#Ant x y/n
whenlilyfallsinlove · 4 months
not today
ant x reader, probably gonna have multiple parts!! i am so in love with him stop.. there's a severe lack of heartbreak high work on here!!!
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was it wrong to be in love with your best friend?
you often debated the logistics of this question every night before you fell asleep, when all you could think about was him.
anthony vaughn. your best friend since diapers, the ned to your peter, the ron to your harry and everything in between. you were together that often he had his own place at your dinner table.
it was an unlikely pairing, really. people often deemed ant as an idiot, which sometimes you couldn't refute. he had made lots of stupid decisions over the years, you couldn't deny that.
"YOU THREE DID WHAT?!" you screamed, as ant had a guilty look on his face.
ant, spider and dusty had made up a rumour that amerie had slept with jojo, the teacher of the group you both had been forced to join - SLTs. this resulted in jojo being fired, and a huge protest involving yourself, ant and the rest of the group sleeping in woodsy's office.
"it was dusty's idea!" ant exclaimed, trying to defend himself. he hated when you were mad at him.
"yet you still went along with it?" you scoffed.
"spider did as well." he protested.
"of course he fucking did." you rolled your eyes. as much as you were best friends with ant, you hated his other friends. they were cunts, mostly.
"look (y/n) i'm sorry-"
"i don't think it's me you should be apologising too." you interrupted him, firmly.
ant sighed, and you hated yourself for how you really can't stay mad at him for too long.
"look.. i've already apologised to amerie. we just.. i just.. was mad. SLTs is so boring y'know? and amerie is the reason we're there anyway!" he said.
"it was still wrong of you." you replied, but your eyes softened.
"cmon (y/n), you can't be mad at me forever." ant said, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
you sighed, and playfully rolled your eyes.
"you're right, i really can't." you groaned and he got up and tackled you into a hug.
"get off of me, you smell awful!" you protested weakly, yet you still wrapped your arms around him.
you were screwed. well and truly.
you, on the other hand, were deemed as someone smart. someone respected. it confused people how you were so close, when you were just so different.
you didn't even want to think about how your friends would react after finding out about your feelings. that's why you told no one.
however, it seemed that you weren't as secretive about your feelings for ant as you thought. amerie's map. you couldn't look him in the eyes for a week after that.
loud voices were heard as you, ant and spider approached what seemed to be the talk of your year group. you looked up to see a map, a map full of names of everyone that you knew.
"what the fuck.." you muttered, your eyes roaming the map, taking it all in.
you see your own name, with lines between dusty and cash. you scoff. it didn't happen. whoever made this clearly relied on rumours that had once gone around about you.
"darren jerked you off.. nice bro, you into dudes now?" spider's voice, directed at ant, brought you from your thoughts.
you looked at the map to see ant's name connected to darren. you raised an eyebrow.
"fuck off spider." you roll edyour eyes.
"what, you jealous?" spider responded, making you clench your jaw.
"still mad i rejected you, yeah?" you replied. ant laughed at your response, making you feel quite proud of yourself.
"bro, ant and (y/n) have that same line between them that mine and amerie have." dusty's voice spoke up, pulling you from your argument with spider.
confused, you looked up to what he's talking about. your eyes widened. he was right. in all your anger about the other lines coming off your name, you had failed to notice the gold line between yours and ant's name.
"what the fuck does that mean?" ant asked, also looking up.
you look to the key.
"destined.." you muttered. you were mortified. destined? how had these mystery map bitches both fed your delusions and humbled you at the same time?
"the fuck does that mean?" ant said. to a normal person, you'd probably be offended that your crush of many years had that response but to you, you didn't care. it was likely he genuinely did not know what it meant.
"you're destined to be together, ain't that cute?" spider teased, smacking ant on the back.
you avoid eye contact with ant for the rest of that day. when it was revealed amerie created the map a small part of you wanted to ask her to elaborate. you still haven't asked ... yet.
you could never confess your feelings for him. there was no way you would. years of friendship would be on the line, if he said no.
you'd wait. wait until it was the right time.
anthony vaughn was your best friend, and you were in love with him.
one day you'd confess.
just not today.
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probably-writing-x · 4 months
Summary: could you write one an ant from hbh x reader where the readers bee best friends with spider and dusty for years and is dating ant but she gets roofied and they get protective? only if your comfortable tho im just a sucker for hurt/comfort!!
Warnings: Discussions and descriptions of spiking / drugs (support for these issues is linked at the bottom), swearing, mentions of assault / potential assault, alcohol use, panic attacks and discussions of anxiety
Word Count: 3.6k
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“There she is!” Ant grins as soon as you walk through the door, his entire being seeming to light up in your presence.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late,” You smile as you walk into Dusty’s room.
Ant is laying across the bed with Dusty and Spider sat on the edge of the bed playing COD zombies together. Neither of them turn around.
“And hello to you too,” You roll your eyes, closing the bedroom door behind you and walking over to Ant.
“Sorry, hi,” Dusty says quickly, “We’ve just got to-“
His words trail off again as they focus back onto the game.
You look over and Ant stretches his arms out for you, waiting for you to crawl into the space there. He relaxes as soon as you’re in his arms, sinking into the contact as you lay back against his chest, his legs on either side of you. His arms wrap around your waist and his head buries into your neck, kissing the exposed skin there.
“(Y/n) there’s beer in the mini fridge,” Spider mentions, the two of them still directly focused on the screen in front of them.
“They’ve been playing for at least an hour,” Ant mumbles into your ear, kissing you again.
You hum against the contact, “You’re not allowed to play?”
He laughs, “I’m too good for them.”
You’d been friends with all of the boys since kindergarten. Your Dad had enrolled you into a soccer team and you, at the time, were the only girl on the team. At that age, it didn’t seem to matter. All of you stumbled over the ball, scored into tiny fake nets and only played about fifteen minutes before you got bored. You’d then all gone to school together and, really, it felt like you’d been inseparable ever since.
It was two years ago when that had turned into something more between you and Ant. He’d always been the one you were closest to. He was the one, at first, that had always included you in everything. And he was the first one to defend you when someone was rude to you. He made you laugh more than the other two did, as if his humour could be tailored to you. When you were 14, you’d been camping at the lake with the boys. Ant was sharing a tent with you and he’d kissed you. He was nervous and scared and he didn’t know what to do with his hands but it was adorable. He’d got much better at kissing since then. Much better. Spider and Dusty had been weird about it at first - they’d said it would make things awkward and that it would be even worse if things didn’t work out. But then it just… did. You fit together, they realised it as much as you did. And, despite you two being young, nobody really saw this ending any time soon.
“Fucking hell,” Spider grumbles, tossing his controller back onto the mattress.
“Is it over?” You laugh, running your fingertips over Ant’s arms around your torso.
“Yeah Dusty fucked it,” Spider rolls his eyes, “You’ve still got the high score.”
You shrug, “What can I say? I’m just better than all of you.”
“Fuck off we taught you how to play!” Dusty kicks your leg gently.
Ant rests his chin on top of your shoulder, kissing your cheek, “Can’t we just stay here tonight?”
“No, no, no, come on,” You push up from his chest, “We said we’d go.”
“Yeah everybody’s going,” Spider points out, standing up from the bed too, “Plus, we’re already late.”
Ant groans and flops his head back against the pillow below him, “Okay I need to drink.”
The party’s happening in a warehouse downtown. You weren’t really sure how you’d ended up here, but Spider had overheard it from someone at school and got you all invited. There was music blaring from speakers and people you didn’t recognise and a million bodies moving around one expansive dance floor.
Ant places a hand on your back, smoothing his fingers over the material of your top. He liked being near to you. He was sure holding you could make him feel better about anything.
“Should we get a drink?” Dusty yells over the music and the boys agree.
All four of you walk over towards one side of the room and fill up cups from the kegs stacked up on one side. Spider makes a comment about how dirty the cups probably were and for a moment you question if it’s even worth having one. But you pour yourself a cup anyway, taking a sip of the lukewarm beer.
“I’m just going to go say hi to the girls,” You lean into Ant, “Are you guys staying here?”
“Yeah yeah we’ll be about,” He nods, bobbing his head to the beat of whatever song was playing.
“Alright, I won’t be long,” You squeeze his hand and walk off towards where you could see Amerie and Harper on the other side of the room.
That was the last time Ant had seen you before it happened. He watched you as you walked away, he always did. And he watched as you hugged Amerie and Harper in turn, before he turned back to the boys and made a comment about trying to find each of them a wife. He’d finished what was left of his cup and then poured out another one and knocked back half of that.
Dusty said they should go towards the crowd and Ant had looked back to make sure you were still within his eye line. You were with the girls, laughing about something one of them had said. And so he’d followed behind the boys into the crowd, just enough on the edge that you’d be able to see them when you came back. He didn’t think anything of it really. Everyone that you knew was here, plus another few hundred that you didn’t. It was all people your own age, all underage and worried about getting caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing. It was a harmless party.
He only started to worry when it had been a while since he’d seen you. Ant looked back over to where the girls had been stood but he couldn’t see any of you anymore. He’d glanced over towards the drinks, hoping to see you there, but you were nowhere to be seen. Maybe you’d gone to the toilet. He couldn’t see enough through the crowd to be able to figure it out.
“Guys should we go look for (Y/n)?” He’d turned around to the boys.
Spider looked at him with a frown, “She’s not answered your text?”
“No,” Ant shakes his head, shouting over the music.
“What if she comes back here and can’t find us?” Dusty returns.
They all worried about you, always. Not only did your boyfriend, but the other two treated you like a little sister. They were always going to worry.
Before they have a chance to worry any longer, Harper comes pushing through the crowd for them. She’s flustered and out of breath and her eyes are burning with panic.
“It’s (Y/n).”
Ant felt his stomach drop, his entire body go into overdrive at the thought of what could have happened.
Spider grasps his shoulder and it forces him through the crowd, the boys hurrying after Harper who leads them through.
They end up outside, the breeze hitting them as Amerie crouches beside you at the side of the road.
“What’s happened?” Dusty speaks first as Ant rushes to your side.
Your hair is disheveled and your mascara has run and your whole body is shaking.
“She just got like really drunk out of nowhere,” Amerie explains, “We thought she’d just drank too much but it all happened so fast. Like twenty minutes and she was just gone.”
“She had one drink,” Spider mentions, “I mean, we had a beer at the house. But one drink here.”
“What the fuck was in that drink?” Harper shakes her head, “This is fucked up.”
Ant let you fall into him, his arm propping you up against his side as you mumbled incoherently. He knew you couldn’t see straight, from the way your eyes looked darker and uncertain. You were holding onto his shirt and your entire body felt like it could crumble in front of him.
“We need to call somebody or get help or something,” Dusty encourages, “She could’ve been spiked.”
“Who the fuck would do that?” Amerie exclaims, “What the fuck is wrong with people?”
They all look between each other, the panic bouncing in the air between them all as Ant holds you like you’re seconds away from disappearing.
Your entire body feels heavy and trapped when you wake up, like your mind is waking up before your limbs do. Crisp white lights, rhythmic beating, wires and tubes, the distant hum of conversations you couldn’t make any sense of.
You felt sick and hungry and tired and thirsty and yet felt nothing all at the same time. And you were alone.
“Alright alright shhhhhh.”
You’d know that voice anywhere.
“She needs to-“ It cuts off instantly as soon as he sees you, “Wait she’s awake!”
“She?” You croak out, your words hoarse and painful.
“(Y/n),” Ant half-laughs, breathing out a sigh of relief into the sound of your name.
Like the sight of you had made half of his worries float away almost instantly. Your eyes, now semi-adjusted to the light, catch the sight of all three boys making their way back into the room. Dusty’s carrying food bundled into his arms and Spider’s got a balloon and Ant’s carrying the biggest teddy bear he could manage.
“This was the only balloon they had,” Spider grimaces, tying the string to the barrier on one side of the hospital bed.
You catch a glimpse of it, a pink foil heart shaped helium balloon covered in the words ‘it’s a girl’.
“And we got you your favourite snacks, or at least everything that the hospital shop had,” Dusty explains, dumping them down onto the tray table at your bedside.
Ant still hasn’t spoken, like he just needed to see you to make himself feel okay. Like he just needed to know you were here.
“Wh-“ You cough out, pushing yourself up to sit up a bit more in the bed, “What happened?”
“You-“ The boys all look between each other, like a silent conversation, before they all take up spots on either side of the bed.
Spider and Dusty on one side and Ant on the other. Ant takes your hand in his.
“You were-“ Ant takes a deep breath, “We think you were spiked last night, at the party.”
You feel your body freeze like the words have invoked a shock response, trying to rack your tired brain for any sign of memory from the night before. Nothing.
“The girls were with you, Am and Harper,” Spider mentions, “They think it might’ve happened before you went to the toilet.”
“You just got very bad very quickly, and they knew something was wrong. You fell over and cut yourself up a bit and they took you outside and that’s when they came to find us,” Dusty continues, his brows furrowing in their concern.
“You couldn’t really talk, you couldn’t stand, so we called the ambulance and they decided to bring you in,” Spider adds, “We all got questioned last night but we couldn’t really help, we just kept telling them we didn’t know what had happened to you.”
“I don’t-“ Your voice is shaky this time, and you realise how quickly your heart was beating, “I don’t remember any-“
Your bottom lip quivers, your hands starting to tremble.
“I don’t remember anything.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Ant speaks so softly, his arm wrapping around you to pull you into his side, “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“The doctor told us that you might not remember a lot of it. It’s one of the side effects, she told us it’s like being the most drunk you’ve been, but just a lot worse,” Spider explains, reaching out a hand to squeeze your knee.
You look around at the three of them, faces all full of worry. They were all sleep deprived, dark circles under their eyes, same clothes as last night, surviving off of the adrenaline and worry they’d had since the moment they’d seen you outside. You knew you were okay, the girls had stayed with you, the boys had found you, the boys were here now. And yet a thousand thoughts circled through your brain of what could have been. Of what happened without you knowing. Of what would have happened had you been alone.
You feel the sickness boil in your stomach, churning over with every fearful thought.
“(Y/n)?” It’s Spider’s voice, “You with us?”
You blink away the blur from your eyes and force a small smile, “Yeah, yeah.”
You’re back at school the following week. And everybody is already talking about the weekend. Ant holds your hand as you walk into school, his fingers laced with yours and his shoulder bumping yours with every step he takes. You can see people looking at you, people pointing out the cut on your cheek or weighing up how bad they thought you looked.
“Hey, the guys are already in class,” He mentions, nudging your shoulder as the two of you divert towards class.
You’d been with him all weekend, he’d stayed at yours and done everything for you. He’d made you food, brought you tea, checked on you every ten minutes, let you watch your favourite films. He was determined to make sure you were okay and, on surface level, you were. You weren’t feeling sick anymore, your headache had eased, your muscles didn’t feel as weak, even the injuries from that night had started to heal. But you couldn’t stop thinking about it. And for every time you told Ant you were okay, you felt like you were lying to him just a little bit.
“Thank god you’re here!” Dusty exclaims as soon as the two of you walk in, “I need you to back me up on this one.”
“What’s going on?” Ant frowns, setting his and your books down onto the desk beside the boys.
“Okay if you had to live in a movie, the right option is Avengers, right?” Dusty explains, “Like why wouldn’t you want that?”
“It’s Jurassic Park!” Spider defends, “Who gives a shit about superheroes when you could just walk around with dinosaurs?”
“Did you… watch Jurassic Park?” Ant frowns, sitting down on the edge of the table and wrapping his arms around you so that you can perch between his legs.
“Shit goes wrong in Avengers all the time! And if you weren’t a superhero then you’re just one of those boring people in the street that has to run away from the bad guy,” Spider shakes his head, “What do you think (Y/n)? What film would you live in? Marvel or Jurassic Park?”
“Urm,” You clear your throat, “Surf’s Up.”
“Oooooh, and (Y/n) wins,” Dusty smiles, “Well played.”
They carry on their conversation about films and bring up all of the worst options they can think of. Spider gets Dusty into a headlock when he persists that Jurassic Park is one of the worst options. The two of them go tumbling into one of the desks.
“Hey, you okay?” Ant says softly into your ear.
You turn around and offer him a smile, “I’m okay.”
He kisses your cheek and you stand up from the desk, settling into your own seat with Ant beside you. He puts an arm around the back of your chair, swirling patterns on your shoulder like he always did. He was an affectionate boy, with nobody but you.
“Hey, (Y/n).”
You look up to see Amerie and Harper walking over towards you as Spider and Dusty take the seats adjacent to you and Ant.
“We just wanted to check you were okay,” Amerie says, “Im so sorry that happened to you.”
“Oh, um,” You shake your head, “You don’t need to say sorry. It could’ve happened to anyone.”
“We should’ve been watching more,” Harper encourages, “I mean seriously that’s so scary what happened.”
“Yeah I can’t believe how quick it all went,” Amerie adds on, shaking her head, “It’s seriously fucked up.”
“But we’re glad you’re okay.”
“Thanks girls,” You nod, “And thank you for… you know… helping.”
They both offer you that sympathetic smile you’d been seeing a little too often in the past few days. You appreciated the concern from everyone, it was nice. But you weren’t sure you could deal with another person checking up on you. They cared too much, right? You were fine. You were totally and utterly fine.
But there was a tightness in your chest that wouldn’t let up. It remained sat there, heavy and clenching. And the more you thought about that night, the tighter it got.
“Alright everybody settle down!” The teacher calls from the front of the class and everyone seems to settle into their spaces.
Ant keeps an arm over the back of your chair, as close to you as you can get. And you try to take a deep breath to ease the tightness in your chest. It doesn’t seem to go.
You’ve got sport next, and the boys are doing basketball on one side whilst the girls are on the other. The sports hall feels warm and stuffy and you’re certain the tightness in your chest has only got worse.
“(Y/N)?” It’s Harper’s voice that cuts through to you, flinching you from your thoughts, “You good?”
“I-“ You clear your throat, blinking, “I’m good.”
Just then, one of the boys yells something from the other side of the hall - you don’t know what, but the volume seems to cut through you. You feel yourself flinch again, your chest seemingly tightening even more. You feel like you’re trying to take a step forward and yet your feet are stuck in their exact spot. Like you’re sinking. Your body feels heavy and weak all at once and you’re completely out of control. Your vision starts to blur and your ears are pounding and all attempts at breathing seem to be escaping you. Like your body is fighting against itself.
It’s one of the girls again, coming over towards you in the sports hall.
But you’re not there. You’re back at the party and they’re coming over to you again, and you’re just as out of control as you were that night. You can make out the faint silhouettes of the boys - too far from you. And you can’t get to them, your mind and your body and your brain won’t allow you.
And then it all just seems to go dark.
When you next wake up, you’re in the uncertain surroundings of the nurse’s office. It smells of cleaning products and linen and the bed is rock solid beneath you.
“(Y/n),” The nurse smiles at you from over the room, “How are you feeling?”
Your throat is dry and your head is pounding, “What happened?”
“Well, you had a panic attack,” She says softly, “You didn’t pass out but it seemed you were very close to, your friends brought you here and you fell asleep not long after.”
You nod, “I don’t really remember much of it.”
“That’s okay, that’s completely normal,” She assures you, “There’s somebody that’s been waiting outside if you’re feeling up for having a visitor.”
You nod and sit on the side of the bed, your legs crossed beneath you. When she opens the door and steps outside, it’s Ant that comes in to keep you company.
“There she is!” He smiles softly, speaking so gently it almost doesn’t sound like him, “I thought you might be cold.”
He hands over his black hoodie to you and you pull it on, breathing in the lingering scent of his aftershave.
“How are you feeling?” Ant asks, taking his spot on the bed beside you, facing you.
“I’m okay, I’ve never had that happen before with a panic attack,” You shake your head, “I just couldn’t move or anything it was so scary.”
“Hey,” He reaches out and takes your hand, “You’ve also never been through anything like what happened to you at the weekend, and you’re allowed to be struggling with that.”
“I just-“ You shake your head, “People keep asking me if I’m okay and I keep saying I am but… I just keep thinking what would have happened if…”
Your bottom lip quivers and Ant wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“Im never going to let that happen, (Y/n), I promise you,” He mumbles into you, “And I’ll be as patient as you need to help you deal with all of this.”
You pull away from him just enough to look into his eyes, letting them inject into you the warmth that he seemed to ooze.
“We can talk about it, we can find a therapist if you feel like that would help, we can speak to the police again, we can do anything,” He encourages, brushing your hair away from your face and cupping your cheek, “But I need you to know that I’m here, okay?”
You nod and lean into his touch as he smooths his thumb over your skin.
You sniff, “Thats the most serious I’ve ever seen you, Ant.”
He laughs, “Yeah I can be serious when I want to be.”
You smile and he leans in to kiss you as if he wants to seal the smile there. Seal the small fraction of yourself that he could see coming through. And he meant it, he’d do whatever he could to get all of those fractions back.
Helpful Links
Stamp Out Spiking
Alcohol Think Again (AU)
Crisis Text Line
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messylustt · 1 year
v.03.10.23 day two: size kink ( nsfw )
miguel o’hara brainrot
every part of miguel was bigger then you. his hands could wrap around your neck and suffocate you in an instant, no sweat spared. but miguel liked to do other things with his size difference, things that involved you laid out for him, maybe restraints involved, because you both knew how much you liked to squirm. even though fingers are usually used to prepare someone, his stretched you out to the point of pain. every time he takes you, you have to mentally prepare. because though it felt unbelievably good, that first stretch always seemed to make you claw at his back, shoulders or chest. “jus’ relax…” miguel would mutter as he’d nudge your legs apart. every time miguel would have to restrain himself, because even though you felt pain at first all miguel felt was pleasure. you were so small in his hold, your tiny hole making him groan the moment he slipped the tip in. “‘m sorry, mi vida.” one time he uttered. it had been a hard day, and the moment he felt you clench around his tip he couldn’t wait, pushing all the way inside you and making you choke on a scream. he’s lost in the feel of you as you hold back tears, not seeming to stop his own hips thrusting. miguel would show you some mercy though, by rubbing at your clit, muttering again how he’s so sorry, his hips picking up pace, and making your eyes shut tight. luckily, it wouldn’t take long for you to feel nothing but pleasure as you’d slightly bounce along the bed, becoming a whining mess for him. flipping you around with your back arched allowed him to reach even deeper inside you. he rutted into you, liking the way he could throw you around. “taking me so well…mierda…so well…my little girl”
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taglist below
@spiderst4rgirl @buttertubz @nayylas @cultrise @miguelsslut @eddieslooneymoonie @duckyduck25 @chysalxsm @lusttszn @lemonlotem @siidmm @Horror_sl*t @urmotherlvr @carlixa @jackdawwaquarium @vampsired @kaitoliu @diyag @shadowarchon @zabac69 @alucards-no-life-queen @certified-stargirl @andrealuvsmiguel @freehentai @vic0dyn @raexy @awniie @slut4drudy @ramiiroll @briefrebelfanalmond @kuujo @LittleAbyssGirl @oyaapeach @matchayuii @zaunsin @pinkghost222 @kodzuminx @iite-cool @urabotlmao @missbeverlyhills @winteringfalls @rostarblog @chocolatechiipsworld @mcinava @br0ken--ruby @burningpeace @myrcella-maximoff @shadowarchon @coffie-witch @die4niyahhh @oilfics @hawunts @i-do-be-vibinn @sillygardeneggperson
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Shameless established relationship RLGL AU fluff ♡
Look at these goobers, they are just foolin' around
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lavendermunson · 9 months
i want you, bless my soul - eddie munson
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from the candy cane box at leia's christmas tree farm
summary best friend au, with the prompt “So, um. That was something. Should we do that again?” for the one and only @onegirlmanytales thank you for requesting my love, I hope you like the direction I took and enjoy it so much!!
cw FLUFF. best friends to lovers. two oblivious idiots in love. r's first kiss. brief mention of insecurities. steve and robin cameo!
w.c 1.7k
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“No one has ever kissed me… let’s just forget about it!”
You sigh, placing the freshly baked cookies on a beautiful porcelain bowl Eddie gave you last Christmas. Their scent calming every nerve your best friend decides to play with today.  All of your friends are arriving in a couple of minutes for the annual Christmas party.
“You are telling me no one has ever kissed you under the rain?”
“Eddie please, just stop it”
“No one has ever kissed you under the moonlight!”
He tries to guess. You regret telling him about your first kiss. It hasn’t happened yet… but he thinks it has, he just thinks it was bad or embarrassing because you’ve never told him. And you tell him everything, he is your best friend.
“You are never going to guess, I'm tired of this now”
He chases you around your house, as you walk with the bowl of cookies in your hands. You place them on the coffee table of your living room, alongside all the other snacks and drinks to enjoy the night. 
“I know! no one has ever kissed you under the mistletoe. That’s why you don’t have one” 
Eddie thinks he hit the jackpot, smiling brightly at you. 
“No one has ever kissed me, okay!” you snap, tired of his games. “I haven’t had my first kiss yet” 
You throw your hands in the air, standing in front of him. Eddie was the only one who didn’t know about this. The rest of your friends know, because you know they weren’t going to laugh or make fun of you. But Eddie is capable of it, not because he is mean. His personality is just like that, he is the joke expert and the prank master. This was a serious topic to you, something that kept toying with your self-esteem.
Your arms fall to the side, your hands close on a fist, white knuckles and eyes shut trying to hide the embarrassment that’s eating you alive as you wait for Eddie to laugh at you and make a hundred jokes about this. 
You wish the floor could swallow you whole.
Eddie notices the way you tense up, confessing the secret you’ve held for a long time. He thought there was some catch to it, but there wasn’t. Who the fuck can live without ever kissing your lips? he asks himself, when he has been dreaming about it since the first time he met you at the arcade. 
You were babysitting the kids, holding their quarters for them as you paced around the sticky carpet. Back when Eddie’s ears got used to quieting down everything around him except your sweet voice. 
He didn’t want to lose you, he could never. And he was sure he wasn’t your type, with your room having a Karate Kid poster and a picture of Michael Schoeffling ripped out of a magazine.
Missing the picture of Eddie Van Halen on your jewelry box, he knew your type was far away from him. 
You were never going to like him, his friends would tease him about it. They would fill Eddie’s mind with ideas that tormented him before going to bed. You are way too out of his league.
He is happy with the best friend title because he gets the best friend treatment. He gets to hug you when you see him, cuddle with you on movie nights, and hang around his trailer all day. He would never trade your presence for anything, not a metal concert, not even the fame some rockstars get overnight.
For Eddie you are everything, you mean everything. His life is so much better with you around.
But he doesn’t laugh or start making a full comedy show, instead, you hear the thump of things falling out of his pockets. His lighter, a pack of cigarettes, previously chewed gum wrapped in a piece of paper, and his van keys. He empties his pockets trying to find what he has been looking for and when he finds it, he goes around your house looking for tape.
“What are you doing with that? no one is coming here to kiss me, only our friends” 
“Well? m’lady. I doubt you want to spend another Christmas unkissed” He takes your hand, guiding you closer to him until you are both under the mistletoe. “This is how it works, you stand here, and as the rule says you kiss the person in front of you”
You watch as Eddie taps the branch with his finger. Pointing at it, then at him, and finally at you. You are exactly in the spot, you look at him. Begging him to kiss you.
You've thought about it for a while. What would it be like to kiss him? Not someone random, not a guy who coats your ears with sugar at work. Just Eddie.
The guy who sits on the edge of his bed, shirtless, and while his fingers are gentle with the strings of his guitar you can’t do anything else but admire. Trying to memorize all of his features and tattoo that scene on your head for the rest of your life.
The guy who asked you to color his tattoos, trusting your artistic eye and trying to kill time before the pizza got to his trailer. You asked for a rain check that night, knowing you’d lose your mind the second your fingers touched his bare chest.
“And who’s gonna kiss me?” you ask. 
“Uhh, Jonathan?” Eddie asks, raising one of his eyebrows. Trying to question you to see who your type is.
“I pass” 
“Steve?” Eddie’s voice cracks. If you passed at Jonathan, there’s a high chance you could say yes to Steve and he would fall to his knees, defeated. 
“I don’t think so” 
His brown eyes are wide open. Shit. Not even Steve?
“Let’s just enjoy our evening…” Unless you want to kiss me, you think.  “Let’s forget about it”
You try to escape from the compromised positions, but your legs feel heavy as you step aside. You thought Eddie was going to kiss you. 
When you try to escape, he wraps his fingers around your wrist and pulls you back to him.
You feel a jolt of electricity, his touch being hard on you yet not hurting. His eyes looking for yours and when you finally lock your gaze with his. He takes a deep breath, ready to risk it all.
Eddie pulls you to his chest, resting a hand on the small of your back. You feel the goosebumps all over your body, his breath tingling your lips. He notices the shine in your eyes, pleading for him to do something because you are too nervous to move.
If he wanted to kiss you, he would kiss you. That’s what you believe. 
He looks at your eyes, at your lips. Impatient, he is making you melt under his touch, and you feel your insides are screaming at him to do something. You decide to wrap your arms around his waist, afraid of him slipping through your fingers and regretting this moment.
You capture him. As he looks down at you like a starved man. 
Eddie’s mind is clouded with hundreds of thoughts. This could be so good, this could get bad and ugly. It’s your first kiss, it should be special. It should be with someone you like, Do you like him? Do you want him?
He snaps back to reality when you reach for a strand of hair that fell to his face. Tugging the curl in the back of his ear. Your fingers send shivers through his spine, feeling your gentle touch against his skin. He melts under your touch too.
“Let’s get this over with” he breathes out, digging his fingertips on the small of your back to keep you close. His lips press against yours, you close your eyes enjoying the moment. 
But it’s your first kiss. You don’t know what to do, but just as you start to panic Eddie cups your cheeks, his thumb pressing against your warm skin. 
“Relax” he whispers on your lips, taking control of the situation. You feel his lips crash with yours, dancing against them as you try to keep up with the pace.
Is this how it feels? To kiss someone for the first time, or even better, to kiss the boy you love for the first time. Your mind is in the clouds, every part of your body feels lighter as a feather.
His lips are so soft. What the actual fuck? How were you able to survive so long without this?
It’s your first kiss. But it feels like it’s Eddie’s too. He can feel his body fill up with electricity, his heart thumping against his chest – just like yours – He has kissed girls before, even boys. But this feeling is new, he is finally kissing someone he loves.
“WOAH! They are kissing” You break away from the kiss as you hear Robin’s voice. She looks at you then at Eddie, a smile showing off on her face. “Sorry, keep doing that!” 
“Good job, guys!” Steve says, pushing Robin to the kitchen as she keeps her thumbs up in the air.
Eddie shakes his head, looking down at you. Seeing that smile he loves so much as you giggle, with your body so close to his. You try to catch the air he knocked out of your lungs, keeping him pressed against you.
“Woah indeed” His eyes look at the mistletoe, at your puffy pink lips, and at your flushed cheeks. He grins proudly. 
“That was… something” you smile, scrunching up your nose as you look at his matching pink lips and cheeks.
“Should we do it again?” he asks, his chest heaving up and down. 
“Please” you whisper, feeling your body yearning for more of him.
“Anything you want, princess”
He kisses you again, this time he quickens the pace of it. You feel his tongue brush against yours causing you to whimper. He giggles at your reaction, groaning for more of you. Eddie is addicted to your taste already. If the smell of your chapstick made him crazy, this sure is going to kill him.
You start to move your tongue, feeling the closure as your teeth crash with his, and the mix of chapstick and saliva, with a touch of cigarette coats your bottom lip. You can’t get enough of the feeling of his lips keeping yours warm and nice.
“Fuck, you taste good” his shaky words come out as he takes a breather, inches from your lips. His teeth find your bottom lip, nipping at it as you open your mouth for him once again.
You won't be spending Christmas unkissed.
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, your support means so much to me  🎄
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Unleash your inner Avenger Masterlist
- On-going series -
Summary: This is how I see the MCU going if Reader was in it.
Warnings: MCU spoilers. Language. Mentions of death, fighting and use of firearms. My poor attempts at being funny. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Part 2 | Part 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Black Panther
203 notes · View notes
crusty-chronicles · 7 months
Forgiveness and Acceptance
Ch 3: Changes
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Synopsis: Despite what it may seem, Kite still struggles with his chimera body. A constant internal struggle between his rational thoughts and new instincts.
Warnings: Intimacy, mentions of nudity, mentions of breeding
Kite awoke engulfed in a familiar warmth. A feeling that was unmistakeably you. Limbs tangled in a comfortable mess, beckoning him back into sleep. But he couldn't. Not today. Unfortunately, you both had somewhere to be. So he begrudgingly opened his eyes. Your loving smile being the first thing he saw today. One he'd be missing for the next week.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” You cooed. 
Without fail, his face reddened at your teasing. He really should have been used to it by now. But you had a habit of getting under his skin in the best way possible. No matter how much time had passed, your words would always have an effect on him.
“How many of those do you have?” He asked, snuggling deeper into the crook of your neck.
“Endless. Maybe if you weren't so pretty I'd stop calling you princess.”
He could practically hear the smirk in your voice.
“Mhmm. Sure.”
And he was right, your cheeky grin on full display as you caught the sight of red. Very much enjoying his flustered state. The two of you content to bask in the other's warmth for as long as possible. 
It was another five minutes before Kite pulled away from you enough to meet your gaze. Staring into your sleepy eyes that weren't as burdened with dark circles as they once were. That never seemed to carry the same heaviness from before. You'd come so far since then. Since the Chimera Ant Incident. Which brought him back to what he'd dreamt of last night.
The realization that he hurt you.
That you let him hurt you.
He never really asked you about what happened, or rather, you didn't like talking about it. There were bits and pieces he gathered from Ging and the boys. But other than that, he didn't pry. Maybe if he had, he wouldn't have been so caught off guard by what he did. As repulsed.
Yet despite that, you were still here next to him. Offering up your comfort and love in exchange for his. Joined together so intimately, he was hesitant to move. To disrupt this peaceful morning. It wouldn't have been fair to worry you before you left. But it seems even without your nen, you could still read him like a book. Your expression shifting into one of concern.
“About last night…” you started. Already sensing his rising discomfort.
“We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'd like to know at least how you're feeling.”
Because you knew what it was like to startle awake from a night terror. Forced to relive something you just couldn't escape. And you knew what it was like not wanting to talk about it. Not wanting to relive the dream a second time. If he didn't want to tell you what was bothering him, that's okay. You just needed to be sure he was fine. That whatever it was he dreamt about couldn't hurt him.
But Kite was never the type to hide things from you. He was more open than you could ever hope to be. 
“... You let yourself get hurt by me. During the ant incident.” He said after a while.
He didn't have to explain for you to know what he was talking about. The hits from when he was a puppet under Pitou’s control. The swelling and bruising that came after. Only for the process to repeat itself the next day. And the next day. Until the dreadful extermination mission from the hunter association. It was the only time he'd ever actually hurt you.
But it wasn't really him was it?
It was Pitou's nen controlling him. And you could never blame him for that. It was your decision to visit him everyday. Your decision to step in front of Gon. Your choice to give whatever negative emotions he may have been harboring an outlet. Back then, you'd been able to feel the pent up malice. 
“You weren't yourself.” You rebuttabled. 
You hadn't been sure he was even in there. But you remember what you told the boys that day. The first time you'd seen his stitched up state.
‘Being an adult is hard. I'm supposed to stay strong and tell you everything's gonna be okay. But how can I reassure you when I don't even believe that.’ 
You didn't know if he'd ever come back to you. If the consequences of your cowardness could be reversed.  So you'd taken every hit, not knowing any other way to make it up to him when you weren't even sure he was alive.
“But I still hit you.” Kite argued.
“I've been hit by a lot of people. I'm used to it. It wasn't your fault anyways. It was mine.” Your fault for running away and letting him get caught up in the aftermath.
You'd told him about your upbringing. How your clan would punish you for making a single mistake. How they always told you that you weren't good enough.
An old habit of blaming yourself for the abuse inflicted on you. 
It was something you were working on. Something he was trying to help you through. Which is why he refused to continue to let you think that way. You shouldn't have to be used to being hit, regardless of if you were a fighter. You shouldn't blame yourself for everything that's happened. 
“It wasn't your fault. What happened was not your fault.” He moved to cup your cheek with as much softness as he could muster. Making sure your eyes were focused on his. 
Yet still you avoided his gaze. As if you felt guilty. Now he had to know-needed to know just what the hell was going through your head.
“Why did you let me hit you? Did you think of it as a way for me to get even for what happened?”
He hit the nail right on the head. And for a brief moment, you regretted opening your mouth this morning. You still weren't used to being open when it came to bad memories. They were always harder to talk about. But you owed Kite that much. To reassure him that what happened was not his fault.
You would have done it all over again if it meant he was still here.
“...I thought it was the least I could do.” You said. An honest answer. He was getting better at drawing those out from you. But it only further worried him.
“I wasn't in there. Do you think if I was, I would have still lunged for you?”
Your hesitance to speak had been answer enough for him. 
“I don't know.” You responded, almost looking ashamed.
You really thought he had been hitting you on purpose? That it was his choice. Seeing it happen through his own eyes was enough to send him spiraling. But to willingly hurt you…He would never be able to forgive himself. For you to believe he ever hated you at some point, he must've been doing a terrible job of showing you the exact opposite. That he loved you more than he could put into words.
But he would show you. He had the rest of his life to prove it to you over and over again.
“I'm sorry.” He leaned up and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Why are you apologizing?” You asked. 
“Because you mean everything to me. And I don't want you to think you deserve anything less than.”
You didn't even realize you were crying until he swiped away one of your tears with his thumb. Your heart only swelling from the gesture. What did you ever do to deserve this man? Someone who only ever saw the best in you. Who had once again convinced you there was a chance he revered you just as much as you did him.
“I was supposed to be the one comforting you today. But here I am blubbering like a baby.” You said with a sad smile.
Crying had been another thing. You never liked crying in front of others. Another part of yourself you hid away, but never from him. Kite didn't like seeing you cry either. But he understood it was a part of your healing. Being able to just feel instead of bottling it up. 
That didn't mean he was just gonna sit by and do nothing when your thoughts were so self destructive.
“You've done more than enough.” He assured.
Because you'd brought him back at the risk of losing everything. Your life, your relationship with the boys, your nen. One of which you'd lost permanently. Or so it seemed.
He pressed his lips softly to yours.
“I love you.”
And once again you were struggling with those three little words. So close yet so out of reach. You just couldn't say them, but you could still tell him how you felt.
“Kite, you are so important to me. I'd do anything for you.” Anything to make him happy.
And for some reason, those words didn't sit right with him. A foreboding feeling settling in his stomach. But he brushed it off, about to offer more words of comfort before the sound of an alarm went off. Your peaceful morning had come to an end.
You let out a sigh before speaking.
“We gotta get going.”
“You go on ahead and get ready first,” Kite encouraged. 
He placed a hand on your hip. Tracing little circles with his thumb on your thigh as he finally pulled out. Mourning the loss of your warmth. He looked back up to make sure you weren't in any pain, but he caught sight of a dark bruise on your neck.
“Does that hurt?” He asked, remembering he'd bitten you last night in his haste to feel your comfort.
You reached up and skimmed the mark with your fingers, wincing slightly at the feeling.
“It feels a little sore but other than that, no.”
Before he could question you further, you'd gotten up. Placing a kiss on the tip of his nose and quickly making your way to the bathroom. The sound of the shower turning on signaled the beginning of what would be a long week.
Your doctor’s appointment was something he couldn't help but dread. A day to get there. Two days of tests. A day to get results. And one for rest. Absolute hell for him. He understood that this was important to you. Why it mattered so much.
But you'd been trying for over a year to get your nen back with no luck.
Would it really be so bad to accept it was lost forever now? After so much time had passed? It's not like anybody would think any less of you. You'd proved yourself a thousand times over during the extermination mission. Everyone did. Then there was the question of why you were trying so hard to get your abilities back.
A goal.
Something to chase after.
But what would you do once you regained your nen?
Would you become a hunter? No. Despite all that's happened, you still despised the association with everything in you. Would you follow around the boys again? It didn't seem likely. You wanted to give them space. Allow them to enjoy being kids while they still could. Would you end up doing your own thing? Find a passion completely separate from his that kept you away?
Or would you stay with him regardless?
More than anything he hoped the latter was true. That you two would continue to share this life together. And maybe it was selfish of him to think that way. To want you by his side to quell his own anxieties of losing you.
There was no denying you were strong. Managing to go head to head against Killua's brother even without your nen. But despite your physical prowess, an experienced nen user would always have an edge against you. One misstep and you'd be done. It should have pointed to him vying for you to get your nen back. So he wouldn't have to worry about you getting hurt.
Yet, the exact opposite was what he felt was best. You weren't a fighter. For as long as he's known you, you tried your best to avoid combat. And after everything that's happened, you’d never fight again. You deserved to live a normal life away from monsters and bloodshed. To stop looking over your shoulders in fear.
You were getting better. You seemed happier. Your crooked smile had never been as bright as it was now. If you got your nen back, he had a feeling it would all be gone. That you'd once again hold the weight of the world on your shoulders. 
But something was driving you desperately to regain your nen. Something he couldn't help but connect back to your earlier words. ‘I’d do anything for you.’ 
It wasn't like you were burdening him without your abilities. The kids certainly didn't mind you being normal. And none of your friends thought differently of you. So what was it? Why did it feel like you weren't doing this for yourself? Whatever it was, he just hoped you'd eventually tell him. He'd be able to help you better that way.
For now, he should be focusing on the present. You two were currently looking into getting a house. All odds pointing towards a future with both of you in it. A place to relax after traveling around for months. A home to go to instead of another hotel until the next expedition. 
Who knows, maybe you'd choose to stay there instead of following him around. He could almost see it. You lounging about, waking up at an ungodly hour now that you didn't have a deadline to meet. Carrying around comforters with you to nap where you pleased. Unawares he'd just gotten back after being gone for months. 
But that was the root of the issue wasn't it? Being away from you for so long. He couldn't imagine leaving you by yourself for a few months, let alone with a child.
Immediately his face turned a bright red. Internally cursing himself out for thinking such a thing. Trying to ignore the way something stirred within him. The thought of you carrying around his child. Getting to create a family with you. 
Then again, hadn't you created one already? The kids you'd gone through hell and back for. His team who he'd looked after for years. Then there was the extermination team. Your friends. And Ging. Someone who he'd never be able to pay back for saving you. For giving you a reason to keep going when you thought you'd lost everything. 
They were family, yes…But what Kite had in mind felt a little more special. A life created by the two of you. A family stemming from the best parts of you and him. He mentally scolded himself for not even considering how you felt.
Would you want to have kids with him?
You'd talked about it maybe twice. And both times you'd agreed it was too soon. That both of you weren't ready yet. 
But you did want them, a part of himself immensely satisfied with the fact. And once again, Kite had to reprimand himself.
What the hell was wrong with him?
He cursed the beastly instincts inside him daily. Fighting with himself everytime the need to keep you away from other men would arise. Even though he knew you didn't have a specific preference for partners. 
The word possessive flashing through his mind.
Though territorial would have been a better descriptor.
Maybe that was why he couldn't stop himself from marking you every time you made love. A way to show that you were his and his only. Had he self-consciously bitten you yesterday because of that? A reminder to whoever saw you during the week?
Chimera Ants only had one purpose. To serve their queen and subsequent king. And even though his mind was human, his memories were human. His body was not. No matter what it looked like.
Thus the struggle to keep his new instincts at bay. The ones that wanted to cater to your every need. The ones that yearned to keep you in a safe place. To have you right next to him at all times. The ones that demanded he breed you.
As cliche and cheesy as it sounded, you were his queen.
His body refusing to accept you as anything less. His mind arguing with the extreme declaration.
What you were was his lover.
And if he got lucky enough one day, his wife.
‘His mate.’ the little voice in his head argued.
And there it went again. Fighting with himself over something so stupid. He hated these new instincts. He hated the way they prevented him from thinking with a clear head. It always seemed to get worse when you were about to leave. The panic of not having your scent around him. Of not being able to sleep without you.
Then it'd quiet down after a few days, only to come back upon seeing you again. And once his scent was back on you, it'd slink back down until the next three months when you'd have another appointment.
He wondered if any of the other ants went through this. Then again, he was the only one with a lover. They probably wouldn't be of any help. He was just thankful he never had a heat.
Now that would simply be too much. He'd die of embarrassment. He was ashamed of himself enough as it was without a heat.
The sound of your humming steadily reached his ears, effectively snapping him from his thoughts. Another one of the things that would be missing. He remembered you used to be embarrassed about singing in the shower. Always going eerily quiet when you'd hear him moving about in another room. Truthfully, he liked your voice. It had a certain calming effect that just fit with the old songs you chose. It helped with the nightmares. Both yours and his. 
He had to reassure you over and over again that he didn't mind. And while you got bolder over time, you no where near belting out lyrics the way you did when you thought he wasn't there. But like all things, you were getting there little by little.
Which reminded him, one of these days he had to take you out dancing. It was another coping method for you. Something else precious from your childhood that you liked to indulge in. That let you go back to the simplest of times. To two people who you remember treating you with kindness back then.
He knew it was the small gestures that stuck with you the most.
He glanced over to the small alarm clock and figured it was time for him to get up. No use stalling. He could hear you more clearly as he approached the bathroom. Hand hovering above the door knob before he entered. Immediately he was engulfed in a puff of steam. You always liked your showers scorching hot to make up for the cold ones you endured as a kid. 
Inversely, Kite always liked his cold.
It didn't mean he would turn a hot one down to be with you. You'd showered together frequently enough that he'd bear the heat if you bore the cold. It was most definitely a first for him during the beginning of your relationship. He was embarrassed to see your most intimate parts in a setting that was almost domestic. Being completely vulnerable and viewing your body in a way that wasn't sensual. Just you. Just Him.
It was a different intimacy from the one you shared in the bedroom. Softer. He loved you and everything you were, and you loved him. 
He spotted the pile of clothes on the floor and picked up your shirt. It would get him by the five days you were gone. Kite never could sleep properly without you. Your scent. And he knew it was the exact same for you.
“Hey! Make sure to give me your hat before we leave,” you called out from over the curtain.
You didn't have to ask for him to already have it out for you. You always took either his old blue one or his dark red when you left. This time, it'd be the red one. 
“I swear, sometimes you love snuggling that thing more than me.” He teased. 
“If you get to keep my shirt, I get to keep your hat. Besides, it smells the most like you anyways.” 
He'd been told his old hat had comforted you during the ant incident. Or rather, his scent still on it. It made sense why that was the thing you chose to take with you. He couldn't help but find it endearing.
“You almost done in there?” He asked.
“Just about.” You responded before peaking your head out of the side of the shower curtain.
“Unless you wanted to join me?” You gave a playful waggle of your eyebrows, offering up more space next to you.
Always a tease. Kite shook his head in amusement before responding. 
“Sure. As long as you lower the temperature a bit. I'd rather not explain why I have third degree burns to my team.”
“Coward.” Nevertheless, you reduced the heat. 
Kite's clothes soon joined yours on the floor. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and froze. It'd taken him a long time to get used to his reflection. To accept this was really him now. Although the changes had been minor, they'd been a lot to take in. 
He didn't carry any of the scars his past body had. Only the memories of where the marks should've been. The agility that came with his lean build had been replaced with an awkward clumsiness due to the increase in muscle. His height was monstrous, and the addition of a rat tail didn't help. More often than not, he found himself tucking it away from sight. His hair might've been the only thing he didn't mind as much as the others. It didn't reach the back of his knees as it once did, but it was still decently long. The color he didn't care much for. Although, half the time he still expected to see silver instead of red.
The only thing that had stayed the same were his eyes.
Wondering what was taking your partner so long, you once again peaked out. Noticing the blanked out expression on his face as he stared at his reflection. Kite, as calm and collected as he was, still had his moments where the weight of what happened hit him. This was one of those moments.
Where the differences bordered on insecurities. 
So you did the only thing you thought would help. Distract him from whatever was plaguing his mind. Soothe the doubts.
“Hey handsome. Might wanna join me before I get all pruny.” You called out.
Kite jumped at the sound of your voice. Turning to you before his eyes softened. They always did when he was looking at you.
“You've still got some suds in your hair love.” He pointed out.
You jumped back in the shower with an offended gasp. Listening to the small laugh Kite gave as he finally made his way over.
“I do not! You're just trying to gaslight me!”
The curtain pulled back for a brief moment. You could feel Kite behind you before it closed once more. 
“Did Killua teach you that one?” He asked. Cupping his hands under the stream and pouring the water on your head. 
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement.” You crossed your arms, but there was no protest to his actions.
So he continued washing away the suds on your scalp. Angling your head back against him.
“Hold still for a second.” He instructed.
You leaned your full weight on him as a show of your trust. Your limpness an indicator that you were comfortable with whatever was happening around you. He ran his fingers through your hair a few times to make sure there was no more soap.
“There. All rinsed off.” 
He made sure to steal a kiss from you before he righted you up. You returned it and ushered him to switch places. The water hitting him directly now. 
“Your turn. Let me get all of you.”
You started off with his body first, lathering enough of the soap to get started. If he ever expected your hands to feel silky soft, he would've been dead wrong. They were probably more calloused than his. Never knowing a day of rest until you were 17. But it wasn't the texture of your hands that put him at ease. It was the gentleness in which you touched him. 
Taking away any knots in his shoulders and lightly scrubbing him down. Had he gotten up sooner, your body would have received the same treatment. He took over when you got lower, not wanting to turn a moment of domesticity into something steamy. 
When he was rinsed off, you moved to his hair. If he had it his way, he'd let you wash it everyday. You probably took better care of it than he did. Massaging in shampoo and conditioner without getting any tangles. Your fingers combing through in a way that almost had him purring. Moving his head down so you could reach properly. He felt completely at bliss. One of your ways of showing your love even without saying it.
Your morning had started off slower than you would've liked, but you couldn't say you regretted spending a few minutes more with your lover. You both got dressed quickly. Only forty minutes left before your flight. After double checking your suitcase one more time, you snagged Kite's red hat and made your way towards the door. 
But he had other plans for your usual routine. Hand placed on yours a top the door knob, effectively stopping your movements.
“Let me at least take you to the airport? I wanna see you off.” Something pleading in his tone.
He never seemed to have the right opportunity to go with you to your appointment. Always too busy with work. It should've come as no shock. Being a pro hunter meant you'd always be on the move. Never time to stop in one place for very long.  Already moving onto the next project by the time you returned. It was exhausting, but he loved his job. 
However, he found he loved you even more. If it weren't for your insistence that he stay, he would've booked a flight with you in a heartbeat. So if he couldn't come with you, he at least wanted to spend what time he could together. Just knowing you'd made it to your flight would be enough.
“I don't want you to be late.” You responded. The last thing you wanted for Kite to ditch his job for you. You weren't nearly as important.
But he had this habit of always knowing what to say to reassure you. 
“I won't. I promise I won't be late to the meeting point. And even if I was, it'd be worth it.”
Surprisingly, you made it with 15 minutes to spare. It gave enough time for both of you to eat something light for breakfast while you waited. A pair of blueberry muffins (because it was never too early for something sweet according to you) and coffee. Yours iced and his hot. You'd scrunched up your face as he took a sip of his.
“I still can't believe you like your coffee black. Your taste buds must be dead.”
He playfully nudged your shoulder at your comment.
“I still can't believe you like coffee. If it weren't for all the sweeteners you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.” 
“I like to have some flavor in my life thank you. Besides, cold coffee taste stronger than hot. I get a little more of a kick from it. One of these days I'll convert you.” You gave a fake glare before crossing your arms.
“Sugar isn't really flavor, hun. And I doubt the temperature makes much of a difference.”
“I wholeheartedly disagree. You just don't like to have fun.”
Fun, huh? Not too long ago you rarely messed around. Now you were joking and laughing so freely, it was like you were a different person. Your guarded exterior no longer there. It felt lifetimes away from who'd you become.
“You're starting to sound like Ging.” Kite teased.
You'd stuck out your tongue in response. Unawares to your partner leaning over and taking a sip from your drink. Looking down and catching him in the act right as he pulled away. 
“You know, I think you might be onto something. It's not so bad.”
You gave an offended gasp and pulled the cup close to you. Your feigned glare becoming just a little more real.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty.” You grumbled. And as always, your banter was returned.
“I knew you were only with me for my good looks.”
“Sure. Totally not because of your kind heart. I mean, you're wearing the little friendship bracelet Gon gave you. That's totally not attractive to me.”
All at once his face flushed. You liked that he was attentive to the kids? Of course you did. They were practically your own. Still, it'd been unexpected to hear.
“Good to know,” he stammered out.
Your mind couldn't help but circle back to what he said about his appearance. Comparing it to the way he seemed to examine himself in the early morning. He looked like he had been dissociating. Spacing out at the man staring back at him with something that bordered on distaste.
“Do you ever miss your old body?” You asked. Your tone now serious.
Kite mulled over the question for a while before answering.
“Sometimes. I miss having more coordination in my body. I miss not having a stupid tail to worry about. I certainly miss not being labeled as a protected species…But I'm coming to terms with it. It's getting easier to deal with all these new instincts. Progress is progress. Why?” 
You realized that wasn't exactly what you meant to ask. But it should've been a no brainer he preferred his human body over this. 
“Sorry. I should've phrased that better. I mean, obviously you miss your old body. Who'd wanna be forced to be a chimera ant. I just meant, do you miss how you used to look?”
At that he quirked a brow. You sounded ashamed. Of what, he couldn't quite tell. Did he make it seem like he blamed you for his grievances? He was beyond grateful you'd brought him back. But why now were you asking these questions? Were you having second thoughts?
“I don't hate it. It's just surreal to see somebody else where my old reflection used to be. Sometimes I can't help but compare what's the same and what's different. I'm still recognizable with the changes, so they're not all that bad.”
His next question had caught you off guard.
“Do you miss the way I used to look?” 
You stuttered your way through a response, not really knowing how to answer.
“No! I mean, not that I didn't like the way you look! But I don't mind you now. That's not to say I don't prefer the old you! I just-!” You were cut off by the sound of Kite's laughter. Your face burning impossibly hot.
“It's fine. I can always dye my hair back silver if it’s too much for you.”
You lightly slapped his arm.
“You ass… Don't you know I'd choose you no matter what?” You'd finally gotten the right words out. And just in time too.
“Now boarding Flight 87!”
You got up and turned to Kite.
“I'll see you in five days.”
He pulled you close in a tight embrace. Your arms wrapped around him in response.
“Stay safe. Call me when you get there, okay?” He reminded.
“Always. You be careful too. Let me know if something happens.”
He bumped his head lovingly against yours.
“Always.” and sealed the promise with a kiss. Pressing his lips softly to yours until you both ran out of air.
An: We are so back ✨💅
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
Could you maybe write an nsfw Scott Lang x reader with the prompt 4. Scott tried a new sex position where he tries prone bone and she’s just sobbing moaning and can’t even say anything coherent
And maybe to add to it, It’s a similar situation to the one where she couldn’t cum without clit stimulation, and she surprises him by cumming quickly because of the new position
bitch /aff i fucking love you that you for this idea hskdhbsabk
so to shorten it :
scotty (our lovely lil baby) wanted to try a new position with reader and it just feels so good, reader is pretty much melted. she even cums from just penetration, whereas originally she needed clit stimulation and she ends up surprising scotty (and letting him know he was gonna be doing this a lot more.)
pre-thanos so cassie is lil babey
803 words
warnings: smut (obvi)
nsfw below the cut
"you alright baby?" scott asked, concern lacing his voice as his hands planted on either side of your head, the rest of his body straddling yours.
you were laying on your tummy with your back slightly arched into him, your face pressed into scott's soft warm pillow. you two had asked maggie to watch cassie for the weekend because you two wanted some (much-needed) alone time. you'd stood at the door next to him with one of his arms around your waist and waved off maggie's car until you could no longer see it, giggling at cassie's small hands stretching out the open window.
the second it was no longer in view he pounced on you, locking his lips with yours. he pushed you out of the doorframe and slammed it behind the both of you, using his entire body to pin you to the door a couple seconds later. you let out soft moans as his hands grabbed everywhere they could, letting out a whine of "scott!!" when he palmed your breast through his your t-shirt you wore. the sound of his name falling from your plush lips drove him absolutely feral, only breaking the kiss to rip his and your shirts off.
he practically dragged you to the bedroom, throwing your smaller frame onto the soft bed. he followed soon after, kicking off his jeans and crawling on top of you. his lips had found your neck, the soft whines you'd been letting out developing into loud, needy moans.
he'd canted his hips up into your core when he heard them, tightening his grip on your hair. he whined, really whined- into your ear, causing your eyes to roll back and your spine to arch.
his hands had travelled lower and lower until they reached the waistband of your gray cargo pants, undoing the buttons and yanking them down as fast as he could. he had to pause for a moment at the sight of your black panties. they made him nearly want to bust right then and there, but he had something he wanted to try before he did.
he slipped his fingers underneath the black fabric, pulling it down slowly and reveling in the sweet sweet sounds slipping from your lips. he could hardly wait any longer and made quick work of the rest of your clothing before using a strong hand to force your thighs apart, ring and middle finger running along your soaked slit, earning a long, drawn-out cry from you.
"that good, huh?" he smirked from between your thighs, turning into a giggle when you lifted them and squished his head.
"shut up and fuck me, scotty." your exasperated (albeit very turned on) voice floated down to him.
"aw, no asking nicely?" scott pouted mockingly before you raised yourself on your elbows and glared down at him. he'd never tell you, but seeing you give him that look made him impossibly hard.
"scott i swear if you don't fuck me right now i will get up out of this bed and go stay at maggie's." you huffed.
his eyes narrowed. "you wouldn't."
you moved to get off the bed. "i would." rolling onto your tummy and reaching for your shirt, you put one foot on the floor before being stopped by scott climbing back up onto the bed, on top of you.
"i wanna try something', okay?" scott whispered in your ear, and a heavy blush painted across your face as you nodded.
and that was how you ended up here, face pressed into the pillow while scott slowly thrusted above you, drawing out small huffs and whines from his throat.
"can i go faster? please?" the desperation in his voice stoked the fire in your lower belly even more, had you mewling and whining in response as his hips bucked faster and harder into you, relishing in the loud incoherent cries you were letting out.
"that feel good, baby? yeah? you fuckin' love this, don't you? god, you're such a good girl. yeah, yeah, my good girl."
his eyes were closed in concentration. "mm, gettin' close, honey. gonna fuckin' fill you up so good."
he let out a loud groan of your name as he came inside you, riding out his high while you sobbed in pleasure beneath him. listlessly murmuring while you felt that coil in your belly start to tighten. your whines got gradually louder until it snapped, surprising both you and scott as you clutched at the sheets and cried out from beneath him.
"jesus christ. did you just cum?" he whispered in shock, staring down at your trembling form, breathing heavy and deep. "fuck, honey, that was hot. oh my god. we are so doing this again."
your only response was a quiet whine that sounded vaguely of a "yes."
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strangercarla · 2 months
College Chemistry
Avengers AU | Love triangle | Clint/Tony x Y/N
The Avengers in college in the 90s, everyone is in their 20s studying different subjects.
Y/N: Music student, sings in a duo with best friend Wanda.
Wanda: Musical Theatre student, plays gutair in duo with best friend Y/N.
Natasha: Fashion student, reads novels in free time, best friends with Clint.
Tony: Engineering student, goes to gigs in free time & drags Bruce, his best friend along with him.
Bruce: Science student, is a great at art & making sculpturers, best friends with Tony.
Steve: English Literature student, writes poetry in free time as well as playing football with Clint, Bucky, Sam & Scott.
Bucky: Journalism student, writes for the college news paper, has his own sports section, plays football & soccer with Steve, Sam, Clint & Scott.
Sam: Sports Journalism student, also writes for the college paper & has a sports section with Bucky, plays football with Clint, Steve, Scott & Bucky.
Scott: Engineering student, also plays football & soccer with Clint, Steve, Bucky & Sam.
Clint: Music Industry, writes original songs, plays multiple instruments & plays soccer & football with Steve, Bucky, Sam & Scott. Best friends with Natasha.
I'm so excited to write this, I've had this in mind for so long!
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 11 months
Out of all the Time Lines Chpt1: Avengers I need your help
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Short Series !
Female Asgardian reader (now avenger) X TVA Loki
Chapter 1: Avengers I need your help (done)
Chapter 2: Interrogations and proclamations (done)
Chapter 3: Even Asgardians have myths (comming soon)
Chapter 4: -
Chapter 5: -
Chapter 6: -
Summary: After your Lokis death and have moved on and joined the Avengers. After the aftermath of Endgame you and the other remaining Avengers all seek shelter in the new Avengers Warehouse Pepper Potts bought as a temporary replacement while the Avengers mansion is being renovated. What happened after a very tired mission. Well, you're speechless, to say the least.
You entered the living room with the rest of the team all covered in dust, scratches and tired faces. All of you just saved another casual disaster but the aftermath was the annoying part, burning buildings, hurt people, without Tony stark it meant the clean up crew for the Avengers were the Avengers.
"Alright, what movie and what restaurant shall we engage in tonight." You say as you use your magic to teleport your sword to your room and grab the telephone on the coffee table, plopping on the couch.
"I don't know, but I am in the mood for some Mexican food," Sam said walking in and taking off his goggles.
"Yeah no we just had Mexican yesterday Sam there is no way I am eating another burrito, enchiladas, or taco for the 5th time this week." Bucky shouted as he stretched out on the loveseat next to the couch.
Scott, Thor, Wanda, Peter, Kate and Yelena walked in as they made their way to the kitchen and the living room to relax after a long day.
"Well I for one could actually go for some Phò." Wanda said while grabbing a glass of water. "Yes that actually sounds nice," you replied.
"Second it." Bucky Raised his hand and passed out on the loveseat.
"I will fiest on any of your choosing," Thor said while taking off his cape to wipe off the gunk from storm breaker.
"Phò sounds wonderful. Just make sure I get one of those spring roles. Oh and don't forget were running out of chilli sauce." Yelena shouted from the fridge.
"I just restocked." Scott threw his arms and groaned. "hah." Yelena mocked.
Peter took off his mask and rubbed his forehead combing his hair back, he had the worst migraine ever. Was this a spider sense? Why is it worse than ever?
You shouted for his attention, "Peter man of the hour, Mexican or Phò." Peter didn't answer, he was trying to hold himself on the table trying to compile himself.
"Peter?" You looked towards him. You started to get worried and walked towards him. "Peter. Did you hear me, Phò or Mexican?"
Peter looked at you and fell on his butt.
"Look kid we all are tired but at least try to make it to the couch I ain't carrying you." Same teased.
"Peter are you alright," Wanda said with a concerned face rushing towards him.
"Just tired... crazy migraine, feels like a spider sense but not ...it's the worst I've had." Peter looked at the concerned faces towards him, while he found support from your hand "Probably just tired." he chuckled.
"Well Phò it is, maybe next time Sam." You shook the phone and gave it to Scott to take the orders because he knew the team lie the back of his hand.
"Peter do you require help to get on the couch." You brought Peter back up as he tried to make his way onto the kitchen island.
"I'm fine just need water and a good meal. Imma lay by here." He groaned and slipped onto the table face on the surface.
You went to the sink to pour him a glass of water. Placed it on the counter making sure he drank every drop.
You grabbed a popcorn pack from a top shelf and brought it to the microwave as you set the time. You looked back at Peter who was getting a second refill.
You crossed your arms as you leaned back on the wall waiting for the timer on the microwave to go off. You closed you eyes resting your head as you looked up the ceiling.
"Teya what movie...Not silence of the lambs"
"Action or Comedy, Sam I don't mind..." You sighed not opening your eyes taking some shut eye before the alarm in the warehouse blares for the next emergency.
"Cassie said Gnomeo and Juliet was nice," Scott said looking through his phone.
"Bucky is scared of the Frog." You chuckled.
"In my Defense doll I only said it to make my move on you." he smirked kissing your cheek.
"Now thats a new level of low and pathetic." Sam groaned in disgust. You try reach for an aspirin on the top shelf but Bucky beat you to it.
"Here." he passed the bottle to you.
"I lift cars, I think can lift a shelf handle." you retorted to him
"We talked about this doll," he places both his arms on your shoulder.
"Right..." you breathed and dialouged dramatically " Why thank you, James, you're such a gentleman." flipping your hair.
"OH I call dibs on Robocop" Yelena raised her hand after laying out all the snacks.
"I'm letting the kid's pop culture spinner decide." Sam takes the remote from Scott and faces back to Peter. "Yo Pete what movie."
"Babylon," Peter replied from the kitchen island still rubbing his temple.
"As long as it's not Hamilton." You teased.
"Sams got it all memorized by now." Bucky continued.
"Not as much as you Buck, I heard him belting burn last night," Sam replied. The microwave beeped as you turned your back from the crowd and you grabbed a bowl to place the pack in.
"Heh well, you can say he's gonna be your right-hand man." you giggled at your cringe joke. "Get it." but no response was made, just silence from the crowd.
"Oh cmon that was fun-" you turn to see the reason of their response and froze "Ny......"
"Avengers I need your help."
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love-marimo · 2 years
periwinkle angel ♡ (kamisato ayato x reader)
ㅡ hehe, just a little something for the birthday boy, ayato ♡ although it's a bit late ~
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He is quiet but graceful. Calm but mischievous. He is dutiful but cunning. Yet, even with these stark differences in his character, and behind his all too familiar and gentle smile he displays as a farce for everyone to see ー a facade as hard as the bedrock, a protection he wears due to his strong distrust on most people ー you captured him. You stole his heart, like a Mirror Maiden having him wrapped around your finger.
Kamisato Ayato is a noble who leads like an emperor. He is obsessive and diplomatic, but he is also loyal and kind. Within the chambers of the Kamisato household, he inspires his loved ones with warmth and he reaches great lengths to fulfill your favors.
If that means cancelling all his plans as the Yashiro Commissioner to spend a pleasant afternoon bubble tea and latte tasting with you? Then you don't have to worry as he just hit two birds with one stone.
If there are three things he loves in all of Teyvat, then it would be his bubble tea, his lovely little sister Ayaka and you.
Oh, dear you.
He sits by the terrace with a lovesick look on his face as you name all the drinks that Thoma and the other maids have prepared, all to your liking. Freshly brewed and mixed, all for the both of you to enjoy.
"Although it is a bit late, I asked Thoma for help in preparing these drinks for us. I love latte as much as you love bubble tea, but it would be lovely if we try out other flavors and indulge on these pastries on your special day." you chimed happily as you sit across the table.
Oh, you. He is going to melt because of you. Ayato almost forgot that it's his birthday due to how swamped with work he truly is. You weren't going to let that slide, and he loves you more for it.
"These are lovely selections my love, perfect for the current weather too. Summer is fast approaching and you couldn't have picked a better time." He beams, clasping his hands together as he sets his gaze on the array of drinks before you.
"Oh, that reminds me, we have been preparing for the Spring festival. Bubble tea tasting would be a splendid activity for the young folk to enjoy." He adds, deciding to take a sip of the chocolate bubble tea.
"You really think about work all the time, Ayato. But, I agree. These took quite some time to make though." You say, also deciding to pick a drink of your choice.
"Hmm, this one has a slight bitter taste to it, but it is complimented by the sugary flavor of the pearls. This would be cocoa?" Ayato inquires.
"Yes, the cocoa used was imported from Fontaine a few months ago. How do you like it?" You reply.
"It's just right, the taste of the chocolate is a bit too strong for me. I'll try this blue one next."
"That one's blueberry. It matches the color of your hair doesn't it? I told them to brew it until it reaches a periwinkle shade, to match!" You chuckle.
Ayato looks at you fondly. His lips curved into a smile, one that is not reserved for diplomatic affairs, but one that screams "I love you" all over it.
It's silly, really ー how he turns into a love bug when he's with you. How he seemingly lets go of any formalities and displays his pure nature, all for you to love and embrace in your arms.
The sun is setting in a lovely shade of pink and purple. You have tried almost all of the drinks and have shared countless conversations about the days that passed that you weren't together. And that ends with one resolution:
"I think I still like my matcha latte better." You say, finishing the said drink after. Ayato laughs.
"I would say the same. Nothing competes with the classic flavor of Black bubble tea."
You took a seat next to him and asked, "Did you like this fun little date?" holding his arm and looking up to him, expecting the obvious.
The periwinkle angel smiles and kisses you lovingly.
"Naturally. I wouldn't mind doing this again at the Spring festival."
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ー Lolita
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Scott Lang x plus size reader
They have always said bigger is better and by god they were right.
Warnings: smut, size kink, incorrect use of a super suit, size/dick growth, unprotected sex, consent, safe-words, spanking, implied switch!Scott, use of lube, creampie
WC: 2.2k
Minors DNI
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“Come one Scott. You promised.” She whined, looking up at him from their bed. She was an absolute vision bathed in the yellow light of the bedside lamp. Her generously curvy body clad only in a sheer red teddy that she knew turned Scott’s brain to mush. She was seducing him tonight and the rational part of his brain telling him that this wasn’t a good idea was quickly being overtaken by ‘pretty lady wants to sleep with me’.
Y/N smirked victoriously as she watched his usually kind brown eyes get darker with lust and his suit pants grew tighter around his crotch. She knew she was going to get what she wanted, and oh how badly she wanted it.
The idea first came to her when the news broadcast newly acquired footage of the Avengers fighting in Germany. She had been sitting in Hank Pym’s living room after making the both of them a cup of tea (without ants helping her) and listening to the older man ramble on about his ideas for a new suit when a flash of red caught her attention.
A fond smile came over her face as she watched her boyfriend fight the world’s greatest heroes. It was undeniably a turn on to see her normally goofy and very uncoordinated man weave and twist between the likes of Iron Man and Black Widow. But when he, out of nowhere, turned into a giant, his massive body looming over the airport, the breath was knocked from her lungs.
Her mind spun intricate images of his monstrously big body pinning her down and ravaging her without any regard for her pleasure. She could see him leaning over her, force feeding his massive cock as she begged him for a break. She had to get him to keep that suit.
So now here they were, Scott fully decked out and tentatively ready. Y/N’s knees dropped open, exposing her glistening folds to him. She watched as his breath hitched and the last of his reservation melted away. “Come to bed.” She cooed, holding a hand out to her boyfriend. 
“Fuck. You’ll-you’ll tell me if it’s too much right?” He nervously stuttered out, shuffling closer. Even just vanilla sex was nerve-wracking for the man. He always wanted to make sure that she felt good, forgoing his own pleasure to bring her to the very heights of ecstasy, but this, this was insane.
Her smile was kind as she looked up at him, but her eyes were so black with desire that he felt a thrill of fear roll through him. “Just fuck me already Lang.” That definitely made his knees buckle.
Faster than he had ever moved before, Scott found himself on top of his girlfriend, his lean body nestled between her soft thighs, their stomachs pressed tightly together. As always, his kisses started off soft, barely a peck against her lips. It was a reminder that he loved her, that their love for each other was deeper than the frankly mind blowing sex they had.
But soon enough, her fingers were buried in his short brown hair, yanking him even closer. Their teeth clicked together as the kiss became hungry. Y/N’s dominant hand slipped from the back of his head, her touch just hard enough for him to feel it through the course material of his suit. “Fuck.” He groaned into her mouth, his hips bucking forward.
She smirked against his lips but it quickly fell away as Scott forced his covered erection against her core. The spark of pleasure grew in the pit of her stomach. “Hmph Scott. I need you please.” Her palms spread across his strong back as he pressed his face into her neck, nipping the delicate skin above her pulse.
“Just another minute.” He mumbled against her throat. “J-just a little longer.” But Y/N’s nails bit into his suit. It was a warning.
“You and I both know that -fuck stop that- if we spend another minute like this, you’ll never fuck me tonight.” Reluctantly, he pulled away, face red with both excitement and terror but his hips continued to roll down into her own. She cupped his cheek, thumb rubbing against his salt and pepper scruff. “Scott, we don’t have to do this if you aren’t comfortable. You know that right?”
His shoulders dropped in relief as if a massive weight had been lifted from them. “I do want this, I just don’t want to hurt you.” She guided his gaze back to her, making him see that she was being honest with him.
“You won’t hurt me, and besides, that’s what lube and the safe word is for.” He nodded in agreement.
“Baskin Robbins.” He repeated the word and planted one last soft kiss to her swollen lips. Then suddenly, she was on her front, hips hiked off of the mattress as her shoulders were pushed down, her face firmly planted in Scott’s favourite pillow.
He admired her plump backside for only a moment before - smack! His palm collided with the soft flesh, making it jiggle under his touch. “Goddamn I love doing that.” Y/N giggled and wiggled her ass for him.
“C’mon big boy, fill me up.” Smack! 
“Shush, let me enjoy myself before I wreck you.” His voice was deeper, darker, the pitch lower than she had ever heard come from him before. It was like he was another person, not her shy and vanilla boyfriend, but a man on the edge of losing his mind. Her cunt clenched around nothing as he landed another smack to her ass. He hummed at her reaction, fascinated by the way the red silk of her panties darkened with each slap. “Think you’re ready for me?” He asked absentmindedly, fingers slipping to the hem of the silk, tracing the edge delicately.
“Yes! Yes! Please!” She begged, attempting to push her weight backwards into him as if to show him how ready she was. Smack!
He shrugged like he didn’t care that she was pleading for him but inside, he was absolutely melting. “Fine, if you’re sure.” There was barely a moment for her to catch her breath before the blunt tip of his cock was notched against her entrance. She hadn’t even felt him move her panties to the side. “Now keep still, like a good girl.”
“Fuuuuuuck.” She moaned into the pillow as he pressed forwards, prying her apart. He went slowly, forcing her to feel every inch of him, every vein and pulse. And by the time he nudged against her cervix, Y/N was gasping for air, desperately trying to accommodate his thickness inside of her.
“Not so tough now are you?” He mocked. “If you can barely take me like this, how are you going to deal with me getting any bigger?” He rocked forward onto his knees, somehow pushing himself deeper inside her.
“Scott.” She reached back for him, needing to touch him. He took her hand without thinking, leaning over so he could fit his chin against the dip between her neck and shoulder. It was so painfully intimate, a complete juxtaposition to the way his hips slammed into her own, driving her up the bed with the power behind it.
His voice came out as more of a growl against her ear as he spoke. “I’m gonna do it.” She nodded into the pillow, whining softly when he pulled away from her back to sit on his haunches. Y/N was vaguely aware of the sound of buttons being pressed.
“Oh shit!” He grew only slightly, going from 5’8 to 6' 2, a measly difference considering he had grown to the size of an airplane hanger before but Y/N felt like he was in her throat now. Her fingers curled into the bed sheets as her walls struggled to take his now even thicker cock. “I- fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He didn’t even have to move to hit all the right places inside of her.
“So fucking tight.” He moaned into the air, his head thrown back in pleasure. In an unconscious move, Scott bucked forward and she shattered. Her vision went white as her orgasm crashed over her. “Holy shit!” His body collapsed on top of her, consumed by the feeling of her orgasm.
“B-bigger.” She groaned, her voice raspy and broken. “Please Scotty.” With great effort, he paused and gazed down at his wrecked girlfriend, highly doubting she could take anymore. Her cunt was stretched so tightly around him, it looked like she could break at any moment and he was already too long to fit inside of her, the last inch of his cock was stuck out in the cold, coated in her release.
Gently, he placed a hand on her lower back, stroking the skin in a delicate motion. “I don’t think you can, you’re already so full.” Her head whipped around and she glared at him with a look so powerful it made him feel like he had shrunk. She drew forward slightly and then threw herself back, impaling herself on the entirety of his now 9 inch cock.
“Go. Bigger.” This time, there was no hesitation. He quickly grew to a staggering 7’3. The bed dipped under his added weight and Y/N hoarsely screamed into the pillow beneath her. More than half of his cock was not inside her anymore but she didn’t seem to care, too consumed with the pleasured pain of being stretched beyond her imagination.
Scott felt like he was losing his mind, she was so tight around him it was painful but another gush of her release broke him out of his stupor. He was far more gentle with his thrusts now, too scared that he would seriously hurt her. He dropped a leg off of the mattress to get a better angle and immediately Y/N’s body seized beneath him. “Lube!” She gasped, barely able to get the words out of her mouth as another thrust knocked the breath from her lungs.
There was a clatter beside her as Scott rushed to grab the bottle from their bedside table but with his new height and accompanying incoordination, he succeeded in not only getting the aforementioned but also knocking everything else to the ground. “Come on, come on.” He muttered as he tried to open the cap with shaking hands. 
“Cold!” The clear liquid smeared over the place where they were joined, soothing the burn. She sighed in relief, muscles going lax.
“I know but it’ll warm up.” He cooed, rolling his hips softly against the fat of her ass, spreading the lube even more. The thick vein underneath his dick was nestled perfectly against the bundle of nerves within her, sending sparks up her spine with each movement. “Can you give me one more? You’re doing so good.” 
His stomach was tightening with his own end, the feel of her insanely tight and wet pussy around him was too much, especially with how small she looked below him, how vulnerable and susceptible to his lust. He planted his right hand on the wall above her head and picked up the pace again. Squelching filled the room. The thighs of his suit were absolutely soaked with not only her juices but lube as well.
Hank was going to kill him but at this moment, he truly didn’t care. Y/N’s pussy tried to squeeze him through another, far less powerful release, but he was spreading her so wide that it was impossible for her to get any tighter. “Gonna cum.” He moaned through clenched teeth.
Hands clamped down on her wide hips, most certainly leaving massive hand-shaped bruises that would be tough to explain away. “Scott.” She breathed and that was his undoing.
“God!” His back arched with the force of his orgasm, forcing most of his length back inside of her as he filled her with his release. He slumped forward and barely caught himself in time before he crushed his precious and positively fucked out girlfriend. “Y-Y/N, you ok?”
“I have never been happier in my life.” She groaned after a moment of trying to gather her breath. 
“Not even when I asked you out?” He asked, slightly offended.
“Including then.” She wiggled happily below him, enjoying the afterglow. Scott bent down and kissed her sweaty shoulder before pressing another button on his suit and returning him to his normal sized self. Y/N hissed at the overstimulation and sudden shift in size but he just carefully stroked down her spine and slowly pulled out, releasing a huge rush of his seed from where it had been trapped inside her. 
It stained the sheets below them but Scott only hoisted her into his arms to carry her to the bathroom, silently reminding himself to clean up later. Her face settled into the crook of his neck, laying a small kiss to the slightly scruffy bit of his throat where he had missed when he shaved. “Thank you babe.”
“Well, at least we got that out of your system.” She pulled away only slightly to give him a truly devious look.
“Oh no baby, you don’t get it. Bigger is so much better.”
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Irresistible - Scott Lang X Female Reader
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Title: Irresistible
Scott Lang X Female Reader
Additional Characters: The Avengers (Mentioned), Pepper (Mentioned), Tony Stark
WC: 2,065
Warnings: Fighting, #eattherich, slight angst, yelling, emotions, nervousness, anxiety, Scott's in love, and fluff
Running along the street, Scott looked up, seeing you running along the roofs. Scott had a small disadvantage, not being able to get on the roof fast enough to stop you and not fall behind. He ran under light posts and dodged the few and rare people on the sidewalk as you ran through the night. Scott had been trying to stop you for the past couple of months, but every time he thought he had you, you'd just vanish. He was tired of trying to catch you, but he needed to focus on stopping your evil schemes, which were growing more elaborate with each passing day.
But Scott had a small problem... He was falling in love with you. Every time he saw you, it was like there was this spark inside him that lit up at the sight of you. He couldn't think straight when he would see you and it made him so frustrated because he couldn't be with you, but he wanted to be with you, and he didn't know what to do about it. You were the bad guy for crying out loud.
You stopped, your pathway blocked by a taller building, way too tall for you to jump and climb up it. You quickly looked around, finding you were also way too high up to jump and run. You were out of options. Breathing heavily, you turned and let out a sigh, watching as Ant-Man climbed the building next to you, before leaping over to your building. He walked over, but you could tell by his body language that he was confused. You knew he'd never gotten this close to you before you found a way out and escaped. You had been running away from Scott for so long.
For months you had eluded him, his Avenger friends, and the police. In the beginning, you found Scott to be annoying, a bit of a class clown, but annoying. But, as the months went on, you got to know him a bit from your teasing and chatting back and forward and found out his name. You found him cute and even had a small crush on the man, but you needed to keep yourself first. You weren’t going to let your attraction for the man get you in trouble. No matter how irresistible he was.
"Well, Y/N... Seems like you're stuck." He remarked, taking a step closer to you. He opened his mask so you could finally read his expression, a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry but I have to bring you in."
You shifted your weight to the side, crossing your arms, smirking lightly, "Mmm, no, I don't think I want to. I'm fine right where I am. You know, not being tortured and interrogated." 
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed, "We're not going to torture you, interrogate, yes, but not torture you. That's not what we do." 
You rolled your eyes, "Questions are torture. You and your Avenger friends are going to ask and ask about why I’m doing what I do and how I do it and it’s going to get annoying real fast. Can we just pretend you never ran into me? That'd be great." You spoke sarcastically only for Scott to shake his head.
"Sorry, honey, but I have to bring you in. You have been hacking into the stock market. You keep crashing it."
You nodded, walking up to him, circling him as if he were prey, "Yep, and I am pretty proud of it." You paused, placing your hands on Scott's suit shoulder, resting your chin on your hands as he turned to look at you. "Besides, you should be thanking me. I'm making sure dumb millionaires and billionaires aren't taking advantage of others." You whispered at the close proximity, reaching out to poke Scott in the cheek with your finger. "You know... Eat the rich."
“You also help hack into the Tower’s system. We’ve had four security breaches because of that.”
You shrugged, staring into his memorizing green eyes. “Yeah, but no harm, right?”
Scott frowned, “We’ve had a lot of Hulk appearances.”
“Mmm, but that’s all I’ve done to you and your poor baby Avengers.” You cooed, going back to poke Scott’s cheek repeatedly. So soft. You thought.
“You posted a fake dating profile of Stark to almost every dating website on the internet.”
You nodded, “One of my proudest achievements. So fun. Half the reason why you should let me go… I make life harder for dumb million billionaires.”
Scott slowly grabbed your hands from his shoulder, shaking his head with a frown. "I wish I could, but I can't, Y/N." Making you narrow your eyes.
"I am not coming with you, Scott." Your sarcastic and flirty side was now gone as you tried to pull your hands from his. 
"I have to do this, Y/N. I don't want to but what you do is illegal and the cops can't get you so I have to. So please, it's been a long couple of months of this. Just stop." Scott begged you, wishing and hoping you would just give up and come with him quietly. 
You stared at him with a hard gaze, "Oh, what's a couple of more months?" You then twisted your hands around, grasping Scott's wrists, and before Scott could even realize what was happening, you pushed his arms together and twisted him around, before pushing Scott forward. 
Scott stumbled forward in surprise, before turning to see you trying to run off. Running over to you, Scott was much faster, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you into his chest. You both breathed heavily out as you struggled in his grasp. 
"Just stop, Y/N. You're only making this harder on yourself." Scott tried to convenience you again but you weren't having it. You took a hold of his arm around you, using your strength to push it up and over your head before spinning around and out of his arms once more. And so your fighting dance began. Scott tried to capture you but you deflected his attempts of grabbing you, making you more and more irritated as you kept avoiding him. Usually, with some heroes, you punch, kick, whatever you had to to get away. But... You didn't want to hurt Scott. He wasn't like the other heroes he worked with. He was good. Too good. He was nice, he treated you well, and he was attractive. You liked him, and he was still trying to help you. You grew more and more annoyed with yourself the more you thought about it. You didn't want to get caught. You were becoming desperate now, chest heaving as you began to slow. 
As a last resort, you just managed to push him off of you before he grabbed your wrist. Before you knew it, you were falling backwards, unable to catch yourself. You fell onto your back, Scott’s hand swiftly making it behind your head before you hit the ground. Before you knew it, Scott was over you, pinning you down. You squirmed under his weight, struggling as he tried to hold you still. "Please..." Scott begged, "Just stop!" You huffed as you stared up at him, his green eyes practically begging you as well. "Y/N... Please... Stop..." Scott pleaded once more.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes, "Alright… Alright." You grumbled, as Scott let out a sigh of relief. Quickly, you opened your eyes, you placed your hands on Scott's shoulder, using the rest of your strength to roll over, pinning Scott to the ground. "Ha! Now, here's the deal. I'm going to go and you're going to let me. Okay? okay. Good talk." 
"You're beautiful," Scott spoke breathlessly, staring softly up at you, making you freeze.
You stared back down at him, speechless, "You- You can't say things like that, Scott. I'm supposed to hate you."
"And you don't?" Scott asked you, his expression was unreadable, but his eyes... The look in his eyes made your chest warm up and your stomach flutter with butterflies. 
You pushed through those feelings building up in you as you pushed against his chest, sitting up frustratedly, "This isn't how this works! I fight you, you fight me. And I escape getting captured by those dumb Avengers! End of the story." You exclaimed as Scott sat up as well.
"Or... You could not run away again." As you shook your head rapidly, Scott's hands landed on your waist. “Not run away and come with me…”
"You are such an idiot! You don't understand-" 
"Your idiot." Scott smiled dopily up at you. 
You groaned, feeling your cheeks warm up, "Oh my god! Shut up! Why do you have to do this to me?" 
Scott tilted his head to the side, "Do what?" He asked and you let out a sigh, one similar to the defeated one you had done only moments ago. But this time, as Scott looked at you, you actually looked sad. 
"Why do you have to make me like you? Why do you make me feel like you..." You groaned, placing your hands over your face. "Like you care for me? Why are you so confusing!? Why can't you just hate me!?"
Scott spoke up, his voice soft. "Because, I can't hate you. I do like you. A lot really." He confessed, reaching up to take your hands in his, bringing them away from your face. Noticing your tearful eyes. "You mean so much to me."
"Don't... Say things like that..." You mumbled quietly.
Scott chuckled slightly, looking down and biting his lip, "So what do you want me to say?" He glanced up at you, meeting your sad and red eyes, "...I love you." He finished, holding eye contact.
You sucked in a breath before looking back down, "Not helping." You muttered.
"But I-"
You quickly cut Scott off, leaning in and pressing your lips against his, silencing him. When you pulled away, Scott looked shocked, blinking slowly. After a few seconds of silence, Scott leaned into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his eyes darting from yours to your lips and back. Leaning in, his nose brushed yours before he kissed you deeply. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. Soon, the two of you broke the kiss to catch your breath. 
"Wow, that was..." Scott trailed off. You laughed a little, pulling your hand back, and brushing your fingers along his jawline, stubble tickling the tips of your fingers.
"Yeah... Wow." You replied, smiling down at him. "Goodnight, Scott." You gave him one final peck, before you jumped off his lap and ran across the roof, jumping to the one next to it.
Scott watched as you went, with hearts practically in his eyes as he let a smile grow. Once you were out of sight, he slowly stood up, rubbing his forehead, "That girl, she is something else." Making his way down the building, Scott made his way back to the tower, taking his time. Humming a soft cheerful tune as he had a pep in his step. Finally making his way inside the tower, he did a small happy dance in the elevator, singing the song he was humming as he walked into the main room of the tower. Tony turned from his spot on the couch, he raised an eyebrow at the hero. 
"Looking pretty happy there, Lang. Finally catch her or something?" He asked, hoping that he did.
Scott turned to the billionaire with a smile, "Something like that."
Tony sighed, running a hand down his face, "You can't let her go next time, bug boy. Who knows, she might try and make it look like I'm on dating sites again. I got in big trouble with Pepper about that, you know?"
Scott chuckled lightly at the image of you trying to make it seem like Tony was on a dating site. Hunched over a computer, wherever you were hiding. Adorable. "No, Tony, I know," Scott said, chuckling. "Won't let her get away next time."
"That's what you said last time. What happened this time?" Tony asked and Scott shrugged.
"She got the upper hand." Scott headed to the kitchen, ready to cook himself a toasted bagel.
Tony hummed skeptically, "Uh-huh... Sure."
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braveclementine · 2 months
Civil War
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"I don't suppose you have any idea where they are?" Ross asked as he entered the room.
"We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it."
"You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle." Ross said. "It's clear you can't be objective, your own soulmate is part of this. I'm putting Special Ops on this."
"And what happens when the shooting starts?" Natasha asked. "What, do you kill Steve Rogers?"
"If we're provoked. Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers and Lightwood. There are dead people who would be alive now." Ross said. "Feel free to check my math."
"All due respect, you're not gonna solve this with boys and bullets, Ross. You gotta let us bring them in."
"How would that end any differently than last time?"
"Because this time, I won't be wearing loafers and a silk shirt. Seventy-two hours, guaranteed."
"Thirty six hours. Barnes. Rogers. Wilson. Lightwood. Stark." Ross shouted over his shoulder as he walked away.
"Thank you sir." Tony muttered and then looked at Natasha. "My left arm is numb, is that normal?"
Nat walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You all right?"
"Always." Tony said quickly. "Thirty-six hours. Jeez."
"We're seriously understaffed." Nat muttered.
"Oh, yeah. It'd be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?"
Nat smirked, "You really think he would be on our side?"
"I have an idea."
"Me, too. Where's yours?"
"Downstairs. Where's yours?"
Tony smiled. "Queens."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
The car was the most cramped vehicle in the world. It had four seats and there were five of you. You, Elizabeth, and Bucky were trying to sit in the back row. Elizabeth was in the middle, pretty much sitting on top of you as she tried to give Bucky more room.
Steve got out of the car, going up to meet Sharon who was going to give you guys. . . well whatever Steve had asked for.
"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked as Sam was leaning back in the passenger seat of his car.
"No." Sam responded.
Elizabeth groaned, getting up. She shifted over, pretty much on Bucky's lap and shoved his shoulder a little, "Move that way. You can sit in the middle."
You scooted as far over against the window as you could. Bucky moved over a little, Elizabeth sitting half-way on him, halfway on her seat.
Sharon suddenly leaned forwards and kissed him on the lips. Bucky sort've tensed in his seat. Elizabeth sighed in disapproval. Sam snickered.
Steve gently pushed away from her, seeming just slightly angry with her. She dipped her head in apologies and then Steve loaded the stuff up into the car. And then you were on your way.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve pulled into the parking lot next to a white van.
"Cap. Y/N." Clint greeted you when you got out of the car. Him and Wanda had left the white van.
"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Steve said and the two men shook hands.
"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." Clint said, looking back at Wanda.
"Thanks for having my back." Steve said and Pietro suddenly joined Wanda's side.
Wanda looked at Clint, "It was time to get off my ass."
"How about our other recruit?" Steve asked.
"He's rarin' to go." Clint said, sliding open the door. "Had to put a little coffee in him, but he should be good."
You raised an eyebrow as a man you had never seen before got out of the car. "What time zone is this?"
"Come on. come on." Clint muttered.
The man froze when he saw Steve.
"Captain America." He said, shaking his hand.
"Mr. Lang." Steve said.
"It's an honor."
You had to duck away as the man Steve called Lang continued to shake Steve's hand very vigorously. Elizabeth was already cackling into her hands on the other side of the car and that just fueled your giggles to erupt.
"I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome!"
Elizabeth giggled again.
"Captain America," He turned back to Wanda, "I know you, too. You're great." Scott touched Steve's chest, "Ah, jeez. Look, I just want to say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thanks for thinking of me. Hey man!"
"What's up Tic Tac?" Sam asked.
"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I-"
"It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again." Sam said quickly.
"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked while you looked at Sam, raising an eyebrow.
"I will get the story from you." You warned him.
"Uh uh."
"Something about some psycho-assassins." Scott answered Steve.
"We're outside the law on this one." Steve warned him. "So if you come with us, you're a wanted man."
"Yeah, well, what else is new?"
"We should get moving." Bucky called from the other side of the car.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint said.
Suddenly, a man speaking German came on the intercom.
"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky filled in.
"Stark." Sam said.
"Stark?" Scott repeated.
"Suit up." Steve said.
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You pulled your hair up into a ponytail, unable to see how you looked in the mirror. But you were wearing your black catsuit and you felt ready. You had your AK-12 strapped to your back, handguns in your holsters. Knives in your boots.
You stepped out of the van and saw Elizabeth was already waiting, looking incredibly sexy for the mission. You raised an eyebrow. "What do you think you're starring in? A movie?"
"Nah, I'm thinking a heavy romance-action novel." Elizabeth smirked.
She was wearing tight boots up to her calves, which probably had knives in them. She was wearing what seemed like a tight body suit, in a blue colour that highlighted her skin and eyes. She had her bow and arrows strapped to her back, shurikens in the thin belt on her waist. She'd pulled her long hair back into a bun as well.
She was also wearing thigh holsters matched with garters for handguns. She had a sword on her hip and probably a thousand other weapons.
"Besides, it was in Loki's kit."
Bucky stepped around the side and you watched him scan her entire body and then look away, blushing. God they had a lovely love triangle going on here, minus the fact that Loki was alive and would slit their throats if they touched her and obviously Elizabeth was deeply in love with Loki. But it was clear to you that both Steve and Bucky were head over heels for her.
The rest of the gang joined you. Clint, Wanda, and Pietro hadn't changed much but Steve was in his Captain America suit now and Sam was in his usual get up. Scott had put on a strange helmet, along with a red and black uniform of some kind.
Steve decided to run ahead, see if he could get the chopper started, but naturally, your lovely husband decided to short circuit the entire thing.
"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony said in his suit. Rhodey was right next to them.
"This'll be fun." Elizabeth muttered, wielding her sword. "No offense Y/N, but do you think if I flash my boobs at him, he'll let us pass?"
"No." Bucky growled.
You laughed and then you joined the others in running.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Tony let his face plate come off and Steve saw he had a black eye. "Don't you think that's weird?"
"Definitely weird." Rhodey agreed.
"Hear me out, Tony." Steve said. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."
Suddenly, the Black Panther leaped through the air and landed by them. "Captain."
"Your Highness."
"Anyways," Tony said. "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"
"You're after the wrong guy." Steve said.
"Your judgement is askew. Your soulmate killed innocent people yesterday."
"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve argued. "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."
"Steve." Nat's voice came from behind him. He turned to face her. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"
"All right, I've run out of patience." Tony said, "Underoos!"
Steve felt his shield being jerked off his arm and he saw something go flying through the air. A strange man wearing red and blue with a black spider on his chest landed on a truck, his shield in the hands of the new man.
"Nice job kid." Tony said.
"Thanks!" Came the high pitched voice of a teenage boy. "Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just- New suit. It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's perfect. Thank you."
"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony said. Great, Steve thought, Tony brought new kids into this shit.
"Okay. Cap. Captain." The kid saluted him. "Big fan. I'm Spider-Man."
"Yeah, we'll talk about it later." Tony said.
"You've been busy." Steve said.
"And you've been a complete idiot." Tony snapped. "Dragging in Clint, my wife, Elizabeth, 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep-" Tony sighed, "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
"You did that when you signed." Steve said.
"All right, we're done." Tony said. "You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us now, because it's us or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite." Then he muttered almost under his breath, "Come on."
"We found it." Sam said in his earpiece. "Their Quinjets in hangar five, north runway."
Steve raised his hands into the air and Clint shot the webs with an arrow. Tony's face plate came down.
"All right, Lang."
He watched the man grow, kicking the spider kid backwards, now holding the shield.
"Whoa. W- what the hell was that?"
"I believe this is yours, Captain America." Scott said, handing Steve the shield.
"Oh great." Tony groaned.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You, Elizabeth, Bucky, and Sam raced through the terminal and you looked up to see something red and blue running on the glass windows.
"What the hell is that?" Bucky shouted.
"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam grunted.
The man swung into the room, kicking Sam in the chest. He went and grabbed Bucky's arm as Bucky went to punch him. "Whoa! You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" Then Sam tackled him, flying off with him.
Elizabeth started letting loose arrows, but when the man kept missing them like he had some sort of super ability, she glared, putting the bow away and pulled our her shurikens.
He made Sam go down, webbing him to the railing and then asked, "Are those wings carbon-fiber?"
"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked, revolted.
"That would explain the ridgity- flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome man."
"I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking." Sam snapped angrily.
"All right, sorry. My bad." The young man said.
"Aww, cut him some slack." Elizabeth said, easily getting rid of the webs with her shurikens. "He's just a kid."
And then Elizabeth watched as he knocked both Bucky and Sam off the railing, webbing them both to the ground. You were suddenly webbed to the railing. But Elizabeth just kept swinging her sword, not moving once and finally he gave up.
"Guys, look, I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry-"
Suddenly Redwing grabbed him and flew him out the window. You could hear him screaming in the background. Elizabeth calmly cut your bonds and then jumped down to free the others.
"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked.
"I hate you."
You all ran and then you heard Steve yell, "Come on."
Steve was in the lead with Clint, Wanda, Pietro, and Scott with him. You, Elizabeth, Bucky, and Sam quickly caught up so that you were all running towards the Quinjet in the hanger.
Until suddenly, a yellow beam of light came to cut a line in front of the ground. You cursed when you saw Vision floating there.
"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right." Tony landed with Nat, setting her down on the ground, "But for the collective good, you must surrender now." Rhodey dropped down with Black Panther and Spider man swung his way in.
"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked.
"We fight."
Elizabeth decided to swing her sword dramatically on that one.
You started to walk towards them, feeling the nerves in your stomach. Then you broke out into a run, pulling out the nun chunks because you really didn't want to shoot any of them.
You started to fight Natasha with Clint, the three of you fighting. Natasha got you good in the stomach and you grunted, skidding on your knee. Clint managed to pin her down.
"Hey, we're still in love, right?" Nat asked.
"Depends on how hard you hit me." Clint joked.
Nat managed to get from underneath him, but before she could kick him in the head, Wanda sent her flying with her magic.
"You were pulling your punches." Wanda criticized.
You smirked and then leapt into the fight again. Elizabeth was helping Bucky fight Black Panther, the two of them made a vicious duo.
Tony landed in front of you at that moment, "Y/N, we do not have to do this."
"I would love not to do this." You agreed. "So let us all go to the jet and find the guy who wants to release five more super soldiers on the world, huh? Cause we'll need all hands on deck for that one. They can take a single country down in one night Tones. Please."
"Do you understand if you do this, you're a criminal?" Tony asked, "They will put you in jail. You won't see Everleigh. Is he worth this?" Tony asked angrily, pointing at where Steve was fighting Spider-man.
"It's not about Steve or Bucky." You said. "And I have explained over and over that Bucky is innocent. You are not listening to me! There are super soldiers- more dangerous than Bucky- that are going to be released on this Earth. And you're not going to be able to stop them when they're in full power! If we can get them when they're groggy- first out of the ice chambers-"
"Enough." Tony said angrily. He lifted his hand and you sighed, because you knew he was going to attempt and dart you with sleep solution. Pietro grabbed you, racing off with you as he shot the dart.
"Thanks Piet." You said, ducking now as the Spider-man shot his webs at you. "If you can get Elizabeth to the jet she can start it up."
Pietro nodded and raced off to where Elizabeth was now fighting hand to hand with T'Challa, her sword abandoned on the ground, Bucky on his stomach, pushing himself to his feet.
"No, you get to the jet!" You heard Sam shout in your coms, "Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here."
"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint said into the coms now.
"Pietro, can you carry Steve or Bucky?" You asked into the coms.
You heard Pietro snort, "Right."
"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam said.
"All right, Sam. What's the play." Steve answered.
"We need a diversion. Something big."
"Want me to take my clothes off?" Elizabeth asked with a laugh, before kicking T'Challa in the face with a kick spin.
"No?" T'Challa questioned in confusion, not understanding what she was saying.
"No!" Both Steve and Bucky growled together.
"I got something kinda big." Scott said suddenly. "But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell."
"Easy." Pietro said.
"And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me."
"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky asked in confusion.
"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.
"I do it all the time." Was his answer. You punched Nat in the chest, and then blocked her next punches, sweeping her legs out from underneath her and then tazed her arms, keeping her down, leaping over her to keep going.
"I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out."
You looked around the corner to see Scott had turned huge, grabbing Rhodey's suit by the leg, holding him like the way a kid might try and hold a mouse or something.
"Good going Tic Tac!" Sam shouted.
You started weaving in and out of everything, you and Elizabeth going to flank Steve and Bucky to the Quinjet. Pietro weaved in and out, clearing obstacles and knocking over anyone that tried to stop you all. Scott was definitely doing a very good job at fighting Spider-man, Rhodey, and T'Challa all by himself.
"Shit." You cursed when you saw Rhodey and Tony were still going after the Quinjet.
Vision was holding Wanda in his arms, talking to her. Scott was probably asleep, still laying on the ground. Nat and T'Challa were nowhere in sight. Elizabeth was bent over with her hands on her knees, breathing hard.
Pietro was waiting, just standing there.
Vision suddenly created a beam of yellow light, shooting it at Sam's wings.
"NO!" You shouted, covering your mouth with your hands. Sam would drop and he would be killed.
Sam managed to duck into a ball and it hit Rhodey instead. He started to fall towards the Earth.
"WANDA SLOW HIM DOWN!" Elizabeth screamed, before looking at Pietro, "Get me to him now."
Pietro picked her up and the two of them were gone. Wanda got to her feet and shook her head, "I'm to far."
You started to run that way. Rhodey had been one of your best friends and suddenly the entire situation of what just happened came to life. You had all just fought one another. Family had just fought family. You had been against your own soulmate. Vision and Wanda had fought each other. Clint and Nat. What had you all done? Why couldn't they understand?
You finally arrived there, Sam laying in the grass, having been shot by Tony. Tony had Rhodey in his arms while Elizabeth placed a hand on his forehead, turquoise coloured whisps of smokes surrounding them.
Pietro looked at you. "The others?"
"Safe." You said. "Steve and Bucky will hopefully stop the super soldiers. We have to hope the two of them are enough."
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lavendermunson · 1 month
sunkissed - eddie munson
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summary you and eddie have been going on dates, this one is even more special than you think because he has a surprise for you and you realize he is the best person ever.
cw mermaid!reader. a little dry humping but r gets a little nervous.
w.c 1.8k
a/n i’m loving seeing your comments about this universe! it makes me so happy 🩷🐠 i saw a guy make things with old silverware on tiktok and it inspired me for something so keep reading to find what it is :o
dividers by @plutism
from the stolen kisses universe
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It was the warmest morning you’ve ever felt in Hawkins. The sun sat hiding behind the trees of the trailer park, Eddie had invited you to a very special date, as he called it, and you couldn’t stop shaking from excitement. You’ve had dates with him over the week, going to the movies and hanging out around the mall. For some reason you always avoided the community pool.
“Good morning, Wayne” You see Eddie’s uncle ready to leave for work, his shifts have changed since your dad accepted them at the car shop. With Wayne as the manager, he could’ve go anytime he wanted but he loved being early.
“Morning, kiddo,” he smiles, taking the last steps out of his trailer. You get closer to him and hand him a tupperware with a sandwich and some fruit.
“We are going on a picnic, so this is for you,” you smile. His eyes light up at the sweet gesture. Knowing his nephew is in good hands, and hoping he doesn’t get to the point where he acts like a kid and he has to kick his ass.
“Thank you, have so much fun” he says, giving you a gentle hug. You wrap your arm around him and wish him luck for the rest of the day.
“Bear hugs!” Eddie shouts, running towards you and his uncle to wrap you around his arms. “I’ve been working out at the shop, let’s see how much i can squeeze you both.”
“Son, let me out of this. I’m an old man." Wayne takes a step back, squeezing his nephew’s shoulder and earning a smile from him. “Take care of each other.”
“Yes, we will,” you say.
You and Eddie wave goodbye to Wayne as he drives his truck to the shop. With a smile on his face from how happy you two look and how delicious your sandwiches are.
“I guess you’ll have to see how much I can squeeze you!" Eddie wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up and squeezing your body. You squeal in surprise and hug him by his neck to keep you from falling.
“Eds! Please, I can’t breathe!”
He turns around with you in his arms, You can feel the dizziness traveling from your head to your stomach, and it's enough to make you laugh. Your grip on Eddie is so strong that when he stops, you don’t fall off.
“I missed you,” he says, leaving a sweet peck on your cheeks. You blush as if it were the first time he did that. You’ve learned so much from this past week of dating him.
“You saw me yesterday, and the day before,” you smile, reciprocating your feelings. Eddie blushes with you. His cheeks are all so red. It looks so nice on him.
“I know, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Ready for our date?”
You nod. He helps you get back on your feet on the floor and takes your hand, following you to your car. It’s easier if you drive your little car instead of the big, heavy van. Eddie doesn’t mind it, and he takes good care of driving it.
It’s been a long time since you’ve been driving. Eddie parks on the side of what seems to be an old camp entrance. The sign is still on, but the cabins and all the campsites are missing.
“We have to walk a lot, but it will be worth it”
He helps you get out of your car, and you take the blankets and the drinks so Eddie can carry the umbrella and the basket. You hike to what seems to be the highest spot around, the grass and the flowers adorn the secret place Eddie had been waiting for you to meet. When you turn around, you can see pretty much all of Hawkins, you see lover’s lake, the trailer park, and the ferris wheel from the fair.
“How did you find this place? It’s beautiful,” you say looking around, there’s so much green surrounding you. The flowers tickle your ankles and calves as you walk to see more. The sun shines right above you giving a sun kissed tint to your cheeks.
“Dustin told me about it. This is where they tested cerebro for the first time.” Eddie smiles, fixing the umbrella on the grass so it shields you from the sun. You fix up the blanket on the floor and the basket.
“I miss him so much, i miss them all." As you start to fix up the little picnic, You can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
“Me too, i can’t wait to have them back”
It’s great being with Eddie. He’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to you. He has been nothing but calm, honest, sweet, loving, and caring. But you also miss the kids, some of them away in California, some of them at camp.
“All ready, let’s enjoy,” Eddie says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You do enjoy the picnic, eating all the food you made for Eddie, and getting to talk with him about nothing and everything at the same time. The sun, the sweet breeze of summer, and the warm voice of the boy you like so much. It’s everything you need to distract you from missing so many things, the kids, your girls, your hometown, and the sea.
It’s been so long since you've swam properly. The pool is quite small, lover’s lake looks so scary, and there’s no way you can’t feel cramped in your bathtub. You’ve been craving the sea less, knowing it has been so long since you’ve been fully yourself.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, rubbing your thigh and playing with the hem of your sundress. He couldn’t stop looking at the way it hugged your body so perfectly.
“Oh, nothing. The weather makes me miss home,” you say, looking at him. He squeezes your thigh, earning a smile from you. “But i love being here with you.”
You get closer to him, your thigh pressing against his. He closes the gap between your faces, brushing his fingers against your cheek to keep you close enough to press his lips against yours. Kissing you until you have no air, no option but to push back with a silent whimper.
You kiss his cheek and then travel down to his neck, his hands now rest on your waist to help you get on top of him.
“I love being here with you too, I know nothing can make you feel back home, but I hope this helps.”
You sit between his legs, and he reaches for the back pocket of his shorts. Then he takes out a necklace, it’s a silver chain with a matching shell charm. It takes all in you to not scream in his face, instead reach for the charm to look at it closely.
“Baby,” he whispers. “I know you have tons of jewelry, but this one is different, see?” Eddie puts his arms around you to help you put on the necklace.
“Different?” you ask, feeling his warm fingers on your back.
“A friend at the shop makes these out of old silverware. I thought something made in Hawkins with the touch of your hometown would make you build a bigger bridge between the two places.” His voice sounds so sweet, even more when you look at his shiny eyes. “A couple of years back a neighbor left his trailer and a box of silverware behind. Since that day Wayne and I have been using it for special occasions”
You feel the charm on your chest and graze it with your fingers. You look at Eddie with glassy eyes, his words make so much sense.
“I love it, baby.” You peck his lips, and he smiles back at you. “You are right, I'm holding on to this in case I need to be reminded of the two places that bring me so much joy. Thank you”
He nods, rubbing your cheek with his knuckles as he sees a tear rolling down your face.
“Sweetheart” he says, kissing the point of your nose, earning a giggle from you. “You don’t have to thank me. I’d do anything for you.”
“You are the best boyfriend ever.” Your hands press against his cheeks, kissing every inch of his face and making sure your red lipstick leaves marks on his skin. He smiles, so fondly of you and your touch.
“Boyfriend?” he grins. “Do you want me to be your boyfriend?”
“Yes! absolutely. Do you want me to be your girlfriend?” you ask, batting your eyelashes.
“Absolutely, i want you to be my girlfriend." He kisses you again, this time with more than a peck.
One of his hands touched the back of your neck while the other pressed against your thigh. He gets closer to you as you squeeze his face and lean your head to give him more access. His tongue makes its way into your mouth, playing with you. You moan softly, your teeth clashing and the remnants of your lipstick mixing on his lips. He gasps at the sudden way you sit on top of him, feeling the rough material of his shorts against your clothed core.
His hand rubs the skin of your thigh and goes up under your dress, resting on your hip and giving it a squeeze. He doesn’t go past that, he doesn’t want to rush you, but you take your sweet time to sway your hips against the bulge formed on his pants. The friction feels so good it makes your body shake, but something is setting you back.
“I’m sorry” you whisper, taking a break from the kiss and trying to ease your breathing.
“Is there something wrong?” Eddie asks.
“No, no. I got nervous, that’s all” you reply, avoiding looking him in the eyes. A wave of embarrassment rushes over you.
“It’s alright, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want, baby” His hand still rests under your dress, feeling the warmth of it on your skin.
“I’m sorry” you whisper again.
“Hey, look at me,” you finally lock your eyes with his. Biting your lip. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, ever. You are my girl, i will protect you and the only thing i want is for you to feel comfortable.”
“Thank you for taking so much care of me.” you answer, sweetly kissing his cheek.
“Always” he says, shaking his head, curls bobbing, and brushing against his sweaty forehead. “Are you alright?”
You nod. “Just got lost in my head, don’t worry”
“I do worry, but it’s okay. It happens.” he kisses your forehead, letting you breathe and feel relieved. No one has ever treated you this sweetly.
“Thank you, boyfriend,” you laugh, another peck on his lips for good measure.
“I’m here for you, girlfriend.”
“I’m here for you too.”
His arms come to hug you, your waist pressing against his torso as he falls on your back with you on top. You giggle as he shakes his head to get his hair away from his face, even with the bun he got, his hair goes all over the place. Your fingers brush against his skin, trying to get his curls out of his face, tickling him in the process.
He giggles back, noticing your smile and your cheeks glowing.
“I wish we could stay here forever” you say, your words tickling against his lips.
“Me too, but I have to go back for practice. Are you joining us?”
“Always, i’m your biggest fan ever.”
“And I'm yours, sweetheart.”
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i love reading your answers so here we have new questions: should reader tell or show Eddie? do you want a trip to the beach or Eddie to bring the beach to us? 🐚
tag list: all @munsonology @emistrash @livsters @paybacksawitch @ali-r3n @babybatlover @fanfictionlover277353 @keeksandgigz @loving-and-dreaming @scftierhee @kathieycarrerarosshley @ghostlyfleur @am0iur @calliopesdiary @stuckysdoll if you want to be added to the tag list comment here!
feedback is appreciated! my inbox is open. don't forget to REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR! . ♡
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yanderemcu · 8 months
Yandere Scott Lang Alphabet
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A=Affection (How do they show their love for you) 
Very touchy and romantic
B=Bound (How much do they share with you) 
Tells you everything
C=Cruel (How do they punish you)
Holding,Wraps around you,silent treatment, force feeding, takes things away
D-Desire (How long until they take you) 
10 months
E=Even (To what level are they dominant) 
As below you as possible
F=Future(What are their future plans for the two of you) 
Get married. Have kids
G=Gifts (What do they give you) 
sweets,stuff animals, Clothes,jewelry, Accessories,Blankets, pillows, Food,flowers
H=Hell (Worst experience with them) 
His punishments
I=Insane (How insane did they get because of you) 
J=Jealous(How easily do they get jealous) 
Drags you away
K=Killing (How do they handle killing) 
He doesn't kill anyone
L=Language (What is their love language) 
All of them
M=Manipulation(What could you do to get your way) 
N=No (To what strength would they go for you) 
He'd do anything for you
O=Obsessed (How obsessed are they with you) 
P=Pet names(What do they call you)  
Cupcake,Sweetie,Sweetheart,hunny,love,sugar,precious, sweetiepie, cutie,baby doll
Q=Quit (How would they act if you died) 
Kills himself
R=Runaway (What are your chances to get away) 
He will get you back one day
S=Stalking (How good are they at stalking you) 
T=Type  (What type of yandere are they) 
Sweet,Caring, Obsessive,Delusional,Overprotective,Clingy, Submissive,Shy
U=Unique (Different from other yanderes) 
Doesn't hurt you at all
V=Vine (How would they feel if you fought back) 
Threatens to hurt himself
W=Will (Would they do anything against their loves will) 
X=X-Ray (How much do they keep hidden from you) 
Nothing at all
Y=Yearning (How much do they want you) 
Z=Zzz (How do you two fall asleep together) 
Cuddles you closely
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