#And afterwards they sit on the couch with some hot chocolates and watch some movies. And Hunter feels so safe around Willow.
lovelyjj · 10 months
maybe a mix of “i’m just afraid” and “tell me the truth”? 🫶
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.4k
a/n: I lowkey hate this.
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You and JJ were the best of friends. You did everything together. He was your person you told everything to. He was your partner in crime. There were no secrets between the two of you.
You and JJ were on the couch that was on John B’s porch, enjoying the rain. The rain was blanketing the outer banks in water, soaking the grass and trees.
“I love the rain,” you stated.
“Really why?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know it makes me feel less alone, like the sky is crying with me.”
“That’s a really good reason,” JJ replied.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
“You want to dance?” JJ asked with a goofy grin on his face.
“In the rain?” You questioned surprised.
“In the rain,” JJ confirmed.
JJ got up and reached his hand out for you to take, which you gladly accepted. The two of you went out on the grass and JJ held onto one hand. Then he put one hand on your waist and you put the hand not holding his, on his shoulder.
You guys danced and he spun you around and you got soaking wet. You were having a lot of fun though. You were having a blast and so was JJ.
When you were finished JJ ushered you inside as you giggled.
You both changed into dry clothes and afterwards JJ had an idea.
“Let’s make some hot chocolate,” JJ announced.
“Yes please,” you answered.
JJ whipped up two mugs of cocoa and you both sipped yours quietly.
“Tastes good,” you whispered.
“Wanna watch a movie?” you asked JJ.
“Sure,” JJ replied.
You both settled into John B’s living room and put on spider-man. You ended up falling asleep on the pullout couch.
A couple days later you were all going out on the boat. The day was bright and sunny perfect for going out on the water.
JJ was looking at you in your bikini top. He knew he shouldn’t be looking at his best friend like that but he couldn’t help it. You looked hot and JJ could hardly look away from your chest.
You were oblivious to JJ’s ogling. You were happy to be on the boat with your friends.
“I can’t believe the weather is so nice,” you spoke.
“Yeah it’s perfect,” Pope responded.
“I thought it would be windy out here on the water,” JJ said removing his attention from your breasts.
“Hope we can catch some fish,” John B announced.
“Should be able to,” JJ commented.
While the boys were fishing, you Kiara and Sarah were on your phones. You were looking through your photos and you noticed how many you had of you and JJ.
There was one of you two at the beach with the waves in the background and a pretty sunset.
“Can I post this J?” you asked.
“Let me see it.”
You handed your phone to JJ and he took it. He scanned the image and smiled a genuine smile.
“Yeah that’s a good one. Go ahead fire away.”
You gave him a smile and decided to post the picture.
After a while you got a few comments. One was from Sarah that said, “Goals.”
You ignored it because you didn’t want to draw attention to it. The last thing you needed was people assuming your in a relationship with JJ cause your not. Your just friends and that’s all you ever will be.
You were spending more and more time with JJ. Sometimes with the other pogues and sometimes just the two of you.
You were starting to catch feelings for him. You didn’t know how or why but being around him brought out the best in you. You started to fall in love with your best friend. You were scared you’ve never felt this way before. And what if he doesn’t love you back.
You decided to go to Kiara and ask for her help. She was working at the wreck, so you made your way over there.
“Hey Kie, I need your help,” you hesitated.
“Yeah sure y/n whatever you need,” Kiara replied.
“Here let’s sit down,” Kiara said as she directed you to a small table by the window.
You sat across from her and she gave you a kind smile with kind eyes.
“What’s up,” Kiara started.
“Well um I’ve sorta had these feelings for a certain someone and I’m not sure what to do about it. I just know I don’t want to tell them,” you began.
“Why don’t you want to tell them,” Kiara asked.
“I’m just afraid,” you bit your lip.
“What do you have to be afraid of?”
“Well first of all he could not feel the same way. He could reject me. He could laugh in my face. The list goes on,” you threw your hands up in the air.
“JJ wouldn’t do that,” Kiara raised a brow.
“How do you know it’s JJ?” You asked.
“Oh come on, who else would it be.”
“You’ve got a point.” you laughed.
“Speak of the devil,” Kiara whispered as you turned to the sound of the door opening.
JJ sauntered in to the wreck, Pope, John B and Sarah following suit.
“The gangs all here,” Kiara exclaimed.
“I need to go,” you whispered to Kiara.
“What why?”
“I just need to, ok!”
You slipped out the back door leaving the rest of the crew utterly confused.
You have been avoiding JJ. It’s not that you wanted to, you hated the distance between you and not seeing him but you didn’t know how to act around him anymore.
You were getting worried because you thought JJ was on to you. Now JJ was getting worried because he hasn’t seen you in a while. He figured that you were mad at him. He hated it.
When the pogues would hang out all together you would not be there. You would miss the activities they had planned.
It was getting harder and harder hiding your feelings from JJ. You would always blush or your heart would beat really fast. So your only option you decided was to stop hanging out with him.
JJ was confused because of your absence. He was going to get to the bottom of this. He was determined.
He assumed you would be at your house. So that’s where he showed up. He knocked on your door a few times and after a few minutes you came to the door. You were shocked to see JJ standing there.
You wanted to run back to your room and hide. You were embarrassed by your actions. Just all of a sudden ghosting him. He didn’t deserve that.
“Hey um so I miss you. A lot. And I think we need to talk,” JJ scratched the back of his neck.
You stepped outside and closed the door behind you.
“I need to know why your avoiding me,” JJ insisted.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Ok ok I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want to see you.” You nervously crossed your arms and looked down.
JJ wasn’t buying it. “No. Tell me the truth.”
As you looked into JJ’s pleading blue eyes you felt your stomach flip. You couldn’t lie to him even if you tried.
“Fine. You want the truth? The truth is I’m in love with you. And I don’t know how to act around you anymore. I assumed you didn’t feel the same way so to save myself the rejection, I avoided you.”
“You thought I wouldn’t feel the same way?” JJ questioned.
“I’ve been in love with you for years,” JJ confessed.
JJ nodded his head.
“I can’t believe you did all that.” JJ said surprised.
You took a step closer to JJ and he took your face in his hands.
“Come here,” JJ whined.
You didn’t need to be asked twice. You leaned in and JJ placed lips on yours. Instantly you felt electrifying sparks shoot trough you. Your stomach erupted with butterflies. The kiss was gentle and delicate. JJ was excited and you were giddy.
Your lips were crushing together and moving against each other. JJ was feeling warm all over. Your hands were resting on JJ’s shoulders. One of JJ’s hand rested on your jaw and one hand snaked lower to your butt squeezing lightly. This caused you to gasp, allowing JJ’s tongue to slide into your mouth.
After making out you pulled away breathless. You wore a big smile and JJ laughed.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” JJ broke the silence.
“I’ve missed you too,” you responded.
“Will you be mine?” JJ asked.
“Yes, I’ll be yours,” you exclaimed.
JJ picked you up and spun you around, your laughter mixing together to create a sense of harmony and happiness. Since you and JJ were best of friends your romantic relationship will only flourish because you loved each other wholeheartedly.
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Ateez Reaction ✧ Giving you Comfort
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: reaction, comfort, fluff, (angst) ✧ warnings: none
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notices immediately when you’re not feeling like your usual self
he knows you so well and is really sensitive to your mood changes, so at times he even picks up on a pending down earlier than you
then he tries to carefully nudge you into the right direction, to avoid you getting hurt too much
but when reality hits and you end up feeling really bad, he’ll be there to comfort you
he knows the ideal balance between when to offer you to talk about things and when to distract you, so you’re always thankful for having him at your side
so when you need it he will be there to listen and to try to understand your feelings to the best of his abilities
while other times he will put his arm around your shoulders in a comforting gesture and guide you to his studio to show you some of his newest songs he’s working on, asking you about your opinions on them to take your mind off whatever is wearing you down
lots and lots of pampering you when you feel down
tries his hardest to be there for you when you really need him, even in the midst of a busy schedule on his side
he knows what kind of food always cheers you up, so he will serve you home-cooked meals or randomly bring home your favourite take-out food when he’s done with his own work in the evening
lots of little touches and gestures to try to reassure you that he’s there and won’t leave your side
will let you wear one of his big hoodies as he takes care of you
also puts up scented candles around your place that have a calming smell, and makes sure your home is tidy and cleaned up in your stead
watches your favourite TV-show or movie with you, snuggled up to each other on the couch all through the night
when you fall asleep next to him, he picks you up and carries you to your bed, where he lies down next to you, to let you know he’s still here to protect you should you wake up sometime during the night
might seem like a lost puppy at first, but there’s noone better to go to if you need someone to cheer you up than him
he can be serious as well, but usually he’ll try to distract you and make you think of more fun things than what’s currently troubling you
would go to great lengths for you if he knows there’s a chance to cheer you up with a certain thing
like - he has gone out in the middle of the night before to buy you a huge can of ice cream that you then finished in one sitting together with him (the stomach ache you both had afterwards was definitely worth it)
will also sing cute songs for you and make you sing along with him by clapping and swaying from side to side along with the rhythm
lots of giggles and hugs as soon as he sees a spark of joy on your face
however, if nothing works then he will eventually realize and accept that, and just let you two coexist next to each other, holding you close and rubbing your back and shoulders while saying nothing
will wait for you to bring up your problem first, but if you don’t say anything he will assume that you don’t want to talk about it and not pressure you into talking
I feel like he’s the type who wouldn’t do much, but help a lot through the things he does do
will definitely give you lots of space if he senses that you need it
he will of course also be there to listen if you want to talk, though he might sometimes not have something smart to say back
will try his best to cheer you up with small gestures, like bringing you food or buying your favourite snacks or taking you to a café you haven’t gone to for a while
a bit insecure about how to take care of you in a way that won’t upset you more at first, but over time he will figure out what truly helps you and he’ll eventually become a master of taking care of you
as soon as that’s the case, he will give you everything you need when you feel bad, and usually his timing is spot on too
craving hot chocolate or some kind of comfort food? he’ll be right there to serve it to you
feel like all you need is someone to hold you and to give you cuddles? he’ll already have his arms wrapped safely around you
will also talk to you in his calm voice about anything really, to keep your thoughts occupied with things that offer you some distraction
he already takes care of the people around him well and very naturally, so when you feel down nothing much about that will change
he’ll probably sense that something’s up, but try to give you space, even though it pains him to see you struggling on your own like this
when you finally tell him what’s on your mind, he will listen to what you have to say and try to help you by giving you advice
but I feel like he’s also the type to just coo at you and then wrap you into a tight hug, attacking you with cuddles
he’ll let you cry if you need to, and otherwise just be there with you, holding you close
suggests taking things slow for a day or two and if he can he will ditch his own responsibilities to stay with you instead
you can game with him or listen to music together, and as he gets really into it he pulls you along into that happy space naturally
he’s only satisfied once he’s made you smile or laugh at least once, and he will stay with you that day if you want him to, letting you fall asleep in his arms peacefully
might seem like he’s a bit too hyper to properly notice how you feel but I think actually he’s very sensitive
so he will pick up on your sudden bad mood rather quickly
will immediately turn serious as well and unless you signal him that you really don’t want to talk right now, he will take you by the hand and lead you somewhere quiet to ask you how you feel and what’s troubling you
gives the best, most heartwarming hugs if you start crying and will make sure to rub big circles on your back and not let go of you until you have calmed down and the tears have stopped
will always be there to listen and understands your feelings very well, even when sometimes he isn’t the best at expressing himself in turn
won’t rely a lot on distracting you, unless you ask him to, and instead focus on talking about the problem and helping you find a solution to fix it
is super protective of you and doesn’t leave your side until he’s sure you feel better again
I feel like he’s the member who will have the most difficulties to comfort you, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try his best to be there for you
he also doesn’t pick up on your emotions as fast as the others, but there’s actually a good side to that as well
because when you feel down due to something and he’s still in his normal hyper state, he’s the best natural distraction you can get
he’s definitely the type to be able to pull people along and make his own mood rub off on others, so when you’re around him while he’s happy, that alone helps a lot to make you feel better as well
however, when you need him to be serious for a while in order to discuss whatever’s troubling you with him, his mood will change rapidly and he will do his best to support you and to be there for you
will rely on you telling him what to do to help you most of the time, but sometimes he’ll come up with little (okay, rather huge, he’s Wooyoung after all lol) gestures, like bringing you flowers or baking you a cake or cooking your favourite meal for you in an attempt to make you feel his love and how much he cares about you
he’d probably be very serious when he realizes you’re struggling with something
he doesn’t want to pressure you to speak up about it, so he gives you space to bring it up yourself, but at the same time he keeps hinting at the fact that he knows something’s up
when you eventually break the silence he will make sure to be there for you to talk to him
he really wants to give you good advice, so he thinks about what to say to you hard, sometimes staying up all night pondering on how to help you
will definitely try to cheer you up, nudging you towards a better mood carefully by bringing up topics you like to talk about or by trying to make you laugh with his jokes
when it all doesn’t really help to cheer you up he’ll just wrap his arms around you and sigh, holding you close and stroking your hair in a comforting manner
he wants you to feel as alright as you can be, but he knows that sometimes you can’t avoid a bad mood, so he will let you be sad when you need to be
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esmedelacroix · 8 months
1 day til' Christmas
spending a snowstorm with husband!miguel o'hara on christmas eve⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
2 days til' christmas ← previous part
It was the last day of keeping your pregnancy from Miguel and you couldn't be happier; tomorrow he would open his last Christmas gift and see a positive pregnancy test. You couldn't wait to share this great news with him.
The plan was to go to the hospital that morning but you miraculously got snowed in and you hadn't vomited that morning making it crucial to take it slow when drinking and eating.
Normally on Christmas Eve, the two of you shared a bottle of red wine and finished wrapping presents for each other and family and friends.
This Christmas, you would do the same but instead of wine, you’d have eggnog. Every single holiday Miguel is reminded that you hate the idea of egg nog. “Who would ever eat egg milk? That’s weird,” you said.
“I drink said, ‘egg milk’, it's one of my holiday comfort drinks,” Miguel would respond.
“I know but—“ you’d start.
“Please don’t yuck my yum,” he joked.
“You’ve never even tried it before,” he continued.
You still had never tried eggnog but now you had a feeling that you’d like it. You took a small sip and your taste buds did pirouettes. Eggnog tasted like a sweet vanilla-flavored version of milk.
“This is good!” you exclaimed.
“Told ya,” Miguel responded as he began to wrap up personalized Fender guitar picks. He always swore Hobie got on his nerves but he still cared. Enough to get him such a valuable yet thoughtful gift.
The two of you enjoyed your drinks and marveled at the gifts you got each other. It was never really. a surprise on Christmas day since you always wrapped everything together. There were one or two gifts that the two of you wanted to keep a surprise including yours. "What's this?" Miguel asked as he picked up a small rectangular box that had his name on it.
"That's your gift but I want it to be a surprise," you replied.
"Hmm, interesting," he replied as he put the gift down thinking it was something like a watch or a ridiculously expensive pen like the years before.
After two hours you were finally done wrapping all the gifts. You were both famished afterward. You were heavily craving some hot chocolate and marshmallows but you didn't have any marshmallows. On top of that, the two of you couldn't leave your home because of the snowstorm.
Thankfully out of all of the random things that Miguel knows how to do, making marshmallows was one of them. You thankfully had all the ingredients, you tried to follow along but it was way too complicated. You sat on your kitchen island and asked him questions while he skillfully made the marshmallows.
You purposefully asked the dumbest random questions and he found it hilarious. While he was letting the marshmallows sit, he let you lick the bowl like you were a child again making cookies with a loved one that let you try the dough.
The two of you had prepared dinner while waiting for the marshmallows to finish setting. Christmas Eve dinner was my favorite because it was breakfast for dinner. This year's menu was eggnog French toast with cranberry jam and cheesy omelets with spinach and tomatoes in them.
In perfect timing, right after the two of you finished eating and cleaning up after your meal, the marshmallows were done. The two of you got comfy and cuddled on the couch wrapped in blankets watching Holidate with mugs with steaming hot cocoa in hand.
The night was perfect and your heart raced with excitement of what was to come the next morning. You fell asleep halfway through the movie so Miguel carried you to your shared room.
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The lovers were nestled all snug in their bed
While visions of a baby shower danced in your head
Santa sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle,
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
. . .
to be continued → Christmas Special
taglist: @aripet22@to-the-endoftheline@sad-author-san
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caffeinated-beverage · 6 months
CanLiet please ^^
Sleep headcanon, sad headcanon, happy headcanon, sex headcanon, bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, romantic headcanon, family headcanon, friendship headcanon and quirks/hobbies headcanon
☾ - sleep headcanon: As you know, Ąžuolas is prone to trauma-induced nightmares & night terrors, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic. Matthew tries to console them when he notices they're having a nightmare by speaking to them calmly, but not waking them. He has also noticed the time he usually has his night terrors, and tries to wake him up shortly before that time. And when Ąžuolas wakes up panicked from his trauma nightmare, he tries to console him by speaking to him calmly and trying to get him to do square breathing. And once he calms down enough, he might get him some coffee (caffeine doesn't give Ąžuolas energy, it just makes them calm LOL (theyll still be able to sleep afterwards)) & cuddles, until he goes back to sleep.
★ - sad headcanon: When Ąžuolas is sad, Matthew makes them their favorite hot chocolate: extra thicc, with no toppings. Basically just liquid chocolate. And then he cuddles with him. And when Matthew is sad, Ąžuolas makes brownies and watches anime with him.
☆ - happy headcanon: An example of a time they were both happy, was this one day when Ąžuolas was spending time at Matthew's house in winter, and it was very very snowy outside. And, while they were both out in the snow (along with Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, Pupa), Ąžuolas sneakily balled up a snowball, and chucked it at Matthew, hitting him riGHT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD (don't worry, there were no rocks, and it really didn't hurt LOL). And so, Matthew turned around with a smile on his face and said, “Oh, so it's like that then??”. Ąžuolas ran away from Matthew, laughing their ass off as he bombarded them with snowballs, and Pupa barked and tried to catch & eat the snowballs Matthew was chucking at them. Their snowball fight here lasted a loooong long time, until Matthew said “okay, okay, enough, I'm getting chilled now” and headed inside, Ąžuolas following him indoors to chill for the rest of the day. And ofc, Pupa insisted on staying out in the snow for the rest of the day, but they eventually got her to come inside when it became night.
✿ - Sex headcanon: (TW NSFW) Ąžuolas is a bottom, and Matthew is a switch. 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Matthew was very open to letting Pupa (Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, remember?) snuggle on the bed with them at night & sleep there with them. Spoiled dog xD Matthew even agrees to let Pupa sit/lie down on the couch, chairs, etc., despite how massive she is, because she's just such a cute & sweet girl, and deserves to be spoiled like that lol 
Pupa spends a lot of time curled up in front of the fireplace tho
♡ - romantic headcanon: They both prefer to have a comfortable date at home, both of them in their pajamas, and watching a movie together on the couch; just Ąžuolas, Matthew, and Pupa. They do also go out for dates, sometimes; usually a casual one, though. Like, for example, spending time at the park, feeding bread to ducks, going for a swim together, going to the movie theatre, etc.
♥ - family headcanon: While Ąžuolas DOES want kids, Ąžuolas isn't ready to bring that up yet, and Matthew isn't ready to have kids yet, either. So, for now, they just have Pupa ^_^
☮ - friendship headcanon: Back when they were just friends, they both were crushing on each other soooo hard for a while, before Ąžuolas gathered the courage to confess to him. Ąžuolas nearly VOMITED from nervousness & was sweating like a pig, but Matthew gave him a big hug & confessed to him that he felt the same. Ąžuolas cried all over his shirt for a while, and they soon scheduled when & where their first date should be.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: Matthew's main hobbies are cooking, baking, and gardening. Ąžuolas’ main hobbies are cooking/baking, herbology, & mycology. Also, I'm sure you know this since I am p sure I have mentioned it a few times, but Ąžuolas is autistic. Ąžuolas’ special interests/hyperfixations are herbology, mycology, & basketball. He doesn't play professional basketball tho, but he likes to play hobby basketball sometimes, and loves to watch basketball on tv, and play basketball video games, which he's got a collection of rn! 
My headcanon for my Canada is that he is neurotypical btw, but he is still very understanding & supportive of Ąžuolas! Esp because Matthew is a licensed therapist himself, and imo, a licensed therapist SHOULD KNOW these things 😤
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singniewek · 7 days
Dreamcatcher Jiu x Reader Relationship Headcanons
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- This woman was the definition of being in love
- She had been pining after you for a long time
- It was obvious to everyone she liked you, but you were oblivious for quite a while
- Eventually, she got fed up and blurted out that she was in love with you
- After becoming girlfriends, Jiu was determined to be a good one
- She was such a gentlewoman
- Opening doors for you, buying you flowers, cooking you filling and healthy meals
- She was obsessed with physical touch
- Sometimes it felt impossible to get away from her, not that you were complaining
- Her hand was always wrapped around yours, and other times she would play with your fingers
- She liked to tell bad jokes, knowing you'd laugh no matter how awful they were
- She would do anything to see you happy
- Jiu was very observant
- Every time you were feeling down or ill, she'd notice straight away
- If you wanted to be left alone, she'd hesitantly leave you, but if you wanted her for comfort, she'd happily comfort you
- A lot of mornings you'd find yourself trapped in her arms, not wanting to let go of you
- Majority of the time you would cuddle, she would be the big spoon
- To return her love, you would buy and cook her a lot of delicious meals, knowing her stomach was almost bottomless
- She would sometimes vent to you about the struggles of being an idol, especially the leader of the group
- Sometimes when she was exhausted from work, she'd see you laying on the couch and basically fall into your arms
- You'd happily wrap your arms around her, snuggling and comforting her
- Later after dinner you'd bathe together
- There would be occasional sighs of content from both of you as you sat against each other in the bath
- You'd wash her hair first, Minji humming and closing her eyes, a light and tired smile on her face
- She would return the favor afterwards, her hands gently massaging your head as she washed it
- Before sleeping, she'd make you both hot chocolate and would watch a cheesy romance movie while cuddled up in bed
- You'd fall asleep happily in each other's arms as the movie continued to play
- She also has a jealous side
- Fortunately, it wasn't toxic and was quite cute
- If she noticed someone being too touchy with you, or a man flirting with you, she'd wait until you noticed her pouting
- When you arrive at her side, she'd cross her arms and keep the pout on her face, looking like a grumpy bunny
- She'd be extra clingy for the rest of the day, not leaving your side
- Even when you were around your friends and other people, Minji would sit on your lap, silently letting everyone know you’re hers
- At the end of the night, Minji would become self aware of how she had been acting
- Her face would flush and she'd apologise, but you'd laugh it off and say it was kind of cute and funny
- "No one else can have you like me"
- It'd be said in such a cute tone, you couldn't help but kiss her
- If you ever argued, Minji would find it hard to be away from you knowing you're upset
- She'd do everything she could to resolve the problem as soon as possible
- But when you were in the wrong, after some hours of thinking, you'd find her and try to make it up to her
- It usually involved hugging her for a while and buying her gifts
- She's quick to accept your apology though, especially if you gift her food from her favourite bakery
- If you didn't want to get married or have kids, she would be okay with that
- But if you did want to marry her and have kids, she'd totally be okay with that too
- Either way, Jiu was completely happy no matter what as long as she was with you
(let me know if there's any mistakes pls)
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Allergies (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine)
A/N: Hey guys, I hope you like this one, and please remember to reblog and comment! As always, I love hearing your thoughts! @allthosedarlings This has apple picking in it, so I hope it counts for the halloween bingo!
Apple picking.
It was a fall staple and you'd been excited about it since Jay and Will told you that you'd be going a few days ago. (You were mostly excited about the donuts and apple cider afterward, though compared to the actual apple picking.)
So, it was a little shocking to Jay that you were sleeping past 7:00. It was currently 7:45 and he had just gotten a text that Will was on his way.
When Will walked inside 25 minutes later, he was carrying a drink carrier containing two large coffees and a smaller drink for you.
"Where's munchkin?" he asked when he saw that Jay was just sitting on the couch watching the news.
"Still sleeping," Jay answered.
"Dude, it's past eight." He walked over to Jay and handed him a coffee.
"Thanks. And, I know it's past eight, but if she sleeps in, I don't question it. I'll give her fifteen more minutes and if she's not up by then, I'm gonna go wake her up."
"You think she's sick?" Will asked.
"She hasn't complained and we both know how she is when she gets sick."
"Stage five clinger right there."
"Exactly," Jay agreed.
Fifteen minutes later, Jay walked into your room to see that you were still in fact asleep. He had a fleeting thought to just let you sleep to your heart's content so that he could have some peace and quiet and just talk or watch the beginning of a movie with his older brother, but he knew he had to be a responsible adult and make sure that you were feeling okay.
He crouched down next to your bed and shook your shoulder gently.
"Y/N, Y/N, wake up, kiddo."
You rolled over and rubbed your eyes.
"Jay Jay?" you asked and Jay could hear the scratchiness in your voice. He hoped it because you had just woken up, but he knew he'd probably be proven otherwise.
"Yup, it's Jay Jay, kiddo. Are you feeling okay? I never have to wake you up on the weekends."
"I'm stuffy," you answered. "But we can still go apple pickin', right?" you asked worriedly and sat upright.
"If you feel up to it, we can."
"I do! I wanna go!"
"Okay, then let's get you up and get you dressed and get you some breakfast. Will's already here."
"Will's here?"
You quickly jumped out of bed and scampered out of your room.
"Will!" you exclaimed and he turned to look at you from his position on the couch.
"Hey! Good morning! How's my favorite munchkin?" he asked and patted the spot on the couch next to him.
"Good! We goin' apple pickin' today!"
"I know. But are you feeling good? You slept really long."
"Jay Jay already say-ed that and I telled him I feel good! Why you say-ed that, Will? Is it cause you a doctor?"
Will laughed. "I'm just making sure you're okay...and I might be able to help more because I'm a doctor."
"Y/N, I have your nasal spray, kiddo," Jay said as he came back into the living room and shook the bottle.
You shook your head and crossed your arms. "It's yucky when it gets my mouth."
"I know it is, but it will make you feel better."
You shook your head again, so Will decided that he'd be the better big brother and try a different tactic.
"Y/N, if you let Jay help you with your stuffy nose, I'll give you a hot chocolate in the car."
Your eyes lit up. You loved hot chocolate!
"You promise?" you asked and held out your pinky.
He hooked his pinky with yours. "I promise."
Then, Jay crouched on the ground and gave you two squirts of nasal spray, and told you to sniff between each squirt.
Once you were done, you had one more request. And it would help get the yucky taste out of your mouth. "Breakfast please."
"And so begins the day," Jay said to Will. "C'mon, kiddo. Let's get you some breakfast. You wanna pour the cereal and then I can pour the milk?"
"Yes, please! Lucky Charms because it's Saturday?"
"Lucky Charms because It's Saturday, yes," Jay confirmed.
Jay always made sure to give you nutritious meals such as oatmeal, toast, or yogurt with fruit, or eggs on the weekdays because he knew you needed healthy food to focus at school. But, the weekends were a different story. Most of the time, weekend breakfasts consisted of sugary cereals, pancakes, or waffles. And today, it was sugary cereal.
And soon, you hoped you'd be having more sugar in the form of donuts after you went apple picking.
"There's no more!" you whined when you finished picking all the apples you could reach in the area where you, Jay, and Will were currently picking apples.
"There are more, you just can't reach them," Jay said with a big, joking smile on his face.
You scowled at him, which just made Jay laugh and this, in turn, caused Will to turn around.
"What's so funny, you two?" he asked.
You stomped over to Will.
"Jay's being mean!"
"He is?" Will asked and crouched down to your height. "What'd he do?"
"He telled me I can't- I can't reach the apples because- because I can't reach 'em!"
Will quickly pieced together what you were trying to say. "Jay, have anything you wanna say for yourself?"
"Just stating a fact," Jay said, still with a smile on his face.
"C'mere, munchkin," Will told you. "Jay's gonna pick you up and put you on my shoulders and then you can pick the apples that are way up high."
"Okay! And you hold me tight? So that I won't fall?" you asked skeptically.
"I promise you that you won't fall. Jay, pick her up, will you?"
"C'mere, kiddo. You have to pick the best apples since you can reach so high."
"And you don't get any of them because you were bein' mean," you told Jay seriously.
"That's right, Y/N, you tell him. Only me and you get the prettiest apples." He turned to Jay. Okay, lift her up."
"Arms up, kiddo," Jay told you and you lifted up your arms and he picked you up by your armpits and then placed you on Will's shoulders. "You got her?"
"I got her," Will confirmed. "Now, you just pick the apples, and then I'll put them in the basket."
"So they don't get mushy?" you asked curiously.
"Yup," Will answered. "We can't drop them in the basket from that high or else they'll get bruised. We have to place them in the basket gently."
You reached up and started picking the apples and you did so for another five minutes.
"I think- I think- Achoo!" You sneezed loudly and Will tightened his grip around your legs as you let go and your body jerked forward...and you sneezed directly into Will's hair.
You immediately started crying after that, much to both your brothers' concerns.
"Jay? What's going on up there? Why's she crying?" Will asked as he tilted his head up towards you.
"I don't know! Why are you crying, kiddo?" Jay asked.
"Down! Down!" you cried.
"Okay, okay," Jay said. "Will, crouch down, and then I'll take her off your shoulders."
Will did so and Jay lifted you off his shoulders and then placed you back on the ground. You clung to Jay's leg.
"What's wrong, munchkin?" Will asked, ignoring how there were probably little particles of germs from your sneeze dancing around in his hair. He was a doctor; snot and boogers were probably the least gross of the bodily fluids that had touched his body.
"I thought- I thought I was gonna fall!" you cried. Jay started to stroke your hair as you continued to cling to his leg. "I went like this--" You leaned your body forward quickly and then went back to your previous position. "--and I got scared!"
"Will would never let you fall, kiddo. That's why he was holding onto your legs," Jay told you.
You looked up at Will. "You promise?"
"I promise," Will said, and held out his pinky, making this his second pinky promise of the day with you. "Do you wanna just stay on the ground for now? We can go find more trees with lower-hanging apples, so they're closer to you and you can reach them."
"Yes, please," you said and moved away from Jay's leg and instead grabbed onto Will's hand.
You sniffled.
"You still feeling okay? We don't have to go home before donuts, do we?" Will asked.
You frantically shook your head. You couldn't miss out on donuts! "Just stuffy."
"Okay, but you have to tell me or Jay if you don't feel good, okay?"
And, off you went to find some more apples that were within your reach. (You and Will made Jay carry the heaviest basket because he always said that he had to be big and strong to be a police officer and always said he was stronger than Will. Will said now it was Jay's time to prove it...whatever that meant.)
You tugged on Jay's sleeve as you rode on the hayride back to the main area to go buy your apples and then go get cider and donuts.
"Mhm?" Jay asked and looked down at you.
"My throat feels funny. And I'm still stuffy," you told him.
Jay knew that either your throat feeling funny meant that your throat hurt or that it was scratchy.
"Okay," Jay said and looked on the other side of you at Will to make sure he was listening. He was. "How about me and you go wait in my truck while Will pays for the apples and then we can bring the donuts and apple cider home with us and eat them at home. How does that sound?"
You nodded. "Can we watch a movie, too?"
"Yes, we can watch a movie, too," Jay confirmed. Then, he turned his attention to Will. "You got enough money with you?"
"I've got my card, I'll be good. But you owe me a round of beers at Molly's," Will said.
"Deal," Jay agreed.
When you got home, you were so excited to eat your donuts. But your throat still really hurt!
After putting the apples on the counter, Jay grabbed plates from the cupboard and Will grabbed the cups while you impatiently sat at the table.
"You want your donut warmed up, kiddo?" Jay asked.
"Yes, please!" you told him.
A few minutes later, the three of you were sitting at the kitchen table, all with a hot pumpkin donut in front of you and a cold glass of apple cider.
You took your first bite of the donut and swallowed. It felt like someone was pushing on the inside of your throat and tears came to your eyes. It hurt to swallow, but you wanted the donut so bad!
Will noticed something was wrong before Jay did because he was busy practically inhaling his donut.
"What's wrong, munchkin?" Will asked. "Does your donut taste funny?"
You shook your head. "But- But it hurts when I eat it! Fix it Will, please!" you cried and jumped off your chair and ran up next to him.
"What hurts? Can you point to it for me?" Will asked.
You pointed to your throat and Will got off his chair and crouched down in front of you while Jay looked on with a worried expression plastered on his face.
"Jay, can you get me a flashlight please?" Will asked. "One that's not your phone because I need better light than that."
"Copy that," Jay said and walked to his room to get his work flashlight because he knew that one was probably the brightest one in the house.
"Can you tell me what it feels like?" Will asked and then, since he knew you wouldn't know the difference between a scratchy throat and a sore throat, he grabbed your hand. "Does it feel more like this?" He gently scratched the back of your hand like he was scratching an itch for you. "Or does it feel more like this?" He gently pushed down on your hand.
"It feels like the first one a lot, but when I eat, it feels like the second one," you answered.
Will furrowed his eyebrows, mentally going through things it could be. "I see."
"Got the flashlight," Jay said and handed it to Will. Then, he crouched down next to Will, too. "Anything else I can do?"
"Back up and stay out of my light," Will answered.
Jay put his hands up in a sign of surrender and stood up. "Alright, then." Then, he moved about five feet back from Will so that he could see better.
Will turned on the flashlight and deemed it had a good enough brightness for his liking. "Okay, Y/N, I need you to open your mouth really wide and stick out your tongue."
"Like at my checkups?" you asked.
"Just like at your checkups, yup," Will agreed.
You did so and said ahhh while Will looked in your mouth.
After about twenty seconds, Will turned off the flashlight and then asked you to tilt your chin up to the ceiling. You did and then he felt around your neck. You had no idea what he was doing, but you knew Will always made people feel better at the hospital, so you knew he could make you feel better, too. Then, he told you to put your head back down like normal and he looked into your eyes to see that they were slightly teary.
He stood back up and put the flashlight on the table.
"So, what's the verdict?" Jay asked. "Please tell me it's not strep."
"It's not strep," Will reassured Jay. "She's got some redness in her throat and there's phlegm on her uvula--"
"Her uv-a-what?" Jay asked.
"Uvula," Will repeated. "Dangly thing in the back of the throat. Anyway, she's got redness in her throat and there's phlegm on her uvula, so I thought it was a cold, but then I looked at her eyes and they're slightly teary, so I think they're just seasonal allergies."
"So, dayquil, nyquil, soup, and water?" Jay asked.
"Yeah. Those and maybe some tea if she wants it. Anything that is soothing on her throat. And, probably more nasal spray."
You looked between both your brothers. You didn't really know what they were talking about except for soup and water. And you had three very pressing questions.
"Can I still have my apple cider?" you asked. "And my donut later? Do I gotta go to the hospital?"
"Yes, you can still have your donut," Will told you. "Let's just hold off on it for now because we don't want your throat hurting."
"Jay Jay's gotta promise he won't eat it," you said sternly and turned to Jay.
Jay held back a laugh. "I promise I won't eat your donut." You stuck out your pinky and he locked his pinky with yours, making his promise to not eat your donut legally binding in your eyes.
"And, you don't have to go to the hospital," Will said.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "So how do I get better?"
"Well, we'll give you some medicine and that'll help you feel better," Will said. "You might feel a bit crumby for a few days, but you'll feel better soon. And, we have to eat warm, soft foods, like soup. Those help a lot. And watching movies on the couch."
"Can I have the soup with the little noodles in it?" you asked Jay. "And can we watch Pocahontas?"
Jay had a stash of soup that he kept in the house for easy dinners when he was working late and one of your favorites was minestrone. You couldn't say the word right, so you just called it the one with little noodles.
"Yes, you can have minestrone," Jay said.
"And Pocahontas?"
"And we can watch Pocahontas."
Within ten minutes, the three of you were sitting on the couch--with the coffee table pulled up in front of you so you wouldn't spill--and you were eating soup and drinking your apple cider and watching Pocahontas.
Jay gave you a dayquil once you were done eating and then you finished the movie.
The three of you ended up watching Pocahontas, Tangled, and got halfway through Cinderella before you fell asleep on the couch underneath your softest blanket...which worked out perfectly for your brothers because it was just in time for the Blackhawks game to start.
A day and a half later, middle of the night, Monday
Jay was awoken by a little hand shaking his shoulder.
"Jay Jay! Jay Jay," you whisper yelled frantically.
He opened his eyes and quickly flipped on his bedside lamp and the first thing he noticed was the tears in your eyes.
"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, fully prepared to lose his good night's rest so that you could cuddle up with him in bed. He could fight sleep just fine, but he didn't need you having to do that at such a young age.
"I throwed up," you told him.
Jay placed the back of his hand on your forehead. "You don't feel hot."
"But I feel better now," you told him. "I just need new blankies."
"Okay, how about we get you in the bath and get you all cleaned up, and then I'll put new, clean blankies on your bed for you. How does that sound?"
You yawned and nodded your head.
You made your way to the bathroom while Jay went into your room to get you a clean pair of pajamas and survey the damage.
On your sheets was a huge puddle of yellow goo and god, did it smell bad. Jay knew you only had soup after coming home so, as gross as it was, he scanned the puddle for flecks of veggies, noodles, or kidney beans.
It all just looked like really yellow bile to him.
He returned to the task at hand, which was grabbing you new pajamas. He grabbed the first ones he saw, which happened to be a pair of footie pajamas with little pumpkins on them.
Jay walked into the bathroom to see you scrubbing at your pajama top with a wet washcloth.
"Y/N, c'mere. Let me help you," he told you.
You walked over to him, still holding the wet washcloth. "I'm tryin' to help you," you said.
"I can see that." He took the washcloth out of your hand and hung it up on the rack beside him. "And thank you, but it's my job to help you."
"I'm tryin' to make it clean."
"I know, but that's what the washer's for. I'll put your pjs in when I put your blankies in, okay?" You nodded. "Now, I don't want you getting puke everywhere, so I'm gonna help you with your clothes. Arms up."
After getting you undressed and into the bath, Jay promised he'd be back in five minutes and then put your dirty pajamas in the washer and left it open so he could throw in your sheets. Then, he went in his room and grabbed his phone.
While he was stripping your bed, he had his phone pressed up against his ear, calling Will.
It went to voicemail so the minute his hands were free once he threw the sheets in the washer, he called again.
He pressed the phone between his shoulder and ear while he added detergent and started the washer on the antibacterial cycle.
Still no answer.
Jay tried calling one more time.
"Two missed calls means I'm trying to sleep, Jay...and that I'm ignoring you," Will said when he finally answered.
"Listen, Y/N threw up, and it looks like bile, but it's really yellow. She says she feels better now, but do I need to bring her in?"
At this, Will immediately sat up in bed. "Does it look like it's just mucous or snot?"
If this wasn't such a serious situation, Jay probably would've laughed, but it was, so he didn't. "Yeah," he answered.
"Okay. And you said she's feeling better now? No temp?
"No temp and she did tell me she's feeling better," Jay confirmed.
"Okay. I think she just needed to get all of the mucous out of her system and that's why she threw up because there was probably a buildup of it. Leave a bowl in her room in case she pukes again and keep her home from school just as a precaution and to get some more sleep since her allergies are clearly killing her little body. And, if she suddenly gets a fever, call me. If it spikes to 103, bring her straight to the hospital."
"Okay, got it. Thanks, man."
"No problem. Keep me updated."
Then, he hung up and went to the bathroom to check on you.
You looked utterly exhausted.
"I'll be back in here right after I put new blankies on your bed, okay?" Jay said and you nodded.
"Did I get puke on Teddy?" you asked worriedly.
"I didn't see any on him when I went and took off your blankies. But I can check again. Do you want me to?"
"Yes, please."
Then, Jay exited the bathroom and grabbed a spare set of sheets and two blankets from the hall closet.
Teddy came out of the whole ordeal unscathed and Jay quickly changed your sheets. Then, he made his way back into the bathroom and helped you dry off and get dressed.
Jay got you in bed and came back a minute later with a bowl.
"If you're gonna puke again, puke in this, okay?" Jay said.
You nodded. "Do I gotta go to school tomorrow?"
Jay shook his head. "You are gonna stay home with me so that I can make sure you're all better." You rubbed your eyes. "Go to sleep, kiddo. I'll leave my door open if you need me."
Then, he tucked you in and made sure Teddy was secure in your arms, made sure your night light was on and left the room so that you could get some sleep.
That was your first bout with allergies, and there would be many more to come.
Years later, high school
Everyone loved Thanksgiving break, but everyone in high school absolutely hated the teachers for the week before break. They all decided to cram in all their tests, papers, and projects before the break so that you wouldn't forget everything and then have to test after the break.
And you thought that you were dying. You didn't know whether your headaches were from seasonal allergies as they had been every fall since you were a kid, or from stress, which they had been every exam season since high school started.
"Y/N, dinner!" Jay yelled.
You huffed and stood up from your desk and then made your way out to the kitchen. You were having chicken and rice stir fry with lots of veggies, which was a staple in your house on nights when Jay didn't want to cook a lot but didn't want you guys living off of takeout either. Hailey was over, as she was a lot of the time now since she and your brother were dating.
"How's the studying going?" Hailey asked.
"Good, but I still feel like I'll fail."
"You'll do fine," she reassured you.
You took the bowl of food from Jay and started to make your way back to your room.
"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked loudly.
"Back to my room to study. And could you lower your voice? My head hurts like a-- my head hurts," you said, quickly catching yourself before you swore in front of your brother.
"All the more reason to stay out here and eat with us. You can take a break and eat with us, Y/N."
"Have you ever taken APUSH?" you asked, and answered the question for him. "No. So until you need to know tons of dates and facts and shit, you don't get a say in how much I'm out here not studying."
Then, you turned on your heel and started marching to your room, not caring if you'd get in trouble for swearing. You faintly heard Hailey talking Jay down. Then, you made it to your room and closed the door to continue going over your flashcards until you could get them all correct in one go, even if it took you all night to do so.
"Jay, just let her study," Hailey said to him as the two of them were drinking beers on the couch and trying to find a good movie to watch two hours later. "There's worse things she could be out there doing."
"Believe me, I know," Jay agreed. "I'm just gonna make her some tea and bring her an allergy pill. She said her head was hurting."
Hailey nodded. "Tell her to put her hair in a loose bun if she wants it up. Having your hair up all tight doesn't help with headaches. Believe me, I know."
"Copy that."
Then, Jay made his way to the kitchen to make you some of the blueberry herbal tea that you liked and grabbed an allergy pill while the tea was steeping.
A few minutes later, Jay grabbed the mug full of tea and the allergy pill and made his way to your room. He knocked on your bedroom door a few times, but there was no answer.
"Y/N, I'm coming in. I hope you're decent," he said and then opened the door.
What he saw made him shake his head. He knew you were overworking yourself.
You were currently slumped over in your desk chair with your head resting on top of your hands, which were smashing down all the keys on the keyboard of your laptop.
Jay set the tea and the allergy pill on your bedside table and then crouched down in front of you.
He gently shook your shoulder. "Y/N, Y/N wake up." You groaned, so Jay tried again. "C'mon, Y/N, just take a few steps and get in bed. We don't want your neck being all sore from sleeping at your desk all night."
Your head shot up as it all came rushing back to you. You had been getting some flashcards wrong, so you just thought you'd lay your head down and rest your eyes for five minutes...but it must've been longer than that.
"What time is it? I have to study!" you protested.
"It's 9:00," Jay told you. "And no, you don't. Y/N, if you're this tired, it's not gonna be a productive study session and you know that. Just go to sleep and study after school tomorrow."
"Fine," you caved.
"I brought you tea and an allergy pill. They're on your bedside table. You need anything else?"
You shook your head.
"Okay, good. Get some sleep, kid."
Then, he left your room and you got up and took the allergy pill and took a few sips of tea before changing into your pajamas and quickly getting into bed and falling into a deep sleep.
You had gotten through the first half of the school day with only a slight headache, which was good because you had taken a math test before lunch. But now your head was pounding and you felt the snot dripping into your throat from your nasal drip. And you still had to get through lunch, study hall, and your online class before you could go home. And if you felt this shitty at school, you wouldn't be able to study during study hall, and then you wouldn't be able to get anything done during your online class and you'd have to take a nap when you got home, which would inevitably cut into your study time.
You pulled out your phone and then pulled up your previous messages with Will.
You: Can you pick me up? My head is pounding and I feel like crap and I just have lunch, study hall, and my online class left and I'm way ahead in online.
You saw the three little bubbles pop up which indicated that Will was typing.
Will: Did you take allergy pills today?
You huffed. This wasn't going the way it was supposed to.
You: Yes. I took one at home before school and I took another one two hours ago.
Then, you sent another text right after that.
You: Please, Will. I feel like someone is taking a jackhammer to my temples right now.
Will: You have one get-out-of-school free card from me per semester. Are you sure you want to use it now?
You: This one shouldn't even count because I feel like crap.
Will: If you're as sick as you say you are, then it won't. But, I'll be the judge of that bc I'm a doctor.
You: So, you'll pick me up?
Will: I guess. Be there in 20.
When you got to Will's apartment, he offered up his bed to you since he didn't have to work until tomorrow and he was working day shift, so he didn't need to sleep during the day. You accepted another allergy pill from him and he coaxed you into eating a bowl of oatmeal with fruit on top and then you made your way to his room and stole a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt of his to nap in. Then, you turned on his fan and got in bed, and went to sleep.
A while later, Jay received a text from Will containing a picture of you snoozing away in Will's bed when you should've been at school. Then, Will received an angry call from Jay about him letting you just skip school, but when Will explained the situation, Jay was a bit more understanding.
Still, you just wished your seasonal allergies would go away because they seemed to always get in the way of everything.
Five years later, college/adulthood
You didn't understand why Will hated night shift so much. Granted, his night shift took place in a hospital while yours took place in a residential facility and most of the clients were sleeping during the time you were there.
But, currently, you felt like Will had felt during nights: miserable.
You had finished all your homework and studying for the week since you had a lot of downtime during this particular shift and were going to watch a movie or read a book, but you didn't think you'd even be able to hold your focus for that long.
You were stuffy and felt like you couldn't breathe and your head was hurting. And, of course, when you looked in your backpack for the ibuprofen you normally had, you realized you had finished off the bottle. So you were left with nothing.
Great, just great.
So, you scrolled through tik tok and then got on twitter. You decided to tweet about your frustrations as anyone in this day and age would do.
Allergies are acting up and I'm miserable at work. Someone bring me soup and allergy pills, lol.
Hailey and Jay were getting ready to leave their stake-out location where they had been sitting on a house for the past eight hours.
"Babe, get off your phone," Jay said to Hailey.
"If they haven't come in or out in the past seven hours and fifty minutes, I doubt they'll come out in the next ten, Jay," Hailey shot back.
"You never know." Jay shrugged.
Hailey scrolled through twitter and came across your tweet.
"How tired are you?" she asked Jay.
"Don't tell me Adam just texted and asked if we could stay longer," Jay groaned.
Hailey laughed. "No. It's your sister. She posted on twitter that her allergies are acting up and for someone to bring her soup and allergy pills."
"And you're suggesting we do that?"
"I mean, it would be nice, wouldn't it?"
"Gah, fine. You're just trying to become my sister's favorite sibling."
"Wow, you finally figured it out." She laughed and jokingly whacked Jay on the arm. "I'm gonna look up places near here that have some soup available this late."
You were doodling in your journal when your phone buzzed, making you wonder who was contacting you right now and who in their right mind would be awake right now.
It was Jay.
Your mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario: Hailey was hurt.
"I need to take this," you said to your coworker and answered the phone as you began walking to another room. "Is everything okay?" you asked when you answered the phone.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," Jay reassured you. "Me and Hailey are outside with some stuff for you. Can you come and get it now or do you need us to wait a bit?"
"What? Some stuff for me?" You walked out of the room and went to where the main windows were. Sure enough, there was Jay's truck, parallel parked up against the sidewalk.
"Hailey saw your tweet, so we come bearing gifts," Jay answered.
"Really? Okay, yeah. I'll be right out."
You told your coworker that your brother came and brought you allergy pills and then made your way outside.
Jay and Hailey both got out of the truck andJay handed you the allergy pills.
"Thank you guys so much! I didn't think anyone would actually do this!"
"It was Hailey's idea," Jay answered.
She handed you a bag and you gave her a puzzled look. "What's this?"
"You said you wanted soup, but the only place that was open by us was a ramen place. But, it's got broth in it so, close enough."
You immediately pulled Hailey into a hug. "I love you so much!" You took the food from her and then gave Jay a hug. "Love you, too."
"Love you, kiddo. Now, go back to work before you get fired," he told you.
You rolled your eyes. "Don't think I'll get fired, but okay. Thanks again."
And even though your allergies kicked your ass year after year, you knew that your brothers and Hailey would always look out for you, no matter what season of your life you happened to be in.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Please remember to reblog and comment! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
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eadanga · 9 months
The Blizzard
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Kendra stood in the mirror admiring her red dress This looks amazing for the Christmas party She turns around when she hears Gabe’s voice
He walks into the room strengthening his tie “Babe are you ready for” He looks at her and his jaw drops
Kendra giggles “You were saying?”
“Holy shit” Gabe walks up to her and takes her hand “Turn around for me” Kendra turns around and Gabe whistles “You look absolutely gorgeous”
“I knew you’ll like it”
“I fucking love it” He wraps his arms around her waist whispering in her ear “Now I don’t even want to go the party why don’t we have our own party right here”
Kendra sighs with pleasure as he kisses her neck “Gabe we’re gonna be late”
“That’s fine” His hands grabs her breasts “And it’ll be your fault”
“You shouldn’t be wearing something this sexy if you don’t want me to ravish you”
Kendra laughs “Ok can we compromise? How about we go then afterward we can have fun”
“I see your point counsellor and I accept these terms” He kisses her cheek before pulling away “Now let’s get our coats”
They walk into the living room and Kendra walks over to the window “Gabe?”
“Should we even be going?”
Gabe returns from the closet with their coats “What do you mean?”
“Just look at this weather it look pretty bad out there"
Gabe looks out the window and sees the snow falling down heavily “Well I checked the weather they only said a couple of inches and it should stop by this evening” He hands her a coat “Now we should”
Suddenly the lights go out and everything goes black
“Gabe what happened to the power?”
“I don’t know hold on” He pulls out his phone and turns on his phone flashlight “Come on sit down” He guides her to the couch
“Thanks but your phone won’t last long”
“I know but I can still use it to check the weather report” He scrolls through his phone and frowns “Damn”
“What does it say?”
“There’s a huge blizzard that’s bringing 3 ft of snow and heavy winds everyone is advised to stay indoors till tomorrow”
“Well we can’t go to the party now” Kendra sighs “But what are we going to do without power and heat”
“I have some candles and blankets let me go find them”
“I’m coming with you”
“No Kendra it’s best that you stay here I don’t want you to fall or anything”
“But it’s creepy without the lights on haven’t you seen horror movies?”
Gabe chuckles “Kendra those are movies no one is gonna pop out and grab you”
Kendra stands “The fact that you just said that makes me not want to stay here”
Gabe laughs “Ok hold on to me and watch your step” Kendra squeezes his arm as she slowly follows him to the bedroom she sits on the bed as Gabe looks through the closet he grins “Fnd the box with the candles and blankets now we can” He trails off as he sees her taking off her dress he smirks “Kendra this is not a time for you to be teasing me”
“Have some control you horny mess!” She tosses a pillow at him which Gabe dodges as he laughs “I’m changing my clothes I’m not going to be sitting all night in this dress” She grabs her pjs of the bed
 “That’s a great idea baby” Gabe quickly takes off his clothes and puts on his pjs
They head back to the living room and Gabe lights a few candles “There to give us some light want some hot chocolate baby?”
“That sounds awesome” Gabe makes two cups of hot chocolate and hands one to her Kendra takes a sip and smiles “This is good Gabe”
“Thank you my mom taught me how to make it” He moves closer to her wrapping arm around her waist “I love this very romantic” He kisses her cheek “Hope the storm doesn’t end”
Kendra smiles “I love this too and you know this is a good time to give you your Christmas present”
“Yes I’ve got something for you too” Gabe heads to the tree and gets the two gifts underneath it “For you beautiful”
Kendra smiles as she takes the gift and Gabe sits down “So who’s gonna open first”
Gabe smiles “Ladies first”
Kendra quickly unwraps her gift and opens the small box and sees the silver bracelet “Gabe…”
“Like it?”
“I love it this is beautiful”
“Look at what’s engraved”
Kendra turns the bracelet around and reads the inscription
Merry Christmas Kendra I love you so much
Kendra feels tears welling in her eyes “I love you too Gabe thank you” She kisses him softly “Now open your gift”
Gabe smiles as he opens his gift and sees a brand new laptop “Is this mine?”
Kendra giggles “Who else would it be for Gabe?” She touches his hand “You always said your computer runs out of storage this is a 1TB laptop”
“1TB? That’s a lot of storage I didn’t have time to go get another one but you went and got it” He grins as he pulls her in for a kiss “Thank you baby this is amazing”
“So are you”
“I got to say this blizzard isn’t so bad I’ve got a beautiful sexy girl here with me”
Kendra smiles “Merry Christmas Gabe I love you”
“I love you too Merry Christmas”
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite @choicesgodfanatic
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dragonmuse · 2 years
@believesinponds wanted to see Izzy calling Lucius 'angel' in 'wake myself in the shadows'.
“It’s about buried desire and how that can manifest in other places in someone’s life,” Charlie arched his hand through the air, miming a crash landing. “When you repress one part of yourself and it appears as the things that most frighten you.” 
“Is it?”  Lucius asked skeptically. They were sitting on the couch in the living room, the last of the sunset spreading over them. He’d only gotten in a few hours ago, but he’d already come twice, gotten mildly stoned, and was now being interrogated about the movies Charlie had asked him to watch.  “Cause I was stuck on the creepy fucking clown.” 
“He is freaky as fuck,” Charlie agreed with a laugh. “But c’mon, you know what I’m saying.” 
“Oh yeah, it’s pretty intensely about pretending you’re not gay, I got it. I just wish it hadn't been via ruining balloons and Paul Bunyan for me forever.” 
There was the quiet clink of keys and then the front door swung open. Izzy walked in, discarding some kind of mail into the bin by the door and then bending down to take off his shoes. Charlie was watching him intently even as he kept on talking. 
“The thing is, I bet King had no idea what he was really putting in the book. I could write another dissertation on how ostensibly straight authors-” 
“Always write the gayest possible books,” Izzy completed for him, striding over. “Are you lecturing again?” 
“We were having a very nice conversation,” Charlie said tartly, eyes bright. When Izzy leaned down to kiss him, Charlie slid hands around his waist. 
Lucius reached for his water glass. This was probably going to take a few minutes and he was going to watch the show well-hydrated. Sure enough, Izzy practically climbed into Charlie’s lap and the kiss went filthy. Izzy’s shirt was shoved upward, Charlie’s busy hands sliding upwards until Izzy made a deep grunt and pulled very slowly away. 
“Demon,” Izzy said, then dusted a kiss over Charlie’s cheek and another on the tip of his nose. 
Then he turned to take in Lucius. Lucius gave him a little finger-wave with a shit-eating grin because being obnoxious wasn’t a hobby, but a way of life. Izzy lifted his eyebrows and then he was on Lucius, kissing him with the same intensity. It was a bit of a shock, usually Charlie and Izzy needed a few minutes to bring each other to a boil before they turned that heat on Lucius. Like they were tempering chocolate or something. 
“Hi,” Lucius said a little breathless as Izzy pulled back. Izzy’s dark eyes bore into him, and Lucius held eye contact as long as he wanted it. It did something fuzzy to his brain. 
“Angel,” Izzy said softly, then pushed up and off the couch. Lucius’ heart stuttered treacherously in his chest. 
“I suppose everything’s relative,” he managed to volley back. “I can only be angelic in comparison to a real hellion.” 
“Fuck off,” Charlie laughed. Izzy didn’t so much as crack a smile. He just kissed Lucius again, then reached back to rub over Charlie’s head affectionately before disappearing into the bathroom. 
“Shit,” Lucius sank back against the couch, almost spilling his water all over himself. 
“I know, right?”
Generally, Lucius retreated to the guest room when the festivities were over. This was for both practical (the bed wasn’t really big enough for three) and mental health (time to rebuild boundaries, remember what was what, and text Pete a little) reasons. It was also not something Charlie or Izzy ever tried to re-negotiate. They tended to circle the wagons a bit afterward, collapsing back into their bubble of two. 
Tonight, Lucius definitely had to shower before bed. He was slightly tacky to the touch which was gross and thrilling. He sluiced himself off thoroughly, using Charlie’s ludicrously expensive soap that came in a glass bottle and smelled like a rich hot guy. It probably had a real scent profile, but that’s all it made Lucius think of. Sometimes when he got home, Pete would rub himself over Lucius like a cat and Lucius didn't fucking blame him, he smelled amazing.
Izzy used cheap shit, apparently undeterred by Charlie’s better taste. 
When Lucius got out of the shower, Izzy was brushing his teeth, still stripped down and his hair a wreck. One of them had left deep scratches on his back, a few dots of dried blood scattered in them.
“You should put some neosporin on those,” Lucius grabbed a towel. 
“Mm,” Izzy went on brushing, opened a drawer, found the tube and tossed it at Lucius, who miraculously caught it. 
“Demanding,” Lucius snorted, but he threw the towel over his shoulder and started dabbing at the rawer spots. 
Spitting into the basin, Izzy caught his gaze in the mirror. Lucius gave him a wink and a turned the last dab into a slight caress before taking a step back. Izzy turned to face him, leaning against the sink. 
Naked and unabashed, Izzy didn’t look any younger. There was gray in his pubic hair and his body had clearly weathered more storms. But his strength was more obvious too, the places where he wouldn’t bend or break if you pushed at him. It was all very attractive, even when not counterbalanced by Charlie’s ridiculous swimmer’s build and glowing vitality. 
“I made you uncomfortable. Earlier.” 
“When?” Lucius yanked his gaze back to Izzy’s face. 
“When I called you angel.” 
"Uncomfortable?” Lucius considered. “It surprised me. But it’s good. I liked it.” 
“Good,” Izzy pushed off the counter, got into Lucius' space, but didn’t press any closer. “You are. Angel of our better natures.” 
Izzy pulled him down, kissed him thoroughly then turned on his heel and left. 
Damn the man. 
The name, obviously, stuck after that. Izzy called him ‘angel’ more often than his name. So it was probably inevitable that one day Charlie would be on the phone with him, 
“What about the 12th?” he asked. 
“Mmm, maybe, but the 18th would be better, “ Lucius had his calendar open. “I would have the whole day free.”  
“The 18th....yeah, we can do that. Should I bring the whole costume, you think?” 
“Why not? It’ll take up, what? A square inch of your bag?” Lucius grinned. 
“Hey, there’s a hat,” Charlie mock pouted at him. 
“How could I forget? It really makes the non-existent piece.” 
“I- ah crap.  I have to run. Talk to you before then?” 
“Probably,” Lucius switched tabs, pulling back up the spreadsheet he’d been working on before the call. “Text at least.” 
“Okay, angel,” Charlie said lightly. “Talk then.” 
And the call ended. Lucius stared blankly at numbers for a solid minute. 
Lucius: You really are a demon. 
Charlie: Israel never lies. The devil never has to.
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Aro Hunter and Aro Willow...QPR...LISJEIOWJOIJ-
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movedbl0g · 3 years
Skz reacting to you being sick
A/N: I’m actually kinda sick right now (it’s just a cold so I’m still good) and this idea popped up in my head ~ i hope you guys like it!!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: sickness, slight swearing(only once)
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————gifs belong to their original owners————
We all know that he takes care of other ppl VERY well
I feel like he would check up on you frequently and bringing you the stuff you need
Would not leave your side, would try to comfort you in every way possible
“Y/n??”, Chan called through the apartment after he opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off. He walked further into the apartment looking around , but there was no sign of you.
When he finally opened your bedroom door he saw you laying in your bed, covered in blankets with a pile of tissues besides you. As you noticed his presence,you gave him a weak smile that was probably not even visible due to the dim lights.
“Are you okay??”, Chan asked, sitting down on your bed and giving you a little kiss on the forehead. You just shook your head no while you clinged on Chan, in which he responded with a tight hug, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his lap.
He just held you for a while,his hands sliding through your hair and light kisses in your forehead from time to time.
“Do you need me to get you anything??Should i get some meds??”, he asked after a while but you just held him closer.
“No,don’t worry,cuddles are enough for now”
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Lee Know:
He would try to cheer you up and distract you from your suffering fhchrhdh
He would cook some comforting food like soup for you
We would insist on doing everything thing for you so you can take proper rest
You just texted him that you couldn’t make it to your date today because you weren’t feeling that well and now, ten minutes later he already stood at your door step, a bag of groceries in his left hand and a bag with different medications in the other.
“What are you doing here lino and what’s all that stuff for??” You asked as soon as you opened the door and got a sight of him being packed with stuff.
“I didn’t know what you needed so i brought all different kinds of medications and since i already was about to come over i also thought that i can cook something for you so you can take proper rest”, he started talking with a pout on his lips.
As he started cooking you tried to help him but he immediately scolded you, saying that you shouldn’t spread all of your germs around and should rest on the couch instead while he will cook for you.
(Small time skip)
“This soup was amazing lino!! i already feel way better now and i can help you clean the kitchen-“
“No you’re not doing anything but rest, you’re sick baby!!”
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I feel like he would give you A LOT of cuddles to make you feel better
Would try to make you laugh and lift your mood
But would also give you the rest you need
you couldn’t really sleep last night due to your horrible headache, that wouldn’t get better even tho you took several painkillers and tried to avoid anything that’s bright,it just wouldn’t get better.
When Changbin visited you after he was done with practicing for the day and turned on the lights, you immediately responded with a groan, causing him to immediately turn off the lights again while giving you a worried look.
„What’s wrong honey??“, he asked while walking up to,laying himself on the bed right next to you, immediately wrapping his arms around and holding you against his chest.
“I’m not feeling that well and i think I’m really hot...i should probably check my temperature...” you said while nuzzling your head into Changbins chest. “But honey”, he chuckled, “you’re always hot”
You playfully slapped him as response, making him ruffle through your hair so it looks all messy and it eventually turned until a play fight, until you held your head,mimicking that it hurts a lot.
Changbin immediately stopped and laid you down in the bed again, tucking you under the blanket,giving you one small kiss on the forehead, saying that you should rest now before he left the room.
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So we all know how dramatic he is
So i can definitely imagine him running around and screaming after telling him you’re sick
He would keep his distance so he doesn’t get sick too but would still take care of you really well
Would order your favorite food and watch a movie with you (plus he probably would give in to cuddles after a while too)
“WHAT”, he yelled out dramatically, eyes and mouth wide opened. “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE A COLD WHAT IF I GET SICK AND-“
“Hyunjin, calm down it’s just a light cold and it’s almost gone again-“ you tried to calm him down, reaching out for his hand. “Ahhh don’t touch me- all of your germs are on my hand now-“ he dramatically said while walking away from you, shaking his hands as if it would shake of any germs.
You rolled your eyes,seeing Hyunjin running out if the room completely panicked and at this point you couldn’t even tell if he was teasing you or if he was serious.
He didn’t return for a quite long time, you got a little bit suspicious, but after a few more minutes,he returned with a grin on his face.
“I thought you died because you drank hand sanitizer or something to get rid of the germs-“ you teased him, cocking up your eyebrows while looking at him.
“Not that buuuutttt”, he then replied, a smirk appearing on his face,” i ordered your favorite take out food and I’m willing to watch a movie to you, but only with a safe distance,okay”
“Thank you babe”, you smiled at him and blew him a kiss afterwards “but are you sure that you don’t wanna cuddle??”
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I feel like he’d be really panicked at first
“are you sure that you’re okay??do you need any meds??maybe you should go to the doctor i can-“
After making sure that you’re not dying, he’d make sure to give you a lot of cuddles and kisses (but only on the cheek/jawline/forehead kisses)
Jisung was completely freaked out when he say you sitting in the couch, wrapped up in thousands of blankets, tons of used tissues laying around you and your face red from the fever you were having.
He immediately dropped all of his bags, running up to you grabbing your hands full in panic, looking you in the eyes like your about to die.
“Are you okay??”, he asked with big eyes squeezing your hands.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little cold”, you said in a raspy voice, forcing yourself to give him a little smile.
“Are you sure your not dying??” he continued asking, his face expressions more serious that ever “or do you need any meds?? I can get some for you if you want...and you really don’t wanna go to the doctor...i mean you can go just to be sure....wait I’ll make you some tea, i’ll be right back”
You tried to calm him down a bit,but he already disappeared in the kitchen,coming back minutes later with a huge can of tea.
“And just to make sure that you’re not dying,i guess i have to pepper you with kisses babe”
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would not let you out of his embrace
would probably bake some brownies for you because he knows you live them while you sleep
he would just be so sweet and caring in general my heart is melting if i just think abt it ahhhh
You were waking up in Felix’s arms,your head pressed against his chest and his lips resting next to your forehead. As you slowly woke up, you felt a horrible pain in your throat and you noticed that you could barely breathe through your nose.
“Baby?”, you whispered to him,getting a hum as reaponse. “I don’t feel that well, i think I’m going to get sick” you said, feeling him shuffle away a little bit to take a look at your face.
“You really look a little bit sick” he said, his eyes carefully scanning your face. “Do you need any meds or should we go to the doctors?”, he carefully asked while his eyes came back ti yours, making eye contact.
“No i think it’s not that bad,but i like that you’re really warm”, you told him while coming closer to his chest again, the warmth of his embrace sending shivers down your spine. He immediately held you closer, his long arms wrapping around you and carefully drawing circles on your beg,until you drifted of to sleep.
When you woke up it was way brighter,so you probably slept for a few hours. When you noticed that Felix was gone, you let out a small cry, but you immediately got distracted by the smell of fresh brownies.
Just now the door opened,Felix walking in with a cup of hit chocolate in his one hand and a plate with a brownie in the other.
“Here, to make you feel a little bit better” he said while handing you the plate and a fork, giving you a huge smile.
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I feel like he would be similar to Changbin
We would look super concerned at you with his puppy dog eyes
Would try to make you laugh with corny jokes
You told Seungmin that you were sick before he came over,warning him from yourself, but when he came over and actually saw how sick you looked with glassy eyes, a red,runny nose and burning hot cheeks.
He looked at you scanning you from head to toe, his puppy eyes furrowed concerned, slowly walking up to you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were THAT sick??”, he asked worryingly while pulling you into a hug, the tone of his voice almost making your heart break.
“It’s really not as bad as it looks”,you reassured him,your hand gently rubbing over his back. “But did you bring the thermometer, i think i really should take my temperature”
“Of course”, he said with a smile, breaking the hug to reach into his bag,grabbing the theometre and holding it against your forehead
“And??what does it say??”,you asked curiously.
Seungmin just let out a little chuckle before saying “well,you know..... i always told you that you were hot as fuck....”
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I think we wouldn’t quite know what to do bc the others always took care of him
But he‘d definitely make you some warm tea to make you feel better
Would probably end up calling chan for advice lol
This poor baby got so concerned when you started sneezing nonstop and would rest, but now that you were in your bed, basically knocked out from your fever.
“Uhmmm...is there anything i can...like give you??” He asked,his voice filled with uncertainty. “
“Yes please”, you groaned,”i really think that i need some meds”
“Uhmm sure, I’m gonna look at what i have here, but i already made you some tea, so drink that while i be looking for...uh whatever medication that will make you feel better...just uhmm...wait here...”, he said while placing a cup of tea on your nightstand.
As soon ad he disappeared to look for the right meds, he called chan.
“Channie, i really really need your help....you know y/n is sick and i don’t know how the right medications look like....yeah i need something against fever....the one with the red or blue label?? And do we have to go to the doctor or-“
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Soft moments with Peter Parker Headcannon
Peter Parker x reader
- We all know that Peter would be a huge softie
- Like always hanging on you and wanting to be near you
- It’s so freaking cute and y’all, I’m soft just thinking about it
- So anywho, imma get straight to the point lol
- Imagine on cold days where it’s too cold to go outside and do anything
- Peter suggests cuddling and watching movies
- And yes. Just yes
- So you agreed and he let you put on your favorite movie
- You would cuddle into his side and he’d wrapped an arm around you
- Occasionally kissing your temple and cheeks; whispering sweet nothings to you
- I want this so fucking bad!!!
- Sometimes a cold draft would come in through the window and you’d shiver
- So...
- Peter being the sweetheart that he is
- Gets up and bring you hot chocolate in your favorite mug
- You’d give him a kiss as a thank you and return to your original position
- On school days you and Peter would come back to your apartment and do homework
- And sometimes taking breaks that would lead to other things 😏
- Afterwards you would for real get back to work
- Once dinner time came you would cook together
- And as your mixing your ingredients you would feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a kiss on your neck
- You giggled and went back to work
- Once it was done you’d both sit down to eat and begin to watch tv
- Peter wouldn’t start eating for a minute because he’d be admiring the way you looked
- Laughing at the funny parts of the show and the way your eyes would light up
- This boy had it bad for you
- You noticed him staring and would start to get self conscious
- “What? Do I have something on my face” you’d begin patting your napkin around
- “No, just looking at you.”
- You would blush at his words and smile “Why?”
- “Because you look so beautiful right now”
- “Pete, I’m literally shoving my face full of shrimp. That’s not attractive”
- On days where time seemed to stop when you were together
- You both would just lay around on the couch
- You reading your book with your feet propped up in Peters lap
- Peter would be looking on his phone mindlessly rubbing his hand up and down on your leg
- Occasionally you would look up and smile at him
- Ugggh this is so cute
- Eventually finishing you’re book and crying to Peter over the characters and he would be there comforting you
- Let’s just say that some of the best moments were with Peter and nothing else mattered
If you guys want to be added to my tag list please send an ask or message!!!
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Stormy Nights-Sapnap, Wilbur, and Fundy
An anon requested something romantic for either Sapnap, Wilbur, or Fundy with a s/o that is scared of storms and so I decided to do all three. Not as a poly!relationship but as individual things! Because there are three here, they are a bit shorter than normal but hope you enjoy!
Check out my masterlist here
Sapnap, Wilbur, and Fundy take care of their s/o that is scared of storms.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved my boyfriend’s job. Streaming is how Sapnap and I met. But nights like these? I want nothing more than to curl up with my boyfriend in our bed while he tells me everything is going to be alright. 
I had never been able to handle storms well. Haven’t since I was a little kid. The loud noises followed by a flash of light always seemed to strike fear in me and cause my heart to pound so hard it feels like it might beat out of my chest. 
So it was no surprise that I found myself hiding under many layers of blankets while a storm ranged on outside. My boyfriend sat across the room at his PC set up, laughing with his friends as he streamed, not acknowledging the weather at all. 
A small whimper escaped my throat as another loud crash of thunder struck, seeming to shake the whole house. “What was that?” I heard Karl ask in surprise. “Oh that was just thunder,” Sapnap brushed off. Karl scoffed, “I know that was thunder, I mean the sound that happened afterwards genius,” Karl mocked my boyfriend causing everyone to chuckle. I could tell the question threw my boyfriend off. Sapnap looked over his shoulder and met my terrified eyes that were peaking out of the blanket. His eyes widened in panic and he quickly turned back to his stream. “I’ve got to go guys.” “What? Is everything alright-” “It’s fine. Bye.” Sap cut off the question by ending his stream and disconnecting from Discord. 
Sapnap quickly powered down his PC and rushed over to where I was in the bed. “Oh darling. I’m so sorry.” He muttered, laying down beside me. Sapnap’s arms gently wrapped around me as I buried myself into his chest. I flinched as yet another loud crash of thunder rang out. This time I was comforted by Sapnap’s steady hands brushing up and down my back in comfort. “I’ve got you honey, I’m sorry it took me so long to realize,” He apologized, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head. “Not your fault” I muttered into his chest, trying to pull myself closer to him. Sapnap’s arms tightened even further around me, his chin coming down to rest on the top of my head. 
For the rest of the night, each crash of thunder was followed by sweet words reassurance by my boyfriend. The storm slowly let up, the thunder crashes coming less and less frequently. After a while, my eyes were able to flutter close. I fell asleep feeling safe and secure in my lover’s arms. 
“Whatcha looking at love?” A voice questioned from behind me. I didn’t have to turn away from the window to know that it was my boyfriend, Wilbur. “There’s a storm coming,” I grumbled out in distaste. “Ahhh, I see,” He responded, wrapping his arms around me from behind, pulling me close to his chest. I let out a sigh as my back his chest, leaning my head back and resting it on his shoulder. 
I was glad I didn’t have to explain it. Wilbur knew me better than anyone and he knew I was terrified of storms. Have been for as long as I could remember, loud noises terrify me to no end, especially when they come out of nowhere… which kind of makes me wonder why I’m friends with Tommyinnit. 
“Come on baby. Let’s go make something hot to drink and then build a pillow fort to cuddle in,” Wilbur enticed pulling away from me, dragging his hand down my arm, grabbing my own hand and pulling me away from the window. I followed without complaint. “I’ll go make us some hot chocolate and you go set up the fort.” I gave my boyfriend a dutiful nod and left the kitchen to the bedroom and then to the living room. 
I grabbed a bunch of my favorite pillows and blankets before rushing to the living room and quickly building a cute little structure and settling into the little nest I had created. Wilbur soon came in, balancing two mugs on top of a tray of snacks. I couldn’t help but grin at the sight of my boyfriend’s concentrated face. “Here you go love,” He offered the mug with a smile. “Thanks lover,” I thanked as I reached up and grabbed the tray carefully so he could sit down. 
Wilbur sat next to me, wrapped his arm around me and took his mug from the tray. A soft grumble of thunder sounded as the two of us settled into our places. I couldn’t help but wince further into my boyfriend’s embrace at the noise. Wilbur’s hand began rubbing up and down on me in comfort. “I’ve got you love,” Wilbur murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. I let out a breath and nodded. The rest of the night was spent curled up together in the fort. The storm began to rage harder but I didn’t mind because I was comforted in my baby’s arms. 
Fundy and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when it hit. A loud crash of thunder came from nowhere, a flash of lighting following almost immediately caused us both the jump and a little scream escaped my lips. Fundy was quick to turn to me and assure me that everything was okay as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. 
Little whimpers escaped my lips as more rumbles of thunder sounded. I have always been scared of storms, but this one hit my anxiety even more because of the suddenness of it. “You’re okay. I’ve got you,” Fundy murmured into the side of my head, kissing my temple. I pulled my head out of his chest to look at him and respond. As I opened my mouth, the lights flickered and everything turned off, plunging us into darkness. Another whimper escaped my lips as I dove back into Fundy’s arms, clenching my eyes shut tight. 
We sat there for a while, Fundy’s arm stroking up and down my back, trying to calm me down. “I’m going to go get some candles, do you want to stay here or come with me?” Fundy asked gently. I adjusted myself so that I was straddling him and had my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. “Carry,” I commanded against his shoulder. I felt his body move as he chuckled and shook his head. “Okay baby.”
In one quick motion, Fundy was now standing, his arms wrapped around my back, holding me in place. “I’ve got you baby,” He murmured once more before moving about the house, picking up a few candles and something to light them with. I was pleasantly surprised at his ability to navigate the dark house to find what he was looking for.
Instead of sitting us back in the living room, Fundy made his way to our shared bedroom. He set the candles on the nightstand before laying me down on the bed. I let out a whine as Fundy left me alone on the bed, a pout forming on my lips. “I’ll be right there honey,” He soothed, turning and quickly lighting the candles, giving us some form of light. 
After the last candle was lit, Fundy turned back around and crawled into bed. I immediately clung to him once more, burying myself as close to him as I could. Fundy’s chest rumbled with the sky as he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me once more. “I love you,” He murmured, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead and then lips. I let a dopey smile overtake my lips as I kissed back before settling in his chest once more. “I love you too”
There you go! I hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like!!
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
another fic for day 1??? really?? yeah i wrote 2 for some reason (the gender prompt was making me do it). anyway again, for @demonlandline, happy birthday love <33
prompts: gender, tattoos, transformation
claire novak is a canvas
read below or on ao3 (1k words) / the other day 1 / day 2 / day 3 / day 4
“You’re very angry.” That is one of the first things Alex tells Claire when she arrives at Jody’s.
Claire looks up from her dinner—Jody ordered pizza, but made them put the slices on proper plates. “Fuck you!” She bites out, then she gets up, the chair scraping on the hardboard and toppling over, hitting the floor with a dull thud. On her way out, Claire doesn’t register Jody calling after her. She spends her first night in Sioux Falls finding a tattoo parlour, then buying vodka with her fake id and wandering around, staring at the basil leaves on her wrist, the skin around the thin lines irritated and red.
When she returns to Jody’s at six in the morning, the bottle of vodka long empty, she expects to be thrown out for her earlier behaviour. But Jody only makes her a hot chocolate and tells her to answer her texts the next time. Claire asks her not to order pizza anymore, the memory of standing in her old kitchen with her dad, laying vegetables on pizza dough and sprinkling basil leaves over everything won’t leave her mind.
Jody doesn’t ask why. She just nods.
“Why are we watching this?” Claire asks as she sits down on the couch uninvited.
Alex rolls her eyes. “It was on. And I’ve never seen this one.”
“You’ve never seen Sleeping Beauty?” Claire asks, unbelieving.
Alex rolls her eyes again. “Just shut up, or leave.”
They watch the movie in silence. They haven’t been living together for long, and they know nothing about each other. There’s also an uncomfortable undercurrent of dislike flowing between them, and so watching Sleeping Beauty again does not feel like the first time Claire has seen the movie. Sometime during the film, she realises that she doesn’t really remember when she saw it first, nor when she saw it last. She doesn’t remember actively watching it, she just knows that she’s seen it. She doesn’t know if it was with her mom, her dad, the both of them? With her friends? Friends whose names she can’t remember.
By the end of the movie, Claire is crying. Alex doesn’t comment on it.
The tattoo parlour is right where she remembers it was a few week ago. Sometimes she still thinks it was a dream, getting her first tattoo, but when she lets her fingers travel over the soft lines on the inside of her right wrist, the ink slightly elevated, she knows it was real.
Her second tattoo takes longer, multiple sessions, and without a fail, when she gets to her room afterwards she cries for at least ten minutes.
The harsh lines on her calf forming a rigid castle remind her of a time when all she worried about was if she could be a princess for Halloween.
Castiel keeps sending Claire texts, asking how she’s doing, always accompanied with a bee emoji, and Claire keeps ignoring them. She’s sitting in her room under the blankets, staring at the sword that killed her mother. It’s light in her grip, the metal cold and impersonal. This is her sword now. Her phone lights up, the bee emoji smiling at her. She throws it across the room.
This is the first time Claire looks for a hunt. She has a sword. She should do something with it. Kill some evil, so that the stains of her mother’s blood are washed off it. She doesn’t find anything.
Every night, Claire leaves Jody’s house to find monsters. Every night, all the monsters she finds smile at her through bee emojis. She goes to the forest and screams. She goes to the tattoo parlour and lets the nice artist paint the sword on the back of her left arm. It doesn’t make her feel any better until it does.
Claire stares at the castle on her calf and thinks of times when she wanted to be a princess. Then she stares at the sword on her arm and thinks of how she wants to be a warrior now. Then she keeps thinking.
Her mother called her princess all the time. The memory of her mother’s voice saying that word is dull and dark, something about it making Claire’s insides want to crawl out, making her stomach twist and knot. She is still angry with her mother. Angry at her for dying, angry at her for leaving her child all alone. Amelia Novak was all that Claire had, and she just left.
That’s not the reason why being called princess makes her feel that way, but she refuses to think too much about it.
Claire picks up her phone and texts Castiel back. She gets a tattoo of a crown over the tip of the sword the next day.
“Can you cut my hair?” Claire asks, and Alex looks up from where she’s studying for her finals.
“Does it have to be now?” Alex shakes her folder, making the paper rustle like wings. Claire hates the sound.
“Can you just do it? It won’t take long.” Claire goes to the bathroom without waiting for an answer. Alex follows anyway.
She works quickly and quietly, safe for the occasional “tilt your head” and “is this length okay?”. When she’s done, Claire looks into the mirror, hair now in a mullet, and almost cries.
“You’re good at this.” Claire says, and Alex shrugs. She opens the door to leave, but Claire catches her wrist and stops her. “I don’t think I’m a girl.”
Alex looks at Claire, at the new hair, the way she has tears in her eyes.
“Okay.” She says and hugs Claire. They don’t do that often, so Claire clings and revels in it. A week later, Claire gets a new tattoo. Scissors on the back of their neck.
Claire forgives. On their father's birthday, they look at the basil leaves and they forgive him for saying yes to an angel. On their mother's birthday, they look at the castle and forgive her for leaving them. Those two days are the only ones that there are no new messages and honeybee emojis from Cas. Jody doesn't ask why Claire doesn't talk and makes them hot chocolate. Afterwards, on a random day, Claire gets a tattoo of a house. It's not a specific house, and Claire is unsure if it's supposed to be their old or their new home.
“I’m a canvas.”
“You’re what?”
“A canvas.” Claire hands the joint back to Alex, who takes a deep drag. The two of them are lounging in the hammock in their garden, getting high and watching the stars.
“Hmm.” Alex closes her eyes. “Why are you a canvas?”
Claire thinks for a moment while drawing lines between stars. “See this?” They show Alex their wrist, where the basil leaves are resting within their skin. “A canvas.”
“For tattoos?” Alex ask.
“For everything.” Claire replies. They are a canvas. They can paint on princesses and warriors. They can paint on memories. They can paint on themself if they ever figure out who that is.
“I’m a canvas. I can be whoever I want to be.” Their newest tattoo, a honeybee, rests above their heart.
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@idnobf @classycoffeecat @goiwantamuffin @bookworm-789 @emeraldcas @magickastiel @hellericarus @thefantasyfiend @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie
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clairdelunelove · 4 years
AOT Valentine’s Day Headcanons
eren jaeger x reader, jean kirschstein x reader, armin arlert x reader, levi ackerman x reader, erwin smith x reader, porco galliard x reader, genderneutral!reader
genre: insane amounts of fluff, comfort 
warnings: slight cursing, insane amounts of fluff 
synopsis: small scenarios of what some  aot boys would do for you during valentine’s day. 
a.n: enjoy the lovely day with some of these cuties! remember to take care of yourselves and know you’re all loved <3
eren jaeger
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this man would definitely try to cook a nice dinner for you 
especially if you’re having a hard week 
expect him to be researching the best recipe a couple days beforehand 
“what are you doing, eren?”
he’ll glance up and nonchalantly mutter, “nothing, babe” while scrolling through fancy recipes 
on valentine’s day it’s his time to shine 
waits for you to leave the house and go to work before leaving to pick up the necessary ingredients 
gets in a verbal argument with a store clerk if he doesn’t find the exact name of what he’s searching for 
“are you deaf? I said I needed a bag of shrimp”
“and we have that, sir. you said you needed a bag of prawns right?”
“it’s shrimp! how many goddamn times do I need to repeat myself?”
gets home with bags full of groceries and gets to work 
slowly chops all the vegetables and curses when he nicks his finger with the edge of the knife 
puts too much oil in the frying pan and tosses everything in there 
scrolls through his phone while waiting 
spends fifteen minutes ogling at his screensaver 
of course it’s a pic of you 
ends up burning everything he made
orders takeout, plates it real nice, and attempts to brush off that it was his cooking once you’re home 
“this is so good, babe!” you exclaim while lifting the fork to your mouth, “tastes like the order we usually get at that one French restaurant.”
“glad you like it, baby”
cue his nervous sweating 
jean kirschstein 
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simp energy!
makes previous reservations to take a painting class with you 
tells you to dress warm before the two of you head out 
so! happy!
has the goofiest smile on the actual date
tucks your hand in his pocket while walking to the art studio
spends the whole time checking over at your easel 
audibly approves of everything you do, even if you’re drawing a line 
“wow, it looks great sweetheart” 
scrunches up his brows while concentrating 
listens to the art instructor say to paint something that they love 
takes it quite literally 
paints you 
tries to get each pretty feature about you 
swipes his hand over his cheek and gets paint on it 
literally sweats out of pure focus and won’t want to leave until he’s done
“jean, babe, we gotta go” 
“five more minutes please. almost done”
five min turns into five hours 
jean’s painting of you is surprisingly amazing and he’s even lowkey impressed 
has a random stranger take a pic of you and him together while holding up the paintings
treats you to an expensive restaurant afterwards and pays
full stomachs = happy couple 
pulls you close while walking through the downtown streets 
whispers cheeky pickup lines into your ear and presses a kiss against your head
best. day. ever. 
connie springer 
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did you say it was valentine’s day?
definitely forgets about the whole holiday but is quick enough to put something together for you 
you both aren’t super invested in sappy holidays but connie tries each time 
the morning of, he’ll run to the nearest shops and try to pick out a bouquet of flowers for you 
everything’s sold out 
will curse his luck and literally sprint out of there 
kicks himself for not planning in advance as he’s walking up the driveway of your house
notices the neighbor’s beautiful flowers 
he will dash through each neighbor’s yard and pick their flowers so a mismatched bouquet rests in his hand
“happy valentine’s day, my favorite goofball!” 
“thanks, babe,” your wide eyes stare at the uncoordinated bouquet in your hands, “I love it”
cue the mud that falls to the floorboards 
you scold connie about the dirt that’s still stuck on the roots since it dirties the floors 
he’ll take you out to watch a comedy show too!
whole evening of laughter while his arm is wrapped around your shoulder
you were both glowing in happiness (along with having a sore stomach) afterwards
wraps his sweater around you since the evening was getting chilly 
drives you home and gives you the sweetest kiss 
he’ll pull away with a, “wow” while being completely dazed out 
let’s you take his jacket home and texts you corny jokes the whole night 
Maro Bott 
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desperately! wants you to be his valentine 
almost cries tears of joy when you accept his confession which only makes you confused 
“Marco, sweetie, we’ve been dating for two years”
“doesn’t matter, love” 
shows up extra early with a bouquet of roses 
“happy valentine’s day!”
expect him to walk inside the house and look through all your cabinets for a vase 
helps you pick out an outfit because he has the “perfect date” planned 
causes you to be wrapped in bundles of clothing 
won’t tell you where he’s taking you once the two of you are in the car
“an,” you tilt your head and albeit a bit puzzled, “ice rink?”
“time for some ice skating!”
laces up your skates before he even does his own so he makes sure it’s secure 
will ask multiple times if your feet are comfortable 
once he has his skates on, it’s game over 
can’t walk without holding onto your hand for a couple moments 
“this is harder than I thought,” he confesses with a nervous grin 
gets on the ice and falls 
the thump causes everyone to look at the two of you and he only responds with, “oh look (Y/n)! I’ve fallen for you! Get it?”
undoubtedly makes you giggle and onlookers awe
gets the hang of ice skating and teaches you how if you’re scared of falling 
makes excuses to pull you close and sweetly kiss your cheek 
“it’s part of the learning process”
the day was as sweet as Marco is 
Armin Arlert 
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bookstore date!
will definitely plan in advance because he wants everything to be perfect 
expect a good morning text that’s a whole paragraph long <3
still asks you, “can I be your valentine?” even if you are both dating 
plan on wearing matching outfits for the day 
light academia style of white turtlenecks, beige pants, and cardigans 
will take a selfie with you and set it as his lock screen so he can awe at it every second 
“you’re breathtaking” 
intertwines your fingers with his when you’re holding hands 
swings it while walking 
lots of attention once the two of you step inside the bookstore
constant whispering about the matching outfits and innocent affection 
he’ll lead you to the back of the store and spend the entire day there 
sits on the floor, leaning against the wooden bookcase, and stroking your hair while you’re laying on his lap 
silence = peace 
piles of books around you both 
“how’s the plot, love?” 
will ask that when his head is resting on your thigh and inwardly loves how comfy you are 
buys all the books you want and waves away your credit card when you try to pay 
“consider it repayment for spending the day with me” 
holds the tote bag of books the whole time despite it being heavy 
stops by the cafe to buy cups of hot chocolate
notices a small amount of whipped cream on the corner of your mouth 
chuckles and stops to literally lean down to press his lips against yours in order to wipe it off 
whispers, “you’re so lovely, angel”
both of you will pull away with flushed faces and lovesick smiles 
Levi Ackerman 
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“what’s this for, brat?”
frowns once he opens his front door and you’re standing there with a wide grin 
“happy valentine’s day, dear! I wanted to watch a movie then-” 
“yeah, yeah” 
lets you in anyways 
takes the large basket full of movies, snacks, and skincare out of your hands
sets it on the kitchen counter and you immediately pop a bag of popcorn into the microwave
your movements are quick as you’re scurrying around the kitchen retrieving bowls, plates, and napkins 
levi watches you from the couch, inwardly pleased that you’re able to memorize the layout of his house since you’ve been over so many times 
he’d never tell a soul though 
movies with levi!
he won’t pay attention to the movie at all but still comments film mistakes 
“he wasn’t even wearing that sweater in the previous scene” 
“levi, honey, who even pays attention to that” 
“people with eyes” 
allows you to cuddle close to him but his fingers itch to bring you even closer 
audibly groans when you move away to fetch something 
“self care time!” you exclaim while holding up a pack of face masks 
will not let you put one on him once he sees how silly they look 
“no,” he states, “they look fucking ridiculous”
does it anyways once your puppy dog eyes are on display 
curses as you slick his hair back and put one on him 
hates it and voices his opinion 
but at the end of the day, he agrees with the saying, ‘happy wife, happy life’ 
and oh yes, you were going to be his wife one day 
Erwin Smith 
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imagine sleeping in and waking up to breakfast in bed 
pancakes, waffles, bagels, raspberry streusel muffins 
and everything’s like 
in the shape of a heart <3
turns on some classical, romance music 
sweet candles that smell like vanilla = burning 
that’s what this man would do 
wakes up super early 
determined to whip everything up pronto 
folded all the laundry, cleaned the dishes, vacuumed the house 
10/10 gentleman 
“good morning, love” 
edges the bedroom door open with his shoulder while holding a tray of delicious food 
definitely still in casual wear clothes 
a sweater and grey joggers that he wore to sleep 
loves the smile on your face
says “happy valentine’s day” and presses a kiss on the back of your hand 
sits on the edge of the bed while you eat 
chuckles when you feed him 
lets you though 
brushes your hair back each time you take a bite to eat 
amusingly shakes his head whenever you over-exaggerate a hum in delight 
pleased smirks!
definitely tried to swipe whip cream over your cheek just to hear you giggle 
it’s beautiful 
watches the way the sunlight pours through the window and creates a glow on your face 
serenity, calmness, and adoration 
discreetly pinches himself to make sure he isn’t dreaming 
wouldn’t want this day to end 
Porco Galliard 
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“you doin’ anything today or what?”
will be the first text you get from him in the early morning 
after a second passes, the little dots show up to indicate he’s typing again 
“nvm. lemme take you out today” 
shows up to your place unannounced and immediately notices what you’re wearing 
“you’re wearing that? like for real?”
“is there something wrong with it?”
notices the panic in your eyes and immediately stutters  
“nah, just,” he’ll bring his hand up to swipe at his noise while avoiding your gaze, “think you’ll be cold but you can wear my jacket or whatever.” 
leads you to his muscle car and opens up the passenger door for you 
surprisingly chivalrous for the day 
drives throughout town to pick up stuff like a blanket, picnic basket, pre-made food, drinks 
pays for it, of course, because he claims he’s the better man like that 
“only scummy men let their partners pay” 
spends the whole day driving around, hand on your thigh, while blasting your fav songs” 
rolls the windows down so other drivers look your way 
will also flip off anyone that suggestively gazes at you 
loves when you belt out the lyrics and eagerly want him to join your singing session 
rolls his eyes, “me? singing? gross.”
will sing 100% but only if you don’t call his bluff
pulls to the side of the road and sets up a romantic picnic spot nestled in an open field 
drapes his jacket over your smaller physique and only mutters, “wear it before you catch a cold”
spends the evening star gazing, letting you rest your head on his chest while his hands are folded behind his neck 
carries you back to the car once you’re asleep, snaps on your seatbelt, presses a kiss on your forehead, and mumbles, “thanks for lettin’ me take you out today, idiot.” 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for Friends to Lovers with Rodrick Heffley
Rodrick Heffley x reader
warnings: mentions of a bad home life
prompt: y/n and rodrick have been friends for a long time, so long boundaries seem to be blurred
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you’ve actually known rodrick since elementary school
it all started when he asked you to join his band
“i can play drums, you can play the tambourine because that’s the only other instrument i have! it’ll be wicked!”
your band lasted a week and only had one gig, it was for rodrick’s parents
who LOVED you by the way
they somehow permitted you to sleepover almost every other day, you practically lived at their house
FOR YEARS you did this
terrorizing lil greg
“what’s he gonna do, pee his diaper?”
always trick or treating together, exchanging candy when you got back go his house (or occasionally yours)
you guys didnt like hanging at your house, your parents were kind of....a lot to handle
starting middle school together, wreaking havoc on all the teachers
rodrick did it to impress you, according to mr. and mrs. heffley
but he’d give you a stupid little smirk from across the classroom after he got scolded so you believed them
whenever anyone gave you shit at school, rodrick wouldn’t hesitate to step in and show them who’s boss
“rodrick, you’re gonna get detention again!”
“yeah, well, i’m not gonna let them be mean to you”
you went to his house after school most days, sometimes you’d get there first while he was in detention
mrs. heffley had after school snacks
“y/n, why don’t you play some video games with greg while you wait for rodrick to get home?”
playing wii sports with greg, who cried when you won
you also had time to do homework while you waited, rodrick usually copied afterwards
when rodrick came home, he’d drag you to the garage to show you his drum skills
he hit himself in the head with his drumstick
“ooh, that’s gonna leave a mark”
next step was high school, which was a weird step up
but you guys had each other
you still spent most nights at the heffley residence, but you had to sleep on the couch instead of on the floor in the attic (aka rodricks lair)
“you two are growing up, so we think it’s best that you don’t sleep in the same room together, right?”
rodrick emptied one of his drawers for you to put your clothes in
but you still end up stealing his clothes half the time
“i wish i could be mad, but you wear all of my clothes better than me”
subconsciously doing couple-y things without realizing it
like rodrick would pull you closer to him when you two were together, put his arm around you, give you his jacket, etc
“are you guys serious? you’ve got to be dating!” -everyone
“rodrick, when are you and y/n going to get together?” -mr. and mrs. heffley
the answer was always the same: “we’re just friendssssss”
watching his band practice and cheering him on no matter what
you’re his guest vocals ☺️
when he got the van, it was a whole new world for you guys
you could go out wherever whenever
(with parent approval usually)
“wanna go ride around for a little while? hit a gas station and get a bunch of candy?”
“do you even have to ask?”
watching scary movies in his room
“platonic” cuddling in his bed
stuffing your face in the crook of his neck during scary scenes
“come on, y/n! it’s not that bad!”
him having to hold onto you for comfort so you’d keep watching with him
sometimes falling asleep together and his mom or dad coming to check on you later
“alright, time for bed! y/n, you get your usual couch...”
laughing your ass off at rodrick when he messes with greg
manny loves you, sometimes rodrick is jealous of the attention you give to his baby brother instead of him
rodrick scooping you up in his arms when you least expect it, never fails to make you scream
“hey there, hot stuff”
“you’re impossible!”
roller skating together, he held your hand the whole time bc he was worried you’d fall
his friends ENDLESSLY taunt him over your relationship
when he makes plans with others, he always says “let me ask y/n first” which just SENDS his friends oh my god
“dude, that’s your s/o!”
“no, they’re not! shut up!”
hating being apart a lot its so stressful
sometimes you’d have a pretty hard time at home and show up to his house at odd hours, but you were always welcome
you have your own key
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“my parents...they’re just the worst”
rodrick knows its bad when you start crying
he took you up to his room and played some music (quietly as not to wake the house)
you laid on top of him while he rubbed your back and told you that he was there for you
dozing off on him, as per usual
dude, the amount of pictures you have? astronomical
you playing his drums, the two of you going 🤘, an actual nice picture of you guys, him carrying you on his back, kiddos on your first day of school by year, you kissing his cheek “platonically”
comforting him when he was having his own hard times, whether it be an argument with his parents/greg, difficulties with musical inspiration, or anything else
“come here, you need a hug”
“i need several”
“you’ll get ‘em”
talent show! talent show! talent show!
you completely cussed out the rest of his band before they went on bc they had the audacity to replace him
but greg managed to save the day
“greg, my dude, give me a high five, that was awesome”
he wasn’t actually half bad but like, his mom kinda stole the show
more joyrides in the van
absolutely BLASTING the music in there while you and rodrick sat on the floor in the back and ate the taco bell you’d just picked up
“dude, you gotta try my potato griller, it’s a godsend”
“okay, but try this slushie, its so good. i mean, not as good as a 7-eleven slushie, but it’s up there”
finishing your food and laying in the van for another hour bc you just loved each other’s company
but after sitting together alone for so long, you felt like there was something left to do, what was it?
you and rodrick were moving around a bunch and ended up next to each other sitting against the wall of the van
you looked over at each other and hesitated before leaning in to kiss
and you guys kissed for a while
okay, so, you made out on the floor of his van with led zeppelin playing in the background
it wasn’t awkward or anything, just long overdue
okay it was a little awkward actually
“well, that was” *clears throat* “that was cool or whatever”
“yeah...wanna do it again?”
“oh, for sure”
not like it was a surprise to anyone when you announced you were FINALLY dating
“wait, you guys just started dating? i thought you’d been together for like, at least 5 years” -mr. heffley
“this is great! obviously, we’ll need to set up some boundaries so that everyone is comfortable and safe, but yay for young love!” -mrs. heffley
“gross” -greg
mrs. heffley wrote a column in the newspaper about you titled “my teenage son’s fantastic significant other”
not much changed after you and rodrick got together, just kissing, “i love you’s” and more teasing from friends and school faculty
“we were all rooting for you two, actually!” -the teachers
summer vacation with him
it was always SWEET
going to the pool together, he’d usually lay out on the chairs with you but you were able to drag him into the pool a few times
“come onnnn, it’ll be funnnn”
“you’re lucky you’re cute”
hugs from behind!!! kisses on the top of ur head!!!!
seeing rodrick in a tux was too funny for you, you almost couldn’t stop laughing (especially at the eyeliner he insisted on wearing)
but he just couldn’t stop staring at you
“what?! you’re stunning!”
honestly, prom wasn’t all it was cracked up to be
you danced like maniacs for a few songs and ended up ditching early on
but you did end up renting a bunch of movies and getting tonssss of snacks and changing into pajamas as soon as you got to his house
im talking popcorn, candy bars, ice cream, cans of pop, chips, chicken nuggets and so on
and also passing out on each other
“i think i love you a little more, i didn’t know that was possible”
“i have that effect on people”
he makes u breakfast before his mom gets the chance though
“pancakes? for me?”
“i put chocolate chips in them too, you’re gonna love them”
(they were a lil bit burned, still good tho)
you guys really did just spot on get each other
okay but i know you also roast each other sometimes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
relationship goals, honestly
fresh outta ideas 🤠 goodnight
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hee4won · 4 years
snow days w/ en- !
requested: no. (requests are open! see rules)
a/n: long time no see besties, a gift from me to you 😈 (all jokes aside i hope you like this okay i think fluff is needed rn, heart you all)
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this boy loves snow
i am solely basing hee’s off of that one pic of him in the really nice coat out in the snow
bc i’m madly in love with him
anyway HE is the one to excitedly tell you about the snow first
he seems like the type to facetime at night and hang up in the morning (like a virtual sleepover)
continuation under the cut!
esp if he’s too busy to meet with you
and if he wakes up first and you’re still in the call he’ll be like
“baby 🥺 baby 🥺”
😧 you are SLUMPED
and THAT gets you up ofc bc he was yelling super loud 😇
so now that you’re up you have approximately hmm let’s see
oh! heeseung is at your door rn.
“good morning baby, it’s time to go to my favorite cafe :]”
“the one you said was perfect for snow days?”
“of course! now get ready” who needs small talk ig
you’re still tired but oh my goodness how could you say no to him
so you wash up and come back out to see hee on the couch looking out the window watching the snow fall
he’s adorable, you’re a simp. simple 😄 (see what i did there)
after the cafe date you guys just do some walking around and take cute pics of and with each other
so lovely <3
jay will use any excuse he can to go shopping
and spoil you ;)
“oh, jay, look it’s snowing!”
he’ll admire the sight with you for a while until a little 💡 goes off in this man’s head
“what material is your coat?” oh boy
“uhhh, idk why?”
“do you think if we take a walk outside you’ll get cold?”
“i mean. . . yeah” AND OFF TO THE MALL U GO!
apparently you need cotton material on the inside and leather on the outside to ensure that your body stays warm
Okay Jay.
so you guys are like, shopping for hours and hours on end
hes making you try things on
after the items have been inspected by the clothing genius ofc
and after 5 hours of shopping you’re like
“jay, i just wanted to make snow ducks but now i think i’m gonna drop dead 🙁”
“okay fine we can check out”
you left with like 10 new additions to your closet and jay left with the pride of feeling like boyfriend of the year
which he is! good for him
oh and you did get to make your snow ducks, okay turn that frown upside down baby
oh my goodness
jake loves snow days for THREE reasons:
cuddle by the fireplace, hot coco, and movies w his baby
you already know that once you see snow falling down you should alr be making your way to jake’s place
he’ll make the boys clear out so he can make a cute little blanket fort
and you bring the marshmallows (or whatever you like in your hot chocolate)
the moment you open the door you’re greeted with a cute jake sitting in front of the fort
he gives you his signature wide smile with a few giggles as he stands up to hug you
a jake sim please and thank you ❤️
you are 100% without a DOUBT watching the wondeful polar express
btw jake is afraid of that one puppet scene (so am i, it’s awful)
so pls hold him super tight
you’ll most likely fall asleep in that position
and of course the boys got pics of it
okay. you guys are finding a skating rink (@hooniee hehe hi bb)
even though it doesn’t have to be cold in order to go to one
he says it just, “feels right”
and if you can’t skate he will most definitely teach you
tries his best to let you go on your own but every time he lets go you go *plop*
he does indeed laugh okay and you can hear him but once you get back up and look at him he’s like
“😐 what” “remember when you said you didn’t need my help”
gosh he’s so annoying but don’t get me wrong
he finds your independence and clumsiness very cute
if you just can’t seem to get the hang of it he’ll take you outside
and you two will just start dancing in the snow
this time both of you end up on your butts
and sunghoon wouldn’t have it any other way
he strikes me as the type to go out to eat then go home and cuddle all day
i really don’t think cold weather is his thing so it’ll be a cute date and comfy clothes
so you guys will definitely be going to a bakery to get some sweets
“sunoo, i couldve made us some cookies instead of spending money”
uh. . . whos gonna tell you
“i wanted only the best sweets for my sweet 😊”
very good save, sunoo, very good save
he has matching pajamas for when you get to spend a snow day together
naps naps naps
my goodness someone would think you two haven’t slept in ages the way you’re in that bad
so many cuddles oh wow he’s so warm
best. snow day. ever.
you two are jumping like KIDS
which yes once again you kinda are but anyway.
you’re on the way to the store
getting ready to bake some cookies!
playing in the snow on the way
occasionally throwing little snowballs at each other and making snowmen on the sidewalk
“y/n, look! i made a little snow you!”
he even gave it a snow scarf so snow you wouldn’t be cold
HES SO CUTE someone help me
once you guys are back from the store it is time to get your baking on
🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳 this you?
now i won’t say it was a total disaster
for some odd reason you two did not think about going by the recipe 🤔
“just wing it! it can’t be that bad”
it was definitely that bad.
but you two had fun nonetheless and THAT is what matters 🙏
i hope we’re all on the same page when i say
you two are having a snowball fight
any sort of competition thag involves throwing things
it is happening.
snow duel, which the other boys have to call to make sure there is no cheating
snow soccer(?)
the real competition is making sure your snowball is hard enough to withstand being kicked without falling apart
you two are very creative i must say
“all is fair in love and war.”
“yeah war, NOT snowball fights 😐”
the boys are laughing so hard at the both of you it’s crazy
jake and sunghoon are just sitting and talking like old men saying
“i remember when i was that young”
you guys are barely 20 let’s slow it down okay
overall, super eventful day and you are both passed out in the living room afterwards
how cute
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