#And if any mutuals want more of a summary lemme know
cloudcountry · 1 year
headpats from little shrimpy!
Genre/Tropes: Mutual pining.
Summary: Floyd doesn't know if YOU know that merpeople show they're interested in each other with physical contact, but one head pat from you and he's lost all forms of self restraint. Oops!
Author's Comments: Okay as someone who is HEAVILY FIXATED on moray eels and knows too many things about them and how they interact with other morays (+ shrimp in mcs case) this is such a TREAT. I LOVE THIS. Granted it's not scientific at all but still. Cute.
It would have been such an unimportant action to anyone else.
Having a cute little Shrimpy pat you on the head as they passed by with the monthly earnings of the Mostro Lounge wouldn’t have mattered to anyone else.
But it mattered to Floyd Leech.
It mattered a lot.
It mattered so much, in fact, that he froze in his chair and stared at your retreating back. Was it just his imagination, or were you walking faster? Jolting out of his seat, he made a run for you and prayed he’d catch you before you disappeared into Azul’s office.
Unfortunately, you made it. Boo. No fun.
Floyd pouted, jiggling the locked doorknob. Azul had a habit of locking it when he was in a meeting, and that’s exactly what he told Floyd after he told him to go away.
How unfair! His Shrimpy was in there!
Officially in a sour mood, Floyd went back to the booth he was sitting in and pouted. He’d just wait for you to come out and grill you with questions! Yeah, he could do that!
Floyd Leech could not do that.
He ended up pacing around the Mostro Lounge for a few hours, passing through the kitchen to talk to Jade before he got bored again.
“Did you see Shrimpy pass through here?” Floyd asked, poking his head into the kitchen for the seventh time, “I’ve been waiting for them but they haven’t come out of the VIP Room!”
“The Prefect? They left about ten minutes ago.” Jade hummed, focusing on his simmering cream of mushroom soup.
Floyd wrinkled his nose at the pot before darting away from the kitchen, intent on finding you before you escaped from him once again. You must have slipped out while he wasn’t looking! You couldn’t just pat his head and not say anything!
It wasn’t like you knew the implications, but physical touch was a way for merfolk to show that they were romantically interested in each other. Floyd felt his mood souring even more when he realized that you might have just done that to do it. It might have not even meant anything to you.
“Boo. Shrimpy better have meant it.” he huffed.
It was like the entire school could tell that Floyd was in a bad mood, because nobody dared to stop him as he ran through the halls. Riddle looked as though he wanted to say something, but decided against it as he ducked into a nearby classroom. Floyd didn’t have time to antagonize him right now, though—finding Shrimpy and asking them about their head pat was more important!
Before he knew it, Floyd was bursting through the Ramshackle gate and sprinting up to your front door. You weren’t anywhere to be seen on the front lawn, so Floyd hoped you were inside. If he had to look for you any longer he’d be grumpy for the next week.
“Shrimpyyyy!” he called out, cupping his mouth so the sound would travel farther, “Lemme in! I wanna talk to you!”
He heard loud thumping inside as you rushed down the stairs, the sound of the lock on the door jiggling making him bounce on the tips of his toes.
“Shrimpy!” he beamed, throwing his arms around you the second the door was open.
“Hi, Floyd.” you wrapped your arms around him awkwardly as he leaned over you, crushing you against his chest.
“Hey, hey! Didja mean it? You better have meant it!” he pulled away only to shake you by the shoulders, “If you didn’t mean it I’m gonna be so upset!”
“Oh...Oh, that.” you mumbled, squirming in his hold, “I...You mean the head pat, right?”
“Yes!” he whined, shaking you harder, “Do you like me like that?!”
“Like what?” you blinked, tilting your head to the side in confusion.
“Like you wanna date me!” Floyd huffed, finally letting you go.
He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, eyes glued to your face in hopes of an answer. You felt your face heat up at the scrutiny, turning away so you didn’t have to look directly at him.
“Well...yeah.” you mumbled, “I asked Jade what I could do to, um...make you realize that I like you. And he told me that merpeople...really value physical contact? So I thought if I just gave you a head pat that might be good enough...? And I guess it was.”
“Awww, that’s so cute. You went to Jade for help?” Floyd laughed, the high pitched giggles easing your nerves just a bit, “Well lucky you, Shrimpy! I accept. Now come here.”
Floyd pulled you back into his chest and patted your head gently, and you allowed yourself to sink into his embrace.
“Cute Shrimpy.” he giggled into your hair, squeezing you tightly, “I’m gonna squeeze you every day now!”
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asapeveryday · 5 months
The Last Time Pt2
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Paring: Paige Bueckers x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex/hooking up, casual culture, unnecessary miscommunication 😇
Summary: Months later,you attempt to distance yourself from Paige in hopes of calming down the intense feelings you harbour. Paige is uneasy from the intimacy of your relationship.
A/n: sorry guys this one is all plot…and the next one too I think. But dw it’ll be worth it in the end. Feel free to point out any mistakes !
Minors DNI under the cut!!
It was a mutual understanding you two had. Paige didn’t mean for you two to keep meeting for this long, but the unintentional intimacy the two of you shared with every linkup was enough to keep her craving.
Paige Bueckers can’t be tied down, especially with an NCAA championship on the line. Ball first and girls second. For you, you prioritized school above all else. The one day you went out to have fun, Paige set her eyes on you and it’s been history since then. First casual hookups in party bedrooms, then in her car on the way back from practice. Aggressive after a bad game or slow and sensual after a good one. You even visited her dorm when nobody else was home, and she had slept over at yours. it’s all fun.
Until Paige noticed you stopped texting first.
Paige Bueckers, who receives constant comments from thousands of people on the daily begging her to look their way, was constantly asking you to fuck??
“Nah…I’m not chasing.” She says, trying to convince herself more than her teammates.
Azzi scoffs. “This is actually embarrassing.”
“Lemme see!” KK attempts to grab Paige’s phone from Azzi, who swats her hand away. Paige rubs her forehead, exasperated.
“Holy shit!” KK practically screams. “No way this girls puss is so good she got you texting like that.”
Paige says nothing, but grabs her phone back and scrolls through her texts with you. Was it really that bad?
Her eyes graze over texts from the past 5 months. Every time it’s Paige asking to meet up.
“Yo, wyd?”
“Practice sucked. U busy?”
“Did u see our game? I feel like celebrating.”
“I’m picking u up in 5”
“Come over tmr?”
And you respond every time with some variation of yes or maybe.
That seems pretty bad.
Paige thinks back to the last time you guys met up. Despite your lack of initiative and your dry responses, you always showed up for her wet and ready, usually showered and shaved if it wasn’t short notice. You genuinely seemed interested in her life and she had become slightly infatuated with yours, especially since she only ever talked to you face to face. Plus, Paige knew for a fact you enjoyed every night you spent with her, she made sure of it.
It was a vicious cycle that she was stuck in. She’d meet up with you to fuck, then you’d entrance her with a fun outing, or a deep question. She’d have the night of her life, then throughout the week Paige would convince herself it was all casual. That she could stop whenever she wanted.
Paige told her teammates you guys were hooking up. She did not mention the late night talks and restaurant runs. Mostly because she never did that with the other girls, so KK and Azzi would probably get the wrong impression. Plus, she’s supposed to be focusing on basketball, not you.
“She prob has a roster or something.” KK shrugs. “Doesn’t seem like you’re the first priority to her if she ain’t texting first. You got yourself a playaaaaa!”
“Hold on though.” Azzi interrupts. “She responds to every booty call?” Paige nods. “Okay, so that’s not much of a player move on her part.”
“Maybe it’s not that deep.” KK says. “She wants a fun night with you, but not enough to text you. That’s it.”
“That, or she thinks you suck but doesn’t know how to say no.”Azzi says, smirking.
“It’s all casual anyways. No biggie.” Paige grumbles.
The truth is she’s not content with the fact that she’s not satisfying you enough to make you text her, especially since her roster is basically bare with the exception of you. When did that even happen? She shakes off the realization that she hasn’t had sex with anyone but you since you two met.
She wondered if you’d even had a night where you laid in bed and thought, ‘damn I wish Paige were here to fuck me silly.’ Because she would’ve been lying if she were to say she never thought of you. The proof was on her phone. She wasn’t gonna stand for this.
The actual truth was that you had those nights too often. The first time you hooked up with Paige was magic to you, she was a stranger who you wanted to know back to front. Something about the way she smiled like she knew everything she needed to about you.
And that freaked you out. Like, a lot.
You wanted to be casual, you really did. You hoped being casual meant you could be pleasured while detached and focused on your own goals, but it was easier said than done. The next dozen times you met up with her you hoped your fantasies would be flattened, but with every night in bed, or party escaped, or car seat reclined you only wanted her more. You couldn’t help but ask questions about her life. A life that was so different from yours. She didn’t seem to mind either. She wanted to hear you talk about where you hope to be after all your work pays off. She wanted to hear your dreams. You wondered if she did this with every casual hookup?
You decided to stop texting her, in hopes that she’d forget about you and move on to someone else, but every week without fail she’d texted you herself and then the cycle continued. You’d waited out your late night urges, and she would continuously seek you out. When you told your friends about it they weren’t much help.
“I wouldn’t text her.” One said. “You’re just gonna get more attached. This is Paige Bueckers we’re talking about. From what I heard, she just wants a good fuck. If that’s not enough for you I think you should find some nice girl who maybe isn’t a D1 athlete or something.”
“Maybe you should tell her you don’t want to see her anymore. She’s focused on her future. What happened to you being focused on yours?” Another said.
Your best friend was the only one who was remotely helpful. “I wouldn’t listen to them, they’re so obsessed with academics they forget how it feels to like someone like you do.” She smiles. “But if you’re not planning on telling Paige about how you feel, then I don’t think it’s good for you to keep meeting with her every time she asks you to.”
You thought about it. At first, Paige had made it clear she wasn’t into a relationship, and you feverishly agreed in hopes of focusing on yourself. Despite that, you sometimes felt her stare was a little too longing. The way she would happily be vulnerable with you didn’t seem very casual.
It didn’t matter about that though, because you also knew Paige wanted to be sought after. It was a miracle that she was still texting you, even though you hadn’t texted first in months. Soon enough her ego would get a bit too bruised, and she would end it herself. Maybe that was what you needed.
Then one day she did what you predicted. Laying in your dorm spread eagle, totally fucked out. You had just finished and it was late, but unlike Paige’s usual routine of staying in bed with you for a while, body squeezed comfortably into yours, fingers brushing through your hair, she immediately started to put her clothes back on. You turn to look at her with a questioning look on your face, and her face turned into an uncomfortable expression.
“Yeah, um. I don’t think I’m gonna see you for a while.” She says sheepishly.
You sit up. “Oh.” Unsure of what to say, not wanting this to end but also not wanting to cling onto her.
“I mean you’re like, great. I just think, well.” She seems like she doesn’t exactly know what to say.
“I gotta focus on Basketball now, so this’ll be the last time.” Paige shifts on her feet.
You want to roll your eyes at the basketball excuse, but you know this is partially your fault. Paige is a confident person, and you challenged her by never showing too much interest. You just decide to give a tired smile and wish her luck in the upcoming tournaments.
“Thanks.” Her posture visibly shrinks, but she says nothing else and leaves.
As you hear your door close you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. With the exception of your constant attempts to detach from her, confrontation free, you knew you couldn’t be happy.
You learned about her life as an athlete, the struggles of being a female basketball player, the ups and downs of media attention, all the fun she has on away tournaments with her teammates who are practically family.
At the same time she had intently listened to your ambitions, how hard you worked to get where you are and the next steps you have planned out to be as successful as possible in your field. That’s something you two had in common, ambition. You both mutually understood that being driven and working hard was an unbeatable formula to getting what you want, you both had cracked that code. The late night fast food runs were pretty good too.
Groaning into your pillow, you realized you made a mistake by trying to be detached. It shouldn’t have mattered what anyone said. You like Paige, a lot. Even if she doesn’t want commitment, you know for a fact she likes you too. Your life doesn’t have to be on pause just so you can focus on your career.
Letting out a big breath you didn’t know you were holding, you decided to do the one thing you tried so hard to avoid.
Chase after her.
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marvelstoriesepic · 7 months
Learn his way
Pairing: College!Bucky x College!Tutor!Reader
Summary: Bucky is more interested in learning about you than biology
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: none; just fluff and flirty Bucky
author‘s note: I love College!Bucky so much! This was fun :)
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“Barnes!” You sent the guy sitting right beside you - somehow moving closer to you every single one of your sessions - your signature glare, not the first one that day. “Biology!” you scolded, nodding at the textbook lying in front of Bucky and you. His pen had been poked in your side more times than you’d be willing to count.
“Oh come on doll, we’ve been talking about biology since-” He took a quick glance at his phone lying beside him, “25 minutes. We only have another 20 so let’s talk about you.” He leaned back in his chair and put his hand on the back of your seat, clearly done with learning about the evolution of organisms. He locked his eyes on you, a playful smirk on his lips.
You groaned, rolling your eyes at him, as his smirk only grew, the corners of his mouth pulling up in his cheeks.
“We’re not here to talk about me Barnes, I’m trying to help you here.” You don’t know why you were even trying at this point. The textbook was still staring at you, unused for probably the rest of this session.
Bucky's phone, still lingering on the table in front of you, lit up with messages every few minutes, though he didn’t pay it any mind. His gaze set on you, biting his lip.
“You are helping doll,” he sounded strangely sincere and you narrowed your eyes at him. “But I hate that I know more about biology than you by now.”
You snorted to which he lifted a brow, mocking offense. “You should know more about biology than me though. Knowing me won’t help you pass the exam.” You now leaned back as well, folding your arms over your chest and holding his gaze.
Bucky straightened up, not holding back his smirk, amusement gleaming in his eyes beside something else you couldn’t quite place. A softness in his expression that didn’t really make sense to you.
“Tell you what,” he started and replaced his hand on the backrest of your chair, moving it further up. You could feel it touching your back. “For every right question about biology, you give me a fact of yourself.”
You roll your eyes again, breathing out a sigh. “Alright,” you nod reluctantly, “Fine.” You grabbed your textbook and browsed through the pages, trying to decide what to ask him.
He moved both his arms to his chest, crossing them in the front, and turned his body to you completely, his whole attention focused solely on you. He watched you intently searching through the pages, a soft smile on his lips.
You seemed to have found something because you lowered the textbook and looked back at him, a challenging smile forming on your lips.
“Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cowpea demonstrate an ecological association known as-” You looked at him raising an eyebrow to indicate he was supposed to finish the sentence, grinning sweetly.
He looked at you a few seconds longer before knocking his head back followed by an overly exaggerated groan. “Come on now doll that’s an unfair one,” he exclaimed, the corners of his mouth still twitching upwards, despite his protests.
“You want to know something about me, you gotta earn it Barnes.” You tilted your head, grinning widely back at him.
Bucky stared back at you for a few seconds but broke the eye contact breathing out a laugh. He took in a deep breath, cleared his throat, and faced you again. The smirk was back in an instant.
“Still waiting for an answer,” you sang
“Alright sweetheart, lemme think.” He clenched his jaw, and narrowed his eyes on the wall behind your shoulder, looking deep in thought.
He looked like he genuinely tried to remember what he could have known by now if he’d listened to you instead of poking his pen in your side and drawing a dog on your arm which he still claimed to be a wolf.
“Mutualism!“ he expressed after a while.
Your surprise matched his for a few seconds until his look morphed into a wide grin. Eyes sparkling, the corners of his mouth bringing up his cheeks, crinkles forming at his eyes. “That’s right, isn’t it? See doll, I learned!”
You hummed in contemplation, narrowing your eyes at him. “You cheated!”
He let out a sound of disapproval, his hand moving to his chest to lay over his heart. “You wound me doll, I would never!”
You took a deep breath in. “Alright whatever, that was right.” Looks like he did listen to you.
Bucky moved forward on his seat, one arm extending to lay over the backrest of your chair again. “Time for your part of the deal sweetheart. Tell me something about yourself”
You took a second to think of something insignificant to tell him. “I like pasta.”
He made sure to save that information in the back of his mind, already thinking about what he could do with it. There was this nice, cute pasta place he went to with his family after his sister got her driver's license and they wanted to celebrate. He’d love to take you there too since he doesn’t really get to talk to you outside of these tutor sessions because you always look so busy and stressed and he sure as hell doesn’t wanna worsen it. He was glad about anything you’d give him now that you were basically supposed to focus on him. And now that he had a small glimpse he just wanted more and more.
It continued like that. You asked him questions about biology, important for the exam in a week, and would grant him with a small fact about yourself as regards. He got more eager with every bit you gave him. Even if it was as simple as your favorite color. He knew exactly which sweater he’d wear the next session with you.
You told him about how you preferred cactuses because they didn’t require to get watered every day. You’d just forget. You shared a laugh after that. Bucky again taking notes in his head.
You told him about how you loved to read worn-out and used books because they already told a story themselves. You were a little sheepish after telling him that and he found it endearing. Fondness laced his features. He felt the sudden urge to search his grandparent's bookshelf for a book of your liking to gift to you. His grandparents surely wouldn’t notice but he assumed it’d be a little too early in your relationship - whatever it was - to give you a gift like that.
Spurred on by all the new things he found out about you and the small bond he felt arise, there was a spurt of confidence coming up within him. He reached out to brush the strands of your hair back behind your shoulder that had fallen in front of your face while leaning over the textbook. You looked up at him at the movement, eyes locked on one another.
“Give me another question doll,” he spoke slowly, a little nervous, his voice lower than before. His hand, still in your hair behind your shoulder slowly moved away, back against your chair. His gaze remained locked on yours. “And if I get this one right as well you gotta go out with me. What do you say?”
His gaze was careful, searching your face for a reaction. You couldn’t help the surprise etching on your features, eyebrows lifting. You sat up straight and looked away from him trying to formulate an answer, mouth opening and closing again.
“You don’t have to doll! You could just tell me something about yourself again. Anything really, I’m happy with tha-”
“Bucky!” you cut off his nervous rambling, sensing how tense he became. His arm brushed your back lightly with the way he shifted on his seat. Not wanting to see that troubled look on his face any longer you continued talking again. “I’d like that.”
Eyes growing wide, he let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smiled back at him.
A new sort of energy surged through him and he rubbed his hands together before steadying himself on the table with one hand and on his chair with the other. He took a deep exaggerated breath and turned to you, feigning a serious expression though his eyes kept sparkling, betraying his act.
You let out a laugh and again searched for something to test him with. However, if you were being honest with yourself, you asked him something you were certain of him already knowing. Based on the sly smirk on his lips and the seconds he took to study you before providing you with an answer - the right one - he noticed. But he didn’t complain. And neither did you.
Guess he would be seeing you outside of your tutor sessions after all.
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“The little things? The little moments? - They aren’t little”
- John Zabat-Zinn
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
By Nature, She’s Naughty. (141 x Reader.)
You can find the original mutual masturbation story here
!CW! NSFW, smut, gang bang, rough sex, overstimulation, squirting, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, 141 being great at aftercare, (lemme know if I missed any)
(Summary): 141 finds out how wild Y/N was in her youth.
I’m referring to Captain Price as John and Soap as Johnny just in case there’s any confusion.
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The hot cup of coffee to your lips settles the boiling anger flowing through you. An annoyed sigh leaves your lips and you hear a laugh behind you. "Something funny John?" You spin around and send him a glare. "No, not at all sweetheart." He raises his hands in surrender. "Thought so." You roll your eyes. Everyone slowly begins to file into the meeting room. Sitting around the massive Oak table for their next assignment. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Gaz asks. "On the next assignment with you guys." You smile. "Tread carefully boys, she's grouchy when she's woken up too early." You raise the cup of coffee. "This right here will save you all from your impending doom." You joke.
"For someone so young you think you'd be able to run on much less sleep." Soap laughs. "Yeah, I partied all of the youngness out of me. Believe it or not." You laugh. Soap tilts his head. "Partier huh? You'll have to tell us about it sometime." He winks. You roll your eyes. "Yeah right, I barely remember any of it. Cocaine is a hell of a drug." You kick your feet up on the table, only for Captain Price to immediately shove them off. "Wait, really?"
"For legal reasons I'm not answering that." You smirk. John rolls his eyes. "I've heard the stories from Laswell. She's done some pretty crazy shit." You smile at him. He had no issues selling you out. "I know Laswell did some pretty crazy stuff too so she better be careful telling you my business." You laugh. "You too Captain, she's told me about all kinds of things." You send him a wink, making him shake his head in retaliation. "Anyways." He clears his throat. "Onto this next mission." He starts.
The wind blew harshly against your clothes. The mask you wore helped shield your skin from the harsh sand beating against you. "This sucks." You roll your eyes. "Not too bad actually. Better sand than bullets." Gaz shrugs. "Yeah, if you're a pussy." You wink. He rolls his eyes. "Takes one to know one." He nudges you. "Pay attention." Your Captain snaps. "Yes sir." You salute him sarcastically but he can't see it. You really shouldn't be giving him this much attitude but you are. "I'm beginning to think we're lost Captain." Soap says. "Yeah, me too." He rolls his eyes. "Seems like Laswell sent us on a death run. You do something to piss her off Captain?" You joke. "Hope not. If I did, none of us are leaving here." He laughs. "So all of those people back there, what do you think they were?" Gaz asks. "Not sure, I just hope there isn't any more of them." He continues. "Don't think so. Looked more like a wannabe group of Al Qatala. Not many weapons, not very guarded buildings." You shrug. "True."
Finally, after a few hours of walking, you find yourself walking upon an old abandoned house. The inside was caved in a little bit, only two rooms were still intact, the living area and the kitchen. Sand had flooded the inside and you were each left crammed into one room. Captain Price was in the living area on the radio with Laswell, and the rest were crowding the kitchen, looking to see what they could find. When his conversation was over, he makes his way into the kitchen. "Laswell sent us in the wrong direction by accident. Thinks it was intentional because Al Qatala is leading us the wrong direction because they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing." Everyone nods. "Exfil can't get to us until morning so settle in."
Those were your Captain’s instruction, so everyone did. You took up one small corner of the living area. There was an old couch, and everyone had set up around you, almost in a circle. All you had was a sleeping bag and an emergency blanket for comfort so you laid them both out. It was still too warm so you were sitting on top of it. You tried getting comfortable but it was a little hard. Everyone had a couple emergency MRE’s and first aid kits. You tended to your wounds, patched up, and ate one of the MRE’s.
“I don’t have sweats or extra clothes in my bag so you’ll all just have to be okay with me sleeping in my boxers.” Soap calls out.
“That’s fine, no one cares.” You reply. “Use a buddy system if you have to go outside for any reason.” Your captain calls. He’s laying on his own sleeping bag a couple feet from you. Soap starts removing his clothes, tucking them near his bag and laying down. The room fills with an awkward silence and everyone shifts uncomfortably. It was clear no one would be getting much rest tonight. A deep sigh brings everyone out of their own thoughts. “Maybe we should do something. Like.. play a game.” Soap says. “What, like one of those ridiculous games we played in grade school?” You laugh. “You got any better ideas?” Soap rolls his eyes. “Not really. I’m in.” You shrug.
“Truth or dare?”
“Can’t really do many dares, Soap.” You laugh. He smiles. “Alright alright, truth or truth?” You laugh, sitting up in your sleeping bag. Everyone follows suit. “I think I seen some old bottles of vodka in the kitchen. Maybe we can do a drinking game like never have I ever.” Gaz suggests. You nod your head, standing up. “Captain could probably pick out good liquor. He’d be able to tell which is good to drink and what’s bad.” You smile. “Damn right little lady.” John pushes past you, you follow him into the dingy kitchen and he opens up a couple cupboards, finding 2 unopened bottles of liquor. Gin and Vodka. “Alright. We’ll just pass around the bottle.” You nod your head. “Before we start I’m ditching my clothes too.” You complain. They were dirty and had blood all over them. “Yeah me too.” Gaz complains. Pretty soon everyone is just sitting in their undergarments. Most of you were pretty beat up. Bandages and cuts and bruises all over.
Each of you form a circle and John picks up a bottle.
“Alright so.. if you don’t already know, never have I ever works like this. Someone asks a question, and if you’ve done it, you drink, if you haven’t, you don’t.” You explain. Everyone nods.
“Alright, I’ll go first. A warm up question.” Gaz sits up. “Never have I ever… been stuck in a dingy house in the middle of a desert.”
Each of you pass around the bottles of liquor.
“Bloody hell that is shite.” Captain Price flinches. He lowers the bottle of gin from his lips and shivers. “Steamin Jesus that is horrible.” Soap laughs, passing the bottle of vodka to you. You take it, tipping it back. Flinching as you set it down. The burn coursing through you. “Alright. Soap, your turn.” Soap laughs. “Alright uh..” he pauses, thinking to himself. “Never have I ever gotten into a fight.”
Everyone passes around the bottles again.
This goes on for a few more times and everyone is starting to feel buzzed, loosening up. “Okay, Y/N.”
“Never have I ever had a dirty dream about someone in this room.” You smile. “Ooooh. That’s a good one.” Gaz laughs. Your captain, Soap, and Ghost each take a drink.
The game goes on like this until most of the liquor is gone. Everyone had been targeting you, trying to figure out what exactly you had done as a teenager. They dug deep to figure out just how wild you'd been in your youth.
Eventually everyone settles into their own little worlds. Playing on their phones, reading. Or just relaxing. The same tension is still thick in the room, everyone can read it. “Alright. I hate this. Let’s try something else.” Your Captain says, sitting up. “What do you mean?” Gaz laughs, taking a breath. “I was thinking we find another way to relieve some tension.”
“What, a gang bang?” Gaz jokes. “Hate to break it to you cap, but I don’t think poor Y/N could handle that.” Your mouth props open and your cheeks burn. “I like your taste Garrick, but that’s not what I meant. I mean.. similar. But.. less hands on.” Ghost pulls off his mask, this wasn’t the first time you’d each seen his face. “Are you suggesting we.. touch ourselves?” Soap asks. John nods his head. Everyone steals glances at each other. "What makes you think I wouldn't be able to handle it, Kyle?" You smirk at Gaz, his eyes widening. "I just assumed. You talk a big game but don't have the will to back it up." He shrugs. You pick up the bottle of Vodka, tipping what's left in the bottle back. Swallowing it all down and setting it back down. You wipe your lips off and send him another evil smile. "Try me Garrick." You cross your arms. "You know what. I think we should. Fuck the attitude right out of her." Ghost smirks. One of the only things he's said all day. "Yeah, she has been giving everyone attitude all day." Soap glances at you. Right now is where you began to get nervous. It was four against one right now. You were for sure losing no matter what. The thought of all four of them using you to pleasure themselves makes butterflies swarm in your stomach. "Earth to Y/N." your Captain waves in your face. "Y-yeah, sorry. What?"
"You want to do it or not?" He smiles. "Uh.. yeah. Yeah I do."
"It's going to be a lot." He smiles. "I know."
"Before we start, I want to make a safe word." You nod your head at his suggestion. "Okay. How about 'Stop'?" Gaz suggests. "Sounds good. You know how a safe word works, right sugar?" He asks. You nod your head. "Alright. Let's get started." His hands wrapping around your thighs and tugging you toward him, laying on your back on the ground as he eagerly pulls your panties down your legs. Revealing your most delicate parts to everyone in the room. On show for them and fuel for whatever filthy fantasies are going through each of their heads right now. Your bra is next, Ghost unclasping it almost too quickly, incriminating himself just a little bit with the move. Your Captain decides to take it easier on you in the start. Helping stretch you out and prep you. He spits on his fingers, opening you up. A moan leaves your lips and you prop yourself up onto your elbows to watch him. You notice Kyle is now fully naked, moving to your left. He pushes your chest down so that you're laying on your back. "Relax." He smiles. Simon joins your other side, Johnny at your head. "You're gonna be a good girl for us right?" Johnny smirks. You nod your head, having no real response to that. This was happening, really happening. "Nothing smart to say?" John says. You smile, but say nothing. You think about saying something sarcastic but choose not to, considering it looked like he was going first. Your smile fades when you feel the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance, disappearing between your folds. Your eyes shut tightly, a moan leaving your lips. "Shit, stretching her a lot Cap." Kyle laughs. "Yeah, probably should've stretched her a little more huh." He laughs. "Oh fuck!" A whine leaving your lips as you clutch at Johnny and Kyle’s thighs. Kyle laughs. Hand moving up the shaft of his cock, slicking it up with his spit. Johnny's fingertips glide over your cheeks and you tilt your head back to look up at him. "Fuck.. Look so pretty looking up at me like that sweetheart." He smiles. He moves his hips forward, cock nudging at your mouth and nose. You waste no time, taking him into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the tip. "Oh fuck!" he gasps, hips jerking back.
He relaxes a second, only just now realizing how long it'd been since he had done this. You reach upward, wrapping your hands around his thighs and forcing him to stay still as you took him down further. By now, John was fucking into you. He wasn't going too fast, giving you even more time to adjust to his size. Once you're sure Johnny will stay still, you reach your hands out. You can hear the squelch of Simon and Kyle jerking off, so you stop them, taking them into your hands. "Shit, maybe I was wrong." Kyle laughs. “Maybe you can take it.” He groans. Thrusting his hips into your hand. You moan around Johnny, John sliding right into your spongy spot, he’s got a death grip on your thighs and your hips buck. “Fuck.. like when you moan around my cock like that sweetheart.” Johnny glides his hand over your throat. He takes hold of you, holding you still so that he can thrust into your mouth, trying not to be too rough. John moans out, feeling you tighten around him. “Fuck.. so fucking tight.” He moans. He relaxes himself. He’s worked up, approaching his orgasm too fast for his liking. He slows his thrusts, pinning your hips to the ground and taking slow deep thrusts into you. “She’s fucking tight-“ he groans. “So fucking good.” He tilts his head down, watching his cock disappear inside of you. “Doing so good for us Princess. So much better than I thought you would.” Kyle laughs, fingertips gliding over your chest at an attempt to soothe you. Your heart was pounding and your skin was bright red and warm. Already so worked up. He lets out a deep chuckle. A taunt. “She’s good at this too.” Johnny groans out, tilting his head back too look at the ceiling. Having to force himself to think about something other than your lips around him. “Got a lot of experience hm? Little slut.” Johnny swats your breast, earning a moan from you. You squirm when he squeezes it, fingertip gliding over your nipple. John felt himself growing closer and closer to the edge of his orgasm. Working through it. “Fuck- fuck.” He gasps. He groans. You’re wet around him, soaking the base of his cock. He admires it.
Johnny slides out of your mouth for just a second, and you gasp in a breath of air, followed by a “I’m gonna cum!” Before Johnny holds you still. “Fuck- me too.” John groans. “Me too.” Johnny’s eyes roll back. Kyle chuckles. “Gonna make them both cum sweetheart. Such a filthy fucking girl. Fucking your Captain and sucking your Sergeant off too.” Kyle leans down, attaching his lips to your nipple, lowering a hand to rub at your clit. He’s running quick circles over it, and you cry out around Johnny’s cock, nearly choking when he ruts his hips into you, pushing himself as far into your throat as you could take and cumming deep inside your throat. John pulls out of you quickly, earning a mewl from you at the loss of your orgasm. Pumping his cock quickly until he coats his hand and your stomach in a layer of his cum. When he cums, it’s sexy. He doesn’t try to hide how good he’s feeling, panting, groaning. When all of their hands are off of you, and Johnny has slid out of your mouth, you’re panting hard. Eyes are watering and your skin is beat red. “How are you doing sweetheart? Can you take it?” Your Captain smirks. Your nod your head lazily and he laughs at this. So pathetic and used already and they’d only just begun. Kyle swaps spots with John, and Simon trades with Johnny. Giving himself a minute before he fucks you. You jerk his cock lazily, same with John. They were both sensitive as they’d just climaxed. Taking this as a moment to relax. “See if I can’t make you cum hm? I know how bad you want it.” Kyle smiles. You lay back, hair damp with sweat as you look up at Simon, forcing your eyes not to widen at his massive size. A deep chuckle leaves his lips, causing chills to raise on your skin. “S’alright, no need to be nervous.” His deep voice puts you in a trance and you look up at him. “Such a pretty girl hm? If you can’t take it all, that’s alright. Just as long as you try f’me.” He smiles. You take a deep breath, adjusting the way you’re laying for a second, opening your legs up for Kyle. He bites his lip at this. Still ready for more.
He wonders if you’ll still be by the end of this.
Kyle’s tip pokes at your entrance and he’s a little more rough than your Captain, starting in fast. The sound of his hips slapping into yours echoes throughout the room, cries leaving your lips at the intensity until Simon leans forward. You swallow down the moans, opening your mouth for him. You’re ready for it, and his thick cock glides into your mouth. You release John and Johnny, forming a death grip on the sleeping bag beneath you. You suck hard at Simons cock as he fucks your throat, breasts bouncing with every hard thrust Kyle takes. “Want this pussy cumming on my cock.” Kyle growls. He’s holding both of your thighs tightly, hips hammering into yours. John rubs gentle circles on your clit, Johnny leaning forward to suck at one of your nipples, fingers gliding over the other. You’re crying out around Simon and he’s struggling to keep himself together. You’re sucking hard and the vibrations from your moans feel so good. He lowers one of his hands, fingers rolling his balls around, stimulating himself even more. Kyle’s teeth are gritted, John was right. You’re wrapped tightly around him, your body naturally milking his cock. You were made for this. Made for pleasuring them. You’re swallowing down gags, you don’t want them to notice your weakness, not even for a second. Simon grits his own teeth, clutching your hands over the sleeping bag. He’s mumbling to you. The others can’t hear it too well, but you can. Strings of moans and curses are leaving his lips. “Such a good girl.. like sucking my big cock, don’t you?” He chuckles when you moan around him. Knowing you can’t answer his questions. He’s stretching at your lips. A sting that you find yourself loving. “Mmm… doing so good. Getting me so close.” Simon releases your hands, you return them to pump at the others’ cocks. Earning groans from both of them. So sensitive, yet still ready for more. He’s more rough than he intends to be, holding you still by your hair and fucking himself into your throat. Watching you turn a deep shade of crimson, choking on his cock. “Oh fuck- just a- just a second longer sweet girl. Take my cock. Take it- Agh!” Simons hips buck, cumming down your throat just as Johnny had earlier. “Jesus LT-“ Johnny laughs. You take in a deep breath when he pulls away, the color fading from your face from having your air cut off. You’re panting, the black dots that had clouded your vision are slowly starting to disappear, the numbness in your body felt amazing, the buzzing in your head blocked everything out. The only thing you seemed to be able to feel was Kyle’s hips slamming into yours.
You’re moaning out, cries and whimpers leaving your lips each time he hammers into your cervix. You prop yourself up, eyes burning into Kyle’s as he fucks into you. He bites his lip hard, hips not stopping for even a second. You reach your hand down, rubbing at your clit, maybe a little harder than you intend. “Fuck.. think she’s about to cum.” John laughs. “She likes that, look at her.” Your hips buck up, eyes rolling back as your body lurches forward. Kyle tilts his head back, “fuck I’m gonna cum.” Kyle’s thrusts slow, and he’s taking hard thrusts into you, riding out your orgasm. When you fingers drop from your clit to clutch the sleeping bag, John replaces them. Earning a few cries from you at the overstimulation. “Oh- fuck!” Kyle gasps out. He slides out of you too, coating your stomach in his cum just like his Captain had. It was time for the next rotation. You were worn out, eyes heavy. Body numb and throbbing. Beads of sweat coated your body and your heart thumped through you. The room buzzed and felt way hotter than earlier. “Need another drink before I fuck her. Johnny is next.” Simon growls, standing up. He was last, and was by far going to be the biggest, you were nervous thinking about it.
Johnny swaps with Kyle, John moving up by your head. It was his turn to feel those pretty lips wrapped around him. “How about we try something else sweetheart?” Johnny smiles. “On your hands and knees f’me baby.” He pats your thigh. You listen, legs wobbling as you move. “Are you alright, Princess?” John asks. You nod your head. John smiles. “No more attitude out of you Hm?” He pushes your hair out of your face, a gasp leaving your lips as Johnny slides into you, grasping hold of your hips as he starts fucking you. John laughs, leaning in to press his forehead to yours. He smiles. Eyes looking into yours. “Am I a good girl Captain?” You smile. “Yeah, doing so good for us.” John’s cock is rock hard again, hearing you say that. Asking if you’re a good girl. It makes him want to bust right there. “Are you ready for more baby? Ready to taste my cock?” You nod your head eagerly. “Such a good girl for me.” He groans out as you lower yourself. He lifts himself up onto his knees, cock level with your mouth. You take him into you, body jolting with each thrust Johnny takes. Kyle squeezes at your breasts, fingertips gliding over your skin to soothe you like he had done before. He knew they were overwhelming you. But you were almost done, and you were proving him wrong. So so wrong. Johnny’s head is tilted back, hearing your moans have been muffled by his Captain’s cock. His cock was overstimulated, but he was still going. The sensitivity makes the sex feel so much better. So much more intense as your body clenches down onto him, relaxing. You can feel another knot building in your stomach, and Johnny can tell. The way you’re clenching around him sells you out. Kyle is running circles over your clit steadily, even with the shaking from Johnny’s thrusts. Simon sits on the couch, bottle of Gin in hand. He’s watching. Your body is so stimulated. Mouth full of cock, cock buried in your pussy. Nipples and clit being stimulated. Your hands are clutching at the ground beneath you. You’re fighting off another orgasm, he can tell from where he’s sitting. If Johnny doesn’t make you cum, Simon would. By the way Johnny’s thrusts are getting sloppy, he’s not going to get you to another. A smile plays at Simons lips. He was about to make you see another fucking world.
Sure, he was a little cocky about it. But he was waiting to go last for a good reason. He’d stretch you more and wanted you to be completely ready.
You swallow down every last bit of cum that your Captain has to give. His hips buck into you, and you try hard not to gag. He relaxes, your head hanging as you cry out. Johnny’s thrusts are sloppy and you know he won’t be able to make you finish, you’re too overwhelmed. Johnny releases a loud gasp, sliding out of you just in time as he pumps his cock hard, orgasm spilling out onto your backside. You collapse onto your stomach, body weak and numb. Kyle laughs. “M’tapping out sweetheart. You’re all Simons now.” Simon stands up from the couch, setting down the empty bottle of gin. He kneels down by your legs, helping you roll into your back. Chuckling at how weak you are. “You remember our safe word right honey?” He smirks. You nod your head weakly. “What is it?”
“Stop.” You croak. He smiles, “can you take more?” You nod your head weakly. “Just lay back and relax. They’re going to take care of you.” You nod your head. A sigh leaves your lips as you lay back. Simon folds one of your legs over the other until you’re on your side. He lifts one of your legs higher, spitting on his hand and rubbing it over your pulsing entrance. As fucked out as you are, you’re still desperate to cum again. Simon starts to glide into you and your mouth falls open. “Oh my god!” You suck in a harsh breath. “It’s okay sweetheart.” John rubs a hand over your hair. They’re all watching Simon stretch you. “Stretching me so much-“ a sob leaves your lips. Simon bites down on his lip, trying not to thrust right into you until you’re crying. Tears start to slide down your face, so overstimulated. But it feels so good. Better than anything you’ve ever felt before. “Ah-“ you move your leg until you’re laying on your back again, pushing down onto Simon, and he groans when he prods at your cervix, bottoming out into you. “Someone’s eager.” He chuckles. When he takes his first thrust, your head falls back into John’s lap. He chuckles, “you’ve got a safe word baby. Don’t forget.” You shake your head. Earning a smile from him. “Doing so good for Simon baby. So good.” He chuckles, running his fingers through your damp hair. He draws his hips back, thrusting into you again. A moan leaving your lips. They didn’t get to hear too much of it before. Your mouth was full. Your moans are perfect and they egg Simon on. He starts to be a little more rough, hips hammering into yours until your body is jumping with each one he takes. Simon won’t last long, but that doesn’t matter.
Because neither will you.
His thick cock brushes right up against your spongy spot, and your eyes roll back. Shutting tightly. “Ah! S-Simon- feels weird.” You whimper, “S’okay baby. Just let it happen.” John breathes, they all know what’s coming, stealing glances at each other with a smile. Your body began to shake, cries leaving your lips. You try to squirm but John holds you tight. Johnny moves forward, rubbing circles over your overstimulated nub. “A-Ah! I’m going to-“ a cry leaves your lips and Simon fucks you through it, body jerking hard as you reach your high, your arousal squirting out around Simon, fluids coating Simon as a scream leaves your lips. Simon groans, still fucking into you as he reaches his own high. “So fucking good. Fucking tight around me.” He grits his teeth. He knows he should pull out, but he doesn’t. “Agh- can’t fucking stop,” he growls. He takes a tight hold on your hips, burying his cock as deep as it’ll go and reaching his orgasm. Filling you to the hilt with his spunk.
Your body gives out completely, panting. You’re drenched in sweat and coated in bodily fluids. Most not even yours. Simon moans when he sees his cum spill back out of you. Pumping out with each pulse from your pussy. John let’s go of you, giving you a moment to relax. They all stand up, admiring their work. “I was wrong, she could take it.” Kyle laughs. Each of them standing around you like a pack of wolves, that’d just devoured their prey. Your eyes are heavy and don’t stay open for long. You fall asleep quickly, still nude and coated in fluid.
“Let’s clean her up, everyone else has clothes so she can sleep with Johnny.” They nod their heads, making a mutual agreement. You didn’t have back up clothes and neither did Johnny, which meant you could keep each other warm through the night. It was the desert. It would get freezing. With whatever wipes and clothes they didn’t need, they cleaned your skin off, using a damn cloth to wipe your face off before using it for the rest of your body, even between your legs so that you didn’t feel uncomfortable. They helped put your undergarments back on so that you wouldn’t wake up naked, and discarded your ruined emergency blanket with a mutual agreement to gift you another when they returned. “I found an extra hoodie in my bag, let’s put it on her too.” Gaz passes it to Johnny. He moves your body to slide it onto you. “M’gonna take her bra back off than. That can’t be comfortable. She complains about them every time she’s around.” Johnny laughs. “True.” He tucks your bra into your bag and unzips your sleeping bag for more warmth over the both of you.
He forces you awake for just a second for a drink of water and after, you’re fast asleep again. Johnny gets settled with you, pulling you into him so that the both of you are warm. Once everyone settles in, they turn their lights off.
The next morning, Johnny is shaking you awake. “Exfil is a mile out lass. Cmon.” You nod your head, going to stand up. Your legs buckle underneath you and Johnny laughs as he catches you. “Just sit there for a minute yeah?” He smiles. “Simon, I’ll take your bag. You get her.” He nods his head, moving closer. He passes Johnny his bag, kneeling down in front of you. You climb onto his back and he’s lifting you up. He has a hold of your thighs, your arms wrapped around his front. You were riding piggyback on him. They cover your bottom half with an emergency blanket, luckily Gaz’s hoodie was long and covered you as well. “Alright. One mile. Let’s do this.” They all nod.
You rest your head on Simons back, eyes growing heavy once again.
ask and you shall receive my babies XD
@shroomje @mothcelestial @lillianastuff
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𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 • 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦
Summary: Can we got some enemies to lovers with Jude maybe him and the reader “hate” each other but are in the same friend group and one day reader gets hurt and he rushes to come and help her 😩😩 anything will don’t tbh
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Genre: fluff, kinda angst
Warning: just some mutual hate, a guy harassing
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x f reader
Author note: found a little creative strike. I didn't proofread
Word count: 1k
Jude Bellingham Masterlist
Jude Bellingham. You hated that 6ft footballer with a passion.
Ever since high school you hated him and he has hated you right back. You weren’t sure how it all started, but quit frankly you don’t care. You couldn’t stand each other.
Even though you both would do anything to stay away from each other you unfortunately had the same friend group which meant you saw each other often when he was in England.
Today was one of those days.
Your friends had invited you to a club. Although you really didn’t want to go you sucked it up. You needed some time out of the house. You got yourself all dolled up. Putting on some pretty makeup, putting on a short silk black dress that showed your cleavage and some pumps. You totally weren’t dressed this was because you knew jude was going to be there.
After a short ride with your friends you arrived at the club. It was full of sweaty bodies colliding with each other. You kinda regret coming due to that site alone.
You followed your girlfriends to the table where everyone else was at. From a mile away you spotted him. Jude was sitting there, white button up on although a few buttons were undone at the top.
His eyes met yours and you quickly looked away.
“We’ve arrived.” Your friend announced as she sat on her boyfriend’s lap. You took a seat beside her far away from Jude.
The night continued and you didn’t do much but stare at the people. You took a few shots with everyone but you weren’t interested in being drunk so that was it.
You weren’t exactly sure what Jude was doing… I mean not that you cared. Last time you checked he was at the bar probably talking to any woman that wanted to get in his pants.
You shook the thought out of your head and got up. You decided that going to the bathroom for a few minutes was the best idea. As you went to find the bathroom you didn’t notice Jude was watching. Actually he watching you all night to make sure you were ok. He was ignoring the fuck out these girls talking to him. His only focus was you.
He watched as you walked down the hall to the bathroom. He was about to turn away until he saw a guy follow you. He didn’t want to take any chances so excused himself from the girls and followed.
You had just reached the bathroom when you spotted the man. You thought he would walk passed to the bathroom but he didn’t . Instead he stopped and stared at you.
You frowned. “Can I help you?”
The guy smirked and shook his head. “I just want to see if I can get your number?”
You smiled. “No, I’m sorry. I have a boyfriend.” You lied.
The guy rolled his eyes. “Your boyfriend doesn’t have to know.” He took a step towards you and you backed up until you met the wall. He towered over you making you look up at him.
“She said she has a boyfriend.” You looked over to your left to see Jude. Relief flooded through your body when you seen him.
“Back away from her.” Jude said, his face more pissed than what you seen of him on the field.
The guy did as Jude said. “Lemme guess, you’re the boyfriend.”
You walked over to Jude and spoke. “Yes he is.” You put your arms around Jude waist. “So I don’t want your number.”
The guy looked between the two of you before scoffing and walked away. Back into the party.
You exhaled. “I need to get out of here.” You walked past Jude but he stopped you by take a hold of your arm.
You turned, looking at him. “You alright?”
You nodded. “Yeah I just um… I wanna go home. Can you tell them that for me?” you felt helpless right now in front of Jude. He never saw this side of you ever. It was kinda embarrassing.
You pulled your arm away from Jude as he nodded. You wasted no more time and walked outside. You took a seat on the curve, far away from the entrance  and pulled your phone out to call an Uber.
A few minutes passed as you waited.
“Hey.” You looked up from your spot to see Jude standing there with your jacket in his hand. “you forgot your jacket.”
You took it from him, mumbling a thank you. You were expecting him to leave but he didn’t . Instead he took a seat down beside you on the curve.
You said nothing to each other, but you could tell Jude did want to say something.
“Spit it out Bellingham.” You said turning to him.
“why do we hate each other?”
You were stunned by the question. You aren’t sure why he asked but you answered truthfully.
“I don’t know. I wish I did but I don’t.”
Jude nodded. “Yeah me either.” He paused for a brief second before continuing. “I don’t hate you y/n. Even though it seems like I do I don’t.”
You looked at Jude. “well I don’t hate you either.” You sighed bringing your knees to your chest and hugging them.
“Thank you for saving me earlier. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do.”
Jude hummed. “Yeah I’m happy to help. If you need me to be your fake boyfriend more just let me know.” Jude smirked at you. Your stomach did a flip at the simple action. You didn’t know what was coming over you but you didn’t hate I you were starting to like being around him. Crazy how a little bit of time with Jude changed how you feel about him.
“we should hangout sometime.” Jude as taking you by surprise.
Jude nods yes. “Lets start off fresh. Let’s not hate each other anymore. What do you say?”
You smiled at him. “I like the sound of that.”
Jude gave you a smile that filled your stomach with butterflies. You were fucked.
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penvisions · 3 months
gone to the dogs {chapter 4}
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Pairing: Boston QZ! Joel Miller x Reader ; brief mentions of Boston QZ! Joel Miller x Tess Servopoulos
Summary: Unexpected glimpses of your past allow for your softer side to be exposed. But it won't be the thing that alters the dynamic between your trio. No, you have something else planned for that.
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, canon typical gore, outbreak fic, age gap (only by about ten years), angst, dark fic, dark joel miller, mean joel miller, joel miller is uptight, degrading language, sexual language, sexual proposition, violence, heated interactions, descriptions of a minor assault, adult language, fighting, argumentative language, mutual disdain, sexual content, implication of sex work, unprotected piv, sexual acts, reader is snarky, reader gets violent, major injuries, dismemberment, reader meets joel toe-to-toe with insults and it's amazing, both reader and joel pov, lemme know if there are any i missed!
A/N: ARE Y'ALL READY, but seriously, i hope y'all enjoy this chapter *minor spoiler but reader's singing voice is very much akin to ruby leigh from the voice contestant show
ao3 link || series masterlist || joel miller masterlist || ko-fi
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It’s early morning, when Tess seeks you out. The sun barely coming up and showing its form over the horizon, the sky swathed in deep oranges and golden tones that remind you of seasonal fruit.
Frank is sitting with you already, coffee brewed fresh and sweetened with frozen ice cubes of coffee creamer and sugar. A surprise you hadn’t anticipated but greatly appreciated as the man beside you refilled your cup time after time to ensure it was never truly empty. Conversation had been light, on the back porch where you had curled up in the wicker loveseat to try and get the weight off of your body for a few hours.
As soon as she shuffled through the door, Frank removed his hand from where it was tangled with your own and said he would get started on breakfast. Wanting to ensure you, all three of you, had a full stomach for the journey back to the zone. His way of taking care of you where you’ll let him, even now in the end of the world.
“Look, I know it may seem like I was playing some game yesterday…” The older woman breaks the silence, knowing your mind must be turning and overturning the events of the last few days.
“Just wanted to know I was meant to be playing along.” She’s not cautious, but there’s a tiredness and stilted manner to her sitting down in one of the matching wicker chairs. The cushion and pillow in the seat do little to comfort the unease you can see in her body. It’s as if she hasn’t slept, or that her sleep was restless just like your own despite the safe environment and almost now foreign amenities.
“I was being genuine with them, Frank…he’s reminded me of who I used to be. As I’m sure he has with you, especially sharing a past I’m not going to ask after. It’s your business and that’s your prerogative.”
“Sent your guard dog after me to listen into my conversation with him, not sure I really believe the sentiment.”
“Cane, you know as well as I do that he does what he wants.”
“Doesn’t take away from the fact that he reports back to you. Acts as if you two are the ones who run things. Conversations I’m not a part of.”
“We all run things, the three of us.” You’re glad for her roundabout honesty, though you know that it’s natural for rifts to divide people, for them to seek out those they are more comfortable with. That talking with someone you feel bonded with, a partner, a friends, is a part of life. That they both must have conversations going over things just as you do with her, though not as frequently.
“Yeah, looks like it from the outside, doesn’t it?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that you two have gotten very comfortable with the way things are in the zone-“
“No more comfortable than you made yourself in my bed the other night.” Her eyes meet your own in a silent challenge, will you lie and cover up the fact you shared Joel’s bed, or will you be honest with the woman who does so on a regular basis. You don’t know Joel as well as she does, but he doesn’t strike you as the type to seek out attention or affection from other’s behind someone’s back. A cheater, he is not, though he has done many questionable things to survive. She doesn’t seem upset, at least outwardly, though you know it must strike a cord near her heart. The way you catch her gazing at him sometimes tells you more of her feelings than she ever has. And for that, you cannot fathom lying.
“That was a lapse of judgement. It had been a shitty day trying to move what little product I had. He didn’t fuck me if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“I don’t care if he did, that’s his prerogative. I don’t own him, I don’t control him-“
“Wouldn’t matter if you did, he needs to feel like he’s got someone to look out for and you’re it. He would do anything for you, does do anything that you ask of him now. It’s me he has a problem with and I’m not entirely sure why he laid with me the way he did.” You try to soothe her as best you can, as best as you’re able to in the situation. She must know what she means to him, or at least what he’s able to with the damage and destruction he’s surely endured.
“He doesn’t have a problem with you-“
“Save it, I know he does. I know you do too, blatantly throwing us under the bus to make us seem like untrained dogs who only snap and bite at those that near us.”
“That was more for him, than for you.”
“And yet you still said it the way you did. It wasn’t appreciated.”
“I didn’t intend for it to hurt your feelings, I apologize if it did. I really am…appreciative of the way you’ve allowed us both to fold into your zone.” It’s obvious, the appeal she’s trying to make to you now. The same woman who had been at the table yesterday. A glimpse of who she used to be, but it bothers you how you can’t tell if she’s genuine or not, if it’s the same play you had been orchestrating with her the past couple of months.
“You came into my home to try and get intel on me before usurping me. Of course you’re grateful I folded you into the scene. You wouldn’t have had anything otherwise.”
“Not nothing, no. But I do realize it would’ve been less if you were getting a portion of the cut of everything we got on both sides.”
You only hummed in response. Aware that this conversation was taking turns you’d rather not delve into at the moment.
“We’ve all gotten comfortable, me included, you’ve given me the room to do so. But I talked to Frankie, he’s willing to convince Bill to agree to it. You’ll lead this one, you did find it after all and there’s no reason for my knowing him to effect that.” You don’t have to fear for someone lunging at you in the dark, for someone using a trade as a rouse to lure you alone to take advantage. Her intelligence and Joel’s strength have allowed you breathing room in the months of constant worry after your brother’s death.
“Joel will need to really be on his best behavior. He’s got his teeth bared because Bill does.”
“Then reign him in.” You meet her eyes, the worry you house at the rise of conflict that is all too real aimed her way but ever present in the way you didn’t have to say anything else. She nods once as you lifted your mug up and took a sip of the wonderful coffee Frank had been kind enough to keep full. “Mind him and lead by example. I will as well.”
“He doesn’t think poorly of you, if he did, he wouldn’t be insistent on joining you beyond the walls.” It’s hard to know how to respond, it’s almost default to fling insults with the older man, to taunt him and see if he rises to the bait, something he does in return. But despite it all, you would defend him should he truly need it and you only hoped he would do the same. You doubt he would die for you, but that was such a rare devotion these days.
“I suppose not, but…should anything happen he will still work with you. He…Joel is someone who needs someone by his side whether he wants to admit it or not. Like you said. And you would be good for him, protect him as he protects you. It’s…good you were willing to work with us.” It’s implied, the connection you both have with the man even if it feels different, looks different. The way she wishes for you to recall that should something happen to her. Infection, sickness, a trade gone wrong, a trigger-happy soldier, anything. She wants to ensure he won’t be alone.
“I swear to you, should something happen, I won’t throw him to the crowd waiting to tear him apart.”
“Thank you.”
“Tess, just- I have a feeling the scene is going to get worse before it stabilizes again. The cartons of cigarettes Frank is going to give us will help but, other things are bound to dry up.”
She’s quiet for a beat, taking in the way you reach for your mug. She’s watching you as much as you’re watching her. It’s not a stalemate, it never is between you two. She knows your penchant for comments on how things are going, the ways your mind works and overworks. Concerned about details and the intricacies of things whereas she’s focused on the entire scene or play. It’s a match, which allows for all things to be considered, working well with each other in the past year. She has to be aware of that, at least, even as tensions rise and perspectives are beginning to warp and shift.
“Cane, this- opportunity to do trade with an outside source, it could help prevent scavenges into the decaying city. You know as well as I do that things are getting harder and harder to find as time goes on. Hell, it’s already beginning to thin.”
“It is…” You agree solemnly.
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It’s when you’re in the shower again, before you change into the clothes you had showed up in, that Joel seeks you out. Now washed and dried, folded atop the counter waiting for you. The door opens and closes without the call of a voice but you can hear the distinct steps of Joel as he stand in the middle of the bathroom. Hear the way he’s breathing a little harder than normal. You’re about to ask him what’s wrong when you hear the hush of fabric and see the outline of him through the plastic shower curtain move to pick up the dress you had been wearing.
“Dress was nice.” His voice is low, a quiet rumble that washes over your skin much like the shower, though goosebumps sprout up despite the heat of the water.
“I’m not in the mood for games, Miller.” Sighing, you reach for the shampoo, the scent of sandalwood and amber wafting in the steam that fills the room.
“I’m bein’ serious. Looked good on you. Different.” The effect his words on you, his attempt at an actual conversation is one of heat blooming in your middle. He’s so goddamn handsome and it’s a shame he’s such an asshole, molded by the circumstances of the fallen world. He seems to take your words in stride, his mood nothing but calm as the shower continues to rain down on you.
“Everything seems to be different these days.”
“Can be a good thing, sometimes.”
“Can be.” You watch through the clear curtain, dappled with beaded water. He’s shrugging out of his dark green button up. The fabric hushing as it reveals his skin to you for the second time. His chest is dusted with dark hairs, the silver threading through it catching the sunlight filtering into the bathroom.
“Don’t mind, do you?” The clink of his belt and the unzipping of his pants.
“Not particularly, no.” He’s already stepping into the stall, his broad body taking up what little room was left and crowded the space. But it doesn’t feel like he’s cornering you, it feels almost…intimate in the way that his eyes are taking in the form of your body slick from the water and foamed up bubbles trailing down where they drip from your hair. “Just didn’t think you’d be the one to seek me out next.”
Tangling his fingers into your hair, he dips your head back to wash the shampoo from the long tresses.
“There was no need for me to be so…biting last night. I don’t know how to do the whole- talking thing these days. And you have to admit, we don’t do much of that with each other already.”
“They’ll work with us, Frankie is a good man.” You reach for the shampoo again, reaching up with the thick liquid cupped in your hand to lather it into his bowed head. His hair is as soft as you always thought it was, thick curls dark with the weight of the water saturating it.
“Sharing a past with him helps, otherwise it would be a tense and slow start.” His hands are anchored on your hips, fingers digging into your skin as you don’t dare to look down where you feel him soft against your thigh. The admittance of presence helping isn’t lost on you. He’s not one for praise and it’s intense with how close you are in the stall. You hear the apology for his previous words on the matter in his new ones. Though you are unsure if he believes them, you feel the need to but it is hard to tell as his skin touches yours and ignites your blood. “Tess may have set this whole thing up and he may have convinced Bill for the trades, but you are an asset.”
You hold your tongue, the question of ‘an asset or the orchestrator’ drowning from your mind as he noses along your collarbone, ducking his head further to allow you to wash the suds from his curls. As soon as he looks back up, you’re reaching to brush the water from his eyes, his brows, his scruff, watching the way it sticks to his silver threaded hairs and the memory of it against your skin makes pleasure and desire pool in your core.
His hands are turning your willing body around, and he’s firm where he bumps against the back of your thighs, the plush of your ass as you face the wall. And now you feel crowded, as he presses his front to your back, the way he hinges your hips to meet him, for the way he slips into you in one smooth motion for the first time.
But it’s not a bad feeling, it’s comforting being shielded from the rest of the world in this little stall, his body hiding you away and comforting you all at once. It’s a dangerous thought, even as it’s punched out with your heavy breath carrying a moan as he begins to thrust against you. Heat overtakes your senses, from the pleasure rippling through you to the flushed skin pressed to you to the still running stream of the shower. It consumes you even after you peak, after you feel Joel’s own sear into the backs of your thighs, panting breath matched by him as the moment winds down.
“You didn’t tell him your brother wasn’t alive. Just told him you found him.” He breathes into your shoulder, facial hair brushing over your skin to send tingles down your spine. It’s quiet, the way he seeks an answer instead of demands one.
“He doesn’t need to know.” Is your own whispered response, unable to rise to his words with a truth of your own, a vulnerability.
“Thought he was your friend.”
“He is, but he’s…he doesn’t need to know how things really are. He wouldn’t have let me leave.”
“You say that like he has control over you.” His hands are no longer gripping tight, caressing instead along your sides, feeling the dips and valleys of your body with no intention other than to touch. The urge to return the softness twitches your fingers where they are still planted along the wall for support.
“He doesn’t. But if he asked, I would listen. Because I respect him. Mutual respect.”
He parrots the sentiment back to you, as his large hands grip your waist once again to turn you around face to face. There’s something glinting in his eyes, behind the dark brown of them slowly. “An interesting thought.”
“It is.” You nudge your nose against his, breathing him in, the scent of you both mingling in the air.
And he’s suddenly slotting his mouth against yours, droplets raining down over you both as you surge up to wrap your arms around his shoulders, returning his kiss with earnest. It’s so different from what yo expected kissing him would be life, it’s not rough or biting, it’s almost heartachingly soft in how he pulls you close and touches his lips to yours again and again.
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“He’s just so hard to read sometimes, you know? Like…I don’t mean to get too personal considering we just met but,” Tess’s voice carries from a room downstairs, the one you had been given the night before, the one you hadn’t been able to lay in and remain for the entirety of it. She had ducked into it with Frank after breakfast shared at the dining room table. While the eggs had been powdered, the meet hadn’t been and the taste lingers, mingled with that of Joel.
“You can talk to me about anything, the same sentiment for Cane applies to you. We all need friends these days, people we can turn to.” Frank’s comforting voice is genuine as you step closer to the open door without trying to alert them of your presence. Tess hardly opened up about herself, let along about the dynamic between her and Joel. All you ever got out of Tommy was that they were bonded in a way that he understood, shared losses, shared pasts. They would and have killed for each other.
“Well, I’m not quite sure what’s going on, relationships were hard enough before and now…”
“It’s hard for men like Bill and Joel to be honest with what they want, to let their guard down in different settings. You shouldn’t fault yourself if he was too on edge to be with you last night.”
“It’s not that exactly. It was more like he implied he was done with that entire part of…whatever we are.”
“Maybe he’s going through something he hasn’t told you about. He seems like a pretty private guy even if he does have someone like you to talk to and in his life.” Mind reeling, you recall the way Joel had spoken to you the other night. The implication of his words, of his wants, of who exactly he had his eyes on. And then this morning when he had all but rolled over to show you his willingness to give you credit and praise your work.
‘Don’t want Tess.’
‘Mutual relief.’
‘Then clear my head, be a good little lap dog for me.’
Your blood boils, bubbles thick in your veins despite the rather calm and sensual acts you had just shared with the man in question. The worry of him moving on from the woman at his side to yours, where there is more opportunity, more to be gained, more power to be had with the smuggling scene. It’s hard to read him, whether he is truly making a play, a switch. The idea that he is losing interest in Tess in favor or you too big a notion for there to not be anything else woven into the desire. Men tended to seek out those younger than them, though you didn’t think that was the only matter in this case. The thought sticks to the inside of your throat like fuzz, drying it up and making you clear your throat loudly as you approach the doorway head on. You’re determined to undermine it, should that be the reasoning behind his recent behavior.
“Frankie?” You finally step toward the doorway, brushing your hands down over the clean shirt to try and calm your nerves.
“Yes, darling?”
“Could I use your radio, there’s a call I need to make. To set up a smooth return to the zone for us.” You nod to Tess, who doesn’t meet your eyes. As Frank stands from where he was seated on the bed, he brushes a hand over your shoulder. He’s reaching for another box from the top of the closet, the shelf too high for you but easy enough for him. The box is labeled with your name, the real one and he takes a marker from his back pocket and crosses it out. Cane replaces it in that same, simple writing he’s adapted.
“Of course, I’m looking for something, but Bill can help you out.” Frank smiles at you, saying he’ll make sure to send an outfit back with all three of you, worried for the very real act of both Joel and Tess scrounging for their nicest pieces of clothing for the visit. First impressions still meant so much and sometimes it meant the difference between life and death these days. He was a good man, and you’re determined to ensure you can continue to find things he may need use of and build up your stocks should you need to trade for something far more valuable and harder to come by. He was a priority now.
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One thing was for certain, you were done allowing Joel Miller to think he had more power than he did.
An asset.
It rings through your mind as you recall the way he approached you in the shower. In the touches burned into your skin, in the way his body moved against your own. He had been there, with you, after telling Tess no. That he didn’t want for the physical any longer with her and it’s dizzying. Trepidation simmers low in your abdomen, upsetting it as it twists the muscles and pulls them taut before they tremble. Akin to the pang of hunger but much, much stronger.
It was your zone, your connections, your reputation that allowed for the smuggling and scavenging to bloom opportunity and trade. You had worked up from literally nothing, having been forced into the zone under false pretenses. The network established by you and your brother after some time, scooped up by the jaws of another hungry dog searching for the next meal to feast on. Only this one wasn’t a simple meal that would fill your belly for a night, it was one that would bring meals day after day and you were done sharing it. Done feeling like an afterthought to the man who was Tess’s counterpart.
The radio is far more advanced than the one set up in the zone, the one that Abe was lucky enough to set up outdated and one of the more military focused models. The soldiers knew he had it, it was hard no to squash the thin string of hope it allowed for all the occupants to stoke as they tried to search for loved ones and family even so long after that first horrific day and all the others that followed.
Bill walked you through how to navigate the signal waves, how to tune it just right to get the ones wafting weakly from direction of the zone. He was still on guard, the gun holstered at his side and his gauging eyes still present. But you felt at ease with him, he was an extension of Frank. He was a good man, that much you were sure of, that much you knew. Frank would be well protected and provided for here, allowed a space to cling to the good parts of who he is. He wouldn’t have lasted in the zone, let alone the pretenses in which you had found yourself able to enter the zone.
“Echo 4236, do you copy?”
“Copy for Echo 4236. Rely your message.”
“This is Ammo 1342, I have an order for you.”
“Ready to receive order, proceed.”
“I need you to hit Building 42, Apartment 19 and 20.”
“Ammo 1342, isn’t apartment 20-“
“It is, proceed. Stash the contents in Building 56, Apartment 14.”
“Copy that Ammo 1342.”
“Echo 4236 signing off.”
Bill is watching you closely, one brow arched as he takes in the smirk on your lips.
“Working together means you guys contact Tess, heed her wills to trade.”
“So, you’re allowing them to think this is still the fruits of her labor.”
“For now. When the time comes, I’ll cut them out and let them be in charge of this trade and only this trade.”
"Just be careful." The sentiment behind his words is not lost on you.
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“Before you go,” Frank is guiding you by the shoulders toward the front room the second you visible coming up from the steps of the sub-basement. Bill following behind at a slower pace, content to let Frank do as he wished, the barely contained excitement and sly smile on his lips telling the other man he was happy. The piano comes into view, set up already, dusted off and smelling of lemon oil cleaner.
“Frankie, no.” You don’t even give the man a chance to say anything, the book of sheet music open and waiting.
“Cane, please. It’s been so long since I’ve heard it done justice. Bill does his best, but…too low a tone for the song. This’ll be the last thing I ask of you to recall from our past and if you truly don’t want to, I’ll concede.” As he speaks, the others are walking into the room. Bill, followed by a curious Tess and tense Joel. The word ‘no’ in your voice summoning him where he had been on the back porch with Tess talking over the most likely items to get on the list Frank had written up.
You looked from the piano to him, trepidation obvious, as if the piano were a coiled snake waiting for you to step closer to strike you down. But he looked so soft, so much like the man you remember sitting and painting with for hours in a comfortable silence, the one who had always allowed you the room to create how you wanted.
“Just this once.”
The wooden seat is firm beneath you, and you roll your shoulders a few times, cracking your knuckles to loosen your body up. Taking a deep breath, you glance up from where your hands are hovering over the keys to the music written out. You don’t need it, of course, it was Frank’s favorite song. One you had sung to him at every opening hour of a show in the gallery. The first few pushes of the keys feel unfamiliar, but muscle memory takes over quickly and you’re licking at your bottom lip before parting them.
“Love will abide, take things in stride,” Your voice is smooth and soft, growing emotive and soulful, as it fills the silence of the room and intertwines with the notes of the piano. A hint of twang in your tone as the lyrics pull it from deep inside you, where you buried it long ago. You close your eyes, feeling the sting of tears as the last seven years flash in your mind.
“Sounds like good advice,” You belt out, pitching your voice around the words, allowing for them to surge and swell. “But there’s no one at my side. Cause I’ve done everything I know to try and make you mine. And I think I’m gonna love you for a long, long time.”
You don’t dare to turn around and glimpse the expressions on everyone’s faces, the song filling you up with something you had long forgotten. Your voice carries through the second verse, the third, and then the last cords of the song are echoing in the air as you lift your fingers from the keys. The final note wavering off and silence reclaims the room.
It’s the last thing before you all make your way outside, the sun bright and the breeze cool. Bill is walking alongside Joel, Tess up ahead with Frank. You linger, eyeing the canvas and paint accumulated in boxes around the porch. An agreement made between to the two men who reside here. One giving into the other’s indulgences in only the way a loved one does for their affections.
Rationale and reason for keeping such things for better uses, a means of survival should it come to that lost in the wake of making someone happy.
“Cane, I’m- I’m just so glad that you’re okay.” Frank is suddenly pulling you into an embrace, his hands cradling the back of your head as you instantly return it. His chest is warm where you bury your face into his shirt, just feeling him for a moment, basking in the touch of another you once spent so much time with. “Please, don’t be a stranger. I may not be able to come to you, but you come to me or radio should you need anything.”
“I’m happy you’ve found your person, found a little slice of what life used to be here. The zones, they aren’t, they aren’t a way to live.” As you pull back from him, you see the question in the depths of his eyes, obviously in the way he smiles sadly at you. He wants to ask you to stay and you almost want him to.
Your trio departs with a plan to contact in a week’s time, to set up the first trade of many.
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It was obvious that your order had been followed through the second your trio had entered turned from the stairwell to the hallway. The doors leading into both yours and their apartment hang on their hinges, the wood splintered slightly as they wight down the remaining nails keeping them upright.
The second story just high enough to not give any clues away from the view of the windows on the streets. You had made sure to not include your signature of a paw print, not wanting to stir up trouble before felt the need to. The same one you had Tess and Joel stamp onto their portions of goods, always beneath the foil for cigarettes or the plastic bags of pills. Especially on the butts of guns save for the ones you all carried yourselves.
“Fuck, looks like we got hit!” Tess is caught off guard, rushing forward until Joel stops here with a forearm and a small shake of his head. He moves up ahead of you both, the gun tucked into the back of his waistband sliding into his palm as he pushes aside what remains of the doors to the two apartments you occupy.
“They got everything we had stashed away.” His voice is a low rumble, anger and frustration filling the picked over and damaged apartment. He’s already cleared it as you and Tess approach, moving onto yours to clear it as well.
“This is because you showed weakness by working in that whore house!” Joel roars, dark glare focused on you as he appears back in the hallway. A shove of his gun barrel against your shoulder raises your lips in a snarl of argument.
“What I do in my spare time has no effect on the business!”
“It does it people think you’re weak, submitting to them!” He digs the gun into your shoulder again, to punctuate his words.
“Then everyone would be going after you, with how obvious it is you drown yourself in pills and booze until you pass out every god damn night!” You smack the weapon away from you with enough force that he doesn’t do it again, instead it’s hidden back in his waistband. He’s anything but calm as he shouts back at you, no doubt the entire population of the hall is listening against their closed doors.
“That has nothing to do with anything!”
“Then neither does my sparse visits to work somewhere that actually puts food on the table! The people we trade with don’t go there.” You step up into his personal space, the tension in the air thick and so unlike the last time you had done so. His eyes narrow, the brown of then shielded by the darkness of his pupils and the dim hall. The lights have been needing to be replaced for ages, your men following orders taking out the few that had remained working to make the scene.
“If they don’t, then the people that work for them do and tell them.” He doesn’t back down, his chest nearly brushing yours as he breaths in deep.
“Alright, why don’t- why don’t we all just take a breath. We had a good past couple of days, we can’t let this bring us down.” Tess is suddenly between you both, a hand on each of you to further push you apart. But you’re done. Tired and feeling too much after seeing someone who you never thought you would again mentally draining. You’re stepping around them both, their eyes heavy as they watch you walk over to your door.
“Oh, I’m not down about anything. Shit happens. Sometime tried to clean me out the second I took over the zone, it’s part of the game.” With that, you manage to shut the door as best you could.
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“Haven’t seen you in a while, was wondering if somebody finally put you down?” The hair on the back of your neck rises as your skin prickles. You knew someone had been following you but you hadn’t expected it to be the man you last laid with the day Joel had caught you nearly two weeks ago. He was never one for conflict or conversation, but today he seemed willing to partake in both.
“Not that I owe you an answer, but I was busy.” Your eyes trace the way he reveals himself from the stooped doorway, the building is abandoned and boarded up. Deemed toxic due to the damage of fumes from the bombing that is evident just outside the walls.
This part of the zone is dilapidated, most of the buildings had been homes or independently owned and run businesses, but now it was the slums. The pleasure house is only a street away but that hadn’t been your intention of coming down here. It had been to retrieve some of the goods ‘stolen’ from you, stashed in an old building very few knew operated as a base for soldiers to reside in for their drug fueled days off from patrol.
“Feel like you owe me a freebie.” He’s bold to step in front of you in that moment, the street empty at the hour that closes the day in the zone.
“Not on your life.” Sidestepping him, you don’t expect him to reach out. He’s strong, his hands clasping in front of you as his front presses against your back. He’s overly hot, the scent coming from his clothes rotten and you thrash in his hold.
“Get her gun!” He’s shouting and you realize he’s not alone. There are four others now surrounding you, having slunk out of the shadows and alleyways. Someone makes a grab for it, where it’s holstered on your hip beneath your shirt. The fingers that graze your stomach are marred with ash and dirt, something you hope isn’t smeared into your skin. The man isn’t very focused, his eyes dipping to catch the flash of skin as he does so and you kick out at his hand.
The gun is knocked away from you the second it hits the broken asphalt of the street, the only weapon left on you is the knife tucked into your boot. But your thoughts are scrambled as your sense of gravity wavers, body suddenly pulled forward. Your forehead knocks into the ground, and you groan out at the feeling of rubble digging deep into the skin there.
“You fuckers!” You shout, hands reaching for the concealed blade as you feel a body pin you down. You don’t manage much as they’re suddenly held down, as are your legs. The feeling of the man above you and four more holding you down kicks your instincts into overdrive.
Surging up as best you can, you knock your head back as hard as possible. The crack of it hitting the man’s face is loud as is his cry of pain. He’s knocked off balance and into the two men holding your legs down.
Careening forward, you bite into the hand of the person putting their weight on your hands, teeth digging and tearing as he tries to pull away with a scream. He’s down and cradling his mutilated hand as you stand and brandish the knife you’ve finally got in your grip. Spitting, chunks of bloodies flesh spray onto the ground and you wipe the back of your free hand over your mouth, only managing to smear the blood further.
It slices into the skin of forearms and cheeks as the three men try to get you pinned back down and under their control with their ringleader tries to stall the bleeding of his broken nose and the whitening of his vision.
The man whose hand you bit reaches for the gun and he fires a shot that has everyone ducking. His aim had failed to help his friends but worked to your advantage as one of the men cries out at the bullet now lodged in his shoulder. The scene freezes, everyone completely caught off guard and you take the moment.
You’re reaching for the gun as he sits shocked and still, the metal rattling from how badly he’s shaking. Quickly forcing it from him and aiming it point blank, he’s slumped over and no longer breathing as you round on the others and fire three more shots.
The man who started all this is pleading, snot and tears running along with blood down his face. He’s spouting nonsense words of apology and to please spare him, that he’s learned his place and he won’t ever try to corner you again. But you don’t care. This man, this piece of nothing man had tried to track you down, to take from you, to assault you, to demean you. The knife in your hand sings for more blood but you’re shooting at him where he stands hunched over and holding a hand over his face.
He falls, hands flying to where his thighs meet his body as he whimpers. The pain of being shot in the groin too intense for him to muster up a scream. You feel a twitch of your lips as you watch him writhe and moan about on the ground, surrounded by the other men. But it’s not enough to soothe you and you’re bringing the knife down harshly as he reaches out to you for help he would never receive. His fingers scatter, and you feel the ease of your anger.
“Don’t come at me again or I’ll take your life too.”
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“Who the fuck do you think you are? Telling them to make payments to you but I still have to go and deliver the goods? Do you have any idea what that makes me look like?” Joel’s voice is loud as his door creaks open, not completely repaired but enough to work for the time being. Something about him needing to find a certain type of glue for wood before he would complete the task.
“Excuse me?” If the blood staining your clothing or the tangled mess of your loosened hair catches his eye he doesn’t show it. Not even the cut above your brow or the stain of blood around your mouth and chin gives him pause and you realize he’s drunk from that and the loosely coordinated way he approaches you.
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but now is so not the time, Miller.” You warn, adrenaline still coursing through your body and making you shift on your feet to face him. His steps are loud, the effects of whatever he took showing.
“You listen to me, you little-“
You use the arm he reaches out to grab at you and haul him over your shoulder. The breath in his lungs wooshes out at the contact of his back hitting the floor hard. Before he even has the chance to realize he’s been downed, you’re straddling his stomach and holding the still bloody knife to his throat. He’s more aware of himself as you meet his eyes, the pressure of the blade sobering him up almost instantly.
“You wanna see how I left him, you wanna see what I looked like putting the last fucker down that dared to come after me. Dared to put his hands on me when I said no. Bleeding in the street without his fingers or his dick?” The thump of the man’s detached fingers onto his chest pull his eyes down and away from your own. They widen slightly at the sight of them, the white of the bones you severed stark in the fixed light of the hall. “Try me, Miller, try me and find the fuck out.”
He’s silent, eyes wide and mouth clamped shut. Chest heaving as he takes in the way you’re completely serious and focused on him. The knee you’re digging into his crotch painful for the force behind it and you see fear flash in his eyes. You take it in stride, feeling far more powerful than you had in months.
“That’s what I thought, go sleep off the pills you downed and report back to me tomorrow with payment or replacement.” He grunts as you shove off of him, his body stinging where yours had been on him, his neck feels cool where a few drops of blood form on the shallow cut where the knife had been.
The door shuts behind you, lock clicking in place. He stays there on the ground, heart beating wildly in his chest and his eyes take in the cut off extremities you had thrown at him where they had slid to the floor of the hall. His stomach lurches at the thought of the other one you had mentioned and he’s surging up to empty his stomach onto the faded and worn carpet.
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@tobethlehem @axshadows @ameagrice @theoraekenslover @mellymbee
@survivingandenduring *shoutout to @the-mandawhor1an for beta reading and @joelmillerisapunk for letting me scream with them while this chapter got finished and edited, thank you so much bbs!
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delusionalvenusian · 1 year
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Summary: your first kiss with soft Wakanda Bucky
Listening to: Unchained Melody - Alex North
The afternoon sun was high and blazing as you sat waiting by the water, food still neatly packed in the basket you’d put together. You weren’t sure of the exact time, but you did know that, based on the rumbling sounds of hunger your stomach was making, it was now well past lunchtime, and Bucky was uncharacteristically late.
He’d never intentionally stand you up, or miss a meal for that matter, you were certain. Theorizing he must’ve been held up by something in the pasture and that he could use the sustenance, you gathered up your basket and headed off through the tall grass.
“White Wolf-- umfazi wakho,” the young goatherd teased as you approached the paddock in the distance, earning a pointed look from Bucky as his suntanned cheeks began to redden, mortified at the thought of you hearing someone refer to you as his wife. “I’ll leave you,” he said with a playful grin, stalking off.
Bucky had come tremendously far in his healing, now free from Hydra's programming and beginning to feel human again. Your friendship had blossomed naturally, spending time together each day as you oversaw his recovery in Steve's stead, and quickly developed into mutual love that was obvious to everyone but the two of you. You both yearned for more than companionship, but you wanted to be patient with Bucky and respect his boundaries, and he couldn't see how someone like you could or would share the adoration he felt for you, so you remained strictly friends silently pining for each other, to the amusement of all who observed.
“Thought you could use some food,” you said, smiling at him sweetly as you reached the fence. “Hope you have cash for tip,” you joked with a wink.
“I'm so sorry,” Bucky replied sincerely. “Nocawe went into labor this morning and I got behind on everything. I couldn’t get away.”
You shook your head and waved a hand in dismissal. “No apology necessary—I knew you wouldn’t leave me hanging without good reason.”
“Thanks,” Bucky sighed out, relieved to hear he hadn't let you down.
“Can I help you finish up,” you asked. "That way you can have a little break and not have to be here 'til sundown."
“Sure,” Bucky said, eyebrows raising slightly in surprise.
You smiled and set your basket down.
You chatted together idly over your lunch about everything and nothing. Bucky listened intently as you updated him on the progress Shuri was making on her latest invention, having spent the last week "helping" her by keeping her company and giving moral support, then gave you a crash course in goat kidding. You finished your last bites over a rousing game of guessing where in the world Steve, Sam and Natasha were currently hiding.
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon loading and unloading bails, spreading hay about the paddock, finishing at golden hour before the sun began to set. Bucky, ever the gentleman, hadn't allowed you to do any of the more strenuous jobs, so the only muscle soreness you were left feeling was in your cheeks and stomach from all of the smiles and laughter, having bantered flirtatiously while you worked alongside one another.
You stood on the cart, shifting the last hay bail to complete the neat stack you'd been working to perfect. "That wasn't so bad," you said.
"No, not at all," Bucky agreed. You readied your body to hop down, stopping suddenly when Bucky stepped up closer to the side of the cart. "Whoa, wait, lemme help ya there," he said, quickly offering his hand.
"Why, thank you," you said with exaggerated coquettishness, placing your hand in his. It was rough from the day's work, and you noticed deep redness on his palm as you took it. "Your hand okay?" you asked as your feet met the ground.
"Oh, yeah, that's nothing. Just a little rope burn. It'll be gone before tomorrow," he assured, knowing that it was no match for the serum that coursed through him.
"Let me at least clean it," you insisted.
Bucky smiled at the ground shaking his head, suddenly feeling shy from being offered such care. "You really don't have to."
You walked over to your basket, pulling out a clean cloth napkin and wetting it with some extra drinking water you'd packed in case he needed more than whatever he had on hand. "I want to."
"Okay," Bucky said, chuckling as a piece of hay sticking out of your hair caught his eye. "Wait, here," he said, plucking it out when you returned to him.
You thanked him bashfully, feeling butterflies form in your stomach. The simple act felt so intimate.
Bucky watched as you took his hand once more, gently dabbing and wiping at the harsh red lines with the cloth, sure not to miss a single speck of visible dirt.
Once each mark appeared sufficiently clear, you raised his palm and blew on it softly to dry what dampness remained on the surface. "There."
Between the feel of your supple skin, the temperate way in which you wiped clean his wounds, and your cool breath hitting his warm palm, Bucky's heart was pounding so hard in his chest he was sure you could hear it. He tore his eyes from your joined hands, taking in the soft features of your face in the warm light of the early evening.
Still holding Bucky's hand in yours, raised close to your lips, something came over you under the weight of his gaze. Without a thought, you closed the distance between his palm and your mouth, leaving a delicate kiss where you'd cleaned.
Bucky's eyes went wide, thrown over the edge now by the tenderness of the moment.
The change in his expression snapped you out of your reverie, suddenly realizing what you'd done and the boundary you'd likely crossed. You let go of his hand. "Oh, James, I'm-"
Before you could finish your apology, Bucky slid his hand to your cheek, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb so lightly you could barely feel it. "I-," he stuttered, "can I-?"
You nodded franticly, understanding exactly what he wanted and not wanting to waste another second.
He slowly tilted your face, never breaking eye contact, and bent to you cautiously, as if you'd startle if he moved too fast. It felt like an eternity, but then his lips were on yours, soft and sweet and wanting, and your hands were in his hair. Your lips lingered a moment, neither of you wanting to stop feeling the other. Bucky felt the tip of your tongue lightly sweep his bottom lip, causing his need to grow-- to deepen the kiss, to echo your move and taste you on his tongue-- but apprehension crept up and he broke the kiss.
You could read the apologetic expression on his face, understanding that he was sorry to have contained himself and, in his eyes, ruin the moment. In a gesture of reassurance, you placed a hand over his as it remained resting on your cheek, turning your head to kiss his palm once more. "It's okay," you muttered comfortingly. "Take your time."
His doubts now eased, from then on he knew he was welcome to give in to his hunger for you. He’d never hold back or take his time again.
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frogs00 · 3 months
Can you write Rejanis angst, where Regina suddenly acts weird when Janis is around and cancels every time Janis wants to meet up.
Also established- relationship :)
Thx :**
Walk the stretch of the earth
Summary: the request really. Pairing: Regina + Janis Warnings: Hurt/comfort (idfk), they break up then get back together in a day, angst, swearing. Mentions of divorce. Lemme know if I kissed anything!
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Janis stared at her phone with a frown, Regina had canceled yet another plan of there, she hadn’t seen her in awhile, not even at school. She was worried.
(and just a little pissed.)
She chewed at her lower lip thoughtfully, she had to confront her. She had to figure this out…
What if she’s just tired of me?
She wondered, the thought made her heart drop. She grabbed her house key and left without thinking twice, prepared to walk however long. Her heart racing with fear of losing her father it took so long to get where they were.
Not only that, but Regina never just acted like this. Avoiding her at school and such. Avoiding everyone for that matter.
She picked up the pace slightly. She could always call for a ride but she want to talk to her alone. She knew for a fact Regina was home because her location was on, a rule they both made when they started dating. Regina said she had always wanted to know she was safe.
She felt her fist clench. That feeling was mutual, I need to know if you’re okay too.
Her teeth started to grind slightly with stress as she turned another corner. It was a long walk but she’d walk the earth for Regina.
She’d end the world for Regina.
She knocked rapidly at the door, and nearly fell into the house as Kylie answered.
“Hey, Ky!” She said, stepping in without asking and look around, “Where is Regina? And why are you answering the door?” She tilted her head.
Kylie rolled her eyes and walked away without answering any of Janis’s questions
That’s…new. Kylie was a tiny Regina, sure, but she and her got along great.
But she would unpack that later. She just went upstairs. The smell of alcohol lingering in the air caught her attention, but again, she had bigger fish to fry.
She knocked on Regina's door, she heard angry foot steps “Who the actual fuck-“ she looked at Janis, “fuck.”
“Fuck?” Janis rose an eyebrow, “You’ve been ignoring me for days and all you have to say it ‘fuck’?” Regina visibly cringed at that, and she moved to let her in, “Hello to you too, who let you in?” She sounded more bitter than anything, it made Janis’s stomach twist.
“Kylie.” She answered plainly, crossing her arms and looking at her.
She couldn’t maintain that tough look for long though, her arms falling out her side, “Are you okay? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?” She walked forward, taking Regina’s hand in her own, “I can do better, I-“
Regina snatched her hand away, “Stop that, gosh, stop that! You’re so annoying when you do that!” Regina snapped.
“Do what?” Janis was taken aback.
“That whole ‘I can do better’ bit. You act like I…” she cut off in a growl, “no, you did nothing wrong. What’s wrong doesn’t matter. Can you leave?”
“Regina, I-“
“Shut up and go, I didn’t ask you to come here.” Her voice as cold as ever. “I’m your girlfriend! You don’t have too, I’m worried!” Janis voice cracked as she yelled.
“Well maybe it’s better if you just aren’t!” Regina towered over her, her voice quivering slightly, she couldn’t tell from what. Janis’s face fell, “What?”
“No, Janis, no-“ Regina stammered reaching for her, Janis flinched away, “that’s not what I meant.” She tried.
“Then what did you mean?” Janis said with an eerie calmness.
Regina went silent, Janis nodded and turned away, getting her answer.
“Janis wait-“
“No, it’s fine.” She snapped and ran down the stair, slamming the front door as she left. As soon as she was out the door she let out a soft breath wiping her eyes with her sleeves.
she pulled out her phone and texted Damian, explaining what happened and asking for a ride.
He was on his way instantly.
Only a day had past since there break up, and it was now Sunday. She was curled up on her couch hugging a pillow and watching a Movie when her phone dinged.
Regina: Think so deserve a change to explain myself, but in person.
She scoffed and sat the phone down, leaning her on read, another ding followed after.
Regina: If you let me.
Janis decided to text back after a second, the urge overwhelming.
Janis: Fine, but I’m not coming to you.
Regina: On my way.
Janis truthfully really wanted to see her, but also was so Use what the actual fuck happened?
But she wasn’t as angry as she thought she’d be, just sad, and tired. She did’t sleep all last nights still worrying about Regina despite herself. She completely forgot she was still in her pajamas and she as just a bout to change when she heard the door bell.
“Gosh, shit!” She rolled off the couch and ran towards the door, nearly breaking her ankles in the process, she opened it and saw Regina standing there.
She felt much shorter without shoes on, especially next to the motion of a women in front of her. She looked her up and down and crossed her arm, shifting awkwardly,
”you gonna let me in?” Regina said something finally, seeming just as awkward.
“No, You can talk right here,” she decided after a moment.
“That’s fair, but can we sit?”
“Oh, just come it, I’m to tired to be petty.”
she took a long pause, letting Regina enter then shutting the door.
“And to tired to act like I hate you, I hate that I don’t, I hate that I’m still worried sick about you!” She was yelling again, a lump rising in her throat, she inhaled sharply and stomped ove to her couch and sat.
Regina stood there awkwardly after her outburst.
“Oh my god! Sit.” She gestured to the couch and Regina sat on the other end.
“My parents are getting divorced and my mom is taking it terribly, she’s a drunk mess and I have to take care of my sister.” Regina whispered after more awkward silence.
Janis went quiet, staring forward. And chewing her lower lip. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She said at last, turning to her, “you okay?”
“Stop with that, please, forgiving me so quickly, so easily, I’m not done.” Regina said sternly, taking a deep breath, “what I said and did was because of stress and sleep deprivation. That doesn’t make it right though. I love you and I understand if-“
Janis hugged a Regina, cutting her off, “Please don’t do that again.” She whispered into her ear, Regina hugged her back, tightly, as if she’s lose her right then and there.
“I’ll always be there for you, don’ be scared or ashamed around me, okay?” She cupped Regina face as she pulled back, “and I forgive you, if that’ what you need to hear. I shouldn’t have-“
“Shut up.” Regina warned, and pulled her into another hug.
Janis laughed and pulled back, “I’ll be with you through this, you aren’t alone. You never are, but please tell someone next time, if not me, someone because I need to know these things. Even if we aren’t together…” she trailed off, “what do you want?”
“To get back together,” Regina said instantly, “but I get if you don’t want to, but it as just one fight and-“
“Hush, that’s all I need to hear.” She put her forehead on hers, “Do you need help with anything?”
Regina shook her head no. Peaceful silence took them.
Jami really would walk the stretch of the earth for this women, no matter how messy she could be.
“Wait, you love me?” Janis realized.
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This was rushed but I’m tired snd wanted to finish it! Enjoy!
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Accidental Slumber
Summary: After a long night of researching, you and Giles fall asleep in the library.
Pairing: Rupert Giles x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): cuteness overload, friends to lovers type sitch, cuddling, idiots in love, mutual pining, lemme know if I forgot anything
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I do not own this image...credit to the original creator
The library was dimly lit, and the musty smell of ancient books filled the air. You and Giles had been researching late into the night, delving into the mysteries of an obscure demon. Exhaustion had finally caught up with both of you, and without realising it, you had drifted off to sleep.
As the sun began to rise, soft rays of light peeked through the library windows. The first sounds of footsteps echoed through the hallways, indicating the arrival of the Scooby Gang. Buffy, Willow, and Xander made their way to the library, eager to share their newfound discoveries with their mentor and the newest member of their team, you.
However, the sight that greeted them was unexpected. Their jaws dropped as they saw Giles and you, entwined in each other's arms, fast asleep on the library table. The tension in the air was palpable as they exchanged perplexed glances.
Buffy cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "Um, guys? Maybe we should give them a minute." Her tone was playful, but her eyes sparkled mischievously.
Giles, as if sensing the disturbance, pulled you closer into him; pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Willow's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson. "Oh, yes, definitely. We can...wait outside or something."
Xander scratched the back of his head nervously. "Yeah, no problem. We'll just... be over there, pretending not to see anything." He gestured toward the bookshelves and quickly herded the others away.
Slowly, the two of you began to stir, disturbed by the hushed voices and nervous shuffling. Groggy eyes fluttered open, meeting each other in a mix of surprise and embarrassment.
"Good morning," Giles murmured, his voice thick with sleep.
You stifled a yawn, feeling a blush creep up your neck. "Morning. Did we... fall asleep here?"
Giles chuckled, his British accent adding a touch of warmth to the moment. "It appears so. Research can be quite exhausting, it seems."
As you began to sit up, Giles' arm instinctively tightened around you. His touch was gentle yet possessive, as if he never wanted to let you go. You glanced down, noticing the affectionate gesture, and couldn't help but smile.
The library doors creaked open, and the Scooby Gang tiptoed back inside, albeit less discreetly than they intended. Buffy, Willow, and Xander tried their best to hide their amusement, failing miserably.
Buffy broke the silence once more. "Well, you two sure know how to have a slumber party without inviting the rest of us."
Willow nodded, grinning ear to ear. "Yeah, we thought we'd come and join in on the cuddle-fest."
Xander nudged Buffy, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "And I even brought the popcorn, just in case."
You felt your face heat up, and Giles' cheeks tinged with a blush that matched your own. It was clear that the Scoobies were delighted to witness this unexpected moment of vulnerability between you and Giles.
Giles finally released his hold on you, running a hand through his tousled hair as he straightened himself. "Well, um... it seems we may have dozed off accidentally."
Buffy grinned playfully. "No judgment here, Giles. We just wanted to make sure you two lovebirds didn't miss out on anything important."
Willow joined in the teasing, her eyes twinkling. "Yeah, we wouldn't want any precious research time to go to waste."
Xander added with a mock-serious expression, "And if you ever need any tips on cozying up, we're here to help."
The playful banter continued, gradually easing the awkwardness. It was clear that the Scoobies were genuinely happy for you and Giles, their friendly ribbing serving as a testament to their acceptance and support.
As the laughter subsided, Giles took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. "Well, it seems we owe the nosy teenagers our gratitude for their invaluable research assistance."
Buffy grinned. "We'll take our payment in the form of a slightly less awkward group hug."
The suggestion was met with enthusiastic agreement, and soon the library was filled with warm embraces and lighthearted chatter.
In that moment, surrounded by your newfound family, you realised that accidental slumbers and shared vulnerabilities could bring people even closer together. And you couldn't have been happier to be a part of it all, entwined with Rupert Giles, the man who had stolen your heart.
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A/N I love Giles 😍
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swayziiwriter · 1 year
Party Monster | Trent Alexander-Arnold
summary: you and Trent don’t get along, not a single bit.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
You were here to celebrate Englands very own Jesse Lingard's birthday. The club was filled with people here to celebrate the football stars birthday, you had been good friends with Jesse for years becoming quite close with the England team. Well, at least with most.
"Happy birthday Jesse" I shouted over the loud music while giving my good friend a hug handing his gift over to him. "Ah y/n thank you" he responded grinning back, "y/n" a mocking voice called out. I was called back by the sound of Trent's voice, "Trent, I didn't realize you acknowledged anyone but your self these days" I called back. Trent smirked, as if he couldn't piss me off any further.
"Settle down you two I m not paying for any damages inside the club, you get me" Jesse said in an attempt to suffocate the tension that had now come up. "Wouldn't think of it" I respond with a smile, walking away from Trent's view I headed over to greet Marcus and his fiancée.
Damn I need a drink, I thought to myself. Something to calm my nerves. Trent was good at pissing me off, his constant remarks towards me, his mocking smirk, his annoyingly sexy smile that could make you feel things you didn't want. You would never want him, you couldn't. There has been a mutual dislike between you and Trent since you two has the great displeasure of meeting each other.
It was a petty fight that could have been easily forgotten about if Trent wasn't such a stubborn ass. He was cocky beyond belief, always a new girl tied around his finger anytime he attended a get together. You loathed the girls that he was always parading around with, they were all more obnoxious then the last one.
Trent had made a comment about how you were jealous that those girls weren't you, that really set you off. Since then you and Trent haven't gotten along, the sight of him enough to make you want to leave the country. Though, you couldn't let him ruin tonight. Tonight was about celebrating one of your best friends birthday, and you were not about to spoil a perfect night of dancing and drinking.
"A round of shots and some limes please" you ordered at the bar on a drink run for the rest of the team ready to crack down on some bets. "Lemme help you with those" Trent spoke over the blasting music. I looked over my shoulder to see Trent standing dangerously close to me, hand placed on my waist as if he was trying to claim it. I moved his hand off my waist, pushing him back with a finger.
"Leave me alone Trent, I don't know why you've suddenly become fascinated with talking to me, but i'm not having it" I replied, my voice laced with curiosity to why he was suddenly trying to make nice with me. "Can I not want to turn over a new leaf?" "Leave what happened in the past?" Trent quickly replied back.
The scent of his cologne clouding your thoughts, you needed to get away from him as fast as possible. I fully turned around, now facing him completely. "I tried that Trent and you didn't want any part of it" "well, new year new me" Trent smiled back still clung to your side, you laughed in response. "Liverpool has a better chance of winning the league this season then you "turning over a new leaf" I swiftly replied back, grabbing my tray of shots back to the group leaving Trent dumbfounded at the bar.
"Party monster" now blasted through the club, prompting everyone to get on the dance floor. I took a last shot of tequila before heading to the dance floor ready for a night spent with my friends partying and forgetting all about how Trent had made me feel earlier in the night.
I was between Lucia and Tolami, swaying my body to the music focusing on the lyrics. My thoughts were suddenly taken over by Trent. I couldn't stop wondering about where he was, what he was doing, or more who he was doing. I looked over to where most of the team sat, as if he had heard my thoughts, there was Trent. He was watching me, a smirk playing evidently on his face. As if his thoughts were the same as mine.
I suddenly felt insecure. Wondering how I looked right now, was my hair still in place, was my makeup still showing? I tore my eyes away from Trent, telling the girls I was getting another drink shouting over the song still playing. I felt hazy as the clicking of my heels followed my fast pace towards the bar in desperate need of something to calm my nerves.
"Can I get a cosmopolitan please" I ordered, once again faced with the bartender that had also been eyeing me the entire night. He handed me my drink grabbing my other hand as I went to tip, "I haven't seen you here before" he spoke.
Surprised by his actions, I didn't reply back right away. I laughed awkwardly, "I'm here for a friends-" before I could finish Trent ripped my hand away from the bartenders grip grabbing my waist bringing it into his. "She's here with me, you get it" he said, his hand never leaving my side.
"Low it man, I didn't know she was taken" the bartender gulped. "Yea I'm sure that was it, well now you know" "so don't ever put your hands on her again, you understand" Trent harshly said walking me away from the bar down the hallway where I was quickly pushed up against a wall.
"Trent you have no right-" I was again cut off, "I have every right when my girl is being gripped by another guy" he responded. Sliding his hand up my body, toying with the strap of my dress. I scoffed, "your girl?, when have I ever been your girl Trent" I replied, his name rolling off my mouth with a distaste.
"Don't play stupid with me y/n" "I know you saw me staring at you, I know what you felt" he whispered the last part into my ear, chills ran up my exposed back, the air suddenly becoming hot and the tension hotter. Our faces were inches apart my breathing now steady, Trent brought his hand up to my face before smashing his lips onto mine closing the gap between Us.
The kiss was demanding, hot and passionate. Trent grabbed my ass as Ilet out a gasp giving him an opportunity to put his tongue into my mouth. I barley had time for air as he recovered much faster then I did. Football gives you good stamina, "Trent" I breathed out. "Y/n" he responded back.
"I want more, I want you." I said, my voice trembling as he left open mouth kisses down my neck, moaning at the contact. His tongue worked so good against my neck, I wondered what it would be like where I needed him most. He pulled back looking into my eyes before grabbing my ass again, "get your things" he responded with a sexy smile, his eyes dark with lust.
Trent's apartment was quickly turned into a mess, our clothes scattered all over the floor as we made our way to the bedroom. Eager to feel relief and finally give into our sexual desires.
Trent was now under me, breathing heavily as our naked bodies clashed between our kisses. I made my way down his neck, leaving marks for a reminder of tonight. I then reached his abs leaving a trail of kisses down his toned chest, my nipples becoming hard as he gripped them. I placed a kiss on his hard cock, licking the pre cum that dripped down.
Trent moaned softly before swiftly flipping us over, his tall figure now looming over me. He left kisses all over my breasts before taking my left one into his mouth while massaging the right. "So good Trent" I moaned out, Trent slowly leaving my breasts.
Trent moaned softly before swiftly flipping us over, his tall figure now looming over me. He left kisses all over my breasts before taking my left one into his mouth while massaging the right. "So good Trent' I moaned out, Trent left my breast to catch my lips into another passionate kiss. "I want you y/n" Trent whispered into my chest, "then take me" I responded.
Trent lined up with my dripping pussy before thrusting harshly into me, leaving me a moaning mess at how much he filled me up. "So full Trent" I moaned out as his pace sped up hitting all the right places.
Trent continued to pound into me as he leaned down to leave kisses all down my neck as I pulled at his hair earning a low grunt that turned me on even more. I was wrapped around his dick as his hands roamed all around my body unsure of where to place them, the pleasure was too good.
"So close" I moaned out to Trent. "I know, me too" he said before grunting as we both hit a new angle making my legs shake at the feeling.
"Fuck, me Trent" I shouted praising him as I climaxed, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. My nails leaving marks down his back as he continued to chase his high.
Trent came with a loud grunt, my name falling from his mouth as he coated my walls with his thick load. He leaned down towards me before pulling out and flipping me over so that I was on top of him once again. "y/n, would you like to join me in the shower?" Trent playfully asked. "Of course" I softly replied back as I gave him a long soft kiss.
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Shachi x Reader - Explicit Content
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ITS HEREEEEE Sorry everyone I suck at banners and dividers I hope this is okay? If you hate it lemme know so I don't use it again lol I needed some Shachi thigh riding in my life and it delved into some cock sliding too oops! 🥵💕 Content Warnings: Implied afab reader (no direct mention of reader genitals or pronouns, one mention of breasts), briefly mentioned drinking in the beginning, semi-public sex, thigh riding, cock sliding, and overall desperate in love Shachi!!! My Beloved!!!! Fic Summary: You and Shachi have a few drinks with the crew after shift change and proceed to get handsier and handsier with each other until you're barely making it to your room! Rated: Explicit Word Count: 810
You’d both had some drinks with everyone after shift change and had already been getting handsier and handsier with each other as the night went on.
It started with Shachi undoing the top half of his suit a few drinks in and tying it around his waist, leaving his sculpted and tattooed arms on display in his tank top right there next to you, already getting a little flustered, your face would only burn brighter as he threw one of those arms around your shoulder and pulled you close you’d try to hide in your drink, try to get drunk off the liquor instead of Shachi’s laugh.
But then you would be starting to get into your drinks and your hand would be on his thigh, and he’d be blushing and whispering in your ear about how much he missed you that day and how cute you look wrapped up in him while giving you little tickles, your hand sliding up his thigh, his lips brushing against your ear when you giggle,
“Ahh, you’re so cute y/n- chan, I love seeing you get all blushy and giggly for me~”
then his lips would press softly against your neck and make you gasp-
And then you’d be just as surprised as Shachi when Penguin elbows the shit out of him from the other side , both of you having forgotten about the rest of the crew so wrapped up in each other.
You’d be sheepish and embarrassed at having gotten so intimate in public and hide in Shachi’s chest, butterflies in your stomach from the dopey smile on his face as he snapped back at Penguin for being jealous before leading you out towards your rooms, hands intertwined and pulses racing
But neither of you would make it very far before finding your hands and lips all over each other.
You’d have him back against the wall, hat falling to the ground unnoticed by your mutual urgency. The overwhelming heat radiating from his body fanning your desire as you kissed up his neck, relishing in the shivers that run down his body when you wind your hand in his soft curls, kissing him desperately as he groans and squeezes your ass before pulling you up by your thighs, sliding you up his leg and nipping at your ear. Your arousal pooling between your legs, Shachi’s breath hot on your neck as he started to babble,
“God, y/n, you don’t know what you do to me, you’re so beautiful like this, let me give you anything you want, please”
You’d find yourself nodding along to anything he said, unable to stop yourself from bucking your hips, grinding along his strong thigh and melting under his touch as he clutches at you like you’re everything he’s ever wanted. His name on your lips as his sharp teeth graze your neck and you’re riding his thigh with abandon, chasing your high to the background of Shachi’s worship, unable to process any of the words he’d said as you shudder against him, coming with his lips against yours.
But it wouldn’t be enough, breaking the kiss and leaning your forehead against his would leave you panting and desperate for Shachi even more than before, you’d lean over and whisper in his ear
“Now let’s make it to the room and let me take care of you“
You’d pull back, arms around his shoulders as he wraps your legs further up along his waist, rushing to his room with such enthusiasm it made you laugh from the euphoria rushing through you as he carried you through the door, kicking it shut with his foot and flopping you down gently on the bed with a grin and a kiss, a few tickles tossed in to make you squirm against him before you began to tug at his tank top and demand
“Now let’s get these fucking suits off”
Neither of you would waste any time discarding the offending clothing before falling back into each other, kissing roughly as you push him onto his back and straddle him, settling your dripping arousal along the length of his cock, Shachi would let out a loud moan as he threw his head back, his hands gripping at your thighs as you used him to chase another climax, your hands trailing up your body to grab at your breasts, his babbling picking up the more you slid your delicious heat over his cock
“God, yes, just like that, just like that! Y/N!”
You’d both come just like that, sliding over his cock making a mess all over Shachi, world going white as you reached your peak, you wouldn't even notice when Shachi flips you over before he’s kissing you gently
“God you’re so perfect, stay the night with me, please?”
And of course, how could you resist?
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This blog is NSFW, strictly +18yrs. I dive headfirst into trauma and gore and angst, so please consider this carefully and pay attention to warnings before reading any of my works.
Thus far, I write for Star Wars pretty exclusively, particularly The Bad Batch. I'm only just beginning to actually write things with the intent of sharing them, but requests and comments are always welcome, and all my love to rebloggers!
There are also still a few slots available in my 400 follower celebration!
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If there is a trigger warning that you are concerned about but want to enjoy the story, please please please reach out! In many instances I can alter snip-its or tone things down, or at least highlight the sections in question so you can avoid them (I could do a vague summary for continuity).
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Doc's Misadventures - Inspired by the prompts of Febuwhump2023, a female medic referred to as 'Doc' deals with the initial challenge of finding her place among the reluctant members of the Bad Batch. Wrought with unending struggles and both mental and physical disaster, a mutual tolerance slowly develops into acceptance and respect, and maybe something more...
OMG THERE BE FANART?! - I will absolutely add each and every bit of Doc fanart yall make to this little list, and I will love and treasure them and and you until I die!
Asks - Have a special request? Lemme know and I'll try to write you up something special to add to this lovely collection (a collection of 1 so far, but that will hopefully grow) - pspsps: my clone adoration is not limited to tbb! I'm happy to write with the others, too!
400 Follower Celebration Asks - Your OCs with various clones in various situations!
Spicy Stuff - 18+ nsfw independent fics with the boys from The Bad Batch. Minors: DNI. Everyone else: enjoy.
My Shame - WIPs that I just couldn't find the gumption to finish...
My Bingo Card - This is really for my personal reference, but can still be used to inspire Asks/Requests!
Unhinged Asks! - Collection of random asks that I've answered, both spicy and not
Prompt Lists - Choose a prompt, some characters, and whatever details yuh like, and slap that all in an Ask. We'll see what happens
I Ranted and Don't Know Where Else to Stash It - Might add more rants/ random headcanons later, maybe? This one's about the reoccurring theme of characters not allowing themselves to admit their mistakes so they double down instead
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Click here or message me if you'd like to be added to a taglist!
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
The Girl of Your Dreams
pairing: bestfriend!Bucky x (amab)trans!reader
summary: you're in love with your best friend but you don't think he's in love with you
a/n: uh I love me some angst hehe this is one of my fav tropes and I couldn't help myself I had to write it! I haven't seen many trans rep in fics maybe I just haven't come across any but I want everyone to feel welcome so I wrote this <3
warnings: probably some typos;
/ main masterlist / bucky /
The music is deafening, you cant hear your own thoughts over the song playing currently, it doesn't help you've had a bit to drink and are starting to feel tipsy.
You didn't feel like going out tonight but your friends made you, more like your best friend made you with his puppy eyes that you couldn't deny.
Bucky has been your friend over 10 years ever since you've met at college, you two instantly clicked you've never had a friend like him. To be fair half of your life you were pretending to be something you're not. Going to college as yourself was so liberating.
You've been assigned a dorm at college but you've gone to the wrong building on your first day which has lead to you meeting Bucky.
"Uh hi?" your cheeks turn crimson red when a shirtless guy opened the door of your room.
"Is this room 306?"
"Yeah but my roommate has already settled in lemme see that paper." he snatched the paper out of your hands.
"So you're in the wrong building this is building B and yours is across the campus in building A."
You're trying so hard not to stare at his abs but you're failing miserably.
"Doll, you there?"
"Sorry yeah, I- uh is it too much to ask you to show me where this building is?"
"Sure no problem. Let's go."
"Uh you're not going to put on a shirt?"
"Nah this is how I get the chicks."
"You're gross."
"Am I? Didn't I just catch you staring at my glorious abs?"
"Again, you're gross."
It wasn't that sweet of a meeting but you couldn't be more thankful that Bucky has stayed your friend for so many years. If it wasn't for him you don't think you would've survived college. Underneath his tough exterior and his big personality was hidden a very sweet and thoughtful guy you've come to love so much.
Since then both of you had grown so much and your love towards him had changed into much more than just platonic love. Yes you still loved him as a friend but God what you wouldn't give to be kissed by him only once.
People come and go, but you and Bucky, you're sure it's forever - maybe not in the way you'd want it to be but it's more than enough.
It's been a while since you've given up on dating, for many reasons but mostly because you've never stopped comparing people you were with at the moment with Bucky. They could never be him. He didn't know that but all your mutual friends did.
It was easy for them to say just tell him how you feel whatever happens, happens. For you it's not so easy, you'd rather have Bucky as a best friend or not at all.
But damn it hurts watching him dance with women who look so ready to devour him.
Bucky like you hasn't been in a serious relationship for a while now, he says he's still to young to settle down and you respect that.
You wish you two had made a deal to get married to each other by the time you're 35 if neither of you are married by then - you would only have to wait a few more years. Unfortunately you did not and now you are stuck with watching other women take your Bucky.
"You look too pretty to be so sad." Natasha says as she sits next to you on a barstool.
"Thanks, but I'm fine." you say looking down at your drink in your hand.
"You know he's in love with you right?"
you laugh like it's the most ridiculous thing ever.
"Nat he's not in love with me. He's been in love before I've seen it and he's certainly not in love with me."
Natasha has been trying make both you and Bucky confess your feelings for each other and she's been failing miserably. Steve was also involved but he also had no luck. He isn't sure who's more stubborn you or Bucky.
"I'm just saying you should give it a shot and stop being so stubborn. You deserve to be happy."
"I am happy."
"You've been staring at that woman since she approached Bucky if looks could kill she'd be dead."
"I am not staring. She's gorgeous and Bucky deserves someone like that."
Natasha rolls her eyes, she loves you but damn can you be stubborn.
"Well seems like he doesn't think so."
Before you can ask her what she's talking about Bucky hugs you from behind and wraps his arms around your waist.
"You know it's a shame not to show off the outfit it took you four hours to decide on." He whispers in your and you immediately get goosebumps. It's not like he never does this you're just overwhelmed.
"Hey, are you okay?" suddenly he's serious when you don't reply or look at him, usually you'd tell him off or something but you're quiet.
"I'm fine Jamie."
"Come on, you're gonna dance with me and tell me what's wrong." Bucky pulls you by the hand to the dance floor.
"Bucky no I'm not in the mood." you try to pull your hand out of his gasp but he just puts his hand on your waist and leads you like that.
He starts dancing with you and you laugh when he starts doing Macarena to a Nicki Minaj song. You can't even bring yourself to be embarrassed.
"See I knew I could make you smile." He says and you roll your eyes. Your heart stops when he grabs your waist and pulls you into him. He's dancing with you like he did with that woman maybe you're even closer to him than she was. But you don't want to get into your head and get ideas.
"I'm not in the mood to dance I think I'm gonna call it a night." You untangle yourself from Bucky and rush out of the club.
"Wait!" you turn around and notice Bucky who has followed you out.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" He puts his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm tired." you try to shrug him off.
"Did I do something?"
Your heart aches at his hurt tone.
"No, it's just..." you inhale, milion thoughts racing through your mind.
"I can't pretend that I'm not hurt every time I see you with another woman. I can't help but think how much I wish that was me you're holding, me you're kissing, me who you're loving! And I know that will never be me!"
you yell, tears falling from your eyes, and you can't even bring yourself to look at Bucky.
"How long have you felt that way?"
"I don't know when I fell in love with you. Maybe I've loved you since the beginning, and I just tried to push it down. Maybe it was gradual and when I started falling I didn't realise I was and then it was just you who I wanted."
"I've loved you for years, doll. But you are so out of my league you deserve much better than what I have to offer. If I knew you'd felt this way I would've told you that years ago."
Your jaw hangs open you're looking at Bucky in disbelief, did you hear him right. - out of his league????
"Are you insane? Out of your league?! All I ever wanted was to be the girl of your dreams and you're telling me that you think you're not enough for me?!"
"You are the girl of my dreams! God I hated seeing you date other people. I know that's selfish when I'd been sleeping around to get over you! I was so afraid of telling you because I would rather have you as a best friend or not at all."
Bucky takes a breath and continues.
"What I'm saying is I love you and I know there's better guys out there who'll love you better but please if you give me a chance."
"Better guys then you? Who? The guy who asked me If I still have a dick? The guy who asked to feel my boobs? Wow so many good options."
Buckys blood boiled, the amount of first dates that you've been on have been awful because some people are literally just ignorant assholes. He wanted to beat every single one of them.
"God I hate them I still don't know why you didn't let me beat them up."
You both laugh at that, he'd wanted to beat up many people over the years.
"You're impossible but I love you."
"I love you too. And I'd really love to kiss you right now if you'd let me."
you don't answer verbally but you grab the back of Buckys neck and pull him in finally after years of dreaming about it you kiss the man you've been in love with.
You've put everything into that kiss, and you don't pull away until you're both out of breath.
"Damn, we should've done that a lot earlier!"
Bucky pulls you in for another kiss and you instantly melt in his arms.
"Where did they go?" Steve asks Natasha not being able to find neither you or Bucky for a while.
"Uh I don't know they would've told us if they left." Natasha replies.
Natasha and Steve exit the club and immediately notice the two of you making out against the brick wall just few steps outside the club.
"Finally! I don't know what took them so long!"
[The End]
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
darius martin x female reader? headcanon or imagine! the reader & darius are best friends and the reader does the tiktok challenge where you kiss ur bestie/crush and that’s how they get together???
Electric Love (Darius Martin X Fem!Reader):
Word Count: 907
Summary: You set up a TikTok in order to confess your feelings to your crush, Darius.
Supreme Speaks: (as usual sorry I took so long) teehee OKAY I have one more request to go and i completely cleaned out my inbox so please if anyone has more ideas or any request please don't be shy and ask me. @hooks-martin thank you for being patient and allowing me to write your requests (please lemme write some more for you in the future) Also I hope everyone is doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none, not really proofread
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
Okay okay I had to look up the trend cause I’m lonely BUT HERE YA GO…I’m following the Electric Love trend where people kiss their best friend/crush randomly and abruptly
I think you got built up nerves about this
On one hand, it could go right and you live out the fantasy that’s been playing in your head for weeks
Or on the other hand, it could go horribly wrong and you just ruined your friendship
…you’re hoping for the first option…
You found yourself developing a crush on Darius Martin, your best friend
You being the person you are, you thought you were keeping it hidden
It was just as obvious as the sky is blue
Everyone could see your crush growing cause every time you saw him, you had a “deer in the headlights” look as Hangman said 
But if it was obvious, why did it seem like Darius didn’t know?
Maybe you thought, he was just nervous as you
Or maybe he didn’t like you
After all, you did call each other best friends
You two would laugh with each other, comfort each other, cuddle (*wink wink*) each other
To the point of everyone asking you two if yall were dating
To which both of you scooted away from each other while nervously laughing
Dante: So….do you like like my brother?
You: Dante, I will chop you in your shin. Shut up-
But how could you not like like Darius??
He’s just so sweet, handsome, caring, and funny to you
Darius always seemed to put you before anyone 
It only seemed natural that you developed a crush on him
After being essentially bullied into doing so, you decided to confess your feelings
But you couldn’t take rejection nor the embarrassment of the silence if something happened
So you were trying to figure out a plan to avoid it all
SOOOOO naturally you went to TikTok
Either the algorithm caught up to you or your phone heard your conversations cause your FYP was filled with this trend of people confessing their feelings to their crushes
For the most part, it was successful with mutual feelings prevailing
The other part? The other person didn’t feel the same
BUT the person ended up using the “film a TikTok” as a believable excuse
You decided it was a perfect plan (if you succeed, great! If not, play it off as a prank)
So after a day of hanging out with The Lads, you asked Darius if he wanted to play a video game later on 
To which he agreed
So as soon as you got to your room, you brushed your teeth, fixed your hair, and set up your phone (hiding in plain spot it is)
You waited as your palms got sweaty (knees weak, arms are heavy)
At first, you thought he wasn’t gonna come until you heard a knock and him say, “I hope you’re ready to get Molly whooped in Street Fighter” in a sing-song voice
You giggled before hitting record on your phone
With a smile, you opened the door to Darius’ handsome face and smile
He entered the room, talking trash about how he was gonna beat you as you took a deep breath
“I practiced a lot since last time! So there is no way you’re gonna beat me-“
He couldn’t finish the rest of his sentence because you cut him off…with a kiss...
You kissed…your crush…Darius Martin…
At first, he was surprised and in shock that you were kissing him
But when he felt you pulling back, Darius held his hand on the nape of your neck, pulling you back to him and giving you a passion-filled response
You wrapped your arms around him as the kiss got steamier, making his arms go around your waist and hips
You pulled away and opened your eyes to an even bigger smile on Darius’ face
“I always hoped I would get to kiss you.”
“You’re not mad or anything??”
“No! How could I when the girl of my dreams decided to give me the best kiss I’ve ever received?”
“Cause I recorded it…” You said pointing to your phone that was still recording
Darius looked and started laughing before kissing you again, quickly this time 
“Well good, cause I wanna replay this moment forever and ever” He said giving you another passion-filled and steamy kiss
Later on, you decided to upload part of the video to your TikTok page
Which blew up and you got an unexpected amount of likes and comments supporting you two from fans and coworkers alike
Some even created a ship name for you and Darius or commented “I KNEW IT”
Even Dante texting you:
“So I take it that you like like him?”
And as you looked at your best friend (now boyfriend) who fell asleep after you beat his ass in Street Fighter…
You can finally say out loud
That you like like Darius Martin…
…Maybe...you even love Darius Martin…
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janiedean · 1 year
Wait you think Jon will be on the IT (not that it matters since the series will never finish) but King Bran was a plot point D and D were directly told by GRRM lol. I don't like it and think it's stupid but that was always GRRM's endgame.
I think that but like the two things aren't mutually exclusive X°D like yeah... king bran is a plot point... because he's king in the north XD okay quick summary:
first of all lemme link you my at length reasoning wrt bran being the in series deconstruction of the arthurian fisher king figure which is half of the explanation;
now, after we have that out of the way, tldr: I think bran was obviously and without a doubt stated as next king in the north which like.. the north has technically seceded so unless whoever comes up on top next is a kingdom unionist the north is gonna stay seceded which btw also happened in the show, except that they put sansa as qitn when she had no business being there but like.... yeah the north is gonna stay separated so it has to have a ruler and diff. from sansa bran has all the book lore to back up his kingship (esp. if rickon survives and can give him heirs in case he ends up unable to have any)
jon will be on the it to end the entire dynasty the way it was created by aegon i which I think is a great bookmark because targ empire being ended by stark/targaryen bastard descendent who makes all the kingdoms independent and does it without changing his name bc I'mma eat my hat if when he gets the throne he's not jon snow first of his name? that's a good bookend/parallel;
now, lemme see if I find that damned jon meta so I don't have to redo it, why jon is the chosen one deconstruction there we go plus this isn't specifically that but why jon is AA and there's no way he's not so I don't have to redo it too;
so: whatever the fuck happens, jon is also atm the best throne candidate because robb legitimized him and howland reed has the document to testify it (in book canon) and howland reed knows he's r+l and the moment it's out someone is gonna legitimize that claim too because it's just too convenient for everyone involved except for dany and I'm still of the idea that dany/aegon vi/cersei are the current dance with dragons parallels so the moment she comes out on top or whatever but has gone through her shit already with aegon and turns out someone else has a better claim and zombies are coming... like again idt dany actually wants the throne anyway and jon has a better claim bc male son of firstborn male son of last targ king so he automatically passes in front of last female daughter of last targ king and at that point if she decides to go back to khaleesing in essos literally no one is gonna want that job
so imvho: jon gets the iron trap, jon dismantles the seven kingdoms and all of them get into fantasy reinassance as separated kingdoms and he undoes the og targ empire, he fixes everything that has to be fixed while being absolutely unhappy and hating every single thing about the job, gives bran the north after bran is back from beyond the wall and then he gets his show ending ie he gives the throne to someone else after he fixes everything and most of all redoes the small council the way it was more or less in the show (I mean at the end of the show the small council was all made up of previously marginalized ppl which imvho was the most grrm thing that stood out so I don't doubt that jon does the same) and then fucks off beyond the wall by his own choice because the only time in his life he actually was happy was with the wildlings which checks out with his show ending
tldr: dnd also said killing shireen that way was smth grrm told them and there is literally no physical way stannis can be behind shireen being burned alive and they used that to justify their stannis character assassination so if grrm told them bran was kitn and they decided it was as good as sansa taking his place and him taking jon's when they also took AA away from jon because they wanted ppl to be shocked and not even maisie williams thought arya being AA made a lick of sense and they had written everything leading up to jon being it... sorry but I'mma not taking 'dnd says grrm told them' face value when dnd heard what grrm said and 90% of the time most likely changed the entire context X°D
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penvisions · 3 months
gone to the dogs {chapter 3}
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Pairing: Boston QZ! Joel Miller x F! Reader ; Implied Boston QZ! Joel Miller x Tess Servopoulos
Summary: A person from your past makes you feel the changes that transformed you into what you are today. A meal shared feels like another change is coming.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, canon typical gore, outbreak fic, age gap (only by about ten years), dark fic, dark joel miller, mean joel miller, joel miller is uptight, degrading language, sexual language, heated interactions, adult language, fighting, argumentative language, mutual disdain, sexual content, implication of sex work, unprotected piv (mentioned), sexual acts, reader is snarky, reader meets joel toe-to-toe with insults and it's amazing both reader and joel pov, lemme know if there are any i missed!
A/N: this honestly came out of nowhere. i haven't been writing lately beyond jotting down scene notes and vague ideas,so i've taken a step back from forming actual chapters for the many wips i have at the moment. but this was a good thing to get down amid all the stress of preparing to move for the second time in three months
ao3 link || series masterlist || joel miller masterlist || ko-fi
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You step back a few paces, instincts reminding you of the last time you saw the man. He looked older, older than he should if only seven years went by. But the stresses of the world made each one seem like a lifetime.
But upon closer inspection, as you realize that maybe he looks…actually in better shape than when you had seen him last. But not being covered in dirt and grime was an easy difference. No, though, he looked healthy. Far better off than your rumpled and stark appearance.
He says your real name and you feel something soften deep inside. You hadn’t heard your actual name since…no, you cut the thought off, not wanting to think anymore about anything to do with the day you lost your brother. You feel the watching eyes of Joel and Tess as the meeting with strangers turns into anything but. Your connection with one of the men seemingly the last of the outcomes they had anticipated.
“Cane.” You correct him. “My name is- it’s Cane.”
“I can call you that, if you prefer. I’m just so glad you’re okay. When that raider dragged you off, I thought-“
“I got away.” You cut him off, not wanting to reveal the way you had ended up being a resident of the Boston Quarantine Zone. It wasn’t important, it was personal, and it was no one’s business but your own now, how it had come to be the reality of your life. It hadn’t been the first blood you spilled but it had certainly been the beginning of the path you walked and paced and snarled your way around today. He must sense your snub, the way you don’t want to dwell on the past. He nods once, eyes glinting as he takes in the two figures behind you. His eyes focus on Tess, a nod to her in greeting as he connects a face to the voice he had been conversing with for a few weeks now.
Frank turns to Bill, his counterpart on the other side of the fence. Allowing you to let out a huff of breath in relief at the passed moment. Or so you thought, Joel’s eyes were heavy on you. Far too weighted and far too vigilant as he no doubt picks up more than the exchange had been.
“Let’s, Bill, let’s get them inside. Get Cane into the shower, you look a little rough around the edges. You didn’t run into any trouble did you?”
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The feeling of water cascading hot from the shower head and down your aching body was something you thought you’d never get to experience again. It was such a rare occurrence to get even lukewarm water in the zone, the water pressure weak.
A soft knock sounded through the hush of water, followed by Frank asking if you were comfortable with him coming into the bathroom. You call out a muffled affirmative, body beginning to ache from the way you had trudged through the night to get to the cordoned off city, especially after the way large hands had roughly pushed and pulled at you atop Joel’s shared bed.
“I just…wanted a second alone with you.” The man broke the heavy silence as he settled on a small bench in the room, opposite the vanity. He was worried, you could sense that much.
“That’s okay, it’s your house and I don’t mind.”
“…it could be your house too….if you wanted.”
On the other side of the door, Joel tries to keep his breathing light as he listens in on the conversation. A feeling of protectiveness hard to squash as he saw the other man slink off in search of you. There was something between you two, a shared past. A worry the other man felt entitled to have over you, the utterance of a name foreign to him but meant something to you. Joel wasn’t sure what to think, the way Tess had described him had been all positive and hopeful, a potential trading partner for things they couldn’t find in the rubble of the city remains or within the walls of the zone.
A connection to you was the last thing he had expected out of this trip. And he was on high alert for any issues that might bring to light. He keeps his eyes trained on the end of the upstairs hall, instincts telling him that Bill knows he hadn’t really been in search of a restroom for himself. Another dog with something to protect, with something to defend and fight for. The two men far more alike than they would want to admit and they had only just met. Your voice is quiet, something he had only ever experienced when he walked in on you and Tess alone. So used to you projecting it, to speaking loudly to ensure people heard you and understood the intent behind them.
The vulnerability with a man you obviously knew isn’t lost on him.
“Don’t think Bill would like that.” Cutting under his offer, you want him to realize that it would never work, his life is set up here due to the other man. Even if you were to be minimally evasive and keep to yourself, it was a life you weren’t sure you deserved let alone were worthy of being offered. It would be a disturbance to their way of life, from the gardens they tended to the house they obviously shared as their own.
“Yeah, but even so. We could convince him, if that’s something you’d be interested in. I don’t…I don’t like the thought of you all alone in the zone, fighting everyday for things you deserve to have…”
“I found my brother, I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Did…I just…I’m sorry to ask but are you- okay after-“
“It’s okay if you’re not, you know. That kind of thing, that violence changes people.”
“I am…okay, for the most part. Change or no change.”
“You don’t…I just want you to know you have a place here. If you’re…resorting to certain things.” His words are hesitant, but firm. He knows you, had known you through your college years. He had been an artist of local renown, in Baltimore. Where you had moved to go to college and stayed after you graduated. You worked with him in his own studio, helped him to organize classes for those interested in the arts and helped to manage his small gallery. But that was a lifetime ago, a paintbrush traded for the butt of a gun in your palm. A flash of teeth in a gummy smile you had offered too easily exchanged for the snarling of teeth as you bared them for anyone who threatened you.
It was a lifetime ago, the turn of your age into the next decade of your life bringing endless and adaptive change. If it was for the better you weren’t sure, but your survival was dependent on it and that’s all that mattered.
Joel feels a tightness in his chest, the inference of the man’s words of violence that had been acted out on a younger version of yourself not settling well, violence that ripped you from the one person who you had been with at the end of the world. The weight of the realization like rocks in his stomach, churning around in his middle. More weight is added as he hears the admittance of you’re the activities he had caught you in the act of doing to earn ration cards, of the activities he had been all too willing to indulge in with you just the night before.
“I don’t like doing it, but it’s kind of a ‘use what ya got’ kinda world now.”
“It’s fine, I’m not…I’m not bothered by it.”
“Honey, of course you are. Anybody would be. We used to- we used to spend our days painting and setting up gallery shows and that- that’s gone from the world now. There is no more art, there is no more humanity, there is only-“
“I’m not anybody.” You feel your lips part in a show of teeth, hissing the words out as anger flares and memories of a time passed cross your mind. You were so naïve, to think the world would allow you to be who you wanted. For anyone to be who they wanted, but now it molds you into something inhumane, weather you find yourself infected or not. “I’m a survivor and I have power in the zone, with or without those I traveled with here today.”
“Okay….I’ll let you finish washing up and I’ll get you a change of clothes, that sound alright?”
“….thank you, Frankie.”
“Of course, anything for you. Always.”
Thoughts of a younger you set in front of a large canvas atop an easel flashes before Joel’s eyes as he quietly descends the stairs. A paintbrush replacing the commonality of a gun in your grip, light in your eyes instead of a dark threat. It was an uncomfortable one, to find out just how much you had been altered. He knew the pain of being transformed beyond recognition and he hated for the knowledge of your past as it burrowed into his brain and refused to leave.
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A table is set up outside, Frank insisting on enjoying the gentle breeze that graced the day. A lace trimmed white tablecloth atop it for dishes and wine glasses and cloth napkins to be set atop. A meal to try and tide the churning waters of an agreement, the combining of two factions. Everyone is seated at one of the four sides of the small table, an extra chair beside Frank for you two to share one.
Bill’s back is to the house, to allow him a full view of the street and surrounding area within the gate of his land. Joel is opposite him and to your right, Tess is across from you. It’s all so close an imitation of family dinners you used to have before you left to embark on your own life. Though the people surrounding you couldn’t be any different.
The four of them had fallen silent at your appearance once you came down the steps. Hands itching to run over and smooth down the flowing fabric of the dress Frank had gifted you to change into. A white, floral-patterned fabric you would’ve once fawned over. But now it feels like some sick, twisted joke even if you knew the man hadn’t intended for it to be taken that way. He had been working off memories of your preferences, not knowing who you were now.
Tess’s lips had lifted at the corners, though she hid it well at the way your eyes had cut through her when you heard the small chuckle she had tamped down on. Joel’s eyes had roved over you, an expression unreadable and far too harsh in the daylight back outside. Frank had been elated, praising how well it fit you and he was so glad it was the right size, that the pattern looked lovely and you cleaned up nicely. Bill had nodded along, most likely warned by his partner to be nice to you, though he hadn’t looked to thrilled that you had been left alone inside his home. He seemed so much like Joel, though there was no worry for him to reach out and grab you by the throat.
“Well, this really is just- it- it’s amazing.” You keep your eyes downcast at your place setting, the way Tess stumbled over her words unfamiliar. She was trying so hard to keep her own tendency to come off as threatening out of her demeanor and you wondered if it was closer to the that of the woman she had once been. Shirking herself back into that mindset in order to appeal to the men whose trade you admittedly, desperately needed.
The city is getting more dangerous to scavenge as time continues on. Supplies and even everyday items so scarce it doesn’t justify the risk of sneaking out of the zone much. You worry for the future, as things only seem to be getting more dire. As the hangings increase, as the Fireflies gain traction and power among the unrest.
“Right?” Frank smiles so openly and brightly at her across from you, reaching for the bottle of wine in the middle of the table. He reaches over to fill the half-empty crystal glass before her, the scent of it strong as it catches in the wind. You take the final sip of your own glass, catching Joel’s gaze out of the corner of your eye. You feel more than see the way his eyes trace the stain of the dark wine on your lips, how it dampens them as it clings to the plush of your bottom lip. How he shifts in his seat as you swipe your tongue over it to collect the errant drops.
“Can you not, please?” Joel’s eyes shift to the gun gripped tightly in Bill’s hand atop the table. Frank’s as well, an exasperated edge in his voice. The roll of his eyes he tries to fight making warmth flare in your chest for being able to recall it so clearly and aimed at you in the past. He’s much the same man he was when you knew him, but almost…happier now despite the fall of the world. He’s found his person and that does change people, you can see it in his boosted confidence and comfortability. He’s protected here, until he wishes not to be.
“I’m the same way.” Joel offers, to bridge the gap and mind the tension in the air.
“Oh, you’re a paranoid schizophrenic too?” Frank chuckles, shoulder bumping yours but you don’t join him in the banter. You feel wildly out of place, aside from having to share an edge of the table. It had been so long since you sat down at a clean table, a dressed table laden down with crystal glasses and fine ceramic. A meal made from scratch, hot and actually tasting like food.
“I’m not schizophrenic.”
“Sure.” Frank moves to fill your glass at the nod of your head, he knows you favored red once upon a time, the perfect paring for the meal Bill had been kind enough to offer you all.
Tess clears her throat and it strikes something in you. She’s acting more like she does when she’s alone with you, letting the glimpse of who she is shine amongst the pair. It’s easy to see now why Joel is by her side, she’s much better spoken than you. She’s good at knowing what to do and when. But then again she does have a decade on you much like he does. More experience in a world that had been whole and allowed for different skills.
“Well, can I just say, uh, gun aside, which I get, by the way.” A nod to Bill, to let him know he’s seen and understood. “How nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a, a beautiful place. It’s been so long.”
The unspoken but very loud ‘can’t get these two to stay in the same room long enough to even eat rations without an argument breaking out’ sentiment hits you like a brick wall. She knows, is the first thought you have, and it freezes the blood in your veins. She knows what you and Joel did but she hadn’t voiced it or confronted you about it. Perhaps she confronted him or had just known the second she walked into the apartment last night but either way, you know you have to be honest when she approaches you.
“I just wanna say, uh, thank you. Even if we don’t end up working together. Which I wouldn’t fault you, these two tend to rub some people the wrong way. I really needed this.”
“We are working together.” Frank raises his own glass to mirror hers, his other hand reaching for yours atop the table to shake it gently and reassuringly. “We are. Even if Cane hadn’t turned out to be the third party of your group. Though it was such a pleasant surprise.”
They clink their glasses together, urging you to do so as well. Your glass now full for a second time as well.
“You know what? Let’s go inside. Tess, I wanna show you something.”
“Actually I have been…waiting to see inside.”
“No. Not inside.” Bill tries to reign them in but neither are paying much attention to the table anymore, already getting up from their seats, full wine glasses in hand.
“Darling, do you want to join us?” Frank offers, reaching for your hand to help you up. But you shake your head, not wanting to go back inside so soon.
“Oh, um, no thank you. The fresh air is…”
“Of course,” He slides a hand over your shoulder, comforting and grounding.
Bill calls out his name once, then again with more force as they begin to walk away from the table, leaving the controlled setting. Both parties are laughing as they disappear inside the house with their wine glasses. He huffs as he looks from you to Joel, not having anticipated this course of events.
“I understand.” Joel speaks up across from him. He’s chewing a bite he had just taken, a second helping taken when offered still on his plate. He doesn’t even look in your direction, his attention solely on the other man at the table. “If my, uh…if mine…brought strangers into our situation, I wouldn’t be happy either.”
“Thought this one was yours.” Bill tips his head in your direction, genuine curiosity thinly veiled in his tone.
“No. This one is on her own.” His voice hardens, giving away his distaste for the insinuation.
“I’m no ones, certainly not his.” You feel the need to speak up, not willing to let them both talk about you as if you weren’t right there. It was not only insulting, but to insinuate that you could be anybody’s was more than aggravating. Joel ignores you, but Bill’s eyes meet yours briefly, gauging you silently.
“But of all the people he could’ve found on the radio, we’re actually decent people just tryin’ to get by.”
“Oh, well aren’t I the lucky one.” Bill scoffs, eyes trained back on Joel and remaining.
“There’s stuff we have in the zone that you don’t have here. Books, medicine, machine parts. We can help each other and get that gun outta my face.” There’s a hint of the man he is in the zone as his voice pitches low, a threat that he would act on in a heartbeat with the slightest inclination. Bill heeds the threat, knowing he would meet it head on. Both aware of the fragility of the situation, both aware of their people inside the house alone with each other and getting along. Bill concedes and the gun is locked before placed back in its holster.
“So, what, you were a…prepper or somethin’?”
“’Survivalist’.” Bill doesn’t continue eating, like Joel does. Ever the picture of controlled ease as he chews bite after bite on his plate. But the language of his body is obvious to you, he’s primed and ready to lunge, ready to fight, to kill. Something you had washed off in the shower with the appearance of someone you once thought long dead. “Maybe you are decent people, Frank vehemently vouches for her. But maybe you aren’t and maybe she’s changed. Doesn’t matter. We’re self-sufficient here. I don’t need you or your friend, or her complicating our lives. Is that clear?”
Even if you aren’t focused on one of them for more than a moment, eyes flitting between them evenly, you see the way Joel glances at the perimeter fence. Seeing something you don’t or can’t, had seen since first approaching it, keeping it to himself and only revealing it with his next words.
“That fence has got a year on it, tops. The galvanized wire already started to corrode. I can get you ten spools of high-tensile aluminum. Last you the rest of your life.” He seems to think better of his words and with another swallow of chewed food, remedies it. “Lives.”
The realization that Joel could be polite, he could be cordial, and he could assert himself in a nonviolent way to appeal to someone and get what he wants without shedding blood, breaking bones, or slinging harsh words is a hard realization. All you’ve known from him is backhanded comments about your skills, about your willingness to let them into the world you had helped shape in the zone. Someone who had come in with the intention of asserting his dominance over those already in charge had faltered only when you showed your own teeth. And he never let you forget the way you had showed your belly to allow them to be a part of it, no matter how mutually beneficial the situation was.
He saw you as weak and it’s glaringly apparent in the way that he tries to appeal to the man across from him now. A man who has things Joel has set his sights on, wants to get his hands on. But it’s much more than them both being men, it’s much more than them both being so similar in nature. It’s about the respect they have for each other, it’s as plain as day. The commonality of a kinder and gentler handler of a partner at their sides. Someone to protect that have bonded with each other.
It further proves how alone you truly are. The wine sours in your stomach, the food spoils and you excuse yourself from the table. Bill’s hand is back over the gun holstered to his side but pushes up out of his chair and follows you. Joel watches until as the man follows you to where you had sought space on the curb of the street, his brow furrowing and his mouth turning down as he thinks you’ve just ruined any hope of finding agreement.
“Save it, neither of you have even considered what I have-“
“Look, I’m not much for being honest these days. The world doesn’t care anymore and I never did even before it fell. But,” He’s sitting down beside you, a grunt at the low level nearly flush with the ground. A few feet separate you, but you understand the meaning of him doing so. Willingly putting himself beside you and at a disadvantage should you be brave enough to try something.
“I wasn’t willing to even entertain the thought of reaching out on the radio. But Frank was determined to wade through the signals. And he did all of it in search of you. He’s devoted so much time to finding you, alive or dead. And when he couldn’t find word, he didn’t leave the bed for weeks. He’s been haunted by your ghost since the day he stumbled onto my land. And yet, God delivered you to him alongside two people offering trade. You say I think of you as fodder, but you don’t know me. I may not really know you, but I know what you mean to Frank. That makes this worth the trouble and the risk. Not some one trying to appeal to me across the table, not some woman who Frank is set on impressing. It’s you. I can see through the act of that one back at the table a mile away, he’s behaving though he doesn’t want to. But you haven’t tried to hide you who are, what you are.”
“I didn’t feel the need to, not here, not with Frankie.”
“I know you may not be the same person he remembers and share stories with, but he’s gone through all the efforts to set this up. He was going to ask them if they had any word of you, he never gave up hope that somehow you had survived that raider tearing you out if his grip as you both ran from the ambush of their group. Something tells me you have the sway the two with you think they have, have become accustomed to because you allow them to reap the rewards of it.”
“It’s a partnership. Protection for equal shares of everything. I provide the knowledge. One person alone can’t hold their own any longer, certainly not in the zone.”
“You have the knowledge.” He agrees quietly, his eyes locking with yours as you look over at him.
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“We’re you runnin’ off to?” Joel’s voice doesn’t startle you, but it’s unexpected in the doorway of the back porch. You had slipped out of your room the second you were sure everyone had been settled long enough to sleep, or at least resolve themselves to trying to rest for the night. It can’t be easy for either Joel or Bill to rest knowing the other doesn’t trust them, but you hadn’t anticipated anyone leaving their rooms at the late hour. Stars twinkle above in the sky, visible through the windows unobstructed by screens. You had just wanted to come out and see them, get some fresh air.
“Didn’t want to impose.” Your voice is quiet, though not in meekness, it’s swathed in the worry of waking a house full of people.
“We were offered rooms for the night, wouldn’t call that imposing.” He exhales heavily as he moves to stand beside where you are before one of the large panes of glass, looking out. “Besides, Frank seems to be easy on you, doubt he would say no to anything you needed.”
“Yeah, well, room’s too big, house is too big.” He watches you, catching the sight of your eyes tracing the landscape bathed in night and shadows. You absently wonder if he can smell the body wash you had used earlier, different from your own back in the zone but had washed the lingering scent of him on your skin all the same.
“Can’t get outta the gate on your own.”
“No, but it’s better than being stuck in that house.”
“It bothers you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Truly, you don’t. There’s no way he’s privy to the feelings and desperation to push down memories of the past that have endlessly bubbled up today, trying to drown you as they reach for the surface.
“Don’t play dumb, we both know you’re not.” His hands rest on his hips, the clinking of his belt buckle ever present loud in the silence of the night. Of the open land just beyond the enclosed porch. “You’re uncomfortable because they’re in a room and me ‘n Tess are in one.”
“I couldn’t care less about the sleeping arrangements.”
“Then what is it?”
“It doesn’t matter.” You think to tell him of how suffocating it was in that room, not because you were alone but because of how much it reminds you of where you used to live. But Joel isn’t one for you to be open with, to share honestly with. He’s been nothing but demeaning when it comes to any humanity you dare to show, conversations with Tess cut short the second he opens the door to wherever you are. The reason you don’t linger or share meals, the reason you don’t know why he had allowed for last night’s activities to happen and now they feel heavy, like a mistake you had let yourself fall into that never should have happened.
“Cane.” When you don’t respond, he voices the name Frank had called from behind the fence when he recognized you. It’s like an arrow to the heart, striking true and killing that part of you all over again. A name you had never expected to be called again, let alone by Joel Miller as he tries to get you to speak plainly with him. For once and never likely again.
“Drop it.” Your voice rasps, the scream you feel building in your chest desperately trying to break free.
“Not until you tell me.”
“Just because your mouth’s been on me-“
“That’s not what this- Jesus, fine, be difficult like you always are. I’m goin’ back inside.” He’s turning away, stepping toward the back steps. You hear the sound of his boots on the wood but only the first step before he’s whipping back around with a glare. “If this falls through, it’s on you. Not me and not Tess, you. And if that’s the case, maybe you should begin to consider that offer to stay here. And if that doesn’t pan out, don’t come crawling back to us.”
You don’t look at him or think of telling him the deal has been made because of you, and his steps take him further away from you, leaving you to sit on the outdoor furniture that reminds you too much of your old home. Of the one you once shared with family, of the one you had shared with Franke. Both more than likely just rubble or overtaken by twisted and decayed cordyceps. You feel the scream thicken your throat, swelling it up to make you try to gasp out for air to release it but it comes out as a harsh prattling sob. Your resolve to be strong cracking for the first time in years.
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