#And then I get anxious when I see people talking or laughing because I fear it's about me
roadimusprime · 1 year
T-shirt that says "I was emotionally and mentally neglected as a child"
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foreingersgod · 5 months
omg I saw you wrote for pb and I was wondering your take on her comforting a reader who struggles with mental health or anxiety? Tysmia && I love your work !! ❤️🤗
for any of you struggling out there, i’m here with you! if you ever need, my inbox is always open :)
Anxious . PB
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
synopsis: you’ve struggled with anxiety your entire life, but you never told anyone, including paige. during one of your bad anxiety attacks, she finally finds out.
since you were young, about starting middle school, anxiety controlled the entirety of your life. every decision, every breathe, every moment, anxiety was driving you. it was so suffocating that you fell behind the other kids. you didn’t play sports or join clubs, nor did you hang out with friends because you feared the worst. those voices in your head, that twisted feeling in your gut made life almost unlivable.
when you graduated high school and moved away for college, the anxiety lessened. you think in some ways college helped you find yourself and for a little bit, you were living freely.
in that time, you met your girlfriend paige. you had met her through one of your mutual friends at her birthday party. paige had spotted you from across the room, completely captivated by you. you were beautiful, had the most adorable laugh, and had the most unique style she had seen. she couldn’t help but ask for your number.
the rest was history. you and paige hit it off immediately and became inseparable. when you were with paige, you felt amazing. anxiety was the last thing on your mind. talking to people became easier, leaving your house was no longer scary, life was good. your days of anxiety and panic attacks were well behind you.
but about a year into your relationship, things started to fall apart again. that particular year, you were facing a lot of hardships and it was hard to manage it all. your mother was rushed to the hospital for a minor respiratory problem, she was recovering well, but the financial burden fell to you. school was beginning to pile up as well, it felt like you were drowning in school work. things at your job had been getting worse too, you were understaffed (and underpaid) and practically running the whole place. and on top of that, it was paige’s last year at uconn and she was so stressed about the upcoming season, and you were finding it hard to balance being her support system and the rest of your life.
it was hard.
when things started to go down hill, you felt that familiar feeling creep its way back into your mind. you found that your heart was pounding more and more when you left your cozy apartment, that your thoughts weren’t your own, and that you were always worried about the future. you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t function properly at all. but you stayed optimistic, thinking that this would run its course. because you were getting better, right?
you kept all of this from paige. you were worried that she would worry and you didn’t want to make things worse. after all, you had never even told paige about your struggles with anxiety and mental health in the past and you wanted to keep it that way.
on one saturday night in june, one of paige’s teammates hosted a small get together at a quaint little restaurant with the team and their partners. everyone was stoked to see one another and catch up. normally, you would have loved this sort of thing. you used to love those types of settings, but now you were struggling to act excited about it. when paige had told you about the invite, you immediately became apprehensive.
“you excited?” she asked, telling you the details of the event “it’ll be fun”
“stoked” you managed to croak out.
when 6:00 pm rolled around, you were dressed and ready to go. paige was downstairs, keys in hand, awaiting your arrival, but you remained in the bathroom. you stared at your reflection in the mirror, trying to talk yourself down from a panic attack.
you can do this, YN, it’s gonna be ok you told yourself.
“YN!” you heard paige holler from the bottom of the stairs “we’re gonna be late, babe! are you ready?”
touching up your hair and fanning the tears out of your eyes, you rushed out of the bathroom. paige greeted you by the front door with a kiss, hands finding the small of your back and leading you out to her car.
the drive was dreadful. all you could think about was going home, thinking that something was going to go wrong and ruin your night. it had you discretely biting your nails as you looked out the car window. paige, oblivious to your agitated state, was telling you about the restaurant the get together was held at and how she was exited for you to try it. you nodded along, trying to keep yourself distracted.
after a painfully long drive to your destination, you were being escorted to the table where your party sat. you were met with toothy smiles and cheerful greetings from paige’s teammates as you arrived. paige pulled out your chair for you and sat down next to you while conversing with a few of the girls.
you were doing fine at first, only sparking up conversation with a few girls to keep your anxiety at bay. you were managing. even when the waiters began taking orders, you got through it no problem. laughter filled your small corner of the restaurant as everyone joked and talked with each other, there was absolutely nothing to be worried about.
20 minutes passed, discussion was still alive and you were getting through the night like a champ.
until the food was brought out.
the second that plate was sat in front of you, you felt the pace of your heart pick up. you didn’t know what was going on, but for some reason, the thought of eating your food in front of all of these people set you off. you hadn’t had a history of this, normally you didn’t mind eating in public. you assumed it must of been the stress of keeping food down. you stared at the steaming meal in front of you like it was some sort of extraneous creature. just the thought of lifting up the fork had you spiraling about every possible thing that could go wrong.
what if you threw up?
what if the food was raw?
what if everyone saw the way that you were eating? they’ll probably think you look funny.
your eyes welled up at the thought of it all, your head hung low to hide your dampened mood. your legs were bouncing uncontrollably to try and balance your nerves, body practically shaking from fear.
as you attempted to reserve yourself, praying no one would notice. you felt paige’s hand rest itself onto your knee, gripping it gently to halt your bouncing. she tapped the inside of your thigh, leaning in and whispering into your ear.
“hey, what’s the matter baby?” she muttered just enough for you to hear “you’re shaking”
you bit your lip harshly. fuck
you shook your head. it was all you could muster, couldn’t find the ability in your throat to produce any words. the urge to cry out for help gnawed at your chest.
before paige could question any further, you abruptly stood out of you chair. the wooden legs scraping against the black and white tile of the floor. as your back turned, rushing to the bathroom for any sort of isolation, you felt eyes burning in the back of your head. you heard paige call out for you faintly, but it was no use, you couldn’t sit at that table a moment longer.
the bathroom felt miles away as scurried past other tables. tears were streaming down your cheeks, most definitely taking your mascara with it. finally reaching the single occupant bathroom, you shut the door and locked it behind you. you were careless of the germs as you sunk to the bathroom floor in despair. knees hugged close to your chest and head buried into your arms. sobs racked your body and trepidation coursed through your veins. you were losing control of yourself.
out of the blue a knock sounded at the bathroom door. assuming it was another diner of the restaurant, you ignored it hoping they would move along. then you heard her.
“YN, are you in there? are you ok, what the hell is going on?” paige’s voice rang through the door.
“i’m fine” you hiccuped “i’ll be out in a second, i just need to pee is all”
“don’t lie to me” she said “you were shaking and sobbing when you left the table, the hell you just have to pee”
you continued to cry, loud enough for paige to hear.
“baby, please, what can i do? what’s going on, i want to help” she pleaded.
past all the pain your mind was putting you through, you yearned for paige. she made you feel so safe, the whole reason you were able to battle your anxiety in the first place. you didn’t want to rope her into this, but it was far past keeping it a secret now.
with hands still trembling, you unlocked the door and let her in. without wasting a second, she was at your side, locking the door behind her. her arms wrapped around you protectively, rubbing your back to comfort you as you fell to the floor again. she sat with you as you crawled into her. your head tucked into her chest as you cried, tears soaking into her shirt, fingers clinging to the fabric. paige tried to move the hair out of your face to get a better look at you.
“you’re scaring me, YN” a worried expression washed across her face “what can i do? who do i have to fight, huh?”
she tried to cheer you up, accepting defeat once you cried harder.
“i-i don’t-” you were struggling to speak still “i don’t even know where to start paige!”
she pulled you closer to her chest “just try baby, take your time. i’m right here with you, we’ve got all the time in the world ok. just get it all out, you’re safe”
and that was all it took for you to completely break down if front of your girlfriend. every detail from the last few days, from your past, everything about your anxiety came spilling out.
“before i met you, i had chronic anxiety. like so bad i could barely leave the house. then i moved away for school and it got better, and when i met you it pretty much went away. but you know with my mom? and school and work and now you’re in your last season with your team? it’s just been getting to me and the anxiety has started to get worse again. i can’t eat or sleep right and i feel like i’ve been losing my fucking mind, paige”
she was such an amazing listener, sitting there on the dirty bathroom floor as her girlfriend bawled into her shoulder. the whole time her eyes were glued to you, gentle fingers carefully wiping your tears away.
“why didn’t you tell me all of this? tell me about the eating and the sleeping? YN, it makes me sick imagining you going through all this alone”
“because i didn’t want you to worry and i was too embarrassed to say anything”
“well i’m worried now” she said “and embarrassed? baby…”
“i know, it’s silly, but i was just scared you’d think of me less if you knew what a mess i am when i get anxiety like this”
“i could never think less of you. ever. please know that”
“but i-”
“no, listen” she interrupted “just because you struggle with your mental health or have a hard time dealing with your anxiety doesn’t mean i’ll think anything less of you. you’re my whole world. this life and in the next, you’re my entire soul. i want nothing more than to be here for you and to help you overcome things like this. if anything, it only proves to me how strong you are and how i’m so lucky to have a girl who’s able to get through all this”
you sniffled, tears stopping as she continued “i love you, more than you know. and i’m sorry you felt like you needed to do this on your own”
you really had the best girlfriend out there. someone who loves you even through your own insecurities.
“i love you so much” you kissed her with your lips salty from the tears “thank you for being here, i don’t know what i’d do without you”
“get through all this just the same because that’s how strong you are. i’m just here to help in anyway you need” paige leaned in for another kiss, this time deeper, strong hands cradling your jaw “how about i go tell the team you’re not feeling well and we’ll go back home, eat some ice cream and watch anything you want?”
you nodded, wiping your cheeks with the back of your palm “even new girl?”
“yea baby, even new girl”
moments later, you were back in the comfort of your home. snuggled in bed next to paige, bowls of ice cream on your lap, the tv buzzing in the background.
you could finally breathe again, you just needed your girl.
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
3, 2, 1... (Eric from AQPD1 & You)
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A/N: Some people asked if I was going to write for Eric and its about time I do something for one of Joe's other characters. Please enjoy this treat I bear you! <3
Warnings: Eric from A Quiet Place: Day One and Fem Y/N, SMUT, very loving, FLUFF, established relationship, ANGST, obviously apocalypse, anxiety and PTSD mentioned, nothing too drastic (but I can make a part 2 that's more angsty if you want 😈 )
Word Count: 3240
Donate to me :)
You missed so many things since the world went quiet. 
You missed the bustle of students arriving on campus for class at the law school you attended. You missed the sound of the music playing at the café where you studied for exams or case notes for your internship. You missed watching movies at the drive in you took your boyfriend to on the rural side of New York and the way his eyes lit up at the sights around him. The way he would laugh with a loud “HA!” that had you giggling at the noise. 
But more than anything… you missed the sound of Eric’s voice. 
The way he would excitedly tell his parents about his day at school over the phone or when he would answer a question the professor asked with a little nervous stutter afraid to get the answer the wrong. The anxious little flutter of his lips when he would tell you that you were beautiful before blushing even though you two had already been together for over a year. You missed the soft way he would whisper to you in bed every morning as he tenderly pet your head and kissed your face. 
Hell, you even missed the shouting matches during a fight when he would scream about something that hardly matters now before a few hours later sliding into your bedroom so you two could talk it out. 
Now neither of you said a word as you roamed the streets of the city looking for supplies and a safe place to stay. 
Ironically, last night you found a library to rest in and woke up early to read one of the books you found on a shelf nearby. It took you a moment to realize Eric was watching you and when you did you beamed his way as he quietly stretched and rubbed his eyes. 
Nodding his head your way towards the book in your hand, you flashed him the cover.
“Sign Language for Beginners.”
Your boyfriend smiled wide as he reached for the whiteboard beside him you two had been using to communicate. 
“What have you learned so far?”
As you slowly sign with your hands, he watches you carefully as you mouth along with the movements while spelling out your name. Without his palms touching, he claps seemingly impressed with your new skills. After grabbing your own whiteboard from your backpack, you scoot closer to him till your knees are touching as your cross your legs. 
“Want to see another thing I learned?”
When he nods, you take his hand in yours, maneuvering his fingers till they’re the way you want, and your eyes meet his as you silently mouth what it means. 
“I love you.”
A gentle smile paints his lips as his other palm cups your cheek and brings your mouth to his own. Matching your fingers to his, you press them together as he mouths his love for you in return.  
After eating and getting your things together, hand in hand you moved about the city. Pharmacies were something you insisted you two always go into because not only did it have medication you may need down the line but it had supplies like batteries, everyday essentials, and water. 
Eric most of the time just followed your lead but occasionally he would slip away when he found something he thought would make you smile. One day while exploring, he tapped your shoulder and bowed before handing you a rose that had you grinning. Another day, he found some of your favorite chocolates that you loved, immediately devouring it as he silently laughed at your eagerness. 
Normally when he detached from you, he didn’t go far but when you turned to leave the area he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Your instinct was to shout his name but you couldn’t. Fear flooded your body as you panickily looked around for any sign of him and finding nothing. 
Your brain began to shut down as tears fell down your cheeks and you collapsed to your knees. Your chest was hyperventilating at the notion of being alone in this chaos…being alone in a world where Eric didn’t exist… 
As you heavily inhaled, a palm covered your mouth and you opened your wide eyes to meet your boyfriend’s equally terrified gaze.
You were so overjoyed to see him but your internal panic was still on overdrive. That’s one thing you and Eric had in common. You had PTSD from certain events in your life that only he knew about that left you debellated sometimes. Eric had massive anxiety that was exacerbated after he moved down here from London to attend law school. You both hated being alone and depended on each other at times when things got bad enough. 
Placing his finger over his mouth in a shushing motion, he carefully dug into his bag and pulled out a little prescription bottle, handing you a tiny pill and some water that you eagerly accepted. Miming with his hands, he signaled for you to slow your breathing and when you were finally calm enough to focus he hugged you tightly to his chest. 
Even as you clung to his arm, he could tell you were still fuming. You two had learned a while ago that you could make noise under other sounds like rain and running water so unbeknownst to you, Eric took a detour to a building you two had been a couple of times on dates before the end of the world. 
Gently opening the door, he guided you in and as soon as you entered you heard the sound of water falling. Glancing around, you noticed he had taken you to a greenhouse as the strong smell of flowers hit your nose. 
After taking a quick look around, he brought you to the waterfall fountain that was in the middle of the room under a glass dome illuminating the sky above. His doe eyes followed you as you took a seat beside the falls and stared at the ripples that flowed. 
As he sat beside you, it took him a moment before he finally spoke. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”, he whispered. 
Your glassy eyes met his but instead of verbally replying, you hand loudly smacked his arm. You continued to hit his bicep as the tears fell and he allowed it knowing he fucked up. 
“We’re supposed to tell each other where we go!”, you murmur heatedly. “What was so important that you had to have it now and scare me half to death?”
Digging into his backpack, he produced a little blue box and opened it for you displaying a beautiful silver, diamond stud engagement ring that had your eye lids flutter at the sight. 
“Before all this bullshit, I had begun saving to buy you something like this… I should have started saving sooner.”, Eric shrugged as he shifted his gaze away from yours. “I don’t know why I even risked scarring you to get this. I don’t think there are any priests or anything. Plus, you deserve a white dress and—”
When he turned back to focus on you again he was met with your lips. 
“I love you, you idiot.”
He smiles wide as he pulls you into his embrace and kisses your forehead. 
A couple of hours later, Eric awoke to your hand gently jostling his arm. Prepared for the worst, his eyes anxiously glanced from left to right looking for the threat before landing on your beautiful face in front of him. 
Standing to your full height, you showed off the white sundress you found when you snuck to the clothing store beside the building you two were in. As you tilted your head at an angle, you gestured towards the veil that was held in place by a headband. Utilizing the water in the greenhouse, you had washed your face and put on some make up you found as well illuminating all your best features that he loved so much. 
Since you were a bit further away from the fountain than before, Eric lifted his whiteboard, scrolling across it before displaying a message. 
“You look gorgeous.”
Falling to your knees, you took the marker from his grasp and he waits as you write your reply. 
“Thank you. I got you something to.”
His chocolate eyes follow your finger as you point towards a suit on a chair nearby.
Excitedly, he jumps up and hastily begins removing his clothes making you silently laugh at his earnest energy. The outfit was a bit too big on him but you didn’t care. To you, he looked absolutely perfect.
Placing himself in front of you, his amused irises watch with anticipation as he waits for you to show him what you’re writing. 
“Family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Eric and Y/N…blah blah blah.”
The man’s smile widens as you smile back, erasing what you put and continuing your ceremony. 
“Eric, I have loved you since the moment I saw you shyly answer Professor Flick’s question in our ethics class. You were always a bit nervous but your heart was always so big. You were the sweetest person I had ever met. Even before the end of the world, I felt safe with you and I hope you know that your body and your heart are safe with me. I love you.”
As he read your vows, a tear left his eye before he leaned towards you to kiss your lips and take back his board. As he wrote, you imagined what it would have been like to have a real wedding. His parents would have wanted him to go back to Kent to have a massive sized ceremony there. Eric told you his parents always had high expectations especially coming out of “high society”. They would have invited a ton of people their son didn’t know and most likely not even consult with you about the arrangements and wedding itself. 
Your parents hadn’t been in your life in a long while and since then you always avoided thoughts like who would walk you down the aisle or who would you have in your family section. You didn’t have a lot of money nor come from any so you wouldn’t be able to have a big wedding or even a tiny wedding with friends especially not here in New York where everything cost a fortune. 
You imagined it would have most likely been a stressful situation for you both and you didn’t want that; not only for you but for the man you loved. It would be his day to and he deserved to look as happy as he did now as he turned the whiteboard to face you. 
“Y/N, I remember that day when you offered to study with me so I wouldn’t feel so nervous. I couldn’t understand why a beautiful woman like you was offering to help a dork like me. The first time I heard you laugh I knew I wanted to marry you. I miss the sound… but I love that you’re still here with me and marrying me. I promise I’ll ALWAYS keep you safe, baby. I love you to.”
Beaming up at him, you kiss his lips as his hand cups your face and his thumb wipes away the one tear that had escaped down your cheek.
After taking the board back, you hand him the blue box with the rings and hastily scroll on the board. 
“Do you Eric take Y/N as your wife to have and to hold for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, and other things I can’t remember, till death do us part?”
Tenderly smiling, he takes out the diamond ring and places it on your finger as he leans forward till his lips are right by the shell of your ear. 
“I do.”, he whispers so softly that a tingle runs through your body, biting your bottom lip as he kisses your cheek before playfully tugging the board from your grasp. 
Replacing the names, he flips it your way and you retrieve the gold wedding band and place it on his finger as you tilt up on your toes to reach his ear. 
“I do.”
You don’t bother taking the board back as he scribbles something quickly down, flashing it your way when he finishes. 
“By the power vested in me by the end of the world, I now pronounce us husband and wife and now I’m gonna kiss my bride.”
You stifle your giggles into his lips as they crash to your own and he lifts you off your feet into his strong arms. 
Eric continues to sneak love filled glances your way as you both share the cake you had found in a bakery within the building. Jerking your head his way, you nod, silently asking what’s running through his mind. 
Smiling, his pointer finger touches your chest followed by the rest of them swishing around his face, mouthing along as he signs. 
“You are beautiful.”
Quietly laughing, you find your whiteboard and scribble across it with your marker. 
“Have you been looking at my book?”
“Maybe.”, he writes back. 
After placing his fingers on his chin, he brings them down before gesturing at the area around you both.
“Thank you for this.”
The sound of thunder makes you both jump before silently exhaling as you lean your head on his shoulder and hug his arm that had promptly shot out to protect you. Images of dates to movie theaters where you would squeak and cling to him as something scary popped out on screen filled your mind. The warm fuzzy feeling it gave you when his palm would grip your thigh as if to say, “I got you.” Before his gorgeous eyes would glance down at you like they were now. 
Placing your palm over the back of his, you guided his fingertips along your thighs taking part of your dress up with it before disappearing under the fabric. Eric shifted his body closer to yours as his lips softly kissed your temple and trailed down to your cheek. Biting your lip, you stifled your moan as his fingers moved the cotton blocking your core to the side and effortlessly glided through your folds to slowly massage your clit.
It had been so long since you were able to be intimate with each other with the fear of death always looming in your minds but when heavy rain loudly tapped against the glass above you, your eyes rolled back as your mouths connected and all you could think about was the man you loved. 
Eric panted against your tongue as your palm rubbed against the growing bulge in his slacks and you groaned in response when in return two of his thick fingers slid into your heat. 
“Fuck—I missed the way you moaned my name.”, he whispered as he thrust his digits into you at a steady pace, slowing only for a moment when you hastily unbutton his pants to pull out his cock. His big, lust filled eyes watch as you run your tongue along your hand and wrap it around him, mewling as you begin to stroke his length. “Feels so fucking good, baby. I h-hope this rain lasts because I don’t wa-want to hold back too much on our wedding night.”
A pant mixes in with your low laugh as he smiles against your lips at his comment. His kisses travel to your neck and your pussy tightens around his fingers as he pumps into you, tapping into that sweet spot inside you that only he has ever been able to reach. 
Thunder bangs above you both as your climax washes over you and you moan as your free hand grasps desperately at his button up shirt, trying to pull him as close to you as you can. 
“Fuck…please, Eric… I need you…”
Quickly moving away from you, he reaches for his suit jacket and places it behind you as you peel off your panties. With his hand on your lower back, he guides you on top of the fabric and after positioning his body on yours, you help push his pants further down till their resting just under his ass. 
As you craned your neck to watch between your bodies, his humid breath fanned your face as he gradually guided his cock into your entrance. 
“Oh my Gooooood, Y/N, baby.”
Eric’s head fell into the nook between your neck and shoulder as he did little thrusts to allow you both time to absorb the feeling of each other again as he stretched you open and your fingers threaded through his hair as your legs circled around his waist. 
Through the glass above you saw the lightening flash brightly almost blinding you as you began to count. 
“3, 2, 1.”
Eric stilled for a moment as he listened to you whisper before thunder shook the building surrounding you. His palm slid down your side to your hip, holding you as his maneuvered his waist till just his tip was inside you.
“3, 2, 1…”
As soon as the thunder clapped, his hips snapped into yours pushing his cock deep inside you causing a loud moan to leave your lips matching the sound of the rumbles in the sky. You both worked in tandem as you watched the lightening and counted as he waited for the thunder so you could scream as loud as you needed to. 
Even he knew though that storms wouldn’t last forever and he desperately wanted to hear you come undone. Pushing up onto his forearms, he pounded into you as his eyes remained locked with yours.
He didn’t need to say anything…. You knew what he wanted without saying a word. 
After nodding your head, his forehead leans against your sweaty one and you cling to his shoulders as you wait, fending off your orgasm as best you can until you finally see the flash of light. Eric takes note of it as well as it reflects off the floor around you but he waits for your count.
The thunder crashes so loud it was as if mother nature was on your side as you scream his name again and the coil snaps as you cum. A loud grunt mixes with your shout of pleasure before Eric pulls his cock out of your quivering cunt and strokes his hand quickly along his shaft, milking his release as it lands on your thigh. 
Grabbing the napkins from the bag nearby, he cleans you both and collapses at your side. Rolling to face him, your husband reaches over to move your hair behind your ear. 
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, are you?”, you whisper back.
“Yeah.”, he murmurs as he listens to the rain begin to lighten outside. Extending his arm for you to use as a pillow, you smile as you move closer to him and his utilizes his other arm to rest his on your side. “I love you, Y/N.”
It was so low he didn’t think you heard him but when your own palm landed on his lower back and your nose grazed his, he melted into you when he heard your equally quiet, “I love you to, Eric.”
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megumishousewife · 3 months
Best Friends! SatoSugu with Chubby Reader
A/N: Can yall tell I like starting new series without finishing the others?🌚 Megumi with Streamer! Chubby Reader will be out after this! I also did a lil headcanon for the thought of this series so I will insert that as well. But,please enjoy your Geto and Gojo being your close friends that has some...fantasies about you.
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Best Friends! Gojo and Geto who known you since your middle school days, befriending you the moment Shoko and Utahime introduced you
Best Friends! Gojo and Geto who followed the three of you to college because they wanted the group to stick together when in reality, Gojo's father was the dean of the school and Geto's parents are apart of the schoolboard, leaving them in power in case anything goes south with you or anyone that tries to harm you
Best Friends! Gojo and Geto who watch your every move because they will fuck up whoever talks about you because you're the most precious thing to walk this earth
Best Friends! Gojo and Geto who placed bets on who would get to fuck you first?
-----------------~Let the story begin~---------------
It's your first year of college and you were just excited to meet new people, try new things and expand your horizons. You were doing this with you four best friends in tow: Utahime, Shoko, Gojo and Geto. After high school, you came out your shell more because you didn't want people to think you were just some girl that was insecure about your body. That was the old Y/N, this new Y/N was bubbly and kind-spirited. For the new school year, you made all your friends come shopping with you for a new wardrobe and of course, they were all proud of your because of how much you changed since middle school.
Gojo and Geto first met you when Shoko introduced you to them in 7th grade. You were very shy and anxious, mainly clinging to Utahime until Shoko approached you one day. Since that interaction with Gojo and Geto, they became intrigued with you and welcomed you to their circle. As the years went by, you started warming up to the two guys, but that didn't mean you didn't receive hate from any of your peers. Girls that were obsessed with any attention from the two boys would call you fat, disgusting and ugly. They would laugh at you and talk about the way you looked in passing.
"Gosh, she looks like a pig," one would say.
"Aww, you made a new name for her! Piggy," the other would giggle back.
They would even go as far as lifting up your shirt, messing with your rolls calling you by that terrible nickname.
Finally, in your first year of high school, Gojo and Geto found out about bullying when they saw you crying in the courtyard, covered in food. You explained to them through your tears that the girl that had been liking Satoru for years, Asami, had poured her lunch on you and called you "trash". You don't know what was awoken in the two, but you saw a version of them that you didn't know that was hidden inside of them.
You didn't know the full details of what happened, but you do recall Asami being escorted off campus as you, Geto, and Gojo passed her. The girl maintained a silent glare at you, but she knew not to hold it too long because Asami could feel the heat of Gojo's and Geto's boiling anger. Since then, you deeply appreciate Satoru and Suguru, but you still have a deep fear of pissing them off.
Fast forward to your first day of college and you're already seeing things in your friend group that you saw in high school: sorority girls began hitting on Gojo and Geto whole you and Shoko went on your merry way. However, the blonde girl and her brunette friend were quickly shooed away once Gojo ended the conversation in the "nicest" possible.
"Can you believe it, Suguru? Those girls are already trying to fling themselves at us."
Geto just chuckled, "It's whatever. We're just new eye candy. Shoko, Y/N, would you like to attend the part with us tonight? It's for the incoming freshmen."
You beamed at them, "Sure, I don't mind! Shoko!..."
Shoko rolled her eyes as she lit her cigarette, "Fine, but you guys have to pay for my hangover food."
Later that night, the four of you arrived at the party and you were already excited to get in. You wore a cute and simple black sundress for what you thought would be a chill occasion but it gave Project X vibes. You looked around as frat boys gathered around a table, chugging beer while some sorority girls were giggling at them. Outside the frat house laid drunk partygoers in pool floaties or just naked. You squeezed your way through the crowd, finding Utahime in a corner.
She hugged you and Shoko, "I didn't expect you guys to be here! It's nice to see you guys."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Shoko said sarcastically.
The three of you caught up with Utahime about how school life was treating her and after some time of dancing, you told your two friends that you would split and get you three some drinks. Maneuvering your way into the kitchen, you ended up bumping into a muscular guy, probably a sophmore or a junior .
"Sorry," you scampered over the loud music.
The man smirks at you, "It's okay. What are you drinking tonight, doll?"
The way he called you "doll" sent shives down your spine. It's bad enough he's sexy, but calling you such a sexually charged name made your stomach churn in a good way. He wore a tight fit black shirt, but you can say his muscles were struggling to stay contained. Then he wore gray sweatpants, only leaving your mind to wander. What a dangerous combo, don't even try and talk about his smile with the scar on his lip because you might get KO'ed.
"Three beers is all," you said as calm as possible.
He passed them to you and before leaving, he whispered in your ear.
"Name's Toji Fushiguro. Remember me, doll."
Toji walked back into the crowd, leaving you dumbfounded. You weren't the only one in shock about this situation, Shoko and Utahime saw everything . Their attention wasn't just on what happened either, but they were also looking at Gojo and Geto, shooting daggers at Toji the entire time.
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lahulotteshitpost · 4 months
***Sorry this started out as a rant***
The idea that you only reciprocate someone's love if you can be open about your feelings or date them is honestly insulting.
I find it especially mature from the Doctor to admit she can't date Yaz, knowing it will break her heart.
In LOTSD, you can clearly see the pain on their faces (both of them), but it's the kindest thing the Doctor could have done. Their relationship would have been unhealthy. We know this because we've seen the Doctor losing herself and being a terrible friend to Yaz.
And the Doctor knows that, she knows her mental state won't allow her to actually be in a relationship. She knows the relationship would be toxic, she knows she's been a terrible friend, she even admitted it in Flux but admitting it didn't fix her.
I've lived longer, seen more, loved more, and lost more.
- It Takes You Away
Yaz, I'm sorry. I didn't let you in to what I was doing... what I was looking for. I shouldn't have shut you out.
- The Vanquishers
But the point is, if it was going to be anyone, it'd be you. But I can't. Because at some point time always runs out.
- Legend of the Sea Devils
Not because I don't want to, because I might. But if I do fix myself to somebody I know, sooner or later, it'll hurt.
- Legend of the Sea Devils
The Doctor is very clear:
- she's not been a good friend,
- she loves Yaz,
- she wishes she could date her.
Being in love, even when it's reciprocal, doesn't always end in a relationship. Sometimes, even "trying" is impossible.
They can't be together, because the Doctor can't bring herself to do that. She's been desperately trying to avoid feelings and attachments since she fell into that Sheffield train. Of course, it doesn't work, and of course it's not a healthy coping mechanism, but this is something people go through.
Yaz understands. And I will argue that Yaz got to confess her love to the Doctor in LOTSD, they both expressed their feelings indirectly.
My nani says, courage is knowing something will hurt and doing it anyway. Mind you, she also said it's the definition of stupidity.
- Legend of the Sea Devils
This is Yaz telling the Doctor "I love you, I wish you could get over your fears, but I understand.
(And there is a lot to say about consent, as, clearly, understanding despite the pain is also the healthier reaction. You cannot force someone into a relationship, Yaz has often been mistreated by the Doctor but in this very moment, she is not a victim.)
There's a reason why she adds that bit about "stupidity" and it's not just to make the Doctor laugh.
Their romance is a slow burn with no happy ending. It's incredibly bittersweet, but it's also very real.
Mentally ill people who avoid relationships are often ashamed of it, we don't openly talk about it because it's definitely not "normal". You can be traumatised, depressed, anxious, but you're still in a happy romantic and sexual relationship, obviously.
Except when you can't.
I started shipping Thasmin during Series 12, initially believing it to be unrequited. I never expected it to be more than subtext, in a way it subverted a lot of my expectations.
I'm no different from most shippers, I was hoping for a kiss (every Doctor had one!) although I expected it to be disappointingly non romantic (à la Nine/Rose).
A kiss, the ultimate romantic trope!
Doctor Who didn't give me what I was hoping for.
It gave me something that I desperately needed.
When you are one of those fucked up queer people, afraid of people knowing deep down you can't date, avoiding feelings and relationships because this is how your traumas shaped you, do you really get to see yourself?
Thasmin isn't every queer person, it isn't even every sapphic you will ever meet, but no story is. And their queerness isn't the cause of their doomed love, which I find extremely respectful and far from usual tropes.
I can see myself in them, at different stages of my life. I know some aro/ace spec people see their relationship as very queerplatonic and also felt represented.
Maybe you don't, and that's fine. You don't have to see yourself in them, you don't have to like this story.
Just understand other queer people will.
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ughdontbeboring · 9 days
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Austin Butler x WoC Reader (but no discerption)
reader has a ah ha moment during first time with certain things in her mouth..
warnings: smut
note: I was half sleep and this idea would not leave me and this is short and written quickly so hope yalls enjoy! No proof read 😭 this feels so un done but 🤷🏽‍♀️
You’re not experienced with this, none of this actually. Austin was patient, when you revealed to him you were a virgin he was surprised especially because of your age, as all people were when you choose to share that with someone. It wasn’t something you advertised on your forehead, but it wasn’t something you were ashamed of you either. 
The first time you had sex or done anything sexual it was with Austin. The most beautiful smart notoriously shy but surprisingly bold and flirtatious Austin Butler. 
You remember feeling him through his pants as he rutted him to your stomach one night, it was the first time you had ever felt a cock and though you couldn’t speak from experience Austin seemed to be on the larger size, you were so overwhelmed with his size it didn’t happen that night. 
The next night though Austin made sure he went out of his way to make you relaxed as possible realizing that letting it be spur of the moment like you had asked, wouldn’t work. You were too anxious about somehow being bad at it which Austin didn’t understand because outside of actually having not having sex you were the most sensual women he knew. 
Austin knew you’d be a great lover, you’d had too many intimate moments together that were so sensual and deeply connecting for it not to be the best sex for both of you, even if you didn’t have anything to compare it to Austin would make sure there wouldn’t ever be a doubt in your mind about not having other partners. He’d ruin you for all others.
But Austin knew it would take you being very relaxed for this to work, he’d seen the fear clear on your face the first time you seen him in all his glory. You’d been adamant it wouldn’t fit. He had to hold back his chuckle not wanting to give you the wrong idea that he was laughing at you but Austin just knew if anyone was meant to take him it was you, you were meant for him. He took so much extra time with you that first night, working you up into a ocean of pleasure from foreplay to his plush mouth eating that sweet pussy before he could even think of fucking you open on his cock.
He freed you in a way that you never felt comfortable allowing a man to do and you had been insatiable ever since also driven by your comfort with Austin.
So to say you were so engrossed in your task at hand -trying to get as much cock into your mouth that you could- even to the point where you had hummed absentmindedly from your own pleasure that you didn’t hear him was an understatement. 
His instructions had stopped minutes ago but his groans and praises hadn’t. When your eyes reach up to his stormy blue ones after a good while of him talking you through it, is when you realize he spoke to you again. 
your curious eyes search his looking for a hint of what he may have said before but all you see is unrestrained pleasure staring back. 
You’re not sure why it comes to mind but it finally clicks when his eye focus for a moment on you. He can’t help but think you look so pretty taking his cock into your wet mouth. A few tears slipping from your pretty eyes. 
But Austin also see the moment it clicks for you. That’s what causes your full lips to smirk as they’re stretched around his thick cock. It’s uncomfortable for you, almost painful especially since you’ve never done this before but you enjoy doing this to Austin, you enjoy pleasing him this way. Even on your knees you feel confident at the vocal praises and noise that he rewards you  with as he towers above you. 
Austin focuses back on the moment. His mind catching up with that fact that you know. He shouldn’t be surprised you’re such a quick learner but he didn’t want to cum just yet he wanted to enjoy this longer but he sees you won’t be allowing this to play out that way, not when you finally feel like the one in control.
You do it again. What he had just told you not to do and his hips buck forward as he groans. 
He hadn’t said why not to and maybe it had to do with his ego but the thought that you have never done this before and Austin was going to cum faster then any woman had ever made him cum before using their mouth had him wanting to prove himself, that he could last longer. Hell he was the one who was supposed to be teaching you. And fuck if he didn’t feel like the student right now while your eyes of mischief and glee stared up at him. 
You pull back and his hands rush to your head needing to push you back down on his cock that you’re not able to take all of just yet though his sweet girl was trying her best. He doesn’t use a lot of force more trying to guide you since this is your first time so you’re able to keep your head where you want it, your tongue flicks the super sensitive spot under the head of his cock, he hisses shit deeply from his chest that’s raising quicker as you taste the pre cum trickles onto your tongue as a sweet for-warning of what’s to come.
He knows you know that he knows what coming next and as he looks down at you with needy but stern eyes he can’t get his words out fast enough to tell you not to be a brat and make him cum down your throat, not yet at least. 
But much to Austin displeasure about his own self control he isn’t fast enough. Both of your soft hands wrap around his spit covered cock and work him as your mouth sucks his tip, your tongue swirling and flicking the tip before you hum, long and loud. 
Your hmmmmmmmmm is heard loudly along with Austin’s curses and panting and the sound of a wet sucking in the otherwise quiet hotel room. You tryin to stop your eyes from rolling back because you’re just so turned on.
Austin’s hips jerk forward into your mouth trying to chase the feeling, trying to get the focus off his tip and drive his thick veiny cock deep into your mouth but with your hands wrapped around him firmly he doesn’t make it further then you allow.  
He groans and moans loudly as his warm milky seed fills your mouth. 
Your eyes fill slightly with surprise at the feeling before they turn into ones of pure pleasure. You continue to suck and hum as you swallow very drop of him that fills your pretty little warm mouth. 
Austin groans out a raspy “fuck baby” his fingers tightly griping the root of your hair to hold you place as you finally take the rest of what you can fit into your mouth, your tongue focusing on the few prominent veins. 
Though he looks down at you with love and admiration, he knows it’s also time to teach you what happens when you behave like brat and for the countless time that night Austin’s stomach flips with excitement at not only being able to have you in this way but to have the honor of being the one to teach you all the ways your body can feel pleasure.
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xinfinityl0ve17 · 27 days
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Twelve hours during a part-time job feels so long, especially at night; it’s almost terrifyingly long.
Mana chan kept shouting, “This theme is difficult!” and Kami kun kept asking, “Mana chan, don’t you have anything?” (laughs). It seems these two aren’t very bound by numbers...
Anyway, Mana chan’s part time job era... It’s full of valuable stories!! Hehe ♥
--So, the theme is "The Fear of Numbers."
Mana: Hmm... That's difficult.
Kami: Haven't you ever noticed when the numbers on a clock are all the same? Like when you look at the time and it's 11:11?
--Does that give you an eerie feeling?
Kami: No, I'm actually happy (laughs). Also, when I'm talking on the phone at night and I look at the clock, it's always 2:14 AM (laughs). It's the witching hour (laughs). And it happens almost every day.
--Do you have any thoughts, Mana?
Mana: Hmm... (laughs) This theme is tough... Hmm...
Kami: Also, I have an obsession with lining up the number 7. I used to go to pachinko parlors a lot, so getting 7s was a thrill (laughs). Ah, that's not scary at all (laughs).
Mana, do you have anything?
Mana: Hmm... When I was a boy, I was a bicycle enthusiast. I even had a speedometer, and it only went up to about 60 kilometers, I think. I was obsessed with maxing it out.
Kami: That's the fear of speed.
Mana: Yeah, I was pushing the limits of speed. The bike I had wasn't a Roadman, but it was a sports-type with gears and semi-drop handlebars... You don't see them much nowadays.
Kami: They were popular back then. The ones with the light on the side.
Mana: The more gear shifts, the better. Five-speed was common, but with six-speed, it was like, "One more gear!" (laughs).
Kami: Speaking of numbers, I save 500 yen coins (laughs). Last year, a friend gave me a piggy bank that can hold up to 300,000 yen, and I'm close to reaching the goal. How long did it take you to save?
Kami: One year! When I talked about it, a fan once sent me a 500 yen coin in a letter (laughs).
Mana: Really? Well, I’m saving 10,000 yen bills (laughs).
Kami: So I make sure not to spend any 500 yen coins. Even when I shop, I make sure to get change in 500 yen coins, or I exchange five 100 yen coins for a 500 yen coin at the convenience store (laughs). Mana, do you have anything else?
Mana: Hmm...
--Like the fear of having to wake up in the morning?
Mana: Oh, even if I have work early the next morning, I stay up until around 5 AM, so I do get that "Oh no, it's already this late" feeling, but that’s why I always sleep in the car during travel.
Kami: Because we’re so busy, sleeping in the car becomes something to look forward to.
Mana: Yeah, it's really enjoyable (laughs).
Kami: It's almost like that's what keeps me going (laughs).
Mana: Yeah, but during our indie days, I was the one who drove.
Mana: I was the designated driver (laughs). Back then, mornings were terrifying. I had to wake everyone up by phone.
--Did you wake up all the members?
Mana: Yes, I’d call them to wake them up and then go around picking them up in the car. That was really something. It was like hell; I did it while crying (laughs). There were members who wouldn’t wake up no matter how many times I called (I wonder who?). And there were people whose phones wouldn’t even connect (laughs).
Kami: By the way, I’m never late. Unless I’m stuck in traffic or something, I always arrive on time when we have a meeting. Mana, do you have anything else? (laughs)
Mana: Ah! The fear of numbers! I used to work part-time at a rental video store, but when the sales weren’t great, I’d rent out videos myself.
-- Really? Were you in a position of responsibility?
Mana: There were morning and night shifts, and I was the manager for the morning shift, so if the morning sales were bad, it was my responsibility. When no customers came, I would wander around the front of the store, getting anxious (laughs).
-- Well, you can’t exactly solicit customers at a rental video store (laughs).
Mana: Exactly. You can’t just say, "We’ve got good videos here!" So all I could do was wander around (laughs).
Kami: I just thought of something! The fear of numbers! In the band I was in before Malice Mizer, the current drummer and I were born in the same year and on the same day. It was terrifying (laughs).
Mana: I just thought of something else too (laughs). I used to work a part-time job inspecting cups at a factory. That factory had cups endlessly going around 24/7 (laughs). I worked 12-hour shifts there, but since the cups were constantly moving on the conveyor belt, there was no end to it. It was terrifying. Plus, it had a roof but no doors, so in the winter, the cold north wind would blow in while I just watched the cups… (laughs).
--That sounds like a tough job.
Mana: It was tough. It was torture (laughs). Nowadays, even if your hair is dyed, it’s socially accepted, but back then, if you had a part-time job, it was limited to handing out tissues or working in a factory (laughs).
Kami: Yeah, or working for a delivery service.
Mana: "Yeah, like at those places where the packages come down on conveyor belts (laughs). I was once in charge of handling packages going to Tokyo, and while other people only had a few packages coming their way and were taking it easy, I was getting a constant stream of packages (laughs)."
Kami: "Even now, when I see the baggage counter at the airport, it reminds me of those days (laughs). Those 12-hour shifts felt so long, especially the night shifts—they were terrifyingly long."
Mana: "Yeah, yeah, and for 12 hours, the cups kept coming endlessly. By the end, I was even seeing hallucinations (laughs)."
The end // From Vicious Magazine
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malarign · 1 year
ur probs insanely busy but I just had an idea based on a TikTok I saw (typical)… basically I think it would make a really good heeseung angst where he thought it would be fun to play around with his partner and make them a little jealous - either cause they were unintentionally being too friendly with someone else or whatever you feel like coming up with - but it just turns out going bad and his partner gets super upset and there’s a lot of comfort. anyway now that I typed it it kinda sounds cringe but go wild if u want
jealousy, jealousy
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(when you get jealous of his co-worker)
contains: idolbf!Heeseung x gn!reader | genre: angst, fluff | tw! kissing, mentions of food, the reader is insecure about their looks, please remember, everybody is pretty in their own way | wc: 1,1k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!
author’s note: thank you anon and sorry for the delay, i was in fact pretty busy 😵‍💫 also! no hate to the anon who sent this request but if you want to make your partner jealous intentionally just don’t get into a relationship! 🤭
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“Have a lovely day, dear! I’ll let you know when I’m done with work today and maybe we’ll grab some dinner together?” Heeseung said in a rush, putting his shoes on.
“Sure, just don’t overwork yourself m’kay?” You fixed the collar of his coat and smiled.
“Anything for you, baby.” He left a last sweet kiss on your lips and bid his last goodbyes for today.
Closing the door behind him you decided to get to work on your assignments. You sighed seeing the workload you had. A sudden rush of motivation took over your body and mind and got to grips with everything. Closing your laptop you took a look at the clock on the wall in front of you. The day just started and you had plenty of time before Heeseung would come back home, so you decided to pay him a visit at work.
It wouldn’t be the first time you visited him at work, yet you always can’t help but feel anxious at the thought of your presence there among other idols. You were intimidated not only because of their popularity and fame but also because of their stunning looks which often made you jealous. His pretty co-workers didn’t have to do anything, in particular, to make you feel insecure, intimidated, and simply ugly. Despite your concerns you never dared to disclose them to your boyfriend, afraid he would laugh at your worries.
You arrived at his company and went straight to their practice room, but you met with silence and darkness. Confused you wanted to call Heeseung, but then a familiar voice caught your attention.
“Y/n?” You saw Jake at the other end of the hallway. “Heeseung didn’t tell me you’ll come over” He smiled after jogging your way.
“I finished my work earlier today so I thought I would surprise him but can’t find him.”
“Oh! He’s eating lunch right now with the rest of the guys. Come on, join us, they’re serving your favorite,” Jake laughed as he nudged your side jokingly.
You felt your stomach grumble at the thought of their cafeteria’s food and walked with him to the elevator. Before you stepped in, he excused himself as he had some other obligations and left you.
Opening the door to the dining area you were met with the smell of fried rice and chicken. Many people gathered to eat so finding Heeseung bordered on the miraculous. When you finally noticed him you saw he was talking to one of his co-workers, smiling widely and telling jokes as they both ate their lunches. You took a few steps back at the sight, a wave of fear rushed down your spine.
Their smile, their hair, their eyes, their figure. Everything about them screamed perfection, making you embarrassed about how you looked. They’re beautiful, talented in many ways, while you were just an ordinary person, who wouldn’t find their place on stage.
Heeseung raised from his seat after he finished his meal and made his way to the elevators, right where you were. You quickly turned around and pushed a button to close the door as fast as possible. Looking at the mirror you noticed a few teardrops on your cheeks and wiped them off your face.
“I’m back!” Heeseung’s voice echoed in your apartment as you quietly fidgeted with the hem of the blanket you were under. “Jake told me you were at Hybe, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked and made his way to the kitchen and took a bottle of apple juice.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled under your nose and continued playing with the fabric.
“I didn’t hear you, can you repeat?”
“I don’t know, Heeseung,” you repeated yourself louder, sounding a little bit too harsh than you intended to.
Your tone and the way you called him by his name and not one of many nicknames you used made him confused.
“Hey, are you mad?” he asked and sat next to you. “Is it because I didn’t call? I’m so sorry, my love, but I got caught up in so much work I didn’t realize it got so late,” he said and tilted his head as he spoke.
“No, it’s not because you didn’t call.” You looked him in the eyes and that’s when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks.
“Are you crying? Love, what’s happening?” Heeseung cupped your face as he scanned your features. “We agreed not to hide our worries from each other,” he reminded you.
His sweet voice and full of love words made you cry, leaving him even more confused than before. Quietly embracing you in a comforting and warm hug he waited for you to calm down. Instead, he heard your voice, full of distress.
“Why would you love me, when there are so many other people who are way better than me?” You spoke incomprehensibly, but still enough for him to understand what you said.
“Why would you say that? Love, where is that coming from?”
You pulled away from his embrace and wiped your tears to look at him.
“Why would you want to be with me, an ordinary person, who will never understand your struggles as a public person? Why would you want to be with me, who has nothing to offer but coarseness? I’m not as beautiful as your co-workers. I’m not as talented, as charismatic, as interesting as them, so why would you want to settle down with me? When will you realize that they’re perfect and I’m not enough for you?”
Heeseung listened to you attentively, keeping eye contact with you throughout your whole monologue. When you were done he thought for a second to gather his wits and took your hands into his, rubbing your skin with his thumbs.
“Love, why didn’t you tell me earlier you felt that way? Gosh, I don’t care that you’re not a public person. Why would I want you to be one? Y/n, nobody knows and understands me more than you do. What you offer is not coarseness but stability and my safe space. Nobody makes me feel so safe and loved as you do. You don’t have to be an idol to be the most beautiful, talented, charismatic, and interesting person in my eyes. I love you as you are and nothing will change that, okay?”
You lowered your head at his words, feeling embarrassed at your own jealousy.
“My dear, please look at me,” Heeseung spoke and brushed your hair off your face. Looking at him smiling reassuringly made you cry again. You fell into his arms and wrapped yours around his neck, as he left soft kisses on your skin. “I love you so much,” he whispered.
“I love you, Hee.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
permanent taglist: (send an ask to be added) @nicholasluvbot
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mistercrowbar · 2 months
I had a thought about an ascended to godhood Aldiirn and I think he’d be the god of a certain kind of fear.
I figure it’d be that kind of fear a fresh faced bard would feel looking out over a crowded tavern and realizing they’d never played infront of this many people before.
Or the anxieties of a diplomat trying to talk their way out of a deal while bound at the hands.
Or even some love drunk bastard trying to work up the courage to tell their paramour how they truly feel.
See it’s not just stage fright. It’s that deep down fear of failure and all that could be lost should you take that chance.
In those moments when those poor shaken sods think “by the gods please let this work.” That’s when Aldiirn arrives.
His help varies by situation. Some simply need the right phrase, the right chord, the right move, or even just affirmation that the only thing worse than doing it scared is being left with the “what if” for the rest of their days.
You may think a god like this would be one of courage and bravery, but you’d be mistaken. What it takes to turn fear to courage varies from person to person, but regardless if your audience is a band of killers, the love of your life, or an actual audience.
The fear is always the same.
He’d be the god of doin it scared. The Dalai Lama of the doubtful diplomats and dawning divas. The higher power of the hold my beers and anxious dears. He’s the little voice in the back of your mind saying “You can do it and here’s how!”
I can’t promise that he’d make the world a better place, but I can guarantee he’d make it far more interesting.
Anon how dare you write such beautiful things about my character. I’m blown away by this. Its so good. So spot on. It’s perfect. I’m gonna be reading and rereading all day. I’m printing it out and putting it up on my office art wall.
I keep wanting to joke that “you think Aldiirn is a scared neurotic guy now? Guess what he used to be WORSE,” but like, no, he still is “worse,” he’s just learned ways to cope and power through and get things done while scared. Not all his methods are healthy, and sometimes he falters, especially with the Rosymorn arc just piling on a bit too much for him to handle, but he gets through and comes out better for it.
And isn’t a tav there to help the other companions overcome their fears? What is Bardic Inspiration but a “you got this!” just when it’s needed? I’ve always loved bards for being a support class that uplifts the party, and Aldiirn is sure as hell gonna be there for his. He’ll be by their sides to give just the nudge they need to overcome their fears.
I actually just finished lettering a page form comic scene of Aldiirn and Lae’zel discussing the egg. And like. Yes I do play up Aldiirn’s fear of her for laughs. But the scene ended up becoming the epitome of “do it scared.” How Aldiirn was raised, subservience is survival, hence all the times he’s “yes, mistress” to Lae’zel. But to actually get through to her he’s gotta do things the githyanki way which is to flex your own clout and ooouuugh he does it but his mind is SCREAMING at him the whole way because this is how you end up ragdolling down the mountainside!!! But he does it. He does it scared.
Thank you for this anon, your writing is just, so eloquent. Writing’s always a struggle for me, but when comics I can just push an expression or all this feeling I have onto a page and hope someone picks it up and it’s just, so good when someone see it’s there.
Keep on keeping on!
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milkyplier · 4 months
Ok I’m HERE pls elaborate on how Legend doesn’t push people away/want to be seen as strong. I will listen to All The Thoughts
And hold on tight, it’s long XD
I’ll go ahead and dump you right into it. Let’s look at his character traits, in Jojo’s original meet-the-characters sheet.
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I want to focus on these two:
- Very mature for his age, but still young at heart
- Seems emotionally unaffected by his travels, however he keeps Koholint his dark secret
Long story short Legend doesn’t want to be seen as strong because he already is strong.
The idea that Legend pushes people away comes from the fear of losing those people. I think that Legend would have learned that loss is just a thing that happens. He can’t change that, he can’t stop it. And more importantly, he would have learned that not letting people inside in an effort to get hurt just wasn’t worth it. Ultimately, he would rather have friends and lose them one day than have no friends and spend his whole life (even more) alone and miserable.
Throughout the comic, we don’t even see Legend being any more or less receptive to the group’s relationship than anyone else. He hasn’t even been more secretive! It just feels like it because he has more things to stay quiet about. The reality is: Legend just knows when he does and doesn’t want to open his mouth and start spewing his personal information. He isn’t one to just spew words, I think that he considers every word that comes out of his mouth and as a result, just has no interest in sharing things about himself that don’t need sharing. Look here in the comic Scars:
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Legend, Warriors, Hyrule, and Wild all share scars. Legend is the only one who doesn’t reveal the origin of his scar, by choice. Even Wild says “I don’t remember much,” which would seem to indicate that if he might have shared some information if he knew any. Legend remembers completely, and simply doesn’t say anything.
What does this tell us? Legend just has no interest in sharing where he got it. He has no problem remembering, and no issues with others’ curiosity—if he did, he wouldn’t have shown them the scar at all to avoid being harshly reminded and asked the inevitable “where did you get it?”
Long story short: Legend just has boundaries. And he’s very good at keeping them.
Legend doesn’t want to be seen as strong:
I just don’t think he’s that immature. I don’t think he is that anxious about his appearance. Yeah, I know, “but what about bunny Legend? He was worried about how the others would laugh at him because a bunny is weak and defenseless!”
Correct, but remember Legend says:
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“I am so defenseless it’s pathetic. I’m a warrior, this is shameful.”
He is fully aware of how strong he is. And notice, he only talks about his strength in terms of weapons—he has absolutely no doubts about his emotional strength.
(Also, quick note: I like how Jojo uses the mirror to show us Legend’s face in this panel. She offers us a chance to sober up, to see exactly how this rabbit form has affected Legend and how he feels about it, and to take him seriously. She’s so clever!)
Also, “seems unaffected by his adventures, but keeps koholint his dark secret.” In other words, Koholint appears to be the only one his adventures he could not quite recover from. It was the only one that he could not just glean lessons from and then heal—it’s taking longer. But he’s clearly handling it well, and notice he doesn’t fight Twilight digging up the wound. He also doesn’t spill his whole secret willy-nilly.
He has no issues with being Hylian, with others seeing that he is only Hylian and he has emotions. He just also demonstrates incredible emotional maturity, in that he isn’t a blabber mouth.
To summarize: legend doesn’t push anyone away, he just conducts himself in a way we aren’t familiar with. He doesn’t spill his secrets because he doesn’t need to. And when he does, I’d bet my blog he’ll do it in a solid and intelligent way, not in a rush of tears and feelings because he’s been sick for seven days and he’s emotionally weakened. Legend also doesn’t feel a need to seem stronger than he is, because he knows his already incredible strength, and he also knows his weaknesses.
* * *
Okay, I think this is everything I’ve got right now XD sorry this took so long, it took my brain forever to get itself into shape. I hope this was at least semi-understandable hahaha
Thank you for reading!
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sanhaswife · 1 year
Hello, I've been reading you're work for a while now and I've gotta say it's absolutely stunning! I was wondering if I could request a Bakugou x Reader where basically Reader is jealous of Uraraka (She gets insecure around her) Uraraka and reader are like childhood bff's and once they get to U.A they become supper popular and people start making fanart/fanfictions of Kachhako and Reader hates it but she knows Uraraka has a crush on Deku. So one day Bakugou finds out and Ig you can make the rest :). I'm so sorry if this is confusing it's my first time asking on tumblr. Have a great day/night!
Thank you so so SO much; it means a lot that you're enjoying my little dabbles ;-; AHHH this sounds like such a fun idea it's not confusing at all! I hope you like it :)
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Ever since you could remember, you and Uraraka have been best friends. You met her for the first time back in preschool, and you two have been stuck together like glue since then. You did everything together, and for years, you considered her your sister with how close you two were. She brought out the best in you and was your rock, the one person you could confide in when things got tough. You always assumed it would stay that way as you both went on in school, assuming that nothing could possibly get in between your friendship.
Well...that was until you both got into U.A.
You and Uraraka shared a love for cheesy romance movies about high school sweethearts, so on the first day of school, you both made a silly contest on who would get a boyfriend first. Not knowing what to expect from a new school, you foolishly agreed. Walking through the entrance for the first time made you anxious; you had always been the introverted one out of the two of you, so you panicked a bit when you and Uraraka found yourselves suddenly popular.
Suddenly you found yourself being the center of attention, new faces jumping at the chance of getting to know you and your best friend. Seeing Uraraka adore the attention and unswayed by the sudden rise of popularity, you felt the overwhelming need to match her pace. So that's what you did, to hide the fear of being left out you started putting up a front and hid your anxieties so that you and Uraraka both seemed like equals. Equally confident and loving the attention, especially from boys.
Uraraka always had better luck with boys than you ever did.
So after a couple weeks, when she caught the attention of one particular blonde in your class, you couldn't help but feel insecure. You two were always together, doing everything together, and even sat next to each other; you were a duo, a pair, so why? Why did he only ever talk to her? What was so special about her that he never seemed to notice you? You're pretty too, so what did she have that you didn-
"Y/n? Did you hear me?" Uraraka was waving her hand in your face trying to get your attention, her expression confused. "Y-yeah, I do." You mumbled, making her laugh before she scooted closer to you. Leaning in close, she looked around you two before whispering in your ear. "I said that someone is spreading rumors again about me and Bakugo. I heard that someone even wrote fanfiction about us! Can you believe how silly that is?"
Her words burned, making your insides feel like hot lava. Unable to shake the irritation that bubbled up inside you, you moved away from her with a sigh. "Yeah, very silly."
Oblivious to your dry response, she grabbed a hold of your arm, pulling you into a tight hug. "Turn that frown upside down! Come on!" And you did try forcing a smile on your face, but you couldn't. The rumors were starting to bother you more and more as time went on, and you couldn't help but not only feel insecure because of Uraraka but feel jealous of her. Of course, she gets the attention of Bakugo and not you.
God, he was perfect. Anger issues aside, you've always loved tough boys while Uraraka was the opposite. So it was surprising to both of you when you first caught wind of the rumors.
Uraraka and you were sharing some snacks at your desks when Mina and Denki pulled up a chair in front of you guys. "So...Uraraka, we kinda heard a rumor that you like Bakugo. Is it true?" You remember Uraraka choking on her drink in surprise while you sat there in shock. "No! W-who said that?' She coughed out.
Denki and Mina exchanged looks and shared identical smirks. Denki spoke out this time, leaning in. "Someone saw you and Bakugo walking home together yesterday after class sharing an umbrella." This time you were looking directly at your best friend in shock, your stomach dropping when she started to blush. "He offered because I didn't have an umbrella, and y/n was finishing some stuff and told me to go ahead."
This time Denki and Mina looked at you, making you gulp. "Well, you didn't tell me he walked you home! Or that you didn't have an umbrella!"
"It was embarrassing! Plus, we're just friends anyways."
After that, more rumors started to go around, so it didn't take an expert to know who exactly was spreading them.
"So...I'm guessing Deku isn't here today, considering it's lunchtime and the lunch you packed for him is still in your bag." The thing was, Uraraka, despite the rumors, actually liked Deku. Ever since meeting him on the first day of school, she fell in love and started trying to get close to him every chance she got. Finally, she managed to convince him to try some of her cooking after talking your ear off about it, and it was still sitting in her bag.
She blushed and took a blue bento box out of her backpack, setting it down in front of her with a sad sigh. "He's in the nurse's office again. He's sleeping it off, but I think he and Bakugo were at it again at the gym."
You were about to respond when someone came up and grabbed the bento from the desk. "That damn nerd started it, and he's weak if a little explosion makes him faint every time," Bakugo said as he pried the top off of the bento box and started to eat the insides of it. "Hey! That's for De-"
"Damn, round face this is amazing." Uraraka sat in silence while you sat straight up as he quickly ate everything inside, giving back the box before licking his lips in satisfaction. "Bring more next time." He said, looking at Uraraka, not sparing even a glance at you until you finally spoke up. "We'll pack one for you tomorrow, Bakugo."
"Oh? Look who's finally talking." His smirk made your cheeks burn, and you knew they were glowing at that moment. When he walked away without another word, Uraraka turned to you with a smirk of her own. "We?" She laughed out loud when you nudged her away and continued to talk about Deku. Out of the corner of your eye though, you noticed Denki and Mina hanging around the door of the classroom with Bakugo, whispering to him desperately before running away. This time Bakugo looked back at you with a brow raised in a curious look before leaving as well.
The next day was even weirder when Uraraka suddenly claimed she was sick and couldn't go to school, smiling from her doorstep as you left confused. So you took a slow walk from home to school with your extra bento box in your backpack for Bakugo. It made you feel giddy, knowing that you would be able to talk to him without her being around.
"I can't believe I just thought that. No, she's your best friend; stop it!" You whispered to yourself, stopping your walk to silently beat yourself up for such thoughts when you felt a shoulder bump into yours. "So you talk to yourself now huh weirdo?"
"B-bakugo?" You turned around too fast out of surprise and stumbled, Bakugo swiftly grabbing you by the waist and steading you. "So where's round face? You idiots, are usually glued at the hip." Since he was taller than you, you had to look up to meet his eyes, but it only made you feel embarrassed, so you kept your eyes down, focusing on your feet and the feeling of the area where Bakugo touched you burning as you both walked alongside each other to school. "Oh, she's sick today...so it's just me."
Surprisingly he was very quiet, only humming in response, looking straight ahead with his hands in his pockets. The silence was awkward, and it was killing you inside not being able to just say something. You kept thinking to yourself how easy it is for Uraraka since she always starts the conversation and knows how to keep it going. Uraraka...now that you were thinking about her again, you started to feel small and insecure again.
You were so lost in your thoughts that Bakugo's loud, frustrated shout made you jump. He grabbed your arms and forced you to face him, your face getting warm again. "U-uh Bakugo?"
"Do you like me." He said simply, his brows furrowed.
"What?" It felt like you suddenly couldn't breathe. How did he find out? No! Why did he find out? Who could've told him? The only person you ever told was...Uraraka. Feeling betrayed, hurt, sad, and angry, you let your emotions take over your thoughts that Bakugo gave you a little shake to snap you out of it. "God damn it, y/n, do you like me."
The shock and the hundreds of emotions you were feeling in the moment were swirling inside of you like a hurricane that you blurted out your response. "Yes!" It made Bakugo freeze; the only thing moving was his eyes looking into yours as if he was checking whether or not you were lying. "Bakugo-" You were about to deny everything, to make a joke out of your reply, but something stopped you.
That something being Bakugo's soft lips against yours. Without a word, he pulled away, grabbed your backup, swung it over his shoulder, and grabbed your hand speed walking to school as you trudged behind him in shock. You touched your lips that burned and looked up to see Bakugo purposely hiding his face.
"Consider sparky and raccoon eyes your matchmakers. You just won your bet."
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
Haiii can I request some hcs or a small fic of Ruggie with a reader who’s very socially awkward (basically like bocchi if you know the show) but has a very obvious puppy crush on him?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I honestly was saving this rq because I wanted to watch Bocchi first since you mentioned it. And I was not disappointed, though I'm still in ep5 I already love them all. Reader in this is pretty much Bocchi coded.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, reader stutter and overthink quite a lot here, very soft Ruggie + nicknames ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
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You can do it, you are capable! You repeated to yourself in front of the mirror for the tenth time that day, determined to do something you'd never done before: have a whole conversation with Ruggie.
It was something extremely small and simple, and other people would judge it as a somewhat foolish wish. But other people didn't have social phobia, they didn't get scared or panicked or feel like thousands of eyes were on them, other people didn't live in your shoes to understand what you went through on a daily basis. But for Ruggie, it was worth trying to overcome your fears, he was worth it even if it drained you immensely to be in the epicenter of the hurricane (in the middle of a bunch of people), feeling as if everyone was looking and laughing at you.
In the mirror a small smile adorned your face. Everything will be fine!
You left your room with confident steps, after all spending time with Ruggie always made you confident as if nothing in the world could bring you down or go wrong. On you, he had this kind of effect. In addition to being calming for your ever-so-anxious mind. Being with him was like playing your guitar, it was natural, comfy even.
You have yet to play the guitar to him as he had asked if he could hear you when he found out you could play. You were already imagining playing alongside him. What you were imagining made you happy, even when you bumped into someone else and apologized, awkwardly, embarrassed by your clumsiness.
Though when you did find him, Ruggie was talking with Leona, the atmosphere seemed tense, as if they were discussing something serious. Or your mind was only creating yet another unprovable scenario, as usual, though even if that's was the case you were already trembling subtly, as a kitten learning how to walk.
Despite being on good terms with him, you couldn't shake off the feeling that Leona didn't wanted you there. Were he staring at you- no, he wasn't. He was still talking with Ruggie, Leona's tail wagging lazily behind him while Ruggie crossed his arms close to his chest. Could you come closer? Or should you go back to your room? Would they mind if you were there?
Maybe you should hide inside a trash can as you usually did whenever you felt overwhelmed and need to escape quickly. Though unfortunately there wasn't any trash can, looking around there aren't any visible dark, tiny places to hide in either. You audibly gulped, paralyzed, the seconds seemed to be passing by agonizingly slow.
'Maybe I should turn around and run', you thought to yourself. But your feet didn't move it.
A soft hand landed on your shoulder and you jumped, a whine leaving your lips as you raised your eyes to see who that hand belonged to. It belonged to Ruggie, his beautiful eyes looking right at yours as he seemed to know what you were thinking and was silently telling you not to worry.
"There you go again, you troublesome kitten," He teased you affectionately and quickly added. "Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. Slowly."
You frowned and then realized how much your heart was racing and you could feel the familiar tightness in your chest. Your mind racing with thoughts of whether you're intruding or if they even want you there. And you followed his commands, slowly, so slowly.
'You look pathetic,' A voice in your head told you. So worked up just because of an assumption, so afraid of everything. 'Pathetic.'
"H-hey, um... sor-ry to bother and interrupt you two, ah, I can, like, go away if you want." You mumbled sofly, but truly you were whispering, your voice as low and weak as possible, as you looked at the floor which seemed more interesting than whatever expression the duo was doing.
'They must be thinking ho-' That annoying voice was interrupted by Ruggie's heavenly voice and his hand that grounds you there.
"Don't worry your pretty head too much, we were just talking about the last spelldrive game." He explained, ears twitching as his hand remained on your shoulder, giving you his silent support as you breathed till you were calm again.
Despite your social anxiety urging you to turn back and hide in your room with this failure of an attempt, you mustered up the necessary courage to stay, a tired little smile growing on your lips as you looked at him. At his very green eyes that looked like a beautiful forest.
You still felt as prey surrounded by predators. You still felt as if they were ready to pounce on you and tear you apart. But you knew it was not truth, it couldn't be. Ruggie would never hurt anyo- uh, nevermind, anyways he wouldn't hurt you. You knew this much, you trusted him without a doubt.
Ruggie offered you a reassuring smile. And his lovely eyes made you weak in the knees, your heart beating like crazy inside your chest as you maintained prolonged eye contact with him. All your words forgotten, all your thoughts quietened for a moment. Very distantly you could hear Leona's soft laughter at how you looked at Ruggie without realizing your eyes were shining and a dumb smile was on your lips.
Leona coughed to caught Ruggie's attention back. You too looked at him and his expression was still inflexible but he nodded in your direction as if to welcome you when he noticed you staring. "We were discussing some strategies, herbivore. The last game was lacking."
Oh, spelldrive. You didn't know much about it but even if you did, maybe you wouldn't be able to express your thoughts properly. The courtyard was crowded, people walking and talking and all around you. You took a deep breath again, so far everything was good... Right?
"We should change our tactics." Ruggie said, quite uninteresting with the topic. You could see his little tail wagging behind his back, lazily while he explained his point. He could talk for hours about anything and you would still have a smile on your face while you heard him. It was a tranquil, soft sound, like a bird singing every morning.
"Shishishi, look at you!" His calloused hands cupped your face and you realized you were daydreaming again. Your whole face was warm as fire when you noticed how close he was. "Lost in your head, kitten? Didn't even said a word." He teased a little.
"I, uh, I..." What should you say? That you just wanted to spend some time with him? Was that a good enough reason? But what if he thinks you're weird? What if he thinks you are so weird that he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore? Worse... What if he found out that you had a crush on him?
Geez, you don't even want to think about it. If you had time to thought then you knew that only negative thoughts would live there.
Take a deep breath, it's okay to feel nervous. You told yourself, but his eyes were so mesmerizing, so beautiful that you quickly got lost inside them. Being genuine and honest is usually the best approach. Don't think, just speak. You got this!
"Well... I just wanted to say that I really enjoy spending time with you. You're a great person to be around, and I was hoping we could hang out more often. I know it might sound a bit random, but I value our friendship and I wanted to be honest about how I feel." You said, your whole burning while you fought against your anxiety and stood your ground.
Any other day you would have ran away or just not say everything out loud but you had made a promise with yourself and you were going to stay true to it. You wanted to overcome your shyness and anxiety, you wanted to be able to talk and laugh without worrying about anything. And Ruggie was quite happy with what you said, you realized. He was happy, not angry.
He petted your head and smiled. "Good work, it was hard to say this out loud, wasn't it? I'm proud of you."
Right at that instant you felt an enormous weight getting out of your shoulders. He was proud of you! He was not weirded out by you. A big sigh left your throat as you enjoyed the affection he gave you.
Maybe you should get out of your comfort zone more times.
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byeoltoyuki · 7 months
✧memories of us ✧ late night talk
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↳ Pairing: Jisung x Reader
❧ Genre : romance / smut /fluff / 1st love to strangers to lovers
❧ Summary: Sometimes memories are just that. Memories.
A series of drabbles about you and Jisung, about your love and your heartbreak and a second chance.
❧ A/N: Likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥
Masterlist / previous / next
You had been reading the same page over and over again for the past hour. You couldn’t sleep, your mind going wild with thoughts of your future, of the upcoming move. You tried to fall asleep but after one hour of tossing around, you grabbed your book and tried to distract yourself. It didn’t work out as you had hoped.
Whoever said that growing up was fun, was a liar. There was nothing fun about choosing a path that you weren’t convinced with. There was nothing fun about thinking about a future that was so uncertain. There was nothing fun about parting ways with your friends and your boyfriend. Of course, technology was helpful and you knew that despite the distance you would all keep in touch, but it still saddened you.
You knew the upcoming months would be hard for many reasons. Moving out to another city wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Meeting new people and hopefully making friends was another reason that made you anxious.
“I should stop overthinking.” You told yourself with a long and tired sigh. Every time you tried to stop your mind from thinking about your problems, it just didn’t work.
A noise coming from your window finally put a stop to your thoughts. Startled, you slowly turned your head to your window. Did you imagine the noise? But then, it happened again. You saw a rock hit your window. You lunged out of your bed, stumbling on the way.
Jisung was outside, ready to throw another small rock at your window. Your eyes widened in shock. It was past midnight, he was supposed to be at home, sleeping (or composing).
“What the hell, Ji?” You half yelled half whispered as you opened your window.
A huge smile spread on his face the moment your eyes locked. He didn’t hesitate to climb (and your heart clenched, worried he would slip and fall) to reach you. You hurried to grab his arm and pulled him inside your room.
“You’re crazy!”
“Crazy in love, yes.” He admitted and winked playfully.
You rolled your eyes at him, nevertheless your mouth twitched. How could you be mad when he said things like that?
Jisung looked around; it was his first time in your room and it was exactly like he had imagined. Cozy, warm and smelled of flowers. He jumped on your bed, acting as if he owned the place (not that you minded, having him in your room, on your bed did something to you). He patted the empty spot beside him.
You’d be in so much trouble if your mom found the two of you in your room, but then again, it wasn’t in her character to pay you a visit in your room. You plopped on the bed beside him, instantly wrapping your limbs around him, clinging to him as if your life depended on him. And maybe, in a way, it did.
“I figured you’d need company, angel.” Jisung admitted as he kissed the crown of your head.
You tilted your head to look at him, a little surprised. “How did you know?”
“Why? Because I know you so well!” He was, without a doubt, proud of himself. You slapped his chest in return for being so smug. “What? You know it’s true.”
You buried your head in his chest, inhaling his now so familiar scent. You would miss those moments; lying in bed, holding each other, talking for hours, laughing. You were scared to live in different towns, not being able to see each other whenever you wanted. Could your love survive the hardships? You wanted to believe it could. You wanted to believe that the two of you were strong enough to overcome the obstacles.
Jisung waited for you to speak. He had been with you for a long time to know the pretty mind of yours and how easily you could get lost in yours fears and insecurities. He didn’t want you to keep it to yourself. So, he waited, holding you dearly, stroking your hair.
“Will we be ok?” You finally asked, your voice tiny, unsure of your words, pressing yourself a little harder against him, seeking his warmth and comfort.
“Of course we will, angel. We’ve known each other long enough to withstand whatever the world throw at us. Moreover, what’s two hours of train? We’ll meet every weekend. I’ll keep texting you, so much, you’ll be sick of me.” He promised and it brought a tiny smile to your face, imagining him flooding your phone with his messages, his vocals. There was no way you could get tired of it.
You shifted against him, moving higher so you could peck his lips. “I like the sound of that.” He welcomed your lips with a tiny sigh of satisfaction.
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romanestuffsposts · 6 months
Can we have a beach day fic maybe the reader is anxious to go in the water at first but as soon as she goes out with her daddies she wants to go as far out as they can reach ❤️❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
Of course I can write that for you, I’m so sorry it took that long to be out. I hope you’re okay and will be happy with the fic 🩷
Enjoy beautiful <33
Warnings : fear of sea, anxiety, pet names, reassurance, kisses,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : the beautiful day was about to turn into an anxious one if your Daddies weren’t there to support and help you
A/N : I’m scared of the sea too hihi
You arrived.
The beach is actually right in front of you. You can see it through your window, as well as the kids running with sunscreen on their skins or adults walking with sunglasses and nice swimsuits.
But the thing that caught your eyes was the sea.
The deep and infinite water which remains calm in the background of the landscape.
You don’t have much fear in your life. When you were a kid you were scared of big dogs, one day your aunt adopted one and it happens to be your favorite animal now. At your teenage time, you were scared to talk to people, one day you had to talk in front of an assembly to defend the only person who mattered to you. Now you love talking to people when you feel listened to by others.
You’re not scared of the sea, you never had a bad experience with the deep water but maybe it’s for that exact reason that you’re not comfortable with the idea of going in it. You don’t know the sea, you don’t know what’s inside and the whole world that can live under you once you go for a swim.
You watch the family playing int the salty water, you watch kids on their animal-shaped buoy and you don’t understand how they’re just happy and nope scared or full of questions about that underworld.
‘’Sweetie ?’’ It’s the third times that your Papa is calling for you with you door wide open. You snap out of your mind and peer up at him ‘’it’s time to have fun, come on’’
He gave you his hand and help you stepping out of the car. You look around you and see your Daddy coming back from the trunk with towels and a bag. Your Papa keep a good grip on your hand as you all are walking toward the sand. The sensation feels weird against your naked soles and little toes. You’re not used to it.
Your Papa made you remove your shoes and sockets before going on the sand.
‘’Choose a good spot baby’’ your Daddy smiles as he looks down at you. You narrow your eyes because of the sun and point a spot you like once you find one.
‘’Here, remove your clothes so you can feel comfortable, I don’t want you to get too hot with the sun’’ Your Daddy says as he sit down, he opens the bag to put all the clothes in it and take out the sunscreen.
While your Papa removes his clothes, your Daddy applies the cream on your skin, he’s careful to put it everywhere so you won’t get burn. He gives you a little massage at the same time and you’re not going to tell him to stop. When he finish he wraps his arms around your torso and put your back against his chest, his chin fall on your shoulder and he kisses your cheek.
You melt into his arms, filled with all the emotions that are coming out from his body.
‘’I love you’’ he whispers in your ear. A tiny but sweet smile appears on your lips after his words. As your gaze is wondering around the blue sky, you answer him ‘’I love you too Daddy’’ in a quiet but loving voice.
During the three hours you spend there since you arrived you had the chance to build the most beautiful castle with your Papa. You tried to remove sand that were on your eyes because of the wind while your Daddy was laughing his ass off because of the face you were making.
To resume, you had a lots of fun, you didn’t even thought of the sea while you were spending time with your favorite men. That until your Daddy said he wanted to go take a swim with the fishes.
Your happy face changed into a anxious one when your Daddy put all the personal stuff in the bag, making it clear that you all were going in the sea.
They stand up and look down at you ‘’come on it’ll be fun you’ll see’’
You frown and shake your head ‘’I stay here’’ you mumble
‘’Baby, as much as we trust you we can’t let you alone here’’ Your Papa says.
‘’I don’t wanna’’
‘’Why’s that ?’’ He asks, kneeling beside you ‘’what’s wrong, princess ?’’
‘’ ‘m scared’’ You whisper
‘’Of what ? The sea ?’’ Your Daddy joins, kneeling beside you too.
You look at him and nod
‘’Oh babygirl’’ He sighs and sits beside you ‘’I know it can be scared because it’s big and it's the unknown down there so you have all the rights to be scared’’ he takes your hand in his ‘’but if you never take the first step you’ll always be scared. We don’t have to stay for hours in the water nor to go far away for a swim, we can just drop a toe but you can’t let that fear stop you from having the moment of your life’’
‘’Daddy’s right, sweetie. If you hide behind your fear you’ll never step above it to keep going in life, you can’t let that stop you’’ Your Papa adds. They both stand back up an,d give you their hands ‘’so what do you say ? We go drop a toe while watching the sunset before heading home ?’’
You look between them and the sea for a few seconds before nodding your head. They help you going on your feet and keep your hands in theirs while you walk. You stop a few feet from the water causing your Daddy to lift you up and rest you on his hip ‘’hey it’s okay, the water won’t eat you. We’re here with you little one, just as always’’
When your Daddies’s feet are in the water, your Daddy lowers himself so the tip of your toes touch the water. You gasp and retracted your foot ‘’it’s cold, isn’t it ?’’ He chuckles
You nod and smile a little
‘’Take it easy, princess. We have all the time in the world’’
You take a breath and lower you foot again. The cold doesn’t surprise you now, but the sensation of the water does. It’s not that bad in the end.
‘’hey baby look’’ your Papa points at the sky. You turn your head and see the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen.
‘’It’s beautiful isn’t it ?’’
Yea, it is… just like the time you spend here with you Daddies.
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cosmictulips · 2 years
I'm Wishing... For the One I Love... to find me...today (PAC)
So this fun pac is all about Your Future Spouse & When You'll be meeting them.
Close your eyes and pick a disney princess ;) --- as always if you want more pacs feel free to follow me. I'm trying to be more active this year. and uhm, yea. this is part one of a series that I'm doing.
I am also open to doing exchanges and paid tarot readings. for more info feel free to look on my blog or reach out.
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Coincidently, they are also in order of which they came out.
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My pile 1's !
Who This Person Is ::
The Magician, the Hierophant, King of Swords, 10 of Pentacles, 09 of Swords, 05 of Pentacles
Yea so, this person is having it rough right now. they could come a rather difficult life, but regardless of whether or not it's a rough life or just a period, the thing to know about them is that they don't quit. they will work themselves to death if it means they can achieve their goals. they are very hard on themselves and will keep pushing and beating on a dead horse. they simply have a hard time letting go.
they are very intelligent people and because of that, they've been able to work smarter not harder ;) they have a strong foundation but -and I really can't emphasize this enough-, they really had to work at it. the money that they have, the friendships, connections, etc. came from a long line of suffering. dare I suggest this person has heavy saturn or pluto influence. just fixed energy comes from this person.
they are stubborn, they are witty, and blunt. but they are also soft and very wise. they aren't a boulder, they will move mountains. despite this anxiety that I'm picking up on, they are a marshmellow. they believe in the best and they believe that they deserve nothing but the best. and they believe that to be the case with everyone. this person is hard on others because they see the potential and want to push you to be better.
they are a giver. they will give you everything if it meant that you will fly. they've had to learn the hard way that you can't just give everything away. so don't be surprised if they come off as closed off to you. they lack alot in this life time but they know they can achieve greatness.
I think the fear of abandonment and never having enough to survive, drives them forward. they get in their head a lot. they are probably their own worst enemey to be honest. Taurus energy is coming through strongly but that's because I'm picking up on homebody vibes. this person likes to cook. likes to be surrounded by like minded individuals and things that make them happy.
there's a tendency to relax only when their body is ready to give out. they are stubborrrnnnnn. I can't stress that enough. they'll tell you to go shower and sleep but they'll never sleep and never shower because they're just too focused on what is ahead of them haha. definitely the type to be like "do as I say not as I do".
wouldn't be surprised if this person has some sort of management job or is doing their own thing. they're destined to have it all in this life time and they know it. I'm seeing someone with an intense stare, so definitely, don't.... be too shy around them. they will see your nervousness and feel anxious about it. they'll want to spoil you and protect you. definitely a lot of masculine, just strong energy here. even if it is a female.
they're also intuitive as heck but I think they let the worries get to them. they think that ... by branching out and thinking "illogically" will just hurt them so they try to stick to what they know. so you might have to change that way. they want to believe in stuff like Tarot, but their rationality will talk them out all the time. so get them into it lol.
if you can get them out of their head, and you will cause they're your person, you'll see a very loving, and spontaneous side to them. someone good with their words and loves to laugh. they have a smile that just lights up the sky bruh. it's so cute.
When You Two Will Meet ::
sooo I'm getting May -June, September- October. these can be birthdays, these can be literal months that you two meet. I'm also hearing gemini season which I think further throws May into the mix haha.
You two are going to be in a situation where you will talk... a lot. maybe someone introduces you two, maybe you both are late for the train and miss it and have to wait for another one. regardless, I see one of you making idle chat and then you both just go off . this person is extremely easy to talk to despite their kind of nonchalant gaze. and I feel like it's one of those things where you two will just keep running into each other.
I did pick up on other people being around so I have a funny feeling it's a public place. a party, a museum, idk. just someplace where you both might be thinking you're talking to your friends but it turns out it's each other. or you both just... it's perfect timing to be honest.
ALSO you could be meeting via a dating app. something about texting. I see a lot of texting and talking online.
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My Pile 2's !
Who They Are ::
The High Priestess, The Magician, The Lovers, King of Wands, Queen of Swords, Page of Wands, 07 of Cups, 03 of Pentacles
so. this persons energy really wanted me to stress just how different they are to other people. strong neptune energy. they are like "I'm adaptable, I can do whatever you ask me to do and I'll still be me". so really, just strong mutable placements.
this person is kind of lucky. when I was getting the cards out for this, I kind of kept laughing. this person really has a great sense of humor and just enjoys being around things and people and places. travelers. probably the type to know a lot of weird things. like a lot, but of niche things haha. great conversationalists.
Very romantic people. might be a bit of a flirt. really good at getting what they want. they tend to bring good luck wherever they go. not the type to really be argumentive or defensive, but they sure as hell can be. they know how harsh the world is and they try not to let it get to them. they try not to use their words as a weapon. but they are sharp. don't let that happy go lucky attitude fool you.
they may be a bit indecisive. they like to do a lot of things... at once. maybe they have ADHD. they just like to see people smile. type to just go on spontanious roadtrips haha. they are very intutiive and I have a funny feeling that they might be into the mysical and the paranormal. I mean, with their wandering mind, they probably are.
definitely daredevils. I hear... that some of them might be good at baking. gardening. they take care of things. they're gentle souls. I feel like they're a gemini lol. maybe they have strong gemini placements or something. mercurial for sure.
people love to be around them. I think they're just good at getting others to work together. could be popular but to be honest with you, I think they're just talkative haha. people could just want to hang out with them. like, I see them knowing people, but very few actually get close to them. talkative, but ...secretive. ya know what I mean?
definitely some leo vibes going on. but, not arrogant. they just know how to have a good time and not take things too seriously. unless they need to.
I think... as for jobs, they might be inclined to help people. teaching, medical type stuff, theater even. music. they just... LIKE TO DO THINGS IDK. some of them might even do more mystical things haha.
When You Two Will Meet ::
some of you will meet around five months from now. the thing about the meeting is, I'm seeing you two meet during a time of... not necessarily failure but just saddness. maybe something doesn't really work out, maybe you're in the middle of a healing journey or they are. but they are just... sad. grieving.
maybe there's just some extesential dread. did I spell that right? dread lol. I think honestly, this has to do with the fact that while they are surrounded by people and are liked, they don't feel connected. and so when they meet you, they're going to be so inclined to be with you instantly. you two are like souls who are meant to meet. and they'll know it right away.
anyway, I see a rainy season. so maybe summer is important here. spring too but I really think it's summer.
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My Sweet 3's!
Who They Are ::
The World, Strength, The Lovers, 09 of Pentacles, 02 of Wands, 02 of Cups
The first thing that came to my mind was just how much of a romantic this person is. they just have a zest for life. this person is also very independent and they enjoy just doing things that make them happy. I keep hearing nature, so I think this person might like to go hiking and being around animals. I'm seeing lots of trees in particular. I think they just like to be introvert haha.
they have a vivid imagination. they like to plan, and daydream and are very artisitic in their expression. very forgiving people. they have a very soft but calm vibe. I think this person tries not to let things get to them. they ... kind of struggle with self confidence. I'm getting this message that some of them really struggled a bit growing up and now they just... glow. they're used to handling things on their own.
It's kind of like number one and two. this person is very balanced. they have big ideas and they want to puruse them but I think things just keep falling out of place. they get stuck in their own minds about it but it hasn't stopped them just yet. they keep trying.
they have this strong gut instinct that something big is out there waiting for them. they're serious but also like... they tend to goof around. they know what they're looking for and won't settle for anything less. but the execution in their ideas, might need a little help.
they're very striaghtforward in their speech. people are very interested in what they have to say and I think it's because they don't say much. it's funny cause I feel like this person is just coasting by right now. like doing a "low end" job. but it's because they are aiming for the larger stuff. they're waiting for their time to shine. they're patient. it's honestly fascinating. they know something is going to happen. and they're not slowing down, but they know enough to wait.
very strong minded, wise and mature. capricorn energy is what I'm getting here but also aquarius and virgo. detail oriented.
When You Two Will Meet ::
August and September is kind of the time frame I'm getting here. I think also capricorn and virgo season is important here. this relationship is going to take time to develop. this person is very secure in who they are and they want to romance you. winter is also coming to mind but that kind of hits home with the capricorn season haha.
Idk, there's not much to say about this person and timing. they're quiet. but it's not a bad thing.
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marshmellowzz · 1 year
I want some headcanons about a male Reader and Genya going to the same shooting range together and being friends :3 Also maybe Sanemi is there too?
Shooting Alley Headcanons With Genya
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A/n - I’m sorry for the wait, anon! but I’ve finally got around to finishing this request, I hope you like it!
- genya was always a good shot, but his ultimate downfall would be his piss-poor social skills and extremely low confidence.
- the man is the physical embodiment of “looks like they will kill you but is actually a sweetheart”
- He has a very intimidating resting face, and the more anxious he becomes the more his scowl deepens, which leaves him confused as to why people tend to stray away from him.
- “Why is everybody scared of me ?☹️”
- so imagine the absolute distraught mess he became when he found out that you — someone he admired and found pretty cool — was also pretty handy in terms of aiming.
- genya keeps trying to hype himself up to strike up a conversation with you but he chickens out every single time.
- It doesn’t take long for him to find out that you two go practice at the same shooting range.
- he tries his best to avoid you, he gets scared to speak to you in fears that you would find him strange or scary.
- he definitely tries to ask sanemi for advice but sanemi is just not helpful at all.
- “jus’ stop being a pussy ‘n go talk to him.”
- you’d definitely have to be the one to strike up a conversation with him.
- he might look a little intimidating at first, and he may look like he holds a deep hatred for you.
- that is not the case!
- once you do, he’d probably super very nervous—and if you were to invite him to shoot beside you—he would miraculously be failing every single one of his shots.
- just a sputtering and embarrassed mess 😭
- luckily for genya, sanemi was not there. If he was he’d be laughing his guts out.
- It’ll take him some time to warm up to you…but the end result is worth it!
- after a while he’d start approaching you at school and hanging out with you.
- he’d begin to be more comfortable with you and he’d ask if you’d be at the shooting range after school.
- you guys would probably be hanging out after school every other day, just at your local shooting range.
- sanemi never liked this little hobby genya had adopted,
- since sanemi is a math teacher in the modern AU, he gets really pissed when he sees genya “goofing off” instead of improving his ability with math.
- he probably makes genya come home so he can practice math instead of going to the shooting range,
- sanemi has an unspoken dislike for you
- and your just like “???”
- but at the end of the day, sanemi knows you make his brother happy, so he lets it slide.
- hanging out with you is something genya looks forward to.
- whenever he’s sulking or moping around in class—he remembers that you guys are going to the shooting range after school together.
- he eventually feels that he can call you his best friend.
- he’ll gain the courage to invite you to other places besides the shooting range.
- new movie?
“let’s watch it together.”
- a cafe downtown?
“we can try it out.”
- “wanna meet my brother?”
- yeah…sanemi isn’t very thrilled to see you.
- its ok, he’ll have to get used to seeing you around because Genya holds you close to his heart.
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