#And all you have left is the bruises of his love and the subtle flickers of a person you no longer know -
saturnsorbits · 1 year
Thinking about sleeping with Gojo because it’s the only way either of you can be close to Geto anymore…
0 notes
natsaffection · 2 months
Could you do a part 2 of Mine to Use where Natasha realises she's falling in love with Y/N and gets very protective. And something happens to Y/N and we see Nat being very comforting and caring but she's still incredibly stern to everyone else, like she's got a soft spot for only Y/N.
I hope this makes sense xx
Mine to Use. Pt. 2 | N.R
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Warnings: mentions of sex, complicated feelings, Angst to Happy
Word Count: 2,2k
A/N: Sorry Anon that it took so long, but it was a big challenge to rewrite a... Rough, careless person into a caring and soft one, and I hope this all makes sense and you all can follow my train of thoughts..🙏🏻
Part 1
Natasha watched you from her office window, squinting as she noticed you limping slightly. The previous night had been tough, and although Natasha didn't regret her actions, she couldn't shake the unease that nagged at her.
Shaking her head, Natasha tried to dismiss the unusual concern. She was a mob leader, powerful and feared. She didn't have the luxury of vulnerability. Yet, something about you kept drawing her in, making her more protective. She couldn't pinpoint when it started, but Natasha was always aware of Your presence, and your well-being became an unspoken priority.
Unaware of Natasha's inner turmoil, you continued her duties with a sense of quiet resilience. You had grown accustomed to the harshness and even found a strange comfort in it. But recently, Natasha's behavior had changed.
Suddenly Natasha noticed you flinching as you lifted a crate. Her eyes narrowed as she saw a dark bruise on your arm.
"Y/n." Natasha called, her voice a mix of command and concern. You approached, your gaze fixed on the ground, discomfort radiating from you. Natasha gently took your arm, her fingers brushing over the bruise.
"What happened?" Natasha demanded, her voice deep and dangerous. "I-It's nothing..“ you murmured, trying to pull your arm back, but Natasha's grip was firm yet careful.
"Who did this?" Natasha whispered deadly, her eyes not leaving your face. You hesitated, fear flickering in your eyes. "It was just an accident.“ you tried to deflect, but Natasha's expression darkened.
"Who?" Natasha repeated, her tone brooking no argument. You swallowed hard, your voice trembling. "It was Ivan. He..I had to swear not to say anything-“
She released your arm, her thumb possessively stroking your cheek. Natasha left the office, her footsteps echoing with determination. The confrontation with Ivan was swift and brutal, the complex buzzing with rumors about her ruthless efficiency. Ivan was quickly dealt with, his fate serving as a clear warning to anyone who dared to oppose her.
Back in her office, Natasha found you still standing there, confusion and fear in your eyes. Natasha's anger melted away as she approached, her demeanor softening. "Nobody touches you," Natasha murmured, her thumb gently stroking the bruise on your cheek. "Not like that."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't understand why Natasha valued you so much, but the possessiveness in her touch was unmistakable.
In the days that followed, Natasha's protective instinct only grew stronger. She became a constant presence, her behavior towards others becoming even more relentless while a subtle tenderness began to emerge in her interactions with you. During their intimate moments, Natasha's touch became gentler, a stark contrast to her usual roughness.
You noticed the change but kept your thoughts to yourself, fearing to disturb the fragile balance. Natasha's inner struggle was palpable. She was a woman who thrived on control, yet her feelings for you were something she could neither command nor deny. One day, as you walked through the complex, you overheard two men whispering.
"Have you heard about Ivan? He's not coming back."
"Yeah, She took care of him. Nobody messes with her, especially when it comes to her girl.." Your heart skipped a beat. You hadn't known the extent of Natasha's actions, but now it was clear. Natasha had eliminated Ivan because of you. The realization left you equally confused and touched. Why had Natasha gone so far to protect you?
That evening, as Natasha lay beside you after a session, you couldn't hold back your curiosity any longer. "Miss Romanoff, may I a-ask you something?" you said quietly, your voice trembling. „Go on.“
"Why did you do it? Why did you take care of Ivan?" Natasha's body tensed. She struggled to maintain her cold demeanor. "Because no one touches you except me,.“ she replied, her voice firm and possessive. "You belong to me, and only I have that right."
Your heart pounded, Disappointment gnaws at you "I.. understand.." you whispered, snuggling closer to Natasha. That night, as Natasha lay awake, she was overwhelmed by her thoughts. She realized with startling clarity that her feelings for you went beyond mere possession. There was something deeper, something she couldn't ignore.
Natasha's mind raced with the implications of her realization. Her chest tightened at the thought of losing someone like you. Again. She drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams plagued with images of you being taken from her. The nightmare felt so real that Natasha woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. For a moment, she panicked, forgetting where she was. Then she felt your steady breathing beside her and calmed down a little.
Natasha lay still, her body tense, listening to your gentle breathing. The nightmare had shaken her to her core. She could no longer deny it. She was deeply and irrevocably falling for you. Something she thought she would never experience again.
To clear her head, Natasha carefully extricated herself from your embrace and slipped out of bed. She quietly stepped onto the balcony, the cool night air a sharp contrast to the turmoil inside her. She lit a cigarette, took a long drag, and stared into the darkness, her thoughts a chaotic jumble.
She had vowed to remain tough back then. That nothing could hurt her again. Yet here she was, vulnerable and exposed because of another person. The realization that she could lose you scared her more than any enemy ever could. She smoked in silence, trying to calm her nerves, but the fear remained.
Back inside, Natasha found you still peacefully asleep. She sat on the edge of the bed, watching you for a moment, the emotions she felt battling with her instinct to protect herself from potential pain. In the dim light, Natasha's resolve hardened. She would protect you with everything she had. She lay back down, pulling you into her arms and holding you tightly.
Morning crept through the curtains, bathing the room in warm light. Natasha lay awake, her mind buzzing with the vivid nightmare that had woken her in the night. She looked over at you, still sleeping peacefully beside her.
Natasha quietly slipped out of bed again. She needed time to collect her thoughts for the day. She went outside for her morning run. The cool morning air bit at her skin, but it was a welcome distraction from the inner turmoil.
As she watched the city wake up, Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that things were changing. Her feelings for you were growing stronger, and the protective instinct she felt was becoming overwhelming. She knew she would have to confront these feelings eventually, but for the moment, she focused on the present and found solace in the fact that you were safe.
You woke up and noticed that Natasha had already left. You didn't see her at work either. Later that day, you met with your colleague Emma at a nearby bar after work. Emma had become a trusted friend, someone you could confide in. They found a quiet corner and ordered drinks, the atmosphere relaxed and casual.
"You've got a lot on your mind. How's it going with her?" Emma asked, taking a sip of her drink. You sighed and swirled your glass. "It's... strange. She's been... different lately, distracted. I think something has changed, but I can't put my finger on it."
Emma nodded thoughtfully. "You know, it's hard to imagine, but Natasha wasn't always like this. Tough and grumpy, I mean. She used to be softer, more open. That was before everything happened with her wife."
Your curiosity was piqued. "Her wife?" Emma took a deep breath, her expression turning sad. "Yes. They were very much in love. But she was killed in a gang war. It completely changed Natasha. She became colder, more ruthless, to protect herself from the pain I think.“
You felt a pang of sympathy and sadness. Now you understood why Natasha was so aggressive and protective these days. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and it scared you even more.
"That's why she's like this now.." you whispered more to yourself than to Emma. Emma nodded. "Yes. She's afraid of losing someone she might love again. Like you, Y/N... maybe she feels the same way."
Meanwhile, Natasha couldn't stop thinking about you at her penthouse. Impulsively, she grabbed her phone and texted you, her message leaving no room for disagreement.
Come over.
You sighed, feeling the weight of duty. "Speak of the devil. I have to go..." During the drive to Natasha's house, your thoughts were a whirlwind of feelings and emotions. The conversation with Emma had stirred something deep within you, and you could no longer ignore it. When you arrived, you knew you couldn't just continue as before. Maybe there is a little chance?
Natasha met you at the door, her eyes scanning you for signs of discomfort. "Come in." she said, her tone softer now that you were there. You followed her into the house, your heart pounding. You felt Natasha's presence intensely, but tonight it was different. You didn't want to be just a toy, not when your feelings were so raw and confused.
As they settled in the living room, Natasha reached for you, her fingers trailing along your arm. But you flinched slightly, pulling your arm away. Natasha's eyes narrowed, sensing the hesitation. "What's wrong?" Natasha demanded, her patience already thin. You looked down, biting your lip. "Nothing. It's just..."
"Just what?" Natasha's voice grew sharper, her frustration evident. "What did you and Emma talk about?"
The fact that Natasha already knew about your meeting made you a bit nervous and even more hesitant to reveal the conversation, worried about Natasha's reaction. "It's... it's not important. Really..can we-"
Natasha's eyes darkened, her anger rising. "Don't lie to me. What did you talk about?" You swallowed hard, your voice barely a whisper. "It's... it's not something you want to hear!"
Natasha's patience snapped. She moved closer, her presence intimidating. "Tell me. Now." Tears welled up in your eyes. "She told me about your wife!"
Natasha's face hardened, her eyes flashing with anger. "That's none of your business." Your voice trembled. "It is my business if it affects how you treat me..you've been different these past few weeks. Something is..wrong!"
Natasha's jaw tightened, her fists clenching. "You don't understand anything. How dare you talk about her?" Your heart raced, tears streaming down your face. You were afraid of Natasha's reaction, but you knew you had to stand your ground. "Do you think you know me?"
You trembled, tears flowing down your face. "I don't want to be just something to you, N-Natasha. I have... I think... I think I'm falling in love with you and I can’t made this undone!“ The words hung in the air, thick with tension. Natasha's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise with a cold, dismissive look.
"Don't be ridiculous.." Natasha hissed, her voice laced with bitterness. "You don't know what you're talking about." You felt your heart break at her rejection. You turned away, tears streaming down your Face, and whispered, "I'm sorry..I shouldn’t have..“ You left the room.
As the door closed behind you, Natasha's façade crumbled. She sank onto the bed, her head spinning. The fear of losing you was too much, and the realization of her own feelings terrified her. Minutes felt like hours as Natasha wrestled with her emotions. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore. She got up and left the room, finding you sitting alone in the living room, still crying.
"Y/n..." Natasha's voice was softer, vulnerable. "Look at me." You hesitated, fear and hope warring within you. You slowly turned, your eyes meeting Natasha's. "I... I can't lie to you any longer," Natasha admitted, her voice trembling. "I care about you too. More than I ever wanted to."
Your eyes widened, your breath catching. "You do?" Natasha nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes. And it scares me. I can't lose someone again."
"I'm scared too," you whispered. "I thought... I thought you didn't care."
"I care more than you know," Natasha said, her voice full of raw emotion. In that moment, all the barriers between them crumbled completely. Natasha pulled you into her arms, holding you tight. The vulnerability, the raw emotions were overwhelming, but neither of you pulled away.
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, whispering against your skin with a shaky voice, "Fuck, I love you too.." Your heart swelled with emotion. You snuggled closer to Natasha, feeling safer and more loved than ever before. Together, they lay in the silence, their hearts beating in sync. For Natasha, the darkness had finally receded, replaced by the light and love she found in your embrace.
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wonderlanddreamer · 4 months
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Protective!Tommy x Reader POV
Summary: When Tommy Shelby discovers bruises on your skin, a fierce protectiveness awakens within him, leading him to a vow that no one will ever harm you again.
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The Garrison is quieter than usual tonight. The air hums with the low murmur of distant conversations, but here, in the private back room, it's just you and Tommy Shelby. The dim light casts a warm glow over the dark wooden walls, creating an intimate cocoon around you both.
Tommy leans back in his chair, a cigarette balanced between his fingers, his piercing blue eyes fixed on you. You've always enjoyed the game of flirtation with him—the way his lips curl into a smirk at your playful teasing, the glint of amusement in his gaze. Tonight is no different.
"Tell me, love," he says, his voice smooth and low, "what brings you to the Garrison tonight? Hoping to find some trouble?"
You laugh softly, leaning forward so your fingers brush against his on the table. "Maybe I am trouble, Tommy. Ever think of that?"
He chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound that sends a thrill down your spine. "Oh, I have no doubt about that."
The banter continues, a rhythmic dance of words that neither of you wants to end. Tommy's eyes never leave yours, the intensity of his gaze making your heart race. Each word he utters is laced with a subtle challenge, an invitation to dive deeper into this playful repartee.
"Do you always come here looking for trouble, or is tonight special?" he asks, his voice a low, seductive drawl that sends shivers down your spine.
You tilt your head, a playful smile curving your lips. "Maybe I just like the company. You never know who you might run into at the Garrison."
His lips twitch into a smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement. "And what makes you think you'll find anything worth your time here?"
You lean forward, your fingers brushing against his on the table, the contact sending a spark of electricity through you. "Oh, I think I've already found something worth my time."
Tommy's eyes darken, a flicker of something more intense passing through them. He takes a drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly, deliberately. "Is that so? And what might that be?"
You shrug nonchalantly, though your heart is pounding in your chest. "Maybe it's the company. Maybe it's the thrill of the unknown. Or maybe," you pause, letting your words hang in the air, "it's the challenge."
He chuckles, a deep, throaty sound that vibrates through the quiet room. "A challenge, eh? You think you can handle it?"
You meet his gaze head-on, refusing to back down. "I think I'm up for it. Question is, are you?"
Tommy leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving yours. "Oh, I can handle anything that comes my way."
It's just a bit of fun, you tell yourself. Nothing serious. After all, Tommy Shelby is a man with a sharp mind and a sharper edge, a man who navigates the dangerous world of the Peaky Blinders with a ruthless efficiency. You are just a fleeting distraction in his complicated world, a momentary amusement in a life filled with dark dealings and deadly decisions.
But even as you remind yourself of this, you can't deny the thrill of the game, the way your heart races at his every word, the way his eyes seem to see right through you, stripping away your defenses. There's something intoxicating about the way he looks at you, as if he's daring you to step closer, to see how far you're willing to go.
"Careful, Tommy," you say, your voice dropping to a whisper. "You might find that I'm more than you bargained for."
He smiles, a slow, predatory grin that sends a shiver down your spine. "I sincerely hope so, love."
The air between you crackles with tension, the room seeming to shrink around you until there's nothing left but the two of you, locked in this dangerous dance. You know it's just a game, a bit of harmless flirting, but the intensity of his gaze, the way his words wrap around you like a velvet glove, makes you wonder if there's more to it than that.
Tommy Shelby is a man accustomed to getting what he wants, and right now, it's clear that he wants you. The realization sends a thrill through you, a heady mix of excitement and apprehension. You're playing with fire, and you know it, but you can't bring yourself to pull away.
With a deliberate slowness, Tommy reaches out, his fingers brushing against your cheek, sending a jolt of electricity through you. "You're a brave one," he murmurs, his voice a low rumble that makes your pulse quicken. "But bravery can be a dangerous thing."
You lean into his touch, your breath hitching in your throat. "And danger can be intoxicating."
His eyes darken, his grip on your cheek tightening slightly. "You have no idea."
In that moment, you know that this is more than just a game. It's a test, a challenge, a dangerous dance that neither of you wants to end. And as you lean in closer, your lips brushing against his, you realize that you're willing to risk it all for the thrill of the unknown, for the chance to see where this dangerous path might lead.
But as the night wears on and the drinks flow, the distance between you closes. Tommy's hand finds its way to your knee, his touch warm through the fabric of your dress. You don't pull away. Instead, you lean into him, letting the heady mix of alcohol and desire guide your actions.
"Tommy," you whisper, your lips dangerously close to his ear, "what would you do if I asked you to take me home?"
His eyes darken, and for a moment, you think you see something more than amusement in their depths. But then he smiles, a slow, predatory grin, and you know he's still playing the game.
"Depends on what you want when we get there," he replies, his voice a husky murmur.
Without waiting for a response, he stands, pulling you to your feet with a firm but gentle grip. You follow him, your pulse quickening as he leads you out of the back room and through the emptying pub. The cool night air hits your face as you step outside, a welcome relief from the heat building inside you.
You don't make it far. In the shadowed alley beside the Garrison, Tommy turns to you, his hands sliding up your arms to your shoulders. He bends down, brushing his lips against yours in a kiss that starts soft but quickly intensifies.
Your hands find their way to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath the fabric of his shirt. The kiss deepens, and you lose yourself in the taste and scent of him, the world narrowing to just the two of you.
As his hands travel lower, they move with a deliberate slowness, each touch sending waves of anticipation coursing through your body. His fingertips slip beneath the delicate strap of your dress, the fabric yielding easily to his gentle push. The strap slides over your shoulder, baring more of your skin to the cool air and his heated gaze. You shiver at the contrast, a tremor that runs from the exposed skin straight to your core.
But then, unexpectedly, you feel him freeze. His movement halts so abruptly that it sends a jarring note through the intimate atmosphere. He pulls back slightly, his eyes zeroing in on the newly revealed skin with an intensity that makes your heart clench.
"What's this?" he asks, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous murmur that sends a chill down your spine.
You follow his gaze, your eyes landing on the bruises that mar your shoulder and upper arm. The purplish marks are stark against your skin, a glaring reminder of the violence you had endured. You had hoped to keep them hidden, to let them fade away without anyone knowing. But now, under Tommy's scrutinizing eyes, the secret is laid bare.
His fingers hover just above the bruised skin, not touching, as if he's afraid his touch might make it worse. The earlier warmth in his eyes has been replaced by a cold, steely fury that makes you instinctively pull back, though you stop yourself from moving too far.
"Who did this to you?" he demands, his tone edged with a barely controlled rage. His eyes snap back up to meet yours, and you can see the storm brewing within them, a tempest of anger and protectiveness that takes your breath away.
You swallow hard, the words sticking in your throat. "It's nothing, Tommy. Just... a misunderstanding."
His jaw clenches, the muscle ticking with barely restrained anger. "A misunderstanding doesn't leave marks like this. Tell me who did this."
You take a deep breath, your heart pounding. The bruises are a painful reminder of a confrontation with a man who took advantage of your trust. You had hoped to forget, to let the marks fade along with the memory, but now, under Tommy's protective gaze, you feel a strange sense of relief in sharing the burden.
"His name is Robert," you confess quietly. "He thought he could take what he wanted because no one would stop him."
Tommy's grip tightens momentarily before he forces himself to relax. He takes a step back, his eyes still locked onto yours, conveying a silent vow of retribution.
"Robert," he repeats, committing the name to memory with a grim determination. "That bastard'll regret ever laying a finger on you."
You reach out, your fingers trembling as they brush against his cheek, trying to calm the storm of rage you see blazing in his eyes. "Tommy, please," you plead softly. "I don't want more violence. I just want to move on."
He catches your hand in his, his grip firm yet tender. His thumb sweeps over your skin with surprising gentleness, but his eyes are hard, unyielding. "Moving on doesn't mean letting that bastard walk free," he growls, the ferocity in his voice unmistakable. "He needs to understand that no one hurts you and gets away with it. Not in my world."
You nod, knowing there's no point in arguing. Once Tommy Shelby sets his mind on something, he sees it through. But still, you worry about the darkness that seems to follow him, the ever-present threat of violence that shadows his every step.
"Just promise me you'll be careful," you say softly. "I don't want you getting hurt because of me."
Tommy's eyes soften, the molten fury within them giving way to a gentler, more tender light. He leans in closer, his breath warm against your skin, and presses a delicate kiss to your forehead. The gesture is a stark contrast to the raw intensity of his earlier words, a promise of protection wrapped in tenderness.
"I'm always careful," he murmurs against your skin, his lips lingering for a moment longer before pulling back. His hand comes up to cradle the side of your face, his thumb gently tracing the curve of your cheek. "But understand this," he continues, his voice steady and resolute, "I won't stand by and do nothing while someone dares to hurt you. Not ever."
A shiver runs through you, a mix of fear and gratitude. You never expected to find yourself in this situation, never thought that the man you flirted with for fun would become your fiercest protector. But here you are, wrapped in his arms, feeling a strange sense of peace despite the turmoil.
"Let's get you home," Tommy says, his voice gentle. "You need rest, and I need to make a few calls."
You nod, the weight of the evening's revelations pressing heavily upon you, and allow Tommy to guide you through the quiet, dimly lit streets. The cobblestones underfoot seem to echo the unspoken words that hang in the air between you, each step a silent promise of protection and retribution. The night is still, the usual hustle of Birmingham muted, as if the city itself is holding its breath.
The journey to your place is wrapped in a tense silence, the only sounds being the distant murmur of the night and the occasional rustle of leaves in the cool breeze. Yet, the silence is anything but empty; it thrums with the unvoiced thoughts and emotions that swirl around you both. You can feel the unyielding resolve emanating from Tommy, a palpable force that seems to cut through the night air.
When you finally reach your door, the familiar sight of your home brings a fleeting sense of relief. But before you can fully process it, Tommy turns to you, his expression grave and determined. The streetlamp casts a soft glow over his features, highlighting the intensity in his eyes.
"I'll handle this," he says firmly, his voice a steady anchor in the sea of uncertainty. The words are simple, yet they carry the weight of an unbreakable vow. "You don't need to worry about him anymore."
His gaze locks onto yours, and you can see the fierce protectiveness in his eyes, a promise that sends a shiver down your spine. He is not just offering to deal with Robert; he is assuring you that your safety is now his priority.
"Thank you, Tommy," you whisper, your voice thick with sincerity and gratitude. The simple words seem inadequate to convey the depth of what you feel, but they are all you have in this moment.
His hand reaches out, brushing a loose strand of hair from your face, the touch both comforting and grounding. "Get some rest," he says softly, his voice a stark contrast to the earlier ferocity. "I'll take care of everything."
As you step inside and close the door behind you, the reality of the situation begins to settle in. The fear and uncertainty that had gripped you earlier now feel distant, replaced by a fragile sense of hope. You know that with Tommy Shelby on your side, the darkness that had threatened to engulf you is now faced with an unyielding force.
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venerawrites · 3 months
Hello! I'm in love with your work ❤️ I was wondering if you could do a scenario where Gaara's girlfriend/fiancée gets hurt on a mission protecting Kankuro?
author's note: You have the patience of a saint and I am so thankful not only for this amazing idea, but also for your continuing support! I think this became a lit bit more angsty than intended, but I still hope you enjoy! <3
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There were many moments in Gaara's life when he felt dislike toward his siblings. Most of them took place in their younger years, during which he was isolated by his father and grew to see them as nothing more than strangers, who just so happened to be related to him by blood.
The turning point in their relationship was his encounter with Naruto. Building bonds at such a late stage was not an easy task - especially since he could tell both Temari and Kankuro were still somewhat scared of him - but he was just as motivated to do it, as he was to prove himself to everyone in Suna. So while it did take some time, he started to get to know his siblings more and get closer to them.
He loved his sister, he truly did. She was smart, strong, and independent and the young Kazekage couldn't be prouder of her. She was the wisest of the three, always there to listen and provide her opinion when he needed it the most. He could trust her with anything that was laying heavy on his heart or mind, and she never judged or criticized him.
The bond he shared with Kankuro, however, was completely different. Gaara considered him as his best friend and right hand, and while he did not admit it out loud, he was closer to him rather than Temari. In his head, he justified it based on the fact that they were both male and that he didn't really have that much time to build a close relationship with Temari, as soon after the war she moved to live in Konoha and live with the Nara.
Since Kankuro was the only one left in Suna, it was only natural for them to grow even closer. Despite their differing views on many topics, sometimes including what is best for the village, the red-haired shinobi trusted him with his life. This was the reason why he was always assigned as your partner when you had to do missions outside Suna - he knew that no matter what, his brother would do anything to protect you.
Or at least he thought he knew.
As he observed your bruised from in front of him, his eyes narrowed once they landed on your arm sling. Your mouth kept moving, but your explanation fell deaf on his ears - all he cared about was the fact you stood before him with a broken arm and numerous cuts and bruises.
"-so we were greatly outnumbered! So my arm was broken in two places, but luckily the nurse said it will be only 12 weeks till-"
"Where is Kankuro right now?", this was the first time he spoke since you started giving him detailed account of what went wrong on the mission and the roughness in his voice did take you by surprise.
Furrowing your brows, you tilted your head to the side, a flicker of annoyance flashing in your eyes. You specifically told your fiancé that his brother was dealing with all the paperwork downstairs, which is why you have decided to come here and attend the debriefing meeting by yourself.
"He is in the office downstairs, doing the-"
Interrupting you once again, Gaara knocked loudly on his desk, his subtle signal that he needs the attention of the guards outside. The door opened and one of them peeked his head inside, bowing slightly as a sign of respect to the village leader.
"Bring Kankuro up here", the Kazekage said, while placing his elbows on the flat surface in front of him, "Now."
The masked guard nodded his head and closed the door without another word. You stood frozen in your place, silently watching him and trying to understand what was up with him. His expression remained stoic, while his shoulders were slightly up, a sign of how tense he was. He couldn't even bring himself to look at you, as his pale eyes remained fixed on the wall behind you.
"What is this about?", your voice was laced with irritation as you rested your free hand on your waist. He briefly glanced at you, before letting out a heavy sigh and closing his eyelids.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
Faking ignorance was definitely not his strong suit and your gritted your teeth in annoyance at his behaviour. Gaara was a fairly mature man - sure, he did had his childish moments sometimes, but given that he did not had a normal childhood, you excused his odd behaviour in the rare moments it occurred. In fact, most of the time it was easy for you to understand what was wrong without him even telling you, as he has never been that good at hiding his emotions.
As you studied him now, however, you were completely lost. The mission was success and while you and Kankuro did get ambushed by eight ninjas at once, you managed to get away relatively uninjured.
Well, if you excluded your broken arm.
"Is that because of my injury?", you felt suddenly enlightened at what the problem may be and given the way his jaw clenched, you knew you hit the jackpot. Gaara has always been fiercely overprotective of you, not only because you were his fiancée, thus making you the target of many rogue ninjas, but also because you were the one person he could not afford to lose.
Before he can reply, there was a faint knock on the door, followed by your partner's low "Enter". The door opened and Kankuro stepped into the room, his lips curving into a small smile once his eyes landed on you. The moment he turned his head to his brother, his whole face fell and he cleared his throat, before bowing his head.
"Kazekage-sama", he greeted in a small voice, almost ashamed. Gaara did not return the greeting, instead moved one of his arms to motion to one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. Understanding his silent request, Kankuro slowly dragged his feet to it, buying himself time to come up with good explanation of what went wrong.
The puppet master may be a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them. The boiling rage behind his brother's eyes was easily recognisable for him, even if his younger sibling was trying to mask it behind a cold and stiff expression.
"What did I tell you before you left?", the Kazekage asked, while leaning forward. Kankuro gulped at the question, focusing his attention to his fidgeting fingers in his lap, while you moved closer to the two males, eager to finally get some clarity.
Did they make some kind of secret deal without you knowing?
"Answer!", Gaara barked, his patience running thin and both you and Kankuro jumped at the unusual loudness of his voice. The Kazekage, who was always so calm and collected, never raised his tone like this.
The painted man cleared his throat, before lifting his gaze and trying to offer a diplomatic response:
"Well, technically you said a lot of stuff..."
The red-headed shinobi scrunched his nose and his lips twisted into a scowl, obviously unhappy with the answer he was given. Sensing there is a storm brewing, you sat on the other available chair next to the puppet master, while your attention kept jumping between the two men. At this point you felt like a third wheel to their discussion, even though it was obvious that you were somehow connected to the topic.
"Is anyone going to tell me what is going on?"
They both ignored you, instead continuing to stare at each other, one with clear distaste, the other one - with shame. One long minute passed, during which you felt all three of you will suffocate because of the rising tension.
"Your future brother-in-law is incompetent and useless fool", Gaara finally broke the silence, moving his focus toward you, "is what is going on."
Without the chance to even assimilate what he just told you, your head whipped to the side once Kankuro slammed his hands on the desk, his face twisted in a mix of frustration and guilt. He glared draggers at his brother, yet the slight tremble of his bottom lip hinted that he was more afraid rather than angry.
“It’s not my fault! I have only one head, you know?! I can’t have my attention and sight at everything! She jumped behind my back and I didn’t even notice her before it was too late!”
Your lover shook his head, a disgusted scoff leaving his lips.
“Thank Kami you don’t have more than one head! You don’t even use this one, I can’t imagine what it would be if you had more”, the mockery in his tone soon left and was replaced by annoyance, “I told you to keep your eye on my fiancée and keep her safe! At. Any. Cost! And here she is, covered in bruises and injuries, with a broken arm!”
Hearing his words, your jaw fell. Now it was your turn to look at him with disgust. Did he think you were that weak and unskilled, he had to ask his brother to supervise you?
“Wait”, you closed your eyes , trying to gather all your thoughts together, “You ask him to keep his eye on me?”
The note of disbelief in your voice finally caught the attention of both males and they exchanged a look, before turning toward you. Gaara's face softened and he cleared his throat, but the moment he opened his mouth to answer, Kankuro beat him to it.
"You bet he was - "Don't let her out of your sight!"; "Don't let her fight unless absolutely necessary!"; "Make sure to escort her everywhere she goes", the puppet master recited the list of orders given to him by his brother. With each sentence, your breathing became more and more rigid, while your lover burned holes at the other man's head.
Did he take you for some kind of helpless damsel in distress that needs constant protection? Of course, as the partner of the Kazekage you knew it would be hard to separate your personal life from your work, but you always tried your best to keep things between you professional on the workplace. Learning he has been giving directions to Kankuro behind your back, when he specifically promised you that he would treat you as any other sand shinobi, did feel like a low blow.
"I can't believe you!", you scoffed, turning your attention back to Gaara, "You promised me you won't interfere in my missions!"
"It's not like that", your lover sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was worried about you, was that a crime? The world out there was dangerous, especially since he had enemies everywhere and the fact you did not seem to appreciate this frustrated him to no end. Why can't you just understand?
"Should I leave?", Kankuro looked between you awkwardly, his hands already gripping the edge of the stool so he can lift himself. Deep down he knew that maybe he did say more than he was supposed to. So far he always kept the arrangements he had with his brother private, but as he felt almost cornered by you and him, it wall just... slipped out.
The Kazekage nodded his head, but not before mouthing "I am not done with you" to his sibling. Once the door closed and you were left alone in the room, his focus landed back on your fuming form.
"My love-"
"You promised!", you interrupted before he can butter you up and make you question the reasonableness of your anger, "Do you doubt my skills as a shinobi? Do you not trust I can handle myself?"
He winced at the tone of your voice and he briefly glanced at your arm sling, before looking back into your eyes. Taking a deep breath, he stood from his chair and walked around his desk, so he can sit at the place previously occupied by Kankuro next to you. While his hands itched to reach out to you and just take you in a hug, he held himself back, choosing to rest his palms on his knees instead.
"Love, you are one of the most skilled and powerful sand shinobi", he started, carefully choosing each word, "I know you can handle both yourself and your team! But I am worried about you - you are the fiancée of the Kazekage, the dangers are-"
You shook your head interrupting him once again mid-sentence. Pressing your tongue against your cheek, you tried to control the urge to just stand up and leave. He had shared his worries with you before and while you understood his point of view, you felt like he didn't even try to get yours.
"Do you know how embarrassing this is? No wonder everyone in the team treats me strangely", you huffed, "I am your fiancée, but I also your subordinate and you are my leader and employer. You can't just... interfere with my work like this!"
Leaning back against the chair, you buried your head in your hand and waited for the long excuse which you knew was coming. It was not the first time you have discussed this and you also suspected it won't be the last.
"You are right. I shouldn't have done that", he said after a minute of silence, "I am sorry."
Here it goes-wait! ... Did he really said he was sorry?
Lifting your head almost cautiously you eyed him with a mix of suspicion and surprise, not expecting for him to apologize. While he was often good at self-reflection, it was no secret that apologizing was not really Gaara's thing- in the rare occasions when he was wrong, he always found a way to justify his decisions and actions, because the truth is, he did always have good intentions.
"Are you really?", the question came out sharper than you intended and once you saw him flinch back, you reached for his hand, your anger disappearing almost immediately. You rubbed small circles on his skin with your thumb, while you decided to be honest with how you felt.
"Look, I am just... Other ninjas are already thinking that I do get special treatment because we are together. And when you specifically ask them to act as my protectors, even if it is just your brother, it doesn't really help my case. I can take care of myself."
Gaara's pale eyes fell down to your broken arm before lifting to your face again, one invisible brow raising. You clicked your tongue while rolling your eyes at him.
"Hey, don't give me that look! I saved my teammate as any shinobi would do!"
He looked at you for a few seconds, before finally letting out a sigh and he brought your hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on top. His lips lingered there for a few seconds, before he pulled away, resting his chin on your intertwined fingers.
"I hate seeing you hurt", he finally admitted, "But you are right, I just... I can't help but think the worst every time you go away. I can't lose you! I really can't!"
"And you won't!", you squeezed his hand lovingly, your voice falling down to a whisper, "But I need you to trust me. Okay?"
The corners of his mouth twitched into a small smile and he leaned forward, placing his forehead to yours. If there was one thing you both hated doing, it was fighting. You felt his arms sneaking around your shoulders, carefully pulling you closer to him so he avoids hurting you. Before you can fully relax in his embrace, however, you lifted your head, searching his eyes:
"And no more scolding for Kankuro."
His body tensed and his expression twisted in disatisdaction.
"No", you gave him one of 'your looks' and he watched you with a blank expression for a while, before he let out a huff and slowly nodded his head.
Little did you know, that while there was no scolding, their "talk" did take a long, long time afterwards... and maybe Kankuro was forced to give a few secret additional promises.
cc artwork: Ankush Sharma
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herrinarte · 3 months
Returning To The Roots
A Tamlin x Lucien Fanfic
A hint of lavender wafted through the first subtle spring breeze Lucien had felt against his skin in years. He’d missed this, the clean air, the honey coloured sunshine, the smell of fresh life bursting from the ground in the form of flower buds and fresh fruit.
Velaris was the city of stars, and yet, the stars couldn’t detract from all that darkness. Never had it made him feel like this, like he was home.
Admittedly, home looked a lot more empty than he remembered. Lucien walked through the castle gardens without passing a single soul. Weeds had invaded and settled their roots everywhere, and all the other plants had gone wild in his absence, growing in angry tangles and clawing at the stone walls like caged animals.
Dread crept in as Lucien clutched his frantic heart. Tamlin had always maintained his garden meticulously, whether it meant hiring more help or getting down in the dirt on his knees wielding a spade. He’d never let it get like this. Never. Lucien couldn’t even begin to count how many days he had sat and watched Tamlin toil in the mud with a glass of something bubbly in his hands, mocking the high lord for doing servant’s work. At least he claimed it was for the sake of mockery. Truthfully, he enjoyed watching him. If he closed his eyes he could see Tamlin crouched, his soft mouth upturned ever so slightly as he pruned a rose bush. His nectar blonde hair falling from his forehead into the path of his eyes. His thorn pricked fingers would brush back the strands, a wave of want would flush away Lucien’s every other thought. The urge to kiss his work worn hands was unmatched. Back then he would force his drink back, hide his warming cheeks with an errant move of his hand. He’d never meant to feel this way about anyone other than his lost love Jesminda, and yet… the feeling lingered. Even now, as he raced up the stairs to Tamlin’s chambers, after everything he still wanted to hold those calloused fingers in his own. For his lips to brush away the bruises, for his teeth to pluck the thorns out.
“Tamlin!” He called out, the door denting the wall as he flung it open. “Tamlin, are you here?”
The room was like a jungle. Vines slithered up the walls and danced around the bedposts. All the furniture looked like a bear had used it as a chew toy, bitten down and clawed at. The curtains were torn, the windows cast a stream of sunlight onto a lump of blankets on the bed. No, not a lump of blankets. Tamlin.
Lucien approached him with caution. For a while he could have sworn he forgot to breathe, then the blankets shivered. Plucking up the courage, he pulled back the blankets. He could have wept at the sight.
Tamlin’s beautiful hair cascaded down his back and chest, it had become overgrown and knotted. His eyes were darkly lined, the bags so prominent it looked like he had been punched. His usually plush mouth was cracked and dry, his nails bitten down to the quick. Lucien would have thought him a dead male if it weren’t for the subtle rise of his chest.
“Tamlin?” Lucien chanced a touch, though could only bring himself to grasp at a ribbon of Tamlin’s hair, left unwashed for weeks, he would guess.
His eyes flickered open. Just the flutter of his eyelashes was enough to make Lucien’s pulse race.
Tamlin grumbled and rolled over, curling into a ball. “Another dream,” he mumbled to himself. “Why can’t empty sleep find me.”
Lucien could only chuckle at that. He sat on the edge of the bed, the mattress sunk in so much he thought he might fall straight through, he’d make Tamlin buy a new one. “I’m glad you see my face in your dreams, but I assure you this is not one.”
“Liar,” Tamlin snarled weakly, the beast had left him, he sounded more like a puppy playing at being a wolf. “Lucien is happy and far, far away from here. As he should.”
“I don’t know what to say to convince you, but take my word.” Lucien grabbed Tamlin’s shoulders and made him roll over so they were face to face. Tamlin’s eyes widened in disbelief, making Lucien grin. He’d missed that face. “I’m as real as they get.”
His smile dropped when Tamlin’s hand found his cheek. His shaking fingers stroking the river lines of Lucien’s scared skin.
“You came back.” His every word was taught with disbelief. Lucien felt his heart ache. Was it really so unbelievable that he’d return? Surely, despite it all, Tamlin must have known that Lucien could never truly close the door on their friendship. Tamlin could act as beastly as he liked but Lucien would always leave a crack in the door.
“Of course I did.” Lucien coiled a strand of Tamlin’s hair around his finger and tugged. Tamlin didn’t even flinch. “Someone has to tame this mane of yours. A beast, indeed. You know you can cut it yourself without my help.”
“I didn’t see any reason to maintain my appearance. I’m sure you noticed how empty it is here.” He let the silence hang as if to prove his point. Nothing filled it but a distant bird song. It had always been peaceful here, but never silent like this. “Besides, even if I still had people to impress, I’d struggle to find the will power to even brush my hair. Laugh if you want, but I see no reason to do anything these days. Just moving to get food is a thing to be dreaded.”
Lucien did not laugh. There wasn’t anything funny about his friend’s sorry state. He noted Tamlin’s usually toned arms had become willowy, his skin even paler than snow. He’d be surprised if Tamlin had even eaten in days, let alone been outside his chambers. Guilt loomed over Lucien’s shoulders. How could he let his High Lord succumb to the monster that was depression?
“Sit up.” Lucien commanded, steeling himself for the challenge. It could take years to get Tamlin back to some kind of normalcy, but he’d do it. He’d do whatever it took to see Tamlin in the garden again.
Tamlin looked lazily at him. It took Lucien sternly crossing his arms for him to ruefully sit up, the sheets draped over his lap so he wasn’t completely exposed.
Lucien walked to Tamlin’s chest of drawers and rifled around for scissors and a comb. When he found them he returned to Tamlin’s bedside to attack the bush.
“So when did you last wash it?” Lucien asked, as he began gingerly trying to comb through a tangle that looked suspiciously like a bird’s nest. “Be honest.”
Tamlin’s head bobbed as Lucien tugged through his hair. No matter how gentle Lucien tried to be, it must hurt, and yet Tamlin didn’t once complain. “I…” he scrunched his face, before letting out a heavy hearted sigh. “I can’t remember. Maybe two weeks ago, maybe… it could be longer. The days all look so similar I can’t tell the difference anymore. Time is hard to grasp right now.”
Lucien grumbled at the knotted hair. “I’m going to have to cut it. Shoulder length, I think. Then we’ll wash it. I can braid it too if you like?” Tamlin used to like it when he did that, Lucien hoped he still did because he had always loved doing it.
When Tamlin didn’t reply, Lucien added cautiously, “Do you think you can wash it yourself?”
Tamlin shrugged, an uncertain look on his face. “I suppose. I’ll pour a bath in a bit.”
Lucien began chopping away at Tamlin’s hair. It was a shame for all of it to go to waste, if Tamlin had taken care of it he’d look quite majestic with such a long mane of golden hair. Lucien shook away the thought. Now wasn’t the time for fantasy. “I think I’ll sort that bath out. Not that I think you’re incompetent, but I have a feeling that if I leave things to you this hair of yours will still be smelling next week.”
He stepped back to admire his work. Tamlin rubbed his shoulder, the weight of his hair missing.
“How does it look?” Tamlin asked shyly.
“I thought you didn’t care how you looked?” Lucien said, busying himself with tidying up all the hair on the floor. The task helped to stop him from staring. Even like this, his gaze was still drawn to Tamlin. He wanted to smooth out the worried lines of his forehead, he wanted to take care of him, as silly as that sounded.
“I’ve got someone to impress now.” His voice was no more than a whisper. “That is, if you’re going to stay? I’d understand if you don’t want to, you have people to go back to in the Night Court.”
“No, I don’t.” Lucien didn’t explain further. He smiled, uncertainly, “I’ll got sort out that bath for you.”
. . .
The bathroom air was thick with steam when Tamlin finally wandered in like a ghost.
“Your bath awaits you my lord.” Lucien chuckled playfully as he bowed beside the tub.
Tamlin walked closer and waded his hand through the water, catching some tickled pink petals.
“A bit much, don’t you think?” The smallest of smiles crept onto his lips. The small action was enough to make Lucien’s skin prickle with goosebumps.
“A bit much?” Lucien scoffed. “You are a High Lord, a little flourish should be added to every mundane task.”
Tamlin raised a dubious brow but settled into the tub nonetheless. “I don’t feel like much of a High Lord.”
“You will when I’m done with you.” Lucien assured, his eager fingers plunging into Tamlin’s wet hair to massage in scented oils. “You will.”
Tamlin eased back into Lucien’s touch, his eyes falling sleepily shut. “Elain will surely miss you if you are to stay.”
Lucien had to stop himself from flinching at the name of his supposed mate. “She’ll be fine. We don’t speak much anyway. We just don’t— I think the Cauldron was wrong, if that’s possible.”
Tamlin thoughtful bit his lip. “Perhaps. Don’t ask me about romance and fate. There was a time that I thought Feyre might be my—“ his words came out thickly. “Obviously I was wrong.”
Lucien remembered the way Tamlin had looked at Feyre back then. How his bottle green eyes lit up every time she entered the room with a grim face. How he’d told Tamlin how pleased he was that she seemed like a promising contender to break the curse. How he’d lied. Lied because a small part of him wished Tamlin might have at least tried to break the curse with him, even if it was a useless endeavour. He knew he didn’t meet the criteria. But how could he have confessed this to his friend when he had never seemed so happy? He had no choice but to let the jealousy fester, to be as civil as he could muster, for Tamlin. “I thought so too. We were both wrong.”
Tamlin chuckled bitterly to himself as he watched the pink petals in the water stick the his bare chest. “I bet I looked like a proper fool, didn’t I? I still do.”
“You were a sorry sap in love. No one would ever mock you for that, not even me.” Lucien had finished washing Tamlin’s hair, while it was still wet he combed through any remaining stubborn tangles.
Tamlin was quiet for a moment. “What’s it like?” He said finally, “To have a mate, that is.”
Lucien hesitate, comb in hand. “Ah, well, um, I suppose it’s kind of nice, but not what I expected really.”
“How so?”
“I feel a pull, in a way, but when I actually am near her… I don’t know. It feels like a bond forged rather than a bond grown from carefully planted roots. I thought it would feel more natural.”
“Do you think it is because you still miss Jesminda?”
“No, it’s not about her. I’ll always love her but I know I’m ready to move on, I just can’t help but feel like Elain isn’t the one. I don’t think she wants me either. She’s made that quite clear.”
The water rippled as Tamlin turned to lean on the edge of the tub, he squinted at Lucien. “I won’t pretend to know Elain well, but she seems to have a good pair of eyes and a level head. How could she deny you? She must be in love already, I can’t believe anyone could be around you for all that time and feel nothing.”
Lucien cleared his throat to distract from his cheeks heating. “Yes, well, I suppose even I can’t be everyone’s type. Though that may be hard to believe.”
“It is.” Tamlin agreed. “She’ll come around though. She’s your mate. You are destined to love her, and you will, because you are kind and loyal, and then I will be alone, again, because I am destined to.” Lucien frowned and went to speak but Tamlin cut in first. “—and no, this isn’t me being negative. I’ve accepted my lot in life. I’m happy for you. The Cauldron knows you deserve a good life after everything you’ve been through. I look forward to seeing you succeed. Selfishly I’m glad I get to have you here with me though, for now at least.” Tamlin ran his hand over his jaw, a thin layer of prickly stubble was growing in. “I admit, I’ve missed your company greatly.”
“Even my jibes and mockery?” Lucien couldn’t deny his heart was finally beginning to feel settled. Slowly, Tamlin was brightening up, not in any obvious ways but his eyes looked more lively and his lips seemed less prone to frown.
“Especially that.” Tamlin rose from the bath and stepped out. He did an exaggerated stretch like a tired dog, before shaking like one, spraying water everywhere.
“Ew, ew, ew!” Lucien scrambled for a towel to wipe down his sodden face. “Bad dog, terrible dog. By the Cauldron, must you do that every time?”
Tamlin laughed, really laughed. He doubled over and wiped at his watering eyes. How could Feyre give up this? The thought flickered into Lucien’s mind without meaning to, making his throat feel course and dry.
“That,” Tamlin smirked. “I’ve very much missed that.”
Lucien handed him a towel, chuckling too. “I have not.” He lied and they both knew it. “Right, let me dry your hair and then I’ll braid it.”
Tamlin took the towel and wrapped it around his waist. “Fine. Just don’t put any ribbons in it.”
Lucien was definitely going to put ribbons in it.
Thank you for reading :)
I haven’t written fan fiction for years so apologies if I’m a bit rusty. Critique is welcome! I’ll probably be writing a continuation of this sometime soon because Tamlin deserves some love and who better to do it than Lucien? I know this ship isn’t for everyone but please be respectful in the comments.
All notes and reblogs are greatly appreciated. If you want to know when the next chapter is out I’m happy to tag you next time <3
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
Day 21 - Prompt: Cowardly @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 797 words
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Sirius knew that it was cowardly of him to hold back while Remus attempted to cross the chasm between them on his own. It wasn’t fair for Remus to risk the fall alone. That was an inescapable fact, but Sirius simply could not balance that risk with enough sound, logical reasons to meet him halfway.
Remus stepped in the kitchen and propped his hip against the counter next to the sink. “I’m not great at reading subtle hints, Sirius. So, if you’re not interested in me, that’s completely understandable. I’m not offended.”
Completely understandable. Now who’s spouting bullshite?
“If there is a part of you that could have feelings for me, even a small one-“
None of my emotions are small.
“If there’s a chance, I mean, for this to be something…eventually, maybe…I’d like to know,” Remus said. His rambling was painfully sweet.
Say something, you twit!
Remus brushed his fingertips over Sirius’s knuckles and traced the pattern of the tiny bird whose swooping path lined the tops of all of the fingers on his right hand. When he reached the shadowed figure of a bird beneath the nail bed of his middle finger, he tapped it twice. Sirius wasn’t sure if it was in approval of the bird’s placement or an attempt to pull his attention away from the empty sink.
“Or, am I making an arse of myself for hoping that a brilliant bloke who quotes Chaucer, The Guinness Book of World Records, and Roman history in casual conversation would give me the time of day?”
Sirius scoffed, “You make that sound impressive, instead of incredibly lame.”
“It’s impressive to me.”
“Then you’re easily impressed,” Sirius replied, shaking his head. “I’m well-read, that hardly means I’m brilliant.”
“Agree to disagree?”
Remus huffed an amused breath through his nose. “Right, I should have seen that coming. You still didn’t answer my question.”
Sirius eyed the tattoo that still tingled with a phantom of Remus’s touch. “I can’t see how it would work, even if I wanted to. Our lives are too far apart.”
Remus covered Sirius’s hand with his own and fitted his long, knobby fingers in between. He pulled a pen from the pocket of his flannel pyjama pants and connected the lines of the bird’s path that his own fingers disrupted. With his additions, the trail became smoother overall. The wild loops were now tempered by gently sloping intersections.
“Paths can change,” Remus said, tucking the pen away. “If we want them to.”
“I like my path the way it is.”
Sirius hated how defensive he sounded, but he meant what he said. He loved living with his best mate in Edinburgh. It was an enchanting city filled with history, the Potters lived nearby, and it was the one place where he felt truly happy. While he didn’t think Remus wanted to ruin that for him, he honestly couldn’t see how a clever Welsh bloke fit. Not without entirely uprooting his own life anyway, and Sirius wouldn’t ask anyone to do that.
“Oh, I see.”
Remus pulled his hand back and shoved it in his pocket. A flush spread over his cheeks, highlighting the yellowing bruise under his eye. A bruise that Sirius gave to him two days ago. The one he’d kissed with a tender affection that even surprised him.
“I seriously doubt that you do,” Sirius countered. He offered Remus a smug grin as he turned to face him. “Nothing about my life is incidental, Remus. It is intentionally crafted. Where I live and with who, my family and friends, my career path, all of it. I don’t leave anything to chance. The only missing piece was my brother, which is now sliding into place as well.”
Remus nodded slowly, then hummed a note of rebuttal. “There’s already a conflict in your life plan though. Is that intentional too?” A flicker of hope in his eyes left Sirius uneasy.
“Which is?”
“With Regulus and James together, won’t that change it?”
Sirius frowned. “No, why would it?”
“Your brother lives in London,” Remus said. “If they stay together, one of them will have to move.”
“James and I will make room in our flat.”
Remus arched a sceptical eyebrow as his gaze swept over Sirius with detached assessment. “You want to share a flat with your brother and his boyfriend? Do you really think he’d want to do that?”
Sirius’s brain screeched to a halt, then the wheels spun wildly. After being separated for years, they had plenty of catching up to do. What better way to accomplish that than by living together? Surely his brother would agree. Except, Regulus rarely agreed with him on anything.
Shite. Is he right? If the plan is already changing, then perhaps there is room for…him?
Next Part>>>
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elkenbulwark · 9 months
@wildskissed cont.
He had to be proper nutter to go and ask her that out of the blue, stood awkwardly near to where she'd slumped into herself, the ball of his palm grinding at the knot of uncertainty in his neck like it would help the clot of it disperse more evenly throughout like the extra blood pressure that powered his rages. This was certainly something that he needed to power through- a conversation that caught in the throat each time he entertained the idea. Something always found way to stop him of course. But even 'something' found pause at seeing her laid so low. If only this whole affair had nothing to do about him so he could go and pummel it for leaving her in such a state. Distant memories of stricken sensations cross the dip in his spine made him realize that all it took was a moment of discomfort to wipe his slate clean and earn him another chance to not fail so spectacularly. And yet he knew this problem left to rot between them was different and wouldn't just dissipate no matter how recklessly he sought retribution through battle bruises.
As she spoke to the shadows that flickered across the ground, he relented a slow exhale that helped steer him over to the opposite side of the crate she'd claimed. Hesitantly, he sat on one of the corners, his flank and shoulder turned to her and his gaze set upon the glow of some weave infused patch of flora growing in the mists of a nearby waterfall's crash. Though words itched at his maw-to tell her it couldn't be as simple as she made it seem, he kept quiet as she spoke, a subtle sway of his shoulders as he adjusted at the edge of his seat the only indication that he was present in the moment. After a moment, he swallowed the countless thoughts that even the tadpole in his head didn't seem to know which to latch it's teeth into for a clear explanation on how to act later should it ever take full control. "Maybe I just care 'bout ya enough to do what's neces'sry that you don't end up-" He paused, turning his head round to study the scar she spoke of a moment until her gaze travelled back to the fire. "...worse off for it."
Another restless shift ended in him pinching the bridge of his nose as he berated the barriers of his mind that wanted to settle in her words as limp he had in her embrace before, even if it was just the brief moment between sluggish wakefulness and sleep that he could try and convince himself was just some drowsy dream whenever he started to think-...even hope that he was wrong. Started to think he could selfishly love what was never his, and would be better off he didn't.
His hands clasped together and settled between his knees where he set about wringing them out, dry as they were as if he might extract the simple answer to her question from behind the bulwark of his hide. "What I want and what I can have don't always see eye to eye." He admitted quietly, gaze swiveled to the side to observe the way the light of the fire caught alongside her jaw and how the warmth of it didn't seem to stick. Another wring of his hands prompted stillness before his fingers began to unravel. "But I... see somethin' what times I'm lucky enough to see into yours." A twinge in his chest and sucked teeth directed him to turn inwards and study her expression head on.
"M'already doin' something I want. Bein' by your side." A soft pause followed a softer musing. "What- not ambitious enough?"
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
All It Took Was One Look - Chapter 17
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*Warning Adult Content*
"OMG... I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you," Jeanine said going all banshee status on me again.
It was Sunday and I was in my room relaxing listening to music, thinking about Liam when my door swung open banging against the wall.
I jumping out of my skin thinking it was Brent here to beat me again but instead I see J running towards me screaming about something with tears in her eyes.
She tackled me crying on top of me, so I patted her back reassuringly, ignoring the pain of my bruises she was disturbing.
"Damn Jay you should try out for the football team," I wheezed.
Her face was buried in the side of my neck as she wailed.
I heard her chuckle a little before she slapped my shoulder without removing her head.
"Don't make me laugh asshole," she said, stifling into my neck.
I laughed wrapping my arms around her waiting for her to calm down.
"I'm so sorry Aiden," she kept saying over but all I could do was just kept telling her it was okay.
Soon she sat up, her butt resting on my thighs as she looked down at me with the most depressed face.
"Oh my goodness Jay, it's going to be fine. I mean I didn't want it to get out but what else can I do? It's too late anyway so... it whatever," I said trying to convince her and myself.
She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.
"I should have been there," she cried.
"I could have helped you out, been there for you more than Eric. I'm a girl I could have given you a hell of a lot more moral support," she exclaimed scolding herself.
I shook my head. Eric. I haven't talked to him for a while since I was thrown out of my cozy closet.
I understand though, he thought it was gross.
"Hey, I had his back that day but he ran off and I couldn't find him," a deeper voice said.
I snapped my head over to the door and saw Eric standing there his hands in his pockets and a sheepish smile on his face.
I bit my lip from grinning like a fool. He was here. It meant the world to me.
"Eric," I whispered happily and he supped me with his head.
"Aiden, man." He walked to my bed sitting on the edge his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together.
"So, how have you been?" His brown eyes never flickering from mine. I smiled.
"I'm good." He nodded and there was a slight awkward pause till Jay interrupted it.
"Oh my Jebus. He's gay, Eric and you know now so quite being a douche," she told him and he gave a slightly offended face.
"I'm not being a douche," he complained to her before looking over at me guiltily.
"Honestly I knew or more like suspected it."
My mouth was hung open along with Jay's.
"You did? And you didn't say anything?" I cried.
"Well I mean you never had a girlfriend, you never even tried to flirt, plus every time I mentioned a hot girl you would get this nervous fidgety, twitchy thing going on so I just connected the dots but I was waiting for you to tell me. I would drop subtle hints at you but you never got them," he confessed rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
Jay and I stared at him for a while before we both tackling him down.
"Yay," Jay said.
"Thank God," I said happy he didn't think I was disgusting.
I wrapped my around their necks pulling them closer to me happy as a clam.
"You guys are the best friends a gay guy could ever have," I said as they chuckled.
"The three musketeers," Jay added.
"Here, here," Eric yelled.
After we just hung out in my room till my mom called us to dinner.
Jay and Eric decided to spend the night so we could all go to school together.
I hadn't told them about Liam yet, still not sure what that was all about.
He said he we were friends but I don't how that happened.
He acted like he hated me a while ago so what the hell change?
Walking to my locker Eric on my right and Jeanine on the left, gave anyone who though they were going to mess with me a death glare.
I felt loved, there was a permanent smile on my face.
Once at my locker there was wet paint covering over all the graffiti that was written on my locker from before.
I heard Jay start cursing at how everyone was an asshole in this school and how she would love to rip their heads off.
Eric just had a grim face as we headed to English.
They sat next to me as the some of the students gave me dirty looks.
The teacher came in placing his stuff down and told the class to settle down.
His eye scanned the room till his eyes came to rest on me.
He gave me a small smile before starting his lesson.
What the hell was that? Eric and Jay noticed as well and gave me questionable looks as I shrugged.
Class was okay, the teacher had to send some guy out for throwing things at the back of my head but that was it.
I had history next and sadly I was all by myself on this one but they came and dropped me off none the less.
Jay was concerned and told me to call her if something happened while Eric was trying to get her to calm down.
"Come on Jay, let the man go to class and quit the coddling," Eric whined as Jeanine glared at him.
"I'm not coddling... I'm concerned. He has to do this all along without out is there, so excuse me. I just wasn't him safe," she crushed me in an iron grip hug.
"Jay... I c-can't breathe," I forced out and she let go with a sheepish grin.
"Ha-ha, sorry," she backed up a little till Eric grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.
"Come on," dragging her feet on the floor she was still facing me.
"Call me," she said, using her fingers and mimicking a phone to her ear.
Shaking my head I smiled before going into class.
Taking a seat I kept my eyes down on my desk, pulling out my paper and pen, keeping to myself.
This is how the rest of my day went, keeping to myself ignoring peoples offensive names they were throwing at me.
Lunch was even worse, Jay was glaring at everyone who look our way or whispered about me.
I had to tell her to calm down a few times.
"No Aiden their pissing me the fuck off," she growled and I nodded my head.
"I know, I know but there's nothing we can do," I told her.
Right then someone threw a packet of BBQ at the back of my head.
Yelping in surprise I gasped as it drenched my hair.
"Ah," I whispered quietly to myself as I heard laughter fill the cafeteria.
"What the hell?" Jay yelled hopping from her seat and glaring at whoever threw it.
I didn't even try and turn around I was just frozen, my mouth hung open and my eyes staring at my tray.
"Oh... so you like to throw stuff jackass?" Jay went and grabbed a packet of ranch from my tray and threw it back, I heard him grunt before he exclaim.
"What the hell's wrong with you?"
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Jay fired back.
I kind of tuned them out and Eric came around the table and wiped the BBQ out of my hair.
"Oh look, he has a gay lover," someone yelled causing more laughter erupt in the cafe.
"Oh, stuff it ass-wipe," Eric roared at them.
"Come on Aiden," he said softly and I slowly got up and followed him out of the cafeteria.
"Sorry," I said softly and Eric looked at me shocked.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong," I shook my head.
"I just knew this was going to happen and I don't what you guys being hated by the whole school because of me," I stated as we entered the bathroom.
"Dude we're best friends and nothing's going to change that. The whole school can eat shit and choke on it for all I care."
I couldn't help but smile at that.
"Now let get this crap out of your awesome hair."
I was leaning over the sink washing the stuff out when the door burst open.
Turning my head I saw Liam rush in with Dom and Jay behind them... Jay came rushed forward and helped me wash.
"What are you doing here?" Eric asked Liam.
"We came to see if he was okay," Liam said taking a step closer to me but Eric stood in his way with his hand out.
"Why the hell would you care?" hackles raised Eric stood his ground.
"Look Tanner," Liam's voice dropping frighteningly low.
"Move out of my way or I'll do it for you," he growled.
For some reason I felt his anger and it didn't sit well with me.
I felt like I had to calm him somehow so I straightened up and shook my hair sprinkling everyone in the bathroom.
Jay screeched covering her face while the rest just flinched but that didn't stop Eric and Liam's standoff.
Sighing I walking in between them pushing them away from one another, ignoring the delicious shocks coming from Liam.
His intake of breath was a sign he felt it too.
I looked up through my wet fringe.
His eyes were focused on me, turning that misty yellow again.
A warn feeling festered in my stomach from them, I yanking my hand from his chest I stepped back out of shock.
"Aiden," he said taking a step forward and I shook my head.
"Liam," I warned him.
I really don't know why I was warning him to keep his distance, I just knew that if he did try and get close I would crumble and there would be nothing stopping him from having me and I didn't want that right now.
He somehow understood and nodded at me.
"Are you okay though?" he asked concerned and I smiled.
"Yes Liam, thank you for coming to see if I was," his face softened.
"Okay... what's going on?" Eric said a frown etched in his face.
Turning to him I shrugged.
"Well... h-he's been kind of helping me lately with all this," I confessed hesitantly and Eric's frown deepened.
"Really?" he turned his gaze over to Liam who nodded.
"When you guy were gone last week Liam was there, he had my back," I said smiling back at Liam.
The bell shrieked loudly making all of us jump and Jay came up beside me and we hooked our arms together.
"Well time for Anatomy," she said.
"And thank you Liam for taking care of our boy, even though you squashed him a couple weeks ago."
Liam rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty smile on his sexy pink lips.
"Yeah, about that... I'm sorry," he apologized to me and I waved it way.
"It's fine, it over and done with. In the past," I reassured him.
We headed out of the bathroom and I realized my hair was socked and dripping all over my shirt.
I was just about to go back and grab some paper towels till they were magically in front of me.
"You'll be needing these."
I looked up to see Liam holding them out to me.
Smirking I grabbed them.
"Thanks," I said and dried my hair.
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jomamaofficial · 2 years
He Used to Come Back (Childe x GN!Reader Angst Oneshot)
A/N: HELLO MY LOVELY TOES. How have you all been? I've recently been hyperfixating on the Genshin Impact fanfiction fandom (I stopped playing the game a long time ago) and I've decided to write up some slightly self-indulgent angst with our favorite ginger, budget!Ed Sheeran 😩😩. PS: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME REQUESTS. CW: Swearing, fainting, pulse checking. TW: Very slight implications of self harm, mentions of blood, and a death scare. Masterlist Word Count: 1444 Summary: You knew what you signed up for when you started seeing the eleventh harbinger of the Fatui. Restless nights were spent waiting for the eleventh harbinger of the Fatui. People warned against your budding relationship, claiming it would become one-sided very quickly. You accepted it but never expected it to die out into ash too quickly... So what happened when one day passed, 2 days passed, one week passed and the second week is about to begin. And he’s still not back?
Pine shutters crashed against the frosted glass, a gust of ice and hail occupying the perimeters of the house. It cut through the thick silence hanging heavy in the air, making you flinch, your hand flying to your chest. 
It’s just the shutters, you had to remind yourself, pulling the thick blanket tighter around your frame, your teeth chattering, your limbs reluctant to move.
Dormant eyes scanned the dormant rooms. 
He’ll be back, he always comes back…
It was a fragment of hope, but it provided comfort. 
Like the comfort his mother’s hand-knitted blanket provided on a regular Snezhnayan night. 
Except tonight wasn’t a regular night.
The gale penetrated through the unconditional love laced in the blanket; so much so that even the soft yarn couldn’t withstand the tumultuous temper of the Archons above. 
Another crash, another flinch, and your empty thoughts were forced back to reality: the window was still wide open, outdoor sleet collecting on the hardwood flooring. So you carried on, tiptoeing around the puddles of snow, careful to avoid getting your last clean pair of socks wet. 
Fighting against the brutal winds of his motherland, the shutters were finally closed.
A foreign land it was, Snezhnaya– just as beautiful but cold as its citizens. But it was home, and home was with him. Even though Childe wasn’t home. 
The eleventh harbinger of the Fatui, loyal lieutenant to the Tsaritsa herself. Lord Tartaglia, code name Childe, a title that held the world’s burden on your lover's bruised and cut shoulders. It was a title you spent days memorising. Of course, you could never tell anyone you knew him– something about confidentiality he said. But you ingrained it on your tongue, learned it by heart because when the time would finally come, and you were Tartaglia’s Wife, the restrictions would no longer be imposed on you. 
You could finally talk about him freely to your heart's content. 
 The hands of the clock were turning faster than you wanted. A calendar beside it, diligently crossed out with thin red ink, served as a painful reminder of his absence. 
One single date was circled, embellished with exclamation marks.
“When”, you mumbled, taking a long deep breath. Your senses were flooded with a subtle numbness that weighed on your eyelids like the unnecessary load of lethargy. 
“When will you be back…?” 
Leather gloves grasped your hand, frantically searching for a pulse. 
A voice could be heard in the distance, somewhat familiar but deeper and slower than usual. It seemed to be saying something. 
Your eyes flickered under the glowing light held close to your face, a hand, stark cold against your heated cheek, tilting your face to the side. A strong and skilled hand crossed your right leg over your left, and your entire body was turned to the side. Your mouth was coaxed open, a finger on your pulse. 
“Y/N… Y/N, wake up…” the voice insisted, slowly losing the commanding edge to it. A voice– a man’s voice, you identified. Strained and well articulated… 
Your name… how’d it know your name…?
You gasped for fresh air, your arm pulling away from his hand. 
“Childe…” you faltered, his name bursting out in a short breath of air, pulled from your lungs as a desperate way to gain consciousness. “You’re back”, you finished, a gentle, feeble smile stretching across your face. 
Fatigue ran through every inch of his body, blood smeared all across his worn armour, his uniform hanging with shame on his bruised body. His fingers pinched his nose-bridge, his jaw clenching tight. Childe pushed his hair back and looked at you, dead in the eye. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Y/N?” 
Disbelief replaced the smile, content eyes scrunching in confusion. 
“What…?” you asked. “Where’s this- where’s this coming from, love?”
“Oh cut it out, for fucks sake”, he snapped back, his face stoic, nimble fingers sliding his gloves off and disposing them to the side. 
“I thought you were dead, Y/N. Dead.” 
He stopped for a second, catching his breath. 
“Listen, all a man wants to do is sleep. I thought he got to my fucking family when I saw you on the floor, and no one even knows about us, Y/N. Everyone knows my brother”, he condemned, light hearted enough to laugh it off but oblivious enough to dampen your waterline. 
“Archons, the water works again huh?” he grimaced, exhausted, cocking his head elsewhere. “I’m sorry, okay? You don’t know what it’s like to be a harbinger, you were just… worried, I guess?” he retorted, shrugging his shoulders with his lips pressed together. “I don’t know why I was blaming you”, he chuckled. “You know what, It’s fine sweetheart, just… go to sleep, okay?” 
You watched as he stalked out of the living room, walking away. 
“Childe, I was worried about you”, you rasped, eyes low. “I thought you were dead.”
He stopped, pivoting around– his breathy, low laughter piercing through every fragment of sanity left inside of you. 
“You? Worried? About me dying?”, he jeered, looking around in amusement. “I don’t think you remember who I am, honey. Did you hit your head or something? Maybe you should get that checked sweetheart~”
Sweetheart. You recognised that word from every argument you had. That tone, laced in honey as a disguise to hide his true cruel intentions. You recognised it all from every argument you had. An argument that never ended in a compromise. Reasoning with him was as effective as talking to a brick wall. 
“I’m the eleventh har-”
“The eleventh harbinger, devoted to the Tsartitsa as her loyal lieutenant, Tartaglia”, you faded out, bitter and tired. “I know exactly who you are, Childe. But you’ve forgotten who you are.”
Scoffing and rolling his eyes, he folded his hands across his chest. 
“Listen Y/N, I’m not gonna stand here listening to you telling me who I am. Especially when you’ve so nicely interrupted me and told me exactly who I am.”
“Don’t try that tone with me, Childe”, you snapped, looking up at him with tear-stained cheeks, a fresh set of tears replacing the dried ones. “It’s been thirteen days…” you sniffled, spitting out each word. “And you still weren’t back.” 
He averted his eyes from yours, refusing to entertain this conversation. 
“Do you know how worried I was?” you stressed, the taste of bile scraped at your throat. 
Months of putting up with his attitude beat a gaping hole in your chest in the form of words you could never say, all just to suppress yourself with only one thought in mind that if you said something now– anything now, he’d leave you in his empty house without a word, and without a doubt, in a split second because he never needed you. It was only you who needed him and if he left it would leave you in shambles only because… 
Only because you ever so foolishly stood up for yourself. 
“I’m not a member of Fatui…” you croaked, fighting back the hiccups of tears. 
A shiver picked at your spine, the house more silent than ever. And when the last tear of heartbreak evaporated, and the new stream of pure anger and resentment took over, you lost the sense of tone and its consequences. 
“But that doesn’t make you immortal!” you screamed, the echo of your voice traveling through the corners of the house at such a volume that the harbinger was taken aback. Taken aback with a racing heart, and a body that was forced to step back. 
“You could have died for fucks sake, Childe, you could have fucking died!” 
Your hands fell to the side, knees dropping to the ground, the drop searing through the bones of your calf down to your toes and up to your hips. But it wasn’t as painful as the sting that burned your throat. It was a raw cut inside the very flesh that constructed your neck, and the stunned silence brought out the shallow pants of an exasperated cry. You never wanted to yell at him but how could you not when weeks and months of overwhelming fear welled up in your throat. 
Seconds passed by and they seemed like hours. 
Childe was conflicted.
Would he protect his ego and stare at you as you stifled and heaved, or would he take you in his arms and tend to your bleeding knee, apologising in between kisses? 
When you glanced up at his pointed glare, you knew his answer all too well.
“And this is why you’ll never be a harbinger”, he seethed, followed by a loud bang of the same door he entered through not so long ago. 
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Coming at you with a submit because I was thinking about Danny Phantom, and y'all, I had a fuckin' THOUGHT
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I had a Thought and now I need to share it or my brain will combust. So. Reality Trip, right? A very fun episode, as far as I remember, other than the most painful "Status Quo is God" moment I've ever seen in a show right at the tail end of the episode. SO MUCH good character development, thrown the hell out like a sack of moldy potatoes. But you know the bit that I'm really bothered that we lost? That dawning moment of comprehension when jack and Maddie not only knew Danny's secret, but that he never trusted them with it. I mean, think about that moment! Imprisoned by Freakshow or whatever the heck his name is, and there they are, thinking about how Danny had been struggling alone with his half-ghostliness all this time, and wondering why he never thought tot ell them. Then in comes Jazz, not usually one to kick someone while they're down, but fuck it, she's had a long day, she's tired, she's out of fucks to give and she says "Oh I dunno, maybe it's because you talked about VIVISECTING HIM ON A DAILY BASIS WHY DO YOU THINK HE NEVER SAID ANYTHING" It's a golden moment, but then it just--drops off. We don't see them coping with that knowledge, that their own son was terrified of them and expected to be hated, tortured. We don't see the guilt of them realizing that they were obliviously discussing torturing and truly killing him over breakfast near every day, that he had to look at them from the wrong end of a gun they were carrying more than once. It gets ignored by the episode, right to the end, when they offer their love and acceptance, and Danny is delighted, right before he destroys near everyone's memories of the whole fiasco. He could have left his parent's alone, had that support and love he desperately needed, but he didn't. And if we look for an excuse other than "The writers didn't want to change or develop anything"--why would he do that? Because he still didn't trust them? Because he lived with that fear for so long that, though he intellectually knew they loved him and wanted to help him in spite of his ghost-ness, he emotionally couldn't accept that fact? Now, on to my fucking THOUGHT.
Suppose their memories didn't quite fade, not completely. Maybe, when Danny used the Infinity Gauntlet or whatever, he wiped the memories of everyone but himself, his friends, his sister--but, for his parents, some small, quiet part of his subconscious desperately wanted that acceptance still, and the memory wipe ended up impermanent. Everything went back to normal, but Jack and Maddie were left with the odd sense that something was...off. A lack of interest in hunting Phantom. Horrible guilt when looking their son in the eyes. A sudden, subtle aversion to touching their ecto-weaponry. And as the days go by, their memories would trickle back in, until they remember entire thing, right up to Danny using the gauntlet to wipe their memories. And all they can do is try not to crumble under the realization that Danny didn't feel safe enough around them to trust them with their memories intact. Even after their attempt to reach out, he was still afraid of them. It makes a horrible sort of sense, they know. They've been unintentionally, unknowingly, terrifying him for some time now. You don't get over that overnight. They don't tell Danny that they know. Not right away. But things begin to change. He gets home way too late as Fenton, tries to come up with a half-baked excuse as to what kept him from home so long. His dad looks up briefly, but turns his attention to some contraption he's busy tinkering with. (Jack caught a brief glimpse of a vicious bruise beneath the hem of Danny's shirt. He looks away. He doesn't trust himself to keep his expression under control.) Danny doesn't get the scolding he expects. His dad reaches out to ruffle his hair and gently tells him to take a shower and get some rest, he does have school tomorrow, after all. When Danny gets to bed, he finds a warm heat pack waiting for him. He assumes its from Jazz. Later, Danny brings his report card home. Middling or failing grades. He braces himself when he shows it to his mother. He's too busy looking at his feet to see the flicker in Maddie's expression, something pained, that lasts all of a second before fading into something resembling a gentle sternness. She simply suggests avenues for him to try if he's having trouble with the material.
And it goes on, over the weeks. Phantom spots Jack and Maddie at his fights, sometimes. But they don't fight him. They barely look at him. He doesn't notice right away, but slowly, they stop using ecto-guns. Soon the really dangerous weaponry is hidden away in lockers, reserved only for really bad circumstances. The surgical tools are completely gone. They stop talking about dissection altogether. Danny, as distracted as he is by his obligations, doesn't notice right away. But eventually, notice he does.
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kshira · 3 years
—kink comfort
w// satori tendou & tooru oikawa
i’ve decided to write a comforting wip about the acceptance of kinks with two of the best boys <3
t//w: 18+, smutty, f!reader, comfort w/ heavy smut undertones & cursing
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erotic asphyxiation (ea)— a type of sexual activity involving intentionally cutting off the air supply to you or ones partner with choking, suffocating, and other acts.
tendou’s crimson eyes meet yours as his long fingers take a tighter hold around your throat, his body boils over at the helpless gust of air flowing from your pretty lips.
he loves the feeling of taking control of your oxygen levels, knowing the tighter the grip the more you gasp and moan for more but while he pushes your head deeper in the bed his eyes drift past your facade and into the eyes of the person that deemed him more than any scary monster.
your eyes on the other hand roll back in your head, letting the feel of his fingers laced like a necklace around you fuel you and make you gush more around his thick cock embedded in you.
“satori choke me harder please” you whine waking him up from his thoughts, tendou gazes down to you watching tears roll on your cheeks and the saliva dried on your face becoming wet once more.
“i’m so disgusting” he utters loosening his grip and pulling away from you “how could i do this to someone i love so much, i really am a fucking monster” tendou pulls his dick out of you and sits up on the bed burrying himself in his hands, a tiny sob follows through his fingers.
you pause all motion watching tendou cry, he’s so helpless cradling his own body while he plays the years in his mind of your body painted with his cum and his fingers bruised on your throat over and over.
“baby” you whisper, your fingertips graze his soft skin chilled with drying sweat and accompanied with a low vibration from his weeping.
tendou can’t make eye contact with you, not with the amount of insecurity finally settling in his bones and the feeling of his mistreatment towards someone he loved so so much.
“i’m sorry for hurting you—fuck just look at your neck, i don’t know why i have to do this to get off i just—“ he pauses to wince at you coming closer to him, your tits still perked from the lust entanglement and those bright red bruises staring back at him.
you tilt his face up to you with one single finger, never ceasing the comfort in your eyes, the shame that embodies him now makes it hard to word what you want to tell him.
you’re reminded the first time he linked his hands around your throat as you bounced on his dick one night, the way his eyes glowed with power and sex as he pressed down harder making you a creaming mess around him.
while it brought blackness around your eyes as the subtle oxygen left your precious mouth the aftermath of tendou cutely holding you flush to him, whispering praises of how well you did and the never ending “i love you”—that’s all you ever needed to know it was okay, what he did was okay and it is normal.
“satori your hands are too pretty to not be wrapped around something, i’m just lucky it happens to be around my throat” you grin at him watching tendou let a sly smile slip through his worrisome soul.
“oh really?” tendou smirks, neatly wrapping his fingers around your delicate throat and pulling you into a sloppy kiss.
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degradation—the act of degrading someone during sexual act, for the pleasure of the degrader as well as the degradee.
“look at how much of a slut you are, full of my cum yet you want more begging to be filled again just like a bitch in heat” oikawa mocks from above you throwing your legs over his shoulder to rut deeper in your cunt.
his tongue is toxic spitting disgusting words at you, your pussy clenching at every slur he throws at you makes him want to go even further.
the vile and lewd sounds echo through the room while oikawa takes deep strokes in your messy hole, you begin to protest the speed but oikawa clicks his tongue “awh does the whore want to stop now? i thought you wanted to be my cocksleeve, i could just fuck your sister instead if you want to be this way”.
“ah! toru! g-gonna cum soon!” you reach down to circle your swollen clit but oikawa grabs your hand and raises it up to his lips, you brush off the sweet signal until you feel water dripping on your face.
confusion clouds you, making you look up to see oikawa with tears falling from his flushed cheeks and his thousand yard stare boring right in you.
“tooru? baby? what’s wrong? are you okay?” you’re so worried watching oikawa cry helplessly, his body trembling so much it starts to vibrate the bed—he was breaking apart right above you—his soft dick still in you.
“you’re just going to let me talk to you like this? i just said i’d fuck your sister for gods sake, what the fuck is wrong with me?” you immediately push his head into the crock of your neck, swiping comforting circles on his bare muscled back.
“because you like it and there is nothing wrong with that” oikawa grips the mattress under you listening to you reassure him, his anger bubbling up inside him.
“stop! stop trying to make this better, aren’t you listening to what i’ve been saying?” oikawa pulls away from your hold, his lip quivering as he thinks of the times he called you every name in the book and you always came right on command from it.
your hand softly trails up to caress oikawa’s cheek rubbing at the salty stains, his eyes dressed in shame watch you closely as you snake your other hand through his chocolate strands—soothing him mostly but ultimately you want to give him a silent it’s okay.
it reminds you of the first time when oikawa degraded you while he rose above you, his hips colliding into yours as your sloppy cunt throbbed for more of him but the over use of his fingers, tongue and even his dick couldn’t make you cum for him—so you thought.
“you dirty fucking slut you can’t cum for me one more time? you were doin’ it pretty easy earlier, maybe i should invite our sweet iwa-can over so he can watch you be fucked like the whore you are” oikawa sneered, his eyes flickering with lust and excitement.
you gasp out a moan, clenching around oikawa as the disgusting tainted words ignite the lingering coil in your stomach to burst without any hesitation—you’re left a creaming mess filled with oikawa’s cum in the aftermath.
words meant to destroy someone even demean their entire existence and it left you wanting more.
“shit— i’m so sorry i don’t know what came over me, i just wanted you to cum so bad i thought i’d— are you okay?” oikawa tilts over you gently, darting his anxious orbs anywhere he can place them on you.
from that day on he got filthier for every word he spat out and your cunt got messier every single time.
“you think i’d be with you if all we did is have vanilla sex? it’s devastating to hear a pretty boy with such a dirty mouth.” you smile at oikawa, placing a kiss on his neck and reassuring him once again that what he likes is completely normal.
“oh you little slut, you really do know how to make me hard.” oikawa pins you back down to fill that messy hole of yours once again.
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twelve hours, m | jjk | ... and now
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You have twelve hours to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you. He's about to get married. You're the entertainment at his bachelor party - a burlesque dancer. Long ago, he used to be the class representative and you used to be the class delinquent. Nothing has changed and, yet, everything has.
this is part ii | click here for part i | total wc: 23k
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; this story contains parental child abuse and graphic violence, including the reader becoming physically scarred and having panic attacks; rich, this bachelor party is on a fuckin' YACHT, the best man is LOADED; JK and reader interacted in high school; angst and fluff and feels; cheating; this is mostly smut XD; (in part i) high school smut + intense adult smut (fem reader, striptease, semi-public sex at school, nipple play (he's a bit obsessed with them), dry humping, m-masturbation, handjob, cumming on tits (and diamonds), cum-eating, mirror kink, spitting, tit fucking, m-receiving oral, scratching / biting / marking, penetrative sex, doggy); shifts back and forth between Jungkook’s POV and your POV
non-idol!AU; film director!Jungkook x wealthy, burlesque dancer!reader — ft best man, art trader!Kim Taehyung; dancer's bodyguard!Kim Namjoon and bodyguard!Kim Seokjin
> eyebrow pierced, tattooed, and long black-haired JK (with undercut) in a black suit because that's what we need in this life > look for TXT's 'you and me and the sky at 5:53' :)
time left: 06:49
Don’t leave me.
It was the same then as it was now.
Jungkook reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him. Her eyes widened, pivoting quickly on her toe, snapping her heel down and cutting the turn short, black skirt flaring out. The swift glimpse of her legs in the high slit, the gentle bounce of her breasts in the slinky fabric. Her manicured hair bounced, dyed blue-black and giving her skin a surreal quality.
He held on.
Please don’t disappear.
Her brows knitted together. She didn’t pull her arm away, but she was steadfast in her posture, not letting him push her around. Not that he ever could.
“He asked me to escort you back,” Jungkook found himself saying. “If not for your sake, then for his peace of mind. I don’t want to be a liar.”
Her features softened.
His fingers around her arm, touching that soft skin once more.
I care. I care a lot.
Jungkook realized that, in a way, he had never moved past those classrooms, those touches, those kisses, those moments.
“You can let go now.”
She said it patiently. Always patient with him despite his overzealous and sometimes clumsy antics, putting up with it even when she didn’t have to. He looked into those eyes and found those walls were falling away, little by little. Winged liner, red lipstick, it didn’t matter, it was the same expression, defiant eyes and hint of a scowl on those lips. Ready to fight, but not him.
She was always a fighter and the opponent was always life itself.
“I don’t want to let go.”
He didn’t expect himself to say the truth, but he did.
She smirked, reaching up, her fingers covering his tattoos for a moment, placing them on the back of his hand. This warmth. This feeling. It was not the same as the rest, and he knew that now.
“Hm, well, you must realize this looks a bit awkward. You wouldn’t want to give anyone the wrong impression, would you?”
Wouldn't want someone to see you talking to me, right?
“You will let me escort you?” he insisted.
She pried his hand from her arm and lowered it, turning the other way.
“You are welcome to do as you like. I won’t stop you, golden boy.”
time left: 06:41
He followed you, surrounded by moonlight reflecting off water.
It streamed through the windows, lighting the red carpeted hall along with the dim sconces. You found yourself stepping in each lighted square, avoiding the thin dark beams of the windows, a little game for yourself, like how children avoided the cracks in the concrete sidewalks, except you were on a lavish yacht wearing Louboutins with a handsome man in step behind you.
It was quiet and yet it wasn’t. Small sounds, footsteps, distant muffles of talking through the walls, the faint sound of bass as you walked away from the party, the sound of the ocean ever present, your own breathing.
Jungkook’s breathing.
Once yours.
You looked to your right, to the window, seeing his reflection. His profile, hands in his pockets, tattooed arm standing out against the black background of his clothes, dressed formally but always a bit sheepish about it, as if he wasn’t sure if it looked good on him, but it always did, even the school uniform. He still had the youthfulness about him, even as a man.
Your eyes found his and he was watching your face in the glass of the window.
You stopped abruptly, pivoting on one heel to face him.
Your younger self would have bristled, glaring, accusing the eyes and snapping, what are you looking at?
Jungkook started, realizing you had noticed, and tripped, his black hair suddenly disturbed and tumbling over his eyes as he struggled to catch himself, hands flying out of his pockets.
You caught one, lacing your fingers with his, and gripped tightly, yanking up.
He righted himself, gasping. Looking up, bent over and long legs awkward, somewhat like a fawn trying to get on its legs for the first time. Those big brown eyes, parted pink lips. Familiar.
Your joined hands fell exactly where the window beam was, shrouded in shadow.
“Something on your mind?” you chuckled, shaking your head.
He straightened. You loosened your grip on his hand, but he held on. You frowned slightly, raising your brows.
He swallowed hard.
“Can I hold your hand? Please.”
Back then, you would hold his hand, hiding behind corners and dashing past, holding your breath, light steps, leaping from shadow to shadow, bodies close, breath mixing. Showing him all the secrets of the school that you had found while wandering, a fun little game with a reward at the end, school uniform being shed, skin to skin, his body against yours, his heartbeat in time with yours, his lips on yours.
You shrugged and turned back around, his hand tightly around yours.
time left: 06:35
Jungkook held her hand.
In an instant, he looked down, staring at their joined hands.
This was different.
And then he saw them.
Scars, all over the back of her hand. He could feel the scar tissue on her palms too, lines on her fingers even though she was holding him loosely. He had memorized every centimeter of her beautiful hands from back then, and these lines were not here before. These were not scars from living life. These had been cuts, healed now, unseen from far away and even up close. Perhaps they had been filled in with tattoo ink in a color to match her skin tone so they were less noticeable.
No one would know unless they were holding her hand or looking for it.
Without knowing it, Jungkook clutched her hand tighter, a sudden ache in his chest.
He had found bruises on her sometimes.
I fell down the stairs. It's nothing.
He had found welts.
Stupid fight with some dumbass.
He had found a criss-cross pattern of cuts on her leg.
I tried to jump over a fence and fucked up.
He glanced at her other hand loosely by her side. The same. He could even see her palm and there were many, many lines, all over her palm, healed cuts. Drugs? But he knew it wasn’t. Not because he had a romanticized idea of who she would be in his head, but because that was the nice answer.
That was the reasonable answer.
“Excuse me, miss.”
His eyes flickered upward to see a young woman in a short midnight blue dress pausing, looking from her to him, cheeks flushed, not being subtle about it. The glittery fabric picked up the moonlight, accenting her curves and long legs. Pretty.
But not sensual.
Not immaculate.
Not teasing and sculptural.
The grip on his hand tightened so much that he inhaled sharply, fingers nearly crushed by her hold.
“Have a nice evening,” the woman in black purred, edge of ice indicating the stranger to move along, or, more accurately, fuck right off.
Jungkook knew he shouldn’t, and yet.
His heart skipped two beats as she dragged him along.
He had no problem looking away from the other woman and fixate on the back of that neatly pinned, blue-black hair, graceful shoulders, corseted waist, swaying hips.
And her hand in his, not letting go.
time left: 06:22
“This is it.”
You turned to see Jungkook looking around, mouth open, gawking at the entrance of the intricately carved wooden door. It was one of the grander, first-class rooms. The red doors were much farther apart and the sconces here were glided with glass-blown lampshades, casting swirls of orange across the white walls, dimmed now from the late night.
“It was nice to see you again.”
It was, even with the bitter taste in your mouth that seemed to linger.
His eyes came back to you, dark brown and clear, focused on only your face, long black strands framing his cheeks, the small mole underneath his lower lip trembling.
“I hope you have your happiness now, Jungkook.”
You did.
You felt a strange, unmovable pressure on your chest. The time wasn’t up yet. You could still try. You could keep your hold on his hand and drag him into the room and hold him close to you, skin to skin, lips on his, and show him all you’ve learned. You could. You could see it in those eyes. He would follow you now, maybe because of the alcohol, maybe for old times sake, maybe out of impulse and bad choices.
You let go.
You let go, because you didn’t want to be a bad choice.
Not to him, Jeon Jungkook.
“You were my small happiness, back then,” you said softly, feeling yourself smile.
It was better not to have regrets. At the time, even you didn’t know how important he had been. The thought of being withdrawn from that school and not being able to see him again made you fight back for once, and it ended in the very thing you didn’t want. It fucked up your hands, it fucked up your life, but somehow you found yourself here now, in expensive clothes on an expensive boat with expensive tastes, able to make a choice between selfishness or selflessness.
Maybe you hadn’t changed much after all, since you found yourself choosing the latter.
You turned away and pulled your hand out of his.
Or would have, if Jungkook hadn’t grasped your hand tighter, yanking you back and shoving you against the door of your suite. Your hand automatically raised to push him back, but he put his whole weight on your body, sandwiching you between the door and himself, making you gasp, trapped between dead timber and muscular hardness.
Now his face was in your face, breathing hard, dark brown orbs shaking and shining with wetness.
You froze, lips parting.
“You were my happiness too.”
He was panting, warm exhale on your lips.
“Not a small happiness. The happiness.”
He squeezed your hand like you were going to disappear.
“I didn’t know then, but I do now,” Jungkook shuddered, towering over you even in your heels. He stared into your eyes. “Your smile.”
You blinked slowly, confused.
“Your smile. I’ve never seen it reach your eyes.”
Heart racing, suddenly breathless.
“Except when you thought I couldn’t see, like when my back was turned or my face was turned away from you,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours, long black hair curtaining your faces, sending you back to the shadows. “I saw it though, in reflections. In windows. In mirrors. In those beakers in the science room.”
Was that so? Had that been you? You made it a point not to smile back then, because there had been nothing to smile about. But maybe… maybe when eyes weren’t on you, maybe when you yourself didn’t notice, but, somehow, Jungkook had noticed.
You realized that your introspection had diverted your attention from him, so you made eye contact again, airless at his closeness. Your eyes and his, lost in sweet dreams.
“I want to kiss you.”
He tilted his head and hesitated.
“I want to kiss you all the time,” he said to your lips.
His expression was clouded with shame. It was ugly. It made his handsome features ugly and you didn’t like that. You wanted to make it go away. You closed more distance, fingers pressing down on the back of his hand, your other hand raising and resting on his hip, lashes lowering.
“Then kiss me,” you said to his lips.
time left: 06:13
Jungkook kissed her.
From then and now, it was the same.
But this time, it wasn’t clumsy with colliding teeth and too much tongue that did nothing, sloppy with no purpose. This time, his lips were soft at first and so were hers, breathing in each other’s scent. She smelled warm and musky, like blackberry and evergreens, expensive and lush, but somehow still her, still that girl from back then, comforting and intense, sometimes with the hint of metallic blood, but that never bothered him. Her hand on his hip, stroking it under the layers of fabric, making him shiver, caressing the back of his hand with her fingertips, delicate sigh in his mouth.
The faintest flicker of tongue on the edge of her upper lip, swiping down into his open mouth.
He moaned, feeling the strong wet muscle thrust into his lips, coaxing his tongue, teasing, pressing her body to his, breasts against his chest, their deep open necklines exchanging heat in the air between their skin but not quite touching, and he found himself letting go of her hand, reaching up to grab her breasts.
Her fingers closed around his wrists, forcing him to stop.
He gasped in her mouth, eyes opening.
“They’re not stress balls, Jungkook,” she snickered.
He was breathing hard, ribcage shuddering, heartbeat thundering in his ears, getting louder as he realized her red lipstick was a little messed up, feeling the stickiness on his own lips.
“You need to slow down. You can’t just grope me out in the open.”
His impatience spoke for him.
“Why not?”
His voice was low, octave deepened from lust.
Her lips curved into an amused smirk. “Oh? You have changed. You used to be so worried about someone seeing us. If anything, you should be more worried now, considering your beloved.”
“She’s not my beloved.”
She was still holding his wrists, but her head tilted, watching his eyes carefully. He sucked in a shuddering breath, feeling the guilt.
“We… we thought it would be a good idea. Because our friends told us we look nice together. It would help her career. I wouldn’t have to invest too much into it.”
He felt ashamed, but he didn’t look away because he didn’t want her to think he was lying.
“I never found a smile like yours. I accepted that I never would.”
Her eyes darkened.
“It’s dangerous, Jungkook. Ill-advised.”
He smiled and he didn’t know if it reached his eyes because his vision was blurry.
But he knew it wasn’t a lie.
“You always were. I should have chased you to the ends of the earth, even if you were only a ghost.”
He lifted his hands, hers with his, and cupped her face, running his fingertips over her cheeks, smooth and soft skin, transported back to that moment in the abandoned literature club room, her face cast in an orange glow, actually swirls from glass-blown sconces, but the past and present connected, turning it into rays from the setting sun that lit up her features, and he said what he had said then, because it was the truth.
“You’re really pretty.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“You are.”
He leaned forward and kissed the side of her lips gently.
She chuckled.
“You really are something, Jeon Jungkook.”
Her hands let go and she reached into the deep neckline of her dress, plucking something from the corset. His eyes widened as she pulled out the key card from between her breasts, smirk dancing on her lips. She winked at him.
“A lady has many hiding places.”
She flicked her wrist and inserted it into the door, unlocking it without looking.
The door opened and they stepped into her room.
time left: 06:02
“Dude can snore.”
“Help me turn him to his side. Don’t want him to vomit in his mouth and asphyxiate,” Kim Namjoon grunted, helped by Kim Seokjin, jerking Kim Taehyung’s body to the side. They backed up and Taehyung immediately flopped to his back, snoring away.
Seokjin thinned his mouth into a line. “Seriously?”
“Ah, here, let’s roll up the towels and use them to prop him up.”
“He’s not as cute as she is.”
“Well, she also doesn’t get piss drunk... ever.”
“Still a better cuddle buddy. Comes with built-in pillows.”
Namjoon blinked at Seokjin and shook his head, letting the odd comment slide. They managed to jam the bath towels next to Taehyung and force him to lay on his side, placing a pillow in his arms that he immediately hugged, squeezing it tightly. The snoring lessened as well.
“Guess we should go back,” Namjoon sighed, rubbing the back of his short hair.
Seokjin scoffed. “No, we shouldn’t. They’re probably all over each other as we speak.”
Namjoon frowned, raised an eyebrow at the other man. “Really? I don’t know. She seemed very hesitant about it. She said she didn’t love him.”
Seokjin snorted, somehow still elegant with his handsome face. “You really believe that?”
“That’s what she said.”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “That’s what everybody says when they don’t want to admit they’re in love with someone.”
“That’s also what people say when they are, factually, not in love with someone.”
The black-haired man raised his hands and held up his index fingers, wriggling them in the air and bending them ninety-degrees, squiggling them around each other and poking the tips together repeatedly. Namjoon blinked at him.
“What are you doing?”
Seokjin rolled his eyes as if it was despairingly obvious what he was doing. “A visual representation of what they’re doing right now.”
Namjoon contorted his face in confusion, raising an eyebrow.
“… Becoming worms…?”
Seokjin groaned. “Having sex, Namjoon.”
“… How is that…?”
time left: 05:53
The door to his dreams unsealed and they tumbled inside.
The orange glow of the hallway lights spilled into the room, bleeding into the cool glow that came from the open windows, curtains pulled back to reveal the shimmering sea and bright moon, a contrast of artificial dusk and true nightfall. She pulled him in by his belt, hooking two fingers under the leather, step by sweeping step, grace that made him breathless, orange and silver and shadow, all mixing together, and then the door closed and then the sea and the moon replaced the sunset dreams.
It was a heavy thunk, closing with finality.
The room had many ornate mirrors in it to make the room seem bigger. The had gold vintage frames of different shapes and sizes, reflecting the contents of the room, the large bed and red silk sheets, the black leather chairs and black marble table bolted down to the floor, the matching marble vanity laid out with several black leather cosmetic bags, all zipped up neatly. The had small details on them – red zippers, silver locks, the designer logo engraved into the leather. The suitcases leaning against the wall matched the cosmetic bags, three of them, one larger than the first two.
Jungkook breathed her name, raising his hand, fingers spread.
Her fingertips touched his, halting him.
“Let me do it.”
He spied his expression in one of the mirrors.
The silver moonlight lit up his face and his eyes, reflecting the lust and trust in them.
He looked back to her and nodded.
Glamour. Fantasy. Descent.
That was the only way he could describe the way she moved, glamour in the way her hand slowly retreated from his, a steady wave and sweep, clearly deliberate. Even in smeared lipstick, the small smirk was present on those lips, stepping around him with a swing of her hips and gentle clicks of her black patent leather heels, the slinky fabric flowing with her actions and also clinging to her body at the same time, using the arc of her stride to spread open the high slit. Letting him watch. He almost turned to follow but she placed a few fingers on his arm, purring softly.
“Don’t move.”
Fantasy, the way she slipped behind him like a shadow, and then Jungkook had to look up into the mirrors, catching glimpses of her behind him. There was no music, but she moved as if there was. If anything, the sound of the waves seemed to form its own music, and he was suddenly more aware of it, the splashes against the hull of the boat mixing with the bass of his heartbeat and the wispiness of her breath, stepping up behind him, body heat making him gasp, looking into a mirror to his left, a window illuminating his right, her hands slipping between the space of his ribs and upper arms, fingers spread like wings, warm exhale on his neck.
No words.
Just a simple kiss to the base of his head and her lips murmuring his name on his skin.
One by one, teasing the buttons apart, her fingers ghosting the exposed skin, his heart racing as he watched those hands, peeling apart the button placket, unwrapping him like a decadent sweet. He watched his own expression framed by long curls of black, his teeth sinking into his lower lip, small mole below quivering, seeing more and more of his chest being exposed, somewhat self-conscious, but there was something spellbinding about only being able to see her hands and forearms, pointed black nails decorated with crystals that caught the light, undoing all the buttons until she reached his pants.
“I can–”
“Shh. Don’t let your impatience prevent you from enjoying your own striptease.”
His cheeks heated a little and he lowered his hands, breath hiking as she firmly gripped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it out. Jungkook took a step back, his back hitting her chest, and gasped again, feeling the softness, but she adjusted her position so her body wasn’t touching his anymore, chiding him playfully.
“Never had someone take off your clothes, Jungkook?” she chuckled against his neck, making his hairs stand on end.
“Ah, well…”
He watched those deft fingers undo the last two buttons. Then they spread apart his black shirt, reaching in, fingertips spreading out over his abs and pecs, tracing the contours of his muscles, switching between her nails and the pads of her fingertips, prickling and dainty. He couldn’t sure her face, but he saw his, and only now registered his own moans, so absorbed by her sensual movement and her touch that he didn’t even realize the embarrassing sounds falling from his lips.
“Not… since you…”
She snickered. “Seriously? What fool wouldn’t want to tear the clothes off this lovely body?”
He could feel and see his flush in the mirror. He looked away quickly, down to her hands exploring his body. “Well, I just… figured it’s easier if I do it. No one has ever been like you.”
His hands raised. He traced her knuckles, causing her to pause, caressing small circles on his sternum.
“You want to tear the clothes off my body?” he breathed, not daring to see his own reflection and know his reaction to whatever her answer was.
“I do.”
He placed his left hand on hers, heart beating faster and faster.
“Not tonight though.”
He pulled her palm away from his racing heart, not wanting her to know her effect on him, letting it linger beside his ribcage.
“Tonight, I will show you all I’ve learned, because I was always a better student than you, class representative.”
He found himself laughing a little, suddenly sheepish. “Yeah. Your name was always in the top five percent. I was pretty bad at school. I don’t know why everyone voted for–oooh…”
Her fingers touched his nipples, rubbing delicately, sending strange shivers all over him, shallowing his breath, making him look up and see his dark nipples being teased by expert hands. Her nails nicked them lightly and he whined in his throat, feeling them harden against her fingertips, surprised at the arousal from the simple touch, something he never paid attention to or cared about. His hair was covering part of his face.
Jungkook reached up and pushed his hair back, pressing his chest into those hands.
Saw one of her eyes behind his head, sharp and sultry with winged liner, twinkling as she watched him.
“I voted for you because I thought it would be funny since you weren’t even trying.”
He didn’t really have a response for that, too busy looking at his own face and body, shivering as she tweaked his nipples and pushed them in slow circles, his arms descending to lower the shadows, letting them suspend by his sides.
She shifted beside him and half of her lips appeared, on the toes of her heels, whispering close to his ear, seductive and dark.
“You were good-looking then, and you’re even more handsome now, Jungkook.”
The sound of the ocean, the silver moonlight shining off her blue-black hair giving her skin a surreal quality, almost doll-like, the mirror reflecting his expression, desire and anticipation.
She removed her hands and grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanking it down.
He inhaled sharply and her face disappeared.
Dress shirt stripped from his body and flung away, the crisp black fabric flaring out, a shadow cast aside.
Jungkook spun around.
Does this man know the meaning of calm the fuck down?
You rolled your eyes inwardly as you witnessed Jungkook turn around, facing you again even though you told him not to the move. He had always been like this, overzealous, but he didn’t seem as clumsy as before, although…
He grabbed your tits.
He blinked rapidly, surprised. “Huh?”
You shook your head and knocked his hands away, sighing. “Pasties, Jungkook. To cover my nipples.”
You reached into your dress and scooped your breasts out, trapping them between the v-neckline. His eyes bulged slightly when he saw the smooth black satin circles flush to the apex of your breasts. They fit perfectly, seamless so they were unseen even under the slinky fabric of the black gown.
“What? I’m a burlesque dancer. Of course, I have fancy nipple covers. This is basic wardrobe.”
He tilted his head. “I’ve never seen any like these. They look like they’re part of your body.”
You tutted. “Obviously, they aren’t. You know I have nipples.”
And you reached up and peeled them off, flinging them aside carelessly.
Jungkook gasped, staring at your nipples with wide eyes.
“Don’t act like you haven’t seen nipples,” you scowled. “You better not be a virgin with how hot you’ve become.”
His hands shot up and you grabbed his wrists again, forcing them back down.
Jungkook whined, eyes shifting back up to you, begging to touch them.
You stiffened slightly. What kind of reaction was that?
“They’re so big,” he whispered huskily, visibly shuddering, shaking with the craving to touch them. “I remember they were soft. And…” His breathing hitched, trembling in your hands. “I remember they tasted so good. Amazing. No one has ever tasted as good as you.”
His eyes flickered back down, biting his lip. He tried to break free, but you held. A single glance exchanged and you let go, realizing he was going to do something other than attack them. Instead, he collected the straps of your dress and pulled them back up, slowly, moaning as the slinky black fabric skimmed over your breasts, your prominent nipples sticking out, hardening from the light friction.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking sexy.”
Well, maybe he did have some appreciation for the visual after all.
“You see why I need the pasties.”
He pulled the straps up, whimpering as he watched your nipples strain against your dress, lifting your breasts in the confines of the fabric and lowering them, lifting, lowering, repeating the gesture.
You raised an eyebrow.
“Jungkook… are you bouncing my tits on purpose?”
His dark brown orbs darted to you. Guilty.
“Um… y-you won’t let me touch them…”
You weren’t sure whether to sigh or to laugh. You just shook your head, backing up out of his grasp. His hands were still outstretched, lips forming a small pout. You almost regretted it, but his expression quickly changed as you casually flicked down the straps, freeing your breasts again, dropping his hands and linking them together under his waist, waiting, now invested in what you had in store.
He chewed on his lip and gave you an expectant look.
A flutter in your chest.
The side of your lips curved upward, tongue sliding out to graze the edge of your upper lip before disappearing.
You reached back, leisurely undoing the fastenings of the corset, sweeping your legs so the high slit flared apart, turning around, letting him witness the slow undress. Every action was deliberate, the wide arc of your leg moving the skirt aside to prevent you from tripping as you turned without using your hands, the wide stance of your feet to relieve pressure on your heels and to prevent the dress from sliding down too soon, and even the position of your fingers, poised so you could run a nail down your spine as two of them pinched the hook-and-eye and separated them, traveling down to the top of your ass. Every movement was thought out, details that made up the bigger picture, constructing your ultimate goal.
A sensual striptease.
You caught his reaction in a mirror to your right.
His sparkling brown eyes were wide, jaw dropped.
A lot of people had seen you take off your clothes, but no one made you feel as satisfied as Jeon Jungkook, then in his school uniform and now shirtless in his slacks, hands twisting in front of his crotch.
Then you saw your face.
You were smiling.
You really did smile when you thought he wasn’t looking.
Another glimpse at his face and you found him staring at you, silver moonlight glinting off his eyebrow piercing and flooding into his eyes, bringing out the stars within.
You released your hand and your dress tumbled to the ground.
He sucked in a shuddering breath, your name drifting from his lips.
“H… Holy shit…”
You did have an amazing waist-to-ass ratio.
Proper corset training and specific hit workouts to perfect your craft contributed. You couldn’t simply be pretty. You had to be strong and flexible to do the stunts and to walk in your red bottoms for the entire performance. Christian Louboutin didn’t make his shoes to be comfy. He made heels to make feet look enticing and sexy.
The price to pay for glamour and vanity.
It did give you some powerful calves though.
You lifted one shoe, flashing that blazingly red sole of your heel, balancing on one leg for a second.
This was to prevent you from getting tangled on your now fallen dress. You tightened your core, shifting your weight, knowing it would give Jungkook an irresistible view of your plump derriere in your high French-cut black satin panties, the particular style adding illusion to the already stark proportion.
In short, your ass looked fucking fabulous.
You stepped out of your dress, one leg, then the other, taking care not to step on it, adding a little flourish of your hands to create those body lines, ever the performer. You glanced at the mirror and was pleased to find Jungkook hadn’t moved, although his hands were now firmly open, palms down on his crotch, whimpering in his throat.
“Soon,” you promised, and you would keep it.
He nodded, swallowing hard.
You turned your fingers inward, hooking each index finger on the sides of your panties, rocking your hips slowly, lowering your lashes, following the beat of the sea, tugging down the right side a few centimeters and then the left, listening to his breathing and controlling yours. You bent over slowly at the hips, sticking your ass out, listening to his low moan as your glistening slit was revealed, sliding your undergarments down your thighs and calves, placing them carefully onto the floor.
You gradually straightened, breathing out, keeping it as one smooth motion.
You stepped out of your panties.
Now you were clad in only your black patent Louboutins and black diamond choker.
This time, you found your reflection in the mirror to delicately correct your smeared red lipstick with your fingertips. Good enough. You nodded at your reflection. The corners of your mouth curved upwards.
You turned to face him, showing Jungkook your smile.
This smile was real.
The smile she only showed when she was with him. He didn’t know if that was a valid thought or not, but he liked to think so. Besides, no smile meant as much as this one. That he was sure of, because he had been chasing this smile for all these years before finally accepting that he would never find another one like it. It was too precious to belong to anyone else.
His smile.
If his dick wasn’t trying to rip open his pants, Jungkook might have cried seeing it for the first time.
He couldn’t speak, too afraid he was going to lose it right then and there.
She walked towards him.
No, walk wasn’t the correct word. Strode, strut, glided, fuck, he didn’t know, she just moved as fluidly as a shadow and water combined, silver moonlight glistening off her skin and her diamonds, and he knew he would never love the mere act of walking more than when he watched her move.
She stilled.
He stopped breathing.
Her foot raised, toes tracing the inside of the heel, raising the pointed toe, balancing it on the stiletto, and she flicked it backward, causing it to tumble and somersault backward, falling to its side.
She thought of everything.
She balanced on tiptoe and did the same to the other shoe, discarding it with a swift tick.
He made a less-than-elegant noise of her name mixed with a needy whine.
“P… Please…”
Jungkook was quite sure he was a hair’s breath away from ripping off his pants to get some relief.
She finally made her way to stand in front of him. Smile so close now, emphasized by painted lips.
Her hands closed over his, peeling them away from his crotch, holding them loosely. She leaned forward, placing a delicate kiss on his lips. Deep, meaningful, nothing flashy. Drew back, still smiling.
This smile.
He wanted to protect it forever.
“I should have told you that I love you, but I didn’t know it then,” he whispered.
She chuckled.
“I know now.”
She was lowering herself as he spoke, tilting her head at him, inviting him to continue. Getting to her knees, positioning her feet right under her ass, neat and orderly. His hands dropped, leaving hers on his belt, undoing the buckle, her gaze still on him. Looking up at him with amusement, diamonds glittering on her throat, perky tits and nipples, thighs on display, kneeling in front of his crotch.
“I love you.”
Jungkook meant it, every syllable.
He never meant it more in her life.
“I know.”
She casually undid his belt and slid the closure open, unzipping his slacks.
“Wait… what?” he sputtered, blinking rapidly.
“I know you love me,” she repeated calmly.
Jungkook had time for a single blink before his pants were yanked down to his knees. He started, almost falling over, but her hands came up behind his legs and gripped them, keeping him upright.
“Careful,” she purred, stroking the backs of his thighs.
He jerked his head down, hardly able to breathe, shock blossoming as she leaned forward, hot breath warming his black boxer briefs. Eyes on his face, pink tongue extending.
“O-Oh, fuuuck…”
She planted her tongue over his hardness and soaked it with saliva, wetting the fabric and tracing the outline, molding his underwear to his length, sending him into gasping shivers, heat from her tongue and then her lips closing, blowing a cool stream over it, hot and cold, sensation and deprivation, too much and not enough, placing kisses all over and he flinched with every one, savoring the feeling, the touch that was familiar and unfamiliar, everything he wanted.
“W-Wait… that’s dirty…”
“Not as dirty as the things I want to do to you.”
Not as dirty as the things I want to do to you.
Pants racking his torso, looking down, and it was the same but different, her lips kissing up his abs, his chest, back to his face, holding him to her, lipstick smeared and now on his skin. Open mouth to elegantly parted lips, gasping as she collected her breasts and pressed her nipples to his chest, squashing the softness to his pecs.
“Spit on my cleavage,” she breathed.
She raised an eyebrow, knowing that he heard her perfectly well, squeezing her breasts together and rubbing them on his chest, sending the electric sensation of her large nipples dragging across his heartbeat, rolling her shoulders to the beat of the sea, bathed in silver moonlight.
“Spit on my tits, Jungkook.”
“I… c-couldn’t… do that to you…” he moaned, pitch hiking with pleasure.
She didn’t chide him to cover his mouth this time, instead smirking wider, licking her teeth. “Sure, you can. Do it, golden boy. Spit on me.”
She hooked a leg over his hip and grinded her crotch to his wet one, causing him to whine, knowing his cock was so close to her pussy but not yet skin to skin, the soaked fabric barrier driving him insane, his hands coming up to grip her waist and press her down on him, staring into her eyes, inhale shaky and erratic.
She smiled, teasing, sculptural, his.
“You trust me?”
Jungkook was drunk on something he didn’t understand and it was love.
He leaned forward, capturing her lips, an intense, burning kiss. She smiled into his kiss, and he knew she was aware of his nervousness, but she remained patient as she always was, pressing back daintily, taking his breath away. He broke apart, trembling.
She nodded, telling him it was okay.
He collected saliva at the tip of his tongue and looked down, spitting into her cleavage.
It shot out of his mouth, splattering over the swell of her breasts and onto his own chest. His ears burned, self-conscious at the dirty act, but she moaned deliciously, backing up, his saliva dripping down and stuck to the inside curve of her breasts. He had a moment to appreciate the image, the most beautiful woman in the world with her diamond choker and his spit on her tits glistening in the moonlight reflected by the sea.
That was all he could say as the image burned into his memory.
She smirked, falling to her knees, tugging his black boxer briefs down his thighs, his stiff cock popping out, bobbing in the air at the suddenness of its release, and then trapped once more, except this time not in drenched fabric but in her soft, saliva-covered breasts – or his saliva, depending on how he thought about it – but he couldn’t think about it, abrupt pleasure shooting up his spine, throwing his head back in a moan, eyes darting everywhere, surrounded by mirrors, reflections of his face, his long black hair a wild mess, his facial features consumed by wanton lust, his throbbing cock jammed between her breasts and her body sliding up and down, her large nipples rubbing against his crotch and thighs, oh, fuck, the sensation insane, soft and rough and wet, her perfectly pinned hair leaving only the curls at the ends bouncing from her effort.
She spit down his length, adding to the lubrication and her name burst out of his mouth in an erratic groan.
She pushed his cock up, almost uncomfortable, but then her mouth closed around the tip, tongue swirling, and he was lost again, ecstasy as she switched to blowing him, pressing her breasts to his thighs, smearing the saliva on them too, covering his cock in red lipstick, soaking every centimeter with saliva, running her tongue over the veins and the head, his hands clenching into fists, close, so close, and then she popped her mouth off, leaving him near tears and in whines.
“P-Please, let me cum, please…”
“I want you to cum on my necklace,” she panted, planting his cock in her cleavage again, lacing her fingers over it, pressing the head down into the slick skin, shock of her words and the escalating pleasure, his chin lowering and staring down at glittering black diamonds and the engorged tip of his length popping in and out of her breasts.
“You want me to… cum on your necklace…?” he echoed hollowly, in utter disbelief.
“Fuck yes, I do,” she grinned, tip of her tongue flickering at the edge of her lips. “Cum on my diamonds, Jungkook.”
Well, fuck.
This was the worst surreal and hottest moment of his life.
He clenched his jaw and thrust his hips into her chest, adding to the stimulation, chasing it, seeing her grin grow, devilish and devious, squeezing him tighter, faster, faster, faster, his hands and his body shaking, gripped by pleasure and her hold, panting her name over and over, his prayer, his drug, his lifeline, trying to hold out, the line inside him pulled taut, thinner and thinner, snapping.
“F-Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
His hips jolted and he forced them upward, her head tipping back as the thick red tip popped out, twitching and splattering thick streams of white, painting the black diamonds with his white orgasm, clinging to the jewels and her collarbones, dripping down, covering her with his strong and masculine scent. She lifted her body, trapping his jolting cock in her breasts, and he moaned helplessly, rutting against her skin, sparks of pleasure shooting through his veins, uncontrollable flinching and shuddering as more dribbled out, milked out by the tightness.
“Oooooooh, f-fuck… fuck, I’m s-so sorry…” he gasped out, wincing at the mess he made.
“Ah, shut up, Jungkook.”
In awe, he watched her back up slightly, strings of his orgasm all over her breasts, chest, and diamonds.
She smiled and dipped her fingers in it, coating them with his cum and bringing them to her smeared red lips, licking them off one by one, pink tongue slipping between her elegant digits, moaning as she drank up his taste.
Eyes on his, drunk on him.
time left: --:--
Kim Namjoon leaned against Kim Seokjin’s shoulder, listening to the other man’s deep breathing.
They were sitting on the plush green couch in Kim Taehyung’s room.
The night was quiet, nothing but the sound of the waves coming through the open window, a light breeze as Namjoon watched the moon reflect off the ocean. Seokjin had already fallen asleep, head resting against the back of the sofa, tired from the day’s events and needing the rest. Namjoon felt the drowsiness beginning to weigh on him too, using Seokjin’s wide shoulder as his headrest. He had opened the window to prevent the room from getting too stuffy.
It would have been more comfortable to be in that giant bed with the one he was paid to protect, but he hoped she was in good hands now.
He smiled to himself, watching the silver moonlight dance off the choppy waters.
His mind went back to those moments, moments when he had to hold her shoulders and remind her of who and where she was, moments when he sat and waited as she clenched her teeth and a skilled medical tattoo artist filled in those white scars all over her hands, moments of when she finally sat him and Seokjin down and told them why she sometimes woke up at night, screaming and crying, yelling the names of past demons.
She had told them she was sorry, sorry for being weak, sorry for not taking responsibility.
Seokjin had scoffed, smacking her lightly on the head. “Are you an idiot? You have been through enough. Stop it with that nonsense. It’s part of our job, so let us do our job.”
After that, Namjoon would make it a point to check up on her at night, reaching over to soothe her brow as she slept, relaxing her face with gentle touches. He wanted to be there in case she woke up from a nightmare, and it became a habit, until Seokjin too elbowed himself in the bed, muttering that she always got the best digs anyway, so why shouldn’t he? He was handsome enough, after all.
They only accompanied her to events or appearances.
It bothered Namjoon to think that sometimes she was alone in her own home, waking up screaming and crying, and that he couldn’t be there.
He wondered what would come of this.
Jeon Jungkook.
Did he know that if he broke her heart that two ‘big-scary-dudes-with-massive-shoulders’ were going to find his ass and rearrange it?
Namjoon closed his eyes, letting the night take him under its wing.
time left: error
The black diamond choker was on the vanity, covered in Jungkook’s cum.
Both of your clothes were on the floor, shoes, pants, dress, undergarments, strewn all over, a mess, along with a now cold, wet, white bath towel that smelled like semen and saliva. It had what was left of your red lipstick on it.
One of the designer cosmetic bags was open.
There were condoms scattered on the bed now, thrown over the red silk sheets.
Jungkook was holding your hands, palms up, tenderly kissing them.
It felt strange, his soft lips on your scars.
Most people didn’t realize it. It wasn’t something they looked for or thought to think twice about, because to them, your hands had always been like that. It would be rude to comment or mention it even if they had noticed.
But Jungkook had known your hands before they became like this.
“It’s why I stopped going to school.”
He kissed the pads of your fingertips, looking at you with those dark brown orbs.
“Did something bad happen?”
You smiled, somewhere between sad and apologetic.
“I wanted to make sure that I could still see you, but unfortunately I ended up doing the exact opposite.”
He squeezed your hands tightly, giving you his own smile. “Still, you came back to me.”
You chuckled ruefully. “Not with the best intentions.”
The silver moonlight highlighted all your favorite features, the cupid’s bow of his lips, the tiny mole underneath, the wrinkle of his nose with his smile, the stars in his eyes.
“You’ve always been dangerous and ill-advised for me, but I always liked that about you.”
You arched a brow. “Hm, you were a shitty class representative, huh?”
Jungkook shrugged. “You weren’t really a class delinquent either.”
You shook your head, pulling your hands out of his. “Look at you. What kind of class presentative gets all these tattoos?” you teased, dancing your fingers up his right forearm and elbow, tracing the outlines of the script and graphics, following the swirls of the clouds and flower petals with your nails, listening to his shallow breath at your touch. “And an eyebrow piercing? Are you trying to tell everyone you’re one of the cool kids now?”
His lips twisted into a small frown. “Am I cool?”
You shrugged. “Every time I hear about the cool kids in our grade, it’s just about how they got knocked up too early or how they dropped out of university, so you tell me.”
“I haven’t gotten knocked up.”
You gave him a look, bordering on impatience.
“Wait, I mean–”
You raised a hand and planted it on his chest, pushing him down on the bed.
“Enough. Stop talking, please.”
You crawled over his body, placing your hands by his head, looking down at him. Jungkook stared up at you, long black hair splayed over the pillows. He was definitely a man now, sharp jawline, manicured brows, slight dark circles from long nights, and, as you leaned down, expensive cologne now, still light and clean but with a twist of sharpness and sweet fruit, still with the same warmth. Your lips pressed against his jaw, leaving kisses, sinking your weight onto him, skin to skin, his gasps under you, and now it seemed like you were back in that time, his teenage self and your teenage self, the same eagerness as his arms surrounded you, running his hands down your back, but now he added his nails, making you hum in approval. He did it more, scratching his nails over your spine as you kissed his jaw, his throat, his ear, jingling his earrings with your tongue, whispering against his skin.
“No one has ever been what you are to me.”
You didn’t bother using past tense, because it wasn’t.
You sat down on his thigh, his semi-hard cock twitching against your skin, turned on by your kisses and your tongue toying with his ear.
“You weren’t even very good, you know. You were kinda shit. Too impatient.”
He shuddered, tensing his forearms against your sides.
“I’m b-better now…” he whimpered, turning into a moan as you bit his ear and rubbed your wetness on his thigh, painting it with your juices. You kept it slow, leisurely, with even pressure.
You lifted your head, bringing your fingers inward, slipping them into his hair, pushing it back, caressing his temple with your thumbs.
“I have loved you all this time, Jungkook, even back then when I didn’t know what love was, when I was only chasing a feeling that was different from all the others.”
His eyes widened, stunned by your words.
“Ah, nevertheless, I came back too late.”
His hands on your back, holding you tightly to him.
“I want to kiss you all the time,” he whispered, words from long ago, bringing them back. “And I will.”
He raised his forehead and touched yours.
“I know it’s not fair, I know it’s bad, I know it’s terrible, but I’ll be fucked up if you can’t be right here, with me.”
His lips to yours, small kisses and closed eyes, hiding his tears behind his lashes.
“You are the happiness, and if you continue to love me, I will never let you go.”
That’s what Jungkook said, but the sentiment was slightly interrupted by his cock being so hard that it was actually raising your thigh up into the air.
You smiled against his lips, chuckling.
“I guess I’ll bring a towel when you get her cocktail splashed into your face.”
“Maybe two. She has a lot of internet friends.”
You lifted your head, smirking.
“Well, I can’t say it would be the first relationship I’ve ruined, although those were far more indirect.”
Jungkook tried to make the moment romantic, but her naked body was on top of him with her wet pussy rubbing on his thigh and his dick was coming back to life right in the middle of his speech.
Still, he couldn’t really complain, because at the moment he was ripping open a condom, on his knees between her legs, rolling it down, eyes roaming over her body lines, poised and elegant and sexy, her hair flared out on the pillows, still neatly pinned up, some kind of sorcery, but that didn’t surprise Jungkook, for she had always had her spell on him and he was better for it.
“You want missionary?” she teased.
He bit his lip, nodding.
“I want to watch your face.”
Her tongue flickered out on the edge of her upper lip, accenting the high point of her smirk.
“Good, then I can watch yours.”
He positioned himself in front of her, pausing for a second, unsure now, but she simply grinned and reached between her legs, one hand on his length and the other on his hip, digging her nails into his ass and shoving him inside her.
“Oh, fuck!”
She seemed highly amused, but he was gone, sudden tightness and wetness enveloping him, pitching forward and catching himself on his palms, sinking into red silk, the intensity bursting from his core and washing over him, shuddering and gasping as she gripped his ass with both hands and sank him down into her pussy, down, down, drowning in the feeling, diving into the depths of pleasure, fuck, he felt it everywhere, her walls clenching and wrapped around his length, the sensitive head rubbing against the ridges, and the emotions that rushed through him as he looked into her eyes, a little humiliated that it affected him so much, a little shocked at how good it felt even with the condom, and a lot of lust and trust and love, all rolling into one, and she purred his name, smooth and silky and gentle, and he couldn’t help himself, slowly rolling his hips and smacking down hard, burying himself to the base, eyelids fluttering, feeling it radiate over his body.
“Too... hard?” he choked out, trying to be considerate, desperate not to fuck up.
She shook her head, snickering.
“Not even close.”
“How can I–?”
But she didn’t let him finish, tapping the mandala flower tattoo on his right elbow and he raised his arms, at loss for words and breath when she raised her legs to his shoulders and tugged his forearms back down, his hands landing on the bed once more.
Oh no.
This was tighter.
“Fuck me, Jungkook, and make it rough.”
I can’t talk or I will blow my load in two seconds.
He nodded, tensing his jaw, and smacked his crotch down, her thighs smacking against his chest.
Oh, fuck me.
He wished he could sound less desperate and less ruined, but he simply didn’t have the capacity for that any longer, tumbling into a series of wild moans as he built up the pace, wave after wave of pleasure crashing into him, too much sensation, soft thighs, wet tightness squeezing his throbbing length, her hands on his upper arms, holding on tightly, his name falling from her mouth along with her erotic exhale. He loved every sound she made, every single one, her moan, her hiss, her growl, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, that’s it, give it to me, Jungkook, loved the way she looked at him, a mixture of bliss and slyness, loved the sound their bodies made, a harsh rhythmic smack, louder and louder, messing up the sheets, her head tipping back, eyes closing, fuck, yes, gonna cum if you keep going like that, so he did, hard, firm, powerful slaps of skin-to-skin, feeling so good but holding himself back, biting his lip hard and moaning in his throat, not willing to orgasm until he made her do so, at least twice.
Jungkook was being ridiculous, he knew, but he wouldn’t forgive himself if he lost it too soon during his first time inside her.
“Mmm, fuck, Jungkook, fuck!”
A sharp throb and then a cascading effect, brutal massages of his length, and he didn’t even realize it, pausing for a second from the strength of her orgasm, his cock clenched all over and squeezed, shocking pleasure that made his eyes roll back, struggling with every fiber of his being to not explode, edging himself by ceasing his thrust, and then he drew back and rammed back into her, clawing up the sheets to press her further down into the bed, nearly bending her in half, but she didn’t seem to mind, gripping his arms and raising her hips to meet him, deeper now, the head being constricted even tighter by this changed angle, him sucking in a deep inhale, smelling blackberry, evergreen, and sex, the sweet smell of her pussy, reminding him of sitting on the bus on his way home and catching that scent on his hands and clothes, not regretting it, loving her mark on him.
It was better now.
Better because he was actually in her pussy.
And better because her teeth caught the side of her lower lip, a second of lost control, lashes lowering, moan in her mouth, his name, his name, his name leaking from her lips.
“Oh, Jungkook…”
He would never tire of it.
It burst again, a lewd squelch, and the insides of his thighs were soaked with viscous honey, clinging to his balls, violent throbs around his jerking length and Jungkook was gone, gone, everything accumulating at the peak and shattering down, his deep moan flooding the room, shooting his orgasm into the condom as his quivering cock was clenched all around, unbearable euphoria that he welcomed, letting it consume every nerve and vibrate through him, a feeling he never wanted to end.
He let it swallow him, her ocean, her moonlight, her night, and he promised himself that he would never leave.
All in all, Jeon Jungkook hadn’t changed much. That was alright. It was clear that you both had unfinished business in the past that was being hashed out right now.
Through sex, because how else?
He was behind you, both of you kneeling on the bed, his breath on your skin, murmuring your name, wonderment and desire, leaving a trail of kisses on your shoulders and neck.
“You can bite me, you know.”
He nipped at your skin experimentally. You pinched his finger on your upper arm, the little sheepish emoji on his middle right. He squeaked and bit harder. You hummed approvingly, lowering your hand.
“You’re turning me into a crazy person,” Jungkook mumbled to the curve of your neck.
“You were already a crazy person. You just pretend you’re not.”
“That’s not true…”
You gently peeled his right hand from your arm and yanked him forward. He inhaled sharply, hard chest hitting your back as you tugged his arm forward, curving it around you.
“What non-crazy person blacks out the inner part of their elbow and tattoos the bone on the outer part as well?” you accused, rubbing his muscular forearm against your nipples, smirking at his moan, his shiver traveling through your back and to the sparks of pleasure radiating from your breasts at the lovely friction.
That was as far as he gave you as an answer because he had no good answers.
His hand curved around your left breast and he ran his fingers over it, tugging at your nipple. You leaned into his touch, sighing softly. Well, maybe you had been a bit harsh. He had changed. Less clumsy now, attaining his own irresistible sensuality that he probably wasn’t even aware of, considering the wavering in his tone.
“You’ve probably had better than me, huh…”
“You would be surprised at the complete inadequacy of the human race when it comes to sex, Jungkook. Most people don’t give two shits about listening to their partner’s wants.”
He pinched your nipple and you moaned, rubbing your ass against his crotch.
“You always do everything I want and even things I didn’t even know I wanted,” he mumbled.
His cock was getting the hint with every rock of your hips, rousing at the soft friction. You listened to his rapid breathing, amused, the amusement turning into fond irritation as you felt his free hand slide between your bodies, tucking his hardening length between your ass cheeks, now slowly and non-discreetly humping you.
Can’t say you were surprised.
“You’re not that hard to read, Jungkook.”
He was leaking all over the top of your ass, ramming the head into your tailbone, now both hands on your chest, forgetting to answer, too absorbed in touching you, tugging at your nipples in time with his rocking hips, lips back to your neck, biting down and sucking hard, leaving marks. There was power in his hold, passion and desperation, a needy whine vibrating in his throat, faster, harder, pinching your nipples and rubbing the tips, pulling slightly, pleasure from his lips and his hands, your own reaching back and clawing at the small of his back, leaving scratches, yes, please, harder, mark me, make me yours, and you chuckled at his declaration, you were always mine, Jungkook, and he moaned your name in affirmation, licking up your neck, hot shaking breath ghosting your ear.
“Wanna fuck you from behind.”
You sunk your nails into his skin and brought your fingers outward, flicking your wrists to leave sharp lines of lust, his moan in your wake.
“Do it,” you drawled, voice saturated with need.
He pushed you down and your caught yourself with your hands, clutching fistfuls of red silk. You heard the rip of another condom and his groan as he encased his aching length, one hand on your ass, and you spread your legs, his knees fitting between them, the head grazing your wet opening and he slid in with a shudder, filling you up and stretching you out, a little pain that dissipated as he squeezed your ass with two hands, sighing with satisfaction with you.
“I know I said I want to kiss you all the time, and I do,” he panted, stalling.
You smiled, turning your head to look over your shoulder. Jungkook looked back at you and he reached forward, driving deeper into you, making you mewl for him. He plucked the pins from your hair, one by one, undoing the perfection, tossing them aside as he spoke, shrouding your shoulders and face with cool-toned black, surreal and glamorous.
“But I think I’ve decided I also want to fuck you all the time.”
You smirked. “You don’t take much convincing, I must say.”
He eased the last pin from your hair and flicked it aside.
You heard it fall to the floor.
That one wouldn’t be found in the morning.
He grinned. “Maybe I already knew you would be amazing.”
Instead of replying, you leaned forward and then smacked your ass back into his crotch.
Jungkook reeled, hand flying back to your hip, grabbing it tightly as you roughly pushed back into him, his natural response being to thrust forward, compounding the pleasure for you and for him, looking forward again and tipping your head back, letting go, moaning for him, his hardness twitching with your sound, loud and getting louder, bodies tangled, bed creaking, clutching your ass for dear life. You lifted one hand and brought beside your hip and Jungkook gripped your forearm, your body naturally dropping lower, deepening each thrust, and that was it, the uncontrollable need resonating in his deep voice, forcefully pounding you into the mattress, thighs, crotch, balls slapping into your lower half, carnal and wild and visceral, his name and your name mixing together, filling the room with the sight, sound, and smell of sex, so strong, fuck, he was so fucking strong, and so were you, a shock every time your bodies connected, until you were wailing with the ferocity of orgasm, squirming and clutching his forearm as he held yours, clenching around his length, but this time he didn’t stop, fucking you through it, gasping for air.
“Oh fuck, yes, fuck, do it again, cum for me again, fuck, feels so fucking good, feels like you’re choking my cock…”
And he brought it out of you again, your right hand punched into the sheets, your left in his hold, moaning for him, Jungkook, fuck, Jungkook, for him then, him now, him forever, ecstasy and elation, hitting a high you thought didn’t even exist, lust and trust and love, raising your torso and slamming your palm onto the headboard, rattling the whole damn bed.
Slamming back onto his cock and squeezing hard, Jungkook gasping at the suddenness of the harsh throbs around his length, jolting inside you and spilling another into the condom, your head whipping to the side, spotting a mirror and there he was, head thrown back, long black hair touching his shoulders, open mouth, eyes rolled back, chest shuddering, your name a shaky moan, holding you tight, his right arm travelling, wrapping around you and lifting you up, and then it was you in the mirror, your body against his, skin to skin, his dark brown orbs shifting down, feeling your eyes on him, and then he was watching your reflections, seeing your joined bodies, panting in unison, both sweaty and spent.
You smiled at him, lit up by moonlight and mirrors.
He smiled back.
And then his hand was on your chin and he turned your head to face him, tilting his head and kissing your smile, seeing it not its reflection but the real thing, no longer only when you thought he wasn’t looking.
time left: 00:00
Jungkook didn’t recognize that voice at all. He concluded must still be dreaming.
A finger podded his temple.
He started, but the arms encircling him pinned him in place, not letting him and his naked body leave the bed. Softness pressed against his back, bare nipples rubbing against his skin. He froze.
His dick was rock-hard.
A black-haired man in a black suit with a disturbingly handsome face was glaring at him.
“You animals made a fucking mess.”
“Go away, Seokjin.”
Jungkook squeaked, unable to talk because one of the hands holding him was dancing downwards under the covers, wrapping around his impossibly stiff length. He prayed it wouldn’t start moving up and down, but it did. Slowly. Not enough, but still too much, because he didn’t really want to get jacked off first thing in the morning while someone was very clearly assessing whether or not to cause extreme bodily harm to him.
Well, he did want to get jacked off first thing in the morning.
It was the bodily harm he was less enthused about.
The man named Seokjin squinted at him and it took every fiber of Jungkook’s being to not make a goddamn peep as her fingers ghosted the head, smearing slick pre-cum over the slit.
“I want to take a shower.”
“Then go take a shower. I left towels for you,” she mumbled behind Jungkook’s back.
“Namjoon’s in the shower right now.”
“Then order us some breakfast.”
“I sent Taehyung to do that. Also, it’s noon.”
“Couldn’t you order room service?”
Seokjin shrugged and Jungkook realized his shoulders were huge. “He said he had a friend who worked in the kitchen and was going to reserve us a table.”
She raised her head, resting her chin on Jungkook’s right shoulder and pulsing his cock with her right hand under the sheets. “Taehyung has a lot of friends, doesn’t he?”
Seokjin looked at Jungkook pointedly.
“Er… yeah. T-Tons…”
Those brown eyes narrowed, scrutinizing Jungkook suspiciously. “He seems like a dork.”
“I like dorks. That’s why I keep you around.”
Seokjin stuck his tongue out childishly and yelled at the top of his lungs. “Namjoon!”
“I’m done!”
“Finally,” Seokjin grumbled, walking off and yanking the bathroom door open, barging in unceremoniously.
“Oh, fuck, please, d-don’t…”
“It’ll only take me a second.”
You dove under the covers and Jungkook clapped his hands over his mouth, your grip on his twitching length moving fast and tight, rubbing your tongue on the hot head, and you were right, it only took a few seconds, and then Jungkook was hissing through his fingers, now, fuck, now, and your mouth swallowed his cock, not a moment too soon as thick spurts of his orgasm shot into your throat, coating the back of your tongue, savoring his smell and his thighs under your breasts, rubbing your nipples on the muscle.
“N-No, stop, stop,” Jungkook whimpered desperately, grabbing you by the shoulders and yanking you up, your head popping out, smirk on your lips.
You opened your mouth and showed him your tongue covered in his cum.
“Shit, you’re going to be the death of me…”
He hurriedly nudged your chin and you closed it, grinning.
Jungkook grinned back at you helplessly, holding your smiling face in his hands.
some time later
“I have two towels.”
“She didn’t throw her drink at me.”
“Damn. I even seduced the bartender a little bit to get those plush cotton ones.”
“She asked if she could keep the ring so she could sell it and give the money to her secret, less good-looking boyfriend so he could buy her a new ring.”
“Oh. Wait, what?”
He shrugged, rubbing the back of his head. “I said sure, because it wasn’t like the love of my life couldn’t afford her own diamonds.”
“Ah, true, true.”
“I might be slandered for a little while on the internet.”
“Nah, you won’t. Maybe for like, six hours. Then everyone’s attention span will be somewhere else. Also, your taste upgraded in their eyes, from social media influencer to burlesque dancer.”
You grinned, raising your hands to create a finger frame of your index fingers and thumbs, enclosing the handsome face of Jeon Jungkook, long black hair, silver brow piercing, dark sculpted eyebrows, big brown eyes, defined jawline, shapely pink lips, mole of his nose and cheek, and finally that perfect mole underneath his lower lip, appearing as he smiled at you, confused at what you were doing.
“Even though we all know you’re just a hopeless sucker for the class delinquent. Tsk tsk.”
His grin grew mischievous, walking over to you as you lowered your hands.
“Well, I was a shit class representative anyway.”
He leaned down to kiss you, smile to smile.
Twelve hours.
Sunset to night.
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iwa-ch4n · 4 years
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pairing; xiao x gn!reader
word count; 1031
description; xiao has always been adamant not to show weakness, emotion or vulnerability. you somehow manage to worm yourself through to him anyway
warnings; none, just some tender fluff with xiao
The calm, warm air of the Wangshu Inn enveloped you as you returned after a long day - well, two days - out in the wilderness. Normally, you’d go out for the day and return to your room in the evening, but you had been forced to camp out outside after a hilichurl attack left you too weak to walk and too afraid to venture further in the darkness.
But you managed to get back, and after fending off Verr Goldet’s concern at the cuts and bruises that covered you head to toe, you got back to your room to bandage yourself up and regain your strength, warmth flowing through you as you thought about the boss’s message to you.
“By the way, Xiao has been on the top floor balcony for longer than usual. I get the feeling he’s waiting for you”
No matter how tired you were, you couldn’t deny visiting the adeptus, who preferred to be alone and yet had only objected your company the first time you met. So you made the short treck up the stairs, finding him in his usual spot, leaning against the balcony railing.
"Verr Goldet says you've been waiting for me," you said as a form of greeting, and he didn’t flinch at your sudden voice. He never did. You often wondered if he could sense your presence, or if his hearing was so acute he could hear your soft footsteps approaching.
"I don't know where she got such an idea from," he responded, though not harshly, gaze still fixed on the distant outline of the mountains.
"You don't have to admit it, Xiao. I'm just happy you missed me," you laughed, slowly walking closer to him.
"I didn't miss you. You didn't come back last night, and I was," he faltered for a moment, barely able to accept the emotion, let alone admit it out loud. But he’d started the sentence now, so he resolved to spit it out, "worried."
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you simply leant against the railing next to him, meeting his eyes for the first time that night. He scanned over you, your slightly messy bandages, processing your injuries.
"It seems rightfully so," he continued, turning his head away again, "you mortals are so frail, and yet you constantly pick fights."
"I'll have you know the hilichurls were the ones that picked a fight with me. As well as the treasure hoarders I ran into on the way back," you defended, watching one of his eyebrows tilt up slightly.
"You got beaten up this badly by some hilichurls?"
If you hadn’t known him better, his tone would have sounded condescending, another allusion to human weakness and fragility. But you did know him, and you knew it wasn’t mocking; it was disbelief. You were a capable adventurer and fighter, usually finding no trouble in fighting hilichurls, and you felt a warmth in your chest that he acknowledged this, no matter how indirectly.
"I think I fought more hilichurls yesterday than I have in the rest of my life combined," you admitted, turning to meet his eyes. You watched every subtle flicker of emotion - worry, pain, affection. It always astounded him how you could read him like a book; he had spent millennia building up walls, yet it seemed you’d picked the lock to a door he didn’t know existed and waltzed right in. And yet, when you read him, you never read him aloud. He was not a poem or a play, his emotions not the story of a storyteller. If anything, they were a personal letter, one to read in privacy and stash under your pillow, replying only with your own letter, a look in your own eyes.
"Call me. Next time you're in trouble,” he managed, finally looking away from you. The image of you struggling alone against a crowd of hilichurls made his heart twist and bend painfully, and emotion he didn’t think he wanted to name or understand.
"I'll have you know I can handle myself fine on my own," you replied lightly, ignoring the sting of your bandaged wounds. 
"You could've died," he stated, but with none of the usual nonchalance nor anger with which he usually spoke about death. His voice was soft. He sounded almost pained at the idea. He was so well acquainted with endings, the mortality of humans nothing new to him, as inevitable and unimportant as a tree branch having an end. But you were different. He didn’t want to ask himself why.
"And how will you know when I'm calling you, huh?"
Xiao willingly showing vulnerability was a delicate situation, a tightrope you had just about learnt to walk across. You kept the atmosphere light, offering slight joking comments, encouraging him to continue without pushing him too far.
"Don't concern yourself with that. Just... When you're in trouble, say my name. I'll be there," he insisted, meeting your eyes once again. You didn’t think you’d ever seen his expression so gentle before, and it forced a lump into your throat and a small smile onto your face.
"One condition," you said, and he didn’t have to agree for you to know he was ready and listening. The condition was a risk; you were willingly jumping off the tightrope and praying for a soft landing. But walking the rope showed no signs of getting you to the floor, and your heart was longing to be grounded, "kiss me."
Xiao remembered a great deal of his long life, but he did not remember the last time he moved so desperately, catching his lips on yours. The kiss was soft, only lasting a moment, but it still left you breathless, heart beating faster than ever or perhaps stopped altogether. You stared at him in wonder as he stayed close, your noses only millimeters apart, his eyes scanning every inch of your face in admiration.
"Xiao," was all you could manage to say, barely a whisper against his lips, bringing his attention back to your eyes.
"I'm here."
You knew him well enough to know that that was his way of saying ‘I love you’.
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ana-benn · 3 years
Guys.... I'm sorry. I just love A/B/O fics so much. I needed to write one, and honestly Star Trek lends itself to the premise.
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Of Alphas and Control
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, Alpha Leonard McCoy, Omega reader, gratuitous use of sweet girl, smut, injury, Jim and Spock's married couple dynamics, could be construed as violence, possessive alpha male, established couple.
You stood in the med bay watching as crew member after crew member were brought in to be seen to. The entire lower deck had to be evacuated, and the medical unit was all hands. Which was unfortunate because per regulation you should not be here. Your heat was due any day, and as you watch Leonard prowl through the unit you knew exactly why it wasn't allowed.
You didn't need to be able to see yourself to know you were watching him with hungry eyes. You wanted him, and with every barked order you felt yourself becoming more and more aroused. Your thighs clenched involuntarily when his gaze landed on you. It was well established that bonded Alpha's had their ruts triggered by their Omegas, and as soon has Leonard's eyes met yours you knew that this was going to be a difficult situation. Neither of you could leave, and Leonard was going to have to decide what was best. Distance between the two of you, or keeping you close. It wasn't ideal, but you saw the slight indecision in his eyes. As he breathed deeply his eyes steeled.
"You're with me," he growled out.
You nodded quickly and grabbed your nurses kit as you followed him to one of the beds. As you dealt with injuries you hoped biology would hold off. Unfortunately for you being this close to Leonard was making that impossible. His scent was all tobacco with leather and a subtle undercurrent of whiskey and spice. Every breath was like breathing in fire that shot straight to your core, but Leonard kept you in check. Small corrections and orders on what he needed as you worked your way through patients.
As you reached the halfway point in your shift, just s you started to relax a bit, you felt the dam break. Slick covered your panties, and Leonard's steady hands shook as he bandaged the burned arm of an engineering technician. You knew it would hit Leonard first, but being this close to an unmated Alpha was a recipe for disaster.
"Doctor," you started, trying to hand him the gauze, but his hands were occupied.
"We're almost done," he ground out. His movements because rushed and his face hardened in concentration. He was finishing up, as the first cramp of your heat hit you. As you fought the pain, trying to avoid crying out for your Alpha, the engineer took a deep breath.
You knew the moment you scent hit him, because his eyes flickered over your frame as he reached for you and Leonard snarled as the man's hand touched yours. There were mere seconds before your mate had pulled you towards him in a protective embrace, a sure sign you needed to get as far away from the med bay as you could. It was shocking to see the typically reserved Alpha lash out, and almost as if on instinct you cowered into his frame. You didn't fear the other man, but you preened under the protective instincts of your Alpha.
Leonard glared down at the other alpha until he lifted his hands in submission, before grabbing your waist roughly and pulling you towards the lift. You were vaguely aware of him barking out something to the orderly on your way out, but you were too busy trying to burrow into his neck to care. Once he had you out of sight his lips fused to yours with a hand tangled in your hair as he held you there roughly. The other hand was on your body methodically mapping you out.
You tried to participate in the kiss, but it seemed your Alpha wasn't having it. He was all tongue and teeth taking completely control. It was different than you were used to, and to be perfectly honest you were okay with that. Your omega preened under the care of the Alpha. She wanted more, and he was providing it. Pushing you against the wall and he shoved his knee between your legs, and the groan he let out when your ground down onto him left you smirking. His mouth moved to you neck where he sucked a dark bruise into your bonding mark.
Once the lift had stopped you wrapped your legs around the doctor's waist and peppered kisses over his face and neck, as he manuvered you towards your quarters. Normally Leonard wouldn't stand for this kind of action, he was so private, but having you hit your heat in front of another Alpha had made him possessive. His claim felt threatened, even if it was only superficially, and he wanted that rectified immediately.
When you made it inside it was only a moment before you were slammed against the door and your panties became a casualty of war. It was all teeth and tongue as worked you open first on his fingers before slamming his cock into you. The mixture of pleasure and pain the always started a heat was intense, and you groaned out against his shoulder.
"Leonard," you gasped as he began a furious pace. "Please." You begged, unsure what you even wanted.
He growled at you roughly, as he worked your body over. You were all gasps and pleas for some unknown goal, as his lips found new places to mark you. Other omegas came in for dermal rejuvenation after a heat, but Leonard was never one to hide his handiwork. He liked knowing everyone who came to the med bay could see you like that, and as private as he was about most things having you marked as his was never an issue he had a bone with.
"Alpha!" You cried as he hit that spot inside you, and at his designation he sunk his teeth into your bonding mark, triggering your orgasm.
You stayed like that for a moment as you felt his knot swell within you. Typically it would be a while before his knot would pop, but the good doctor was a pro a manuvering around it so that you could both be comfortable. This time he chose the couch where he could sit, and you could rest more comfortably against him. He murmured sweet nothings to you, along with some possessive remarks that only seemed to come with his rut.
You and Leonard had taken a week to sate yourselves, as was the most typical for already bonded pairs. When you'd first mated that first heat had taken over a month to cool, your body craving your Alpha after having never had one before. And so you found yourself back at work, bruises in every shade of healing peppered your neck and chest. Not even mentioning the hand shaped bruises on your thighs, forcing you to wear pants instead of your preferred uniform dresses.
You were wrapping up your charting for the day when you heard men's voices arguing, it was loud enough that even Leonard came out of his office. Before he could ask what was happening Jim and Spock walked into the bay, causing the doctor to roll his eyes and lean against the nurses desk.
"Jim," he drawled. "What's going on?"
"Bones! Just the man I needed," Jim said, cocky attitude in full force. "Tell Spock that Alpha's are the most controlled designation." You couldn't help the snort that escaped at that, the evidence of Leonard's lack of control evident on you skin.
"Doctor, I apologize for the interruption. I was explaining to the Captain that he'd be less prone to injury if he would indulge his designation and find the time to utilize one of the omegas that fawn for his attention," Spock's logical reply came. Honestly the lack of passion in him explained everything you needed to know about betas.
Leonard shook his head at the two of them, "You're both so far off the reservation it's comical."
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oreosmilkshakes · 3 years
Mine; the sequel
Summary: The end of everything Pairing: The Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 11.4K Warnings: Violence, Endgame’s ending, character death,  A/N: This is the longest piece I have ever written and holy crap, it was tiring but worth it. Seriously. I’ll wait a little until I wanna write again. The sequel spans over CW, IW and Endgame so yall are in for a ride.   ED/N: Editor has gone to the Ether Realm (Written by author) Taglist: @igothroughphasesalot​ @paniniirae​ @winteroqers @felicityofbakerstreet​
Two years. Two years was how long it took to hunt Bucky down after the events of HYDRA’s infiltration within S.H.I.E.L.D. . Y/N did not give up. She spent sleepless nights, using her contacts, satellite technology to find her soulmate but each time he appears, he disappears the next minute after. Even with Steve and Sam’s help, the job didn’t get easier.
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After S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fall, a new power came in and that very same power thought it would be a good idea to control the Avengers through a series of words. Specifically, the Sokovia Accords after what happened in Lagos. Y/N knew it wasn’t Wanda’s fault. She was constantly with her best friend day and night, being her shoulder to cry on. Y/N pitied Wanda. She lost her brother to Ultron and now, people were dead due to an accident. Y/N was also there for Steve when he received the news that Peggy had passed on in her sleep. She attended her funeral, standing by the blonde super soldier throughout the entire event. Y/N knew how much Peggy meant to him. He was a man out of time after all. Y/N immediately pulled Steve in a tight hug after the coffin was sent for burial.
It was indeed dark days and darker ones were coming
Y/N was requested by Everett Ross to accompany him and Sharon to greet Steve. She’s heard what had happened in Vienna and the whole explosion. Something big was going on. Y/N could feel it. So, as she walked towards the vans, one could imagine the surprise Y/N felt when she saw Bucky. Her eyes widened and so did his. Her jaw slacked a little, looking at Steve who gave her a subtle shake of his head. Everett Ross and Sharon Carter, along with the other German soldiers here don’t need to know Bucky and Y/N were soulmates.
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Y/N’s heart was racing, Bucky’s too. Two years. Two long years of sleep deprivation and tears has finally brought Bucky back to her. She wanted to hug him, to feel him against her body, to touch every inch of his skin. However, seeing him caged like an animal broke her heart. Was it really Bucky that blew up the building and killed the king of Wakanda? It couldn’t be him. Y/N gulped, her eyes meeting with Bucky’s again as he was slowly transported away. She could see him flex his metal arm, as if trying to escape his prison so he could run to Y/N and be reunited. He has changed. Y/N could not see the same killer she saw back in 2014. However, he looked beefier and that made Y/N’s heart flutter. He was also tamer, calmer. Something like The Winter Soldier’s programming won’t go away easily, of course.
And Y/N was right.
Blackout. Steve looked around, all monitors had gone dark.
“Come on, guys, get me eyes on Barnes,” Everett spoke through his walkie-talkie. Bucky was left with a faceless man. Anything could go wrong.
Tony tapped on his ear.
“Friday, get me a source on that outage,” Something was wrong.
Sharon looked at both Steve, Sam, and Y/N. “Sub-level five, East Wing,” Without further delay, the trio hastily made their way to Bucky’s location.
Bucky turned to his supposed interrogator. “What the hell is this?”
“Why don’t we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no,” Zemo dug into his bag, hand gripping the item most important to Bucky.
He pulled out The Red Book, holding it up for Bucky to see. “I mean your real home,”
Bucky’s eyes darken at the sight of the book. The very same book that was used by the Russian to control him like he was some dog.
Zemo removed his glasses, standing up with the book and a torch.
“Желание (Longing),” Something ticked in Bucky’s mind. The locks he had on The Winter Soldier was rattling, like a monster slamming itself against the heavy doors of its prison.
“No,” He whispered.
“Ржавый (Rusted),”
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Bucky threw his head back. “Stop,” The door shook hard but not enough for The Winter Soldier to be released. Yet.
“Семнадцать (Seventeen),” Bucky clenched his metal fist. “Stop,” He growled. If, no, when, Zemo finishes those words, The Winter Soldier would be broken free and that scared Bucky. His soulmate was in the same facility as him and the chances of Bucky hurting his lover and everyone around her was high. Bucky’s breathing got heavy, growling under his breath as he tried to fight hard against his trigger words. Zemo looked up, eyes focused on Bucky in torment. “Рассвет (Daybreak),” Bucky screamed, four out of ten locks were broken now. He yanked his metal arm out, successfully breaking his cuff before moving to rip the cuff off his right arm.
“Печь (Furnace)”
Bucky grunted, moving to the door. His fists slammed against the reinforced door, grunting as he was losing to the locks on the prison.
“Девять (Nine),  Доброкачественный (Benign),” Zemo continued. Bucky’s metal fist slammed hard against the door, seven out of ten locks were broken now.
“Возвращение на родину (Homecoming), Один (One),” The cracks formed by Bucky’s hard punches grew bigger. He was feral once more, eyes wild and seeking freedom from his prison.
“Товарный вагон (Freight car),” And that was it. The door broke, locks broken and Bucky--No, The Winter Soldier was free once more. The Soldier burst out of his prison, hair falling over his face as he breathed softly. Zemo stood in front of him, The Soldier stood, eyes dark and showed no signs of Bucky at all.
“Cолдат? (Soldier?)”
“я готов отвечать (Ready to comply),” The Soldier replied, ready to receive his newest assignment.
“Mission report. December 16, 1991,”
And The Soldier knew exactly what to do.
When Steve, Sam, and Y/N arrived, soldiers laid slumped against the wall, unconscious from being attacked by the dark Super Soldier.
“What the hell...Who did this?” Y/N gasped, checking on one of the soldiers, and sighed in relief when she found that he was still alive.
Steve led further into the cell, kneeling to check on a soldier when a soft voice called out.
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“Help me. Help,”
Steve saw red. He stormed over to Zemo. “Get up,” He grabbed the man and slammed him against the wall. “Who are you? What do you want?” Steve’s fists clenched tightly on Zemo’s collar.
“To see an empire fall,”
Sam stepped in, narrowly missing a punch by The Soldier. “Bucky!” Y/N screamed to get his attention. Nothing. No hesitation or a glance at the woman. Sam landed a few punches on The Soldier before the assassin grabbed him and threw him against the cage. “Sam!” Y/N moved to help. “Y/N, stay back. This isn’t Bucky!” Steve ordered and Y/N froze. The Soldier looked at Steve and then to Y/N with dark eyes. He turned his attention to the woman, storming over to her. Before he could swing his fist at his soulmate, Steve grabbed Bucky and threw him back. “Y/N, get out of here!” “I am not leaving you here!” “Just go!” Steve narrowly missed a punch from Bucky, landing his fist onto his best friend’s face. Y/N took one last look at Bucky before taking off. Not to find safety, no. But to try and find ways to subdue The Soldier.
The Soldier and Steve fought hard against one another until they both ended in the water with a broken chopper. Sam and Y/N had left the facility to chase after Zemo but the man had disappeared.
Time to hide again
Y/N didn’t hesitate to follow Sam to the meeting point where Steve had brought Bucky. She bit her nail, the man’s metal arm was clamped under heavy machinery so he wouldn’t be able to escape if he wanted to again.
Y/N moved to Bucky, brushing his hair out of his face. He was still unconscious, clothes and hair damp from his and Steve’s little swim. “Be careful, Y/N,” Sam warned. Y/N shook her head. “After two years, Sam. Two years of finding Bucky. I am not going to ‘be careful,” She cupped Bucky’s rough cheek, her thumb gently brushing the red bruise on his left cheekbone. Y/N held back tears, her heart was aching for the man before her. “I missed you, Bucky,” Y/N whispered, words filled with emotion and unspoken love.
The Winter Soldier slowly slipped back into its cage, the effects from the words were losing their power and once again, Bucky Barnes was back. The Super Soldier stirred awake a few minutes later from the distant sound of a helicopter. “Cap,” Sam called out. Steve stopped his conversation with Y/N, Sam gesturing to Bucky. Y/N’s breath hitched a little. Bucky was awake. She licked her dry lips, following Steve from behind.
Bucky groaned softly, using his hand to lift himself so he could look at Steve. His eyes drifted to Sam next and finally, Y/N. He parted his lips, wanting to say something to his soulmate but Steve cut off to him first.
“Answer me first. Which Bucky am I talking to?”
Bucky blinked a few times. “Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to wear newspaper in your shoes,” Bucky chuckled. Steve was satisfied with Bucky’s answer. “Can’t read that in a museum,” Sam was in disbelief.
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“Just like that, we’re supposed to be cool?”
Bucky’s eyes flickered to Y/N again then back to Steve.
“What did I do?” “Enough,” Steve replied. Bucky let out a soft sigh. “Oh, god. I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words,” Bucky whispered.
“Who was he?” Steve questioned.
“I don’t know,”
“People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than “I don’t know,” Steve pressed on further. Y/N wanted to step forward and defend Bucky but Sam shook his head. Bucky squinted his eyes a little, brows furrowed as he recalled the moment before he became The Winter Soldier.
“He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where,” “Why would he need to know that?” Bucky knew it was finally time to spill the truth. And so he did. “Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,” Bucky gave a brief recollection of The Winter Soldier program. Y/N moved a little closer to Sam, fear growing in her heart knowing there were more than Bucky.
Steve was now leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Who were they?” “Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum,” Bucky explained. Y/N was now standing behind him, hands gently playing with the tips of his long hair as a form of comfort. Bucky found it comforting as well, leaning into the woman’s soft touch.
“They all turned out like you?” Sam questioned.
Bucky shook his head once. “Worse,” Now, it was Steve’s turn to speak.
“The doctor, could he control them?”
“Enough,” Bucky looked down at Y/N’s hands that were now on his strong shoulders. He leaned further into his soulmate’s touch, his head resting on her abdomen.
“Said he wanted to see an empire fall,” Steve glanced at Sam. Bucky leaned forward. “With these guys, he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you’d never see them coming,”
Sam approached Steve, speaking to him lowly. Bucky turned to Y/N, his metal hand taking one of the woman’s hands softly. He brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am,” Bucky stood, turning to face the woman. He tilted his head down to face his soulmate, the corner of his mouth twitched into a small smile. “You know, I didn’t realize how short you are,” Y/N gasped, punching Bucky in the shoulder, only to realize she punched metal and winced softly. Bucky took both her hands, lacing their fingers together. “I want to apologize to you, doll. I made a promise and I didn’t fulfi-,” “No...Don’t say it. It’s not your fault. I know how hard it is to push him aside and be the man who you are today,” Y/N moved a hand up Bucky’s arm, resting on his bicep. She couldn’t get over how beefy he looked now compared to two years ago. Y/N cleared her throat, quickly averting her gaze so Bucky won’t catch her staring at him. Too late though. Y/N looked up at Bucky, cerulean eyes met hazelnut ones. Her hand moved up to his rough jaw, thumb feeling the sharp bristles of hair that covered his jaw. The Super Soldier leaned in slowly, his metal hand gripped Y/N’s waist gently. Their lips met in a soft kiss, one filled with unspoken love and kept emotions. Bucky pulled Y/N closer, deepening the soft kiss. A stray tear trickled down the agent’s cheek, Bucky pulled away slowly. He cupped Y/N’s cheek, his metal thumb wiped away the tear. He knew exactly why she was crying. Happy tears. Reunited finally after two years. “Two years, I spent wondering what my soulmate tasted like. I’m not disappointed,” Y/N laughed softly, both realizing that this was their first kiss. “Neither am I, Bucky. Neither am I,”
Bucky turned to face Steve and Sam, both men had smirks on their faces and nodding, seemingly impressed with the other Super Soldier. Y/N simply hid her red, embarrassed face in Bucky’s warm chest.
“Come on. We’re meeting someone,” Sam walked ahead, Steve followed shortly after along with Bucky and Y/N.
Y/N certainly didn’t expect the days to get worse. The first being Tony and his side of the team ambushing Steve in Germany’s airport. Now, that was a bigger mess. Explosions here and there, heroes thrown around by one another and Y/N constantly at Bucky’s side. She couldn’t leave him and she was not letting him go anytime soon. Bucky felt the same way which is why he was doing his best in protecting the woman he loves. What’s worse was that those who could not get to Siberia were thrown in the Raft.
Steve manned the quinjet, Y/N and Bucky were seated at the back. Her hand took his metal ones, lacing their fingers together as Y/N leaned her head on his strong shoulder. Bucky let out a soft but audible sigh as he looked down at their laced fingers. All this fight was because of Zemo framing Bucky for the Vienna bombing.
Y/N looked up at Bucky. “Do you think this will ever stop? This fighting, people or organizations with plans to take over the world, the world in chaos?” The super soldier thought hard. Would it? Of course not. A storm was coming.
“I’ve been in this shit for over 70 years, Y/N. It won’t stop,” He looked down at his soulmate, cold thumb caressing Y/N’s skin. The woman nodded, leaning up to steal a kiss off his lips before snuggling into Bucky’s side for warmth. Bucky simply smirked at his soulmate’s action, heart fluttered a little from her affectionate gesture. Bucky stayed in the same position for hours while Y/N slept, making quiet conversation with Steve as the trio made their way to Siberia.
“Doll, wake up,” Y/N heard a distant voice called out to her in her sleep. “Wake up, sweetheart. We’re here,” The woman’s eyes fluttered open, jolting up in an upright position as she looked out the cockpit window to see white. “Where are we?” Y/N let out a soft yawn shortly after her question.
“Siberia,” Steve answered before Bucky could. The quinjet landed beside a snow plower. Bucky moved over to the weapons locker, grabbing an assault rifle. The ram to the exit lowered, Y/N left first to examine the snow plower.
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Steve glanced over to Bucky. “You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?”
Bucky looked over to Steve. “Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?” “You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead,” Bucky smiled brightly, remembering those memories that happened oh-so-long ago.
“What was her name, again?” “Dolores. You called her Dot,” “She’s gotta be a hundred years old right now,” Steve patted Bucky’s shoulder. “So are we, pal,” He nodded and left the quinjet.
Y/N stood by the opened doors.
“He can’t have been here more than a few hours,” The agent looked at both Super Soldiers. Tracks were still fresh too.
“Long enough to wake them up,” Bucky gripped the handle of his assault rifle, following Y/N into the facility with Steve behind them. The trio took the elevator down, stepping out, and swept corners. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. Y/N took the lead, handgun in her hand as she climbed the short flight of stairs. BANG
The trio simultaneously whipped around to the elevator, ready to attack the intruder.
“You ready?” Steve whispered. “Yeah,” Bucky looked through the sights of his rifle, hand steady. The metal door creaked, the middle was pushed open and it revealed Tony. Steve eased up a little, both men approaching one another. Tony’s headpiece pulled away to reveal the man’s face. “You seem a little defensive,” Tony commented. Steve nodded, still holding his shield up. “It’s been a long day,” Tony looked up at Bucky and Y/N. “At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you. Y/N, not gonna give this old man a hug?”
Y/N was no doubt Tony’s favorite person. They worked together with Y/N being mentored by him in tinkering with tech. After all, Y/N was still young. But don’t let that mistake you. She was smart, a formidable fighter and had friends in high places.
Y/N was just about to take a step down when Bucky stopped her. “No,” “Bucky, please. It’s Tony. I know him,” She whispered, gently pushing his arm away gently. The Super Soldier grumbled and moved his arm away, Y/N moved to hug the older man tightly. “I’m sorry you had to be tangled in this, kid,” Tony looked down at the young woman with soft eyes. “It was my choice, Tony. Don’t worry about me,” Tony sighed softly. He could never see Y/N as an enemy even if she was on Steve’s side. He loves her too much like a daughter. “Can’t help but worry, kid. You’re like a-,” “A daughter to me, I know. I’ll be fine,” Y/N smiled, giving Tony one more hug before pulling away.
“Why are you here?” Steve questioned, breaking the moment.
“Could be your story’s not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself,”
Steve stared at Tony with careful eyes. “Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” Tony scoffed and Steve eased up, lowering his shield.
“It’s good to see you, Tony,” “You too, Cap,” Tony turned to Bucky, his rifle still pointed to the billionaire. “Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop..” Tony trailed off. Y/N approached Bucky, a hand on the muzzle of the rifle. “It’s okay..,” Bucky’s eyes flicked to his soulmate and lowered his gun.
“Let’s go,” Y/N moved past Bucky and led the way deeper into the facility.
It was a surprise at how the facility still had power working after all these years. However, dust and cobwebs covered a lot of surface areas. The four ventured deeper into the bunker, entering a larger part of the facility. “I got heat signatures,” Tony informed.
“How many?” Steve asked.
“Uh, one,”
Six lights, six freezing tubes. “What the hell is all this..?” Y/N questioned, squinting her eyes at the tubes. Each one had a small hole in the glass.
“If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep,” Zemo’s voice came on through the speaker. The four slowly walked over to the other side, Y/N closely examining the tubes. These must be the Super Soldiers Bucky was talking about. Each had a bullet in their head.
“Did you really think I wanted more of you?” Zemo’s voice came back on.
Bucky held his gun close, swallowing as he recognized each cold face. “What the hell?” He whispered, keeping close to his soulmate. “I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here,” Zemo finally showed himself. Tony held his arm out, aiming a wrist missile at Zemo. Steve threw his shield at the glass, the Vibranium frisbee simply bounced off the wall and returned back to Steve. “Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets,”
“I’m betting I can beat that,” Tony claimed, cocky.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came,”
Steve approached the small window. “You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?”
Zemo moved closer to the window. “I’ve thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here...I just realized..there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes,” Zemo chuckled. “How nice to find a flaw,” Steve understood the situation. “You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
Zemo shook his head. “Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise,”
Steve nodded slightly. “You lost someone?”
Zemo’s jaw clenched, clicking his tongue. “I lost everyone. And so will you,” Zemo turned, pushing a button.
By Steve, a monitor turned on. The blonde glanced at Zemo then approached the monitor. “An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead. Forever,” Tony, Bucky, and Y/N approached the monitor. It was a camera, panned in a very specific spot. The date in the corner read ‘December 16, 1991,’
Tony looked down at the monitor. “I know that road,” His eyes looked down at the tape. “What is this?” He questioned Zemo, the Sokovian simply chose not to say anything and allowed the heroes to watch as the video played.
Y/N was horrified at the contents of the footage. Bucky--no, The Winter Soldier killed Tony’s parents. Tony’s eyes were hard, jaw ticking as he struggled to fight back his growing, erratic emotions. He was about to move to Bucky when Steve stopped him. “No, Tony,” Tony’s head snapped to Steve but his eyes didn’t meet the blonde’s until he found the courage to do so. “Did you know?” “I didn’t know it was him,” Steve avoided. “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?” Tony’s voice was strained, in a whisper of growing rage and sadness.
“Yes,” Tony pushed Steve away, betrayed by the fact Steve knew. Steve knew how his parents died and did not do anything to tell him.
“Tony, please, ju-,” Tony held a hand up to shush Y/N up. With a flick of his hand, he sent Steve flying before proceeding to attack Bucky.
It was an entire mess of chaos. Punches being thrown, kicks and just simply the pain of seeing a once-powerful team breaking apart all because of one single piece of footage.
Y/N did her best to try and break off the fight but received punches herself. Steve and Bucky were overwhelming Tony. He shot a repulsor blast to Steve, sending him against the wall. “Tony, stop!” Y/N grabbed his right arm, struggling to pull Tony back. The billionaire shoved Y/N away hard, sending her to the wall as well. She bumped her head against the concrete, groaning softly as blood trickled from the open wound.
Bucky roared in anger, landing a hard fist onto the chest plate. Tony landed a few punches on Bucky but the Super Soldier barely flinched from it. Years as The Winter Soldier made him this way. Bucky was pissed off. Tony released a blast, Bucky forced the blast upwards before landing a hard punch straight to the core. Tony stumbled backwards. “You hurt Y/N!” Bucky roared, using his right arm to pin the billionaire against the wall. Metal fingers dig into the titanium plate. Steve struggled to stand, looking over to the side to see Y/N in pain.
“Y/N,” Steve groaned out, moving over to check on the woman.
Bucky pushed hard against Tony, screaming as fingers grabbed the glowing core. An unexpected blast from the core sent Bucky stumbling back, landing on his right arm.
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Tony shot a blast at Bucky, the Super Soldier landed beside Y/N. “Bucky..,” Y/N moved over to Bucky, heaving his head on her lap. Her eyes landed on the metal stumped, the edges orange from the heat. Bucky took some time to recover, eyes blurry and mind hazy from the hit.
When the fighting ended, Tony was beaten to a pulp. Y/N was supporting Bucky, with sad eyes on Tony’s downed form. Steve limped over to the two, assisting Y/N with her soulmate.
“That shield doesn’t belong to you. You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield,” Steve has heard enough. He simply dropped the shield, leaving the facility with Y/N and Bucky.
Steve carried Bucky back to the quinjet, setting him down. Y/N sat beside her lover, pulling him close.
“I expected to see you here, Captain Rogers,” T’Challa approached the jet. Steve was on guard, the King raised his hand up. “I almost killed the wrong man, Captain Rogers,” Steve relaxed as the King approached the ram of the jet. “I apologize, Mr. Barnes. I truly am,” T’Challa eyed the couple, understanding what was going on. Bucky simply gave T’Challa a nod, weak from all the fighting. “May I place an offer, Captain Rogers?” “What’s the offer?” “Sanctuary for Mr. Barnes and his soulmate in Wakanda. We will take care of them,” Steve looked at Y/N and Bucky, the woman was whispering soft words to her soulmate.
“Thank you, Your Highness. I think it’s best if they do so,” T’Challa nodded. “Very well then. Wakanda’s doors are open for you,” With that, the King left and before Y/N knew it, she was in Wakanda.
Y/N looked at Bucky with sad eyes. He had to do this. She knew he had to do this. Cryosleep. Her hand rested on the back of Bucky’s neck, both soulmates looking at one another deep in the eyes before Bucky made the move to plant a kiss on the agent’s lips.
Steve approached the two. “You sure about this?” The blonde questioned.
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“I can’t trust my own mind,” Bucky gave a short smile, looking up to his lover. He knew this would be hard for Steve, especially more so on Y/N. God knows how long it will take to remove HYDRA’s programming etched in his mind like a parasite. He took Y/N’s hand, lacing their fingers together.
“So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody,” Steve nodded. He was not really fond of Bucky leaving Y/N alone and freezing up but if he wanted to prevent another Zemo occurrence, this was the price to pay. “I’ll give you and Y/N some time together,” Steve left shortly after.
Bucky turned his attention to Y/N, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. “Baby doll..” He cupped Y/N’s cheeks, thumb swiping away a stray tear. “It’s..It’ll be selfish of me to stop you...So I won’t,” She laughed lightly, hands cupping both of Bucky’s rough cheeks and rested her forehead against his. “It’ll be over before you know it. I know you’ll wait for me, Y/N,” Bucky whispered, leaning in slowly until both their lips met in a soft kiss. Y/N returned the kiss, pouring all her emotion and love into it. She didn’t want to let go even though she knew she had to. So she did. Y/N pulled away after a few seconds, pressing one more peck to Bucky’s lips. “I love you..” Y/N confessed. She did. She loved Bucky with all her heart and soul and Bucky felt the same. “I love you too, sweetheart,”
Y/N stepped away, slowly releasing her touch. Bucky stood, stepping into the tube. Steve stood beside Y/N, watching as the Wakandan doctors began the process of freezing. He gave Steve and Y/N one last smile before leaning back, freezing up almost instantly.
Y/N missed him every day.
Two years. Another two years of waiting for Bucky to awoke from his cryostasis. With Shuri’s help, Y/N worked hard day and night to perfect Bucky’s cure and when a solution was formed, Y/N could not wait to see Bucky.
“You’re sure this will work, right?” Y/N turned to her good friend.
Shuri smiled. “Come on, Y/N. You’ve seen my work, you tell me. I have faith in it and in us,” Y/N laughed nodding, her excitement was visible to the princess. “Two long years without your soulmate was hard, wasn’t it?” Shuri’s eyes were filled with pity but also admiration. She has yet to find her soulmate but every day, without fail, she sees Y/N. The woman went from a sad mess to a strong woman. Shuri assisted the agent with keeping her mind filled and for two years straight, Y/N’s mind was kept off Bucky.
Y/N laughed softly. “Yeah, too long, Shuri. Come on. I want to see him,” She left Shuri’s lab and made her way to the medical wing. Doctors and nurses surrounded the tube, the machine hissing as the defrosting process began. The agent bit her lower lip, standing behind the small crowd of doctors and nurses all on standby to assist with the frozen Super Soldier.
The door hissed opened, heavy mist escaped the tube. Two doctors stepped forward, helping the figure out of the tube. As the mist cleared and the doctors stepped aside, there he stood, looking exactly the same as he was in 2016. James Buchanan Barnes was reawoken, cerulean blue eyes scanning the room.
Y/N felt tears pricked her eyes once more. “Bucky..” She called out, tears falling down her cheeks. Bucky turned to the source of the soft voice, immediately recognizing it. “Y/N…” Bucky hoarsely called out. Y/N ran to Bucky, wrapping her arms around his abdomen, and sobbed into his chest. The woman cried hard, finally reunited with her lover. Bucky was in shock. A good shock. He wrapped his arm around Y/N’s body and leaned down, burying his face deep in his soulmate’s neck.
Shuri approached the couple. “Welcome back, Sergeant Barnes,” She smiled at the reunion. The first broken white boy she was going to fix. Y/N pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears away. “Bucky, this is Shuri. Wakanda’s princess and definitely the smartest person on Earth,” Shuri playfully nudged Y/N’s shoulder.
Y/N cupped Bucky’s cheek. “Babe, listen to me. The doctors are going to run a few checkups on you and when you’re done, I’ll take us home and fill you in on what’s been going on, okay?” Bucky simply nodded, throat too dry to even speak. Y/N stepped away, allowing the doctors to work on her soulmate.
The woman returned after half an hour, Bucky was redressed into more traditional wear. “Doll...God, I missed you,” Bucky pulled Y/N in for a short kiss, their first kiss since 2016. Y/N took Bucky’s hand, fingers intertwined. “I missed you too, Bucky...Too much,” She showed him a sad smile. “Come on. I’ll take you home,” And so she did.
Y/N had been living in a small, peaceful hut just a few minutes away from the main city. She fed him, showered him with affection, and of course, ran him through what has been going on. She mentioned that Steve visits them whenever he could, what’s happening to the world right now and in Wakanda.
Y/N moved to sit beside Bucky on their shared bed, the Super Soldier gave her a handsome smile. “Out of all the things I missed about this world, I missed your smile the most,” Bucky flirted. Y/N gasped softly, gently nudging Bucky’s shoulder. “Ever the gentleman, Mr. Barnes?” “I’m always a gentleman, doll. You just get to see more of that side than anyone else,” Now that made Y/N laugh, a sound Bucky came to love immediately.
Life was peaceful with Bucky. The couple has finally found peace.
For months, Ayo, Shuri and Y/N have been helping Bucky with his release from HYDRA’s hold.
“Y/N, it’s going to work this time. Trust me,” Shuri watched as Y/N paced up and down her lab, biting her thumb. Ayo had brought Bucky deep into the Wakandan forest, insisting that it was best for this final process of the removal into the woods just in case Bucky reacted to the words and went on massive havoc.
“It’s been almost two hours, Shuri. What if..,” Y/N stopped, shaking her head to shake away the negative thoughts. Footsteps caught Y/N’s attention, her eyes looking towards the lab entrance. Her eyes widened when Ayo and Bucky stepped in. “He is free,” Ayo informed, bowing a little to Shuri. Y/N covered her mouth, gasping at Ayo’s words. Bucky was free. He was free. This means the words had zero effect on the Super Soldier. She approached her lover, noticing the puff under his eyes and the red veins on the whites. “Oh, honey...Come here,” Y/N reached up to her taller lover, hugging him tightly. This was not tears of sadness, no. They were tears of happiness. Finally, The Winter Soldier was no more. Bucky was now James Buchanan Barnes.
“Come on, let’s go home,” The agent turned to Ayo, mouthing a ‘thank you’ before taking the Super Soldier home.
That’s when their life truly took off. Y/N taught Bucky a lot about the world, including the usage of the smartphone. At first, Bucky was hesitant, claiming that he didn’t need to use a smartphone. Now? The Super Soldier was hooked on it. It made Y/N shake her head in amusement.
Apart from the teaching of the modern world, Y/N also spent more time with her soulmate. She took care of him, cooked for him, bathed with him, had some fun with him and Bucky truly knew, from that moment on, that he was devoting his life to his soulmate. Shuri witnessed their moments together, even taking note each time their White Wolf would fall in love with Y/N. She shook her head, smiling before resuming her work on a certain prosthetic arm.
Their happiness lasted for months, of course. Until Y/N spotted four figures walking towards their little home. “Bucky,” She called out softly.
“Hm?” Bucky hummed in response, looking up at his soulmate. Y/N pointed to the four figures. The closer they got, Y/N recognized who it was. “T’Challa,” Y/N greeted with a smile. The King returned the smile as a Wakandan soldier placed down a case. The agent knew what it was. Bucky came over, looking down in the content of the case. He looked at Y/N, who nodded at him. If T’Challa and Okoye were here bringing this asset Shuri was working on, that means something was coming. Something big that needed every hand on deck.
Bucky looked at the King. 
“Where’s the fight?” “On its way,” Bucky nodded, moving closer to the arm. “Steve Rogers is on his way,”
“We’ll be there,” The King nodded and left with his guards.
Y/N approached the arm, running her fingers on the golden of the cold arm. A big smile spread on her lips as she closed the case and picked it up. “Come on. I have a surprise for you too,” She took Bucky’s hand, tugging him back to their hut.
“Doll-,” “No, no. I’ve been working on this one. It isn’t much but I know you’ll like it,” Y/N cut her soulmate off before he could say anything. She set the case on the bed, moving to grab another case from under their bed. “Wait, how long has that been there?” Bucky raised an eyebrow. How did he not realize that fairly large box under the bed? Y/N laughed lightly, leaning over to steal a kiss off Bucky’s lips before setting the case beside the arm. “I placed it there when you weren’t looking, of course. You ready?” The Super Soldier nodded. Y/N unlocked the case, pushing the lid up to reveal Bucky’s newest suit. Bucky approached the leather suit, picking it up with his hand. “Doll, this is... This is gorgeous. Thank you,” He set the suit, moving to pick Y/N up by the waist and twirled her around in happiness. The Super Soldier leaned up, kissing his lover softly. “Thank you, doll...What would I be without you?” Bucky set his lover down, keeping his arm secured around her waist and forehead against hers.
Y/N pecked his lips sweetly. “Lost,” She exhaled softly, staying in their intimate position for a few more seconds before pulling away. “Come on. Let’s get dressed,” She pulled away from Bucky, leaving for the bathroom to change into her battle suit.
Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, tying her hair up. She found Bucky flexing his metal fingers, already in a full suit. “My, my, the arm looks good on you, honey,” The agent smiled, running a hand down the prosthetic arm. Bucky was smiling. “I didn’t think I would get another. This one is better than the old one,” She laced their fingers together. Bucky cupped Y/N’s cheek, leaning down for a kiss. “I love you,” She blushed lightly. “I love you too, James. Now, come on. Let’s wait for Steve,” Y/N led Bucky out, walking hand in hand with her lover to the entrance of the palace.
A quinjet landed in front of T’Challa. The ramp lowered, revealing Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Vision, and Wanda. Steve approached the King.
“Seems like I’m always thanking you for something,” Steve held his hand out, T’Challa took it and shook the blonde’s hand.
“So, how big of an assault should we expect?” T’Challa asked.
“Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault,” Bruce assisted.
“How we looking?” Natasha looked at the King. T’Challa looked over his shoulder. “You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and,” The King gestured to Bucky and Y/N, the couple making their way over to Steve.
“Nat! Wanda!” “Y/N!” The two women ran over to Y/N, hugging her tightly.
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“And a semi-stable 100-year old man,” Bucky finished T’Challa’s line with a big smile. Steve moved in to hug his old friend.
“How you been, Buck?” “Uh, not bad, for the end of the world. Been spending a lot more time with Y/N,” Bucky gestured to his soulmate. Y/N pulled away from Natasha and Wanda. “Steve!” Y/N ran over to Steve, pulling the tall blonde in for a hug. “Y/N,” Steve laughed lightly, picking the younger woman up and hugged her tightly. “Been too long, Y/N. We missed you,” The blonde set the agent down on her feet. “Bucky and I missed you guys too. It’s a shame that the only way for us to be reunited is when the end of the world is happening,” Y/N moved to Bucky, holding his hand. Steve nodded at her words. “Sadly, it is,” T’Challa approached the group. “Come. Let’s get to the lab. My sister has been itching to see Vision,” With that, The King and his guards let them to Shuri’s lab.
Y/N was having a short conversation with Sam, laughing lightly as she watched Sam and Bucky have their usual playful banter when the Falcon noticed something amiss in the sky. Sam tapped into comms. “Hey, Cap, we got a situation here,” Something extraterrestrial had breached the atmosphere and was coming in fast to Wakanda. The object broke into pieces upon impact with the massive protective bubble that protected Wakanda. Y/N flinched a little from the sight of the explosion while Bucky looked in amazement. “God, I love this place,” Bucky mumbled, eyes fixated on the bubble.
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Rhodey’s voice came over comms this time. “Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome,” And true enough, more projectiles were approaching. This time, they were aiming to land outside of the protective bubble. Y/N moved close to Bucky as five projectiles managed to land successfully outside of the dome. She squinted her eyes, studying the five. “They look like..transport ships. Or ships in general. These can’t be bombs,” “Whatever the hell they are, Y/N, they mean trouble,” Sam pushed his goggles down, wings spread and ready to fly. Bucky looked over to the side, seeing the team on transport. “Come on. Let’s hitch a ride,” He ran ahead, his soulmate following from behind. -------------------------------------------------------------------
The large Wakandan armies were in formation. Rhodey stood by the front line, Sam was making flybys, Steve, Natasha and T’Challa had gone ahead to negotiate with the enemies. Y/N’s hand slipped into Bucky’s metal hand, both instinctively laced their fingers together. Bucky turned to look at his soulmate and Y/N did the same. “I love you. No matter what happens next,” The Super Soldier leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N’s lips. The agent inhaled deeply, returning the soft kiss before pulling away when Steve returned. “They surrender?” Bucky released Y/N’s hand, eyes forward to the ships. Steve let out a heavy sigh. “Not exactly,”
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The five ships began to move, hovering in the air. Loud snarls and heavy footsteps were fast approaching the edge of the dome. Y/N stood her ground, hand gripping her pulse rifle. It was a specially made and specifically designed rifle capable of long-ranged attack and hand-to-hand combat when turned into a spear. Y/N tilted her head, her body fully enclosed in a black vibranium-made suit complete with a headpiece to protect her face. This suit would protect her and best of all, it enhances her movements. The suit itself was black. It had blue streaks and fur around the neck. Kinda like a fur coat but make it extra badass. The helmet had ears, similar to T’Challa’s suit.
Y/N felt eyes on her and found Bucky looking at her with a smirk on his lips. Perks of being best friends with the Princess of Wakanda. All Shuri wanted was for Y/N to be safe during any battles she fought. “Don’t look at me like that,” Y/N pouted under her nanotech helmet. “Can’t help it, Doll. You look good,” Bucky complimented. Y/N playfully nudged Bucky’s side, placing her rifle on her back for now.
The massive hoards of Outriders ran past the trees and towards the dome.
“What the hell?” Bucky cursed under his breath. “Looks like we pissed her off,” Natasha added.
The Outriders piled up against the shield, snarling and growling as they tried to force their way in. Some were sliced in half and those that made it through immediately began charging towards the humans. The Border Tribe held their capes out, invisible shields lined up as the first row of defense.
Y/N stood her ground, getting ready for the attack and knowing that this would be a whole mess of dead aliens and explosions.
All went well. Y/N felt she was winning until Thanos came and ripped the Mind Stone off Vision’s head. That’s when everything fell. “You should have gone for the head,” Thanos rasped out, snapping his fingers. A bright light and complete silence. When the flash cleared, Thanos was gone. Stormbreaker was on the ground by Thor’s feet. “Where’d he go?” Steve asked no one in particular, a hand on his abdomen. “Thor, where’d he go?” The blonde repeated but The God of Thunder simply kept silent.
“Steve? Y/N?” Bucky called out. Y/N whipped her head to face her lover, his hand was turning into dust. 
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“NO! BUCKY!” Y/N screamed, running to her lover. Before she could feel his touch one last time, her soulmate disappeared into a pile of dust. The woman froze, some dust settled on her hand. Her heart was racing, her head feeling tight, and her chest hurting. Her body shook, dropping to her knees as her hands brushed against the dust. Tears pricked her eyes, color draining from her vision. Emptiness filled her heart. Y/N had lost Bucky, again. For the third time. Tears fell, trickling down her reddened cheek as she sobbed. She failed to realize others around here were turning to dust as well. T’Challa, Groot, Sam, and half of the population.
“Y/N, hey..Y/N,” Steve called out, moving over to the grieving woman. “Y/N,” She kneeled beside her, arms wrapping around her shaking form. Y/N tried to push Steve away but she knew the next best comfort was from Steve.
Y/N cried hard in Steve’s shoulder, hands gripping the brown shoulder straps. “He...He’s gone, Steve. I..I can’t see colors anymore... He’s gone... Bucky’s gone..,” Y/N wailed, Steve simply kept the crying woman close. He had just lost his best friend and Y/N lost her soulmate. Steve looked up from Y/N’s form, watching as the others, just like Bucky, disappearing into thin ash. That’s when Steve knew that Thanos had won.
Thanos won and there was nothing the Avengers could do.
For now
Five long years. Five long, hellish years since Y/N lost her soulmate. She had no will to live. After all, her soulmate was dead and so was half of the universe. The first two years, Y/N struggled to cope with Bucky’s death. The smell of his clothes were long gone and the pictures they took together over the course of their relationship buried deep in the agent’s phone. She couldn’t look at them, fearing it would break her further. Natasha and Steve did their best to help Y/N but alas, they were not able to fill the void.
The third year was when Y/N has had enough. She was sick of grieving and had finally accepted the fact that Bucky was never going to come back. So, she contacted Clint and became vigilante partners, taking down those who took advantage of their situation for their own, selfish gains. For the remaining two years, Y/N fought side by side with Clint, now known as Ronin by many. It was just Ronin and Shadow. Until Natasha found them.
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It was a painful reunion with the Avengers, especially with Tony. Seeing the man in such a malnourished state broke Y/N’s heart but Tony wasn’t angry at her. Hell, he missed the woman. Despite what’s going on with the world, time has been kind to her. Y/N assumed she was done after the reunion until Steve told her about their big plan. Something about Scott coming back from this Quantum Realm and Tony using Scott’s theory on Quantum Realm to create time travel. Y/N, of course, agreed to this plan. It was a chance to finally get the world, to get Bucky back altogether. She was not to let this opportunity pass. And so, the team went their separate ways. Scott, Bruce, Tony and Steve. Rocket and Thor. Nebula and Rhodey. Natasha, Clint, and Y/N.
Of course, with every major decision, a sacrifice has to be made.
When everyone returned, there was excitement on everyone’s face except Clint and Y/N’s. Clint dropped to his knees and Y/N did the same, hands on her lap with head hung low. This pulled everyone’s attention to the two. “Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asked. Clint simply kept silent, lip quivering and a growing lump in his throat. That reaction itself was enough to inform the others of Natasha’s sacrifice. Y/N looked up at Steve, eyes red and teary but somehow, tears refused to fall. She knew Natasha wouldn’t want to see Y/N crying so she forced herself to be strong. It felt like Bucky all over. Natasha had been with her through thick and thin. Y/N inhaled sharply, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands before calming down. There was still much work to be done.
The Avengers stood in a circle around Bruce. The Gauntlet was ready, stones in place. Everyone was suited up, Y/N’s helm enclosed her face. Enforced doors began closing on Tony’s command. “Everybody comes home..” Bruce mumbled. He slipped his hand into the Gauntlet, the nano techs formed perfectly around his fist. As soon as the Gauntlet was on Bruce, power surged through his arm. Bruce groaned in pain, immediately taking a knee and held his right arm. Even with the power of the Hulk, it was not enough to contain the raw power of all six Infinity Stones. The power was burning through Bruce’s arm.
“Take it off, take it off!” Thor urged.
“No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?” Steve stepped in. Bruce groaned.
“Talk to me, Banner, “ It was Tony’s turn to talk. “I’m okay,” Bruce forced out, the burn was up to his shoulder. He yelled in pain, raising his fist up and finally snapped. A bright flash and Bruce was on the floor, the Gauntlet slipped from his destroyed arm.
“Bruce!” Steve rushed over to Bruce. Clint kicked the Gauntlet away.
“Don’t move him,” Steve instructed. Tony administered some medicine on Bruce’s arm, to cool off the burn.
“Did it work?” Bruce panted out. “We’re not sure. It’s okay,” Thor replied. The enforced doors opened. Scott noticed the green was back and so did Y/N but that was not why she followed him. She trailed Scott quietly, something wasn’t right. The birds were chirping and the greenery were lively. “Scott?” Y/N moved a hand to his arm. “Guys,” Scott whispered, lips shakily forming into a smile. “I think it worked,”
The next thing Y/N knew, she was blasted backwards with Scott, something had hit them upon impact. More and more projectiles aimed for The Compound, destroying the buildings into pieces. Y/N screamed as she tried to grab onto a broken ledge. She finally caught one and let out a sigh of relief. Y/N groaned, pulling herself up. Thank god for her Vibranium suit. She noticed she was alone. “Scott?! Scott?!” She screamed out. “I’m okay!” Scott replied. Y/N let out a sigh of relief. “Mayday, mayday, does anybody copy?” Rhodey’s voice came on comms.
“We’re on the lower level. It’s flooding!” Y/N gasped. Was Rhodey alone? Y/N hoped not. “Rhodey, I’m on my way. Scott! Get down there ASAP,” Y/N made her way down to the lower levels, moving fast to rescue her teammates.
The flooding was intense. Y/N’s suit struggled a little to keep up but it was still holding strong. “Rhodey, hang on! Scott and I are on our way!” She spoke through comms, dodging debris and crawling through tunnels, climbing down to reach the lowest level. Y/N heard panting. “Rhodey!” She screamed out, jumping into the water. Scott had just arrived as well, back to his original size.
Rhodey was underwater and was losing water fast. That’s when he spotted something behind Scott. His Iron Patriot suit amongst the debris. Rhodey made some noise, gesturing to the suit. Y/N turned to where Rhodey was pointing and quickly made his way to the suit. She grabbed the heavy hunk of armor, bringing it over to Rhodey. The suit recognized its user and opened up, Y/N assisted the older man into the suit. Once enclosed, the water was drained and Rhodey could breathe.
“Rocket!” Rhodey held his arms up, thrusters lit up underwater to push the debris up for breathable space. Y/N grabbed Rocket, the alien Raccoon coughed hard, spitting out water. “Hey! Guys!” Bruce strained out. “Little help here?”
Scott tapped on his arm. “On it. Y/N, hold onto Rocket and Bruce. Rhodey, stick close to me,” The three moved on Scott’s instruction. Y/N held tight onto Bruce and Rocket.
On perfect cue, the rubble began moving hard. Scott grew in size, punching through the heavy debris easily. He set Bruce, Rhodey, Rocket and Y/N down. Y/N’s eyes grew wide in size at the massive army Thanos had and... Steve had? That’s when she noticed color pouring into her vision again and she gasped. There was...Bucky...Bucky was back!
Y/N struggled to find her lover amongst the army of Wakandans and Sorcerers and allies alike. She stood her ground by Bruce.
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“Avengers...Assemble,” Steve spoke through gritted teeth. T’Challa yelled and it was go time.
Armies clashed together. Explosions, bodies flying, and bloodshed. It was utter chaos. Y/N clawed her way through the Outriders, fighting alongside Hope and M’Baku. She yelled in anger, slicing down each feral alien with her claws until her back touched with another. She turned, ready to attack but froze when a familiar metal arm shone under the light. Bucky turned as well, aiming his rifle at the figure behind him but froze. Y/N’s helm revealed her face.
“B-Bucky,” She whimpered. “Doll,” Y/N jumped on Bucky, hugging her soulmate tightly with her face buried in his neck. Bucky dropped his gun, strong arms wrapped around his lover’s waist and held onto her tightly. Y/N didn’t want to let go, so very terrified that this was all a dream. An explosion nearby snapped the woman back to reality and that assured her that all of this was definitely not a dream.
Y/N slowly let go of Bucky, pulling away slightly. Their eyes meet, hands held onto one another tightly. “Bucky, I-,” “No, No. Don’t say it’s your fault. It isn’t,” Bucky cuts his lover off, a hand on his cheek. Y/N couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled Bucky down for a kiss, a kiss filled with emotion, love, and pain. A kiss between two lost souls. It was like a twisted magical moment. Death and explosion surrounded the scene as they kissed. Y/N pulled away slightly. “I love you...I love you..” Y/N chanted. Bucky broke into a handsome smile. “I love you too,” The Super Soldier leaned down, stealing a  kiss off his soulmate’s lips.
“Hey! A little help here?” Rocket grumbled, blasting a jumping Outrider out of the sky with his dual blaster. Y/N pulled away completely from Bucky, grabbing her lover’s gun off the ground, and eased up the Outriders closing in on their position. She let out a sigh of relief, handing the rifle back to Bucky. “Let’s back into the fight, honey,” Y/N’s helm formed around her face again, running off to ease up the alien traffic.
It was a big fight indeed. Shots from Thanos’s ship rained down on the battlefield, sending his own troops and the heroes flying from the impact. Y/N groaned, landing beside Wanda. When the shooting stopped, Y/N looked up to the sky with everyone else. “What the hell..” Bright light forced its way through Thanos’s ship, cannons whirring down as the ship was rendered useless, breaking apart from the effective attack. Y/N turned to Wanda and nodded, running over to the bright light that landed by Peter. He handed the Gauntlet to Carol, noticing the large army of troops running towards the two.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get it through all of that,” Peter looked up at Carol.
Wanda and Valkyrie landed by the blonde woman. Okoye approached Peter, gripping her spear. “Don’t worry,” Wanda assured.
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“She’s got help,” Okoye continued. Pepper landed in front of Peter, Mantis, Shuri, and Y/N joined in with the stand. Hope grew back up to size, Gamora and Nebula by her side as the women approached the army. Both parties clash with Carol making her way towards the van. The others stayed back to reduce the large army down to size. Y/N effortlessly clawed down the Outriders, jumping on their backs to get to the Chitauri Gorilla towering over the heroes. The Gorilla roared in pain, falling dead with Y/N standing on its back. She caught Bucky looking at her from far, a proud look on his face. Y/N smiled under her helm, jumping off the dead alien, and ran to assist the other heroes.
Outriders after Outriders, it seemed endless. Y/N was thrown back by a Gorilla, her back hitting against some debri. “Y/N!” Shuri screamed for her, the Gorilla charging for the woman. She waited for the impact. Bright light and the impact never came. Y/N opened her eyes, the Gorilla had turned to ash. Immediately, she scrambled up to her feet and looked around to find the Outriders and Leviathans turning to ash. Who snapped the Gauntlet? Y/N rushed over to higher ground, looking around. Her eyes spotted Thanos’s form, disappearing and...Tony. “Tony!” Y/N screamed, horror-filled her eyes as she jumped off the debris and made a run towards the man.
Tony stumbled to the side, his left arm shriveled and burned from the snap. ‘It’s the only way,’ Tony repeated mentally. His legs gave way, the man leaned against the rock. His heart slowed, vision blurred. The heroes heard Y/N’s scream, following the frantic woman. Rhodey landed in front of Tony, faceplate retract. He approached the dying man, kneeling by him.
A comforting hand cupped the side of Tony’s head, both men shared a smile as Peter landed and Y/N skidded to a halt by the teenage boy. Her own helm retracted tears in her eyes.
“Mr. Stark. Hey!” Peter was breathing shakily, moving to Tony. “Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It’s Peter,”
Y/N dropped to her knees beside the teenage boy, taking Tony’s hand. He was like a father to her. She loved him and Y/N knew Tony loved her like a daughter. Tony turned to both of them, his grip was light on Y/N’s hand. He had so much to say to both of them and to Pepper too but life was slipping from him. “We won, Mr. Stark,”
Y/N nodded, tears spilling. “We won, dad... We won,” Y/N sobbed out.
“Y/N…” Tony whispered, giving her hand a light squeeze to try and comfort her.
“We won, Mr Stark,” Peter repeated, Y/N was hunched over and crying. Pepper held Peter’s arm, helping the boy stand up. Y/N knew Pepper was a strong woman. The older woman moved a hand to Y/N’s shoulder, rubbing it gently before facing her dying husband. “Hey,” Pepper whispered. Tony moved a little to look at his wife.
“Hey, Pep,” Tony mumbled. His hand moved over to Pepper’s hand over his chest.
“Friday?” Pepper called out. “Life functions critical,” The AI responded.
Tony looked at Pepper and Y/N, giving them a short smile. Y/N was shaking hard, trying her very hardest to not let the dam break. “Tony? Look at me,” Pepper urged and the man did so. He groaned weakly. The pain was all he felt. “We’re going to be okay,” Pepper assured. Tony felt his breathing becoming shallow, wheezing lightly. “You can rest now,” The blonde woman stroked Tony’s head lightly. The wheezing stopped and the grip on Y/N’s hand was now non-existent. Pepper hung her head, the light of the arc reactor disappeared. Y/N leaned forward, wailing hard on Tony’s arm. Peter wiped his tears, a shaky gasp escaped him to find the other heroes kneeling for Tony.
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Bucky was the first to move, approaching his broken lover. His hands held her shoulder, helping her to stand and turned her to face him. The Super Soldier pulled Y/N into a tight hug, her arms moved around his waist as she cried into Bucky’s shoulder.
Tony’s sacrifice was not to be forgotten by anyone, especially to the rest of the world. What he did that day marks him as the greatest hero the world got. Tony possessed something many don’t have: the courage to sacrifice for the greater good.
The funeral was held privately in the comforts of Tony’s property. Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, Morgan, Y/N, Thor, and Steve had gathered in the living room of the home. One of the Iron Man helmets was set on the table, projecting a hologram of Tony. “Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way. Maybe this time,” The hologram began. Y/N looked down at a photo she held. It was an old photo of her and Tony in his old Malibu home, Tony had an arm around Y/N’s shoulder as she held her first piece of tech made under the older man’s supervision.
“I’m hoping if you play this back, it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back. And something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now,” The hologram continued. That statement made the group smile. Ever the joker.
“If you told me 10 years ago we weren’t alone, let alone to this extent, I mean, I-I wouldn’t be surprised but come on, who knew? The epic forces of darkness and light have come into play. And for better or worse, that’s the reality Morgan’s gonna have to find a way to grow up in,” The hologram paused for a short second. Morgan perked up at the mention of her name, looking at Pepper.
“So, I thought I’d probably better record a little greeting in the case of an untimely death. On my part. Not that death at any time isn’t untimely. This time travel thing that we’re gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it’s got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That’s the thing,” The hologram held his hand out as he spoke. “Then again, that’s the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end,” Y/N took notice of Morgan moving closer to Pepper.
“What am I even tripping for? Everything is gonna work out exactly the way it’s supposed to. And Y/N, if you see this, for God’s sake, kid, follow your heart. Remember what old Tony taught you, yeah?” The hologram moved, getting off the chair and moved to the helmet. The hologram--No, Tony leaned down, eyes in Morgan’s direction.
“I love you, 3,000,” One last smile and the recording shuts off.
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Y/N didn’t realize this was the closer she needed. The heroes had gathered outside of the cabin, all dressed in black in accordance with the funeral. Y/N stood beside Bucky, lacing their fingers together. As the bouquet of flowers, along with Tony’s old arc reactor floated away, Y/N had moved and stood by Steve, watching in sadness.
Eventually, it was time for everyone to part ways. However, there’s one last thing left to do...
“Remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got ‘em or you’re gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities,” Bruce explained. Steve nodded, closing up the case. “Don’t worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches,” “You know, I tried. When I had the Gauntlet, the stones, I tried to bring her back,” Bruce looked at Steve. “I miss her, man,” “Me too,” Steve nodded. Bucky and Y/N stood by the machine as Sam walked the blonde to it. “You know, if you want, I could come with you,” Sam offered.
Steve turned to him with a smile. “You’re a good man, Sam. This one’s on me, though,” Steve turned to Bucky and Y/N, approaching the couple. “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back,”
Bucky broke into a smile. “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” Bucky replied, moving to pull Steve in for a hug. He knew this was it.
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“Gonna miss you, buddy,” “It’s gonna be okay, Buck,”
Steve pulled away from the hug, turning to Y/N.
“You take care of him, okay? Take care of one another,” Steve moved in and pulled Y/N into a hug. The woman didn’t think too deeply into Steve’s words. It was just a piece of advice, right? Y/N pulled away from the hug. “You know I will, Steve,” The blonde gave her a smile and moved up to the platform. The machine whirred up to live, the white suit covered Steve’s body.
Sam turned to Bruce. “How long is this gonna take?”
“For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds,”
Steve picked up Mjolnir. “You ready, Cap?” Steve nodded.
“Alright, we’ll meet you back here, okay?” Bruce looked down at the switches.
“You bet,” Steve replied, the helm covered his head.
He gave Bucky, Sam, and Y/N one more look.
“Going quantum. Three..two..one,” And Steve was gone.
“And returning in five..four..three..two..one,” Nothing. Bruce furrowed his brows, flicking a few switches.
“Where is he?” Sam asked. “I don’t know. He blew right by his timestamp. He should be here,” Bruce replied.
Bucky turned to walk off but stopped when he noticed a familiar figure in the distance.
“Bucky, what-” Y/N turned to the figure.
“Sam,” Bucky called out. Sam turned to the Super Soldier, stopping his urging with Bruce. He stood beside Bucky, eyes on the figure. The three approached the man and the closer they got to him, the more familiar he got.
“Go ahead,” Sam turned to Bucky. The Falcon walked over to Steve, Y/N watched as their interaction unfolded. She took Bucky’s hand, the couple looked at one another.
“You knew he wasn’t coming back, didn’t you?” That’s when it hit her. Steve hinted to her and she didn’t know. Bucky held onto his soulmate’s hand lightly, nodding. “Yeah... He deserves to be happy. Just like how I’m happy with you,” The Super Soldier leaned down, kissing Y/N’s lips softly.
“Five years, Bucky,” “I know, baby. I know. Nothing like that’s going to happen again. I promise you this,”
Y/N moved her arms around Bucky’s neck, embracing her soulmate tightly with the Super Soldier’s nose buried in her neck.
What happened for the past nine years was done. There was no changing it. Y/N has suffered just as much as Bucky did. How many times has Y/N lost her lover? How long did it take for destiny to bring two lost souls together again? Never again will the event of the blip happen again. Right now, Y/N Y/L/N treasured every moment she had with James Buchanan Barnes. 
After all, they were soulmates.
2nd A/N: I am also accepting request. I know I put a lot of gifs in but I love gifs >:))
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
jaemin x reader (smut)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: cock-warming, somewhat public sex, dirty talk, language probably, degradation, use of the word cumslut, kitten, princess, teasing jaemin, the dirty talk in this is insane, mentions of getting caught, renjun watches?, idk man im probably missing something just lmk
You hated your boyfriend. You sat on the couch, horror film flashing on the tv screen in the dreamies dorm. You couldn’t help but clench around Jaemin’s cock as a ghost popped onto the screen, whimpering into his chest as he gripped your hips. You were absolutely dripping around him, buzzing with arousal that he had been teasing you with for hours. 
“Stop moving, love,” his breath ghosted over your ear, “You’re only making it worse for yourself.”
“You know I hate horror movies,” you whined, barely fighting the urge to grind down on him right there. 
“Stop being gross,” Mark whined from across the living room, throwing a piece of popcorn at your head with surprisingly accurate aim. 
“Sorry,” Jaemin smiled at him easily, ignoring your death grip completely, “You know she gets scared of horror movies.”
You glanced haphazardly at Mark, grinding your hips down when his gaze returned to the tv. Jaemin’s hiss was barely audible, but his grip on your hips was so tight it could’ve bruised. 
“You’re acting like such a little slut,” he growled in your ear, “Trying to get me to fuck you in front of all of our friends? Want them to see how bad you are?”
“I-” you started, flinching as another scary scene played on the tv, your pussy throbbing around Jaemin’s cock. 
“I’m not afraid to fuck you in front of them,” he added, thrusting up gently as if to prove his point, “Is that what you want, huh? To be caught?”
His smile only grew at the way you tightened around him. If you hadn’t been so turned on you would’ve hit him at the way his smirk taunted you. Have you mentioned recently that you hate your boyfriend?
“I hate you,” you whispered, shifting so your head was no longer buried into his chest and facing the tv again. His only response to your admission of hatred was a simple chuckle and a peck on the top of your head. 
You willed yourself to focus on the movie, not the throbbing in your clit and the desperate need to come. You stared intently at Jeno’s silhouette, praying that you would think of anything besides your boyfriend's cock that was buried deep in you. To say that it didn’t work was an understatement, and now you had Jeno’s curious gaze on the two of you as well. 
“Is she ok?” he asked, throwing a gaze from your face to Jaemin’s. The squeeze of Jaemin’s hand on your hips barely enough warning before he made you grind down on him. 
“She’s fine Jen,” Jaemin reassured him, hands gently urging your hips to grind lightly against his. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when Jeno accepted Jaemin’s claim, forehead hitting his shoulder as you continued the movements of your hips. 
“Knock it off, kitten,” Jaemin warned, holding your hips still as best as he could, “We had a deal. Unless you’re already too desperate to think? You are dripping in my lap.”
“Shut up,” you groaned, continuing your ministrations as subtly as you could. 
“Uh uh,” he hissed, pausing your hips with his threatening tone alone, “You’re the one who is acting like a little whore in front of all of her friends. Should I take care of you right here, princess? MAke you take my fucking cum like the little cumslut you are?”
“Jaemin, please,” you whined, shooting a glance towards where Chenle and Jisung sat on the floor, completely focused on the movie. 
“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t love this, kitten,” Jaemin smirked at you once again, meeting your desperate grinding with subtle thrusts of his hips, “I can feel how you tighten around me every time you think we are caught.”
“You’re acting like I can’t feel you twitch every time you talk to one of your members,” you whispered back, “I think you’re enjoying this a little too much Jaem.”
“Stop,” he grunted, halting your hips forcefully with your hand, “Renjun’s looking.”
You tried to wait a few moments before glancing Renjun’s way, heat rising in your body as you met his eyes. He simply raised an eyebrow at the two of you, eyes flickering from where your crotches met underneath the blanket and back up to your faces. 
“Fuck you just got so tight,” he groaned, resting his head against your shoulder, “You really like the idea of being caught don't you, kitten?"
"I like anything when you're this deep in me, "you say,  biting your lip to hold in  the moan threatened  to leave your mouth.
"Oh kitten, you want him to watch don't you? " Jaemin asked, "Go on then, put on a show for him." 
You didn't hesitate to listen, your hips lifting from his gently before slamming back down. you could feel Renjun's eyes on you, but at that point you didn't care. You were a mess. You were Jaemin’s mess. You rut your hips against his as harshly as you can without drawing extra attention to yourself. You were desperate, but you weren't desperate enough to get caught. You almost let out a loud whine as Jaemin forced your hips to stop once again.
"That's enough now, kitten "Jamin added, "it'd be a shame to miss the movie we put on. It is one of my favorites you know.”
“You’re just jealous,” you whined in his ear, trying desperately to lift your hips again. He wouldn’t let you thought. 
“I have nothing to be jealous of babe,” Jaemin laughed back, “You’re mine, only mine. And Renjun knows that.”
You smiled softly as Jaemin let out a pleased hum at the way you tightened around him. He knew exactly what to say to work you up. 
“Will you two shut up?” Jeno groaned, shooting you daggers as he shifted further away from you on the couch. 
“Sorry Jen,” you whispered, genuinely sorry that you had interrupted him. He softened his gaze slightly at that, probably feeling bad for taking away your source of comfort. 
You rested your head back on Jaemin’s shoulder, once again trying to calm yourself down enough to just cock warm your boyfriend. 
Before you knew it, the credits of the film were rolling.
“Sungie, LeLe,” Mark called softly, “Movie’s over guys it’s your bedtime.”
You waved softly at them as they grumbled at Mark. Smile toying on your lips at their antics. When they were fully out of the room Mark glanced at the two of you, nose crinkling in disgust. 
“Please don’t fuck on the couch again,” he groaned, “You guys are disgusting and now it smells like sex.”
“Oh shut up, Mark,” Renjun cut him off, “Like you haven’t fucked Hyuck on that couch.”
The six of you left let out a loud laugh, Hyuck smacking Renjun lightly as an indisputable blush covered Mark’s cheeks. 
The rest of the boys left first, eyeing the two of you warily before calling out their goodnights. And if Jaemin ended up fucking you on that couch while Renjun watched, while that was for the three of you to know.
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