under her jaw, slightly gripping her neck as he pushed back with his tongue. (Y/n) arched up off the bed a bit as she gripped her boyfriend’s forearms.
      (Y/n) pulled away from their kiss for a small break, grabbing a breath while his hand left her neck and pushed down her bra, finally letting her breasts out. He kissed her breasts before taking her nipple between his lips, swirling his tongue around the small bud and effectively stimulating her more while he now scissored her open.
      “More.” (Y/n) moaned
      Ji lightly bit her nipple before he released it from his mouth and looked up at her, “Baby wants more?”
     “Please ji,” (Y/n) responded
     “You wanna play with your pretty clit for me,” Han growled in her ear as he pushed in another finger.
     (Y/n) bit her bottom lip and tightened her grip on his forearms, trying not to make too much noise and let the people in the rooms around them know what was happening in the room. Jisung chuckled and moved one of her hands down to her clit. (Y/n) started rubbing her clit while the male above her went back to playing with her boobs as his three fingers stretched her hole for him.
      (Y/n) rocked her hips against their fingers as her head pushed further into the mattress. “Wanna cum.” (Y/n) moaned 
      “Gonna cum on my fingers baby?” Han teased whilst moving his kisses down her stomach
      “Yes please ji, wanna come on your fingers.”
      “Go ahead, baby.”
      (Y/n) released on her boyfriend’s fingers a moment later as both her hands fell to the bed. His fingers coaxed more of her orgasm from her, curling the tips against her walls. His kisses came down to her shaking thighs as she started coming down from her high. 
      “Always so pretty when you come,” Han commented as he kissed her now sensitive clit
      (Y/n) whined as his fingers kept working inside her while he sucked on her sensitive clit. She gripped the bed sheets below her; legs closing somewhat around her boyfriend. 
     “Come on pretty, give me another one,” Jisung pulled away for a second to coach her with his words before he sucked on her clit a little harder
     “Oh my– fuck.” (Y/n) covered her mouth with her hand. 
     Han giggled against her clit at her reaction which sent her over the edge. She came on his fingers again. Han was quick to pull them and dive his tongue into her. Drinking up her release as she came down. 
     He pulled away from her and moved back up to her lips, letting her taste her cum off his tongue while he worked getting his pants and boxers off. (Y/n) placed her hands on his waist and pulled him closer a bit as he kicked his bottoms off his hands. 
     Han ground his hips against her wet cunt, hard cock rubbing her as she whined into his mouth. 
      “Sound so pretty.” Jisung moves his mouth away from hers to place a few kisses on her shoulder while he grabbed his cock. 
     He pumped himself a couple of times before sliding the tip between her folds, teasing her hole while she whined.
     “Please Ji,” (Y/n) begged
     “Please what, pretty?”
     “Please put it in. Want your cock.”
     “Want me to fill you?”
     Han pushed the tip in and pulled it out just as quickly
     “Sungie.” (Y/n) whined as she brought her legs up around his hips again.
     Jisung quickly relented to her begging and pushed himself inside of her, grabbing onto her hips as he slowly sank in. “So fucking warm,” he groaned. 
     “Feel so good,” (Y/n) gasped as he bottomed out. 
     Jisung took a moment to compose himself. Only recently have they started exploring sex without a condom. The first time he damn near came right there. He’d gotten a bit used to it but it still took him a minute to get used to feeling her wrapped around him without the thin rubber. 
     Slowly she rolled her hips against his, making them both moan. A second later, he pulled out and pushed back inside her. Quickly setting an easy pace for himself. (Y/n) arched towards him a little bit while her hands roamed his back.
     He moved his hands off her hips and placed them on the mattress near her head and he leaned over her more, picking up his thrusting pace. “Oh fuck! There baby!” (Y/n) called as he just happened to graze the spongy spot that made her crazy, lightly dragging her nails down his back  
     “Been wanting to cum on my cock all night, haven't you?” 
     (Y/n) nodded as she bit her bottom lip. 
     “Watching me on stage turned you on? Should I have done something about it backstage? Maybe I will at the next show.”
     “Please. Want you to fuck me after your set,” (Y/n) groaned. 
     The room got warmer as small bits of sweat started rolling down their bodies. Skin slapping against skin filled the silence in the room as well as the moans they tried to keep down with the cursing that fell from their lips. 
     (Y/n) clenched around his cock as she felt that familiar feeling of her third orgasm coming. Jisung’s hand snaked down and rubbed circles on her clit again. His lips crashed back on hers to catch moans that were for sure going to be too loud to keep down on her own. 
     Her legs closed tighter around him as she got closer and closer, trying to focus on his tongue in her mouth. Between his pace, the angle, his fingers, and the previous stimulation, her third one hit her hard as she shook under him. His high was making its way to the surface while she came down from hers. 
     “Let me pull out baby.”
     “In me Ji.”
     “Please please, Ji. Want you to come in me.” (Y/n) begged. 
     The other times he’d gone in raw, he’d always pulled out, cumming in his hand or on her. It was something he chose to do for his sanity. He wouldn't mind as long as she was okay with it. She hadn't ever said anything about it till now. 
     “Can’t say no when you beg so pretty.” Han chased his high before bottoming out in her and painting her walls white with his cum. 
     “Fuck,” he groaned as he fucked into her before finally pulling out. 
     Han laid on top of her as both took in the afterglow of each other. “You okay?” he asked after a few moments, picking himself up to look down at her. 
     “Yeah,” (Y/n) smiled “you should cum in me more often.”
     “I think I should too.”
     The couple giggled before sharing a short kiss and getting cleaned up. Han started a bath for the both of them and both helped each other wash up. 
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thecuriousbeauty · 24 days
One more to love
(Famous!reader x Husband!harry )
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Synopsis- You decide to surprise your husband for Valentine's Day. Harry's on Tour in Canada, not expecting you at all. You get back home after a few fun filled days with him and only when you fall sick does a doubt arise in your head. Can love making on the day of love lead to a baby?
This can be treated as part 2 to this, or you can read it as a stand alone.
Word count:6.7K
Warnings: Smut, some really sweet intimacy, praising. Lots of fluff, Harry being the sweetest husband, mentions of performance anxiety, pregnancy. Oh and watch out for best friend! Niall
You leaned over the mirror as you swiped red lipstick over your lips. You reserve wearing red lips for special occasions. It was safe to say that today was one. You were in Toronto, to surprise your husband for Valentine’s Day! He was on tour, and you were busy with a few song recordings so neither of you could see each other in the last two months.
"Do I look okay?", you asked your friend Kiara, as you smack your lips together, before stepping away from the mirror. 
"Hell, you look amazing.", Kiara said. You were wearing a sheer black top, ripped blue jeans and boots. You let your hair down in waves, and you were pretty satisfied with your look.
"He's going to get hard from just looking at you.", she said, making you laugh. “You sure you can’t come along?”
Kiara, one of your best friends is a model. You had flown out to Toronto with her from London. She had some work here for the next few days.
“Wish I could, but gotta go babe.”, Kiara pulls you into a hug. “Have fun with your man, eh?”
“Oh I will.”, you grin at the thought of seeing Harry. “I’ll see you soon Ki, thanks for helping me get ready.”
“Of course. See ya!”
You were now alone in the hotel room, your car was going to be here soon, that’ll take you to the venue Harry’s performing at. While you were putting on your heels, you got a call from another one of your best friend’s.
"Hello Nialler!”, you answer. If it wasn’t for Niall, you’d be a complete mess whenever you felt sad and alone about Harry being on tour. Even though Niall always annoyed the crap out of you, you know you’re lucky to have him as your close friend. You can count on him. 
"Can yeh explain why there is a huge bunch of roses, chocolates and a big teddy bear on yeh doorstep?", Niall asks, making your face light up. 
“Aw! That must be Harry. He might have had it shipped.”
“Yeh, looks like. I forgot it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Wait, why are you at my house? You breaking in when I’m not around?”, you gasped.
“Not sure if it’s breaking in if the owner gave me the keys.”, Niall snorts. “And I’m just dropping by to search for my favorite hoodie I think I left here.”
“Can you please move all the things Harry sent safely into the house for me?”
“What if it’s not Harry? What if it’s your secret admirer?”, Niall gasps, and you laugh, shaking your head. “Oh, wait! There’s a card. Yes, it’s Harold, alright.”
“Of course it is. What does the card say?”
“You can see for yourself when you’re back.”, Niall says, and you hear noises of him moving things. “I’m gonna leave everything here except the chocolates. They look good, y/n.”
“No! Harry got them for me!”
After you convinced Niall to leave your chocolates alone, and he found his hoodie, he was locking your house and rushing to work. Your car was here to take you to the venue, and you took your bag having things you got for Harry, before getting in. Jeff greeted you backstage and unfortunately for you, the show started a little bit earlier than the scheduled time so your man was already on stage. 
Never mind, you could wait until the show was over. 
Your heart did a leap as you finally saw your husband. He wore a pink suit, hair perfectly done, and the crowd screamed as he moved around on stage. You loved watching Harry perform. He was in his element. 
Something was thrown to him onstage and he caught it. He got to know that it was a bra only when he looked at it and he shrieked, throwing it away. 
"Excuse me?", Harry said into the mic. "No throwing me bras, you know why?"
"Because I'm a happily married man!", he did a dramatic hair flip and showed the crowd his hand bearing the wedding ring, making you giddy. That was your man right there. "The only bra I'd like to catch is my wife's and my wife's only!"
You blushed.
You hid when the team came off stage.
“Good show, guys, well done.”, Harry says as he makes sure to hug all his team members.
"Wait, Harry, we have a surprise for you.", Claire said. 
Harry turns to look at her, smiling already. He loves surprises. "I do?" 
"Yes.", she said. "Would you kindly close your eyes?"
"Mitch, please do the honors."
Mitch closed Harry’s eyes with his palms. “What the hell?”
Mitch just laughed in reply. You came out of your hiding place, and the people on his team who didn’t know that you were here gasped, some of them clapped waiting for Harry’s reaction. 
"What? Is it the President?", Harry joked.
As he stood there clueless, Mitch pulled away and you wrapped your arms around him. You were so happy to be in his arms again. You squeezed his waist, pressing your head against his chest. Harry quickly wrapped his arms around you when he realized it’s you. Only you could fit like a perfect little puzzle in his arms.
Harry hugged you tighter and kissed the top of your head. "y/n?”, he whispers.
"Happy Valentine's day baby!", you smiled at him and pulled away. Then you got down on one knee and pulled out a rose bouquet from behind your back offering it to him. His hands flew to his mouth in shock.
"F-For me?", Harry squeaked looking at the beautiful flowers. You beamed and nodded. Other guys might not like flowers so much, but Harry does, and you know it.
"T-thank y-you.", Harry stuttered and took them. He remained speechless with shock for a while and you let him take his time. You were still on one knee so he shifted the flowers to one hand and held your hand with the other, pulling you up. 
"H-Hi.", Harry blurted out and you giggled, kissing his cheek.
"Are you r-real?"
You laughed and stood on your tiptoes, closing your eyes before pressing your lips to his. Harry closed his eyes too, pulling you closer by your waist, feeling himself getting lost as the kiss deepened. As much as you wanted to keep kissing him, you were around others, so you pulled away slowly. “Does it seem real now?”
"Too much PDA!", Mitch complained, covering his eyes.
"Deal with it buddy!", you said. 
 Harry looked from her to Mitch. "Did you know?", he asked Mitch.
"We all did.", he said motioning to the rest of his crew. 
"See babe, Kiara had the fashion week here, so I flew with her to surprise you. I told these guys and made them promise not to tell you. I'm sorry for not answering your calls today, now you know why. Did you get surprised?", you explained, still in his arms.
"I-I yeah!", Harry said and you giggled and hugged his neck. 
"Oh H, you look like a tomato.", Sarah said. Harry shot her a glare. 
"Cute though.", you  kissed his nose. "I love you.", Harry whispered. He cupped your cheeks and stroked his thumbs on them, taking in every part of you, a smile tugging at his lips. His eyes fixed on your plump red lips, his favorite lipstick on you. “God, I fucking love you. You look incredible, love."
“Thank you, so do you! And, I love you too.”
Harry grinned. “Thank you so much for coming, this is the best Valentine’s day present ever. You! I’m so happy. Did you watch me perform!?”
“Of course I did! You were great!”
"Thanks! How long are you gonna be with me?"
"Um, four days. I go back to London Saturday morning.", you said softly, and his face fell. 
"I-Including today?"
You shook your head. "From tomorrow."
You know Harry still wished he had you for some more time.
"Babe, it's okay, we'll make the best out of what we have.", you said. "And soon you're going to be on the UK leg, so we can see each other more, cheer up now.", you said, poking his cheeks with your index fingers and he smiled, nodding.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I was going crazy without you.", he said, nuzzling his head into your neck. You ran your hand through his hair and smiled in content. "Me too, I will fly over anytime for you." Harry kissed your neck.
"These are beautiful. Wait, so you didn't get the ones I sent you?", Harry asked about the flowers.
"Sorry no, but Niall’s got it all safe in the house..", she said. "Aw, here, we'll share.", he said and took a single rose out and gave it to you. You chuckled. "Thanks babe."
"Give me a few minutes to freshen up and we can get out of here.", Harry said, already shrugging off the suit. You went to talk to the crew while Harry was gone. He got back in record time.
"Let's go?"
 "Yep." He kissed your cheek, as he took your hand in his. "How can someone be so pretty?", he wonders, making you blush. "Stop it, babe."
He laughs, nudging his nose against your cheek. "What do you wanna do tonight?"
"Whatever you want."
"No, your choice."
"I'm fine with anything."
"I am too."
He laughed as you walked. “We could go out for dinner at some fancy place. Or we can go to the hotel room, just me and you there." Harry was leaning to the second option but he still wanted you to pick. He was already having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
“Let’s go to the hotel room, I like me and you time.”, you winked.
So you made it to his hotel room, and while your luggage was being brought in, Harry kept the roses you gave him safely in a vase. Then he closed the door and tugged you into his arms, lips attacking yours again. You jumped a little so you could wrap your legs around his waist, and he hums in pleasure as one of his hands grips the back of your neck, and the other around your hip, keeping you steady. He bites your bottom lip, and you open your mouth, letting his tongue explore your mouth.
“I missed you so much.”, you breathe when he pulls away for a second. 
“I missed you more, kitten.", Harry moves his lips to your neck, making you moan softly as you arched your neck back. You loved that nickname he had for you. “What did you miss about me?”, he asks.
“Oh everything.”, your hands play with the curls at the nape of his neck. “Everything about you, Harry.”
“Yeah? Did you miss my cock?”, Harry asks, taking your top off with one hand. He tossed off your bra in seconds, groaning as he squeezed your breast in his hand. You moaned at the feeling, you missed being touched by him. “S-So much.” 
You could feel his dick getting hard, it was pressing against his stomach and your clothed center. “You miss my pussy?”, you ask him.
“Bloody hell, I’ve been dreaming about it every fucking day.”, Harry mumbles as he takes you to bed, lips leaving marks down your neck. “You gonna let me fuck your pretty little pussy today? As a Valentine’s day gift for me?”
“I don’t know, should I? You left me all alone to go on tour.”, you pout, gasping softly as you land on the bed, and Harry slides out of his pants before crawling over you. 
“I know, I’m sorry, my heart.”, Harry mumbles, sliding his hands to your hips. “I’ll make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so good.”
“I’d love that.”, you smile, and moan as his lips wrap around your nipple. You move your hand to feel his crotch, making him groan. “Get it all off, let me see you.”, you whisper. Harry listens, letting your nipple out of his mouth with a ‘pop’ and quickly pulling off his shirt and his boxers. You slide down your jeans, while your eyes roam over his body. His broad tattooed chest was heaving up and down and his sculpted abs made you want to run your hand over them. Your hand dips lower to his dick, which was hard and standing up straight. 
“See what you do to me, kitten?”, Harry asks, fingers looping around the waistband of your panties. He moans as you stroke his dick. “I need to be inside you.”
“Yes, fill me up, babe.”, you lift your hips so he can slide your panties down your legs. “Let me see that pussy, been waiting for so long.”, he pushes your thighs apart and groans at the sight of your pussy. It was glistening, dripping down with your arousal. 
“Never seen a pussy this pretty.”, Harry collects the arousal, bringing it to his lips. “Oh. You taste so sweet, baby.”
You moan as he dips his fingers inside you. “I think your little hole has gotten tighter, sweetheart. Didn’t have my dick in it for two months, hm? Poor baby.”
“P-Please Harry.” You needed to feel full. 
“Gonna give you what you need, love. Always take care of you.” Harry circles his thumb over your clit, making you arch your back and let out another moan. “Did it feel good when you touched yourself, baby?”
“Y-Yes, but not as good as when you do it.” Harry smiles, capturing your lips in a kiss. “Don’t worry baby, I’m here to take care of you now.” 
Harry slips his dick inside your pussy, and you throw your head back on the pillow, moaning. He slowly pushed his dick inside, and you realized just how much you missed having him inside you. Phone sex does the job for both your needs, but the intimacy, the closeness that you get when you’re together, phone sex doesn’t give you that. 
“Oh fuck..it feels so good.”, Harry moans, hovering over you. He was letting you adjust since it has been a while. You pull him down closer, hands going to his back. “Y-You can move, babe.”
Harry thrusts his hips, and the rooms fill with sounds of pleasure. No other man has ever made you feel so good. You didn’t even know sex could feel so amazing, until you met Harry.
“Fuck you’re so perfect.”, Harry squeezes your boobs. “You’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes, yes, all yours, fuck, right there....” His dick moved in and out of you at a steady pace, hitting all the right spots. He knew your body like the back of his hand. He knew exactly what you needed. You saw pure love and adoration in his eyes when you looked at him, and you brought your hand to the side of the bed, opening your palm. Harry grabs your hand, letting you hold it. 
“Shit, are you c-close babe?”, Harry asks, quickening his pace, making you curl your toes. “Oh yeah, yeah I’m gonna cum..”
“Cum around me, kitten, all over my dick.”, Harry presses kisses to your shoulder. You reach your high soon, and Harry kisses you through it. Harry couldn’t hold on any longer, he also cums right after you do. 
“I love you.”, he breathes, collapsing on top of you. You smile, holding him close, running a hand through his curls. “I love you too.”
He brings your tangled hands up to kiss the back of your hand. “M’ so lucky you’re my wife, and proud.” 
“Me too. Seeing all those girls going crazy for you today, and knowing that you’re gonna be in my arms later? No better feeling.”, you winked, and he laughs, pressing another kiss to your lips before lifting up on his hands and moving down on the bed, separating your legs again.
“I’m very hungry.”, he explains, looking away from your eyes and to your pussy. He hums, pushing some of his cum leaking out of you back inside with his fingers. “Gonna let me eat, kitten?”
“Those butter tarts were so good, I should have thrown some in my bag for later.”, you whisper to Harry as you walk back from the breakfast buffet, hand in hand. The plan was to go out sightseeing today, Harry said he could arrange a car. 
Harry hums. “They were good. Think Canada’s famous for them.”
"Good morning!" Mitch and Adam popped out of nowhere, just as you were about to step into the elevator. "Where did you guys come from?", Harry chuckled. "Oh we were just-"
"Hanging around.", Adam completed.
Mitch nodded. "Hanging around."
"Great, morning, we gotta go.", Harry said and you nodded, waving to them. "Wait.", Mitch said. "Did you have a really nice night yesterday?"
"Yes.", you both said in chorus. He smirked and exchanged glances with Adam as they giggled. "I could hear you guys even with earphones.", Adam said and you blushed.
"Oh shut up.", Harry said, waving him off.
"No kidding, I was this close to banging on your door.", Mitch said, showing a little bit with his index and thumb fingers. "How was your night Mitch?", you ask back. 
"Um, just like every other night, play video games after the show.", he mumbled.
"But yesterday was Valentine's Day.", you said.
"Uh huh so?"
"So, you’re just lonely cause you can't make a move on Sarah, how long are you going to keep saying you're friends?", you shoot back, making Harry and Adam burst out laughing. Mitch gave you a glare. 
"Roasted.", Harry whispered to him and kissed your cheek, continuing to walk. "That is not true!", Mitch said.
"Yeah right.", Adam said sarcastically. "Come on mate, she's right, you had the perfect chance to take her out yesterday."
"He should learn from me.", Harry said, slipping his arm around your waist pulling you closer. "Ask the girl out before she goes away, cause she might just be the love of your life."
"Is it?", you tease. "Mhm. I love you."
You kissed him. "I love you too."
“Ok, lets play a game…”, Harry started.
“You have to shoot these grapes into my mouth and every time you miss I get to dare you to do something in front of all these people."
 “Ok but only if you play too.” Harry nodded. After some sightseeing, you wanted some place quiet and to be alone, so you found a place for a picnic, got a basket from one of the stores and sat by a lake. It was your kind of perfect.
“I'll go first.", Harry said while taking a grape. "Open wide." You moved a little away from him and opened your mouth wide. 
Harry squinted his eyes aiming and shot it into your mouth. “WOO!” Harry exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and doing a victory dance.
"Yeah whatever, my turn." He grinned and opened his mouth. You carefully aimed and threw it, but it hit the side of his lips instead of going in.
"Yeah!! I dare you to…hmm… go ask that little boy for his number.” he said, pointing to a little boy.
 “WHAT?! That's creepy, he's like 7 years old!", you said. "A dare's a dare kitten.", he smirked.
"Okay fine, watch me.", you ruffled his hair before getting up and walking to the boy who was playing football all alone. 
"Hey buddy?" You wave at him. He looked up at you. "What?" 
"I look at your shirt, it’s cool.”, you said and smiled. "Uh, thanks.", he mumbled in a Canadian accent.
"Hey can I get your number real quick?” You cringed at how that came out, but it was a dare.
He looked at you again, now checking you out. "Where are you from, pretty lady?"
You chuckled. "Um, London?"
"You can get my number on one condition."
"You have to play soccer with me."
You smiled and nodded. "Sure, can we call my friend too?" You pointed at Harry giggling in the distance. "Of course."
"COME ON FRIEND, WE'RE PLAYING SOCCER!", you yelled. His eyes grew wide as soccer balls.. 
"FRIEND?  YOU ARE MARRIED TO ME!", Harry marched up to you and you laughed. The boy took your hand and looked at the wedding ring.
"That is not cool, you want my number after being married?"
"It was a dare, you are not giving her your number.", Harry caught up. You pinch his arm. "Come on babe, he's a kid."
"What's your name?", you ask the boy. "Dan.", he said. "Is the offer still up for soccer?" He grinned and nodded. "Foot ball.", Harry muttered under his breath and you chuckled and kissed his cheek.
"What's your name tattoo man?", Dan asked Harry and he scoffed, as if the boy was some competition to him.
"I'm Harry."
He grinned and pulled you off to play with him.
"What is it with you and kids? You're like honey, and they're like bees.", Harry said as he tackled Dan with the football.
"I'm quite likable, you know...", you say as Dan passes the ball to you.
"We're going to get arrested if his mum finds us and thinks we're kidnappers."
"I have a show tomorrow.", Harry said slowly, leaving kisses down your neck. You were cuddling in his bed.
"Uh huh, and?”
"And, I can have special guests on my shows."
"Who do you have tomorrow?"
He looked up and gave you a look. "How did I end up with you?"
You grinned, tweaking his nose. "I give an awesome blowjob?"
He smiled and bit your nose. "True that. And I was talking about you, you dummy! You can sing a few songs with me if you’d like.”
"What-no.", you began shaking your head. "Harry there are more than twenty thousand people in your shows, not all of them like me."
"They love you, darling. You don't have to worry about the few who are just in their own imaginary world. I’d really love if I had my wife on stage singing with me.”
How could you say no to that face? Harry jutted out his bottom lip, making him look all cute. "Jeff will talk to Mel, I'm sure she'll agree.", he says. Mel was your manager. And before doing anything that might send the public into a frenzy, you had to talk to Mel.
"What if I freak out at the last minute?"
"That's normal."
"How's that normal?"
He chuckled and kissed your collarbone. "For you it is. You freak out before going onstage, then when you get in your zone, you're wonderful."
You smiled and pecked his lips. "You'll be there, promise? And will you protect me if your fans throw their heels at me?"
He giggled and kissed the tip of your nose. "I will darling, promise."
The last time you sang with Harry on stage was during One Direction’s last show. You had been their opening act. That’s how you started your music journey. Singing for the boys was like a dream come true. It was the best opportunity you got at that time, when you were just starting out. That’s also how you fell in love with the curly haired, dimpled lad. 
"Yeah but, I haven't sung in front of that many people in a long time, Ni.", you murmur as you talked to Niall on the phone while you got your makeup done. You had done rehearsals with Harry, and all was good, but you have a ritual of freaking out a little before going on stage. 
"y/n, you'll do fine.", Niall said. "And Harry's onstage with you, so what's there to worry about?"
"Yeah, you're right. And um what do you do with your hands when you're not holding a guitar onstage?" You were not going to have a guitar around you like you do on your shows. Niall burst out laughing. 
"I'm being serious!" 
"You're so funny. What can I say about doing things with your hands? I think you'd better ask your husband that." You groaned. "Niaaaaall."
He laughed. "Stop over thinking, y/n, it’ll be fine..”
"Right, see you soon.”
"Yep. Love you, all the best, you don't need it but just in case his fans throw eggs at you?"
You gasped. "WILL THEY?"
"I was kidding! No, they won't."
 "Hopefully. Love you too, bye Nialler."
“Bye love, tell Harold I said hi!”
You smiled and got up from the chair as the stylist handed you a beautiful dress. "This is cute!"
After you put it on, and got your hair done, you went backstage where the rest of the crew were.
Mitch let out a whistle as he saw you and Harry looked up who was fiddling with his ear piece. Harry's eyes widened and his lips spread into a smile.
"Do I look okay?", I asked him, who looked unbelievably good in that purple suite. 
"Okay? You look beautiful!", Claire squeezed your shoulder.  "Thanks, so do you.", you said back and she smiled and bowed. "Why thank you."
"You're stunning, darling.", Harry said. "That rhymed!", Mitch played a dramatic strum on his guitar. 
You saw Sarah shaking her head and smiling at him from the corner of your eyes. "Thanks, you look amazing." You said, pecking Harry's lips. "Thank you.", he beamed.
"Will you be mad if I mess up?", you ask.
He chuckled and kissed your nose. "You won't mess up."
"I might, you know."
"Baby you won't, trust me, I know. And no, I won't be mad, I'm really happy that you agreed to sing on my show, it's the effort that counts."
"Yeah right, say that when I mess up."
He laughed and tugged you into a hug. "Famous young sensation or not, you haven't changed one bit, love."
"Famous young sensation?" You laughed.
"That's what the media calls you!", he said laughing too.
You smiled. "You love me the way I am, why would I change?" 
He grinned. “Exactly, glad you know that. I love you, will you be okay?"
"I'll be okay."
"Don't go anywhere."
"I won't."
"See ya."
You kissed his lips and then his cheek. "I love you too, have fun."
"Will do." He grinned and kissed your forehead before he had to get going.
You did some vocal exercises in the meantime. You've dealt with some anxiety when it comes to shows, and Harry really helped you during your early days. He's helped you a lot, to get to who you are today.
You figured Harry prepared his set list for you, because it had all your favorite songs of his. You sang along with him from where you stood. He also sang If I could Fly, which he wrote for you during 1d days, and you got a bit teary eyed as he looked straight at you after the song.
Finally, it was time for you to be on stage.
"We have an extra song for you guys today." Screams just as he said that. "And a very special guest who has stolen my heart.”
You smiled.
YouI took a breath before walking to the stage and the crowd started roaring. You waved with your hand not holding the mic. 
When you walked up to Harry, he smiled, hugging you gently and kissing your cheek. "SURPRISE?", he said to the crowd and you laughed as they shouted back 'Yes!'
"I thought so. She's here to sing one of her songs, also one of my favorites, with me!" 
You said hi to the crowd, and nodded at Harry, telling him you were ready. The band started playing the music and you started singing. Harry took his ear pieces out wanting to hear you.
His face broke into a cute smile as he swayed and looked at you while you sang. Harry didn't join you for the first verse and chorus. He sang the second verse. 
He looked at you while singing and you both eventually forgot the crowd and faced each other.
When you finished the song, Harry had a proud grin, like that’s my girl. You grinned back, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hugged him.
"I love you, y/n.", he whispered, kissing your hair. "I love you too, H.”
It was the day you were flying back to London. The last few days were so much fun and it went by so fast. Both of you were quiet that morning. You got some cuddles in, showered together, just enjoying each other’s presence before you had to part again. You were stuffing some of your last minute things into your bag with a sad frown on your face.
Harry was sitting on the bed, watching you. “Babe.”, he calls and you turn around to look at him. 
“Come here.”, he pats his lap.
You happily sat on his lap and cuddled into his arms. Harry held you close, kissing the top of your head. 
"So you'll come over and sing for free whenever I call you?"
"Hey, who said it was free? I need a hefty paycheck before I go.", you joked.
Harry laughs, kissing your cheek. "Think your manager has got it already."
"What? I was just joking, babe. I don't need to be paid for your show, you're my husband!"
"Yes, but you're also a gifted singer.", he squeezed your thigh. You press a kiss to his forehead. "All because of you. Thank you for everything you've done for me."
Harry shakes his head, smiling. "It's all you, love. Your hard work."
You played with the curls on the back of his head, as you remained quiet for a few minutes.
"Thanks for coming to see me even while having a busy schedule, love. It means a lot to me.”, he murmurs.
You kissed his neck. "Of course. We should do it again soon.”
Soon, it was time for you to go. Harry came with you to the airport, where you met with Kiara again.
"You shouldn't have come.", you tell Harry as you wait for the flight announcement.
"Why not? You didn’t want me to send you off?"
"Because I'll start crying in front of everyone."
He chuckled and squeezed your hand. "When has that ever stopped you before?"
"Not important.", your voice dropped a little. "Come with me?"
The bright green of his eyes faded. "You know I can't sweetheart, I would love to.". he said, putting his arm around you, and curling you to his side. You nodded, curling your fingers around his shirt.
"Hey,"he whispered, kissing your shoulder. "Don't be upset."
"I'm not.", you wiped under your nose.
"But don't lie either." You smiled a bit and kissed his forehead. "Maybe I am a bit."
He smiled back, brushing his fingertips along the skin peeking out of your top.
"If you need anything, seriously, anything, just call me. I don't care what time it is, or whatever. Even if it's just to talk, or take something off your chest, don't carry it around babe.", he said.
You nodded and ran a hand through his curls. "What are you going to do after reaching home?", he asks.
"Sleep and cry."
He chuckled. "Don't cry."
"You have no rights to say that after doing this to me."
He laughed again and pressed a kiss to your nose. "You’re so cute. I love you so much.”
As soon as you got home, you saw the huge packages that Harry had sent you for Valentine’s Day. You began tearing it open. You saw a huge shiny red heart box. You opened it and out popped a teddy bear holding 'I love you'. You giggled and took it out. You set the box of your favorite chocolates aside to devour later. Then there was a super soft and fuzzy blanket which you rubbed against your cheek, instantly falling in love. Harry's the best. There was also a scented candle.
Then your eyes fall on the card Niall mentioned. The front is decorated with balloons and hearts. You knew Harry took the time to make it himself. You opened it. 
Hi darling, good morning, good afternoon or good night. I'm not really sure when you'll get this, you know. Happy Valentine's Day! 
So where do I start? I miss you, that's a good point to start. I miss you and I would do anything to be with you now but I am so sorry that I can't. I do want to cover you in kisses and hug you and never let you go. This is our first Valentine's Day after being married, and the third in total. This is supposed to be a day dedicated to your loved ones but I don't get it sometimes, my whole life is dedicated to you.
"Don't cry, don't cry, keep it together y/n.", you mumbled to yourself, while sniffling... 
Did you know you make me so happy that sometimes I actually forget to breathe? I'll be looking at you, my chest explodes and all I want to do is take you in my arms and kiss you. You're breathtakingly beautiful. My life found a new meaning and passion when I met you. The way you look at me, talk to me, touch me, hug me, kiss me, everything, makes me feel very special. I wanna thank you for always being there, for forgiving me whenever I have messed up horribly, for trusting me after everything you've been through and for loving me. I hit the jackpot when I found you, you're perfect y/n, so damn perfect, I swear. I could go on and on about you, you know, I have to wind up. I hope you like everything I sent you. I miss you and I love you, y/n. I'm always here for you, whatever you need, I'm here. 
P.S- Sorry if the drawings are bad, but I wanted to do it myself. If that makes you laugh then so be it, your laugh could cure diseases, that's how beautiful it is. I have to stop, god, I'm rambling even while writing. I'll call you as soon as the show is over. Have an amazing day my gorgeous forever valentine. 
Bucket loads of love,
Your sexy hot husband, Harry.
1 month later:-
"Uh how about lunch?', Niall asked.
"I'm not hungry.", you whined and curled around in the blankets.
"But you have to eat when you're sick.", he said. You were in the couch, curled up. You’ve been feeling a bit sick since the past few days. 
"I might throw up if I eat.", you said.
Niall sighed. "Have you told Harry?", he asked, looking down at you in concern.
"No, don't tell him."
"Why not?"
"Cause he'll be worried for no reason and he can't concentrate on what he's doing.", you said. YouI just wanted to cuddle in your husband’s arms right now but of course that can't happen.
“Do you want me to go grab you some medicine or something?”, Niall asks. You smile and shake your head.
“I’m fine, Ni. You can go if you’re busy..”, you tell your friend, patting his arm. Niall was worried about you, so he dropped by to see for himself.
“I’m free today.”, Niall said.
"Can we watch a movie?", you asked hopefully. He smiled, ruffling your hair. "Course we can, if I get to pick.", he added. 
You talk to Niall as you watch the movie, and when Niall goes to get some snacks from the kitchen, you get a thought. You hadn’t got your period this month. Now, you were feeling sick. 
“Oh shit. No way.”, you gasped, and sat up.
“What’s wrong? You gonna puke again?”, Niall asks, munching loudly as he comes back with two bags of chips.
“No. I didn’t get my period!”
“Isn’t that good? You complain about cramps.”, Niall shrugs, sitting down beside you. You smack his arm, making him yelp. “Ow! What’s that for?”
“I-I could be pregnant!”
Niall’s big blue eyes widened, his munching slowing down in pace. “Wow.”
You stood up, your heart beating fast. So many thoughts ran through your mind. You know Harry wants to have kids someday, and so do you, but it’s not even been a year since your wedding and you both are so busy right now, with your careers. 
“Oh god..i-it can’t be, right?”
Niall sees just how freaked out you’re getting in, and he cleans his hand before keeping it on your shoulder. “y/n, look at me. Deep breath. You don’t know for sure. And if you are pregnant, I’m sure you both will figure it all out, okay?”
You nod, taking a deep breath like he said. “I s-should take a pregnancy test.”
Niall nods. “Do you have any?”
“I think I have one. I’ll get some more later. I-I’ll uh..be right back.”
Niall gives you a hug. “I’ll be here, hm? You do what you have to do.”
“Thanks Niall.”, you whisper, squeezing him before pulling away and heading upstairs. You had two pregnancy tests laying around just for emergencies like these. It wasn’t the first time you were having pregnancy scares.
You decided to use both the tests, and you waited anxiously. You’ve always wanted to be a mom, and Harry would make an amazing dad, no doubt. You were just worried about the timing of it all. 
Finally, it was five minutes and you took a look at both of them. Both showed a similar result.
Two lines.
“O-Oh my god.”, you gasped, your eyes welling up with tears. There was a human life inside you. You were going to be a mother!
You were counting down days, waiting for Harry to come home. Tour would still go on once he’s back, but it would be the UK leg, so at least he’d be close. The only people who knew you were pregnant were your gynecologist, Niall and Kiara.You didn’t want to tell your husband the news over the phone, so you waited.
You thought of different ways to tell Harry you were pregnant, but then you decided just to show him the pregnancy test. You were too nervous for anything else. 
Finally, it was the day Harry was coming back home, and you rushed to get the door as you heard the doorbell.
There stood your tall, curly, handsome husband. He wore a black shirt with the first few buttons open showing off his tattooed chest, paired with his usual skinny black jeans. His eyes were bright, and his face broke into a charming smile as he took you in.
Even after traveling for hours, he looked like that.
He let his luggage drop to wrap you up in his arms. “I’m home, baby!!”
“You are!”, you giggled as he spun you around. He grinned as he kept you down, only to grab your face. “You gonna kiss me or what?”, you smirk, and he laughs, closing the distance between your lips’. 
You pulled him inside and closed the door. “Oh it smells so good, darling, and I’m starving.”, Harry hums, putting his arms out again. “Another hug, please. Missed you so much.”
You smile. “I have a surprise for you before that.”
“You’re surprising me every time we meet, kitten.”, he chuckles. You pulled out the pregnancy test from your pocket, and held it out. 
Harry’s jaw hung open and a range of emotions flashed through his eyes.You waited for him to come down from his state of shock and when he did, he choked out, “R-Really?”
You nod, smiling through your tears. “I-I’m pregnant, Harry.”
Harry laughed, but the tears were gushing out of his eyes. “W-We’re gonna have a baby. y/n, sweetheart, this is amazing.” Your head crashed against his chest as he tugs you into his arms again. 
“You’re happy?”, you whisper, looking up at him. 
“Of course I’m happy.”, he sniffles, touching his forehead to yours. “I love you so, so much.”
“I love you too, Harry.” Harry brings a hand to your middle, and you smile, placing your hand over his as he greets your baby.  “Hey there, little Styles. It's your daddy."
Taglist: @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan
Please let me know if you want me to add you to my taglist! Please Reblog and like to support my writing. Thank you so much for reading:)
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seancekitsch · 5 months
How did Vox and Assistant get together?
hehe i wrote a little something about it!!
also reminder that requests for hazbin hotel/ helluva boss are open!
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“Say, Y/n,” your boss’ voice melts over the sound of his office, computer fans and clicking keys, “you consider yourself smart, right?”
Is that some kind of trick? Did you mess something up? No, you couldn’t have. 
“Remarkably intelligent,” you retort, eyes not looking up from data. His newest algorithm on VoxFlix is rolling out perfectly, and your finishing touches on it are making new subscribers flooding in. 
“Would you consider yourself skilled?”
Definitely a game he’s playing; you can see he’s in the same data set as you. He’s seeing what you’re seeing. Your eyes flicker up above your VoxPad, but not to him.
“In all the ways that count, sir,” you sigh, feigning annoyance but interested in where he’s taking this. 
“As hard as I can be without a chair of my own,” you quip, making a jab at his poor planning skills. Vox has you standing over his shoulder almost all day, following him to meetings, standing in the background of presentations. You’re glad you’re already dead or your feet would be killing you. Vox just laughs.
“You think you’re funny?” 
Oh, just from that tone you know you got him. This has just become a tennis match, back and forth.
“Incredibly witty,” you tilt your head towards him, and close out the document you were viewing, “and maybe a bit charming too.”
Vox leans over his desk, now entering your space. You can’t help but lean closer too, your body reacting to him. It’s not a secret your boss is one of Hell’s most handsome eligible bachelors, and you are not immune to the effects of that fact. His eyes are trained on you, sharp and bright; his full focus on you. 
“Pretty?” he asks, and strikes a nerve. 
“Enough to get by,” you deflect, “What’s with all the questions, sir? This an interview?”
You’re not sure if you should be this flippant with a dangerous man like Vox, but it rolls off the tongue naturally, as it has since your first meeting with him. 
“Yeah,” He smiles, “I’m making sure you aren’t gunning for my job.”
Your eyes flicker down to the sharp corner of his smile, the way it grows under your attention.
“I wouldn’t dream of it sir,” Your smile matches his, and he leans in further. 
Vox catches your lips on his screen, the slight tingle of static at the corners of his mouth. It’s nothing like you thought it would feel like, and yes, you’ve definitely thought about it. You let your mind wonder sometimes when you lean your him against his desk and you swear you see his screen glitch, or when you hand him his mug and your hands touch. Electricity in his touch as he pulls you closer, his hand moving to the back of your head to pull you in closer to him, the two of you bent over opposite sides of the desk to join. His kiss is gentle, but firm; he presses where lips should be against you, and yet his mouth opens, your lips slotting in perfectly. His tongue licks between the seam of your lips, you part them eagerly. 
Vox deepens the kiss, climbing up onto his desk, his free hand throwing his keyboard to the side to make room for his knees, his hand behind your head moving to your back to pull you up and closer to his chest. The hum of fans kicks in, and you smirk as best you can through the kiss. You recognize them as Vox’s fans, his internal cooling system to prevent shutdown. It’s a rush of blood beneath your skin, a pumping racing feeling of an ego boost knowing that simply kissing you made that happen. His other hand comes to your waist, his claws immediately bunching up the fabric of your shift dress to make it rise dangerously high. You let out a moan- fully accidentally. You hadn’t wanted to let Vox know how much you were enjoying it. He breathes against you, hot air pushed from the fan against your neck, and he pulls away fully, his lips and hands leaving you.
When you open your eyes you see him kneeled on his own desk, desperation causing him to move across it for you. Any other demon and you’d find a move like that pathetic, but with Vox it feels hot, powerful and sexy. In his hand is his VoxPad, his thumb swiping before he shoves it your way. 
“I’m not signing a deal with you,” you spit immediately. Always count on an Overlord to spoil a mood, you think. 
“It’s not a deal,” he urges you to read it, and you oblige him to skim it. 
…non disclosure of relations…
…no press…
…strict rules of relations… no others…
“Is this a fucking NDA?” you ask, forgetting any manners or sexiness. That was out the window with this document shoved in your face. 
Vox’s screen flashes, and he looks almost sheepish. He looks embarrassed for even showing it to you. Poor baby.
“It’s not… not an NDA,” his screen stutters with static. Oh, he’s genuinely nervous. You’ve got him. You look him up and down, sizing up your boss perched on his desk, red streaks of shared spit smeared down his screen, his jacket rumpled; a powerful man disheveled. 
You drop the VoxPad to the side, your hands moving back to your boss. You let your fingers walk up Vox’s sleeve, slow and seductive. 
“You still gonna kiss me even if I don’t sign it?” you coo, you really don’t want to sign any paperwork that isn’t your normal work contract.
“Well,” Vox’s screen twitches, and he thinks about it, “I guess I could just… trust you.”
You quirk an eyebrow at him, fingers now dancing around his lapels, then yanking on his bowtie.
“When have I ever given you a reason not to?” you ask, and he just kisses you instead of answering; you’d never crossed or even contradicted him. 
Your tongues lick and lap at each other, static making your hair stand on end, his claws back in the fabric of your outfit. Vox pulls you onto the desk as well, pulling your body flush with his, letting you feel all of him. His hands go immediately to your ass, handfuls he digs into. He’s hard against you, and fuck, you want him. He’s bigger than you’d imagined, you can tell even through clothing. Heat burns through you, flushes to your core. Need floods you unlike the curious want of before. 
You break apart from the kiss with a sharp gasp, not breaking away from his embrace. 
“Fuck,” you pant, “I’ll blow you right here if you never bring up that NDA again.”
Immediately one of his hands leaves your ass to slap around for the VoxPad until finally he grasps it in his claws. 
“Consider it deleted, Doll.”
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postersofleon · 4 months
Just Like The Beatles
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Being in a band with three men while being a lonely girl would sound difficult, but you all managed to make it work. You four tried to use bonding exercises to avoid issues, which included livestreams with fans or smoked weed in private. When you joking said, you should do that infamous Beatle game in Hamburg. You didn't expect them to accept.
content: smut
notes: afab fem!reader; 'bonding' with the boys; um, i can't explain; luis x leon x chris x you; man on man action; modern au; ooc characters; SMUTTY. like there is no plot at all. minors, i know i can't control you, but... this is a sexual situation. if i say, don't read this, you are stubborn and will still try. I'm trying to finish all my long stuff to not overwhelm myself.
taglist: @argreion
The digital clock counted another minute. All the hotel room heard was the breathing of each member of the group. Luis's brown eyes looked at each of his members. This wasn't gay, right? He took a deep breath, "Do you have your dildo?" He wanted to make sure this was perfect for their dumb new activity of the day.
You groaned softly, "I, I got it." You showed your pink toy to your friends. Leon's cheeks turned a bit red but he stayed focused on the mission. Chris nodded his head as well. "Okay, so, how did the Beatles do it again?" He asked softly.
"Well, it was a masturbating game," Leon mumbled softly, "They jacked their dicks together as they yelled out names. Lennon mentioned Churchill but they still... had to cum."
Yeah, this was basically insane.
You nodded your head and took off your bathrobe, showing at least a bit of your breasts and raised your bottom side of it. "I'm ready, I guess." Luis swallowed when he saw your boobs, "I still don't know how this is bonding exercise." He felt himself just getting hard by seeing his lead singer's breasts.
Chris sighed, "Well, if it weren't for her research the Beatles," He rubbed his thighs and pulled out his limp dick, "And you two bozos accepting it. We could've just done a stupid Tiktok trend."
Leon rolled his eyes, "It sounded like a good idea. You saw what music the Beatles did."
"Yeah, until they broke up." Chris muttered.
Leon pulled out his own half harden dick, "No wonder we don't have girlfriends." Leon looked at everyone half naked side. Your pussy and your dildo slowly rubbing it gently to make it wet. Leon groaned, "Fuck, this is definitely a bad idea."
Luis groaned, "Don't judge, I didn't shave." He showed his and he had a bunch of pubes were just there.
"This is so gay." Leon mumbled.
"Forget it." You said, "Now, we have to figure out how to get properly aroused to play the game."
The four idiots looked at each other. Luis saw Chris's dick and Leon's... and soon your cunt. He gently rubbed his to raise it up. "I'm... I'm really trying, eh." He grunt softly.
You closed your eyes for a second and rubbed your dildo on your tits. You clicked on the end of it, and it began to buzz. You focused the buzzing on your nipples and moved it up and down. Leon, Chris, and Luis were just enjoying the how you looked. Leon's legs opened, and he whined softly as his hips buckled.
Chris's eyes followed how the dildo just played around your body.
"I'm wet." You said.
I'm hard." Luis muttered, trying to keep it nice and steady.
Leon nodded his head as he removed his bathrobe. The trio without shame looked at Leon. Leon was a soft version of hot compared to Chris and Luis. Leon had body hair, but he trimmed most of the guys.
Chris was struggling a bit. He sighed, "I can't." The trio looked up at their leader. "Why not?" You asked. Keeping yourself wet sucked as your fingers began to rub your clit to assure it. Chris groaned, "I just don't jack off a lot. I don't even like watch porn."
Leon, Luis, and you had a guilty look.
"It-it's fine. Let's play, and maybe Chris will get hard from... something." Leon knew either way, Chris will feel it. The dildo entered your hole and pumped the toy in and out. "First name..." You whispered softly.
"Albert Wesker." Leon started easy. Everyone from the band knew Wesker was hot whenever they liked it or not. You pinched your nipples as you focused on the idea of Wesker pumping his dick in you. Leon's hand rubbed his tip and moaned softly until his wrist moved up and down his shaft.
Luis rubbed his happy trail and slowly began and avoided his tip. His pre cum began to bubble from his tip. Even if Chris wasn't masturbating, he had Wesker in mind. Chris began to rubbed gently his thighs to raise himself to play the game. Next name.
"Jill Valentine?" Luis said in a questioning tone. Jill was more taboo than Wesker. They respected her.
You pumped the dildo slower for Jill. "Mm, Jill would be so nice..." The men agreed. Leon's butt clenched a bit; he groaned weakly, trying to catch his breath.
Next name. It was your turn but you were too focused on riding your toy. "Hey, your turn." Chris tried to be the bigger adult, but seeing your body squirm around your body. Your cunt clenching on the pink toy...
"Um," You were forced to think. You saw how your band members were just pumping their dicks, it made your stomach feel weak. Your eyes trailed down how Leon masturbated compared to Chris and Luis.
Chris did it as he made a mission. He wasn't completely relaxing as his hand pumped it over and over. His eyes were hazy. Luis was more loving in a way, his legs were wide and kept nothing hidden. His cock was red and needy, but he kept it more under control.
Leon was groaning and making more noise as he pumped his cock. "C'mon, hurry up..." He moaned.
"Leon..." You moaned back.
Your cheeks burned, but you looked at them. All of them needing them a bit more than expected. In a way, everyone knew the game was over as they stood up and crowded Anya. It wasn't the usually friendly stuff they did. It was focused around lust. Luis kept his cock close your face as he pumped it faster. Luis put gently his tip around your lips and traced them together. He hissed weakly before placing his hot cock inside your mouth.
Leon removed your toy from your cunt and got down his knees and saw his lead singer's wetness pour down. "Chris..." Leon's index finger traced down her pussy lips, Chris went down on his knees as well.
Your eyes wanted to look down, but Luis basically was thrusting his cock in your mouth. Chris and Leon opened your legs and went in. Chris kissed your thighs and Leon lick gave small little licks directly from the hole. Making sure to not make the hotel chair dirty. Well, that was his mind set around it. Leon's free hand was still pumping his cock. All Chris can do is see how they went at it.
Leon's tongue moved around your folds and your pretty hole. Collecting all it can. He grabbed your hips tightly, his hot breath against your cunt as his nose rubbed you. Your hand grabbed Leon's hair and tugged on it hard.
Leon whined softly. Luis didn't even focus at the men at your feet. He caressed your cheeks as you took him in.
Your drool traveled down your tits as you moaned like a pathetic toy. Luis slapped your tits and held them, "Fuck, fuck, si..." He grunted weakly.
Leon looked up at you and noticed all the wetness collecting on your pretty cunt. Chris groaned, "This sucks..." His eyes widen when he saw how Luis had you, "We need a better position." He whispered softly. Luis grinned, "Ye-yeah, I need to keep this mouth on my dick..." Leon pressed his nose on your clit before licking it again.
Luis pulled out. You coughed loudly, finally catching your breath. Chris needed to think fast.
Chris stood up and gently kissed your lips. "Can you handle it?" He whispered softly. Your eyes soften, "I can try." You didn't want neither of them left out. He smiled. Despite being the biggest of the three, he was gentle and knew his strength. Leon was accidentally too rough, he didn't mean to, but his strength came into place.
You were carefully placed on the bed into doggy. It felt embarrassing until you felt Chris slowly press his cock around your folds. In front of you, Luis and Leon's cocks were on your face. Luis caressed the top of your head, "Good thing we don't have a concert tomorrow, huh?" Leon smiled too, "We'll be gentle." You knew could trust your drummer and your base player.
Chris grabbed your hips and slowly began to thrust. He groaned weakly. He gently squeezed your butt. Luis and Leon gently shoved their cock into your mouth. They were expecting a blowjob. Just your mouth on them. You groaned softly when you felt Chris's fingertips hold your hip tightly. Luis groaned softly, "Leon, I think we have to handle it ourselves."
Leon whined softly. Luis kissed your lips, "When Chris is done, it'll be our turn." Luis sighed softly, "It's going to end up gay."
"Actually, like Marlon Brando," Leon said, "He slept with men and women to ease himself." Luis sighed softly, "I can't believe we are the same age."
Leon rolled his eyes until he felt Luis's lips on his. Chris thrusted deeper into you, pinning you as he pushed you arched back down. Chris groaned softly as his large arms held your waist. Chris kissed your cheek, his dick was slamming in and out of you. Luis and Leon were just happily making out on the bed in front of you. You gasped weakly once Chris rubbed your clit as he kept and kept going. Your squirmed a bit, kicking your feet a bit, "Chris!" You yelped loudly. Chris rubbed your clit faster, "Sa-save that voice."
You whined loudly, you couldn't take it anymore.
It was too simulating. Seeing Leon's and Luis's cock drag against each other. Bumping into each other. Chris's own cock pumping you, your kicked around, "Chris..." Chris grabbed you and sat you up. His hands grabbed your hips as he moved you up and down.
Leon and Luis were in their own heaven as they gently kissed. Luis' hand caressed Leon's hips and pulled him closer, Luis grabbed Leon's blond hair and pulled him close. Leon moaned softly, his eyes fluttered a bit trying to see Luis, but his mind was stuck on the kiss. Leon pumped their dicks together with the pace Chris had in you. Luis cursed weakly, his hips moved up a bit trying to feel more of Leon.
Your toes curled up, your back arched that specific way and it was takeaway on Chris's actions. Chris rubbed gently your stomach, "C'mon... Luis and Leon need you like I do..." Your eyes weakly looked at how their tips' pre-cum were sticking together. "Mm, need..." You whispered softly. You wanted to choke on them, but you weren't thinking clear and Chris knew so. "Later." His fingers rubbed your clit again, little by little it went faster and faster. Until you released. Your cunt clenched around Chris's cock and attempted to squeeze all of him, but Chris thought it double and wore a rubber. Even Luis and Leon made a mess on Luis's stomach, they all gasped for air for a bit.
You laid on the bed, and Chris held you from the back. Luis and Leon soon followed. Holding each other tightly to give comfort. Luis groaned softly, "So, now what? Is this part of our bonding now?" Guess the Beatles were kind of right.
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lumosinlove · 2 months
Write Me In
Part Three
The next day, Leo had packed his suitcase up and double-checked that he’d entered the tiny phone numbers into his phone correctly six times. Then, with a cup of coffee made from the room’s shitty machine, he spent twenty minutes trying to draft his text to a group chat.
What did he say? What covered how he felt? Hi? This week was incredible? I don’t want to leave. I don’t want you to leave. I feel like we didn’t even say goodbye, I feel like I didn’t get to finish, when you’re back can we schedule—
And then one of the numbers was flashing up on his screen. He didn’t know which. Finn hadn’t given him names to match them to.
Leo stared at it for a good long moment, then hit answer.
“Hey! Or, good morning, if you’re Logan,” Finn’s voice said. “We’re outside in the front area.”
Leo looked at himself in the mirror above his hotel room’s desk. “I—what?”
He’d assumed the car Finn had promised was going to be for him, not contain Logan and Finn.
There was a pause, and then, “Sorry I was drinking coffee. I got you one, just milk. I said we’re outside and ready. No rush. Do you need help with your things? Though it’s probably best actually that we don’t get out of the car, I see a bunch of cameras.”
“Oh,” Leo said. “I mean, no, that’s okay. I travel light, um. Okay, cool, I’ll be right down.”
“Sweet,” Finn said. “See you soon.”
Leo stared at his phone as Finn hung up. It was odd, but it wasn’t so odd. They were all going to the airport, why not go together?
Horrible, humid air hit him in the face when the hotel’s automatic doors let Leo outside. Not the nice, heavy kind that felt good on his skin. The thick, unbreathable kind. He could already tell that his hair was going to be a disaster. He let out a sigh at sweat began to prickle across the back of his neck.
“Need a taxi, sir?” asked a doorman.
“No,” Leo said. “Thanks, um, my ride is…”
Two friendly honks sounded out and Leo looked left. Through a slightly tinted window he could see Finn leaning forward between the front seats with a grin on his face and his hand on the horn.
“There,” Leo finished. He smiled at the sight. “Thanks, though.”
“Salut,” Logan said once their driver shut Leo’s door.
Leo looked between them. The car was large and spacious. Finn was next to Leo and Logan sat across from him. They both looked soft and plane-ready. Sweatpants, t-shirts. Finn had a baseball cap on that said evermore, and Logan had sunglasses pushed into his dark hair.
“Hi,” Leo said.
“Hi.” Finn held up a bag and coffee. “Muffin? They’re the best in this city.”
Leo laughed. “Wow. Yeah, thanks. Five star treatment.” He peaked inside. It smelled amazing. The coffee had just the right amount of milk.“And thanks for the ride, too. You guys didn’t have to do this, I could have found my own way.”
Logan got this beautiful sort of smile on his face. Half sweet, half disbelieving. “To Nice?”
Leo didn’t react to that right away. He was distracted by the bite he’d taken. Yeah, they’d definitely browned the butter.
Then it sunk in.
He looked at Logan. “What?”
“You were going to find your own way to my family’s house in Nice?”
Leo knew his mouth paused half way through chewing. He knew he probably looked stupid but— “What?”
“Easier if you’re with us,” Finn said. “Much easier.”
Leo looked between the two of them. “You…Wait. What?”
Finn’s eyebrows pinched together. “What?”
“I’m…” Leo swallowed, the food suddenly dry in his throat. “I’m going to Nice with you?”
“Ouais, of course,” Logan said.
Finn leaned forward. “I said we were going to Nice.”
“No, you said you were going,” Leo said.
“I said we.”
“I thought that meant you and Logan.”
“Non, we,” Logan said. “Our week isn’t done.”
“I…” Leo hesitated. “You want me to come on your vacation? That doesn’t sound very relaxing.”
Logan tilted his head at him. “How would you know? You haven’t tried it yet.”
“You…don’t want to come?” Finn glanced at Logan like he was worried.
“No, no. I mean—yeah, yes.” Leo laughed lightly. “Yes, I’d love to come, wow, thanks. I just…”
“Just what?”
“Don’t you…” Leo didn’t know how else to put it. “Don’t you want to be alone?”
Logan reached forward and put his hand in the bag on Leo’s lap, stealing a piece of his breakfast.
“Non, this one annoys me,” Logan said, and popped the piece into his mouth with a smile when Finn scoffed.
The house was gorgeous. It was more than gorgeous. The plane had been gorgeous. The boys had been gorgeous on the plane. Pleased with their music and their shows. Excited for the time off. Logan and his massive headphones, Finn with his nose in a book. Leo took the time to type up some more of his piece. A vacation setting change. He didn’t think he’d ever added that to a piece before.
Before he knew it, they were sitting on a cliffside terrace. There was a fire pit, unlit just then, and the sound of the waves crashing beneath them. The house was stone, the tiles terracotta and painted. It was open, one level, and seemingly perfectly suited to Logan. He looked…so good in its walls. Finn, too. Like in Finn’s apartment, Leo wanted to live in this kitchen. The fridge was stocked with cheeses and fruit. Beautiful cuts of pork and steak. The spiciest were vast, the herbs fresh or drying overhead, clipped to a delicate strand of wire above the sink. Potatoes and onions and garlic had dark, cool shelves beneath the counters. A wine fridge held ruby chilled reds and crystal whites. Looking over the sea, as they did now, the wind was heaven, warm and salty. Leo brought his Daiquiri—thank you, Finn O’Hara—to his mouth and tried to believe that he was sitting here in current company.
“You’re going to need some clothes,” Logan said suddenly. “Aren’t you?”
“I have t-shirts and shorts, if that’s what you mean.” Leo smiled. “It’s maybe the most beautiful form of summer here, but it is summer other places.”
“Swim suit?” Finn asked. He was messing around on his guitar and Leo was trying to keep how in heaven he was off his face. Finn kept playing all his favorite songs and the lyrics surged right into Leo’s head and made him wish he was a good singer.
“You got me there,” Leo said. “But if there’s a town I could go to—”
“Ouais,” Logan said—in the most enthusiastic voice Leo had heard from him yet. “I have to show you. Listen, I’m going to ruin you for other restaurants, because nothing beats Adeline’s.” Logan made a sort of adoring, scoffing sound. “C’est—It’s perfect. And we’ll buy you everything.”
“Everything? All I need is a bathing suit,” Leo laughed.
Logan looked at him for a moment, green eyes still bright, then shrugged and sipped his drink. “Well. Everything you want, then.”
As the sun began to set, Leo figured he owed Cassie a call so she could…well. Take care of everything else while Finn O’Hara made him drinks and played guitar and Logan Tremblay tried to buy him everything he wants, apparently—whatever in hell that meant—and showed him the gorgeous, sea-view bedroom he was now pacing back and forth in. He caught Finn’s loud laugh through his door and bit down on his lower lip through a smile. They probably looked amazing in the sunset. Leo wanted to write about that.
“Why are you in Logan Tremblay’s family home?” Cassie answered her phone with.
“What? How the hell did you—”
“I track you, I track your every move, Knut. Now don’t what me, you what!”
“I…” Leo pushed a hand through his hair and squinted out at the sea. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m in Nice. I thought they were flying me home, but apparently I’m…here. Coming with them.”
“Are you allowed to keep reporting? Like, is this still the job, or…”
“What else would it be?”
Cassie let out a breath that ruffled through Leo’s speaker. “I don’t know, you tell me. You all seem very…enamored, I guess.”
“Yeah, frankly.”
“You mean me,” Leo said. “Meanie.”
“I mean all three of you,” Cassie said seriously. “I’ve read the draft sections you sent me. O’Hara and Tremblay are handsy and sweet and…yeah enamored.”
We chose you.
“Cas…” Leo glanced behind him at the door. He’d told them about Cassie, that she read his work and would therefore read about them, but he still wanted to be as careful as ever until they told him otherwise. “They’re together.”
“Yeah, and someone totally wants both of them.”
“I do not—“ Leo glanced at the door again. She was in his headphones alone but he still felt the flush of nervousness through his entire body. “I don’t.”
“Okay, well, good. Because I don’t know how that ends for you, and I only want happy endings for you from now on.” Cassie was silent for a moment. “Just…I know who they are to you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, be careful. I’ve seen you heartbroken before.”
We chose you.
“I’m not going to be heartbroken. Cassie, they’re—they’re such a…thing. A unit. There’s no room for—I’m not like that for them.”
“They’re taking you on vacation. I mean…They could be alone right now and yet here you are. They obviously want something.”
“They’re…” Leo pressed a palm over his eyes, sighing. Of course he’d considered this. Thought it through, wondered why. He’d met stars like this before. He knew he was handsome. He knew his job was to make people feel intimate and connected with him. He knew sometimes it worked a little too well. “Yeah. Well, I’d never let any of my clients do something they’ll regret later. Whatever it is, a bit of a fun, a bit of…” Leo pressed his back teeth together and tried to imagine saying no if Finn and Logan offered…If they wanted to…If he was here because they liked him enough to want…what exactly?
“I won’t,” Leo said again firmly. “I won’t let anything…happen. Sometimes they just think they want me, you know it’s happened before.”
“I’m professional. As a person.”
“What are you guys doing right now?”
“Having dinner on the pretty ocean.”
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
Leo bit his cheek. Dinner, swimming, shopping.
“Tell everyone I’m still working, upon request from my clients,” Leo said, and hung up.
He left his phone in his room and took a breath as he shut his door. Cassie. Cassie, Cassie. She wasn’t wrong. She loved him, he knew this, and she wasn’t wrong.
“It’s fine,” Leo said to himself. “It’s fine.”
He turned the way he had come, already drawn by the smell of the salty air from the windows.
He didn’t hear any talking as he rounded the corner, and the fire pit was empty outside. He was confused, and felt a little too alone in this grand house.
First, he noticed that the vast kitchen counter contained more than Finn’s cocktail hour fixings. Chicken breasts in butcher paper. Salt, pepper. Then he found them, tucked into a corner together.
It was a form of the kiss Leo had first seen, opening that dressing room door. A needy sort of thing. Logan had Finn by the hips, pinned against the fridge door. Finn was holding a lemon in one hand and his mostly gone drink in the other—dangerously close to spilling. Logan didn’t seem to care in the slightest. Leo caught a flash of his tongue and Finn made a sound that Leo would very much have liked him to record. The drink spilled.
Leo knew he should clear his throat. Make his presence known. Apologize, or just try to knock—or even go back to his room? But they didn’t look like they were worried about being caught.
What would happen tonight? They’d say goodnight and Leo would go to his room and they would go to theirs, and Leo wouldn’t not think about them sleeping side by side.
The bottom line was that he didn’t have anything to worry about. One look at the two of them, the way Finn’s entire body curved towards Logan, the way Logan pushed up Finn’s t-shirt hem to feel his skin, and Leo was sure they couldn’t have eyes for anyone else.
“Mm,” Finn murmured appreciatively as Logan’s teeth appeared and he—well, it certainly wasn’t a gentle bite. Everything about Logan wasn’t gentle, only, it was, really. “Logan—Leo.”
Leo took quick paces backwards and put a hand to his mouth in case he—what? What on earth sort of sound was he holding in right now?
“Okay,” he heard Finn laugh. “Okay, okay, okay, stop, I’m getting all—Lo.”
“I want you that way,” Logan’s voice said.
Okayokayokay, Leo thought. But there was no more sounds of kissing. Instead, Leo heard the sound of that lemon being cut in half.
“Do you think he likes it here?” Logan said quietly.
“Of course he does,” came Finn’s reply. “I mean, look at you. How could anyone keep their eyes off you…You’re so beautiful here, baby.”
A Logan laugh, the free one from the balcony at the bar after the show. Finn drew that sound out of him, Finn who was everything to Logan. How was it Leo had drawn it out, too?
“Do you think everything’s okay? He’s been gone for a while,” Logan said. “You’re sure he likes it here?”
Leo took one breath. Then another. He opened his bedroom door, shut it loudly, and emerged. Finn and Logan were still shoulder to shoulder, but not kissing.
Finn grinned when he saw him. “Hey.”
Logan’s eyes, already concerned from asking Finn, turned on Leo. “Is everything okay?”
Leo nodded.
You know we chose you, right?
“Yeah, yeah,” he said. He looked at the chicken breast Finn had on a fork and was moving from its wrappings to a glass bowl. He looked for other signs of a meal. Anything. Spices. Flavor. “No, good, just keeping them updated that I’m, like, you know.”
Finn laughed. “Here.”
“Yeah.” My assistant is worried about my heart and thinks you want to—We chose you.
“Is it okay?” Finn asked. “Did we get you in trouble? Because we,” he looked at Logan. “We can call someone. I’ll say, like, I’m being a difficult little rock star and made you come.”
That loosened something in Leo’s chest and he laughed, too—even with half his mind all but screaming at him to ask them what exactly he’d just witnessed. Instead, he walked further into the kitchen and offered Logan, who still looked worried, a reassuring smile.
“No,” Leo said, coming to a stop at Finn’s shoulder. “But you can tell me what the hell you’re trying to do with that.”
Finn stilled as he let the chicken drop into the bowl. “What—Oh. Um. Cook it?”
“Quoi,” Logan said, coming to Leo’s other side. “What does it look like he’s trying to do with it?”
Leo pressed his lips against a smile. “Hm.”
Finn hesitated, then offered him the bowl. “Why? Do you…”
Leo wasn’t going to get his heartbroken. He wasn’t going to break any of his rules, he wasn’t going to mistake starstruck for lovestruck. He wasn’t going to think about Logan and Finn talking about him while making out against a refrigerator. He wasn’t going to do any of those things. He would just…enjoy. Take what he thought was being given until the time came to stop. Restraint. He’d always been good at restraint.
He was going to show these boys a good dinner—and make use of a beautiful kitchen.
He gently nudged Finn out of the way and took the bowl of chicken breasts. A bit of soy sauce. He squeezed an orange over it. Salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, dill. He let it all sit and moved onto a salad and dressing. Watercress, romaine—a delicious looking purple leaf that he didn’t quite have a name for but it tasted divine.
Logan and Finn sat on the other side of the counter and watched.
“Finn,” Leo said.
“Hm,” Finn said, then looked up from Leo’s hands. “Hm, what?”
Leo smiled. “I’ll have another Daiquiri, please.”
Finn all but scrambled to comply. Leo heard the shaker going as he lay the chicken out on a sheet pan with some hot peppers and leeks. By the time it was in the oven, the salad ready to be dressed, and his counters wiped clean, Leo had a drink in his hand and a view of Logan’s bronzed skin in the sunset right beside him.
Right beside him. Logan’s bare knee against his.
“That was like magic,” Finn said as he settled down onto the couch opposite them, the sea at his back. “I’ve never seen someone do that so fast.”
Leo laughed. “I like to cook.”
“It wasn’t even in the oven yet and it smelled good,” Logan said. He leaned forward to pick from the plate of crackers, sweet apricot jam, and cheese. He was sticking mostly to the jam.
“Please tell me you don’t eat your chicken with salt and pepper only.”
Finn winced. “Guilty.”
“Sometimes we forget the pepper, I think,” Logan said.
“Oh my God.”
“We usually get something catered or we’re not even home,” Finn laughed. “I mean, greatest restaurants in the world or cooking at home?” He waved his hands like two sides of a scale.
“After this meal,” Logan said softly. “I think cooking at home.” He raised his glass to his mouth. “If Leo is there, anyway.” He mumbled something in French that Leo was pretty sure translated to something like, I’d never go out again.
“Maybe try it before you say something like that,” Leo replied in French.
Logan’s head jerked to the side to look at him. He looked like Leo had slapped him. Finn looked like Leo had presented them with some prize. A puppy or something.
“What,” Finn began to say.
“What was that?” Logan said in English.
“New Orleans, born and raised,” Leo said, grinning and taking a sip of his drink. “Might not be your French, but it’s something.”
Finn was leaning forward, nearly on the edge of his seat. He laughed and picked up his guitar. “Oh, Lo, baby, you’re loving this.”
Lo baby.
Leo had written in the piece that he sometimes thought he could feel their bond, crackling through the air. Singer, drummer. Oldest of friends. He could feel it here, too. Strongly. It settled over him like a blanket.
“Mais,” Logan was still staring at Leo, as if in a daze. “Ouais. I like being able to speak my own language.”
Leo reached for a cracker. “I thought for sure you’d hate it.”
Logan tilted his head at him. “Non. Why would I?”
“The accent, maybe?”
“Non…Non, the accent is good. Strange. But good. Really, so weird.”
“Well, shucks, thank you, Logan.”
Logan just smiled, eyes down, then stood and walked away.
Leo frowned. “What…”
“Oh, he’s fine,” Finn said from across the way. His red hair was haloed by the orange, burning sky. He looked…God, was there a word for how Finn O’Hara looked?
“Really,” Finn said. “He wants to build you a fire.”
During dinner, which they brought outside to watch the sun make its final appearance, Leo basked in Finn and Logan making a big show of enjoying the food—Finn was ridiculous, but Leo blushed anyway. Logan was quiet, but it was because he was carving bites for himself so quickly that Leo was a little worried.
“Can I ask a question?” Leo said when Logan came out with a bottle of sparkling looking wine.
Logan laughed at him and handed Finn the bottle.
“You baby,” Finn said, but Logan ignored him. “How are you afraid of champagne corks and not fire?”
“Shh, Leo has a question,” Logan said, and sat down beside him again.
“Right,” Leo said. “Yes. My job. I know. But that’s sort of what the question is about.”
“Shoot,” Finn said, his fingers expertly removing the wire from the cork. The liquid was a dark, orange-ish type that looked ice cold and refreshing—a nice contrast against the low, crackling fire Logan had stirred up. Logan and fire were made for each other. Even behind his drum kit, something was always burning, simmering beneath the surface. That was going in Leo’s story.
Finn popped the cork and rose to pour them small, slender glasses full of bubbles.
“Am I still…Is it okay for me to write the story?”
“What? Of course.” Finn handed Leo his glass, Logan his, but he didn’t return to his spot on the opposite couch.
He sat on Logan’s other side so Leo had to turn his body to face them. He tucked his long legs beneath him in the cooler night.
“Okay, I just wanted to check. Our setting changed, you’re not performing.”
“No, right,” Finn said. “But we wanted you to see this side of us.”
Leo nodded. “Yeah.” He kept nodding. “Yeah…”
All the lines he hadn’t wanted to cross, all of the worries about pushing them too far, they seemed far, far behind them. This wasn’t like any of his other stories. This felt so much closer to—to friendship. To trust. And Leo needed to know. He needed to know.
“Are you hoping, in this story, to write about your love?” Leo asked carefully. “Or, I mean, to share?”
They looked at each other. Finn’s hand found Logan’s hip, and Logan covered it with his own. Leo held his breath. He hadn’t realized how badly he wanted to write about this until now, not truly.
“Ouais,” Logan said. “Yeah.” He looked at Leo. “I told you. We chose you.”
Leo sighed out a small laugh. “Logan, I don’t know what that means.”
“We…” Finn spoke up. “He means for this story. Your writing. We chose your voice.”
Oh. Finn O’Hara, choosing his—
“Oh,” Leo whispered.
“Our music, our love, it’s the same,” Finn said. “It feeds into each other. It’s always been like that even when we didn’t…”
Logan closed his eye briefly, then looked back at Leo. And he was crying. I can’t watch what was my fault.
“We’d like to showcase that feeling, not just, like, some random picture of us holding hands or something. Your writing…Leo, reading it is as natural as breathing.” Finn’s brown eyes were syrup in this fire-dark. “Telling you about us was as natural as breathing—”
“Having you here is…” Logan cut in then stopped and looked at Finn like he hadn’t meant to, but Finn nodded. Logan put his drink down. He turned to face Leo more without dislodging Finn’s touch. “Listen. I’m not a loud person, I just play a loud instrument. But talking to you…Believe me, there is one other person I can talk to in that way, and everything I told you, he already knows.” He leaned back into Finn, who bent to press a kiss to his neck. Oh. “But…I wanted you to know and…” Logan blinked, the corners of his mouth turning down. “And I want…We want…Wondered…”
Slowly, almost as if he thought Leo could have missed it the first time, Finn, from his place tucked up against Logan’s body, placed a second kiss to Logan’s neck with his eyes on Leo.
Leo’s entire body seemed to change chemistry. Heat flooded through him so fast that he felt dizzy, his hearing cottony. His heart double-beat, sparks behind his eyes, cheeks burning. The fire was nothing.
He swallowed around a dry throat. “You…Yes. Yes, of course I’ll write it. I’m so, so happy to write it, it would, I mean.” He was stumbling over his words as hard as their first meeting. “Of course it would mean a lot to you, but it would even mean a lot to me.”
Finn smiled at him, all soft. That smile wasn’t too far from Logan’s skin. “Thank you.”
Leo just shook his head and put a hand over his pounding heart. He was happy. Thrilled. And he was also—
“Leo,” Logan said.
The way Logan Tremblay said his name. Lay-oh. Oh, he’d never get tired of it. What had he wondered? Leo felt just a little afraid.
Afraid that Cassie had been right. About it all.
“Yeah?” Leo’s voice came out a whisper. The fire snapped to their right. The ocean crashed far down below. Somewhere in the corner of Leo’s vision, a bird darted past as a shadow.
“This was a good week.”Logan’s voice was as gentle as the wind and firelight on his face. His neck was still bared, but with the hopeful, worried expression in his eyes, it looked just as sweet as anything. “The best.”
Leo could only nod. His mind was a mess of right now, last week, Cassie’s words, and Jack’s. Get the lights, would you?
Because what was happening? This was an invitation, Leo wasn’t stupid. He just didn’t know what kind of invitation it was. Because what was going to happen? Tonight would be tonight, shared and overwhelming and probably so insanely glorious Leo could hardly think about it. And then? He’d write about their love—and it would be a legendary love. Everyone would think so.
And what was he? What would he be?
He had rules, professional ones, yes. But personal ones, too. Get the lights, would you?
“Yes,” Leo said. He set his glass down and his feet back on the ground. He pushed his hair back from his hot face. It didn’t feel the same now. He could feel his throat closing. Get the lights, get the lights. “No, it has been. Truly.”
Silence from beside him. He could just see out of the corner of his eye that they were glancing at each other.
“This is a beautiful place,” Leo said quietly. He meant it. The house. The weather. But their voices were a beautiful place. Their presence was sun to bask in. Their trust for something this personal was something Leo could have walked around in all day. The sight of Finn’s lips on Logan’s neck was a quick shot of sea breeze, a warm hand on a perfect, cool marble counter.
And it was not Leo’s. None of it. And Leo didn’t know if he could make the mistake of thinking something was his when it never would be twice.
He tried not to think of Jack. As ex’s went, there was nothing loud about his horribleness. He’d just been…distant. Unwilling. He’d kiss only in darkness and walk only inches apart. And Leo couldn’t do it again.
Finn spoke first, and his voice sounded like it did when he spoke about Rooftop. “What do you…What do you feel like doing now?”
Leo drew in a shaky breath. “I, um. I think I should probably turn in.” He glanced over with a smile, not lingering long enough to really catch their faces. “But I’m looking forward to tomorrow. And…Yes. Tomorrow.”
Sometimes it felt like his words left him when he needed them most. 
“Okay,” Finn said. “Yeah, me too. We’ll show you.”
Leo wanted to close his eyes. Lay-oh. It was so soft.
“Yeah?” Leo looked over finally. They were still curled together, almost holding onto each other now. For a moment, he almost forgot who they were. They were just two boys. Two unbearably perfect boys.
“Thank you for dinner,” Logan said.
“Oh.” Leo laughed a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “No. Thank you for this.” He looked out at the night sea and forced himself to stand. He took in a last lungful of sea breeze.
“Let us know if you need anything,” Logan said. “There’s towels and there’s a drawer of anything you need in the bathroom, but if something’s…missing, or if you want something, please tell me.” Logan’s green eyes looked vivid in the firelight. “Please tell us.”
“I will,” Leo said. “I…” He shivered as he stepped away from the fire. The stones were cold on his bare feet. “Good night.”
He stepped through the sliding door into the dim house. It smelled good. Piney. Like Logan.
When Leo spared a look back to the fire, their heads were bent together, two doves. A perfect fit.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
“Are you blind? I love you!” (“I Love You” Prompts List) + “kiss/touch me, everywhere” (Praise/Soft/ETC Smut Prompts) with Tony Stark please? 😃
Secretly in love
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PAIRING || Tony Stark x Bounty Hunter!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 950 words
SUMMARY || You and Tony have been madly in love with one another for years, but to the outside world, it looks like you're harboring a deep-rooted hatred for one another. Feelings are revealed when it almost goes wrong during a mission, and the sexual tension between you two is finally resolved.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Enemies to lovers. Idiots in love. Mutual pining. Misunderstanding. Use of Y/N.
SMUT || Oral (F receiving). Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!).
A/N || This drabble is part of Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles. I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for giving me this amazing idea as well as proofreading! I am forever grateful for you, bestie! 🤍
EVENTS @anyfandomaubingo || Bounty Hunter!Reader @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || 'My Old Man's Got a Problem' @kinky-things-happen || Cunnilingus
@marvel-smash-bingo || Enemies To Lovers @mcukinkbingo || Trope: There's only one bed @sweetspicybingo Hurt/Comfort || Human shield
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Photo: @ccbsrmsf1 || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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As soon as you got Steve's phone call about a meeting at Avengers Tower, you were on your way, knowing they would need your help once again. A few years ago, you were hired by SHIELD to do your job as a bounty hunter for them when they needed you, and today's one of the rare occasions they have asked for your help.
By now, you knew the drill. Get changed into your tactical gear before heading up to the meeting room, as they will brief you right before going on the mission. Just as you're about to head into one of the gym's changing rooms, you spot the man you're always looking forward to seeing: Tony Stark. However, you'd never tell him that because, to the outside world, you both have a deep-rooted hatred for one another.
He doesn't say anything as he goes to change, though he wishes he could. He has to hold up this facade of not liking you, but he would love to do nothing more than fuck you right then and there as he tells you how badly in love he is with you.
The moment you walk into the briefing room, you're greeted by the happy faces of Steve and Natasha and the seemingly emotionless face of Tony. He's less than impressed with your presence, but you're used to it by now.
"What's got your panties in a bunch, Stark?" Natasha asks, making him glare at her when you can't help but chuckle at her question.
"My old man's got a problem with me being here, Nat. You should know that by now," you say, making her laugh aloud, and Tony rolls his eyes at your joke. Once you've taken your place next to Natasha, Steve explains the mission you've been called in for.
"Y/N, you're here to take Nat's place during the mission. While she's an amazing spy and fighter, we need someone with your abilities, so you'll be going on the hunt with Tony. This will be a perfect bonding moment between you two, and I hope you two will finally learn to behave during the mission. There's no one to save your asses when it goes wrong, so you two must work together to finish this mission successfully."
Once the briefing is over, Tony and you go to the Quinjet, accompanied by Steve, who gives you the last instructions before it's officially time to leave. During the trip, neither of you says much aside from a few short comments, and when you're there, the only messages shared relate to the matter at hand.
Only when Tony throws himself in front of you as a human shield is he getting a reaction out of you, and not one of hate. As soon as the mission is successful, you get to the hotel room and immediately turn to him to give him a piece of your mind.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Stark? I could handle it perfectly-" is all you can say before he cuts you off.
"Are you blind?" he asks with a pointed tone. "I love you!"
"You... love me?" you ask him, your entire demeanor softening as soon as the words leave your lips. After holding up this facade of being enemies, letting the mask slip momentarily feels good.
"I do, Y/N. However, when I first met you a few years ago, I thought you didn't like me, so I put up this front. I guess it was easier to hate you than to show anyone - and more specifically, you - how I'm feeling," he says as he walks closer. With every step he sets closer, your heartbeat steadily rises.
Rather than returning his words, you close the gap between you two as you grab his hair, your lips molding together with his perfectly. The moment your lips are pressed on his, a new world opens for you two, and you're not sure how you ever could've lived without him.
"I love you too, Tony. I want you to kiss and touch me. Everywhere."
With those words, Tony pushes you back onto the bed you were in front of. You land with a smile, enthusiasm, and a need for Tony seeping into every fiber of your being. With skilled fingers, he undresses you completely, leaving not a single inch of your skin covered, before stepping out of his clothes, too.
"I can't believe I finally get to have a taste of you. I've dreamt of this moment so many times, and now I won't let you leave this bed until it's time to go home," he grumbles as he gets onto the bed, your legs spreading as you're waiting for his arrival. As soon as he's comfortable between your thighs, he dives in with an enthusiasm that has you arching your back and pulling his hair, your hips grinding against his face, seeking the friction he's willing to give you.
"Close, I'm fucking-" is all you can say as he latches onto your clit, pushing you over the edge with a scream of his name. He doesn't waste any time as he climbs over you, his cock immediately lining up as he carefully works his thick length into you.
"That's it, you're taking me so well, Gorgeous. It's a good thing there's only one bed here because there's no fucking way you're sleeping anywhere else from now on," he tells you, and you nod as he pounds into you, only prolonging your high with every thrust.
When you two return from the mission, Steve and Nat look at each other approvingly, knowing their plan worked perfectly, and you two are happier than ever.
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kokoqvx0 · 6 months
Vacation with Gojo Satoru
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Ngl ive been thinking about a vacation with gojo so i wanted to write some hcs ab it!! Hope u like it :3
Pov: Gojo takes you on vacation for one week to celebrate your birthday, and it was the best week of your life 🙏🔥
- Gojo surprises you with 2 tickets booked to the one place in the world you always wanted to visit for your birthday on a dinner date!! it was so romantic
- once yall get there he already booked almost everything for u, the best hotel, and made sure everything was set up perfectly with decor and presents in ur room
- he paid for everything, like EVERYTHING. Dinner was so good, and he always was around you.
- you guys went to the beach alot to swim around and have fun, and he took you around the country to visit more beaches and places that you would love to see
- whatever you want, he'll make it happen. It's your birthday after all, so you want to go eat out and drink till 3 am? He'll make sure to stay sober enough to get you guys back to the room. Want to go pet the stray animals for hours on end, and bring one home? He'll tuck a stray cat in his bag and surprise you with it in your room. Want to go around shopping all day? He'll get a driver for both of you and buy anything you want.
- throughout the day he'll leave small notes and trinkets around the hotel room and during breakfast, lunch or dinner like small notes with praise, compliments or dirty pick up lines to make you laugh.
- he'll also leave small gifts, like rings or necklaces and figures that reminded him of you when he went out with you to go shopping.
- when your out dancing some guys stare or try to flirt with you, and satoru will show up in his sexy ass clothes (some shorts and t shirt that's half open) with a drink in his hand and tell the guy off, saying that she's already taken.
- once a guy hit on you during vacation at the beach, and satoru came up and said that he was your husband and wrapped his hand around your waist
- ofc gojo had girls drooling on him, but he did not pay attention to any of em. Obv when you guys went drinking, girls would flirt and sit with him when you weren't there, but once gojo saw you in a distance after being harrased by a bunch of foreign women, he got up quickly and said "there's my beautiful girlfriend, sorry girls but my future wife and me have an amazing night to spend" and he walked off without even glancing back at them.
- ofc he was a sorcerer so he could've had to leave the vacation any day to go on a mission that was important, so one day he suddenly had to leave to go on a dangerous mission to help his students. He apologized so much, and made sure he would come back right when he was done, and even paid for one more week because he had to leave for 2-3 days.
- you were extremely sad, but understanding. He left for a few days and you were by yourself, he left you his credit card and the driver.
-he would text you whenever he could updating you on the situation and sending pictures
- when he finally came back, he saw you sitting in your room all alone and sad.
- he asked you why you were so sad, and you told him you started to miss him so much and didn't feel like having fun without him, because he was also your boyfriend and best friend.
- he felt so guilty and asked for forgiveness, you did forgive him and you guys spent the whole day together
- when you realized he paid for one more week, you told him he shouldn't pay so much money on you, gojo brushed it off and said it was nothing, seeing you happy and being with you in such a beautiful place was worth every single penny.
- birthday sex was wild. Every night you two would go crazy, he would dominate the hell out of you if you asked, and filled everyone of your fantasies
- one night you guys went so hard, you had to change rooms a day after because of the people next to you complaining about a bed creaking and the moaning that they could hear through the walls till late
- one night when you came back from the indoor restaurant in the hotel to look for gojo in the room, you saw him with petals on the bed, wine on the bedside table and a rose in his mouth
- he had his shirt off and dress pants, grinning from ear to ear, "Hey baby, ready for bed?" You laughed at first, but honestly it was soo hot to see him like that
- that night was great. He would pound into you like nothing else mattered in the world, and everytime he came inside you, he would say happy birthday and smirk while continuing
- you wanted to dom him? Alright, he would let you. Wanted to get dominated by him? For him to not hold back? Bet. He'll make sure you can't walk the next day. (Room service is great!)
- you two would relax in the indoor hot tub in your room after you two were finally done
- most likely would end up fucking in the tub too.
- you two had a great balcony view of the ocean and beach, you would stand outside just to enjoy the view.
- gojo would go our to the balcony and slowly rub his hands up and down your back, then around your waist. If you two were in the mood, he would start kissing down your neck and pull up your night dress, then his shorts were off next.
- you would grip the railing as he thrusted in and out of you from behind, covering your mouth or pulling your hands back sometimes.
- "shhh, don't want other people to hear your cute little moans right?" He teased, while spanking you and pounding you even harder
- he would pick you up with his arms to face him, while he continued to pound into your cunt like it was any other day.
- "does the birthday girl like daddy's cock, huh? Tell me how good it feels baby."
- after the vacation was over, you two would head back with loads of bags of souvenirs and everything you two bought. He probably spent at least around 10,000 on you. (Maybe more)
- if you guys went somewhere hot, gojos tan line would definitely show. It would be kinda cute the way his Tan looked on him.
- gojo would stare at your tans all the time after you guys came back, he would trace them and tell you how your breasts and ass looked so cute.
- you told him how the hell you could make up all he did for you on your birthday on his birthday?? He just told you, "for my birthday, all I need is you. I don't care about anything too expensive, that's up to you. The sex will be great though, that's for sure." You smacked the back of his head playfully as he laughed at his dirty remark.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 6 months
This Is Where You Stand With Me (part 3)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
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Part 2 here
Y/N's pov
We flew to Spain ten days before the Grand Prix. Carlos wanted to introduce Sophie to his family, and since his family is in Madrid, the two of them decided to go there for two days.
It's Friday night in Barcelona and Lando asked me if I wanted to go out with him and the boys. Of course I agreed because I don't plan on being in the hotel room until Sophie and Carlos come back. Since Lando is the only person with whom I am closest, I asked him to wait for me so that we go to the club together. And him being the sweetheart that he is he agreed to wait for me.
A few minutes after I replied to his text, here he is knocking on the door of my hotel room.
"Give me a second!" I yell as I quickly throw on an oversized t shirt and some shorts on myself.
"Hello!" I smile from ear to ear and tilt my head to the side as I open the door for him.
"Y/n!" He shouts. "Your hair is wet and still in a towel! You haven't even started getting ready yet!!" He scolds me as he enters my room.
"Well I told you I just got out of the shower! But don't worry I usually don't take long to get ready." I assure him.
"Yeah, yeah sure. We'll see." He rolls his eyes as he throws himself on my bed.
"If your shoes touch my sheets, you're going to have a problem with me." I warn him and he laughs at my threats, but listens to me and takes off his shoes.
"By the way you look very handsome." I compliment him. He was wearing a short-sleeved white linen shirt and loose, but not too loose, light blue washed jeans. And of course two necklaces around his neck that fit him so well.
"Thank you, now please start getting ready so we can see what you'll look like."
"So? How do I look?" I ask him 45 minutes later as I pose in front of him.
"I-I.." He looks stunned, measuring me from head to toe with his mouth open. He's never seen me dressed up like this before and I must say I'm flattered by his reaction.
"I hope that's a good sign?"
"I'm sorry." He laughs nervously. "You left me speechless, you look beautiful."
"Thank you Lando." I blush at his compliment.
"Shall we go?" He asks extending his arm for me.
"Be sure I'll hold your hand until we get there because I don't wear heels very often."
"As long as you'd like."
It was around 10.30 p.m. when Lando and I arrived in front of the club. We didn't get out of the car right away because there was a bunch of paparazzi in front of the club and I was slowly starting to get anxious. I didn't feel comfortable being photographed and ending up all over the internet the next day just because I came with Lando. I didn't feel very safe either, and I surely didn't want them to spread any rumors about Lando and me.
"Are you okay?" Lando asks me because he noticed that I was squirming in the seat and breathing rapidly.
"Yeah, I'm just, I'm a little nervous. There's a lot of them." I say biting on my lower lip and he puts his hand over mine.
"Just hold onto me and we'll be inside in a few seconds okay?" He says and I nod.
The driver opened the door for us and Lando got out of the car first. As soon as he stepped out of the car people started shouting his name and the camera flashes went off like crazy. For a moment I thought about not getting out of the car at all but asking the driver to take me back to the hotel, but luckily the desire to have a good time was stronger than that.
"You okay?" Lando was so sweet checking up on me.
"Yeah, let's go."
I climb out of the car and keep my gaze down holding Lando's hand tightly with one hand and trying to cover my face with the other. It definitely looked like we were a couple and that's why the paparazzi immediately began to bombard him with questions.
"Lando who is this? Is this your new girlfirend?"
"What's her name?"
"Look over here! You two look great together!"
At that moment I didn't care about the questions or the comments, I only cared about whether I would trip and fall in my heels in front of all those cameras. About thirty seconds later, which by the way felt like 30 minutes, we finally got inside the club.
"I must say you've got a pretty tight grip." Lando says and I can't help but laugh at his comment.
"I'm sorry." I try to pull out my hand from his, but he doesn't let go.
"I don't mind though."
And so we continued to make our way through the crowd of people until we reached the VIP section with a booth where Pierre, Kika, Max and Charles were. As Lando and I got closer I felt that all eyes were on us. Before my and Charles' eyes briefly met, I caught him scanning Lando and me and looking at our hands. I wasn't surprised when I saw that Ava wasn't with them.
"Hello, guys." Lando greets them and I give Kika a hug.
"Hi!" I wave my hand and everybody but Charles, of course, greets me back.
The night went great, we danced, we sang, we drank, some of us maybe a little too much, but that's okay.
At one point we all left the booth and went down into the crowd to dance. That was by far my favorite part of the night. I was so relaxed and careless I enjoyed every second of it.
Lando was dancing with me, he'd spin me around every now and then while we were singing to spanish songs from the top of our lungs even though we didn't understand a single word. If only Sophie and Carlos were here, I'm sure it would have been even better.
"Are you having a good time?" Lando slurs. Out of all of us he drank the most and it was very obvious that he was wasted.
"You're so drunk." I laugh. I was a bit tipsy, but I knew when to stop drinking because I didn't want to get drunk. He ignored my observation that he was drunk and continued to bring drinks.
"Lando, you should really stop. You've had enough."
"Nooo." Whining like a baby, he pulls me into a hug and rests his head in the crook of my neck leaning his weight on me. You could see it was time to go to the hotel because his eyes were closing from tiredness. He could barely stand on his feet.
"Lando, your're heavy, we're both gonna fall down. Stand up straight please!" I say struggling to somehow hold him so he doesn't fall and brings me down with him.
"You're gonna knock her down you idiot." Luckily, Charles noticed the situation and pulled Lando off of me. "C'mon it's time to leave." He says to Lando who protested a little, but listened to Charles anyway.
"I'll help you with him." I say and we start making our way to the exit.
A car was already waiting for us in front of the club, so all three of us sat in the back seats, Lando between Charles and me. As soon as he sat down, he fell asleep. My feet were killing me and I couldn't wait to go to sleep, and Charles seemed tired as well. I'd say he was a little tipsy too, but nowhere near as Lando. He definitely outdid us all tonight.
Charles and i haven't spoken a word tonight and I didn't want to be the one to start any conversation in the car so the ride was quiet, but luckily short. When we got to the hotel, first Charles got out of the car, then I.
"Lando, wake up." I say gently shaking him by his shoulder. He just mumbled something refusing to get out.
"I would prefer leaving him in the car to sleep since he had to drink this much." Charles says getting annoyed at him. "Lando, wake the fuck up or I'm gonna leave you here."
When we somehow managed to get him out of the car, I held him by one side and Charles by the other and so we started to walk to the elevator. We entered the elevator and I pressed the fifth floor on which Lando's room was and mine was on the floor below.
"Does he normally drink like this when you guys go out?" I ask.
"Not really, this is the first time I've seen him like this in a long time." Charles replies.
"Yeah, maybe you are a bad influence on him." Charles says, but I can't tell if he was joking or what he already meant by what he said.
"Yeah, sure." I roll my eyes at him.
When we reached Lando's room, we barely managed to find the card in his pants that unlocks the room. I was a little surprised, but relieved that he didn't lose it. We get inside the room and lay him down on the bed.
"Fuck, I'm sweating." Charles says while stretching his back.
"Should we just leave him like this?" I ask referring to his clothes and shoes.
"Well, I don't know. Aren't you gonna take care of him tonight? I bet you were gonna spend the night in his room anyway." As the words leave his mouth, I feel as if someone has knocked the breath out of my lungs. I was shocked at what he said.
"Excuse me?" I was immediately overcome with anger and the alcohol coursing through my veins definitely contributed to that feeling. "How dare you say such a thing to me? Who gives you the right to insult me like that? You don't know shit about me!" At this point I was almost yelling and I didn't care about Lando sleeping because he was passed out anyway he couldn't hear a thing.
"Well you two came holding hands, he was all over you the whole night hugging you and dancing with you. What else can a person think?"
"Lando is nothing but a good friend to me and someone who I trust and feel safe next to when I'm here alone without Sophie and Carlos! And I don't look at him as anything other than a friend!" I continue to justify myself to Charles for some unknown reason.
"And you don't trust me enough to ask me if you need anything while they're gone?" He asks and I just can't believe what's coming out of his mouth. For a moment I wonder if I'm crazy or if he is.
"Are you seriously asking me this right now? How do you think I trust you or even feel comfortable in your company when you constantly treat me like this? Ever since we met, I've been nothing but polite and nice to you and you just keep putting me down for literally no reason! One minute you are nice, attentive and caring and funny and then the next you have some unnecessary rude comment to say to me, or you don't even deign to greet me, or even better you don't even acknowledge my existence! You're so pathetic Charles! I had such a good night, but you managed to ruin it, congratulations!" I almost run out of breath after my angry rant and I can already feel tears welling up in my eyes, but he got what he deserved.
"Why do you seem to remember so good all those situations? Why do they bother you so much if you don't care, huh?" He asks taking a step closer to me. I am irritated by his calmness while everything inside me is burning with anger.
"I don't know maybe because I'm a good fucking person who doesn't treat other people the way you do so I don't except to be treated that way from you either if I've been nothing but kind to you! And you know what else? I keep thinking how badly your girlfriend treats you because she isn't there to support you when you need her. I felt so bad for you for the Monaco Grand Prix, I even wished to comfort you when she wasn't there to. But the further I go, the more I think that maybe you are the problem, not her." I turn on my heel and head for the door, a tear escaping my eye in the process. I was fighting them back really hard and I'm furious at myself for letting him make me feel this way.
I leave the room, but he follows me outside and stops me by pulling me by my hand.
"Wait." He says.
"No, don't touch me!" I say yanking it away from his grip.
"Then why weren't you there for me instead of her if you wished to?"
"Because of all the things I just said. And why don't you start giving some answers instead of just asking questions?" With that I leave him standing in the corridor of the hotel as I hurry to the elevator and into my room.
part 4 here
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cherryrikis · 8 days
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PAIRING s2l park sunghoon x fem reader
WARNINGS eric makes a kinda offensive joke
GENRE strangers to lovers, romance/drama, summer love
SYNOPSIS driving to anaheim with your cousins was meant to be a fun trip away from the rest of the family. but when you knocked on the door of the wrong hotel room, the whole course of your trip would change.. and you’d find yourself missing a certain someone when its time to go home.
authors note - definitely longer than my standard fics (bc @hannicorpse wrote this with me !! ) but it’s only 4k ish😊
growing up in a big family meant your aunties and uncles had kids generally close to you in age. but more than anyone else, you always stuck with the same 3 of your cousins. danielle, eric, and karina. so now, you’d be stuck together for the next week as you drove through la.
“i don’t get why the drive is sooo long. like, it’s barely 40 miles from here.” eric complained as he saw the route on google maps. it was nearly 2 hours from his house in pasadena to the hotel in anaheim.
“how do you think we feel? we pretty much drove the same distance in the opposite direction just to pick you up!” danielle scoffed.
“maybe if you didn’t pop a tire and just slept at auntie’s house like we did, we could’ve been in anaheim by now.” karina. snickered.
“it wasn’t my fault! who just leaves a bunch of broken glass in MY driveway? and besides. i am not driving to long beach in this traffic.”
“you’re the one who decided to move up and out when we all stayed.” karina commented yet again.
“not my fault i didn’t wanna stay coastal. or in the hills.” “kinda is.”
with all the back and forth arguing coming from your cousins, it was getting harder and harder for you to focus on the road. you tried to ignore it, until you couldn’t anymore.
“can you guys just stop bickering? i can barely hear myself think, i literally just missed that last exit to the freeway. if anything, eric should be driving since he’s the second oldest, he’s the only boy, and he made us go out of the way to get him!” you announced in frustration.
hesitantly, eric reached out to tap your shoulder. “what now?” you sighed. “can you go to that gas station over there? i forgot to use the bathroom..” “eric sohn!” you groaned in annoyance, before reluctantly doing so.
despite taking an unusual amount of time to use the bathroom, eric did make up for his incompetence by driving the rest of the way like you suggested early on.
one minute, you’re closing your eyes to take a nap. and before you knew it, you were in anaheim, arriving at the marriott hotel.
the amount of luggage between you three girls was ungodly, especially since you’d be here for so long. yet somehow, eric probably packed more than then the three of you combined.
after finally checking in and hauling all the bags into the hotel elevator (since karina refused to get a luggage cart because she didn’t want to have to put it back), you were able to enter your rooms and relax.
you got two connected rooms instead of one big one, because it had a better deal. eric and karina shared the first room, 2343, while you and danielle shared the second room, 2345.
the singular hotel rooms alone weren’t really big, but it would still suffice. not a full kitchen, or a ‘real’ living room. on the other hand, both bedrooms were roomy and the bathroom was nice. so that was a plus.
during those first few hours after you had arrived, it was mainly spent going around grocery markets to get food and snacks to stock up the room.
but you all were starting to get hungry, craving some korean barbecue or hotpot. so, you were sat in some korean barbecue restaurant in buena park, cooking the meat before karina began to talk.
“you know, the pool is pretty nice and big. we should go check it out later.” she suggested, slightly looking up from the grill. you and danielle hummed in response.
when you got back to the hotel, turns out there were no towels at the pool. you had to ask for them at the front desk. so being the youngest, (and also being the one who accidentally burnt half of the brisket), you were forced to go and retrieve the towels.
“how many?” the receptionist asked. “uhh.. 5 pool towels please. actually.. sorry, i meant 4.” “sure thing, just let me go grab them from the storage room.”
you silently thanked the employee as she handed you the towels, before taking the elevator back up.
as the lights flashed floor 23, you walked to your room, smiling at any stranger who walked past you.
realizing you forgot the room key, you knocked loudly on the door as you waited for danielle to open up.
but when the door opened, it was in fact, not danielle. yet a handsome boy, around your age, with a charming accent. australian, maybe?
you slightly froze as the australian boy, along with three others behind him, stared at you.
“i- i am so sorry. i thought this was 2345.” you apologized, your cheeks flushing pink in embarrassment.
“ah yeah. this is 2347. i guess your room is next door. but uh, no worries. im jake, by the way.” he smiled at your shy figure. “so, what are you doing with all those towels? gonna go swim?” “oh, yeah. me and the people i’m with are gonna go see the pool later tonight.”
you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck, scanning his room through the door frame. it was bigger than yours, but similar for the most part. two bedrooms, a full kitchen and living room. clearly, they paid for the suite. you noticed a pale boy sitting on the couch, staring at you. he was pretty cute. maybe even gorgeous. few moles, nice hair. practically porcelain skin.
you zoned out onto his face, pausing for a moment before returning your gaze back to the aussie who you now knew as jake.
“oh, you can come in if you want? you seem a little out of it.. uhh..” he stopped, waiting for you to say your name.
his words immediately brought you back to reality. “huh? oh. it’s uh, y/n. it’s okay i’ll just go back to my room. sorry again.” you mumble another apology, before leaving to go back to the correct room.
jake closed the door just as you left, letting out a laugh he didn’t was holding back. “she was so funny. she looked so scared.”
“who was that?” sunghoon asked. “some girl next door. her name was y/n or something.” jake answered.
“she’s kinda hot.” jay chuckled, nudging sunghoon with his elbow. jake and heeseung agreed, quickly discussing you and wondering if you had any friends with you. sunghoon quietly nodded in agreement. but, he couldn’t get you out of his mind. the thoughts in his head were practically louder than the voices around him. and he just hoped he didn’t accidentally mention it out loud.
however, the one thing he did say out loud, was suggesting to go to the pool. (in hopes of seeing you).
when you got to your room, you distributed the pool towels to each of them, then keeping one for yourself. you talked about how you went to the wrong room and laughed it off, but you left out the fact that all you could think about when jake spoke to you, was his cute friend with those moles.
eric scolded you for ‘disturbing the neighbors and their peace’ but honestly, you couldn’t care less. karina defended you anyway. it was kinda her and eric’s thing to just always bicker. they were more like brother and sister than your other cousins who were actually siblings.
later that night, you made your way to the pool. around 7:30pm. much to your surprise, jake and his friends were already there. “hey beautiful.” he teased, coming up to you from the pool, while his friends remained in the water.
“oh hey, i know you. were you waiting for me? didn’t take you for the flirtatious type.” you joked. “who’re your friends?” asked eric, not noticing the way heeseung had his eyes set on karina.
“right,” jake nodded. “oh, boyfriend?” he paused and asked you, interrupting himself. “older cousin..” eric grimaced.
“oohh.. um. sorry.. anyway, the one with the dark red hair is heeseung. the one with the dark blue trunks is jay. and the one with the moles is sunghoon.”
“do heeseung and sunghoon speak english?” eric halfheartedly joked.
“dude.” karina scoffed, slapping his bare chest.
“yeah..? we were all born here, in la.” jake raised an eyebrow. “so i assume you’re all cousins then?” he continued awkwardly.
“yeah.” you nodded. “that’s eric. the one next to me is karina, and the one next to her is danielle.” karina and danielle waved at jake after the introductions, but eric refused.
“don’t get any ideas.” eric crossed his arms, finally noticing how karina and heeseung were pretty much fawning over one another.
the atmosphere felt thick, and it was silent for a long while, before jake had broken the barrier.
“uh.. anyway. you’re welcome to hang out with us..” he shrugged, gesturing to their chairs before hopping back into the water.
taking up on his offer, you placed your belongings next to jake and his friends’ seats. you sat down for a moment, barely listening to how karina told eric can’t he just ask questions like that.
soon after, you moved to sit on the very edge of the pool, sticking your feet into the 10ft deep water.
you looked at sunghoon, watching as he had a contest with jay to see who could hold their breath the longest.
you noticed his habit of licking his fangs. you noticed how he’d often touch his eyebrows. you also noticed how he looked at you every so often, before hesitantly swimming up to you where you still sat.
“why aren’t you getting in?” he asked as he held onto the edge of the pool, his hands on either side of you.
“i will in a bit.” you paused. “so, sunghoon, right? one of jake’s friends?” “yeah.” he smiled, flashing his canines. “and you’re y/n, the girl who came knocking on the wrong door?” “yeah.” you grinned, mirroring him.
sunghoon hoisted himself up out the water, moving to sit next to you on the deck. luckily, he covered you in time as karina and danielle jumped in with a big splash.
“when did you guys get here?” he asked, finally looking into your eyes up close.
“just this afternoon. but we leave by the end of the week.�� “yeah. us too.”
“so where are you from?” you question.
“west hollywood.”
“don’t tell me you’re one of those trashy hollywood kids.” you joke.
sunghoon playfully pouts, before breaking his act and laughing. “not even. i think i was raised pretty well.” he smiled. “but what about you? where are you from?”
“i live in long beach. but i was born and raised in beverly hills.”
“ew! don’t tell me you’re one of those trashy country club kids.” he jokes, clutching his chest.
you gasp, kicking water at him. he paused for a moment, before splashing you.
you and sunghoon were so immersed in each other and your conversations. you almost didn’t hear your cousins and his friends say they were going back up, after two hours of being in the pool.
the two of you stayed until closing time at 11pm, and even a little beyond that. you couldn’t think of a time you had that much fun with a guy.
“i had so much fun today.” sunghoon smiled with a genuine look of adoration, as he helped you up.
“i did too.” you blush before going to grab your tote bag. “we should hang out more often.”
“yeah, definitely. uhm, do ya think- do you think that i could like, you know. get your number? i mean, it’s okay if not. because like, if you’re not interested i totally get it. or if you just wanna be like friends that’s okay too. but like-”
you cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips. “of course you can.” you smiled brightly, taking his phone to dial in your number, pressing the call so you could also have his number saved on your phone.
“now we could call or text each other anytime.”
he smiled. and that was enough for you.
you walked back to your rooms together, but sunghoon paused before going in. “see you tomorrow?” “yeah, of course.”
“goodnight sunghoon.”
“goodnight y/n.”
you did in fact see each other tomorrow. while both of your groups went out, you two stayed behind to spend some time together. with so much spare time (and no car), you settled to just watch a movie in sunghoon’s room.
“what movie is this?” you asked.
“the notebook.” “oh. i never watched it.” and his jaw immediately dropped in shock. “there is no way you never watched this cinematic masterpiece. now you have to watch it! pay attention.” sunghoon exclaimed, pulling you closer to him by your waist.
by the end of the movie, you were barely awake. it was good, you could definitely agree. but, in the same sense, it was so comforting, it quickly put you to sleep.
you leaned closer into sunghoon, placing your head on his shoulder. almost in the crook of his neck.
his heart swelled when he looked down at you, watching how you struggled to stay awake. why do i feel this way? i mean sure, she is really pretty. but i barely met her yesterday.. he thought.
it really put things into perspective for you both.
despite this fact, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lower cheek, a centimeter or two away from your lips.
“kissing me on the first date?” you mumbled tiredly. “hey, we’re hardly here for 6 more days. let’s make it count.”
and you did exactly that, you were making every last moment count.
the next day, you went to the glendale galleria together. “i haven’t been here in so long.” you sighed, forgetting just how big the shopping center was. “it’s almost like this mall i visited up in san jose.”
you gasped as you saw a beautiful necklace. it had a dainty gold chain and a stunning pendant. “sunghoon? don’t you think this would look gorgeous with my white sweetheart top?” “i don’t know much about women’s clothing, but i know you’ll look good in anything.” he replied smugly.
“aw thank you! but- oh. nevermind it’s way too expensive.” you shrugged, going to put it back. but sunghoon stopped you.
“i’ll buy it for you.” “it’s okay, really. it’s too much.” “for that necklace? $150 is not a lot.” “but to me it is.”
he ignored you, swiping his card anyway.
sunghoon nearly bought everything you slightly stared at, despite all your protests. that night, you came home with bags of clothes, snacks, makeup, and just random items you didn’t even really need.
you felt so guilty, thinking it was a waste of his money. you wanted to pay him back but surely, there was no way you could afford it. yet sunghoon didn’t care. he wanted to see you happy.
you settled for buying him a slice of pizza from the food court or generally just any food he wanted. and that was enough for him.
on the next day, you even went to disney california adventures together. because you and your cousins just so happened to go the same day as sunghoon and his friends.
most of your time at the theme park was spent with him, often making your groups uneven. or, one of your cousins had to be with one of his friends.
you loved going into random gift shops with sunghoon, taking pictures while trying on mickey ears and random headbands. he even bought you two matching ones.
the radiator springs ride in cars land was jay and sunghoon’s favorite. sunghoon loved how he felt butterflies in his stomach. not only from how steep the slope was, but also from how you tightly squeezed his hand in fear.
the drop tower was a memorable moment to everyone. the picture that was displayed at the exit of the ride, revealed eric was actually clinging onto jake and karina the entire time.
“do not save that. if you guys actually buy this souvenir picture i’ll literally run away from home.” he grumbled in embarrassment.
“it’s okay dude. stop stressing, because you’re gonna end up grabbing onto me again when we go on the incredicoaster.” jake joked.
you all laughed at eric’s humiliation but quickly bribed him with a pretzel from the pym test kitchen (even though it was insanely dry).
you couldn’t forget about your last ride of the day, the classic, the ferris wheel. karina, danielle, heeseung, and jay, decided to go in a rocking cart. you and sunghoon, along with eric and jake, decided to stay in a normal carriage. but eric refused to ride with jake, settling for going by himself.
eric was one of the only boys in your family, so being around sunghoon and his friends seemed to make him feel a little unwanted. but you understood.
you laughed as you heard danielle and karina’s screams while their carriage practically turned upside down.
at the very peak of the ferris wheel, was where you and sunghoon had your first real kiss while the sun set in the background. “this is so pinterest worthy.” you whisper. “don’t ruin this beautiful moment for me.” he mumbled, turning to watch the view after you pulled away from him.
by the end of it, you were giggling like a bunch of high school kids.
when you walked out the park, passing one last gift shop before the exit, sunghoon quickly ran inside. and he came out with two matching stuffed animals. a baby stitch plush, and a baby angel plush.
of course, you were angel, and he was stitch.
the beach day was one of your personal favorites.
you had picked up food from a local restaurant along with some snacks to bring to the beach, like a picnic. after you had finished eating, you all went for a swim.
you and the girls were the first to get out of the ocean, watching how the boys attempted to drown each other. you murmured a few sentences between one another that evening. however, it was clear nobody was listening to each other. “no way..” you whispered to yourself as you looked beside you.
heeseung and karina were practically making heart eyes at each other, not caring about the people around them. danielle’s cheeks puffed up as she held in her laughter.
but, you couldn’t say much either. the whole time, your eyes only ever remained on park sunghoon. the man who had caught your attention from the start.
the tension between the pair was obvious. so, you and sunghoon came up with the ultimate plan.
sunghoon would complain about how he was sore from wrestling in the water, so he asked if karina could hold his bags. but, he knew heeseung would quickly come to take it from her.
after getting everything and everyone into the car, you set course back to the hotel. sunghoon drove single handed, with his right arm resting in your grasp as you played with his rings.
you gave each other a knowing look before turning around to see almost everyone else had completely fallen asleep.
there sat heeseung, with karina’s head buried in his neck. jake remained isolated next to them, his headphones on full blast, as danielle, jay, and eric rested peacefully in the row behind him.
you smiled at sunghoon, even if he couldn’t see it. but you both knew your mission was accomplished.
by day 6, you were back in sunghoon’s room again. just lying down in his bed, speaking out gently and peacefully as you held each other.
“if you stayed in beverly hills earlier on, maybe we’d have known each other earlier.” said sunghoon.
“probably. my uncle, dani’s dad, is a realtor, and he always sold houses in your neighborhood. maybe i really would have known you sooner.”
“this whole trip has gone by way too fast.” he sighed, his face buried in your hair. “at least we still have tomorrow.” you mutter.
“will we keep in touch?” “if this whole time really mattered to you, you’ll know. but, we’ll worry about it tomorrow.”
as your words slowly began to die down, sunghoon figured you had fallen asleep.
he held you tighter, bringing you closer to him. sunghoon pressed a kiss onto your lips softly, before he too fell into a wakeless dream.
technically, sunghoon’s room was really jake’s room too since they always had to share a bed. but, seeing you two together and understanding the situation, he decided to take one for the team and sleep on the couch (only after heeseung did him a favor and brought him a blanket).
and before you knew it, it was your last day together. you were sitting by the pool where you met. your feet and lower legs dipped into the cold water as you felt the warm anaheim breeze. same position, same spot.
"it's been a good week. best week i ever had. this whole trip feels like a long dream and i haven't waken up yet. like, im still in long beach, tanning in my aunties backyard." you say.
the moment felt still, everything was paused, before sunghoon spoke. "you'll visit me up in the hills won't you?"
"of course i will. you trashy hollywood kid. and you'll visit me down in long beach?" "course i will." and he pressed his lips onto yours.
a part of you wished you met sooner, and that you had more time.
when sunghoon pulled away, you didn’t want to let go. you brought yourself up to kiss him again, holding him as if you’d never see him again. because who knows when you really will?
you almost sob when it's time to go home, you think you really have fallen in love this time around.
sunghoon refused to let you go, as if you’d vanish into thin air if you’re not within his grasp. and you felt the exact same way. despite not being together for long, now you really don’t know how you’ll go on without him.
because now, the summer was over.
you two were inseparable in the moment, jake and jay literally had to pry and rip sunghoon off of you.
they were gone before you could cry, but not before he could kiss you for the last time.
“make sure to call me!” he exclaimed from the car, after jay forced him inside. “i love you y/n!” sunghoon shouted out loud, as they started to drive off.
“i’ll call you every night! i love you too sunghoon!” you called back. “more than you know..” but the last part barely came out above a whisper, as his car was gone into the horizon.
and after that, was when you finally let it all out. all the longing, and the heartbreak.
the downside of summer love, never knowing if you’ll meet again.
you sobbed quietly in the backseat alone, refusing to let your cousins see you like this. you couldn’t handle being around them right now.
for you, the amount of time you knew each other didn’t matter. it was the way you understood each other, made each other feel. the way you cared for each other, some might even say it was in the way you loved each other.
but now, it was time to return to your normal lives, go on with your jobs or school. your endless summer has reached its finale. but how could it end like this?
one minute you’re bawling your eyes out in the back of karina’s jeep. your eyes swelled up as you clutched your chest with a heavy heart. the next minute, you wake up in your driveway, watching as your cousins hauled your luggage out to your doorstep for you.
before you knew it, now you were in despair as you hugged your pillow tightly. your silk pillowcase was almost as soft as his milky skin. it was unfair. you had no idea if you’d truly keep contact, or even ever see him again. maybe this whole summer fling thing was stupid.
one good moment wouldn’t make up for all the bad that followed after. you began to think, maybe it didn’t mean as much to him as it did to you. he’s handsome. he probably gets around. i’m not the only girl.
you lay awake that night, torn between the feeling of his lips on yours, and if whether or not it’s something you’ll ever get to experience again.
but by the next morning, someone was frantically knocking, pounding, on your front door. it was much to your surprise when you saw who it was. park sunghoon.
“holy shit, you scared me! what are you doing here..?” you gasped out, still processing the moment.
“you’re fucking crazy if you think i’ll just leave you like that, angel.” he muttered, before pulling you in by the waist to reunite your lips in a desperate kiss.
you suppose whatever you were thinking of last night can be disposed of. he did come back for you, and you do get to experience his lips on yours again.
last night, you were crying to the point there was no water left in your body. only dried tear stains and your red eyes remained as evidence. but now? by the following morning, your lover boy was already at your door.
and when he finally moved in to kiss you again, you smiled, reaching up to softly stroke his warm cheek.
you realized, all doubts you had about him were insecurities. false scenarios your mind made up to keep you questioning.
because sunghoon knew he would never leave you. he’d say it a thousand times over again to let you know just how much he loves you.
the summer wasn’t over yet. not until the two of you were through. because everyday with sunghoon felt like summer.
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biblio-smia · 9 months
reader comforting ethan when he's crying?
you've never seen ethan cry before.
you've seen him tear up, sure. you two loved watch too many movies together for that to never happen. you even caught him trying to discreetly wipe a tear and attempting to disguise a sniffle, but you had been way worse off for any effective teasing.
turns out, there's a first for everything.
you've almost given up knocking on ethan's dorm room (though you were sure he was in there) when the door began to creak open, stopping your closed fist mid-knock.
it takes a while for ethan to reveal even a sliver of his face, which is immediately worrying. his head is down as he leans against the doorframe.
"ethan?" you ask quietly, not wanting to ask directly what was wrong.
he looks up at you, hesitantly, pale skin around his eyes red.
"ethan..." you mumble, eyebrows scrunching in concern. ethan looks away, wipes his eye with the back of his hand. you put your palm against the door and ethan lets you, backing up to let you in.
he turns away from you and doesn't stop walking until he's reached his bed. he flops on his back and you carefully lie down next to him.
you're anxious as you stare up at ethan's ceiling, swallowing thickly, unsure what to do. you've never discussed with ethan what type of comforting he needs when he's cried so violently his eyes are puffy and you desperately rack your brain for any ideas.
carefully, you reach for one of ethan's hands, slowly folding your fingers over his.
"is this okay?" you whisper, squeezing ethan's hand lightly. he clasps his hand around yours and you think he nods.
you don't want to say something obvious but you don't want to pressure him, either. you turn in your spot to look at him, hand still holding his. from here you can see tears still slowly slipping down the side of ethan's face, watching as he stares straight up and swallows thickly.
you place a hand on ethan's chest and he finds it instantly, squeezing it lightly. he's glad you're here.
"i don't think i like seeing you cry very much," you say quietly, softly thumbing over ethan's finger. and you don't. the sight makes you helplessly sick, creates a ball in your throat you can't swallow down. you wish you could take ethan and make everything bothering him disappear, but you haven't even gotten to the root of his tears yet.
"i'm sorry," ethan says softly, shakily.
"no," you scold softly, leaning in to kiss ethan's tear-stained cheek. "not your fault."
"partially my fault," ethan admits.
you slip one of your hands out of his, place it on his cheeks. you're half thumbing his cheek and half wiping tears away, attempting to comfort him in the ways you know best.
"do you wanna talk about it?" your voice is soft, touch even softer as you pat the rest of ethan's face dry. he closes his eyes and sighs, rolling over to rest his head on your shoulder.
"'s a whole bunch of things," ethan admits, voice slightly muffled. you don't mind, adjusting to accommodate him, fingers softly twisting his curls. "it's stupid."
"it's not stupid. unless hotel for dogs made you cry again."
ethan manages to laugh, albeit shakily. "it was one tear."
"it wasn't even sad, baby."
ethan laughs again, sniffling.
"wasn't a movie," ethan shakes his head. "i, uh... got a c on my paper," ethan began.
"okay," you said, hand on ethan's shoulder, trying to coax the rest out of him. you knew how much ethan's grades meant to him, but you were sure there were other things contributing to the breakdown; ethan had a bad habit of letting things bottle up until he couldn't contain them anymore and they forced their way out.
ethan sighs. "and i fought with quinn."
"okay." you squeeze ethan's shoulder.
"but... bad. she said she hates me." ethan's voice is shaky again and you kiss the tip of his nose.
"she doesn't hate you," you insist. "you're her baby brother. you'll get on her nerves but she could never hate you."
ethan considers this for a moment, takes a shuddery breath.
"get her some candy and apologize," you suggest. "she'll forgive you."
"maybe. yeah."
there's something else, you're sure. there's something in ethan's eyes that's unspoken, something you're sure has overstayed its welcome in ethan's brain.
"what's wrong, eth?" your voice is gentle, your touch feather-light. ethan doesn't feel very deserving of it and it's making his vision blurry with fresh tears.
"i guess i just don't... i just don't feel enough sometimes." ethan's voice breaks painfully, and he buries his face back into your shirt as he cries.
"ethan..." you say sadly, pulling him tighter into you. you're not sure if you're able to fix this for him, but maybe a problem-solver isn't what ethan needs right now. "i'm sorry, baby."
ethan shakes his head but you beat him to the punch.
"i can't stop you from feeling that way, but i can be here for you when you do," you start. "because you mean so much to me."
ethan has moved his face just slightly, enough so you can catch a sliver of him.
"i don't lower my standards for anyone, eth. so, at the very least, you're enough for me."
you can feel ethan smile, just a little. you're not sure how else you can convince him he's probably the best thing that's ever happened to you, so you place a kiss on ethan's lips instead.
"let me take you out," you say. "i can't have my boy thinking he's anything less than perfect."
"shut up," ethan groans, but he's smiling. blushing, even.
"can't make me," you grin, kissing ethan's cheek.
he definitely can make you, especially when he pulls you close and kisses you softly.
"can we just stay here for a bit?" ethan asks quietly, fingers on your cheeks as you steal a few more kisses.
"i think i can work with that." you comply easily, pulling ethan close again. you let him play with your fingers, let him kiss your jaw. anything to keep his mind off of things.
you'd let him do anything to not see those tears from your pretty boy again.
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masterlist | requests are open!
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
“You are very welcome to do so” \\ vivianne miedema x reader
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Prompt #26
“I could kiss you right now” “You’re very welcome to do so”
You board the team bus with your headphones on, not wanting to break your focus. Only for that focus to be broken when your favourite Dutch player sits next to you with that toothless smile you’ve grown to love on her face. Viv grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together, helping calm your nerves you thought you are hiding well. You exhale and sit back into the seat, somewhat relaxing. You go on your phone for a moment when you receive a text in your group chat with your national teammates and best friends Steph and Caitlin.
Calvin’s mum 🐶: I see you over there getting cozy with Vivvy 👀
You: idk what ur talking about…
Foord mustang 🚗: don’t act like there’s nothing going on between you too 😳
You: she’s helping to calm my nerves, that’s all
Calvin’s mum 🐶: what ever floats your boat y/n/n…
You turn around to the two Aussies sitting together and they make kissy faces at you and you roll your eyes. Viv asks you if everything is okay and you tell her that Steph and Caitlin are just being annoying. About 40 minutes later, the bus pulls up to the airport and you all get ready to jet of to France for the last semi final. You sit down in your designated sit on the plane and start getting your book and earphones out when you feel someone sit next to you. You look up and see that it’s once again Viv.
“You just can’t seem get away from me, can you?”
“Maybe I want to be here”
That made you blush slight as Viv got out her things before putting her bag in the overhead compartment. Doing so, it causes her shirt to rise up slightly and you catch a glimpse of the strikers abs. Your cheeks redden as you bury your head in your book as Viv sits down and buckles in.
“Like what you see?” She whispers in your ear and you don’t say anything, just smile slightly.
You feel the plane start to go and you grip the arm rests so tightly, your knuckles begin to turn white. Your eyes close as you feel the plane getting faster and as you start to ascend, you feel a hand intertwine with yours. Viv gives your hand a squeeze and looks at you with that smile you’ve grown to love. You thought Viv would let go of your hand but she didn’t and you are perfectly okay with that. As the plane started to descend, Viv squeezed you’re hand again to help calm your nerves.
The team starts to leave the plane and make their way to the baggage claim area where Viv doesn’t leave your side. As you all wait for the bags, Viv decides to make a bold move and rests her head on your shoulders while her arms are loosely around your waist. You just know your group chat with Steph and Caitlin are going to be bombarded with messages. You see your bag come and Viv lets you go and gets your bag for you. She ends up getting hers as well and wheels them back over to you. You thank her and wait for the rest of the team to get their bags. You sit on your suitcase and pull out your phone to see, as expected, a bunch of messages from Steph and Caitlin.
Foord mustang 🚗: i call bullshit that there’s nothing going on with you two…
Calvin’s mum 🐶: i second that 🙋‍♀️
You: no further comments at this time 🤫
You feel a presence in front of you and see the Dutch beauty. You look up to see her hold your hand out for you. You take it and stand up before getting your bag. You all arrive at the hotel and Jonas tells everyone who their roommate is. To no one’s surprise, you and Viv are roomed together. As you both got into the room, you see one big bed in the middle of the room and you immediately panic.
“We can share right? It’s only for two nights, I’m sure we can manage” Viv says and you nod.
You lie down on one side of the bed and close your eyes at the coldness of the pillow. You feel the bed move and you peak open one eye to see Viv lying next to you, looking at you.
“What are you looking at creeper?”
“Just you” Viv tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear before flicking your eyes and lips. You begin to lean in and just as your lips are millimetres from each other when you both hear multiple bangs on your door.
“Oi lovebirds, we’re going out for a team dinner. Hurry up” You hear the lovely voice of Katie McCabe beam through the door. You yell back that you’re coming and Viv mumbles something you can’t quite hear.
After a spending the hour at dinner giving each other subtle glances and playing footises under the table, you two go back to the room not saying a word and get ready for the next day.
You wake up the next morning with a tight arm around your waist. You slowly unravel yourself and go have a shower before breakfast. Viv wakes up as she hears the bathroom door close and she pouts slightly. She quickly gets herself changed and goes to the balcony, checking her messages. Just as she’s about to reply to Leah, Viv feel hands sneak around her waist.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing out here? It’s chilly”
“Just thinking” Viv replies with a half smile on her face.
“Alright, we’re ditching the girls and going out for breakfast together this morning and you can talk to me about whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours okay?” Viv nods and you leave a lasting kiss on her forehead, making Viv swoon on the inside.
After a flirtatious breakfast, you two quickly head back to the hotel to get ready for the game. As usual, you two sit on the bus together and you hold Viv’s hand close to you. She turns to you a gives you a look and you shake your head before leaning it on her shoulder. Viv ends up pulling you close into her and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. Steph and Caitlin see this and decide not to tease you because it looks like something is wrong.
You get to the stadium and Viv stays by your side the entire time. You slip your earphones in and let the world of music take you away. As the team goes to look at the field, you stay behind and when Viv gets no response to the question she asked you, thinking you are next to her, she looked around her and noticed you weren’t there. She asked a few of the girls if they’ve seen you and Katie tells Viv that you stayed back in the locker room. Viv instantly runs back to the room and all the girls gossip about how hopeless you too are.
Viv runs into the locker room, catching herself as she slides around the corner and sees you sitting in your cubby with your knees up to your chest. Viv sits beside you and pulls you on her lap.
“What’s going on? You haven’t been yourself since breakfast”
“I’m just scared. What if I mess it up for everyone? Everyone will hate me” You just broke down in tears and at the same time Viv’s heart was breaking a little bit more. She heard footsteps come around the corner and she quickly shooed them all away so you two could still have alone time.
“You won’t mess it up and you know why? Because you’re you Y/N. No one will hate you if we lose, it’s a team sport. We’re all in this together”
“Thanks Vivvy. How are you not freaking out right now?”
“Because I know I’ve got you up front with me” You sit up slightly and wipe your tears.
“You are going to do so well Y/N/N, I just know it” Viv leaves a long kiss on your forehead and you move off of her lap. You start to do your pre-game traditions when the rest of the girls came in. Thankfully, none of them asked why your face is red but Caitlin and Steph did give you a look and you just nod your head.
Fast forward to the game and you are currently tied at one all and there’s 3 minutes left in extra time. You move around the Lyon back line as you try to find a an open spot and when you do, Lia passes you the ball. You weave through the defenders and sprint with the ball towards goal and when you’re close enough, shoot it to the top bin. You hear the swoosh of the net and the crowd going wild, that’s when you knew it went in. You run to your teammates who dog pile you before getting up quickly. Viv was the last person to congratulate you and she gives you a kiss on your temple. You and the rest of the Arsenal girls manage to hold off Lyon for the extra minutes and you heard the refs whistle, meaning you are through to the Champions League final. You sink on your knees and cry in your hands. You feel two hands hold your wrists and slowly peel your hands off of your face. You look and see Viv with a big smile on her face. She holds your cheeks in her hands and continues to smile wide.
“I could kiss you right now” Viv whispers.
“You are very welcome to do so”
Viv leans forward and gently puts her lips on yours. Fans all around the stadium cheering causes you two to seperate. What you don’t notice is Caitlin and Steph watching on in pride, thankful that you’ve found your person.
After the teams get back to the locker room and shower, you all go back to the bus and to no ones surprise, you and Viv sit together up the back. You lean on Viv and she pulls you into her as your eyes attempt to stay awake. Viv whispers to you to go to sleep as the bus ride will take a little while.
The next time your eyes open is when you feel someone pick you up. Viv whispers that we’re back at the hotel and we’re going up to the room. You nod and fall back to sleep until you feel something comfy underneath you. You groan before opening your eyes and notice Viv not in bed with you. You start making grabby hands and Viv caves and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around you and your whole body relaxes.
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