#Anemia and red blood cell count
devotioncrater · 1 year
so. i guess i have to go to urgent care tomorrow. & show the doctor my lab results. & try to get in for a cancer screening that way
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ghostickle · 6 months
Got my tests back my t levels are 544 which is in the goal range they set finally so I know for a fact the shots are actually working and it’s just the cream that didn’t but also my hematocrit is only 38 which I feel like is slightly concerning
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joga-blog · 7 months
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) Test: A Crucial Component in Blood Analysis
The Packed Cell Volume (PCV) test, also known as hematocrit, is a fundamental diagnostic tool used in clinical medicine to assess a patient's blood volume and the concentration of red blood cells (RBCs) within it. This test provides valuable insights into a patient's health status and aids healthcare providers in diagnosing various medical conditions. In this article, we will delve into the importance, procedure, and interpretation of the PCV test.
Importance of PCV Test:
The Packed Cell Volume (PCV) test, is crucial for evaluating an individual's hematological status. Hematocrit levels indicate the proportion of red blood cells in the total blood volume. Understanding the PCV is essential because:
1. Assessment of Anemia: 
Anemia, a condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin, can be detected through low PCV levels. By measuring PCV, healthcare professionals can identify anemia and its underlying causes, such as nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, or blood loss.
2. Monitoring Blood Disorders: 
PCV levels are monitored in patients with blood disorders like polycythemia vera, a condition characterized by an excess of red blood cells. Abnormal PCV levels may indicate the need for further investigation and management of such conditions.
3. Evaluation of Dehydration:
In cases of dehydration, the blood becomes more concentrated due to the loss of plasma volume. Consequently, PCV levels rise as a compensatory mechanism. Monitoring PCV levels can aid in assessing dehydration severity and guiding fluid replacement therapy.
Procedure of PCV Test:
The PCV test is relatively simple and is often performed as part of a complete blood count (CBC). Here's how it's done:
1. Blood Collection: 
A small sample of blood is typically collected from a vein in the arm using a sterile needle and syringe or a vacutainer system.
2. Centrifugation: 
The collected blood is transferred into a specialized tube called a hematocrit tube or capillary tube. The tube is then placed in a centrifuge, where it spins at high speeds for a few minutes.
3. Separation of Components: 
Centrifugation causes the blood components to separate based on their density. Red blood cells, being denser, settle at the bottom of the tube, while plasma rises to the top.
4. Measurement: 
After centrifugation, the PCV is determined by measuring the height of the packed red blood cells relative to the total height of the blood column in the tube.
Interpretation of PCV Test Results:
Interpretation of PCV levels depends on various factors such as age, sex, altitude, and individual health conditions. Generally, normal PCV levels range from:
- Adult males: 40% to 54%
- Adult females: 37% to 47%
- Children: 35% to 49%
Abnormal PCV levels may indicate underlying health issues:
- Low PCV (Anemia): 
Indicates conditions such as iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic disease, or blood loss.
- High PCV (Polycythemia): 
May suggest dehydration, lung disease, chronic kidney disease, or bone marrow disorders like polycythemia vera.
It's important to note that PCV levels are often interpreted alongside other blood parameters and clinical findings to arrive at a comprehensive diagnosis.
The Packed Cell Volume (PCV) test is a valuable diagnostic tool in clinical medicine, providing insights into a patient's hematological status. By assessing the proportion of red blood cells in the blood volume, healthcare professional doctors can diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, including anemia, dehydration, and blood disorders. Understanding the procedure and interpretation of PCV test results is essential for delivering effective patient care and managing hematological disorders effectively.
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icarusredwings · 16 days
This has been on my mind for NO Fucking reason so to make it shut up, lets talk about it.
"Why doesn't Wade just do chemotherapy?"
In this essay, I will explain the answer to that question, looking at Germ cancer cells and testicular cancer rates to decide-
Can Wade have biological kids?
Let's start with the basic facts.
What a germ cell tumor?
A germ cell tumor is a mass made of reproductive cells, also called germ cells. “Germ” is short for “germinate,” which means to mature. For men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB), germ cells mature into sperm. Related, germ cell tumors most often form where eggs get made (ovaries) and where sperm gets made (testicles).
[ https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23505-germ-cell-tumor]
Testicular cancer.
Most testicular cancers start in cells known as germ cells and are called germ cell tumours. Germ cells in men produce sperm. Testicular germ cell tumours can develop from germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS). GCNIS means that there are abnormal cells in the testicle.
More than 90% of testicular cancer start in the germ cells, which are cells in the testicles and develop into sperm. This type of cancer is known as testicular germ cell cancer. Testicular germ cell cancer can be classified as either seminomas or nonseminomas, which may be identified by microscopy.
[https://www.cancer.gov/ccg/research/genome-sequencing/tcga/studied-cancers/testicular-germ-cell-study ]
At the moment there is not a lot of options, the most common are:
Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, which grow and divide quickly. Because of his healing factor, this would probably not work and if anything cause Wade more illness seeing as Chemo causes
Hair loss
Easy bruising and bleeding
Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
Nausea and vomiting
Appetite changes
Mouth, tongue, and throat problems such as sores and pain with swallowing
Peripheral neuropathy or other nerve problems, such as numbness, tingling, and pain
Skin and nail changes such as dry skin and color change
Urine and bladder changes and kidney problems
Weight changes
Chemo brain, which can affect concentration and focus (serve mind fog)
Mood changes
Changes in libido and sexual function
And last but not least Fertility problems
[https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/treatment-types/chemotherapy/chemotherapy-side-effects.html ]
At high doses, radiation therapy kills cancer cells or slows their growth by damaging their DNA. Cancer cells whose DNA is damaged beyond repair stop dividing or die. When the damaged cells die, they are broken down and removed by the body. In theory this would work a little bit, for about 12 minutes and then he immediately would have all of those dead cells back because while the radiology killed one spot, cancer spreads. Quickly. With his healing factor its MUCH quicker too. All that pain for nothing.
Hair loss
Memory or concentration problems
Throat problems, such as trouble swallowing
Shortness of breath
Taste changes
Skin changes (such as burning and peeling)
Less active thyroid gland
Sexual problems
Fertility problems
Urinary and bladder problems
I dont even need any sources for this. We saw what happened to his legs when ripped off. They just grew back. And if removing cancer cells makes newer cancer cells? That's useless.
Wades entire body is cancerous. Yes. His ENTIRE body. Every arm, toe, and fingernail on this man is cancerous. His healing factor is literally just having rapid cancer growth (amongst other things)
Chemotherapy and radiation will not work on him. Chemotherapy works by killing cancerous cells in order to grow healtheir ones. Except Wade can only produce cancerous cells. Yes, while they are new and much more likely in the very early stages, it's still cancerous.
This being said, there is no cure or treatment for Wades Cancer (that we know of at this time) Its quite physically the only thing keeping him with super hero powers yet still remains even after his powers are taken.
Hate to say it.
I hate to say it but statistically removing older, more advanced cells to replace with newer, less progressive cells (aka removing or ripping off his limbs/ parts of his body so they can grow back as new and fresh) is probably the best 'treatment' Wade has right now. Radiology would work the same, right?
Yes, but A. Not as B. Too many side effects that he he'll have to deal with MORE making him even more crazy and sick. Why would he do that when he can just tease Logan into slicing a hurt leg off and go from there?
Will the treatment help him be fertile?
Realistically, without his powers, he probably would be dead in a week, perhaps less due to just HOW much cancer this man truly has.
Chemo would also make it worse. So much worse, in fact. Both pain wise and his chances at ever biologically having a child.
Result(s) Before the cancer was diagnosed, (66%) 79/120 couples who attempted to conceive succeeded within 1 year. After (Cancer) treatment, (43%) 38/88 couples conceived within 1 year.
Testical Germ Cell Tumors are associated with semen abnormalities before orchiectomy. This review shows an increase in abnormal semen parameters among men with TGCT even outside the treatment effects of orchiectomy, radiation, or chemotherapy.
[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270136/ ]
The way that TGCT affects the sperm is that it's very common for not only lower sperm count (obviously, it's hard to produce when you're fighting an entire body illness) but also changes the shape of the sperm which makes it very difficult to reach the egg. Sperm with crooked tails, double tails, double heads, or even broken sperm have a very hard time reaching the egg (think of it like natural selection) and die off before they get anywhere. If you already have low countage and most of them can't make it?
Well that's much lower chances of fertility.
In the comics.
In the comics, Wade has a daughter named Eleanor Camacho in which he was unaware of because her mother saw his face and ran away in terror. The entire thing is that her mother thought she was going to die and decided fuck it, if im gonna die Im gonna die happy so decided to spend these last moments with wade (who she literally just met- if that aint weird in itself idk what is).
She only ever found him to demand child support, and he refused to believe such a beautiful child could he his given his stance of insecurity and well- Just utter shock anyway, I think. He is right. Eleanor is gorgeous as a baby and as an adult.
(There's actually a whole comic where he's trying to fight death so his daughter doesn't die before him because he "couldn't bear the thought of living without her" so they activate a bomb "with the power of a black hole" and comit death together. It's very sweet)
In conclusion.
Yes, Wade can have children, but he has a better chance at being successful if he removes his lower half and regrows it so that its *less* cancerous than before cells, therefore hes more likely to have normal shaped sperm and probably more of it during the process.
No, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery would not be effective. Unfortunately, the most effective thing for him is ripping his limbs off sometimes.
"Forest- why the fuck did you write this?"
You know... I really don't know. I wanted to become a bio geneticist, and here I am. Writing about some bald guys' balls on the Internet. Siiigghh... anyway. Use this. however you want, I don't even care at this point.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
request; knowing the medicines they'd usually take and having no problem going to get them when needed with jj
pairing; jj x fem!reader
warnings; fluff, small mentions of anemia, reader has it for the sake of this blurb
authors note; okay i didn’t want to do any serious mental disorders, and then i thought maybe i should do a cold but a cold isn’t always usual, like the prompt says, so now i’m deciding to stick with anemia cause i have it so this is a bit self indulgent, and taking an iron pill has to be everyday so here we are, i am also taking requests for blurbs, imagines, one shots etc. but i have been doing blurbs because of writers block, so you can use the list below or send your own idea.
other ways to say i love you prompt list
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There were plenty of things that you didn’t have to ask JJ to do, and he’d do it anyway.
Not for extra ‘brownie points’.
But for the sake of hearing your saccharine voice, lull him around and about. To see the corners of your mouth, pull into an effortlessly consummate smile.
It was the smallest gestures, the most miniscule anthems of love; not afraid to consistently pronouce that you were his.
Because once JJ fell, he fell hard. You couldn't do any wrong in his eyes and he had a serious problem telling you 'no'.
If JJ didn't have the money for something he previously saw you looking at in a store, he found a way but that never meant he didn't contemplate robbing a bank.
Always proceeding to go the extra mile just for his girl.
Smitten; to say the least, having the giddiness of a small child in your presence.
Or as the Pogues would say he was ultimately, pussy-whipped.
Which is why he knows you; knowns every crevasse of your hand, every sweet-spot, every line that would form on your face when you grinned.
Therefore, logging your daily medicine intake in his mind was something of simplicity to him. You appreciated his remembrance, but it never got old, like it was the first time.
"Medicine time, baby."
He'd have a little glass of water, in his much bigger hand, iron pill in the other. Your anemia wasn't so extreme that you needed a blood transfusion or anything of the sort, but only to pop an iron pill every day to regulate your red blood cell count. The task did seem hard when you couldn't remember to, which is always where JJ comes in.
Sat to the kitchen island of your shared apartment, scrolling aimlessly on your phone, JJ makes and 'ah' sound- you open your mouth, tongue rolling forward, whilst JJ placed the green pill against the pink muscle.
He must admit though, the sensation of feeling your wet, tongue against his finger always drove him senile. The contact so sickeningly intimate and affectionate at the same time.
"Thank you for always taking care of me, J."
He offers a toothy grin, removing the glass from his fingertips; to gulp down the waxy taste of the medicine.
"Don't thank me for that, baby ... M' always gonna' take care of my girl."
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
I have a character that is genetically modified to make more blood. What are some problems that they might experience as a result? Also is this even possible? Thank You :)
You're not going to believe this but this is actually a real thing. Not the genetic modification exactly, but some people are born with a mutation that causes an overproduction of red blood cells (the oxygen-carrying component of blood and what is usually transfused when someone is given a blood transfusion).
The condition is called polycythemia vera. It's technically a cancer, but the condition itself doesn't kill people. There are some unpleasant symptoms and secondary conditions that warrant treatment, though.
In the early stages there are usually no symptoms. As red blood cell counts rise, the blood literally becomes thicker and moves more slowly, leading to high blood pressure, bruising, headaches, ringing in the ears, fatigue, dizziness, sweating, itchy skin, trouble breathing, pain in the hands and feet, and an enlarged and painful spleen.
The increased production and breakdown of red blood cells (PV doesn't break down blood cells directly- but since the marrow is making more, more break down in time) also causes an increase in uric acid. This is a metabolic byproduct generally peed out, but when there's too much of it it can cause kidney stones, gout, and stomach ulcers.
The easiest treatment for PV is bloodletting. If a person keeps up with regular removal of excess red blood cells (which are normal, so technically they could be transfused into someone else if other conditions are met), they can avoid symptoms for a long time. Later in life (80+) they may enter something called the "spent" phase of the illness, where their over-productive marrow has been replaced partially by scar tissue and they have trouble even making enough red blood cells to meet their own needs and end up with anemia.
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bvnnyluvvs · 15 days
The Risks Of 4n4 And M14
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hello jelly babes! so i'm assuming if your on 3dtwt, whatever I say won't change your eating patterns but i still feel like yall should know the risks <3
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★ = Possibly Life Threatening
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。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 Ana Risks  ゚・。・゚
With Ana, you are at risk for:
ᡣ𐭩 Anemia (Low Red Blood Cell Count) ★
ᡣ𐭩 Heart Problems ★
ᡣ𐭩 Low Blood Pressure ★
ᡣ𐭩 Kidney Problems ★
ᡣ𐭩 Electrolyte Imbalance ★
ᡣ𐭩 Disturbance Of Periods In AFABs
ᡣ𐭩 Low Testosterone In AMABs
ᡣ𐭩 Bone Loss
ᡣ𐭩 Brain Damage ★
ᡣ𐭩 Multi Organ Failure ★
ᡣ𐭩 Death ★
Link For More Info <3
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。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 Mia Risks  ゚・。・゚
ᡣ𐭩 Dental Problems
ᡣ𐭩 Tears In The Throat Lining ★
ᡣ𐭩 Disturbance Of Periods In AFABs
ᡣ𐭩 Heart, Kidney, And/Or Bowel Problems ★
ᡣ𐭩 Muscle Spasms
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autumnalal · 9 days
celebrating a small win today... finally saw a hematologist and confirmed what i already suspected: that my body is massively iron deficient and in need of infusions my ferritin has gone down to the single digits and he informed me that anything below a thirty (30) classifies as iron deficiency... it took a mere four months of having signs of deficiency/borderline anemia (including an enlarged spleen, wonky red blood cells, and dangerously low ferritin), three months of supplementation/increase in diet, and another two months of zero signs of improvement just to get one person to take this seriously and schedule infusions. ugh. ugh! can you imagine what would happen if i ignored this because i was "probably just anxious?" haha! trust your gut. this invalidates all the doctors who have invalidated me! trying to convince me i had delusions about my health, even when i emphasized the physicality of my symptoms, the abnormalities in my labs, and confirmed a healthy mental state through dozens of screenings? haha nice try guys
but yeah celebrate those times when a good thing happens. whether in a medical context or otherwise. it counts
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I am seriously so saddened to realize people have used my name and my cat to steal money from some of you. This is crazy, never, ever did I think that my Poppy would be used negatively.
Let’s give a little rundown of who we are. I’m Michelle, a 30-something year old married mama to 3 skin kittens, and 3 fuzzy kittens. One of my skin kittens is an adult, the other two are rapidly approaching attempting to leave the nest. I am disabled, physically and mentally which leads to emotionally, too. My fuzzy kittens help a lot with that.
2 summers ago, a friend texted me asking if I wanted a kitten. Of course I did. Then I found out she was a feral kitten that her mama had left behind because her one back leg was missing a foot, so she couldn’t climb and jump like the rest of the kittens were, and she was getting too heavy to carry in her mouth. That kitten now only have 3 legs, and is my Lucky baby.
Come early February of the next year, I saw on a friend’s aunts rescue site two of the most gorgeous little calico kittens I had ever seen. I claimed them before Valentine’s Day, even though I wouldn’t be able to get them until after Mother’s Day since they were slow to grow. They were attached at the hip, there was no way I could get one and not the other. Those were my Poppy girl and Millie moon.
That’s how I ended up with my fuzzy kittens. They are the best fuzzy kittens I have ever met. All 3 of them have a different job in calming me and my middle daughter down while in emotional crisis. Poppy is and has always been that calming rumble that you try to concentrate on instead of everything else that is happening. And it works more than anyone would believe.
Poppy is sick. My go fund me has all the explanations and updates you could ever need; I even have to add the email with the vet when she gets a chance to email back to me. I have endless pictures and videos to show she is my little love.
Please, if you can, share this post anywhere and everywhere, across all forms of social media. My follower numbers are so low, I’m surprised it’s not a negative number. I know a bunch of you got scammed, and I’m sorry. I really am. If I could make it better, I would.
Myself, I’ve even cut back some of my less essential but still needed medications so I have the money to get Poppy the treatment she deserves. I just need my baby girl to be better. It’s time sensitive because we honestly don’t know how much time she has left with her red blood cell count being in the low 10s percent wise (I think it was 13-14% last time, and it should be above 35). I am extremely transparent in what I show you all because if you are helping pay for it, I figure you have a right to see where the care is going and what it’s being used for.
We are trying to get the maximum amount of funding so we can get all the testing done because the liver and spleen are just as important as the bone marrow biopsy, but we will not look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever we get it, it’s another cent that we didn’t have to scrounge around to find, another minute off the ever clicking clock.
Best ways to donate: to the hospital itself:
Philadelphia Animal Specialty and Emergency
Dial 267-727-3738, press 2, ask to place a credit on Poppy Riggs account, #FE22554C. All of this info is able to be found on the images in the gofundme.
The Gofundme. It is the *only* go fund me I have up. Anything else is a scam.
These account below are the only official ways to donate outside of the gofundme.
My email is listed below, and I am willing to answer any and all questions via email or on here, your choice.
Thank you so much for helping. It means everything to us.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
how risky would it be for someone to do testosterone with a needle-aversion which prevents them from doing labs?
I hate blood draws too, I really really get it. I have medical trauma related to having severe anemia and having the blood drained out of me for numerous medical tests when my red blood cell count was so low I was freezing cold and could barely stand. I hate needles. But you should get your blood checked at least once a year, because if your red blood cell count gets too high it's a risk of blood clots.
The great news is that any negative health effects are completely preventable -- but you prevent it by donating blood.
Since starting T, my anemia has completely reversed. Now I have so much blood that sometimes it's too much! Donating blood and enduring blood tests is nowhere near as scary for me as it once was, both because of practice and because I am healthier and more robust thanks to T.
If you're on high dose T for more than a year or have a family history of blood clots, strokes, or heart attacks, I strongly recommend it.
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cruelfeline · 2 months
I saw that you visited a new doctor recently and luck with the excessive tiredness!? That's a worrying symptom for all sorts of things, is it just anemia??
Well, I'm not anemic; my red blood cell count is fine. I'm iron deficient without actual anemia; so, low iron, but normal cell count.
I'm hoping this is the issue? I've seen the doctor multiple times over the last few years with no answer. I've had a sleep study done, various bloodwork, all with no clear reason. This is the first thing that's come back with a result that may explain it. My iron was within normal lab range at the very low end, but below what the World Health Organization considers the threshold for absolute iron deficiency.
So it's something? Maybe?
I dunno. I just woke up from a three hour on-and-odf nap without feeling rested at all, so I sure hope it's something :/
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everythingseasoning · 5 months
TW: loss of pet.
My baby black kitten died of fading kitten syndrome. She had congenital abnormalities (defects she was born with) like an enlarged kidney (which was very concerning), and extreme anemia aka low red blood cell count (her gums were all white), probably due to the Feline Leukemia she had tested positive for. She was the runt.
She was eating and licking small chunks of wet food off of her lips just the other day. She was play fighting with her siblings just the other day (granted she always was the least active because of the doomed cards she’d been dealt). But despite all her efforts to try and become healthy, in the last 24 hours, she faded.
I gave her the best possible life. Her attempted treatment lasted 12 hours before we made the decision to euthanize her, as she wasn’t responding to treatment and the leukemia was fatal. It consisted of an oxygen chamber, dextrose (sugar for her anemia), tube feedings, bloodwork, X-rays, disease tests. Those 12 hours costed me $2,500 USD. I used my life savings. I wanted her to live so badly. I wanted her to be a grown, healthy and recovered black cat who sat by the window and soaked in the gentle sunlight. I wanted to hold her and have more moments of her falling asleep in my arms— the night before her decline she was fine and had been laying on my arm, swaddled by my hoodie, her tiny 0.87 ibs / ~370 gram body cozy and warm, and she fell asleep before I started watching Survivor. I remember soaking that moment in, the yellow light of the living room. The quiet of the navy night beyond the curtains. A moment of pure coziness and sleepiness. A moment made only by two.
She was always sick and tired but didn’t show her pain. I blamed myself for her rapid decline, but the doctors all said she stayed alive as long as she could because of me (we took in a litter of kittens from outdoors last week, and it’s been so rainy, the wooden blanks under which they rested were all soaked through).
I’m grateful for every moment, my baby. Every nom of food. The way you walked up to me and meowed for food after just one day knowing me. You were starving and trusted me. The way you stared at me and jumped up, put your paws up on the oxygen chamber’s clear walls as they took you away to do treatment— you tried to go to me. I loved you and I love you forever. It was so unfair. It is so unfair. You should be alive now. I know how hard you fought to survive, to grow big and healthy. Your siblings were always so much heavier than you, alive and playing around with each other right now, though you are dead and cold and limp and decaying.
But you’re no longer in pain. You’re not going to suffocate to death. I found you in time and put you through treatment so that you could be warm and fed and given the oxygen you needed to fill your failing body— I found you in time to give you a comfortable death. You should be alive right now, you should’ve been born healthy. But you aren’t alive. But you also aren’t in pain. I did everything I could do and I am so sorry. I will take care of your siblings for you. Through the intense grief. Through it all. I love you forever, my blessing. My little kitten. 🖤
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 1 year
I’m just gonna come out and say that “your labs look okay!” doesn’t mean shit unless you know what labs the doctor ordered and more importantly why. What are they thinking and what do they want to check?
Yeah my labs looked fine because they included white cell count, hemoglobin, inflammation tests, and some vitamins, with some other standard tests.
What wasn’t fine was the red blood cell size, ferritin, and saturation. None of those were fine. But you didn’t order those tests because apparently you didn’t believe me when I said I was prone to iron anemia so ofc my labs looked fine.
And oh yeah, just a useful tip for the future, you can be iron deficient and anemic even if your hemoglobin is within the normal range. Mine is like barely, within a few points, and I was happy since I’ve mostly been under that for my entire life. I didn’t know that. I thought a doctor would. But I guess not. Had to pay for the additional labs myself =)
So yeah, I’m still suffering through the most miserable course of iron supplements that I’ve ever had the displeasure of going through, because I can’t take them daily. Fuck, I can barely take two a week, even the “mild and stomach friendly” ones so I’m going on full blown course of strong ones, since it’s all the same, and I’ve been pooping black two or three times a day for a months.
But like, I wouldn’t know I need to try this unless I had checked it myself. I don’t know yet if it has worked. With my supplements pace, I’m thinking of going to tests around late August, to see what, if anything, has improved. But at least my head isn’t spinning all the time anymore and I don’t get so painfully winded so I do know it is working on something.
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van-yangyin · 1 year
TW tw: mental breakdown, tw: illness, it's abour our dog (Lea and me), just in case
A month and a few days ago I guess you have seen how I've done practically nothing on this blog, just writing challenges and little else. That's because some time ago Yuka, the puppy of our family (me and @lea-heartscxiv among them) didn't eat any fodder, and started scratching the wall with her mouth. At first we didn't take it as something so serious, in fact we thought it was the fodder, because she did eat the homemade food. But the night of the 6th to the 7th July, during the night she became very immobile and only breathed (although the first thing shouted was that she was dead, which was something quite shocking, before seeing her breathing) so we decided to take her to the vet, first we went to one and she told us that Yuka was anemic, that she ate very little and that lacked red blood cells, she needed a blood transfusion and they referred us to another vet. We went to the other vet and they did the same tests as at the other vet because the information they sent to them was insufficient and poorly done. They did an analysis and an ultrasound, in the analysis they found insufficient red blood cells as in the other vet and in the ultrasound they found that she has a fairly large tumor in the stomach which is what causes anemia, as the tumor causes the vitamins in the food to reject the vitamins provided.
The first operation is very expensive, of the three options we were given from $1600 to $2600 the most expensive (more or less) and it is also the first of many, not counting chemotherapies. It's a hereditary disease, she's 10 years old and her father died when he was 13 years old because of the same thing, so surely it was something that had to happen to her. In the end, much to our regret, we have decided not to operate her, because of the financial issue and because we don't want her to spend the last years of her life with operations and all that entails both physically and psychologically. This week until next week we're administering pills and liquids that protect her stomach so that she can eat again, the problem is that it's decisive that she eats, otherwise we will have to go back to the vet and see what we can do. And just today she doesn't want to eat anything and has vomited the pill along with the food we have given her. We have already had another dog with tumor in the past, in fact she had threetumors and died at the age of 15 without any operation, in fact she died because got lost and her condition when she was found was very weak (I was still a toddler). Although we know that every dog is different, when it has to happen it will happen and in the meantime she will be surrounded by lots of love and lots of cuddles, be it one, two, three, four, five years or whatever.
Lately that's why I haven't had the energy to sit down and start organizing posts of Custom Content to share. I've only been able to draw, write and create half-made custom content that isn't even well done, because of this lack of emotional energy.
I hope you can understand my situation. It's not that I'm leaving everything half done, it's just that my mental energy is only focused on Yuka, just like it's with Lea. We're starting again to publishing but for Costum Content part I don't want to share anything at the moment, because I can't do things in mood I'm in and then later regret what I've shared because I hated the final result.
I'm already starting to process everything that is going on and waiting for this week to see how everything progresses and if Yuka will finally eat or not, and get the energy she's missing. It's so heartbreaking to see how she wouldn't stand still before and now she's not even able to walk down a step from the door to go into the house. All she can do is just lie in the yard. But unlike the other day, now every time we go to her, she gets up and wags her tail, which was very difficult for her the pasts days.
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conradrasputin · 6 months
@ Jo, Bunny, Lottie, Siggy
So, I've been out of the hospital for a few days, but healthwise I've had to do so much that I've had no free time.
Seems I have a condition where my blood platelets, the stuff you need for your blood to clot/prevent and stop bleeding, internal or external, are always lowering. If it was normal anemia, that'd be great, but it's more like my bone marrow is basically making them deplete drastically.
Normally people have about 150k-300k. I entered the hospital near 0, and when I had transfusions, I could get up to about 20k-30k, but my condition always keeps them lowering.
I have weekly blood draws set up, which are to be paired with transfusions, and other appointments to look for the solution to the problem. And overall I feel fine.
But I do have to be careful. I went to the hospital because not only were my platelets low, but my red blood cell count was critical too. That was what was making me incredibly weak since February, to the point where it was good I had bloodwork done to tell me to go to the hospital since I was basically dying.
To top it all off, my bloodwork this week now tells me I had nine blood platelts when I had it done, so who knows right now. No worries, bc I have a transfusion scheduled for Monday, I feel fine, I just have to not be rough on myself this weekend so I don't bleed.
As it is to really top it off, I had a rough cough I got checked out and guess what? Covid! Taking medicine, but it's a journey.
Overall, I'm home, but I'm def not even close to 100%, so I'm gonna have trouble when I'm on here to interact as I once did. I'd hoped to really catch up, but my head is taking it slower.
posting like this for now:
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Caeruleo sanguine
The blood of the cursed
This post may contain upseting or sensitive themes that arent for everyone,specially medicaly centered themes that can be acurrate or be off point.
Aswell this is to remember you that this is a FICTIONAL illness that should not be used or taken as something serious,specially since im not a profesional in any of the media used as base and i can get something wrong.
Discreation is adviced,read this under your own risk.
Stages from 0 to 20
STAGE 0: infecion
As name suggest the stage 0 is were it all beggins and the infecion starts.
Said infecion happens in the exact moment a droplet of blood from an already infected irken enters inside a wound or via consumsion from a non infected irken.
afther a couple of days the first stage starts to manifest
STAGE 1:blood coloration starts turning blue
As mentioned the color of the newly infected irkens blood starts turning from the normal reddish magenta into a shiny and almost flourescent light almost turquoise color.
this makes blood transfusions complicated since is needed that another infected irken gives its blood.
STAGE 2:anemia
The level of blood cells on the irken starts decrease agresively making the irkens weaker and more pale,this also increases the probabilitys of them getting sick.
they also may need a blood transfusion once in a time and as a try to recompose them special pills or medicines in tries to recover them from this affection.
STAGE 3:fevers|frequently sick
The irken starts to fall in bed frequently with really high fevers that can drive to halucinations or deliriums,also really bad illnesscan stick to them more easy since their defense sistem is a disaster.
STAGE 4:fatigue and insomnia
Intense imsonia starts to manifest said imsonia making it imposible to sleep in periods as long as months that eventually cause intense fatigue due to the lack of sleep.
STAGE 5:narcolepsy
This one is attached to the previous stage,the subject starts to fall sleep afther a long imsonia period.
Happening wherever and whenever in any given moment they could end up asleep in the same position they were this including standing or the position they chose to sleep.
STAGE 6:involuntary weight loss|almost no weight gain
As name of this stage may sujest the irken infected suddenly starts losing inmense amounts of weight out of nowhere,weight wich they cannot recover easily despite over eating.
STAGE 7:permanent hunger|over eating
The subject is always in a permanent state of hunger that cannot be fulled causing them to over eat but due to stage 6 they gain no weight and instead of gaining it they loose it.
STAGE 8:aggressivness|emotional dysfunction
Irkens on this stage become emotionaly unstable and potentially dangerous due to them suddenly becoming agresive towards anyone around them or even to themself.
other emotions apart from anger surge such as dispair,sadness and anguish burning fierciely till they manifest agresive responses from them.
STAGE 9:burning cronic pain
Patients describe it as being wraped in burning red barbed wire in all their body or as being burned alive.
this pain dosen´t disapear no matter what and it suddenly comes in burst,pain killers can fight it for a short time but not for forever,not taking in count that strong painkillers are needed for the task.
STAGE 10:cardiac and breating problems
The tittle kinda expalins by itself but,the irkens start experimenting chest pain and fast heart beats as well great dificulty breating without help of a mask or air filter.
STAGE 11:fainting out of nowhere
Irkens start fainting out of their sences in the most random of moments during this stage,they just faint or black out in any given moment like if they were computers that were disconected of the wall.
Tho they can faint in dangerous situacions pting their life at risk if they are in a complicated zone in wich they can fall unconcious at any given moment without warning.
STAGE 12:bleedings
During this stage the patient starts bleeding out in diferent way like starting to cough,throwing up their blood in big or small amounts,aswell they bleed through their eyes as if they were criying.
This can happen ramdomly and without warning specially the eye bleeding since theres no way of controling it similar to the blood coughing,while puking the blood will give certain sings to be prepared before it happens.
STAGE 13:paranoia
Irkens on this stage start feeling like they were being watched or followed everywhere they go making them feel anxious and unsafe at wherever they are even in their own house or even if they are completly alone,this makes them to be always alert and tense.
This sometimes can get worse under high levels of stress and can lead to them having a panic attack or a mental breakdown due to the paranoia increasing till is unvearable.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 14:visual and auditive halucinations
At this stage the infected start at first hearing whispers and seing shadow figures at the corner of their eye,but it rapidly goes intense since from whispers they become clear voices that can shout loudly and visions of clear beings that can roam frealy on the vision of the irken.
The hallucinations can involve personal things such as memories long forgotten,nightmares and things happened in the routine,the sounds can be gentle or angry voices aswell loud or quiet sounds of objects fallng or moving.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 15:inhability to feel external pain
The irken becomes unable to feel any form of damage that comes from outside the own body like being stabbed,they do not feel the stabbing perce but they later do feel the pain of the burning of a open wound provoqued naturally by the body.
This can be dangerous since they are unable to notice if they are injured as esily as other more normal irkens do,since their pain percepcion is screwed.
STAGE 16:hability to spreed the illness
At this point the blood is totally that bright blue and if they touch someone in an open wound while bleading or someone consumes their blood they will become infected and will end up just like them.
so at this point they try their best for no one except themselfs to touch their wounds.
STAGE 17:psicosis
During this stage theres certain probability that the irkens start experiencing psicotic attacks that result in them usually attacking others or their own selfs since they at this point may go berserk and don´t recognize their own body.
During s psicotic attack they can eviscerate their own eyes in the middle of the psicotic attack pluking them off or stabbing them with their claws so is remomended to try and put them down before they do this.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 18:disociative amnesia
In this poitn the irkens might loose part of their most tresusred or important memories,this involucrating their own name or the name of their loved ones,their age or who they are.
They can also forget total things such as crusial parts of their past and some of their present,aswell they can replace some memories for others or accidentaly distord already stablished memories and belive they are the actual ones.
STAGE 19:suicidal attitudes
This explains a bit by its own,but the irkens start showing suicidal thoughts and attitudes that lead them into going straight into dangerous sittuacions in hopes to be killed,they can also attempt to end their lifes so is advised that they arent left alone.
Special meds might be requiered in order to try and fight their desires to end their lifes tho they arent always needed.
STAGE 20:death
Arriving this stage irkens get weaker and weaker trough the process of a whole year and soon hits a total malfunction in all the body that leads to a coma that afther a month ends in the dead of the irken.
Reference images
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Potential origin and posible patient cero
The origins of this sickness are still discused and deeply unknown but there are certain theories about how this sickness reached the irkens.
The first one is that it comes from the golden era of explorers,in wich in an expedition explorers fell into a planet infected by this illness and that one of them got infected with it tranmiting it to the others eventually.
This theory is the most belivable since this sickness was pretty common beyond the explorers so its posible this is the true answer.
Other theory propoces that its one of the only illness that survived in the irkens like the common flu did and that despite all the years of cloning it didn´t disapear.
The patient zero of this second theory is always a random smeet that was born with this affection and wich later transmited the illness around.
Irkens infected in between my ocs
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Ikarus was an explorer thing thatgot her infected at a young age,she died around her 30´s when mis and his twins were 5 and take 3,she killed herself afther a psicotic attack in wich she almost killed her older son mis suiciding right in front of his eyes.
Mis and Ael
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Mis and Ael got both infected at the age of 5 via a open wound his mother caused them both witnesing her die,they are both currently on stage 19 and are close to reaching stage 20,both are patiently wainting till their end.
thats all for today have a nice day,touch some grass and drink some water.
Fox out
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