#And they're all as enjoyable as they are confusing
skopostheorie · 1 year
as someone who has hungarian as their first language it's such a jumpscare to go to your blog and get reminded that you're learning it cuz it's barely mentioned anywhere lmao
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I'm tired of the "this series is awful" aftg readers feel the need to preface with before they admit they love it. I admit I used to do this, mostly because I felt i would be deemed cringe for very sincerely enjoying the more "out there" aspects of the series (fake sport, japanese mafia, andrew's meds).
I think the series, by virtue of being self published, is naturally going to be very unconventional. I've seen people complain that there isn't really a beginning, middle & end and that is true. the structure is odd and for three-act-structure enjoyers it might actually even be unsettling. but I think it's disingenuous to say there isn't a story because the story is the emotional journey of it's characters. the author pays little regard to respecting conventional story structure because the plot is just a vehicle through which the characters self-actualize. like, yeah, in most books, the climax would be in the last third of the book. yeah, in the king's men it's at the midpoint. yeah, some readers are going to call this "bad writing".
but I don't think that just because some people are going to think it's bad (particularly bad faith readers) it's enough for you to preface your love of the series with "I know it's bad! I'm obsessed with it tho." it isn't! I genuinely don't think these books are bad. I think there are fair criticisms to be made, but why is the line in regards to what a reader should be willing to accept drawn at a fictional sport? I think if you approach aftg the way you would approach a fantasy novel (i.e. willing to move past crazy concepts because that's the structure of this world and this world isn't our world) rather than nitpicking things that are functionality fantastical, you'll be able to look past all the unorthodox storytelling to realize that you like these books for a reason. and the reason is that they're good.
the writing is polished (not just for a self published novel imo), the characters are otherworldly yet have complex emotional arcs that are consistent with their characterization, the plot is absolutely fucking bonkers but within the framework of the world it functions as a driving force for the characters to make choices and grow. that's a good book from where I'm standing. aftg asks a lot of the reader but I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.
I think people need to learn to stand for their opinions regardless of what "critics" will say. maybe this preemptive need to assert that you know aftg is bad but you love it anyways is a result of not wanting to seem cringe, wanting to seem in on the joke, idk? but really, I think it does more harm to constantly deride something you love, just because you want to make sure people know you know it's bad before they get the chance to tell you it's bad. you should respect yourself as a reader. anyways I love aftg and genuinely think they're good books!
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
Something else I've been thinking about as late/ also a big factor in whyy I'm taking a break... I neverr realized that everyone else was allowed to have their own blogs/space except for me....
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stairset · 1 year
I realize this could get me crucified in certain circles but as good as Andor was I really do think its fans can be truly insufferable.
#i'm sorry but so many andor fans just have this snobby ass attitude about it#and feel the need to act as if it's The Only Good Star Wars Thing Ever Made#and every other star wars thing should copy it#because clearly if the show's style works for THAT story it MUST work for every story right#it was annoying when the show was airing and it's annoying now#like idk maybe the people who described it as ''star wars for people who hate star wars'' weren't that far off#i already talked about all this in another post a while back#but y'know a new show just came out which means i have to put up with it again#even though there's really no reason to compare andor and ahsoka outside of ''they're both star wars shows''#and most of it is just people bitching that ahsoka is more reference-heavy#which as i've also pointed out in previous shows. it's a sequel.#a sequel continues the story of a previous work that's literally the entire fucking point#like i'm sorry but when it comes to this show specifically i do not give a solitary FUCK about the casual viewer#it has been very explicitly and unambiguously billed as a direct sequel to rebels from the start#and it was announced 3 years ago which is more than enough time to get caught up#no one is forcing you to watch the sequel before the thing it's a sequel to#as far as i'm concerned if you watch a sequel before the first one that's entirely on you#you knew what you were getting into and you have forfeited any right to bitch about being confused#but anyway back to andor i'm not gonna let people being annoying about it affect my enjoyment of it#cause it IS a good show and i don't wanna end up resenting it just cause people are pretentious asses about it#but yeah i think certain people could maybe stand to get off their fucking high horses over star wars spin-off shows#shut up tristan
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jacobglaser · 2 years
OK so I'm rewatching the first ep of Will Trent bc I was half drunk last time I watched it and I want to give it a fair shake. Literally the first words Will speaks have annoyed me tho so we're off to a good start. I just need to try and remove the books from my mind because comparing them is never gonna end up well.
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maximusboltaqon · 2 years
Hey there, you’ve probably seen me liking your posts and I just wanted to say hello! I like the Inhumans a lot too and I think the hatedom that evolved for them is a shame as they’re so genuinely interesting. Kudos to you for making this blog! Your analysis and devotion are awesome!
im so sorry for the late reply but omg!!!! thank you!!!!
yes, they definitely get way more hate then i feel they deserve? especially since they've been around for SO LONG. like, iirc the x-men didn't even really start getting popular until a run in the 70s... at least 7 years after the inhumans' creation! their stories are usually really complex and emotional, but i also love how easy it is to make something lighthearted with them when it's needed. there's so much to love and appreciate about these guys, and i really really wish the mcu and fans didn't jump the shark on them the second they underperformed :(
i definitely have lots of thoughts about them!!! thank you for enjoying my blog!!! <3
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yamujiburo · 28 days
Here's an arc I thought about doing but won't do because, it'd be a bit too sad and also it's too similar to the Turing Point Arc I already did and also it would be long. But I'll write it here for you angst enjoyers. This ended up being longer than I thought.
Despite getting the "okay" from Ash to date Jessie, Delia still worries that she's not doing the right thing or being a bad mom. Up until now she'd convinced herself that she had the right to be selfish for once after knowing only sacrifice and putting herself last.
Jessie and Ash, while not as antagonistic towards each other, still go at it. A Pikachu zap here, an angry "twerp" being uttered there. The guilt settles in for Delia and figures that it's best to just cut things off before things potentially get worse or before she gets too attached to Jessie. Her son comes first after all. That's what she signed up for when becoming a parent.
She sits Jessie down, eyes watery (it's the first time Jessie's ever seen Delia come close to crying). Delia says she thinks they should end things. Jessie is stunned but accepts it quickly. She sucks it up in the moment, puts a resigned smile on her face and tells Delia she'll leave immediately and not to worry about her. Delia's also broken up about it but promised herself she'd never cry over a goodbye and she wasn't gonna start now.
Jessie goes to James and Meowth's place greeted similarly to this, lightly teasing her about blowing it with Delia, and she breaks down sobbing. Oops it's real this time. James and Meowth do everything in their power to make her feel better. They let her know that things like this happen and they're ready to go wherever she wants to go (knowing that it'd likely be to painful for her to stay in Pallet). As much as she wants to leave, she doesn't want James and Meowth to lose the good thing they have going. She's not in the right headspace to make any decisions so she'll get to it later.
Ash returns home after doing a little training at Oak's lab. He notices Jessie's not around and asks his mom where she is. Delia is about to tell him but can't quite bring herself to say the truth out loud yet. She simply says "I don't know". Ash looks disappointed. "Aw man, I wanted to see if she wanted to battle. She makes a good battle buddy for all of my newer, baby Pokémon." Delia perks up that this. As quickly as he came, he leaves again to go train his Pokémon.
Later, Delia approaches Ash, asking him if he really meant that what he said about Jessie being a good battle partner. He gives her an enthusiastic "yeah!" and tells her that it's been nice having another battle ready trainer around since there's not many in Pallet. Delia starts to pry a little more. "I thought you and Jessie didn't get along?" Ash is confused, and tells Delia they get along great! "Jessie doesn't steal anymore! And she's getting better at battling which is cool." Delia brings up that she's head them argue before. "Oh... well I guess that's just how we are. I'd be weirded out if she was suddenly too nice to me all the time. Jessie's actually a lot like Misty. But taller!" This gives Delia a lot to think about but what's done is done and it's no use pressing on. It's easier this way.
The next morning Delia's getting ready for work. She must not have noticed that she was acting weird but Ash picks up on it. "What's wrong mom?" Delia's shocked he noticed (he's not usually this perceptive). She tells him it's nothing and that she just slept bad. "Hm. But Jessie says that when you're upset you get really quiet and intense." Delia notices that she was pretty intensely mixing the pancake batter. "Jessie told you that?" Ash nods. "Hey speaking of, where is Jessie? Haven't seen her since yesterday." Delia stops mixing and tells Ash that she and Jessie aren't together anymore. Ash is confused and upset at the idea of Jessie doing something that would hurt his mom enough for them to break up. Delia lets him know that Jessie didn't do anything like that and that them breaking up was just for the best. But Ash questions this, pointing out that he's never seen Delia as happy as she was when Jessie was there and also how Delia looks really sad now. Delia can't argue with that but then tells him that it's complicated. Ash, to Delia's surprise, looks a bit disappointed. He's bummed he wasn't able to say goodbye first and asks if she thinks Jessie would still be willing to come by and train with him sometimes. Delia asks him once more if he was really okay with her and Jessie dating. "Yeah I thought I said that already? Jessie's pretty cool when she's not being evil. And she really likes Pokémon which is a plus!" Such simple criteria. Delia's now worried that she might've made a mistake. She finishes making breakfast and heads to work.
At the restaurant she's met by James. She can feel an awkwardness hanging in the air. She knows that James knows. Before she can say anything James tells Delia thank you for employing him and helping him, Meowth and Jessie get back on their feet but that he's going to quit working at the restaurant and that they'll likely be leaving Pallet soon. Delia's heart sinks. There's now a ticking clock and she has to decide what she wants to do SOON. She asks James where Jessie is. James hesitantly tells her that she's at his and Meowth's place. Delia pleads with James to work the restaurant for one more day at least and to cover this shift. She has to go talk to Jessie. He agrees, hoping that this is a good thing.
Delia runs to James and Meowth's place. She knocks on the door upon arrival and waits. It takes a moment but she hears the door unlock. Jessie opens the door, disheveled, tears and snot all over her face, draped in a blanket. Jessie notices it's Delia and, frightened, slams the door. Delia's stunned for a moment and goes to knock on the door again but before she can the door opens. This time Jessie's tears are gone, her hair's fixed and she ditched the blanket. "Oh hey, Delia! What brings you here?" Delia can't help but be charmed. But this is serious. She shakes it off and asks if they could talk. Jessie invites her in. They get to the couch and Jessie starts frantically cleaning up all the crumpled tissues and dirty dishes off the ground. "Heh I caught a cold yesterday. A one day cold. I'm fine now." Delia doesn't call out the obvious lie and gets straight to the point.
She tells Jessie that she's worried she made a mistake. She made a panicked decision that she was hoping would protect Ash and her future self. But now realizes that she was afraid of the idea that she'd made a selfish decision by dating her. It was a selfish decision but that didn't mean it was a bad one. She was the happiest she'd been, Jessie and Ash were learning to get along and were getting along much better than she'd though. She acknowledges that Jessie has been there for Ash in a way that she can't quite be and is also grateful to her for managing to keep Ash home a little longer. She asks if Jessie would be willing to take her back (despite the distress she caused). Jessie starts sobbing with happy tears. She tearfully says she'll try even harder to get along with Ash and be a better person. Delia reassures her that she's doing just fine.
They kiss passionately but then realize it's weird that they're making out in James in Meowth's place and say they'll continue later. Delia tells Jessie to head back home and that Ash is looking forward to battling with her (and she also needs to let James and Meowth not to quit their jobs).
The end~
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itsbenedict · 15 days
so in an effort to be slightly less out-of-touch, i went and watched all of Skibidi Toilet the other day. (at present, the whole series is about the length of a feature film, so this wasn't too big a lift.)
what surprised me is just... how totally normal it was. like, it's not at all difficult to describe. people big it up as this incomprehensible thing that's emblematic of a generation gap, but it's. not.
the plot is: there's toilets with human heads in them that go "skibidi dom dom dom yes yes, skibidi dabbadul neef neef". they can move despite a lack of ambulatory appendages. this is wacky and unsettling, but the chief question is: Do They Win In A Fight Against Some Robots With Cameras For Heads?
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it's an action movie about a war against an alien invasion. that's it. less than the first thirty seconds of it are anarchic GMod YTP insanity- it develops a plot almost immediately. the plot is paper-thin and conveyed almost entirely without dialogue, existing to set up giant robot fights and zombie apocalypse jumpscares.
who are these factions? why are they fighting? you aren't failing to get it because the kids these days are on some totally different psychic wavelength. the show simply does not give a shit about this question. here are some bad guys! here are some good guys! they're going to do explosions and punches at each other for roughly two minutes until the perspective camera is abruptly destroyed in the crossfire somehow.
it is a remarkably competently-shot action movie. the fight scenes are weighty and satisfying and have lots of exciting little twists and turns as the two sides pull increasingly bigger weapons and gadgets out of their asses. the production gets more elaborate over time, and it's a pretty stellar example of what machinima is capable of. genuinely good at the things it's trying to do.
it does kinda fall down a little later, as it attempts to develop Characters and Deepest Lore after kind of not caring about that for most of its runtime. the decision to have "dialogue" almost exclusively in the form of incomprehensible heavily-filtered backwards speech with no subtitles is probably rewarding for die-hard Skibidi-heads who have the time on their hands to mess with the audio and uncover all the hidden messages, but it means you are not going to understand anything anyone is saying on a normal watch.
the action suffers from this decision a little bit towards the end, as for reasons that completely fail to come across, the toilets appear to have broken into their own factions and start fighting each other and forming various alliances, which disrupts the simplicity of the setup and makes it hard to determine who's winning a fight at any given time. a giant scary toilet man just exploded! was that bad, or good? listen, don't worry about it. all you need to know is that these things are going to keep happening until DaFuqBoom gets bored.
it's like a... 7/10, shallow but enjoyable. easy to see why kids like it. not going to give you any deeper insights into the Kids These Days, but there's worse ways to spend a couple hours.
(the most confusing thing to me is how something this straightforward got a reputation for crossing some sort of rubicon of cultural alienation. did everyone born in the 20th century who talks about this show just watch eighteen seconds of it and give up???)
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Not to be a downer, but I actually finished my novel and now I’m confused because I don’t want to publish it. I don’t even particularly want anyone other than maybe my two close friends to even read it. What on Earth did I write 40k words (which I know is not really long enough for a novel, but it’s still far and away the longest thing I’ve ever written) for? I know people say “write for yourself” but like… am I just wasting my time? Help?
(p.s. you can leave this off anon)
(p.p.s your blog is really great 👍)
There's No Such Thing as Wasted Writing
I'm going to tackle this two ways...
#1 - "Write For Yourself" - there's a reason this common phrase has echoed through the Hall of Writers since time immemorial. It's because it's true! Writing doesn't have to be anything more than a pastime. It doesn't have to be anything more than something you do for your own benefit and enjoyment.
I have an in-joke with family members about how any time one of us does something the least bit crafty, DIY, skilled, whatever, a particular family member will always say, "You did a great job! You should do it for a living!" Like, someone can't even crochet a Kawaii mushroom without being pressured to turn it into an Etsy dynasty, or paint a cabinet without being pressured to become the next Property Brothers. And that's such a BANANAS capitalistic mindset, isn't it? This idea that nothing can be done purely for our own enjoyment. That you can't just write a novel because you want to... you can only write it if you plan to share it or publish it? It's just so silly.
And, the thing is, we don't even apply that mentality to a lot of other things people do purely for enjoyment. No one is streaming all of Bridgerton in two nights and saying, "I enjoyed every second of that, but why did I do that? Such a waste of time!" No one spends an hour strumming their guitar under the stars on a beach, and then says, "That was so relaxing and fun, but I didn't charge for that performance and I didn't record it to sell it, so that was obviously a waste of time."
You know what I mean?
#2 - And Anyway, Practice Makes Perfect - And if you keep writing--even if you continue not to share or publish--you'll get better and better with each story you write. Which, maybe all that means is you get to appreciate your own improvement, but also, should you ever change your mind and decide to write something to share or publish, you've now spent time honing your skills. Even if those other stories never see the light of day, they're still an important foundation of the writer you become. Do you know how many unpublished novellas, novels, and short stories I have? Too many to count. Hundreds of fan-fiction and original fiction short stories I've only shared with one or two other people, if anyone. A dozen or so novels and novellas that have only been read by a few people, and some haven't been read by anyone else or have only been read by my CPs. I would never consider those stories and novels and novellas to be a waste of time, because I know every single one made me a better writer. My published work is better because I wrote those other things.
So, I hope that makes you feel better. At the very least you hopefully enjoyed writing your novel--or at least got something out of it--and you definitely honed your writing skills, which matters! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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cottagec0relover21 · 3 months
"You're sweeter than wine"
How would Dungeon Meshi characters (men) react to you telling them this phrase?
hopefully this isn't ooc, I tried my very best to make it accurate to each character's personality but, well, it's kinda hard for me. Anyways, here's me proving I haven't died and that I'm still willing to write despite my brain being a wreck because of anxiety. Hope you enjoy!
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Laios: he's not exactly sure what you mean, but he smiles regardless of his confusion. "Oh! Thank you" but then the doubt crawls up his spine and it makes him ask "what kind of wine? Red? White? Rosé? They're all pretty different in their own way, you know?" so he starts making you explain exactly what you meant, which makes him end up smiling even more now that he knows exactly what you had wanted to express to him since the beginning.
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Kabru: I feel like he's used to people thinking he's attractive, he's very analytical when he knows someone new, always paying attention to every detail, every gesture, every roll of their eyes or even when their breath hitches. So when you walked over to him and said hi, but your next words were such a thing, he froze for a moment, blinking owlishly. A little hint of a blush and a laugh erupt from him. He's both amused and flattered by how blunt and sudden you were with it, but he let's you know he appreciates the gesture by saying something along the lines of: "thank you, I could say the same thing about you" and then winking one of his pretty icy blue eyes. (I think I'm fainting)
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Chilchuck: not a fan of sweet things, unless it's your compliments, so at first he's taken aback, but then he chuckles. "Well, where did that come from?" He tries to tease you, poking wherever he can reach on your body (depends on how tall you are, if you're a tall-man he probably pokes your stomach) he has a cocky smile on his face, and through all the teasing it probably looks like he wasn't really affected by it, but deep down he really, really liked it. It was a funny thing to say so suddenly, but that didn't mean it didn't make him feel happy and flattered. As an alcohol enjoyer, he finds it funny you're using such an analogy for him.
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Thistle: "What??" He's a bit surprised you'd say that to him of all people, but still, a soft blush appears on his cheeks due to embarrassment and a bit of confussion because he just received a compliment from someone he loves. We all know that when he cares for someone, he cares... a lot. So it means a lot to him when you choose to compliment him in such a way, even if he doesn't really get it, since it's canon he doesn't like to drink, at all, but he supposes by your comment that all wines must be sweet then and therefore it makes sense for you to say that. (Even if he doesn't think he's sweet to begin with)
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Yaad: he's a softie, so his immediate reaction is a surprised expression, accompanied by a soft blooming blush on his cheeks, and then a smile. "Oh, um, thank you..." he's not sure what wine tastes like, since he didn't use to drink even when he was able to taste food and drinks, but he remembers people around him enjoying a cup of wine from time to time before, which makes him capable of appreciating the compliment. Once the initial shock calm down quickly, he composes himself and with a smile, returns the compliment: "You're very sweet yourself" keep in mind that while he's saying it he's picturing a jar of honey in his brain since it's known that honey is sweet and soft. Just like you ;)
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dark-konohagakure2 · 1 month
orochimaru making fem reader and sasuke have sex as he guides them :3 lots of praise and daddy kink on oros part, sasuke and the reader are inexperienced virgins
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tw: mutual noncon, voyeurism, daddy kink, praise, implied orosasu, breeding, butt plugs, forced orgasm
All characters depicted are 18+
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Orochimaru is a very smart man, he's able to see the flaws with some of his plans, including his latest plan to obtain a perfect vessel. Once he takes over Sasuke's body, there won't be anymore Uchihas left for him to use as a vessel (except Itachi, but that didn't go very well the first time), but Orochimaru is smart, he knows that if he can't find a new Uchiha, he can just make one.
Orochimaru wishes he could simply impregnate Sasuke himself, his intelligence combined with the Uchiha's genetics and beauty would be an incredible vessel, but alas, he'll need to settle for the next best option: forcing Sasuke into making a child with one of Orochimaru's many prisoners.
He'll call Sasuke to his personal quarters under the guise of teaching him a special jutsu, only for Sasuke to show up and become confused when he sees Orochimaru waiting with a female prisoner. The Sannin won't bother explaining himself, simply ordering both of the young adults to strip, and they're left with no choice but to obey.
Orochimaru is incredibly creepy and invasive during the entire process, spreading the girl's pussy with his fingers and giving information and directions to the unnerved Sasuke, telling him what each body part is and what to do with it, both for Orochimaru's grand plan and his own sick enjoyment.
"Now now, my dearest Sasuke, you're a big boy now aren't you? All you have to do is stick your lovely cock inside of her and fuck her until you make a new baby for Daddy..."
Orochimaru will watch intently, almost unblinkingly, as Sasuke clumsily thrusts into her, both parties being equally reluctant and unsure of what exactly they're supposed to be doing. The long haired man can't resist helping them out a little bit, praising them along the way and occasionally guiding Sasuke's inexperience thrusts into her.
He practically has to physically restrain himself from touching himself to the sight, that would ruin the lovely spectacle he's put into motion, instead contenting himself with watching, and he can always have one of his lovely little pets take care of him later.
Sasuke looks both nervous and angry the entire time, and he must be shy too, because he hasn't cum yet even after several minutes of thrusting. Orochimaru can't have that, he's not a very patient man, so he'll take matters into his own hands, gently forcing a lovely little vibrating toy inside of Sasuke, the vibrating sensation against Sasuke's prostate being enough to force the Uchiha into an intense orgasm, spewing his load directly into the prisoner underneath him.
Orochimaru is more than pleased with how his little experiment went, in more ways than one, and he'll be sure to praise his darling less than willing participants for their contributions, although it's a bit more than clear that Orochimaru is playing favorites with his 'children'.
"That's my good Sasuke, such a good boy for Daddy... Only a true prodigy like yourself could make an unremarkable girl like her useful for my plans... now I wont have to worry about my next vessel..."
The Sannin considers this latest experiment of his to be a complete success, not only does he get a new host body in just nine months, but he has the perfect memory to look back on whenever he's fisting his cock late at night.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
lily of the valley
bonjour et joyeux premier mai! in france and belgium we give our loved ones lily of the valley flowers on may day to wish them luck in the upcoming year. sooo I thought... why not treat a few of my favorite boys?
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summary: gifting them a lily of the valley type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, epel, rook, vil, lilia additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
"...Oh? And what's this?"
your first "victim" of the day is none other than the strict and formal Heartslabyul housewarden himself
as a man of tradition, and an enjoyer of flowers, you figure Riddle is the perfect place to start
as you're already well aware of the gardening culture in the Queendom of Roses, you even make an effort to read up on botanical facts about the gift ahead of time, if only to impress him
and... well, you didn't have the time to paint these ones red
or is that only for roses...? these rules can be quite confusing...
When you hand him the gift, he's simply surprised. Flowers? But he doesn't remember asking you for these...?
Riddle inspects the sprig of lilies in his hand, rolling the stem between his fingers as you explain their meaning
and, much to your delight, he's pleasantly receptive
"They're not roses, but... I suppose they're very nice. Thank you,"
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫
"Now, what's all this for?"
if there's one thing Epel Felmier is absolutely tired of, it's flowers
well... it's not that he hates them, it's just... they're a girly thing, right? not to mention that Vil keeps them everywhere- the lounge, the rooms, he'd bet even that creepy basement under the dorm has a pristine porcelain vase full of the seasonal picks
ah, but flowers from you...?
and ones with a special meaning, no less
he'll never admit it aloud, but he's honored you chose him, of all people, to call a loved one
and so, Epel doesn't fuss too much when you take the liberty of putting the sprig in his front pocket, displaying it like a medal of honor
he might even chuckle at the whole thing
this is almost like something an old couple would do... it reminds him a little of his grandparents, even
"Well... alright. Aren't you as sweet as apple pie today?"
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞
"Ah? A gift for me?"
his immediate reaction? how delightful!
how long it's been since he's received flowers like this... ah, they remind him of his youth!
despite his initial excitement, though, Lilia soon becomes far more invested in the meaning behind the gesture than the gesture itself!
he's fostered quite an interest in other cultures and traditions, after all, and he'll be more than glad to listen to you talk about your own for hours, and hours, and hours...
his curiosity is quite charming, isn't it?
perhaps he and his cuteness can convince you to exchange more stories sometime!
Lilia takes such a liking to the tradition, in fact, that he passes it on to Silver, Sebek, and Malleus, giving each a new sprig of lilies with a brief (and somewhat confusing) explanation
(Malleus may have to ask you about that later)
but, of course, Lilia reserves the bragging rights of getting his own flowers directly from you
"Fufufu, I hope this won't be the last time I get flowers from you, Prefect,"
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
"Oh, my. For me? They're lovely,"
Vil has received wreaths of roses, bouquets of the finest arrangements, even entire rooms full of flowers from devoted fans and management
but... something about the measly little sprig of lilies you're handing him first thing in the morning is all the sweeter
if there's anything he'll give you credit for, it's your taste in flowers. you must have chosen the best of the bunch especially for him, the way it's practically glowing
as soon as he's done admiring your pick, he pins it to his lapel, and keeps it there for the rest of the day
this color just accentuates his uniform so nicely, doesn't it?
and once you're done reciting your knowledge about the flower, he'll be sure to add his own, explaining the symbolism of such a beauty
"Lily of the valley: a return of happiness... Hm, much like yourself, no?"
(he will not elaborate on what he means by that)
but he does have a little spring in his step for the next few hours
"Oh, and, dear? You can be sure to expect ten times as many of these from me at your door next year,"
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
"Ah, such a lovely shape! you have an incroyable eye for beauty, mon trickster!"
quite frankly, it doesn't matter what day it is; to gift Rook a lovely flower out of the beauty of your heart is enough to send him into a never-ending soliloquy
and now you say these are meant for your loved ones? do you mean to kill him with your thoughtfulness?!
he admires the flower for as long as the day will permit, and then presses it for preservation
he wouldn't want to lose this precious memory, after all!
in fact, he'll frame it riiight next to his bed so he may wake up to the sight of your kindness every morning!
and, just to be sure you know exactly how his heart is overflowing for you, you can expect a poem and dozens of flowers waiting for you on your doorstep the next morning
really... where does he find the time?
if you ask, he'll insist he's only expressing himself to you in the same way you have to him
"I only wish to show my utmost appreciation for your beautiful heart, miel!"
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astarion-approves · 1 year
Hello! So hopefully this isn't too similar to stuff you've done previously if it is feel free to skip, but may I perchance request a wee drabble of soft astarion caring for a particularly vulnerable tav after he takes maybe a bit too much blood. Like, tav is all pale and cold, tremble-y and dazed- maybe a wee bit delirious or confused, ya know blood loss things. (Someone needs to be making sure Tav is getting some juice or something after all the blood they're giving to astarion and losing in battle) thank you!!! I love your work! You're doing a great service for the astarion lovers <3
Astarion x GN! Tav
A poor bloodless Tav is just a bit out of it.
Tags: Gn! Tav/reader, OOC Astarion, confessions, hand feeding, 850+ words, short and sweet
Read below or on AO3
“Astarion.” Shadowheart approached him, waking him from his daytime nap, her lips pressed together and a glare already prepared before she even reached his tent. “Have you noticed something wrong with Tav?” 
“Hm?” Astarion blinked up at her, his arms resting behind his back and not bothering to move as she stared down at him. “No, why?” 
Shadowheart rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the side, gesturing for Astarion to look in that direction. Astarion sighed and sat up in his bedroll, glancing to where Tav stood. 
They held a single kiwi in front of their face, their eyes narrowed as they stared at the fuzzy fruit. 
Astarion blinked as he watched them. “Shadowheart, for just how long have they been standing there like that?” 
She shrugged. “I’m not sure. Long enough for me to notice?” 
“By the Hells,” Astarion cursed and stood up, jogging past Shadowheart and making his way to Tav. 
They didn’t even notice him approach, their staring competition with the kiwi still on going. 
“Tav,” Astarion gently grabbed their shoulder, earning a gasp from Tav and the thud of the kiwi as it fell to the ground. 
“Shit,” they said with a frown. “I was going to eat that.” 
“I didn’t mean to startle you—“
“Do you wanna share it?” 
Astarion looked down to where the kiwi laid at Tav’s feet, it landed directly into a muddy puddle. “I’m not sure you should still eat that, darling.” 
“Damn,” Tav replied and sighed. They turned to walk away, bumping into Astarion’s shoulder and nearly falling to the ground. 
Astarion reached out quickly and caught them, holding Tav in his arms, surprised by how little strength they had. They trembled in his arms, their skin a few shades lighter than it normally was—
“Tav, did you eat anything after I fed from you last night—?”
“Yes! Actually… No… I’m not sure?” 
Astarion clicked his tongue at Tav, letting out a quick sigh before scooping them up and into his arms completely. They both said nothing as Astarion carried them to his tent, the human opting to snuggle their head into his chest as he carried them. 
He carefully lowered them into the makeshift bed, Tav smiling up at Astarion and attempting to pull him down and into the bed with them. 
“Ah, ah, ah, not quite yet, my dear. We need to get you a little snack.” 
“I’m your little snack.” 
“Yes, you are. My cute little snack.” Astarion chuckled as he left the tent in search of some food. It was rare that Tav would forget to eat something after one of their feedings, the human insisting on being awake for it these days as they claimed they enjoyed the intimacy. Not that Astarion disliked that, in fact it made his bite much more enjoyable knowing that Tav was there and happy to share their blood with him. Amongst other things…
Soon Astarion returned with clean fruit in hand, cut strawberries and a few blueberries prepared and resting in a bowl for his companion to enjoy. “Here,” he said and held a strawberry to Tav’s lips. “Eat this.” 
“I wanted a kiwi.” 
Astarion smiled and ran his free hand through Tav’s hair before pausing and carefully easing their head up and into his lap. “I’ll make sure to get you more kiwis later. For now, please eat.” 
Tav pouted, but allowed Astarion to feed them the berry. 
“My apologies, Tav. I must have taken more blood from you than usual. I didn’t notice how you were feeling.” 
“Don’t be. Maybe I just like when you hand feed me.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes and pressed a blueberry against their lips next. “Then I will gladly feed you fruit every day. It’s the least I could do.” 
“I love you.” 
Astarion froze, a slice of strawberry halfway in Tav’s mouth as they gazed up at him with tired eyes. “Tav—“
They pushed the berry to the side of their mouth with their tongue, only struggling slightly as they quickly chewed it and swallowed it down. “I know you’re not there yet, that you might not ever be there, and I know I probably look like shit right now—“
“But I love you, and I’m always willing to feel faint for a little bit if it means making you happy.” 
“Tav,” Astarion placed the bowl to the side. “What would ever make you think that I don’t love you?” 
Tav’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Do you have any idea how much I adore you?” Astarion laughed. “I don’t need your blood. Of course.. I do rather enjoy it, but I don’t need it.”
“Could you honestly see me hand feeding fruit to Lae’zel because she gave me a little blood?” 
Tav snorted. “No.” 
“Of course not, my dear. Only you.” Astarion lowered himself, kissing Tav softly, briefly swiping his tongue over their berry flavored lips before pulling back with a smile. 
“So… does this mean we’re dating?” 
“I would certainly hope so. What other vampire spawn is going to feed you strawberries? You won’t find another like me.” 
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mangomonk · 1 year
i thought that i was dreaming when you said you loved me
↳ summary: read this drabble first! goodie two shoes!remus, afraid of being perceived as other, stumbles into a relationship at the expense of y/n. ↳ content: angst, one-sided fake dating ↳ a/n: a little nervous because this is my first time writing for remus pls be gentle w me! for full enjoyment, listen to ivy by frank ocean (i looped it the entire time i wrote this). the more i wrote this, the more i realized i could turn this into a full blown million word fic, but i tried to keep it as condensed as possible, hence some time skips/summarization. pt. 2 here!
When Remus Lupin confesses — no, announces — that he likes her in the middle of the Great Hall, she thinks she's dreaming. Surely, she didn't hear that correctly. Only hours earlier, she had witnessed the doe-eyed boy unleash a slew of curses beneath his breath. I guess everyone has bad days, she had thought. Even Remus, who she had always pegged as straight-laced and well-mannered.
So when a half a dozen heads turn to stare at her directly, Y/N turns to see if there's anyone behind her. When she sees no one, she turns back forward. It's when Remus Lupin's soft, brown gaze meets hers that her heart stutters dangerously in her chest. She can't help it despite the bewilderment she feels — everyone in the castle has to have some sort of crush on the fluffy-haired boy. He's all soft, disarming smiles and beautiful, brown eyes and knitted jumpers and gentle laughter and—
—and Y/N goes red in the face right away. It doesn't help when Remus tilts his head to the side slightly and offers a small, uncertain smile. Merlin, help me, Y/N thinks as she stares back, wide-eyed, her confusion and any thoughts briefly neutralized at the way his eyes crinkle into little half-moons.
— — — — —
Y/N has always prided herself on being a sharp judge of character. It soon became clear to her, however, that Remus Lupin was a strange, but intriguing case of contradicting character.
Following his confession — rather, announcement — in the Great Hall, she becomes overly conscious of the tall boy. It feels as though she's suddenly very aware that they have most of their classes together, that he sits only a seat away from her in Charms, that he has chicken scratch for handwriting when she passes him in the library. The latter comes as a surprise — perhaps unfairly, she would have pegged him as a swooping cursive type of boy. In any case, it soon becomes the case that Y/N realizes that she can find Remus easily in a room of crowded students, and the more she does, the more she begins to realize that Remus is a boy full of surprises.
This doesn't seem to matter though, because strangely, after his confession in the Great Hall, Remus does not once approach her. Occasionally, she catches him glancing at her with an odd expression, but outside of an increase in being stared at by the other students, little changes in her life.
It isn't until a week later when her seat partner in Charms is out that their paths cross again. When she trudges to her seat in class, she becomes very quickly aware that they're separated only by an empty chair. She doesn't look away fast enough because Remus looks up as she pulls her chair out, his gaze snagging on to hers with an intensity that she doesn't expect from the softness of his eyes.
"Good morning," he says slowly, almost uncertainly. Up close, Y/N can see a splay of pale freckles across his cheekbones. His lashes are unfairly, distractingly long as he gazes up at her.
"Hi," Y/N says, equally uncertain, though she tries to keep her voice light and casual. No one's ever really had a crush on her before, and she finds herself floundering on how to act. Shouldn't he be the nervous one, and not her? Somehow though, she can feel her palms begin to sweat, though Remus doesn't look nervous at all. Just sharp and assessing. Fortunately though, before the air between them can turn any awkwarder, a mussed-haired head pops up from around Remus.
"Y/N, right?" James Potter asks with a wide grin. His glasses are skewed and crooked on his face as he peers around Remus at her rather owlishly.
Next to him, Remus blinks a few times as she nods, opening her mouth to speak when Professor Flitwick clears his throat to begin class.
She tries to focus on taking notes, but it's difficult when she can see Remus casting her sidelong glances from her peripheral view. She gives up on trying to focus on class entirely when a folded piece of parchment flits over the gap between them with a familiar chicken scratch.
Can we talk after class?
After class, Y/N has a ridiculous, irrational flash of self-consciousness that the humidity has made her hair begin to frizz. Remus doesn't seem to notice as she rakes a hand quickly through her hair because a nervous, almost agitated, energy is rolling off of him as he paces in the courtyard.
When he catches sight of her, he stops, a warm smile breaking across his face, though Y/N feels that it doesn't quite reach his eyes. But the new knowledge that Remus has a dimple on his left cheek and his smile is just slightly crooked is enough to disarm any wariness. Unexpectedly his nervous energy seems to dissipate immediately. "Hi," he says, "You came."
"I got your note," Y/N says, inwardly grimacing — of course he knew that already, he had been sitting next to her.
"Right, well, I, er—" Remus begins choppily, his hand rising to rub at the nape of his neck. "I was wondering about... Earlier, last week, when you saw me... Did you say anything to anyone?"
Y/N blinks at him once, then twice, blankly. "Earlier?" She questions, before the heat begins to rise to her face. He must have been referring to his confession. "I haven't said anything to anyone."
Remus's brows furrow for a moment before his face relaxes. He's surprisingly difficult to read — it feels as though any trickle of emotion is covered with a disarming soft smile. "I see," he says after a moment, his shoulders relaxing. "Right, well, Y/N," he begins, looking around them distractedly. "—shall we date?" Y/N straightens with a jolt as he continues. "I won't be offended if you say no. In fact, I'd understand if you said no, we've barely—"
She doesn't know what it is exactly. Maybe it was the curious thought that Remus might not be the charming prince he seemed to be. Maybe it was the dimple in his left cheek. Maybe it was the way he said her name. But something in Y/N slipped through her confusion and the unceremonious nature of the whole thing, because she finds herself speaking before she can stop herself. "Yeah. Let's date."
Remus's face goes slack. He looks a little startled, Y/N thinks, like she's clubbed him over the head. "Are you sure?" He blurts, eyes widening a fraction. It's perhaps the most emotion she's seen him show so far. Y/N writes it off as nerves and incredulity.
She nods once, firmly.
"I guess that's settled," he says weakly with furrowed brows, though he looked neither pleased nor displeased.
— — — — —
Initially, Y/N and Remus are as awkward as can be. She's not sure if it's because neither of them have really ever been in a relationship before, but it feels clumsy in the beginning.
Their dates start off mostly as study dates in the library, but Y/N doesn't mind — to her pleasure, she finds that they eerily work well together and she likes the calm peace of Remus's presence while she's studying. She likes to think that he also finds comfort in her presence because it's become ritual for him to ask her about the book she's reading, and vice versa. In a few weeks, they start reading the same books. Maybe it's because they spend so much time together studying that it becomes gradually more comfortable.
When they go to Hogsmeade for the first time together, Y/N finds that they end up walking around the village and chatting nearly until curfew. She tells him about what it's like growing up with three brothers — "It doesn't seem very different from the Marauders," Remus observes with a wry laugh — and he tells her stories of how despite moving around periodically during his child, his mother always found a little corner in the yard to start an herb garden.
He does all the things she'd imagine a boyfriend might — Remus is a gentleman, expectedly. He holds the door open for her, gives her his jumper when there was a draft in the library, walks her back to the Common Room at night.
But, unexpectedly, it isn't Remus's soft smiles or considerate aura that Y/N finds herself straining to see. But it was when he threw his head back and laughed himself breathless at James holding his wand on the wrong end that Y/N found it impossible to tear her eyes away from him. Or when he shot her a dour look the first time she teased him on his illegible chicken scratch. Or when Remus cursed like a sailor when he knocked his ink pot over onto his parchment because he was always so uncoordinated and graceless.
It was perhaps impossible not to fall in love with Remus Lupin. Though maybe she already knew this from the start when he first looked at her, and even more so the first time he said her name.
She liked the way he would groan and complain and grumble as he stretched out his lithe limbs in preparation of helping Peter with his essay that he had procrastinated on, even after she could see the exhaustion begin to pool under his pretty eyes. She liked that he could silence the boys with just one baleful look. She liked the way he fell asleep on his books when he thought no one was looking. She liked his dry remarks and his wolfish grin and his grumpy mood. She liked all the rough edges that Remus showed her when he would forget to put up a soft smile.
It was too easy to love Remus Lupin, though it seemed like he didn't know that himself.
It only takes four full moons for Y/N to understand what the Marauders meant whenever they quietly referred to Remus's furry little problem. In the first place, they weren't always discreet — it was easy for them to forget she was there when she was studying in the background. In the second place, Remus would apologetically cancel their studying plans around the same time each month, and he would disappear for a few days and come back exhausted with fresh scars. It wasn't difficult to put two and two together, really.
But while she understood why he didn't tell her, she couldn't help but give him a tighter hug when she realized.
"Something wrong, love?" He had asked, reaching up to caress the back of her hair as she squeezed his abdomen.
"No," she had mumbled into his shirt, breathing in his familiar scent. She could feel affection swell inside her so violently she felt a little dizzy as she gave him another squeeze. "Just wish I could always be hugging you."
"No one's stopping you," Remus had responded dryly. She smiled into his chest as he rested his chin on the crown of her head. "Certainly not me."
— — — — —
When Y/N tries to discreetly deliver a small care package of chocolate and books a few nights before the next full moon, she accidentally overhears Peter ask James when Remus was ending his fake relationship.
"I doubt it'll raise any suspicions now that no one's pestering him about not having a girlfriend," she hears Peter say.
James makes a noncommittal sort of noise. "You know how Remus is about these things. He's always on edge that someone will think he's the odd one out—"
She feels like the ground beneath her has stuttered and shifted into an open chasm as her mind whirls to make sense of their conversation. For a moment, she thinks she's wrong, but like it was with Remus's furry little problem, if she thinks back on the stranger moments of the past four months, it's not difficult to piece it together. She begins to feel a little ill.
How many times did he force himself to smile at her stories? How many times after walking her back to the Common Room at night did he sigh with relief when she left? How many times did he wait for other students to be around to hold her hand? All the heart-fluttering moments she had thought had been magical and wonderful and incredible with Remus had been entirely one-sided. How humiliating. She feels used and dirty and pathetic, but the worse thing is that she can't feel angry.
She doesn't know how long she stands paralyzed outside, just that it's difficult to breathe or think properly. All she can feel is a numbing ache in her chest, and the feeling tightens when she hears a familiar voice behind her.
"Hmm?" Remus hums, a smile breaking across his face. The dimple in his left cheek appears briefly. "What are you doing here, love?" When she doesn't respond, he steps closer to her and peers at her face carefully, his big, brown eyes soft. "What's wrong?" He asks, gently looping his arms around her waist. Y/N goes perfectly still under his touch. "I knew you'd be studying for the Ancient Runes exam all day, so got some cakes from the kitchen for—"
"Remus," she interrupts suddenly, her throat gone cottony and dry as she raises her gaze to finally look at him. It sends a sharp pang through her chest again. "Are we ever going to kiss?"
Bizarrely, scarlet splotches appear swiftly on the high points of Remus's cheek as his eyes widen a fraction. "Kiss," he repeats, sounding strangled as he stares at her wide-eyed, looking as though she had clubbed him over the head. "You want to kiss?" He asks after a moment, his voice hoarse as his eyes flicker down to her lips.
"Do you want to kiss me?" She asks quietly, watching his throat bob as he swallows thickly.
"I've wanted to since—" Remus says softly, a little nonsensically, his eyes darting back down to her lips. His pupils are blown wide and dark as he swallows, his throat bobbing. “Y/N,” he murmurs, and she can feel his breath brush against her nose. She tries to control the thumping in her chest as he slowly leans in and raises his hand to cup her face. Remus looks down at her with a sweet adoration she knows cannot be real. She's seen this sort of soft look from him countless times before and now she knows better than anyone that it's just another cover. Perhaps it was perfectly clear since the start, but she had let herself get swept away with naive hope. The start of nothing. She feels like a fool.
Remus's head ducks slightly as the space between them closes. Y/N goes perfectly still as she watches his other hand rise, his fingers trembling a little as they reach to curve around her jaw.
For a moment, she entertains the thought and wonders what would happen if she just closes her eyes. She could close her eyes, could lean in and feel his eyelashes brush her cheek, could let him kiss her senseless. It would be so easy. It scares her a little how much she wants that.
Before she can betray herself, Y/N closes her hand around his wrist. “You can stop now,” she says, her voice low and steadier than she felt.
Remus freezes, his dazed expression crumpling in confusion. She takes a steadying breath, swallowing back the bile in her throat as she schools her expression with difficulty. Y/N places his wrist back down away from her face and lets go as she continues, despite the dull ache in her chest. “I wanted to know how far you would go,” she continues quietly. “How far you thought I would be willing to go.”
“I don’t understand—” Remus begins, a myriad of stricken dismay, alarm, and something else flickering across his face. For a moment, she thinks it’s the residue of desire, but she quickly remembers how good of an actor Remus is, and doesn’t let herself entertain that thought that it’s anything else besides panic for being caught.
"I know you're just using me," Y/N says, her throat dry. Her voice, to her mortification, cracks and comes out as a croak. Any sense of anger deflates immediately and all she can feel is this crumbling sense of defeat. “I should have known that something was strange when you suddenly confessed. We had never even really talked before that. I mean, I thought that I was dreaming when you said you liked me—"
“No, it's because—”
"I know why you did it," she whispers. Remus freezes, the color draining from his face. "The worse part of all this is that I can't find it in myself to hate you for using me. But I had just thought that you didn’t think so little of me as to…” She doesn’t finish as she stares down at the space between them, swallowing thickly. She feels ill. The last sentence had come out before she realized it. So that was what it was — disappointment.
"Did you even know my name before James said it?" She asks with a bark of a forced laugh as she straightens, setting her shoulders now though she still has a difficult time looking directly at him.
Remus swallows thickly as he steps forward. His pause is enough of an answer. "Let me explain,” he begins quickly, his words tumbling out in a frantic mess. “Y/N, wait,” he starts, reaching out.
“Don’t touch me, Lupin,” she says dejectedly, stepping away from him. Remus flinches and freezes, his expression falling, but she can't bring herself to look at him in the eye anymore. Y/N stares at the worn patch of carpet by her shoe as she swallows thickly before turning to leave. "You can tell everyone that you broke up with me if it helps you."
— — — — —
a/n: thx for reading! pt. 2 here my masterlist here
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bitterchocoo · 1 year
Young Ranpo Edogawa | M. Reader
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"Your smell like coffee!"
Coffee isn't Ranpo's thing.
They're bitter, sure the barista adds some milk and syrup in them but they're still bitter! Which is why he likes hot chocolate better. Unlike the bitter concoction hot chocolate is sweet and nice and warm, especially if you add marshmallows! Some may say that it's too sweet but not for Ranpo. It's just the right amount of sweetness.
And that leads to his confusion as to why his friend likes coffee.
Ranpo once saw [Name] drunk at least 5 cups to finish his school assignments. Like huh? Maybe it's a thing students have to deal with? I mean -- he's technically not a student so maybe that's why it confuses him to his wits end? Regardless the reason behind that habit Ranpo's not one to judge. After all, [Name] was the first ever person that understands him and doesn't shut him down like those adults were.
In fact, [Name] seemed rather fascinated by Ranpo's deductions and how he managed to know everything in seconds.
[Name] was the first person to do that... his first... friend...
So Ranpo's not going to judge him for something as petty as that.
The day Fukuzawa took him in, even though he won't say it out loud he was happy and grateful for it. And [Name] can't be any more happier to found out how Ranpo's life seemed to have a turn for the better. Even if Ranpo doesn't admit it [Name] had always knew about his struggles, his anxiety, his fears, everything. Which why he was beyond happy to found out about it.
Unlike Ranpo who seems to be very gifted in deductions and all.
[Name] is just an average straight A's high school student.
Ranpo has his life planned out before him, a path already build just for him, a path of being a promising detective. "The greatest detective" he'd put it. While [Name] have to find his own path.
Unknowing to all...
This set's him off the rails.
What is he supposed to do? What does he need? What does he want? People say to get a job that you like, that you enjoy. But what about money? Don't you need that to survive? But what if the job ended up being too hard and he'll not like it? What if it's boring? What if it's dull?
But then again what was the point? We all die anyways right? So what was the point in getting a stable and enjoyable job, and a happy life where we all just die in the end?
What if's and questions filled his head, day in day out.
He's not ready.... He needs more time...
But time won't wait for him.. or anyone in that manner...
Coffee is nice... It keeps your adrenaline high, give you a boost. [Name] couldn't help but enjoy it. That sudden boost of energy makes him more focus on his school work rather than his thoughts. Not to mention that they have quite a nice and pleasant smell the taste is also nice. Because of that [Name] would smell like coffee a scent Ranpo had grown to love, despite saying that coffee isn't his thing.
As time goes on, Ranpo began to be occupied with cases, while [Name] is busy with school. The two barely have time for each other as they used to. But they don't mind as it would just lead to them having a lot more to talk about once they meet again. It was nice... very nice... the warm and pleasant atmosphere...
"Hey Ranpo, since you're practically a detective now. Do you see a lot of bodies."
"Of course I do."
"So seeing one won't scare you? The scent of their blood and the sight of their dead, pale, and possibly disfigured form?"
"Of course not! What kind of detective get's scared of a corpse!"
[Name] chuckles at Ranpo's words, finding the small outburst to be entertaining in some way.
It was a rhetorical question...
It was a rhetorical question, right [Name]..?
Although he doesn't say it, Ranpo felt uneasy at the question. Why is [Name] suddenly asking about that? It felt random. Out of place. Completely out of the blue. It's common to asked that to a new detective, right? But why was it so specific? It probably didn't mean anything, right? But even so... Ranpo can't shake off the feeling that there's a hidden meaning to his friend's words... like a shadow..
As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months and the months turn into years...
[Name]'s graduation day is growing closer and closer.
Ranpo can't be any happier for his friend, a friend he had grown to love... was finally going to graduate high school! He even requested a few days off for this special occasion! Not that he really need to as he could just walk off like usual. But still!!
As happy as he is, Ranpo can't help but have a gut feeling that something is wrong...
He can't explain it but... It's just felt wrong...
Like a dark cloud is hovering above him... dark shadow...
......He's right as always....
The day before the graduation.
Ranpo received a case, which he had refused since he did requested a few days off for his friend's special occasion, but Fukuzawa insisted that he take it. Almost begging.
With no other choice, Ranpo accepts it.
But what he saw in the crime scene was one out of his nightmares.
He didn't even need to open the sheet that covered the body as his had already knew who it is.
The keychain attached to the book bag speaks for itself.
A keychain that belongs to someone dear to him... someone close... someone he had grown to love and adore... someone he was planning to spill his heart out to... someone he was hoping he could call his...
And the results of his deductions didn't help at all. It just made things worse as it revealed to him how much the victim was suffering. A pain that the victim didn't show until their last moments. A pain that Ranpo was too ignorant to notice. A pain where the victim decided that it was too much for them and wanted it to end.
The next day... Ranpo graduated from a school he didn't even attend...
He did it in someone's stead.
Ranpo doesn't like coffee.
He hates it.
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sylveon-and-velveon · 8 months
Playing "4 Big Guys" around the slashers
Shitpost idea has been made, so here XD
This will include: Michael Myers {OG & RZ}, Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Harry Warden, Tiffany Valentine
Feel free to request any shitpost writing prompt ideas you can think of in my asks, I love silly non-serious ideas XD
Given the music is VERY adult related, this is 18+ ONLY
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OG Michael Myers
Ain't gonna lie, the second you play that song he's probably staring at you instantly. Anger? Disappointment? Cursing your entire family and possible future children? Who knows! It's Michael-Fucking-Myers baby!!!
He's not used to anything sexual overall so hearing a song openly sing about gay sex, and in such a detailed way, would worry him. Not for the singer, no- more on your taste in music.
And don't even get me started on when he hears about shit being involved. The second he hears that being mentioned he's turning off the music entirely, patting your head, and dragging you away so you'll listen to something he likes instead to cleanse that weird mind of yours. Like... Kate Bush or something.
He'd like Kate Bush right? He looks like a Kate Bush enjoyer.
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RZ Michael Myers
Judging you, hard. Though he ain't saying it. His aura is practically smellable he's judging you so hard.
Does he like it? No. It's loud, obnoxious, and profound filled. Ignoring the obvious "gay sex and other weirdness" part, the volume of the music reminds him of his childhood.
He's smashing the device the music is coming from. He doesn't care if it's your MP3 all the way to a damn TV or Alexa, he's smashing that shit to pieces if it means he doesn't need to hear it anymore.
What would he put on instead? Calming ambient noises that play for hours on end on YouTube. It's the exact opposite of whatever hellscape you just played. It's better.
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Brahms Heelshire
Well first of all it ain't classical, so that's a point on the "I Hate This" list.
Second it's not a piano.
Third it's literally "4 Big Guys"-
Not only is this poor man confused about everything the singer is saying, I highly doubt his parents explained LGBTQ+ to him, he's also hating how loud it is.
"Who puts things up their ass?" - Brahms Heelshire 2024
You turn off the music yourself when he practically begs you to.
You're probably tryna hold in your laughter while he's sitting on the floor trying to figure out what the fuck he just heard.
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Jason Voorhees
Is there a bigger word for "traumatized"? Because that man earns it.
You're lucky af, if his mom was live she'd hit you with a crowbar so fast- Not kill you tho, she wouldn't dare hurt her boy.
But yeah, he's not saying anything, nor moving. Bro's too traumatized. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE-
You better give him his teddy he fucking deserves it TmT
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Laughing his ass off until the shit is mentioned, even this horny gremlin has his limits.
Can you tell I hate shit kinks? XD
He'd want an apology for you blasting that song so far to that section. But no music! He hates Christmas songs, they're so repetitive and they all sound the same anyway.
Bake him a cake, the more unique the better. His favourite so far is red velvet with cream cheese frosting!
Then when he's finished eating you're getting railed by him not longer after, man's not changed. Not now, not ever.
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Freddy Krueger
You can play this entire song with this man on REPEAT and he'd be fine with it.
I'd be surprised if he didn't given his track record and.... slicing open his skin to reveal green "blood" and maggots crawling out.
Would he laugh the first time? ABSOLUTELY!
Would he jokingly sing along, probably.
But he would TOTALLY play this song when going after his victims sometimes. Imagine dying and the last thing you hear is:
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Stu Macher & Billy Loomis
Billy is concerned for your wellbeing. Especially when you start singing it at full force with Stu joining in not long after.
Yeah Stu is enjoying this to the max!
Finds it hilarious, who the fuck wouldn't when you've got humour more broken than Brahms' doll-
But seeing you enjoying yourself to this.... absurdity, at least makes Billy calm down from worry. Now he's just concerned your taste in music may infiltrate your taste in movies.
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I doubt the man's used to hearing music.... imagine this being his first time hearing it-
OMG he'd probably think this is normal for music.
If it's not his first time hearing music though? No concern, laughter, nothing. He's neutral, given that this is something that makes you a little chaotic gremlin.
He's happy seeing you comfortable enough around to be a "gremlin" as you call it.
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Bubba Sawyer
Don't traumatize him more than he's been already!!
Sure he doesn't realise it, or the fact he's used to it, but the poor guy's already traumatized-
Though he's probably more confused in the whole scheme of things. I mean, he knows what sex is. But just the surface of it.
So he's probably just learnt way too much in such a short period of time.
Oh lord what have you done-
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Harry Warden
Okay first of all, why is there no GIF of this man? WTF????
Second; man's from the mines, man's old fashioned, you've probably just thrown way too much modern shit in his face way too quickly that he's just staring at you, the music video, and then the floor.
Poor miner is so confused, especially when the "cum starts spraying".
Oh god he'll probably think it's like dust from the mines spraying everywhere.
Fucking hell that's a vision-
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Tiffany Valentine
Finds it amusing? Yes.
Judging? Not as much as you'd expect.
Girl's been through a wild ride, hearing you blast out "4 Big Guys" from your phone wouldn't be the most shocking thing in the world.
Hell. she'd probably encourage you to start singing along to it XD
Oh she's gonna use that song to torture someone with it. She doesn't know how yet, but she's got the idea in her head now
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